LESSON PLAN Date: October 5-9, 2020 Form: 2 C, D, E, F, and H Subject: Industrial Techniques Topic: Introduction to 2nd form Industrial Techniques Curriculum Lesson Duration: 70 minutes per class Prior learning: Students are already expose to the fundamentals of Industrial Techniques. Attainment Target: To develop an appreciation and understanding of the importance of the upcoming topics. Resource Materials: Laptop, Internet and register. Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Content Outline: 1. Identify at least two (2) topics that they will be exploring. to be covered. 2. Recall at least two (2) expectation of the teacher. 3. Express willingness to do their best in the subject. Overview of previous year, learning expectations and overview of topics Classroom Safety: Only turn on microphone and camera when asked to do so. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Teacher will welcome back students to the new academic year and randomly select students to give an overview of their previous academic year and summer holiday. Exploration- Teacher will list on the board the topics to be covered in the first term of the academic year. Students will be given time to examine the topics to ascertaining their prior knowledge. Hints will be provided where necessary to aid the process. Explanation- Students will be selected randomly to share their view from the exploration process. All misconception will be clarified. Extension/ Elaboration- Teacher will share his expectations from the students and take their suggested expectations. Evaluation- Students will be selected randomly to answer questions based on the objectives. Enrichment-Students will be asked to research materials and their origin. 3
Evaluation 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 2C 2D 2E 2F 2H Students were punctual for class. 22 2 22 Students were well behaved. 55 5 55 Students participated in the class activities. 44 4 44 The lesson was well delivered. 44 4 44 The class was well managed. 44 4 44 Objectives met. 55 5 55 Other Comments All of these students were engaged using WhatsApp and Google Meet. The turnout was low for the google meet sessions even when they turn up early using WhatsApp. Most of the students were late for the classes due to internet issues and the lack of understanding in accessing google meet. However, their behaviour was good and they follow all rules that was outlined. Students’ participation was reasonably good owing to internet issues. The lesson delivery and management was reasonable good, however it could be better if the internet wasn’t going in and out. 4
LESSON PLAN Date: October 12-16, 2020 Form: 2 C, D, E, F, and H Subject: Industrial Techniques Topic: Resources Sub-Topic: Origin of Materials Lesson Duration: 70 minutes per class Prior learn: Students already know different types of materials. Attainment Target: To develop an understanding of materials and their origin. Science Standard: Identify the properties and parts of materials. Mathematics Standard: Identify how ratio affects the structure of materials. Technology Standard: Identify equipment used to examine the structure of material. Resource Materials: Laptop, Internet and Multimedia Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: 1. Accurately define materials. 2. Give without error at least three (3) materials and their origin 3. Recall the three (3) major structure of materials. 4. Explain without error two structure of materials. Content Outline: Definition of material, origin of materials and structure of materials Classroom Safety: Students should mute microphone and don’t attempt to share screen without permission. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Students will be shown various specimen of materials for them to identify. They will be asked to give a name that will describe all the image collectively. Exploration- Students will be required to: 1. Formulate a definition for material. 2. Generate a list of known materials and their origin. Explanation- Students will share their responses for question 1and 2 from the exploration process. Teacher will clarify any misconception and present additional information. Extension/ Elaboration- Teacher will guide student in understanding the major structure of material and display a piece of material for them to observe. They will be asked to share their 5
understanding on the important factors that they should consider when looking at the material and how it impact its use. Evaluation- Students will be assessed continuously and required to complete the following written questions: 1. Define materials. Origin of material 2. Complete the table below Material 3. Recall the three (3) major structure of materials. 4. Explain without error two structure of materials. Enrichment- Students will be encourage to examine the importance of knowing the structure of materials. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 2C 2D 2E 2F 2H Students were punctual for class. 333 3 Students were well behaved. 555 55 Students participated in the class 444 44 activities. The lesson was well delivered. 444 44 The class was well managed. 444 44 Objectives met. 444 44 Other Comments The lessons on materials was well received and the students show that they have good prior knowledge of materials. Punctuality remain an issue as students are complaining about internet connectivity which affects participation, lesson delivery and management. 6
LESSON PLAN Date: October 20- 23, 2020 Form: 2 C, D, E, F, and H Subject: Industrial Techniques Topic: Resources Sub-Topic: Trees Lesson Duration: 70 minutes per class Prior learning: Students already have basic knowledge of how to differentiate between trees. Attainment Target: Exploring and developing an understanding of the structure of wood. Science Standard: Students will look at growth pattern of tree. Mathematics Standard: Students will learn how to differentiate between trees base on the size of the leaves. Technology Standard: Students will look at how technological changes influence the uses of trees. Resource Materials: Laptop and Internet Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Content Outline: Clearly state the meaning of tree. Name the 2 categories in which trees are placed in the lumber industry. State at least three (3) parts of a tree and their function. State the meaning of felling. Recall what foliage is. Sketch and label at least three (3) parts of a tree. Graded activity, Types of trees, Common characteristics and Examples Classroom Safety: Students should mute microphone and don’t attempt to share screen without permission. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Students will be shown a video about trees. This will be used to highlight the day’s lesson. Exploration- Students will be guided to explore the importance of tree, their parts and function. 7
Explanation- Students will be called upon to share their responses. Clarification will be provided if required and additional information will be provided. Extension/ Elaboration- Teacher will engage student in a discussion about felling of trees. Evaluation- Students will be given a short quiz to complete in their group. Enrichment- Students will be encourage to care trees and plant at least one (1) where possible. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 2C 2D 2E 2F 2H 33 Students were punctual for class. 3 33 55 44 Students were well behaved. 5 55 44 44 Students participated in the class activities. 4 4 4 44 The lesson was well delivered. 4 44 The class was well managed. 4 44 Objectives met. 4 44 Other Comments All of the classes receive the lesson on trees well and their participation was good. Many of them were late but they were all well behaved and attentive. Both students and teacher were having internet connectivity issues so the lesson delivery was impacted due to distortion in audio. 8
LESSON PLAN Date: October 26-30, 2020 Form: 2 C, D, E, F, H Subject: Industrial Techniques Topic: Resources Sub-Topic: Cross-section of a tree Lesson Duration: 70 minutes per class Prior learn: Students know some of the structure of wood and their purpose. Attainment Target: Exploring and developing an understanding of the structure of wood. Science Standard: Students will learn how the parts of trees are arranged. Mathematics Standard: Student will learn how to calculate the age of a tree. Technology Standard: Students will share information on cutting tools use to fell trees. Resource Materials: Specimen of wood, laptop and marker. Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Content Outline: Identify at least three (3) parts of a tree. Sketch the cross-section of a tree. Label without error the cross-section of a tree. State the function of at least three (3) parts on the cross-section a tree. Structure of a tree, cross-section and description of the parts. Classroom Safety: Students should mute microphone and don’t attempt to share screen without permission. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Students will be shown an image of a tree. They will be asked to: 1. Identify the image shown. 2. Is it important to our existence? 3. What is the name of visible parts on the tree? Exploration- Students will be asked to make a sketch in their group resembling the inside of a tree when it is cut. They will be given clues to assist with the name for the section and to label familiar parts. Explanation- One group will be selected to draw on the board what they have sketch. This will allow for the image to be modify if necessary and labelled fully with my guidance. Clarification of misconception will be priority. 9
Extension/ Elaboration- Students and teacher will examine each parts to ascertain the purpose of each parts. Evaluation- Assessment will be continuous and at the ended an unlabeled image will be place on the board for students to complete. Students will be selected from at groups. Questions will also be asked randomly. Enrichment- Students will be asked to do further reading on each parts. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 2C 2D 2E 2F 2H 44 Students were punctual for class. 4 44 55 44 Students were well behaved. 5 55 44 44 Students participated in the class activities. 4 4 4 44 The lesson was well delivered. 4 44 The class was well managed. 4 44 Objectives met. 4 44 Other Comments Google meet attendance was very low and punctuality along with internet connectivity continue to affect students’ participation, lesson delivery and management. However the students were very cooperative and respectful. Their prior knowledge was also good. 10
LESSON PLAN Date: November 2-6, 2020 Form: 2 C, D, E, F, H Subject: Industrial Techniques Topic: Hardwood and Softwood Lesson Duration: 70 minutes per class Prior learning: Students already have basic knowledge of how to differentiate between trees. Attainment Target: Exploring and developing an understanding of the structure of wood. Science Standard: Students will look at growth pattern of tree. Mathematics Standard: Students will learn how to differentiate between trees base on the size of the leaves. Technology Standard: Students will look at how technological changes influence the uses of trees. Resource Materials: Laptop and internet Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Name the 2 categories in which trees are placed in the lumber industry State at least two (2) characteristics of hardwood trees State correctly at least two (2) characteristics of softwood trees. Recall at least three (3) common lumber producing hardwood trees. Recall at least three (3) common lumber producing softwood trees. Content Outline: Types of trees, Common characteristics and Examples Students should mute microphone and don’t attempt to share screen Classroom Safety: without permission. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Students will asked to describe the appearance of some of the trees that they have seen around. The following questions will be used to guide the process. 1. What are the shapes of leaves you have seen before? 2. Does all leaves have the same size? 3. Can all trees grow in the same climate? 4. Does all tree bear fruit or flowers. 11
Exploration- Students will be given information on the categories of trees and their characteristics, for them to analyze and list examples of those trees. Explanation- Students will be called upon to provide their responses. Clarification will be provided if required. Extension/ Elaboration- Addition information will be provided by the teacher. Evaluation- Students will be given a short quiz to complete based on the objectives. Enrichment- Students will be encourage to share information on the types of hardwood and softwood trees they can identify. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 2C 2D 2E 2F 2H Students were punctual for class. 44 4 44 Students were well behaved. 55 5 55 Students participated in the class activities. 44 4 44 The lesson was well delivered. 44 4 44 The class was well managed. 44 4 44 Objectives met. 44 4 44 Other Comments The students enjoy the topic as shown through their participation. Some continues to have connectivity issues and so they are in and out of class. They were obedient, well behaved and cooperative which aid positively in the lesson management and delivery process. 12
LESSON PLAN Date: November 9-13, 2020 Form: 2 C, D, E, F, H Subject: Industrial Techniques Topic: Materials Sub-Topic: Metals Lesson Duration: 70 minutes per class Prior learning: Students already have basic knowledge of metals and their uses. Attainment Target: Exploring and developing greater understanding of metals. Science Standard: Students will examine the use of minerals to make metals. Mathematics Standard: Students will explore the ratio of raw materials used in combination to produce various metals. Technology Standard: Students will look at how technologies influence the production of metals. Resource Materials: Specimen of metals, paper, worksheet and marker. Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Formulate a definition the term ‘metal’. State the two (2) main categories/types of metals. Give three (3) common examples of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Differentiate between ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Identify four (4) properties of metals. State at least (2) advantages and disadvantages of plastics. Discuss the impact of plastics on the environment. Content Outline: Definition of metal, Categories/types of metals, Examples of ferrous and non- ferrous metals and Properties of metals. Classroom Safety: Students should mute microphone and don’t attempt to share screen without permission. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Teacher will randomly ask students to give a summary of the previous lesson. After which a display with various metals will be shown to them. This will highlight the day’s lesson. 13
Exploration- Students will be given the opportunity to formulate a definition for metals and note some of the characteristics of metals. Explanation- Students will be asked to share their response(s). After which a discussion will follow and additional information will provided. Extension/ Elaboration- Students and teacher will go on to discuss various properties of metals. Evaluation- Students will be given the following questions to complete. 1. Define the term metal. (1 Mark) 2. List (4) properties of metals. (4 Marks) 3. Name the categories of metals. (2 Marks) 4. State (3) examples of ferrous metal and (3) examples of non-ferrous metal. (6 Marks) 5. Explain the difference between ferrous and non-ferrous metal. (3 Marks) 6. State two (2) disadvantages and advantages of plastics. (4 marks) Enrichment- Students will be encourage to paid more attention to where various types of metals are used. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 2C 2D 2E 2F 2H 33 Students were punctual for class. 3 33 55 44 Students were well behaved. 5 55 44 44 Students participated in the class activities. 4 4 4 44 The lesson was well delivered. 4 44 The class was well managed. 4 44 Objectives met. 4 44 Other Comments The lessons were well delivered and manage. The students’ participation and behavior was good. Also the objectives were met, hoping that the students punctuality will improved soon. I am also encouraging students to encourage their peer to join in live classes. 14
LESSON PLAN Date: November 16-27, 2020 Form: 2 C, D, E, F, H Subject: Industrial Techniques Topic: Materials Sub-Topic: Plastics Lesson Duration: 70 minutes per class Prior learning: Students would already have basic knowledge of plastics and the uses of them in their everyday life. Attainment Target: Exploring and developing greater understanding of plastics. Science Standard: Students will examine the use of crude oil to make plastics and the impact on marine life. Mathematics Standard: Students will explore the length of time plastic takes to break down. Technology Standard: Students will look at smart technologies influence the use of plastics. Resource Materials: Specimen of plastics and marker. Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: 1. Accurately define plastics. 2. Give at least three (3) uses of plastics. 3. Give at least two (2) advantages of plastics. 4. Give at least two (2) disadvantages of plastics. 5. Name the two (2) main categories of plastics. 6. Describe thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics. 7. Give at least two (2) examples each categories. Content Outline: Definition of plastics, Categories of plastics, Advantages and disadvantages of plastics and uses of plastics. Classroom Safety: Students should mute microphone and don’t attempt to share screen without permission. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Teacher will randomly select students to give a summary of the previous lesson after which I will show them a video related to plastics. The day’s lesson will be highlighted. Students will be given the opportunity to answer questions based on the video. 15
Exploration- Another video will be shown to them in relation to the different types of plastics. Various questions will be posed to guide the process. Explanation- Students will be given the opportunity to share their responses with the entire class. Teacher will classify any misconception and share additional information. Extension/ Elaboration- A discussion will follow on the categories of plastics. A list will be created with the names of some that are commonly used. Evaluation- Students will be assess continuously and teacher will used the objectives to formulate questions with reference to the various types of plastics. Enrichment- Students will be encourage to locate various places in their environment where plastics has been used and the conditions they are exposed to. They will also be encourage to dispose of plastics properly through various videos. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 2C 2D 2E 2F 2H 33 Students were punctual for class. 3 33 55 55 Students were well behaved. 5 55 44 44 Students participated in the class activities. 5 5 5 44 The lesson was well delivered. 4 44 The class was well managed. 4 44 Objectives met. 4 44 Other Comments The lessons were delivered and manage reasonably well in spite of periodic internet disruption. The students behavior and participation was good. 16
LESSON PLAN Date: January 11- 15, 2021 Form: 2 C, D, E, F, and H Subject: Industrial Techniques Topic: Materials Sub-Topic: Aggregates Lesson Duration: 70 minutes per class Prior learning: Students are knowledgeable about some aggregates and their uses. Attainment Target: Exploring and developing greater understanding of aggregates. Science Standard: Students will examine the use of rocks to make aggregates. Mathematics Standard: Students will explore how the size of aggregates impact the strength of concrete. Technology Standard: Students will explore the advance methods of mixing aggregates. Resource Materials: Laptop, Internet and Multimedia Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Accurately define aggregates. State without error at least three (3) types of aggregates. State the material that is mix with aggregates to make concrete. Give at least two (2) places you can source aggregates. Give two (2) aggregates that are used in road construction. Explain clearly secondary aggregates. Content Outline: Definition of aggregates, types of aggregates, sources of aggregates, Classroom Safety: and uses of aggregates. Students should mute microphone and don’t attempt to share screen without permission. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Teacher will engage students in a discussion about their dream house and the type of materials that they will be using to construct it. This will leads to various questions and the day’s lesson will all so be highlighted. 17
Exploration- Students will be given the opportunity to examine some images of aggregates and to make up a definition based on the observation. Teacher will give the students tips to aid the process. Explanation- Students will be given the opportunity to share their responses with the entire class. Teacher will classify any misconception and share additional information. Extension/ Elaboration- A guided discussion will follow on the types of aggregates, their uses and sources. Clues will be provided to aid the discussion. Evaluation- Students will be assess continuously and teacher will use the following question as a class activity. Enrichment- 1. Define the term aggregate. 2. List three (3) types of aggregates. 3. Give the name of the essential material that is mixed with aggregates to make concrete. 4. Identify two (2) places that you can source aggregates. 5. Give the name of two aggregates that are used in road construction. 6. Explain secondary aggregates to Mr. Jones. Students will be encourage to locate various places in their environment where plastics has been used and the conditions they are exposed to. They will also be encourage to dispose of plastics properly. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 2C 2D 2E 2F 2H Students were punctual for class. 2 33 43 Students were well behaved. 5 55 55 Students participated in the class 4 44 44 activities. The lesson was well delivered. 4 44 44 The class was well managed. 4 44 44 Objectives met. 4 44 44 Other Comments The lessons on materials was well received and the students show that they have good prior knowledge aggregates. Low attendance was the major concern. 18
LESSON PLAN Date: January 18- 22, 2021 Form: 2 C, D, E, F, and H Subject: Industrial Techniques Topic: Materials Sub-Topic: Smart Materials Lesson Duration: 70 minutes per class Prior learning: Students use electronic devices made from smart material daily. Attainment Target: Exploring and developing greater understanding of smart materials. Science Standard: Students will examine the origin of smart materials. Mathematics Standard: Students will realize that smart materials can be used to make product of various sizes. Technology Standard: Students will explore the extent to which smart materials make our lives easier. Resource Materials: Laptop, Internet and Multimedia Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Accurately define Smart materials. State without error the two (2) main categories of smart material. Name at least two (2) smart material. Give at least two (2) advantages of smart materials. Give at least two (2) disadvantages of smart materials. State at least three (3) application of smart material. Content Outline: Definition of smart material, Classification of smart material, Examples Classroom Safety: of smart materials and application of smart materials. Students should mute microphone and don’t attempt to share screen without permission. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Teacher will start by giving a summary of the previous lessons and incorporate the day’s lesson through a guided discussion. A definition will be provided. 19
Exploration- Students will be given the task to examine in groups some areas in our daily lives that smart materials were used based on the definition provided. Explanation- Students will be given the opportunity to share their responses with the entire class. Teacher will classify any misconception and share additional information. Extension/ Elaboration- A guided discussion will follow on the types of smart material, advantages/ disadvantages and application. Clues will be provided to aid the discussion. Evaluation- Students will be assess continuously and teacher will use the following question as a class activity. Enrichment- 7. Define the term smart materials. 8. State the two main categories of smart materials and give examples. 9. States two (2) advantages and disadvantages of smart material. 10. State three (3) industry that uses smart material. Students will be encourage to continue explore the uses of smart material. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 2C 2D 2E 2F 2H 43 Students were punctual for class. 3 33 55 55 Students were well behaved. 5 55 44 44 Students participated in the class activities. 4 4 4 44 The lesson was well delivered. 4 44 The class was well managed. 4 44 Objectives met. 4 44 Other Comments The lessons were well delivered and manage. The students’ participation and behavior was good. Also the objectives were met. Internet connectivity is still an issue. 20
LESSON PLAN Date: January 25- 29, 2021 Form: 2 C, D, E, F, and H Subject: Industrial Techniques Topic: Materials Sub-Topic: Composite Materials Lesson Duration: 70 minutes per class Prior learning: Students use products on a daily basis that are made from composite materials. Attainment Target: Exploring and developing greater understanding of composite materials. Science Standard: Students will examine the origin of structure of various composite materials. Mathematics Standard: Students will realize that most composite materials are made using various layers of materials to increase their size. Technology Standard: Students will explore the extent to which composite materials aid in quick delivery of building in the construction industry. Resource Materials: Internet and Google meet Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: 1. Accurately define composite materials. 2. Give at least three (3) examples of composite materials. 3. State at least two (2) uses of composite materials. 4. Explain at least two (2) advantages of composite materials. 5. Give at least two (2) disadvantages of composite materials. Content Outline: Definition, examples, uses, advantages and disadvantages of composite materials. Students should mute microphone and don’t attempt to share screen Classroom Safety: without permission. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Student will be shown image of plywood and asked students to identify the materials used to construct it. A guided discussion will follow highlighting the day’s topic. Exploration- Students will be given the task to develop a definition and identify other composite materials based on the previous discussion. 21
Explanation- Students will be given the opportunity to share their responses with the entire class. Teacher will classify any misconception and share additional information. Extension/ Elaboration- A guided discussion will follow on the advantages/ disadvantages and application of composite materials. Clues will be provided to aid the discussion. Evaluation- Students will be assess continuously and teacher will use the objectives to pose various questions. Enrichment- Students will be encourage to continue explore the various uses of composite material. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 2C 2D 2E 2F 2H 44 Students were punctual for class. 3 33 55 55 Students were well behaved. 5 55 44 44 Students participated in the class activities. 4 4 4 55 The lesson was well delivered. 4 44 The class was well managed. 4 44 Objectives met. 4 44 Other Comments Students were knowledgeable of the topic. It shows in their level of participation. The lessons were well delivered and manage. 22
LESSON PLAN Date: February 1-5 , 2021 Form: 2 C, D, E, F, and H Subject: Industrial Techniques Topic: Sensor Lesson Duration: 70 minutes per class Prior learning: Students are knowledgeable about sensor and their uses. Attainment Target: Exploring and developing greater understanding of sensor. Science Standard: Students will examine the use of sensor. Mathematics Standard: Students will explore how distance affects the effectiveness of sensor. Technology Standard: Students will explore the technological improvement done to sensor. Resource Materials: Laptop, Internet and Multimedia Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Accurately define sensor. State without error the two (2) main categories of sensor. Identify at least three (3) types of sensor. State the use (s) of the three (3) types of sensor identified. Explain clearly how distance affect some types of sensor. Content Outline: Definition of sensor, categories of sensor, types and uses of sensor. Classroom Safety: Students should mute microphone and don’t attempt to share screen without permission. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Students will be shown an image of a sport car to generate a discussion. Some of the questions that will be used to guide the discussion are: 1. Who would like to own a car similar to the one shown? 2. What are some of the features of a car like that? 3. How would they protect a car like that? The discussion will bring out the days topic. Exploration- Students will be shown two (2) videos about sensor. Their goal will be to identify the two (2) main categories of sensor and the different types. 23
Explanation- Students will be given the opportunity to share their responses with the entire class. Teacher will classify any misconception and share additional information. Extension/ Elaboration- Evaluation- Students will be assess continuously and teacher will upload a activity to google classroom. Enrichment- Students will be encourage to watch videos on YouTube about sensor. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 2C 2D 2E 2F 2H Students were punctual for class. 2 33 43 Students were well behaved. 5 55 55 Students participated in the class 4 44 44 activities. The lesson was well delivered. 4 44 44 The class was well managed. 4 44 44 Objectives met. 4 44 44 Other Comments Low student turn-out for some of the classes and internet connectivity issues. 24
LESSON PLAN Date: February 11- 15, 2021 Form: 2 C, D, E, F, and H Subject: Industrial Techniques Sub-Topic: Automation Lesson Duration: 70 minutes per class Prior learning: Students already have basic knowledge of automation. Attainment Target: Exploring and developing greater understanding of automation. Science Standard: Students will get a greater understanding of the material used in automation. Mathematics Standard: Students will understand the economic gain of automation. Technology Standard: Students will explore the advancement in automation. Resource Materials: Laptop, Internet and Multimedia Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Accurately define automation. State without error at least three (3) industry automation is used in. Explain three (3) advantages of automation. Explain three (3) disadvantages of automation. Content Outline: Definition of Automation, Uses of Automation, Advantages and Classroom Safety: Disadvantages of Automation. Students should mute microphone and don’t attempt to share screen without permission. Activity Highlights: Teacher will share a video with students of an industrial plant that Engagement- utilize automation. This will leads to various questions and the day’s lesson will all so be highlighted. Exploration- Students will be given the opportunity to examine industries in Jamaica that uses or could use automation for the development. Teacher will give the students tips to aid the process. 25
Explanation- Students will be given the opportunity to share their responses with the entire class. Teacher will classify any misconception and share additional information. Extension/ Elaboration- Students will be shown a video of a manufacturing plant in Jamaica. A guided discussion will follow to arrive at some advantages and disadvantages of Automation. Evaluation- Students will be assess continuously and a class activity will be posted on Google Classroom. Enrichment- Students will be encourage to watch more videos on YouTube related to automation. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 2C 2D 2E 2F 2H Students were punctual for class. 2 33 43 Students were well behaved. 5 55 55 Students participated in the class 4 44 44 activities. The lesson was well delivered. 4 44 44 The class was well managed. 4 44 44 Objectives met. 4 44 44 Other Comments Students show interest in the lesson and they participate well. 26
LESSON PLAN Date: March 2021 Form: 2 C, D, E, F, and H Subject: Industrial Techniques Topic: Introduction to Robotics Lesson Duration: 70 minutes per class Prior learning: Students already have knowledge of Robotics. Attainment Target: Exploring and developing greater understanding of Robotics. Science Standard: Students will relate to the use of material used to construct robot. Mathematics Standard: Students will explore the different size of robot. Technology Standard: Students will explore modern robotics. Resource Materials: Laptop, Internet and Multimedia Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Accurately define robot. Recall at least three (3) types of robot. State three (3) uses of robot. Explain at least three (3) advantages of robot. State without error at least two (2) disadvantages of robot. Recall the Law of Robotics. Content Outline: Definition, types, uses, advantages, disadvantages, and law of robotics. Classroom Safety: Students should mute microphone and don’t attempt to share screen without permission. Activity Highlights: Students will be shown a video with a robot in action. This will leads to Engagement- various questions and the day’s lesson will also be highlighted. Exploration- Students will be given the opportunity to brainstorm a definition, types, and uses of robot. Hints will be provided where necessary. Explanation- Students will be given the opportunity to share their responses with the entire class. Teacher will clarify any misconception and share additional information. 27
Extension/ Elaboration- A guided discussion will follow on the advantages, disadvantages and laws of robot. Evaluation- Students will be assess continuously and a class activity will be posted on Google Classroom. Enrichment- Students will be encourage to watch more videos on YouTube related to robot. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 2C 2D 2E 2F 2H Students were punctual for class. 233 43 Students were well behaved. 555 55 Students participated in the class 444 44 activities. The lesson was well delivered. 444 44 The class was well managed. 444 44 Objectives met. 444 44 Other Comments The student’s involvement in the lesson was good. They all of knowledge about robot and its impact. 28
LESSON PLAN Date: April 19- 23, 2021 Form: 2 C, D, E, F, & H Subject: Industrial Techniques Topic: Energy Lesson Duration: 70 minutes per class Prior learning: Students should have a strong background on energy. Attainment Target: Exploring and developing greater understanding of energy. Science Standard: Students will examine the sources of energy. Mathematics Standard: Students will realize that energy comes in various form and quantity. Technology Standard: Students will explore the extent to energy sources make our lives easier. Resource Materials: Internet and electronic device. Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: 1. Define the term “energy” accurately, without the aid of class notes; 2. Identify at least 4 sources of energy, with the aid from a PowerPoint presentation 3. Accurately state the two (2) main types of energy. 4. Share information on the uses of energy. 5. Recall at least three (3) forms of energy. Content Outline: Definition of energy, sources of energy, types of energy, uses of energy and forms of energy. Classroom Safety: Students mic should be on mute until permitted and only content related to lesson will be shown. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Students will be asked to define energy. A guided discussion will follows. Exploration- Students will be given the task to examine the natural energy sources and the converted energy source. Explanation- Students will be given the opportunity to share their responses with the entire class. Teacher will classify any misconception and share additional information. 29
Extension/ Elaboration- Students will be shown scrambled forms of energy for them to unscramble. This will follow by a guided discussion on the different forms. Evaluation- Students will be assess continuously and teacher will post an activity in google classroom for them to complete. Enrichment- Students will be encourage to continue explore addition information on energy. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 2C 2D 2E 2F 2H Students were punctual for class. 3 44 54 Students were well behaved. 4 44 44 Students participated in the class 4 44 44 activities. The lesson was well delivered. 4 44 44 The class was well managed. 4 44 44 Objectives met. 4 44 44 Other Comments Students show that they were knowledgeable of the topic. Their participation was good. 30
Date: LESSON PLAN May 31 – June 4, 2021 Form: 2 C, D, E, F, H Subject: Industrial Techniques Topic: Revision Sub-Topic: Trees, Lesson Duration: 70 minutes per class Prior learning: Students would already have basic knowledge of plastics and the uses of them in their everyday life. Attainment Target: Exploring and developing greater understanding of plastics. Science Standard: Students will examine the use of crude oil to make plastics and the impact on marine life. Mathematics Standard: Students will explore the length of time plastic takes to break down. Technology Standard: Students will look at smart technologies influence the use of plastics. Resource Materials: Specimen of plastics and marker. Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: 1. Accurately define plastics. 2. Give at least three (3) uses of plastics. 3. Give at least two (2) advantages of plastics. 4. Give at least two (2) disadvantages of plastics. 5. Name the two (2) main categories of plastics. 6. Describe thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics. 7. Give at least two (2) examples each categories. Content Outline: Definition of plastics, Categories of plastics, Advantages and disadvantages of plastics and uses of plastics. Classroom Safety: Students should mute microphone and don’t attempt to share screen without permission. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Teacher will randomly select students to give a summary of the previous lesson after which I will show them a video related to plastics. The day’s lesson will be highlighted. Students will be given the opportunity to answer questions based on the video. 31
Exploration- Another video will be shown to them in relation to the different types of plastics. Various questions will be posed to guide the process. Explanation- Students will be given the opportunity to share their responses with the entire class. Teacher will classify any misconception and share additional information. Extension/ Elaboration- A discussion will follow on the categories of plastics. A list will be created with the names of some that are commonly used. Evaluation- Students will be assess continuously and teacher will used the objectives to formulate questions with reference to the various types of plastics. Enrichment- Students will be encourage to locate various places in their environment where plastics has been used and the conditions they are exposed to. They will also be encourage to dispose of plastics properly through various videos. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 2C 2D 2E 2F 2H 33 Students were punctual for class. 3 33 55 55 Students were well behaved. 5 55 44 44 Students participated in the class activities. 5 5 5 44 The lesson was well delivered. 4 44 The class was well managed. 4 44 Objectives met. 4 44 Other Comments The lessons were delivered and manage reasonably well in spite of periodic internet disruption. The students behavior and participation was good. 32
LESSON PLAN Date: June 7-11, 2021 Form: 2 C, D, E, F, and H Subject: Industrial Techniques Topic: Trees Lesson Duration: 70 minutes per class Prior learning: Students already have basic knowledge of how to differentiate between trees. Attainment Target: Exploring and developing greater understanding of trees. Science Standard: Students will look at growth pattern of tree. Mathematics Standard: Students will learn how to differentiate between trees base on the size of the leaves and trunk. Technology Standard: Students will look at how technological changes influence the uses of trees. Resource Materials: Laptop and Internet Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: Content Outline: 1. State without error at least three (3) parts of a tree and their function Classroom Safety: (s). 2. Name the two (2) categories of trees founded in the lumber industry. 3. Differentiate between the two (2) types of trees. 4. State clearly the process of cutting down a tree. 5. Cleary identify parts on the cross- section of a tree. Video presentation, Parts of a tree, Types of trees, Examples of the types of trees, Cross section of a tree Students should mute microphone and don’t attempt to share screen without permission. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Students will be shown a video about trees. This will be used to highlight the revision lesson. After which a supportive image will be shown with the parts of a tree. A guided discussion will follow. Exploration- Students will be shown different images for them to analyze and provides meaningful details/ description. 33
Explanation- Students will be called upon to share their responses. Clarification will be provided if required and additional information will be provided. Extension/ Elaboration- Teacher will engage student in a discussion about felling of trees and the cross section of a tree. Evaluation- Students will be assessed continuously. Enrichment- Students will be shown a country flag for them to identify its relevance to the topic. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 2C 2D 2E 2F 2H 54 Students were punctual for class. 2 43 44 54 Students were well behaved. 4 44 44 44 Students participated in the class activities. 4 4 4 44 The lesson was well delivered. 4 44 The class was well managed. 4 44 Objectives met. 4 44 Other Comments For all the classes participation was good and they did show growth in learning. Internet connectivity was an issues. 34
LESSON PLAN Date: October 12 -16, 2020 Form: 41-4 Subject: Electrical and Electronic Technology Topic: Safety, Health and Welfare Lesson Duration: 140 minutes per class Prior learning: Students should already know some basic safety rules. Attainment Target: Students should be able to follow safety rules according to workshop and worksite regulations. Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: 1. Accurately define safety. 2. Identify at least two (2) personal safety rules to follow when in a workshop or on a worksite. 3. State at least two (2) general safety rules to follow in the workshop. 4. Identify at least two (2) safety gear to wear when in the workshop. 5. Justify the importance of following safety procedures. Content Outline: Safety, Personal Safety, General Safety and Safety Gears Classroom Safety: Students should mute microphone and don’t attempt to share screen without permission. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Teacher will welcome students to the class and give a brief overview of the subject. After which a video related to electrical safety will be shown, to highlight the topic. Exploration- With the video as reference students will be asked to reflect on some possible safety rules to personally follow and general safety rules that must be follow in the workshop or on a worksite. Explanation- Students will be randomly selected to share their responses. After which teacher will clarify any misconception and provide additional information. Extension/ Elaboration- Teacher will ascertain some possible safety gears to wear when carrying out task in the workshop or on a worksite. They will also be encouraged to justify the importance of safety rules. 36
Evaluation- Students will be assess continuously through oral questioning and various scenario will be shared to ascertain information based on the objectives. Enrichment- Students will be asked to compile a list of twenty (20) safety rules to follow in the electrical workshop. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 41-4 Students were punctual for class. 4 Students were well behaved. 5 Students participated in the class 4 activities. The lesson was well delivered. 4 The class was well managed. 4 5 Objectives met. Other Comments Students were aware of most of the safety precautions that they must follow, when interacting with electricity. They were cooperative and attentive. 37
LESSON PLAN Date: October 20- 23, 2020 Form: 41-4 Subject: Electrical and Electronic Technology Topic: Fundamental of Industry Lesson Duration: 140 minutes per class Prior learning: Students are aware of the various industries. Attainment Target: Students should be able to converse confidently about the construction sector. Science Standard: Students should be able to understand the process of formulating, creating, altering and planning a functional, object such as a structure or device. Mathematics standard: Student would be able to understand the size of a team impact structure or product cost. Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: 1. Define industry accurately. 2. State at least two (2) sector in the construction and manufacture industry. 3. Recall at least two (2) construction sector without error. 4. State clearly two (2) organizational structure used in the construction and manufacturing industry. 5. Complete at least 75 % of an organizational chart. Content Outline: Industry, Sectors and organizational structure. Classroom Safety: Students should mute microphone and don’t attempt to share screen without permission. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Teacher will pose various questions related to industry to the students for them to relate to in according to their prior knowledge. Based on their responses they be asked to define industry. Exploration- Students will be asked to identify in their group the industry that they have now entered into and other possible industry. Hints will be provided. Explanation- Students will be asked to volunteer and share their responses. After which teacher will clarify any misconception and provide additional information. Extension/ Elaboration- Teacher will guide student through the organizational structure in the construction and manufacturing industry. 38
Evaluation- The class activities will be used to ascertain if the objectives were met. Enrichment- Teacher will encourage students to do additional reading on the topic. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 41-4 Students were punctual for class. 3 Students were well behaved. 5 Students participated in the class 4 activities. The lesson was well delivered. 4 The class was well managed. 4 4 Objectives met. Other Comments The class attendance was very low and majority of them were late. Their participation was encouraging and they obey the rules set out. However, the lesson indicates that some of them have low observation skills. 39
LESSON PLAN Date: ,2020 Form: 41-4 Subject: Electrical and Electronic Technology Topic: Electrical principles and measurements Sub-topic: Electronic theory of current flow Lesson Duration: 140 minutes per class Prior learning: Students should already know how electricity flow. Attainment Target: Students should be able to explain the electronic theory of current flow. Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: 1. Accurately define electricity. 2. Identify at least two (2) conductor of electricity. 3. Explain current flow to an accuracy of at least 70%. 4. Explain without error conventional current flow. 5. State the sources of Electromotive Force (E.M.F). 6. Difference between E.M.F and potential difference (P.D). Content Outline: What is electricity, Current flow, Conventional and Electrons current flow, Sources of electromotive force, Difference between E.M.F and potential difference (P.D). Classroom Safety: Activity Highlights: Engagement- Teacher will asked students to define electricity and give two examples of conducting materials. After which a discussion will follow. Exploration- Teacher will draw an electric circuit on the board and asked students to identify the terminal that they believe current will flow from. A guided discussion will follow. Explanation- Students and teacher will use the circuit as reference to demonstrate the theoretical principles of conventional and electron current flow. After which they will discuss the effects of electricity. Extension/ Elaboration- Teacher will guide student in understanding sources of Electromotive Force (E.M.F), the resistance of the circuit and the difference between EMF and potential difference (P.D). Evaluation- The class activities will be used to ascertain if the objectives were met. Enrichment- Teacher will encourage students to do additional reading on the topic. 40
EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 41-4 41-4 Students were punctual for class. 33 Students were well behaved. 55 Students participated in the class 55 activities. The lesson was well delivered. 44 The class was well managed. 44 44 Objectives met. Other Comments This lesson went fairly well, however there seems to be a need for continuous reinforcement which I will do over time. Attendance and internet connectivity continue to be an issue. 41
LESSON PLAN Date: 2020 Form: 41-4 Subject: Electrical and Electronic Technology Topic: Electrical Principle Sub-topic: Electron Theory Lesson Duration: 140 minutes per class Prior learning: Students should already know about atoms. Attainment Target: Students should be able to define and explain concepts related to atoms. Science Standard: Students will examine the arrangement of atoms. Mathematics Standard: Examine how the number of charges will affect the atomic structure. Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: 1. Define accurately Matter, Element, Compound and Electron. 2. State at least two (2) examples of matter, element and compound. 3. Explain the basics of the electron theory without error 4. List the three (3) particles that make up atoms. 5. Draw and label clearly the structure of an atom. 6. Recall the meaning for ionization. 7. State the impact of valence electron in production of electricity. Content Outline: Definitions, Electron theory and Structure of atom. Classroom Safety: Students should mute microphone and don’t attempt to share screen without permission. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Teacher will show a video related to atoms to the students, to be followed by a guided discussion. Exploration- Students will be asked to identify examples of matter, element and compound used in the electrical industry. They will also be asked to examine the role of electrons in producing electricity. Explanation- Students will be asked to volunteer and share their responses. After which teacher will clarify any misconception and provide additional information on the electron theory. 42
Extension/ Elaboration- Teacher will ask a student to use their prior knowledge to draw and label the structure of an atom. They will be asked to share their responses. After which the teacher will clarify any misconception and provide additional information. Evaluation- Students will be assess continuously through oral questioning. Enrichment- Teacher will guide students in understanding ionization and valence electrons. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 41-4 41-4 Students were punctual for class. 44 Students were well behaved. 55 Students participated in the class 55 activities. The lesson was well delivered. 44 The class was well managed. 44 44 Objectives met. Other Comments The students have some basic know of the topic which they were able to use to participate in the lesson. They were well behaved. However, attendance was low so I continue to encourage them to advice their peers to attend classes. 43
LESSON PLAN Date: October 2020 Form: 41-4 Subject: Electrical and Electronic Technology Topic: Effect of Electricity and Static Electricity Lesson Duration: 140 minutes per class Prior learning: Students already have knowledge of static electricity shock. Attainment Target: Students should be able analyze the principles of static electricity. Science Standard: Students will examine the impact of static electric shock on the body. Mathematics Standard: Examine the imbalance of electrons on objects. Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: 1. Define accurately the term Static Electricity. 2. Give at least two (2) examples of static electricity. 3. Explain the impact of static electric shock on the body. 4. Clearly state the role friction play in static electricity. 5. State without error four (4) effects of electricity. 6. Give three (3) examples of the things that cause the effects of electricity. 7. Explain clearly two (2) effects of electricity. Content Outline: Definitions of static electricity, examples of static electricity, effect of static electricity, effects of electricity, examples of effects of electricity. Classroom Safety: Students should mute microphone and don’t attempt to share screen without permission. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Teacher will question students about what can possibly occur if they walk across a carpet floor to turn a door knob. They will be asked to state the correct term for the resulting effect. Exploration- Students will be instructed to select in their immediate environment two (2) objects and rub them together. They will be required to record their observation. Explanation- Teacher will select students to share their responses. After which teacher will clarify any misconception and provide additional information through guided discussion. 44
Extension/ Elaboration- Teacher will engage students in a guided discussion on the effects of electricity and related examples. After which the teacher will provide additional information. Evaluation- Students will be assess continuously through oral questioning based on the objectives. Enrichment- Teacher will ask students to sketch for their homework the static discharge during a thunder storm. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 41-4 41-4 Students were punctual for class. 43 Students were well behaved. 55 Students participated in the class 55 activities. The lesson was well delivered. 44 The class was well managed. 44 55 Objectives met. Other Comments Attendance to the classes were low but the participation was good. Most of the student have reported experience shock before as a result of static electricity. They were cooperate and they link their prior knowledge to the topic well. 45
LESSON PLAN Date: February 10- 21, 2020 Form: 41-8 Subject: Electrical and Electronic Technology Topic: Conductors, Insulator and Cables Lesson Duration: 140 minutes per class Prior learning: Students already have basic knowledge of conductors and insulator. Attainment Target: Students should be able to differentiate between conductor and insulator. Science Standard: Students should better understand the flow of electric current. Mathematics Standard: Students should better understand the relationship between wire size and current ratings. Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: 1. Accurately define conductors. 2. State at least two (2) properties of conductors. 3. State at least two (2) examples of conductors. 4. State the most widely used conductor. 5. Recall the two (2) form conductors are manufactured in. 6. Define Ampacity accurately. 7. Define insulator accurately. 8. State at least two (2) properties of insulator. 9. State at least two (2) examples of insulator. 10. Accurately define cables. 11. State two (2) consideration to follow when using cables. 12. Recall at least two (2) things that will affect the resistance of conductor. Content Outline: Conductors, properties of conductors, examples of conductors, conductor use, forms of conductor, Ampacity, Insulator, properties of insulator, examples of insulator, Cables and factors affecting the resistance of a conductor. Classroom Safety: Avoid hazardous areas in the workshop. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Teacher will state the definition for conductor and ask students to identify such material in the electrical field. A guided discussion will follow which will require 46
them to identify the material which will do the opposite. The topic will be highlighted. Exploration- Students will be guided to identify examples of conductors and insulators based on the definition. After which they will be further guided to explore properties of those materials. Explanation- Teacher will randomly takes students responses and clarify any misconception. Teacher will focus on conductor first and encourage note taking. After which the conductor use and ampacity will be discuss. Followed by insulators related information. Extension/ Elaboration- Teacher will guide students in defining cables and discuss factors to consideration when using cables along with the things that will affect the resistance of conductor. Evaluation- Students will be assess continuously through oral questioning base on the practical activity. Enrichment- Students will be encourage to read over information that they were expose to today. EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 41-4 41-4 Students were punctual for class. Students were well behaved. Students participated in the class activities. The lesson was well delivered. The class was well managed. Objectives met. 47
LESSON PLAN Date: October 12-16, 2020 Form: 41-4 Subject: Building and Furniture Technology Topic: Safety, Health and Welfare Lesson Duration: 140 minutes per class Prior learning: Students should already know some basic safety rules. Attainment Target: Students should be able to follow safety rules according to workshop and worksite regulations. Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to: 7. Accurately define safety. 8. Identify at least two (2) personal safety rules to follow when in a workshop or on a worksite. 9. State at least two (2) general safety rules to follow in the workshop. 10. Identify at least two (2) safety gear to wear when in the workshop. 11. Justify the importance of following safety procedures. Content Outline: Safety, Personal Safety, General Safety and Safety Gears Classroom Safety: Students should mute microphone and don’t attempt to share screen without permission. Activity Highlights: Engagement- Teacher will welcome students to the class and give a brief overview of the subject. After which a video will be shown on safety, to highlight the day’s lesson. Exploration- With the video as a guide students will be asked to reflect on some possible safety rules to personally follow and general safety rules that must be follow in the workshop or on a worksite. Explanation- Students will be randomly selected to share their responses. After which teacher will clarify any misconception and provide additional information. Extension/ Elaboration- Teacher will ascertain some possible safety gears to wear when carrying out task in the workshop or on a worksite. They will also be encouraged to justify the importance of safety rules. Evaluation- Students will be assess continuously through oral questioning and various scenario will be shared to ascertain information based on the objectives. Enrichment- Students will be asked to compile a list of twenty (20) safety rules to follow in the Building and Furniture workshop. 49
EVALUATION 2 Rating Scale: 1 being the lowest, and 5 the highest, complete the table below. Put N/A where necessary. Comments 41-4 41-4 Students were punctual for class. 44 Students were well behaved. 55 Students participated in the class 55 activities. The lesson was well delivered. 44 The class was well managed. 44 55 Objectives met. Other Comments Most of the students were aware of personal and general safety rules to follow as they witness first handed the importance of adhering to them at home and elsewhere. Knowing this they participate well which aid in the smooth delivery of the lessons. 50
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