fastrackTheHeartworkEdition DIRECTOR WOMAN FASTRACK MAY 2021 EDITION LESELI MAKHOTSO MORAKILE MABOTE Creating exceptional From Dobsonville online experiences. to the world! LEFENTJE SIKELELWA MAMPURU NOFEMELA Making her parents dream If it is in your heart, there a profitable reality. is space for it in the world. plus MMAKGOTSO SEKHUKHUNE Her career in Chemical Engineering. RANDY LaMANCHA Founder and CEO, Eyethu Brands
The Heartwork Edition in thisedition: 3 Editor's Note Masekane Nkwana \"I personally have an affinity for women who aren’t afraid to say that they’re doing amazing.\" 8 4 Sikelelwa Nofemela 19 Founder, SM and CO 17 4 \"My ultimate hope is for women tap into their gifts and talents and not fear serving from them.” 6 Mmakgotso Sekhukhune Assistant Quality Control 6 Laboratory Analyst, AECI \"My company sees women, it nurtures feminism.” 8 Leseli Morakile Founder, Young Timbers \"Instead of obsessing over ‘big-picture’ agency, commit to improving the small things consistently.\" 11 17 Lefentje Mampuru COVER: Randy LaMancha Managing Director, Founder, Eyethu Brands and It's LaMancha Mohlaletse Guest House \"[...] you don't have to always pick a niche 19 \"What could’ve easily right away. Find yourself first and explore, time broken me actually made itself will tell you what is working and what is me stronger.\" not.\" Makhotso Mabote Founder, Heartwork ZA \"My desire has always been to see people thrive and unlock their own personal brand of magic into the world. \"
3 The Heartwork Edition Editor's note This edition is a These amazing black women are making collection of hard impressive strides in their industries, work that meets places of business and work environments. I personally have an heartwork. affinity for women who aren’t afraid to say that they’re doing amazing. @masekanemopedi I am specifically touched by the story of becoming of Makhotso, the rock star, heart-led woman who’s business name, Heartwork ZA inspired the heartwork edition. It’s so encouraging to see people like her who truly still have hope in helping and supporting people. In the upcoming editions of Director Woman Fastrack, we’ll be diving deep into the extraordinary stories and lives of otherwise ‘ordinary’ women who are, one baby step at a time, designing the lives they’ve dreamed of. I’m one such person, and that is why it’s important for me to tell those stories. Afew days ago, I discovered a PowerPoint business and career magazine draft that I did in 2016. And today, 4 odd years later, I’m editing Director Woman and work- ing with my favourite people, women of colour! Sometimes, like me, Randy, Makhotso and millions of women around the continent, you listen to your heart and allow yourself to be heart led. Thank you to all the amazing women in this and future editions for helping me make my dreams a reality. Best, Masekane.
director woman fastrack - MAY '21 4 \"If it is in your heart, there is space for it in the world.\" Sikelelwa the nature of a woman in business and seeks to Nofemela is the inspire women to start businesses from their gifts. founder of SM and Co motivates women to reach for their creative studio SM goals through wellness and community, and Co conversations about passion and following calling, events, and the informative use of social media “I believe there is a purpose platforms. for each of us in the world; mine is very tied to the I dream big, scary dreams, and one of them is creative world, which saw owning a wine farm. I have my own vegetable me launching this business. garden, I find planting and harvesting very SM and Co is a creative therapeutic. Owning a wine farm, farm shop or studio anchored by woman coffee shop would allow me to create jobs whilst empowerment and collabo- using my own gifts, which are hosting, design and ration. It is the expression of a little bit of farming.” Industrial Engineer meets Interior Designer “I did not have the luxury of studying Interior Design in university as I would have liked because
director woman fastrack - MAY '21 5 of financial issues and had to opt for men to discuss empowering topics engineering. During the pandemic I around career, purpose, business etc. I quickly realized how short life is and have also launched a podcast called the urge to serve from my gifts grew Women Space with Sike Nofemela, a stronger and so I decided to study space to remind other women that towards Interior Design. Fortunately, they're not alone as they navigate life the basis of Industrial Engineering is and other impacting factors like project management and continuous friendships, relationships, business improvement which can be applied and more. In June I will be hosting an anywhere so having this qualification event called Half Past 2021 where me comes at no loss.” and 10 other ladies will review our 2021 goals.\" God, self, family and the balance “I am all about family. It is something I Collaborations and the problem with take pride in and when I have collabo culture employees one day I'll encourage them “For our second product launch, we to prioritise their collaborated with a families too. It does \"My ultimate hope fellow businesswoman [however] get as means to uplift her is for women tap business while we also challenging to balance work and family, into their gifts and leveraged off the skills especially when dead- talents and not that she brought into lines need to be met. I the collaboration. try my best to make fear serving from I think the biggest time for my son and them.” hamper to collabo- husband – this rationspceamongst requires me to be women entrepreneurs highly intentional with the things I do. would be compe.tition. Girls have been Having a family has taught me the taught that other girls are competition. importance of self-care and self-love The moment we realise that because taking care of myself means I collaboration is better than can pour from a full cup. Though I do competition and that we are all adding prioritise my family, I’ve learnt that value, then the girl entrepreneur they have to come after my community will thrive – I for one, am relationship with God and the very excited about what we can do relationship with myself.” together as women.” To empower through entrepreneurship Dear young Sike “Like most visions, my vision for what SM and Co needed to be wasn’t clear “There is space for all of us. If there is a from the start. While setting my goal at gift inside of you that you want to the beginning of this year, I made a share with the world, do so. No matter prayer to God asking that He shows me how similar or different it is to others’. how to serve. Serving other women If it is in your heart, there is space for was one of the things He showed me. I it in the world.” f use my Instagram blog to invite women
director woman fastrack - MAY '21 6 Mmakgotso Sekhukhune Chemical Engineering will always be at the core of my success. After successfully completing the So I pushed myself. I pushed myself to stay committed and gave my best theoretical requirements of her because I had no reason not to. We had and still have the best Diploma in Chemical Engineering motivators all around us,” she says. At the end of the learnership, at Vaal University of Technology in Mmakgotso was offered a permanent role as a Plant 2011, Mmakgotso packed her Laboratory Analyst. “During that period I continued to be persistent belongings and returned home. “I – working hard, asking smart questions and adding value to the had no luck finding a training company. I also participated in the extramural activities afforded to us. opportunity. But honestly I also If you see and appreciate value, you will want to do better.” In 2017, hadn’t applied for experiential [cont.] learning, so after completing the theoretical modules, I went back home for 3 months.” Fortunately, one of her classmates referred her to a volunteering opportunity where she could complete her training in order to graduate. She volunteered there for a couple of months while applying for a paying opportunity. As luck (and dedication) would have it, she instinctually applied and was k onboarded for a Learnership Programme (from mid-2014 to early 2016) at AECI where she is currently employed. She shares that she thoroughly enjoyed the experience and welcomed the people culture at the organisation. “[…] when you get a permanent offer, you would have worked hard, you would have stayed committed and excelled.
director woman fastrack - MAY '21 7 A career in Quality Control Laboratory Analysis she was promoted to Acting Quality anything if I’m unhappy.” Control Laboratory Analyst where she continues to thrive. From Limpopo to the top! Mmakgotso credits commitment, A day in the life of Mmakgotso patience and value appreciation/add for “What I like about my company is that her continued success in her field. is sees and appreciates women, it “Nothing happens overnight, you have nurtures feminism. I work in a male to stay committed.” The young scientist dominated environment and my job is by all accounts, a smart girl with big requires a lot of physical lifting of heavy plans for herself. She shares that she is bags and pulling and pushing of pipes. currently in her third year of a BCom We’re never side-lined without us degree funded by AECI. “They’re paying trying to complete physical tasks, which me to be a better person and improve I do extremely well in. my skills. I mean it when I say my company looks after its people - my Every morning I test and calibrate my education is on them!” She hopes to graduate this year with only a few equipment including my pH meter and modules standing between her and that milestone. my boiler. Mmakgotso also holds various other Every 30 \"My short-learning certificates including minutes I company one from NOSA and Toastmasters perform International. “It’s been a great journey and it looks promising. You basically various I sees women, use the same recipe with an ever tests. it nurtures increasing appetite for risk. The plan is feminism.” to complete my degree, a post graduate make qualification and ultimately my calculation Master’s in Personal Finance. I see s and adj- myself adding value in the personal finance space as a teacher. But ustments Chemical Engineering will always be at the core of my career success. I truly and filter reports up to my supervisors. believe that the universe has conspired in my favour. All that’s left for me is to There is a lot of support and no apply myself and focus.” f judgement in my work space. I’m also appointed as the Safety Rep for my department. I check for housekeeping and PPE adherence, tripping hazards and other unsafe conditions and Acts and report those to my Safety supervisor. I use my discretion and approach individuals before escalating
director woman fastrack - MAY '21 8 Leseli Morakile (21) is an emerging Leseli Digital Marketing entrepreneur who, at Morakile 19, independently founded and launched her agency Young Timbers at Founder & CEO an orphanage in Orlando East, Soweto. Young Timbers She is also currently pursuing a BCom Degree in Marketing and Business Meeting client expectations and Management. achieving the mission Her vision is to, through Young “Meeting client expectations isn't Timbers, “create exceptional online always easy, but it certainly isn’t experiences.” impossible. We had to get to know our audience, make sure that DW Fastrack interviewed the rising they’re the right [target] for our brand star about her agency and the inner and learn as much as we possibly could workings of running a digital about them to meet their needs and marketing business. our goals. We also ask our clients [a considerable number of] questions to understand how their business processes work, what problems they hope to resolve and what expectations and objectives they set. Additionally, we perform a deep market and industry analysis to better learn the environment they currently operate in or plan to enter in the future. In my experience, you can find out as much about a client as the client is ready to share if you ask the right ques- tions and listen actively and aand attentively. Your clients areare your biggest asset. WitWithout a strong customer basebase, your business will fall apartapart.\" [cont.]
director woman fastrack - MAY '21 9 Keeping up with Digital Marketing \"Commit to improving the “Digital Marketing is a constantly small things changing field. Almost every month, consistently\" new tools, platforms and theories impact the way Marketing is does not impact the company’s overall done. Your agency needs to stay on top business strategy. Contrary to this of new developments to stay ahead of belief, Digital Marketing should be a the game. You need to continuously fully integrated part of a company’s invest in learning and knowledge overall business and marketing sharing to ensure your team keeps strategy. It is the company’s door to their finger on the pulse of Digital expanding and reaching out to a wider Marketing.” online audience. The Young Timbers target market Myth 2: It’s all about tech Do not make the mistake of thinking “[Young Timbers targets] creative and traditional marketing is now a thing of a past. Yes, technology is key [and service-based businesses. I have found drives] Digital Marketing but it is wise to [explore merging digital] with that what [our prospective clients] traditional marketing practices. The internet is unpredictable and with struggle with [with regards to] social many updates per second, minute or hour, you are better off maintaining a media is generating high-quality leads, balance between the old marketing approach and digital marketing. gaining new followers, increasing Myth 3: Negative feedback is bad engagement, posting content If a customer complains about your business on social media, use that as consistently, creating content and an opportunity to improve. Respond to [formulating and formalising a social the customer openly about the issue by media] strategy for their business. either offering a remedy or providing your customer care contact number. If the right effort is invested in social This shows them, as well as everyone else who sees the feedback that you media, it can be a successful marketing care about your customer’s concerns. Customers are typically more tool. There are virtually no reasons not concerned about how you deal with the issue rather than the actual issue to implement social media into your itself.” [cont.] marketing strategy. It is cost-effective and there is hardly anything to lose. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll ssee growth in your business. So get sstarted!” Industry misconceptions “One of the biggest challenges we face as a Digital Marketing agency is helping people understand how what we do differs from a traditional Marketing firm. Myth 1: Digital Marketing is not a significant part of a company’s business strategy Some businesses treat Digital Marketing as a “white elephant” or \"nice to have” office decoration that
director woman fastrack - MAY '21 Growth and progress 10 “Young Timbers grew tremendously HOW CAN WE HELP YOU? within the year of 2020 into 2021. Important lessons were also learnt Let us help you grow [and] one of those lessons were - don't obsess over growth, obsess over Brand Development progress. There are always quick wins and “growth hacks” to take advantage Content Creation of but nothing beats winning slowly and surely by turning silent visitors Website Design & into repeat-visiting fans. That only Development happens when you care holistically Social Media about your brand, your content, and Marketing & your mission. Management There have been months where Young E: [email protected] Timbers onboarded one new client and C: 074 416 3375 other months where we on boarded five to ten clients. Sometimes there is no consistency in the agency world and other times you feel like you’re on fire! So instead of obsessing over ‘big- picture’ agency growth that you may not always have control over, commit to improving the small things consistently. That is how Young Timbers grew.” f
covergirlTheHeartworkEdition DIRECTOR WOMAN FASTRACK MAY 2021 EDITION Randy LaMANCHA Founder and CEO, Eyethu Brands
director woman fastrack - MAY '21 12 RANDY LaMANCHA Founder and CEO, Eyethu Brands Randy LaMancha is a results driven Brand Strategist who founded and executively leads Eyethu Brands, a branding company that specialises in vehicle branding and signage and It’s Lamancha, a fashion company. Many people grow up to be a far cry from their younger selves, often taking a route they couldn’t have imagined they would ever take. But for this seasoned young businesswoman, the opposite is true. “I have always been overly ambitious. Sometimes I get upset at [the rate of] my progress because I grew up wanting to learn and succeed, I love beautiful things! Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like if I had pursued sports or being a DJ since those were my biggest passions growing up.” Raising \"This is not Randy the a dream, it’s athlete Randy moved from a work inGiyani at 9, where she progress.\" had been raised by her maternal aunt to live with her grandmother in Polokwane. At the time, her mother worked at a hospital and was in-between Limpopo and Gauteng. “[When] I moved to [Polokwane] I became extremely popular in athletics. I ran marathons from Grade 3 to Grade 9. During those days I travelled all across Limpopo and Bloemfontein participating in marathons and [thus] spent less time in school which I didn't mind!” she shares. “I was so good that I almost believed that I [cont.]
13 was going to choose sports as a career. Unfortunately, when my coach died when I was in Grade 5, my ‘career’ suffered [because] no one supported or understood the whole thing of sports being a career.” Randy’s grandmother passed on when she was in Grade 9, which prompted a final move down to the City of Gold to “finally” live with her mother. The dream that became a work in progress “It’s funny - the vision [that] I had last year changed in a matter of seconds! My biggest vision right now is to work any and everywhere in the world, starting in Dubai, running my consultancy firm specializing in building brands and marketing. This is not a dream, it’s a work in progress. 60% of the work to seeing it through has already been done.” Randy believes her purpose is to help other people build and grow their businesses successfully. “I have been passionate about entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship since I was [about] 17. I love entrepreneurship, working an 8-5 didn't make sense to me. I only worked in corporate for maybe 2 years my entire life,” she says. And like any entrepreneur, she has a hobby that she holds dear and runs to whenever her soul demands peace and clarity. For Randy, it’s driving. Weird? Maybe. “One of my most treasured hobbies (which my closest friends and family find weird) is driving. Driving, preferably alone, is therapeutic for me no matter my mood. I once drove for 8 hours with no destination or plan as to where I was going, not to a meeting or vacation. If I have to spend money on anything, it has to be petrol so I can hit the road whenever.” Building a brand 101 In addition to running her two companies, Randy is rockstar brand strategist and digital marketer and moonlights consulting in those disciplines. “The first thing about building a brand is to know that anyone can do it, anyone can be anything they want to be. However, it is also important to understand that entrepreneurship is not for the fainted hearted. [cont.]
director woman fastrack - MAY '21 14 \"remember it won't rain forever.\" My slogan for entrepreneurship is “push through the pain but remember it won't rain forever.’ If you really want to build a brand from scratch, the first thing is to start! Don't focus too much on wanting to be perfect and building websites, having logos and putting together business profiles - some things you can and will learn as you run your business. Secondly, you don't have to always pick a niche right away. Find yourself first and explore, time itself will tell you what is working and what is not. NB: always analyse what is working and what is not. Your business can only work if you work - consistency will get you to places where laziness won't. Finally, pay attention to your marketing and look to platforms like YouTube to gather knowledge. I share a wealth of such tips on my Youtube channel and Instagram account (@randy_lamancha).” [cont.]
director woman fastrack - MAY '21 15 \"find a way to start.\" Funding & executing with minimal cashflow Like most small business owners, Randy started where she was, with what she had. “When I started my business, I wasn’t funded by anyone. I started small designing things like logos, business cards and websites. The services I offered didn't require much capital. If you don't have funding, find a way to start. One of the biggest and most difficult challenges that plague most entrepreneurs is running a business with relatively zero cashflows. And it can be discouraging at times because that stage seems to last forever. Honestly, when I started I had no [cont.]
16 \"Believe in yourself.\" strong heart so I never stopped.” My first client “I really didn't expect much from my first client experience simply because I didn't know what I was doing. I don't even think I remember my first client. I was just happy someone [was] finally paying me to do the work! But based [on] where I am now compared to where I came from, there is a major difference in how I handle and manage client relations. I am so much better now.” \"Discipline will carry you Quitting corporate and the hard when motivation leaves lessons you.\" Millions of people decide they can’t tough it out at a regular 9 to 5 and opt to @randy_lamancha start afresh by themselves in pursuit of their passions or opportunities that strategies. I was just doing whatever monetise their hobbies or strengths. But seemed okay. I posted my services on often, in hindsight, they find that maybe Facebook and gumtree every single day they could’ve worked one more year and until I started getting business, even saved up to cushion the rocky start of though it was limited business. We made entrepreneurship. Randy is one of those around R3 000 to R6 000 a month for people. almost 1 and a half years. It made me so “I wish I knew that quitting my job sad but I have always been a girl with a without another income was not a good idea. Business wise, I wish I paid more attention to paid advertising, it could have made things a lot easier for me.” Love, Randy “Believe in yourself because you can do it. The only difference between you and someone who is already doing it (running a business) is that you just started, and it may seem too far-fetched but everyone starts somewhere. Always remember, discipline will carry you when motivation leaves you.” f Randy.
director woman fastrack - MAY '21 17 Lefentje Lefentje co-manages the company with her parents and naturally her Mampuru role largely involves the digital marketing of the business. “I have a Managing Director, background in Business Management – I [studied it] as part Mohlaletse Guest House of my qualification and it has benefited me tremendously.” Few have the privilege and honour Running a guest house in a of not only seeing their parents’ relatively quiet village has a lot of dreams become a reality, but also off-peak periods which makes being part of actively leading and financial management hard to helping steer their vision. Lefentje is navigate. “Most of our peaks are one of those fortunate few. She is during the festive season, Easter the Managing Director of family holidays and when there are any business Mohlaletse Guest House [events] happening around the located in Mohlaletse Village, Ga- area.” [cont.] Sekhukhune. A business she describes as her parents’ “biggest dream” from when she was still a kid. On her blog, Lefentje describes herself as a goal- and career-driven woman who is passionate about bringing change and impacting the lives of youth in rural areas. She also holds a BCom degree and is an aspiring Life Coach. “I have always been passionate about helping people, that’s one thing that [fills] my heart. I am also natu- rally a very open, warm and welcoming person - it is my greatest desire to help people.” she shares.
director woman fastrack - MAY '21 18 Entrepreneurship is tough and Rising Hope can email Lefentje Lefentje’s experience is no directly ([email protected]) or exception. “You [have] to remember find them on Facebook on their why you started because you can page Rising Hope Foundation. easily give up if you don’t always remember [your] ‘why’.” She adds Life’s unpredictable and often that you should always strive to do traumatic trials and tribulations can your best for your customers but threaten to destroy you. “What also understand that in business, could’ve easily broken me actually perfection may even be made me stronger. I managed to unattainable. pick up the pieces and emerge with my head held high.” Lefentje means Many businesses are still reeling conqueror, so she accepts and from the effects of the pandemic. welcomes all the unkind “We, like most circumstani circumstances businesses, were \"It is my she’s found herself greatest not at all ready for desire to help in in the past, people\" a pandemic. [The because without lockdown] has them, there would affected [our be nothing to ability to pay our conquer. In staff salaries,] we everything she had to retrench does, most of [them] and the staff that Lefentje is not afraid of redefining remained had to and still goes an herself and reclaiming who she is. “I extra mile to [ensure we deliver]. It strive to [become] a better person takes a lot of business flexibility to than I was yesterday,” she adds. f adapt to new changes.” Lefentje also co-founded NPO Rising Hope Foundation. “We have run a back-to-school campaign where we donated school uniform, school shoes and stationery; visited orphanages and donated basic necessities; facilitated career guidance events for high school learners in local townships; and successfully collaborated with other NPOs,” she says. People who’d like to donate to or volunteer with
director woman fastrack - MAY '21 19 Makhotso Mabote Founder & CEO, Heartwork ZA Coaching “I am a Sowetan with a global heart, from psychiatrist was the best way for me to Dobsonville to the world! Growing up, I explore this keen interest in people. was always very curious and creative. I’d By the time I had reached the latter part of always wonder about the world, but it was my high school career and needed to always internal. I found that being alone make a final decision about my degree and in my own world was my favourite choices, this desire had changed towards place to be, it was a wondrous place where Psychology. I felt like the Psychology path I could spend hours on end. I loved music was more aligned with my personality and and wrote poetry (even though I wasn’t temperament, so that is what I ended up that great at it). I loved making arts and crafts enrolling for in university and would spend endless along with Industrial hours making bead Psychology. bracelets and paintings that I’d keep in my room Do you think the for my enjoyment.” 15y/o you would be surprised that you do What did you want to what you do? be growing up? I believe she would be I was quite shy and pleasantly surprised. With a deep love for reserved as a child. As a Psychology, helping and result, I developed this supporting people in keen interest in becoming the best versions of themselves, observing people. I was always fascinated by understanding the individual behaviour and human mind and why people did what they behaviour, she would be did. When I was younger I extremely pleased to believed that being a [cont.]
director woman fastrack - MAY '21 20 know that this type of deeply fulfilling nding of the power of coaching, along with work exists. Particularly outside of what organisations seeing the value of having she believed was possible back then, internal coaches consisting of leaders, which was very limited. At the time, life managers or HR employees, the industry coaching in its current format didn’t exist, will continue to expand. There is still especially in South Africa. So, I believe she some confusion or lack of clarity would be elated to know that a whole new regarding coaching as a function or the world opened up for her to do work that purpose of a life coach, however, she loves and still makes an impact. individuals and organisations alike can When did you realise you’ve always attest to the benefits once they’ve been Makhotso the talent nurturer, undergone a coaching interaction. a healer and people enthusiast? I’ve always been heart led in my work, What are some of the worst coaching myths you’ve heard? which isn’t always a welcome trait in the There are several misconceptions about world of work where issues are deemed to coaching such as “paying someone to tell be either black and white. My sensitivity you what you already know”. Whilst true, a towards the challenges that people encou- coach is trained in the frameworks and ntered in the workplace processes of journeying was also an aspect that \"I've always been with individuals to move undoubtedly highlighted them towards their my desire to be able to concerned with goals and moving past help beyond what was the awareness stage of stated in organisational ensuring that trying to create a policies. I’ve always change. It has been said been service oriented that solutions cannot be found at the same level people experienceand concerned with positive outcomes.”experience ensuring that people of consciousness at which the problem was positive outcomes, whether it created, and this is was during a service call during my many where the significance of coaching is vacation work stints at various call centres highlighted. The coaching process opens and restaurants during university or up a myriad of alternatives to reaching supporting students facing personal positive outcomes that may have never challenges that were affecting their been previously considered by an studies, during their studies. My desire individual on their own. Coaching is also has always been to see people thrive and time bound which highlights its support of unlock their own personal brand of magic achieving specific goals over a specific into the world. I can say without a doubt amount of time. that on the occasions that this transpired, Another misconception is about coaching my heart experienced the greatest levels and therapy being interchangeable. It is of joy. There truly is nothing quite like extremely important to note that these seeing someone excel in an area they once interventions, although overlapping in deemed impossible. some instances, are different and serve distinct purposes. Individuals must assess Do you feel coaching has truly taken carefully which intervention is best suited off in South Africa? for their unique needs, however coaching does not replace the role of therapy Coaching in South Africa is definitely a administered by a psychologist or a burgeoning industry that I believe will counsellor. Ultimately both are concerned continue to grow exponentially over the with gaining positive outcomes for next few years. As individuals develop a individuals in ways distinct to each [cont.] heargreaterlevelofawarenessandundersta-
director woman fastrack - MAY '21 21 People, psychology & education education sector in South Africa. After having dedicated myself to this journey and having completed an education qualification during my tenure, which provided me with greater insight and understanding into learning and education, I felt a deep desire to work closely with individuals and provide developmental support in ways that were unique to them. My passion for Psychology had been re-ignited and I felt that uniquely tailored support was needed particularly as individuals navigate through life’s transitions, with specific focus on young people with whom I had engaged extensively during my career. I ultimately made the decision to branch out on my own and found Heartwork ZA, which is a personal and professional development coaching practice specialising in uniquely tailored support for young adults and professionals in transition (starting a career, looking to move into a senior role, pivoting their career, developing an intervention. additional career path) as well as The transition from corporate to facilitation and HR services consulting to entrepreneur SMMEs. Heartwork ZA was the culmination of my years in the corporate Having had a good number of years in the HR and People Development space insector and within the education space and corporate, I felt a deep desire to do workbeautifully combined my love for people, that I believed was of greater impact.psychology and education. Within my corporate work I was heavily involved with the organisation’s CSIIt’s great to have an idea and have it projects which were highly educationincubated in the warmth of one’s heart focused. In a country such as South Africa,and mind, however for it to make the with the many challenges faced by youngdesired impact, it must leave this safe people, it became clear to me thatplace and be brought forth into the world. education was one, very powerful tool thatThe entrepreneurial journey can be can be used to change the trajectory ofmentally and emotionally taxing and I many young people’s lives. have invested heavily in ensuring that I This undoubtedly influenced the am reinforced and supported through the organisations that I then went on to workuse of routine, meditation, journaling and for. After my time in the corporate space, Imindfulness practices and also being a embarked on a new and exciting chapterrecipient of coaching. I also infuse as as part of an EdTech startup for severalmuch fun and rest into my work as years, developing a distinct set of skills,possible, which allows me increased energy and vitality to face the inevitable rtwoknowledgeandunderstandingofthe challenges. f
fastrackTheHeartworkEdition @directorwoman4
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