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OLDER CHILDREN BOOKLET - April 2018 Re-Release

This booklet will function as a bridging booklet for older children and reveals much less information about the OLM, the Grinch and the effect they have had on us all.

An older childrens booklet aims to the older kids engaging the kids more in the transition without them turning into ninjas with psychic powers and awareness enough to see the Grinch, no matter stand their ground against it.

A Younger children’s booklet will aim to activate them with enough awareness to realise that this is not a candy floss world and to have awareness enough even at a very young age of the need to activate spiritual protection and train themselves physically and mentally to become strong for the world, not to be taken advantage of by the Grinch and be tricked into the path of ALMIGHTY GO(o)Ds g-r-u-m-py face.

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