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Home Explore Booty Camp - 8 Week Home Workout Guide

Booty Camp - 8 Week Home Workout Guide

Published by em.marybrown, 2019-10-08 03:42:13

Description: Booty Camp - Finished Product


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Create the body you dream of. No excuses! Booty Camp By Emma Brown 8 week home workout guide

Calendar Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Week 1 LB R UB R FB BB R Optional R BB R AB R R LISS Week 2 LB R UB R FB BB R Optional R BB AB HIIT R HIIT LISS Week 3 LB R UB R FB BB R Optional BB HIIT R AB BB HIIT LISS Week 4 LB R UB R FB BB R Optional BB HIIT BB AB R HIIT LISS LB= Lower Body R= Rest UB= Upper Body AB= Ab Blaster FB= Full Body BB= Booty Blaster

Calendar Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Week 5 LB R UB R FB BB R Optional BB AB BB HIIT HIIT LIIS HIIT Week 6 LB R UB R FB BB R Optional BB HIIT BB HIIT AB HIIT LISS Week 7 LB R UB R FB BB R Optional BB AB BB HIIT BB LISS HIIT Week 8 LB R UB R FB BB R Optional BB HIIT BB HIIT AB HIIT LISS LB= Lower Body R= Rest UB= Upper Body AB= Ab Blaster FB= Full Body BB= Booty Blaster

Nutrition Pre-workout Should I eat / drink pre-workout and why? - Of course! Pre-workout is essential for maximum muscle growth and increases muscle recovery. When should you eat / drink pre-workout? - You should have pre-workout 1-2 hours before working out. Post workout Do I need post workout? - Defiantly! Post workout is the meal eaten after your workout and should be eaten preferably within 30-45 minutes after your workout. It can be in the form of a drink or solid food and should include a mix of protein and carbohydrates. Why is it important? - Post workout helps replenish the energy lost through your workout. It also helps decrease muscle soreness and feeling weak the next day. What do I eat on a daily basis? - I do not follow any specific diet but I try stick to a few of my own guidelines. I eat 3 meals and 2 snacks every day which all consist of some type of protein and a few carbs, I try drink 3 litres of water a day and I have cut out artificial sugars ( I have substituted it for honey, stevia)

Warm up and stretching Warm up Should I warm up? - Yes. Warming up is very important as it increases your heart rate and body temperature which will increase blood flow to your muscles and loosen your joints decreasing the chance of injury. What do I do to warm up? - I usually skip prior to a workout as I find it increases my heart rate very quickly. I also do jumping jacks and running on the spot for a minute on and 30 seconds off for 4 – 5 minutes. Stretching Should I be stretching after a workout? - Stretching after a workout is vitally important! During your workout lactic acid is formed, lactic acid is responsible for sore muscles and feeling fatigue. Stretching after your workout reduces muscle soreness and will help your muscles recover faster.

Dynamic and Static stretching Dynamic stretching What is dynamic stretching? - A dynamic stretch is a stretch where you are moving while you are stretching. Dynamic stretching goes great with your warm up as it activates your muscles and improves your range of motion. For example: doing a lunge with a twist is a dynamic stretch. Static Stretching What is static stretching? - Static stretching is the most common type of stretching and is mainly done after a workout. A static stretch is a stretch that is held in one position for 30 seconds or longer. Static stretching improves flexibility and decreases the chance of injury. For example: touching your toes without bending your knees.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) What is HIIT? - HIIT is a cardio training technique in which you have short periods of intense exercise followed by a short period of recovery time. For example: sprinting for a minute and then walking or jogging for a minute. Why do HIIT? - If you want to burn fat the fastest way then HIIT is perfect for you. HIIT increases your heart rate, keeps it up and burns more fat in less time. HIIT can cause an “after-burn affect” , where the body continues to burn fat even after exercising. Some more benefits of HIIT : Increases metabolism - No equipment needed - Its quick and convenient How many times a week should I do HIIT? - I would suggest doing it 2 – 3 times a week. Never before a lifting session!

Lo- w Intensity Steady State Cardio (LISS) What is LISS? - LISS is a type of light cardio whereby you stick to a consistent pace for long duration of time, about 30 – 45 minutes. For example: walking, cycling, hiking. How many times a week do I do LISS? - LISS should be done 3-4 times a week. I usually do LISS on the weekends and sometimes on my rest days. Why should I do LISS? - LISS is great for your recovery, it is an easy way to still fit some type of exercise into your week if you are feeling tired after a hard workout because it is low impact. LISS can help increase blood flow and reduce muscle stiffness. It helps burn fat, more oxygen is available to you if you train at a lower intensity, fat needs oxygen in order to break down so the more oxygen you give your body the more fat can be broken down.

Booty and Ab Blaster Booty Blaster What is a Booty Blaster? - A booty blaster is an additional bodyweight workout I have added into the guide. They are exercises that aim to work your glutes and make them stronger. Why do Booty Blasters? - Booty blasters are low intensity workouts so therefor don’t cause too much muscle damage so you are most likely not to be sore the next day. Booty blasters are also great to do after a workout as they are great finishers. I often do booty blasters on my off days, they are quick and easy to do and can do them absolutely anywhere as long as you have your resistance band with you! If growing your booty is your goal I suggest doing booty blasters as often as you can! Ab Blaster What is a Ab Blaster? An Ab Blaster is also an additional workout I have added in my guide. Most people struggle with losing weight in the stomach region, especially the lower part. This workout is also low intensity and I recommend to do it on off days, weekends or even as a finisher after upper body days.

Equipment For this home guide there is equipment that is needed but some equipment can be easily substituted - Yoga matt / padded matt I highly recommend a yoga matt for exercising as it makes exercising more comfortable but you can substitute this for a towel. - Dumbbells There are various exercises that use dumbbells all with different weight suggestions so I recommend buying at least 3 sets of different dumbbells in the weight range of 3 – 15 kgs ( lower weights such as 2 – 3 kgs can be substituted with water bottles or anything weighing the same amount) - Barbell Barbells are easily substituted for dumbbells although I highly recommend using a barbell as you can add heavier weights and they are more comfortable for certain exercises. - Plates - I suggest buying plates with the weight range between 2.5 – 5 kgs. Plates can also be substituted for dumbbells or even heavy books.

Equipment - Kettlebell This is not necessarily needed, there aren’t many exercises that need this and it can be easily substituted with dumbbells. - Fitball / Bench I like to use a fitball to do hip thrusts as I find it’s the perfect height for me but if you don’t have a fitball or bench a bed or a stool will work just as well! - Resistance bands Resistance bands are very important! You need them in a lot of exercises especially in the booty and ab blasters. I would suggest using the medium or hard ones as they will give you the best results! - Ankle weights I don’t put ankle weights in my guide and they are not necessarily needed but they are great to use in the booty blasters as they create a challenge and help you build your booty! - Foam roller My foam roller is my life saver! I would highly recommend buying a foam roller. I foam roll after every workout, it helps reduce post exercise soreness and stiffness, prevents injury and it helps with circulation.

General information about your guide Why did I choose to do a home guide? - I understand that most people don’t have the time or money to go to the gym so I wanted to create a guide that can be done in the morning before your daily activities or in the afternoon when you get home. This guide is convenient as it does not take up too much of your time and can be done in a gym, at home or on holiday. Before starting the guide you should.. - Read through the calendar and all the exercise tips and examine the exercises, this way you have an understanding of what the guide is like before starting and if there are any exercise you don’t understand or need further help with then you can contact me before getting started. Can I skip days? - For the best results I would not advise to skip days but no body is perfect and sometimes we have to and that’s fine! There is always time to catch up on the weekends or the next day if possible. I would suggest that if you need to skip a day look for one that you think is least important to skip.

General information about your guide Can I make the exercises harder or easier? - Of course! Depending on your fitness level you might want to make the exercises harder or easier for yourself, if you are wanting to make it easier I would suggest only doing it for the first 1 or 2 weeks and then seeing how you go. To make the exercises more difficult: - Decrease rest time - Increase the weight - Increasing TUT ( time under tension) - Increasing reps or how many times you do the circuit To make the exercises easier: - Increase rest time - Decrease the weights - Decrease or cut out TUT - Decrease reps or the amount of times you do the circuit How to contact me - The best way to contact me would be via Instagram or email. Instagram : em.marybrown Email : [email protected]

Weights What weights should I be using? - I have put weight suggestions in my guide but these are just recommendations and what has worked for me. If you feel that the weight is too heavy then you can lower the weight and if you feel like the weight is too easy for you then you can use heavier weight. If you are a beginner I suggest starting with the lowest weights and then working your way up. When do I increase my weights? - Normally, exercises with higher reps are used to improve muscular fitness and fewer reps with higher weights are used to increase muscle size and muscle strength. Once you start to get stronger you will notice that the weights you have been using will seem easier and this is when it’s time to increase your weights. Have I picked the right weight? - You have picked the right weight if you are finding it difficult but your form is still perfect. If your form is not correct you can end up injuring yourself. As soon as you feel that your body can not take that weight and your form starts to break you should immediately stop that exercise and change to a lower weight. If the reps and exercise that you are doing is too easy then your weight is not heavy enough and you will then need to increase your weight.

Monday Lower Body Warm up 5 minutes skipping 1 minute on, 1 minute off Exercise Reps Suggested Equipment weight Pulse split X 15 _ _ squats Repeat this circuit for a total of 3 rounds Week Two Side leg raises X 15 _ Resistance each bands with a minute break between each round Barbell hip X 12 15 – 30 kgs Barbell thrust Romanian X 12 15 – 30 kgs Barbell deadlift Standing X 20 _ Resistance kickbacks each bands and abductions Goblet squats X 15 5 – 10 kgs Dumbbells ALWAYS stretch after the workout – minimum 10 minutes

Pulse Split Squats Execution and tips : • Your front foot should be flat and your back leg bent at 90 • Hold position keeping your back and neck in a neutral position. Engage your core and keep tension in your legs • Push through both legs and return to the start position Side Leg Raises Execution and tips : • Lie on your side with one leg on top of the other. Resistance band over your calves • Engage your core and slowly lift your leg, hold position. • Drop your leg slowly making sure that your hips and body do not swing. Make sure that your movement is controlled and that you don’t just drop your leg. • To make this exercise effective, do not let your leg rest on your lower leg

Barbell Hip Thrusts Execution and tips : • Place the barbell on your hips where it is comfortable. Lean against a bench or box so that your shoulder blades are at the top of it. • Place your feet shoulder width apart and firmly on the floor. • Then begin by driving your hips upwards engaging your core. ( try not to move your back) • Return to starting position and repeat. Romanian Deadlift Execution and tips : • Hold bar in front of your thighs with a grip that’s shoulder width apart. • Drive your hips back and lower your torso, bending your knees when needed. • Make sure your back and neck are always in a neutral position (this is very important!)

Standing kickbacks and abductions Execution and tips : • Place resistance band around your calf. Use a wall or a pole for support, have a slight bend in your knees. • Make sure that your core is engaged and your back and neck is straight. • Use your hip muscle to drive your leg back keeping your leg straight, bring your leg back to starting position. Drive the same leg sideways, that is one rep. Repeat on opposite leg. Goblet squat Execution and tips : • Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width, holding the dumbbell in front of your chest • Keep your head facing forward and keep your shoulder back • Lower your hips and go into a squat making sure that your knees don’t pass your toes and that you back and neck are in a neutral position • Push through your feet (especially your heels) to stand back to starting position

Wednesday Warm up Upper body 5 minutes skipping 1 minute on, 1 minute off Exercise Reps Suggested Equipment weight Week Two Mountain X 30 _ Resistance Repeat this circuit for a total of 3 rounds climbers band with a minute break between each round Reverse fly X 10 3 – 5 kgs for Dumbbells each arm Side crunches X 20 _ _ (on back) Laydown X 12 _ _ push ups Single arm X 12 5 – 10 kgs Dumbbells bent over row Weighted X 20 5 – 10 kgs Dumbbells straight leg jack-knifes ALWAYS stretch after the workout – minimum 10 minutes

Mountain climbers Execution and tips : • Get into a plank position, make sure your butt doesn’t sag and that your back and neck are straight • Bring your one knee forwards in a smooth controlled motion towards your mid-section • Repeat the same action with the opposite leg • Make sure you keep your core engaged the whole time Reverse fly Execution and tips : • Stand hip width apart and keep your knees slightly bent and your neck and back straight • Keep your core engaged and with a slight bend in your elbows lift your arms in a wide arching motion until they reach shoulder height, make sure that you squeeze your shoulder blades! • Pause at the top and then lower your arms down controlled and slowly

Side crunches (on back) Execution and tips : • Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and together. Place your arms behind your head. • Cross your one leg over the other and using your core lift your top half of your body up and meet your right arm with your left leg and then your left arm to your left leg. • Swap legs are repeat. Laydown Push-Ups Execution and tips : • Begin in a push-up position, resting on the balls of your feet and keeping your back straight. • Start lowering yourself towards the ground in a controlled movement, keeping your elbows close to your body, until you are laying down. • Extend your arms in front of you and then position your arms back next to your chest and start lifting yourself up into starting position. • Repeat.

Single arm bent over rows Execution and tips : Weighted straight • Start by standing with your feet leg jack-knifes shoulder width apart and a slight bend n your knees. Make sure your back is straight and the your shoulders are back. • Pull the weight up towards your ribs in a controlled movement making sure your elbows do not flare out. • Slowly release the weight back down to starting position and repeat. Execution and tips : • Start by lying on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you and your arms extended behind you holding a weight. • Engage your core and simultaneously lift your legs, keeping them straight, and bring your arms towards your legs. • Hold and then simultaneously bring both arms and legs back down to starting position. Try not to let your legs touch the ground between reps.

Warm up Friday 5 minutes skipping 1 minute on, 1 minute off Full Body Exercise Reps Suggested Equipment weight Weighted X 15 5 – 10 kgs Dumbbells Repeat this circuit for a total of 3 rounds step ups with Week Two knee ups with a minute break between each round 10 Mountain X5 __ climbers with X 20 5 – 10 kgs Dumbbells 2 push ups Side lunge Ab bikes X 40 _ _ Russian twists X 40 5 – 10 kgs Dumbbells Single leg X 12 5 – 12 kgs Dumbbells deadlift each ALWAYS stretch after the workout – minimum 10 minutes

Weighted step ups with knee ups Execution and tips : • Stand facing a box or bench, feet shoulder width apart. Hold the weights firmly Infront of you. • Step onto the box with your left foot and extend through the hip and knee of your front leg to stand on the bench or box. • As you standing on the box, flex your right leg and bring it up as high as you can. • Step off the box backwards and repeat with the opposite leg. 10 Mountain Climbers with 2 Push Ups Execution and tips : • Start in a plank position, make sure that your back is straight and your butt isn’t dropping down. Hands and feet should be shoulder width apart. Remember to keep your core engaged! • Pull your right knee towards your chest and repeat with other leg 10 times • Drop down and do 2 push-ups, keep your back straight and keep your elbows close to you.

Side Lunge Execution and tips : Ab Bikes • Start by standing feet shoulder width apart, feet facing forward. • Step out with your right foot as wide as possible, keeping your back straight and head forward. • Engage through your right heel as you drop your hips down and back, keep your left leg straight. Make sure your right knee does not go over your toes • Push yourself back up to starting position • Execution and tips : • Lay flat on the floor with your hand behind your head. • Lift up your knees and bring your right leg towards your chest , twist the upper part of your body and bring your left arm to your right knee. Your left leg should be parallel to the floor and lifted. • Repeat with the opposite side.

Russian twist Execution and Single leg deadlifts tips : • Start on the floor holding the dumbbell in front of your chest with both hands. • Lean back, keeping a slight bend in your knees, lift your legs up. • Engage your core and while balancing twist to the left and then the right. • Try to not move your legs. Execution and tips : • Stand next to a wall or pole with your feet shoulder width apart, holding a dumbbell or kettlebell in front of you with your left hand. Hold the wall or pole with your right hand. • Shift your weight to your right leg, have a slight bend in this leg, lift your left leg up and back. Make sure your left leg is straight and that your body forms a straight line from head to toe. • Slowly bring your left leg back down and straighten your right leg. Repeat with other leg.

Monday Lower Body Warm up 5 minutes skipping 1 minute on, 1 minute off Exercise Reps Suggested Equipment weight Week Three Dumbbell pull X 15 _ throughs Dumbbell Weighted X 12 5 – 12 kgs Barbell Repeat this circuit for a total of 3 rounds kneeling squats with a minute break between each round Romanian X 12 15 – 30 kgs Barbell deadlifts Standing X 15 _ Resistance kickbacks and each bands abductions Bulgarian split X 10 5 – 10 kgs Dumbbells or squats each barbell Elevated single X 10 _ _ leg glute each bridge ALWAYS stretch after the workout – minimum 10 minutes

Dumbbell pull throughs Execution and tips : • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, holding a dumbbell with both hands in front of you. • Drive your hips back and bend your knees . so that you are doing a squat, remember to keep your back straight and keep your knees behind your toes. • While doing a squat let the dumbbell go through your legs. • Pull the dumbbell back up and return to starting position. Weighted Kneeling Execution and tips : Squats • Kneel on the floor, place the barbell on your shoulders. • Keep your back straight with your head facing forward. • Sit back until your butt touches your calves • Lift yourself back to starting position. • Remember to keep your core engaged!

Romanian Deadlifts Execution and tips : Standing Kickbacks • Hold bar in front of your and Abductions thighs with a grip that’s shoulder width apart. • Drive your hips back and lower your torso, bending your knees when needed. • Make sure your back and neck are always in a neutral position (this is very important!) Execution and tips : • Place resistance band around your calf. Use a wall or a pole for support, have a slight bend in your knees. • Make sure that your core is engaged and your back and neck is straight. • Use your hip muscle to drive your leg back keeping your leg straight, bring your leg back to starting position. Drive the same leg sideways, that is one rep. Repeat on opposite leg.

Bulgarian Split Squats Execution and tips : Elevated single • Hold the dumbbells in both leg glute bridge hands with your arms extended to your side. • Stand tall with your back and neck in a neutral position. • Place your rear foot on a bench /bed/ box. • Keeping your torso upright, lower your hips towards the ground so that your rear leg bends and moves to the ground. • Push through your heel and return to starting position.. • Swap legs and repeat on other side. Execution and tips : • Place your heels on a bench or box and bend knees at 90 degrees. Engage your core! • Your back and arms should be in contact with the floor and look up at the ceiling. • Drive your hips upwards and lift one leg, keep knees at 90 degrees. Keep your back straight. • Squeeze your glutes and lower yourself to starting position. •

Wednesday Upper Body Warm up 5 minutes skipping 1 minute on, 1 minute off Exercise Reps Suggested Equipment weight Barbell 21’s 7 x 3 5 – 10 kgs Week Three Resistance X 20 _ Resistance Repeat this circuit for a total of 3 rounds band bicycle bands kicks with a minute break between each round Triceps dips X 12 _ _ Incline plank X 12 5 – 12 kgs Dumbbells row Weighted X 40 3 – 5 kgs Dumbbells scissor kicks High plank X 10 5 – 10 kgs Plates plate drags ALWAYS stretch after the workout – minimum 10 minutes

21’s Execution and tips : • Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold the barbell down by your side , hands shoulder width apart on the weight, let your arms hang. • Touch your elbows tight ton the sides of your body • Curl upwards until your arm is at a 90 degree angle at your elbow. • Relax your arms to starting position and do 6 more reps. • Now, start with your elbows at 90 degrees, curl the weight up towards your chest and stop about 6 cm away from your shoulders. • Bring your arms back down to 90 degrees and repeat 6 reps • Lastly, fully extended your arms like in the first picture. Curl your arms towards your shoulder like in picture 3. Repeat 6 reps.

Resistance Band Crunches Execution and tips : • Start by placing the resistance band on your feet. Lie on the floor with your arms behind your head and lift your knees. • Bring your left leg towards your chest and your right arm to your left knee. Bring your knee as far as it can go. Triceps dips Execution and tips : • Start by positioning your hands shoulder width apart on a box or bench behind you. • Slide of the bench or box and extend your legs in front of you. • Keep a slight bend in your elbows, slowly bend your elbows to lower yourself towards the floor. Keep your back straight! • Now push through your arms and straighten your elbows to starting position.

Incline plank row Execution and tips : • Place your legs wide apart in a plank position and place one hand on the bench or box. Keep your back and neck straight! • Keep your core strong, your elbows tucked in and shoulders pulled back. • Row one arm until it’s at 90 degrees. • In a controlled manner, drop your arm back to starting position. This is one rep. Weighted scissor kicks Execution and tips : • Lie on the floor and hold the weight above your head with straight arms. Engage your core and keep your back against the floor. • Lift both legs about 45 degrees above the floor, start by lifting one leg over the other in a scissors motion. • Repeat with both legs.

High plank plate drags Execution and tips : • Start in a high plank position, balancing on your feet and palm. Keep your back and neck straight and keep your core engaged. • With your left arm drag the weight to the right hand side and then do it with your right arm.

Warm up Friday 5 minutes skipping Full Body 1 minute on, 1 minute off Exercise Reps Suggested Equipment weight Resistance Pulse jump X 12 _ band squats _ Week Three Repeat this circuit for a total of 3 rounds 10 mountain X5 Dumbbells climbers with with a minute break between each round 2 push ups Dumbbells Single leg X 12 5 – 12 kgs Plates deadlift each Weighted X 20 5 – 10 kgs bent jack- knives Front raise car X 15 3 – 5 kgs drives Leg raises X 20 _ _ ALWAYS stretch after the workout – minimum 10 minutes

Pulse jump squats Execution and tips : 10 mountain climbers • Start by standing in a wide with 2 push ups stance, feet just over shoulder width apart. • Now, pulse squat down keeping your back and neck in a neutral position. Make sure that your knees do not go past your toes. • Push through your heels and jump, make sure you keep your back and neck in neutral position. • Land in a squat position and repeat. Execution and tips : • Start in a plank position, make sure that your back is straight and your butt isn’t dropping down. Hands and feet should be shoulder width apart. Remember to keep your core engaged! • Pull your right knee towards your chest and repeat with other leg 10 times • Drop down and do 2 push-ups, keep your back straight and keep your elbows close to you.

Single leg deadlift Execution and tips : • Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart, hold a weight in one hand and place your other hand on a wall or pole. • Shift your weight to your right leg, this leg should have a slight bend in it. • Drive your left leg back keeping it straight, simultaneously lower your hips and torso so that it is parallel to the ground. At this position your body should be in a straight line. • Start bringing your leg forward and start straightening your torso. • Repeat with opposite legs.

Weight bent jack-knives Execution and tips : • Start by lying flat on your back, holding a weight above and behind your head. Remember to keep your elbows tucked in. • Lift your legs off the floor and keep your feet together. Engage your abs, and bend your knees bringing them towards your chest. At the same time lift the top half of your body (shoulders, torso and head) and the weight towards your knees. • Slowly and very controlled release your legs and weight back down (do not touch the floor) • Repeat Front raise car drives Execution and tips : • Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart, holding your weight . Lift the weight up to shoulder height. • Rotate left and right and drop back down. Repeat.

Leg Raises Execution and tips : • Lie flat on your back with your arms next to you (or you can hold onto something behind you) • Start lifting your legs towards the ceiling keeping them straight. Remember to engage your core. • Lift your legs until they cant go any further. Start dropping your legs back towards the floor, still engaging your core. • Do not touch the ground. This is one rep.

Monday Lower Body Warm up 5 minutes skipping 1 minute on, 1 minute off Exercise Reps Suggested Equipment weight Resistance 5 Squat walks _ band with 2 goblet squats X6 _ Repeat this circuit for a total of 3 rounds Week Four Sumo X 12 15 – 30 kgs with a minute break between each round deadlifts Standing X 15 _ Resistance abductions each bands Wide to close X 10 5 – 10 kgs Dumbbells or squats barbell Glute bridge X 24 _ Resistance bands Squat to X 10 5 – 10 kgs Dumbbells or tiptoes barbell ALWAYS stretch after the workout – minimum 10 minutes

5 Squat walks with 2 goblet Execution and tips : squats • Start by placing the Sumo Deadlifts resistance band just above your knees. • Go into a squat position keeping your back straight. You don’t have to go into a deep squat for squat walks. • After doing 5 squat walks, drop down and do 2 goblet squats (feet a bit wider than shoulder width apart and keep your elbows tucked in.) • That is one rep. Execution and tips : • Start by standing with your feet wider than shoulder width apart and hold the barbell in front of you by your thighs (make sure you have a good grip) • Drive your hips back and lower your torso, bending your knees when needed. • Make sure your back and neck are always in a neutral position (this is very important!) • Slowly lift the weight back up into starting position and squeeze your butt and glutes but do not drive your hips forward. • You can start with the bar on the floor, I find that puts more tension on my back but that is perfectly fine to do if it does not hurt you.

Standing Abductions Execution and tips : Wide to close squats • Place resistance band around your calf. Use a wall or a pole for support, have a slight bend in your knees. • Make sure that your core is engaged and your back and neck is straight. • Use your hip muscles to drive your leg outwards, squeeze your glutes and then slowly release it back to starting position, that is one rep. Repeat on opposite leg. Execution and tips : • Start by standing in a wide stance, holding the weight by your chest. • Squat down still with a wide stance, keeping your back straight and body facing forward. • When you stand back up bring your feet close together and squat down keeping your feet close together (close squat) • That is one rep.

Glute Bridge Execution and tips : Squat to tiptoes • Start by placing the resistance band just above your knees. • Lie flat on your back with your knees up and head facing upwards. Put your arms by your side. • Drive your hips towards the ceiling so that your knees, hips and torso are in a straight line. Remember to squeeze your glutes and engage your abs. • Slowly and controlled lower yourself back towards the ground. Execution and tips : • Place the barbell on your shoulders behind your neck, make sure it is comfortable. if you are using dumbbells hold them in front of your chest. • Squat down, driving your hips back and keeping your back straight. Make sure that your knees do not pass over your toes. • Push through your heels, stand up and go into a tiptoe position. • flatten your feet and repeat.

Wednesday Warm up Upper Body 5 minutes skipping 1 minute on, 1 minute off Exercise Reps Suggested Equipment weight Leg raises X 20 _ _ Week Four Hammer curl X 10 3 – 5 kgs Dumbbells Repeat this circuit for a total of 3 rounds to shoulder X 10 each arm Plate press with a minute break between each round 3- 5 kgs Front raises with car drives Renegade X 12 5 – 10 kgs Dumbbells rows each Plank hip X 12 _ _ twists over a weight Sit ups and X 20 5 – 10 kgs Dumbbells press ALWAYS stretch after the workout – minimum 10 minutes

Leg Raises Execution and tips : • Lie flat on your back with your arms next to you (or you can hold onto something behind you) • Start lifting your legs towards the ceiling keeping them straight. Remember to engage your core. • Lift your legs until they can’t go any further. Start dropping your legs back towards the floor, still engaging your core. • Do not touch the ground. This is one rep.

Hammer Curl to Shoulder Press Execution and tips : • Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold the dumbbells in both hands with your palms facing each other. • Curl the dumbbells to shoulder height. • Turn the dumbbells so that your palms are facing forwards and then lift the weights overhead. • Hold for a brief second and then return to starting position. Front raise car drives Execution and tips : • Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart, holding your weight . Lift the weight up to shoulder height. • Rotate left and right and drop back down. Repeat.

Renegade Rows Execution and tips : • Grab a dumbbell in each hand. Get yourself into a plank position, resting on the dumbbells. • Lift one arm up into a row position while balancing / supporting yourself on the other arm. • Bring that arm back down and repeat with the other arm. • Your arm should go just a bit higher than your torso. Plank hip twists over a weight Execution and tips : • Start in a plank position, with your forearms resting on the floor. Make sure your hips don’t drop. • Your body weight should be on your forearms and your feet. • While keeping the tension in your core slowly twist to the right of the weight, try not to touch the ground. Then 6twist to the left. • Try not to move your shoulders and arms but only your hips.

Sit ups and press Execution and tips : • Start by lying flat on your back with your knees bent. Hold the dumbbell by your chest. • Lift the top half of your body up, contracting your core. • Extend your arms out, lifting the weight above your head. • Hold for a second and then releas4e back down.

Friday Lower Body Warm up 5 minutes skipping 1 minute on, 1 minute off Exercise Reps Suggested Equipment weight Resistance Plank in and X 30 _ outs bands 3 – 5 kgs Repeat this circuit for a total of 3 rounds Week Four Front to side X 12 each arm Dumbbells lateral raises with a minute break between each round Single leg X 15 _ Resistance deadlifts bands Curtsey X 15 5 – 15 kgs Dumbbells or squats X 30 barbell Reach _ Resistance through bands crunches V – ups X 30 _ _ ALWAYS stretch after the workout – minimum 10 minutes

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