75+Courses AH E D Adult & Higher Education Department Education. Progression. Success.
Meet Our TeamWe would like to welcome you to St Vincent Sixth Form College and to our Adult andHigher Education courses. Whether you are a one year full-time student, a two yearpart-time student or attending evening classes, you have taken the first step on whatwe hope will be an exciting learning and personal development journey!The Team are here to guide and support you throughout your courses, so please feelfree to ask for advice on any questions you may have.College FacilitiesFacilities at St Vincent College• Learning Resource Centre• On-site Costa Coffee shop and refectory• Theatre• Leisure Centre facilities Leisure Centre facilities are available for hire during evenings, weekends and holidays. (Please contact the Leisure Centre for details023 9260 3560 Monday – Thursday4.00 pm – 9.00 pm orby email on: [email protected])2
IndexMeet Our Team................................................................................................... 2College Facilities.................................................................................................. 2Core and Functional Skills.................................................................................... 4‘Elevate’.............................................................................................................. 6Student Support.................................................................................................. 7NVQs.................................................................................................................. 8Access............................................................................................................. 10Access (Course Details)..................................................................................... 12Teacher Training................................................................................................ 14FdA (Foundation Degree in Early Years Care and Education)................................ 16Support for your Studies.................................................................................... 18They Said:......................................................................................................... 18Contact us:....................................................................................................... 19 3
Core and Functional SkillsFunctional Skills are a key to Functional Skills Mathssuccess. Better functional skillscan mean a better future. The Functional Skills Maths course is aimed at anyone who does notFunctional Skills English already have a good understanding or qualification in Mathematics.The Functional Skills Adult EnglishCertificate is a recognised English This is a fun and gentle introductionqualification for those who prefer not to to Maths and will allow you to improvetake GCSE. your key number skills such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and divisionFunctional skills are essential skills in while dealing with real life situations.English that enable everyone to deal withthe practical problems and challenges of Functional mathematics will providelife, at home, in education and at work. essential knowledge, skills andThey are essential to all our lives; for understanding that will enable you toexample, they help us recognise good operate confidently, effectively andvalue deals when making purchases and independently in life and at work.in writing an effective application letter. It will enable:We have small classes where you willreceive a great deal of individual help and • The development of practical appliedwill be able to discuss each step with skills needed for success in work,your tutor; giving you greater confidence learning and life.in reading, writing, speaking and listening. • Tackling of the skills gap, improvingThe course is based on skills, which will productivity, enterprise andbe of use to you, such as writing letters, competitiveness.following instructions, using referencematerials and taking notes. Every piece • Become more confident in studies.of work will be checked by your tutorand an outside assessor will assess • Become more confident in interactionassignments. with people in life.This is a course you can take at your Learners who are functional withown pace and at a level you can cope mathematics are able to use and applywith. You can take Entry Level 1, 2 or 3 the mathematics they know to addressor Level 1 or Level 2, depending on the problems that arise in their life and work.level achieved in the assessment andhow confident you feel. If this is the course for you, then we look forward to seeing you soon!4
‘Elevate’ STARTING: September 2016 • Would you like to gain a qualification6 at Level 2 to help you prepare for further study? • Are you intending to apply for an Access to Higher Education Diploma and would benefit from study at Level 2 first? • Are you interested in gaining a qualification in a subject for personal interest or development? Our Elevate Programme now offers Level 2 qualifications in the following subjects: • Criminology • Counselling • Psychology • Sociology • Youth Work You can take individual qualifications, or if you wish to enrol for three or more courses then you may qualify for a discount on course fees You may also wish to take GCSE Maths and/or English-no charge! Please see individual course flyers for further course details.
Student SupportLearning SupportAdditional Learning Support is available to help with studyskills and any particular learning difficulties. More details ofthis facility will be provided while students are undertaking thecourse and students are directed to speak with their tutor ifthey feel they would benefit from this service.Counselling SupportAll adult and Higher Education students are able to accessthe counselling service at the College via the Student SupportCentre. Students are directed to speak with their tutor in thefirst instance if they feel they would benefit from this service. 7
NVQsNVQs in the workplace and Awards, Certificates andTrain to Gain provision Diplomas/National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs)St Vincent College offers a wide varietyof Vocational qualifications for different The QCF framework allows us to offerroles within a range of vocational areas. qualifications at different levels which canRoles include: play work and childcare be undertaken in the workplace, in theworkers, teaching assistants, health care classroom or as workshops, dependingsupport workers, business administration on the level undertaken and job role/workers, customer service workers, experience of the learner. Awards areinformation advice and guidance officers the smallest and require the least timeand managers, and those who work to complete, certificates are larger andin a learning and development role diplomas are the largest and usuallyor as assessors or verifiers. These contain a lot more units.qualifications can help those starting outin their careers, or individuals already in a One of the benefits of this type ofcareer, up to senior manager level. qualification is that they assess your ability to do the job, which makes them suitable to take whilst in work. A key part of the course will include demonstrating that you can do certain work-related tasks. During the course you will work with an assessor to create a portfolio of evidence (where you build evidence of the work you have completed). You may also be assessed by observation, where an assessor watches you work and confirms that you can do specific tasks to the appropriate level of skill required. Having one of these qualifications on your CV is a valuable way to demonstrate that you have the work-related skills you need for a specific job.8
19+ VOCATIONAL WORK BASEDNATIONAL VOCATIONALQUALIFICATIONS (NVQ)• Are you interested in working in Healthcare, Childcare, Schools, Business Administration, Customer Service?• Do you already work in one of these areas and need to gain qualifications to support you at work?• Would you like to start working in one of these areas?St Vincent Sixth Form College offers National Vocational Qualifications(NVQs) in a wide range of vocational areas, at several levels (Award,Certificate and Diploma).These are well recognised qualifications which couldhelp you in your current working role or for your career development andprogression.The courses can be delivered as classroom taught courses withworkplace assessments, or via 1:1 support and assessment in the workplace.All our courses are detailed on the college website but if you would likemore information or to enrol, please contact Lynsey or Traceyon 023 9260 3600 or e-mail [email protected] 9
AccessAccess to University Access to Higher Education DiplomasSpecifically aimed at students over19, the Access to HE Diploma offers a • Health and Social Care Professionsrecognised entry qualification to highereducation. You can study the course • Education Studiesfull time over a year if you have GCSEEnglish and Maths at grade C or above. • Nursing and Healthcare ProfessionsIf you do not hold these GCSEs youcan take the course part-time over two • Social Sciencesyears and work towards these GCSEsas part of your Access studies. We offer Each Diploma includes three subjecta range of Diplomas, each with a choice units (three x 15 credits), an independentof subjects available. But you do need research project (nine credits), academicto check what subjects your prospective writing skills (three credits) and criticaldegree course requires to help you thinking (three credits).decide what you should take. TheAccess team at St Vincent College is also Subjects available:able to help you make the right choices,and this will be discussed at interview. • Biology • Criminology • Education Studies • Health Studies • History • Psychology • Sociology For further information about the Access To Higher Education Diplomas please contact Suzanne Woods by email on [email protected] or by telephone on 023 92588311 or use our Contact Form.10
Access (Course Details)Biology Criminology Health StudiesAim Aim AimThis course is intended to The study of crime is intended to This course is intended to helpencourage you to develop your enable you to assess critically the you explore current concepts ofknowledge and understanding of causes of criminality and society’s health and how these influencebiological principles. responses to it. health and social care practice. You will consider health in itsCourse Content Course Content widest possible context toYou will take three units of study: You will take three units of study: include biological, psychological, sociological, economic and• Unit 1: Cell Biology. • Unit 1: Infamy: A Modern historical environmental History of Crime. perspectives.• Unit 2: Aspects of Human Physiology. • Unit 2: Introduction to Course Content Criminology. You will take three units of study:• Unit 3: Inheritance, Evolution and Ecology. • Unit 3: Introduction to • Unit 1: Social Policy and Criminal Justice. Health.Approaches to StudyAll topics have a clear focus on Approaches to Study • Unit 2: Psychological andhuman biology, using human Criminology is a contemporary Sociological Factors thatexamples wherever possible. A subject. As such, it is anticipated impact upon Health.practical approach with a variety that you will be able to refer toof activities and resources is current events as part of the • Unit 3: Health Issues withinused, and the assignments set discussion and deliberations a Local Community.will develop your research and that we will inevitable engage in.study skills Furthermore, you will be referred Approaches to Study to and use both classic and All topics have a clear focus onAssessment contemporary studies of crime as current policy and practice inThe assessment for the course is a way of framing your thoughts UK health provision, and youcarried out across all three units. and ideas. will be able to draw on your own experiences and knowledge of Assessment your local community wherever The assessment for the course is possible. A variety of activities carried out across all three units. and resources is used, and the assignments set will also enable you to develop your research and study skills in preparation for university level study. Assessment The assessment for the course is carried out across all three units.12
History Psychology SociologyAim Aim AimThis course focuses upon This module will introduce you to The study of society is intendedpolitical, social and economic some psychological theory and to enable you to assess criticallydevelopment in Britain from 1900. encourage you to develop critical the world in which we live.You study three units that are analysis skills.assessed through a combination Course Contentof examination, essay and Course Content You will take three units of study:project report. Together, we will You will take three units of study:endeavour to assess and evaluate • Unit 1: Youth and Youththe key moments in Britain’s • Unit 1: Introduction to Culture.relatively recent past in order for Psychology.you to develop the higher-order • Unit 2: The Sociology ofthinking and writing skills that are • Unit 2: Perspectives of Education.essential for university study. Psychology on Criminal Psychopathology. • Unit 3: Understanding SocialCourse Content Inequality.You will take three units of study: • Unit 3: Research Methods. Approaches to Study• Unit 1: Britain 1900-1918 Approaches to Study Sociology is a contemporary As well as teacher-led classes subject. As such, it is anticipated• Unit 2: Britain 1918-1951 there will also be plenty of that you will be able to refer to discussions and activities to current events as part of the• Unit 3: Britain 1940-1979 support and develop your subject discussion and deliberations knowledge and independent that we will inevitable engage in.Approaches to Study research skills, using a range of Furthermore, you will be referredWe concentrate on close study of current sources for Psychology to and use both classic andhistorical sources and the often and associated research contemporary studies of societyvery different ideas put forward by approaches. as a way of framing your thoughtshistorians. You will be required to and ideas.undertake reading and additional Assessmentresearch outside of lessons and The assessment for the course is Assessmentat home. You will also develop carried out across all three units. The assessment for the course isyour knowledge of research carried out across all three units.methods and how to evaluatea source critically eg make a Education Studies in the further education and skillsdecision on how much a source sector.can be ‘trusted’ and why. This new Access to HE Diploma has been developed to provide a Even if you are planning a careerAssessment well-balanced qualification for those in Primary or Secondary teaching,The assessment for the course is candidates who wish to progress the Award will give you valuablecarried out across all three units, on to Education Studies degree insights into the teaching role,although Unit 1 is ungraded, programmes or to a teaching learning theories, lesson planning andand so is awarded a Pass on qualification in Primary,Secondary teaching methods, as well as practicalsuccessful completion. Units 2 or Further Education. It also has experience of delivering a micro teachand 3 can be awarded Pass, relevance for studentswho are session to your fellow students.Merit or Distinction, and you planning to takea post-graduatewill be given guidance on what teaching qualification after All students on the Educationcriteria you need to meet for these graduation in a range of subjects. Studies Diploma will take a rangevarious grades. of mandatory units in aspects The course will focus on both of Education, which have been theoretical and practical aspects of selected to offer both breadth and education and teaching. depth in the subject, to include historical, sociological and theoretical We believe it is unique in giving you aspects of the education system, the opportunity to gain the as well as psychological aspects of cognitive development and learning. Level 3 Award in Education and Training, which is a first stage in 13 acquiring a teaching qualification
Teacher TrainingThis course offers the recognised Why study at St Vincentteaching qualification that will enable you College?to pursue a career as a teacher in thefurther education and training sector, St Vincent College Adult & Higherwhich is predominantly students aged 16 Education Department has extensiveand above. experience of delivering distance learning PGCE/Cert Ed courses. TutorsAccredited by the University of have strong academic and teachingPortsmouth the PGCE/Cert Ed is offered qualifications as well as current researchas a part‑time flexible/distance learning skills. Tutorial support is a strong featureprogramme at St Vincent College and of all courses offered by the department.is designed for teachers who currently There is a good range of resourceswork in the further education and training available to support your studies andsector. The course encourages you to access to a range of other relevantdevelop subject-specific knowledge by qualifications offered by the college,working closely with your course teachers including Maths and English GCSE at noand work-based subject mentors. extra cost, which you can take alongside the PGCE/Cert Ed course.What opportunities might itlead to? What will I experience?The PGCE/Cert Ed provides the skills On this course, you will develop yourand knowledge to take up teaching skills as a teacher through practicalroles in further education environments, activity and the study of theories andincluding: contemporary issues within further education.• Further education colleges You will join fellow professionals from• Sixth-form colleges a range of subject backgrounds for weekly seminars, creating an effective• Private training providers peer network where a variety of teaching practice can be shared.• Public services You are expected to have secured your• Voluntary organisations own teaching placement where you will teach at least 50 hours per year andThe PGCE is a professional teaching have an identified subject mentor.qualification which is recognised byfurther education providers in the UK.This means upon successful completionyou may gain employment with a furthereducation provider and may apply to theSociety for Education & Training (SET) togain QTLS.14
Teaching and AssessmentTeaching aims to demonstrate good practice and employs arange of styles, which include seminars, workshops, lecturesand active group participation. Your time in class will developyour skills and knowledge to inform your own teaching practiceand help to develop your own teaching style.Each teaching block you will complete two units of study,with each unit comprising between 2 – 3 assignments. As apart-time student you will take one teaching block (two units ofstudy) each year. Accredited by the University of Portsmouth 15
Accredited by the University of PortsmouthFdA (Foundation Degree in Early Years Care and Education)Why take this course? foundation degree. If you intend to progress to Early Years Teacher StatusIf you are an enthusiastic and committed you will need both of these. Parking onearly years professional with a desire to site is free and childcare is available incontinue to develop, this course will be the adjoining nursery (subject to space).right for you. Designed in direct response The College is on a public bus routeto the government’s increasing focus on and close to the Gosport Ferry link toearly years learning, it is endorsed by the Portsmouth and the train station.Early Years sector and can lead into anhonours degree programme. Career ProspectsA key component of this degree is the As well as developing your skills in yourapplication of the ideas and information current workplace, the FdA Early Yearsyou learn in the taught sessions in your and Education is good preparation forworkplace. the BA Education and Training Studies, a part-time top-up which offers theWhat opportunities might it lead to? opportunity to gain an honours degree in education and training. The skillsYou will already be working within early and knowledge gained in this courseyears, on a paid or voluntary basis, when may also prepare the way for entry intoyou begin this course. Your work-based teacher training through PGCE or SCITTlearning will be developed and formalised programmes, or to Early Years Teacherin your studies with us. As you review Status.your own practice and knowledge,you will enhance your prospects in this Structure and Teachingfield, you may also wish to considerprogression to an honours degree. Over the three years of the course you will consider your practice and developWhy study at St Vincent your knowledge in:St Vincent College has a first class track • Child development and learningrecord in the delivery of this courseover the past 14 years. The class sizes • Planning and organising theare small meaning that ALL individuals curriculumreceive personal tutorial support andguidance. Tutors all have wide and • Working with othersvaried experience of the vocationalsector along with strong academic There will also be opportunities toqualifications and current research skills. improve personal skills related to yourThe College learning centre holds a wide work-based setting and academicrange of resources and is open daily for requirements.all students with knowledgeable staffable to help students in their search Teaching Assessmentfor information. You can also study andgain your Maths and English GCSE at This course is part time and studentsNO additional cost whilst doing your attend their study centre for the equivalent of a four-hour session per16 week during term time. These sessions
are arranged so that students can benefit from working ingroups as well as attending presentations and lectures.Lectures provide a basic grounding in a particular topic,regular group seminars and discussions allow for opportunitiesto explore ideas and share good practice. One-to-one tutorialswill help develop learning and key skills and will be instrumentalin monitoring your progress. Additionally, some topics willbe taught through distance learning via the online learningenvironment.Students are encouraged to find a workplace mentor who willalso support you in your practice by acting as a critical friendin your reflection and thinking about personal and professionaldevelopment.How you are assessed?Coursework assessment takes a variety of differentforms including case studies, reflective reports, essays,presentations and group work. You will be provided withclear assessment criteria for all your assignments and tutorialsupport to help you understand academic requirements. 17
Support for your StudiesIf you have a learning difficulty or disability They Said:or you need other support like help withchildcare or travel, please talk to your Wonderful I would highlytutor, as we may be able to help you. supportive staff at recommend the St Vincent. I would FdA course.Childcare Support highly recommend It was exciting andThe childcare element of Discretionary the College to challenging andLearner Support Funding exists all prospective the support fromspecifically to support individuals aged students. the lecturers was20+ who choose to return to education. fantastic!The fund is available to those havingchildcare requirements who would nototherwise be able to study if funding wasnot available to them. Application formscontaining details of eligibility criteria areavailable from the Finance Office in theStudent Services Centre.St Vincent Financial Support Scheme2016 – 17For students aged 19 – 23 years old on1 September 2016. Application formscontaining details of eligibility criteria areavailable from the Finance Office in theStudent Services Centre.19+ Advanced Learning LoansIf you are aged 19 or over you are nowable to apply for an Advanced LearningLoan to help you pay your college tuitionfees for courses at Level 3 or Level 4.These loans have been introduced tohelp those who may not want/be able topay their course fees in full at the startof their course. The loan is not meanstested, there are no upfront costs orcredit checks and they have low rates ofinterest attached. Repayment on a loanfor course fees does not start until youhave completed your course and areearning more than £21,000 a year.For further information on loans go towww.gov.uk/advanced-learning-loans18
Contact us: You can contact St Vincent College by phone, post, fax or email. Alternatively, you can contact us through our website by filling in our contact form with your details and those of your suggestion, request, comment or question. We will respond to your query as soon as possible. Mill Lane, Gosport, Hants, PO12 4QA 023 9258 8311, 023 9251 1186 (Fax) [email protected] 19
St Vincent College Mill Lane, Gosport Hampshire PO12 4QA Tel: (023) 9258 8311 Fax: (023) 9251 1186 www.stvincent.ac.ukAdult Education: (023) 9258 3890Leisure Centre: (023) 9260 3560
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