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Home Explore Code 402 Class 9 MS Office Base

Code 402 Class 9 MS Office Base

Published by Edusoft Drive, 2022-03-23 07:32:22

Description: Code 402 Class 9 MS Office Base


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Alphabet or Letter Keys The keys which have letters/alphabets printed on them are called the alphabet keys. They are used for typing letters, words and sentences. There are 26 alphabet keys on the keyboard. Num Lock Number Keys @# 23 The keyboard also has number keys 0 to 9. *! These are also called the ‘Numeric Keys'. There are total 10 number keys on the 1 keyboard. These keys are used for typing $% ^ & 8 () numbers. 45 6 7 90 7 8 9 Home Home Home 4 5 6 Home Home Home Numeric 1 2 3 Keypad Home Home Home 7 Home Spacebar Key The spacebar is the longest key on the keyboard. You can use this key to give a small space between two words or letters. Let's type a sentence: I am a student Type I, and then press the Spacebar key once. Again type am, press the Spacebar key. Now complete the sentence in a similar way. Enter Key This key helps us to start a new line or a new paragraph while typing. There may be two Enter keys on a keyboard (one with numeric key pad). Caps Lock Key The Caps Lock key is used to type letters in capital. Pressing this key will switch on/off the Caps Lock light . For example, before using Caps Lock (Caps Lock light is off), the text that is typed, will appear in small letters. i like my computer very much. After using the Caps Lock key (Caps Lock light is on), the text we type will appear in capital letters. I LIKE MY COMPUTER VERY MUCH. 100

Delete Key and Backspace Key Sometimes we make mistakes while typing on the computer. To erase these mistakes, we can use the following keys: Delete Key Delete key erases anything typed to the right of the cursor. I│um a student I am a student Backspace Key I am a student Backspace key erases anything typed to the left of the cursor. I u│m a student Arrow Keys Arrow keys are used to move the cursor left, right, up or down on the computer screen. A cursor is a small blinking line on the monitor which looks like this |. It shows the position where a letter, number or symbol can be typed. Up arrow key : It moves the cursor up. Down arrow key : It moves the cursor down. Right arrow key : It moves the cursor to the right. Left arrow key : It moves the cursor to the left. Session-2 Advanced Keyboard Keys Punctuation Keys Punctuation marks are special characters that are used in sentences. For example, comma (,) , full stop (.), question mark (?), colon (:), semi colon (;) etc. If you look carefully at the keyboard, you will find some punctuation marks written on the top edge of the keys like ?, !, : etc. These punctuation marks are typed with the help of Shift key. For example, to type ! sign, the steps are: v Press Shift key v Keep it pressed with one hand. v Using the other hand, press the key that contains ! sign. The keys that contain punctuation Symbol Keys marks on the lower edge should be typed without pressing Shift key. For example, comma (,) , full stop (.), question mark (?), colon (:), semi colon (;) and single quote (’) etc. Following figure shows some punctuation keys and Shift key. Symbol Keys Some keys on the keyboard contain some symbols or special characters. For example, $, &, *, @ etc. Some of these symbols are used in different languages and in computer programming. 101

Let us find out, what these symbols are called: ~ Tilde or Wavy Line. +, - Add and Subtract respectively @ At or At-the-rate. ( and ) Parentheses (singular: Parenthesis) # Hash or Number _ Underscore $ Dollar { and } Curly braces % Percentage [ and ] Square brackets ^ Caret or Shift < and > Angle brackets & And or Ampersand / and \\ Forward slash and Backward slash respectively * Asterisk or Star | Pipe Special Keys Look at the keyboard. Did you see any keys that have strange labels or names written on them? You must wonder what these keys are for. Let us find out. One such key we have already seen is Shift key. Special keys are used to perform some useful operations on the computer. Let us have an introduction to special keys. Esc/ Escape Key The escape key is pressed to close any operation or pop-up menu or any dialog box. Tab Key This key is used to type a set of spaces together (usually 6). Shift Key This key is used to type capital letters and upper letters which are written at the top edge of the keys. For example, keys like ! sign. Shift key is also used in various software as command shortcuts. Some common uses of Shift key are given below: Shift with Arrow Keys: Selects the text in the opened document or files or folders. Shift with mouse click: This selects continuous files. Shift with Delete key: Permanently deletes the file. What is a toggle key? Toggle key means that the same key can be pressed alternatively to switch on and off any feature. For example, NumLock key locks and unlocks the Number keys on numeric keypad. CapsLock key locks and unlocks typing of capital letters. Alt Key Alt key is also called Alternate key. Pressing it activates menu of the opened program. It is also used with other keys to give commands in shortcut. Some examples are, 102

Alt + Tab: Flip through opened windows. Alt + F4: Close the current window. On Desktop it will display Shutdown options. Alt + Space: Displays options to maximise, minimise and restore windows. Scroll Lock Prevents scrolling in a window. Pressing it turns on the Scroll Lock light on the keyboard. Pressing it again will remove the lock. Num Lock Locks the number keys on Numeric keypad. You cannot type numbers. Pressing it turns on the Num Lock light on the keyboard. Pressing it again will remove the lock. Ctrl (Control) Key Control key is used with different keys to give commands to computer in shortcut. For example, if you press Ctrl + B then selected text will become bold. Ctrl + A selects all the text or icons in a window or desktop. Ctrl + Z cancels the last action. Caps Lock We have learnt about it earlier. Pressing Caps Lock key once will type the alphabets in capital. Pressing it turns on the Caps Lock light on the keyboard. Pressing it again will remove the lock. Pause/ Break Key To stop a program. Pressing it again will resume the program. For example, you can press Pause key while playing a game. PrtSc/ PrtScr (Print Screen) Print Screen key is used to take the screen shot of the screen. You can paste the copy of the screen shot in another program like Paint. Function Keys (F1 to F12) Function keys are the 12 keys from F1 to F12 at the top of the keyboard. These are special purpose keys. For example, F1 displays Help, F2 is used to rename a file or folder, F5 refreshes a window or desktop. Session-3 Computer Mouse A computer mouse serves as a pointing device. It is used to select items and options, click and open the programs, move the items (also called drag and drop) over the computer screen. Mouse is connected with the PC through a separate cable and is held with hand to used. Kit is moved over a clean surface and preferable soft, flat mouse pads. Today, an industry standard mouse contains two buttons - left button and right button and a scroll wheel usually between the two buttons. Left mouse button is used to select, open the programs and drag the items. Selected item gets highlighted on the screen. The right button is used to click on various items to get a specific set of commands to be performed. Scroll wheel is useful in scrolling across a document. 103

Corresponding to the movement of mouse on the desk, an arrow shaped pointer moves on the computer screen. Location of the pointer on the screen determines which item is being clicked or selected on the screen. Mouse pointer also changes its appearance depending on the item or region on the screen. To move an item, you need to click it, and then holding the mouse button down, move the item to a different location. After you move the item to the new location, you release the mouse button. The right button on the mouse is used to display a menu. The options on this menu include the most common tasks, such as copying text from one location and pasting it to another location. These are called context-sensitive menus. These menus help you complete tasks quickly. To scroll, place your finger on the scroll wheel and roll it back and forth. This moves the document up and down. Functioning of a mouse: Depending on their functionality, mouses are of two types – Mechanical and Optical. Mouse that has a rubber or a metal ball on the underside is called mechanical mouse. When the user moves the mouse on the mouse pad, the ball rolls which in turn rolls the two tiny rollers perpendicular to each other and fitted in such a way that they touch the surface of the ball. Mechanical Mouse Movement of each tiny roller sends the signal for X and Y screen coordinates of the mouse pointer to the computer. This way, movement of ball further moves the pointer on the screen. An optical mouse has a light emitting diaode (LED) and a photosensor at its base. Beam from the LED reflects from the surface on which you move the mouse and photosensor senses that change in the reflection and accordingly the pointer moves on the screen. Optical Mouse How to hold the Mouse? v Place the palm on the mouse and hold it with your thumb and the last two fingers. v Keep the index finger on the left button and the middle finger on the right button. Now, move the mouse. Notice a small arrow moving on the monitor. This is called mouse pointer. Middle Finger Index Finger Ring Finger Thumb Little Finger Session-4 Computer Mouse Operations Left Click/ Clicking Single-click selects an item on the screen. Bring the pointer over the desired item, like, an icon, press the left mouse button and release it quickly at once. 104

Right Click Right click displays shortcut menu. You will use shortcut menus in various programs. Bring the pointer over the desired item on the screen, press the right mouse button and release it quickly at once. Scroll Scroll means moving up, down or sideways in a window. Roll the scroll wheel up/ down for vertical scrolling. Press the scroll wheel and move the mouse left/ right for horizontal scrolling. Double Click Double click helps in opening the programs. To double click, hold the mouse and press the left mouse button twice quickly. Drag and Drop Left buttons also used to drag-drop the objects on the screen from one location to another.To do so, left click on the desired object, keep the left button pressed and move the mouse. This is called dragging. When mouse pointer reaches the destination point, release the left button. This is called dropping. The object will be placed to the new location. Session-5  þ Right ý Wrong Typing Ergonomics þ Right! ý Wrong ý Wrong! Typing Ergonomics involves the factors that ensure comfortable ý Wrong! þ Correct typing posture and usage of typing equipment and furniture þ Correct ý Wrong! without harming our health. ý Wrong! ý Wrong! ý Wrong! Position of Hands while using Keyboard and Mouse: 105 ¤ Your neck and shoulders should be relaxed. ¤ Your upper arms & elbows should make a little more than 900 angle. ¤ Your wrists should be straight. ¤ The elbows should neither touch the body nor be too far away from the body. ¤ Mouse should not cause pressure on the wrist. ¤ Avoid bulky mouse. ¤ Keep mouse closer to the keyboard. ¤ Elbows should be bent and closer to the body.

Monitor Placement ¤ Monitor should be placed at a distance anywhere between 18 and 30 inches. ¤ You should be able to focus on the screen while still using the back of the chair and keep your arms parallel to your upper body. ¤ Your eyes should be level with the top of the screen. ¤ Turn the screen brightness down to a comfortable level. ¤ You should not bend your neck while working on the monitor. Sitting Posture While operating computer keyboard, correct sitting posture is a must for comfortable and efficient typing while sitting for long duration. Keep the following important things in mind regarding your posture: ¤ Chair height should be adjustable. ¤ Chair should swivel (rotate on centre) easily and completely (3600). ¤ Chair should have good back support. ¤ You should be able to sit with your feet flat on the floor (or a footstool) and knees approximately 900. Exercise Practice keyboard and mouse using any simple application in lab such as Notepad and MS Paint. Session-6 Getting Started with Touch Typing 1. What is Touch Typing A typing method using a type writer or a keyboard without the need of looking down at the keys on the keyboard is called touch typing. Touch typing involves the development of muscle memory or memory of touch to locate the keys on the keyboard while typing. This demands regular practice of typing. Technique of touch typing focuses on the improvement typing speed and accuracy. By practice the typing speed improves and can be achieved up to 60 words per minute (WPM) or higher. A touch typist, without looking at the keyboard, hits the right keys reflexively with his/ her fingers by way of practice while focussing on and reading the text being typed. 106

First you need to place your eight fingers along the middle row or the home row of keys on the keyboard and then reach your fingers to the other keys. Touch typing practice basically involves training your fingers about reaching to the required key. You need to learn which finger should be moved to reach a particular set of keys. On the home row, notice the primary keys F and J having a raised notch to help you recognize them by touch. Here, you will learn and practice touch typing using a free software RapidTyping. It can be downloaded from 2. Getting Started with RapidTyping Rapid Typingis a game based, user friendly tool. It has an easy to follow, customizable interface. It has a set of friendly lessons and it generates the regular learning statistics for the learners to gauge their progress. It is an easy-to-use keyboard trainer, so you'll hardly have any troubles with its usage and configuration. You can customize and create your own lessons with Lesson Editor. Learning touch typing is a systematic process as described below: 1. Learning about the home row of the keyboard without looking at the keyboard followed by learning about the lower and upper rows, the numbers row, upper-case letters and special symbols. 2. Learning and memorizing frequently used syllables and typing the words containing these syllables. 3. Typing actual text to perfect the skills acquired. Touch Typing Rules ¤ On a standard QWERTY keyboard, keys F, D, S, A, and J, K, L,; represent the base position. Thin raised notch on the keys F and J facilitate in locating them without looking at the keyboard. While typing, try to return your fingers to the base position after each keystroke. ¤ Colour coding shows here which finger is meant to press which key. ¤ On the numeric pad base keys are number 5 for the middle finger, 4 for the index finger, and 6 for the ring finger. ¤ Upper-case letters and symbols appearing on keys in the numbers row are typed by one hand while the little finger of the other hand holds the SHIFT key down. ¤ Looking at the keyboard is prohibited and try locating or reaching the right key with your fingers. Tips for effective touch typing practice ¤ Do not haste. First, go slow and focus on avoiding touching wrong keys. Speed is not primary in the beginning. Learning to press the right keys should be the prime focus. ¤ Slowly develop a rhythm of maintaining an equal time interval between the keystrokes. ¤ Remember, the fingers should hit those keys which they are meant to do as described earlier. ¤ To improve typing speed with least stress on the hands, keep your hands and fingers close to the base position. 107

¤ Try locating keys by touch and avoid looking at the keyboard strictly. ¤ When you need to switch between upper and lower cases, always use the opposite hand. Exercise Type the following: Fjdkslaghty Vmbnrueiwoqp C,x. z/\\'\\ '-=[] Type the following using Shift Keys: FJDK SLA: GHTY VMBN RUEI WOQP C<X> Z/|”| ~~+{} Type the following on Numeric Key Pad: 4560 789 123 + - &* / . Type the following from the top row: Digits, Symbols – 56473 28190 %^$&# @*!() Session-7 User Experience Once you've configured settings in Wizard, Rapid Typing's main window will appear as shown below. 108

The Rapid Typing window is composed of the following controls: ¤ Main menu at top-left corner shows choices for Current Lesson, Student Statistics and Lesson Editor. ¤ Taskbar provides basic options for setting up keyboard layout, level and lesson etc. for your practice. ¤ Options button on the top-right corner displays various options to setup sound, volume, font, background, keyboard etc. ¤ Text Panel is the area where the text to be typed is displayed. ¤ Lesson Control Panel provides various controls to pause/resume the current lesson. It also shows current typing speed, typing accuracy and current lesson time. ¤ Instruction Panel just above the virtual keyboard displays typing instructions and sound/ volume control. ¤ Virtual Keyboard to help you learn touch typing with all ten fingers. You can customize its appearance in the 'Lesson' section. Session-8 Begin Lessons To start your first lesson in Typing Tutor, you have to select the keyboard layout as Beginner (out of Beginner, Intermediate and Expert). Then, select the lesson category as Basics under which select the lesson Lesson 1. Then put your fingers in the initial position shown on the keyboard and start typing the text. You can use Lesson Control Panel at the top to: 1. Pause or Play the lesson (Shortcut: F5). 2. Restart the lesson from the beginning (Shortcut: F8). To control the volume, use the button with Speaker icon on the extreme right hand side of the Instructions Bar in the middle of the screen (just above the virtual keyboard). Above the Instruction Bar, two progress bars (one in green and another in yellow) are displayed. The green progress bar shows the percentage of completion for the current lesson, and the yellow progress bar shows the acceptable time period for typing a single character. When you complete a lesson, the Results window pops up. Result Window Result window displays your achievements in this lesson. It shows the following: 1. Overall performance rating percentage. Shortcut 2. Speed in WPM. 3. Accuracy percentage. Pause or Play lesson: F5 4. Slowdown percentage. 109

Besides above details, it shows 3 tabs: 1. Next step: It allows you to go to the next lesson or retry the current one. 2. Detailed statistics: It shows graphs for Speed in Characters/ Keystrokes per minute and Accuracy. 3. Errors overview: It shows all the keys that have been typed by you correctly or incorrectly. Correct keystrokes in green colour, incorrect keystrokes in red, correct keystrokes with exceeded timeframe in yellow and incorrect keystrokes with exceeded timeframe in orange. Exercise Open Typing Tutor and do the following: 1. Set the keyboard layout to beginner, intermediate and expert. Observe the difference. 2. Load a lesson, play it and pause it. 3. Restart the lesson with option and keyboard shortcut key. 4. Practice a simple lesson and open the Result Window. Observe the details shown in the Result window. Session-9 Viewing Statistics To view the results of all the lessons that you've already completed, click on the Student Statistics button on the Main Menu in top left corner. 110

Student Statistics Window The Statistics screen will open as shown below. The Student statistics window is composed of the following controls: 1. Student accounts: This area consists of three parts: ¤ Student toolbar for adding, removing, inserting(import), saving(export) existing student accounts and student groups and save student statistics in the different formats: PDF, HTML, XML, CSV. ¤ Navigation Tree is the area for selecting the current student account or student group. ¤ Property panel is the area where you can edit group or student properties of the selected item in the Navigation Tree. 2. Statistics Panel: This area consists of three parts: ¤ Statistics toolbar has buttons for choosing courses, removing selected statistics and customizing the statistics display options. ¤ Course diagram show the common statistics for all lessons of the current course. ¤ Lesson diagrams show the statistics for each character or keystroke of the selected lesson in the course diagram. 111

¤ Lesson table shows the full statistics of the selected lesson in the course diagram. ¤ Characters used in the current lesson statistics are highlighted in red/black on the Virtual keyboard. Viewing and Analysing Your Statistics Click on the Student Statistics button on the Main menu in top left corner to open Statistics screen. Here, you can review your progress. The Statistics section window is composed of the following controls: ¤ Statistics toolbar has buttons for choosing courses, removing selected statistics and customizing the statistics display options ¤ Course statistics shows the common statistics for all lessons of the current course. If the result is good the line changes to green, if it is bad it changes to red. ¤ Lesson statistics shows the full statistics of the selected lesson in the course diagram. ¤ Character/Keystroke statistics shows the statistics for each character or keystroke of the selected lesson in the course diagram. A green dashed line in the diagram divides the diagram into good and bad results. A bad result shows a red column and a good result shows a green column. Add new students To add a big list of students to a group: Student menu > Create new students option. This opens the following dialog box: In this dialog box you can: ¤ Add students one by one, by entering their names and Passwords > Add to list. ¤ Add an existing student list by checking the Edit field manually check-box (a password can be added using the format: Student Name | Password). 112

Work With Student Groups On the Student toolbar, click on Group menu to list various options: You can: ¤ add a new group (button on the toolbar), ¤ insert(import) existing student groups, ¤ save selected group statistics in the different formats: PDF, HTML, XML, CSV, ¤ save selected groups(export), ¤ save all groups, using appropriate menu items. For removing the selected group use the button. Session-10 Working with Lesson Editor Lesson editor offers you complete freedom of learning, allowing you to make your own courses or modify existing courses. To open Lesson Editor, click the tab-button in the top-left corner of the Main window. The screen will appear as shown in the picture below. The Lesson Editor window is composed of the following controls: Course and lesson list ¤ Toolbar includes buttons for adding, removing, inserting (import), and saving (export) existing courses and lessons. ¤ Navigation Tree includes the current keyboard layout choose, current course, section and lesson. ¤ Properties is the area where you can edit course/section/lesson properties. 113

¤ Editing panel is the area where you can Note: edit the course options or text of the You can always easily hide/show: selected lesson in the Navigation Tree. Course and lesson list by pressing the Ctrl+K shortcut Table analysis text by pressing the Ctrl+L shortcut ¤ Table analysis text displays the number Properties by pressing the Ctrl+W shortcut and percentage of words, characters, Virtual keyboard by pressing the F9 shortcut spaces and specific characters in the lesson. ¤ Virtual keyboard highlights the characters used in the selected lesson. Keyboard language depends on the course language; you can choose it in the Keyboard layout list. New Course To create new course, click on Course menu >Create new course option > Type the name of the course. Practice the following: Select lessons from each of the options of following menu and practice typing. Exercise A. Type Basic Keys 114

B. Type with Shift Key C. Type Digit Keys D. Type using Numeric Keypad E. Type the following words and phrases: 1. Stewardesses with only the left hand 2. lollipop with your right. 3. Using both the hands: a. The quick brown fox jumps over the little lazy dog. b. TYPEWRITER 115

c. Uncopyrightable d. Abstemious e. facetious F. Complete the following tasks: Using your left hand type asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf fdsafdsafdsafdsafdsafdsafdsafdsafdsafdsa Using your right hand type jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; Using your both hand type fdfdsfdsajkjkljkl; fdfdsfdsajkjkljkl; fdfdsfdsajkjkljkl; Using your both hands type ghghghghghghghghghghghghgh Stretch your Left index finger up/out to T (look on the keyboard) and type: ththththththththghtghtghtghtghtghtght Using your left hand type deed frrf deer reed red deed frrf deer reed red deed frrf deer reed red free freed fred feed fed free freed fred feed fed free freed fred feed fed Using your right hand type juujkiikjujkikjuujkiikjujkikjuujkiikjujkikjuujkiikjujkik Using you both hands type juut jut jute kiit kit kite juut jut jute kiit kit kite juut jut jute kiit kit kite jud judder jug jugger judge judged juud judder jug jugger judge judged igh high thigh ight fight right fright igh high thigh ight fright right fright G. Type the following: 1. asdfg;lkjhasdfg;lkjhasdfg;lkjhasdfg;lkjhasdfg;lkjhasdfg;lkjhasdfg;lkjhasdfg;lkjhasdfg;lkjhlalldask sad slak flask fads lalldask sad slak flask fads lalldask sad slak flask fads lalldask sad slak flask fads lalldask sad slak flask fads lalldask sad slak flask fads lalldask sad slak flask 2. qwertpoiuyqwertpoiuyqwertpoiuyqwertpoiuyqwertpoiuyqwertpoiuyqwertpoiuy post quite type quay pole ripe hope wait role what show flow goal wool post quite type quay pole ripe hope wait role what show flow goal wool self help is the order of the day. self help is the order of the day the writer was happy, the writer was happy. 3. game roxy time taxi mind camp jump lazy, size; zeal, haze, zone; zinc. game roxy time taxi mind camp jump lazy, size; zeal, haze, zone; zinc. on, no, man, can, child, chalk, number, member, remember, general on, no, man, can, child, chalk, number, member, remember, general 116

Assessment Answer the following questions. 1. Describe the function of any three keys of a keyboard under following categories: a. Punctuation keys b. Special keys c. Navigation Keys d. Command keys e. Function keys 2. What are the uses of mouse buttons and its scroll wheel. TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE 1. Typing without the need of looking down at the keys on the keyboard is called ________. a. Typing b. Professional typing c. Data entry d. Touch typing 2. Which keys help in identifying Home row pon the keyboard just by touch? a. A, L b. F, J c. E, Y d. X, N 3. Which finger is used to press SHIFT key while typing? a. Little finger b. Thumb c. Index finger d. Ring finger 4. Knees and elbows should make which angle while sitting and typing? a. 90 degrees b. 180 degrees c. 45 degrees d. 20 degrees 5. _____ of Rapid Typing Tutor helps you find out typing speed, accuracy and slowdown %age a. Statistics window b. Result window c. Both a) and b) d. None of these 6. Virtual keyboard can be displayed by pressing _________ key. a. F5 b. F8 c. F9 d. Ctrl+K 7. Which of the following letter sequences can be typed using both the hands: a. asdfasdfasdfasdfasdf b. jkljkljkljkljkljkl c. fdfdsfdsajkjkljk d. deed 8. Which of the following text pieces can be easily typed using right hand? a. stewardess b. lillipop c. typewriter d. face Watch le&arn 117

Unit Digital Documentation 3 Session-1 Getting Started with a Word Processor The term word processing refers to the process of keying in, formatting, editing and laying out the contents of a document in a software. The software that is used for creating documents is called word processor. A variety of documents like invitation cards, newsletters, resume, letters, notices, visiting cards, greeting cards, books, booklets, pamphlets, calendars, reports etc. can be created easily with the help of a word processor. Modern word processors not only allow keying in, editing and formatting text, they also provide basic yet powerful features to insert and handle images, features like applying special effects to the content, inserting shapes, diagrams and charts, linking documents with other applications and publishing & sharing the documents online. Let us understand how word processors have an edge over using the traditional paper and pen. Using word processors, you can create and use a Word document. Word processors provide flexibility, ease, neatness and speed. You can use it for writing documents such as, articles, letter, resume, report, poem and also making posters. To sum up, a word processor can help you to: ¤ Correct any spelling mistakes made and also prompt you when you make spelling error. ¤ Insert or overwrite a word or sentence or paragraph, anywhere in the word document. This helps to maintain the neatness of the document. This task is called editing the document. ¤ Print a document created by you and also store it for future use, without a worry of it getting misplaced/ fading. You can also print multiple copies of the document in a single command. ¤ Change the appearance of different portions of a document, by changing the size of the words, make them bold or italic or underlined etc. ¤ Insert, headers and footers and page numbers. ¤ Present information in a tabular form as a part of the document. ¤ Insert pictures, and images into the document. ¤ Some of the most popular Word Processing software are OpenOffice – Writer (desk top based), MS-Word (desk top based), Google Docs(Internet based) etc. Though you can choose any of the above listed software to start creating documents, it is preferable that you start learning word processing by using either the OpenOffice–Writer or MS- Word. Make sure that this software is already installed in your computer. MS Word, commonly known as Word, is a part of “Microsoft Office” suite (software package). 118

It is a useful tool for creating professional documents. These documents can include text, graphics, tables, cliparts, borders and shadings, etc. The software follows the concept of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You get). This means that the screen shows exactly how your document will look when you will print it. Opening MS Word The steps to open MS Word are: 1. Click on the Start button. 2. Click on All Programs. 3. Click on Microsoft Office 2013. 4. Click on Word 2013. Or Press Windows button + R, the Run dialog box appears. Type winword in the text box and click on the OK button. New Document (file) selection window appears. It displays a list of different types of new documents in thumbnail view. Click on the Blank document thumbnail. Shortcut To create a new document: Ctrl + N Creating a New Document The steps to create a new document are: 1. Click on the File tab and select the New option. 2. Click on the Blank document option in the New pane. Session-2 Edit, Save and Open a Document Edit a Document The term Editing refers to the process of correcting, deleting or modifying the text in a document. Before editing, it is important to learn about the text selection. Let's learn about it. 119

Selecting Text The steps to select a text (using mouse) are: 1. Place the mouse cursor at the start/end of the text. 2. Press the mouse button and drag it to the end/start of the text. 3. Release the mouse button. Deleting the Text Sometimes we make mistakes while typing. We can delete/remove the text and retype the correct text. In the same way, you can also select the other objects like images, shapes, etc. Text can be deleted by the following methods: 1. Delete key: Place the cursor at the beginning of the text that has to be removed (by mouse click or arrow keys) and press the Delete key on the keyboard. 2. Backspace key: Place the cursor at the end of the text that has to be removed (by mouse click or arrow keys) and press the Backspace key on the keyboard. 3. Select the text to be deleted and press Delete/Backspace key. Inserting Text New text can be inserted between the existing texts. The steps to insert the text are: 1. Place the cursor at the location where you want to insert the text. 2. Now, start typing the text. Saving a document After completing the work, save the document with a proper file name so that you can use it later. Shortcut The steps to save the document are: To save a document: 1. Click on the File tab. Ctrl + S 2. Click on the Save as... option. The Save As pane appears on the right. 3. Click on the Computer or click on Browse in the right pane. The Save As dialog box appears. 4. Type a file name in File name text box and click on the Save button. Open an existing document 1. Click on the File tab. 2. Click on the Open option. Select the file that you want to open. Exercise Perform the following activities till you are confident: 1. Start a word processor 2. Identify various toolbars 3. Create a new document 4. Save and close a document 120

Session-3 Identify Elements of User Interface By now you would have observed that word processing software has very simple interface using menus in the Ribbon. Most of the commonly used functions have a graphical symbol or icon in the Ribbon. This kind of user interface is called Graphical User Interface or GUI (commonly pronounced 'gooey'). GUI is a type of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices using images rather than text commands. This section will familiarize you with the elements of the user interface. Let us have a look at various components of MS Word interface (window). Word shows nine Tabs viz., File, Home, Insert, Design, Page Layout, References, Mailings, Review, and View. On clicking of each tab, corresponding ribbon is displayed. Options on a ribbon are arranged in groups. Options are usually accompanied by icons. Icons are a pictorial representation for a command. Tab-wise groups are listed here: 1. Home: Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles, Editing. 2. Insert: Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Links, Header & Footer, Text. 3. Page Layout: Themes, Page Setup, Page Background, Paragraph, Arrange. 4. References: Table of Contents, Footnotes, Citations & Bibliography, Captions, Index, Table of Authorities. 5. Mailings: Create, Start Mail Merge, Write & Insert Fields, Preview Results, Finish. 6. Review: Proofing, Comments, Tracking, Changes, Compare, Protect. 7. View: Document Views, Show/Hide, Zoom, Window, Macros. Each Tab consists of different groups, like the Home tab has five groups namely, Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles and Editing. Note: If you bring mouse pointer over any command and stay for a few seconds, it displays a brief explanation of that command along with its keyboard shortcut. Home Tab The Home tab contains most commands, usually for text formatting, text alignment, styles, cut, copy, paste etc. The Home tab is also used for useful tools like find and replace. 121

Home tab Groups Description Clipboard Paste the cut or copied information in Clipboard at the location where cursor is pointing right now (Paste Special - To paste in a particular format. Paste as Hyperlink - Used with copy to paste the copied information as a hyperlink) Cut the selected text from the document and put into Clipboard for later retrieval. Copy the selected item or text to the Clipboard. Format painter copies formatting from one place and apply to another (To apply same formatting to many places, double-click the format painter button) Bold, Italics, Underline Font Change Font face, change font size Grow Font, Shrink Font Clear formatting (Clear all formatting from selection, leave only plain text) Strikethrough (draw a line through middle of selected text), Subscript, Superscript Change case. You can change the case – sentence, lower, upper, title, or toggle. Select the text and click on an option Font color, Text highlight color Paragraph Bullets (choose from different styles) Styles Numbered list (choose different formats) Multilevel list (Choose from different styles) Increase or decrease indent of the paragraph Sort alphabetically or numerically Show paragraph markups Align text left, right, centre, margins Change spacing between lines Color background behind selected text Customize the borders of selected text. Add borders and shading. There are options to select for setting, style, color, width, fill color, and pattern. You will see a preview at the right. To remove a border or shading, select None. Format titles using different styles like Caption, Emphasis etc. Change style, color and font used in the document Editing Find text in the document. Replace text in the document (The user can go to a page, section etc. when using find and replace). Select text or objects in the document. Exercise A. Type the following paragraph in a new MS Word document and perform the steps that follow: 122

Introduction My Self My name is Vansh. I am a student. I read in ABC Public School in class IX. I like Computer subject. I like typing, playing games, watching cartoon movies and drawing on computer. 1. Delete the name Vanshand type your name in its place. 2. Change the name of the school to your school. 3. After the sentence ending with …subject., insert following sentence: Computers are a great tool. 4. Save the document by your name. B. Identify and describe the purpose of different Tabs - File, Home, Insert, Page Layout, References, Mailings, Review, and View. C. Identify and describe the purpose of Home Tab Groups - Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles and Editing. Session-4 Editing Features of the Word Processor A Font style is used to emphasize the text with Bold, Italic and Underline options. Bold: It makes the text darker than the rest of the text. The steps to make the text bold are: 1. Select the text that you want to make bold. 2. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click on the Bold button. 3. The selected text become bold (darker). Italic: It makes the text slanting to the right. The steps to make the text italic are: 1. Select the text that you want to make italic. 2. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click on the Italic button. 3. The selected text becomes slanting. Underline: It makes the text underlined. The steps to make the text underlined are: 1. Select the text that you want to underline. 2. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click on the Underline button. 3. The selected text gets underlined. When the Underline option is selected, the spaces along with the Shortcut text get underlined too. Bold: Ctrl + B By default, it is a thin line. You can change the line pattern. Italic: Ctrl + I Underline: Ctrl + U Click on the drop-down arrow present on the Underline button and select the other options. 123

Exercise A. In the MS Word document created in previous session, format the following words as directed here: 1. Your name and school name: Bold 2. Class IX: Underlined 3. typing, playing games, watching cartoon movies and drawing on computer: Italicised B. Write a Notice for your notice board saying you have lost your English Textbook. Give it a heading “Lost English Textbook”. Underline the name of the textbook in the main body of the notice. Undo and Redo Actions To roll back any command or action you have performed on the document, click on Undo icon on the Quick Access Toolbar. You can roll back multiple actions by consecutive press on Undo icon. Next to it is Redo icon which re-executes the last undone action. Shortcut Undo: Ctrl + Z Redo: Ctrl + Y Selecting non-consecutive text items Select the first piece of text then select other pieces by pressing CTRL key. Selecting vertical blocks of text Press and hold down ALT key while selecting the text. Moving and Copying Text Copying the Text Copying the text means to copy the text or data from its original location to some other location. It allows to repeat the text or data in the document without having to retype. The steps to copy the text are: Shortcut 1. Select the text you want to copy. 2. Click on the Copy button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab. Copy: Ctrl + C, 3. Move the cursor to the place where you want to place the text. Cut: Ctrl + X 4. Click on the Paste button in the Clipboard group. Paste: Ctrl + V You can use the same method to copy and paste other objects also, like clipart, image, auto shape, etc. You will learn about these objects in the next chapter. Moving the Text Moving the text means to move the text or data from one location to another. 124

The steps to move the text are: 1. Select the text you want to move. 2. Click on the Cut button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab. 3. Move the cursor to the place where you want to move the text. 4. Click on the Paste button in the Clipboard group. Exercise 1. Open MS Word and type your name, mother's name, father's name and address. Save it with your name. 2. Copy and paste the father's name in the last line. 3. Cut and paste your name after the father's name. Save the changes. Session-5 Find and Replace Text Finding Text in the Document In a document you may want to search for a specific character, word or a phrase. Instead of going through the complete document, you can use the Find feature. The Find feature can be used to search for all the occurrences of a given word orphrase. The steps to find a text in the document are: 1. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click on the Find button. The Navigation pane appears to the left of the document. 2. Type the text that you want to search in the Search Document box. 3. As you type, the same text will be highlighted in the document. 4. Now, scroll the document to see all the results. Replacing Text in the Document The replace feature can be used to replace an existing text with a new text. The steps to replace a text are: 1. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click on the Replace button. The Find and Replace dialog box appears. 2. In the Find what box, type the text that you want to search for and replace. 3. In the Replace with box, type the replacement text. 4. Click Replace for the current word and Replace All for all the matching word. 125

Shortcut To open the Find navigation pane: Ctrl + F Shortcut To open the Find and Replace dialog box: Ctrl + H Exercise A. 1. Open MS Word and type your friends' names. Save it with the name 'My friends'. 2. Open the Find and Replace dialog box and find the name of one of your friend and replace it with 'Manish'. B. Replace text in a document using Find & Replace. Jumping to the page numbers In a multi-page document, you can jump to a specific page. To do so, press F5 or select Go to option in Find drop-down in Editing group under Home tab. In the dialog box, enter the destination page number and Click on Go To button. Displaying non-printing characters To display non-printing characters, Home tab > Paragraph group > Show/Hide button. Or, you can press Ctrl + *. Non-printing characters can be selected from File > Options > Display section. Session-6 Check Spelling and Grammar Below a misspelled word, a red wavy line appears. Using the Review tool, all the spellings and grammatical mistakes can be corrected. The steps to use spelling checking tool are: Method 1 - Using Context Menu The given method is used to rectify the spelling mistakes one-by-one, using the context menu. 1. Right- click on the misspelled word (a red wavy line appears under it). 126

2. A context menu appears with various suggestions for misspelled word. 3. Click on the appropriate suggestion which you think is correct/appropriate. Method 2 - Using Review Tool In this method, we use the tool available on the Review tab. 1. Click on the Review tab. 2. In the Proofing group, click on the Spelling and Grammar button. 3. The Spelling pane appears to the right of the document. It displays the misspelled word and several options in a box. 4. Choose the correct suggestion (word) and click on the Change button. The spelling changes. Or, click on Change All to replace it in the entire document. Or, click on the Ignore Once button, if you want to continue with the existing spelling. Or, if you want to add your word to the dictionary for further reference, click on the Add button. Once the entire document has been checked, a confirmation dialog box appears. 5. Click on the OK button. Check Grammar and Using Thesaurus Check Grammar The word processor can also check and point out grammatical mistakes in the sentences we have typed. a) Open a new document in word processor and type in the following paragraph which has some grammatical mistakes. I will gone to the school tomorrow. She will be very happy to met her father after a long time. Ram accomplish his mission of climb the huge rock. b) Grammatical mistakes are marked by a wavy green line (earlier versions or double blue line in Windows 10) below the word. To correct grammatical mistakes: Review tab >Spelling & Grammar option in the Proofing group The Spelling and Grammar dialog box appears. It will prompt you with suggestions. You can select the suggestion and the text will be corrected automatically. Then, MS Word will proceed to show you the next error with suggested changes. You can ignore the suggestions also as required. You can also: 1. Right click on the incorrect word. 2. In the pop-up menu, suggested correction will be listed. You can ignore the error or click About This Sentence to see why the text is considered to be incorrect. 127

Using Thesaurus This is an interesting tool in MS Word that helps you to improve your vocabulary by providing a list of synonyms for any word. The steps to use Thesaurus are: 1. Select the word in the document for which you want to find the synonyms. 2. On the Review tab, in the Proofing group, click on the Thesaurus button. The Thesaurus pane appears to the right of the document. It displays a list of synonyms for the selected word. Using Thesaurus This is an interesting tool in MS Word that helps you to improve your vocabulary by providing a list of synonyms for any word. The steps to use Thesaurus are: 1. Select the word in the document for which you want to find the synonyms. 2. On the Review tab, in the Proofing group, click on the Thesaurus button. The Thesaurus pane appears to the right of the document. It displays a list of synonyms for the selected word. 3. Select the suitable word and click on the drop-down button and select the Insert option. 4. The existing word will be replaced with the new word. Exercise Perform the following activities till you are confident: 1. Identify spelling errors in a document. 2. Run spell check for correcting spelling errors in a document. 3. Add words to the dictionary of the word processor. Perform the following activities till you are confident: 1. Identify grammatical errors in a document. 2. Run spelling and grammar check for correcting grammatical errors in a document. 3. Run Thesaurus for inserting synonyms in the document. Session-7 Page Style Page Margin A page margin is a blank white space between the text and the edge of the page on all sides. The steps to set the page margins are: 1. On the Page Layout tab, in Page Setup group, click on the drop-down arrow of Margins button. A list of predefined page margins appear. 2. Click on the desired page margin. The margins of the page will be changed. 128

Custom Margin You can also set the page margin of your choice. 1. Click on the Custom Margins option in the Margins drop-down list. The Page Setup dialog box appears. 2. Click on the Margins tab (if not selected). 3. In Margins section, set the Top, Bottom, Left and Right margins in their respective boxes. 4. Click on the OK button. Page Orientation Page orientation is the direction in which a document is displayed or printed. The two types of page orientation are portrait (vertical) and landscape (horizontal). The steps to set page orientation are: 1. On the Page Layout tab, in Page Setup group, click on the drop- down arrow of Orientation button. 2. Click on the Portrait or Landscape option. Page Size You can specify a size for the paper on which you want to print your Word documents. The steps to set page size are: 1. On the Page Layout tab, in Page Setup group, click on the drop- down arrow of Size button. 2. Click on the required page size on the list. More Paper Size: To view other paper size options click on the More Paper Sizes... option in the Size drop-down list. The Page Setup dialog box appears. Then: 1. Click on the Paper tab (if not selected). 2. In the Paper sizes section, click on arrow of paper size list box and click the desired page size. Or, set the page width and height in Width and Height boxes. 3. Click on the OK button. 129

Exercise Open MS Word and take a New Blank document. 1. Open Page Setup dialog box and set the following: a) Page Size: A4. b) Margins: Top- 1”, Bottom-1”, Left- 1.25” and Right- 1.25”. c) Orientation: Landscape. 2. Text alignment: Center. 3. Type a paragraph of 100 words on the topic- 'My Teacher'. 4. Save the file. Session-8 Formatting text Removing manual formatting Select the desired text and click on Clear Formatting in Styles drop-down under Home tab. Common Text Formatting Changing Font Type A font is the shape or look of the text on the computer. The steps to change the font are: 1. Select the text whose font type is to be changed. 2. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click on the drop-down arrow present on the Font button. 3. Select the desired font from the displayed list. Changing Font Size The size of the characters in the text refers to the font size. The steps to change the font size are: 1. Select the text whose font size is to be changed. 2. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click on the drop-down arrow present on the Font Size button. 3. Select the desired number (font size) from the displayed list. You can directly type the required size (number) in the font size box and press the Enter key. Shortcut Decrease the font size: Ctrl + [ Increase the font size: Ctrl + ] Changing Font Color Click on the Font color in the font group and select any color. 130

Changing text case Home tab > Font group > Change Case drop-down > Select the desired case. Sentence case has first letter of the first word captialized only. Toggle Case reverse the case of the letters. Superscript and Subscript Superscript: This tool is used to put the selected text just above the normal line of the text. Subscript: This tool is used to put the selected text just below the normal line of the text. Home tab > Font group > Subscript/ Superscript buttons. Shortcut – Superscript: Ctrl + = Subscript: Ctrl + Shift + + Indenting Paragraph Indentation means shifting the paragraph nearer or away from the left margin. To do so, click on Decrease Indent and Increase Indent buttons in Paragraph group under Home tab. Exercise A. Type the names of your seven friends and format the text as per the guidelines given below: 1. Give a heading 'My Friends'. Set the font type 'Times New Roman', font size 22 and make it bold and underlined. 2. Type the names of your friends. Select each name and apply different fonts like Calibri, Times New Roman, Courier New, Comic Sans, Bauhaus, Lucida Handwriting, Rockwell. Set the font size 16 for all. 3. Apply different colours to each name. 4. Save the file with the name 'my friends'. B. Create a document named the “The Story of Lion and Mouse”. a) Change the font of the text to “Comic Sans MS”. b) Change the font size of the main heading to 20 points. c) Change the font size of the sub headings to 16 points. d) Change the font style of the main heading to bold and underline it. e) Change the font style of the sub headings to bold. f) Change the font color of the main heading to red. g) Change the font color of the sub heading to blue. h) Change the font color of the paragraphs to green. C. Create a new document and type the following details. Title : Personal Profile. (Font Size – 20, Color – Red, Style – Arial, Center aligned). Your Name : (Font Size – 12, Color – Blue, Style – Times New Roman). Father's Name : (Font Size – 12, Color – Green, Style – Comic Sans MS). Address Line1 : (Font Size – 10, Color – Black, Style – Rockwell, Italic). Address Line2 : (Font Size – 10, Color – Black, Style – Rockwell, Bold). 131

Address Line3 : (Font Size – 10, Color – Black, Style – Rockwell, Bold, Italic and Underline Effects). Phone Number : (Font Size – 10, Color – Black, Style – Arial Narrow with yellow highlights). Aligning the Text Alignment refers to the position of the text with respect to page margins. There are four types of text alignment in MS Word: Align Left, Center, Align Right and Justify. By default, the text is left aligned. The steps to change the text alignment are: 1. Select the text that has to be aligned. 2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click on the desired alignment button. Shortcut Align Text Left : Ctrl + L Center : Ctrl + E Align Text Right : Ctrl + R Justify : Ctrl + J Highlighting Text Select the text and apply the colour from Text Highlight Color box in Font group under Home tab. Background Colour Select the text and apply the colour from Shading box in Paragraph group under Home tab. Exercise Open MS Word, create a document as per the guidelines given below: 1. Give a heading 'Parts of a Computer' (bold, underlined), center aligned, font colour- Blue and font size- 24. Session-9 Create List of Items Using Bullets and Numbering The Bullets and Numbering feature is used to represent the text in a listed (points) form. A listed text is more readable and easy to understand. Bullets: These are used when there is no particular sequence of the text to be followed. Numbers/Alphabets: These are used to show a sequence of the items to be followed. The steps to apply the bulleted/ numbered list are: 1. Select the text on which you want to apply the bullets. 132

2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, Shortcut click on the drop-down arrow on the Bullets/ Numbering button. Bullet : Ctrl + Shift + L 3. Select the required bullet/numbering. The numbered lists can be created manually also. The steps to create a numbered list manually are: 1. Place the typing cursor at the beginning of the first sentence. 2. Type '1', put a dot '.' and press the spacebar. A tabular space is set automatically. Now, repeat this process at the beginning of other sentences with an increment in the number. Exercise Open MS Word, create a document as per the guidelines given below: 1. Type the names of any four input devices. Create a bulleted list. Set font colour- Green, font size- 14, font- Calibri. 2. Type the name of any four output devices. Create a numbered list. Set font colour- Orange, font size- 14, font- Calibri. Session-10 Assigning Colour, Border and Background to Paragraph Add Borders to Pages, Paragraphs and Text To enhance the appearance of the text in a paragraph, you can add a border and shading to the selected text. You can add either or both to a single paragraph or any group of paragraphs to make them stand out from the rest of the document. You can use any border thickness, style & colour for bordering and any colour for shading. A paragraph border appears around the outside of a single paragraph. Shading is a coloured background behind the selected text or paragraph. Here, we will perform these processes using the Borders and Shading dialog box. The steps to set border and shading are: 1. Select the text. 2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click on the drop-down arrow on the Borders button. 133

3. Click on the Border and Shading option. The Border and Shading dialog box appears. There are three tabs on this dialog box: Borders, Page Border and Shading. You need to go to the particular tab to apply Text border, Page Border and Shading. By default, a paragraph in Word has no border or shading. Border can also be given to the whole page/document. Setting Text Border and Page Border. For text border, go to Borders tab and for page border go to Page Border tab. Then follow the steps below: 1. Click on any one option in the Setting section e.g. Box. 2. Select any line style in the Style section. 3. Set the border colour using the Color list box. 4. Set line width using the Width list box. 5. i. For Text Border: Select Paragraph from the Apply to list box. ii. For Page Border: Select Whole document from the Apply to list box. 6. You can also select any art work as the page border. Select any art work using the Art list box. 7. Click on the OK button. Exercise Open MS Word, create a document as per the guidelines given below: 1. Give a heading 'My School' (bold, underlined, center aligned, font colour- Blue, font size- 24). 2. Type ten sentences about your school. Set font size-18, font-Calibri. 3. Select the text and set line space 1.5 points. 4. Open the Border and Shading dialog box and set a page border using an Art. Add Shadings to Pages, Paragraphs and Text Setting Shading Border and Shading Dialog box To set the colour shading to the selected text/ paragraph: 1. In the dialog box, click on the Shading tab. Select any colour from the Fill list box. 134

2. Select the required option from the Apply to list box. By default, it is Paragraph. 3. Click on the OK button. Setting Shading Border and Shading Dialog box To set the colour shading to the selected text/ paragraph: 1. In the dialog box, click on the Shading tab. Select any colour from the Fill list box. 2. Select the required option from the Apply to list box. By default, it is Paragraph. 3. Click on the OK button. To set the colour background to the selected text, you can use the Shading tool also. This tool is used to set the background colour of the text, paragraph or table cell. The steps to set colour background to the text are: 1. Select the text, behind which you want to apply the colour background. 2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click on the drop- down arrow on the Shadings button . 3. Select the required colour from the colors grid. Exercise Open MS Word document created in previous session and give a colour background to the text. Save the file. Session-11 Page Formatting Modifying Layout of a Paragraph For a professional looking document there are certain important aspects of content formatting such as page setup that involves page margins, size of the page etc. as well as paragraph settings like alignment, line spacing etc. Proper alignment of text, line spacing, consistent fonts together provide the document a readable, appealing look. MS Word provides page settings options on Page Layout tab. 135

Let us learn how page setup is done. Line and Paragraph Spacing Line spacing is the vertical space between the lines of text in a paragraph. Paragraph spacing is the space above or below a paragraph. Paragraph group is available in Home ribbon as well as Page Layout ribbon. However, these groups have different options. One way to apply line and paragraph spacing is to use Home tab. Steps are given below: 1. Select the text. 2. On the Home ribbon, click on the drop-down arrow on the Line and Paragraph Spacing button. 3 Select required line spacing. To set the paragraph spacing: Click on the Add Space Before Paragraph or the Add Space After Paragraph option, as required. For more precision, click on the Paragraph dialog box launcher (the small downwards arrow in the right bottom corner of the Paragraph group) of Page Layout tab. The Paragraph dialog box appears. In the Indents and Spacing tab, you can set the line spacing and paragraph spacing with more precision. Setting Tabs When you press tab during typing in the document, the cursor jumps a set number of spaces. This is the default tab spacing. You can change this tab space. In the Page Layout dialog box, there is Tabs… button. Click on it. Tabs dialog box will appear. 136

Setting Tabs When you press tab during typing in the document, the cursor jumps a set number of spaces. This is the default tab spacing. You can change this tab space. In the Page Layout dialog box, there is Tabs… button. Click on it. Tabs dialog box will appear. Specify the Tab stop position as you Note: 1. If ruler is not displayed, go to View ribbon and check the Ruler checkbox. 2. Tab stops can also be set by directly clicking on the desired point at the ruler. More on Page Margin, Size and Layout You have already learnt about page margin as blank space around the text between the text and page outline. Let us learn some more about setting up page margins. Gutter: Gutter is the additional space before the left margin or above the top margin. It is usually used to accommodate space for thick books. You can set the left or top gutter as shown here by making suitable selection in Margins tab of Page Setup dialog box. 137

Applying Inline Margin: By default, the margin settings are applied to all the pages of the document. This is called Apply to whole document. But you apply margin settings from the current cursor position. To do so, In Margin tab of Page Layout dialog box, go to Apply to section and from the drop-down, select This point forward option. Paper Printing Options While setting up the pages, you can also apply settings for the pages. These advanced printing settings may come handy sometime such as you may not want to print background colours and images or you may want to print document properties and hidden text. To set the printing options, in the Paper tab of Page Setup dialog box, click on Print Options button. The Word Options dialog box will open up. Go to its Display section and scroll down to Printing Options. Select the desired checkboxes and OK all the dialog boxes. Note: Even after applying all the page settings and layout, you can revert back all the changes to the default settings of the Word application. To do so, click on Set as Default button in respective tab (Margins, Paper or Layout) of Page Setup dialog box. 138

Managing Styles MS Word provides a library of pre- defined styles to apply on the document in order to give it a professional look with least efforts. Home ribbon provides a set of styles in its Style group. In addition to this, Design tab provides various themes, document formats, colours, fonts, effects, and page background formatting options. Themes are unique set of colours, fonts and effects to give a consistent, professional look to tour document instantly. Themes are available online on Microsoft website also. Document formatting styles change the font and paragraph style of your entire document. 139

Colors drop-down displays a set of colour palettes which can be selected to apply a set of colours to entire document. Fonts drop-down displays a set of font combinations to be quickly applied on the document. Paragraph spacing drop-down provides various paragraph styles like Compact, Tight, Relaxed, Double etc. Effects drop-down provides s set of special effects to be applied on various graphical objects used in the document. Exercise Your school is going to organize annual sports meet. Create an invitation letter (in MS Word) to invite all the schools of your zone/district to participate in this event. Apply a style set from Document Formatting group on the Design tab to the letter. Working with Page and Section Breaks When you are creating a document involving several pages in which the content is divided across various parts like parts, chapters, sub topics etc. then it is highly recommended that the document should be organised with proper Page breaks and Section breaks. Page break puts the content after the cursor to the next page neatly. Section breaks allow you to organise your content in an easily manageable manner. Sections breaks can be inserted in a document as new page breaks, on the same page, continuously from the next line etc. Why divide a document into sections? Dividing a document into sections organises the document into easily manageable, logical parts whose page setting and other related settings can be done differently from rest of the document. 140

For instance, you need to display content of three pages into multiple column while rest of the document is single columned then section break is helpful. A section can be multi-columned leaving out other sections. Headers and footers can be set differently for each section in the document. For example, if you are drafting a book then each section can represent a separate chapter with its header as chapter heading on each page of that section. You can also keep pages of a section into specific orientation (landscape or portrait). For example, in your document you need to display bulk tabular data in landscape the you can keep the pages containing that data into a section and then select landscape orientation for that section. Inserting Page Break and Section Break Bring the cursor just before the content which you need to shift to next page. Go to Page Layout tab and click on Breaks drop-down in the Page Setup group. Select the desired page break. (An explanation is given for each type of page or section break.) To see the section breaks or page breaks inserted in your document, click the Show/Hide button on the Home tab in the Paragraph section. The section/page breaks are displayed in your document. Deleting a Break 1. Click the Show/Hide button on the Home tab in the Paragraph section. 2. Click on the section/page break you need to delete. 2. Press Delete on the keyboard. Exercise Create a document of 3 pages (by copy-pasting content in it from other documents to save time). Then, do the following: 1. Convert the document into 5 pages by inserting 2 section breaks. Now there are 3 sections in the document. 2. Apply a header in the middle section which should not appear on first and third sections. 3. Convert entire first section into two column content. 4. Remove the third section. 141

Making a multi-column page To make some part of text multi-column, you need to select that text, If entire page or document needs to multi-column then no need to select any text. Go to the Page Layout (In higher version it is Layout) tab and click on Columns drop-down under Page Setup group. Select the number of columns from the drop-down. You can also click on More Columns option to set the spacing and width of the columns and to display a line between them. Session-12 Managing Headers Formal documents usually contain some important and common information on every page – either in the top margin or bottom margin or both. You might have seen in the books (this book too) that title of the book appears on each page at the top, page numbers appear at each page. Other examples are company logo, chapter title, report title, section headings etc. Header appears at the top margin of the page while footer appears at the bottom margin of the page. The steps to insert a header (and footer) in the document are: 1. On the Insert tab, in Header & Footer section, click on the Header button. 2. A pull down list appears. It provides some pre- formatted header options such as Blank, Blank (Three Columns), Austin and Banded. Click on the required option. 3. The header area activates at the top (and footer area at the bottom) of the page. Type the text to be set as a header. While working with headers, Design tab shows header settings. You can use Different First Page option to keep a different header from rest of the document for first page. You can have alternate different headers for odd and even pages using Different Odd and Even Pages option. For example, odd pages may contain chapter title and even pages may show book title. 142

Exercise 1. Create a 4 pages document and insert the following in it: a. Header Session 2 in all odd pages except the first page. b. Header Word Processing on even pages except the first page. c. Header Your_school_name on first page. Save the file. Managing Footers The steps to insert a footer from the Insert tab are: 1. On the Insert tab, in Header & Footer section, click on the Footer button. 2. A pull down list appears. It provides some pre- formatted footer options such as Blank, Blank (Three Columns), Austin and Banded. Click on the required option. 3. The footer (and header) area activates at the bottom of the page. Type the text to set as a footer. 4. Click anywhere on the page. Inserting Page Numbers Page numbers can be inserted at the top (header) or bottom (footer) of the page. The steps to insert page numbers are: 1. On the Insert tab, in Header & Footer section, click on the Page Number button. 2. A pull down list appears. Hover the mouse over on an option to open the sub menu e.g. Bottom of Pages . 3. Click on the style of page number. 4. The page number is inserted on every page of the document. 5. Click anywhere on the page. 143

Formatting Page Numbers After inserting the page numbers, you can format them in various Number formats like Numbers, Alphabetical, Roman Numerals etc. If your document is divided into several chapters then you can include the chapter number also along with the page number in the header or footer. For each document, you can specify the starting page number also. The steps to format page numbers are: 1. On the Insert tab, in Header & Footer section, click on the Page Number button. 2. A pull down list appears. Select Format Page Numbers... option. 3. Page Number Format dialog box will appear. In this dialog box: i. Select the number format. ii. Check Include chapter number check box and select style & separator if you need to include chapter number along with the page number. iii. Specify Page Numbering Start at if you need to have your document start with a different page number than 1. Exercise 1. Open the document saved in previous session and insert the following in it: a. Center aligned page numbers the footer of all the pages except the first page. b. Your school address in font size 7 in the footer of the first page. Save the file. 2. Create a document of a few pages which should contain 2 chapters organised as below: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Insert page numbers in the header or footer which should include chapter numbers also. 144

Session-13 Inserting Symbols and Special Characters Symbols like ☺, ☼, ♣, → and special characters like @, $ and © can be inserted in the document. The steps to insert a symbols and characters are: Symbols: 1. On the Insert tab, in Symbols group, click on the Symbol button, a list of symbols appears. 2. Click on the required symbol. If your desired symbol does not appear in the list, click on the More Symbols option. 3. The Symbol dialog box appears. Click on the Symbol tab. Scroll and double-click on the required symbol to insert the symbol in the document. Or, select the symbol and click on the Insert button. The symbol gets inserted in the document. Special characters: 4. Click on the Special Characters tab. 5. Double-click on the required special character to insert it in the document. Or, select the special character and click on Insert button. 6. Click on the Close button to close the dialog box. The special character gets inserted in the document. Insert Graphical Objects and Illustrations Mostly documents such as various reports, flyers, newsletters, books, etc. contain pictures, wordarts, images and cliparts etc. along with the text. Most Word processors have support for inserting illustrations in the form of ClipArts, Shapes, pictures, charts, etc. Cliparts are pre-defined images available for use in documents. The Clip Art can help in making a document look colourful and presentable. You can also download clipart from web sites. Some of the web sites that have free clip arts are: ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ 145

Inserting ClipArt Clipart is a group of illustrations, photographs, videos and audios that can be inserted into a document. In MS Word 2013, Clipart is not stored on your computer. It is available online. This gives you the ability to insert Clipart on any device, not just your computer. The steps to insert clipart in the document are: 1. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click on the Online Pictures button. 2. The Insert Pictures dialog box appears. 3. Ty p e t h e k e y w o r d t h a t describes the clipart you want to search and insert. 4. A web page appears in the web browser. It contains the same text box (as displayed in the Insert Pictures dialog box). 5. Ty p e t h e k e y w o r d t h a t describes the clipart. Related images will be displayed in iconic form. 6. Select the image that you want to insert in the document. 7. Click on the Insert button. 146

Inserting Picture You can insert pictures both from Pictures and Online Pictures buttons. Both accomplish the same goal. The only difference is that Pictures means you can insert pictures locally (from the local drive like hard disk, CD/DVD/ Pen Drive, etc.), while Online Pictures allows you to insert images from an internet-based source (such as clipart from, Bing, or OneDrive (formerly SkyDrive), Facebook profile, Flickr, etc.). Here you will learn about inserting pictures from the Pictures tool. The steps to insert a picture are: 1. Open the document and place the cursor where you want to insert the picture. 2. Click on the Insert tab. 3. In Illustrations group, click Pictures button. Insert Picture dialog box appears. 4. Choose the location (in the drive, where the required pictures are placed) in the navigation/work pane. 5. Select the required picture. 6. Click on the Insert button. The selected picture is inserted in the document at the required location. Resizing Picture: Once the picture is inserted in the document, it can be resized. The steps to resize the picture are: 1. Click on the picture to select it. On its four corners and sides, eight small boxes appear. These are known as the resizing handles and they are used to resize the picture. 2. Put the mouse cursor on any box (e.g, at left corner), it changes into a two-sided arrow cursor. 3. Click and drag the mouse to increase or decrease the picture size. 4. Release the mouse click. The picture is resized. 147

Rotating Picture: The steps to rotate the picture are: 1. Select the picture. A rotating icon appears at the center of top side of the picture. 2. Click and drag the rotation button in the direction that you want to rotate the shape. 3. Release the mouse. The picture is rotated. Exercise 1. Write three paragraphs about your school in MS Word and do the following: a) Insert a picture of your school's building in the document. b) Rotate and Resize the picture. c) Click on the picture and try Crop option in Format tab. d) Save the file. Text Wrapping You have learnt to insert graphics and illustrations in the last session. How do you want the text to fit to the picture? How should the image be placed along with text? How the text should be arranged around the picture? What if the image is too large or small? By default, an image is inserted between two lines of text. It can be changed as per our requirements. The steps to wrap text around the picture are: 1. Select the picture that you want to wrap text arrow. The Layout Options button is displayed on the top right of the picture. 2. Click on the Layout Options. Some wrap text options are displayed. 3. Click on the required option. • Square: to wrap text around the border of the image. • Tight: to wrap text tightly around the image. This is the most useful option for irregular shaped images. • Through: to fill in the blank space around the image. • Top and Bottom: to place the image on its own line. • Behind Text: to display the text over the image. 148

• In Front of Text: to display the image over the text (primarily for watermarks). 4. Close the Layout Options box. See the changes in the document. Exercise 1. Open the document saved in the previous session and do the following: a. Insert a picture of your school's building in the document. b. Set its Layout Option to Through. c. Set/move the picture to the right side of the document. Save the file. 2. Collect the pictures of Diwali/Holi/Eid/Christmas celebrations at your home and make a collage in MS Word. 3. Make a colourful greeting card/poster of New Year in MS Word. 4. Create a document of a size of a visiting card. Insert a small logo (any image) and details like name, designation and address. Inserting and Working with Shapes You can insert various shapes in a document with the help of the Shapes tool. These are ready- made shapes in different categories e.g. Lines, Rectangles, Basic Shapes, Block Arrows, Equation Shapes, Flowchart, Stars and Banners and Call outs. The steps to insert the shapes are: 1. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click on the Shapes button. A drop- down list of different types of shapes in different groups appears. 2. Double-click on the shape which you want to insert into the document. The shape is inserted in the document. Now, you can resize, move or format the shape. 3. Resize the shape using the resizing handles. 1. Setting Shape Colour: It fill the selected shape with a solid colour, gradient, picture or texture. 149

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