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Read the Text Version At^anatiyaparitagatha Sabbarogavinimutto Sabbasantapavajjito Sabbaveramatikkanto Nibbuto ca tuvam bhava Sabbltiyo vivajjantu Sabbarogo vinassatu Ma te bhavatvantarayo Sukhi dlghayuko bhava Abhivadanasllissa Niccam vuddhapacayino Cattaro dhamma vaddhanti Ayu vanno sukhaip balam. (another way ofbeginning the Anwnodana which is common) Sabbltiyo vivajjantu Sabbarogo vinassatu Ma te bhavatvantarayo Sukh!dlghayuko bhava Abhivadanasllissa Niccarn vuddhapacayino Cattaro dhamma vaddhanti Ayu vanno sukharn balam. Anumodanarambhagatha Yatha varivaha pura Paripurenti sagaram Evameva ito dinnam Petanam upakappati Icchitam patthitam tumham Khippameva samijjhatu Sabbe purentu sankappa Cando pannaraso yatha Manijotiraso yatha. 109 Samannanumodanagatha May ฟ!distress be averted! May all diseases be destroyed! May ทอ dangers befor you! May you be happy,living long! May all distress be averted! May all diseases be destroyed! May no dangers be for you! May you be happy,living long! May all distress be averted! May all diseases be destroyed! May no dangers befor you! May you be happy, living long!He ofrespectful nature whoever the elders honouring,four qualities for him increase:long life and beauty,happiness and strength. Verses ofBenediction towards offering offood For the wise may there be long life,strength,good birth and ready wit. From him to others goes happiness so to him happiness reciprocates.To he who wishesin others long life strength good birth and ready wit,will rebound wherever heislikewiseaccrue long life,honourand othergood things. Verses on the power ofthe Triple Gem By the power of the Triple Gem; by the might of the Triple Gem; dukkha,disease,danger,enmity,sorrow,perils and distress not any single obstacle - may they be destroyed without remainder.Triumph, success,wealth and gain,safety,luck,happiness,strength,fortune,long life and beauty,prosperity and fame,may they increase;and a hundred years of life and successful in livelihood, may be yours. May there be for you all blessings. May all the Devas guard you well. By the power of all the Buddhas,ever in safety may you be. May there be for you all blessings. May all the devas guard you well. By the power of all the Dhammas,ever in safety may you be. May there be for you all blessings. May all the devas guard you well. By the power ofall the Sanghas,ever in safety may you be 110 Samannanumodanagatha Sabbltiyo vivajjantu Sabbarogo vinassatu Ma te bhavatvantarayo Sukhl dighayuko bhava Sabbltiyo vivajjantu Sabbarogo vinassatu Ma te bhavatvantarayo Sukhl dighayuko bhava Sabbltiyo vivajjantu Sabbarogo vinassatu Ma te bhavatvantarayo Sukhl dighayuko bhava Niccarn vuddhapacayino Abhivadanasllissa Ayu vanno sukham balam. Cattaro dhamma vaddhanti Bhojanadananumodanagatha Ayudo balado dhlro Vannado patibhanado Sukhassa data medhavl Sukharn so adhigacchati Ayum datvS balarp vannarn Sukhanca patibhanado Dighayu yasava hoti Yattha yatthupapajjati ti. Ratanattayanubhavadigatha Ratanattayanubhavena Ratanattayatejasa Dukkharogabhaya vera Soka sattu cupaddava Aneka antarayapi Vinassantu asesato Jayasiddhi dhanam labham Siri ayu ca vanno ca Sotthi bhagyarp sukharn balarn Bhogarp vuddhi ca yasava Satavassa ca ayu ca JIvasiddhI bhavantu te. Bhavatu sabbamangalam Rakkhantu sabbadevata Sabbabuddhanubhavena Sada sotthi bhavantu te Bhavatu sabbamafigalam Rakkhantu sabbadevata Sabbadhammanubhavena Sada sotthi bhavantu te Rakkhantu sabbadevata Bhavatu sabbamangalam Sada sotthi bhavantu te. Sabbasanghanubhrivena Ill The Lesser Sphere of Blessings By the power ofall the Buddhas,by the power ofall the Dhammas,by the power of all the Sanghas, the Buddha-treasure, the Dhamma- treasure,the Sangha-treasure - the Three Treasures,by their power,by thepowerofthe84,000sections ofDhamma,by thepoweroftheThree Pitakas, by the power of the Conqueror's disciples, may all your diseases,all your dangers,all your obstacles, all your distress,all your bad omens, all your inauspiciousness - all be destroyed. Long life in creasing,wealth increasing,fortuneincreasing,fameincreasing,power increasing,beauty increasing,happiness increasing, may they ever be. Dukkha, disease, danger, enmity, sorrow, perils and distress; not any single obstacle.Maythey bedestroyed by this power.Triumph,success, wealth and strength,safety,luck,happiness,and gain,fortune,long life and beauty, prosperity and fame may they increase — may a hundred years of life and successful livelihood be yours. May there be for you all blessings. May all the Devas guard you well. By the power of all the Buddhas,ever in safety may you be. May there be for you all blessings. May all the Devas guard you well. By the power of all the Dhammas,ever in safety may you be. May there be for you all blessings. May all the Devas guard you well. By the power of all the Sanghas,ever in safety may you be. 112 Cullamangalacakkavala Sabbabuddhanubhavena sabbadhammanubhavena sabbasafigha- nubhavena buddharatanam dhammaratanam sarigharatanam tinnam ratananam anubhavena caturasltisahassadhammakkhandhanubhavena pitakattayanubhavena jinasavakanubhavena sabbe te roga sabbe te bhaya sabbe te antaraya sabbe te upaddava sabbe te dunnimitta sabbe te avamafigala vinassantu ayuvaddhako dhanavaddhako sinvaddhako yasavaddhako balavaddhako vannavaddhako sukhavaddhako hotu sabbada. Dukkharogabhaya vera Soka sattu cupaddava Aneka antarayapi Vinassantu ca tejasa Jayasiddhi dhanarn labham Sotthi bhagyarp sukharp balaip Siri ayu ca vanno ca Bhogarn vuddhi ca yasava Satavassa ca ayu ca Bhavatu sabbamangalam JIvasiddhI bhavantu te. Rakkhantu sabbadevata Sabbabuddhanubhavena Sada sotthi bhavantu te Rakkhantu sabbadevata Bhavatu sabbamangalam Sada sotthi bhavantu te Rakkhantu sabbadevata Sabbadhammanubhavena Sada sotthi bhavantu te. Bhavantu sabbamangalam Sabbasanghanubhavena 113 ร SELECTED SUTTAS Discourse on Blessings Thus have I heard, Once the Exalted One was dwelling in Savatthi in Jetavana Monastery in Anathapindika's park. At the first watch a certain devatB whose extreme brilliancelighted upthe whole ofJeta's Grove approached the Exalted One. Havingapproached5ieExalted Oneand revered Him,hestoodtooneside.Standing there to orie side the devata addressed the Exalted One thus in verses: Many devas and men have pondered on blessings,longing forsafety—do tellthem the lughest blessing! Notcultivating(the society oO fools,butcultivating(the society of)the wise,wor shipping those worthy of worship,this is the highest blessing. To live in a suitable environment(for Dhamma practice),to have done good deeds in aformer(existence until used to it),and settingone'sselfupin the proper way,this is the highest blessing; Skill in knowledge and skill in practice,skill in application and skill in speech,this is the highest biasing; Waiting on parents, protecting child and wife, and diligence in work, this is the highest blessing; Generosity,practising Dhamma,protecting one's relatives and having a blameless job,this is the highest blessing. Abstention from evil,abstention from intoxicants,vigilence in the Dhamma,this is the highest blessing. Reverence and humility, contentment and gratitude and habitual listening to the Dhamma,this is the highest blessing. Patience and sensitivity toimprovement,discerning the samana(monk)and discuss ing the Dhamma at the proper time,this is the highest blessing. Practising asceticism and chastity,discernmentofthe Noble Truths,and the realiza tion of Nirvana,this is the highest blessing. A mind unshaken bythe thingsofthe world{lokadhamma),a mind freefrom sorrow, a mind free from defilement, and a blissful mind,this is the highest blessing. Those who,havingdonesuch(things),are undefeated inevery respect,walkinsafety everywhere — theirs is the highest blessing. 116 Mangala Sutta Evammesutam ekam samayarn bhagava Savatthiyaip viharatiJetavane An^thapindikassa arame. Atha kho annatara devata abhikkantaya rat- tiyaabhikkantavannakevalakappam Jetavanam obhasetva yenabhagava tenupasaftkami upasafikamitva bhagavantam abhivadetva ekamantam atthasi.Ekamantarn thitakhosa devata bhagaWntam gathaya ajjhabhasi: Bahu deva manussa ca Mangalani acintayum Bruhi maftgdam uttamam Akahkhamana sotthanarn Asevana ca balanam Panditanan ca sevana Puja ca pujamyanaiiri Etam mahgalam uttamam Patlrupadesavaso ca Pubbe ca katapunhata Attasammapanidhi ca Etam mafigalam uttamam Bahu saccanca sippanca Vinayo ca susikkhito Subhasita ca ya vaca Etam mangalam uttamam Matapitu upatthanam Puttadarassa sahgaho Etam mangalam uttamam Anakula ca kammanta Natakananca sahgaho Dananca dhammacariya ca Etam mafigalam uttamam Anavajjani kammani Majjapana ca sahnamo Aratl virati papa Etam mangalam uttamam Appamado ca dhammesu Garavo ca nivato ca SantutthI ca katannuta Kalena dhammassavanam Etam mangalam uttamam KhantI ca sovacassata Samananafica dassanam Kalena dhammasakaccha Etam mangalam uttamam Tape ca brahmacariyanca Nibbanasacchikiriyaca Ariyasaccanadassanarn Etam mangalam uttamam Phutthassa lokadhammehi Cittarn yassa na kampati Asokam virajam khemam Etam mangalam uttamam Etadisani katvana Sabbatthamaparajita Tantesam mangalam uttaman ti Sabbattha sotthim gacchanti 117 The Discourse on Loving-Kindness Thisis whatshould be done by oneskilled in good who would attain that state of peace: he should be able, upright, truly straight and meek and gentle and not proud, contented, easy to support with few duties and frugal habits,calm in faculties and discreet, not puffed up, not greedy among lay-supporters. Let him not do even the slightest thing which later on the wise might blame.(He should contemplate:)May they be happy and secure. May all beings be happy. Whatever living beings there are- weak or strong,omitting none,those which arelong or great, middle-sized, short, subtle or gross, and those which are seen, or unseen,and those which dwell far or near, beings and spirits: may they be happy! Let none another deceive,nor despise anyone at all,or with anger or thoughts of hate wish dukkha for each other.Thus as a mother with her son might guard with her life her only child,in the same way with all beings.Unlimited one's mind should develop loving-kindness for all the world. Unlimited one's mind should be developed above, below and all around, unbounded, without malice or enmity. Standing or walking,sitting orlying-down:whilefreefrom drowsiness heshould stand firm in this mindfulness.This is Divine abiding here they say — and not subject to views, virtuous and possessed of insight, having removed greed forsensual pleasures,he will surelycomeno moreto any womb. 118 Karanlyametta Sutta Yassanubhavato yakkha Neva dassenti bhimsanam Yamhi cevanuyunjanto Rattindivamatandito Sukham supati sutto ca Evamadigunupetam Papam kinci na passati Panttantambhanama he Karanlyamatthakusalena Yantarn santam padam abhisamecca Sakko uju ca suhuju ca Suvaco cassa mudu anatimani Santussako ca subharo ca Appakicco ca sallahukavutti Santindriyo ca nipako ca Appagabbho kulesu ananugiddho Na ca khuddam samacare kinci Yena vinnu pare upavadeyyurp Sukhino va khemino hontu Sabbe satta bhavantu sukhitatta Ye keci pana bhutatthi Tasa va thavara va anavasesa Digha va ye mahanta va Majjhima rassaka anukathula Dittha va ye ca adittha Ye ca dure vasanti avidure Bhuta va sambhavesi va Sabbe satta bhavantu sukhitatta Na paro pararp nikubbetha Natimannetha katthaci nam kinci Byarosana patlghasanna Nahnamannassa dukkhamiccheyya Mata yatha niyam puttam Ayusa ekaputtamanurakkhe Evampi sabbabhutesu Manasambhavaye aparimanarn Mettanca sabbalokasmirn Manasambhavaye aparimanarp Uddham adho ca tiriyanca Asambadharn averam asapattaip Titthancaram nisinno va Sayano va yavatassa vigatamiddho Etarn satim adhittheyya Brahmametaip viharam idhamahu Ditthinca anupagamma sllava Dassanena sampanno Kamesu vineyya gedharn Na hi jatu gabbhaseyyaip punaretl ti 119 The Patimokkha for Exhortation The practice most excellent is patience enduring, Nibbana most excellent proclaimed by the Buddhas, But he is not forthgone who hurteth another. And neither a samana harrying others. Every evil never doing, And in skilfulness increasing. And one's heart well-purifying: This is the Buddhas' Sasana. Not insulting, neither harming. In Patimokkha well-restrained. Knowing moderation in one's food. Far away one's sleeping-sitting place. And striving in the heart sublime: This is the Buddhas'Sasana. 120 Ovadapatimokkhadipatho {Handa mayam buddhassa ovadanusasanlyo bhanama se) KhantI paramam tapo titikkha Nibbanam paramam vadanti buddha Na hi pabbajito parupaghati Samano hoti param vihethayanto Etam buddhanasasanam. Sabbapapassa akaranam Kusalass'upasampadil Sacittapariyodapanam Etam buddhanasasanam. Anupavado anupaghato Patimokkhe ca samvaro Mattannuta ca bhattasmim Pantan ca sayanasanam Adhicitte ca ayogo Etam buddhanasasanan'ti. 121 APPENDICES APPENDIX ไ PRONOUNCING THE PALI ALPHABET Written Pronoimced as in the word Written Pronounced as in the word hat t aa cart 1 tap mint Ih t-h aa d d ant-/iill ai see dh d-h I ee ทุ dog put n au pool t red-hot Q oo aige th th t-h now ea no d th dh dh thumb oo kind blackkeath ทท pot-herb kk kh kh ^ame pp then adherent gg ghost ph ph sing nest gh gl^ bb check pit rt \"g dachshund bh bh up/till c ch ch chsh jet yy ball sledge-hammer abhor jj ss jh dge-h annual yes m ng sit h nn sing Note:The remaining letters ๓,r,/, V and h are pronounced the same as in the English language. 124 APPENDIX 2 GLOSSARY OF BUDDHIST TERMS Addhit^ana sentient beings to reach Enlightenment. An act of prayer or aspiration whose purpose is Brahmin the deterrnine the course of one'sfuturelives ever Normally refers to a social classof people belong upward towards Buddhahood. ing to lindu faith, who reserves the right to Aloka-kaslna worship Hindu gods and to study their Scrip A Buddhist technique of meditation which uses a tures.However,the term is used in Buddhism to brilliant point of light as the object of concentra refer to anyone with the goal of self-purification, who trains strictly in a religious tradition. tion. The Brahmas Arabant A class ofsupra-celestial being,whoabide purely A person who has rid his mind of all impurities by the pleasure derived frorn meditation rather (i.e. rid his mind of anger,ignorance and desire), than the sensual pleasure enjoyed by beings of and has attained to the Supreme State. Also re ferred to as a Worthy One or a Perfect One. lower realms. Anya-puggala Brahmacanya Those who have permanently attained to one of A form of training recommended by the Buddha the stateson the verge ofEnlightenment,namely; which involvesstrictobservanceofthe wayoflife free from sensual desires [a] Sotapatti-Magga (Stream-Enterer) and Sotapatti-Phala(the One who has Accomplished Buddha the Path of Stream-Entry); The titleofa person who hasbecomeUnified with [b] Sakadagami-Magga (the One who Enter the Highest Objects of Knowledge,the Supreme into the Path ofOnce-Rdrumer)and Sakadagami Truth.There are countless numbCTS of past,pres -Phala(theone whohas Accomplished thePathof ent and future Buddhas who have Enlighten Once-Retumer); ment.Othertermsfor Lord Buddha are;the Noble [c]Anagami-Magga(the One Enters into Path One,the Enlightened One and the Exalted One. of Non-Returner) and Anagami-Phala (the One whohasAccomplished thePathofNon-Returner); Celestial Guardians of the World [d] Arahatta-Magga (the One who Enters into The mythologicalsentinels ofthefour quartersof the World, also the kings of the First Celestial the Path of the Arahat) and Arahatta-Phala (the Realm;\"Catumahar^ika\" One who has Accomplished the Path of the Ara- Dhamma A Pali word (in Sanskrit, Dharma) which means hant) the Absolute Truth within the human body which Bodbisatva the Lord Buddha rediscovered through His En- (In Pali, bodhisatta)One who is destined for Bud Ughtenment. Colloquially, the term has come to mean \"the Teaching ofthe Buddha\",which guide dhahood,by a Bodhisatva Vow he has made;not only to bring himself to Nibbana, but to return mentowardstheAttainmentoftheAbsolute\"Truth. unfailingly to the world until he has helped all 125 Dhammakaya The Exalted One Theinteriorexistenceofthe human body which is a living replica of the Buddha,but with a clarity The Fortimate One,a Pali term for addressing the and bnghtness more effulgent than a hundred Lord Buddha. billion suns. The God of Death Dukkha \"Yama\". A god common to many mythological All forms of physical and mental suffering, in systemsofthe ancient world,perhapsa vestige of cluding the impermanence of things. Pre-Buddhist Culture in India. Eighteen Conditions Eighteen conditions in which a true Buddha-to- The Gods be\"will notbebom;[1]blind;[2]deaf;[31 mad;[4] \"Devata\". A Generic term for all celestial beings who dwell in any of the Six Celestial Realms. dumb;[5]with anyotherserious physicaldisabUi- ties;[6]as a member of a primitive tribe;[7]as a Indra:the King ofthe Gods slave;[8] with an unyielding belief in anything A god common to both Buddhist and Vedic my opposed to Buddhism;[9]as a homosexual or a thology, believed to be the king of the second hermaphrodite;[10]having committed any ofthe Celestial Realm;\"Tavatiqisa\". heinouscrimes,namely:killingan arahant,physi cally injuring a Buddha with intention, creating Lokuttara Dhamma schism in theSangha,killing hisfather or mother; [11] as a leper;[12] as an animal smaller than a The ninesupramundanestatesofEnlightenment. sparrow orlarger than an elephant;[13]as either of two sorts of ghost,\"khuppipasika\"or\"NiJjha- The Maras matanhika\",which haveindescribablylong lives; Supra-natural beings in Buddhist mythology [14]as one of the demons known as\"asurakdla- which are responsible for hindering people frmn performing Meritorious deeds. kanjika\"which alsohaveindescribablylonglives; Nihhana [15]condemned to livesfor aeonsin Aveci,oneof the lowest hell-realms;[16]condemned to lives in InSanskritnirvarui.Thesphereofexistence which Lokantanaraka, more long-lived than Aveci and can be attained byextinguishing all kindsofspiri the lowest of the hell-realms;[17]as a devil in the celestialrealms,asan\"asannfin theBrahmarealms tual defilements and hiding in which, the at- or in the realm of the'Sudavasa\";[18]having not acquired arahantship or bom in another uni tainer wUl be inspired with he absolute state of Happiness, Perfect Peace and Bliss. verse. The Buddha-to-be must be reborn untU Nimitta achieving Self-Enlightenment. The mental\"sign\" or\"reflex image\"which appears Enlightenment when the mind attainsa certain degree ofconcen Buddhism rests historically on the fact that tration. It is also the initial object of meditation. Siddhartha Gautama (Sanskrit) or Siddhatta Go- tama(Pali)becameBuddha;a word meaningFully Pacceka Buddha Enlightened or Awakened One.Through Enlight enment,He hasattained the permanentand abso A term to describe one who is Enlightened inde lute state of purity and wisdom,within Himself. pendent of hearing the Teaching of the Lord Buddha. Although the Pacceka-Buddha compre The Eternal Path hends the Four Noble Truth,He doesn't have the capacity to expound the Teaching to others effec ThePath insidethebodyand mind whichleadsto tively. The Pacceka-Buddha arises in the World Nibbana;thesimUeofEternity.Alsoreferred toas during an era when the Teaching of the Fully the Path of Righteousness. Enlightened Buddha is unavailable. Panyatti and Vimokkha A common compound-term in BuddhistPaliCom mentaries, meaning Doctrinal Study and Libera tion. 126 Pathama-magga fold-Path leading to Cessation of Suffering. The initial entrance onto the Path to Enlighten Saddhanmia ment. The Core of the Lord Buddha's Teaching;Way to The Ten Perfections attainment of Dhammakaya. In Pali psramior pSramitta.These are the qualities, Sangha through the dewlopment of which, in former The general monastic order foimded by the Lord Buddha; the members of which are called lives,the Bodhisattva will attain to Buddhahood. \"bhikkhus\" or monks (conventional Sangha); However the term \"Sangha\"as part of the Triple The qualities are, by name; Generosity,(dana- Cem,meansspecificallythe\"Ariya-Ihiggala\"those pSramf), Morality {sila-parami), Renunciation Noble Disciples of the Lord Buddha who have (nekkhamma-paranu), Wisdom (panna-paramt), En already attained topa state verging on Enlighten ment(Ariya-Sangha). ergy(viriya-paranv).Patience(Wianfi-paranii),Truth fulness isacca-parami), Resolution (addhif(hana- The Five Skandhas paiami),Loving-Kindness(metta-paramt)andEqua nimity (.uppekkha-parami). The Five Aggregates or the Psycho-physical con stituents of our body and mind. In Pali paHca- The Precepts khandha; or more commonly in Sanskrit; paHca- The rules of training, numbering five or eight. They are not equivalent to \"cmnmandments\" khandha. which tend to product guilty feelings in the pre cept-holder at any minor transgression. Instead, The Supreme Field of Merit the Precepts are targets of ideal conduct which A common metaphor to describe the role of Bud dhist monk in benefitting their lay-sponsors by can be worked towards atfiner levels ofattention being a good recipient for Merit-making; in to same way that a fertile paddy-field,which is free for any spiritual growth.Five precepts comprises theabstentionfrom killing,adultery,lyingspeech from we^and pestscangenerategeneratecount and the consumption ofsubstanc^ which cloud less thousands ofrice grainsfrom thesowing ofa single grain. the mind.Eight precepts comprise the abstention from killing stealing, all sexual behaviour,lying The Triple Gem speech,consumption of substances which cloud \"Triple Jewel\"is a better translation from the Pali the mind, eating meals after midday, singing, which conveys better the precious nature of the absolute refuge of Buddhism; the unification of dancing immod^t dressing, paying attentimt to Buddha,Dhamma and Sangha. public entertainment and ^jstaimng from indo The Worthy One lent sleeping habits. One who has rid himself of all the defilements Right View In Palisamma-diffhi..Thecomplete understanding which pollute the mind (anger, desire and igno oftheFourNobleTruths;Sufferingisin thenature rance); attaining to the Supreme state; also re ofall conditioned things.TheOrigin ofSuffering, the Cessation of Suffering and The Noble Eight ferred to as \"Perfect One'or'Arahanf. 127 APPENDIX 3 HOW TO MEDITATE Some will think of meditation^รa miserable prac thingsofthe world.Slowly you willfind that your tice;as a kind ofspiritual lesson,a religious act or some kind of asceticism. Conversely, meditation mind travels from one idea to another and when isin fact,a way to train the powerofthe mind and can also be an effective technique for relaxing it wanders, the ideas that the mind dwells upon your mind and your body,whenever you wish. willinfluence the feelings,emotionsand the state of happiness of the mind. First, one should learn to practice meditation skilfully in a sitting position; after some practice Meditation means the way by which we con you willbeable to meditatein any position.When trols our mind and stop our thoughts from wan you sit to meditate, you should sit in a posture dering.Thebasisofall methodsofmeditationisto which will help you to attain tranquility concentrate the mind upon a single object or a single idea.Theinherent quality of that objects or quickly.For example,don't sit on your heels b^ idea will then help your mind to enter a stage of causethis willquicklylead tofatigue,and don'tsit success or satisfaction. leaning against a wall because this will lead to We will usea crystal ball asan object to concen absentmindedness. trate upon because it is bright and clear to per ceive with the eyes. Simultaneously to lead the Sfep-by-Step Instructions for the Meditation Tech mind to happiness and calm, we repeat on our nique (โ) The sitting posture which which has been mind the vvord samim-araham which means the found to the mostconducivefor helping to define the centre of the body,is the half-lotus position. most Righteous or Highest State that A human Put your right leg on the left one, with the back straight.Your handsshould be palms-up on your can achieve. lap mid the tip of your right index finger should (3) Open your eyes slowly. Look carefully at a touch your left thumb. crystalball.Imprintitinto the deepestpartofyour Keepyourconsciousnesssteadyand softlyclose mind. Please note its clarity, remember every proportion of the ball and close your eyes again. your eyes. Relax every part of your body,begin ning with themusclesofyourface,thenrelax your Relax. fac^ neck shoulders,chest,trunk,legs and arms. Thenslowly visualizethecrystalballfloatingin frontofyou.Makethesizeofthecrystal ballequal Make all parts of your body relaxed. to that of your eye or the tip of your little finger. Slowly inhale into your body,a deep breath of Imagine that right nostril for men and the leftfor women. Visualise that the crystal ball enters and serenity, happiness peace and joy. Feel all the moves inside your nostril. Let it stop when it particles of happiness entering your body. Relax reaches the bridge of your nose. Repeat samma- you mind from every thought and continue to maintain thefeeling ofthisstatefor aslongas you araham.three tim^. can. (4) Now slowly move the crystal ball into the middle part of your head, to the roof of your (2)Close your eyes and stop thinking about the mouth and your throat. It moves slowly down wards like a bubble. It floats downwards slowly and gently,deep into your body,to your navel. 128 Feelthatyourbody you practise it on- is an empty space, and-oii. The key to without organs, success in medita muscles or tissues. It tion is the com mittment to medi is a space fUIed with tate once or twice happiness and joy. Then move the every day. Like embarking ona new crystal ball upwards, a distanceequaltothe career with a new breadth of two fin employer, if you turn up for work gers,to a pointcalled the \"centre of the only when you feel Body\".Letyour mind like it, you are un beseated hereincalm likely to go very far and silence. Observe in your career. Everybody hasthe the clarity ofthe crys tal ball and softly same difficulty in repeatsamma-araham thefirstfew months as before, over and of practising medi over again. tation — therefore (5) The Crystal ball those who are in will become brighter terested to progress and brighter, clearer in meditation you and clearer until it is The Seven Bases ofthe Mind should follow the as if you see it with following advice: your own eyes. At Meditate at least this stage, you will soon find the crystal ball twice a day, picking times when you know you sparkling and shining likea diamond,iliisstage willbefreeeveryd^.In the morning youshcnild is called pathama maggtt (Primary Path). At this do a little exercise to refresh your body then sit stage,the shining cr)^tal ball is connected firmly down to meditate for thirty to sixty minutes.This todiemind,andISs^ted atthecentreofthebody. willgive you the perfectstart to your day.In the You will touch upon happiness. evening, just befwe going to bed, find time to After continuously observing at the centre of meditate again to relax your mind and allow you thiscrystal ball,it willgive way to a succession of to makethe mostefficientuseofyourtimeasl^p. increaMngly pure bodily sheaths untU it reaches Set start tmes for these two periods of medita the ultimate one called\"Dhammakaya\";the high tion and stick to them.When it is timefor medita estlevel ofattainment ofsupreme happinessfor tion,stop what youare doing,find a quiet placeto ever and ever. sit, close your eyes and meditate. Don't make a timelimitforit.Be happy when you meditateand Daily Meditation Meditation in one respect is like many other ac justletthetimego.Ifyouarehappy meditatingfor tivities:sports,crafts and skills ofall types.For all half-an-hour, then just practise fOT half-an-hour. of these activities, you wณ never become skilled If you are happy meditating for an hour then justbytalkingaboutitorreadingaboutit.Forany m^itateforan hour.The mostimportantthingis sldll you gain expertise by doing it! tofix the habitofmeditationin yourdailylife^d Meditation wiU be of orily linuted use to you if meditate in that period of time every day. 129 mf Directions to Dhammakaya Temple FREE BUSES: Every Sunday and on BY CAR:Thejourneyfrom central Bang Buddhist holidays,chartered buses de kok to the ternple takes approximately partfrom Sanarn Luang(near the main gateofThammasartUniversity)andfrom 90 minutes. Jatujak Park(opposite the Northern Bus Terminal). Look for passengers dressed RETREATS: Popular week-long medi in white.Busesleaveforthe templefrom tation retreats for English/Chinese 07.00-08.00H.travelling direct.Busesre speakingdevoteesare held in the temple turn to Bangkok from the temple's bus two-or-threetimeseach year.Therernay park between 15.30 and 17.30H. bea minimalchargeforfood and accom modation. Details of dates and applica PUBLIC BUSES: The following buses travelfrom Bangkok to Rangsit: tion forms for these retreats can be re Air-con. No.s 3,4,10,13,29,39 quested from the temple guestmaster. Non-Aircon. No.s 29,34,39,59,95 To save disappointment, applicants should await a reply from the temple From Rangsit market take the 1008(or before attending a retreat because the ange bus)service to the temple. temple cannot take responsibility for guests wishing to stay overnight who have no previous appointmentT A SELECTED LIST OF MEDIA TITLES AVAILABLE FROM THE DHAMMAKAYA FOUNDATION THEPRICESSHOWN BELOW ARE CORRECT ATTHETIME lOTOPRESS. HO^WRTIffiDHAMMAKAYAFOUNDATION RESERVESTHE MGHTTOSHOW NEWRETAILPRICESON COVERSWHICHMAYDIFFERFROMTHOSEPREVIOUSLY AD>^RTISED IN THE TEXT OR ELSEWHERE BOOKS ปิ How to Meditate 30pp 186 X 127mm colour illus. $4.50 B+W iUus. $4.00 □ Newcomer's Temple Companion 40pp 208 X 147mm illustrated $4.00 ปิ Ways to Overcome Obstacles 58pp 187 X 125mm colour illus. $4.00 □ More than Life (Childrens' Tale) 18pp 293 X 212mm every 2 months $6.00 □ The Light of Peace (1 yr. subs.) 6x16pp magazine issued Any Dhammakaya Foundation Books which arenot available at your local bookshop or newsagrat canbe purchased or ordered by maU from the following address: Dhammakaya Foundation International Relations Department 2312 Mu 7., Khlong Sam, Khlong Luang, Patumthani 12120, Thailand Prices quoted above are in บ.ร.Dollars and include overseas postage and packing charges.Money with order please.Chequesshould be made payable to the'Dham makaya Foundation'. NAME(Block Letters) ADDRESS