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Read the Text Version Ten Reflections for the Good Friend 1. We good friends should often reflect that being a good friend, we should adopt the manner and conduct expected of a good friend; 2. We good friends should often reflect that there are still many more manners of the body and speech that we must go on to improve; 3.Wegoodfriendsshould often reflect to whatextent we haveachieved our aim in life to be a good friend to ourselves and to others; 4.We good friends should often reflect that however great or small the obstacles to our duty,we must be patientand flexible to overcome those obstacles; 5.Wegood friendsshould often reflect that we mustcriticize ourselves, be ableto take criticism from ourselves,as to the purity of ourPrecepts; 6.Wegoodfriendsshould often reflectthatfrom those suitably wise,we must take criticism, be able to take criticism, as to the purity of our Precepts; 7.We good friends should often reflect that we must be separated from all loved ones and treasured things; 8.We good friends should often reflect that we make our own kamma, if we do good we will receive good,if we do evil we will receive evil; 9. We good friends should often reflect that days and nights pass by: right now,how are we spending our time? 10.We good friends should often reflect whether we have yet fulfilled any virtues such that will save us from faltering,when questioned later by companion good friends. 55 Daily Resolve May all good from our deeds on this day, Through the grace of this good And the spreading of this good, Be quick to lead to the nine noble realms. Afflicted are we — and still lost on Samsara's wheel. May we be raised like the Bodhisattva true. Foretold by the Lord, No more to be. In the grasp of afflictions eighteen. May we shun the cause offive-fold dread, Take delight in keeping Precepts pure. Resist sense-pleasure's five-fold lure, And evade sense-pleasure's dreadful.mire. From false view may we be free. And setfirm on right view's path. May we have but wise ones as our friends. And avoid the false who would be friends. May we be the fount of virtue pure: faithful, mindful, persistent, patient,in shame of sin, in fear of sin. May we fall not under the power offoes — never be fooled and never be fools. May we be skilled in means,sharp and keen seeing Dhamma in all things. Never err in insight to be known like a gust of wind through limitless space. 56 May every righteous wish of ours, Come true with ease, And virtue's ev'ry word utter'd here today, Bring to us their fruit in every birth May the age Lord Buddha walks the earth to teach, Be the age we break woe's bonds and attain his Goal May we take pure, human birth. Take monkhood from him: to love Precepts Uphold the Precepts and His Word. May we come to meditate with ease, Attain with ease — Know and take insight true in the Arahatta fruit. If at our birth. There is not Buddha to walk the Earth, but our virtue is full. May we attain, For ourselves at least. The Buddha's Highest Goal. 57 Pancasikkhapadapatha {Handa mayam pancasikkhapadapatharn bhanama se) Panatipata veramani, Adinnadana veramani, Kamesu micchacara veramani, Musavada veramani, Surameraya-majjapamadatthana veramani. Revision of the Five Precepts {Lo! Let US all chant the Five Precepts) Abstention from causing the fฝling away oflife of living beings; Abstention from tilking that which is not given; Abstention from unlawfal sexual intercourse(sexual intercourse outside marriage); Abstention from harmful speech; Abstention from consuming alcฟlol or substances that lead to hecdlessness. 58 Atthasikkhapadapatha {Handa mayam attha sikkhapadapatham bhanama se) Panatipata veramani, Adinnadana veramani, Abrahmacariya veramani, Musavada veramani, Surameraya-majjapamadatthana veramani, Vikala-bhojana veramani, Nacca-glta-vadita visukadassana mala-gandha vilepana- dharana-mandana-vibhusanatthana veramani, Uccasayana-mahasayana veramani. Revision ofthe Eight Precepts {Lo!Letชร ฟ!chant the EightPrecepts) Abstention from causing the falling away oflife ofliving beings; Abstention from taking that which is not given; Abstention from unchastity; Abstention from wrongful speech; Abstention from consuming alcahol or substances that lead to hecdlessness; Abstention from eating any meal at the inappropriate time(after midday); Abstention from dancing,singing or playing romantic music,attending entertain ment,wearing perfume,perfume,cosmetics or flower-garlands; AbstOTtion from sleeping on a high or large(luxurious)bed. 59 LAYPEOPLES' PALI FORMULAE Requesting the Five Precepts {Mayaip bhante visum visum rakkhanatthaya tisaranena saha paRca sllani yacama, Dutiyam pi mayam bhante visum visum rakkhanatthaya tisaranena saha panca sllani yacama, Tatiyam pi mayam bhante visum visum rakkhanatthaya tisaranena saha paftca Sllani yacama.} Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa(three times) Buddham saranam gacchami Dhammam saranam gacchami Sahgham saranam gacchami Dutiyarp pi buddham saranam gacchami Dutiyam pi dhammam saranam gacchami Dutiyam pi safigham saranarp gacchami Tatiyam pi buddham saranam gacchami Tatiyam pi dhammam saranam gacchami Tatiyam pi saftghaip saranam gacchami bhikkhu: Tisaranagamanarp nitthitaip laityrespond: Ama bhante Panatipata veramani sikkhapadarp samadiyami Adinnadana veramani sikkhapadaip samadiyami Kamesu micchacara veramani sikkhapadarp samadiyami Musavada veramani sikkhapadarp samadiyami Suramerayamajjapamadatthana veramani sikkhapadarp samadiyami 62 bhikkhu:lm2เm panca sikkhapadani Sllena sugatim yanti Sllena bhogasampada Sllena nibbutim yanti Tasma sllatp visodhaye Requesting the Eight Precepts {Mayam bhante tisaranena saha attha sllani yacama, Dutiyam pi mayam bhante tisaranena saha attha sllani yacama, Tatiyam pi mayam bhante tisaranena saha attha sllani yacama.) Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa {three times) Buddham saranam gacchami Dhammam saranam gacchami Safigham saranam gacchami Dutiyam pi buddham saranam gacchami Dutiyam pi dhammarn saranam gacchami Dutiyam pi sangham saranam gacchami Tatiyam pi buddham saranam gacchami Tatiyam pi dhammam saranarn gacchami Tatiyam pi saftgham saranam gacchami bhikkhu: Tisaranagamanam nitthitam laityrespond: Ama bhante Panatipata veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami Adinnadana veramani sikkhapadatp samadiyami Abrahmacariya veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami Musavada veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami 63 Suramerayamajjapamadatthana veramanl sikkhapadarn samadiyami Vikalabhojana veramani sikkhapadarn samadiyami Naccagltavadita-visukadassana-malagandha-vilepana-dharana- mandana-vibhusanatthana veramanl sikkhapadarn samadiyami Uccasayana-mahasayana veramanl sikkhapadarn samadiyami bhikkhu:Imani attha sikkhapadani Sllena sugatim yanti Sllena bhogasampada Sllena nibbutim yanti Tasma silarp visodhaye Undertaking dhutanga training {Handa mayam buddhassa bhagavato pubbabhaganamakaram karoma se) Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa {three times) Senasanaloluppam patikkhipami Yathasanthatikahgam samadiyami Willing are we,to adopt dhutahga training, as our way of life, happy to make our bed, wherever our hosts provide. Dutiyam pi senasanaloluppam patikkhipami Yathasanthatikafigam samadiyami For a second time, willing are we,to adopt dhutanga training,as our way oflife, happy to make our bed,wherever our hosts provide. Tatiyam pi senasanaloluppam patikkhipami Yathasanthatikafigam samadiyami For a third time, willing are we,to adopt dhutafiga training,as our way oflife, happy to make our bed,wherever our hosts provide. 64 CrrflCfO* Offering Sustenance to the Lord Buddha Imam, supabyanjana sampannam, sallnam, bhojananam, uddakam varam,buddhassa,dhammassa,saAghassa, niyadema. Ofone mind are we,in offering sustenance to Thee,all the Buddhas,all paccekabuddhas,all the arahants, will you O!Lord,accept this suste nance,lead without delay, to our lasting benefit and happiness,to our attainment of Nirvana Nibbana paccayo hotu Resigning from dhutanga training {Handa mayam buddhassa bhagavato pubbabhaganamakaram karoma se) Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa(three times) Senasanaloluppam patikkhipami Yathasanthatikangam paccudarami Permit us to resign from dhutafiga training as our way of life, where before we were happy to make our bed,wherever our hosts provided. Dutiyarp pi senasanaloluppam patikkhipami Yathasanthatikahgam paccudarami Forasecond time,permitus toresign from dhutafiga training asour way oflife,where before we were happy to makeour bed,whereverour hosts provided. Tatiyam pi senasanaloluppam patikkhipami Yathasanthatikafigam paccudarami For a third time,permit us to resign from dhutafiga training as our way oflife,where before wewere happy to makeourbed,whereverour hosts provided. 65 Requesting Paritta Chanting Vipattipatibahaya Sabbasampattisiddhiya Sabbadukkhavinasaya Parittam brutha mangalam Vipattipatibahaya Sabbasampattisiddhiya Sabbabhayavinasaya Parittam brutha mahgalam Vipattipatibahaya Sabbasampattisiddhiya Sabbarogavinasaya Parittam brutha mahgalam Requesting a Discourse Brahma ca lokadhipati sahampati Katafljdl andhivaram ayacatha Santldha sattapparajakkhajatika Desetu dhammam anukampimam pajam Offering General Sanghadana Imani mayam bhante, bhattani, saparivarani, bhikkhusahghassa, onojayama, sadhu ทอ bhante, bhikkhusangho, imani, bhattani, sa parivarani, patigganhatu, amhakam, dlgh^attam, hitaya, sukhaya, nibbanaya ca. Offering of Bathing Robes for the Rains Imanimayam bhante,vassikasatikani,saparivarani,bhikkhusahghassa, onojayama,sadhu no bhante, bhikkhusaftgho,imani, vassikasatikani, saparivarani, patigganhatu, amhakam, digharattam, hitaya, sukhaya, nibbanaya ca. 66 Offering of'picked-up'robes Imani mayam bhante, pamsukulaclvarani, saparivarani, bhikkhusaft- ghassa, onojayama, sadhu ทอ bhante, bhikkhusangho, imani pam- sukulacivarani, saparivarani, patigganhatu, amhakarp, digharattam, hitaya, sukhaya,nibbanaya ca. Offering of Kathina Robes Imam mayam bhante, saparivararp, kathinaclvaradussam, saftghassa, onojayama,sadhu no bhante,saftgho.imam saparivararp,kathinadussarp, patigganhatu, patiggahetva ca, imina dussena, kathinarn, attharatu, amhakam digharattarp hitaya sukhaya nibbanaya ca. Reclaiming the Remainder of Offerings Sesaip mafigalarp yacama. Resolution before Offering Requisites to Monks Sudinnam vata me danarp asavakkhayavaham hotu May these alms that I have given on this day be for an end of all defilement Dedication of Merit to Deceased Relatives Idam no natinarp hotu sukhita hontu natayo May this merit accrue to all my(deceased)relatives. May all my(deceased)relatives be happy. 67 CHANTING FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS Traditional Homage to the Triple Gem Yamaham sammasambuddham bhagavantam saranam gato^ Imina saWcarena,tarn bhagavantam abhipujayami We worship the Lord Buddha,the Fully Self-enlightened One.May he be our Refuge,through this praise,and lead us to suffering's end. Yamaham svakkhatam bhagavanta dhammam saranam gato^ Imina sal^arena,tarn dharnmam abhipujayami We worship the Dhamma,well-expounded by the Worthy Lord. May DhammabeourRefuge,through this praise,andlead ustodanger'send Yamaham supatipannam,sahgham saranam gato^ Imina saWcarena,tarn saftgham abhipujayami We worship the Wdl-Practising Sahgha. May they be our Refuge, through this praise,and lead us to illness's end. Araham sammasambuddho bhagava, Buddham bhagavantam abhivademi — bow^ Svakkhato bhagavata dhammo Dhammam namassami — bow— Supatipanno bhagavato savakasangho Sahgham namarm — bow^ {Handa mayam buddhassa bhagavato pubbabhaganamakaram karoma se) Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa(three times) Ukasa,accayo no bhante,accaggama,yatha bale,yatha muHahe,yatha akusale, ye mayam karamha, evam bhante mayam, accayo no, patiggaทฺhatha ayatim samvareyyama. i.Forladies:change gato10gatB 2:For ladies:change gato to gata 3.For ladies:change gato to gata 70 Lord Buddha!We beg thee toforgiveour trespassesofbody,speech and mind towards Buddha,Dhamma and Sahgha. Our defiled minds have deluded us to abuse ofBuddha,Dhamma and Sangha.May theBuddha, Dhamma and Safigha forgive our abuse from this day forth. We will henceforth be more careful with body,speech and mind. Invitation Ukasa! May all the enlightened Buddhas of the past, rnore countless than the grains of sand in the Four Great Oceans,and all the Buddhas yet to be enlightened in the future,and all the Buddhas enlightened in the present time, manifest themselves through my eyes, ears, nose, mouth,body and mind at this momentin time. Ukasa! May all the ninefold supramundane Dhammas,innumerable in the past,and all the ninefold supramundaneDhammasin thefuture,and all the ninefold supramundane Dhammas,in the present time,manifest themselves through my eyes,ears,nose, mouth,body and mind at this moment in time. Ukasa! May all of the Noble Sangha and Conventional Safigha innu merable in the past, and all of the Noble Safigha and Conventional Safigha in the future, and all of the Noble Safigha and Conventional Sangha in the presenttime,manifestthemselves through myeyes,ears, nose, mouth,body and mind at this moment in time. Resolution Maythe poweroftheBuddha,the Dhamma,the Sangha,ofmy teachers and masters,ofmy parents,ofGenerosity and Precepts,ofRenunciation and Wisdom,of Perseverence and Patience, of Truthfulness and Re solve,ofLoving-kindness and Equanimity,throughout countless life times of cultivation, and in this present lifetime from childhood, whetherremembered orforgotten,may the powerofall these blessings, secure for us the Path and Fruit to Nirvana. Nibbana paccayo hotu. 71 Magha-Puja Day {Lo!Letusฟ!offeran introductory homage to theExalted One,the Lord Buddha} Homage to him, the Exalted one, the Worthy Lord, the Fully Self- Enlightened One.(three times) Todayis theauspiciousfull moon day ofMagha orthird lunar month on which day the Buddha,the Perfectly Enlightened One,expounded the Ovadapatimokkha before an assembly characterized byfourfactors(1) ฟ1 of who were arahants(2)all of whom were ordained by the Buddha himself(3)who camefrom all directions who came togetherspontane ously without prior arrangements at Vejuvana Vihara(4)in the full moon of Magha-Punnaml.On that day the Buddha not only spoke on the disciplinary code,Ovadapatimokkha,but also observed the purifi cation of the Uposatha. Now that welive to see this Magha-PunnamI Day which is like the day of that great assembly, we recall the memory of the Exalted One though He has passed intoParinibbana.We worship Him and His 1,250 arahants with these offerings of candles,incense and flowers. May the Exalted One and his 1,250arahants who have long passed into ParinibbSna bring us through their compassion and other virtues lasting benefit and happiness with these offerings. 72 MAGHA-PUJA DAY(Magha-Punnami) (Handa mayaip buddhassa bhagavato pubbabhaganamakararp karoma se.) Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa(three times) Ajjayam maghapunnami sampatta, maghanakkhattena punnacando yutto,yatthatathagato arahaip sammasambuddho,caturangikesavaka- sannipate ovadapatimokkharp uddisi addhaterasani bhikkhusatani sabbesaipyevakhlnasavanarp,sabbeteehibhikkhuka,sabbepiteanaman- titava bhagavato santikaip agata Veluvane kalandakanivape, maghapunnamiyarpvaddhamanakacchayaya,tasmimsannipatebhagava visuddhuposathaip akasi, ovadapatimokkham uddisi ayam amhakam bhagavato ekoyeva savakasannipato ahosi,caturangiko addhaterasani bhikkhusatani sabbesarpyeva khinasavanam, mayandani imam maghapunnamlnakkhattasamayam takkalasadisam sampatta, sucira- parinibbutampi tarn bhagavantarp anussaramana, imasmiip tassa bhagavatosalihibhutecetiyeimehidandadlpadhupapupphadisakkarehi tarn bhagavantarp tani ca addhaterasani bhikkhusatani abhipujayama, sadhu no bhante bhagava savakasangho suciraparinibbutopi gunehi dharamanoimesakkare duggatapannakarabhute patigganhatu amhakam dlgharattaip hitaya sukhaya. 73 Visakha-Puja Day {Lo!Letus alloffer an introductory homage to the Exalted One,the Lord Buddha} Homageto Him,theExฟted one,the WorthyLord,theFuUySelfinlighicn^One (three times) Wego to the Lord Buddha as ourteacher and refuge. We respectthe doctrine ofthe Buddha,fte one who was bom in a realm ofprosperity(tnajjhima-pradesa)ofthe Sakyan Qan in India in the place where Ariyakas lived. By birth he was prince Siddhattha and by family name he was Gotama who gave up a worldly life to tice upahomelesslife.He^eฟ์ized the perfectenlightenmentthatISsupremeintheworld with its gods, with its maras and brahman, in this world with its recluses and brahmins,with its princes and men,theExalted One,the Worthy One,theFullySdf- Enlightened One,who has attained the Supramundane Knowledge,and so perfectly (^nducted hislife, who is the Most Capable Charioteer,who trams his followere in thehighestform ofspirituallife,whoisthcTeacherofall human and celestialbeings, who is enlightened mid exalted. Again,the Dhamma,which is properly expounded by the Exalted One, which is clearly perceived within ourselves,timeless, which inspires those who see it to call others to come and see it, which should be internalized, which can be realized subjectively by the wise. The excellently-practising disciples ofthe Exalted One,who have taken the direct path ofrighteousnws,who have behaved according to theirinner wisdom,who have mastered themselves on the way to enlightenment—these eight types ofdisciples, divided into four pairs, suprarnundane ones, honoured as ariya puggala, who are worthy oftemple offerings, residential offerings and offerings for the sake ofthose who have passed away, who are worthy of reverence and homage, who are the supreme fidd of merit on Earth. This pagoda(or Buddha-image)dedicated by sages and built in the commemora tion of the Exalted One. Now,we Buddhistscome togetheron the full moon day ofthe sixth lunar month that is recognized as the day on which Prince Siddhattha was bom; he becarne the Buddha,and he passed away,and with the flowers,incense-sticks and candles we recollectthe virtue ofthe Exalted One as it really is and circumambulate the pagoda (or Buddha Image)three times by the right and pay respect with these offenngs. May the Exalted One,even though long attained to Parinibbana but of perfect compassion,wisdom and purity,accept these offerings we have in our handsforour lasting benefit and happiness. 74 VISAKHA-PUJA DAY(Visakha-punnami) {Handa mayam buddhassa bhagavato pubbabhaganamakaram karoma se.) Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa {three times) Yamamha kho mayam bhagavantam saranam gata, yo ทอ bhagava sattha, yassa ca mayam bhagavato dhammani rocema, ahosi kho so bhagava,majjhimesujanapadesu anyakesu manussesu uppanno,khat- tiyo jatiya gotamo gottena,sakyaputto sakyakula pabbajito,sadevake loke sam^ake sabrahm^ce, sassamanabrahmaiiiya pajaya sade- vamanussaya, anuttaram sammasambodhim abhisambuddho, nissa msayam kho so bhagava, araharn sammasambuddho, vijjacarana- sampaiino, sugato, lokavidu, aniittaro purisadammasarathi, sattha devamanussanam,buddho, bhagava. Svakkhato kho pana tena bhagavata dhammo,sanditthiko, akaliko, ehipassiko, opanayiko, paccattam veditabbo vinnuhi. Supatipanno kho panassa bhagavato savakasaftgho, ujupatipanno bhagavato savakasangho, nayapatipanno bhagavato savakasangho, sarrucipatipanno bhagavatosavWasangho,yadidam cattari purisayugani, atthapunsapuggala,esa bhagavato srwakasangho,ahuneyyo,pahuneyyo, d^dchineyyo,anjallkaraniyo anuttaram puhnakkhettam lokassa Ayarrikhopana thupo*iam bhagavantam uddissakato^ yavadevadas- sanena, tarn bhagavantam anussaritva, pasadasamvegapatilabhaya, mayam kho etarahi, imam visakhapunnamikalam, tassa bhagavato, jatisambodhinibbanakalasammatam patva, imam thanam sampatta, imedandadlpadhupapupphadisakkare gahetva,attano kayam sakkaiupa- dhanamkaritva,tassa bhagavato.Yathabhucceguneanuss^-anta,imam thupam^,tikkhattum padikhinarn karissama,yathagahitehi sakkarehi pujam kurumana,sadhu no bhante bhagava sucirapannibbutopi,natab- behigunehiatltarammanatayapannayamano,imeamhehigahitesakkare patiggaphatu, amhakarn digharattarn hitaya sukhaya. Note:Iftheceremony is hold beforea Buddha-image rather than a pagodachangefollowing: 1. Change thupo to palima 2. Change udissa kato to udissa kaia 3. Change thDpani to palimagharam 75 Asalha-Puja Day {Lo! Let us all offer an introductory homage to the Exalted One,the Lord Buddha) Homage to him, the Exalted one, the Worthy Lord, the Fully Self- Enlightened One.(three times) We go to the Buddha as our teacher and refuge.Again, we respect the doctrine ofthe Buddha,the one who is,far from defilements,perfectly self-enlightened.Outofcompassion and sympatheticjoy for the many, he setin motion the wheel ofthe Dhamma and declared for the firsttirne the Four Noble Truth to the five ascetics at Isipatana in the Deer Park near Benares,on thefifteenth day ofthe waxing moon ofthe eightlunar month. Again,now at that time,the Venerable Anna-Kondanna,the leader of the five ascetics listened to the doctrine of the Buddha and attained the dustless,stainlesseyeoftruth and realized,that whateveris ofthe nature of arising, also is of the nature of cessation.The Venerable Kondahha asked for ordination and it was he who was the first in the world to be given ordination by the Lord Buddha. Again,at that time,the Gem oftheSangha wasfirst born in the world. The Triple Gem,that is to say, the Buddha,the Dhamma and Sangha was thence forward complete. Now we come together on the fifteenth day of the waxing moon ofthe eight lunar month which is considered the day on wWch the first discourse was delivered by the Lord Buddha, the first bhikkhu was ordained,the proclamation ofthe doctrine to the world was made by the Lord, the Triple Gem we completed and the first disciple attained the dustless,stainless eye of truth and with these offerings we recollect all the virtues of the exalted one and circumambulate the pagoda three times clockwise and make reverence with the offerings. May the Exalted One,even though long attained to p^inibbana but of perfectcompassion,wisdom and purity^acceptthese offerings we have in our hands for our lasting benefit and happiness. 76 ASAI^-PUJA DAY(Asalha-Puwami) {Handa mayam buddhassa bhagavato pubbabhaganamaksram karoma se.} Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa(three times) Yamamha kho mayam bhagavantam saranam gata, yo ทอ bhagava sattha, yassa ca mayam bhagavato dhammam rocema, ahosi kho so bhagava araharn sammSsambuddho, sattesu karunnam paticca karunayako hitesi anukampam upadaya,asajhapunnamiyamBaranasi- yam Isipatane migadaye pahcavaggiyanam bhikkhunarn anuttaram dhammacakkam pathamam pavattetva cattari ariyasaccani pakasesi. Tasminca kho samaye pancavaggiyanarn bhikkhunarn pamukho ayasma annakondanno bhagavato dhammam sutva,virajam vltamalam dhammacakkhurp patilabhitva, yafikinci samudayadhammam, sab- bantam nirodhadhammanti. bhagavantam upasampadam yacitva, bhagavatoyeva santika ehibhikkhu-upasampadam patilabhitva bhagavato dhammavinaye ariyasavakasahgho loke pathamam uppanno ahosi. Tasmincapi kho samaye sangharatanam loke pathamam uppan- nam ahosi. Buddharatanam dhammaratanam sangharatananti tiratanam sam- punnam ahosi. Mayam kho etarahi imam asa|hapunnamlkalam tassa bhagavato dhammacakkappavattanam kalasammatam ariyasavakasanghauppatti- kalasammatanca ratanattayasampuranakalasammatanca patva, imam thanarn sampatta,imesakkare gahetva,attanokayam sakkarupadhanam karitva,tassa bhagavato yathabhucce gune anussaranta imam thupam^ tikkhattum padakkhinarp karissama, yathagahitehi sakkarehi pujam kurumana. Sadhu no bhante bhagava sucirapannibbutopi hatabbehi gunehi at! tarammanatayapannayamano,imeamhehi gahitesakkarepatigganhatu, amhakarp digharattam hitaya sukhaya. 77 MONASTIC PALI FORMULAE AND ADVICE FOR NEW MONKS Preliminary Duties before Ordination Seeking Guardian^s Forgiveness before Ordination Okasa,ฝ!of us assembled here on this day,bow in farewell to mother and father, brothers and sisters, and ฝ!amongst the Buddhist congre gation here,so that we may take ordination: Throughoutimmeasurable aeons that we have been bom and rebom in this cycle ofexistence,if we have trespassed against any of you — with or without yourknowledge,intentionally or withoutintention,that we can recall or that is without recall — throughout innumerable lifetimes or in this present lifetime: May ฝ!assembled here,forgive us our trespasses, that we may be pure in ordination and unblemished in our Brahmafaring in our pursuit of Nibbana in this lifetime. Preparation for Ordination The ordinand should shave his head, his beard and his eyebrows,cut his fingernails and น}enฟIs. Dressed smarily, he should circumambulate the ordination hall by the right (clockwise)three times in procession.His hands should be in the gesture ofprayer,clasping between his pdmsa bouqiietcomprising threelotus flowers,threesticksofincenseand one candle all bound together.The ordinand will need three such posies during the course ofhis ordination — 1. for the circumambulation;2. to pay homage to the Buddha image in the ordination hall and; 3. to be placed on the lid of the bowl when requesting dependence (nissaya). During the first circumambulation of the ordination hall, the ordinand should meditate upon the.virtues of the Lord Buddha, during the second circumambulation, the virtues of Uie Dhamma and during the third circumambulation,the virtues of the Sartgha. During the procwsion,the ordinand must walk unassisted out of reverence for the hail s Buddha image,the Buddha's own witness in the ceremony — he must not circumambulate the ordinatitm hall on horseback,on an elephant, borne in a litter, or on others shoulders 80 Ordination Procedure(Ukasa style) Paying Homage to the Ordination Ground and Chapel After the third circumambulation,light the candle and incense at the front entrance to ^e ordination ground boundary,bow three times then stand to chant homage to the ordination ground boundary: Ukasa vandami bhante Sabbam aparadhatTi khamatha me bhante Maya katam punnarn samina anumoditabbarp Samina katam punnam mayham Databbam sadhu sadhu anumodami — kneel down— Sabbam aparadham khamatha me bhante — bow once — Ukasa dvarattayena katam Sabbam aparadharn khamatha me bhante — bow once,then Stand— Vandami bhante Sabbam aparadharn khamatha me bhante Maya katain punnarn samina anumoditabbarp Samina katarp punnarp mayharp Databbarp sadhu sadhu anumodami — kneel down and bow three times— The parents(or senior relatives) then Itike the hand of the ordinand and lead him into the ordination hall.Theordinand paysrespecttothe Buddha imagein theordination hallbylight ing candles and incense in the same way that he did at the ordination ground entrance. 81 1. Requesting the Going-Forth(pabbsgja) ordinandthentakeshisplaceon theflooratthefarend ofthemonasticassemblytoreceive hisTWpleRobesfrom hisparents(orseniorrelatives orfaithful membersofthecongregation who are patrori to the ordination).Theordinand bowsthree timesand kneelinge^en^ his arms(palmssUll in a gesture ofprayw)towards his parents.Taking the TripleRob« on his forearms,heclimbs on'tp the monastic platform and walkson hisknees up to wherethePre ceptorisseated.Theor^nand offersthe TripleRobesto thePreceptor.Turning to hisright, the ordinand^icks up the offering provided and offers this to thePreceptor b5ore bowing thre«times.TTiePreceptorreturns theTriplerobesto theordinand whosimids humblybefore the him(feettogetherand head siightlylowered),with handsina gestureofprayerandchants thefollowing words: Ukasa vandami bhante Sabbam aparadharp khamatha me bhante Maya katam punnam samina anumoditabbarp Samina kataip punnarp mayhaip Databbaip sadhu sadhu anumodami Ukasa karuflflaip katva Pabbajjaip detha me bhante — kneel down— Ahaip bhante,pabbajjaip yacami. Dutiyampi aham bhante, pabbajjarp yacami. Tatiyampi aham bhante, pabbajjarp yacami. Sabbadukkha-nissaraijanibbana-sacchikaraiiatthaya Imarp kasavarp gahetva Pabbajetha marp bhante anukamparp upadaya (repeat this versefrom 'Sabbadukkha'three times) The Preceptor takes the robes from the ordinand,and the ordinand continues repeating the following three times. Sabbadukkha-nissaraiianibbana-sacchikaranatthaya Etaip kasavaip datva Pabbajetha marp bhante anukamparp upadaya — bow three times— 82 2.Instruction:Basic Objects of Meditation(mulakammattbana) Theordinand sitsdown with hislegsfolded tooneside.Having placed thesetofrobesin front of himself,the Preceptor instructs the applicant in the Triple Gem,advises him to develop convictionin itashisRefugeandremindshim ofthe purposeand benefitsofordination.AftW\" that he teaches the applicmit the five basic objects of meditation,and after explaining their meaning and the purposeofcontemplating them,recites them in theforward and reverse or ders.The applicant repeats them after him word-by-word as follows. Kesa loma nakha danta taco Taco danta nakha loma kesa After mldng meditation insu^uction,theapplicantshould kneel up and allow thePreceptorto take the shouldercloth(amsa)from the robe bundle and putitover the applicant's head.The applicant should then extend his forearms towards the Preceptor in order to receive the rest oftherobesbundle.Heshould then back outfrom theassemblyon hisknees,standand retreat to the place prepared for changing. 3* Tsikiii^ Hcfu^c uixd 1*0U Precepts Wljen hehasputon ther^cs,hegoestoanotherplaceon theordination platform wherethe acariya or teacher is sitting.The ชุ)plicant presents him with a tray ofofferings and niakes a five-fdd bow to him th^ times before requesting the Refuges and Precepts with the following words: Ukasa vandami bhante Sabbaip aparadham khamatha me bhante Maya katatp punnarn samina anumoditabbam Samina katarn punnarn mayhaip Databbarp sadhu sadhu anumodami Ukasa karunnarp katva Tisaranena saha sllani detha me bhante — kneel down — Aham bhante saranasllam yacami. Dutiyampi aharp bhante saranasllarp yacami. Tatiyampi ahaip bhante saranasllarp yacami. After this request,the acsriya will give theRefugesand Precepts,starting with homagetothe Triple Gem which the applicant will repealaft^\"him. 83 Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa(three times) The acjn'ya says either 'Evam vadehi'or 'Yamaham vadami taiji vadehL'The ordinand responds Ama bhante.'The acariya then gives the Refuges and Precepts and the ordinand repeats after him,verse by verse: Buddhaip saranam gacchami Dhammam saranani gacchami Sangham saranam gacchami Dutiyampi buddham saranam gacchami Dutiyampi dhammam saranarn gacchami Dutiyampi sahgham saranam g^chami Tatiyampi buddham saranam gacchami Tatiyampi dhammaip saranam gacchami Tatiyampi safigham saranam gacchami After going to นุใe Triple Gem,the acariya will say,*Tisaranagamanam niuhitam'and the ordinand should respond,'Ama bhante.' Heshould chantthe Ten Precepts after\\he acariya verse by verse,asfollows: 1.Panatipata veramani sikkhapadarn samadiyami 2. Adinnadana veramani sikkhapadarn samadiyami 3. Abrahmacariya veramani sikkhapadarn samadiyami 4. Musavada veramani sikkhapadarn samadiyami 5. Suramerayamajjapamadatthana veramani sikkhapadarn samadiyami 6. Vikala-bhojana veramani sikkhapadarn samadiyami 7. Nacca-glta-vadita-visuka-dassana veramaiil sikkhapadarn samadiyami 8. Malagandha-vilepana-dharana-mandana-vibhusanatthana ver- amaril sikkhapadarn samadiyami 9. Uccasayanamahasayana veramani sikkhapadarn samadiyami 10. Jataruparajatapatiggahana veramani sikkhapadarn samadiyami The acariya will then say: Imani dasasikkhapadani samadiyami (three times) 84 The new novice bows three times,and standing chants the following verses: Vandami bhante Sabbam aparadham khamatha me bhante Maya katam punfiam samina anumoditabbam Samina katam punnam mayham Databbarn sadhu sadhu anumodami 4. Requesting Dependence(nissaya) The novicereceives the bowl from his guardian and takes itto the preceptor.Putting itdown on hisleftside,heoffers to thePreceptor the bouquetplaced on the lid ofthe bowl^ndlx)ws again threetimes.Kneelingbeforethepreceptor,with hishandinagestureofฟ}/ฟ/,hechants the following: Ukasa vandami bhante Sabbam aparadham khamatha me bhante Maya katam punnarn samina anumoditabbam Samina katam punnam mayham Databbarn sadhu sadhu anumodami Ukasa karunnarn katva nissayam detha me bhante — kneel down — Aharn bhante nissayam yacami Dutiyampi aharn bhante nissayarn yacami. Tatiyampi aharn bhante nissayarn yacami. Upajjhayo me bhante hoti.{three times) Preceptor chants Novice responds Patirupam Sadhu bhante Opayikam Sadhu bhante Pasadikena sampadehi Sadhu bhante The applicant chants the following three times: Ajjataggedani thero mayharp bharo,ahampi therassa bharo — bow once then stand— 85 Vandami bhante Sabbam aparadham khamatha me bhante Maya katam punnam samina anumoditabbam Samina katam puhnarp mayham Databbam sadhu sadhu anumodami — kneel down and bow three times — 5. Scrutiny ofthe Bowl and Robes Now thePreceptor tells him his own name and the novice's(Pali)name.The novice should respond, bhante,'then continue by acknowledging hisrequisites widithe words bhante,' as follows: Preceptor chants Novice responds Ayante patto ... Ama bhante Ayarn sahghati Ama bhante Ayam uttarasafigo Ama bhante Ayam antaravasako Ama bhante ThePreceptor will then putthestrap ofthe bowloverthe head ofthe noviceand requests him to retire to a pointoutside theassembly with the words, Gaccha amumhiokasetit^nhi'. 6.Examination Outside the Sangha The novice should hold his hands in ahjaliand back away(on his knees)forsome distance beforegoingtoAeprepared placenearthefrontofthechapel.TTiisplaceISmarkwlbyas^citd piece of cloth (intended as the KannavacScflriya and Anusavanacariya's standing place). Theordinand istostand facing theassembled bhikkhus,handsjoined in the gestureofa/j/ai. Care should be taken by the novice to go round this cloth and not to tread on it TTic Karmavacacariya and the Anusavanacariya will inform the assembly ofe^minalion ofthe novice and then move to where the novice is standing to ask as to any obstructing circumstances. When the novice is asked he should respond as follows: Question Response Kuttham? Natthi bhante Gaiidho? Natthi bhante Kilaso? Natthi bhante Soso? Natthi bhante 86 Apamaro? Natthi bhante Manussosi? Ama bhante Purisosi? Ama bhante Bhujissosi? Ama bhante Ananosi ? Ama bhante Nasi rajabhato? Ama bhante Anuhnatosi matapituhi? Ama bhante Paripunnavlsativassosi? Ama bhante Paripunnante pattaclvaram? Ama bhante KinnSmosi? Ama bhante(1)nama. Ko nama te upajjhayo? Upajjhayo me bhante ayasma(2)nama. 7.Informing the Sangha of the.Ordinand's Examination Then the KamiavacdctU'iya and the AnusAvanacariya return to the assentbly,and calls the ordinand into the assembly with the words, akacchalii(or akacchatha for more than one ordinand). 8.Requesting Ordination(upasampada) When the acariyas have finished chanting the ordinand approaches(without stepping on or over the acariya sstanding cloth!)the assembly and prostrates himselfthree timesbeforethe Preceptor.Dunng the prostration,theacar/yaora bhikkhu nearestto him holdsthebowl-strap to prewntthe bowl from falling forward. After this,the applicant kneeling down,utters the following passages asking that he shall be ordained. SafighaiTibhante upasampadam yacami ullumpatu mam bhante saA- ghoranukampam upadaya. Dutiyampi bhante sangharn upasampadam yacami ullumpatu mam bhante sangho,anukampam upadaya. Tatiyampi bhante sanghatu upasampadam yacami ullumpatu mam bhante saAgho, anukampam upadaya. — bow three times — (1)substitute the monk's new Pali name in the instrumental case (2)substitute the Preceptor's Pali name in the instrumental case 87 Examination of the Applicantinside the Sangha Thenovicethen makeshis wayintotheassemblyneartothePreceptor.TheKarmavacacanya and the Anusavanacariya will then examinethe novice as to obstructing circumstancesagain and the ordinand should respond in thesame way as before. The Motion and the Three Announcements After the process ofexamination,thePreceptor chants the motion for the acceptance ofthe no^ce as a monk three times.The novice should place his bowl at his left hand side and sit with his legs atone side and his hands rฟsed in a gesture ofatijaliSind listen until the end of the prroeedings before responding with the words *Ama bhante* and kneel up to bow three times.The new monk should then turn to the rightand receive the the offering to offer to the Anusavanacariya and then bow three times The new monk should then sit with his feet at one side opposite the Preceptor in readiness to pour water for the transfer of meriL When thePreceptor or another elder monk in the assembly starts to give the blessing with the words* YalhB vSrivaha...,* the new monkshould starttopour waterintoihereceptacle until the blessing reaches the wo^s,-'...mapijoUraso yatha'and the rest ofthe assembly pick up on die words'Sabbitiyo,..y when the new monk should pouroutthelastofthe waterand hold his handsin thegestureofanjali. When the blessing is finished the new monk should respond with the word *SadhQ.' The new monk should then pay respectto his Preceptor and the assembly by bowing three timestmd then payrespecttotheBuddhaimagein theordination hall by bowinganotherthree times.Thisis theend ofthe ordination cerernony and the new monk should aweptofferings from the supporters present. 88 Ordination Procedure(Esaham style) 1. Requesting the going-forth(pabbajja) Esaham bhante suciraparinibbutampi tarn bhagavantam saranam gac- chami dhammanca bhikkhusahghafica labheyyahaip bhante tassa bhagavato dhammavinaye pabbajjarp labheyyam upasampadam. Dutiyampaham bhantesuciraparinibbutampitarn bhagavantamsaranain gacchami dhammanca bhikkhusanghanca labheyyaham bhante tassa bhagavato dhammavinaye pabbajjarp labheyyarp upasampadam. Tatiyampahaip bhantesuciraparinibbutampitain bhagavantam saranaip gacchami dhammanca bhikkhusanghanca labheyyaharn bhante tassa bhagavato dhammavinaye pabbajjarp labheyyarp upasampadarp. Aham bhante, pabbajjarp yacami. Imani kasayani vatthani gahetva, pabbajetha marp bhante anukamparp upadaya. Dutiyampi ahaip bhante, pabbajjarp yacami. Imani kasayani vatthani gahetva, pabbajetha marp bhante anukamparp upadaya. Tatiyampi aharp bhante, pabbajjarp yacami. Imani kasayani vatthani gahetva, pabbajetha marp bhante anukamparp upadaya. Note: If you are ordaining as a novice you should avoid speaking the words labheyyaip upasampadam After speaking these words the preceptor receives the applicant's setofrobes and die applicant sits down with his legs folded to one side. 2.Instruction: Basic Objects of Meditation(mulakammatthana) Having placed the setofrobes in frontof himself,the Preceptor instructs the applicantin the Triple Gem,advises him to develop conviction in the Triple Gem as his refuge and reminds hiniofthe purposeand benefitsofordination.Afterthatheteachestheapplicantthefiveb^ic objects of meditation,and after explaining their meaning and the purpose ofcontemplating them,recites them in the forward and reverse orders.The applicant repeats them after him word-by-word as follows: Kesa loma nakha danta taco Taco danta nakha loma kesa After taking meditation insuuction,the applicantshould kneel up and allow thePreceptorto take the shoulder cloth(amsa)front the robe bundle and put itover the applicant's head.The applicantshould then extend his forearms towards the Preceptor in order to receive the rest 89 oftherobesbundle.Heshould then backoutfrom theassemblyon hisknees,standandretreat to the place prepared for changing. 3.Taking Refuge and Ten Precepts When hehasputon therobes,he goes to another place on the ordination platform,wherethe acariyaพุteacherissitting.TTieapplicantpresents him with a trayofofferingsand rnakia five-fold bow to him three tim^ before requesting the Refuges and Prwepts with the following words: Aham bhante saranasllam yacami. Dutiyampi aham bhante saranasllam yacami. Tatiyampi aham bhante saranasllam yacami. Afterthisrequest,theacariya will givetheRefugesand Precepts,starting with homagetothe Triple Gem which the applicant will repeat aftw him. Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa {three times) After the third homage, the acBriya will say \"Evam vadchr or \"Yamahaip vadami tarn vadehT(Repeatthefollowingafter me).Theapplicantshould respond, Ama bhante (Yes, sir!)and repeat the following verses ofGoing to the Triple Gem: Buddham saranarp gacchami Dhammam saranarp gacchami Saftgham saranarp gacchami Dutiyampi buddharp saranarp gacchami Dutiyampi dhammatp saranarp gacchami Dutiyampi sangharp saranarp gacchami Tatiyampi buddharp saranarp gacchami Tatiyampi dhammarp saranarp gacchami Tatiyampi saftgharp saranarp gacchami After going to theTripleGem,the acariya willsay,\"TisatanagamanarjfinUOiitam\"(You have now gone to the Triple Gem)and the applicant should respond,\">ima bhante\". Now the พุพุiya tells the applicanttliatthe ordination asa noviceiscompleted.Since heIS now anovice hehasน)ุ studyand practisethenovice'sTenPrecepts Heshouldch^tthem af^terdieacariya, clause by clause,as follows: 90 1. Panatipata veramani 2. Adinnadana veramani 3. Abrahmacariya veramani 4. Musavada veramani 5. Suramerayamajjapamadatthana veramani 6. Vikalabhojana veramani 7. Naccagltavaditavisukadassana veramani 8. Malagandhavilepana dharanamandanavibhusanatthana veramani 9. Uccasayanamahasayana veramani 10. Jataruparajatapatiggahana veramani Imani dasa sikkhapadani samadiyami(three times) — bow three times — 4. Requesting Dependence(Nissaya) Theappliwnl receivesIhebowlfrom hisguardian and lakM it10the preceptor.Puttingitdown on hineft side, he offers a tray of offerings to the Preceptor and bows agmn thr^ times. Kneeling before the preceptor, with his hand in a gesture of3ฝ็/ฟ/, he chants the following: Aham bhante nissayarn yacami. Dutiyampi aham bhante nissayarn yacami. Tatiyampi aharn bhante nissayarn yacami. upajjhayo me bhante hoti.(three times) Question Response Patirupam Sadhu bhante Opayikam Sadhu bhante Pasadikena sampadehi Sadhu bhante 91 The applicantchants the folowing three limes: Ajjataggedani thero mayhatp bharo,ahampi therassa bharo — bow three times — Now thePreceptor tells him hisown nameand Ihe novice's(Pdi)name.Theordinand should r^pond,\"Amabhante'\\then continuebyacknowledginghisrequisiteswith thewords,\"i4ma bhante\". 5. Scrutiny ofthe Bowl and Robes Question Response Ayante patto Ama bhante. Ayam saAghati Ama bhante. Ayam uttarasaftgo Ama bhante. Ayam antaravasako Ama bhante. ThePreceptor will then put the strap ofthe bowl over the head ofthe ordinand and requests him to retire to a point outside the assembly with the words,\"Gaccha amumhi okase titthshi\". At this the ordinand should hold his hands in aajali and back away(on his knees)for some distancetefore going to the prepared place nearthefrontofthechapel.This placeis marked byaspecialpieceofdoth(intended asthe Karmavflcflcariya and Anusflvanacariya'sstanding place).The ordinand is to stand facing the assembled bhikkhus,handsjoined in the gesture ^alijalL Careshould be taken by thesamanera togoround thiscloth and notto tread on it \"Rie Kannavacacanya and the Anusavanacariya will inform the assembly ofexamination of the ordinand and then move to where the ordinand is standing to ask aboutthe obstructing conditions. When the ordinand is asked he should respond as follows: 6.Examination Outside the Sangha Question Response Kuttham? Natthi bhante Gandho? Natthi bhante Kilaso? Natthi bhante Soso? Natthi bhante Natthi bhante Apamaro? Manussosi? Ama bhante 92 Purisosi? Ama bhante Bhujissosi? Ama bhante Ananosi ? Ama bhante Nasi rajabhato? Ama bhante Anufinatosi matapituhi? Ama bhante Paripunnavlsativassosi? Ama bhante Paripunnante pattaclvaram? Ama bhante Kinnamosi? Ama bhante ...(l)...nama. Ko nama te upajjhayo? Upajjhayo me bhante ayasma...(2) ...nama. 7.Informing the Sangha ofthe Ordinand's Examination Then the KarmavacSCcLriya and the Anusavanacflriya return to the assembly,and calls the ordinand into theassembly with the words,\"Akacchahi\"(or\"Akacchatha\"for morethan one ordnand). 8.Requesting Ordination(upasampada) Then theordinand approaches(withoutstepping on orovertheac^iya'sstandingcloth!)the assembly and prostrates himselfthreetimes bcfwe thePreceptor.During the prostration,the acSya or a bhikkhu nearest to him holds the bowl-strap to prevent the bowl from falling forw^.Afterthis,theapplicantkneeling down,uttersthefollowing passagesaskingthathe shall be ordained. Safighambhante upasampadarn yacami ullumpatu mam bhante safigho, anukamparp upadaya. Dutiyampi bhante sangham upasampadarp yacami ullumpatu mam bhante sangho,anukamparp upadaya. Tatiyampi bhante sangharp upasampadarp yacami ullumpatu main bhante safigho, anukamparp upadaya. (1)substitute the monk's new Pali name in the instrumental case (2)substitute the Preceptor's Pali name in the instrumental case 93 9,Examination ofthe Applicant inside the Sangha ThePrewptorthen informsIhcSanghaofhisfindingsand Ihc wholeassemblyresponds with the words,\"5acf/ju\". The ordinand then makes his way into the assembly near yo the Kar- mavacSc^ya and the Anusavanflcariya.The Karmavacacariya will then examine the ordi nandastoobsmictingcircumstancesagmn and theordinand sh^ld respond in thesineway as before.Each ordinand should respond in turn. 10. The Motion and the Three Announcements After the process ofexamination,UtePreceptor chants the motion for the acceptance ofthe ordinand as a monk three times. The words,\"evamclam dhBrayBmi\" mark the end of the admonishmentand the point where the ordinand is fully-accepted as a monk. Thenew monk should place his bowl at his left-hand sideand sit with hislegs atoneside andhishandsrais^in agestureofanjaliand listening until theendofthe proceedingsbefwe res^nding with the words\"Anm bhanie\"and kneeling up to bow three Umes. Then^monk should receive a tray ofofferings from hislay-sup^riersand offer them totheReceptor,theKarmavflcflcariya ผุ้ไd the Anusavanacariya'Thcnew monkshoiild then bow three timw The new monk should then take his sitting cloth and bowl to an appoint^ placeoutsidetheassembly in ordertoreceive Ulcofferings prepa^red by relatiws,supporters and wdl-wishers.Offering should bereceived from women by haviiig the offeriiigs plarod upon the sitting cloth, and received directly from the hands of men. Aftw receiving the offerings,the new monkshould turn towards the assembly in readiness to pour waterfor the transfer of merit. When thePreceptororanotherelder monk in theassembly starts togivethe blessing with the wOTds,\"Yafha vBriyaha...\",the new monk should start to pour water into the receptacle until the blessing reaches the words,\"n7a/7;joUraso yallia\"and the rest oftheassembly pick upon the W0Tds,\"Sabbiuy0..\",when the new monk should pouroutthe lastofthe wmerand hold his hands in the gwture of anjali. When the blessing is finished the new monk should res^nd with the word,\"Sadim\". Thenew monkshould then pay respectto hisPreceptorand theassembly by bowingthree timesand then pay respect to the Triple Gem by bowing another three times'This IStheend ofthe ordination ceremony. 94 Basic Vinayo for 8.Any bhikkhu who is angry with another monk and attemptsto have him excommunicated outof Dhommad^ada Monks spite by a false,directaccusation involving defeat, entails initial and subsequent meeting of the Parojika 4 — Defeat 1.Any bhikkhu whoengagesin sexual intercourse Sangha; intentionally, even with a female arumal is de 9. Any bhikkhu who is angry with another monk feated; and attemptsto have him excommunicated outof spite by a false, indirect accusation involving 2.Anybhikkhu who with intenttosteal,takeswhat is not given in the manner of a thief to the value dWat,entaUs initial and subsequent meeting of exceeding one baht(4c),is defeated; 3.Any bhikkhu who purposely deprives a human the Sangha; being oflife or finds a weapon for another to kill himselforothersorpraisesthe beautyofdeath,or 10.Anybhiidchu whoattemptstocauseaschism in successfully persuadesanother todie,isdefeated; the Sangha and who heeds not those who warn 4. Any bhikkhu who untruthfully claims high him otherwise exceeding three times,entaib ini tial and subsequent meeting of the Sangha; mental attainments,is defeated. 11. Any bhikkhu who conspires in an attempt to cause a schism in the Sangha and who heeds not Sanghadisesa 13— Meeting ofthe Sangha those who warn him otherwise exceeding three times, entails initial and subsequent meeting of 1. Any bhikkhu who intentionally emits semen, the Sangha; except in a dream,entails initial and subsequent 12. Any bhikkhu who refuses to accept criticism meeting of the Sangha; ^ from his fellow bhikkhus as to the purity of his preceptsand who heeds not those who warn him 2. Any bhikkhu who with lustful or perverted otherwise exceeding three times, entails initial and subsequent meeting of the Sangha; thoughts comes in bodily contact with a woman, 13.Any bhtkkhu who bel^ves as the corrupter of entails initial and subsequent meeting of the familiescmd who when banished from the temple Sangha; by the Sangha attempts to revoke the decision,if 3. Any bhikkhu who with lustful or perverted he heeds not those who warn him otherwise ex thoughts woosa woman withlewd words,entails ceedingthree times,entailsinitialand subsequent initial and subsequent meeting of the Sangha; meeting of the Sangha. 4. Any bhikkhu who with lustful or perverted Preliminary Duties thoughts,verbally allures a woman inviting sex for a new bhikkhu ual intercourse, entails initial and subsequent Marking the robes - bindukappa Beforea bhikkhu usesany new robe,he mustmark meeting of the Sangha; it, usually in one of its comers, with a spot not smaller that a bedbug's body and notlarger than 5.Any bhikkhu whoacts asa go-between between the iris of a peacock's eye. This spot may be blue(-green), black or brown,and ite purpose is a man and a woman for the purpose of match both tospoiltherobe'sattractivenessand to mark making,entailsinitial and subsequent meeting of itasone'sown.Thereisan offenceofPacittiya(ex piation)ifa bhikkhu usesa robe not marked in this the Sangha; way.It is thus the duty of the Preceptor,dcariya or another bhikkhu to teach the newly ordained 6.Any^ikkhu who buildsor hasbuiltfor himself bhikkhu to do thisimmediately after ordination.A pen or other marking instrument may be used for a hutof mud orcement,on an occupied site with this purpose,while the owner of the robe should out permission or which exceeds the prescribed dimensions(12 X 7cubits)or is built without an iiutial assembly of bhikkhus at the site,entails ini tial and subsequent meeting of the Sangha; 7. Any bhikkhu who has built for himself a large hut of mud or cement, on a site owned by his sponsor withoutan initialassembly of bhikkhusat the site,entails iiutial and subsequent meeting of the Sangha. 95 say,either out loud or mentaUy: Other requisites which must be determined for useinclude thefollowing six categories:For words Name tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa - of resolve for other requisites, replace the word saiighati in the formula above with the words be (Time times) low: then repeat the following: 2. uttarasankaip upper robe Imaip bindukappam karvni 3. antaravasakaip under robe Dutiyarp piimaip bindukappam karoni 4.pattatp bowl Tatiyaip piimaip bindukappam kamni 5.parikkharacolaip other small cloths eg.flaimels Once the marking has been done,there is no need 6. vassikasatikaip rains bathing cloth to do it again ewn when the mark has disap Only one each of outer robe,inner robe and un- peared through washing. Present practice is to mark each robe with three spots, repeating the derrobe can be claimed in this way.Categories 1- aboveformula while making each spot.Initials or 5 may be determined for use at all tim^,while name may beadded asfurther meansforidentifi item 6can be used only during thefour monthsof cation. the rains. Any other cloths of two or more in Determining for use - adhitfhana There are two classes of requisites which a monk number should be claimed using the following may use — (1) those which are his own posses resolution: sions and (2) accessories which he borrows for Imani parikkharacolani adhiffhami(three times) temporary use but does not own. Personal pos sessions include the eight requisites (atthapari- Relinquishing from use - paccuddharana khara)given to a monk at his ordination. All such When any one of items 1-5 is to be replaced, the personal possessions need to beformally claimed articlealreadydetermined mastfirstbesuspended when they are newly acquired by the act of from use. The Pali passages for this purpose re 'determining for use'before they can be used. If semblethoseusedindeterminingthearticle,except theiruseisdiscontinued,they need tobeformaUy that the verb adhiffhami(I determine)is changed disowned by the actof'relinquishing'.This strict to paccuddharami(I relinquish). procedure limits the number of possessions a monk can own at any one time.The monk needs For example: to takeimerring care of his own personal posses for sahghafi: Imaip sanghafiip paccuddharami sions because booming separate from his own Dutiyaip piimam sanghafiip paccuddharami Tatiyaip piimaip sanghafiip paccuddharami robes(atdawn)isan offense punishablebyforfei Sharing accessory ownership - vikappa ture of that robe to another monk before he can With the exception of determined pieces ofcloth, any piece ofcloth larger than four by eightinches confessthe offenceand beforgiven(see below page which may be made up into a robe is called an 97).Accessories arealsolimited by regulations— but by the length of time for which they can extra cloth (atireka-clvaraip). As stated above,an be'borrowed'.Ifaccessories are keptfor a length extra cloth(orbowl)may be keptbya bhikkhu for of time exceeding ten days and not shared with no morethan ten days.Ifone wishes to keepsuch an item withoutusing itforan extended period of another bhikkhu(ผั- novice)during thattime,again time,one may share the right of ownership.This they must be forfeited to another monk before he is called vikappa.Ownership may be shared with can confess the offence and be forgiven (see below a novice but is more commonly shared with an page 97). other bhikkhu. Personal possessions are formally determined for a single cloth: for use by use of a Paliformula.Theformula for Imam civaram tuyhaip vikappemi determining the sahghstiis shown below. Dutiyaip pi imam civaram tuyhaip vikappemi Tatiyaip pi imaip clvaraip tuyhaip vikappemi 1.Sahghati (the double-thick)outer robe Imaip sadghSfiip adhifthami Dutiyaip piimaip sanghapip adhiithami Tatiyam piimaip sadghafiip adhiffhami 96 For two or more robes: senior than the recipient change the word \"bhante\" to\"avuso\". For more than a robe change\" ImSnicivarSni tuyham vikappemi imaip civaram\" to \"imanicivarani' The act ofsharing ownership may be done in one Returning a robe to another monk: of two ways. In the first instance, the following passages are used (for a robe within reach): Afterthe bhikkhu hasconfessed hisoffense whether Imam civaram tuyham vikappemi(singular) the robe forfeited is a personal robe or an acces ImanicIvarSni tuyhatn vikappemi(plurฝ) sory robe,it should be returned to him after the corifession with the following words: If the article to be shared is out of reach,change Imajp to Etaip and ImSnito Etani.When thesecond Imam civaraip ayasmato dammi owner is senior to the bhikkhu speaking, the Note: pronoum tuyham should be changed toSyasmato. For example (for a robe within reach): lif the nionk donates the cloth is more seniorthan /mam civarain Syasmato vikappemi the one who receives it change the word \"bhante\" If robes have already been shared by vikappa, to \"avuso\" butthey are needed byone monkfor wearing,the words of suspending sharing should be us^ as 2if referring to two robes change \"civaraip\" to follows: \"dviclvaraip\" For an elder monk sharing: 3if referring to three robes change \"civaraip\" to Imaip cJvaram mayham santakaip paribhuhja va visajjehi vS yatha pajjayam va karohi \"ticlvar^p\" for a younger monk sharing: Imatn civaraip mayhaip santakaip paribhuhjatha va Confession of Minor Transgressions visajjetha va yathapajjayaip va karotha. The meaning is thesame as in the above passage, Every bhikkhu must conform to the laws and tra thedifferencebeingonly thatthe pronounimplies ditionsofthe Vinaya.Totransgressanyofitsrules more respect. of training is called an apatti,or offence.Offence Fortwoormorerobesreplacethefollowing words: Imaip civaraip by Imanic/varSniand santakaip by san- are oftwo kinds:incurable(atekiccha),and curable (satekiccha). The former refers to the class called takani parajika,or defeat. A bhikkhu who commits any of Forfeiting a personal robe the four parajika offences is automatically no longera bhikkhu.Hemustleave thecommunityby On occasion of confessing the offense of a per disrobing and resuming the lay life; any attempt sonalrobe havingbecomeseparated from a bhikkhu to re-ordain is automatically invalid. overnight without permission, the following words are used for a single robe: Curableoffences maybedivided intotwosorts: heavy igarukapatti)and light(iahukapatti).There is Idaip me bhante civaraip rattivippavutthaip ahn- only one class of heavy curable offences, the atara bhikkhusammatiya nissaggiyaip imaham thirteen sadghadisesa,which entail initial and sub ayasmato nissajjami sequent m^tings of the Sangha. These offence Forfeiting an accessory robe: are curable by undergoing probation,after which On occasion of confessing the offense of keeping an unshared accessory robe beyond ten days,the - if the Sangha is convinced of one's repentance - following words are used for a single robe: a meeting ofnotless than twenty bhikkhusiscalled /dam me bhante civaraip dasahatikkantaip nisag- and the offender is declared pure again and re giyam,imahaip ayasmato nissajjami stored to his original status. Light offences are of for two or more robes: differentcategories which,in descending orderof Imani me bhantecivaranidasahatikkantaip nissag- severity,are: thullaccaya(grave offences),padttiya giyani,imarahaip ayasmato nissajjami (offenceofexpiation),patidesaniya(offences to be confessed),dwWam(offencesofwrong-doing),and Note: if the monk who forfeits the cloth is more dubbhasita (offences of wrong speech). It is the dutyofbhikkhu toundergotheconfession ofminor transgressions with a fellow bhikkhu on a daily basis. This may effect purification from minor offencesorfrom personalweaknesseswhich might not constitute a breach of monastic deportment. 97 A bhikkhu who wishes to confess a lightoffence (I beg the opponuniiy(O confessฟเ my transgressions) should arrange his robe over his left shoulder (leaving the right shoulder open) and, going to SabbaganjlahukaspalliyoSTOcemi(.ihKe times) another bhikkhu ,kneel down before him.Joining (T begthe opponuniiytoconfessall transgressions bothseriousandslight) his handsin respect,he makes known his wish to Aham bhante sambahula nSnSvatthakayo confess the offence. If he can recollect the offence apaiiiyo apajjim la tuwhamiHe patidesemi specifically, he should first tell it to the other (Venerable sir. I beg the opportunity to confess my transgressions in bhikkhu in his own language. This prevents your presence) bhikkhus who have thesame offencefrom confess senior; Passasiavuso la apattiyo ing together, Then he proceeds to say the tradi tional Pali passages for confession. to.'younger hhitkhu <anV yi)u see your iransgressions?) Although the formula for confessing light of minor: Ukasa ama bhante passami fences admits a fair amount of variation depend ing on whether one or more offences ofa particu (senior bhiklthu! plea-sc give me the opportunity for I cannot see them) larclassarebeingconfessed together,and whether senior: Ayaiim avuso samvareyyasi the offences deal with one or more rules - the (younger bhikkhu! you should be restrained henceforth blanketform of confession is the one first learned minor: Sadhu sunhu bhante saipvanssami by new bhikkhus,as it is used on every uposatha day to clear oneself of any offence, wiWng or (senior bhikkhu! henceforth I shall be rcstrฟned.,.) unwitting, before listening to the recital of the Dutiyampisadhu sutthubhantesarpvarissami Patimokkha.Sinceafc/nl^r/iuisallowed to over-state the number of offences he has committed,and to (forasecortd time...) admit to (in the formula \"see\") offence he is un Tatiyampisadhusuldiu bhantesarpvarissami aware of committing, the blanket form may be (for a third time....) used on other occasions as well even when only one or two offences are being confessed. minor: NapunevaipkarissamiP'siWineverdoMiagain) minor: Sabbs la apattiyo^ocemi(three times) senior: 5adhu(well done) minor: Na punevam karissami(I will never dothisagain) senior: Sadhu(well done) minor: Na puncvaip kanssami(I will neverdo thisagain) senior: Sadhu(well done) The ceremony is then repeated with an exchange of roles between the minor and senior bhikkhus. Words of asking forgiveness Any number of bhikkhus may ask forgiveness as a (used for pa3dng respect to elder monks): group,changing the word me(me)into no(us), The Buddha'sTeaching holds that when a person andldiamamiilforgive)into khamama(we forgive). is aware that he has done wrong to another, he The thera should then say tumhehipi(by you plu should ask the forgiveness of the person he has ral)instead of tayapi(by you -singular).TTie word wronged. The lattCT, being begged for forgive ness,should notbeara grudgeagainstthefonner, there, is term of respect for ^ikkhus senior to but instead should forgive him. Among bhikkhus in the early days,the best opportunity for asking oneself, and may be replaced by the following and giving forgiveness was when they gathered words whenever appropriate:up^/iaye(for one's for the rains. It has thus become traditional for Preceptor),acariye(for one's teacher),ayasmanfe(a junior bhikkhus to ask their seniorsfor forgiveness general term of respect for more senior bhikkhu), on the first day of the rains or soon after that, mahathere(for a very senior & respected bhikkhu). depending on whether they stay in the same or In some monasteries, all the bhikkhus asking different monasteries. forgiveness prostrate themselves immediately The procedure for asking forgiveness begins aft^- chanting this, and remain in that position with a offering of candles,incense or flowers(In while the senior bhikkhu speaks his forgiveness some monastmes,\"Namo...\"is chanted three time together with verses of blessing, at the end of which all, still prostrating, respond, \"Sadhu and then the offering-tray is picked up and held bhante\". Even in cases where no wrong has been by the mostsenior bhikkhu in the group,while all done,the custom is still followed. Wh«i a senior chant\"There...\").The asking offorgiveness is con bhikkhu has actually wronged a junior one,he too should ask for forgiveness,and not stand on his ducted as follows: seniority. minor: There pamudena,dvarattayena katapi Note:foraskingforgivenessin a groupcharge sabbamaparJdharnkhamatha mebhante nie to mo and khamani bhante to khamana bhante. (Forgive me venerable sir. for all(hat I have done out ofcarelessness lo For the one receiving forgiveness change tayapito you by way ofIhe three doors(body,speech and mind)) tumhehipiand khamanito khamana senior: Aham khamami,tayapi me khamitabbam Words of disrobing: (I forgive you; you should also forgive me.) Sikkatn paccakkhamigihi'ti main dharethaithree times) minor: Ukasa khamami bhante (I give up the (raining. May you regard me as a layman.(lltree times)) (I forgive you. Venerable Sir.) 99 SELECTED MONASTIC BLESSINGS The Eight Verses on Wholesome Victories Homage to Him,Ihe Exalted One the Worthy Lord,the Fully Self-Enlightened One.{three times) Thushasarisen thegoodfameoftheExalted One...HeistheExalted One,the WorthyOne, the Fully Self-Enlightened One, who has attmned the supramundane knowledge, and so perfectly conducted His life, who has already travelled the path ofrighteousness, who has clearly understood the whole world, who is the most capable charioteer, who trains His followers,in the highestform ofspirituฟ life,who is the Teacher ofall human and celestial beings,who is enlightened and exalted. The Dhamma was properly expounded by the Exdted One,which is clearly perceived within ourselves,timdess,which inspires those whosee it to c^lothers tocomeand see u, which should be internalized, which can be realized subjectively by the v/ise... The excellently-practising disciplesofoftheExalted One,who have taken the directpath of righteousness, who have behaved according to their innw wisdom,who have mastered themselves on the way to salvation,these eight types of disciples,divided into four pairs, supramundane ones, honoured as ariya-puggala, who are worthy for temple offerings, residential offeringsand offeringsforthesakeฬัthose who havepassed away whoare worthy ofreverence and homage who are the supreme field of merit ofEarth... Creating a form thousand-armed, each with a weapon, Mara on the elephant Grlmekhala roared frightfully with his soldiers.The Lord of Munis conquered him by means of giving Dhamma.By the power of this may you achieve wholesome victories. More than Mara making war all night,was the frightfulness of Alavaka the Giant,impatientand arrogant.The Lord ofMiinis conquered him by means of well-taming through patience.By the power ofthis may you achieve wholesome victories. The noble elephant Najagiri became quite mad,very cruel,like aforest fire,wheel-weapon or a thunderbolt.TheLord Municonquered him by means ofsprinkling the water ofloving-kindness.By the power ofthis may you achieve wholesome victories. 102 Jayamangala Atthagatha Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa (three times) Itipi so bhagava araham sammasambuddho vijjacaranasampanno sugato lokavidu anuttaro purisadammasarathi sattha devamanus- sanam buddho bhagava ti, Svakkhato bhagavata dhammo sanditthiko akaliko ehipassiko opanayiko paccattam veditabbo viftfiuhl ti, Supatipannobhagavatosavakasaftghoujupatipanno bhagavatosavaka- sahgho hayapatipanno bhagavato savakasahgho samicipati-panno bhagavatosavakasafigho yadidam cattari purisayugani atthapurisapug- gda esa bhagavato savakasahgho ahuneyyo pahuneyyo dakkhineyyo aftjalikaranlyo anuttaram puRftakkhettam lokassa ti. 1. Bahutp sahassamabhinimmitasavudhantani Grlmekhalam uditaghorasasenamaratp Danadidhammavidhina jitava munindo Tantejasa bhavatu tejayamafigalani. 2. Maratirekamabhiyujjhitasabbarattirn Ghorampanalavakamakkhamathaddhayakkham Khantlsudantavidhina jitava munindo Tantejasa bhavatu tejayamafigalani. 3. Nalagiritp gajavaram atimattabhutam Davaggicakkamasanlva sudarunantam Mettambusekavidhina jitava munindo Tantejasa bhavatu tejayamafigalani. 103 Very cruel, with a sword upraised in his expert hand, Ahgulimala running threeleagues along thepath he was,garlanded with fingers.The Lord of Munis conquered him with miraculous powers.By the power of this may you achieve wholesome victories. Having made he belly like a pregnant woman(by tying on)a pieced of wood,Cihcaspokelewdlyin the midstofthepeople.TheLord ofMunis conquered her byfair and peaceful means.By the powerofthis may you achieve wholesome victories. Saccaka, whose speech habitually departed from the truth, raised up, like a flag, his theory with a mind become completely blind.The Lord ofMunisconquered him by wisdom'sshininglamp.By the powerofthis may you achieve wholesome victories. Nandopanandatheserpentofwrong understanding butgreatpower,the (Buddha's)son,theElder(Moggallana)serpent-likesetoutto tame.The Lord of Munis conquered him by means of a demonstration of power. By the power of this may you achieve wholesome victories. Like a serpent well coiled about the arms were the wrongly grasped views of the Brahma-god named Baka of pure light and power. The Lord ofMunis conquered him by meansofthe medicine ofknowledge. By the power of this may you achieve wholesome victories. These are the eight verses of the Buddha's wholesome victories which should be chanted and recollected every day without laziness(so that) being rid ofthe many kinds of obstacles the man of wisdom can attain liberation and happiness. 104 4. Ukkhittakhaggamatihatthasudarunantam DhavantiyojanapathaAgulimalavantam Iddhlbhisankhatamano jitava munindo Tantejasa bhavatu tejayamafigdani. 5. Katvana katthamudararn iva gabbhiniya Cincaya dutthavacanam janakayamajjhe Santena somavidhina jitava munindo Tantejasa bhavatu tejayamahgalani. 6. Saccam vihaya matisaccakavadaketum Vadabhiropitamanam atiandhabhutaip Pannapadlpajalito jitava munindo Tantejasa bhavatu tejayamafigalani 7. Nandopanandabhujagam vibudham mahiddhim Puttena therabhujagena damapayanto Iddhupadesavidhina jitava munindo Tantejasa bhavatu tejayamafigalani. 8. Duggahaditthibhujagena sudatthahatthaip Brahmam visuddhijutimiddhibakabhidhanam Nanagadena vidhina jitava munindo Tantejasa bhavatu te jayamafigalani. Etapi buddhajayamangalaatthagatha Yo vacano dinadine sarate matandi Hitvananekavividhani cupaddavani Mokkharp sukham adhigameyya naro sapanno. 105 The Victory Protection The Lord greatly compassionate for the welfare of all livmg beings having fulfilled all the perfections attained by himself the highest Bodhi; by the speaking of this truth,may you be blessed with victory. \\^ctorious at the Bodhi-tree's root He who increased delight for the Sakyas,thus may victory be yours.May you win the blessing ofvictory! In the undefeated posture upon the exalted holy place having the consecration ofฟ1 the Buddhas,He rejoices in the highest attmnment. Lucky stars, lucky blessings a lucky dawn,a lucky sacrifice, a lucky instant,alucky moment(when)well-given(arethings)to Brahmacaris, (when) bodily kamma is righteous, and righteous is verbal kamma, (when) mental kamma is righteous, righteous are their aspirations. These righteousnesses having been done(will cause one to attain) the goal by righteousness. By the power of all the Buddhas,ever in safety may you be. May there befor you all blessings. May all the Devas guard you well. By the power of all the Dhammas,ever in safety may you be. May there be for you all blessings. May all the Devas guard you well. By the power of all the SaAghas,ever in safety may you be. May there be for you all blessings. May all the Devas guard you well. 106 Jayaparittam hitaya sabbapaninam patto sambodhimuttamam Mahakdruniko natho hotu te jayamafigalam. sakyanam nandivaddhano PQretva parami sabba jayassu jayamafigale. Etena saccavajjena sise pathavipokkhare Jayanto bodhiya mule aggappatto pamodati. Evam tvam vijayo hohi supabhatam suhutthitam AparajitapallaAke suyittham brahmacarisu. vacakammam padakkhinani Abhiseke sabbabuddhanam panidhi te padakkhina labhantatthe padakkhine. Sunakkhattam sumafigalam Sukkhano sumuhutto ca Padakkhinam kayakammam Padakkhinam manokammarp Padakkhinani katvana Bhavatu sabbamafigalam Rakkhantu sabbadevata Sabbabuddhanubhavena Sada sotthi bhavantu te Bhavatu sabbamahgalam Rakkhantu sabbadevata Sabbadhammanubhavena Sada sotth! bhavantu te Bhavatu sabbamangalam Rakkhantu sabbadevata Sabbasahghanubhavena Sada sotthi bhavantu te. 107 Ways of rejoicing From alldiseasesfreed;from ฝ1griefescaped;overcomeฟ1enmityand liberated may you be! May all distress be averted! May all diseases be destroyed.May no dangers befor you!May you be happy,livinglong! Heofrespectfulnature who evertheelders honouring:fourqualitiesfOT him increase:long life and beauty, happiness and strength. May all distress be averted! May all diseases be destroyed! May no dangers be for you! May you be happy,living long! He of respectful nature whoever the elders honouring,four qualities for him increase: long life and beauty, happiness and strength. Justas theriversfull ofwaterfill theocean full,even sodoes thatgiven here benefitthedead.Whateverby you wished orwanted mayitquickly be;May all your wishes befulfilled as the moon upon thefifteenth day, or as the wish-fulfilling gem. 108