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Home Explore DIPLO MAGAZINE 2/2023


Published by DIPLO Sarajevo, 2023-06-30 08:12:17

Description: Second edition of DIPLO MAGAZINE.


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MagazineJune2023 INTERVIEWS WITH HALL OF FAME H.E. Ambassador Damijan Sedar H.E. Valerie Sluijter Alenka Sagmeister Ranzinger Pernilla Flank Former Ambassador of the Netherlands in BiH and former Deputy of the HR in BiH EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH Daniel & Edit Hunn Swiss Ambassador to BiH and Spouse CONVERSATION WITH DIPLO SPECIAL FEATURE John Kennedy Mosoti, UNFPA \"Sarajevo Mon Amour\" DIPLO NEWSLETTER by H.E. Christine Toudic Ambassador of France to BiH

OUR VISION ABOUT US Our vision is to enhance and Welcome enrich diplomats’ social life and networking experiences You have arrived to Bosnia in Bosnia and Herzegovina. and Herzegovina, and you and your family plan to stay OUR MISSION here for the next couple of years. There are so many Our mission is to create a questions, and you are great social experience sometimes not sure where to within a trusted diplomatic seek answers or who is willing community where all to help. And you are also tired involved members feel at of asking a local friend to home and inspired to get help you out with all your connected with others. daily tasks. With support by: What We Offer We offer a platform for event organization, matchmaking, exchange of information and experiences. We aim to create a welcoming community of open-minded diplomats who share experiences, and a secure platform full of useful advice from fellow diplomats and knowledgeable locals. Secretarial Assistance Networking and Matchmaking Event Management Membership Based Packages DIPLO Institutional Offered to foreign diplomatic missions, embassies and consular offices, and international organizations operating in or covering BiH DIPLO Individual Offered to heads of foreign diplomatic missions, embassies or consular offices, diplomats and diplomatic agents, their spouses and family members Institutional Event Organization & Management DIPLO d.o.o. Skenderija 33, Sarajevo | [email protected] | +387 33 218 281 Fashion accessories store Zvekir Corporate gifts Thank business partners and clients the right way. Choose Zvekir products for your corporate gifts! Zvekir Brooch and Scarf Zvekir Cufflinks Zvekir Phone Accessory

Editor's Note Dear Members of the Diplomatic Community in BiH, dear Friends and Supporters of DIPLO and DIPLO Magazine, dear Ladies and Gentlemen, We are thrilled to present to you the second edition of DIPLO magazine, filled with captivating interviews, insightful features, and engaging articles. In this edition, we bring you a diverse range of topics and perspectives that shed light on the dynamic diplomatic landscape in Bosnia and Herzegovina and beyond. Join us as we explore the remarkable experiences and achievements of diplomats and organizations making a positive impact in the region. Ambassador Mirsada Čolaković, CEO Editor-in-Chief, DIPLO Magazine 4 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

Table of Interview with Ambassador Daniel Contents Hunn and Edit Hunn........ 07 Interview with Ambassador Damijan Sedar ............................ 15 Interview with Alenka Sagmeister Ranzinger .................... 22 OSCE Chairman Bujar Osmani's visit to BiH ..................................... 26 Interview with John Kennedy Mosoti ............................................. 28 Interview with Pernilla Flanck ....... 33 From Thessaloniki to Zagreb: gap between motives and performance in the EU integration process ............................................ 37 Belgium and BiH Strengthen Relations with Memorandum of Understanding ................................ 40 \"Sarajevo Mon Amour\" by Ambassador Christine Toudic ....... 43 Hall of Fame: Interview with Ambassador Valerie Sluijter .......... 46 Canva I Getty Images Celebration of the Day of the Republic of Italy in BiH ................. 52 The 12th Sarajevo Business Forum 54 5 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

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Interview Interview His Excellency Ambassador Daniel Hunn &Madam Edit Hunn Embassy of Switzerland to Bosnia and Herzegovina 7 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

Interview Capturing the Essence of BiH: Ambassador Daniel Hunn and Madam Edit Hunn's Diplomatic Adventure Through the Lens of Culture and Engagement Can you please describe to us your overall experiences We have supported generations of young people to related to your life and work in Bosnia and Herzegovina, develop their skills, including through our post-graduate ever since you arrived during the COVID-19 pandemic, Chevening scholarship and fellowship programme and our up until today, compared to your other resident prestigious military academies. I am really enjoying seeing missions in Africa and other parts of the world? how those people are now using those skills and networks back in BiH for the benefit of their country. Edit & Daniel: We arrived in Sarajevo in September 2020, in the midst of the COVID pandemic, together with our dog Which leads me to one of the biggest challenges facing Luli. Our two daughters are already not traveling with us BiH: that of huge numbers emigrating. I want to make sure anymore. The beginning was indeed not easy, as personal that we use all the tools we can to support the government contacts were limited due to the pandemic, social events of BiH develop solutions which ensure that all citizens can did not take place and many restaurants were closed. We realize their aspirations and provide solid futures for their nevertheless were very warmly received by everybody we families while remaining in this beautiful country, their could meet, and we immediately felt at home in our new home. That will need a greater focus on economic security city of residence. and tackling pervasive corruption, as well as the creation of a more collaborative and positive political and social We were coming from a very different living environment, environment. as our previous posting was Addis Abeba in Ethiopia. In this sense, being transferred to Sarajevo was for us a bit like In communication with Your colleagues and prior coming back home to Europe. And indeed, we immediately ambassador(s), what advice were given to You regarding the felt at home in this beautiful city full of history, located work in Bosnia and Herzegovina? between hills and mountains that reminded us in many respects of Switzerland. The first thing I was told was how extraordinarily lucky I was to come to Bosnia and Herzegovina as Ambassador. In After a few months of contacts that took place mainly in few other places could I expect such a warm welcome, or the virtual space or on a one-by-one basis, diplomatic life the chance to contribute so fully to wider efforts, both was slowly waking up in spring of 2021. We then started domestic and international, to build strong and sustainable realizing how friendly and uncomplicated the diplomatic BiH. community in Sarajevo actually is. Both, on the professional side, but also within the group of spouses and The second thing I was told was that this country’s history on the social level, we quickly made a large number of good is complex, and it would be important to be patient, friends. And we could also easily establish contacts beyond humble and always ready to listen. There would never be a the diplomatic community, at least with circles for which time when everyone, whether domestic leaders, citizens or there were no language barriers. Today, we feel fully members of the international community, agreed 100% on integrated in the city and enjoy its culinary, cultural and any one issue. societal life. 8 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

What is it like to be the spouse of an Interview Ambassador in the context of relatively frequently changing 9 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23 residencies, adjusting to different cultures and societies? Edit: As a spouse of a diplomat, you have to be quite flexible. It helps, if you are a curious personality who likes to discover new cultures and meet new people. This means that you have to be quite open-minded. On the other hand, it is not always easy to leave behind new friends you made, when you have to move on to a new posting, and we were indeed moving every three to four years to another place. It is also not easy to pursue your own professional career, and it helps, if you have a profession that does not bind you to a specific location. With my background as a photographer, I could actually work at any place where my husband was sent to, although I had to start my professional network from zero again, whenever we arrived in a new location. For many years, I was also taking care of our two daughters who were travelling with us, and I often engaged in their school environment. When we were posted in Washington for example, I was working in the Kindergarten of the German school. There are of course disadvantages, if you are a spouse of a diplomat and have to follow your husband, in particular when it comes to your own professional career, but there are many advantages that are compensating for this. I would never have seen so many interesting places all over the world and had so many fascinating opportunities to find unusual photo topics without my husband’s job.

Interview 10 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23 Edit Hunn's Photo Exhibition in Sarajevo DIPLO Team had the pleasure to facilitate the opening of Madam Edit Hunn's photo exhibition on Wednesday, April 5 in Sarajevo at The Bar Sarajevo (Hamdije Kreševljakovića 31). The event was attended by numerous foreign ambassadors and diplomats in BiH, together with diplomats from our country, and other recognized artists, journalists, and other figures from Sarajevo's public life. The exhibition is Sarajevo's celebration of Mrs. Hunn's incredible talent and vision. We are happy to showcase the work of this extremely talented artist's work to our country's wider public. Edith Hunn's photographs capture the beauty of the natural world and the essence of humanity, all with a unique perspective that is both captivating and thought-provoking. Each photo tells a story and reveals the magic of the world around us. Whether you are an art enthusiast or simply appreciate the beauty of life, this exhibition promises to be a visual treat.

Interview Can you please share some of the insights from the recent photo exhibition in Sarajevo, and the upcoming public events in which you plan to feature photos taken in BiH? Edit: Early April, I organized, with the help of DIPLO Magazine, an exhibition of my photos at “The Bar”, a cozy place near the Cobanija bridge. I presented a selection of my pictures taken from various places I was living together with my husband, from Central Asia to the United States to Africa, and I was very much impressed by the large turnout at the opening event. I did not expect so many people to be interested in my photos. Currently, I am working on a serious of pictures about Sarajevo and BiH. I have already organized a private viewing with the diplomatic spouses group and, who knows, there might be an occasion to exhibit also this collection publicly. 11 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

Can you please highlight some of the most Interview significant achievements or projects the Swiss Embassy in BiH has initiated/supported in the The first thing I was last six months so that our readers can know told was how more about your work-related focus and fields in which your professional engagement is most extraordinarily lucky prevalent? I was to come to BiH as Ambassador. In few Daniel: The Swiss Embassy is covering and other places could I promoting the full range of bilateral relations expect such a warm between Switzerland and BiH, and my job as a diplomat is thus extremely rich and manifold. welcome, or the Let me mention two aspects of my work that chance to contribute are particularly important to me. One is our engagement with young people in BiH and the so fully to wider other one is the promotion of bilateral efforts, both domestic economic relations. and international, to BiH has a lot of talented young people that build strong and are the future of this country. However, many sustainable BiH. of them leave and invest their talents abroad. Within the Swiss Embassy’s cooperation program, we support young entrepreneurs who intend to start their business in BiH, who want to invest their talent to the benefit of their own country. We offer small grants and training opportunities on how to start a successful business. In addition, we promote the dual education system that focuses on the practical training of young professionals in order to make them fit for the job market. With this engagement, we hope to contribute that talented young people stay in BiH and make their skills available for the development of their country. When it comes to bilateral economic relations, my frequent travels through all parts of BiH show me that there is a huge potential to further boost the business relations between our countries. There is room for much more Swiss investment here in many sectors, for example when it comes to furniture production, metal processing or textiles, but also in upcoming sectors such as IT and renewable energies. Particularly important in this regard is the large BiH diaspora in Switzerland that includes between 60’000 and 70’000 people. Many of them see the opportunities to come and invest in production sites in their country of origin. And one of my personal goals for my term as a Swiss Ambassador in BiH is to promote such endeavors and help to increase Swiss investments here. 12 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

Interview 13 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

Interview Can you please tell us more about the improvements you have Bosnia and noticed in relations between BiH and Switzerland, and in Herzegovina is in my what ways can it be further expanded/deepened in the coming months/years? conviction truly a heart shaped country Daniel: Switzerland and BiH have a longstanding partnership based on friendly relations between our that is part of the Governments and peoples, going back more than 25 years. central Europe. With We can however still work on the intensification of these its natural beauties, relations. A key role in this could be played by the BiH diaspora in Switzerland. From the Embassy’s side, we culture and rich support a program called “Diaspora for Development” history it is an which intends to connect Swiss with BiH roots to their absolute touristic gem. country of origin. I personally believe that the potential of the diaspora and the benefits it represents for BiH is far from being sufficiently used. On the business side, for example, you have plenty of young people of BiH origin in Switzerland that are keen to work with the country their parents came from. And both Governments, the Swiss and the BiH Governments, should support such endeavors. In addition, more could be done in the field of culture exchange, but also in science and education, to further intensify our bilateral relations. 14 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

Interview Interview His Excellency Ambassador Damijan Sedar Embassy of Slovenia to Bosnia and Herzegovina 15 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

Interview Promoting Unity and Cultural Exchange: Slovenian Ambassador's Efforts in Bosnia and Herzegovina My mandate as the Slovenian Ambassador to Bosnia and I personally would like to see a proper and grand 40th Herzegovina commenced in July 2021. Some people may anniversary of the WOG '84 in February 2024. We should remember my arrival in the national costume that all gather with positive motivation to promote the ideals unintentionally caught media attention. The story behind that always unite people. my appearance somehow remained unknown – I borrowed the clothing from a person that was born in Velika Kladuša In the context of uniting us I am supporting promotion of and lives nowadays in my region of Carinthia. the quality Slovenian wines at my residence with the organization of the wine evenings with the best I could say I didn't arrive as a winemakers from my country. In May 2023 I have been honored to host at the residence an evening that carried a stranger - for me Sarajevo and the name Ladies Gin Night with the awarded distiller from Slovenia. country haven't been unknown, since In Sarajevo there are also Slovenians who are gathered in I had priorly many opportunities for the association bearing the name of one of the greatest Slovenian novelists Cankar. They are regular guests at our visits both professionally and Embassy and a great support to the outreach activities. I may recall the rides with the green tram 'I feel SLOVEnia', privately. Christmas activities or promotional activities related to bees. Yes, Slovenia is a staunch promoter of the bee, Coming from Slovenia and being old enough I have fond pollinators and healthy environment. We celebrate the 20 memories of Sarajevo Winter Olympic Games from 1984 May as the international day of the bee, we organize and I am also great fan of the Olympic mascot 'Vučko', who Slovenian breakfasts with honey, plant honey plants. In became a true hero of our collective memory. I have met July 2023 we will bring to Sarajevo for an exhibition the his author Jože Trobec, who lives in Kranj in Slovenia, and model of giant bee '3D Kranjica' in the size of 1 meter. he shared with me the story how his 'Vučko' got selected for those game - as a kid he read a story of the wolves from Jahorina. I could say that I pay a lot of attention to the promotion of the Winter Olympic Games '84 through a number of activities that have been developed by my Embassy since my arrival. I have been told by several of the diplomatic colleagues that 'DiplomatSKI' may be the most fun diplomatic activity in Sarajevo. As the name suggests, the diplomats and their friends from public life and business meet at the slopes of Jahorina for a giant slalom. Participation is more important than competition and for that reason I cherish the inclusive nature of the event. Two 'DiplomatSKI' editions the race has been opened by the Bosnian-Slovenian couple Zoran and Dragica Doršner, who are seniors of 86 and 81 years. The architect Doršner was one of the designers of the ski slopes at Jahorina and Bjelašnica for the Winter Olympic Games'84. Furthermore, we have hosted as racers victims of the mines as monoskiers, who were also BiH’s participants of the Paralympic games. 16 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

Interview 17 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

Interview 18 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

Interview There is another side of the token of a busy diplomatic life. My daily calendars are so packed with different tasks that I barely find any time for the activities that I really like. In Sarajevo I love to hike and ride my e-bike. I also like to read, DIY and bit of gardening. It is also handy to have plants instead of fury pets, since they are more obedient waiting at home for my late evening arrivals. 19 DIPLO MAGAZINE 01/23

Our regular guests at the residence are the future chefs Interview from the secondary school in Pale, who are preparing the gastronomic delights for different guests, including I also have a close connection with the Slovenian business ambassadors and high level functioners. It is important to community. Trade relations between Slovenia and BiH are support young talents and offer them to work and meet important. Slovenia is one of the strongest investors in the other people outside their communities. country. Slovenian companies employ at least 15.000 people. In Slovenia, workforce originating from BiH is important for many sectors. Consequently, Slovenia became a home for many job seekers from this country. Slovenia also hosted many refugees during the war before 30 years. Facing the consequences of the tragic war that are still present, I personally support the continuation of de- mining. I have great friends among mine victims that are gathered in the organization UDAS. Whenever possible they got included in our programs and activities. They are the most positive people I have met yet they never pay attention to the ethnicity or background of their members and friends. Exactly 56 of mine victims completed beekeeping education through a program supported by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. It was an honor to ship 500 jars of their honey to my diplomatic colleagues in New York, who will use this honey for promotional purposes. The bilateral relations between Slovenia and BiH are friendly and honest to such an extent that I may be sometimes addressed as an ambassador from the neighboring country. With relative proximity between Ljubljana and Sarajevo it is no surprise there is also vivid cultural exchange and many of my co-citizens visiting Sarajevo for tourism and sports. Bosnia and Herzegovina is in my conviction truly a heart shaped country that is part of the central Europe. With its natural beauties, culture and rich history it is an absolute touristic gem. I sincerely hope that candidate status granted to the people of this country for the full membership in the EU will be used as an opportunity and good motivator for the advancement of the necessary reforms and changes for the benefit of the citizens. It makes me profoundly sad hearing the stories of the individuals who decided to emigrate. We all know that there is no place like home and for that reason Bosnia and Hercegovina should be advanced to cater the individual needs. My personal support for that endeavor can be taken for granted. 20 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

Interview Interview Alenka Sagmeister Ranzinger Expert on Rule of Law and Justice Reform & Attorney-at-Law 22 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

Interview You have been posted in BiH for couple of years now, and your work primarily focuses on wider contexts of judicial reforms in BiH and specific features related to BiH judicial institution capacity building. Can you briefly explain the essence of your project and your specific role? I came to Bosnia and Herzegovina first in 2012 as a European Union Member State Seconded Prosecutor in the IPA 2010 project “Fight against organized crime and corruption: Strengthening the Prosecutors’ Network in the Western Balkans”. It was the first phase of this EU-funded project, aiming to strengthen international cooperation capacities in criminal cases of organized crime and the highest level of corruption. My task in this scope was to provide advisory support, knowledge, and expertise during day-to-day work to the prosecutors of the Prosecution Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our team consisted of a national legal advisor and me; we were sitting in the Prosecution Office of BiH which contributed decisively to the efficient and effective use of all instruments the project was able to provide. Back then prosecutors in general were in a way yet getting aware of all benefits of good international cooperation in criminal matters, therefore the results of the project’s activities were easily visible and very rewarding. I left Bosnia and Herzegovina after two years and a half with wonderful memories of the work done and the time spent with the prosecutors of the Prosecution office of BiH. I returned to Slovenia in 2014 and worked there as an attorney-at-law. In 2020, I was invited to join the last, this is the fourth phase of the same project, now part of IPA 2019, titled “Countering serious crime in the Western Balkans”. After six years of absence, I was very glad to notice a substantial improvement in the application of the tools for international cooperation in criminal matters in comparison with the situa - 23 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

Interview -tion in 2012, and improvement in complicated case of contempt of Can you highlight the most pertinent prosecutorial performance in general. features in the cooperation framework I could single out a few prosecutors court, which would correspond to with local judicial authorities? What is and legal advisors within the PO BiH the overall impression of the that are a model role of enthusiastic, the criminal offense of giving a false stakeholders you work with, in what competent, and hard-working areas do they expect your help the professionals. However, there are statement before the court. My most, and in what areas it is most also many of them whose difficult to navigate the current performance is not satisfactory. knowledge of the language we used challenges? Can you briefly tell us more about your to call Serbo-Croatian contributed to In Bosnia and Herzegovina, I feel I am professional background and the home. I trust in the capacity of BiH experiences you bring to this specific successful accomplishment of my justice system. I see many competent post? and capable prosecutors doing their assignment with ICTY. In 2009, I work with responsibility, enthusiasm, I studied law at the Faculty of Law of and consequent success. I have met the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. joined EULEX, the European Union many of them, who yet do not have Early in my studies, I got particularly sufficient experience, but are not interested and, in a way, captivated Civil Mission to Kosovo. As a EULEX afraid to ask for my opinion and by criminal law. Immediately after my support. Also, my own knowledge and graduation, I started an internship at prosecutor, I mentored, monitored, understanding of legal matters were the then “Basic Public Prosecution challenged many times, and only Office” in Celje, where my enthusiasm and advised Kosovar prosecutors in common efforts led to the best for criminal law only grew. When I solutions. got a position as a legal officer at the different challenging criminal cases. District State Prosecution Office in Of course, I do make comparisons, Slovenj Gradec, my career within the In addition to that, I performed sometimes unwillingly and sometimes prosecution service took a quick start. on purpose, between the criminal As there was a lack of prosecutors, I executive prosecutorial powers in legal systems of BiH and Slovenia. The was given serious and substantial complicated system of governance in cases very early, and consequently, most serious cases of organized BiH does not do much favor to the my career advanced. In 2005 I was sense of legal certainty, especially in invited to the Supreme State crime, murders, and corruption. This criminal law. I have seen many cases Prosecution Office of the Republic of where the investigation and Slovenia in Ljubljana, where I assisted was my first substantial experience prosecution of crimes went on quickly the supreme state prosecutor – the and effectively no matter that there Head of the Department for in working within a new (and were law enforcement agencies and Prosecutorial Supervision. The prosecution offices of different Department conducted regular and different from Slovenian) legal entities involved and competent for ad hoc supervision of the work of some investigative measures. On the every Slovenian prosecutor. For me, system. It was challenging, other hand, where there is no this was a great experience. I learned (political?) interest, investigations in that any prosecutor, no matter how sometimes very hard and difficult. such cases may be easily obstructed experienced and skilled, can (and and cases never solved. does) make mistakes. However, some For instance, during my career in mistakes are correctable or without relevant effect, while some can be Slovenia, I dealt with five murders all very damaging. together in 13 years, while in After a year, I was invited to apply for a post in the Special Group of Kosovo, in Peć region where I was Prosecutors for Prosecution of Organized Crime within the Supreme deployed, there was one murder State Prosecution Office. I was a member of this group for the next committed every week, on average. three years and it is then that my international career took off. I On the other hand, difficulties, cooperated with ICTY in a rather un - challenges, and obstacles once overcome were immensely rewarding. I learned that every society may have its own characteristics, but there are good professionals and not so good ones everywhere. From EULEX I came to the EU- funded IPA Project to BiH, as I have already mentioned I was born in Yugoslavia, I grew up with the perception that this was my homeland, and, on the emotional level, this has not changed. I believe in the European path of Bosnians ad Herzegovinians, therefore I welcomed the opportunity to work with them and contribute to successful prosecution of cross border organized crime and corruption. I love the spirit of Sarajevo, local jokes about Haso, Mujo and Fata, hilarious jokes about Slovenians. 24 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, I Interview feel I am home. I trust in the 25 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23 capacity of BiH justice system. I see many competent and capable prosecutors doing their work with responsibility, enthusiasm, and consequent success. What professional successes are you BtSHhayeeraPaScfmdaojaletooorrpvvwisfkoaatMacTkuirpistRdrriseoeoiopšsuinukdii,,bnnEDlomiectfhpbinieauamntsaypdsrryeowoavfshinaygtouaratehreethme olsostctelapyl focused on? I am proud on each and every criminal case that has been solved quicklier and successfully also because of my involvement. I am honored that many BiH prosecutors, not only from the Prosecution Office of BiH but also from many cantonal prosecution offices and the prosecution office of Brčko District, trusted me enough to ask for my opinion and support. Our project supported many hearings abroad, we went as far as to Abu Dhabi, for instance, and you may believe me that in such circumstances strong bonds between us prosecutors have been established. Among areas that I consider most relevant for fair and effective criminal justice in BiH, I single out improving the efficiency of criminal proceedings. Lengthy and slow criminal proceedings lead to delayed justice and increased costs. Bosnia and Herzegovina should focus on implementing measures to expedite the resolution of cases, such as streamlining procedures. Another issue is the lack of proper qualifications and professionalism among some appointed prosecutors and judges. Inadequate experience can (and actually does) affect the quality of their work and leads to inconsistent or unjust decisions. It is essential to ensure that those selected for these positions have the necessary expertise and competence to fulfill their responsibilities effectively.

Photo by: Federalna OSCE CHAIRMAN BUJAR Photo by: Dnevni Avaz OSMANI'S VISIT TO BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA The Chairman of the OSCE, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of North Macedonia, Bujar Osmani, visited Bosnia and Herzegovina on May 12 and 13, 2023. Chairman Osmani held meetings with In addition to the meetings with the In the conversation, they referred to members of the BiH Presidency, as well head of the OSCE Mission in Bosnia the work of the OSCE Mission in as with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Herzegovina Brian Aggeler and the Bosnia and Herzegovina, which of BiH, Mr. Elmedin Konaković. At the staff of the Mission, Chairman Osmani supports such efforts in the field. The meetings, Osmani discussed the donated two vehicles for the demining chairman's visit also included meetings current political climate in the country and confidence building project, which with representatives of civil society and the need to continue making was made possible with the financial from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina. progress on reforms in areas such as support of Germany. The project and The focus of the meetings was on how elections, security, the fight against its financing are the result of successful cooperation can be improved, and how corruption, human rights and inter-municipal cooperation of 5 tolerance and ways to build trust can reconciliation. Osmani reaffirmed the municipalities from the area of be improved. OSCE's commitment to strong Majevica, supported by the OSCE \"The motto of North Macedonia's engagement and close cooperation Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina. chairmanship of the OSCE is \"It's about with Bosnia and Herzegovina. Chairman Osmani also met with the the people\". This is what lies at the heart \"Bosnia and Herzegovina has made clear head of the Municipality of Jablanica, of the OSCE's work,\" Osmani pointed progress in improving peace and security Mr. Damir Šabanović, and visited the out. \"Our partnerships on the ground are and strengthening democracy and the old building of the Municipality of an important part of how we help Bosnia rule of law in the last 25 years. This Jablanica (former military barracks) and Herzegovina become stronger, cannot be taken for granted and it is where 17 NGOs are located. The better connected and more prosperous necessary to preserve and deepen this building will be renovated as part of a for the benefit of the people of the progress,\" said Osmani. \"Constructive joint project of the OSCE Mission to country and the entire region.\" dialogue, compromise and cooperation: BiH, the Delegation of the EU, the UN this should be the focus of improving the and the Council of Europe with the aim Photo by: OSCE current situation and taking steps to of providing support to municipalities rebuild trust and ensure progress in throughout BiH that implement local Photo by: OSCE reforms for the benefit of the people.\" initiatives to build trust and community Chairman Osmani also met with cohesion, called \"We can do better\". members of the Collegium of both Minister Osmani congratulated Chief houses of the Parliamentary Assembly Šabanović on his commitment to the of BiH, as well as with members of the community and promoting positive Central Election Commission of BiH. stories in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The focus of their talks was the role of During the field visit to Mostar, the OSCE in advocating electoral Osmani met with the Mayor of Mostar, reform. The OSCE mission continues to Mr. Mario Kordić, and the President of support BiH in strengthening the the City Council, Mr. Salem Marić. integrity of electoral processes, and They discussed efforts to build a more the OSCE Office for Democratic inclusive and multi-ethnic society and Institutions and Human Rights - its key role in achieving sustainable ODIHR has made recommendations to progress. support comprehensive electoral reform in BiH. 26 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

Interview John Kennedy Mosoti UNFPA Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Country Director for Serbia and the Republic of North Macedonia, and Director for Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) 28 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

UNFPA'S INITIATIVES EMPOWER YOUTH AND PROMOTE PEACE IN BIH Can you please tell us more about the To achieve this, UNFPA on partnering particular focus on combating initiative #MladiMirSigurnost (Youth, with BiH governments, young people gender-based violence, a critical area Peace and Security) and what type of and local administrations to provide of UNFPA's work - especially in the activities have you engaged in the past youth with the knowledge, skills, and digital sphere where we launched the couple of months? opportunities for them to become Bodyright campaign, aimed at The United Nations Population Fund active contributors to their stemming violence perpetrated (UNFPA) serves as a crucial link communities and agents of positive against women and girls online. between the Youth, Peace, and change. Additionally, UNFPA Thirdly, we invest in peace and Security agenda and post-conflict supports these young people to reconciliation education through societies, such as Bosnia and realize their rights to make informed changes in the curricula at the level of Herzegovina. Guided by its mandate choices about their own bodies, their universities, while also building a of ensuring every young person's own lives and the world they live in as group of youth-peer educators who potential is fulfilled, UNFPA's work a matter of justice and a driver of a are touring the country as we speak, plays a critical role in these societies lifetime of returns.It is our firm belief talking to their peers on how to by focusing on youth empowerment, and fundamental approach that transform the legacy of pain and gender equality, and sexual and through this empowerment, youth trauma from the war, preventing the reproductive health and rights. become integral partners in peace- inter-generational transfer of hate. UNFPA also conducts research building and community cohesion Finally, we build partnerships initiatives, data collection, learning efforts, fostering a peaceful and between local youth organizations, exchanges, and documentation of stable society. government bodies, artists and good practices to inform policy and That being said UNFPA BiH, together cultural workers, sports people, programming. with our partners at UN Peace- business community, religious In the context of Bosnia and building Fund and Italian Embassy in communities and faith-based Herzegovina, the aftermath of the BiH, invests in several key initiatives organizations to create a strong, conflict left deep-rooted challenges, at local level: collaborative network dedicated to including a polarized society, a Firstly, we are promoting youth youth empowerment and peace- massive legacy of war-related pain participation in decision-making, by building. and trauma, individual and collective engaging them in civic activities and Can you please tell us more about the insecurities, and a significant youth local peace initiatives, such as inter- educational board games and other population that often feels ethnic dialogue programs that tools UNFPA uses in shaping public marginalized and unheard thus transform the legacy of the past by discourses on menstrual health and resulting in, among others, their focusing on the shared cultural, reproductive rights among youth in frustration and even emigration. culinary, sports and artistic heritage BiH? Have you established cooperation UNFPA's global strategy \"My Body, of communities. We are doing this with local stakeholders and in what My Life, My World\" serves as a tool to through our BiH-Italian Fusion Fiesta ways do you plan to secure the help address these issues. It puts across the country. sustainability of this project in the young people—their talents, hopes, Secondly, we strengthen protective future? perspectives and unique needs—at measures to safeguard young people the very center of sustainable from violence and exploitation, with a development. 29 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

UNFPA'S INITIATIVES EMPOWER YOUTH AND PROMOTE PEACE IN BIH Can you please tell us more about the To achieve this, UNFPA on partnering particular focus on combating initiative #MladiMirSigurnost (Youth, with BiH governments, young people gender-based violence, a critical area Peace and Security) and what type of and local administrations to provide of UNFPA's work - especially in the activities have you engaged in the past youth with the knowledge, skills, and digital sphere where we launched the couple of months? opportunities for them to become Bodyright campaign, aimed at The United Nations Population Fund active contributors to their stemming violence perpetrated (UNFPA) serves as a crucial link communities and agents of positive against women and girls online. between the Youth, Peace, and change. Additionally, UNFPA Thirdly, we invest in peace and Security agenda and post-conflict supports these young people to reconciliation education through societies, such as Bosnia and realize their rights to make informed changes in the curricula at the level of Herzegovina. Guided by its mandate choices about their own bodies, their universities, while also building a of ensuring every young person's own lives and the world they live in as group of youth-peer educators who potential is fulfilled, UNFPA's work a matter of justice and a driver of a are touring the country as we speak, plays a critical role in these societies lifetime of returns.It is our firm belief talking to their peers on how to by focusing on youth empowerment, and fundamental approach that transform the legacy of pain and gender equality, and sexual and through this empowerment, youth trauma from the war, preventing the reproductive health and rights. become integral partners in peace- inter-generational transfer of hate. UNFPA also conducts research building and community cohesion Finally, we build partnerships initiatives, data collection, learning efforts, fostering a peaceful and between local youth organizations, exchanges, and documentation of stable society. government bodies, artists and good practices to inform policy and That being said UNFPA BiH, together cultural workers, sports people, programming. with our partners at UN Peace- business community, religious In the context of Bosnia and building Fund and Italian Embassy in communities and faith-based Herzegovina, the aftermath of the BiH, invests in several key initiatives organizations to create a strong, conflict left deep-rooted challenges, at local level: collaborative network dedicated to including a polarized society, a Firstly, we are promoting youth youth empowerment and peace- massive legacy of war-related pain participation in decision-making, by building. and trauma, individual and collective engaging them in civic activities and Can you please tell us more about the insecurities, and a significant youth local peace initiatives, such as inter- educational board games and other population that often feels ethnic dialogue programs that tools UNFPA uses in shaping public marginalized and unheard thus transform the legacy of the past by discourses on menstrual health and resulting in, among others, their focusing on the shared cultural, reproductive rights among youth in frustration and even emigration. culinary, sports and artistic heritage BiH? Have you established cooperation UNFPA's global strategy \"My Body, of communities. We are doing this with local stakeholders and in what My Life, My World\" serves as a tool to through our BiH-Italian Fusion Fiesta ways do you plan to secure the help address these issues. It puts across the country. sustainability of this project in the young people—their talents, hopes, Secondly, we strengthen protective future? perspectives and unique needs—at measures to safeguard young people the very center of sustainable from violence and exploitation, with a development. 29 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

UNFPA BiH has a long running Banja Luka, and UNFPA, aimed to This festival is a component of the tradition of engaging the society on emphasize the importance of peace, 'Moving Us Closer' project, an sensitive and difficult subjects. In coexistence, and tolerance for initiative designed to enhance social order to reach out and engage in this building a healthy, understanding and cohesion, promote positive discourse, UNFPA uses innovative a prosperous society. The festival engagement, reduce prejudice and tools and youth-friendly approaches included competitions for preparing discrimination among young people, to ensure Sexual and Reproductive and tasting traditional homemade and foster intercultural dialogue and Health information is available to the Italian and BiH food, as well as reconciliation. The Fusion Fiesta of general population and in particular performances of Italian music and Italy and BiH, which successfully to and for young people. local Sevdalinka by emerging talents. concluded in Banja Luka, will continue One of the key tools used to shape Over 400 attendees, including young as a series of celebrations across the public discourses on menstrual health people and local residents, country, with the next edition has been the educational board game participated in various activities such planned for Sarajevo, all aiming to \"Ciklus\" developed by the INGO as the educational game 'Ciklus' and promote peace and unity. Humanity in Action BiH, with the several sports games. support of UNFPA. The game, which recently received authorization from the Ministry of Education of Canton Sarajevo to be played in Canton Sarajevo high schools, has been created \"by youth for youth\". It has been used to raise awareness on menstrual health and fight the stigma surrounding this topic both in and out of school through sustained advocacy, lessons, events and campaigns utilizing both boys and girls. This was very efficient to reach young people with an ad-hoc, interactive, and fun solution. The strong cooperation with the Government of Canton Sarajevo is key for the ownership and the sustainability of the project itself. Additionally, UNFPA has explored other tools to reach young people with SRH information, such as Viber bots as well as workshops and discussions focused on peer-to-peer education which see young people as the key stakeholders to ensuring youth-friendly approaches in BiH. For this last example, collaboration with local stakeholders and the medical students' association has also been key. Can you tell us more about the Festival Italy and BiH in Banja Luka, what were the key topics you address, How did you engage with local youth, what was the goal and what were the impressions? Any other related dimensions of this event you would like to highlight? The Fusion Fiesta of Italy and BiH, a multicultural celebration, was held last week at Dom omladine Banja Luka. This event, co-organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Italy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the City of 30 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23


Interview Interview Pernilla Flank Promoting Efficiency and Transparency: Sweden's Efforts in Judicial Reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina An experienced Judge of Appeal seconded to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, by the SNCA as a Project Coordinator and Senior Legal Advisor in the project Improving Court Efficiency and Accountability of Judges and Prosecutors in BiH (ICEA lll). 33 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

You have been posted in BiH for couple of employees from Swedish courts Interview of years now, and your work primarily collaborates closely with their and providing assistants in budget focuses on wider contexts of judicial counterparts in the Bosnian pilot planning, all with the goal of reforms in BiH and specific features courts, exchanging experiences as establishing a more efficient related to BiH judicial institution well as providing support as the new enforcement procedure in BiH. capacity building. Can you briefly working method is implemented. In In another project component we are explain the essence of your project and total, we worked with 18 first- focusing on the importance of a more your specific role? instance courts from the entire transparent and proactive country. communication by the courts The judiciary of Bosnia and The new working method is not only towards media. We are supporting Herzegovina requires development in cost effective, but also provides the efforts to develop better multiple areas to respond to its tasks statistical results. Almost all pilot communication skills, hosting put before it by the public and to courts reports shortened turnaround transparency events such as open achieve standards for efficiency, times, decreased backlogs, and courts days and restructuring the quality, and transparency in the increased quality. And the statistics courts websites in a more user process of accession to the EU. To support them. The pilot courts also friendly and informative way. The aim support these efforts Sweden, claim they now have greater job of these activities is to raise public through SIDA, is funding a 3,5-year satisfaction among the staff. trust in the judiciary. project - Improving Court Efficiency In total, we worked with 18 first- Finally, SNCA is helping the BiH and Accountability of Judges and instance courts from the entire judiciary in implementing the HJPC- Prosecutors (ICEA III). The project is country. The new working method is adopted Gender Equality Strategy. As implemented by the Swedish not only cost effective, but also you are probably aware, gender National Courts Administration provides statistical results. Almost all equality is a cornerstone of Swedish (SNCA), in partnership with the BiH pilot courts reports shortened support, and the strategy was High Judicial and Prosecutorial turnaround times, decreased developed in collaboration with a Council (HJPC). backlogs, and increased quality. And Swedish Judge during the previous the statistics support them. The pilot face of the project. This strategy is ICEA III is a continuation of previous courts also claim they now have also the first of its kind in the region. ICEA-projects where SNCA, together greater job satisfaction among the All judicial institutions in BiH have with HJPC, focus on reorganizing staff. now implemented the strategy. business processes in Bosnian courts, Now, moving in to the third year of mainly by delegating administrative the project the work method is about My Role tasks from judges to to transfer from being a project trainees/volunteers and judge activity implemented in pilot courts, I am the project coordinator and long- assistants. The belief is that by to becoming the regular procedure in term expert. I am a Swedish Judge of relieving the judges of these duties, all first instance courts thorough Appeal and I have been stationed in judges will have more time to focus Bosnia and Herzegovina. BiH for almost two years. I would on adjudicating and preparing Another activity targeting efficiency describe my role as a focal point in judgments. Most of our activities are deficit is the proposal for a reform of the project and a bridge between the merely practical and hands-on, with the appeal procedure in litigation Swedish and Bosnian project the aim of being noticed and making a cases. By proposing the introduction managements. difference. of leave to appeal in second instance To fully understand the task, and to courts, the aim is to reduce the be able to make a difference, it is As a comparison, In Sweden, there turnaround times and backlog of important to be on location. Since my are approximately 12 judges per cases in those courts. office is in the HJPC secretariat I 100,000 people, whereas in Bosnia When it comes to the enforcement work closely with my Bosnian and Herzegovina, there are approx. procedure, the project activities are colleagues in the project. The close 28 judges. Simultaneously, it has been implemented in five pilot courts by cooperation is crucial in order to be discovered that the non-judicial staff HJPC in cooperation with the up to date and well informed. It also in the Bosnian courts is underutilized. Swedish Enforcement Authority, SEA. gives me the opportunity to have an The project therefore strives to make SEA is an independent state authority informal day-to-day contact and to be better use of the competences of with the power to carry out really in the heart of things. trainee/volunteers and judge enforcement and assist creditors, as Another key element is to keep in assistants. As a result, the courts will well as to support and advise debtors. touch and to coordinate our activities be more efficient, which is important SEA emphasizes a proactive working with other donors, projects, and for the public since justice delayed is method in which public information is different actors. By doing that I´m justice denied. We firmly believe that an important tool. The Swedish work able to, apart from avoiding overlaps this new model, apart from being method is now being implemented in and informing others about our effective, also will increase pilot courts in BiH, alongside efforts project, provide the project managers transparency in the courts. to strengthen the role of court bailiffs and the Swedish experts with a more overall and holistic approach. This work is being done within the context of a sister-court structure, which means that different categories 34 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

Can you briefly tell us more about your The SNCA have a long-standing Interview professional background and the relation with Bosnia and Herzegovina experiences you bring to this specific and the HJPC when it comes to For me, the biggest post? implementing projects in the professional success in this I've been a Judge of Appeal in Judiciary. From a Swedish Stockholm's Administrative Court of perspective it is crucial with a strong field will be when all our Appeal for nearly a decade. As an local ownership and that the outcome activities are fully experienced judge, I have a general of the project’s activities are awareness of the requirements and sustainable over time. By implemented across the obstacles that judges face daily. That implementing the project together country. When the new comprehension is essential in my with HJPC and the pilot courts I working methods have role. On a personal level, I am believe that we have created a transitions from being inspired by the fact that the role of a prerequisite for this. activities in a project to project coordinator is so varied, with Another key principle of our being the usual way of short-term and mid-term engagement is that the reform be working in all of Bosnia responsibilities running alongside systematized rather than relying on more long-term and strategic the will of the current leadership. and Herzegovina. considerations. Making and Having said that, I applaud the pilot managing contacts is a significant courts' contributions to the effort. We are now entering the final year of part of my job, so these skills They have been diligent and the project and we are focusing on also come in handy. hardworking, and they have been doing that, to shift the initiative and Within the framework of my able to accomplish improvements in a responsibility for the various previous positions as, among other short period of time that took much activities over to the courts so that things, secretary to the Committee longer in Sweden. the activities becomes a sustainable on Justice and legal expert at the The pilot court has taken upon them way of working that is done in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, I have self, with the assistance of the HJPC, same way across the country. worked a lot in an international to act as ambassadors for the context on different levels and in reformed work methods, which is a different areas. In addition to my clear sign that the courts really LLM, I have also studied a master's benefit from the changes and that a degree with a focus on public great part of the reform is locally administration from an EU driven. The presidents of the pilot perspective. courts can also by statistics show that Having worked at several levels this new method is successful when it within the Swedish state comes to increase the efficiency, administration, my broad legal quality and to enhance transparency background enables me to contribute and human rights. with solid experience of the Swedish We know that introducing new legal system and legal tradition. I am legislation and amendments to grateful to have the opportunity to existing laws is a challenge here in utilize my experience to assist with Bosnia and Herzegovina. In some capacity building within the Judiciary segments of the project, there will be in Bosnia and Herzegovina. a need for that in order to have the I never hesitated to accept the system fully functional. Having said challenge of this project. Even later in that, I believe that one of our success your career, using your experience to factors is that we are working with a promote development and capacity lot of practical solutions that can be building in another country is implement within the existing legal amazing. I will also be able to return framework. to Sweden with plenty of knowledge What professional successes are you and experience. Collaborating with most proud of and what are the step the HJPC and the courts in Bosnia forward in improving the local and Herzegovina has significantly capacities in the areas you are mostly broadened my perspectives. focused on? Can you highlight the most pertinent I am proud of all the dedicated work features in the cooperation framework done by the HJPC and the pilot court. with local judicial authorities? What is They have in a short period of time the overall impression of the implemented new work methods in stakeholders you work with, in what different areas of their courts. I also areas do they expect your help the admire the Swedish judicial experts most, and in what areas it is most that have shared their knowledge and difficult to navigate the current devoted their time to build capacity in challenges? the Bosnian judiciary. 35 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

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Feature FROM THESSALONIKI TO ZAGREB: GAP BETWEEN MOTIVES AND PERFORMANCE IN THE EU INTEGRATION PROCESS Each wave of European Union expansion was structural limitations in the integration process preceded by an important meeting where the related to the weight of the upcoming fight against leaders debated and agreed on the vision of the widespread corruption in the Western Balkans, and expansion and its importance for the development the necessity of investing a large number of of the EU. The Thessaloniki summit in June 2003 resources in strengthening governance and human had exactly such significance for the region known rights in the region. today as the 'Western Balkans'. During this summit, the heads of state and governments of EU member The adoption of the so-called The Thessaloniki states pledged to support the EU accession of Agenda, which specified the promised countries from the mentioned area, including 'strengthening of the access dimension of SAP', and Croatia, then Serbia and Montenegro, North access to twinning programs and TAIEX (i.e. the Macedonia under a different name, and Bosnia and Office for Information Exchange and Technical Herzegovina. The present leaders also confirmed Assistance Assurance). The agenda also opened the permanent commitment of the Union in space for regular political dialogue, creating stability and prosperity of the entire \"benchmarking\" of the EU integration process, region, and promised to provide the necessary enrichment of the dimension of accession to the economic and political support to all the mentioned SAA, as well as other elements of cooperation countries, which is essential for the development of between the EU and the countries of the WB a stable democracy based on structural reforms region that are not based primarily on the EU and the principles of a functional market economy. acquis. The meeting of the European Council and the Balkan Summit in Thessaloniki, Greece, The summit in Thessaloniki was held two and a half although successful in establishing the basic years after the first EU-Western Balkans summit in positions and principles of the future expansion of Zagreb (from November 2000), and a little more EU borders, on the other hand, failed to secure a than two years since Milošević was no longer in consensus for the adoption of the necessary and power. However, the results of the transformation consistent implementation strategy for the full of the countries from the Western Balkan region integration of countries from the mentioned area were disappointing for the leaders of the EU within the Union. countries. Therefore, the implications of the vision of enlargement presented at the summit in From the Thessaloniki summit until today, the EU Thessaloniki were significant for the entire region. perspective of the countries from the WB region The process that began at this meeting opened new has taken on somewhat different discursive opportunities for both parties, primarily in meanings. Various characterizations and concepts strengthening economic integration through the have been attributed to the region and the term opening of new markets and investment 'Western Balkans' in official EU communications. opportunities; increasing diversity through They progressively reflected the undemocratic and permeation with new different cultures, traditions inefficient management system in the region (July and political systems within and outside the EU 29, 2003); labeled it as an ineffective 'entity' that is structures; expanding the political influence of the slow to reform (March 30, 2004 and June 2, 2010); EU in international relations and within other or as an entity with uncooperative or disloyal regional forums. oppositions (October 16, 2013); or as a region without leadership that ensures the conditions for The new perspective of the expansion of the Union creating the necessary political will to 'implement has also opened some challenging issues, such as political and economic reforms' (November 9, 2016). 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE THESSALONIKI SUMMIT

In its official communications, the EU marked the Feature countries of the Western Balkans, explicitly or implicitly, as an area that lacks 'peace, democracy efforts in EU integration, economic growth and and prosperity' (July 29, 2003, November 8, 2006, regional cooperation, was adopted at the EU- September 8, 2008, May 8, 2014); as an area of Western Balkans summit held in Zagreb on May 6, 'outdated economy' and with backward societies 2020. via video link due to restrictions imposed by (April 13, 2005); as an area of 'defective the COVID-19 pandemic. After almost 23 years, democracy' (February 14, 2006); as an area that is when a similar EU-oriented declaration was making slow progress in the fields of 'stability, adopted in Zagreb, this time, the focus was on security, democracy and basic freedoms' (July 7, several introductions of a new enlargement 2010); as a politicized entity instead of a market methodology, and several areas of cooperation and economy (February 24, 2014); and as an area support, including strengthening the rule of law and disconnected from other areas of the European the fight against corruption through support in Union, digitally, legally, physically and politically judicial reforms, economic development and (March 25, 2015, July 2, 2015). connectivity, security and migration management, and environmental protection. The Zagreb After a series of unimplemented reforms in the Declaration from 2020 reaffirmed the Union's countries of the region, the lack of capacity of commitment to the Western Balkans region and states and elites to seriously deal with growing renewed its European Union perspective. The new crises, and numerous negative characterizations in enlargement methodology should aim to make the official EU documents based on poor results in entire process more credible, predictable and reform processes, there was a need to renew the efficient, and with the significant financial and unambiguous European perspective from technical assistance that the EU has pledged to Thessaloniki, as would give the region and the provide, the Union's commitment to the entire enlargement process a new momentum after 15 enlargement process and solving the accumulated years. The summit of the European Union and the obstacles is also being strengthened. Western Balkans held in May 2018 in Sofia was exactly what was expected. However, the issue of However, we should not forget that reform enlargement was not the main topic of the summit, processes in all countries in the Western Balkans, and the adopted Declaration from the summit did or the region, must be based on internal aspirations not confirm the hint that 2025 will be a key year for and efforts of political elites to ensure stable the European integration process of the entire preconditions for economic and any other type of region, as stated in the EU Enlargement Strategy social progress. As emphasized during the adopted at the beginning of 2018. Thessaloniki summit and numerous other declarations since, EU leaders and institutions will The last in a series of relevant declarations, which do everything they can to make the region succeed, once again confirmed the EU's commitment to 'but membership has to be earned.' in the countries support and assist the countries of the WB in their of the region. The speed and success of European Union integration \"depends on you\", as well as the responsibility for all failures and omissions. Thessaloniki Summit 2003 Photo: Wikimedia Commons 38 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

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The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, and Development Cooperation of the Kingdom of Belgium, Hadja Lahbib 40 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

BELGIUM AND BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA STRENGTHEN RELATIONS WITH MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING The meeting between Minister Konaković and Minister Lahbib, along with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation, marks a significant milestone in the relations between Belgium and Bosnia and Herzegovina. On May 16, 2023, the Minister of Minister Lahbib affirmed the She stated that Bosnia and Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and excellent relations between Herzegovina is part of the European Herzegovina, Elmedin Konaković, Belgium and Bosnia and Union family and highlighted held a meeting with the Minister of Herzegovina and stressed the Belgium's upcoming presidency of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, and importance of the forthcoming the EU starting from January 2024. Development Cooperation of the opening of the Belgian Embassy in During its presidency, Belgium Kingdom of Belgium, Hadjo Lahbib. Sarajevo. This development is intends to prioritize issues related Their meeting aimed to discuss expected to further strengthen the to European integration. bilateral relations and cooperation bilateral ties between the two between the two countries. countries. Minister Lahbib Speaking at the joint press Following their tête-à-tête meeting reiterated Belgium's unwavering conference, Minister Lahbib and subsequent discussions support for the European reaffirmed Belgium's support for between delegations, a significant integration of Bosnia and Bosnia and Herzegovina's European milestone was achieved with the Herzegovina. She also discussed the integration. She emphasized the signing of a Memorandum of political situation in Bosnia and signing of the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation Herzegovina, emphasizing the Understanding as a reflection of this between the Ministry of Foreign obstacles that hinder the fulfillment support. Minister Lahbib Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina of the people's needs and acknowledged the diversity of and the Federal Public Service for aspirations in the country. peoples and languages in both Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, and In relation to the meeting with countries and considered it an Development Cooperation of the Minister Konaković, Minister Lahbib important aspect to address when Kingdom of Belgium. underlined Belgium's desire to discussing the future of Bosnia and During a joint press conference, witness the implementation of Herzegovina. She emphasized the Minister Konaković expressed his constitutional reforms and electoral necessity of implementing appreciation fort the strong law reforms in Bosnia and constitutional and electoral reforms bilateral ties between Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to her, to facilitate the country's progress Herzegovina and Belgium. He these reforms would strengthen the towards the EU. Minister Lahbib specifically thanked Belgium for its country's position as a political highlighted Belgium's commitment continuous support on Bosnia and partner within the European Union. to engage in a constructive dialogue, Herzegovina's path towards which she deemed crucial for the European integration. Minister Konaković also acknowledged Belgium's early endorsement of granting candidate status to Bosnia and Herzegovina, emphasizing Belgium's role as an advocate and promoter of this idea. He expressed his satisfaction with the signing of the Memorandum, highlighting the significant assistance Belgium will provide to Bosnia and Herzegovina in its European Union aspirations. 41 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. She further stressed that the European Commission's fourteen priorities, including the enlargement and democratization processes, are essential steps to be undertaken on the path to EU membership. The meeting between Minister Konaković and Minister Lahbib, along with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation, marks a significant milestone in the relations between Belgium and Bosnia and Herzegovina. This agreement reflects Belgium's support for Bosnia and Herzegovina's European aspirations and signifies a commitment to strengthen bilateral cooperation in various fields. As both countries continue to work together, it is expected that their partnership will contribute to the mutual growth and development of both nations. 30 4D2IPLDOIPMLOAGMAAZGINAEZ0IN1E/2032/23

By Feature Ambassador of France to BiH Izgleda da ne trebam pričati o politici. Baš dobro, jer to ni H.E. Christine Toudic ne želim ! Samo političare interesuje politika…. A neću govoriti ni o putu Bosne i Hercegovine ka Evropskoj uniji, Sarajevo Mon već sam u više navrata imala priliku govoriti na tu temu. Amour Bosna i Hercegovina je dobila status kandidata za članstvo u EU u decembru prošle godine. Ako mi dozvolite ovu sportsku metaforu, lopta je sada na vašem terenu. Jer Bosna i Hercegovina ima svoje mjesto u EU, kao i druge zemlje Zapadnog Balkana, a Francuska će uvijek biti uz nju da joj pruži podršku, i to se nikada ne smije zaboraviti. Ali to već sve znate. Dakle, govoriću vam o svemu što sam uradila u ovoj zemlji iz koje beskrajno tužna uskoro odlazim. English Version 43 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23 SCAN or click HERE

Sarajevo i Bosna i Hercegovina općenito, osvojili su me od Feature početka. Ovdje se dobro osjećam, grad je lijep, njegovi stanovnici su srdačni, ugodno je živjeti ovdje. A to sam Još jedan aspekt uticaja moje zemlje je i znala, jer Sarajevo poznajem jako dugo, skoro 40 godina, i kultura. U jednom trenutku smo bili u redovno sam se vraćala. Dakle, to je grad koji sam zastoju zbog pandemije, a onda, kada je poznavala, i uostalom iz tog razloga sam tražila ovo radno ova pandemija bila iza nas, nastavili mjesto. Jer sam znala da će mi ovdje biti lijepo. Malo prije smo s kulturnim aktivnostima još jače. dolaska, doživjela sa neke vrlo bolne trenutke u svom životu, a Sarajevo mi se učinilo kao mjesto gdje sam mogla Sarajevo i Bosna i Hercegovina općenito, osvojili su me od malo doći sebi i oporaviti se. I upravo je to slučaj. početka. Ovdje se dobro osjećam, grad je lijep, njegovi stanovnici su srdačni, ugodno je živjeti ovdje. A to sam Imala sam preciznu predstavu o prioritetima svoje misije, znala, jer Sarajevo poznajem jako dugo, skoro 40 godina, i jer sam stigla iz Podgorice gdje su izazovi praktično isti: redovno sam se vraćala. Dakle, to je grad koji sam pored evropskog puta, to su zaštita francuskog jezika i poznavala, i uostalom iz tog razloga sam tražila ovo radno ekonomska diplomatija. I zaista, učenje francuskog jezika u mjesto. Jer sam znala da će mi ovdje biti lijepo. Malo prije ovoj zemlji je u stalnom padu i naš jezik više ne zauzima dolaska, doživjela sa neke vrlo bolne trenutke u svom mjesto koje zaslužuje. Isti je slučaj i sa francuskim životu, a Sarajevo mi se učinilo kao mjesto gdje sam mogla kompanijama, kojih je po mom mišljenju premalo. Stoga od malo doći sebi i oporaviti se. I upravo je to slučaj. kako sam došla, borim se za svoj cilj: da preokrenem trend što bolje mogu, to jest da bude više francuskog jezika, i više Imala sam preciznu predstavu o prioritetima svoje misije, francuskih kompanija. Jer, na kraju krajeva, jedno bez jer sam stigla iz Podgorice gdje su izazovi praktično isti: drugog ne ide. I s tim u vezi čak bih rekla: naučite francuski, pored evropskog puta, to su zaštita francuskog jezika i to je dobar način da se izgradi svijetla budućnost u BiH, jer ekonomska diplomatija. I zaista, učenje francuskog jezika u francuske kompanije sigurno dolaze ukoliko nađu ovoj zemlji je u stalnom padu i naš jezik više ne zauzima kvalifikovanu radnu snagu, što je već slučaj, i frankofonu mjesto koje zaslužuje. Isti je slučaj i sa francuskim radnu snagu, a na tom polju ima dosta prostora za kompanijama, kojih je po mom mišljenju premalo. Stoga od manevar. kako sam došla, borim se za svoj cilj: da preokrenem trend što bolje mogu, to jest da bude više francuskog jezika, i više Naravno, ovdje se radi o svakodnevnoj francuskih kompanija. Jer, na kraju krajeva, jedno bez borbi. Ali svaki mali korak u pravom drugog ne ide. I s tim u vezi čak bih rekla: naučite francuski, to je dobar način da se izgradi svijetla budućnost u BiH, jer smjeru je i velika pobjeda. francuske kompanije sigurno dolaze ukoliko nađu kvalifikovanu radnu snagu, što je već slučaj, i frankofonu Što se tiče francuskog jezika, iako napredak još nije radnu snagu, a na tom polju ima dosta prostora za spektakularan, dobili smo, moj tim i ja, prilično ohrabrujuće manevar. rezultate. Kao što često kažem, Rim nije izgrađen za jedan dan. Neumorno sam putovala zemljom kako bih govorila o Nastojimo biti prisutni u cijeloj zemlji, tome. A bili smo i inicijatori regionalnog projekta „Ponovno a ne samo u Sarajevu koje je kao glavni uvođenje francuskog jezika u obrazovni školski sistem“, koji je omogućio da se francuski jezik ponovo uvede u tri grad domaćin mnogih velikih škole, i to u Sarajevu, Mostaru i Travniku. Svim srcem međunarodnih kulturnih događaja nastavljamo raditi na tome da uvedemo francuski i u druge škole. Obišla sam veliki broj osnovnih i srednih škola, širom tokom cijele godine. zemlje, i u velikom broju slučajeva nedostaje vrlo malo da plamen ponovo oživi. Ovdje vidimo koliko je značajno izaći Među mojim najdražim dostignućima najviše mi je prirasla na teren i objasniti zašto je potrebno učiti francuski jezik!!! srcu veličanstvena izložba Yves Saint Laurent, koja trenutno putuje širom zemlje. Otvorena u Sarajevu, potom je prikazana u Tuzli pa Mostaru, a na jesen će ići u Banja Luku i Trebinje. Drugi glavni gradovi u regiji su nam je već tražili. Veoma sam ponosna na to! Yves-Saint-Laurent je amblem kulturne baštine frankofonog područja, a rekla bih čak i cijelog svijeta. Ova izložba je oda kreativnosti, slobodi umjetnika i emancipaciji žena. To je jedan fragment savremenog vremena i kulturne i društvene uzavrelosti od 1960. do 2000. godine. 44 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

Ova izložba je postigla neosporan uspjeh, a plod je Feature uspješne saradnje između Francuske ambasade, Francuskog instituta, VII Akademije i Fondacije Pierre Eto. Mogla bih ovako beskonačno. Ali vrijeme je za Bergé Yves-Saint-Laurent. Također je omogućila da se zaključak. A kao zaključak, imam poruku za sve građane pokaže put jednom novom obliku izložbe, a i načinu da se Bosne i Hercegovine. širi slika o zemlji. Imate lijepu zemlju i na vama je da učinite sve što je Još jedan kolektivni uspjeh na koji sam ponosna su Dani moguće da tu i ostanete tako što ćete izgraditi svijetlu frankofonije u Bosni i Hercegovini. Dane frankofonije budućnost za sebe. Bosna i Hercegovina ima ogromne 2023. organizovali smo sa našim partnerima iz Belgije, potencijale u mnogim oblastima i oni se moraju iskoristiti. Švicarske, Luksemburga, Bugarske, Rumunije i Srbije u To je zemlja u kojoj se lijepo živi, stanovnici su gostoljubivi, osam gradova BiH (Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Tuzla, Mostar, pejzaži raznovrsni i veličanstveni, dobro se jede i pije. I tu Bijeljina, Trebinje, Bileća i Maglaj). Početak ovih Dana je se osjećamo sigurno, a to je u ovom trenutku vrlo važna obilježen prijemom u francuskoj rezidenciji 20. marta, na činjenica za Francuze. kojem se okupilo stotinjak ličnosti iz glavnog grada i uz vina, sireve i piva iz frankofonih zemalja, raznolik program Volim ovu zemlju. I mislim da mi ona to je ponuđen publici iz BiH, djeci, studentima i odraslima: vraća. I kao što sam to rekla na početku, izložbe, filmovi, koncerti, književni i kulturni susreti, susreti strašno sam tužna što je napuštam. Ali sa studentima dvije katedre (francuskog jezika u Sarajevu, i romanskih jezika u Banjoj Luci) i školska takmičenja. Po ovo je samo doviđenja. mišljenju svih, ovi Dani su zabilježili pravi uspjeh. Još jednu stvar koju bih željela istaći: u svakom svom obraćanju, nastojala sam da sistematski promovišem ravnopravnost između žena i muškaraca. Ne samo zato što sam žena i što je to uvijek bila moja borba. Već zato što su to pokazale i sve studije koje su godinama radile ozbiljne organizacije: što je više žena uključeno u neki sektor, to više taj sektor ima koristi. Zemlje u kojima se žene tretiraju jednako kao i muškarci imaju bolji ekonomski rast. Kompanije koje imaju žene na čelu pokazuju bolje rezultate. Mirovni sporazumi koji uključuju žene pokazuju se održivim na duži rok. Dakle, pred nama je još dug put, ne samo u Bosni i Hercegovini. Pandemija je pogoršala stvari. Na svima nama je da preuzmemo baklju kako bi se ponovo napredovalo ka ovom cilju. Jer je to u interesu svih. I zato sam se u to snažno uključila. Naravno, nije sve bilo uspješno. Skoro pa totalno odsustvo francuskih kompanija u ovoj zemlji me i dalje rastužuje, a vrlo malo sam mogla učiniti da ispravim tu anomaliju. Pojedine kompanije počinju pokazivati i​nteres za Bosnu i Hercegovinu, pa ostaje još da se «postigne esej», ovaj put koristim jezik ragbija! Sporazum o otvaranju ureda Francuske razvojne agencije nesumnjivo će biti veliki korak naprijed u ovoj oblasti. Stoga mogu samo ohrabriti lokalne vlasti da odobre ovaj projekat što je prije moguće. Sigurno ste primjetili da često koristim sportske metafore. Zato što smo i sport stavili na vrh naših prioriteta. Jer sport prenosi vrijednosti koje nas čine jačima. Konkretno, organizirali smo ili učestvovali u događajima o olimpizmu i Olimpijskim igrama u Parizu 2024., kako bismo promovirali ove vrijednosti. I ovi događaji su bili vrlo uspješni. Također odlično sarađujemo sa Olimpijskim komitetom Bosne i Hercegovine. Podržavamo i sportske klubove u ovoj zemlji, kada promovišu inkluzivnost i ravnopravnost žena i muškaraca. Promovisanje, favoriziranje i zaštita integracije svih, bez diskriminacije, još je bitnije u ovom trenutku zajedništva i slavlja, a što sport i treba biti. 45 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

Hall of Fame Valerie Sluijter Former Ambassador of the Netherlands in BiH and former Deputy of the High Representative in BiH 46 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

Hall of Fame Diplomatic Journey: Reflecting on Hope, Hard Work, and a Lasting Love for Sarajevo I was truly honoured when Diplo Magazine suggested that I open their new series of interviews with former ambassadors to Bosnia and Hercegovina. Hope many will follow! I arrived in Sarajevo mid-1996. The Those The Netherlands was at that time first ambassador of the Netherlands were very implementing a substantial in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was reconstruction program in Bosnia only a short time after we had just special and Herzegovina, which made us the opened our new embassy here. In a times, full second-largest bilateral donor for a building on Obala Kulina Bana that of sadness long time. Decisions on however looked far from new, with and hope, macroeconomic support were lots of graffiti and in dire need of handled by our Ministry back home, renovation. But very well located, in and I in close collaboration with the walking distance from everything and loved World Bank, but decisions on it was warm and dry and functional, Sarajevo project support were gradually fully so I felt privileged. A formal residence from day delegated to the embassy. This made would only come later, so I spent my one. for the fast decision-making that we first half year in the now-defunct were soon famous for, but also for Hotel Bosnia, being very well taken very hard work by the relatively care of by the wonderful staff. Who I small embassy staff, fortunately guess felt slightly sorry for the only soon strengthened by an extra first female bilateral ambassador in town, secretary, Margriet Struijf, who who also had to work 24/7 and didn’t tirelessly roamed the country, have a home to go to. But never a dull identifying and supervising all these moment. Especially since we had the projects. And we were fortunate to EU presidency here for 18 months, be able to hire also some very also standing in for Ireland and professional local staff, some of Luxembourg, who had no whom still work at the embassy to representations in Sarajevo. I don’t this day. All these projects, large and remember having many meals on my small, were aimed at supporting the own in those months! I had never BiH reconstruction efforts in many visited the former Yugoslavia, so it fields and regions, especially those was all new to me and I enjoyed that made minority returns possible. Bosnia and Hercegovina, the people and the place. 47 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

This setup, which was somewhat In the end, the Sarajevo Summit was Hall of Fame different from most other Embassies handled beautifully and expertly by in town made my work extremely all those involved. Although I would to simply send me back to Sarajevo as interesting. It also worried some of not be surprised if one of my Bosnian a Deputy High ‘Rep’ for a while, to my European colleagues in town, who friends, responsible for all things head the Reconstruction and Return wanted to know if I had a solid organizational, would still be having a Task Force (RRTF) at the OHR. And so personal liability insurance, in case I nightmare now and then …. they did. made the wrong financial decisions, so I don’t think they envied me. But it Regretfully, an unintended result of By that time minority returns indeed also put me in regular contact with started to take off and surged for a people and institutions all over the all this was that I was soon asked to while, unfortunately leveling off in the country and with BiH authorities at years ahead. The PLIP (Property Law all levels, many of whom I got to know come home to the Ministry, to head Implementation Plan) finally kicked in well, some of them also on a more and the RRTF worked around the personal level. And some of those our own Western Balkans Task Force, clock, in close collaboration with the have become and remain friends for returnees themselves, with local life. They have always been extremely set up a more permanent Western authorities, and with the hospitable and welcoming. At the International Community to create time Sarajevo was still a non-spouse Balkans unit in the Ministry (we never better conditions for these returns. posting and my partner was then still Obviously quite often in the face of our head of mission in Sudan, but had one) and develop a cooperation heavy opposition by those who did managed to join me in 1997/1998 for not like that idea at all. I am honored about half a year, before continuing program in the context of the to have been part of that effort. to his next posting as ambassador in Senegal. He also loved Sarajevo and Stability Pact for the region as a By the end of 2001, I finally left the wider region and eventually even Sarajevo for good (but not forever) to managed to get himself transferred to whole for the next few years (and so join my partner, by then our Skopje. Ambassador in Skopje. After a year I to actually be able to spend those was asked to go to Pristina for a In 1999, when my 3-year mandate number of months to reopen our was coming to an end, I asked the pledged 200 million dollars). I could Office and set up a bilateral Ministry for an extension and was development program. Which I gladly more than happy to get it. But then hardly refuse, so I packed my things did, happily commuting between things happened, or rather the Skopje and Pristina every weekend. famous Stability Pact for the Western and headed home. For a year I worked Eventually, but not over- Balkans happened. Starting with the enthusiastically, I returned to our big Sarajevo Summit Conference of very hard at the Ministry, traveled Ministry in The Hague as the director July 1999, which brought more than 40 heads of government together in a extensively in the region but at the major push for peace and security in the region. This also resulted in a same time somehow managed to stay regional 700-million-dollar aid package, 200 million of which was homesick for Sarajevo. Summer of pledged (and eventually indeed spent…) by the Netherlands. Those of 2000, when in Thessaloniki at one of us who were present will surely remember that Summit as a major the many and various and rather logistical headache, all these high- powered delegations flying and freewheeling Stability Pact driving into Sarajevo for a one-day event! In an effort to reduce conferences, I heard that Andy congestion I suggested to our Dutch Prime Minister to bring three of his Bearpark, one of the more colorful fellow PM’s from our neighboring countries all together in one (his) and active deputy High government plane, which they surprisingly all gamely agreed to (and Representatives would be leaving the which they all thoroughly enjoyed in the end; or so I heard!). OHR in Sarajevo soon for Kosovo. As by then I had the feeling that the main part of my work at home was sort of done and could be easily taken over by someone else, I asked my Ministry Valerie Sluijter and Margriet Struijf while handing over 48 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23 cows that were donated to refugees in central BiH, with former Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Forestry of the FBiH, Dr. Ahmed Smajic and the governor of the Canton.

Hall of Fame ... when a close friend, in summer 2021, sent me some information on a nice new small apartment, for sale in the center of Sarajevo, walking distance from our then embassy (that still has the graffiti on it…), it only took me a few days to decide. 49 DIPLO MAGAZINE 02/23

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