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Home Explore Chrysalis 3.O

Chrysalis 3.O

Published by Shiphali Gupta, 2023-08-14 08:03:23

Description: Chrysalis 3.O


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CHRYSALIS 3.O – The Digital Era- Navigating A Changed World ! S.NO EVENT CLASS TEACHER INCHARGE 1 E-TECH WALK NUR-KG MS. DEEPIKA - 9971004289 MS. RACHNA - 9818736910 MOULDED MARVEL I 2 MS. VANDANA – 9871421776 MS. PRACHI – 9953333706 3 SYMPHENIA II – III MS. MANDIRA - 9871808339 MS. NAMITA – 8287867524 MS.YOGITA- 8375839090 4 SCREEN IV – V MS. SOMA - 9650811148 MASTERS MS. PREETI DESWAL - 9996998862 5 SUPER NERDS- VI – VIII MS. SHIPHALI GUPTA - 9971347420 AI@RESCUE MS. SUNITA GEORGE- 9818132999 6 CROSSROADS IX – X MS. SAVITA – 9650215594 DREAMERS XI-XII MR. SUDHANSHU – 8920616497 MR. SUNIL ARORA- 9211497443 7 THE ELOQUENT MS. SWAPNIL- 7838678216 ENIGMAS MS. ASHA- 9582096111

GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. Only one entry per event per school is permitted. 2. A student can participate in only one event. 3. Kindly confirm your school’s participation on/before August 28, 2023 by mailing the duly filled registration form at : [email protected] OR Google form link : 4. Time allotted for each presentation must be strictly adhered to. 5. Event specific rules and regulations are mentioned with each event. For further queries, you may contact the event incharge of the respective event between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm on any working day. 6. All participants are required to maintain discipline at all times. 7. In case of any change in the list of participants, the school must inform the host school by September 02 ,2023. 8. Each participating school to be escorted by 2 teachers. 9. School code will be allotted at the time of registration. 10. The decision of the judges will be final and binding.

CHRYSALIS 3.O – The Digital Era- Navigating A Changed World ! TO BE FILLED IN BLOCK LETTERS Name of the school: ______________________________ Address : ______________________________ School Phone No. : ______________________________ School Email ID : ______________________________ Name of the accompanying teachers : : ______________________________ Contact Numbers : ______________________________ ______________________________ Email ID : ______________________________

EVENTS S.NO EVENT CLASS NAME OF PARTICIPANTS 1 E-TECH WALK NUR-KG 1.__________________ 2 MOULDED MARVEL I 1.___________________ 3 SYMPHENIA II – III 1.__________________ 4 SCREEN IV – V 2.__________________ VI – VIII MASTERS IX – X 1.____________________ 5 SUPER NERDS- XI-XII 1.____________________ AI@RESCUE 2.____________________ 6 CROSSROADS 3.____________________ DREAMERS 1.____________________ 2.____________________ 7 THE ELOQUENT 3.____________________ ENIGMAS 4.____________________ 5.____________________ 6.____________________ 7.____________________ 8.____________________ 9.____________________ 10.____________________ 1.____________________ 2.____________________ 3.____________________ Principal’s Signature Official stamp of the school

E-TECH WALK (Fancy Dress) “Dream of Digital India is where knowledge is strength and empowers the people” Today’s technology is a booming market full of exciting and innovative products which have revolutionised our lives. Let us open a window to Future with the help of technology. Tiny tots dressed up as gizmo gadgets should showcase the way our lives have undergone changes. From smart Phones to laptops, smart watches to home assistants , a new dimension has been added to our lives. Classes : Nur, KG Number of participant: 1 Time Limit: 3 minutes GUIDELINES FOR THE EVENT: 1. It is an individual event. 2. The participant must be dressed up as any gadget from the digital world. 3. The participant is expected to speak about 5-7 lines about the gadget. 4. The medium of language should be English. JUDGEMENT CRITERIA : 1. Innovation & Creativity 2. Costume 3. Performance and Confidence 4. Clarity of speech. 5. Overall Performance

MOULDED MARVEL (Clay Moulding) \"Every block of stone has a statue inside it, and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.\" – Michelangelo Watching a 5-year-old child engaging in clay moulding to create a gadget is a delightful sight, where imagination and creativity know no bounds. With little hands eagerly squishing and shaping the soft clay, the young artist embarks on a journey of inventiveness. It is a mesmerizing amalgamation of their dreams and ideas. This innocent exploration of clay moulding not only fosters fine motor skills but also ignites a passion for innovation from an early age. Witnessing this process reminds us that true artistry lies not in perfection but in the boundless expanse of a child's imagination. Class : Grade 1 Number of participants: 1 Time Limit : 30 min GUIDELINES FOR THE EVENT: 1. It is an individual event. 2. The participant has to create a digital gadget. 3. Participant to bring soft and non-toxic clay that is easy to mould and manipulate. 4. Participant can use different colours (minimum 4 colours) 5. Participant can carry their own tools. 6. The size of the clay artifact/work should be of 15-20 cm. 7. Bring A3 size hard base for the competition. 8. The entire work should be done by the students on the spot. JUDGEMENT CRITERIA: 1. Relevance to the topic 2. Creativity and innovation 3. Visual appeal 4. Neatness 5. Overall presentation

SYMPHENIA (Poster Making & Jingle Singing) “The aim of art is to represent not only the outward appearance of things but their inward significance. ” The symphony of art and music expresses the profoundest thoughts in the simplest way. It has the power to inspire, to evoke a sense of wonder and awe and to transcend cultural and linguistic barriers. It can capture moments in time, reflect societal issues, convey personal narratives or simply exist for the sake of beauty and aesthetic pleasure. Topic : Digital world in Real life. Classes : II-III No. of participants : 2 Time Limit : 1.5 hours. GUIDELINES FOR THE EVENT: 1. It is a group event with 2 participants. 2. A3 size sheets will be provided by the host school for poster making. 3. The participants have to bring their own colors. 4. Any coloring medium can be used. 5. No cutting and pasting will be allowed. 6. A jingle has to be recited elaborating the uses of the gadget shown in the poster. 7. Jingle can be in Hindi , English or bilingual. 8. The participants should bring their own musical instruments if required. 9. The lyrics of the Jingle should be decent. 10. Time allotted for jingle singing will be 2 minutes. 11. Incomplete entries would be disqualified. JUDGEMENT CRITERIA: 1. Artistic Composition. 2. Relevance to the theme. 3. Creativity and originality. 4. Organization and flow. 5. Overall Presentation.

SCREEN MASTERS (Movie Making) “Movie making is a miracle of collaboration.” Giving a medium to all young geniuses who believe in showing the world the unseen. Movie making is a visual medium which undoubtedly conveys the right message. It is the most collaborative and impactful expression of art. Topic: Ushering into the digital world Classes -IV – V No. of participant : -01 Software : Window Movie Maker Time Limit : 1 hr. (for making) GUIDELINES FOR THE EVENT: 1. It is an individual event. 2. Committing plagiarism is unethical. 3. Movie duration should not exceed time limit of 1.5 to 2 min. 4. Participant can only use the window movie maker software. 5. Opening and ending credits are required. 6. Share all your content (audio, images etc.) on the given E-mail [email protected] latest by 28/8/23. JUDGEMENT CRITERIA: 1. Relevance to the theme 2. Content 3. Creativity and Originality 4. Technical ingenuity 5. Overall Presentation

SUPER NERDS-AI@RESCUE (Model Making) “Keen eyes, steady hands, great models. “ We cannot look to the future without looking at technology. Technology will have a pivotal impact on the future of medical devices and healthcare robotics. Let’s think and create in an innovative way to create awareness and solutions for improving the same. Propose campaigns and technological innovations aimed at improving health care. Topic : Working model of any medical device or healthcare robot Classes : VI-VIII Number of participants : one team (comprising of 3 students, one from each class ) Time limit : 15 minutes (to present the project model ) GUIDELINES FOR THE EVENT: 1. This is a team event. 2. Project dimension should not exceed 1metre in length and breadth. 3. The participants need to bring an innovative working project of their choice related to the topic using Micro controllers-Node MCU/Ardino. 4. Project report is mandatory which includes collage of photographs while making the project, problems faced in real life with solution, application in real life, cost report and coding. JUDGEMENT CRITERIA: 1. Portfolio Documentation 2. Creativity and innovation 3. Purpose (Benefits of the project ) 4. Understanding 5. Overall presentation

CROSSROADS DREAMERS (Street Play) “A theatre, a literature and artistic expression that does not speak for its own time has no relevance.” Street play is one of the oldest theatre forms where the artists enact in public places with no specific target audience. It is a genre of drama performed with music and dance which is known for its simplicity and creative execution. It serves as a metaphor that captures an image of moral nature which every layman can relate to. Topic : Empowerment through digitization Classes: IX – X Number of students : 8 – 10 Time limit : 5 – 6 minutes GUIDELINES FOR THE EVENT : 1. Language of the script can be Hindi, English or Bilingual. 2. Time limit is 5-6 minutes. There will be Negative marking for exceeding time limit. 3. Use of mics and make-up is not allowed. 4. Use of any sort of hazardous element/prop is strictly prohibited. 5. Usage of offensive language and slangs is strictly prohibited. 6. Teams can use musical instruments such as Dholak, Flute and duff. Electronics instruments are not allowed. JUDGEMENT CRITERIA: 1. Relevance to theme. 2. Performance (dialogue delivery, expressions and body language). 3. Co-ordination. 4. Plot/Appropriateness. 5. Overall effect.

THE ELOQUENT ENIGMAS (Debate) “Don’t raise your voice, raise your argument.” Debating is an extremely useful skill. It prepares a person to present their arguments effectively and enhances their problem-solving skills. It enables them to express themselves in front of an audience and tackle various critical thinking problems and emphasizes upon logical consistency, factual accuracy, and emotional appeal to the audience. Topic: Changed landscape of privacy in the digital world- has the boundary between personal and public realm diminished? Classes : XI - XII Time Allotted: 4 minutes (each speaker) No. of Participants: 3 per school ( two debaters & one interjector) GUIDELINES FOR THE EVENT: 1. This is a team event. Each team shall consist of three participants - two debaters , one for the motion, the other against the motion and an interjector. 2. Each speaker will be allowed a time of 4 minutes. Speaking beyond the time limit will lead to negative marking. 3. For Interjectors - Only one interjection will be allowed per participant. Judges too reserve the right of interjection. JUDGEMENT CRITERIA : 1. Content (reasoning and evidence) 2. Organization of speech 3. Expression and delivery 4. Originality 5. Overall presentation

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