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Home Explore 2021 Corporate Giving Campaign

2021 Corporate Giving Campaign

Published by Babcock Design, 2021-10-18 17:37:35

Description: 2021 Corporate Giving Campaign

Keywords: humanitarian,corporate giving,international,CHOICE Humanitarian


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YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN REDUCING POVERTY Engage your organization in global-minded good that is tangible, meaningful, and impactful in CHOICE Humanitarian’s Holiday Corporate Giving Campaign. why give? Corporate social responsibility makes the world a better place, bolsters your brand, develops customer loyalty, and nurtures your employees: • Employee productivity goes up 13% when a workplace becomes engaged in CSR. • 53% of the current workforce feel that having a job where they can make an impact is essential to their happiness. • The turnover rate of a company involved in CSR drops 50%. • When employees have a satisfactory view of their employer’s CSR efforts, they also tend to have more positive attitudes in other areas that correlate with better performance at work, such as in customer service and how they interact with management. Sources: Net Impact and Global Giving FIND OUT HOW TO JEN DYER JOIN THIS PURPOSEFUL HOLIDAY CAMPAIGN: DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY & CORPORATE IMPACT 801.915.7120 | [email protected]

why poverty? why CHOICE? 1.3 billion people live in For almost 40 years, CHOICE devastating poverty. Humanitarian has worked with and through rural communities to Daily life can be a struggle—lack expand their range of options, of quality food, water, education, foster self-reliance, and and economic opportunities are reduce poverty. just a few of the challenges they face. Over 2 million people impacted. Over 2,000 projects funded. But it doesn’t have to be Over 750 communities. that way. Join in on our impact.

3 EASY STEPS givingholiday corporate to join CHOICE Humanitarian’s campaign 1 PICK A PROJECT OR FUND. Your holiday donation will go to support a real project that reduces poverty for a real community. Or select a CHOICE Program Area that fits with your company’s interests and passion for doing good. 2 SET A GOAL AMOUNT. Every donor dollar helps to make sustainable change happen. Fund part or all of a project, or set a stretch goal and see how much support you can rally. 3 DECIDE HOW TO GIVE OR FUNDRAISE. You can make it a one-time corporate gift or turn it into an employee or customer fundraising campaign. We can help build a fundraising webpage, provide authentic content from the field, brainstorm fundraising ideas, and create other supporting assets if you do an employee or customer fundraising campaign. November, December, and #GivingTuesday are an amazing time of year when people and companies are looking for ways to make a difference in the world. If you give with CHOICE, you feel close to the level of impact—your investment in reducing poverty can affect thousands of lives.

CHOICE PROJECTS Locally-led and data-driven. CHOICE projects are the engine for systemic change in rural poverty. Pick a project, and help turn these dreams into a reality. CHOICE is currently in progress on over 50 projects. This selection represents those our countries report as having the most vital need for funding this year. REFORESTATION Region: Ayo Ayo $16,000 BOLIVIA The installation of a nursery where seedlings, medicinal plants, Program Area: Agriculture fund part or all of this project and floristry will be produced and then used for reforestation. SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION Region: El Tigre $54,000 The construction of a school that will provide students a proper Program Area: Education fund part or all of this project environment for improved learning. SCHOOL LIBRARIES Region: Ayo Ayo $48,000 The implementation of 36 libraries with encyclopedias and 20 or Program Area: Education fund part or all of this project more books to facilitate book lending and small group discussion. ECUADOR TECHNICAL TRAINING CENTER Region: Imbabura $25,000 Program Area: Education Build a center with bathrooms, clean water, and a septic system for per training center item integrating rural community development that can house workshops. fund part or all of this project FOOD PRODUCTION Region: Plaza Gutiérrez $8,000 Program Area: Health Focus on supporting all families in the parish, especially vulnerable fund part or all of this project groups who are going through hard times because of COVID. STRENGTHENING ECONOMIC ENTERPRISES Region: Angochagua $6,000 Improve the breeding of guinea pigs (a common Ecuadorian protein Program Area: Economic fund part or all of this project source) by introducing new genetics and management. Development GUATEMALA LITERACY SCHOLARSHIP Region: Alta Verapaz $4,000 Program Area: Education Provide literacy education for individuals already in adulthood per individual who did not have the opportunity of learning to write and read. fund part or all of this project NEW SMALL BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES Region: Alta Verapaz $8,000 Support for new small business owners; financial training, Program Area: Economic per business vehicles for product transport, storefront improvements, etc. Development fund part or all of this project

CREDIT FUND TO SEED SMALL BUSINESSES Region: Alta Verapaz $15,000 Creating jobs through the growth of small businesses; stimulating Program Area: Economic per business the local economy with viable business opportunities. Development fund part or all of this project INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Region: Samburu $14,000 Training community leaders on leadership and governance and Program Area: Education fund part or all of this project orienting them to lead their members in development activities. KENYA SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM $10,000 Support bright & vulnerable students by paying their fees to increase Region: Kwaale per scholarship the transition rate from primary to secondary/tertiary colleges. Program Area: Education fund part or all of this project SCHOOL GARDEN Region: Muungano $10,000 Program Area: Health Set up a model farm that will be used to sustain a feeding program for fund part or all of this project students and also generate income from selling the farm produce. GREENHOUSE GARDEN TRAINING Region: Comedero Grande $7,000 MEXICO Do 12 theoretical/practical trainings on the production of organic Program Area: Health fund part or all of this project vegetables with personalized technical advice for 2 years. AQUAPONICS (FOOD PRODUCTION SYSTEM) TRAINING $14,000 Create a training program for aquaponics members so that they can Region: San Miguelito fund part or all of this project learn how to have quality production in their plant growth systems. Program Area: Health GREENHOUSE GARDEN CONSTRUCTION Region: San Miguelito $8,000 Program Area: Health Build 10 micro-greenhouses with ecological filters for production fund part or all of this project of organic vegetables for self-consumption and sale of surpluses.

NAVAJO NATION GREENHOUSE GARDEN $11,000Region: Tolani Lake/Cameron per house Construction of five Hoophouses: one 50’ x 16’ and four 100’ x Program Area: Health fund part or all of this project 16’ for production and sale of fresh produce. FOOD SECURITY AND MALNUTRITION Region: Former Bennett $10,000 Freeze Area Provide emergency food relief and enterprise development for over Program Area: Health for every 5 households 150 vulnerable households and 20,000 Navajo people. fund part or all of this project NEW TECHNOLOGY FOR HOOPHOUSES Region: Former Bennett $10,000 Freeze Area Optimize constructed Hoophouses (a form of greenhouse) with new Program Area: Health per house water systems, soil rehabilitation, and solar support. fund part or all of this project METAL STOVES Region: Kwholasothar $18,000 Program Area: Health Improved cooking stoves that release smoke through a chimney fund part or all of this project system; addresses fire safety, smoke inhalation, and fuel usage. NEPAL POLYHOUSES (GREENHOUSE) $25,000 Build 100 simple polyhouses to set up nurseries for the crops so Region: Thaha farmers will be able to produce year-round. Program Area: Education fund part or all of this project DRINKING WATER Region: Thaha $50,000 Program Area: Health Build a submersible pump supply system for about 133 households fund part or all of this project and a school to provide access to water for drinking and sanitation. METAL STOVES Region: Piura $10,000 Program Area: Health Improved chimney systems for cooking stoves for 180 homes; for every 5 households addresses fire safety, smoke inhalation, and fuel usage. fund part or all of this project PERU ANIMAL PRODUCTION: POULTRY Region: San Pedro $14,000 Pilot a poultry entrepreneurship project to showcase technical Program Area: Economic fund part or all of this project management in raising poultry for economic and nutritional benefits. Development ANIMAL PRODUCTION: PIGS Region: Terela $14,000 Program Area: Economic Develop a business project for pig farming (economic and nutritional improvement) with long-term goals for a pig farming large company. Development fund part or all of this project

CHOICE PROGRAM AREAS The root causes of poverty are intertwined. To best understand and solve it, CHOICE uses a systems approach that recognizes specific areas can have cascading positive impact on rural communities. In addition to—or instead of—funding a specific project, you can apply your corporate giving to one of these areas: give give EDUCATION AGRICULTURE Education offers skills leading to expanded According to OECD, agricultural progress is employment opportunities and higher average responsible for over 50% of poverty reduction incomes. This creates a cycle of growth as parents in 25 countries. It is one of the most effective ways perpetually are able to invest in their own children’s for communities to build a path out of poverty, which education. is CHOICE’s number one goal. Agriculture not only improves the environment and provides healthy, For education to effectively reduce poverty to this affordable food, it enhances business enterprises and degree, women must be included. If just 10% more creates an influx of job opportunities. Reliable income girls go to school, a country’s GDP increases fuels the economy and boosts commerce, thus by 3%. CHOICE promotes lifelong learning through building up the entire network of opportunities for the primary and secondary schools for children, along region. with vocational schools for adults. give give ECONOMIC HEALTH DEVELOPMENT Poverty denies access to reliable health services, Economic development is a powerful instrument in causing thousands to die each year from preventable alleviating poverty by stimulating household income, diseases. In 2020, 149.2 million children under five increasing quality of life, and motivating innovation. were growth stunted due to malnutrition, causing The CHOICE approach to economic development physiological deficiencies, decreased mental capacity, focuses on providing opportunities for communities and fragile immune systems for life. Poor health to build savings and participate in joint investments reduces income and generates a negative feedback so they can access resources to combat systemic loop called the health-poverty trap, an overwhelming poverty where they live. barrier to poverty alleviation. As people gain knowledge about business CHOICE focuses on making medical care and management and commerce, they become self- nutritious foods available to bolster immune reliant and serve as a support for their entire systems and eliminate susceptibility to community. By so doing, they are empowered to preventable diseases. end the cycle of poverty and create a new pattern of economic growth and prosperity. Sources: USAID and WHO


Stories of Corporate Partners CHANGING LIVES WANTING THE BEST FOR SWIFT RESPONSE TO THE HUSSEIN’S BRIGHT HER KIDS HURRICANE FUTURE When Doris was a teenager in When Central America was pounded The state of education in Kwaale the Apuela Parish of Ecuador, by Hurricanes Eta and Iota, almost County, Kenya, for the last 30 years she completed her high school 80% of the Alta Verapaz region of has been continually deteriorating, education. However, because of Guatemala—an area where CHOICE leading to a low rate of children economic challenges and geographic works—was flooded. dōTERRA and joining costly primary and secondary distances, she was unable to continue CHOICE pivoted previously allocated school education programs. High her studies. resources to address the urgent poverty levels in the community, due needs of the affected population. to scarcity of opportunities, remains a Doris and her husband later had dōTERRA also provided an additional major reason that parents fail to meet three children. Doris feared her donation within 24 hours of CHOICE’s their children’s educational financial children would repeat her past request. obligations.​ and be unable to earn a higher education. To combat this fear, she dōTERRA’s immediate response Hussein Nyerera is a student at started her own restaurant business. was essential for hurricane Muungano Primary School in a rural This decision led Doris to enroll in related needs. It enabled CHOICE poor area of Kwaale County. Because the Good Manufacturing Practices to perform critical life-saving of costs, Hussein had given up (GMP) course at Inta Kara, a activities. CHOICE was able to all hopes of going to secondary vocational school built by CHOICE produce and distribute food to local school until, in partnership with Humanitarian with corporate shelters, as well as prepare and deliver CHOICE Humanitarian, Thrive Life partnership support from ASEA. clothing, cleaning kits, shoes, mats, provided the means for Hussein Through the course, Doris was able eco-filters, blankets, purified water, to attend. At first, he thought it was to refine skills to provide better and medical assistance. Over 2,700 a dream, but Hussein is now in form service, add more variety to her food bags of food were delivered to seven three (third year of high school). In a offerings, and increase the revenue different micro-regions. dōTERRA recent interview, Hussein stated, “I in her restaurant, thereby pulling her funds were also leveraged nearly can now see the future somewhere family out of poverty and opening the four times that amount for ongoing beyond a few years. I see Thrive Life possibility of higher education for her medical and relief efforts. as an angel sent by God to save me children. from the chains of poverty.” dōTERRA’a swift response helped With ASEA’s support, Inta Kara will CHOICE develop trust within these Together, Thrive Life, CHOICE not only continue to provide courses, communities. This trust has improved Humanitarian, and local leaders it will also become an economic relationships with community leaders have improved education in the development hub that encourages and greatly increased the probability area. Over time, the partnership students to use their newly acquired that CHOICE programs will have the has succeeded in improving school skills to build self-owned local support of local communities and will quality, accessibility, and affordability, businesses. achieve ongoing economic growth. impacting over 18,000 children and families.

Other Ways Your Business Can UNLOCK CHOICE & POTENTIAL There are numerous ways your company can PERU invest in opportunities that uplift and inspire: BOLIVIA MEXICO CORPORATE EXPEDITIONS A corporate expedition with CHOICE to one of our eight countries and areas can enhance your company’s morale in a number of ways, all while supporting CHOICE projects that help bring about impactful, sustainable change in the communities we serve. PAYROLL CONTRIBUTION Through workplace giving you can provide sustainable, consistent support that enables CHOICE to plan and budget for the future, all while providing a way for your employees to engage in a collaborative effort to reduce rural poverty. FAIR-TRADE PRODUCT SOURCING You can actively participate in making a positive difference towards ending rural poverty by collaborating with CHOICE to bring sustainable products to the world’s supply chain. EVENT SPONSORSHIP Sponsoring a CHOICE event gives you the unique opportunity to connect with the CHOICE community, build brand awareness, and show your community that you are a strong partner in the work of ending poverty. IN-KIND EXPERTISE & PRODUCTS One of the many strengths of CHOICE is our ability to leverage every dollar donated up to five times. If your company has strengths or assets that you would like to leverage, this is an excellent way to give back. The printing of this brochure was made possible by the generous in-kind donation of Interform.


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