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EYP-2 hand book 2017-18

Published by pyp, 2017-08-21 01:47:03

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EYP-2 Symbiosis International SchoolThe IB Primary Years Programme Student Handbook 2017-181

EYP-2 IB Mission StatementThe International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring,knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a betterand more peaceful world through intercultural understanding andrespect. To this end, the organization works with schools,governments and international organizations to developchallenging programs of international education and rigorousassessment.These programs encourage students across the world to becomeactive, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand thatother people, with their differences, can also be right. SIS Mission StatementSymbiosis International School, a cradle of leadership, aspires tocreate responsible global citizens deeply rooted in the philosophyof Vasudhaivakutumbakam, instilled with a spirit of internationalmindedness. Our academically rigorous curriculum is an essentialcatalyst that fosters a desire for lifelong learning. We aim tonurture adept netizens, promote inclusivity and unwaveringintegrity. Our endeavor is to equip our students with requisite skillsand competences that will cultivate an ethic of service and enablethem to be the architects of a sustainable world. 2

EYP-2IB PYP Curriculum Model About the PYP Program ModelThe Primary Years Programme (PYP) for students aged 3 to 12 (EYP1to PYP 5) focuses on the development of the whole child in the classroomand in the world outside. We encourage a positive attitude to learning byencouraging students to ask challenging questions, to reflect critically, todevelop research skills, and to learn how to learn.The IB Learner profile develops a well-rounded and international-mindedstudent. The curriculum is transdisciplinary, meaning it goes beyondsubject areas. The curriculum framework includes 5 essential elements:knowledge, skills, concepts, attitudes and action. The PYP is arrangedaccording to a written, taught and assessed curriculum. The PYP preparesstudents to become active, caring, lifelong learners who demonstraterespect for themselves and others and are able to participate in the worldaround them. The PYP focuses on the development of the whole child as aninquirer, both within and beyond the classroom. 3

EYP-2The IB learner profile is the IB mission statement translatedinto a set of learning outcomes for the 21st century.IB learners strive to be.Inquirers They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire theskills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and showindependence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and thislove of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.Knowledgeable They explore concepts, ideas and issues that havelocal and global significance. In so doing, they acquire in-depthknowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balancedrange of disciplines.Thinkers They exercise initiative in applying thinking skillscritically and creatively to recognize and approach complexproblems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.Communicators They understand and express ideas andinformation confidently and creatively in more than one languageand in a variety of modes of communication. They workeffectively and willingly in collaboration with others.Principled They act with integrity and honesty, with a strongsense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of theindividual, groups and communities. They take responsibility fortheir own actions and the consequences that accompany them.Open-minded They understand and appreciate their own culturesand personal histories, and are open to the perspectives, values andtraditions of other individuals and communities. They areaccustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view,and are willing to grow from the experience. 4

EYP-2Caring They show empathy, compassion and respect towards theneeds and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment toservice, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of othersand to the environment.Risk-takers They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertaintywith courage and forethought, and have the independence of spiritto explore new roles, ideas and strategies. They are brave andarticulate in defending their beliefs.Balanced They understand the importance of intellectual, physicaland emotional balance to achieve personal well-being forthemselves and others.Reflective They give thoughtful consideration to their ownlearning and experience. They are able to assess and understandtheir strengths and limitations in order to support their learning andpersonal development.© International Baccalaureate Organization, Making the PYPHappen, January 2007 / 5

EYP-2The PYP AttitudesWhile there is a strong emphasis on developing knowledge, skillsand concepts our students are encouraged to develop positiveattitudes towards people, the environment and learning. Theseattitudes are addressed explicitly and promoted throughout allareas of the curriculum, and as educators we model these attitudes.We want the students to develop:Appreciation: Appreciating the wonder and beauty of the worldand its people.Commitment: Being committed to their learning, preserving andshowing self-discipline and responsibility.Confidence: Feeling confident in their ability as learners, havingthe courage to take risks, applying what they have learned andmaking appropriate decisions and choices.Cooperation: Co-operating, collaborating and learning orfollowing as the situation demands.Creativity: Being creative and imaginative in their thinking and intheir approach to problems and dilemmas.Curiosity: Being curious about the nature of learning and of theworld, its people and cultures.Empathy: Imaginatively projecting themselves into another’ssituation, in order to understand his/her thoughts, reasoning andemotions.6

EYP-2Enthusiasm: Enjoys learning and willingly putting the effort intothe process.Independence: Thinking and acting independently, making theirown judgments based on reasoned principles, and being able todefend their judgments.Integrity: Being honest and demonstrating a considered sense offairness.Respect: Respecting themselves, others and the world aroundthem.Tolerance: Being sensitive towards differences and diversity inthe world and being responsive to the needs of others.© International Baccalaureate Organization, Making the PYPHappen, January 2007 7

EYP-2The PYP identifies a body of knowledge for all students in allcultures, in six subject areas:● Languages● Social Studies● Mathematics● Science and Technology● The Arts (Visual and Performing Arts)● Personal, Social, Physical EducationTo support students in their development as an international citizenthey are required to learn a second language in addition to thelanguage of instruction of the school. (From PYP1 – PYP 5)Achoice has to be made between Hindi, French and Spanish.The IBO requires schools to develop six units of inquiry at eachyear level (four for 3 to 5 year olds), one for each six organizingthemes that are universal to every PYP school.These IBO themes are:● Who we are● Where we are in time and place● How we express ourselves● How the world works● How we organize ourselves● Sharing the planet 8

EYP-2 POLICIES AND PROCEDURESAssessment and Reporting: Assessment involves the gatheringand analysis of information about student performance and isdesigned to inform practice. It identifies what students know,understand, can do, and feel at different stages in the learningprocess. A wide range of assessment strategies and tools are usedby the facilitators to collect information on the understanding ofconcepts, acquisition of knowledge, mastering of skills,development of positive attitudes and the ability to takeresponsible action. Reporting about students’ performance takesmany forms like conferences (SLC) and written reports. In thefinal year of PYP, students, carry out an extended, in-depth,collaborative project known as the PYP exhibition. PYP 5 ExhibitionThe grade 5 exhibition is the culmination of the Primary yearprogramme which represents a significant event in the life of aPYP student. The exhibition unit can be chosen under anytransdisciplinary theme decided by the PYP 5 teaching team andstudents, respectively. This unit is framed in such a way that thegrade 5 students are given an opportunity to exhibit the attributesof the IB learner profile that have been developing throughout theirengagement with the PYP.Exhibition engages students in an in-depth, collaborative inquiry. It provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate independence and responsibility for their own learning. It gives them an opportunity to explore multiple perspectives. Students synthesize and apply their learning of previous years and to reflect upon their journey through the PYP. 9

EYP-2 It provides an authentic process for assessing student understanding. Demonstrates how students can take action as a result of their learning. Exhibition unites the students, teachers, parents and other members of the school community in a collaborative experience that incorporates the essential elements of the PYP. We celebrate the transition of learners from primary to middle/secondary education.All parents and the community are welcome to attend theexhibition. 10

EYP-2CommunicationGood communication between home and school is essential. Thefollowing information will assist you in identifying whereinformation may be found and with whom you may wish to speak.The school strives to model sustainable development and thismeans taking active steps to reduce our carbon footprint.Therefore, we have paperless communication whenever possible.Edu Cloud - Is the school management system that allows ourteachers to plan, assess and report on our curriculum as well ascommunicate with you. All communication to parents will bedone through the Educloud system. The communication will besend to the Email ID registered with the school.Email: The homerooms will email parents with news aboutspecific events, special announcements, field trips, or changes toour normal routine. It is very important that parents email addressis valid and is updated in the Educloud system. Kindly check youremail account regularly for school news.PYP Webpage: To get a sneak peek of PYP 2017-18 click on to Parents: Our reporting system reflects the essentialelements and beliefs of the International Baccalaureate PrimaryYears Program. The two formal written reports, at the end of Term1 and Term 2, will inform you of your child’s progress in acquiringand developing skills and knowledge during those times. OurJourney of Learning and student led conferences serves as a greattime for parents to know their child’s performance.Portfolios: SIS uses portfolios as a celebration of learning in allareas. It is a record showing process, product and progress over a11

EYP-2year. The selection process may involve teachers and students. Theformat changes as the students move from K1 – Grade 5. Portfoliosshow an increasing ability of the student to self-reflect. Theportfolio is used as a way of sharing learning of the student withothers and is a tool for student-led conferences. Portfoliomaintenance is an integral aspect of on-going assessment by boththe student and the teacher.Meeting our TeamThe following information will assist you in identifying withwhom you may wish to speak. ● The first point of contact for parents with enquiries about their child’s academic progress would be the homeroom/ specialist teacher. ● If the matter needs further discussion you may write to o For EYP Ms Huma Shaikh : [email protected] o For PYP Ms LeenaGahilot : [email protected] ● For all admin related queries you may write to Ms RituGoel : [email protected] Walk-ins-To discuss the progress of their child, parents can meet thehomeroom with prior appointment.● EYP : Fridays from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm● PYP1 to PYP 5 : Tuesdays from 08:30 am – 09:15 amParents can meet the coordinators with prior appointment. o EYP - Mondays between - 12:00 pm– 1:00 pm o PYP - Mondays between - 02:00 pm -03:00 pm 12

EYP-2Homework PolicyHomework fosters self-discipline and healthy study habits instudents. It reinforces the lessons taught in school, stimulates theintellectual growth of the students and cultivates interest on diversesubjects. Homework makes the students self-reliant andencourages student’s initiative and intellect. The role of Parents isto make their children understand the significance of homeworkand encourage them to study and complete all homeworkassignments on time.Student council - Students in the PYP democratically elect theirpeers in the Student Council. This body ideally consists of studentsfrom Grades 4-5 and is elected by all of the students in the Gradegroup. The Student Council is consulted on important decisionsregarding students in the school and is mandated to representindividuals or groups of students.Assembly:Morning Assembly is the start of the school day and is a vital partof the Symbiosis International School. The assembly scheduleincludes, but is not limited to:School PrayerGayatri MantraAnnouncementsStudent PresentationSchool SongNational Anthem 13

EYP-2Mark of ExcellenceSIS holds in the highest regard the industrious and stupendousefforts of its students. The outstanding work and behavior on thesebudding stars is recorded by the Programme Coordinator andconveyed to the School authorities. We take pride in givingrecognition to such coveted students who endeavor to excel inacademics, athletics and demeanor.Academic MaterialsOn commencement of the year a basic stationery kit is allotted toeach student. This kit includes notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers,crayons, coloring pencils, sketch pens ruler, glue etc. This kit willbe used by the students in class and will be retained in class. Theschool is liable to provide an initial pack of stationary and exercisebooks at the beginning of each semester, any further requirementcan be bought from the school stationery shop. Pleasemark/embark all the items with your student’s name. The schooltakes no responsibility for loss or theft of any items. -The Role of Parents: The school encourages the parents to sharetheir special expertise. Those parents who wish to contribute in thechild's learning process can kindly inform the respectiveHomeroom. Please talk to your child’s facilitator rather than otherparents if you have any questions about your children or theireducation. 14

EYP-2PYP Faculty(2017-2018)1 Huma Shaikh EYP Coordinator2 Nadia Patel PYPCurriculum3 Leena Gahilot Coordinator4 KomalMutha PYP Communication5 Sharon Marian Coordinator6 Huma Shaikh7 Jasmine Hajiyani EYP 18 ShwetaSengupta9 Naziya Shaikh EYP 110 PranitaKonjere11 LaveenaSaldanha EYP 212 Amynah Merchant EYP 213 Anjali Motwani14 AditiAwatade EYP 215 MonaliSalunke EYP 3 EYP 3 PYP 1 A PYP 1 A PYP 1 B PYP 1 B PYP 2 A 15

EYP-216 Monica Vaid PYP 2 A17 SameeraNavodiya PYP 2 B18 PoojaOberoi PYP 2 B19 Manjushree Mehta PYP 3 A20 RachnaNayak PYP 3 A21 Patricia D'souza PYP 3 B22 AlizaePardiwala PYP 3 B23 Monika Kaushik PYP 4 A24 Neha Jain PYP 4 A25 Preethy Sunil PYP 4 B26 Theresa Dale PYP 4 B27 Rochelle Menezes PYP 5 A28 Soumya Kumar PYP 5 A29 Elizabeth Christy PYP 5 B30 BeenishKhetani PYP 5 B31 KavitaBhasein Math Lab32 Shalini Arora Hindi33 Vasundhara Desai Hindi 16

EYP-234 TruptiNimbalkar Marathi35 Rashmi Gupta ICT36 New Teacher ICT37 SavithaPais EYP Music38 Jordan James PYP Music39 MohiniYadav PE40 MrunaliniGaikwad PE41 Nishi Prasad Art42 AkshataSawant Art43 Nikita Johnson Drama44 InshiyaLala Drama45 LishaPardeshi ESL46 Monomita Nandi ESL47 RumjhumMazumder ESL48 NutanKamble French49 Dipsikha Mishra Librarian50 Divya More Spanish 17

EYP-2EYP-2 Programme Of Inquiry Year 2017-18Unit of Theme Who we areInquiry 1 Central Idea Making and keeping friends are important life skills Lines of  Importance of a good friend Inquiry  Ways we can appreciate and maintain friendship  What do we do when conflicts arise Concepts Perspective, Reflective Related Opinion, Responsibility ,Behavior Concepts Subject Social Studies FocusUnit of Theme Where we are in place and timeInquiry 2 Central Idea Journeys create change and can lead to new opportunities Lines of  Types of Journeys people make Inquiry  Choices and decisions involved in making a journey 18

EYP-2  Changes experienced because of a journey Concepts Causation, Change, Responsibility Related Discovery, Consequences, Progress Concepts Subject Social Studies FocusUnit of Theme How we express ourselvesInquiry 3 Central Idea Patterns can be discovered, created and expressed Lines of  Patterns are found everywhere Inquiry  Different types of pattern  Patterns are created and expressed Concepts Form, Reflection, Function Patterns, Imagination, Creating Related Concepts Math ,Art and Music Subject Focus 19

EYP-2Unit of Theme How the world worksInquiry 4 Central Idea Our activities are usually connected to the earth’s natural cycle Lines of  Day and night cycle Inquiry  Seasonal changes in differentC placesC  The action people take incConcepts response to seasonal changes Related Concepts Function, Causation, Reflection Geography, Seasons, Behavior Subject Social studies and science Focus Language ArtsListening and Speaking• Listen and respond to picture books demonstrating theirunderstanding throughgestures, actions, body language and / or words.• Tell their own stories using words, gestures and / or objects.• Understand simple questions and respond with action or words• Use the mother tongue (with translation, if necessary) to expressneeds and explain ideas 20

EYP-2• Respond to a language rich oral environment (Stories, Poetry andRhymes)Visual Language: Viewing and presenting• Enjoy and learn from visual language• Show their own feelings in response to visual presentations suchas showing amusement, curiosity, surpriseMake personal connections to visual contextReadingChoose and talk about the Picture Books• Listen and respond to stories read aloud• Express opinions about the story• Distinguish between pictures (point to a picture when asked)• Learn to handle books and how a book works (directionalmovement – cover, beginning and end)• Learn poems, songs, word and clapping games, getting familiarwith the language of instruction.WritingExperiment with writing using different implements (Crayons,pencils, paint brush etc) 21

EYP-2• Develop fine motor skills (scribbling, clay modeling, papertearing/ crumpling, cutting, fevicol writing, finger tracing in sandand painting)• Pattern Writing (║║║, ═══, \/\/, ///, \\\, UUU, ∩∩∩, curvedlines)• Embed left to right progression skills.PhonicsLearn single sounds -(s,a,t,i,p,n), (c,k,e,h,r),(m,d,g,o,u),(l,f,b,j,z),(w,v,y,x)Letter formation (Multi sensory practice, pencil hold and correctformation)Identifying sounds in wordsRecognize and writing of letters of alphabets (lowercase a-z) MATHEMATICSData Handling  They will sort, describe and label objects by attributes such as Shape, size, pattern and texture.MeasurementUnderstand that attributes of real objects can be compared anddescribed for example heavy and light, Empty and full, long andshort, small and big. 22

EYP-2Shape and Space • Learn names of common shapes (square, rectangle, triangle, circle, oval, star, heart, diamond) • Explore basic shapes. • Understand that objects in our immediate environment have a position in space that can be described, for example inside- outside, above-below, in front of- behind, before-after, up and down.Pattern and Function • Extend and create patterns • Patterns can be represented using numbers and other symbolsNumber  Read and write numbers 1 – 50  Number value 1-25 Visual ArtsThe visual arts are an integral part of everyday life, permeating alllevels of human creativity, expression, communication andunderstanding.The PYP Programme visual arts course encourages students tochallenge their own creative and cultural expectations andboundaries.. Supporting the International Baccalaureate missionstatement and learner profile, the course encourages students toactively explore the visual arts within and across a variety of local,regional, national, international and intercultural contexts.Conceptual understanding-Students will be able to Learn……… 23

EYP-2Elements of Arts ● Line ● Shape ● Color ● Form ● Texture ● SpaceClay modelingCreative activities through craftsNature studyDifferent projects related to the unitKnow more about different mediums i.e. Pencil shading (black andwhite and coloured), water colour, poster colour.To make different craft activities to generate money for a goodcause (Dandiya). DramaDrama in IB is not a deviation from Academia, but rather anessential resource .It explores how we express ourselves physicallyand vocally. It is an active and transitory discipline. Students areexposed to a variety of dramatic forms including Pantomime,Puppetry, Skits, Scripted drama etc.Learning Outcomes:-  Creative Exploration and Expression: Students have the opportunity to develop their imagination skills and creativity to apply them in a variety of dramatic situations. · They learn to talk about ideas and feelings in response to dramatic performances · Engage in imaginative play using a range of stimuli for e.g. experiences, stories, objects and pictures.  Technical Incorporation: Students develop their understanding of some of the technical aspects of the drama 24

EYP-2 process such as stage directions, use of microphone, space exploration and management of props. · Participate in a performance with or without props, costumes or simple sets  Performance: Students develop and portray characters and remain in role in a given situation by using voice, body and gestures. · Explore basic bodily movements and the use of space · Mimic a variety of sounds for example a high pitched bird call or a low growling roar  Personal and Social Development: Students develop social skills and are able to work independently and co-operatively in small groups. · Begin to understand appropriate behaviors in drama for example as an audience member or as a performer  Reflection, Evaluation and Appreciation: Students take time to reflect on their own work and the work of others in order to enhance performance. · Display audience etiquettes and appropriate responses · Appreciate each other’s performances  Drama in Society: Students explore dramatic arts through physical and vocal expressions. They learn to use facial expressions, gestures, movement and vocal techniques to convey emotional meanings to characters and stories. · Be exposed to stories, rhymes and plays MusicDevelop memory, language (vocabulary and grammar) andarticulation through song• Sing in unison• Move to music and rhythm to enhance gross motor skills 25

EYP-2 PE Physical EducationPhysical education is a part of the total educational program thatcontributes, through movement experiences, to the total growthand Development of all children. Participation in physicaleducation provides opportunities for self-expression, physicalfitness and socialConceptual understanding Locomotors Movements/Space Awareness  Students will develop Space Awareness  Personal space  General space  Directions  Body postures (Yoga)  Students will travel in different ways, changing speed and direction with body control.  Different Special walks  Students will learn In and Out concept, Over and Under concept Cooperative/Team Games  Different warm up exercises  Students will participate in and follow instructions for simple team games little or no equipment  Different Games skills and they will try to implement in Actual Games,  Students will participate in cooperative and team Games 26

EYP-2 Athletics- Track and Field  Different warm up exercises  Running start  Running style and body posture  Students will learn basic rules of the Activities  Hurdle crossing skills  Students will participate in Fitness and Athletics activities individually or with others  Preparing for the sports day PYP LIBRARY The EYP Library provides a welcoming environment that nurtures students’ curiosity, facilitates inquiry and promotes the IB Learner profiles. We aim to develop early literacy and learning skills that will help in building a lifelong love for reading! CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING· Identify the Staff and Services Offered by the Media Center· Identify distinct Areas of the Library Media Center· Care of and Parts of a Book· Development of the IB learner profiles and International mindedness· Fiction and Nonfiction Books· Fiction Arrangement· Students will be able to: 27

EYP-2· Identify the staff members and the role each plays in the Library. He/she will also learn where materials are located and how to check them out.· Locate specific sections of our library, such as picture books, easy readers, nonfiction books and magazines.· Care for library books, including use of bookmarks, protecting books from inclement weather and pets, and returning books responsibly. Students will also learn about the parts of a book.· . Develop internationally-minded, lifelong learners by promoting the following set of attributes and characteristics defined as the \"learner profiles.· Explain the difference between fiction and nonfiction books and their location in the library.· Understand how fiction books are arranged on the library shelves and practice locating the area where a book would be found based on its author.· Interspersed with these units, the child will be exposed to stories through storytelling, creative dramatics, unit related activities and last but not the least book talks. Information and communication technology (ICT) ICT aims at enabling the child to use a range of ICT tools in a relevant curriculum context. To encourage the child to use ICT to support his or her learning effectively and creatively. Students will be able to…….. ● Identify parts of computer ● Functions of each part ● Mouse skills: Single click, drag and drop feature (Develop skills with keyboard and mouse). 28

EYP-2 ● Play interactive game to enforce hand and eye co-ordination (100 Fun Activities) ● Activity with ‘Tux paint’, ‘Drawing for Children’ related to UOI. ● Activity with different online programmes / software’s as per requirement and application for different UOI. Math Lab“The only way to learn Math is to do Math” – Paul HalmosThe Math lab is a time assigned every week to deepen student’sunderstanding through hands on exploration, use of manipulativematerial and perform mathematical experiments, play math games,solve puzzles and become involved in the process of learning.The integral part of the math lab is the use of the manipulative.Through manipulating concrete objects, the child is better able tobridge the gap between real and abstract world.A math lab class is activity centered.What is the purpose of Math lab?  To develop an attitude of inquiry.  To emphasis on learning by doing.  To provide children with opportunity to discover and understand mathematical concept through their active involvement in solving problems.  To develop physical involvement in order to add new ideas to their cognitive structure.  To make children to think, to look for patterns and ask questions. 29


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