Resource Guide For Grant County BusinessesGrowyourbusinesstoday! 1st Edition, January 2017Presented by:
Welcome Table of ContentsPurpose of this Guide ........................................................................................................ 4Growth Council Mission ...................................................................................................... 4Growth Council Staff .......................................................................................................... 4Collaborators ..................................................................................................................... 4Disclaimer ......................................................................................................................... 5\"Commitment to Offer\" form (for businesses partners) .......................................................... 5Steps to Start a Business ....................................................................... 6AccountingChristen Souers ................................................................................................................ 7Dulin Ward & DeWald, Inc. ................................................................................................. 7Rea Logan & Co. ............................................................................................................... 7ConstructionBowman Construction ........................................................................................................ 8Halstead Architects ............................................................................................................ 8JGBowers Inc. ................................................................................................................... 8FinancingGrant County Economic Growth Council .............................................................................. 9Salin Bank ........................................................................................................................ 9STAR Financial Bank ......................................................................................................... 9Via Credit Union ................................................................................................................ 9InsuranceGardner Family Allstate .....................................................................................................10Insurance Management Group ............................................................................................10InternsIndiana Wesleyan University ............................................................................................. 112 765.662.0650
LawyersKiley Harker Certain ......................................................................................................... 12MarketingBurkhart Advertising ......................................................................................................... 13Epic Photography .............................................................................................................13Good News Ventures, Inc. .................................................................................................13Hoosier Jiffy Print .............................................................................................................13MentoringEpic Photography .............................................................................................................14GP Design ....................................................................................................................... 14Modern Machine & Tool Inc. ..............................................................................................14MiscellaneousGas City Area Chamber of Commerce ............................................................................... 15Marion-Grant County Chamber of Commerce ..................................................................... 15USMS Advisors ................................................................................................................ 15 3
Purpose of this Guide WelcomeEvery entrepreneur and small business owner needs access to resources when looking to grow theirbusiness, but it is not always obvious who can help. This guide was created by the Growth Council tohelp local businesses connect with the firms or individuals who have the right expertise to meet theirneed.Growth Council MissionTo facilitate investment and reinvestment for job retention and creation.Growth Council StaffExecutive Director, Tim Eckerle Tim has been with the Growth Council since 1984 and has helped numerous businesses start and grow in Grant County. He is a graduate of IU with a degree in geography. In 2016, Tim was named one of the top 50 economic developers in the country. email: [email protected] of Business Development & Operations, Charity Bailey Charity joined the Growth Council team in 2014. Charity holds a degree in Psychology from Asbury University and has extensive background in both customer service and management. email: [email protected] of Marketing & Communications, Danielle Towne Danielle first started with the Growth Council as an intern in 2015. She is a graduate of Taylor University with a degree in International Business and Economic Development. She is experienced in online marketing strategies and website development. email: [email protected] 765.662.0650
DisclaimerEntries in this guide were provided to the Growth Council by the firms listed. The Growth Council is notresponsible for the businesses or incentives they offer. However, the Growth Council does reserve theright to omit or decline entries provided, to maintain the integrity of this guide as a publication under theGrowth Council brand. This list is not comprehensive and those wishing to be included must submit theirinformation to the Growth Council.\"Commitment to Offer\" formIn conjunction with the Growth Council's Small Business Initiative,my firm _________________________________________________Commits to offer the following to small businesses in Grant County:1.______________________________________________________2.______________________________________________________3.______________________________________________________4.______________________________________________________(ex. One free hour of consultation)The primary small business contact for my firm is (list up to 2)Name: __________________________________________________Email: __________________________________________________Phone:__________________________________________________ 5
Steps to Start a Business Hint! Answer the basic 》》 What kind of business do I want to start? Questions 》》 Why do I believe I can make this type of Use your locallibrary or the Growth Select an idea business work? Council's Tools for 》》 Why do I believe this type of business is Research Business in your sustainable? research 》》 Industry 》》 Market & Customers 》》 Competition Refine the idea Hint! Start up Cost Analysis 》》 Identify a location Write a Plan 》》 List startup needs & costs Reach out to a 》》 Identify resources needed business owner in a 》》 Look at available resourcessimilar field for advice on hidden costs and & financing 》》 Outline financing 》》 Rough draft narrative 》》 Startup costs worksheetPick your Team 》》 Lawyer 》》 Monthly operating costs 》》 Accountant 》》 Cash flow statement 》》 Insurance Agent 》》 Income & expense statement 》》 Marketing 》》 Breakeven analysis 》》 Sources & uses of funds Hint! 》》 Finalize narrative 》》 Executive summary This guide 》》 Supporting documentshas them all! 》》 Name availability Start up check list 》》 Legal structure 》》 License requirements Hint! Obtain financing 》》 State & federal tax registrations Start your business! 》》 Register for EIN (TIN) Contact the 》》 Intellectual Property protectionGrowth Council 》》 Business insurance 》》 Zoning & local requirements with any 》》 Site preparation requirements questions 》》 Environmental considerations 》》 Employee considerations 》》 Image & branding6 765.662.0650
Someone has to watch the money. AccountingChristen SouersDawn Abdon(765) [email protected] Mower(765) [email protected]:》》 1 free hour of consultation (tax or business issue)》》 1 free hour of quickbooks consultation or set-up》》 Competitive payroll service customized to fit your needs》》 Tax planning & retirement planningDulin Ward & DeWald, Inc.Michael Ernst(765) [email protected] McHarry(765) [email protected]:》》 First time free consultation for any business or individual services including: tax & business consultation, quickbooks support, pension planning services (TPA), networking hardware & software support, business valuationsRea Logan & Co.Doug Bryant(765) [email protected] Kelly(765) [email protected]:》》 Free initial consultation for business or tax issues》》 Quickbooks and Quickbooks online support》》 Bookkeeping and financial statement preparation》》 Complete payroll service 7
If you build it, they will come. ConstructionBowman ConstructionJustin Wiley(765) [email protected]:》》 Cost estimates for new buildings》》 Construction viability for potential projectsHalstead ArchitectsMichelle Doyle(765) [email protected] Halstead(765) [email protected]:》》 Free consultation for architectural services》》 Building code review and construction document services》》 3D visualization》》 Space planning》》 Historic preservationJGBowers Inc.Phil Herring(765) [email protected]:》》 Design-build》》 Pre-construction services, conceptual and architectural design》》 Turn-key general construction8 765.662.0650
Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard. FinancingGrant County Economic Growth Council 9Tim Eckerle(765) [email protected]:》》 Revolving Loan Fund》》 Business plan development and reviewSalin BankRob Boyd(260) [email protected]:》》 Full service banking》》 Advocacy and connectionsSTAR Financial BankBrett Carey(765) [email protected] Oliver(765) [email protected] Wallace(765) [email protected]:》》 Small Business Administration lender》》 Financial consultationsVia Credit UnionJay Vandeburg(765) [email protected]:》》 Small business financing including SBA options》》 Business credit cards》》 Business plan review, budgeting, projections advice
Its never too early to plan ahead. InsuranceGardner Family AllstateEmily Gardner(765) [email protected]:》》 Risk management review》》 Consultation on employee benefits and property/casualty risks》》 Consultation on financial, life, and retirement for business and employeesInsurance Management GroupTrent Dailey(765) [email protected]:》》 Insurance consultation (employee benefits & property/casualty)10 765.662.0650
Tap into the next generation. InternsIndiana Wesleyan UniversityTiffany Snyder(765) [email protected]:》》 Paid interns for start ups (》》 Internship program development》》 Marketing your open jobs & internships to IWU students》》 Internship & job fair opportunities to market to students ( 11
Its good to have someone in your corner. LawyersKiley Harker CertainAdrienne Rines(765) [email protected]:》》 One hour free for any of the items below》》 Advice on business organization (LLC, partnerships, etc)》》 Assistance organizing/forming a corporation》》 Contract preparation & review》》 Employment law12 765.662.0650
Get your work out there! MarketingBurkhart AdvertisingLeah Lanning(765) [email protected] Griswold(765) [email protected]:》》 BillboardsEpic PhotographyLeah Lanning(765) [email protected]:》》 Headshots》》 Corporate photographyGood News Ventures, Inc.Doug Roorbach(765) [email protected]:》》 One free 1/4 page black & white advertisement in either The News Herald or The SegwayHoosier Jiffy PrintRob Wilson(765) [email protected] Rice(765) [email protected]:》》 20% off first order to any new business》》 Brochures, flyers, letterhead, business cards, etc.》》 Apparel & promotional products, including shirts, banners, pens, etc. 13
No worries... We all need help sometime! MentoringEpic PhotographyLeah Lanning(765) [email protected]:》》 mentoring/coachingGP DesignDavid & Sandy Loer(765) [email protected]:》》 Free adviceModern Machine & Tool Inc.Les Korporal(765) [email protected] or [email protected]:》》 Free advice14 765.662.0650
Just a little bit of everything. MiscellaneousGas City Area Chamber of CommerceNancy Hoover(765) [email protected] (dependent on membership):》》 Market your business through our cutting-edge website, Chamber Snapshot. This is an opportunity to have your business featured in front of numerous local consumers to attract them to your business and website.》》 Engage in networking opportunities to build new business contacts at our monthly Chamber luncheon (the 3rd Wednesday of every month).》》 Share special ads and flyers in our weekly email that goes out to all members for no charge. We will also promote your business or organization through social media.》》 The Gas City Chamber staff and diplomats will promote and attend your ribbon cutting and open house events.Marion-Grant County Chamber of CommerceKylie Jackson(765) [email protected] (dependent on membership):》》 Business support - referrals, online business directory, Member2Member program, Living Guide, monthly newsletter, mailing labels, job listings, etc.》》 Networking - Early Birds, Grant County Young Professionals Network, ribbon cuttings, open houses, Community Marketplace, ambassadors, Business After Hours》》 Education - Business Growth Series, Fireside Chat Series, Sales & Marketing Association, Dept. of Labor seminar, sales & marketing seminar》》 Advocacy on a local and state level, as well as forums for members to have access to local, state and national legislatorsUSMS AdvisorsJim Goodpaster(765) 382-0243 x [email protected]:》》 Merchant service provider including low-cost payment processing, POS equipment, etc 15
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