AP English Literature & Composition For Dummies prepares you for — you guessed it — the AP Literature and Composition Exam (not to be confused with the AP English Languageand Composition exam, which covers all-purpose, general writing on current events, personal experience, and culture). This exam is a product of the College Board, a not-for-profit outfit based in Princeton, New Jersey. The College Board is the group of edu cators and educational institutions that administers the SAT, the PSAT/NMSQT, and other laugh-a-minute hurdles that you face before entering college. “AP” stands for “advanced placement,” which means that anyone passing the exam has demonstrated college-level achievement before actually entering an ivy-covered building. In other words, the AP label is for serious brainwork. Did I scare you? Calm down. AP material is tough, but it’s also teachable. You don’t have to be a natural-born literary genius to score well on the AP English exam. You just have to scrape the ru
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