INDRANIDASGUPTAPORTFOLIOIntroduction:Senior marketing professional with over 15 years ofexperience across diverse industries, working incross-cultural teams across multiple geographicand time boundaries. Recognized as a topperformer for the region with a positive attitudeand flexible mindset who builds strong andcollaborative relationships to achieve results.Presently, ready to explore opportunities in thedomain of Marketing and Operations and serveother industries where working environment is funand job role is exciting.
PORTFOLIO Exeucution of Events (Corporate & fun), Exhibitions, Direct Marketing Campaigns, Communications, Data Management,Branding, Strategy Development, CSR, PR, Customer Experience Videos
ACHIEVEMENTS• Recognized as one of the Top 20 talented performers in EMEAR Region at Cisco• Recipient of Global Marketing Idol Award for demonstrating Select Partner Summit in Dubai• Recipient of Cisco Achievement Performance Award for leading Gitex Exhibition & Cisco Expo Events.• Successfully piloted “Propensity to Buy” Data Intelligence project leading to closed bookings• of $1.3M.• Instrumental in commencing “The Data Intelligence Campaign” generating 26% of year on year growth with a revenue generation of $4M annually.• Enabled Cisco to WIN the CSR award by ICDL GCC Organization for Education Project• Recipient of Angel award from NGO Smartlife for supporting blue collar laborers in Dubai to run programs for Education, Medic, Talent.• Recipient of PR Award from Rotary Club Dubai
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