CommercialBridgeMortgage Loan Commercial bridge loan programs to bridge the gap until a conventional commercial loan is your best option.
Commercial Bridge Loan Programs Commercial bridge loans, also known as herd money bridge loans fill an important need in the commercial real estate market. They represent bridge or gap financing to bridge the gap between non- traditional and traditional. Aka conventional commercial real estate financing. But the number 1 reason most investors and commercial real estate owners seek commercial bridge loans is speed. Allow me to give but a few examples of when the significantly faster origination period of a commercial bridge loan over a conventional commercial real estate loan is crucial.
Commercial Real Estate BridgeLoans Our Commercial real estate SBA alternative loans many times are a perfect alternative for people turned down by an SBA lender. So if you’ve been turned down for an SBA loan, you’ve got plenty of company. You discover a motel in a great location with a lot of potential but needs a lot of work. Occupancies are poor due to an older absentee owner no longer watching over the property. The owner needs to sell the property to cover significant medical bills. The problem is the property is not in the condition to get a conventional commercial real estate loan as commercial real estate lenders avoid loans on properties in poor condition like the plague.
Commercial Bridge Loan ProgramsA third situation wherecommercial real estatebridge financing come inhandy is when a buyerneeds to stabilize acommercial propertyphysically (repairs orrenovation) or financially(rent out available spacesor raise rents if they areunder market) before itcould qualify for traditionalfinancing.
CommercialBridgeMortgage LoanFor more information visit
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