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Home Explore 2021Japan Master 5on5Ultimate

2021Japan Master 5on5Ultimate

Published by 胡怡之, 2020-08-02 09:33:31

Description: 2021Japan Master 5on5Ultimate


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*As of 12 June 2020: Please check the latest sports information guide for registration 1 Organisers: Organising Committee of the World Masters Games 2021 Kansai World Masters Games 2021 Kansai Kyoto Local Organising Committee, World Masters Games 2021 Kansai Uji Local Organising Committee 2 Co-organiser: Japan Flying Disc Association, Kyoto Prefecture 3 Competition Dates: Saturday, 15 May – Monday, 17 May, and Friday, 21 May – Sunday, 23 May 2021 (Competition: 6 days) Date Time Schedule Friday, 14 May 13:00‐17:00 *Sport Check-in Saturday, 15 May 8:30 *Sport Check-in 9:00 - 17:00 *Managers’ Meeting Ultimate (GMX) Sunday, 16 May 9:00 - 17:00 Ultimate (GMX) Monday, 17 May 9:00 - 17:00 Ultimate (GMX) Tuesday, 18 May *Rest day Wednesday, 19 May *Rest day Thursday, 20 May 13:00‐17:00 *Sport Check-in Friday, 21 May 8:30 *Sport Check-in 9:00 - 17:00 *Team Managers Meeting Ultimate (MX) Saturday, 22 May 9:00 - 17:00 Ultimate (MX) Sunday, 23 May 9:00 - 17:00 Ultimate (MX) * If you would like to check-in in the morning of the competition at the venue, please contact us in advance.

4 Venue (1) Venue Kyoto Prefectural Yamashiro Sports Park (2)Location Hironocho Hachigenyadani, Uji, Kyoto 611-0031 5 Competition Capacity Master mix 48 teams Grand Master Mix 48 teams Remarks: A team should be composed of 8 to 20 players (even number is preferable considering gender equality) 6 Rules and Method of Competition (1) Competition Rules The WFDF Rules of Ultimate 2017 shall apply. * In case of bad weather, the competition may be finished in the middle of the competition period (3 days) according to WFDF Rules of Ultimate 2017 – Appendix E * If the ranking cannot be determined by the results of the matches, the ranking shall be determined according to WFDF Rules of Ultimate 2017–Appendix B. (2) Competition Rule Ultimate (played by 5 players) [Basic rules] • A score is given when a player catches the disc in the end zone at the edge of the field • The player holding the disc cannot walk. • When the disc touches the ground, the offense and defense sides need to change. • No physical contact is allowed. • The game shall proceed under self-judge system. [Field size] • 68m x 23m (end zone 14m) [Game point] • A game is finished and won by the first team to score 15 goals. [Detailed rules] • WFDF Ultimate Official Rules issued in 2017 [Local rules] • The time cap occurs when the match time exceeds 45 minutes. • Half-time cap occurs when match time exceeds 23 minutes. • After the time cap occurs, the final score will be the score obtained by

comparing the scores of both teams and adding 1 to the higher scored team (up to 15 goals). • The half-time entry point after the half-time cap occurs is the score obtained by adding 1 to the higher scored team by comparing the scores of both teams (up to 8 goals). • Half time occurs when a team first scores 8 goals and the half time lasts 5 minutes • The ratio of males and females in a team should be followed to the official rules (Men 3 and Women 2 or Men 2 and Women 3). (3) Technical Delegate Yuta Saito, Executive Director, Japan Flying Disc Association 7 Event (General Category) (1) Event Male and female mixed only • Master Mixed (MX) • Grand Master Mixed (GMX) * A player (a team) can enter in all categories. (2) Competition Level No division (3) Category Special event categories are established in accordance with WMG policy. Master Mixed (MX) / Grand Master Mixed (GMX) *A player can compete in a younger age group. *The age of youngest registered team member determines which age category the team will compete in. 8 Eligibility Anyone can participate (membership of national associations is not required) 9 Age Requirement Master Mixed (MX) - Men 30+ / Women: 30+ (Age determined at 31 December, 2021) Grand Master Mixed (GMX): - Men 40+ / Women: 40+ (Age determined at 31 December, 2021) 10 Medal Ceremony Medal award A medal ceremony will be conducted after the end of the competition of each

category. 11 Registration Fee (1) Competition participation fee (including tax and handling fee) * Check World Masters Games 2021 Kansai Participation Terms and Conditions for detail.  Competition participants (Basic fee: allowed to participate in 5 disciplines) a) Overseas participants: 24,000 yen/person (Including a transportation pass for mobility within the Kansai area.) b) Domestic participants: 15,000 yen/person (Does not include a transportation pass. Could be bought optionally at an additional cost.)  Persons related to the competition (Basic fee) a) Overseas participants: 14,000 yen/person (Including a transportation pass for mobility within the Kansai area.) b) Domestic participants: 5,000 yen/person (Does not include a transportation pass. Could be bought optionally at an additional cost.) (2) Additional charges (extra fee) None (3) Rental fee for competition equipment, etc. None (Competition equipment will not be rented.) 12 How to Apply for Participation Application is made through the entry system on the official website (Entry System) dedicated to the application for the entry to the competition via PC or smartphone. * Check World Masters Games 2021 Kansai Participation Terms and Conditions for detail. 13 Notes on Participation (1) Clothing  Players in a team shall wear the same upper and lower uniforms.  A number shall be visibly placed on the back of the uniform. (2) Competition equipment, etc. Disc Ultrastar of the Discraft Company recognised by the World Flying Disc Federation (3) Insurance The organiser will subscribe to accident insurance for participants, but this insurance is applicable only to “injuries incurred during the competition in the competition venues” of the “competition participants and persons related to the

competition”, and does not cover all kinds of risks during the competition. Therefore, all persons taking part in the competition are requested to subscribe to required insurance at own risk and costs. * Check World Masters Games 2021 Kansai Participation Terms and Conditions for detail. (4) Doping Control  The doping control in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code and the rules of the International Masters Games Association shall apply to this competition.  Anti-doping activities (doping inspections and anti-doping education activities) shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the International Masters Games Association.  Participants are deemed to have agreed to be subject to doping control procedures in accordance with the rules of the International Masters Games Association upon entry to the competition. Participants are advised to check the rules of the International Masters Games Association Rules for more details.  This competition aims to promote anti-doping activities as an activity to protect clean sports and clean athletes in order to leave various values of sports to the next generation through sports in cooperation with the Japan Anti-Doping Agency. (5) Additional matters The handling of competition cancelation due to factors such as bad weather is currently under consideration. 14 Application for Accommodation and Transportation (1) Accommodation Refer to the Accommodation Information Page on the World Masters Games 2021 Kansai Official Website for information on accommodation. (2) Transportation Refer to the Transportation Information Page on the World Masters Game 2021 Kansai Official Website for transportation information including access to the venue. 15 Others All participants must complete the accreditation process and check-in at the competition venue before participating (competing or getting involved) in a competition. (1) Games Accreditation Accreditation services shall be provided at the Opening Village, each Prefectural

Masters Village, Center Village, and the special service desks. The participant must bring a valid photo identification and complete accreditation process personally by one day before the competition. (No exception will not be allowed.) Furthermore, even when participating in team competitions or as a team, each participant must complete accreditation process. Accreditation process can be completed at any of designated service desks; however, operation hours and dates differ depending on the location. * Check World Masters Games 2021 Kansai Participation Terms and Conditions for detail. (2) Sport Check-in Date and Time Ultimate (GMX): Friday, 14 May 2021 from 13:00 to 17:00 *The day before the first day of the competition Ultimate (MX): Thursday, 20 May 2021 from 13:00 to 17:00 *The day before the first day of the competition Venue Kyoto Prefectural Yamashiro Sports Park Central Square (3) Representative meeting Date and Time Ultimate (GMX): Saturday, 15 May 2021 from 8:30 AM *Morning of the first day of the tournament Ultimate (MX): Friday, 21 May 2021 from 8:30 AM *The day before the first day of the competition Venue Kyoto Prefectural Yamashiro Sports Park Central Square (4) WMG2021 Kansai Social Event A social event is planned on the outdoor stage of the Central Square

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