ARTICLE- INCREASING MENTAL HEALTH INSURANCE POLICIES, ERASING STIGMAS ! Abstract Inclusion of “mental illnesses” in health/ life insurance coverage. The aim is to consider mental health illness equally important as physical illness. The mental health insurance will ensure better help to mental health care. This Article includes importance of Insurance and need for mental health insurance in India. Mental Insurance and Mental Illness People in India are vulnerable to mental disorder as many people in India have limited employment, get lesser income, divorce rates are increasing or separation, many people are belonging to lower socioeconomic level which often leads to mental illness. Treatment for mental illness is like a burden for people belonging to lower socioeconomic level. Due to less awareness and stigmas regarding mental health only few people receive the proper treatment for their mental illness. Need for health insurance Mental disorders such as depression, anxiety disorders, substance disorders and other severe mental disorders. The prevalence of mental disorders are increasing and suicide cases. The world is having economic loss because people cannot work to the fullest because of these mental illness. The world health organization states that India’s economic loss is due to mental health conditions. It estimates that there will be 1.03 trillions of 2010 dollars loss in between years 2012-2030. People are very much conscious about their physical health but not about their mental health. The National Health Survey (2015-16) which was conducted by National Institute of Mental Health and Neuroscience (NIHMANS) stated that 9.8 million teenagers in the age group of 13 years to 17 years suffer from depression and other mental health illnesses What should be added in the mental health policy • Mental health Insurance included mental disorders which are prevalent in India • Death due to mental illness cover
• Premium break • Death benefits • Maturity benefit • No occupation- reduced paid up value • Return of premium • Passing the insurance plan to the family members • Higher sum assured discounts • Lower premium rates for females • Lower premium rates for people with mental disorder • Cheap rates for mental illness • free insurance for people who cannot afford • free consultation • incentives • insurance for treatment Participants A Survey was taken wherein 88.4% people felt that the mental health issues are not taken seriously in India. People have started to gain knowledge about mental health and now feel that mental health is as important as physical health. Participants in my research felt that there are very less insurance policy for mental health and felt that the government is ignoring the mental health. According to the participants, there is no equal importance given to the mental health insurance policy. Discounts- • 5% discount (2% for Single Pay) for entire premium payment term, for females, teenagers, old age people. • First year discount of 5% (2% for Single Pay) for people who cannot afford to buy the insurance. • First year discount of 5% (2% for Single Pay) for existing customers and providing them more information about new policy and giving them mental health awareness.
Any Medical Expenses incurred during the first three consecutive annual periods during which You have the benefit of a mental Health Guard Policy with Us in connection with: • a) psychological disorders • b) Surgery for vertebral column disorders (unless necessitated due to an accident) • c) autism in children and younger population • d) dementia – older age groups • e) depression • f) Treatment for correction of eye sight due to refractive error recommended by Ophthalmologist for medical reasons with refractive error greater or equal to 7.5 • g) Bariatric Surgery • h) Parkinson’s Disease • I) Genetic disorders conclusions The mental health illness is increasing and there are very less mental health insurance available in the market as compared to the physical health insurances are there in the market. Most of the people are not aware of the term “mental health”, therefore mental health is not yet considered to as important as physical health.
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