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Home Explore December 2021- PC Magazine

December 2021- PC Magazine

Published by Nadia Francois, 2021-12-20 02:49:25

Description: December 2021- PC Magazine


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FIVE ELEMENTS OF CAREER BRANDING Have you heard of Career Branding? Many people do not realize that Career Branding even exists! They are familiar with branding for business, products and/or services but not career branding. Why is that? Let’s start by defining exactly what “branding” is. When you are in the process of branding you are promoting. You may ask, what is being promoted? “Promoting a particular company or product offered, through advertisement and design”. A second definition of branding involves “making an indelible mark or noticeable impression on somebody or something”. Therefore, it would be safe to say that career branding is ‘promoting yourself using your career’. Based on the intended results, with career branding you position yourself to become influential and successful by branding your career. Think of it in this way, one of my taglines for my unique coaching model Self Invest 101™, why invest in yourself? “Because YOU are your greatest investment”! Your career brand is ‘your investment’. By being your own greatest investment, it is critical to put your best foot forward in all things job search and career. If indeed you are your own investment and brand, you want to make sure that you stand out from all the others in your field! Having an effective career brand is paramount in completing this task. The following are 5 important elements of career branding. Keep in mind there are more than just these five but, in my opinion, these are some of the most important. They are: Resume/Cover letter, Job Search Strategy, Interview Skills, Personal Appearance and Work Style. Let’s take a closer look at each one. Remember that you can also use or transfer the elements of career branding as your personal brand development if you are a business owner/entrepreneur. 1. Resume/Cover Letter – Your resume is the most important tool you have in developing a career brand. Think of your resume as your calling card. It showcases not only your employment history but also your skills. Therefore, ensure your resume and cover letter contain relevant and pertinent information, hard/soft skills, experience and leadership skills. 2. Job Search Strategy – Organize and strategize your job search. Utilize online spaces, pages and platforms in searching for the perfect job. It is not a bad idea to visit the HR Department of the companies you are interested in. Ask questions, ask for job descriptions and make sure to familiarize yourself with the vision and mission of the company. Develop partnerships, connections and collaborations through networking and attending job fairs. 3. Interview Skills – Your communication skills and style are critical during the interviewing process. How well can you articulate your job skills and job performance to others? Remember to take note of your posture, verbal and non- verbal cues, to show your personality and exude confidence. It is important to remember you are selling yourself, utilize your art of negotiation and definitely dress to impress! 4. Personal Appearance – Take special note of the office climate of any potential employer. Does the office have a business casual form of dress or is it strictly conservative? Based upon that information, you will have the ability to make an “informed” decision on how you will present yourself. Remember, less is always best. Do not go over the top with cologne, perfume, jewelry or make-up. Leave your cell phone in the car! Make sure that your hair and nails are trimmed, cut and neat. When in doubt on how you should dress to impress, google is your best friend. 5. Work Style – Evaluate your past work performance and take note of the type of work style that suits you best. Do you like to work in teams, groups or solo? Are you logical, detail-oriented, supportive, idea-oriented? When you recognize the style that you thrive in you can use it as a tool to use on the job. The most important thing to remember about career branding is that you already have one. It’s the way you govern yourself on the job, it’s your style, it’s your reputation, it’s how you’re known and respected in the workforce. It’s your reputation. Know who you are. Be confident. Develop your strengths and acknowledge your weaknesses. A successful career brand has the primary ingredient of AUTHENTICITY. Elizabeth Crawford, M.Ed Certified Career and Personal Development Coach Wisdom & Insights LLC @selfinvest101 [email protected]

All of us have got 24 hours a day to manage our activities. 3 Tips to Better Time However, successful people are those who make use of these Management & 24 hours effectively. Prioritization and self-discipline are the two main factors that you have to follow all through your life Improving Self if you want to manage your time effectively. Discipline Here are three effective tips that will help you integrate While dissecting, you may have found that you have wasted a these two qualities in your everyday life so that you can lot of time on a Monday, in checking and clearing emails. So, you improve your time management and your overall quality of can correct this when you start work on the following day. Mail- life. When you manage your time well, you can be relieved of clearing can be pushed to the bucket-list titled “not important”, stress and tension. Bid goodbye to last-minute tensions, by and you may only read those emails that are related to your following these easy but powerful tips. urgent/important deliverables for that day. Prioritizing Work Resist Temptations The key to managing time better is to prioritize your work. It If you want to inculcate self-discipline in your lives, it is very not only helps you to make use of your time productively but important to exercise self-control over your likes and dislikes. If it also helps in improving your self-discipline. you want to manage your 24 hours effectively and make the most out of your day, you have to get rid of your temptation to In your lives (personal and professional), you will always face wake up late. two types of activities – the important ones and the If you have been getting up at 8 AM every day, you should try unimportant ones. The key is to identify the difference to build resolve for you to wake up at 6 AM the next day between the two and spend your time/energy in the right onwards. This way, you will get an additional 2 hours to spend direction to achieve your goals. You have to make a list of on yourself. You can use this time to do some mental “to-do” things on a daily/weekly/monthly basis, as per your conditioning exercises such as yoga and meditation to keep requirement to identify the tasks that have to be completed yourself rejuvenated and efficient throughout the day. urgently. Yes, it can be very difficult for you in the initial stages to resist all your temptations. Don’t be too harsh on yourself. For One of the best things that come out of this prioritization example, you may treat yourself to a cheat meal once or twice a activity is that you begin to say no to activities that aren’t week in the initial stages of losing weight before you go on to important or worthy of your time. Learning to say “no” is a reduce it and completely avoid it later. huge talent and most of the people fail in managing their time properly because they still haven’t learnt the technique of saying no, without sounding too rude. Dissection of time Reflecting on how you spend your time on a daily basis is a very important tip that you should follow to manage your time more effectively than ever. How many hours are you spending at work? Which is your most and least productive time? How often do you take breaks? How many hours have you worked effectively in a day? These are some of the questions that you should analyze to know if you have been spending your energies in the right direction. When you know how well (or how badly!) you have spent your day, it will give you an idea of time management. After all, what can be a better teacher than your own experiences? While we do say that there is no use crying over spilt milk, we also stress upon dissection of the time that you have spent already, because this is an important yardstick for you to measure your performance for the next day.

Power Conversations Magazine announces the International Author Boss Awards 2021 set to stream on WYSP TV Channel on Exposure TV Network just after Christmas On Monday, December 27, 2021 at 7PM CST Power Conversations Magazine is honoring Author Bosses for their outstanding literary contributions. This global honor shows tribute to Indie and Published authors, publishers and visionaries blazing trails in the industry. Statistics prove that African-Americans make up about 7.2 percent of all authors and writers in the US. This award honors minority and underserved writers, authors and publishers for their commitment to contributing quality works that benefit its readers and contribute vastly to the literary world. The honorees include award winning Author Dr. Dawn Menge, young Author John Xavier, Visionary Author Kearn Crockett Cherry, Author Jennifer Diaby, Visionary Dawn Lieck, Author Shana Gourdine, Author Enola Pillard, Author Moirar Leveille, Author Keke Chanel, Author Nicole Dudley, Author Jonathan Haynes, Author Debbie Foreman, Visionary Dr. Nakita Davis and Publisher Tonya Ratcliff. The International Author Boss Awards Show will be a virtual event broadcasted to over 160 million households in over 128 countries via WYSP TV Channel on the Exposure TV Network. Download the Exposure TV Network App \"We Are One\" on all of your smart devices from the app store. Hosted by Entrepreneur and Media Maven, Nadia Francois this will be a celebratory milestone to remember! About Power Conversations Magazine: A digital and print publication by the What's Your Super Power Brand, Power Conversations Magazine is a kingdom empowerment publication that highlights Entrepreneurs, Authors, Community Leaders and Business Pioneers and their endeavors throughout the world. Quarterly releases feature articles on trending topics and business news, business tips, entrepreneur spotlights and empowering events. Founded by Nadia Francois, visionary and serial entrepreneur, this magazine features content from a diverse group of contributors who specialize in business and entrepreneurship and who include kingdom principles in their practices and business models. Subscribe to Power Conversations Magazine at Learn More at Connect with us at Media Contact: Company Name: What’s Your Super Power Anthology & TV, LLC Contact Person: Nadia Francois Email: [email protected] Phone: 225-286-9053 Country: United States Website:

Four Ways Coloring Can Increase Your Creativity and Improve Your Self Care. Adults have their own coloring books now, and they may be therapeutic. Some studies show that coloring helps to relieve stress and anxiety and even produces positive changes in heart rates and brain waves. While fans are enthusiastic, some experts are a bit more cautious. There is strong evidence to support the effectiveness of art therapy for helping patients to manage serious conditions, including cancer and addictions. On the other hand, adult coloring books have been popular for only about 5 years, so less is known about them. According to The Cleveland Clinic doctors, \"coloring can relax the brain.\" Other experts share the therapeutic benefits of art in reducing the activity of fear in the brain. It also reduces stress and allows you to think more clearly. By thinking more clearly, you are free to create and be your best you. Could coloring help you deal with routine daily pressures? Before you break out the crayons or colored pencils, find out more about this growing hobby. Benefits of Adult Coloring: 1.Promote mindfulness. Coloring can help you to put aside regrets about the past and concerns about the future as you focus on what you're doing in the present moment. In that sense, it does have positive effects similar to meditation. 2.Think positive. Shifting your attention away from overdue bills and noisy neighbors can feel good. Your mood brightens as you contemplate pretty colors and interesting pictures. 3.Find balance. Any offline hobby that allows you to take a break from technology is a bonus these days. Studies show that checking social media or phone messages too frequently contributes to anxiety. 4.Enjoy flexibility. Compared to other hobbies, coloring is inexpensive and portable. You can do it waiting at the airport or sitting in a coffee shop. A major advantage to coloring is that it requires no significant skills to succeed. If you felt like an underachiever in high school art classes, you can still color between the lines. Coloring is an inexpensive and easy hobby that can help you relax. Whether you are stuck with putting the finishing touches on someone else's designs or move on to creating your own works, you can use art to increase your mindfulness and find more peace. Celeste Payne is an artist, educator, and a best selling author. She created the coloring book gift bundle designed to allow you to relax, refresh, and be empowered through these Colorful Motivations. The book has 31 coloring pages and accompanying inspirational insights. The gift bundle includes an autographed coloring book and a 12 color set of gel pens. Order today at

Build YourTribe Tweeting About Your Business More than 100 million active daily users Business Tips for Social Media Communities 101 Create 280-character posts You should pay for the business version Using Facebook for Your Business: The largest and most recognized social media platform o Full access to the advertisement feature on the site Have specifically designed algorithms to direct people to Will help you get more followers your o First few tweets, always include link to your website business profile o Share pictures with your audience Creating your business profile Following others o Include business name o Start following other users that are similar to your business o Hours of operation o Follow industry insiders and experts o Link to your website o Description of business Retweeting o Allows you to connect with other businesses in your industry Use keywords to enhance SEO o Only retweet relevant information Add pictures to your business page o Profile picture Using hashtags o Cover photo o Develop your own unique hashtags Post daily updates o Schedule posts Allows you to see everything that has been said about the (Best times to post are 9 am, 1 pm, and 3 pm) subject Post only high-quality content o 20 percent of your posts should be promotional Linking your accounts o 80 percent should be value added content o Include links to your website and other social media accounts in Connect with your personal page your tweets Add a button to your profile directing users to your website o Include links in your profile Utilize reviews from your customers Always respond to messages Always respond to customers Engage with your customers Consider using Twitter advertising feature Utilizing YouTube Capturing Followers on Instagram The most popular video sharing site in the world Instagram is a large photo album with contributors around Set up a specific YouTube channel for your business the world o Make sure its connected to your business email You have to have a mobile device to upload photos to the Use to show of the products or services that you offer site o The videos should be directly related to your business Take plenty of photos of your business Include keywords and your business name in the video titles o They must be related to your business and your industry o Include photos of your products or services Upload videos o Include photos of your employees, customers, and yourself Your videos should always look professional Include a call to action at the end of your videos Optimizing your account o Include your location, contact information, and business o Tells your audience that there is more to your business description in your profile o Utilize the advertisement program to get followers Show up in the right feeds Tag all your photos Add hashtags to all your photos Use Reels

Hi I’m Linsdell Pikes 111 I’m the 13 yr old founder of SAD Sons Against Domestic Violence. I am requesting resources and donations for my nonprofit organization. My plans are to offer christian counseling, safe housing and relocation assistance. I started SAD in memory of Mrs. Frednell Brown a Church Member and Mother of 2 adults sons. God gave me this Vision days after her death. Since that day I’ve donated over $1127 to victims which isn’t a lot to some but keep in mind some only need gas money and a safe place to stay. SAD Outreach only operates on donations. Which is a hard task because many choose not to donate to a small outreach where they can’t be publicly recognized. Not to mention I’m a 13 year old Black Male. 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner. So my outreach in the future will be assisting in providing information and resources so people can remove themselves from the situation. I’m interested in connecting with hotels to give that person a safe place to live. In our first 2 months of operation SAD raised money to Assist a Domestic Violence Victim and her 3 daughters with Food, Clothes, Financial Assistance. We have also provided Financial Assistance to a 9 month Pregnant Victim and her son. If you would like to support SAD please Join our Facebook page at Sons Against DomesticViolence. If you would like to donate please do so by cash app $SonAgainstDV

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