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Home Explore Yourdost_Digital_mkt_Analysis_Pacifyr


Published by Poonam Suthar, 2022-08-11 08:03:28

Description: Yourdost_Digital_mkt_Analysis_Pacifyr


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Yourdost Competitor Digital Marketing Strategy

YourDost – Digital Marketing Strategy :- Traffic Analytics - Unique Visitors are 112.9K, per visit 3.93 pages visited. - Average visit duration is 08:19 min. - Bounce rate is 43.07%, which is slightly higher. An ideal bounce rate is between the range of 26 to 40%, anything above that will bring an issue and that needs to be fixed. - Organic search traffic is 40.5K & there has been increase of 8.1% in compare to previous month’s traffic. - No data was available for Paid Search Traffic.

SEO Keyword Analysis - Above are top organic keywords, and organic position on SERP.

Top SEO Pages - Above are the top SEO pages for which they are getting organic traffic.


- The number of backlinks are good, Follow – 25.4K and No-Follow- 1.6K. - High number of do follow links indicates that bots has crawled the website and is benefit for the ranking purpose - We need to focus on getting more quality links by leveraging content marketing Paid Strategy

- They didn’t run any Paid campaigns.

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