Kindergarten children celebratedChristmas with lot of class roomactivities and had fun with theirdear own SANTACLAUS…..
Raising kids is one of the toughest and most fulfilling jobs in the worldand the one for which you might feel the least prepared.A powerful example for your child is to be active yourself. You can set agood example by going for a walk instead of watching TV, playing a vid-eo game, or surfing the Internet. As parents, we want to keep our childrensafe from harm. Take steps to keep your children safe:1. Teach children how to cross the street safely2. Make sure they wear the right gears and equipment’s for sports3. Teach your child to memorize phone numbers4. Discuss the concept of strangers5. Teach your child where the home is6. Teach them the importance of being hygienic
Take the time to talk to your children about how certain food or physicalactivity may help them. For example, when going for your daily walk, dis-cuss how walking helps you feel better and is a fun way to spend time to-gether. It also offsets calories eaten and inactive time spent in front of TVscreens or computers. Speak up when you see unhealthy eating habits.You can also praise your children when they choose a healthy item likefruit or yogurt. Use comments like these: \"Great choice!\", \"I like thosetoo\" etc...Whether you have a toddler or a teen, here are seven best strategies to im-prove nutrition and encourage smart eating habits.1. Have regular family meals.2. Serve a variety of healthy foods and snacks.3. Be a role model by eating healthy yourself.4. Importance of drinking water5. Involve kids in the cooking pro-cess.6. Avoid Sugary Drinks7. Limit Screen TimeBest Regards,Jimmy Joseph
I am really happy & proud to see this moment,when my son Zaynul Abidhin got some appreciationfrom his school. This is one of my happiest days in mylife, it happened only because of the inspiration andthe motivation given from the AL Saad Indian School. The school is also a place to improve extra-curricular activities, which required motivation & inspi-ration for the students for the total development of astudent to a successful individual. Thank you, Al SaadIndian school, for the great support and motivation. In addition, I want to say special thanks to theclass teacher of KG-2 E for providing extra effortsfor the amazing improvement in my son.
Article for Health and Safety at SchoolsIntroduction:In order to provide a healthy, safe, and caring environment, all members ofstaff and all students follow basic Health and Safety rules whilst engaged inschool activity on or off the premises. The premises include all forms ofschool transport. Respective Schools needs to develop a Health and Safetypolicy in line with the UAE Government official guideline.What is health and safety?Health and safety in a school is about taking a sensible and balanced ap-proach to ensure the premises provide a healthy and safe place for all whouse them: to provide and maintain safe and healthy conditions in school to encourage Health and Safety awareness amongst staff, students, par- ents, and visitors to the school to ensure that all staff are properly informed of their responsibilities for Health and Safety matters to be proactive in taking measures to prevent unhealthy or unsafe prac- tices to take any necessary remedial measures in order to improve Health and Safety provision at the earliest opportunityWho is responsible for health and safety at School?The School Principal has overall responsibility for Health and Safety mattersacross the school. He is supported in this by members of staff who take re-sponsibility for Health and Safety.In addition to implementing general school guidelines, specific Health andSafety rules apply to individual departments/divisions. It is the responsibil-ity of Heads of Department/Coordinators to ensure that these rules areshared with all relevant staff and students.All staff members are expected to familiarize themselves with the Health andSafety aspects of their work and avoid conduct which would put themselvesor anyone else at risk.
In accordance with their age and aptitude, students are expected to: exercise personal responsibility for the health and safety of themselves and others follow standards of dress consistent with safety and/or hygiene follow all the health and safety rules of the school and in particular the in- structions to staff given in an emergency. use properly, and not willfully misuse, neglect, or interfere with facilities or equipment provided for their health and safetyReporting AccidentsAll accidents, incidents and near misses to staff, students and visitors mustbe reported, reviewed and resolved by the school health and safety commit-tee.(Key activity to avoid re occurrences of same/similar incidentsand accidents)Measures to be in place to control Health and Safety risks: Fire Safety Safety when arriving at and leaving School School transportation safety Safety during extracurricular and enrichment activities and visits Cleanliness and Hygiene Food Safety and Hygiene Equipment First aid Medical Safety Healthy Eating Regards Lakshmi Preman Parent of Sreekanth Kongassery
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