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Published by Al Saad Indian School, Al Ain, 2018-06-05 14:07:17

Description: MAY NEWSLETTER -1


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AL SAAD INDIAN SCHOOL VOLUME - 5 ISSUE - 2 MAYPRERANA THE GLIMPSE OF ASISTHE MONTH OF THE CRESCENT MOON“Sleep less and Pray detailed the importance of MY NUTSHELLmore.” the festival of Ramadan. • THE MONTH OF THE CRESCENTThe ASIS family wel- It was a ravishing sight MOONcomed the month of gen- and a pleasant surprise forerosity with a rapturous our buzzing bees of grade • THE SAFETY QUIZassembly conducted by 1 as they were gifted with • LET’S READ AND GROWthe Islamic and Arabic the colourful lanterns • DIGNITY OF LABOURDepartment which which are a pinnacle sym- • A TRIP TO THE WORLD OF bolization of light. KNOWLEDGE • THE MYSTERY BEHIND THE CUTLERY’S • THE ACT OF GRACE • THR NOBRL LAUREATE • AN ANGEL WITH A STETH- ESCOPE • THE DIVINE BOND • THE EXTRAORDINARY DETER- MINATION • ENLIGHTENING THE SELF • THE GIFT FROM THE HEART • THE GREATEST MIRACLEPRERANA ISSUE : 2VOLUME - 5 ASIS

THE SAFETY QUIZ School Safety week kicked off from April 22nd to 26th . SAFE homes, SAFETY of kids, and SAFE schools are all an important facets of each community and instilling good safe- ty practices at a young age is im- perative. Taking part in various activities is incredibly important. On April 26, 2018 a Quiz Program was conducted in the school for the students of grades 8, 9 and 10. .STUDENTS OF GRADE 8, 9 AND Posi- Name Of Student Grade Score(20)10 WRITING THE QUIZ. tion 1st Abdul Rehman 9 A 17 Jason George 9 A 17The main objective of the Ajin Anil 8 B 17 Thomas Joe 9 A 16quiz program was to check 2nd Akash Vipin 9 A 16 Santhwana Santhosh 9A 16the awareness of the stu- Pranav Madhu 8 B 15.5dents and to equip them toface any situation. 3rdThe feedback received fromthe students will depict thelevel of their awareness. Ms. Margarat Jose ISSUE : 2 Librarian ASISPRERANAVOLUME - 5

LET’S READ AND GROW Grade 4 A conducting the assembly \"Book is a dream that you hold in on International Book Day. your hands.\" The International Book Day AssemblyMs. Siji Thomas conducted by the students of Grade 4Dept. of Science A not only helped to explain the role played by books in our lives but also PRERANA enabled them to realize the im- VOLUME - 5 portance of books. The assembly was well organized as it included all the entire features. The most important highlight of the assem- bly was the presentation on books. It was indeed a pleasant sight to witness the team showcasing the significance Cgraappthiooicnf. dbescoriobikngsp.ictTurhe oer presentation helped to strengthen and cultivate the momen- tousness of books in our lives as it lend a hand to instill the values; care and respect. The demonstration created a favoura- ble moment, as it provided a righteous opportunity for the arousal of the bet- ter contribution done by the students, by donating books to the school li- brary, during their birthdays. ISSUE : 2 ASIS

DIGNITY OF LABOURGenius begins great works, labour alone finishes them” Joseph JoubertThe May Day Assembly conducted by the students of grade 3 Anot only provided a golden opportunity to express their deepsense of gratitude for the working community but also enabledthe students to realize and understand the importance of WorldLabour Day.The assembly started with UAE National Anthem covering allregular features. Main attraction of assembly was a short presen-tation depicting the importance of dignity of labour. The presen-tation helped to foster and promote the feeling of respect andcare among the students towards the people who work for them.It gave them an opportunity to hail and honour the contributionsdone by the support staff as they were acknowledged by the shin-ing stars of grade 1 by gifting them a red rose .Ms. Beela Jose ISSUE : 2Dept. of Malayalam ASIS PRERANA VOLUME - 5

A trip to the world of knowledge\"Learning gives creativity, Students got a better un- Five student council mem-Creativity leads to thinking derstanding of waste man- bers were accompanied byThinking provides agement in UAE and the two teachers, who got thisknowledge and Knowledge concept of grease trap as golden opportunity to be amakes you great.\" they visited the stall put part of the exhibition. up by ADSSC, where in The students gathered in-“Taweya - National Exhibi- the explanation about the formative insights as they investigation procedures visited the different stallstion for society awareness and the fingerprint pow- set by the participants likeand humanitarian ser- der by the Abu Dhabi Po- ADSSC, Abu Dhabi Police,vices” is conducted every lice was impressive. TRANSCO, Humanitarianyear to raise awareness by Authorities, Special Needsgathering all related au- This year, Al Saad Indian Centres and Rehabilita-thorities, establishments School got an opportunity tion Centres.and departments to intro- to visit the 7th edition ofduce their services in direct Taweya. ISSUE : 2contact with the visitors toachieve maximum aware- ASISness levels and to strength-en family unity, social soli-darity and communitypartnership. PRERANA VOLUME - 5

Students were filled with joy and In spite of all these soothing sights,pride as they took their caricatures the most memorable and incredibledrawn by the special needs children moment came when they met Ms.and were thrilled to be a part of Salwa Al Rahma, a living Roleseveral games organised for which Model, who miraculously survivedthey grabbed various prizes. cancer four times and is herself, a member of the positive cancerThe mock drill on rescue operation foundation enlightening and ener-during accidents conducted by the gising the crowd with her happi-Abu Dhabi Police gave them a bet- ness campaign.ter insight into the safety measures. It was indeed a memorable journey that opened the gates of Knowledge to the students and the teachers, who were a part of the exhibition. They were all filled with a deep sense of gratitude to the Taweya authorities for organising such an informative event.Priyanka Hatidas Students and teachers with the living Role Model,Dept of Computer Science Salwa Al Rahma. PRERANA ISSUE : 2 VOLUME - 5 ASIS

THE MYSTERY BEHIND THE CUTLERY’S \"Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.\" The Table Etiquette grooming sessions for grades 1 - 4 by Mr. Gireesh Babu, Executive Chef of Media One Hotel, Dubai on 6th May, 2018 not only helped to solve the mystery behind spoons, forks and knives but also equipped the student community to use them in a well behaved manner.The session kicked off in an amusing manner with a visual presentation on good tablemanners which gently grew towards the basics, as Mr. Gireesh proceeded with a demon-stration on the arrangement of the crockery’s. All the students were excited and eager tofollow their instructor.The session came to an end with an interactive session by Mr. Gireesh, which enabled thestudents to clarify their doubts and therein inculcate the best practices while eating. Itwas indeed inspiring to lend our ears to the informative words of the presenter as he said,“Etiquette is not only table manners, but, it is an expected behaviour that shows respect,meant to make everyone comfortable.”Ms. Sini. S. Nair, SENCO ISSUE : 2 PRERANA ASIS VOLUME - 5

. THE ACT OF GRACE \"Giving is not just about making a donation. It's about making a difference.\" The Red Crescent Assembly by the students of grade 2 C in- stilled and nurtured the im- portance of caring and sharing among the students. The assembly had all the basic fea- ISSUE : 2 tures with an exciting presentation depicting the importance of caring ASIS and sharing. The demonstration fos- tered to instill and deepen the val- ues of care and respect.Teena SainiDept of Hindi PRERANA VOLUME - 5

“Let your life lightly dance “Where the mind is withouton the edges of time like dew fear And the head is heldon the tip of a leaf.\" high”… - Tagore It was a well planned assembly as the audience got a goldenThe Special Assembly on Ta- opportunity to witness all the uniform features. The presen-gore by the students of grade tation on Tagore showered a good time for the students as2 B enlightened the students they were able to update them- selves about this great person-with the life of the great ality.writer poet and Nobel Laure-ate Rabindranath Tagore. Itwas a nostalgic memory tosee Aditya Sreenelal dressedup as Tagore. A short biog- THE NOBELraphy of the noble laureatewas presented by Hariharwith the motive of educatingLAUREATEand entertaining the chil-dren as he recited a few vers-es from the famous book The demonstration not only‘Gitanjali.’ helped the student body to acquire global awareness but also fostered the values of care and respect among the student community through the depiction of the life of Tagore. The whole program was al- so intended to throw more light on an eminent person- ality like Tagore, who will be a living pride for every Indian.Ms. Kavitha Nishad ISSUE : 2Dept. of Malayalam ASIS PRERANA VOLUME - 5

AN ANGEL WITH A STETHESCOPEThe International Nurse Day Assembly conducted by the students of grades 1 B and C wasindeed a noble dedication to all the nurses around the world with a panoramic view into thelife of the greatest nurse, Florence Nightingale. It was a memorable and proud sight to wit-ness Neha Deepak of grade 1 B dressed up as Florence Nightingale. A short biography ofFlorence was presented through an informative skit by the students with the motive of en-lightening the children with her noble life.The demonstration not only helped the student body to acquire global awareness and self-confidence, but also helped to develop the values of care and respect among the students.The most inspirational moment came when our students awarded the school nurse Ms.Anusha with a candle as a token of their appreciation for her valuable service.The whole hearted intention of the entire presentation was to shower more light andknowledge about the lady with the lamp and also to express a deep sense of gratitude tothese gifted hands.Ms. Gayathry. Nandanan ISSUE : 2Dept. of English ASIS PRERANA VOLUME - 5

THE DIVINE BOND\"“Mother is the greatest teacher, a teacher oflove, compassion and fearlessness. If love isas sweet as flower, then mother is that flower oflove.\"ASIS family celebrated the special day with anexciting and creative card making activity. Itwas a sight filled with nostalgia to see the crea-tive work of the little tots, as they made thosebeautiful cards with a mind filled with eagernessand happiness and most of all a priceless gift totheir mother.Ms. Gayathry. Nandanan ISSUE : 2Dept. of English ASIS PRERANA VOLUME - 5

ENLIGHTENING THE SELFTHE “A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the wayEXTRAORDINARY and shows the way.”DETERMINATION The school provides ample and enough opportunities to develop and enlighten our self. The professional devel- opment sessions conducted by the leaders pave the way for an equipped and experienced teaching frater- nity. A professional development session was conducted by Dr. Bhavna Gupta on 12th May, 2018 detailing the im- portance of positive attitude.“Leadership is the quality to trans-late vision into reality.\"The School Council Meeting held on10th May, 2018 organised by the stu-dent council members enforced onthe enrichment of individual partic-ipation, Green Campus, Cafeteriaand Physical Education Classes. Themeeting was vital as it paved theway for an Eco-friendly venture'Save Sparrow'.PRERANA ISSUE : 2VOLUME - 5 ASIS

PRERANA The Gift from theVOLUME - 5 Heart \"The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention.\" To give something with a happy heart is the greatest treasure a person could behold. The inspiring generation of ASIS is eager to render the benevo- lent act of grace during the month of Ramadan. ASIS family is all set to wel- come the month of Charity with a grate- ful and warm heart. ASIS family is all set to welcome the month of Charity with a grateful and warm heart. Students are all eager to participate in the venture, ‘ A hand- ful of rice with a heartful of love’, orga- nized by the ASIS family with a compas- sionate heart filled with donations like ISSUE : 2 ASIS

“LANGUAGE IS A PROCESS OF FREE CREATION, ITS LAWS AND PRINCIPLES ARE FIXED, BUT THE MANNER IN WHICH PRINCIPLES OF GENERATION ARE USED IS FREE AND INFI- NITELY VARIED.” -NOAM CHOMSKY Have you ever thought of language as a miracle? If not just give a thought and if it is a yes, then you have wondered about this mira- cle at least once in your life time. I have often been awestruck about its acquisition. It’s a mystery to find a new born speaking his/her mother tongue without any prior training or knowledge and that is the miracle behind languages. According to Chomsky, each human being is equipped with a de- vice named Lan- guage Acquisi- tion Device THE GREATEST (LAD) which helps him/her MIRACLE to ac- quire and un- derstand an un- known language. Theories still remains insufficient in this matter. Language is the greatest gift showered on mankind by the Almighty. It gives us freedom of ex- pression and thought, which revives the human mind and soul. Language makes us different as it becomes a distinctive quality of a man. Language at the same time is a destructive weapon which can mark an end to everything significant, if not used in a disciplined and intelligent manner but in spite of all these it is still the most wondrous miracle ever created and each and every one of us should owe a deep sense of gratitude for the omnipotent creator. Wishing all the readers peace and harmony during the month of Ramadan. Ramadan Kareem! - Gayathry Nandanan EditorPRERANA ISSUE : 2VOLUME - 5 ASIS



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