Gandhi Jayanti World Vegetarian Day World smile day Community helpers Kiddies club ceremony Talent hunt (Preliminary round) World Post Office Day International Day of the Girl Child Global Handwashing Day Orange colour day
Al Saad Indian School celebrated “Gandhi Jayanti” on 2nd October 2021. Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated on 2nd October every year to com- memorate the Birth Anniversary of the Father of the Nation Sri Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Remembering Mahatma on his birth anniversary, worldwide celebrated as the “International Day of Nonviolence”. The man who showed the world that nonviolence is an effective and lasting way of defeating injustice. He is a great inspiration of truly embodying the principles of tolerance and peace. In his words “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”. May the spirit of truth and nonviolence be with us forever. On this occasion children remembered Gandhiji by dressing up in his attire and kindergarteners made 3 wise monkey’s Mizaru (see no evil), Mikazaru (Hear no evil) and Mazaru (Say no evil) of Gandhi ji.
World Vegetarian Day is observed and celebrated to highlight the benefits of vegetarianism. The day aims to promote compassion, life-enhancing possibilities, and joy in eating vegetarian dishes. On October 4th Al Saad Indian School kindergarten team celebrated world vegetarian day. Teachers explained the importance of including vegetables in our daily life with the help of PPT presentation. During fun time we conducted an interesting activ- ity for LKG and UKG. Students made different types vegetables with clay.
World Smile Day is celebrated on the first Friday in October. The day is celebrated because Harvey Ball created a smiley face. Smiling not only offers a mood boost but helps our bodies release cortisol and endorphins that provide numerous health benefits. On 5th October 2021, ASIS kindergarten celebrated World smile day. Teacher showed videos and pictures to explain about the importance of smile day. Kindergarten students made smiley faces on this day. Both kids and teachers enjoyed a lot.
The COVID-19 pandemic provides a stark reminder that one of the most effec- tive ways to stop the spread of a virus is also one of the simplest – hand hygiene. To beat the virus today and ensure better health outcomes beyond the pandemic, hand- washing with soap must be a priority now and in the future. Global Handwashing Day is an international handwashing promotion campaign to motivate and mobilize people around the world to improve their handwashing habits. Washing hands at critical points during the day and washing with soap are both important. Global Handwashing Day occurs on 15 October of each year. Nurse of our school has shown the steps to wash the hands.
International Day of the Girl Child is observed annually by the Unit- ed Nations on October 11 to honour and encourage female children. This day encourages additional opportunities for females and draws attention to gender inequality throughout the world. On 11th October, ASIS kindergarten celebrated International Day of the Girl Child. Teachers explained the importance of girl child. Stu- dents of Kindergarten were encouraged to talk about their sisters and mother and how important they are in our life.
You have two hands. One to help yourself, the second to help others. Budding bloomers of Kindergarten @ Al Saad Indian school were all set to show what they want to become when they will grow up . On 6th Octobers students dressed up in different at- tires as their favorite community helpers and did a role play.
Kiddies Club Ceremony ''A leader is one who knows the way goes the way and shows the way...'' - John C. Maxwell Kiddies Club Investiture Ceremony of Academic year 2021 -2022, was held 9th October 2021 Saturday @ 9.30 am. Grace Maria Robin graced the occasion as MC. Cultural program was also conducted where our tiny tots danced and showed their talent. This was followed by the address speech by our beloved Principal ma’am Dr.Bhavana Gupta followed by out respected Vice Principal Mr. Thomas Francis. Steve Johny proposed the vote of thanks. The program ended with the Indian National Anthem.
President Sports captain Arham Omier Sanjiv Prasanna
Kindergarten celebrated orange colour day - on 27th October 2021. During class time all students (both those who have chosen online classes and campus classes wore orange colour dress to celebrate orange day and did some activities. The little ones also brought some orange juice/oranges in their tiffin box.
World Post Day is an International day that happens each year on October 9, the anniversary of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), which started in 1874 in Switzerland. The UPU was the start of the global communications revolution, introducing the ability to write letter to others all over the world. World Post Day started in 1969. Since then, countries all over the world take part in celebrations to highlight the importance of the postal service. Many things happen on this day. Post offices in some countries hold special stamp collection exhibitions; there are open days at postal measures and there are workshops on postal history. The UPU organises an international letter writing competition for young people. As World post-office day was directly relatable for our students and much more easy to understand why we celebrate this day was because they all knew about our “community helper” and postman was one of them. So students made “Envelop” with colourful sheets and later asked them to whom will they send it to.
“Inside each of us is a natural-born storytell- er, waiting to be released.” It helps them to develop their communication skills and creativity.
“Dance is the hidden language of the soul of the body”. It is an inborn talent of each person. Dance helps them to develop their confidence level and reduce their stage fear. A dance is a particu- lar series of graceful movements of our body and feet.
Al-Saad Indian School, Al-Ain A Newsletter of ASIS Kindergarten (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan) Plot #7, Street #14 Zone Al-Bateen, Sector Al-Ghadeer, FOR ADMISSIONS VISIT: WWW.BHAVANSALAIN.COM Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates +971 3 78 522 32 +971 563582309
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