SMK NEGERI 1 PARINGIN 11 – ELECTRIC MOTOR INSTALLATION JOB SHEET PROJECT WORK ID : 11IML4-RP15 Basic competencies Rev : 01 Title : Star-delta 3 Phase Motor Control 4.8. Making the installation of an electric motor controller with starting. Subject : Electric Motor Installation (IML) 4.9. Presenting an electromagnetic control circuit Grade/Sem : 11th / 4th Est. Time : 24 Period (1080 Minutes) OBJECTIVE Students are able to install a star-delta 3-phase electric motor control system from planning to installation. PRACTICUM PREREQUISITES 1. Make sure students wear practical uniforms and PPE completeness according to K3 standards 2. Make sure the equipment and materials have been prepared according to the provisions of the drawing 3. Students who do not meet points 1 and 2 are not permitted to take part in a practicum WORK PROCEDURES 1. Students are required to design their own plans for the installation of a star-delta electric 3-phase motor control with the following conditions: a. Using 3 magnetic contactors, push-button ON-OFF, emergency stop, MCB, TDR and TOR b. Referring to the working principle below: - If the ON button is pressed then the motor will be connected for a while then the motor will be connected delta above the working timer - The motor will stop if an overload occurs, or the OFF button is pressed or the emergency stop button is pressed c. Using indicator lamps with the provisions: - H1 will light if the motor is connected to the star - H2 turns on if the motor is connected with delta - H3 lights up if the motor is overloaded 2. Save the file in the form of a Visio Drawing program, A4 landscape paper with the following format: a. 11IML4-PW-1/4: Star Delta 3 phase motor control circuit b. 11IML4-PW-2/4: Main circuit of motors 3-phase the star delta c. 11IML4-PW-3/4: Layout of the star delta three-phase motor control panel d. 11IML4-PW-4/4: Recapitulation of materials needed 3. Make sure the plan is checked for accuracy before printing 4. Save the drawing on Google Drive with the file format: Date Job ID sheet Student ID Student Name Example: 19032019_11IML4-PW-1 / 4_17L21_Rahmat 5. If the drawing has been saved then prepare the tools and materials as listed in the drawing, the maximum planning time is 2 days (16 PERIOD) 6. Install controls on metal panels that have been prepared (scan QR code beside to see tutorial video) 7. Pay attention to the estimated time that has been prepared a maximum of 1 day (8 PERIOD) and 1 more day for repairs 8. If the control has been installed then please do the test until the control is functioning correctly, but it is not allowed to do a test of the 3 phase motor load 9. If the control is correct then please proceed to the installation of the 3-phase motor load 10. The teacher will test the control panel if all the installations are installed correctly 11. The assessment is based on a complete panel trial up to a 3 phase motor load 12. If the time is still there and the panel circuit is still wrong, then it is permissible to repair it until the time runs out 13. The teacher fills in the LHK as proof of the inspection results of the panel installation 14. Write a Work of Sheets (WoS) and full reports and present them at the next meeting WORKSHOP 60 Jl. A Yani Desa Morgo Mulyo Paringin Selatan 71619, Kabupaten Balangan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Website email [email protected]
11 – ELECTRIC MOTOR INSTALLATION SMK NEGERI 1 PARINGIN ASSESSMENT FOCUS 1. Make sure all planning documents are made correctly 2. The circuit is neatly installed 3. The circuit is mounted with a strong mechanical 4. The indicator lamps are installed according to their function 5. The circuit results are in accordance with the working principle TIME RECAPITULATION Est. Time : 1440 Menit (32 PERIOD) Equals : + 4 day Amount Code Date Start - until Amount Code Date Start - until CODE : (1) Planning, (2) Installation, (3) Remedial 61 WORKSHOP Jl. A Yani Desa Morgo Mulyo Paringin Selatan 71619, Kabupaten Balangan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Website email [email protected]
SMK NEGERI 1 PARINGIN 11 – ELECTRIC MOTOR INSTALLATION r!f © 2021 Name : ASSESSMENT SHEET ID : Grade : 11IML4-RP15 #1 : Planning Est. Time : 1080 Min #2 : Installation # of days # of hours The star delta 3 Phase Motor Control #3 : Remedial Basic Competencies Total used time ……………. 4.8. Making the installation of an + ……………… min …………….% electric motor controller with starting. 4.9. Presenting an electromagnetic control circuit QR code to input practicum score PROCESS (30%) Configuration SCORE Points (A) 23 1 / 5 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 1. Accuracy of drawing Filled in by teachers 2. Font type and size accuracy …….. x 1 …….. x 1 3. Neat arrangement of cables 0,3 x TS x 10 = 1 …….. x 2 ………….…… Status : NR/R1/R2** SCORE Total Score (TS) : ……….… / 4 = ………….. **) NR : No Remedial, R1 : Remedial #1, R2 : Remedial #2 RESULTS (70%) Configuration SCORE Points (B) 56 1 / 5 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 4. Circuit work perfectly Filled in by teachers 5. The indicator lights up …….. x 1 …….. x 1 6. Mechanical / Strength of joint 0,7 x TS x 10 = SCORE 4 …….. x 2 ………….…… Total Score (TS) : ……….… / 4 = ………….. Status : NR/R1/R2** RESULTS POINT PLUS if TP >= 70 Filled in by teachers VALIDATION***) TOTAL POINTS (TP) = 1 points @ 10% undertime Teacher POINTS(A)+POINTS(B) TOTAL POINTS + POINTS *** PLUS/MINUS …………………… POINT MINUS 1 points @ 10% overtime ………… + ………… = ………… Competent/ …………………… Status NR, POINT Max. 100 (…………………………..) Not Competent *) Status R1/R2, POINT Max. 72 *) Competent if POINTS > = 70 ***) VALID is declared if signed by both No. Score 10 SCORE RUBRIC Score 1 / 5 Aspect Very accurate drawing Score 7 / 8 / 9 Inaccurate drawing The drawing is less accurate 1 Font type and size accuracy Font type and size is not very Font type and size is not accurate accurate 2 The Cables are not arranged The Cables arranged less neatly neatly 3 The Cables arranged very neatly The circuit does not function There is no score of 7 / 8 / 9 according to the working principle 4 Perfect circuit of work > 1 indicator is inaccurate 5 All indicators are accurate 1 indicator is inaccurate 6 The Cables install is very strong The Cables installed not strong The cable installed is not strong enough WORKSHOP 62 Jl. A Yani Desa Morgo Mulyo Paringin Selatan 71619, Kabupaten Balangan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Website email [email protected]
11 – ELECTRIC MOTOR INSTALLATION SMK NEGERI 1 PARINGIN r!f © 2021 LHK SHEET ID : Name : Grade : Date : : Precision Size CONTROL OF 3 PHASE MOTOR, Y/ Assistant Very good Good Enough Less Teacher : Mechanism Very good Good Enough Less Hours Start Lay Out Very appropriate Less Not appropriate Done Indicator (L1 – L3) Very appropriate Less Not appropriate Load Test #1 - Success Failed TOR – ES TOR - Correct False ES - Correct False #2 - Success Failed Source of TDR TDR - Correct False #3 - Success Failed NO – Indicator H1 - B S H2 - B S H3 - B S #4 - Success Failed Terminal Very appropriate Less Not appropriate Information MC : Magnetic Contactor ZSM : Zelio Smart Relay ES : Emergency Stop TOR : Thermal Overload Relay TDR : Timer Delay Relay SIGNATURE ASSIGNMENT *) Paringin, 20 …… Principal of SMKN 1 Paringin Teacher Checker SUPARMAN, S.Pd.,M.M. ( …………………………………. ) ( …………………………………. ) *) This sheet is ideal by students and must be evaluated by the teacher 63 WORKSHOP Jl. A Yani Desa Morgo Mulyo Paringin Selatan 71619, Kabupaten Balangan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Website email [email protected]
SMK NEGERI 1 PARINGIN 11 – ELECTRIC MOTOR INSTALLATION Job Title WORK OF SHEET (WoS) Tools & Materials (Complete with numbers and units) Drawings and Work Steps (use statement sentences, NOT imperative sentences) WORKSHOP 64 Jl. A Yani Desa Morgo Mulyo Paringin Selatan 71619, Kabupaten Balangan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Website email [email protected]
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