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jozef.supsak Download
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The publication critically re-assesses and synthesises the hitherto known knowledge of the given issue and enriches it by new original cognition in the field of visual culture. Since we shift from verbal to visual perception and images form our everyday experience leading us to the development of new forms of perception, sensitivity, thinking and understanding of the world, we accentuate the necessity of visual literacy. In this regard, the publication brings the overview of several theories dealing with the problem in theory. It monothematically focuses on the visual literacy as the ability of an individual to develop meanings from everything he/she can see, to find the sense in everything he/she can perceive. The author defines the visual literacy as the form of critical thinking that increases the intellectual capacity and enables one to interpret the contents of visual images, to investigate the social impact of the visual pictures, to possess the ability of internal visualisation,

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