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Home Explore 2004


Published by wayne.jones, 2017-01-02 17:17:08

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Jallroo111 Pance 2003-2004 Ballroom Dance Company Carly Ashby, Mckl•ll A~hcroft, atalie Ashcroft, !lolly llanson, I feather Kocherhans, Chad Lenz, Shelley Lund, K.1yla Mabey, Vance McArthur, Daniel Pavan, Janene Pearce, Chri'>tina Pehr~on, l.vdia Potekhina, Cole Selleck,R.Khel s'meltzer, Samantha Spangler, Cynthia Swenson, l.1ffy Wallace, Coach·Sl'.1n Guymon. Hop, hop, hop! (left) The ballroom d.mcer., get a chl'l'r frum tlw crowd as they d,mn• at the night rally. Tackling the Get your groove on! Round and round we go Tango (abO\'e) Thl'Sl' girls sure knov.. how to .,trut (.1bo' l') llw dancers get thl'lr their stuff. groo\ c un. (right) Kayla Mabey ,md Dan Payan One...two.. .three... ma~ter the art of dancing. (ll'ft) <.;hl'llv Lund and Cindv Swen~cn~·Ln:..J, .,tep to the bt?at. • # Ballroom Heel, toe, dosie doe! (right) llwsl' d.mct•r., re.1lly know how tu •mpn•ss a crowd'

Prat~ta Club 2003-2004 Drama Club members (I ir~t Row) I.e\ 1 \1ontO) a, (a..,..,ie laN?n, ~1egan rio'\, Haylee Jenkin..., Krystal '\eddo, Shawn y 0 .,t, Corinne X.1ntho.,, Megan RKhard.... (Second Row) Michelle Ca.,dorph, Annem.uie Johnson, (ailey Mad.,en, j.1clyn Daly, Jan~·s....,l Sor~nsen, Cheri~h Caldwell, Mary-jane Castleton, Traci l'l•rkin.,, c,1.,.,idy Woodcock, l l• he~,l Davrs, Bnann.1 Brggers (Row 3) Vienna Boyd, Llcie Vincent, \l.uian Fackrell, Qumette Perry, \\'hitney \1eilson, Blake Wheeler, Shelley Lund, Sih ,ma 1,1\·lor,Chri,tirl.l Pehr..on, Chri~tophcr Root, Ambl•r Ward (Row 4) Jl·.,..,ica Hugo, Cameo Parry, 1\ ~ iln t-..cnvon, A.,hJey Romrell, Phillip \1elzer, Cha,·ez, \1adi..,on Warren, je.,.,ica War~er, Danrel Ha~~n. Stephanie Smith, Je.,.,ica Nebon, lrin Orr, Jacob Jen.,on (Row 5) je., Roberts, t-..ilri.,sa Klein, Nickolas Barfu~.... Kilde Smith, Jenny Brooks, Jennifer 1\cddo, Amy Ll•win, Cynthia swenson, Nicholl• Root, Robyn Rilscly, Sharlene jacob, Emily Mark, Tawny Parry. \~..:.)·: Dra ma Club 1 '

PECA DECA 2003-2004 Buca di DECA The'ie DECA mcmbl'r\" dt•e~de wh.1t ( Distributive Education Clubs ot America) to order at thl' opt•ning soc1.11 (in aplph,lbl'tical ord«?r) DECA Offic ers A~hlce Allred, Ali~a Aim, A'>hley l'n•.,ident D.mwllt• Stod.;1ng AndeNm, \1ckell A.,hcroft, Brittany Virt• Prt•.,idt•nt M,ldl'lll1l' I ,Jr.,t•l1 Basler, Kt•ndyl Bell, Lacit• Bell, Mary l'ubliri~t- S,1r,1 <.onzale/ Rt•portl'r· I .lllt' Ht•ll Benavidez, Evt•tte Bentley, I h'turi,m- )Ml'd Bowling Marianne Berg, Jared Bowling, Cha.,e Table for Seven Broadhe,1d, Mcken.lie Buchan, Alex Ihl\"l' girl' h,l\ l' .1 .;n•at Buhler, ).1me-. Burt, Andrea Burton, timl' h.mging out ill Autumn Bushman, Je~..,ica Carbine, lluc.1 d i Bt•ppo. Heidi Cull, Mary-J;me Castleton, Emily C!Mk, Savannah Clark, Laur.1Clarke, Courtney Collin~, r>,1ul Curti-., Jaclyn D.1ly, Jes'>ic.l D.urow, RvanDarrow, KMlie Drain, Rt•bt•cca Egbert, Amy Lngebritson, \Jikole Erekson,Brianne Fabrizo, Lacie Failner, A'>hley Fe,1therstone, Aubre Gambli~, Andre\\ Glade, Lvd-.\ <..;oetz, Sara Gonzillez, Daniel Gordon, Jes-.icil GriHith, Devan H.1milton, Holly Hanson, Alcxandr.1 ll,ut, Au.,tin He.1ly, Ashley Hellstrom, Ch,ld Hillit·r, Katie Hou~ton, Brittam• Hudson, A-.hley Hugo, A-.hley Hunt,Chandr,, Jelo..,ek, Nicole Jen'>en, Jamt'\" Johnson, Emily Jordan, Stacy Ju, SeAnn.1 Jud-.on, He.ltt•r Kochcrh,1n-.,Katie Kodhkt•r, Sheila Kong'>ilyasant•, Polin,, Konuchkov.1, \llcKenne Kunkel, Christopher Langston, Mada li ne Larsen, Lente, Jody Lim, Lauren Linton, Shawna lui, Whitney lyman, Erin M.addex, Cailey .\1ad~t·n, Lind!.cy, Whitney Mark, Tanner M.~r'>hall, Caitlin Mcssin,l, Jaimic Mt•ycr'>, Mel iss,, Miller, David \1on~on, MichelleMonson, Jill Morgan, Morg.m \Jelson, Emilv Ovard, Jamie Oyler, Kendra Perkin'>, Sarah Phalon, Lrica Powell, mackenz ie Rasmus.,t•n, Matthew Rhodt•s, Megan Robinson, Scott Romney, Jenmft•r Ro.,.,, Ro.,e Rothfcder, Kristen S.1lak1Ciu, Mielt• Schelin, Lindsay Schmidt, Heather Scott, Stephanie SeJcrist, Chel<.e.1 Seneca, j.lnC'>sa Soren.,cn, Katherint• Stahl, o,,niellc Stocking, C.:ara Stott, Mclindil Sudbun·, \1ichacl Sw.Jn, Tanya t.1pp, Valerie ·1 hompson, Eia Vang, Jessica W,mll'r, Madison W.Jrren, Trent Wilkt•.,, Amanda Willi,lm'>, Cherv.,e Worthington, Britt.Jn) Zitting. Tawni Zobdl Pizza party~•~n . . A group of fncnd~ gatht•r .uound for some good food . # I DECA

\..:.):,o...~Autographs I ~

Peer Leadership fea11 Leaders of the pack Alissa Burton, Morgan Carhart, Emily Childress, Kirk Crandall, Bowen Harris, Kasia Stephcnscn, Danielle Stocking, and Amanda Williams take control of PLT.(Alphabetical) Alissa Burton, Morgan Carhart, Emil y Childress, KirkCrandall, Jessica] Cummings, jessica Darrow, Justin Durrant, ja ime Forman,Steven Freestone, Jonathon Halbert, Megan Hansen, Bowen Har ris, ChelseaHaviland, Sven Hoge, Pau l Holdsworth, Scott Jenne, Zachary johnson,Stacy Sheetz, Kasia Stephenson, Danielle Stocking, Tamercl Tucker,Stephanie Watkins, Lauren Wedcrtz, Amanda Williams, Daniel Wiseman,Madalyn Woodman, Advisor: Trudy BarnesThe seniors of PLT PLT boys Michael Mecham, Z,Khary Johnson, Justin Durrant

fheS /Legacy 1-Where's the candy? Bobby Hitts guards the candy at the ~pot. 2- Thirsty? Lacic Bell gets a Pepsi for a waihng customer. 3- Hmmm Trav\" Cordova can't make a deC1~1on from '0 many choice... 4- Bling Bling \"J1ck (.,rundheuser geh the cash. Don't cry boys (ll'ft) Eric Ro~ and John Well-. hold m their tear... while cutting onion.. Mix it up! Blake Wheeler adds the import,lnt ingredients to his mixture.long li~t 1 potato...2 potato Robvn R.~-.~·1\ p~:d~ potatoes for h~:r cr~·ahon. ',-=a.).: The Spot I Legacy Restaurant I '

PfSA 2003-2004 PTSA members (front row) Andrew Johnson, David Monson, Scott Embley, Bethany Herget, Jennifer Neddo(row 2) Shelley Lund, Royce Porter, Katherine Lofgren, Tiffany Rudd, Anna Lofgren, Cynthia Swenson(row 3) Andrew King, Adam Jones, Tyler Douglas, Roxanne Christensen, Brittany Hill, Jenny Brooks 0 Christmas Tree P T'SA member~ decorate their (11'·~ Christmas trl'C. Mmm.. .doughnuts {above left) Katherine Lofgren, Anna Lofgren, Andr~''\ Johnson, David Monson, Scott [· mblcy, Bethany llcr!l' and Cynthia Swenson enjoy their rcfrcshmcnh.~•~n .. Dec k the Hal~s . d #I PTSA {left) Andrew Kmg, D.w1d Monson, Jenny Brooks, •111 Cynthia Swenson show off their ornaments.

fSA 2003-2004 TSA members (front row) Erik Crowe, Janene Pearce, ~farylee Bena\'idez, \1rs. Durfee (row 2) Tyler Simonsen, Lacey Sweat, Austin Orr (row 3) Joshua Call, Ke\ in Meacham, Rachel Smeltzer, Ralph Perea Skills USA-VICA 2003-2004 Skills USA VICA members) (front row) Mr <.;t.1ill•y,Ordan '>imons, M.uyll'l' B1.•n,1\ kll'/,l I Li~.1 I ro1ncom, l,1 lkdo., Y l'r Doug l a~, Mr. Rowl1.•y, (row 2) Ad,1m W,1to.on, Jo~ul' (.h.Wl'/, I olccy ~W(',11, Bl.1J..(• Whl•l• k•r' l.,nrr1.•n I rrpp, Robyn R.1~11.•y, (row 1) St\"ntt Ch,1pmo111, K1.•nncth Mv.llt, I rin )l'l1\"l'l1, Bn,1n '>umnwro,, )df~.·ry ).1yrw \,..n:)~: TSA I Skills USA-VICA I '

National Honor Gi,mn<t Abbriano, Raffada Abbriano, Brittany Allr~d. Krio;tcn Alml•rico, Culy And~rson, \11,1tlww Arm..,trong, RichMd A'hby, Austin B.l~k·~. )l•nnifl•r I Baggett, Brittany Baker, Jill Bakl•r, Miles Batty, Lad~ Bell, Ryan Bmgh.1m, Am,mda Bim•ll, Ry.1n Burgml'ler, '\ick Blm Yl'r, j~''tc.1 Braikl•r, ,\,hll'\ Bnmlt.J1 :-.:icoll• Buhler, james Burt, Ali\"'' Burton, Andrea Burton, Kellie Cash, f.u,l Chl\"•\"Cr, Le,[ie Chri,tl'll'>l'n, Laura Clilrkl•, Chrhtilll' Col~m.1n, )l''\"IC•l Ct>uch. Whitney Cowley, Katie Crc'>'>all, Jordan Crowthl•r, atalie Dahl, jc.,o;ic,, D.urow, Ryan Darrow, D,mll'l Davi'>, Tyll·r Dou~l·''• Rl•becca fn,t~n. Bn.ttllll' Fabrino, '\;icole Fellow..,, Zhinan Fcng, Christopher Fogarty, Melis'>a I og.uty, Danielle Fox, Bri.ln Tr,lnU'l'n, Bm,, (,odd.mi, McKenzil• Codwtn, Ml'!i•'\". Gorringc, Alicia Graehl, jarom Gunderson, Dani~llc I !all, Brittany I lancock, D.1nicl Hansl•n, \lll'!i.Hl 1I.mscn, Chl'l'l'•' I !,wil,md, Li'a ll.vl•l, Whitnl'}' Htlt•111Jason llolm, Jeffrey Hosk ins, SMa 1-lowarth, C.1lcb f fu..,ted t, Julie b,lilC..,on, f)oug Jaffa, Lind'''Y jantcl.;t, J faylee )l·nkins, JiII )l•, K.lit lin )l'll'l'll, ,,•..,..,,cil John~on, Zachary Johnson, Stacy Ju, Kevin Khong, Ml•lissa Kirby, Mari,mnc Ki..,cr, Amber Korb, I Ium1.,1 Kudiya,C.l....i(• 1M\"'n, j.1mie 1M'l'n, Crl'tdwn Lechl•minant, Hyokwon Lc~, Sh~lley Lund, O,wid'>en, Shawn M,ll.m, Whatney Mark. Ang\'1.1 MMI~r-Bovd. Codv M.Ht, M.1nd}· McComb, l>..l'\'lll Meacham, Monica Melcndct., Jordan Mende.£, Kn'>tyn Miyake, David Mon,on, Calhe \I organ, Kry..tal ~l·ddo, jt:.....,,, '<mh.l~l·n, <;Mah Ql,on, ),Hll'lll' Pearc~. jonathan Pope, Royce Porter, Lydia Pot~khm.1, D,wid Rasmw.~n. K,llil• Rasmu ..~n. Dd~b•~ Rl·ed, \'ictori,\ Rl'Olh '>sl•rr.l Ri..,,mann, \t,llll·lnll' Robert,, Dustin Robin-.on, lll'lah Robin-;on, \ll~gan Robin'>on, Hak Roh, ( hri~topher Root, K.•tlwrinl' Rth.,, I ind\"''' Sdmmlt, fati.1na 'icott, '\,Jllt.l Sl'lull· Rachail Sheetz, Bryson Shr~~v~. Car..on Smtth, '\swl,,.. Snarr, jo..,hu.l S<lrl•nsen, A..,hlie Stl•plwn~. D,lllll'lll• Stockm~. \lll•nl' Swan, Am~r \"iw.m, \\illi.1111Thomp..,on, joshua Trcybig, Michael Twede, Mada-.on Warren, Adam W,\t'>lm, Lauren Wedl'T/, \llidt.ll'l Wilde, Willi.1ms, Mkha~l Wnlld, Shane Yost~•~n .. # I National Honor Soci~ty

Society~hoose wisely! Ta-Daa...... Our leaders! HS member., vote for the nl'W oHKl'rs toll•,1d thl•m in the upcoming year. (left to right) Daniel H,1nsen-Vice Prc.,ident, Adam Watson-Sr. Secretary jordan ~lendez-Pre..,idcnt, \>1cgan Robinson-Secretarv, ·' Chebe.1 fla\'il,md · llistorian 'Atew Strong in numberslord Words from the president With all the nC\\ '\HS member-., ml\"Cting., .1n•n't l'Xactly dwindling in attendance.~i\ ~n Mendez dl• ii Vl'r.., an in.,pir.ltion,li.,pl'l'Ch tn , n# \"\"Ople. ~; National Honor Society 1 ~

Jordan Pride (nm 1) Rox.mnc C hri.,ll•n-.en, Shelle} Br,,dfil•ld. D.l\ id \1on.,on. GonL<Jio P<Jstorini, Du...tin Robin'i(] Mary-Jane C,.,tll•ton, \Jr.... Larl, Ml•g<~n Gorringl', Wh1tney Mar!... 1\m,mda Williams, LJ,miel Hansen (row 2) Meghan R,,.,mw•.,cn, Chelsea Bench, S.1m.mtha Pctcr...or Br,1ndi Powell, jl>nmfl•r &'Ckham, c,,..,ey \\ing. Hayll'\ )l>nJ..ins, Chl•m,h Cald,\ell, 1,1l' i Smith, Cry... tal Neddo, Ml·g.•n Robin.,on (row 'l) Jcna I dw.Hds, M.1dison WMrcn, Parkt•r Rndc Iiff, Daniclle Stocking, Raclwl I lorton, Bri.mne l.lbri.tio, Amand.1 B•rn•ll, rclicia \tcUeer), Kl'llil• Smith, I .1Ura r•mp.,on, T.1ml•l.1 B<.'Ck (row 4) Toni \1,1lhl·n, Dian,l Ch.l\'C/, Jcnnifl•r \il•ddo, 1.....1de Smith, Steven Rou.,h, B1.1kc Whl•eler, Eli_,,,lwth Br.1lhhaw, /,1chc1ry Smith, Srott ll,m-.en, \1t-Ji..,.,,, Fog.1rty (nm :;) \1ari.ln I .1ckrl•ll, I y-.on l'oole, Andre\\ SI01l'l''\"'· /ackM~ lll·wlett, Ali-.on llokomb, l ind.;tl M.1rk, l....irstin S,l\ l'r, I \ ette Bentl< I yndscy Col't/, Andn•w King (row 6) Bryant C.1SJWr.,on, Ry.1n ( ;okbmith, M,1ckl'l11il•KMmacJ... Ak•x Kelson, I dd il'<••mhl'ld, Mi~r ll.mi-., l ind\"•'Y 11.1kl''• '\Kole kn.,l•n, Mt•g.ln l'll<lll•, Mck..·n/IC l....imb.11l Mary·J,1ne Castleton and Rachel Horton show their Jordan Pride. Jordon Pride is super JP students always h.wc big school spirit.~~\n..!.:....) # I Jordan Pride

Operation St~tlle (rn,, I) jechie Sung, ~egan Colwell, Gina C.oddard, Kattl• Crcssall, 'vl.u,lll'C Beneved,ls, Cherish C1ldwell, Kendr,l Pl•rkins(row 2) Na talie J lonwr, Roxanne Ch rbtcnsen, Ama nda l:kt•rt, J<lda Currutlwrs, Megan R.1ssmusen, M,ldison W.urt•n, je;.sic,, W,Hner, Savanah, Janene Pt•,lrn•, Christin,l I uerer (row 1) j.1clyn Johnson, Sarah Olson, Whitney llilton, herine Ross, Brianne Fabrizio, Daniel llanscn, Megan Robinson, Adam W.1tson\ Crow ·I) Helah Robinson, '\adi,l ~lim, Dank•lit• I tall,\h•tnl'\ Cowley, j,1mil' I ar-,cn, Ashlt•} Brimh,tll, (arly Andcr.,on, R.1ffaela Abbri,mo, Mckell Ashcroft Cut it up (right) I lcl,lh Robinson, Whitney (llWlt•y, .1nd Dan•t•lle H.11l cut circll•., for thl·ir prtljt'Ct.Smiles for everyone Keep Workin'(<~hovt•) l'residt•nt Brittany B.1 kt•r brings (right) A'>hll'\ Brimhall works hard to m,ll..t• a difference.'lllill•s In child rl·n' ' \,..n:..)~: Operatior. Sm1le 1 '

Pebate Arguably tlw be..,t 1 hL• Jordan lligh debate team has bL'L'I1 the 5-A St.1tc Champion.., for thl' !,1st 6 yc<Hs ,md running. The team h.ts lwcn prL•p,uing for thi\" year'\" tournanwnh :.ir1lc Ja..,t ..,umnwr, attl•nding camp~, dinics and lab-.,. fhey contimw to prt•ptHc throughout tlw ...chool )'l'M, staying alter scholll .md \\'Orking on their l\",\SCS. Cood Luck Dl•b,lte!The 2003-2004 Debate Team(n/plznbeticallyJ A~hlcy Alexander, Audrey Ander-.t>n, ~J..yler Ander..on, McKell A~hrrolt, jill B,, I li<>l' Br,mtley,Logan Brown, Candice Ca ll, Sarahi\nn Clayton, 13ri,mn,1 Coyle, Sar,1h l·ppcr~on, I: vans, Spt•nn•r Ccc,Chelsea Goss, Jonathan Grosely, Ry.1n Gurr, Danil•lll' 11,111, Marcn l (,m.,cn, Steven 11,1ymond, Elaint• 11.1y.,, DavidHeyborne, Ashll'y lluitzil, jennifer Huntsaker, julit• jo~kcman, \!lax )t'l<, D,1niel jont•.,, )l'''ir.l john~on, (_lintonjorgenson, Tara juhl, janice Kennedy, Kevin Khong, \!Iegan Kille, )lhhua Kim, Amy Kist•r, Tiffani lt'l', <.:h,1d 1en.,,Charle, Lingle, S.~r.1h Lougee, !..ay1,1 \1abcy, AMon \lcinto.,h, Jord,m Md\, Am,lfld,, \1•tchell, Alt'l ~cwm,m,Sarah Nolan, jord,m !'rue, Beth R,1n..~:hau, Dougl,,., R.1y, Helah Robin..on, Shane S,IC'J..l•tt, I hz,lbeth Sp• roll, )<1\Springer, Aj Staneck, joseph Swt•nson, TriceII T.1ylor, Wi ll iam ThomJNln, Aaron JoJ...u..k•, Abigail I rl·yhig, )o'>hu,1Treybig, Mathew Trujillo, Alisha Vasey, T iffany W.hhburn, Suzilllnl' Y,wm, D<mil•l Yl'•l)\cr, Ray /h;mg Practice makes perfect... (below) Dav id lleyborne practices his speech for the team's dino.,,lurAffirmative or negative? listen Upl!{,1bove) Jill Baker and Audrey (above) Iricelie T,wlor li'l''Anderson search through fi les to her prl'.,.dl•ntal powl'r' toprt•p.Jre for a policy round. tdl tlw tl•,un that tlwv m•vd to mnhnUl' h.1rd .~~Ln-:.J. #I Debate

French Club 2003 - 2004 French Club(alphabt'liml/y) R.1Haela Abbri,mo -Vicr Prt•,rdt'llf, J...yle Becci, Bnanna Biggers, }Ml'd Bowling, Vienna Boyd, JessicaBraker, ~1cKl•rvrc Buchan, j.lml''> Bu rt, A.,hfl·~ <.ollin., -Prt•,llfmt, K,1tie Crc-.-.all, Bl'lhea Cutler, ·\-.hlev Elkington, AmvEngebrihon, I ri-.h,l Fletdwr, }l'•llll'tte Grwnll'l', Jl'''ica Griftith. .\nn,l Grimm, Hancocl\, Caleb Hustedt, Ah·-.~.1Johnson, Jl•.,.,jr,, Johnson, Z.1ch Johnson, Robin !o-ino.,hita, J...,lrl.,.,,, J...lcin, Grctchl•n I ccheminant, M,lr\ Lente, Amand,1Mc i-.her, M.1d.1lynn Mi ller, Uw l '>~e Morgan, Slw lby Nisbet, Qurnl'ttc Perry, Lvclyn Polanco, Helah Robinson, NadiaScll m, j.1y Springl•r, Meg.111 Sll'W.lrt,Caitlyn S\wnso n, Jeeni e Sung, Josh Treybig, Ambe r Ward, Ms. Pettey -AdvisorBonjour! Christmas crowd\ Pl'ltey tril'' to gl'l the attenhon of the French club members gl't together for aFrench Club during one of their mcl'lings. little holiday celebration. ~. L:J: French I~

FCCLAlearning from the professionals Having a blast (above) IC(. I A surt• b fun for(above) joshua Soren.,en, Shabt• H,1arbrink, A~hley Mergens, ShelleyBradfield, Lisa Jlaze!, Danit•lle Ebtine, Sarah Olson, jennifer Baggett, Mr'>. A Iiss,, Burton, I t'rt'\"•' Stonl', ,mdBateman, and Chelsea 11,1\ iland rccicvc training at the Marriot. M,ltht•w Rhodt•-.. (row 1) Shcllcv Bradfeild, joo,hua look at us Sonmsen, Li...,, ll.vd, Sh,,Je-.c (,lbo\·e) <,,1r• 01'-0n ,1ndHaarbrink, D<miellc ('l,stein, Ashley \1ergen.,, Jennifer B.1ggett, S.u.1h Joshu.l Qlc;on, Chel'-l'il IIJvil;md Sort'n\"''\" (row 2) Mr-.. Quinn, Robyn R.J-.dy,'' off thrlr llC\\ I(. Cl \ Maryk'C Bena\'idl't., C.1meron Turner, Blake Whl•der, Skph.mie .,we.,t-.hirt' Engstrom, Alli'>on Dame, M,1llory Burgess, Jordiln Crowther, rrent Wilkes, I ric Beckstr,lnd (row 3) Mrs. B.1tcm,1n, M,JScyGamingasco, Whitnt•y, I'Mkl•r Rildcliff, Jcna J,dwards, Br,md i Powell, Roxanne ChristcnsL'n,Cassie LMsen, Anncmaril' johnson, Ry.m Bingh.1m (row 4) Kendra Pt•rkins, Krysta lKirkpatrick, Kat it• Crt•ssall, Britlnt•yBasler, Rebecca Mills, Ashlt•y I lugo, A lissa Burt()n, ).1mic Forman, Matthew Rhudes, Tt•rt•s,l Stone, Laura Cl.ukt•, 1),1\'id M.ldl•n Hanging out(right) fCC I \ ml·mbL•r-. ''ait for instrucliuns from tht•ir .ld\ i'>(lr,~~~n. . Happy Halloween # I Girle & Boy~ Stat~ (.1hm l') Je..,sK,l D.1rrow, Mad bon Warrl'n, f3r,Jr1l11 l'o\n•ll, ,u1d SheIll'} Br,ld field sip punch ,11 thl'1r .1nnu.11I l,lllowl'cn p.1rty.

Key Club(row I) Robm 1-:ino.,hit,l, Andrew (,l,ull•, Chri.,tirl.l l·ucrl•r, J,mene Pearce, Stcph.lnil' lhorup, \1clissa Fogarty, ~1r.,. \"-ohll•r (row 2) DanielD.1vis, Br,ld ll'} Butler, Amanda \\ 111r.1m.,, Bri.llllll' I ,lbri.tio, \"-atie Cre.,s,1ll, Whrtney Cowley (row 3) .\1atthew Rhode.,, l'ere.,,l Stone,Sh,1wn.1 l.ur, Aubrl' c;,,mblin, Nadi.1 'x•lim, )l's.,il,1 John.,on, Danielle f1,1llKey Club is SERVICE\fcmbl•r., of tlw 1..~:\ club are alway., up to -.onwthrng good. L:J:,C)!# I'Key Club

FJLA (,llphabctical order) s,,r,1h A lll•n, Kristen Almerico, Robert Amkr'''' Rose Andcr'>on, Megl1.1n Andrew' \lcKdl Asherott, Drl'W B.trr, \"-end Bcii,Chase Broadhc,td, Hcrgt•n Bt-c.,lv, Jared Bowling. \llckt•rllil' Buchan, Alex Buhh.•r, :-.=kolt• Buhl~ ].1me-. Burt, }e.,.,.ca Carbme,Bl'iind' Cardena'>, Emil\· Childrt'\"\"• Kt•n·'l' Cl,uk,Jaclyn Da't},•l (),l\ i... Jes.,ica Darro\\, Karlie ()r,un, An1\ Lbcrt, Becky Egbcr,Bri,Jnm• I·,Jbrif(' }.111ee Fife, Melissa l'og.~rty, 1),1nit>l l·ox, Christin.1 Pucrcr, Lynd-.·v Goct.r., Ann,1 Grimm,'lll• I I,Jll, Felicia HMtlye, Bobb} llrt.r, \'\l''-h~ I lorn, K.1tie llou.,ton, St,llV Ju. ~Anna Judson, 1 ylor Joy;l', l-rH1 \"-t•nning, kevin \"-hung. \J,m,JOI11' \"''er, K.lyCJe ldirdl, \"-•llll' \"-oelliker, Sheil,l Ktmg...l\ ,,~.ull', -\mbcr Korb, (,l...,ic LM'>l'll, !>hawnee Leprcy, jodil' l.u11, Sh·'\" Llll,Autumn Lym.111, Cr.tll'}', Erin M,1hl•r, Sh.twn M,,(,Ht j.1mie Meyers, Drew Milll•r, (, Mock, David Mon.,on, <..tllie Morg.m, Holly Ml>rri'>vn, Brrndi Nichol, Kend,tll'>on, )l•n•n1Y Ol..,on, Tiff,mv l',t.,kl•r, S,Jr,Jh !'h·1''' l·.nca l'owdl, Britt,my RJCh, \l.1tthew Rhodl''>, }l•...,ic ({,,..,, ({tiS' Rothfeder.\"-ri.,ten S.JI,lkl•th, \h•la 11'' S.1tterheld, Lind\"•l\' '>dumdt. \1,1tthl'\" Schulll', Kimlwrh S<t•tt, \J,1die Selim,Bridgl'ltl' Sh.~rp. lli/,1beth Skilling-., Janl'\"\"'' .,orcn.,en, Katlwrirw St.thl, A.,h lll' <;tl'phl'll'>, C.u.1 Stott, lh,mdnn Str~·bel, Zach.uv '>troup, Ml•lind·' Sudburv, Steph.1nil' I horup. I ,wr·' l rmp.,on, Eta \',m~. \l,td ...un J W.~rrl'n, Cheri'-l' \\'iii.Jr~t•n. ,\nhll1 Willi.lm'> K.m \\\"ilh,mto;, I vlL•r \.\ hipplt• FBLA Officers }arwc I ifc Prco,rdcnt p,,.,kcr- Rccordcr·~ Almcrico- Hi..,turi.m M.ltthl•w Scholle- Web m,,..,tl•r Sh,nvna I ui Vice Prl'sidl•nt ( Not Pictured) Md.l'll A-.hnott '>t•nl'IMY, Bobbj llr t/ I'I{Try to keep up with themFBI '\ ( lub mt•mbcr.., are alway-. -.tickin' to\"'\"·~•Ln:.,J #I FBLA

told Pot Howard adds l'\'l'n more \\'Ctght to increase the inteno,it). Look at those muscles (right) Ricky Latu sure is a buff guy.j;1Philbt•tic,ll ordt•r) Bri,m Anjewierden, T.1ylor A.,i, 1yo,on Bailey, Kenneth Barm•r, Rt'l'd Beck.,tcad, Justin Brewer, Breathetl~es Burt, Rid1.1rd llurt, R1ch,ud Carpt•ntl'r, jot•y Collin'>, Nick Cowley, Kirk Crand.11i, Ou.,tin Denning, Joshua ·y imothy Reed uses all his .,trength to•l Oil, Ty I ,l,lt,lu, <;tl'\'t'n I ret•stonc, Kevin Codinl'l, /,lckorv Gray, Jonathan Gro.,lcv, JonJihtm Halbert. Devin );l't th.1t last rep in.Er~:krrin, I ,,,IMry llt•wlctt, Svcn Hoge, j.hon llolm, 'x•th llol,hue, Evan Howard, \h.c.kol,,., lloward, Kyler Jacob.,cm,~klohan...t•n, )ot'\"l'ph john.,on, Zacharv johno,on, 1.1\'lor jovcl', Shane Kwant, wdy I .u't'n, Ricky L1tu, :\iark~.l.'},head, ~{lit•y M.~rlo\n•,Cody Mart, Kt'\ 111 :\.1t•,l(h,lm, Ry,1n Michaelo,en, Rory :\Iline, I'Mkt•r \!organ, \:ickola.,Saveaon, .\1_•ch.wl l't'•l\', l'hlihp Poloa, Sh,1nl' Prl'l'n', \;ICkol,l., Raymond, Tra\'i., Rt>gt•r... \litchcll Sargent, :\io..eVr 'Chn,tophcr Sh.~rp, Andrl'w Simcon.l, i\1thol.1., <;nuth, '\tcol,,., Snilrr, D.mtl'i Stout, Brock Stu,ut, Zachel) 1~ns• Jon,ll1l.ln Wt·ll,lm'>, (),mt.t•l Wt.o,t•man, ( h.wdon )•oung Step It up (bl'low) lo.wh j,1cobson shows Rory Miltw ,, 'l'trl'l on how to beef up !host• (,IIVt'S,(,llph<~betical order) lwnncth BMncr, joey Collins, Kirk Pump the ironCr,mdJII, :-\ichol.1s ll<m .~rd. /,KhM\' johnson, Tavlor f...trk Crandall u~ the rightjovcc, Rory Milne, Christopher %a(p, Daniel Sto;.t, technique to o.,trengthen hi., tricep.,.Brock Stuart \,..n:..)~: Gold Dot I~

\" I was born for one reason, to play hockey.\" -Daniel Champion2004 Hockey Club \" I skated three miles today..·(rront row) Danid Ch<~mpion, Br,1in \11,1ce, Britt<ln) ~l•.,t, Justin Y!Jn• (ro\\' 2) Aarvn C.ubonell, Chri.,topt•r Cook, finally I sa id 'Lady take yoL1rParker England, Kvle Bccci, M,1thew \llarchant, IJn Robertson pur-;e.\"' -Ry,m Graham(row 3) AnnMMie Bl•cci- Mn11nga, Kenny Bccci- Coach, Adam Log.lll, Kyk• Welty, Mich,wl Brl•cman,R.1ndy Champion- Ass/. Conch Not Pictured- Ryan Cr.1h,1m~·L~.:.J # I Hockey Club

000000000---- ---·--·- ·- - --' .. a. ~--I; J Jr -.. ·~ .... -1~~ ; , J ... j' ·- 1 • -; J- - .....-,5\ • -.~':'\"\"·-· ,.• J ·g \IS •( ~~ :I I ...~~ ·l ,I l ,4 ~·} { 'I.~ i (I ~ ~ -4 t'-; f l~0Ys Varsity Lacrosse Club Boys JV Lacrosse Club~lphabt•tic,llly) Au~tin Ad,lnh, Ju~tin l~.utm,mn, Log<m Brown, Ray (alphabcticallv) Kevm, james Burt, Rhett Christen\"«.'n, Mitchell Colt•m,ln, [),wid Cottr<•ll, Alex D('(,, Cru,r, Christopher Draper, Bryceltolernan, Corey (,underson, )Mom (,un<kro,<m, Chandll'r Hansen, StevenI<a~·rnond, ban I lowMd, Iylt•r llunt, Andrt•w john~on, Jdfn.•v Kalm, Craig rrand\"l•n, jord,ln (,t·rb<.•r, Scott Goldsmith, Landan Gollaher, Seth Hol-.ue, T,n·lor Joyce, jl·remy ~l.utm·,r,l, Trey \.1axwell, Tyson ~eyer, Tyee\t•ght, I lum/J Kudtv.l, Sh,lnc Kw,lnt, M,ltlht•w MJrlln·Sou,ra, '\athan '\;cil\"«.'n, Auo,tin 1\t•tl\"<•n, I aylor '\ordqui-.t, Daniel Payan, Brenden Porter, Shawn Sloan, '\,lth,m Snarr, Bryce Soelherg_ Ryan Swayt, Spencer Tavlor,\r.S1/tDchoolnrda~l.d\,:aJothr.dl,lllntl'Ml dR~ucnb~iints•o,n,BSt•l.n.)J,lltl•lrltSn,lIm'Mprs,onrv,-'.loicnoPJJooo,lSen, aMrre,rTriyttleRreed, T.J. Brandon \\,1rncr, \;likht•l Wt•hb, Chri., Weinberger, \1att Witzel • ·ndlove, /,1chM}' l,ulnt•r, ( ..lrrl'lt Vt•ent•ndJ.ll, Brl'tton \\'all, jo\"«.'ph 11ktn.,onGla~·rls lacrosse ClublhPhJbt•ttc,,lh) C,lmtllt• Arm.,lmng, ( lwn..h C,1ld\' l'll, KJt!lyn(B\ctrc:~1•1~k'l)1tc,•nloD:r,ti.•cmnJ,.t.(.d,olhtn•r,ilolMi,ltlil,t•,wg...,mC, n'l(li,lc1',onrllr.lim•nl,gli1\l•,hl.Dr1i~.t.l•ylAltthl•tl-D;(ul,n'nIt.l•(•lio\tIlhJc~ro.,mICubhger,iesJntiiJlnlGiJDnuunJndolenorep«s,,on •.\lark01/tc k.tmb,lll, Rt•g,m lt•lli, I .1ur1•n I mtnn, Chatlet \1ahch?nh, Lmd~)KathJ' Whtll•ny M.1rl.., 1\Jh.,on Mtltw, \1org.m Ndson, Kl'llcy 0 Keefe,~ou., l~n O'Rouri..l•, Mt•g.ln l'noito, ,wmt Rt•t•d, ·\ndrl'ol Richard'>On, an~ylavJ h, Katil• Swwrt~. Mt·g.ln Stt•wrh, Amy Suutt•r, Ta)'a ~pendl~ve, Som1\y~ ~r ln>rJril), I indo,1•y 1h,n.ton, Whitnl')' l h,lXlllll, jesst•ka Verdm~, Amy('~r1~oywW.i,JJ...i,.~It,.r,o.,m,, W.1ll Amy W1•bbt•r Juli,l Wt•bbt•r, Stephante Whtte, ' ' ,\.:a.J•: Lacrosse Club 1 ~

..~n...-:. L:.J # I Club6

r.l •• ••••••••• 2003· 2004 Boys and Girls State (lop row) Dave,..,t•n, Jordan 'v1t•ndet, Joshua Treybig, Z, Mitdwll, (third row) I rin·ll·l,ly lor, Ashlt•y Kidston, Elise Br-.lntlcy, Abbey, (second row)•nc Pt•arcc, Kry ...t.11 Neddo, Shalc...t• lla.1rbrinl... (front row) Brittanv, R.Kh,wl Shl-etz, Chef..,ca (,o..,., (not prcturt•d) Utah's next Governor David Ra~smu~.,en mech with last year's Boys St,ltt• (iovt•rnor.Stars and stripes forever Grand old flag Take a breatherAshley Kidston and Krystal Neddo take Trin•ll Tay lor take., p.trl in tlw Tht• C r rl~ St.llt• group takes ,1 hn•,\k fru01pride in being mayor of their cities. opt•ning <ercmony. govt•rnnwnt nll'etings at C.,L U

.. ·..........S.'f? r-1J.n•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mathematics Social Science Science Jo rd an Mendez Josh Treybig Brittany Baker EnglishBeth Ranschau Computer /Tech Ed. Business and Tyler Douglas MarketingForeign Language Family and Amanda WilliamsRaffaela Abbri ano Consumer Science Shalese H aa rbrink Visual Arts Dance Caitlyn Toone Megan HansenSpeech/Drama MusicElise Brantley Jamie La rsen

Plgger News Network (row I) Cody Feda, jt•rt•mi.lh Mabe. Kt•vin Fullmer, Sl>an I h.wm· (row 2) icholas Whitt,l~er, Bradley Butler, Brent B.uney (row 3) Dustin l~ob i nson, Mt•gan Flox, Miche lle Mueller, 'i.uah Bt•nncttPerfecto I'm watching you! Rile> r,ut .u d Br.ld Butk•r p.ltroltlw h.llh for nl'WS(ldt) l.iddy Canfield, Shant• of the d.1y.St,lpley, ,1nd Sarah Bennett (left) Shane Stapley d()(!~n'tt·ditthl•ir work. need .1 VCR to watch ht'> Your news movit\"•· today (nght) RileyT<Jite films his friends to show on DNN.~~\n....:......} #I DNN

Newspaper !row 1) K4.!11y Cash,Katlynn Maddux, Bradley Duffin, Michelle 'VIueller, D,miellc Umphrey, A..,hley Dalton, lrevor Amicone, Mikcala Ray, SJ..ylcr Samp..,on(row 2) I i ~scl Wall, Audrey Anderson!row 3) M,1tthew Ne lson, S.1rah Allen,Chri..,tin,1 Pherson, Ml•gan Flox, Kelly Batchelor, Mr. MousawOn the Job•buvt•) Mr. Mousav. prl'PMl'S the'ldff for cll10ther hard dcly's work.'R~he<a>vdl•)aIlldiatobro-iun-tCiht il'f, .\.1t•ganthox, rn,lJ..l·c., final correl'tion.., before l' P•l Pl'r got•-. out. Editors work the hardest (above) Mattht•w Nelson, Meg;m flo\., Robert Hill, \udrev Ander..on, \.1ichelle \1uclll•r, and Chri..,tana l'her...<)n get tht• job done. ,O...·~ '--=.J : New5paper I ~

Yearbook Staff (front row) Nick Christensen, Alex Teran, Darrel Larson, Adam Watson, Ashley Holt, Christina Fuerer, Angela Johnson, Janene Pearce, (second row) Karissa Klein, Ange la Marler- Boyd, Jena Vick rey, Crystal Seal, Tara Juhl, Robynn Anderson, Lindsay Schmid t, Laci Bell, (flzird row) Elaine I lays, Kate A lston, Rachell McConk ie, Heather Shubert, Jessica Couch, Carly Anderson, Ashley Brimhall, Aubre Gamb lin, (fourth row) Brittncy Gubler, Cassandra Haueter, jason Hard ing, Brittany Pitts, Advisor: Ms. Hasla m, Emily ''Mini\" Haslam. Editor Stress... Friends forever Crouching Heather... Editor-in-Chief Lacie Bell takes Ash ley Ho lt and Brittany Pitts Heather Shubert is a lways a break from the daily grind. resea rch solar power for ready to capture the moment. d igital cameras.. •X ) , AAAAGH! Oh no Attention Talent Give me an 'l' Ad,lm Willson ,,nd-:. l.:.J Computers arc my Cassie I Iauter's Nick Chri'>tcnson A lex reran rewrites # I Yearbook friend ... computers watches for <1 a ,ong for his new Darrel Larson 11'•1111 arc my friend ... co computer crashed spelling error. CD release. aga in. ,, h,lt like Sully's.

Are you lookin' at me?Tar.l Juhl Who knows the real Team 5? Ange la Marler-Boyd, Jt•na Vickrey, Abbie 1 rcybig, and Cry~tal St.•al k<'l'P all their secret info in that notebookDo you hear what I hear?Robyn 1\ntll'N>n li sten~ for the approachingJoq<·n·~ rl'P· Drum roll please Chn~tina Fuercr, l inli--l')' Schmidt, ,md Ashley Bnmhall find the names of unknown faces.Workin' hard1\ubn• C.1mblin, Cnly 1\nder..,on, and Je,.,ir.lCouch .lh\ .1y-. .Hl' till' pl•rfect te,lm. On a mission Staff Angl'la John..,on, Janene Pearce, ,md Aubrl' Gamblin shO\\ off Presents? thl•ir Yearbook pride while domg reo..eMch for a page. \"ate Abton, Elaine ll,lyc..,, Brittany Gubler, ,md \".ui..,sa Klein wait by the tree for Santa.

.•n , Standing strong. literary Magazine Staff Ms. Murphy is doing a great (back row) Matthew Nelson,-:. l.:.J Am<:mda Dusoe, ~ I Literary Magazine job of getting the Literary C<1ssidy Woodcock, and Mag<vine on its feet. M<;. Murphy. (front row) C<~itlyn Toone, Lee Carter, Jnd Janene Pearce. It's off to work we go! Kimberly Monks puts effort into making an excellent I iterary MagMine po'>lcr. Concentration... Am,md,l Dusoe shows her love f<1r the I iter.Hy Mag.vinc by her hM0 work and dedication.

Number of Number of feet from Number of ceiling Number of steps on benches in tiles in the the staircases.the footba II one end of the school cafeteria. stadium. to the other. Number of bathrooms. Number of square feet in the \"J\".lockers. Number of Number of Number of classrooms. seats in the parking auditorium. stalls. ,n..•. ~: Counting Sheep I '

:. ·:::...~~r:-.~J:~c&:~ .P.r:~~m:::::;:::: . • I • ~~Ln:,J, # I Academice

····................-R-Is-1n.1.1..S:t;are-..................·..······························'U.5 enior·'Aee8·m~lY·········~ ~ ) \"• ·~• i1.. . . t'_ aw··r· .·'t· -~'·ll· .__.. RAnd the Winner is... Ding Dong!~arrcn l.~ngm,m, Stl'• W,lll..m.,, M.1ri,1nrw Kisl'r, Reed Anders~n, The Specr.11 Nt•l•ds .,tudl•nt... play a Christmas medley for the egan Rrch.uds, and Chri.,tophl•r Durling off therr colonng sk11ls. anticipating audicncl'. '~~~~le Bell Rock! ,,Sleep Tight! Let it Snow!Se _Juz/ b.1nd st•ts thl• ,llmosplwre for tlw Mr... McDougal tucks in the ~nior U,1ss Officl•rs A ft•w tlf Jordan's best voices sing a song about on Christmas Eve. thl' cold. nror 1\s~l·mb l y. . ~' .. -' ~-,. ~·· · I. - . <(\"I; :In M Great Scott! A Lost Art... J-i+iingle Bells!\Jick em.ory of Johnny Cosh !),wid Kjar gives us a taste of Taylor \1almrost• .,upri\"l'\" thl• Chris Durling and Josue Chave/dl' Whrtakl•r .md )t•n•miah M,lbt• audil•ncl' with hi'> unu ...ualtalt•nt. wow the crowd with their bcatboxco Votl' their t.1lenb to,, grt•,lt \"futurt•\" music. harmony. Untry singt•r.

CLASS OFFICERS \"If you can't do The 2004 Senior Class Officersthe time, don't dothe crime.\" (BaLk Rm\) Steven Roush {Bolfs St uatorl, R) a n <..oldsmllh (/-/1 I<'riOIll, R\ .m ( <•p••land (Vrce Prr rdmtJ (I\"ron! Ro\\) ~I egan Gorringe (Girl Setll!lar), Meli .1 Mos'i {l'rt idml) -Melisa Moss \"Live life like an ''I am the exdamation, not as Steve'ster'... man's an explanation.\" man ... ladie's man... your man!\" -Megan Gorringe -Steven Roush \"You gave us an \" Hard work andinch, we ran a mile. no play!\"That's why JHSCross Country and -Ryan GoldsmithTrack rule!\" -Ryan Copeland~~~n... # I Set' or Cia56 Off cer5

Justin B.lUmann

l hristcn~l'n

~~ln::,J ~I SeniOr$

\,.0::..,).#; Sen r I~

~~ln.::.J... #I Senion;

~,0...#: Senor I~

Kellen jensen Corey Jenson Jacob Jenson Kyle Johan~on Angt•la Johnson Cody )ohnstm He,1ther Johnson Jaclyn JohnsonJames Jolmson Jay Johnson jessicil Johnson Joe Johnson Jordan Johnson I inds,1y Johnson Ad.un Jones Kenny )om'' Jennifer King Krystal Kirkp,1trick M.uiannc Ki.,cr [),wid KjM Kiltit' Ktwllikt•r Shci1,1 Vit,1ly Kodllll Kvngs.l y.1sallt'~~~n... ~I Seniors

\,.0.::...)#: Sen ora I~

~~Ln:.J... #I 5enlore

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