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Home Explore 2004


Published by wayne.jones, 2017-01-02 17:17:08

Description: 2004l_searchable


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£ric Porter Lydia Potckhin,l Erica Powell John !'rue ranner Purser Andrew l'utn.1m Br.ldl,·v l'vlc~ Kristl'l1 Quint.lfl•l Pierce Robertson Megan Robinson Austin Robison .'vlark Robi'>on~~~n. . ~I Seniors

\,.{.;:):.!._)#: Semon~ I~

Tyler Sperry Tyler Sperry Christina Spliethof jason Stahl'li Steven St,1nlcy Alex Stauffer D,1nici Steadman Jcs~c SteinkeTricell Taylor Alex Teran Amber 'Thacker Sean Thaynt> f!ret Thornpson V<~ll'ril' IhlHnpson D.wi., Timpson ~n..,~ l:J #I Senior5

~,n...~: 5er ore I~

lindsey Yates Andrew Yawn ~y-)....~~ #I Seniore

Rachel Horton & Mandl Williams & Shane McQuiveyJacob Blodgett Gonzo Pastorinl & Christina Fuerer~ ~~Y').., Brittany Basler & # I Beat of Seniora Kevan Keough

Jamie Oyler & Don HooverSteve Roush & Mary-Jane ~#*\...::..) : •Castleton Sarah-Jane Kallin & Brady Brown Dave Rasmussen & Erica Powell Senior Most Likely I ~

..................Dr-8am.AGh·I8V8r-e··························································56n.Jore··················1. Chelsea Haviland 2. Natalie DahlChelsea i~ a Salt Lake Countv South '\lt~talil' is .m .1cti\'e ml•mber uf '\liS.Junior Miss State f.inalist She got She is the Sl'<:rdM} of Oper,ltion Smile.a Dean Scholar~hip .1t We~tmin~tl•r. 1\atalie i-. \ l'r~ im·oln-d •n music. SheShe is the Tennis MVP Capt<lln ,md is in \11,1drig.1i~, A C.1ppdl.1, ,md \II#1 single~ player.She was nominated as a nation.! Choir.scholar to represent Ut,lh ,ltNational Young Leadersin Washington, D.C.She is also the N• IS Iand is an PCCLAShe is a member ofChamber Choir,Josh is the J>ubl Austin •~ a captain on thl• varsit)Historian in FCC LA, ba<>kctball team. He has .1 :3.8 G!',\VICA, \"\HS, 4x4 club, and Ac,lpell.l.He has also taken manv AP clasws .md ''\"as nominated for theand is an Eagle scout. •1c l'njoys McDon.1ld's All American g.lml'.playing the piano and golf.~~lr>:-...J. # I Senior Spotlight

....................W.hat..Ws..Ar-s •••••••••••••••••..........................................-~~i1lJ.c:)ir=~· .................. . Et\tbarrassittg Mot\tettts BANDS Settior Favorites CEREAL1° Rascal Flatts MOVIES l 0 Lucky Charms2° AFI3° Linkin Park 10 Pirates of the 20 Cinnamon Toast Crunch4° Yellow Card Caribbean 30 (Cinnamon) Life5° Metallica 20 Lord of the Rings 4 0(Honey-nut) Cheerios 30 Dumb and Dumber 50 Fruity Pebbles 40 Finding Nemo 50 How to Lose a Guy Cereal in 10 Days Platts After O.raduatiott P.llll Mitdwll S< hool of l want to be .m anim,ltor .md I am going to SLCC first for work for Dbney or Pixo1r until I my General Ed. I am then <..o~nwtnlo);y! I'm moving can open my own ,mim,Jtion going to Weber to major in out w1th luthtor girl~. company .1nd h.'n! it do m.1ng.1 computer science and minor in Then,,, ~umnwr 't0 mt•,tt•r of Oapancsc comic book) publish· mu<oic. Lastly, I will go to ITI BYU·II.Jw.Jii. ing, and then bt• ol .utist. Tech to major in computer ·I i.,,, llo~rri., -Clari'o'><l Stout programming, and minor in game design.10rn gomg to st.trt Ill\ c.uet•r ,,., Plan A: mo1rry a rich m.1n ·Daniel Pendrey a proft•.,.,,on.ll );Jrb,l);t' m.m. and spend his money. I'm going on a steadv diet of good pa), good lll'>ur.llltt', Plan B: become rich and go\ ernmcnt ch~e. Then \~ ith ol ..m.lll 'ott•nrh. hope !'>Omeone marrie., '' ith my extremely condi- me for my money. Pro~ outwl'igh tlw nm... -jennifer Baggett tiont>d bodv I will become a -Ry.m Bor);nll'it•r lift•guard at\"the local jacuzzi. -\1ark Robison \,.{.:;.).!)#: . Senior Survey I ~

CLASS OFFICERSSittin' on the jobJr. Cl,lss Orfic~r., t.Jke a break fromtheir ht•ctic o,chedule-.. 2004 Junior Class Officers front J.m~lle Miyasaki- Girl., ~n.1tor, \11,1Uison W.uren- Prc.,itll•nt, 1.,1ur,1 Cl,lrkt•- Vice Presrdent, Whitney MMk- l listorian, Back: PMkt•r R<~tkhff- l~oyo, Sen.1tor.Dan's the man! \"B~ing ,1 das.., ufht<'fWe .,urt• do love our Jordan HighSchool m,lscot, Digger Dan. gin·., a lot ut 111'\" opportunitrt'\" \"Sl:ht)(ll is th~ funn~st includmg llll't'llll~ Ill'\\ pt•uplt• ,u1d when you g~t rnvolved frit•ntf....\" ,md h.w~ schm1l o,pirit.\" \"Pav mor~ ,1ttention to the \"I n•ry job j., a o,elf- \"Do stulwthrng bt•,,n,.,c po.,itiv~ thing., in life than ptlrtr.Jit of the ~rson ynu to not you do to th~ negative.\" who did it.\" bt•c,nr't' you h.lH' to.\"~•~.!('), # I Junior Claes Officers

Brandon Abbott Robin Abbott Gianna AbbrianoKwin Andl•r.,on \"''ichuJ,t., Andl•r.,<m Skylcr Andl'NII1 fracy Andcr.,<m jc.,.,ica Andru., Bri;m Anjewierden Edg.u Aquino Jose ArbizuBrianne Aviles 1y'>on B,liley :·,0..! \...::.) J1.1nlore I~

Kenny Bilrrier Miles B,1tty Nathan.1el BeallJonathon Bickmore )Ml'd Bil•nlit•n Brianna Biggers Ryan Bingham~~~n. . # I Juniora

Justin Brewer Christine Brewster Sean Brimk•y Chase Broadhead Chelsea Brock Scott Brown Scan Brown Timothy Brown L,C:.).J!#:· Junior& I~

Kellic C.1sh Cindy Casper D.1niel Champion Sucmy Ch.m Stt•phanic jincllc Chard Chapman Whitnc) Comi~h. .~~\n..::.) #I Juniora

:'1/ichola~ Cowl~y Whitn~> Cowlt•y Kati~ Co' Briana Co) I~ William Crandall Su~,m Crofoot )ord.1n Crowther '\!•cola~ Cummings ju-.tin De' on.• Mt•rci Dimmitt I r;l\ i~ Diroll S.1mud Dolim A~hlt·~ DoucetZachary l)rt•dg~· Jill Dunc.1n Justin Durrant Caitlin Dusoe K~ ll y F.ul \,..0.:!....)!: Junore I~

Uriah IMk·~ Amanda Eckerdt Bl<1kc Edwards Jena Edward~ Rebecca P.gbcrt Daniclle l'k~ll'in Daniel Elias Sar.1h Fppl'rsonNicole Erckson William Erickson Celeste Fwcll Dai Paatau C.inil F<1bbro Kayci l·ackrl'll Cristic Fahlsing Sherry Grl•gory \11,1...{')' 1\ lu.ud G.1ppmaier O,mil'lll' C.udm•r C.1ml•rhfelder,:J #I Junior&

Sarah Gar/Mclli Steven Gates jJy Gcddc~ joshua Gessner jason Ci,1nchetta AldoGibb Sidney Gilbert Angela Gll',wcJod!'c ll.ljl·l.. Jonathon Halbert I),Jnil'lll• 11,111 Brittany Hancock 'v1an.•n llanscn Ryan Hansen Scott Hansen Stefhanie H,1nst•nPaige ll.udc,Jstll' j,lson Harding Am.mda ll.udy 13reighanne Hardy Sterling Harper Tonni Harris r-..athan Hatch Cassandra llauctl•r

Courtney llaydon Alice Hayek Lisa Hazel Brandy Devin llerrin Chelse,1 llerrm.111n Brandon Heward D,wid l leyborne Hermanst•n S<:ott )t•nnt• ).1\ )l'n-.l•n

Keith jcn~t·n Erik Johan'-l.'n Rex john!> Annemarie Brock johnson Earnc~t johnson james johnson johnsonJessic,1 john-,on Marianne johnson Lachary johnson Catherine jones j,lCquclene Jones Jessica Jones jillian jones Kurtis Kvenvold \,.0...:.:).•: . Junfore I~

Cassie La(sen Rick ie Latu Miranda Lavallee Kandace Leavitt Gretchen Robe(t Parker Lee Bryan Lefevre Lecheminant LecheminantKristen Leffler Chad Len.,: M icah Leonard Matthew Levie Jody Lim Andrew Lineback Charles Lingle Sara LinnebachLau ren Linton Allison Lloyd Christopher Lloyd Mark Lochhead Chelsie Lorence Cameron Lott Christine Kay la MabeyBrittany Maddex Natalie Maestas Brittany Mak lai Heather Ma lae Shawn Malan Chandler Whitney Mark Ange la Marler-BoydCody Mart Ray Martinez Nicholas Massey Crystal May I lope 'v1cCurdy Tommy McDowell Heather Mcfarland..•n ..':. \..::..) #I Junior~

:'\:icole \1cKen~ie Curtb Mc\1t•rrick Jo~hua Mc'\aught Sarah McOmber Lindsey \1c0mil' Ke\ in \1eacham .\llichael Mecham Jon Meehan Phillip Mcl/er KMrie Memmott David Menlo\ e Caitlin Messina Ryan Michaelsen David Mi ller Madalynn Miller Lindsi MilliganKimberly Monks D.wid Monson Aliciil Mont.1no Led Montoya David \llo<ldy Alish.1 Morgan Ashlee Morgan Callie Morg.1n Timothy .\1orrbon Jeromy Morton L:J :·, ( ' )!.! Juniors I~

Karli Nelson Natalie Newbold Ad rienne Nielsen Austin N ielsen l),lmon Nid~en Alll•n Nidson Clayton ielson Nicho l,1s Niebon D.urm 0 Bril•n Corey Patrick I ren1r Pear~n~•ln:J. . # I J uniore

Sydney l'el'vy Su\"anne Pehrson Chri~tophcr Eric Perkins Kendra Perkins Richard Perry Sarah Perry Zachery Perschon Perkin~Samanth,l I'C'll'rsl'n Lucas Peterson Thomas Peterson Zach Peterson s.u.1h !'halon Ash ley Pierce Erin Pingree Ana PintoRichard l' ld1n jonathan Pope D,l\ 1d l'orll'r Lance Porter Royce Porter Brandy Powell jon,1than Prather Sh,me Preen' Sarah Riba.., Brandon Rich \..:.):·,0..! I 'J unior£:>

Sierra Rissmann Andr~a Ritt~r Tai Roach Adam Roberts Chn.,toph~r \lladeline Roberts Rob~rt., Brennon Scud~ri~•~X')... #I Junior&

Steph,m Sc.lbury Rachel Secrist Trevor Seguin Nadia Selim Cole Selleck Chelsea Seneca Landon Sessions Christopher Sharp Ashlie Stephen.., ~,0...•: · Juniore I~

.\ll~!linda Sudbury Brian Summers Allcm•Swan AmbcrSw.ln M.Htha Swensen CJ.1irc Taft Ril l') I,1itStcph.mic fhllrup Allix Thrall L.lllr,l Timpson Shayc Todd D.micl Toone Antonio I \l\ .1r Llllrcn TrippSIC\\ .HI fuft Clayton Turnbow furncr Terry Turncr Atu \'aitai~~Ln:::.J.. #I Junior5

Fr.lnCt-.c.l Ty..on Rachl'l Micah Varga~ ~1aurcece Vaughn Branden Verholtz i\hkel Verrier Moniquc VillarrealV,l)en/Ul'),l Vanland ingh.J m Varuoo~enda,,)/.<1c kcry Vrit•ns Johnny w.,lkcr I evi Walker Lissa Wall Amber Ward Landon Ward Brandon Warner Cindy Woolsey ~I': ·,a~ Ju n ora

Christopher '\Jikki Wright Kindra Yates Danielle Yerman Shane Yo~t Shawn '\o-.t Br.1don Young WrightS.uah Young Thiago Zanetti Tawni Ltlbl'll Taylor Orton jamc., Phibb~~•~n , #I Junior5

)·0S~ FAVORITES...•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Cartoon Character g1urpee Flavor Car~r. ~orner g;rnp~on r. Pina Colada f. Mu~tang2. gponge Bob 2.Mt. Dew 2. gubaru WRX3. Nir]a Turtle~ 3. LarnborghiniI• • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BEgr ... NOT SO Pick-up Line~ FAVORI E''your lips look wrinc:led. can I Band~ r. Back~treet Boy~pr~ them?~ - -Jordan Crowther 2. Good Charlotte 3. Metallica~Call me til\"fi:ler catF~ I'm Re~taurant~fallin· for !:P£ ghoe~ r. McDonald~ -Shelley Bradfield r. Nike 2. Burger King 2. Payle~~ 3. Taco Bell 3. gkecher~ L,:.a.J~: Junior Survey I '

~~~n, ~I Jun ore

2. Gianna Abbriano 3. Helah Robineon1. Nicolae Snarr t-el.. · ~ ~-·e ex~~>'P c;;ota'r. oo the ae~ate team. 5h~ wen: to Na't!ona a tn extemp whenNicolae ,e in t.nt National Honor e~r. wae a novice. She sa mem!;er of theSociety. He helpe tutor et\Jdente In french c t.l>. Key clu!;, and the ~ationa Honor Socj~y She hae a 4.0 GPA. She :;utoremany areae. He ie an aide In the etudente ln. math ;;t Eaetmorrt Midelle Schoo ,couneeling office. Fie eot at he Mo~th Award InNicolae aleo epende hiefootball and lacrosee.4. Cheleea Herrmann Sn•ne le in the National iionorChelet 1 1e on the tennl te!lm. She I& a etagemanager at the Draper ,..heater. She hae tA :3.9 Society. He playe the baesoon In tneGPA, and hae been taking AP cia!leee eince the band. Shane aleo volunteered at a ,\..a:_),:ninth grade. She le currently the only Juniortaking AP Engiieh. dlabetee camp. Junior Spotlight I~

CLASS OFFICERS Sophomore Class Officers 2004 President- Regan Lelli, Vice President- Max Stosich, Historian- Liuie Durham, Girls Senator- Toni Madsen, Boys Senator -Preston WardSophomore Class Officers

Amanda Abbott Br,ld lcy Adams Kyleigh Adilmson Katherine N,ltil lie Aitken Ashley A lc,.,,111der Greg Allen Erick Allred Kt'\ in Almerico Kiltc AlstonAffc lt rangt-r l:\'l•tte Bentley Julie Bicsinger Ashley Billeter Lauren Billings pe>\"\"Kilyla Birrell Sophomore&

Allen Blakely Lacy Bluemel Christopher Michael Bogenricf Eduardo Bohme RacheiBonell Kyler Bower~ Vienna Boyd BlyckerQuinton Bradford Kurtis Bradshaw Shannon Brandon Mark Brenay Andrew Brimhall Jessica Broderick Jenny Brooks Logan BrownMichelle Buck David Buhler Daniel Burgess Chandler Burgon Casey Burke Thomas Burkhalter Buster Burris Autumn Bushmafl Rachel Butler 11( ~~ 1' ~ I\"..~-\ 1 · •; ..1(4'4 ~t','\"'\" ' .I~; 1 . •' •-:$ •• 4! ' ~, Candice Call I '. Taylor Campbell 4 ju,; I ~ Whitney ButtsCassandra Butler Christian Byerly Kari Byrd Kalen CaldwellAaron Carbonell McKenzi Carmack Zachary Carroll Christopher Carter Karrena Carter Sara Casaday Christopher Alejandro Chavet Cassity)\"8 Allison Faylene jeff Christensen Kelly Christensen Nick Christensen Russell '!:!.\ A Christensen Christensen Chrbtensen Juan CifuentesSophomore~

Emil} Clark je~sJCa Clark Thomas Clark Sarah Clawson ~elissd Coats Brett Cobble) IanCoe Paige CollettCortncy Collins Kirst i Collins Carrie Colton Jess ica Cook KodyCook Spencer Cook Angela Coon Ashley CoopcMyron Cottonwood Brl'tt Cr.lU~lft Alex Cragun Anthony Crandall Heather Crandall C.1mcron Erik Crowe Bryce Curr} CrawfordJordan Curry (habe Dale john Dalton jaclyn D.1ly ]Men Daniels Kim Daniels Roman DaniebSamuel Douglas jennifer Duarte Br.1dlcy Duffin Candice Durand Elizabeth Durham Cishella Durling Robert Edmonson Camber Edwards ~ Sophomores

Katie Edwards Zachery Ekstein Ashley Elkington Rana Elshamy Amy Encheff Amy Engcbrit~on Emily Erekson Brooke EricksonLogan Esplin Brittany Evans Steven Evans Zachary Evans Marian Fackrell Nicole Fager Julian Feliciano Kcnd ra FergusonBrittany Fitzgerald Sean Flees Trisha Fletcher Bryan Franco Phillip Fran.:om Dana Frankovich Dustin Fratto Briana FrisbyTerni Frkovich Michelle Frocbe Elizabeth Frome Erin Fuller Ryan Calc Alexia Gallegos Cary Gamble Alexis GardnerMaccc Carner Spencer Gee ,.Cody Cibb Staci Gibbons Alexander Jessica Glenn Lyndscy Goetz Justin Goff,;. ~ .•,-I- ; ..Cilvarry ; ,tt\ -~~ 7 ': \" '. . .f·,• ~~.. Ccri Craves r. ,.., ',j Peter Gonzales Marta Gonzalez John GoodmanKe:> Vanessa Goldy ( joshua Gourley •• )enna CovostcsSophomore~

Joseph Gray Isaac Green jeanette Greenlee jessica Griffith Kirby Griffi ths Anna Grimm Jonathan Grosely Brittney Gub lerJose Guerra Corey Gunderson Ryan Gurr Elise Gustafson Rachel Hahn Lindsay Hakes Ane Halaliku Stephen HallingMckail Hamilton Ca rli Hancey Daniel Hanft Teddy Hanks Amber Hansen Chand ler Hansen Cheree Hansen Daniel HansenNathan Hansen Steven l lansen Tyler Hansen Holly l lanson Angela Harding Anna Hardman Matthew Brandon Harris Hardw ickMichael H arri~ Felicia Hartley Tyler Hartman Chelsee Haslam Melissa Hatch Elaine Hays Ashley Heaton Isabel HenaoMichelle Hendren Melissa Henrie Marcus Hensley Karine Herrin Jordan Heuer Alicia Hewlett Megan Hi ll e;~ Sophomore5

,,. I *'' Kyle Holliman Melissa Holm ,.,Megan Homer .t , ~'< ' ~l ~. ~~• •Melanie Hobbs Sarah Hobbs William Hogan Christine Hogenson Alison Holcombe '.II Ashley Huitzil ~~ (\, I ., ~ \' Weslie Horn Emily Howe Justin Howell Kristin Howell Chamblee Hughson Jessica Hugo J Alena HooserSpencer Humphrey Jennifer Hunsaker Daniel Isaac Kent Isaacson Lindsay Jackson Natalie Jackson Sharlene jacob Julie jakemanAngel James Chandra Jelosek jacob Jensen Nicole Jensen Tyler Jensen Cassie Jenson Ian Jex MaxJexJarnaka John Alyssa Johnson Andrew Johnson Briant Johnson Hikimai Johnson Mark Johnson Megan Jolley Daniel Jones Shane Jones Baylie Jordan Emily Jordan Shelby Jordison Chelsey Joy Taryn Katter Nickolas KclaidisSophomores

Alexandria Kel\"on )<mice Kl'nnl'dy Tyvan Kenyon Christon Khong Hae~eung Ktm joshua Kim \llcKinzie Kimball Paul KtmballStephanie Kirby Adam Kirk Amy Kiser jonathan Kjar john Kleck ner Ka rissa Klein Craig Knight Hea ther KocherhansShane Kofoed )l..,sic,t Kopl.'cky I indsay Kosier Katrina Kraut Laura Kroll \1cKintil' Kunkel Crystal Kums Merlin KynastonLindsay Lambl'rt I indsl'Y l amph Tyler I andgrcn john Lapuaho Cody Lar~en Emily Larsen Erick Larson Mosa ia LatuCassidec lcprcy Shawnl.'e i l'prey Avery Lescberg Wilson Leung Amy Lewin Amber Lcxcs . Colin Liddle Cristina Leyva 8 Sophomore!>

Jenessa Loder Ann.1 Lofgren }l>sus Lopez Sarah Lougee }arid Lowerv Stephl•n I undqui-.t Autumn Lyman Blake LynMnJoshua Lyman Jnclyn Mnbe justin Mace Robert Macey Kntclynn Maddux C1ilt•y M,Klscn Chebca Madsen Erika MndscnM MC nt1t1hewh Ch.1ntell McCu.,ker Chu McCusker Anthony MeDon 1ld Kelse,1 Mc inroy AMon Mdnto.,h G len Mcintyre Jordan 'lilcKcnsil'8Sophomoree

Kad~ \1cQui\·~y Amanda M~i~n~r Tiffany Mcl~nd~z Jason Mendez Jacob \ienlo\'e Ty~on Meyer Tanner Miller Rebl'CC.l Mills Soph omores

Sarah O lson lsmael O lvera Aaron Oman Austin Orr Ryan Orton Ju lie Osborne Elyse Osguthorpc l:m il yOvMdLinne,1 Overacker KodyOwen Todd Parker Scott P.ukinson Randi l'.ull'tt Benjamin ParrAdam Pol.1d Edward Polanco Stevt•n Polanco Sara Pont Meg,m Poole Doug Price Jon PriCl' Karla Reye, Elise Reynold., Brant Rhineh.ut Britt,ln> Rich ~th Ri-..,mann5ophomore6

David Roberts Todd Roberts Cheri Robinson Nathaniel Robin~on Nicholas Rodgers Paola Rodriguez Dc!>ircc Rogersl\"r,lnn~~ Sctu Willi.lm Scverance Bridgctte Sharp Sarah Shaw Brynna Shepherd Shawn Shriver Katie Sie,·erts e(ami Sims Sophomores


Lacn Thompson Christopher Charle!> Tinncs ~latthew Tipping Aaron Tokar~ki jdfcrey Townsley Abig.1il Trcybig Caml•ron Turner Thurm,ll) Kyle Welty Ivier Whipple Erica Whitl'11ead Bond Williams Allyson \\ illis Soph omore&

Michael Wilson Tn.•,·or Wil-.on Lachary Winlow Ashley Wirick Tr,l\ is Wi-.dum Rebt.><:c.l Wolney Kassie Woodbury jason Wortht.•nJacob Yates Amanda Ybarra Ivan Yeroshenkov Ch,Jydt•n Yount-; Mir,1nd,1 Young Andrew Zayach Aubry Zittinj;Ali Buttar... Eric Gran~sSophomoree


Dr6amln' It~~~..:.:::::::::::::::: vophomor6eSophorrore

...........f.hle Is How We, Do It •••••••••••••• • 6ophomor8s~;. -t\,e. to hwe. ~t~kr wou\c:.l you w~o ~ k?your~•? 1) None of them 2)Babo 1) Scramblf'd 3) Cazier 2) Fried 4) Goins 3) Omelettes 5) Godfrey ~ver-casy u mny-side up I) Superman 1) Say words wrong 2) Spiderman 2) Trip in the halls 3) Batman 3) Spell stupid,., rong 4) Trodger the 4) rail up or down the stairs Burninator ~~~;. Jolly~yD<Arf..vorit\",.. 5) The I lulk flavor? 1) Watermelon~;. -t\,e. f..,.t~~you 2) Cherrv 3) Green appleVldf~ ivl ~ ~? 4) Lemon 5) Strawberry I) PersonJlily 2) Sense of humor 3) Eyl'S 4) FJce 5) IlairI) Number of people2) Size of the school3) It's more fun4) More freedom5) You can drive Sophomore Survey

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