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Home Explore 2004


Published by wayne.jones, 2017-01-02 17:17:08

Description: 2004l_searchable


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I .~·onard AllsupLoui...c Atkinson Chrb B,lbin~ki Co:tette Baddlcy Trudy BarnesBllOI\ic Berrett Dan Bosko\ich Brent Boswl'll Carolyn Brady Br,ld Charon Diane Cob~·y raul Cohc~~ Tiff<~r1y Craig ( ,n•g (. r<lmcr

K,ltic f'rost Ken Frost Verla GardnerC.uolyn Gough Laurel Harri~:\tare Hunter Beth john~on :\ferlt' Kenn.udjohn Lund5trom Kt•dn :\lark Dave \1cConnellMichelle Miles D;n·t• Morrill Doug Mnusaw

Felicity .\lurphy Petersen Vicky Pettey )l'nnifL·r Phillips Rogt.'r PinnockCarmen Price joel Pullan C.1yQuinnLeslie Robi1wtt rra\'is Rowley Colleen Shuman IL•,lh Smith Kyle Staill•yPeter Steenblik Kim Thompson D,l\ l' 'I ilb\ B.ubJr,J lurpin. .~~n Peggy Whitney Mariettil WilliMns lmilyWinn ltmd Winward Shaun.1 Young-:. l.!:.J #I Faculty

Shea'IaRSotzevOelns-o.'n,Rfo...ha\rl\"'lI1GIu'.lirJ~\l<llll~On,((bfrao~·nkt))CR•oonsemEt'lkImI -.,' Marilyn Collil•r(b(;f\"~r<okn)t)~lllworbrub•ll')·~,,~::~~· \"::),',,tihnlle'tB'lle(.JrJJdr,Ck,unRno'i>l<•' I1·\1ou.'..lalnS<'; '

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(front) K'lt(umraI'dKdilme)bCalml'mTIJ'fffa(ny Doyle, Laura o· P<;dlc~;y·Ja)nd, Ga:;e~~Betty Kathy M ' tMn He d . 'Nl'l~back) K<Hcn A argc Burgon C n .nckson,( Lisa rnold, AR.lmliscocnO, AJ~:l•n,•mAmdltCa onrad Lane, on, (Ja.rul.d:y~ Malt•rn T f tahnya ISIta. mClmaier; ' I c 1((Mll~.t1hw',rn\"'n·t·R))s,•OL,.I1<,,Ju,Hurl•w.l\t.\"ls..'u,HIt'<'C•O>zll.,wIl'sf1to,,r.utsns:.l,'owlM'nldl,.uk1·{r)oo·rbrrbaei1.serbEolkuirniis•, RI.Chart! I>' urgon.\"(' 2) ~rn~• (fron(tb)alclaky)lTl'l,' H·r'I'hI e. ld, Amber 11 K1i-l.p.C,1lltl'rr,·lCCk.' t rNo,lmy nc ·r·hhlckc r K' y Borup' '.01• 204 rown~# Staff

Sbane Kwant CONGRATULATIONS BIG!!!All of your hard work has paid off! Within youlies the promise of a great future. The best isyet to come..... With love, Mom & Dad, David & Jenny, David jr., and Brian & Crysta l NicdBuhler Rachael SheetzFor 18 years you have filled our lives with 1ove and Congratulations!joy. Thanks for making us laugh so much. You will You have filled our lives with joyalways know who you are and what you want. Have and happines5. We love youfun and go f or it ! and wish you the best! Love, Mom and Dad Love, Mom, Dad, Jared, Jeremy, Natalie, Scott, Dnd Clayton Bobby Hitz Bibs, We're so proud of you, and are excited to watch your adult life unfold. Be happy and NEVER STOP BELIEVING Love, Mama's and Pops

Jill Ba~er Ali Hart Jill, Congratulations! You h.:wt! enriched our lives with You have tackled this mountain and now are your grace. •ntelligence, wit, and beauty. You are an amazing woman moving on to a new and excit'ng world! and we wanted to let you know how Always remember... we love you now and forever! wonderful it is to have you in our Good luck in all your endeavors! family. Love always. Love, Mum, Dad. and Chris Mom, Dad, Gabi, and Jack Davlielle Stoc~iVIgBeautiful, intelligent, determined,courageous and loving. That's OURamazing Danielle.Conquer the world & make yourdreams come true!love YouMom, Dad & SteveJena Vickre!d .Jakab Christopher Nelson Jena You did it! We are so proud of the person that We are so proud of you . you are. You are awet>ome and can do You're SUCH A CUTIE.. We love you very much anything you put your mind to. Congratulations! Mom, Dad & Josh We love you! D8d, Mom, and the fam Josh Elliott You're the last to graduate. Twelve years hae; gone fae;t. It's been fun to w8tch you pl8y. Continue to work hard and you'll be succee;sful. Love, Mom. Dad Jen. Michael, Becky, Kae;ey, Michael 8nd Emma

Tyson Case We can't believe our littlest angel is graduating. Congratulations Keep giving out Hugs! Bud! We are so proud of Love Mom, Dad, and family you and all you have accomplished Jessica so far in your life. Couch We know you will be successful in Kaka, whatever you Hey beautiful We are all eo decide to do. proud of you. You can be WE LOVE YOU! anything you want, ubecauee: Dad & Mom YO'-''re the youngeet... Love. Dad, Mom. & family Alaina Brown Devan T. HamiltonLainy Loo,Your love of driving started at Dn early age. Whether Congratulations Devanl1t'e driving yourself to become better llt all you do or Your sincere kindness andjuet driving ue crazy, you're heDded m the nght motivation to succeeddirect1on. have been an inspiration to We are proud of you! ail whoee: lives you've: Love, ehsred. The:ee ronorable: Mom and Dad traite will allow you to achieve unlim;ted eucceee Bnd genu ne happmeae. Now· GO GET 'EM!! Love. Lee, Mort\ Dallae

Ashley J. KidstonFrom your first day at school, until yourlast, you've always made us proud. You'llcontinue to be Daddy's Little Girl,Mom's Princess, and Annie's Big Sister.Congratulations and good luck withyour medical studies.Love Mom and DadJeffer~ PaiAI Ja~VIe Marisa Boyack Way to go, Jeff! The sky Meese- is the limit. Make right We are proud of you and all the hard work you decisions and you will be happy and productive. have put in to get to this point in your life. We love you, Remember who you are and how much you a re Mom & Dad loved ! Mom, Dad, Blake, Lauren, Bla ire a nd Garr~ttDebbie ReedDebbie Princeee.You gave our family 18 yeareofjoy, love and eervicelYou have~ the gloriouefuture that awaite now!We love you eo very much! Your family

Jo~h Treybig Ashley Bolt Jo$h, not a day ha$ gone by that You've worked hard and played we haven't been proud of you. hard! Go Ash and enjoy your Love Mom & Dad Don't forget to Party Hardy! journey! Love Gail We Love You Always Forever~ Mom, Dad & Morgan Neil fiVIC~ Jarotn GundersonNol FiP, ARE YOU A PILOT'? I'MJu$t think, no more parent teacher, Power School, WORKIN' ON IT-THERE'SLosing your car and riding the big yellow bu$. You did it, A LOT OF SWITCHESwe knew you could. Desire with hard work pay$ off. Next AND STUFF. FLY THATtime try the ea$1er route. SPACE SHUITLEI LOVE, Congratulations,We love you, Mom & Bruce MOM & DAD laurie lee Turner To Our Sweetheart, \"May the road rise up to meet you, the wind be at your back and the sunshine on your face.\" • Mom&DadMegan Flax Tara JIA~I Dearest Megan, Tara, What a lovely and intelligent We're proud of your accomplish· woman you've become! We're so proud to have you as our ments and to have you as our daughter and friend. daughter! We can't walt to see what's next! Love, Mom and Bruce love, Mom, Dad, Brett

Marie Woodhead Nicholas Bradley Smith Marie, We are excited for your future We are so proud of you. and the opportunities that Way to go! lie ahead. Love your Fam.- YOU CAN DO ANYIHING! Dad, Mom, Michael, We are proud of you.. Marlies, Mitch Love, Dad, Mom & JonnyMic~elle FiVIdle~ .Jordan Dean .Johnson Michelle, you were loved by all when Jordan Dean Johnson you came into this Congratulations!! world, and will continue to be loved We are so proud of you! by those you come You are always so much fun in contact with. Remember that to be around & you are what you believe will constantly keeping us depend very much on what you are. all laughing! \"'Noah Porter(1811- Love. Dad, Mom, Calli & Kyle 1892) Love, Mom, Dad, Jessica JIAstiVI BaiAmaVIVI &Caitlin Justin. What a great job you've done! You've become a wonderful young man with a bright future. We love you and we're so grateful you are part of our lives. Love. Mom & Dadgarnant:ha Dunkley Janene Pearce Strength & compassion for life, We are so proud of you and will get you where you want to go. admire the special and beautiful young woman We're proud of you. you've become! We wish you much happiness and Congrats, success in your life. Love, Mom, Dad Congratulations - We love you, Ashli, Alisha, & lhomas Mom & Dad

Robyn Neilson Garret Ca~wood HEY \"SNOBYN\"! Congratulations Garl You cutie- you DID IT! We are so proud of you and the tremendous person you Congratulations! are. Your loving, humorous personality has touched eo We are so proud of you. many. You have blessed our lives Go forward and conquer Love, Mom, Dad, Joni, the world! and Kristen ~li~e BrantleyCongratulations. It's timefor you to drive off andsee what life has to offer.Know we'll always bebehind you.Love, Mom, Dad and BrianCassidy Woodcock Joshua and Jacob Thi5 has been a long road, Blodgett That you have traveled well, and made it look 50 easy. Congratulations! Congratulations! High school graduates! We love you and are Love Ya! proud of you. Dad, Mom, Nicolas We wish you the best on your David, Tabitha ride through life. Love Mom and Dad Emil~ Cnildress Tyler 1-fe~~ You go girl! Congrtlts! You did it! You Me a The world is yours! very fun and loving son. The We are so proud of you! world now await6 you. Mt~y 111! Love, Mom, Courtney and Sam your dreams come true. We know you'll keep making us very proud.~~I================~~===========U Alwaye remember who you are. All our love. ~ I Ad for Grad5 Mom. Dad. Ryan. Mitchell. Lex, and Megan

Li~a Wright Darrevt Was~biArvtCongratulations! You are our bright shining star! You made ;t-We are so proud of your hard work and Congratulations!t11any accomplishments. The meaning of life is findingYour future is bright - may all your hopes and your gift, the purpose of lifedreams come true! We love you, Lisa! is giving it away. Mom and Dad Dustine We love you, Lindsay and Caden Mom and Dad Chelsey Bunce Tyler D. Sperry Sassy, \"BIGT\" You made it! Congratulations! All The hard Congratulations honey. work paid off! The sky's the limit Thanks for being such a good, Keep God in your heart. kind-hearted son and brother. We're always here Keep swinging the racket! for you. We love you and are so proud of you. Love Mom, Dad, Mom, Dad, Trevor, Caden and Ashley, Marquie Kallie Phryne Elliston Carl~ AvtdersovtPhryne, Carly Anderson,Thanks for the joy Kind, empathetic, honest,that you've given loving, courteous, smart,me. I want you to and beautiful. What moreknow that I believe could you ask for?in your song. Congratulations on a job well done. Love, love, Mom Mom, Dad, & Ashley Karleah Noel Shaw We are proud of who you are and what you have accomplished. You are a sweet graduau:. We love you very much. The Whole Family

Angie Guido Dominic: Matthew Congratulations Montoya Angie! Life is not easy. It's We know your all about the choices future will be we make. Dominic Bright, Exciting, you've made good and Adventurous, choices. just like you. You Congradulations son, you've made it. always wanted to We are very proud of be grownup and now you. May God you are. You are a continue to bless very special person. We are very proud you, on your journey. of you. Love Mom & Dad Love Mom & Dadzacnarian Wal~er Megan Gorringe Mug! You really Megan, touched our What a joy you are. You brighten everything around hearts by being you. We are so proud of your courage and determi- the greatest son any parents could nation, You always dare to dream big. May you want. Congratula- tions, you made it always be as happy and full of life as you are now. out of the Sandy- Love, 0 cause you never stopped believing Mom, Dad, Jake, Jared, and Josh in yourself. With all our love and respect, Ozzie (DAD) and MOM~~~~====~====~~==~~ # I Ads for Grads

Rebekah Ann Miller Katie Lofgren You will always be our Katherine Lisbeth Lofgren little Princess. We are so Congratulations Katie Nana!!! proud of you. Never stop dreaming. We love you We're so proud of you!!! very much!!! You've always been an independent spirit, from your \"zucchini baby\" to your \"princess tiara,\" Love, you've shown your\" Passion for Life.\" MOM & DAD We've loved cheering for JHS with you, now go out into the world and \"Bust A Move!!\"Jessica Pazos Lots of Love, What you talkin' about, Willis?! Mom and Dad Jessica, you have always made us laugh, but you have Ashley Brimhall also made us proud. Congratulations. Congratulations! You are so talented, kind, and beautiful. Mom, Dad, and Christie May you always believe in yourself and realize your MegaVI MIArdoc~ dreams . We love you, Mom and DadCongratulations, Megan! We are so proud Madalyn Woodmanof you. You are God's gift to us. We wishall the best for you as you look forward Mads!to a life filled with challenges and adven- Congratu!atwns, we knew you could do it! We're proud of youtures. With all our love, and love you. Mom & Dad Your# 1 fans, Mom, Dad Em, Mic, Karen, Anna Sar, Molly, Pip, and Ted

gara Joy Gonzalez lauren Sharp To Our Deare5t Sara Joy, Way to go! We are 50 proud Thank you for bringing so much joy to our family. You have grown of you and the cho1ces you from a silly and cute little girl to a have made in your life. You 5weet young woman. We are proud of your accompli5hment5, have so much to offer this especially in Dance! Alway5 follow world. Congratulations to your heart! our high school grad. Love, We love you! Dad, Mom, Elisha & Brie LoveZackStroup Mom, Dad. Zack, you're the best! Chri5 & Katelyn Onward and upward... The sky is the l'mit: We know that you will get all you want out of ,ife. Love, Mom, Dad, Lindsay, Ashley, and Rocky.Jonathan Michael CaitliVI W~itta~er Huntzinger Remember to never take life for granted. AlwaysCongratulations! do your best, but mostWe are so proud of you. We named you of all be happy. We areJonathan because you are a blessing from God. very proud & LoveWhen you started school, you soon realized you very much!you had to work a little bit harder. Love, Dad & Mom A true Warrior! Love, Mom and Dad Ryan Sadler ---~-\"'\"'!I BUBBA. CONGRATULATIONS! We're so PROUD of YOU! RY GUY, YOU CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING YOU WANT! We love you, Love Dad, Mom, Russell, Chase, & Tanya

Sara Fletcher Follow your dreams and use that strong willed personality to conquer your next endeavor. You always have the love and support of your family. Love, Dad, Mom, Jared, Samantha, & MissySarah Stephanie WatkinsThere hasn't been a dull moment since youwere born!! With all of your ta lents, brains & You are the \"sunshine\" in ourbeauty, you have a wonderful future to look lives. May all your hopes andforward to! We will always be there for you. dreams come true. CongratulationsWe love you! Mom, Dad, Ryan & Parker Love, Mom, Dad, Aleisha, Mandy, Rob, Michael, Tyler Rachel Erin Michelle Reed Sumner Congratulations Michelle! Sweet Rachel, our We are so proud of you . Within little Cubby Bear, you lies the promise of a bright The world has been and exciting future. Make the brighter since the day most of it! you danced into :t! Love, With blonde curls Mom, Dad and Jenn bouncing, you have brought love, ,aughter SeAnna May Judson and cheer to everyone. Congratulations! Follow the Wisdom of your Heart This is just the begin- and Live all of your Dreams. ning. The best is yet Smiling back at you! to come. Love, Mom & Dad Tyler-Eric-Haylee We love you!~======================.!

AmandaLue Kr~stal Neddo Ousoe Congratulations! With your first Way to go girl! breath you amazed us. You never let Smiles, laughter, roses, anything stop you. sunsets, dancing, Continue on with Barbies, birthdays, your tenacious friends,parties,sleepovers, spirit and optimism. Soccer, music, With love & thought nightgames, Mom, Dad, Caitlin Reunion6, holiday5,1ate night chat6, &Dylan Hat5, pur6e6, and pink. Memorie6. \"He who ses ''If you dream It, you can merely my body do it!\" does not truly We love you 60 much! see me.\" Mom, Dad, Jennifer, Shawna, Michael Buddha ....Whitney Teigan Chel~ea Go~~ Lyman Congratulation5 Whit! Disney- Shopping- France-WALKS- What a joy and im~piration you are to boy boxe5-blanket6- infinity- you made it u5. You have done a spectacurar job Love preparing for your future. Keep making Mom-Dad·Manda great choices and live life to the fulle5t. \"Graduating i6 like We Love You Forever! blowing your no5e- not Mom, Dad, Nisha. Chelsea, pleasant but you did it Madi, and Sam Congratulation6 Trevor\"Sarah Biesinger Thank you for allowing Sarah, We Love you!! We us to be your 6pecial remember a scared but excited girl on her first Grandparent6 day of Kindergarten. Love You made it!! Grandpa & Grandma We're proud of you! Love, your family~~!==========================~ ~~~~============~~ I Ad5 for Graa9

Rex Bigelow Laura Chukanov H~y Hone;y Congratulations! You are incredible! (aka' Rexpo Tr•ceritops Xioo-ping Rex•mus). Now that you r~lly or~ BEEG rvnvnber you are joy & that W<lS ~erdoy that you wer~ our L•lloboy. This t1m~ worp only acc~lerotu grace! You can do as l•f~ go~s by, so hold on to the precious anything! May mom~nts of each day. We ore honored God bless and guide your bright- ·- ...-. .to be your parents and grateful for all future! the hoppm~ss you've g.ven to us. P~cel Your family Love You Forever ---~ Mom, Dad,Tony BriaVJMace Blake WheelerHey \"Bean\"! Blake, You've always You've come a long way Baby...had such a great We are so proud of you.sense of \"style\"! Remember always you areWe're so proud of a Saturday WarriorYou, your friends,and your choices. Love Mom, Dad, &KrisWe know you'llaccomplish all your Alissa BIArtoVJgoals. See ya on You may be small in size, but your goals and ambi-ESPN! Love You. tions have always been big. Mom, Dad,..:..;.. We're so proud of you. Keep aiming high! Justin & Chelsee Love, Mom & Dad

Je~~i John~on Raffaela Mikika Rbbriana Our little dancing darling is We're so proud of you and your all grown-up. We are proud accomplishments! Follow your of all you've accomplished. dreams and live the fairy tale Keep on dancing, spinning you've always believed in... and reaching for the stars. We love you, With much love, Dad, Mom and Josh Dad, Mom, Ginna & Chiara AdamBoiAc~ Amy Suzan Updike\"\"\" From \"GHOSTBUSTING\" To Ames, congratulations! What more can we say \"DRUMBUSTING\" \"\"\" about you than this: God simply never made aWhen there's somthing strange more beautiful, talented &caring person.....than In your neighborhood, Who ya gonna call? when He made You. \"Your Family\"!!! All our love, And the Beat Goes on ... Dad, Ashely & Dan, Jon, Ali, Mom &Anguskitty Congratulations, Your FamilyNikki AllenCongratulations! We are so proudof your accomplishments, yourchoices and your character. Youare a loya l friend and a beautifuldaughter. We love you with all ourhearts now and forever! Dad & Mom Zac~Smit~ -At·i' Way to go Teekie Teek! Congratulations! Remember to .. .¥.. ..•.. ·..·....... '- , follow your dreams. We are proud of you and love you! :.·. iL Love, :. Mom, Dad, Brittnee, Taylor, Chandler

Lace~ Rose EritnKenning RiVIqWood Erin KenningLacey Rose:Ribbons and lace. Congrats TootsTorn jeans, tee shirts,sneakers. You made it through!Toe shoes, music, School may have ended but lifesinging, writing, and has just begun.drawing. BRING IT ON...YEAH!You are AMAZING! Love yaDon't stop now; the Mom and Dadbest is yet to be! xoxoxoCongratulations! We Rusl:in Rabisanare so proud of you!Love, WE'RE GLAD YOU'RE ON OUR TEAM!Mom, Dad, Sonni,Dan-0 CONGRATULATION5•1 DAD, MOM, MATT, SARA & KAYLIE Mark Bet:hea CutlerRobison THEA, Smarkus! What an incredible man WE'RE PROUD OF YOU! 2004 you've become. Stay true to yourself and what you CAME TOO FAST1 know is right. You will go far. LOVE, YOUR FAMILY Remember, too, the rest Za1~e Morrison of us are still human!!! We are so proud of you. From wild and e11ergetic To Calm and Cool Love, Mom, Heather, Angie You do things your way, & David Avoiding all rule Yet, we know you'II succeed, And we 1ove you for YOU! Go Zaner!

Jordan Snow Always remember Your stron.gest muscle IS your \"heart\" CONGRATULATIONS!! We are so proud of you Love, Your family Arnanda o~tler Carey .JensenCongratulations! Way to go! You did it! Now youYou have always been our can continue on your life'speacemaker. Give it to the adventure. Keep your passionworld, along with your wit, and happiness for life and youhumor, and love. will have great success. Love, Love from your family Your Family Jeremia~ Mabe Reid J. Anderson Congratulations! We're proud of you. \"Live Life without regrets\" Love Grandpa Richardson MOM & DAD We are always proud of you. We love you more than you will ever know. Mom & Dad

Kristyn Miyake Ray Colemanro the light of our lives.... Congratulations! There's a great big world KRISTYN MIYAKE out there without anylhrough all the blood, sweat. and tears, you fences. Go out and make adid it with class! You are truly one in a difference!million, and you're someone to be admired.We love you! Love, Dad, Mom, Christine, CONGRAIU LATIONS! Mitch, Tyler & Stryder Mom and Dad Rac~el Ric~s Our Rachie Dawn You were a beautiful baby girl, and you have become a beautiful young lady too. We are proud of you and your accomplishments. We love you! Dad & MomMegan Robinson Amanda McMullin Great job Megan! Mandi, so cute and bright Thank you for your ex- Always a guiding light. ample of hard work, A beam of joy integrity, and all that you In our stormy life. stand for! You are every You'll always be the parent's dream. How fun it light of our lives. has been to wa~ch you Love, Mom & Beka shine-inside and out! Wherever you go, whatever Tikki Gurr you do- always remember your family loves you and Congradulations! we are with you every step Yourawsome!Andlknew of the way! Hold on, reach you could do it. And you for the stars and keep did! Good uck bud! Love \"dancing that dance'' Mom and your family! through th1s journey! No one could love you You rock Tikki! more! Good luck Mom, Dad, 'Than,\" \"BJ,\" and \"Boose\"

Jameson Michael .Jesse Christensen Hardcastle Congratulations Jesser!Jameson, From day one you haveYour passion and huge spirit are a joy always been such a sourceto experience. of pride & joy to us.Congratulations on your accomplishment. Go Forth Be Happy! We love you so much and are so proud of you . Love, Mom & Dad Forever, Mom & Matthew Tanya Bendoski Don't forget how it feels to have fun. \"And will you suc- ceed? Yes! You will indeed! (98 and 3/4% guaranteed.) Kid you'll move mountains! We love you Tonnie Lou Who! Brooke Burlingame KristiVI YeagerWay to go Brookie! Kristen- Dad &I love you andWe are gl[ so very proud of you . Keep your caring,sensitive, loving personality. We know you h~ve are so proud of the wonderful young woman you haveworked very hard this year & it has paid off. You become.Good luck in the future and always keep learning.are awsome! We love you so much. Love, Mom, Dad, Camille, Chad, Shaun, Love Mom & Dad Sara &CourtneyP.S. Paris! MisBy \"Success is going from failure to failure without a lack of enthusiasum.\" Never give up. We're proud of you. Love Mom, Dad Brian & Matt

Seth Myatt Krvstina Mclain We love you 5o MUCH! We are 50 Dear Kry5tina, proud of you and all of your accom- Congratulation51 You will pli5hment5! You are 5uch a ~ be our 5pecial talented guy! daughter. We will a!way5 be Thank you 50 mch for being who you your erateful parent5. You are and making 5uch a difference in have ble55ed our live5 our live51 immen5ely. You go girl! Keep up the good work!!!!...\"!!!! We love you, Love Forever, Your Family, Mom and Dad Mom, Dad, Kali and Levi People smile and t ell me Jessica W~eatle~ I'm the lucky one. We've just begun....Congratulations Jessica!We are so proud of you and We love you,your success. You're a Mom & Dadwonderful person with abright future.We love you,Dad, Mom, Rachel, Natlieand AlisonSheena Brawn Lee Denning Oh, how we miss our fiery Remember all the times little Sheena- beana. we changed your diapers But we lovingly embrace the beautiful woman you have 'cause someday you'll become. Never lose the have to change ours. Love you lots, f ire within you! Mom and Dad We love you dearly, Mom and Dad Hey \"Nort\" Kallin ForsythKeep smiling and we'llkeep cheering you on. Yes you did it! You should be proud of Congratulations!! yourself. CongratUla- We love you- tions! Your fam ily We love you- Mom and Dad, Brian,Melissa, Lauren and Jansyn.

Teresa Slane Sheldon Bigbov Congratulations Tree-Bee Congratulations You've brightened our home shi' yhazh' with your adorable smile. Share it with the world. We're proud & love u! You're our shining STAR! Always remember... \"You have to have confidence We love you, in your ability, &then be tough The Fam enough to follow through\"Racnel HortoVI FamilyCongratulations! Thanks for .. -,,,._- Andrea Burtonall your smiles, songs, andcaring ways. Your life is just ·~-... Congratulations to Soccarcherbeginning. Look to your What a remarkable young women you have become!future with enthusiasm. ,'I .l~ We are so proud of all your accomplishments inLove, school, soccer, archery, and life. -- \"~ You were our bright-eyed bundle of energy as a baby and are now our steady-eyed young woman looking \"' :::\"' forward to an exciting time in college.Your Family We love you very muchWhitney Rae Maurer Mom, Dad, Heather, and SeanDearest \"Whittlesticks\" Taylor Karl MalmraseYou stuck it out and made it through-We are so very proud of you. Your funny Excuse me, Flo...wit will get you far. Always Rememberwho you are. Holy High School Diploma, Tayman! We love you! You are our shining star. Dad, Mom, Christina, Meggie, We Love You! Caitlin, and Sam The Fam

Robbie Gibbons Kellie Rist You're such an awe- Congratulations Kellie, you did some son, and you ma ke us proud. itl We're so proud of you. Remember to... Love Dad, Momma Shelly, Cherish the memory Mariah Enjoy the moment And Challenge the P.S. Did someone give Kellie a future. cookie£ It's all yours now. Work hard and you'l l Brittany Montoya go far. Love ya forever, Way to go gir l! Dad & Mom Never doubted you'd \"Ace High School \"and that is just the beginning. We've always been proud of you. As Dr. Seuss said \"Oh, the places you'll go!\" Luv, Mom, Mark, Grandma, Grandpa, Adam, Cameron, Aunt Shauna, and Jack. Joshua Catneron PerschonMay you always find the tools you need and yourdreams come true.Congratulations!We love you Mom & your Brothers· Collin,Zak, & Tim T~ler ColtoVI Hey Ty Ty! Congratulations! We loved watching you grow. You have always been willing to take on new challenges. Keep your enthusiasm for life! Love Mom, Dad, Candice, Carrie, Amanda Kat e. Trent, Aimee, Bryce =- ~-., ~ Adro fer G.-aiJro I ~

Jay Clark Johnson Jamieo~ler You've touched the hearts of a May You Have happiness to keep you who came your way. sweet, Congratulations to \"everyone's trials to keep you strong, failure to keep you friend\" and our \"special\" brother humble, and son. We love you, Jay Bear. Success to keep you eager, Mom, Dad, Dallas, Mitchell, friends to give you Anthony, Matthew, Paul, comfort, and Katherine enthusiasm to look forward, Meagan ~-tart determination to make each day better than Meagan yesterday. From an adorable Hang in there Jamie! little gir l to a beautiful young woman. We are so proud of you! Congratulations! StevenA. Kri~ten Quintana Roush Congratulations! You are such an incredibleSuPeR StEvE! We are all so proud of you! Go the person . I knew you wou ld bedistance and never give up. Apply all the wonderful able to accomplish sothings you have learned while being Senior Class much. I am so proud ofOfficer to help lead people during your life, during, and your future family. Way to go, Steve-o!Congratulationsll Love, MomLove from Dad, Mom, Shirlz, & Nance ArnberVung Way To Go!! We're so proud of how beauti- fully you've gone from \"Preemie\" to \"Graduate\". You'll always be our \"Little Princess\". We Love You, Mom & Rick, Dad & Jeannie

Mika Bruin Danielle UmphrevCongratulations Mika Danielle, since you were a little girl youYou are a Beautiful girl inside and out. The world have always been a go-getter, ready tois a better place, because you're in it. You have conquer anything you put your mind to!been a great exanple to your friends and family. Dream BIG as you always have! We areWe will miss watching you cheer at the games. so very proud of you! Congratulations!What a Beautiful Cheerleader you were. We are We love you,looking forward to all of yournew accomplishments... Mom, Dad, Carlie, Colby Love Mom & DadBrianne Fabrizio . Merritt Reed Our little Princee>e le all grown up now. Life was exciting the Merritt, You have grown from boy to man.moment you were born, (our firet girl after six boys) and it We are so proud of your accomplishments.still is! You have made it that way. You h;we become a As you journey on in life, may all your hopesbeautiful young woman. You have beautiful eye'!> and a and dreams come true.beautiful smile. You are not only beautiful outside but insideas well. Keep that beauty and enthusiam throughout your Eternal Love, Mom, Dad, Grandma, & Naomilife. We love you! Your family Mom, Dad, Brandon, Chandy, Cory, Courtney, Coby,Ricco, Andrea, Donny, Carli, Garren, & Arien

Katie Jac~ie JO~VISOVIHouston Congratu lations Jackie! Here's your first day of school & not quiteKatie- your last. You've come a long way already.from your birth you have been a Dad & I are so proud of you. You are amodel daughter. We are so proud smart little cookie.of the outstanding person youhave become. We love you Mom & Dad Love, Mom & Dad Alicia GraelDave Rasmussen Congratulations, you f inally madeCONGRATULATIONS -- it! Your intelligence, kindness and DAVEY BOY- perseverance has been a joy to watch. the original \"Go-for-it\" Kid! We Love you!Because of your great choices Mom, Dad, Tyson, Tiffany, & hard work, your future's Rebecca&Breanna as bright as your smile!• •\"Have fun stormin' the castle!\" • •All our love,Mom & DadAmanda BlumeWe can't believe how fast you grew up. you willalways be our little girl and we are sure youhave a great future!xxoo Love Mom & Dad Andrew Glade Congratu lations...You did it! Set your sights high...You have the strength and courage to accomplish great things. Always remember who you are, for the best is yet to come. Love, Mom &Jen

Angela Johnson Nathan Du~tin We are so proud of you! You gackett are such an amazing person! Keep smiling and remember Congratulations Joe Stroons, Bug. we love you! Your kindness, positive attitude, sense of humor, and the ability to Love, listen with a generosity of spirit is a Mom, Dad, and the Family gift. We are proud. Accomplished student, Swim Team Captian,Christopher Root peacemaker. We Love you, Mom, Dad, Connor Congratulations on taking one of the first steps towards a life fi lled Tany David with limitless possibilities. We are so proud of you and your accom- Masan plishments. May all of your hopes and dreams come true. Tony D., I.C.P., magic, theater, humor, and art. Love, Dad, Mom, and Nic This is all apart of who you are! We are so proud of you. Remember you can accomplish anything in life you choose to do - we love you. Mom, Dad, and Randi Ja~onCiark David J. MadseVJYou are the most Special, We had an epiphany... andtalented person ever \"The Answer\" is Davidbrought into this world. Madsen. Fair dinkum.Never lose sight of your You are a wonderful son anddreams. You can accomplish brother. Thanks for all theanything! good times.Love, your family Love Mom, Dad, Matt, Me GO COUGARS!

TaVJVJer PIArser Jenny Beckham Jenny .,.---.....-::=----We don't know what world you 1' Way to go darlin'! Ya dunlive in- We just know we want learned good in dat dere skool a ~I-.t .1! • yers. Hope yu make it mor farto visit it often... . . . .1 dan yer parants dun. Yu dun make us proud! Huggs & Kesses YOU'RE AMAZING! \"Don't worry about it!\" Mum & Dad Marge and Homer Go Diggers!_____C__;;;::: larissa Mae Don Hoover Stout Don, We're so proud of you! Way to go, Claire! Your future is so bright! You have always stood firm in We are so proud of you! your beliefs which will ensure And we love you. your future success. Love, Your Family Dad & MomEvaVI AlexaVJder Jennifer Ro~~ Howard We are so proud of you Jenno. You have a great spirit. Good luck cutie. You'll be our little angel forever! Love Papo and Momma What a guy! You are living proof that AlexTeraVI good things come in tall packages too. Congratulations! Stand proud; continue to embrace You now are part of 3difference and most of all stay as unique generations of JHS graduates. We know you as you are. Never forget how much you are loved. have a great future ahead. Mum, Dad, Kerry & Mike Love, Your family

Janee Elizabeth Fife Lacie Bell Congratulations \"Janeekins\" Lacie, Your sweet smile and sense of We are proud of you and look humor are just two of the things that make you so special. You forward to watching you always make us proud! Thanks for loving us. achieve your dreams. You make our lives full. We love you, Love, Mom, Dad, Austin & Brooke Mom, Dad, and Linda, Corbin, Carverlt\iate Magnutn - - - .Jairnie R. Hey Nate- Stephens We're so proud of you ! Congratulations! We are very You obviously can accom- proud of you! Make wise choices plish anyhing that you set and remember who you are and your mind to. You're such a you will be a great success. great kid! Love, Love, Mark & Mom Mommy& DadKasia Stephenson MadeleiVIe LarseVI Congratulations Kasia! Mady, We are so proud of you and all of your Congratulations on great accomplishments! You are such everything you have accomplished in the last a sweet prson. The world is a much three years. We are very better place because of you and your proud of the person you are. amazing talents. With those talents you will achieve whatever..:tQJ.! believe. Love You! Mom, Dad & Emily We believe in you! All our love, Mom, Dad & Maranda Andrew Yawn Dalan BriggsAndrew, Way to go \"Big D\"!You are the greatest,fastest, smartest, most Determination is your middlewonderful boy in the world. name! You've always had theWe're so proud of you. ability to make your dreamsCongratulations! come true. Shoot for the stars! Love, Love Ya Tons! Mom and Dad Dad, Mom, Chels, Spud, Erin, I ke and the gan

Mallery Metz Kyle SotnsenDear Mallory, Kyle,You made it and we are so Our baby is all grown up! We'veproud of you! Keep setting watched you age...from agoals and your dreams will handsome little tyke to become a reality.Reach for the stars! Kylea to a grown boy.Love, Mom and Dad Thanks for the laughs! Congratulations! Love, Your Favorite Familys~as~a Marie MIAir~ead BABY, MINE SAVOR THE DAY ALWAYS BE KIND SEE THE SUN SET HAVE LAUGHTER IN MIND ALWAYS BE TRUTHFUL MIND WHO ARE YOUR FRIENDS ALLOW LOVE TO FIND YOU REMEMBER YOUR HEART MENDS I LOVE YOU ALWAYS EVERYDAY OF MY LIFE Jennifer indsav Hokulani Beckham Schmidt You did it! You are almost half way Congratulations Llndsl to your Ph.D.! Have fun, see the Thanks for being the best world and have daughter. You are awesome!! some great adventures Best of luck in your bright future. along the way. Keep on Smiling We are proud of you! Love you Hokulani, Love, Dad, Mom, R.C., BQ, and BC Dad, Mom and Kyle~~~==========================~ # I Ads for Grads

.Jenni(el-- Taft II \"\"'· BrittaVI~ Pitts What is our little girl made of? life\"5 5imple rule5... Sugar and spice and a little Tabasco! Congratulations \"Ferfies\"!! - Money can't buy happine55 - Beauty come5 from within - Glory i5 forever - Love give5 meaning to life -You are a Joy We'll be proud of you no matter what! We love you! Love. Mom. Dad, and the Boy5Now go follow your dreams... Jamie FormanFor the best way to predict thefuture is to make it! Congratulations Jamie-A-Noshe! With all our love, Even Through You're Mom and Dad An Awesome Young Lady Being The Youngest You'll Always Be Our Baby! Love, Your Fan Club The FAM \"The Rambo Twins\"Congratulations Dustin and Ryan!Write it on your heart that everyday is the best day of the year!We are so proud of you!Love Dad, Mom, Tara, and Dally-Poo -JUST DO IT!-

Zac~ Hewlett Grady MockZack Hewlett Grady,\"Larry\" With your magical smile, you haveBubba, You've always brought joy to all of us. We're sobeen an amazing proud of you!person from day one.You've brought so Keep Smilingmuch love into ourfamily. Now the world Love Mom, Dad, Lacey,is yours for the lack, Madelinetaking.Continue to be the Julie Isaacsongreatperson you are! JulieBelle, It's the light within you thatXOXO Love,Mom, Dad and Alicia makes you beautiful! You've showered that down upon all. Keep sharing your musica l talent and love for life. We love youBrian Hartwell JoshuaHeaton We are proud of you. We know Mr.G.Q. you'll You've charmed us all and now go far in life and totally. the world is waiting. You'll believe in you. You've been an accomplish whatever example for all. you dream. Love, Love, Dad, Mom, Brooke, Nolan, Mom & Family Jessi, AshleyMarianne Ki~er DrewBarr To our lifelong learner and Great job, Drew! , peacemaker Keep on smiling Marianne Kiser and the world is yours. Crongrats, Buddy! Your smile brings joy to our Love, Mom, Dad lives Allie and Tanner and warmth to our hearts. We love you Dad, Mom, and the kids~-~;;;;~================~==========~ ~==:=================================~# I Ads ;or Grads

Sarah-Jane Kallin Congratulations Sarah-janeTreat each and every day like your first ice cream cone.Love Always and Forever Dad, Mom, Ben, Jessie and Felix Mandy McComb Brady BrawnCongratulations Princess GOOD JOB- BOB!We are so proud of you and all I'm so proud of all you'vethat you have accomplished. learned on your own. YouWe look forward to watching will get what you want in life! Forever S polayou achieve your dreame. Love, Love Dad, Mom, Aimee. and Erik MomLance Talbert Matthew Forrest RhodesIWiiliiillao;lr.l Lance-Keep reaching for the ekyl \"f'OPTART\"We are proud of you. Love You! Proud of You! Love Think You're Special! Dad, Mom, Eli. Isaiah, Mary Lyn, Dizzy, Michael, Johnny, Kelly. Wendy, Alan,Jeeee, Brittany. Dad, MommaConnor, Trey, Ryan,Tiffany, Jeremy,CortneyF===============================~ ~========================~ Ad5 for Grad I ~

Jessica Kathrvn Wells ZackOlsenCongratulations on your Graduation! You did it.You have every reason to be proud- we're certainly proud We love you and always will and areof you! Let's make the celebration last as long as we can! so proud of you!You did it, Rooner!With Love, Your Whole Family!(Looky Momll gotta watch) Scott Parker You made it. Congratulations! We love you! K~le Solomar~ Laura ChukanovMy Kyle, Lllri.Your mischievous, angelic smile will always win my heart! And What a fantastic granddaughteryour quiet determination has seen you through the man you are! May you find all thechallenges in your young life. With determination you can. happiness you desire!accomplish anything- so aim for the stars (or the rockets). Love, Love you lots! Babushka and Diado Mom Bryant Casperson Way LOgo f•ryant.lll We arc proua of the confiacnt young mt~n you have lu:comt::. Your faith. courage. ana amaz,ng ntt::lhgcncc, w1l' cnal>le you to f,na joy and eucceee r1 your hfc. 1\11 our love, Mom, Dad. 5pencu,H lary. E c

· J~~~i Cumming~ Kelsev BatemanNa-na Girl From that beautiful little girl, to the beautiful, intelligentYour exuberance and joy for life i5 an inBpiration. We woman you've become. We love having you for our daughter. We love hearing your heartfelt laughter and BenBe of humor.are 5o proud of you. Hold on to your dreams and ~If you can dream it, you can achieve it.\" Keep you eyes on the dream!always believe. What ever you do and where ever you go,you will always be our baby girl! We love you to infinity. Love Mom and DadMom, Dad and Nick. Sie11·a MoVJica MeleVJdez Eastrnand Dear Monica, CongratulationB on your high Bchool graduation! We're veryCongratu la tions proud of you! You've always been a determined go-getter,squirt! You did it! ever since you were nine months old and you decided thatGraduation is justthe beginning of was when you were going to walk!the rest of your You were determined to make cheer and you did! You wantedlife. We are proud to maintain at least a 3.9 GPA, and you did! Who eiBe butof you.Mom, Dad, Mckell you would make it, not only for NHS, but aiBo forand McKinley. 'Who's Who Among American High School Students\"?! Monica, we a5 your family are very proud of all your wonderful accompliBhmentB, and we have every confidence that you will make a difference for the good In this society! We love you! Love, Mom, Dad, Josh, April, Tiffany, and Jared

INDEX Ashby, Richard ..................... 106, 159 Benavidez, Marylee 56, 78, 100, 105, Brimley, Sean ................................ 161 Caraveo, Oscar... ..... ..... ...... 161 2004 Ashcroft, McKell .... 98, 100, 109, 110, 109.112.138 Bntton. Isaac ................................... 56 Carbine, Jessica .......... 100, I 14, 139 114,159 Bench, Chelsea .................... 108, 160 Broadhead. Chase ....... 100, 114, 161 Carbonell, Aaron .................. 116. 182 Ashcroft. Natalie ...................... 98, 181 Bendoski, Tanya .............. 138 Broadhead, Phil ............................. 203 Cardenas. Belinda ... 68, 69, 114, 139 Ashton, Amanda ............................ 159 Bennett, Danoel.............................. 138 Broadus. Gary ............................... 138 Cardenas, Bobby .......................... 161 Ashwonh . Alan .............................. 137 Bennett, Michelle ............. 86, 87. 138 Brock, Chelsea ................. 96. 97. t 61 Carhart, Morgan ................... 102, 161 Asi, Taylor ...................... 53, 115, 181 Bennett, Sarah ..................... 124, 160 Broderick, Jess1ca ......................... 182 Carlo, Heodi .......... 62, 63, 91, 100, 161 Astaire, Fred ................... 20 Benson, Dalton ................................ 64 Brooks, Jenny .......... 90, 99, 104, 182 Carli, McKayleigh .......................... 139 A Atkinson. Chelsea ........................... 56 Benson. Sara ................................ 138 Brown, Alaona ................... 86, 87, 138 Carlson, Jonathan ................... 31, 139Abbott, Amanda .... ...... .................. 181 Atkinson. Louise ............................ 198 Benson. Whitney ........................... 160 Brown, Andrew ................................ 93 Carmack, McKenzo .................. 39, 182Abbott. Brandon ............................ 159Abbott. Robin ................... ............. 159 Aviles. Brianne .............................. 159 Bentenson, Michelle ........................ 55 Brown, Brady ........................ 138, 155 Carpenter, Richard .... 50. 88, 89, 115.Abbriano, Gianna ... 94, 106, 159, 179Abbriano, Ratfaela 20, 106, 109, 111, Bentley, Evette ....... 40, 100, 108, 181 Brown. Jason ............. 50, 51, 53, 138 139123. 137Ackley, Woll ........................... .......... 17 13 Bentley, Jessica ............................ 138 Brown, Kelly ................................... 51 Carpenter, Trevor .......................... 16tAdams. Austin ....................... 117, 159Adams, Bradley ....................... 53, 181 Bentley. Matthew .................... 50, 138 Brown. Logan ......... 29, 110. 117, 182 Carroll, Zachary ... 53, 72, 78. 81, 182Adams, Caotlon ................................. 55Adamson. Kyleigh ......................... 181 Berg, Bridget ................................. 138 Brown. Nancy ................................ 204 Carruthers. Jada ........................... 161Afleltranger. Katherine ............ 91, 181Ahlgren. Brianne ........................... 159 Berg, Maroanne ..................... tOO, 181 Brown. Scott .................... 78, 81, 161 Carstens, Matthew ........................ 161Ahluwalia, Dilpreet ........................ t 59Aitken. Natalie ............................... 181 Berrett. Bonnie .............................. t 98 Brown, Sean .................................. 161 Caner. Christopher ...................... 182Albrecht. Coby ............................... 159Alexander. Ashley ................ I 10, 181 Berry. Erica ...................... 58, 59. 138 Brown. Sheena .............................. t 39 Caner. Karrena ............................ 182Alipour. Sina .................................... 70Allen. Greg .................................... 181 Betenson, Ashley .......................... 138 Brown. Timothy ............................. 161 Carter, Lee ........................... 128, 139Allen. Nikki ..................................... 137Allen. Sarah .................. 114. 125, 159 Babinski, Chris .......... 50, 51, 52, 198 Betenson, Mochelle ......................... 72 BrUin, Moka .............................. 37, 139 Casaday. Sara .............................. 182Allgaier, Stephanie ........................ 137Allison. Judy .................................. 204 Bacigalupi, Edward ....................... 137 Bockmore, Jay ................................ 160 Bruner, Kayla ................... 69 Casdorph, Mochelle .... 29, 90, 99, 161Allred. Ashlee ................. 20, 100. 137Allred. Brittany .......... 86. 89, 106. 137 Baddley, Cozette ........................... 198 Bockmore. Jonathon ...................... 160 Brussow. Laurie ................................ 4 Case, Tyson ..................... 15, 70, 139Allred, Dane .................................. . 159Allred, Dean ................................... 181 Bagge, Sarah ................................ 181 Blenloen, Jared ................. 72, 75, 160 Bryant. Travos ................................ 161 Cash, Kellie .................. 106, 125, 162Allred, Erick ................................... 181Allred, Janalee ........................ 60. 159 Baggett, Jennifer .. 106. 112, 137, 157 Biesinger, Julie ........................ 90. 181 Bryant, Wolham .............................. 139 Casper, Condy ............................... 162Allred, Walter ................................. 159Allsup, Leonard ............................. 198 Bagley, Austin ................ 56, 106, 159 Biesonger, Sarah .............. 89. 90, 138 Buchan, McKenz1e tOO, 111 ,114,161 Casperson. Bryant ... 88. 89. 108, 139Aim, Alisa ............................. 100, 137Almerico, Kevin .. .......................... 181 Bahr, Kirsten ........................... 69. 181 Bigboy, Sheldon ............................ 138 Buck, Michelle .............................. 182 Casperson. Spencer ....................... 72Almenco. Kristen 46. 47, 48, 106, 114,137 Bahr, Mark .................................... 137 Bigelow, Rex ................................. 138 Buckingham. Cody ........................ 161 Cass. Moke ..................................... 198Almond, Shannon .......................... 137Alston. Kate ...... 62. 63. 126. 127, 181 Bailey, Tyson ... so. 52. 53, 72, 78, so. Biggers, Bnanna ...... 95, 99, 111, 160 Buckles, Andrea ............................ 16 t Cassidy, Jenny ........................ 15, 198Alvarado, Ricardo ......................... 181Ambrose, Mark ........................ 89. 159 115, 159 Billeter. Ashley .............................. 181 Buhler. Alex .................. 100, 114, 139 Casslta, Houston ............................. 53Amocone, Mary ............................. 198Amicone, Trevor ....... 64, 66, 125, 159 Bain, Colton ................................... 181 Billeter. Kimberly ........................... 138 Buhler. Cody .................................. 139 Cass,ta, Zachary .............. 42, 43, 139Andersen, Ashley ........... 72, 100, 181Andersen. Roben .......................... 159 Baird, Skyler .................................. 181 Billings, Lauren ....................... 61, 181 Buhler. David ................................. 182 Cassoty, Christopher .. 42, 44, 45, 182Anderson. Audrey ........ 110, 125. 159Anderson, Bnan ........................ 72. 75 Baird, Wolliam ......... ....................... 160 Bills, Delia ...................................... 202 Buhler. Michael ............................. 139 Cassity, Chnslpher .......................... 76Anderson. Carty .. 106, 109, 126, 127,137 Bake, Robert ................................. 160 Bingham, Ryan .... 72, 75, 94, 96, 106, Buhler, NICole ............... 106, 114, 139 Castleton, Mary·Jane 5, 8. 12. 13, 14.Anderson, Collyn ........................... 159Anderson , Emily ......... 58, 59, 60. 137 Baker, Brittany ..... 106, 107, 109, 122. 112. 160 Bullock. Robyn .............................. 202 29. 88. 89. 99. 100. 108. 139, 155,Anderson. Jayme .......................... 159Anderson, Jessoca ................... 56, 159 123.137 Bird. Tara ....................................... 138 Bunce, Chelsey ............................. 139 157Anderson , Justin ........................... 159 Baker, Cassie .......................... 95, 181 Birrell, Amanda ....... 15, 106, 108, 138 Burgess. Daniel ............................. 182 Cavender, Justin ........................... 139 91.159 159 Baker, Hannah .............................. 181 Birrell, Kayla ............................ 72, 181 Burgess. Mallory ............ 93. 112. 161 Caywood, Garret ..................... 89, 139 135,137 Baker, Jill ...................... 106, 110, 137 Black, Leanne ......................... 89, 138 Burgon, Chandler ....... 45, 76, 77. 182 Cazoer. Valene ............................... 198 114 Baker. Russell ............................... 137 Blackwater, Preston ...................... 181 Burgon, Marge .............................. 204 Chaffm, Dallas ................ 97, 139, 155 Baker, Stephen ............................. 181 Blaisdell, Alex .................................. 70 Burgon. Richard ............................ 204 Chamorro, Carlos ............................ 72 Bakker. Collin ................... 29, 89, 160 Blaosdell, Loren ....................... 55, 160 Burke. Casey ................................. 182 Champ;on, Daniel ................ 116, 162 Baldwin, Joy .................................. 160 Blake, Adam .................................. 138 Burkhalter, tan ................................. 30 Champoon, Randy ........................ 116 Ball, Komber1i ................................. 160 Blakely, Allen ................................ 182 Burkhalter, Thomas .......... 29, 95. 182 Chan, Suemy ................................. t62 Baranowsky, Tyler ........................ 137 Blodgett. Jacob .................... 138. 154 Burkman, Kevin .................... 117. 161 Chapman. Scott ................... 105, 139 Barfuss. Nickolas ....... 29, 91. 99, 181 Blodgetl, Joshua ..................... 66. 138 Burlingame, Brooke ...................... 139 Chapman. Stephanie ....... 29, 91. 162 Barkell. Blake ................................ 160 Bloomheld, Latdala ........................ 160 Burnham. Alayna ....................... 161 Chapman, Zachary ....................... 162 Barker. Ashlie ..........................38, 181 Bluemel, Lacy ................................ 182 Burnham, Tommy .......................... 139 Chard, Jonelle .......................... 75, 162 Barnes, Trudy ....................... 102, 198 Blum, Graham ............................... 138 Burrell. Kent ............................ 31, 198 Charon, Brad ................................ 198 Barney, Brent ............... 124, 160, 203 Blume. Amanda.... .. ..................... 138 Burns, Buster . ................. ......... 182 Chatelaon, Ashton ........................ t62 Barney, Susannah ........................ 137 Blycker. Christopher ..................... 182 Bun. James .... 50, 52, 100, 106. 111. Chavez, Alejandro ........................ 182 Barr, Allie ......................................... 69 Blymiller. Tawnl ............................. 160 114, 115, 117, 161 Chavez. Danoela .............. 37, 90. t62 Barr, Drew ............................. 114,137 Bogenriel, Michael...................... 182 Burt, Rochard ............................ 115 Chavez. Diana ................ 99, 108, t62 Barrett, Jason ............................... 160 Bohme. Eduardo ..................... 53, 182 Bunon, Alissa ....... 102. 106, 11?, 139 Chavez, Josue ............. 1OS. 135. 139 Barrier, Kenneth .... 42, 44, 50, 52, 72, Bonell, Rachel ........................ 94, 182 Burton, Andrea ............ 100, t 06. 139 Chavira. Leslie .................. 37, 38, 39 115 Borg. Bobby ................................... 160 Burton, Mochael ............................ 161 Chesser, Tara ....................... 106. 139 Barrier, Kenny ...... ......................... 160 Borgmeoer, Ryan 64, 76, 77, 106, 138, Burton, Trav1s .......................... 139 Chodester, Jessoca ............. .. ....... 182 Basler, Brittney ..... 100. 112. 137, 154 157 Bush, Rosato ............................... 161 Childress, Counney ........................ 69 Basler, Cody ............................ 66, 181 Bork, Vicki ..................................... 202 Bushman, Autumn .... 40. 41,100. 182 Childress. Em1ly .......... 102, 114, 139 Batchelor, Kelly ............................. 125 Borunda, Benny ............................ 138 Butler, Bradley .... 113, 124, 161.203 Childs, Brianne .............................. 162 Bateman, Karma ........................... 198 Boskovich, Dan ............................. 198 Butler, Cassandra ...................... 182 Chisham, Leanne ..................... 139 Bateman, Kelsey ........................... 137 Boswell, Brent ....................... 198, 202 Buller. Rachel ............................... 182 Christensen, Allison ................ 93. t82 Bates, Christopher ........................ 137 Bouck. Adam ................................ 138 Buller, Sarah ............................... 161 Chnstensen. Corey............ .... . 162 Bathelt, Margo ............................... 203 Buttars, All ................................... 194 Christensen. Damel ..................... 162 Batty, Moles ............... 72, 75. 106, 160 Butterlield. Brock ......................... 139 Chnstensen. Eddy ....... .............. 198 Bauer. Karlene .............................. 198 Butts, Whitney ........................ 86, 182 Chnstensen, Faylene ............... 182 Baumann, Justin .................. 117, 137 Byerly, Christian ............................ 182 Chnstensen. Heather .................... 162 Baxter, Bart ............. 94, 96, 137 Byrd, Karl ....... ............................. 182 Christensen. Jeff . . ... 42, 44, 45, 182 Beat, Colby . ... . . . . ............. 1'37 Cl1riSiensen Jeaae 139 Beall, Nalhanael • .. . • .. ... ... 160 ....................... 11 Bean Robert .. ... .... . . . . 160 ................... 72 I Beard, Elaone ..... .• .. ....... . . .. .. 201 Beattoe.Momca ..... . .... 91, 137 Beatty. Megan . 137Ande<son. Rose . 72, 75. 114, 181 Becco. AnnMane .. . .. 116Anderson , Skyler ........... 53, 110, 159 Becct. Kenny • ... . .. ... 116Anderson, Tracy ........... 72. 91 , 159 Becci, Kyle .............Anderson, Tyler ...................... 66, 137 Beck, Tamela ... ...Andrasko. Allaree ............ 86. 87, 181Andreason Ann .. .............. ..... 202Andrews. Meghan .. 114, 181 Beckstead. Jllha .... . ........... 160Andrlzzo Aanka . . . • . 137 Beckstead, Reed. 50. 52. 78 81 116Andrus. Jessoca .......... 94, 159 j_.,..160Anjewierden, Bnan .... 50, 78. 81. 115, BecksleadJ Tlmmolhy ...................159 Beckstrand Eroc 70.9~~4.'.. jillfArnone. Kon ......... 40, 58, 60, 61, 181 Bell, Lacoe .•. Campbell. M1kele ...... ... . .. .......Atroyo. Teresa ................ 56. 72, 181Ash. Kelly ................................ 159 Belhston, Kevon ....................... 72, 181 Campbell, Taylor ........... 182Ashby. Carty ........................98, 137 Benalhe. Hermesia ................. 181 Canfield, Edward - .... 108 124, 16t Benavodez. Ben 78, 79, 160 Cantor, Momca ..... 72, 75. 95, 161

Clark. Thomas. .. ................ 93, 183 Dusoe. Amanda ................... 128. 140 Fairbourn. Mary ........ .................. 204 Gessner, Joshua ........ ................. 165Clarke. Derek ... .. .. • • , • 162 Dusoe. Caothn . ...... .. • ... • .... 163 Faorclough. Kara ....... ......... ..... .. 164 Goanche!ta. Jason .......... ,.. • 165Clarke, Jordan . .. • ...... ..... .. ........ 75 Dwyer. Jordan • • 141 Farr, Kelltann ... .. , .. 37, 55, 141 G1bb, Aldo.. ....... 78. 79. 165Clarke. Laura .. 8. 90. 100. 106. 112, Dwyer Joshua ....................... 141 Faust. Nocholas ..... ............ • 164 G•bb. Cody ................................. 184158, 162 Dyke. Alexander Van •• . . . 93 Faz10. Den•se D• ....... ... • .. • ... 140 Gobbons. Joshua ....................... 142Clawson. Casey Featherstone. Ashley 40. 41 , 100, 164 Gobbons. Robert ... 42, 43. 142Clawson. Sarah E Feda. Cody 124, 141 Gobbons. Staa ..... 38 68. 69. 184Claylon, Sarahann 184 G•lben. Stdney .................92, 165Clolf. Sherry . Gollespoe. Shelly .. .. .. • 199Coates. Deanna ................. Feng. Zhonan Golvarry. Alexander .............. 72, 184 Ferguson. Jeremy .............. .. ...... 164Coates. Roy 162 Dahl Latrelle Ferguson. Kendra ........ 56, 72. 184 Glade Andrew ............. 100. 113. 142 Ferreira. Jules .................. 76, 77. 141Coats. Melissa ................ .. .. 183 Dahl, Moke ......................... Ftfe,Janee ............................. 114, 141 Gleave. Angela .... ...... ... • ........ 165 Ftnch, Neil ...... ............ ................... 141Cobbley, Brett ............................. 183 Dahl. Natalie ... 88. 89. 106, 140, 156 Glenn, Jess•ce ............................... 184Cobey, Diane .............................. 198 Dale. Chaise ............................ .. 183 Earl. Carne .......................... 108, 199 Glover, Gary .. ................................ 142Coe. lan ....................................... .. 183 Dailey, Melissa .............................. 140 Earl, Kelly ................................ 29. 163 Glover, Joshua ... ......... .................. 142Colftn, Christoph .................... 93, 162 Dalton. Ashley .... ................. 125 Earles. Uriah .. ... ........................ 164 Goddard. Gina .. 89, 90. 106, 109, 142Coggie, Kimberly ......................... 162 Dalton, John ... , .. , ••• . 183 Eastmond. S•erra ................. 37 141 Godfrey, Alexander . . ............ 142Cohee, Paul ......... 198 Dalton. Montca .. . .............. 140 Ebert,Amy .......................... l14, 141 Godfrey. Anthony .............. 4, 10. 20Cole. Sarah ..... . ... • • • • 162 Daly. Jaclyn 40, 99. 100 114, 183 Eben. Scotty.. • • 45 Godfrey. Suste ... • • .... 62Coleman Chrtsttne • 106, 11 7, 162 Dame. AI oson 89 112, 140 Eckardt. Amanda , ... t 64 Godfrey. Ttflany ...............37. 165Coleman. Landon ..97, 140 45 Edmonson. Robert • FtiZ, C•erra .. ..... .. • • • Godfrey. Whotney ........... , • 142Coleman. M•tche I 117 . 163 EdWards. Ashley • 141 Fi1Zgerald Bnnany Godonet. Kevm ... , 51 , 115. 165Coleman, Ray ......................... 183 EdWards. Blake ... 72, 75. 78. 80. 164 Fougerald. Jessoca • 164 Godwm. McKenz•e - 106, 165Collen. Paoge Danoels. Kom . 183 EdWards. Camber 183 Frtzgerald. Klmbeny ..... • • 141 GoelZ. Lyndsey • 100. 108. 114, 184Col er Martlyn Dantels, Roman 183 Edwards. Jared .. •... 91 Flees. Sean .. ....... ..... • .. • . 184 Gofl. Jushn ................. . • • 184Colons. Ashley . Ill , 140 Danoels. Taunya Edwards. Jena 108. 112. 164 Fletcher, Sara .... .. ........ ..... 141 Goff. Preston ..... , 95, 142Colltns, Cortney • 61. 100. 183 Dansoe. Jacquelyn Edwards. Katoe ................ 29, 95, 184 Fletcher, Tnsha ... ... ........ 111 , 184 Gogan . Jesstce ................... 91Colltns. Joey 50, 52 , 72. 115. 162 Darnngton . Megan Edwards. Mtchelle 141 Flox, Megan ...... ...... 99, 124. 125, 141 Gotns. Jeanette .... 37, 38, 39. 199Collins. Ktr•ll ..... 56. 72. 75 183 Darrow. Jess•ce ..... 55, tOO, 102. 106, Egan, Kevm 50. 51 . 199 Fogarty. Christopher 64, 72. 106. 164 Goldhardl, Mtchael . ..... ....... .. ..... 56'.::olton, Came 46, 48, 55. 72, 90, 183 114, 163 Egbert. Julianne ... 46. 47, 48, 62. 63 Fogarty, Melissa .... 90. 106, 108, 113, Goldsmilh. Ryan .. 29, 30, 88, 89, 108,Colton, Tyler ............................. 140 Darrow. Ryan ............. 100, 106, 140 Egbert. Kat•e ............ .......... ... 61 114, 164 136, 142Colwell, Meagan . ... 29. 90, 109, 162 Davts. Danoel 72, 94 106, 113, 114. Egbert. Rebecca ..... 86. 100.114, 164 Forman. Jaime ............ 102, 112. 141 Goldsmilh. Scott ........... , , 117Colwell. Me1ame . 162 163 Egbert. Troy .. • . 50. 51 Forsyth. Kalhn ............................ 141 Goldsteon. Kyle ............ 53. 184Comeaux , Gabrtelle 162 Davts. Felicta .. Ekert. Amanda ..................... 109 Foust. NICholas .... 72 Goldy. Robyn ..................... 201Comtsh, Whtlney 162 Davts, Gary 112, 164 Fox, Danoelle ... .. • 106, 114, 164 GOldy. Vanessa .... .... .. 91 . 184Conrad Cando 204 Davos, Holly • 53. 184 Franco, Bryan .• 53 . 72, 78 81 , 184 GoUaher. Landan ...... ... .. • • .... 117Cool<. ChrtSiopor 140 155 . 164 Francom. Ltsa • 89. 91 , 105. 141 Gonzales. Peter • .... ...... , , 184Cook, Jessica Davos Jelfrey 163 . 203 Francom. MIChelle • 72 Gonzales. Samuel • .. 165Cook. Kody • Davos, Zachary ................................. 183 Francom. Ph II p ........ . Gonzalez. Jorge ......... ...... ... . • 165Cook Spencer Day, Davod 183 Frandsen. Bnan , 70, 88. 89. 106. 141 Gonzalez. Mana 184Cooley, Ausltn . Day, Ttlfany 163 Elkms, Rose .... .. Frandsen, Bryce .. . ...... .. . .. .. 117 Gonzalez. Sara , • .. .. 100. 142Coomana. Parker Dean, Tolfany Elhon. Joshua .. . Frank, Brttrey ............... 164 Goodman, John .............. 78, 80. 184Coon Angela 183 Deherrera . Jason Elhslon, Phryne Frankovich. Dana .. 184 Goodro. Kallte ................. 62. 63. 142Coope, Ashley 183 DeJUiiS. Andrew .... Elshamy, Rana ..................... 184 Frallo, Dusltn ..... ... . ................. 184 Gordon, Dantel .... .... .... . ... 100. 165Coope. Nathan ....................... 162 DeKramer, Nick .. Embley. Scott 13, 17, 20. 28. 29, 89. Freestone, Breanna .................. 55, 72 Gornnge. Megan. 106. 108, 117. 136,Cooper, Hollie ..................... 140 Delacruz, Alex , .. ... 1t 7, 163 94, 96. 104, 141 154 Freestone, Steven 50, 52. 72, 78, 79. 142, 155Copeland, Duslln 29, 30, 89, 97. 140 Delamare, Abrtelle 46. 48, 117, 163 Enchefl, Amy , .......... 29, 92, 184 102, 115, 164 Goss, Chelsea ... .... ..... . JIO, 122. 142Copeland, Ryan . 56. 72. 75, 89. 136, Delange, Angela . 61 , 183 Engebntson. Amy ...... 100. 111, 184 Fnsby. Briana Gough, Carolyn .... .. ... .. .... • • 199140 Oem111 Jeremy • . 163 England, Parker ....... I 16 Frisby. 8ri11any .. .. .. . • • Gourley. Joshua ........... . .... .. .. 184 Demtlle , Garrett 163 Engstrom Stephan•e Frkovich, Terno . • .. .. • , ...... 184 Govostes. Jenna 184 Dennong Corey 37, 183 En51gn. Rebecca Froebe . Moche ie • • ..... 184 Graehl. AliCia • 75. 90. 106. 142 Denn1ng. DouglAs 140 Epperson. Sarah Frome, E zabeth 184 Graehl. TiHany .. 72 Dennong. Dust n 16. 20. 50, 72 78. 79, Erekson Emtly 184 Frost. Kate • • 199 Graham. Anlhony ... ... 78, 81 , 165 115. 140 Erekson, Jen fer 141 Frost. Ken 199 Graham. Ryan ...... 116. 142 Oenn•s. Zoe ....................... Erekson, Morant 70 Graves. Enc .......... • .. ..... 194 Dent. Jennofer Erekson. NtCOie Graves. Gen ................. 29. 91 184 Dent. Rachel Ertckson. Brooke Fuller. Enn ... 55 . 72. 75, 184 Gray. Joseph ... .. • • • • 185 Derdertan. Koko Enckson. Gary .. , .• Fullmer. Caleb . .. 20. 29, 88. 89, 164 Gray. lackery .... 50. 52. 78. 115, 165 Devoe. Mtchael . , . Erickson Wolham • ....... 31 , 164 Fullmer, Kevtn .......... 64 . 124, 164 Gray, Zane ....... ...... ................. 78, 81 Esplin, Artumus ... ..... ............. 141 Fullmer. Rachel ........................... 72 Green, Isaac ............................ 70, 185 Esplon, Logan .. . ............ • ........ 184 Funaro, Eleni ........................... ...... 164 Green. Mallhew .............. 78, 80, 165 Evans. Alex ... Funk, Treven ................................ 164 Green. Melissa .......................... .. 142 Furmss. Janna ............. , 58. 59. 164 Greenlee. Jeaneue .. 29. 91 , 111 . 185 Greenwell. Brandon .. .. . .. ..... 165 Gnffin. Clay ... 165 G\"Htth. Jessk;a ......... • 185

H Henao. Isabel ............................ 185 Hunlsaker, Jennofer ..................... 110 Johnson, Hokomao • . .. .. 56. 76, 186 Kinoshola, Robon .. ... ... II I , II 3, 167 Hendren. Mochelle ................ 94, 185 Hendrockson. Joan ............... 204 Hun!zonger. Jonalhan .... 88, 89. 143 Johnson, Jaclyn .• 89, 90. 109. 144 Korby, Melissa .......... 29. 90. 106, 167 Hurless. Chrosloph • 166 Johnson. James ... .. 100. 144 167 Korby, Skyler .................. 167 Hurless. Chroslopher ................. 72 Johnson. Jay • • • 144 Ktrby. Stephanoe 187 Henne. Mehssa Hustedt, Caleb 30, 70 106, 111 , 166 o.Johnson. JesSlC829, 40, 41 106, 11 Kork, Adam . , 187 Hensley, Marcus • • • ....... 45. 185 94 . 166 111, 113. 144, 167 Ktrkpatroek, Krystal 112, 144 Hergel, Belhany • 20. 88. 89, 104, 143 .... 143 Johnson. Joe .• so.72 78. ItS 144 Ktser, Amy ........... 56, 90, II 0. 187Haarbronk. Shatese 112. 122. 123. 142 Hermansen. Brandy • • .. ......... 166 Hyan. Travos Johnson. Jordan 144 Ktser. Maroanne 29 88. 89, 106, 114Haertel, Ann • .. • • ••.• 55 Hernandez , Abelardo . ... •• .. .... 143 Hyde. Tyson ..... Johnson. Lindsay . 135. 144Hagen, Aimee .............................. . 142 Hernandez . Melona .................. 143 Johnson. Maroanne Ktar. Davod ...... .. • 94 , 96, 135, 144Hahn, Rachel . • .. ............. .... 185 Hernn. Devon ..... SO. 52, 70. 115. 166 I Johnson. Mark ... 53. 72, 78, 81 186 Ktar Jonathan ........... 93. 96. 187Haor, Janel ....................................... 75 Herron, Kanne 185 Johnson, Moke • . .... . ... 203 Kleckner, John .................93, 187Haor, L1sa ... . ....... .... . ... 90, 165 Herrmann, Chelsea . 62. 63. 166. 179 Johnson, Randy ........... SO, 51. 53 Kleon, Karossa 99. II 1 126. 127. 187HaJek, Jodee ... ...... .. ................ 165 Hersom. Chrislopher .. ........ ....... 143 Johnson. Zachary 50, 52, 102. 106. Klevenn, Mark ...... .................. 199Hakes. Londsay 62, 63. 91, 108. 185 Hess. Tyler ... 56. 89. 143 111. liS, 167 Klinell. KaycoeHalaliku. Ane 185 Heuer, Jordan .. ...... .. .... _.. .. 185 Jolley, Megan ................ 39. 186 Knoght. CraigHalbert, Jonalhon ..... 50. 52. 72. 102. Heuser, Eddoe • . .. • ...... • .. . .... 143 Jones. Adam 104, 144. 155 Kmght. Sable115. 165 Heward , Brandon .. .. • .... 31 . 166 Isaac. Danoel .. .... • .. ..... .. . 66. 186 46, 48. 68, 69 Kocherhans. Healher 29. 98. 100. 187 Hewleu. Ahcoa 185 Isaacson. Juloe 88. 89. 106, 143 . 167 Koelloker, Justus • • • • 55 Hewlen. Zachary 50. 89, 91 , 108, 115. Isaacson, Ken! . • • 186 Koell ker, Katoe 55. 100, 114, 144Ha 1. Danoene 106, 109. 110. 113. 114, 143 157 IS<, Stephanoe 166 Kofoed, Shane • 187165 Ivester, Chnstopher 50. 52Ha ng. Slephen . • • • • • 53 185 lvie, Amber 166Ha ng Sleven ........................ 72 HICken. Londsey •• 100, 114 144Hallerman. Losa ....... • ................. 142 Holl, Bnnany ... 46, 47, 48, 104, 166 J 100, 167Hamollon . Devan 100. 142 Holl, Megan .. ..... .. • 46, 48. 185 Koontz, Taylor .. . . • . . . .. • 167Hamollon, Mckaol ............ . . 91 , 185 Holl, Remonglon ....................... 166 Kopecky. JeSSICa ... , , .. 187Hammer, Tollany .......... ............ 204 Hollary, Amanda .............. 94. 96, 185 Korb, Amber ...... 55. 106. 114, 167Hammond, Ashlea ........... ... 103. 142 Hollas. Danielle ........................... 117 Jordan, Bayfle .......................... 186 Kosier. Londsay .......................... 187Hancey, Carlo ........................... .... 185 Hollas. Nocole ................................ 117 Jordan. Gym .... .. • . . .. ............76 Kovtun. Volaly ............. ...... ... • ... t44Hancock. Bnnany ... . . 106. 111. 165 Holloer. Chad .. ....... .. ... .. 100, 143 Jordan. Emily • • ... .. .. • 40, 100. 186 Kraut Kalrona . .... .. .. . , . .. ... . t87Hancock, Nale 76 Hollon. Jess•ca .. ..... .... .. ........... 72 Jackson . Elozabeth .. .. 166 Jordan. Sara Kroll. Laura • 187Haney Jack .. •• ...... .. .... 45 Hollon. Wholney 72, 75, 90. 95 106, JackSon , Londsoy • 186 Jordoson, Shelby 106, II 7, 145Hanfl. Danoel • .•• . • ............... 185 109. 166 Jackson, Natale Jorgensen cr nton 93, 167HankS. Teddy • • • • ............ 185 Horschmugl, Slephen .. .. .. 166 Jacob Sharlene Jorgensen Kelsey 100. 187 .... 61 , 72, 185 Holz. Robert • 50. 103. 114 125. 143 Jacobi, Jeremoah • Jorgensen, Lacey 93. 187 ...... 117, 185 Hobbs. Me!anoe 186 Jacobs, J H -~.............................._ Jorgenson, CUn1on ....................... 202Hansen, Cheree • 185 Hobbs, Sarah • 186 Jacobson, Ale• • Joy, Chelsey ..................\"\"\"\"' Kvenvold , Kurtos ........................... 167Hansen. Dan . • Hodge , Sven .. 72 Jacobson, Cheryl Joyce, Taylot Kwant, Shane so. 115, 11 7, 145Hansen. Danoel .. 5, 8. 12, 13, 14. SO. Hogan, Wlioam • • •.•. 186 Jacobson, Kyle 167 t8172, 99, 106. 107, 108. 109. 142. 185 so.Hoge. Sven 52, 72, 78. 79, 80. Jacobson, Mochael Joyner, Franct 69, 144Hansen. Maren .............. 110. 165 102, 115. 166 Jaffa. Doug . ... ... .... .. Ju. Stacy .. 100. 106. 114, 144 LHansen. Megan86. 102. I 06. 123. 142 Hogenson, Chroslone ............. 186 Jakeman, Julie .. •.. . Judson. Seanna 40, 41 tOO. 114, 144Hansen, Nalhan ...................... 72, 185 Holcombe, Alison ......... 108, 117, 186 James, Angel ........................ ...... 186 Juhl Tara 56, 57, 110. 126, 127, 144Hansen, Ryan . ........................ 165 Holdsworlh Paul .......... 91, 102, 166 Janicki, Londsay . .... .. •.. 55. 106, 166 Junker, Abbey .... . . SO, 122Hansen. Sco11....................... 108. 165 Holfeltz. Ryan .......................... 143 Jayne, Jeffrey .... • 105, 143Hansen , Srefhanoe ...... .... .. • .. 165 Holloman, Kyle . . . . . . . . . . 53, 186 Jaynes. Rebecca .. .. • 143 KHansen Sleven ........ 56. 72. 185 Hollonger, Danna 199 Jelosek. Chandra 40, 100. 186Hansen Tasha • • .. , • .......... 69 Holm. Jason 42, 44 , so. 52, 106, 115. Jenkons, Haylee . 29, 30. 90. 99. 106 Lambert , Dane t 3. 36. t67Hansen, Tyler 166 108, 166 Lambert Undsay 55 t87Hanson. Holly • Jen~ons. R11she11 56 Lamph, Undsey 55. t87Hardcaslle, Jameson Jenne. Scon .................L ....... Landgren. Tyler 76, 77, 187HardcaS!Ie, Paoge ... Jennongs, Ashley Lane Anota 20'Hard ng , Angela .. 185 Jensen, Aubrey Kanon, Sarah Jane Lango, Sharon 91. t67 Kalm . JeffreyHardong Jason • .. ......... 126. 165 Jensen. Brooke Kane, Megnn ................._......... Langston. Chrl$topher 70 tOO t45 Kaneshoro. SeanHardman, Anna ................ 185 Jensen, Corey .. Kaproyelov, Vadom Lapuaho, John 187 Je~sen. Danoel • Karmack. MockenzleHardwock. MaUhew ................. 185 Larsen . Amanda i 2. 145Hardy, Amanda ........................... . 165 Jensen, Eron ......... 88, 89, 105, 143 Larsen , Auston • • • .. ... .. .. . t67Hardy, Breoghanne ....................... 165 Jensen. Jacob .............. 53, 72. 186 Larsen. Cameron • .. • ... 203Hardy, Nalhanlel ............................ 75 Jensen, Jndlelyn ... • .. • • 166 Larsen. Cass•e .• 20. 29. 30. 99. t06.Hardy Rachel ........................ 199 Jensen. Jamoe . , .. .. 112, 114, 168Harper, Slerllng ................ 165 Jensen. Jay Larsen Cody 42, 43 , 44 53 115. t87Harros. Bowen 9 . 102. 142 Jensen. Joll . • Larsen Emoly 187Harns. Brandon. ... .. • • .......... • 185 Larsen Jam•e 20, 29. 88. 89. 106Harns. Laurel • 199. 202 107, 109, 123. t45 62, 63, 88 89, 142, 157 108, 185 Howarth s... Howe Emily '\"\"\"' \"\"'\"'\"'\"\"\"\"'\"''\"' Howe. Kelly .......... .......................... Howell, Justin Howell Krletln Howland Emma

Lemmon. Bonnie ........................... 145 Marchant, Matthew .............. 116, 145 Mergens. Ashley .................. 112. 146 Nash. Garrett ................................... 66 Olson, Jeremy ...................... 114, 170Lens, Chad .................................... 110 Marchant, Scoll ............................. 188 Mero, Brtgham ................................. 45Lente, Mary .................. 100. 111. 187 Marcoux, Erin .............................. .. 145 Messerly, Pamela ......................... 146 Nay, Casey.... ....................... 189 Olson, Lamar ................................. 204Lenz. Chad ..................... 98, 110, 168 Mark, Emily ..... 29, 89, 90, 92, 99, 145 Messina, Cai11in ........ 40, 41, 100, 169Lenz, Ryan .................................... 187 Mark, Kevin ................................... 199 Metz, Mallary ................................. 146 Neddo, Jennifer. 38, 72. 99, 104, 108, Olson, Nathan... ......... 147Leonard, Mtcah ............................. 168 Meyer. Tyson ........... 53, 93 117, 189Leprey, Cassidee ............. 61, 69, 187 oo.Mark, Lindsey ....... 1 108, 117. 188 Meyers, Jaimie ............. 100. 114, 146 189 Olson, Roz ..................................... 201Leprey, Shawnee ........... 69, 114, 187 Michaelsen, Ryan 50, 52. 66. 115, 169Leseberg, Avery ............................ 187 Mark, Whitney 11,100, 106.108,112, Mtchels, Matthew .......................... 146 Neddo, Krystal. 14, 16, 29, 89. 90. 99, Olson, Sarah .89, 106,109, 112. 154,Lesh. Chris .................................... 145 117, 158. 168 Miles. Mtchelle .............................. 199Leung, Wilson .........................45, 187 Marler, Zachary .......................53, 188 Miller, Andrew ................ 31, 114. 146 106, 108, 122. 146 190Levte. Malthew .............................. 168 Marler-Boyd, Angela 60, 95. 106, 126, Miller. David .................................. 169Lewm, Amy ..............................99. 187 127, 168 Miller, Madalynn ................... 111,169 Neilsen, Adrienne ................... ........ 47 Olvera, lsmaet .............................. 190Lexes, Amber ................................ 187 Marlowe. Ailey ......................... 53. 115 Mtller. Mehssa ....................... 100, 146Leyva. Cristtna .............................. 187 Marques, Eliza .............................. 188 Miller, Rebekah ............................. 146 Neilsen, Austm .............................. 117 Oman. Aaron ........ ................ 190Liddle, Colin ............................ 53. 187 Marriott. Adam ......................... 93. 188 Mtller, Tanner ................................ 189Ltm, Jody ...................... 100, 114, 168 Marshall, Tanner .................. 100, 188 Mtller, Whtlney ................................. 69 Neilsen. Tyee ................................ 117 Ordonez. Yolanda ........................ 170Lineback, Andrew ......................... 168 Mart, Cody ... 50, 52. 78, 79, 106, 115, Milligan, Lindsi .............................. 169Lingle, Charles ..................... 110. 168 168 Mills. Rebecca ................ 66, 112, 189 Neilson, Brooke ................ 88, 89, 146 Orr, Austin ...................... 72, 105. 190Ltnnebach, Sara ............................ 168 Martin-Souza, Jeremy ................... 117 Mtlne, Allison ............ 62, 63, 117, 169 Neilson. Jeremy ............................ 189 Orr, Erin ............................ 31, 99, 147Ltnton, Lauren .............. 100, 117. 168 Marttn-Souza, Matthew ........ 117. 188 Milne, liz ................................... 62. 63Lion, Montana ................................. 92 Martinez, Ray ................................ 168 Milne, Rory ............... 50, 52, 115, 169 Neilson, Jonathan ......................... 189 Orton, Ryan ............................. 53. 190Lloyd, Allison ................................. 168 Mason. Tony .................................. 145 Mttchell, Amanda ................. 110, 169lloyd, Christopher ......................... 168 Massa. Courtney ..................... 69. 188 MitChell, Dtondra ........................... 189 Neilson, Robyn ........................89, 146 Orton, Taylor ................................. 176lloyd, Christy ................................. 56 Massey, Ntcholas ......................... 168 Mtlchell, Jemmtah ......................... 169Lochhead, Mark . 50, 52. 72, 115, 168 Matern. Carla ................................ 204 Mtlchell, Lindsay ........ 94, 96, 97, 169 Neilson, Scott .................................. 56 Orton, William .......................... 94, 170Loder, Jenessa .............................. 188 Matern, Shelley ............................... 56 Mtlchell, Zachary .................. 122, 146Lofgren, Anna ................. 38, 104, 188 Matthews, Marcie .......................... 188 Miyake, Knstyn ..................... 106. 146 Neilson, Whitney ..................... 99. 189 Osborne, Anthony ......................... 147Lofgren. Kathenne ......... 37, 104, 145 Maughan, Cali .................. 17, 72, 188 Mtyasaki, Janelle ............ 20, 158, 169! ogan, Adam ........................ 116, 145 Maughan, Colby ...................... 94, 145 Mock, Grady .......................... 114, 146 Nell, Heather ........................... ...... 189 Osborne, Julie ......................... 91, 190Longman, Darren ..... 88, 89, 135, 145 Maurer, Whitney .......................... 145 Moffett. Courtney .......................... 152 Nelsen. Benjamin ............................ 91 Osborne, Weston .......................... 170Lopez, Jesus ................................. 188 Maxon. Destiny ............................. 188 Mohseman, Htlla ..................... 38, 169Lorence, Chelsie ........................... 168 Maxwell. Timothy .......................... 188 Monfredt, Marchelle ..................... 169 Nelson. Casey ............................... 189 Osguthorpe, Elyse .................. 91, 190Lou, Cameron ............................... 168 Maxwell, Trey ................................ 117 Monks, Kimberly ................... 128, 169Lougee, James .............................. 145 May. Crystal ............................... 168 Monson. Davtd 94, 96, 100. 104, 106, Nelson, Cassandra ....................... 170 Ostler. Amanda ............................. 147Lougee, Sarah .............. 29, 110. 188 May, Dan ................................. 16, 199 108. 114, 169 Nelson, Celeste ............................. 189Lowery, Janel ................................. 188 May, Ted ................................ 145, 203 Monson, Mtchelle ........... 40. 100, 189 Nelson, Dallas ............................... 170 Ovard, Emily .......................... 100. 190loyborg, Alex ................................ 145 Mazanegos, Jon ............................ 145 Montano, Altcta .............................. 169Ludvtgson, Chnsltne ............... 38, 168 Mazanegos. Travis ........................ 188 Monterde, Edgar ........................... 189 Overacker. Linnea............... 190lui, Shawna .......... 100. 11 3, 114, 145 McArthur. Vance .............. 29, 98, 145 Montterth, Anna ............................. 146Lund, Shelley . 28, 29, 89, 92. 98, 99. McCleery, Felicia ................ 108, 188 Montterth, Brian ...................... 53, 189 Nelson, Elsie.. ................. 31. 189 Oviatt, Emilee ................................ 147104, 106, 145 McComb, Mandy ................ 106, 145 Montoya, Bnttany .......................... 152Lundquist, Stephen .......... 94, 96, 188 McConkte, Rachell ............... 126, 188 Montoya, Domlntc ........................ 146 Nelson, Jakob .................. 94, 96, 146 Owen, Kody ................................... 190Lundstrom, John .............. 50, 51, 199 McConnell. Dave .................... 43, 199 Montoya, Levt ..........................99, 169 Nelson, Jessica ....................... 99, 146 Oyler, Jamie 29, 88, 89, 100. 147, 155Lyman, Autumn ............. 72, 114, 188 McCoy, Austtn .................. 56, 91, 146 Moody, David ............................... 169 Nelson, Justin ................................ 170Lyman, Blake ............................... 188 McCoy, Brandon ........................ 146 Moody, Kevtn ................................ 189Lyman, Joshua .............................. 188 McCoy, Molly .........................95, 146 Moon. Matthew ............................. 189 Nelson. Karli ..................... 56, 91, 170Lyman, Whttney 36, 37. 100, 145. 157 McCulslton, Aaron .................. 97. 188 Moore, Heather ....................... 89, 146Lyon, Montana ........................ 91. 145 McCurdy. Hope ........................ 168 Morgan, Altsha ...................... 90, 169 Nelson. Lisa .................................. 204 McCusker, Chantell ....................... 188 Morgan, Ashlee ......................... 169 M McCusker, Chaz..... ......... 31. 188 Morgan. Callie ........ 93. 106, 114. 169 Nelson, Matthew .......... 125, 128, 147 McDonald, Anthony ..................... 188 Morgan, Chase.................... .. 64, 146 '\"\"\"\"\"\" ......... 188 MCdonald, Doug..... ................... 81 Morgan, Chels•e ................... 111, 169 Nelson, Morgan ............ 100. 117,189 McDonald, Nathan ...................... 117 Morgan, Jill ..................... 37, tOO, 169 McDougal, Suzanne ............ 135, 199 Morgan, Na1e ............................. 76 Nemelka. Brandon ........................ 189 McDowell, Tommy ..... 50, 52, 72. 168 Morgan, Par1<er ........ 50, 52, 115, 169 McEwan, Bnan . ............. .... ..... 146 Morrtll, Dave ............................... 199 Newbold. Natalie ........................... 170 McFarland, Heather ...... 58, 59, 168 Morns, Amanda ................ 86, 87. 169 McGavin, Jason ..... ... ............ 146 Morrison, Holly .. 29. 72, 90, 114, 169 Newman, Alec ...................... 110, 147 Mornson, Spencer ........................ 91 ... 70 Morrison, Timothy ........ ............ . 169 Newton, Nicole ................ 56, 92. 147 Paat. Cody ..................................... 190 Morrison. Zane .......................... 146 Pace, Brian .................................... 170 169 Morrow. Shaun ............... .......... 189 Ng, Christopher ....... ..................... 189 Padilla. Elijah ................................. 147 148 Mortensen, Andrew ....................... 189 189 Mortensen. Travts ...................... 189 Ng. Johnny .... ...... 95, 189 Mor1on. Jeromy ........................... 169 Moss, Missy 8, 14, 20, 58, 59, 88, 89, Nichol. Bnndi .................. 90. 114, 189 Par1<, Karen .................. ................. 201 136, 146 Nickell, Aaron .......................... 91, 189 Parker. Davtd ................................ 147 Nielsen, Adnenne .. 46, 48, 58, 59. 60, Parker. Logan ................................ 170 Mounteer. Marcte Mousaw. Doug .. 170 Parker, Scou .................... 50, 96, 147 Mower, Jeremy • Nielsen, Auslin ................. 50. 52. 170 Parker, Todd .................................. 190 Mower, Randy • . Nielsen, Courtney ................... 37, 147 Parkinson. Scott ...................... 93, 190 Moyado. Bnttany Nielsen, Damon ............................ 170 Parlett. Randi ................................ 190 Moyer Cassandra Mueller, Mochelle Nielson, Allen ................................ 170 Parr. Benjamin ..................... 117, 190 Muir Matthew . Nielson, Cheley ........................... 189 Parry, Cameo .......................... 99. 190 Nielson, Clayton ............... 88, 89, 170 Parry, Tawny .............. 29. 91, 99, 170 Nielson. Nicholas 50. 52, 91, 115, 170 Pasker, Tiffany ..................... 114, 170 Nielson, Ryan ................................ 170 Pastorini, Gonzalo. 13, 16, 20, 30, 56, Nikoltc, Slobodan .......................... 147 7;., 108, 147, 154 Ntlsen, M•chael ............................. 170 Pastorini, Romina ...................... 56, 72 Ntlsson. Austin .............................. 147 Palrick. Corey ................... ............ 170 NilSson. Tanner ............................. 170 Paulsen, Andrew ..................... 53. 190 Nisbet, Shelby ................ 91, 111. 189 Payan, Daniel ................. 98, 117. 170 Noble. Chase ................................ 189 Payne, Chandra ............................ 147 Nolan, Logan ................................. 189 Payne. Enn ..............................95, 170 Nolan, Sarah ...................... 110, 170 Pazos. Jesstca .............................. 147 Nordhagen. Amber ........... 55, 72, 189 Pearce, Janene ..... 98, 105, 106, 109, Nordhagen, Jesstca 72, 106, 107, 147 113, 122,126, 127, 128, 147 NordqUist. Taylor ...... 75, 91, 117, 189 Pearce, Jason ................................. 37 Norman, Chanielle ...................... 189 Pearson. Skyler ............................. 170 Noms, Adam .................... 70. 94, 189 Pearson, Trevor ...................... 70, 170 North, Bobbie ................................ 201 Peay, Mtchael ........... 50, 72. 115. 147 Nott, Ashley ................................. 147 Peck. Daniel .................................. 190 0 Peck, Heather .................. 56, 59, 147 Peck, Jemfer ................................. 170 Peevy, Sydney .............................. 171 Pehrson, Chnslina 28, 29, 89, 90, 98, 99, 147 Pehrson, Suzanne ..... 46, 48, 55, 171 Pendrey, Dantel .. 94 , 95, 97. 147, 157 Perea. Phtil .... .... , .... ..... . ...... 30 Perea Ralph ... 29. 105, 147 Per1<tns, Chns1opher . • ........... 171 Perkms. Enc • . ... ... . 171 ...... 56. 17!l-Perkms. Kendra .... IOO , 109. 112, 171 117 Perkms, Tract .......................... 99, 147 Perry, Heather .............. ....... 55, 147 Perry, Owneue ........ 90. 99, 111 , 190 Perry. Richard 50. 52 147, 171 Perry, Sarah ...'\"' •• 145

Phannolath, Lary ... .. • ....... 72, 148 Rasmussen, Rock .................. 50, 51 Roper, Mary ................ . ....... 191 Severance. Wolloam Sprong , Torey ... .............. .... 173Pherson, Chnshna 125 Rawson. Rylee 72 Roper Steven 19 1 Sharp, Bndgetle Spnnger Jay 75. 110 111 , 173Phobbs, James ........ • • . ........ 176 Ray. Douglas .. ... ..................... 110 Rosa. Tony ... ..... ..... .. .. .... t91 Sharp, ChnsiOpher . Staheb, Jason . . 15. 72 88. 89, 150Phollops. Jennoler .......... . 200 Ray. Mokaela ................ 55. 125, t90 Rose. Ashlyn ............. .. ... ... ... 148 Sharp Lauren Stahl. Katherone ... 91, 100. 114 173Phollops, Joshua ..... .................. 91, 190 Raymond. Mochelle .......... 58. 60. 171 Rose. Courtney ................... 20. 149 Sharp. Lynn Slaoley. Kyle .. .. ... ........... • 105, 200Phollops. Tara .......... .... . ..... 50, 148 Raymond. Nockolas . 50. 66. 67. 115. Rose. Eric ............................ 103. 149 Sharp. Sadoe Slallongs, Amy ........................... ... 192Phommah3)(ay Kochong • 148 148 Rose, Kayla • ....... 172 Shaw, Karleah Staneck. AJ • . ..... 72 110, 192Ple<ce. Ashley ......... .. ............. 171 Reed. Debboe ...... 88. 89 106, 148 Rosendahl Shorley ... 56. 95 191 Shaw Sarah •• Stanley, Steven ......... 72, 75, 150Pona Hector • ... •........... 148 Reed. Mary 91 , 190 ROSI, Jess•• . 114 Sheehan, Megan Stapley Shane • 72 124 173Pongree. Eron ... ............ 72. 94, 171 Reed. Marron ................. 16. 1t7, 148 Rosolen. lnara ............ ... .. ... 20. 149 Sheetz. Rachael Slauffer, Alex ... .. ....... • ISOPonnock. Roger .............................. 200 Reed, Michelle .... ........................ . 148 Ross. Jennoler .......... 89, 90, 100, t49 156 Steadman. Danoel .......... .... 72. ISOPo01o. Ana ............... .......... 171 Reed. Naomi ............................... 117 Ross. Katherone 72, 75. 106, 109. t72 Sheetz. Stacy ...... .............. ......... I 02 Steenbhk. Erica .................... ... 56Polls , Bnttany 126. 148 Reed Tomothy 115. 171 Rosso JesSie ...... 55. t91 Shepherd. Brottanoe 149 Steenbhk, Peter ......... 90, 92. 200Potts, Joshua ....... .. .. .......... 72. 190 Reel. John .. • • ......_. • ... 148 Aolh , Megan ............ •• 172 Shepherd. Brynna Sleon!<e, Jesse 150Poxlon. Andrew 56, 72. 93. 190 Reese. Jacob • • 190 Rothleder Rose •• 40, 100, 114, 172 Sheppard. Enn Stenquost, Nicholas ..... • 192Plehn. Rochard .. ...................... 171 Reese, Jason ... • ... .......... .. .. t 7t Roush. Nancy ..... 62 63. 94. t 17, 191 Shi81d•. Jason 149 Stephan, Jeramy 192Podlesny. Betty .............. .............. 204 Reod. Whilney .......................... 37, 148 Roush. Steven ..... 12, 20, 72, 89. 108, Short. Melissa t49 Stephens , Ashloe ......... 106, 114 173Polad . Adam.. . ..................... 190 Ran. Suzanne .. .. ....... .... •.. • • • 203 t36. 149. 15 Shreeve. Bryson .. 5. 8. t06. 149, t54 Stephens, Jaomoe ........ ............. . 150Polanco. Edward ••. Renyolds. Dallas ..................... 79 Rowley. Cassandra ... . .. 172 Shnver Shawn 191 Stephenson. Kasoa . .... 15. 102, 150Polanco. Evelyn .. ..... • 111, 148 Reoch. Voetona 106 Row111y. Trav•s ........ Shubert, Heath\"' • 126. 173 Steplhens, AShloe 91Polanco. Steven • .........- 190 Reyes. Karta 190 Roybal Ry.IO . - Slluman, Colleen 200 Stevens, Daniel 53, 72 192sPoloa, Phol<p .. 13, 42. 43. 50. 1. 115. Reynolds. Dallas .. 50. 52. 72. 78 79, Rudd , Toffany ........... Shumway Ashley t 73 Stevens. Sheila 201148, 155 171 Ruoz, Abram ........... .................. 191 Soelalycko. L•ndsay Stewart, Cody • . .............. .. ..... ISOPoOl, Sara ..................................... 190 Reynolds, Elise .......... ............. 61. 190 Russell. Breanna ........ .. • ..... 149 Sieverts. Katoe . Slewart, Megan ...... 58. 60, 111, 173Poole, Megan ........... 108. 117, 190 Rhonehar1, Brant ............ .. .... 190 Russell. Spencer .... . • .. 191 Soeverts. Megan Slewart . Ryan . ............ .. • • 44POOle. Tyson ..... • 108. 117, 148 Rhodes. Matthew .. 72. 100. 112. 113. Russell, Toflany .......................... S•goda Brent 149 Slewart Tns/la 173Pope. Jonathan ..... • 66. 106, 171 114. 148 Ryan, MC98n •• Silcox, Jeromy Slocking Danoelle 100. 102. 106, 108Porter. Brenden . • • •.. .... ..... 117 Robas. Sarah .. I 71 Ryser. Spencer .... Sotcox, Jessoca 150, 155Porter. Davod .......... ....................... 171 Roch. Brandon ......... .... .................. 171 Someona. Andrew Stoddard. PamPorter. Eroc .... ............................... 148 Rich, Briuany .................... 114 190 Sommons. Tyler Stoker, Dano .•Porter. Lance ........................ ..... 171 Rochards. Chahe Somons. Jordan Stone. AmandaPorter, Royce ... 76, 89 104, 106. 171 RIChards. Maluna • • .. .. .. Somonsen. Tyler Stone Danoel 174Porter, Ryan , , .. , , .. .. . .. 190 Rochards. Manlyn 4 Sima, Camo 191 Stone. Rlliannon 192 192Posey , Lauren ............ ••. 72 Rochards Megan .......... 99. 135. 148 SIM Alopour Slone. Tmesa 29, 89 90, 112 tt3.Potekhlna. Lydoa .......... 98. 106, 148 Rochards, Taylor ...... .... ...... 117, 190 S•thovong Bou•phone • ... .. ... .. 192 ISOPoulsen. Pepper ........ .................. 202 Richardson Andrea ....... ...... 117, 171 Skalsky. Kyle ............ 72, 192 Stosoch , Aloxander ..... ................. 174Powell, Brandy ..... 91, 108, 112. 171 69 Sackett. Nathan ..... Skodmore Dav•d .. .. ..... • 149 Stosoch. Jan •53. 72Powell, Eroca .. 37, 100. 114, 148. 155 Sacken. Shane • ... Sllllongs El<zabuth 86. 114 192 180. 192PoweR, Jay .......... .. • • • ...... 200 R ley, Jackoe Sadler Undsay 191 Skousen. Caralyn 200Powell, Zane.... .. .. • ............ 56 Rongwood, Lacey ........ . Sadler, Ryan ..... . t49 Slabaugh, VanessaPrada, Sebastoan De ... ................. 140 Roos. Oscar . ... ... ..... ........... ..... 72 Sadler, Sleven ... • Slonn. Shawn .Prather, Jonathan ...................... 171 Rossmann, Selh .................... 70. 190 Salakoelu. Kroslen ...... Smart, Kelsie . .. •Preece. Shane 20. 50. 52, 89, 115. ... . ... 86, 106. 172 Samaknr, Saba • Smellzer. Rachel 89. 90. 98. 105. t49171 t48 Sampson Ndlolas ............................ Smllh, Brottanee 75 Strebel, Brandon Strebel, Bro\"anyProce, Carmen ... •...... 200 Rotter. Andrea 172 Sampson, Skyoer 172 Smith, Carson28, 29 88. 89 I06, 173 Strong N~aman Slronk , ParkerProce, Doug ......... .............. 190 Roach, Tao ... 172 SandOval, Brottney . 172 Smnh, Chrosloph 192 Slronk. Sarah Stroup. UndsayProce, Jon ............. .. ...... 78, 79, 190 Robbons, Kelly 200 Sant . Davod .. .. .... • 75. 172 Smllh, Coronne 29. 90. 192 Stroup. ZacharyProce, Margaret ............................. 200 Roberts. Adam ................ 64, 66. 172 Sanl , Garrison ............... ...... ....... 191 Smoth, Corrone .. .. ................. 72 nStuart Brock 50 51 52,Prue, John ...................... .......... 148 . 91 . 148 Sanlos. Anthony ...... 191 Smolh, Evan 173 Stuart. MebiSll Sudburry, DalftnPrue, Jordan 110, 190 190 Sargent MolcheY 50, 52, 115 172 Srruth, Heather 173 Sudbury. Melinda 174Pl'l.lell Brady ....... .. ............ 152 Roberts Chroslopher .. 64 172 Sanertoeld Me!:In e 114 191 Smoth, Jer&flly 192 Sumner. KnollynPullan. Joel..... ... • .. .... 200 Roberts Da\"'d • 75. 78 81 , 191 Sauer, Jason 149 Smoth, Jessy 173 Sumner, Rachel Sung. JechoePurpura , Garrell ......... .. ...... 190 Roberts. Jessoe • ..... 28. 29. 99. 172 Sauer. Korsten .............. 55 , 72, 191 Smllh Kade , 29. 72, 89. 99. 108, 192 Swaffar Kelsey Swan AllenePurser, Tanner .... ....... 78, 79, 148 Roberts. Levi .................. .. ....... ...... 64 Savea, Mose ........... 42, 72. 91, 115 Smith. Kellie . .. 90, I 08, 173 Swan, Ambtr Swan, DnnoelPutnam. Andrew ....... .... 148 Roberts. Madelone 106. 172 Saver, Korslln • .. .... • 108 Smoth , Landon • 149Pyles Bradley Roberts. Tesaa 172 SaVIlle, Clllf 204 Smoth Leah 200Pyper, Kasey Roberts. TOdd Savolle James 172 SI!Uth Ndlolas Schelon, Mokele 100, 19t Robertson. Ian . . Schoffman. Jessoca .. .. Robertson, Mark ............. ............. 204 Schllentz. Derek ...... .... .. Sm•th. Taco .... Sm11h. Thomas Robertson. Poerce 15, 78. 80. 88 89, Schmodt, Londsay 72. 100. 106, 114, Sm•th TraVlS .......................... Smllh, Tyler 148 12o. 127, 149 Sm•tfl, Zachary Snarr, Londsey • Rob<nen, Lesl•e 200 Schnamorst Mark 172 Snarr Nathan .. Snarr, N'colas 50. 106, 115. 117. 173, Robinson. Chen 191 Scholle, Chrostopher • 56, 93. 191 Robmson. Duston . 20, 30, 72, 75. 106. Scholle Matthew 56. 57, 93, 114, 172 108. 124, 172 Scholle. Wesley .. .. • . .. .. ... ... 56 Schow Jessoca .

Ta~~. Riley ............................. 124, 174 Urry, Larry ......................................... 4 Wedenz, Lauren ..... 90, 102. 106. 175 Wong. Casey .28, 29, 90, 92. 108,175 Yeroshenkov, Ivan ........................ 194Tanner, Nathan ............................. 192 Weinberger. Chris ......................... 117 Yost, Shane ...... 15, 94,106, 176,179Tanner, Zachary ............. 53,117,192 v Welch, Jacob ................................. 175 Wonlow. Zachary ............................ 194 Yosl, Shawn ..................... 30, 99, 176Tapia. Henberto ............................ 174 Welcker, Emily .............................. 175 Young. Bradon ........... 50, 52, 91, 176lapp, Tanya .......................... 100. 174 Vail. Coby ...................................... 193 Wells. Jessica ............................... 151 Wtnn, Emily ................................... 200 Young, Chayden 53, 78. 79. 115, 194Taranto. Amaury ........................... 150 Vaitao. Ana ..................................... 193 Wells, John ..................... 96, 103, 151 Young. Miranda ................ 61, 72, 194Taleyama, Aiyumi ................... 31,150 Vaotai, AIU ...................................... 174 Wells. Tanner ................................ 193 Winward. Rand .............................. 200 Young, Sarah ............. 58, 60, 72, 176Taylor. Brinon ............................... 150 Valdez. Cody ................................. 174 Welty. Kyle ........................... 116. 193 Young, Shannon ............................. 72Taylor, Jenisse .............................. 192 Valenzuela, Francisca .................. 175 Welty. Tanya ................................. 151 Winward, Thoral ............................ 175 Young. Shauna .................... 103, 200Taylor, Roxanne ............................ 174 Van Brunt. Amanda ................. 60, 193 West. Brinany ................. 66, 116, 193 Yowell, James ....................... 152, 157Taylor, Sean ............................... .... 66 Van Dyke. Alexander .................... 193 West. Cheyenne ............................ 175 Wirick, Ashley ................................ 194 Yung, Amber ................................. 152Taylor. Silvana ........... 29, 89. 99, 150 Vang, Eia ...................... 100. 114, 151 West. Nicholas .............................. 193Taylor, Soni ............... ................... 117 Vanlandingham, Tyson .... 50. 52. 175 Weyen. Bnnany ............................. 151 Wisdom, Travis ............................. 194 zTaylor. Spencer .................... 117, 192 Vanroosendaal. Rachel ................ 175 Wheatley. Jessica ......................... 152Taylor. Tncell .......... 95, 110, 122. 150 Vansoolen, Alex ...........................193 Wheatly. Natalie .............................. 55 Wiseman. Daniel 50, 52, 80. 102. 115. Zamudio, Gilberto ........................... 91Teran. Alex ........................... 126. 150 Vansoolen. Amanda ...................... 151 Wheeler, Andrew .....................30, 193 ZaneUi, Thiago .............................. 176Thacker, Amber .................... 150, 204 Van Wagoner. Ciarra ....................152 Wheeler. Blake99, 103, 105, 108. 112. 175 Zaugg. Ronee .................................. 91Thackeray. Jessoca ....................... 192 Vargas. Jamie ............................... 202 151 Zayach, Andrew ............................ 194Thaxlon, Lindsey .................. 11 7, 174 Vargas. Mtcah ......................... 91, 175 Whipple, Brandon ......................... 175 Wilherspoon. Amanda ................. 152 Zelinski, Usa ................................. 152Thax1on, Whllney .................... 56, 117 Vasey. Alisha ....................... 110. 193 Whopple. Tyler ....................... 114, 193 Zhang. Ray ........................... 110, 176Thayne. Sean ....................... 124, 150 Vasquez. Andrew ....................... 151 Whllaker. Nick ............................... 135 Witzel. Matt .................................. 117 Zitting, Aubry ................... 55. 72. 194Thomas, Kara ................................ 174 Vasquez. Nalasha ......................... 193 While, Corbtn ............................... 151 Zotttng. Brittany ......... 50, 55, 100. 152Thomas, Serena ............................ ISO Vaughn, Jazmon ............................ 151 Whole. Stephanoe ........................... 117 Wolfley. Rebeoca ..... ... 38. 194 Zobel!. Tawni ...................... 100, 176Thomas. Skyler .......................53, 192 Vaughn, Maureece ........................ 175 Whtlehead, Enca ..................... 38, 193Thompson. Alex ............................ 174 Veenendaal, Garrell....... 93, 117, 193 Whrlney. Peggy ............................. 200 Wood, Brooke ............................ 62. 63Thompson. Brei ............................ 150 Veltri, Bn1tany ............................... 193 WhoUaker. Caolhn ..................... 31. 151Thompson, Kim ............................. 200 Verdtne, Jesseka .......................... 117 Whtllaker, Nocholas .............. 124, 151 Wood, Michael ......... 96. 97. 106. 175Thompson, Mando ........... 29, 91, 192 Verhollz. Branden ......................... 175 Woesman. Danny ............................ 78Thompson, Robert .......................... 53 Verner, Mykel ............................... 175 Wokslrom. Carley .................. 117. 193 Woodall, Megan ........................... 152Thompson, Ryan .....................64, 174 Veltri. Bnuani ................................. 72 Wilcox. Kendra .............................. 193Thompson. Slephanie ................... 192 Vock, Taylor .............................. 193 Wilde, Michael ................ 89, 106. 175 Woodbury. Kassie ......................... 194Thompson. Valene .... 56, 89, 90, 100, Vickrey. Jena ................ 126, 127, 151 Wilder. Cade ............................ 53. 193ISO Vollagrana. Heclor . .. . ... ..... ..... 151 Wildong, Quinn ......................... 91, 175 Woodcock. Cassidy ....... 99, 128. 152 Villarreal, Montque .................... 175 Wolkerson, Bnttany ...................... 193Thompson. Wolham ...... 106, 110, 174 Vtncenl. Lacoe .... .................... 99, 193 Wilkes. Trenl ......... 20. 100. 112. 152 Woodhead. Marie 28, 29. 88. 89, 152,Thompson. Zach ........... .............. 193 Vlakovtch, Thomas ..................... 151 Wolkonson, Joseph ................ 117. 175Thomson. Connoe .......................... 201 Vriens. Zackery ........ 50, 52, 115, 175 Wiliams. Jonathan .................. 79. 115 154Thomson, Riley ......................... 78. 80 Wollardson, Cherise ...... 56, 114. 175Thorup, Carolyn ........................ 204 w Wollardson. Knsly .......................... 193 Woodman. Madalyn ....... 63. 102, 152Thorup, Slophanoe . 90. 113, 114. 174 Wolliams, Amanda ... 5. 100. 102. 106.Thrall. Allix .................................... 174 Wagslaff, Jacob .. .... 72, 78, 80. 175 Woolsey, Ctndy ....................... 55. 175Thurman, Chnslpher ....................... 72 Wagslaff, westley .................. 70. 193 108. 113. 114, 123. 152Tolby, Dave ................ 45. 50. 51 ,200 Waldram. Sleven ...............94, 193 Wolhams Bond .............................. 193 Worthen. Jason ............................. 194Tllby, Jarnck .............................. 45, 53 Walker. Gavtn ... ...................... 193 Wolhams. Bryan .............................. 78Tompson. Davis ................ 64, 70, 150 Walker. Johnny ...................... 30, 175 Wolliams, Jonalhan ........... 50. 79, 152 Worthen, Rober! ............................ 152Timpson. Laura ........... 108, 114, 174 Walker. Levt ............................... 175 Wtlliams. Jonalhon .......................... 72Toms. Melissa ......................... .... 151 Walker, Stephant ....................91, 193 Wtlliams. Kan ............... 90,114, 175 Worthen, Tyson ............................ 152Tinnes, Charles ...................... 193 Walker. Zachanah ..................... 151 Williams, Mando ............................ 154Topping, Manhew ........................... 193 Walkowskt, Amy ................... 117, 193 Wtlliams. Marietta ......................... 200 Worthing1on. Cheryse .......... 100. 152Tischler, Robert. .......................... 151 Wall. Bretton..... 15, 17, 94, 117, 151 Wtlliams. Shane ............................ 152To, Eric ...................................... 72 Willis, Allyson ........................ 39. 193 Wrighl, Chnslopher .... 78. 79, 89. 176TO<ld, Adam .................... 42, 43, 151 ....... 90. 117, 125, 175 Wolso, Jonalhan .............................. 78Todd, Shaye.. ............................ 174 Wolson. Angel ............................... 152 Wright. Usa ................................... 152Tokarski, Aaron ................. 110. 193 175 Wolson, Bryan .......................... 81. 175Tolben, Lance . ................... 70, 151 Wolson, Justtn ............................. 193 Wnghl, Mark .................................. 152Toledo, George ................... .. . 151 Wolson, Michael ........................... 194Tollch. Corissa ....... .............. .... 151 Wolson, Trevor .............................. 194 Wrighl. Nikki .................................. 176Toone. Caollyn .............. 123. 128. 151 Wonebrenner, Brian ...................... 175Toone. Daniel ... •................. 56, 174 Xanthos. Connne .................... 99. 152Torres, Ruben ...... ................. ... 204Tovar, Anlonlo ............................ 174 yTownsley, Jefferey ....................... 193;ownsley, Michael ..................... 151 Vales. Jacob ...........................30, 194r'anter, Rachel .......................... 151 Vales. Kondra ................................. 176;'eseder, Shauna ... ... .......... 201 Vales. Lindsey ............................... 152Trayblg, Ablgaol .......... 110. 127. 193 Yawn, Andrew 15, 72, 75, 94, 96. 152 Yawn, Suzanne .............. 72, 110. 194 reybog, Joshua ... 106. 110. 111 122. Ybarra. Amanda ...................... 91 • 194123, 151 Ybarra, Brandon ............................ 152 Yeager, Daniel ............... 12, 110. 176 ripte11, Amal'ldll = = = = = Yeager, Kristin ............................... 152TTrruipJPill,oL, al.ularennhe..w..........- ........ Yergensen. Lindsay ...................... 152 Yerman. Dantelle ............. 68, 69, 176TIJCker Tamerel ................... Colop~ovt aA.ll.1w0n.n Administrat or Mr. Godfrey St aff: Kate Al5ton, Rol:>ynn Monti .....~............._..,\".\"'\"' Ander5on, Aehley Brimhall. Advisor DeAnn Ha51am Nic~ Chrieten5en, Je55ica Couch, Chri5tina Fuerer, Edi t o r - i n-Chi e f Lacie Bell Brittney Gubler, Ja5on Harding. Angela John5on, Phot o Editor Brittany Pitt5 Kari55a Klein, Angela Marler- Boyd, Rachel! McConkie, Photo Aeet. Edit or Heather Shubert Janene Pearce, Cr:yetal Seal, Abigail Treybig, Jena Vickrey, Student Life Editor Ca551e Haueter NlamWat5on Index: A5hley Holt & Tara Juhl Acad emics Editor Carly Ander5on Divider Art: Brad Butler Clubs/Org. Editor Darrel Lar5on Sporte Editor Tara Juhl Portait Editor Aubre Gamblin Ad s Editor Elaine Hay5 Social Ed itor Lind5ay Schmidt Name Eait or Alex Teran

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