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Home Explore 1973


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.JORDANBEETDIGGERMr. Ralph Bishop Ron Hartwell Mrs. Lila Wilson Advisor Editor Advisor 1973 Published by the Associated Students of Jordan High School Sandy, Utah

to be alive 1n such an age! with every year a lightning page2

-I•I I •• 3



when men speak strong for brotherhood, for peace and universal good.6



when miraclesare everywhere, in every inch of common air 9

there throbs a tremendous prophecy of greater marvels yet to be.10




and so a place there now shall be where men can live in harmony.14



now we knockon future's doorand live todaylike never before. 17

Homecoming Creates Love \"It's So Nice To Be With You\" proved to be true during the Homecoming Dance. Couples enjoyed each other's company while dancing to the music of Rosewood. The royalty for the Homecoming was Col- lette Moore, queen; Charlette Mitchell, first attendant; Jan Fannin, second attendant. After the royalty was crowned the mood was set by the royalty dancing the first dance. This dance which created love was sponsored by D.E.C.A. ''Cheese!'' Janet Price dreams of night's attractions . Homecoming Royalty, left to right: Jan Fannin, second attendant; Collette Moore, queen; Charlotte Mitchell, first attendant.20

David Burke and Karen Rockhill dance to the music of Rosewood.Students dance as members of Rosewood play a heavy tune. 21

Michelle Brinton shows Kent Derricott what she thinks about his bag of tricks. \" No, Susan Russell, you ' re not the Flying Nun .\"22

Dancers help make Oklahoma a success.\"And she went about as far as she could go.\" Musical, \"Oklahoma\" Captivates Audiences A few tears, some songs, and lot of laugh- ter characterized Jordan High School's pro- duction of 'Oklahoma.' The cast captured the audience's attention with shooting, dancing, Ali Hakim's bag of tricks, and the treachery of Judd Fry. Mr. Rawlings, Miss Timoney, and Mr. Zabriskie combined their talents to produce this musical. Tami Post acted as the student director.\"How would you like another bellybutton?· \" CAST Laurie ____________ Cathie Rattan, Debbie Cutler Curley ______________________________Steve Beckstead Aunt Eller ______Michelle Brinton, Janet Glad Judd ---------------------------------- Randy Fellows Ado Annie ________________________Tori Cartwright Will __________________________________________Jerry Dunn Ali Hakim ---------------------------- Kent Derricott Gertie __________________________________Carla Vaccaro 23

Stomps Afford Needed Change On December 22, 1972, the first Jordan stomp was held. The stomp was sponsored by the studentbody officers of 1972-73. The music was featured by the group, Adrien . For a change of pace the music took on an off-beat style of the Moody Blues and Black Sabbath . The Vica Stomp was held on January 13, 1973. The group, Eli Sheol, proved them - selves to be very talented and provided the observers with a very enjoyable and enthusiastic evening. \"Hey, I like your bugaloo.\" \"Please say it one more time.\" Kenny Day and Debbie Cutler relax during music change .24

\"Give it all you've got, Paul.\" Eli Sheol provides fantastic entertainment at Vica Stomp.Couples enjoy one another's company. 25

Songleaders perform routine during pep assembly. Darts await Beetdiggers' mighty plot. Beetdiggers are captured during skit put on by the class officers. Basketball players are honored for doing such a great job.26

Pep assemblies create enthusiasm. Pep Assemblies Arouse Spirit Spirit rose high as the pep assemblies charged up the teams and studentbody. Before each game the cheerleaders and songleaders did entertaining routines with victory as the theme. The Charlonians also did rousing marches with their usual grace and precision. The homerooms got into the act by putting on skits depicting the defeat of Jordan's arch-rivals by the mighty Beetdiggers. After all the yelling, laughing and cheers for good luck and victory, the whole stu- dentbody stands proudly and sings our school song.Karlene Oliver lets cheers out of garbage can during a lumni pep assembly. 27

Seniors Present Final Gift to ~ordanUsing the theme, \"In the Autumn of YourLife,'' the senior class planned and pre-sented a final memory to Jordan HighSchool. The Senior Hop was held at thestately Capitol Rotunda, where manyprominent men and women of the pasthave danced. The Capitol's beauty createdan elegant setting for this event.The Sound Column furnished the musicalatmosphere as the couples danced underthe Capitol dome among the marble pil-lars. All in all the dance was a pleasantand exciting experience and a great success. Your place or mine sweetie? I know the Rest Rooms are around here \" Sorry Honey! \" somewhere.28

Couples dance to the music provided by the Sound Column.Peggy Atkinson is escorted by Mark Rogers on their way up to the balcony. 29

Faculty members as well as students enjoy the dance. Pastor Pete, alias Mr. Ward, hitches couple 'til the stroke of midnight.30

Debra Rasmussen and her partner dance to the music of Light. Brian Hewitt holds a deadly hammer in the Spook Alley at the dance. Students Get \"Hitched\" 'Til Midnight The group, Light, provided the music and set the mood for the annual Dog Patch Drag. With Brenda McFarlane as Daisy Mae and David Fairbourn as Lil' Abner, students enjoyed the dance very much. The girls of Jordan High School sponsored the dance. Pastor Pete, alias Mr. Ward, and Mr. Bishop as Marrying Sam, hitched the students until the stroke of midnight. A spook alley was also prepared for the students' enjoyment as a place to, relax and have fun at the dance. Light refresh- ments were also served. 31

''I'll teach you to steal the bubble gum off my bedpost.\"32

Results of playing \"Musical pies.\" ~ay ~ensen Returns The studentbody was provided with enter- tainment of various kinds through the year by assemblies. Free Fare, Sound Column, and John Goddard were among the many talented people who presented the assem- blies. March 23, Jordan High was honored with the presence of Major Jay Jensen, a recent- ly returned prisoner of war. Major Jensen was a graduate of J.H.S. and talked a lot of his imprisonment. During the assembly he was presented with two plaques from Sherman Crump, former principal, and Kent Derricott, Studentbody President.\"I thought Vincent Bluth was a basketball player.\" \"And I bought my wig from ...\" Major Jensen receives a plaque from Kent Derricott. 33

Cindee Olson and Ross Ainsworth stroll Jaydene Moody and Chad Washburn promenade through the colorful surroundings. through flower-covered trellis .King and Queen Reign The \" Wax Works\" demonstrate th eir musi cal ability . Over ~unior Prom \"For all we know\" was the theme of this year's Junior Prom. During the intermission at the dance, all of the Juniors prome- naded through a flowered-covered trellis. Also at this time the Junior King and Queen were announced. The King was John Bishop and the Queen was Sharlene Veater. The King was presented with a set of silver cuff links and the Queen was pre- sented with a gold necklace. The \"Wax Works\" furnished the music for the dance. The refreshments were eclairs, creme puffs, and orange sherbet floats. These were served in the health room.34

John Bishop, King; Jan Fannin, Dave Hoffman, and Sharlene Veater, Queen.Couples dreamily dance to the music of \"Wax Works.\" 35

Murders At ~ordanLights flickering, cars breaking down, doorsslamming, and murder all happened atJordan High this year. Instead of the runof the mill school play, a melodrama en -titled ''Dangerous Nan McGrew'' was pre-sented under the direction of Mr. Rawlings.The play centers around a nutty schoolteacher who took two students on a fieldtrip and ends up in an old house in themiddle of a murder case. When everyonethinks all is lost, guess who comes to therescue? Jordan State trooper. All's well thatends well.Tami Post and Steve Beckstead talk Murd e re d! What next ?over a pressing problem . M ike Teusc her te ll s Susan Russe ll w hat he really thinks of her.36

CAST Nan McGrew Carla Vaccaro Jean Caldwell Tami Post David Brewster Steven Beckstead Proctor Mike Teuscher Rosalie Susan Russell Jody Laura Nelson Detective Higgins Kent Derricott Miss Vanloon Michelle Brinton Steve Latham Monte Margetts Lydia Morgan Karlin Hardy State Trooper Nedd AndersonSteve Beckstead confronts Monte Margetts with the truth.Mike Teuscher, Kent Derricott, and Michelle Brinton study earnestly to learn lines. 37

Young lovers enjoy Wonderland of dancing and music. An \"Alice and Wonderland\" Sweethearts Ball \" Through the Looking Glass\" was the theme along with Alice in Wonderland for the Sweethearts Ball. The brightly colored decorations along with the wonderland characters created a cheerful mood for the Valentine dance. The music was by Natie Bumble who has played in concert along with Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Cheech and Chong, and the Dooby Brothers. ''Queen of Hearts' Tarts \" were the refreshments and were served in the dance room. This year the royalty was chosen from the Senior, Junior, and Sophomore girls who resembled Alice in Wonderland the most. In the mad hatter contest, the boys with the most decorative hat represented their classes. Royalty, fi rs t row fr om left to rig ht: Joa nn e Glass ey, Duchess; Cindy M cC lure, Queen; Susan Jaynes, Princess. Second row: Go rdon Mill er,38 Duke; Terry Hill , King.

Sandy Chapman and escort awai\"t the announcement of the Sweetheart Royalty.Doug Curley and date dance \"through the looking glass.\"Natie Bumble modernizes the fantasy of Alice in Wonderland. \" It's really good!!!\" 39

/ I /Janette Landeen was the recipient The winner of the Playmaker Award Ron Hartwell received a commendationof the Betty Crocker award. was Vincent Bluth. in the National Merit Scholarship Quali- fying Test. Top 10% - Left to Right, Row One: Doug Carlqu ist, Layne Housekeeper, Christine W bster, Kathy Cannon, M errilea Jones, Connie Miller, Carol Jeffs, David Draper, Glendon Mitchell, Jerry Cowley, Cory Christensen, John Melonas. Alice Jeffs, Col tt Moore, Gloria lvie, Brenda McFarlane . Row Three: Gordon Row Two: Jannette Landeen, Sandra Nygard, Dana Buchanan, Marsha Alleman, Miller, Dane Dixon, Warren Jeffs, Ron Hartwell, Steve Beckstead, Phillip Shell, Dean Schmidt.40

Top 3% - Left to Right, Row One: Alice Jeffs, Carol Jeffs . Row Two: Ron Hartwell, Connie Honor WinnersMiller, Janette Landeen, Warren Jeffs. Row Three: John Melonas, Jerry Cowley, LayneHousekeeper. Perform Superior Skills in Competition In the '72- '73 National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, Ron Hartwell received an honorable mention. Janette Landeen won the Betty Crocker award. Many skills were combined in win- ning this award. Vincent Bluth was chosen by KSL-TV to re- ceive the Play Maker Award. Jordan was honored to have two state VICA officers and the VICA state queen. In the music division of honor winners, Jor- dan had a vocal ensemble and four vocal solos go on to state competition. Marsha Alleman received a Superior rating for her piano solo. Shelly Oakason won the region and district competition in the American Legion Ora- tory Contest.Girls State - Carol Bailey, Janette Landeen, Janalyn West,Peggy Van Amen, Connie Miller, Fawnette Jensen.Boys State - Dale Garfield, Chad Washburn, Mark Rogers, Steven Utah State VICA Officers- Gary Lloyd,Beckstead, Robert Clarke, Doug Carlquist, Kev in Olsen. Pres ident; Robert Clarke, Secretary. 41

DECA State Winners - Left to Right: Karl Edmunds, Susan Jaynes, Forensics - Left to Right: Chris Webster, Sandy Nygard , Mark Maynes . Standing: JaredJay Petersen, Todd Bogenshutz. Christensen, Ken Peterson, Betsy Steadman, Todd Zagorec, Julia Ferguson, Steven Beckstead, Michele Brinton, Karlin Hardy, John Melonas .Vocal Ensemble - Left to Right, SiHing: Debbie Fisher, Pam Christianson. Vocal Singles - Regional Superior Rating: Steve Beckstead, Brian Hewitt,Left to Right, Standing: Sandy Chapman, Kathy Darling, Shauna Davis, Cathie Rattan, Peggy Hardcastle.Shauna Coomans, Karen Samuelson-accompanist. Wrestlers State Winners - Gordon Miller, Dan Greenwood, Scott Crane,42 Blaine Oakeson, Marvin Hayes, Jon Tait, Eddie Romero, James Romero.

Marsha Alleman received a superior Shelly Oakason received a superior rat- Annette Smith was Utah State VICA Queen.rating on her piano solo. ing in the American Legion Oratorical Contest. Honor Winners Receive Recognition Jordan 's team for the Young Americans used their knowledge to the fullest extent to defeat all comers and become state champions. Honors were received in the fields of For- ensics and Athletics. The Forensic team de- feated the no. one team from Brighton and received many awards and high ratings. The Girls Gymnastics team received many state victories. The team also won the dis- trict, region, and state trophies for team · competition. The wrestlers from Jordan also · won many state victories. Many members of the studentbody gained high honors when they were chosen to be. in the top ten percent and even higher honor if placed in the top three percent. These students worked very hard to be chosen one of these few and should be very proud of their accompl ishments.Gymnastic State Winners - Left to Right, Row One : Lori Armst ron g , Lin da Ande rson, SharleneVeate r, Susa n Sterling. Row Two : Susan Russell, Susan We bb, Cindy Paget, Gayl e Ta ylor.Row Three: Sa ndy Chapman, Cindy Richardson, Jan Noorda. 43

Inquiring Editor Team - Left to Right, Row One : Christi ne W ebster, State Campion Young American Team - Steve Bec kstea d,Cindy Paget, Julie Carlqu ist. Row Two: Doug las Carlqu ist, Todd Zag orec, Francis Longstaff, Claudia Orr and Ro n Hartw ell .Duane Bingham. Sterling Scholars - Left to Right, Row One : Peggy Hardcastle, M usic; Colette Post, Drama. Row Two : John M Ionas, Sci nc ; Rog r Kemp, Art; Phil Shell, M oore, Business; Fawnette Jensen, Homemaking; Janette Landeen, General; Tami English; Ron Hartw II, Mathematics; Gary Lloyd, Industrial Arts; Doug Carl· quist, Social Science.44

\"To Burn A Witch\" Wins Region Competition During the Sixteenth Century in Salem, Massachusetts witch trials were being held. Using factual information, the author of \"To Burn A Witch\" wrote a suspenseful One Act Play where two young girls, Mary and Ruth, are accused of being witches by Dame Stanely and Widow Jones. This play won first place in region competition and went on to state competition. Ruth Hanna Smith __ _____ ____ ____ __ _____ Tami Post Mary Abigail Gentry ___ ___ __Cindy Dowding Dame Stanely __ ________ ___ ___ __ Michelle Brinton Widow Jones _________ __ __ _____ ____ __Karlin Hardy Student Director ____ ______ _____ ___ ____ Jan Higgins Director ----- -- ---------------- ------- -- Miss TimoneyDame Stanley tells Ruth to cry out to God for for-giveness of the sins which she has committed. Widow Jones tells Mary to confess or burn at the stake. Ruth confesses to being a witch while Mary pleas that it is better to d ie innocent than to live a lie in the eyes of God. 45

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