PSYCHOTHERAPY 149 INSIGHT MAY CAUSE BLINDNESS PAUL WATZLAWICK (1921–2007) IN CONTEXT P sychotherapy often relies of cause and effect. Watzlawick heavily on patients gaining was drawn to the idea of circular APPROACH an understanding of causality of human behavior, which Brief therapy themselves, their history, and their shows people tend to return to the behavior. This is based on the same actions again and again. BEFORE belief that to counter emotional pain 1880s Psychodynamic and change behavior, we need to Insight, Watzlawick suggested, therapy, also known as insight- understand where our emotional may even cause blindness, both to oriented therapy, emerges. patterns are rooted. Austrian- the real problem and its potential It focuses on unconscious American psychologist Paul solution. He supported the brief processes as manifested in Watzlawick described this process therapy approach, which targets a person’s present behavior. as “insight.” For example, a man and tackles specific problems more who grieves for an abnormally long directly in order to achieve quicker 1938 B.F. Skinner introduces time after his partner leaves him results. But he also felt that for any “radical” behaviorism, which might come to realize that he has therapy to succeed, it must offer the does not accept that thinking, deep issues with abandonment, patient a supportive relationship. ■ perception, or any other kind because his mother left him when of unobservable emotional he was a child. But a number of Anybody can be happy, but activity can trigger a particular therapists have concluded that to make oneself unhappy pattern of behavior. insight may be unnecessary to needs to be learned. counter emotional pain, and some, Paul Watzlawick AFTER including Watzlawick, have claimed 1958 American psychiatrist that it can make a patient worse. Leopold Bellak sets up a brief therapy clinic, where therapy Watzlawick famously stated he is limited to a maximum of could not think of a single case in five sessions. which someone changed as a result of a deepening understanding of self. 1974 US psychotherapist The belief that understanding past Jay Haley publishes events helps to shed light on present Uncommon Therapy, problems is based on a “linear” view describing Milton Erickson’s brief therapy techniques. See also: B.F. Skinner 78–85 ■ Elizabeth Loftus 202–07 ■ Milton Erickson 336
150 MADNESS NEED NOT BE ALL BREAKDOWN IT MAY ALSO BE BREAK-THROUGH R.D. LAING (1927–1989) IN CONTEXT Mental illness is not Psychosis is a valid biological; it is developed and understandable APPROACH expression of distress. Anti-psychiatry through difficult social interactions. BEFORE 1908 Swiss psychiatrist Mental illness should be Psychiatry wrongly Eugen Bleuler coins the term valued as a cathartic and stigmatizes mental illness “schizophrenia” to refer to the transformative experience. splitting of mental functions. because it does not conform to social norms. 1911 Sigmund Freud proposes that schizophrenia is purely Madness need not be all psychological, though it breakdown. It may also be cannot be treated with psychoanalysis. break-through. 1943 French philosopher A t the end of the 19th in dire circumstances. It was from Jean-Paul Sartre introduces century, the notion that this context that R.D. Laing emerged the distinction between the mental illness was as the preeminent icon of a new true self and the false self. different in degree—rather than cultural trend. in kind—from the psychological 1956 Gregory Bateson, British suffering of normal people began Biology and behavior social scientist, defines a to gain acceptance. Sigmund Freud Like Freud, Laing challenged the “double bind” as an emotionally suggested that neurosis and fundamental values of psychiatry, distressing dilemma in which normality are part of the same rejecting its focus on mental illness all the potential resolutions scale, and that anyone is capable of as a biological phenomenon and lead to negative consequences. succumbing to mental disturbance highlighting the significance of the AFTER 1978 CT brain scans reveal physical differences between chronic schizophrenics and non-schizophrenics.
PSYCHOTHERAPY 151 See also: Emil Kraepelin 31 ■ Sigmund Freud 92–99 ■ David Rosenhan 328–29 social, cultural, and familial also hinder the ability to think, and R.D. Laing influences that shape personal as a result interfere with the natural experience. Although he never process of true recovery. Ronald David Laing was born denied the grim reality of mental in Glasgow, Scotland. After illness, his views were in stark Approach to schizophrenia studying medicine at Glasgow contrast to the accepted medical Laing’s main work centers on the University, he became a basis and practice of psychiatry. understanding and treatment of psychiatrist in the British schizophrenia—a serious mental Army, developing an interest Laing’s work calls into question disorder characterized by severe in working with the mentally the validity of psychiatric diagnosis disruptions in psychological distressed. He later trained at on the grounds that the accepted functioning—and on explaining it the Tavistock Clinic, London, process of diagnosing mental to ordinary people. Schizophrenia, England. In 1965, Laing and a disorders does not follow the he says, is not inherited, but is group of colleagues created the traditional medical model. Doctors an understandable reaction to Philadelphia Association and perform examinations and tests to unlivable situations. He applies started a radical psychiatric diagnose physical illness, whereas social scientist Gregory Bateson’s project at Kingsley Hall, psychiatric diagnosis is based on theory of the “double bind,” in London, where patients and behavior. According to Laing, there which a person is put into situations therapists lived together. is also an inherent problem in where he or she faces conflicting diagnosing mental illness based on expectations, and every action Laing’s erratic behavior conduct, but treating it biologically leads to negative consequences, and spiritual preoccupations with drugs. If a diagnosis is based resulting in extreme mental distress. in later life led to a decline in on behavior, then so too should be his reputation. As he was the treatment. He argues that drugs Illness as breakthrough unable to develop a workable Laing was revolutionary in viewing alternative to conventional Shakespeare’s King Lear is an the abnormal behavior and medical treatment, his ideas iconic example of a man driven mad confused speech of schizophrenics are not generally accepted by by difficult circumstances. In Laing’s as valid expressions of distress. For the psychiatric establishment. view, Lear’s madness is an attempt to him, psychotic episodes represent Yet his contributions to the return to his natural, healthy, state. attempts to communicate concerns, anti-psychiatry movement, and should be seen as cathartic particularly in family therapy, and transformative experiences have had a lasting impact. He that could lead to important died of a heart attack in 1989. personal insights. Laing accepts that these expressions are difficult Key works to comprehend, but he explains that this is merely because they 1960 The Divided Self are wrapped in the language of 1961 The Self and Others personal symbolism, which is only 1964 Sanity, Madness and meaningful from within. Laing’s the Family drug-free psychotherapy tries 1967 The Politics of Experience to make sense of a patient’s symbolism by listening in an attentive and empathetic spirit. This is based on the belief that people are healthy in their natural state, and that so-called mental illness is an attempt to return to it. ■
152 OUR HISTORY DOES NOT DETERMINE OUR DESTINY BORIS CYRULNIK (1937– ) IN CONTEXT Bad things You can feel ...and happen. crushed and continue to APPROACH inadequate... Positive psychology suffer. You can BEFORE accept the ...and move 1920s Freud says that early challenge... forward with trauma negatively impacts an infant’s brain and can your life. override any genetic, social, or psychological resilience factor. W hen tragedy strikes, unable to cope, somehow they some people are are able to deal with painful 1955–95 A longitudinal study devastated. Unable to circumstances and move on. by psychologist Emmy Werner summon their coping mechanisms, following traumatized children they fall into deep depression or Boris Cyrulnik is interested into adulthood suggests that despondency, sometimes losing in this difference of reaction. To one-third of the population hope and even the will to carry find out why some people are so tends toward resilience. on. They may become entirely deeply affected, while others are preoccupied with the disaster seemingly able to “bounce back,” 1988 John Bowlby asks for and suffer nightmares, flashbacks, he has devoted his career to the a study of resilience. and anxiety attacks. Other people, study of psychological resilience. however, react differently. They AFTER seem to manage not only the normal Resilience is not a quality 2007 The UK government ups and downs of their lives, but inherent within a person, Cyrulnik starts the UK Resilience also potentially overwhelming found, but one that builds through a Programme in schools. losses and traumas. Instead natural process. He says that “alone, of becoming depressed and a child has no resilience… it is an 2012 The American interaction, a relationship.” We build Psychological Association resilience from developing forms a task force on psychological resilience.
PSYCHOTHERAPY 153 See also: Sigmund Freud 92–99 ■ John Bowlby 274–77 ■ Charlotte Bühler 336 ■ George Kelly 337 ■ Jerome Kagan 339 After disasters such as tsunamis psychologists have witnessed the formation of resilient communities, characterized by the residents’ determination to overcome adversity. relationships. We are constantly has happened, to find strength in Boris Cyrulnik “knitting” ourselves from people the experience instead of letting it and situations that we encounter, defeat them, and to use the strength Boris Cyrulnik was born to through the words we exchange to move defiantly forward. Given Jewish parents in Bordeaux, and the feelings that arise. We the right support, children are France, shortly before the might feel that if one “stitch” is especially capable of complete outbreak of World War II. In dropped, our lives will unravel. In recovery from trauma. Cyrulnik has 1944, when the Vichy regime fact, “if just one stitch holds, we shown that the human brain is controlled unoccupied southern can start all over again.” malleable and will recover if France by arrangement with allowed. The brain of a traumatized Germany, his home was raided Positive emotions and humor are child shows shrinkage of the and his parents were taken to key factors in resilience. Cyrulnik’s ventricles and cortex, but where the Auschwitz concentration research has shown that people who child is well supported and loved camp. His parents had placed are better able to cope with life’s after the trauma, brain scans have him with a foster family for difficulties or traumas are able to shown the brain to be capable of safety, but within days they find meaning in hardship, seeing it returning to normal within a year. turned him over to the as a useful and enlightening authorities for a small reward. experience, and even to find ways Cyrulnik stresses the importance He escaped while awaiting to laugh. Resilient people always of not labeling children who have transfer to a concentration remain able to see how things may suffered a trauma, thereby sidelining camp and worked on farms turn out for the better in future, even them to a seemingly hopeless future. until the age of ten, when he if the present is painful. Trauma consists of the injury and was taken into care. He grew the representation of that injury. up in France, without any Enduring humiliating adult relatives. Largely self-taught, interpretations of events can be the Cyrulnik eventually studied most traumatic experience. Labels, medicine at the University of he says, can be more damaging and Paris. Realizing he wanted to damning than the experience. ■ reevaluate his own life, he began to study psychoanalysis Meeting the challenge Resilience is a person’s and later neuropsychiatry. It had previously been thought that ability to grow in the face He has devoted his career people who show more resilience to working with traumatized are less emotional in general, but of terrible problems. children. Cyrulnik believed that the pain is Boris Cyrulnik no less for resilient people than it is Key works for others; it is a matter of how they choose to use it. The pain may 1992 The Dawn of Meaning continue, even over a whole lifetime, 2004 The Whispering but for these people it raises a of Ghosts challenge that they decide to meet. 2009 Resilience The challenge is to overcome what
154 ONLY GOOD PEOPLE GET DEPRESSED DOROTHY ROWE (1930– ) IN CONTEXT I f people could stop blaming the idea of a Just World and think themselves for things that more rationally about negative APPROACH have happened in their lives, experiences. We might suffer from Personal construct theory the rate of depression would bad parenting, job loss, or even a decrease dramatically. This premise devastating tornado, but these BEFORE is the foundation of Dorothy Rowe’s things did not happen because we 1940s Gestalt therapy is success in treating the problem. are doomed to misfortune, nor do founded, introducing the we deserve to be treated badly. notion that perception We are generally brought up to To recover from these setbacks, influences meaning. believe that the world is a fair and we need to stop personalizing rational place; that if we are good, events, start externalizing them, 1955 George Kelly publishes good things will happen to us. But and realize that sometimes bad The Psychology of Personal if things go well when we are good, things just happen. ■ Constructs, outlining the what does that say about us when theory that everyone has a set things go wrong? Our belief in a To turn natural of constructs (beliefs) about “Just World”—where the good are sadness into depression, the world and the people in it. rewarded and the bad punished— all you have to do is blame makes us blame ourselves for the yourself for the disaster 1960 Psychologist and bad things that happen to us. statistician Max Hamilton that has befallen you. constructs the Hamilton When we are wronged or hurt in Dorothy Rowe Depression Rating Scale some way, there is a tendency to ask, (HAM-D), a tool used to “Why did this happen to me?” People measure clinical depression. look back to see what they did to cause the situation, even in the case AFTER of a natural disaster. Self-blame, guilt, 1980 Psychologist Melvin helplessness, and shame irrationally Lerner publishes The Belief in arise when bad things happen, and a Just World: A Fundamental these can lead to depression. Delusion, explaining how we wrongly believe that people Rowe explained that we create get what they deserve. and choose our beliefs. Once we understand this, we can let go of See also: Fritz Perls 112–17 ■ Carl Rogers 130–37 ■ Albert Ellis 142–45 ■ Melvin Lerner 242–43 ■ George Kelly 337
PSYCHOTHERAPY 155 FATHERS ARE SUBJECT TO A RULE OF SILENCE GUY CORNEAU (1951– ) IN CONTEXT B efore French-Canadian Communication between fathers and analyst Guy Corneau sons is often characterized by silences. APPROACH published Absent Fathers, While sons long for recognition and Masculine psychology Lost Sons in 1991, psychology had approval from their fathers, fathers are given little attention to emotional reluctant to give this approval freely. BEFORE communication between men. 1900s Freudian analysts Corneau’s book examined the describe the Oedipus complex, difficulties of intimate conversations which states that sons feel between the male generations. He naturally competitive with recounts his attempts to make an their father. emotional connection with his own father: reaching out, seeking 1950s French psychoanalyst approval, but receiving only silence. Jacques Lacan argues that the son sees the father as Withholding approval compromising his own power, embodying the law. Corneau recognizes that this making it less valuable. From the sequence of events is a familiar son’s point of view, if approval is AFTER pattern in men, who are often given too easily, without some 1991 In Iron John: A Book unable to shower their sons with degree of withholding, the father is About Men, American author the praise, affection, or recognition then no longer worthy of impressing. Robert Bly says that fathers craved by their offspring. When the It appears that in most forms of fail to give their sons what son experiences this silence, he society there is a belief that men they need to become men, may try harder to impress, or he cannot be both strong and open. and suggests that they might withdraw, but the silence need to reawaken the remains irrevocably imprinted in Corneau says that this behavior “Wild Man” within. his mind, according to Corneau. does a disservice to men. They are The phenomenon may stem from denied the opportunity to express 1990s American writers a competitive interplay of male affection toward their sons—and Douglas Gillette and Robert egos; a man who showers his son the sons are forced to go without L. Moore publish five books with praise would somehow be that affection. ■ exploring Jungian archetypes and the male psyche. See also: Sigmund Freud 92–99 ■ Carl Jung 102–07 ■ Jacques Lacan 122–23
158 INTRODUCTION Hermann Ebbinghaus’s Jerome Bruner and Cecile Alan Turing publishes Leon Festinger’s A “nonsense syllables” Goodman publish Value Computing Machinery Theory of Cognitive experiments show a and Need as Organizing and Intelligence, in which Dissonance suggests method for studying he describes the human there is a human drive for Factors in Perception, brain as an “organized consistency of beliefs. cognitive processes. arguing that motivated machine” that learns reasoning affects through experience. perception. 1885 1947 1950 1957 1932 1949 1956 1958 Frederic Bartlett studies Donald Hebb explains George Armitage Donald Broadbent reconstructive learning in terms of Miller argues that the publishes Perception and connections between human brain can only memory in The War of hold seven chunks Communication, the Ghosts. stimuli and neurons. introducing the of information information-processing at once. model of cognition. T he first half of the 20th psychology—a German school of to work from. At the same time, century was dominated by thought that concentrated on advances in neuroscience led to a two strands of thinking in perception and perceptual greater understanding of the psychology: behaviorism (which organization—and was also a functions of the brain and nervous concentrated on learning theory) precursor of cognitive psychology. system. This allowed psychologists, and psychoanalysis (which focused notably Donald Hebb, to examine on the unconscious and development The cognitive revolution mental processes directly, rather in early childhood). The mental What eventually swung the balance than merely inferring them from processes that had preoccupied from interest in behavior to the observations of behavior. psychologists in the previous study of mental processes came from century, such as perception, outside psychology. Improvements One of the first to apply the consciousness, and memory, in communications and computer information-processing analogy to were largely neglected. technology, and possibilities opened psychology was a student of Frederic up by artificial intelligence—then Bartlett’s at Cambridge, Donald There were inevitably some a growing field thanks to advances Broadbent, who had been inspired exceptions. Psychologists Frederic made during World War II—led to by the work of computer scientist Bartlett of the UK and Bluma a new way of thinking about the Alan Turing and communications Zeigarnik of Russia were both brain: as an information processor. expert Colin Cherry in the 1940s studying the process of memory in The mental processes, referred to and 50s. But the turning point came the 1920s and 30s, anticipating the as “cognitive processes” or in the US, where behaviorism work of later cognitive psychologists. “cognition,” which behaviorism began to be criticized for its In Germany, Wolfgang Köhler’s would not or could not examine, limitations, leading to a so-called work on problem-solving and now had a model for psychologists “cognitive revolution” in the late decision-making drew on Gestalt 1950s. In the vanguard of this
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 159 Endel Tulving Aaron Beck outlines Gordon H. Bower Elizabeth Loftus’s book produces a series cognitive behavior reports experiments Eyewitness Testimony of seminal papers that suggest memory exposes the fallibility on memory and therapy (CBT) in retrieval processes. Depression: Causes retrieval is of eyewitness mood-dependent. memory as evidence. and Treatment. 1960S 1967 1978 1996 1967 1971 1992 2001 Ulric Neisser coins Roger Shepard and In Facial Expressions of In The Seven Sins the term “cognitive Jacqueline Metzler Emotion, Paul Ekman of Memory, Daniel psychology” in his publish research suggests that certain facial Schacter details book of the same title. showing that people are expressions are universal able to mentally rotate a and therefore biological. ways our memories can 3-D object. be erroneous. dramatic shift of approach were the Loftus, Daniel Schacter, and behavioral therapy and meditation Americans George Armitage Miller Gordon H. Bower. There was also a techniques, soon became standard and Jerome Bruner, who in 1960 reappraisal of Gestalt psychology: treatment for disorders such as co-founded the Center for Cognitive Roger Shepard reexamined ideas of depression and anxiety, and led to Studies at Harvard University. perception, and Wolfgang Köhler’s a movement of positive psychology work on problem-solving and advocating mental wellbeing rather A new direction decision-making resurfaced in the than just treating mental illness. Miller and Bruner’s ground-breaking theories of Daniel Kahneman and work led to a fundamental change Amos Tversky. And, perhaps for the At the beginning of the 21st of direction in psychology. Areas first time, cognitive psychologists, century, cognitive psychology is that had been neglected by including Bower and Paul Ekman, still the dominant approach to the behaviorists, such as memory, made a scientific study of emotion. subject, and has had an effect on perception, and emotions, became neuroscience, education, and the central focus. While Bruner But it wasn’t only the theories of economics. It has even influenced incorporated the concepts of behaviorists that were overturned; the nature–nurture debate; in the cognition into existing theories Freud’s psychoanalytic theory and light of recent discoveries in of learning and developmental its followers were also criticized for genetics and neuroscience, psychology, Miller’s application of being unscientific. Aaron Beck evolutionary psychologists such the information-processing model found that cognitive psychology as Steven Pinker have argued to memory opened up the field, could provide a more effective that our thoughts and actions are making memory an important area therapy—and that it was more determined by the make-up of our of study for cognitive psychologists, amenable to objective scrutiny. The brains, and that they are like other including Endel Tulving, Elizabeth cognitive therapy he advocated, inherited characteristics: subject later incorporating elements of to the laws of natural selection. ■
160 INSTINCT IS A DYNAMIC PATTERN WOLFGANG KOHLER (1887–1967) IN CONTEXT If a chimp tries to solve …it pauses and a problem using trial and considers the problem, APPROACH Gestalt psychology error, but fails… taking into account everything around it… BEFORE 1890 Austrian philosopher It then applies this solution … until it reaches an Christian von Ehrenfels to similar problems insight that leads introduces the concept in the future. to a solution. of Gestalt in his book, On the Qualities of Form. This pattern of insight- Instinct is a learning is active, dynamic pattern. 1912 Max Wertheimer not passive. publishes Experimental Studies of the Perception I n the late 19th century, a group Gestalt psychology (not to be of Movement, a landmark of German psychologists who confused with Gestalt therapy, in Gestalt psychology. disagreed with the prevailing a much later development) took schools of thought developed a new, as its starting point the idea that AFTER scientific, and distinctly holistic concepts such as perception, 1920s Edward Tolman brings approach, which they called Gestalt. learning, and cognition should be together ideas from Gestalt Wolfgang Köhler, who founded the considered as wholes, not studied and behaviorist psychology in new movement along with Max by investigating their various parts. his purposive behaviorism Wertheimer and Kurt Koffka, (now cognitive behaviorism). explained that the word means Köhler thought the dominant both “pattern” and, when applied to branch of psychology, behaviorism, 1935 Psychology of their theory, “organized whole.” was too simplistic and overlooked Productive Thinking by Karl the dynamic nature of perception. Duncker—a German Gestalt psychologist—describes experiments in problem- solving and mental restructuring.
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 161 See also: Ivan Pavlov 60–61 ■ Edward Thorndike 62–65 ■ Edward Tolman 72–73 ■ Max Wertheimer 335 Köhler studied chimpanzees solving behavior showed a cognitive trial- Wolfgang Köhler task-related problems. He realized they and-error process rather than an could actively perceive several possible actual one; they were solving the Wolfgang Köhler was born in solutions before finding the answer problem in their minds first, and Estonia, but his family returned through a moment of insight. only after an insight (the “aha” to their native Germany soon moment) tried out their solution. after his birth. He studied at Pavlov and Thorndike claimed that This is contrary to the behaviorist various colleges before animals learn by trial and error view that learning is conditioned completing a PhD in Berlin. through simple stimulus–response by response to a stimulus, and In 1909, he and Kurt Koffka conditioning, but Köhler believed reinforced by reward. The chimps worked with Max Wertheimer they were capable of insight and learned by perceiving the problem, at the Frankfurt Academy on intelligence. He was able to put this not by receiving rewards. his perception experiments; to the test when he became director these formed the basis of of an anthropoid research center on This was a demonstration Gestalt psychology. Tenerife from 1913–20, where he of Köhler’s dynamic model of studied chimpanzees tackling a behavior, involving organization In 1913, Köhler became number of problem-solving tasks. within perception, rather than director of the Prussian passive learning through response Academy of Sciences research Insightful learning to rewards. The pattern (Gestalt) station in Tenerife, where he What Köhler observed confirmed his of learning by insight—failure, became stranded at the start belief, and also demonstrated that pause, perception, insight, and of World War I, remaining problem-solving and learning could attempt—is an active one; but there until 1920. On his return be explained in terms of Gestalt. this is not necessarily apparent to to Berlin, he served as director When faced with a problem, such as someone watching the chimps’ of the Psychological Institute how to reach food in an inaccessible separate attempts to solve the until 1935, when he emigrated place, the chimpanzees were problem, mainly because it is not to the US to escape the Nazi frustrated in their initial attempts, possible to see the organization of regime. He taught at several but would then pause and apparently perception in the chimp’s mind. US colleges, and was elected take stock of the situation before What we call instinct, the president of the American attempting some kind of solution. apparently automatic response to Psychological Association for This often involved using tools— solving a problem, is affected by this 1959. Ulric Neisser described such as sticks or crates that were process of insight learning, and is him as “a genuinely creative lying around in their play area—to itself an active, dynamic pattern. ■ thinker as well as a person of reach the food. When subsequently great dignity and honor.” faced with the same problem, they Insight has the appearance instantly applied the same solution. of a complete solution with Key works Köhler concluded that the chimps’ reference to the whole 1917 The Mentality of Apes layout of the field. 1929 Gestalt Psychology 1938 The Place of Values in Wolfgang Köhler a World of Facts
162 INTERRUPTION OF A TASK GREATLY IMPROVES ITS CHANCES OF BEING REMEMBERED BLUMA ZEIGARNIK (1901–1988) IN CONTEXT W hile researching for her experiment in which participants doctorate in Berlin, were given simple puzzles or tasks APPROACH Russian psychologist to do. They were interrupted during Memory studies Bluma Zeigarnik was told by her about half these tasks. Later, when professor, Kurt Lewin, that he had asked how well they could remember BEFORE noticed waiters could recall details the activities, it became clear that 1885 Hermann Ebbinghaus of orders that were still not paid for they were twice as likely to recall publishes his pioneering book, better than details of orders they details of the interrupted tasks, Memory: A Contribution to had completed. This led Zeigarnik whether these were ultimately Experimental Psychology. to wonder whether unfinished tasks completed or not. Zeigarnik have a different status in memory, reasoned that this could be due to 1890 William James in The and are remembered better, than the task lacking closure, leading Principles of Psychology makes finished ones. She devised an to the memory being stored the distinction between differently, and more effectively. primary (short-term) and The “Zeigarnik effect” can be secondary (long-term) memory. demonstrated by the fact that a waiter This phenomenon, which is more likely to remember details of became known as the “Zeigarnik AFTER an order that has not yet been paid for, effect,” had important implications. 1956 George Armitage Miller’s than one that has been completed. Zeigarnik proposed that students, The Magical Number Seven, especially children, retained more Plus or Minus Two revives if they had frequent breaks while interest in the study of memory. studying. But little notice was taken of her ideas until memory 1966 Jerome Bruner stresses once again became a key subject the importance of organization for research in the 1950s. Since and categorization in the then, Zeigarnik’s theory has been learning process. accepted as a major step in the understanding of memory, and 1972 Endel Tulving has found practical application distinguishes between not only in education but also in episodic memory (of specific advertising and the media. ■ events) and semantic memory (of factual information unrelated See also: Hermann Ebbinghaus 48–49 ■ Jerome Bruner 164–65 ■ George to an event or situation). Armitage Miller 168–73 ■ Endel Tulving 186–91 ■ Daniel Schacter 208–09
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 163 WHEN A BABY HEARS FOOTSTEPS, AN ASSEMBLY IS EXCITED DONALD HEBB (1904–1985) IN CONTEXT I n the 1920s, a number of assemblies and phase sequences psychologists turned to are being formed. In his book, The APPROACH neuroscience for answers Organization of Behavior (1949), he Neuropsychology to questions about learning and gave the example of a baby hearing memory. Prominent among these footsteps, which stimulates a BEFORE was Karl Lashley, who led the way number of neurons in its brain; 1890 William James puts in examining the role played by if the experience is repeated, a forward a theory about neural neural connections, but it was his cell assembly forms. Subsequently, networks in the brain. student, the Canadian psychologist “when the baby hears footsteps… Donald Hebb, who formulated a an assembly is excited; while this 1911 Edward Thorndike’s theory to explain what actually is still active he sees a face and Law of Effect proposes that happens during the process of feels hands picking him up, which connections between stimulus associative learning. excites other assemblies—so the and response are “stamped in,” ‘footsteps assembly’ becomes creating a neural link, or Hebb argued that nerve cells connected with the ‘face assembly’ association. become associated when they are and with the ‘being-picked-up simultaneously and repeatedly assembly.’ After this has happened, 1917 Wolfgang Köhler’s study active; the synapses, or links, that when the baby hears footsteps only, of chimps shows that learning connect them become stronger. all three assemblies are excited.” by insight is longer-lasting Repeated experiences lead to the In adults, however, learning tends than learning by trial and error. formation of “cell assemblies,” or to involve the rearrangement groups of connected neurons, in the of existing cell assemblies and 1929 Karl Lashley publishes brain—a theory often summed up phase sequences, rather than the Brain Mechanisms and as “cells that fire together, wire formation of new ones. Intelligence. together.” Similarly, separate cell assemblies can also become linked, Hebb’s theory of cell assembly AFTER forming a “phase sequence,” which was a cornerstone of modern 1970s George Armitage Miller we recognize as a thought process. neuroscience, and his explanation coins the term “cognitive of neural learning, which became neuroscience.” This associative process, Hebb known as Hebbian learning, found, is especially noticeable in remains the accepted model. ■ 1980s Neuroscientists devise childhood learning, when new cell imaging techniques, allowing them to map brain functions. See also: Edward Thorndike 62–65 ■ Karl Lashley 76 ■ Wolfgang Köhler 160–61 ■ George Armitage Miller 168–73 ■ Daniel Schacter 208–09
164 KNOWING IS A PROCESS NOT A PRODUCT JEROME BRUNER (1915– ) IN CONTEXT We learn things by Instructing someone is not active experience. just telling them something APPROACH Cognitive development but encouraging them to participate. BEFORE 1920s Lev Vygotsky develops We acquire knowledge through the use of reasoning, by his theory that cognitive constructing meaning from the information. development is a both a social and a cultural process. This is a form of information processing. 1936 Jean Piaget publishes Knowing is a process, not a product. his developmental theories in his book, Origins of T he field of developmental widened the meaning of the word Intelligence in the Child. psychology was dominated “experience” to encompass cultural throughout much of the and social experience. Children, AFTER 20th century by Jean Piaget, who he said, learn mainly through 1960s The teaching program explained how a child’s thinking interaction with other people. “Man: A Course of Study develops and matures in stages, (MACOS),” based on Bruner’s as a result of a natural curiosity At this point in the 1960s, the theories, is adopted in to explore the environment. Lev “cognitive revolution” was gaining schools in the US, the Vygotsky’s theory, which appeared momentum; mental processes were UK, and Australia. in English shortly after Piaget’s, increasingly being explained by also claimed that a child finds the analogy of the brain as an 1977 Albert Bandura meaning through experience, but “information processor.” Jerome publishes Social Learning Bruner was a key figure in this new Theory, which looks at development through a mixture of behavioral and cognitive aspects.
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 165 See also: Jean Piaget 262–69 ■ Lev Vygotsky 270 ■ Albert Bandura 286–91 Ideas are first presented in a simple and intuitive way. They are continuously Jerome Bruner revisited and The son of Polish immigrants reconstructed in an in New York City, Jerome increasingly formal way... Seymour Bruner was born blind, but regained his sight A spiral curriculum would work ...and are finally after cataract operations at best in schools, Bruner suggested. This connected to other the age of two. His father died involves a constant revisiting of ideas, of cancer when Bruner was 12, building incrementally until the child knowledge for and his grief stricken mother reaches a high level of understanding. comprehensive mastery moved the family frequently during his subsequent school of the subject. years. He studied psychology at Duke University, then at approach, having previously development, but “to instruct Harvard, where he attained a studied the ways that our needs someone... is not a matter of getting PhD in 1941 alongside Gordon and motivations influence him to commit results to mind. Allport and Karl Lashley. perception—and concluding that Rather, it is to teach him to we see what we need to see. He participate in the process.” When Bruner served in the US became interested in how cognition we acquire knowledge, we need to army’s Office for Strategic develops, and so began to study actively participate and reason, Studies (an intelligence unit) cognitive processes in children. rather than passively absorb during World War II, then information, because this is what returned to Harvard, where he The mind as processor gives knowledge meaning. In terms collaborated with Leo Postman Bruner began his investigations of cognitive psychology, reasoning and George Armitage Miller. In by applying cognitive models to is seen as “processing information,” 1960, he cofounded the Center Piaget and Vygotsky’s ideas, so the acquisition of knowledge for Cognitive Studies with shifting the emphasis in the study should be seen as a process, not Miller at Harvard, remaining of cognitive development from the a product or end result. We need until it closed in 1972. He spent construction of meaning to the encouragement and guidance in the next ten years teaching at processing of information: the that process, and for Bruner, that Oxford University in England, means by which we acquire and is the role of a teacher. before returning to the US. store knowledge. Like Piaget, he Bruner continued to teach believes that acquiring knowledge In The Process of Education into his nineties. is an experiential process; but like (1960), Bruner presented the idea Vygotsky, sees this as a social that children should be active Key works occupation, not a solitary one. He participants in the process of maintains that learning cannot be education. The book became a 1960 The Process of Education conducted unassisted: some form of landmark text, altering educational 1966 Studies in Cognitive instruction is essential to a child’s policy in the US at governmental Growth and schoolteacher level. ■ 1990 Acts of Meaning
166 A MAN WITH CONVICTION IS A HARD MAN TO CHANGE LEON FESTINGER (1919–1989) IN CONTEXT If we hold strong beliefs that are undermined by evidence to the contrary… BRANCH Cognitive psychology …we find ourselves in an uncomfortable state of “cognitive dissonance.” APPROACH Learning theory If we accept the contradiction, this causes further inconsistency between our BEFORE 1933 Gestalt psychologist Kurt past and present beliefs. Lewin leaves the Berlin School of Experimental Psychology So instead we may find ways to make the new and emigrates to the US. evidence consistent with our beliefs. AFTER A man with conviction is a hard man 1963 Stanley Milgram to change. publishes his experiments on willingness to obey authority figures, even when orders conflict with one’s conscience. 1971 Philip Zimbardo’s Stanford prison study shows how people adapt to the roles they are assigned. 1972 US social psychologist Daryl Bem proposes the alternative self-perception theory of attitude change. 1980s Elliot Aronson defends Festinger’s theory, conducting experiments into initiation rites.
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 167 See also: Kurt Lewin 218–23 ■ Solomon Asch 224–27 ■ Elliot Aronson 244–45 ■ Stanley Milgram 246–53 ■ Philip Zimbardo 254–55 ■ Stanley Schachter 338 B y the end of World War II, “cognitive dissonance.” He reasoned their prediction and consequent social pscychology had that the only way to overcome this cognitive dissonance would cause become an important field discomfort is to somehow make the cult members to abandon their of research, spearheaded in the US belief and the evidence consistent. beliefs, the opposite occurred. As by Kurt Lewin, the founder of the the day of reckoning drew near, Research Center for Group Dynamics Unshakeable conviction another “message” came through, at the Massachusetts Institute of After reading a report in a local declaring that, due to the group’s Technology in 1945. newspaper in 1954, Festinger dedication, the world was to be saw an opportunity to study the spared. Cult members became even On the staff at the center was reaction to just such a cognitive more fervent believers. Festinger one of Lewin’s former students, Leon dissonance. A cult claimed to have had anticipated this; to accept the Festinger. Originally attracted by received messages from aliens contradictory evidence would set Lewin’s work in Gestalt psychology, warning of a flood that would end up an even greater dissonance he later took an interest in social the world on December 21; only between past belief and present psychology. In the course of his true believers would be rescued by denial, he argued. This effect was research, Festinger observed that flying saucers. Festinger and some compounded if a great deal people continually seek to bring of his colleagues at the University (reputation, jobs, and money) had order to their world, and a key part of Minnesota gained access to the been invested in the original belief. of that order is consistency. To group, interviewing them before achieve this, they develop routines the designated apocalyptic date Festinger concluded that and habits, such as establishing and again afterward, when the cognitive dissonance, or at least regular mealtimes and choosing events had failed to transpire. the avoidance of it, makes a man favorite seats on their daily of strong conviction unlikely to commute to work. When these The now-famous Oak Park change his opinion in the face of routines are disrupted, people feel study of this group, written up by contradiction; he is immune to very uneasy. The same is true, he Festinger, Henry Riecken, and evidence and rational argument. As found, of habitual thought patterns Stanley Schachter in When Festinger explains: “Tell him you or beliefs. If a very strong opinion is Prophecy Fails, describes the disagree and he turns away. Show met with contradictory evidence, it reaction of the cult members. him facts or figures and he questions creates an uncomfortable internal Where common sense might lead your sources. Appeal to logic and inconsistency; Festinger called this us to expect that the failure of he fails to see your point.” ■ Leon Festinger Leon Festinger was born in cult predicting the end of the Brooklyn, New York, to a Russian world. He moved to Stanford immigrant family. He graduated University in 1955, continuing from City College of New York in his work in social psychology, 1939, then studied at the University but in the 1960s he turned to of Iowa under Kurt Lewin, finishing research into perception. He his PhD in Child Psychology in later focused on history and 1942. After spending the later archaeology at the New School years of World War II in military for Social Research in New York. training, he rejoined Lewin in 1945 He died of liver cancer, aged 69. at the Research Center for Group Dynamics at the Massachusetts Key works Institute of Technology (MIT). 1956 When Prophecy Fails It was during his appointment 1962 A Theory of Cognitive as professor at the University of Dissonance Minnesota that Festinger made 1983 The Human Legacy his famous Oak Park study of a
170 GEORGE ARMITAGE MILLER IN CONTEXT Before information is stored in long-term memory, APPROACH Memory studies it is processed by working memory. BEFORE 1885 Hermann Ebbinghaus Working memory has a publishes his pioneering book limited capacity—about Memory: A Contribution to seven (plus or minus two) elements. Experimental Psychology. If individual “bits” of information 1890 William James makes are organized into “chunks” the distinction between (meaningful patterns) of information primary (short-term) and secondary (long-term) memory they are easier to store. in The Principles of Psychology. Working memory 1950 Mathematician Alan can then hold seven (plus Turing’s test suggests that a or minus two) of these larger computer can be considered a thinking machine. chunks of information. AFTER 1972 Endel Tulving makes the distinction between semantic and episodic memory. 2001 Daniel Schacter proposes a list of the different ways we misremember in The Seven Sins of Memory. G eorge Armitage Miller and introduction, Miller had a advances in computer science once famously complained: serious intent, and the article was had brought the idea of artificial “My problem is that I have to become a landmark of cognitive intelligence closer to reality, and been persecuted by an integer. psychology and the study of working while mathematicians, such as Alan For seven years this number has memory (the ability to remember Turing, were comparing computer followed me around.” So begins his and use pieces of information for processing with the human brain, now famous article The Magical a limited amount of time). cognitive psychologists were Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: engaged in the converse: they Some Limits on our Capacity for Miller’s paper was published in looked to the computer as a Processing Information. He goes on: The Psychological Review in 1956, possible model for explaining the “There is… some pattern governing when behaviorism was being workings of the human brain. Mental its appearances. Either there really superseded by the new cognitive processes were being described in is something unusual about the psychology. This fresh approach— terms of information processing. number or I am suffering from which Miller wholeheartedly delusions of persecution.” Despite embraced—focused on the study of Miller’s main interest was in the the whimsical nature of his title mental processes, such as memory field of psycholinguistics, stemming and attention. At the same time, from his work during World War II on
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 171 See also: Hermann Ebbinghaus 48–49 ■ Bluma Zeigarnik 162 ■ Donald Broadbent 178–85 ■ Endel Tulving 186–91 ■ Gordon H. Bower 194–95 ■ Daniel Schacter 208–09 ■ Noam Chomsky 294–97 ■ Frederic Bartlett 335–36 The persistence with by the recurrence and possible accurately assigning numbers to which this number significance of the number seven; each of them, but above seven plagues me is far more “sometimes a little larger and (give or take one or two), the than a random accident. sometimes a little smaller than results deteriorated dramatically. George Armitage Miller usual, but never changing so much as to be unrecognizable.” In another experiment, by speech perception, which formed the Kaufman, Lord, et al, in 1949, basis for his doctoral thesis. This The first instance of the researchers flashed varying numbers led him to take an interest in the “magical” number came from of colored dots on to a screen in growing field of communications, experiments to determine the front of participants. When there which in turn introduced him span of absolute judgment—how were fewer than seven dots, to information theory. He was accurately we can distinguish a participants could accurately particularly inspired by Claude number of different stimuli. In one number them; when there were Shannon, a leading figure in experiment cited in Miller’s paper, more than seven, participants were communications, who was the physicist and acoustic only able to estimate the number investigating effective ways of specialist Irwin Pollack played a of dots. This suggests that the turning messages into electronic number of different musical tones span of attention is limited to signals. Shannon’s communication to participants, who were then around six, and caused Miller to model, which involved translating asked to assign a number to each wonder whether the same basic ideas into codes made up of “bits,” tone. When up to around seven process might be involved in both underpins all digital communication. different tones were played, the the span of absolute judgment Miller was inspired to look at mental subjects had no difficulty in and the span of attention. ❯❯ processes in a similar way, and to establish the ground rules for the modern field of psycholinguistics in his 1951 book, Language and Communication. Seven categories An experiment into the span of attention presented Miller took Shannon’s method of participants with random patterns of dots flashed on a measuring information and his idea screen for a fraction of a second. Participants instantly of “channel capacity” (the amount recognized the number if there were fewer than seven. of information that can be processed by a system) and applied it to the model of short-term memory as an information processor. This was when he began to be “persecuted”
172 GEORGE ARMITAGE MILLER The tones and dots in these took this idea of channel capacity The process of memorizing experiments are what Miller calls a stage further, applying it to the may be simply the “unidimensional stimuli” (objects model of short-term memory. that differ from one another in only William James first proposed the formation of chunks… one respect); but what interested notion of short-term memory, and until there are few enough Miller is the amount of information it had long been an accepted part in speech and language we can of the model of the brain as an chunks so that we can effectively process, and items such information processor, coming recall all the items. as words are “multidimensional between the sensory input of stimuli.” He looks to later studies by information and long-term memory. George Armitage Miller Pollack in which the simple tones Hermann Ebbinghaus and Wilhelm were replaced by tones that varied Wundt had even suggested that that by the same principle, in six ways (such as pitch, duration, short-term memory had a capacity working memory organizes “bits” volume, and location). Surprisingly, limited to around seven items of information into “chunks,” to despite the apparently larger amount (seven, again). Miller believed that overcome the informational of information, the results still what he called working memory bottleneck caused by our limited pointed to a differential limit of had a capacity that corresponded spans of absolute judgment and seven, plus or minus two. The to the limits of absolute judgment short-term memory. A chunk is not, difference is that as more variables and span of attention. however, just an arbitrary grouping, are added, accuracy slightly but an encoding of bits into a decreases. Miller claims this allows Bits and chunks meaningful unit; for example, a us to make “relatively crude In terms of our ability to process string of 21 letters represents 21 judgments of several things information, if working memory is bits of information, but if this can simultaneously.” It may explain how limited to about seven elements, be broken down into a sequence we are able to recognize and there is a potential bottleneck of three-letter words, it becomes distinguish such complex things as restricting the amount that can be seven chunks. Chunking is spoken words and people’s faces, put into long-term memory. But dependent on our ability to find without having to process the Miller suggested that there was patterns and relationships in the individual sounds or features. more to the correspondence than just the number seven, no matter Miller sees the human mind as how magical it appeared. The a communication system: as the multidimensional stimuli of input information increases, the previous experiments could be amount transmitted to the brain seen as composed of several “bits” also increases initially, before of related information, but treated leveling off at an individual’s as a single item. Miller believed “channel capacity.” Miller then Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Super cali fragi listic expi ali docious Miller’s theory of chunking says that by building up or breaking down long streams of numbers or letters into memorable chunks, we increase the amount of information we can hold in working memory.
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 173 Binary code is a way of recoding information into ever-more tightly packed parcels (through multibase arithmetic). Miller claims our chunking process operates in a similar way. powerful weapon for increasing the amount of information we can deal with.” It effectively stretches the informational bottleneck. bits of information. To someone The study of memory George Armitage Miller who does not speak the same Miller himself moved away from language, the seven words might the subject of memory in his later George Armitage Miller was be meaningless, and would not research, but his theory prompted born in Charleston, WV. After constitute seven chunks, but 21 bits. others to examine it in more detail. graduating from the University Donald Broadbent argued that the of Alabama in 1941 with an Miller’s theory was backed up real figure for working memory is MA in speech pathology, he by earlier experiments by other probably less than seven, and this earned a PhD at Harvard in psychologists. In 1954, Sidney was later confirmed in experiments psychology, working in Stanley Smith conducted experiments in by Nelson Cowan, who found it to Smith Stevens’ Psychoacoustic memorizing a sequence of binary be around four chunks, depending Laboratory, with Jerome digits—a meaningless string of on the length and complexity of the Bruner and Gordon Allport. ones and zeroes to anyone chunks, and the age of the subject. During World War II the unfamiliar with the binary system. laboratory was asked to help Smith broke the series down into In the conclusion to his paper, with military tasks such as chunks, at first into pairs of digits, Miller is dismissive of the radio jamming. and then in groups of three, four, significance of the number and five, and then “recoded” them that originally prompted it. He In 1951, Miller left Harvard by translating the binary chunks concludes by saying: “Perhaps there for Massachusetts Institute into decimal numbers: 01 became is something deep and profound of Technology (MIT), then 1, 10 became 2, and so on. He found behind all these sevens… but I returned to Harvard in 1955, that by using this system it was suspect that it is only a pernicious, where he worked closely with possible to memorize and accurately Pythagorean coincidence.” ■ Noam Chomsky. In 1960, he reproduce a string of 40 digits or cofounded the Harvard Center more, as long as the number of The kind of for Cognitive Studies. He later chunks was limited to the span linguistic recoding worked as a professor of of working memory. psychology at Rockefeller that people do University, New York, and As an aid to memorizing large seems to me to be Princeton University. In 1991, amounts of information, chunking the very lifeblood of he was awarded the National and recoding is an obvious boon, the thought processes. Medal of Science. but it is more than a mnemonic George Armitage Miller trick. Miller pointed out that this Key works form of recoding is an “extremely 1951 Language and Communication 1956 The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two 1960 Plans and the Structure of Behavior (with Eugene Galanter and Karl Pribram)
174 IN CONTEXT THERE’S MORE APPROACH TO THE SURFACE Cognitive therapy THAN MEETS THE EYE BEFORE 1890s Sigmund Freud AARON BECK (1921– ) proposes an analytic approach to psychotherapy. 1940s and 1950s Fritz Perls, with Laura Perls and Paul Goodman, develops Gestalt therapy—a cognitive approach to psychotherapy. 1955 Albert Ellis introduces Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), breaking with the tradition of analysis. AFTER 1975 Martin Seligman defines “learned helplessness” in Helplessness: On Depression, Development, and Death. 1980s A blend of Beck’s ideas and the behavior therapies of Joseph Wolpe give rise to new cognitive behavioral therapies. A fter psychology had become established as a distinct field of study, around the turn of the 20th century, two main schools, or approaches, emerged. These were experimental psychology, which was dominated by the behaviorism originating from Ivan Pavlov’s experiments, and which was enthusiastically championed in the US; and clinical psychology, which was largely based on the psychoanalytical approach of Sigmund Freud and his followers. The two had little in common. Behaviorists rejected the introspective, philosophical approach of earlier psychologists, and strove to put the subject on a
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 175 See also: Joseph Wolpe 86–87 ■ Sigmund Freud 92–99 ■ Fritz Perls 112–17 ■ Albert Ellis 142–45 ■ Martin Seligman 200–01 ■ Paul Salkovskis 212–13 Psychoanalytic therapy Cognitive therapy places an emphasis on places an emphasis on delving into the patient’s examining people’s unconscious to solve perceptions of their current disorders. experiences. The evidence for the There is strong Aaron Beck success of psychoanalytic empirical evidence for the success of cognitive Born in Providence, Rhode therapy is based on Island, Aaron Temkin Beck personal accounts rather therapy. was the son of Russian Jewish immigrants. Athletic and than facts or research. outgoing as a young child, he became far more studious and The key to effective treatment lies not in the unconscious, introspective after suffering a but in the examination of how a disorder manifests itself serious illness at the age of eight. He also acquired a fear in a patient’s perceptions. of all things medical and, determined to overcome this, There’s more to the surface than meets the eye. decided to train as a doctor, graduating from Yale in 1946. more scientific, evidence-based to all of them. Some psychologists Beck then worked at Rhode footing. The psychoanalysts were beginning to question the Island Hospital, before explored those very introspections, validity of this kind of therapy, and qualifying as a psychiatrist in with theories, rather than proof, Aaron Beck was among them. 1953. Disillusioned with the to support their case. psychoanalytical approach When Beck qualified as a to clinical psychology, he Cognitive revolution psychiatrist in 1953, experimental instigated cognitive therapy By the mid-20th century, both psychology was focused on the and later established the approaches to psychology were study of mental processes—it Beck Institute for Cognitive being critically examined. But was the dawn of the “cognitive Therapy and Research in although behaviorism was being revolution.” However, the practical Philadelphia, now run by his overtaken by cognitive psychology approach of cognitive psychologists daughter, Dr. Judith Beck. in experimental work, the clinical remained much the same as that of sphere was offering no alternative the behaviorists. If anything, they Key works to the psychoanalytical model. were frequently even more rigorous Psychotherapy had evolved into in establishing evidence for their 1972 Depression: Causes and many forms, but the basic idea of theories. Beck was no exception Treatment psychoanalysis and exploration to this. He had trained in and 1975 Cognitive Therapy and of the unconscious was common practiced psychoanalysis, but grew the Emotional Disorders skeptical of its effectiveness as a ❯❯ 1980 Depression: Clinical, Experimental, and Theoretical 1999 Prisoners of Hate: The Cognitive Basis of Anger, Hostility, and Violence
176 AARON BECK I concluded that Psychoanalytic Institute on the and evaluate how realistic or psychoanalysis was a grounds that his “desire to conduct distorted their perceptions were faith-based therapy. scientific studies signaled that he’d was the first step in overcoming been improperly analyzed.” Those depression. This flew in the face of Aaron Beck who found fault with the idea of conventional psychoanalysis, which analysis did so, some analysts sought and examined underlying therapy. He could find no reliable argued, because of insufficient drives, emotions, and repressions. studies of the success rates of analysis of themselves. Beck’s “cognitive therapy” saw psychoanalysis—only anecdotal this as unnecessary or even evidence of case reports. In his Beck was suspicious of both counterproductive. The patient’s experience, only a minority of the circularity of these arguments, perception could be taken at face patients showed improvement and the link with the therapist’s value because, as he was fond of under analysis, and the general own personality. Coupled with his putting it, “there’s more to the consensus among therapists was personal experience as a practicing surface than meets the eye.” that some got better, some got psychoanalyst, this led him to worse, and some stayed about the examine thoroughly every aspect of What Beck meant by this was same, in almost equal numbers. therapy, looking for ways in which that the immediate manifestations it could be improved. He carried out of depression—the negative Of particular concern was the a series of experiments designed to “automatic thoughts”—provide all resistance of many psychoanalysts evaluate the basis and treatment of the information needed for therapy. to objective scientific examination. depression, one of the most common If these thoughts are examined Compared with experimental reasons for seeking psychotherapy, and compared with an objective, psychology, or with medicine, and found that far from confirming rational view of the same situation, psychoanalysis seemed largely the idea that this condition could the patient can recognize how faith-based, with widely different be treated by examination of his perception is distorted. For results between individual unconscious emotions and drives, example, a patient who has been practitioners. Reputation was his results pointed to a very offered a promotion at work might frequently based solely on the different interpretation. express negative thoughts such as charisma of a particular analyst. “I’ll find the new job too difficult, Beck concluded that “the Changing perceptions and fail,” a perception of the psychoanalytic mystique was In describing their depression, overwhelming… It was a little bit Beck’s patients often expressed A distorting mirror creates a view like the evangelical movement.” negative ideas about themselves, of the world that can seem terrifying Many psychoanalysts regarded their future, and society in general, and ugly. Similarly, depression tends criticism of their theories as a which came to them involuntarily. to cast a negative perspective on life, personal attack, and Beck soon These “automatic thoughts,” as Beck making sufferers feel more hopeless. discovered that any questioning called them, led him to conclude of the validity of psychoanalysis that the way the patients perceived was likely to be countered with their experiences—their cognition universal denouncement. At one of them—was not just a symptom time, he was turned down for of their depression, but also the key membership of the American to finding an effective therapy. This idea, which came to him in the 1960s, chimed with concurrent developments in experimental psychology, which had established the dominance of cognitive psychology by studying mental processes such as perception. When Beck applied a cognitive model to treatment, he found that helping his patients to recognize
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 177 Some people For others, who view their would view this situation in a more negative light, glass as half full. the glass is half empty. By correcting erroneous beliefs, we can lower How people assess the same excessive reactions. situation varies with temperament. Aaron Beck Beck’s cognitive therapy can help patients question their perceptions, leading to a more positive outlook. situation that leads to anxiety and pains to demonstrate that it was his treatments, as did many other unhappiness. A more rational way the therapy that was successful, psychotherapists in the 1980s. This of looking at the promotion would and not the therapist. has resulted in the varied forms of be to see it as a reward, or even a cognitive behavioral therapy that challenge. It is not the situation Beck was not the only, or are used by psychologists today. that is causing the depression, even the first, psychologist to but the patient’s perception of it. find traditional psychoanalysis Beck’s pioneering work marked Cognitive therapy could help him to unsatisfactory, but his use of a a turning point for psychotherapy, recognize how distorted it is, and cognitive model was innovatory. and his influence is considerable. find a more realistic and positive He had been influenced in his As well as bringing a cognitive way of thinking about the situation. reaction against psychoanalysis approach into clinical psychology, by the work of Albert Ellis, who Beck subjected it to scientific Empirical evidence had developed Rational Emotive scrutiny, exposing the weaknesses Beck’s cognitive therapy worked. Behavior Therapy (REBT) in the of psychoanalysis. In the process, for a large number of his patients. mid-1950s, and he was no doubt he introduced several methods for What is more, he was able to aware of the work of behaviorists assessing the nature and severity demonstrate that it worked, as elsewhere in the world, including of depression that are still used: he applied scientific methods the South Africans Joseph Wolpe the Beck Depression Inventory to ensure that he had empirical and Arnold A. Lazarus. Although (BDI), the Beck Hopelessness Scale, evidence for his findings. He different in approach, their the Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation designed special assessments therapies shared with Beck’s a (BSS), and the Beck Anxiety for his patients, so that he could thoroughly scientific methodology Inventory (BAI). ■ monitor their progress closely. and a rejection of the importance The results showed that cognitive of unconscious causes of mental Don’t trust me, therapy was making his patients and emotional disorders. test me. feel better, and feel better more quickly, than was the case under Once the success of cognitive Aaron Beck traditional psychoanalysis. Beck’s therapy had been established, it insistence on providing evidence was used increasingly for treating for any claims he made for his depression, and later Beck found therapy opened it up to objective that it could also be helpful for other scrutiny. Above all, he was most conditions, such as personality anxious to avoid acquiring the disorders and even schizophrenia. guru-like status of many successful Always open to new ideas—as long psychoanalysts, and was at great as it could be shown that they were effective—Beck also incorporated elements of behavior therapy into
180 DONALD BROADBENT I n Britain prior to World War II, psychology and the kind of psychology as an academic problems it addresses, which led IN CONTEXT discipline lagged behind him to look at some of the problems Europe and the US. Britain’s encountered by pilots in a different APPROACH psychologists had tended to follow way. He thought these problems Attention theory in the footsteps of the behaviorist might have psychological causes and psychotherapeutic schools of and answers, rather than simply BEFORE thought that had evolved elsewhere. mechanical ones, so after leaving 1640s René Descartes says In the few university psychology the RAF, he went to Cambridge the human body is a kind of departments that existed, the University to study psychology. machine with a mind, or soul. approach followed that of the natural sciences: the emphasis was Broadbent’s mentor at Cambridge, 1940s British psychologist on practical applications rather Frederic Bartlett, was a kindred and APU director Kenneth than theoretical speculations. spirit: a thoroughgoing scientist, Craik prepares flow diagrams and England’s first professor of comparing human and artificial It was in this unpromising experimental psychology. Bartlett information processing. academic environment that Donald believed that the most important Broadbent, who went on to become theoretical discoveries are often AFTER one of the most influential of the made while attempting to find 1959 George Armitage Miller’s early cognitive psychologists, found solutions to practical problems. This studies suggest that short-term himself when he left the Royal Air idea appealed to Broadbent, and memory can hold a maximum Force after the war and decided to prompted him to continue working of seven pieces of information. study psychology. However, the under Bartlett at the new Applied practical approach proved ideal Psychology Unit (APU) after it 1964 British psychologist for Broadbent, who was able to opened in 1944. It was during his Anne Treisman suggests that make perfect use of his wartime time there that Broadbent was to less important information is experience as an aeronautical do his most groundbreaking work. not eliminated at the filter engineer and pilot. He chose to ignore the then- stage but attenuated (like dominant behaviorist approach to turning down the volume) Practical psychology psychology and to concentrate on so it can still be “shadowed” Broadbent had enlisted in the RAF the practical problems he had come by the mind. when he was 17, and he was sent across in his time in the RAF. For to the US as part of his training. example, pilots sometimes confused Here he first became aware of similar-looking controls; in some Information from the senses… …is briefly held in the short-term memory store… …so that only one piece of information is …then passed through a filter… selected for attention.
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 181 See also: René Descartes 20–21 ■ George Armitage Miller 168–73 ■ Daniel Schacter 208–09 ■ Frederic Bartlett 335–36 A World War II plane incorporates a Broadbent was influenced in his Donald Broadbent dazzling display of informational data; thinking about how we process Broadbent was interested in discovering information by another product of Born in Birmingham, England, how pilots prioritized information and wartime research: the development Donald Broadbent considered what design changes would aid this. of computers and the idea of himself to be Welsh, since he “artificial intelligence.” The first spent his teenage years planes, the lever for pulling up the director of the APU, Kenneth in Wales after his parents’ wheels was identical to the one for Craik, had left the unit important divorce. He won a scholarship pulling up the flaps, and the two manuscripts and flow diagrams to the prestigious Winchester were situated together under the comparing human and artificial College, then joined the Royal seat; this led to frequent accidents. information processing, which Air Force aged 17, where he Broadbent thought these incidents Broadbent clearly studied. trained as a pilot and studied could be avoided if the capacities aeronautical engineering. and limitations of the pilots were At the same time, code breakers taken into consideration during such as the mathematician Alan After leaving the RAF in the design process, rather than Turing had been tackling the notion 1947, he studied psychology surfacing at the point of use. of information processing, and in under Frederic Bartlett at the postwar period he applied this Cambridge, then joined the Broadbent was interested in to the idea of a “thinking machine.” newly founded Applied using psychology not only to design The comparison of a machine to Psychology Unit (APU), better equipment, but also to reach the workings of the brain was a becoming its director in 1958. a better understanding of what powerful analogy, but it was Married twice, he was a shy, affected the pilots’ capabilities. Broadbent who turned the idea famously generous man whose They clearly had to cope with large around, considering the human “puritanical streak” led him amounts of incoming information, brain as a kind of information- to believe that his work was and then had to select the relevant processing machine. This, in a privilege and should always data they needed to make good essence, is what distinguishes be of real use. In 1974, he decisions. It seemed to him that cognitive psychology from was awarded the CBE and mistakes were often made when behaviorism: it is the study of appointed a fellow of Wolfson there were too many sources of mental processes, rather than their College, Oxford, where he incoming information. manifestation in behavior. ❯❯ remained until his retirement in 1991. He died two years later of a heart attack, aged 66. Key works 1958 Perception and Communication 1971 Decision and Stress 1993 The Simulation of Human Intelligence
182 DONALD BROADBENT To study how our attention works, Our mind can be conceived use to “filter out” the irrelevant Broadbent needed to design as a radio receiving many information from the masses of experiments that would back up data we receive through our senses his hunches. His background in channels at once. all the time. Following the air traffic engineering meant that he would Donald Broadbent control model, he chose to present not be satisfied until he had aural (sound-based) information evidence on which to base a theory, could only effectively deal with one through headphones to the subjects and he also wanted that research message at a time. What interested of his experiment. The system was to have a practical application. him was the mental process that set up so that he could relay two The APU was dedicated to applied must take place in order for them to different streams of information at psychology, which for Broadbent select the most important message the same time—one to the left ear referred not only to therapeutic from the various sources of incoming and one to the right—and then test applications, but also to applications information. He felt that there must the subjects on their retention of that benefited society as a whole; be some kind of mechanism in the that information. he was always very conscious that brain that processes the information his research was publicly funded. and makes that selection. As Broadbent had suspected, the subjects were unable to reproduce One voice at a time The experiment that Broadbent all the information from both One of Broadbent’s most important devised, now known as the dichotic channels of input. His feeling that experiments was suggested by his listening experiment, was one of we can only listen to one voice at experience with air traffic control. the first in the field of selective once had been confirmed, but still Ground crew often had to deal with attention—the process our brains the question remained as to exactly several streams of incoming how the subject had chosen to retain information simultaneously, sent some of the incoming information from planes arriving and departing, and effectively disregard the rest. which was relayed to the operators by radio and received through Thinking back to his initial headphones. The air traffic training as an engineer, Broadbent controllers then had to make quick suggested a mechanical model to decisions based on that information, explain what he felt was happening and Broadbent had noticed that they in the brain. He believed that when there are multiple sources of input, they may reach a “bottleneck” if the brain is unable to continue to process all the incoming information; at this point, there must be some kind of “filter” that lets through only one channel of input. The analogy he uses to explain this is typically practical: he describes a Y-shaped tube, into which two flows of ping pong balls are channeled. At the junction of the two branches of the tube, there is a flap that acts to block one flow of balls or the other; this allows balls from the unblocked channel into the stem of the tube. Air traffic controllers have to deal with a multitude of simultaneous signals. By re-creating this problem in listening experiments, Broadbent was able to identify attention processes.
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 183 A question still remained, however: Our short-term Information from all at what stage does this filter come memories are like the senses is fed in... into operation? In a series of a Y-shaped tube. experiments that were variations on his original dichotic listening ...which creates a tasks, Broadbent established that “bottleneck” where information is received by the information must be senses and then passed on in its entirety to some kind of store, filtered... which he called the short-term memory store. It is at this stage, he that only one stream believes, that the filtering occurs. of information is His description of how and when processed. information is selected for attention is known as the “Broadbent Filter many conversations to give our important implications when Model,” and it demonstrated a attention to, and which to ignore? applied to air traffic control, for completely new approach to And how is it possible to be example, where decisions could experimental psychology, not only distracted from our focused be made on possibly irrelevant or in combining the theoretical with attention on conversation “A” inaccurate information, rather than the practical, but also in considering by conversations “B” or “C”? being prioritized according to the workings of the brain as a form meaning and importance. of information processing. To help answer these questions, Broadbent turned his attention to Broadbent and Cherry worked The cocktail party problem the nature of the filter in his model. together on many dichotic listening Broadbent was not the only person Precisely what information does experiments to test the filtering to address the problem of selective it filter out, and what does it allow process. They realized that filtering attention. Another British scientist, through? Following another process is also affected by expectation. In Colin Cherry, also investigated the of rigorous experimenting, he found one experiment, participants were subject during the 1950s. Working that the selection is made not on asked to listen to different sets of in communication rather than the content of the information (what numbers presented simultaneously psychology, Cherry posed what he is being said), but on the physical to each ear. In some cases they called the “cocktail party problem:” characteristics of any message, were instructed which ear (the how, at a party where lots of people such as clarity or tone of voice. information channel) they would are talking, do we select which of This suggests that even though be asked about first; in others no information is stored, albeit very instructions were given. The One of the two voices is briefly, in short-term memory, it results showed that when people selected for response without is only after filtering that it is know which ear is receiving the reference to its correctness, processed for meaning and actually stream of information they will understood. This finding had be asked for first, they switch ❯❯ and the other is ignored. Donald Broadbent
184 DONALD BROADBENT attention to that ear, and the comprehension, and memory. problem, and in particular one information that enters the other The timing was significant, as phenomenon Cherry had identified ear is not always accurately it coincided with a divergence of concerning the nature of information retrieved from memory. In all cases opinion about the importance that is selected for attention. When the information that people chose of behaviorism in the US, and the an overheard conversation includes or were asked to remember first book slowly became known information that has some kind of seemed to be processed more as one of the landmarks in the special significance for a person— accurately than the later material; development of the new cognitive such as a personal name—the it was thought this might be due to psychology. As a result, Broadbent attention is switched toward that parts of the information being lost was recognized, by his peers if conversation, and away from the from the short-term memory store not the public, as the first major one previously attended to. before the participant tried to psychologist Britain had produced, retrieve it. In 1957, Broadbent and was rewarded the same year Further dichotic listening wrote: “We can listen to only one by being appointed director of the experiments at the APU bore out voice at once, and the first words APU to succeed Bartlett. Cherry’s findings: attention is we hear are the best recalled.” filtered by physical characteristics Not one to rest on his laurels, but also by meaning, using feedback Modifying the model however, Broadbent saw his new from memory stores, prior experience, In 1958, Broadbent published the appointment as an opportunity to and expectations. The sound of a results of his research in a book, continue his work on attention, siren, for instance, would divert Perception and Communication, widening the scope of his research attention on to that stream of sound. which effectively outlined a and refining the theory. From the This suggests that information is in framework for studying attention, starting point of his filter model, some way understood before being he returned to the cocktail party selected for attention. Sarah Sarah? People at a cocktail party may be listening to one conversation, but then become aware of (and switch attention to) another, if it includes personally significant information.
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 185 The test of a psychological theory, as well as its moral justification, lies in its application to concrete practical considerations. Donald Broadbent Complex industrial processes could be transformed in efficiency, Broadbent thought, through the application of psychology. He was committed to producing genuinely useful research. Broadbent realized that his filter and their causes. In each case the shape the development of cognitive model needed modification, but results of his experiments led to science. His work also established was pleased rather than dismayed refinements of his theories. In 1971, applied psychology as an important to have to make the changes. As a he published a second book, approach for problem-solving, scientist, he felt that all scientific Decision and Stress, which detailed increasing its impact well beyond theories are temporary, derived an extended version of his filter the confines of the laboratory. A key from the evidence available at the theory. Like its predecessor, this figure in the founding of cognitive time, and so susceptible to change book became a classic textbook of psychology, his research into in the light of new evidence; this is cognitive psychology. attention laid the groundwork for a how science progresses. new field of enquiry that continues The cognitive approach to yield rich results today. ■ The work of the APU centered Broadbent’s books did not reach around Broadbent’s research into the general public, but were widely His psychology was intended attention, but this allowed for a read by scientists from other for society and its problems, constantly widening range of disciplines. His comparison of the not merely for the dwellers applications. Broadbent worked workings of the human brain with tirelessly to ensure that his work electronic machines became more in ivory towers. was practically useful, examining and more relevant as interest in Fergus Craik and the effects of noise, heat, and stress computing increased. His model on attention in work environments, of the various stages of human Alan Baddely and he constantly reviewed his information processing—acquisition, ideas as he worked. In the process, storage, retrieval, and use—echoed he gained government support for the work on artificial intelligence his ideas, and the respect of many at that time. industries whose practices were improved by his work. This led to Broadbent was instrumental in yet more research into areas such setting up a Joint Council Initiative as differences of attention between on Cognitive Science and Human- individuals, and lapses of attention Computer Interaction, which helped
188 ENDEL TULVING Episodic memory is made up of events and experiences that are stored in long-term memory. IN CONTEXT It is distinct from semantic Memories of our APPROACH memory, which is our experiences are associated Memory studies with particular times and long-term memory store for places and can be triggered BEFORE facts and knowledge. 1878 Hermann Ebbinghaus by these cues. conducts the first scientific study of human memory. Associated sensory cues such as a particular song or scent can also help us recall seemingly 1927 Bluma Zeigarnik describes how interrupted complete memories of past events. tasks are better remembered than uninterrupted ones. Only humans can “travel back in time” to reflect on their experiences in this way… 1960s Jerome Bruner stresses the importance of organization …as if time’s arrow is bent into a loop. and categorization in the learning process. AFTER 1979 Elizabeth Loftus looks at distortions of memory in her book Eyewitness Testimony. 1981 Gordon H. Bower makes the link between events and emotions in memory. 2001 Daniel Schacter publishes The Seven Sins of Memory: How the Mind Forgets and Remembers. M emory was one of the studies, notably by Bluma Zeigarnik area of study. Forced to abandon first fields of study for and Frederic Bartlett in the 1920s the study of visual perception due psychologists in the and 30s, memory was largely ignored to a lack of facilities, Tulving turned 19th century, as it was closely as a topic until the “cognitive his attention to memory. The connected with the concept of revolution” took place following funding deficit also shaped his consciousness, which had formed World War II. Cognitive psychologists approach to the subject, designing the bridge between philosophy and began to explore the idea of the experiments that used no more psychology. Hermann Ebbinghaus brain as an information processor, than a pen, some paper, and a in particular devoted much of his and this provided a model for the supply of index cards. research to the scientific study of storage of memory: it was seen as memory and learning, but the next a process, whereby some items The free-recall method generation of psychologists turned passed from short-term or working Learning about the subject as he their attention to a behaviorist memory into long-term memory. went along, Tulving worked in a study of learning, and “conditioning” rather unorthodox way, which replaced memory as the focus of By the time Endel Tulving occasionally earned him criticism research. Apart from a few isolated finished his doctorate in 1957, from his peers, and was to make memory was once more a central
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 189 See also: Hermann Ebbinghaus 48–49 ■ Bluma Zeigarnik 162 ■ George Armitage Miller 168–73 ■ Gordon H. Bower 194–95 ■ Elizabeth Loftus 202–07 ■ Daniel Schacter 208–09 ■ Roger Brown 237 ■ Frederic Bartlett 335 publishing his results difficult. His the better they organize the In the course of his research, maverick instincts did, however, information, the better they are Tulving was struck by the fact lead to some truly innovative able to remember it. His subjects that there seemed to be different research. One hurriedly designed, were also able to recall a word kinds of memory. The distinction ad hoc demonstration to a class of when given a cue in the form of between long-term memory and students in the early 1960s was to the category (such as “animals”) short-term memory had already provide him with the model for in which they had mentally filed been established, but Tulving felt many later experiments. He read that word. Tulving concluded that there was more than one kind of out a random list of 20 everyday although all the words memorized long-term memory. He saw a words to the students, and then from the list were actually available difference between memories asked them to write down as many for remembering, the ones that that are knowledge-based (facts as they could recall, in any order. were organized by subject were and data), and those that are As he expected, most of them more readily accessible to memory, experience-based (events and managed to remember around especially when the appropriate conversations). He proposed a half of the list. He then asked them cue was given. division of long-term memory into about the words that they had not two distinct types: semantic remembered, giving hints such as Memory types memory, the store of facts; and “Wasn’t there a color on the list?,” Where previous psychologists episodic memory, the repository after which the student could often had concentrated on the process of our personal history and events. provide the correct answer. of storing information, and the failings of that process, Tulving Tulving’s experiments had Tulving developed a series of made a distinction between two demonstrated that organization of experiments on this “free recall” different processes—storage and semantic information, such as lists method, during which he noticed retrieval of information—and of words, helps efficient recollection, that people tend to group words showed how the two were linked. and the same appeared to be true together into meaningful categories; of episodic memory. But where ❯❯ ANIMALS FOOD TRANSPORTATION TOOLS In Tulving’s free recall experiments, people were asked to remember as many words as possible from a random list. “Forgotten” words were often recalled using category cues. They were stored in memory but temporarily inaccessible.
190 ENDEL TULVING semantic memories are organized Remembering is memorable event—such as the 9/11 into meaningful categories of subject mental time travel. terrorist attacks—occurs, are an matter, episodic memories are Endel Tulving extreme example of this. organized by relation to the specific time or circumstances in which Emotional events such as weddings Tulving described recollection they were originally stored. For give rise to episodic memories. These from episodic memory as “mental example, a particular conversation are stored in such a way that the time travel,” involving us in a may have taken place during a person remembering relives the event, revisiting of the past to access birthday dinner, and the memory in a form of “time travel.” the memory. In his later work he of what was said would be stored pointed out that episodic memory in association with that occasion. provide a retrieval cue for the is unique in featuring a subjective Just as the category of “city” might semantic memory “Beijing,” the sense of time. Specific to humans, mention of “40th birthday” might it involves not merely awareness of act as a cue for the retrieval of what has been, but also of what what had been said over that may come about. This unique dinner. The more strongly these ability allows us to reflect on our autobiographical memories are lives, worry about future events, associated with the time and and make plans. It is what enables circumstances of their occurrence, humankind to “take full advantage the greater their accessibility is of its awareness of its continued likely to be. “Flashbulb memories,” existence in time” and has allowed which are stored when a highly us to transform the natural world into one of numerous civilizations and cultures. Through this facility, “time’s arrow is bent into a loop.” Encoding information Tulving realized that organization is the key to efficient recall for both semantic and episodic memory, and that the brain somehow organizes information so that specific facts and events are “pigeonholed” with related items. Recalling that specific Endel Tulving Born the son of a judge in Tartu, University of Toronto, where Estonia, Endel Tulving was he graduated in psychology in educated at a private school for 1953, and took his MA degree in boys, and although a model 1954. He then moved to Harvard student, he was more interested where he gained a PhD for his in sports than academic subjects. thesis on visual perception. When Russia invaded in 1944, In 1956, Tulving returned to the he and his brother escaped to University of Toronto, where he Germany to finish their studies continues to teach to this day. and did not see their parents again until the death of Stalin 25 years Key works later. After World War II, Tulving worked as a translator for the 1972 Organization of Memory American army and briefly 1983 Elements of Episodic attended medical school before Memory emigrating to Canada in 1949. He 1999 Memory, Consciousness, was accepted as a student at the and the Brain
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 191 information is then made easier Different types of memory are Semantic memory by direction to the appropriate physically distinct, according to stores facts and pigeonhole—the brain “knows Tulving, because each behaves and knowledge. where to look” for the memory it functions in a significantly wants and can narrow down the different way. Episodic memory search. The implication, he stores events and believed, is that the brain encodes recollection, even though the each memory for storage in long-term information is stored and available recollections. memory, so that specific memories in long-term memory. can be located for recollection by a Procedural memory more general retrieval cue. The Unlike previous theories of stores methods and cues that prompt episodic memory memory, Tulving’s encoding principle techniques. are usually sensory. A specific sound, made a distinction between memory such as a piece of music, or a scent that is available and that which is are active during encoding and can trigger a complete memory. accessible. When someone is unable retrieval of memory, and establish to recall a piece of information, it that episodic memory is associated Tulvings’s theory of the does not mean that it is “forgotten” with the medial temporal lobe and, “encoding specificity principle” in the sense that it has faded or specifically, the hippocampus. was especially applicable to simply disappeared from long-term episodic memory. Memories of memory; it may still be stored, and Partly due to his unorthodox specific past events are encoded therefore be available—the problem and untutored approach, Tulving according to the time of their is one of retrieval. made innovative insights that occurrence, along with other proved inspirational to other memories of the same time. He Scanning for memory psychologists, including some of found that the most effective cue Tulving’s research into the storage his former students such as Daniel for retrieving any specific episodic and retrieval of memory opened up Schacter. Tulving’s focus on storage memory is the one which overlaps a whole new area for psychological and retrieval provided a new way of with it most, since this is stored study. The publication of his thinking about memory, but it was together with the memory to be findings in the 1970s coincided perhaps his distinction between retrieved. Retrieval cues are with a new determination by many semantic and episodic memory that necessary to access episodic cognitive psychologists to find was his breakthrough contribution. memory, but not always sufficient, confirmation of their theories in It allowed subsequent psychologists because sometimes the relationship neuroscience, using brain-imaging to increase the complexity of the is not close enough to allow techniques that had just become model to include such concepts as available. In conjunction with procedural memory (remembering Relating what we know neuroscientists, Tulving was able how to do something), and the about the behavior of memory to map the areas of the brain that difference between explicit memory (of which we are consciously aware) to the underlying neural and implicit memory (of which we structures is not have no conscious awareness, but which nonetheless continues at all obvious. That’s to affect us). These topics remain real science. of great interest to cognitive psychologists today. ■ Endel Tulving
192 PERCEPTION IS EXTERNALLY GUIDED HALLUCINATION ROGER N. SHEPARD (1929– ) IN CONTEXT H ow the mind makes use An optical illusion creates confusion of information gathered in the viewer, demonstrating that we are APPROACH from the external world not just perceiving, but also attempting Perception has been a major concern for to fit the sensory data to what we philosophers and psychologists already understand in the mind’s eye. BEFORE throughout history. Exactly how 1637 René Descartes in his do we use the information gained world and mental visualization. treatise Discourse on the through our senses? In the early Perception, Shepard said, is Method suggests that though 1970s, cognitive and mathematical “externally guided hallucination,” our senses can be deceived, psychologist Roger Shepard and he described the processes we are thinking beings with proposed new theories of how of dreaming and hallucination as innate knowledge. the brain processes “sense data.” “internally simulated perception.” 1920s Gestalt theorists study Shepard argued that our brains Shepard’s research introduced visual perception, finding that not only process sense data, but also revolutionary techniques for people tend to view objects make inferences from it, based on an identifying the hidden structure comprising composite parts internal model of the physical world of mental representations and as a unified whole. where we can visualize objects in processes. His work in visual and three dimensions. The experiment auditory perception, mental imagery, 1958 Donald Broadbent’s book he used to prove this, in which and representation has influenced Perception and Communication subjects tried to ascertain whether generations of psychologists. ■ introduces a truly cognitive two tables—each drawn from a approach to the psychology different angle—were the same, of perception. showed that we are able to perform what Shepard called “mental AFTER rotation:” turning one of the tables 1986 American experimental in our mind’s eye for comparison. psychologist Michael Kubovy publishes The Psychology Shepard used a series of optical of Perspective and (and aural) illusions to demonstrate Renaissance Art. that our brains interpret sense data using both knowledge of the external See also: René Descartes 20–21 ■ Wolfgang Köhler 160–61 ■ Jerome Bruner 164–65 ■ Donald Broadbent 178–85 ■ Max Wertheimer 335
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 193 WE ARE CONSTANTLY ON THE LOOKOUT FOR CAUSAL CONNECTIONS DANIEL KAHNEMAN (1934– ) IN CONTEXT U ntil very recently, our Israeli-American Daniel Kahneman, perception of risk and with Amos Tversky, reexamined APPROACH the way that we make theories of how we make decisions Prospect theory our decisions was considered to when faced with uncertainty, in be more a matter of probability Judgment under Uncertainty: BEFORE and statistics than psychology. Heuristics and Biases (1974). They 1738 The Dutch-Swiss However, cognitive psychology, found the general belief that people mathematician Daniel with its emphasis on mental made decisions based on statistics Bernoulli proposes the processes, brought the concepts and probability was not true in expected utility hypothesis of perception and judgment to practice. Instead, people base their to explain decision-making the field of problem-solving, with decisions on “rule of thumb”—on preferences in situations some surprising results. specific examples or small samples. involving risk. Consequently, judgments can After observing a long frequently be wrong, because they 1917 Wolfgang Köhler publishes run of red on the roulette are based on information that The Mentality of Apes—his comes easily to mind, rather than study of problem-solving wheel, most people that has actual probability. in chimpanzees. erroneously believe that Kahneman and Tversky noticed 1940s Edward Tolman’s black is now due. this experience-based method of studies on animal behavior Daniel Kahneman & problem-solving has a pattern: we open up a new area of tend to overestimate the likelihood research into motivation Amos Tversky of things with low probability (such and decision-making. as a plane crash), and underestimate those with a higher probability (such AFTER as crashing while driving drunk). 1980 US economist Richard Thaler publishes the first These findings formed the basis paper on the subject of of Kahneman and Tversky’s prospect behavioral economics: theory, proposed in 1979, and led to Toward a Positive Theory the collaborative field of psychology of Consumer Choice. known as behavioral economics. ■ See also: Edward Tolman 72–73 ■ Wolfgang Köhler 160–61
194 EVENTS AND EMOTION ARE STORED IN MEMORY TOGETHER GORDON H. BOWER (1932– ) IN CONTEXT When we are in a When we are in an happy mood, we tend unhappy mood, we tend APPROACH to store in memory the Memory studies to store in memory the positive things negative things BEFORE that happen... that happen... 1927 Bluma Zeigarnik describes the “Zeigarnik ...because we pay more attention effect” of interrupted tasks to the information that agrees with being better remembered than uninterrupted ones. our mood. 1956 George Armitage Events and emotion are stored Miller’s The Magical Number in memory together. 7, Plus or Minus 2 provides a cognitive model for storage When we are happy, When we are unhappy, in short-term memory. we find it easier to we find it easier to 1972 Endel Tulving makes a recall memories from recall memories from distinction between semantic a happy time. an unhappy time. and episodic memory. AFTER 1977 Roger Brown coins the term “flashbulb memory” for autobiographical memory connected with highly emotional events. 2001 Daniel Schacter publishes The Seven Sins of Memory, which categorizes the ways that memory can fail.
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 195 See also: Bluma Zeigarnik 162 ■ George Armitage Miller 168–73 ■ Endel Tulving 186–91 ■ Paul Ekman 196–97 ■ Daniel Schacter 208–09 ■ Roger Brown 237 T he 1950s saw a revival of that we form an association between An idyllic vacation, according to interest in the study of our emotional state and what is Bower, is more easily recalled when we memory. Increasingly going on around us, and the emotion are in a happy mood. Bad memories of sophisticated models of short- and and the information are stored in the trip are likely to be forgotten, or long-term memory were developed, memory together. It is then easier to only remembered when we are unhappy. in order to explain how information recall facts that we learned when is selected, organized, stored, and we were in the same mood as we Bower’s findings led him to study retrieved. The ways in which are when recollecting them. people in various emotional states, memories could be forgotten or retrospectively observing their distorted were also identified. Bower also discovered that videotaped interactions with others. emotion plays a part in the type of Memory and judgement of past Memory and mood information that the brain stores. behavior varied with current mood. By the 1970s, the focus in learning When we are happy, he observed This research helped Bower to theory and memory had moved to that we tend to notice—and refine his ideas about emotion and investigating why some memories therefore remember—positive memory, and inspired further are better stored or more easily things; when we are sad, negative psychological examination of the retrieved than others. One of the things attract our attention and are role emotions play in our lives. ■ foremost psychologists in the field, committed to memory more easily. Gordon H. Bower, had noticed that For example, Bower found that emotion appeared to impact on unhappy people recalled details of memory. Bower carried out studies a sad story better than those who in which people learned lists of were happy when they read it. He words while in different moods, and called this “mood-congruent later had to recall them, again when processing,” and concluded that in varying emotional states. He episodic memory—of events, not uncovered what he called “mood- just words or facts—is especially dependent retrieval:” whatever a linked to emotions. The events and person has learned when unhappy emotions are stored together, and is easier to recall when they are we remember best the events that again unhappy. Bower concluded match our mood, both when they occurred, and when recalling them. Gordon H. Bower Stanford University, California, People who are happy where he taught until his during the initial experience Gordon H. Bower was brought retirement in 2005. His research learn the happy events better; up in Scio, Ohio. At high school, there helped to develop the field he was more interested in of cognitive science, and in 2005 angry people learn anger- baseball and playing jazz than Bower was awarded the US provoking events better. studying, until a teacher National Medal of Science for introduced him to the works of his contributions to cognitive Gordon H. Bower Sigmund Freud. He went on to and mathematical psychology. graduate in psychology at Case Western Reserve University, Key works Cleveland, switching to Yale for his PhD in learning theory, 1966, 1975 Theories of Learning which he completed in 1959. (with Ernest Hilgard) 1981 Mood and Memory From Yale, Bower moved on 1991 Psychology of Learning to the internationally acclaimed and Motivation (Volume 27) psychology department of
196 EMOTIONS ARE A RUNAWAY TRAIN PAUL EKMAN (1934– ) IN CONTEXT E motions, and more When Ekman began his research especially emotional in the 1970s, it was assumed that APPROACH disorders, played a large we learn to physically express Psychology of emotions part in psychotherapy from its emotions according to a set of beginnings, but they were seen social conventions, which differ BEFORE more as symptoms to be treated from culture to culture. Ekman 1960s The study of isolated than as something to be examined traveled widely to all corners of the tribal communities by in their own right. One of the first world, first photographing people in American anthropologist to realize that emotions deserved the “developed countries,” such as Margaret Mead suggests as much attention as thought Japan and Brazil, and then people that facial expressions are processes, drives, and behavior in far-flung, cut-off places without culture-specific. was Paul Ekman, who came to access to radio or television, such the subject through his research as the jungles of Papua New 1960s American psychologist into nonverbal behavior and Guinea. He found tribespeople Silvan Tomkins (Ekman’s facial expressions. could interpret facial expressions as mentor) proposes his Affect Theory of Emotions, distinct Emotions can and Emotions can from the basic Freudian drives often do start before override some of our of sex, fear, and the will to live. our conscious mind is most fundamental drives (disgust can 1970s Gordon H. Bower aware of them. uncovers and defines the override hunger). links between emotional states and memory. It is therefore Emotions are difficult to control powerful and difficult AFTER 2000s The findings of what we become to hold back, like a Ekman’s work on facial emotional about. runaway train. expressions and deception are incorporated into security procedures used by public transport systems.
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 197 See also: William James 38–45 ■ Gordon H. Bower 194–95 ■ Nico Frijda 324–25 ■ Charlotte Bühler 336 ■ René Diatkine 338 ■ Stanley Schachter 338 The Six Basic Emotions Anger Disgust Fear Happiness Sadness Surprise well as anyone in more globally- mind has time to register the Ekman that a better understanding aware countries, which suggests causes of that emotion. Ekman of emotions would help to overcome that facial expressions are universal inferred not only that our faces can some mental disorders. We may be products of human evolution. reveal our inner emotional state, unable to control our emotions, but but that the emotions responsible we may be able to make changes to Basic emotions for these involuntary expressions are the things that trigger them and Ekman came up with six basic more powerful than psychologists the behavior they lead to. emotions—anger, disgust, fear, had previously thought. happiness, sadness, and surprise— Running parallel to his work and because of their ubiquity, In Emotions Revealed, Ekman on emotions, Ekman pioneered concluded they must be important states that emotions can be more research into deception and the to psychological make-up. He noted powerful than the Freudian drives ways we try to hide our feelings. that facial expressions linked to of sex, hunger, and even the will to He identified small tell-tale signs, these emotions are involuntary— live. For example, embarassment or which he called “microexpressions,” we react automatically to things fear can override libido, preventing detectable when someone is either that trigger these emotional a satisfactory sex life. Extreme consciously or unconsciously responses—and that this reaction unhappiness can override the will concealing something. This has often happens before our conscious to live. The power of the “runaway proved useful in devising security train” of emotions convinced measures to counter terrorism. ■ Paul Ekman Paul Ekman was born and spent nonverbal behavior and facial his early childhood in Newark, expressions. This work led to his New Jersey. At the outbreak of studies of the concealment of World War II, his family moved emotions in facial expressions, west to Washington, then Oregon, which in turn took Ekman deep and eventually southern California. into the then-unexplored field of Aged just 15, Ekman took up a the psychology of emotions. He place at the University of Chicago, was appointed Professor of where he became interested in Psychology at UCSF in 1972, Freud and psychotherapy, and and remained there until his went on to study for his doctorate retirement in 2004. in clinical psychology at Adelphi University, New York. After a brief Key works spell working for the US Army, he moved to the University of 1985 Telling Lies California, San Francisco (UCSF), 2003 Emotions Revealed where he began his research into 2008 Emotional Awareness
198 ECSTASY IS A STEP INTO AN ALTERNATIVE REALITY MIHALY CSIKSZENTMIHALYI (1934– ) IN CONTEXT D uring the “cognitive Carl Rogers were beginning to revolution,” there was a think about what constituted a APPROACH growing movement in good and happy life, rather than Positive psychology clinical psychology away from merely alleviating the misery of seeing patients solely in terms depression and anxiety. From this BEFORE of their disorders, toward a more grew a movement of “positive 1943 Abraham Maslow’s A holistic, humanistic approach. psychology,” which concentrated Theory of Human Motivation Psychologists such as Erich on finding ways to achieve this lays the foundations for a Fromm, Abraham Maslow, and good and happy life. humanistic psychology. When we engage in an activity that we enjoy and that gives 1951 Carl Rogers publishes enough challenge to our skills… Client-Centered Therapy, a humanistic approach to …we become absorbed in that activity and reach psychotherapy. a state of “flow” in which… 1960s Aaron Beck introduces …we are …we feel a …we feel a …we have a cognitive therapy as an totally sense of sense of feeling of alternative to psychoanalysis. serenity. focused. timelessness. inner clarity. 1990s Martin Seligman switches from “learned Above all, we are not conscious of ourselves or the helplessness” and depression world around us. to “positive psychology.” Flow is similar to a state of ecstasy. AFTER 1997 Csíkszentmihályi works on The GoodWork Project with William Damon and Howard Gardner, publishing Good Work: When Excellence and Ethics Meet and Good Business: Leadership, Flow, and the Making of Meaning in 2002.
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