SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 249 See also: Solomon Asch 224–27 ■ Serge Moscovici 238–39 ■ Philip Zimbardo 254–55 ■ Walter Mischel 326–27 The most famous labels that indicated the intensity Convincingly wired up, Mr. Wallace and controversial of all of different ranges of shock levels, pretended to be an innocent volunteer. obedience experiments. from “slight shock” at one end, to His screams failed to prevent 65 percent “extreme intensity shock,” “danger: of participants from administering the Richard Gross severe shock,” and finally, one highest level of fake electric shock. marked simply “XXX,” at the other. occupations, including teachers, play, the draw was always rigged so postal workers, engineers, laborers, The role of the experimenter that Mr. Wallace took on the role of and salesmen. They were each paid or “scientist” was played by a “learner” in every instance. In full $4.50 for their participation; the biology teacher who introduced view of the participant, the “learner” money was given to them as soon as himself to the participants as (Mr. Wallace) was strapped into an they arrived at the laboratory, and Jack Williams. In order to give the “electric chair” with an electrode they were told that the payment was impression of authority, he was attached to his wrist; the participant theirs to keep regardless of what dressed in a gray laboratory was told that this electrode was happened during the experiment. technician’s coat and maintained a attached to the shock generator ❯❯ stern and emotionless demeanor In the laboratory, Milgram had throughout each of the experiments. created a phony (but very impressive and realistic-looking) electric shock The participants were told that generator. This had 30 switches the study intended to investigate marked in 15-volt increments with the effects of punishment on learning. They were told that of two volunteers, one would be the learner and the other the teacher. In fact, one of the two “volunteers” in each case was not a participant but a stooge: he was a likeable accountant called Mr. Wallace, who had been trained to play the role of the victim. When Mr. Wallace and the genuine participant drew paper from a hat to determine which role they would Stanley Milgram Stanley Milgram was born in 1933 he married Alexandra Menkin, to a Jewish family in New York with whom he had two children. City. His Hungarian parents ran In 1963, he returned to Harvard, a bakery in the Bronx, and he but was denied tenure because attended James Monroe High of the controversy surrounding School with Philip Zimbardo. his experiment, so he moved to the City University of New York, A high academic achiever and a where he taught until his death leader among his peers, Milgram at the age of 51. initially studied political science, but went on to receive a PhD in Key works psychology from Harvard in 1960 under Gordon Allport. After 1963 Behavioral Study of working with Solomon Asch on Obedience conformity studies at Harvard, he 1967 The Small World Problem became assistant professor at 1974 Obedience to Authority: Yale, where he carried out his An Experimental View obedience experiments. In 1961,
250 STANLEY MILGRAM 100% of the participants applied shocks up to 300 volts; the point at which the Milgram’s shock generator produced totally learner began to shout in apparent pain. unexpected results. A team of 40 psychiatrists predicted that fewer than 5 percent of participants would administer shocks as high as 300 volts; in fact, every participant went to this level. Very strong shock Intense shock 35% of the participants applied Strong shock intensityEsxthroeckme shocks of between 300 and 375 Moderate shock shock volts, but then refused to apply Slight shock Danger: severe X any more. 0V X X 65% of the participants continued the experiment to the end, applying the maximum shock of 450 volts as many times as requested. 450V located in an adjacent room. The correct answer, announce the level an incorrectly answered question participant heard the “scientist” of shock he was about to receive, and apply the next level of shock tell the “learner” (Mr.. Wallace) that and press a switch to administer the voltage. If he expressed misgivings “although the shocks can be shock. Participants were instructed about continuing the experiment, he extremely painful, they cause no to increase the shock level by 15 volts received a verbal prod from the permanent damage.” To make the (in other words, to keep moving up “scientist” to encourage him, from situation appear more authentic, the shock scale on the machine) a simple request to continue, to the scientist then wired up the with every wrong answer. finally being told that he had no participant and gave him a sample choice but to go on. If he refused shock of 45 volts—which was in fact Applying the shocks to obey after the last prod, the the only shock strength that the As part of the experiment, the experiment was terminated. generator could produce. learner (Mr. Wallace) had been briefed to answer incorrectly to With numbing regularity, At this point, the participant around one question in every four, good people were seen was moved to the room containing to ensure that the participant would to knuckle under the the shock generator and asked to be required to start applying electric demands of authority assume the role of “teacher.” He was shocks. During the experiment, the and perform actions that asked to read a series of word pairs learner would pound the wall once were callous and severe. (such as “blue-girl”, “nice-day”) the voltage had reached 300, and aloud for the learner to memorize. shout: “I absolutely refuse to answer Stanley Milgram After this he was to read out a series any more! Get me out of here! You of single words; the learner’s task can’t hold me here! Get me out!” was to recall the pairing word in As the shock level increased, the each case and to indicate his answer learner would shout more frantically, by pressing a switch that illuminated and then eventually cease making a light on the shock generator. If the any noise at all; questions would learner’s answer was correct, the be met with nothing but an eerie questions continued; if the answer silence. The participant was told to was incorrect, the participant was treat any unanswered question as instructed to tell the learner the
SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 251 In advance of the experiment, test that they were not emotionally Ordinary people, simply Milgram had asked several different harmed by the experience. The doing their jobs, and groups of people, including ordinary participants were also reunited with without any particular members of the public as well as the “learner” (Mr. Wallace) so that hostility on their part, psychologists and psychiatrists, they could see that no actual how far they thought participants shocks had been administered. can become agents in a would go when asked to administer terrible destructive process. the electric shocks. Most people Feeling obliged to obey thought participants would stop at Milgram noted several features Stanley Milgram a level that caused pain, and the of the experiment that may have psychiatrists predicted that, at most, contributed to such high levels of from the reactions and responses one in 1,000 would continue to the obedience; for example, the fact of the participants that obeying the highest level of shock. Astonishingly, that it took place at the prestigious “scientist” was violating their own when the experiment took place, Yale University gave it credibility. sense of morality and negatively Milgram found that all 40 of the In addition, participants believed affecting them both physically and participants obeyed commands to that the study was designed to emotionally, but the pressure to administer shocks up to 300 volts. advance knowledge, and they had comply was simply too powerful Only five people refused to continue been assured that the shocks were to defy in most cases. at this point; 65 percent of the painful but not dangerous. Being participants obeyed the instructions paid may have increased their This sense of obedience, of the “scientist” right to the end, sense of obligation, as did the fact Milgram felt, comes from the fact obeying commands to administer they had volunteered to take part. that people are socialized from a shocks to the top level of 450 volts. To test these explanations, Milgram very young age (by parents and ❯❯ ran many variations on the study, Their discomfort at doing so but changing the context had only was often evident: many showed minor effects on the results. signs of severe distress, tension, and nervousness over the course Milgram wanted to see if the of the experiment. They stuttered, inclination to obey authority figures trembled, sweated, groaned, broke can become the major factor in out into nervous laughing fits, and determining behavior, even in three people had full-blown seizures. extreme circumstances. It is clear In every instance of the experiment, the participant stopped and questioned it at some point; some even offered to refund the money they were paid at the beginning. Interviews after the experiments confirmed that, with only a few exceptions, participants had been completely convinced that the “learning experiment” was real. All participants were fully debriefed so they understood what had actually taken place, and they were asked a series of questions to By the 1960s, Yale University was known to the general public as being highly prestigious; its authority may have seemed literally unquestionable to the participants of Milgram’s study.
252 STANLEY MILGRAM teachers) to be obedient and to carried out by the Nazis. However, debriefed after the experiment. follow orders—especially the rules the conflict between a person’s Self-knowledge, he argued, is a set forth by authority figures. As conscience and external authority valuable asset, despite the Milgram says, “obedience is as exerts a huge internal pressure, and discomfort that the participants basic an element in the structure Milgram felt that this accounted for may have felt when forced to of social life as one can point to… the extreme distress experienced confront the fact that they behaved it serves numerous productive by the participants in his study. in a previously unthinkable way. functions.” But equally, the inhumane policies of the death Ethical concerns However, many psychologists camps in World War II “could only There were many ethical concerns remained uneasy, and the study be carried out on a massive scale associated with Milgram’s study. was ultimately crucial in the if a very large number of persons When it was first published, the development of ethical standards of obeyed orders.” His experiments ensuing controversy was so great psychological experimentation. It clearly demonstrated that normally that the American Psychological helped to define important principles harmless people become capable Association revoked his membership such as the avoidance of intentional of committing cruel acts when a for a full year. However, it was deceit of participants, and the need situation pressures them to do so. eventually reinstated, and Milgram’s to protect experimental participants 1974 book Obedience to Authority from emotional suffering. In describing his results, received the annual Social Milgram also turned to the theory of Psychology Award. Cross-cultural validity conformism, which states that when Another criticism of Milgram’s a person has neither the ability nor The major concern was that study was that he used an expertise to make a decision, he will the participants in the experiment unrepresentative sample: American look to the group to decide how to were explicitly deceived, both about men do not necessarily reflect the behave. Conformity can limit and the nature of the study and about general population. Even so, Milgram distort an individual’s response to the reality of the electric shocks. was able to conclude that obedience a situation, and seems to result in a Milgram’s defense was that he was not a particular feature found in diffusion of responsibility—which could not have obtained realistic the minds of 20th-century Germans, Milgram felt was crucial to results without employing deception, but something more universal. A comprehending the atrocities and all of the participants were number of cross-cultural replications The behavior of Nazis during World War II had been attributed to a prevalence of the “authoritarian personality” in the population; this was questioned by Milgram’s experiments. Obedience to authority is not a feature of German culture, but a seemingly universal feature of human behavior. Stanley Milgram
SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 253 In wartime, a soldier does not ask whether it is good or bad to bomb a hamlet. Stanley Milgram American soldiers in Vietnam reported that their behavior became unacceptable by degrees—as with the shock generator—until they found themselves murdering innocents. of the original experiment have twice: first with the virtual learner historical examples of people using demonstrated remarkably high communicating only by text, and their authority to persuade others to consistency in results within then with the computer-generated commit crimes against humanity. societies, but slight differences model visible on screen. Those with between one country and another. only text contact with the learner Equally importantly, Milgram For example, in most of North had little trouble administering the showed that it is “not so much the America and Europe, results are shocks; but when the virtual learner kind of person a man is, as the kind very similar to those found in was visible, participants acted of situation in which he finds Milgram’s original experiment, with exactly as they had in Milgram’s himself that determines how he very high percentages of obedience. original experiment. will act.” Instead of examining Asian studies, however, show even personalities to explain crimes, he greater levels of obedience (in East Society demands obedience says, we should examine the Asian and Muslim countries in The notion of a society rests on an context, or situation. particular), while aboriginal African understanding that individuals are and Latin American populations, prepared to relinquish some personal Milgram’s seminal study was as well as the Inuit peoples of autonomy and look to others of heavily criticized at the time, not Canada, show far less obedience. higher authority and social status least because it painted an to make decisions on a larger scale unappealing and chilling portrait Virtual torture or from a higher, broader perspective. of human nature. It is easier to In 2006, the psychologist Mel Slater Even the most democratic of believe that there are fundamental set out to see what the effect would societies requires the rulings of a differences between the Nazis and be if participants were made recognized, legitimate authority to the rest of humanity than to accept explicitly aware that the situation take precedence over individual that in certain situations, many of was not real. His replication used a self-regulation, in pursuit of the us are capable of committing computer simulation of the learner greater collective good. In order extraordinary acts of violence. and shock process, so participants for any society to function, its Milgram held up a light to the dark administering the shocks were fully populace must agree to obey its realities concerning power and the aware that the learner was computer- rules. Legitimacy is, of course, consequences of our tendency to generated. The experiment was run the key, and there are countless obey authority figures, and in so doing, he simultaneously absolved and made villains of us all. ■
254 WHAT HAPPENS WHENYOU PUT GOOD PEOPLE IN AN EVIL PLACE? PHILIP ZIMBARDO (1933– ) IN CONTEXT S tanley Milgram’s shocking willingly use (or abuse) the power obedience studies revealed granted to them? In 1971 he carried APPROACH that people will obey out the now-famous Stanford Prison Conformity authority figures even if this entails experiment, using 24 middle-class acting against their own moral American college students who had BEFORE convictions. In the aftermath, Philip undergone tests to establish that 1935 Muzafer Sherif Zimbardo set out to discover how they were mentally healthy. demonstrates how groups people would behave if they were quickly come to develop a put into a position of authority with On the flip of a coin the students “social norm” in his autokinetic unimpeded power. Would they were randomly assigned the role of effect experiments. either “guard” or “prisoner,” and one 1940s Kurt Lewin shows how What happens when you put good people people’s behavior changes in an evil place? as their situations are altered. Normal, healthy people start to behave 1963 Stanley Milgram conducts according to the social roles assigned to them. his obedience studies, which demonstrate that people will Those in the position of Those in a subordinate obey authority even if it means power will naturally use position will submit to committing cruel acts. (and abuse) their authority. authority. AFTER 2002 British psychologists It is the power of social situations, rather than the Steven Reicher and Alex dispositions of people, that leads to evil behavior. Haslam extend Zimbardo’s study to explore positive rather than negative group behavior. 2004 Zimbardo defends a former Abu Ghraib prison guard in court, arguing that the circumstances caused the guard’s cruel behavior.
SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 255 See also: John B. Watson 66–71 ■ Zing-Yang Kuo 75 ■ Kurt Lewin 218–23 ■ Elliot Aronson 244–45 ■ Stanley Milgram 246–53 ■ Muzafer Sherif 337 The “prisoners” rebelled against the To the researchers’ amazement, Philip Zimbardo “guards,” but the guards’ tactics became the environment quickly became so more aggressive. They began dividing threatening to participants that the Philip Zimbardo was born in the prisoners into groups, giving some study had to be ended after only six New York City in 1933 to a rewards and others punishments. days. Every guard became abusive Sicilian-American family, and authoritarian; prisoners were and was a classmate of Sunday morning soon afterwards, denied food or bedding, hooded, Stanley Milgram at James the prisoners were arrested at their chained, and made to clean toilet Monroe High School in the homes, booked at a real police bowls with their hands. As the Bronx. He went on to earn station, then transferred to the boredom increased, they used the his BA degree from Brooklyn basement of the Stanford University prisoners as their playthings, College, New York, and a PhD psychology department, which had making them take part in degrading from Yale. He taught at several been converted into a mock prison. games. After just 36 hours, one universities before moving to prisoner had to be released because Stanford in 1968, where he is The prison environment of uncontrolled crying, fits of rage, still a psychology professor. In order to make the experience as and severe depression. When other psychologically real as possible, prisoners showed symptoms of In 2000, Zimbardo stated prisoners were stripped, searched, acute distress, Zimbardo realized that he agreed with George deloused, and given uniforms and the situation had become dangerous Armitage Miller that it was bedding upon their arrival. To and ended the experiment. time to “give psychology away heighten their sense of anonymity to the public,” and his career and dehumanization, they were Zimbardo’s experiment showed has reflected this idea. In the addressed only by their given that good people can be induced into 1980s he presented a popular numbers, and each had a chain behaving in evil ways by immersion TV series on “discovering bolted around one ankle to serve as in “total situations” that have an psychology.“ The American a reminder of their lack of freedom. apparently legitimizing ideology Psychological Foundation and approved rules and roles. The presented him with an award The guards wore military-style implications are vast, as Zimbardo for Distinguished Lifetime uniforms and sunglasses (to make explains: “Any deed that any human Contributions to General eye contact impossible), and carried being has ever done, however Psychology in 2000, and two keys, whistles, handcuffs, and clubs. horrible, is possible for any of us years later he was elected They were on duty 24 hours a day, to do—under the right or wrong president of the American and were given complete control situational pressures.” ■ Psychological Association. over the prisoners, with permission to employ whatever tactics they Our study… reveals the Key works saw fit in order to maintain order. power of social, institutional 1972 The Stanford Prison forces to make good men Experiment engage in evil deeds. 2007 The Lucifer Effect Philip Zimbardo 2008 The Time Paradox 2010 Psychology and Life
256 TRAUMA MUST BE UNDERSTOOD IN TERMS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY IGNACIO MARTIN-BARO (1942–1989) IN CONTEXT I gnacio Martín-Baró made his impartial, universal approach to claim that “trauma must be psychology, he came to realize APPROACH understood in terms of the that psychologists must take into Liberation psychology relationship between the individual account the historical context and and society” after witnessing first- social conditions of the people they BEFORE hand the social injustices and are studying. He believed that 1965 Community psychology, violence endemic to El Salvador in while some mental health problems a new discipline investigating the 1980s. Rejecting the idea of an reflect an abnormal reaction to the relationships between individuals and communities, Because it aims to be impartial and arises from discussions at the universal, mainstream psychology does not Swampscott Conference, Massachusetts. address the way specific contexts and environments shape mental health. 1970s A crisis over the relevance of social psychology, But to understand and treat mental the study of links between disorders, a psychologist should understand social conditions, emotions, and behaviors, erupts in the sociopolitical environment Britain, North America, and of his subjects and patients. most acutely in Latin America. Trauma must be understood AFTER in terms of the relationship between 1988 The Latin American Institute of Mental Health and the individual and society. Human Rights is founded. 1997 US psychologists Isaac Prilleltensky and Dennis Fox publish Critical Psychology, highlighting how traditional psychology can help sustain injustice and social oppression.
SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 257 See also: Lev Vygotsky 270 ■ Jerome Kagan 339 reasonably normal circumstances, rather than considering how to The challenge is the problems specific to oppressed awaken and drive the desire for to construct a new and exploited groups tend to reflect justice or freedom. person in a new society. a perfectly understandable and Ignacio Martín-Baró normal reaction to abnormal Traumatized societies circumstances. Martín-Baró His collection Writings for a well as its social and political decided that psychologists needed Liberation Psychology, published environment, and that individuals to be more aware of how living posthumously in 1994, captures must be treated with both these within a difficult context affects several decades of Martín-Baró’s factors in mind. mental health, and that they should concerns. It addresses the use of help the society being studied to psychology as an instrument of war Martín-Baró focused on Central transcend its history of oppression. and political manipulation, the role America, but his ideas are relevant In the mid-1980s, he launched the of religion in psychological warfare, anywhere social and political turmoil branch of liberation psychology, and the impact of trauma and disrupts daily life. His humane and which is committed to improving violence on mental health. Martín- impassioned perspective draws a the lives of all marginalized and Baró studied areas where dependent crucial link between mental health oppressed people. economies and severe inequalities and the struggle against injustice, had led to relentless poverty and and attempts to find fresh ways of Liberation psychologists claim social exclusion. He examined the addressing associated psychological that traditional psychology has psychological impact of civil war issues more effectively. ■ many inadequacies. It frequently and oppression in El Salvador, the fails to offer practical solutions dictatorships in Argentina and to social problems; many of its Chile, and poverty in Puerto Rico, principles are developed from Venezuela, Brazil, and Costa Rica. artificial settings in wealthy Each involved a different set of countries, and so are unlikely to circumstances, affecting the local translate to different situations; population in unique ways. He it tends to ignore human moral concluded that the mental health qualities, such as hope, courage, issues that arise in one context will and commitment; and its main goal reflect the history of the place as seems to be to maximize pleasure, Ignacio Martín-Baró Ignacio Martín-Baró was born Central America and eventually in Valladolid, Spain. In 1959, he becoming head of its psychology joined the Jesuit order, and was department. Martín-Baró was sent to South America. There, he openly critical of El Salvador’s studied at the Catholic University rulers, and in 1986 set up the in Quito, Ecuador, and at the University Institute of Public Javeriana University in Bogotà, Opinion. He and five others Colombia. In 1966, Martín-Baró, were murdered by an army now a Jesuit priest, was sent to death squad for their exposure of El Salvador. He continued his political corruption and injustice. studies at the University of Central America in San Salvador, Key works gaining a licentiate in psychology in 1975. He later earned a PhD in 1983 Action and Ideology social psychology from the 1989 System, Group and Power University of Chicago, before 1994 Writings for a Liberation returning to the University of Psychology
260 INTRODUCTION In a new edition of Lev Vygotsky’s Kenneth and Mamie Clark Noam Chomsky Three Essays on the sociocultural theory of found the Northside Center challenges traditional Theory of Sexuality, learning emphasizes the theories of language Freud adds a section importance of the for Child Development in learning in Syntactic outlining his theory community in learning Harlem, New York, where they examine the formation Structures. of psychosexual and development. development. of racial bias. 1915 1930S 1946 1957 1920S 1950 1958-60 1936 The psychoanalytic world is Jean Piaget suggests that Eric Erikson publishes John Bowlby divided on issues of child cognitive processes Childhood and Society, publishes a series of development between develop in a series of which includes an articles rejecting Anna Freud’s conservative well-defined stages exposition of the eight psychoanalytic and approach and Melanie Klein’s stages of psychosocial behavioral theories through childhood. “revolutionary” one. development. of attachment. I n the early part of the 20th Piaget raised some fundamental importance of a child’s social century, two main approaches questions: whether we acquire and cultural environment. Erik in psychology examined the knowledge gradually or in distinct Erikson also built on Piaget’s psychological development of stages; whether certain abilities ideas, identifying eight stages humans from childhood to are innate or learned; and how the of psychosocial development, adulthood: the psychoanalytic environment affects development. including the “identity crisis” theory of Freud gave an account His cognitive development theory of adolescence; while Lawrence of psychosexual development suggested that a child’s growth into Kohlberg came up with six stages in children, and behaviorism adulthood is divided into several of moral development in his studies. explained the mechanics of the developmental stages, and within learning process. However, the each stage the child learns by doing With the “cognitive revolution” study of development itself—the rather than instruction. Piaget’s that followed World War II, psychological, emotional, ideas set the stage for the new field psychologists such as Albert and perceptual changes that of developmental psychology and Bandura looked at the issue of occur during a lifetime—did not shaped the curricula of schools development again, this time evolve until the 1930s, when Jean up to the present day. in the light of cognitive models Piaget overturned conventional of information processing. Bandura thinking with the idea that a child Other developmental theories retained elements of both Piaget’s is not just a “miniature adult” soon emerged. Although broadly stages of development and gaining knowledge as his or her agreeing with Piaget’s findings, Vygotsky’s social constructivism body matures, but at the same Lev Vygotsky argued that it was in his social learning theory. time is also going through radical necessary for a child to have adult Cognitive psychology also brought psychological changes. guidance at various stages in his new ideas about learning, learning, and also stressed the especially the acquisition of
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 261 Harry Harlow carries out Mary Ainsworth A school opens in Jerome Bruner experiments on monkeys explores types of Neuville-du-Bosc, explores the way the attachment in her France, which follows proving that contact Strange Situation the educational theories developing mind comfort is more of Françoise Dolto. structures its sense of important than the studies. reality in The Narrative provision of food in Construction of Reality. forming attachments. 1959 1970 1973 1991 1961 1971 1974 1995 Albert Bandura performs Lawrence Kohlberg Eleanor E. Maccoby Simon Baron-Cohen the Bobo Doll identifies six stages conducts a study into publishes Mindblindness, of moral growth in gender differences experiments into in The Psychology of exploring the observational learning Stages of Moral implications of growing Development. Sex Differences. (modeling). up with autism. language, and Noam Chomsky’s survival. The basic ideas of civil rights movement and suggestion that this is an innate attachment theory were reinforced feminism were influencing thought capability once more opened the by experiments carried out by in both social psychology and nature versus nurture debate. psychologist Harry Harlow in the developmental psychology. How US, who showed the effects of our prejudices are acquired, and Attachment theory isolation and maternal separation at what stage of development, While much developmental on infants. His experiments became an area of interest for the psychology concerned itself with demonstrated that to build healthy African-Americans Kenneth and the process of learning, a growing cognitive and social development, Mamie Clark, who based their work area of interest arose from the infants needed companionship on studies of child development in research carried out by the British and care. Later research by Mary Harlem, New York; while Eleanor psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Ainsworth built on these findings, Maccoby examined the differences John Bowlby. His study of children adding the concept of a “secure in development between the who had been separated from their base” from which an infant sexes—the first of many similar families during World War II led can explore the world. Bruno explorations in the new field of to the formulation of attachment Bettelheim developed his own, more gender studies. theory, which deals with the way controversial, theories of childhood we build and maintain relationships development from the basis of Developmental psychology is with family and friends, placing attachment theory, rejecting the currently exploring the causes and a special importance on the importance of the traditional family treatment of autism and learning attachments made by infants to the after his study of children brought difficulties. And, with a growing people who care for them; Bowlby up communally in kibbutzim. In aging population, psychology saw this as a natural impulse for the 1960s, social issues such as the is also looking into issues that confront us as we enter old age. ■
264 JEAN PIAGET S omewhere between his the world around them as they move roots as a precocious young through the developmental stages. IN CONTEXT biologist and his later He also believed that it is of primary fascination with epistemology, Jean importance to nurture and guide APPROACH Piaget carved out his own niche in children on this journey, giving Genetic epistemology a discipline that he called genetic them the freedom to experiment epistemology, the study of how and explore on their own, in a very BEFORE intelligence changes as children individual, trial-and-error manner. 1693 English philosopher grow. Piaget was not interested in The task of a good teacher is, John Locke’s Some Thoughts comparing levels of intelligence therefore, simply to support children Concerning Education suggests between children of different ages on their journey through these a child’s mind is a tabula rasa, (quantitative cognitive change); stages, constantly encouraging or blank slate. his interests lay in the natural their creativity and imagination, development of mental skills over because “the goal of education is 1780s German philosopher time (qualitative cognitive change). to create men and women who are Immanuel Kant introduces the Quantitative studies make possible capable of doing new things.” concept of the schema and numerical comparisons, but Piaget suggests that morality wanted to explore differences in Learning is active develops independently of the types, experience, and qualities One theme that pervades Piaget’s authority figures through of children’s learning, which theory of intellectual development interaction with peers. required “qualitative” research. is the concept of learning as an Breaking away from the prevalent active personal process. From AFTER behaviorist model, which had infancy through childhood, he 1907 Italian educator linked child development entirely says, learning arises from a child’s Dr. Maria Montessori with environmental factors, Piaget natural desire to sense, explore, opens the first Montessori decided to explore the innate, or move, and then master. For this school, which encourages inborn, capacities that he believed reason Piaget had many misgivings independence and respect for guide children’s progression about the notion of standardized natural developmental stages. through a series of age-defined testing, in which children undergo developmental stages. preformatted tests that have 1970s–80s Many Western “correct” answers to provide education systems incorporate Piaget believed that children quantitative measures of a more child-centered are active and autonomous learners, intelligence. While working on approach to learning. using their senses to interact with A child’s cognitive processes are Children move through four stages fundamentally different from of development autonomously and those of an adult. independently. The goal of education is to Teachers must provide tasks create men and women who are that are appropriate to the child’s stage capable of doing new things. of development, and nurture independent thinking and creativity.
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 265 See also: Alfred Binet 50–53 ■ Jerome Bruner 164–65 ■ Lev Vygotsky 270 ■ Erik Erikson 272–73 ■ Françoise Dolto 279 ■ Lawrence Kohlberg 292–93 ■ Jerome Kagan 339 standardizing intelligence tests Education, for most for Alfred Binet in the early 1920s, people, means trying to lead he became interested less in a child’s ability to produce correct the child to resemble the answers than in what those typical adult of his society. answers actually were. Their explanations revealed that Jean Piaget children’s assumptions about how the world works are very different to those of adults, leading Piaget to believe that children not only think differently to adults, but also that children of different ages have different methods of thinking. The evolving mind impersonal list of questions, this Children are not mini adults who Since the 17th century, the flexible method allowed the child’s simply do not yet know as much as idea that a child is effectively answers to determine the adults; rather, they see the world a miniature adult had held sway. subsequent question. By following differently and interact with it in Empiricist philosophers of the time the child’s line of thought, Piaget a wholly distinct way. had suggested that a child’s brain believed he could better understand works exactly like an adult’s, but has the processes underlying it. His reaching for a toy. So Piaget fewer associations. Another group of rejection of a notion of quantitative concluded that action, rather than thinkers, the psychological nativists, or measurable intelligence led to social interaction, is the source claimed that certain concepts— some groundbreaking theories of of thought at this stage. such as the ideas of time, space, childhood cognitive development. and number—are innate, or “hard- This discovery formed part of wired” into the brain, so babies Developing the intellect his theory that every child passes are born with an ability to make Piaget initially believed that social through various stages of cognitive use of them. Piaget’s suggestion factors, such as language and development, and that these stages that children’s mental processes— contact with family members and are different in quality and are from infancy to adolescence—are peers, impacted most on children’s hierarchical. A child only moves fundamentally different to an adult’s intellectual development. However, on to the next stage upon genuine was a radical and controversial while studying infants, he realized completion of the current stage. In departure from this view. that for them language is less studies and observations, Piaget important and their own activity is determined that all children pass Piaget himself claimed that it paramount. In the first few days of through the stages in the same is vitally important to understand life, babies have limited bodily sequence, without skipping any or the formation and evolution of movements—mainly crying and regressing to previous ones. This is intelligence during childhood, sucking—though they quickly not a process that can be rushed, because this is the only way we begin to add new actions, such as and although children generally can reach a full understanding of tend to go through the same stage human knowledge. His use of at roughly the same age, each psychotherapeutic interviewing individual child has his or her techniques to ask children to own pace of development. explain their answers was inspired, and it became an important tool The four stages defined by in all his research. Rather than Piaget represent levels in the adhering to a pre-determined and development of intelligence ❯❯
266 JEAN PIAGET The Four Stages of Development ? 1 At the sensorimotor 2 Children begin 3 During the concrete 4 Verbal reasoning and stage, babies learn about to arrange objects operational stage, children hypothetical thinking the world through touch logically during the learn that quantities can develop in the formal and their other senses. pre-operational stage. take different forms. operational stage. and, as such, they provide a list of government.” Intelligent behavior, begin to develop and use internal the “schemas” that children make according to Piaget, is comprised of images, symbols, and language. use of at that particular moment in a growing collection of schemas. This constitutes the second, or their development. A schema is a pre-operational, stage when a representation in the mind of a set Four stages of development child is primarily interested in of ideas, perceptions, and actions Piaget’s first stage is called the how things look or appear. They that provide a mental structure sensorimotor stage, and this spans will demonstrate skills such as to help us organize our past the first two years of a child’s life. arranging objects in a logical order experiences, and prepare us for During this period, infants learn (according to height, for example), future experiences. During infancy about the world primarily through or comparing two objects (such as and early childhood, a schema can their senses (sensori-) and through blocks) through shared attributes, be as simple as “things I can eat.” physical action or movement focusing on one perceptual quality However, as children grow, their (motor). Children at this stage are (such as size or color) at a time. schemas become more complex, egocentric, able to see the world From years two to four, the child offering an understanding of what only from their own viewpoint. thinks in absolute terms (such as constitutes “a kitchen,” a “best At the beginning of this stage, “big” or “biggest”); from four to friend,” or “democratic infants practice reflexes without seven, they begin to use relative understanding or intention; later terms (such as “bigger” or Knowledge…is a they can extend and coordinate “heavier”). The ability to think system of transformations reflexes with objects. Then they logically is still limited and children that become progressively begin to coordinate their senses in remain egocentric, unable to see a way that anticipates events; for things from another’s perspective. adequate. example, they can imagine objects Jean Piaget that are not present and find hidden The third stage is the concrete ones. They begin to experiment operational stage, and this is and set goals in their use of objects, when a child becomes capable of and think about a problem before performing logical operations, but acting. These developments mark only in the presence of actual the completion of the first stage. (concrete) objects. The child now begins to grasp the concept of As the child moves toward conservation, understanding that the development of self-awareness, the quantity of an object remains they now have the tools of the same despite physical changes representational thought and can in its arrangement. They realize
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 267 that if you pour liquid from a short, required through each of the stages; Intelligence is what you wide glass into a tall, thin one, the assimilation, accommodation, and use when you don’t know amount of liquid remains the same equilibrium. Assimilation is the despite the difference in height. process by which we incorporate what to do. Children can also understand that new information into existing Jean Piaget objects can be sorted according to schemas. Accommodation is many qualities simultaneously—a required when, in the process of approach to teaching, in theory and marble can be large, green, or clear. assimilating, we discover that we in practice. Rather than trying to A little less egocentric now, children need to modify existing knowledge teach a child to think and behave begin to incorporate more relativity or skills. A child who is able to like an adult, educators were into their viewpoints. assimilate successfully most or all encouraged to view their new experiences is said to be in work as an opportunity to engage During the fourth stage—the a state of equilibrium. However, children in novel and individual formal operational stage—children if the existing schemas are modes of thinking. Piaget believed begin to manipulate ideas (rather inadequate for coping with new that education should inspire than simply objects) and are able situations successfully, then the people to create, invent, and to reason purely on the basis of child is in a state of cognitive innovate, and actively discourage verbal statements. They no longer disequilibrium, and the schemas them from conforming or following need to refer to concrete objects, need to develop in order to established guidelines at the and can follow an argument. They accommodate the necessary expense of imagination. If the start to think hypothetically, and information. Essentially, this is the natural process of learning—from this new capacity for imagination, process of adaptation, one of the infancy onward—is individual, and their ability to discuss abstract most basic forms of learning. active, and exploratory, then so too ideas, reveals that they have now should be a system of education become less egocentric. Impact on education that guides children’s formal Piaget’s work inspired the intellectual development. Reaching equilibrium transformation of the education In addition to defining the four systems of Europe and the US Another vitally important aspect stages, Piaget identified several during the 1970s and 80s, bringing of a child-centered education is an fundamental facets of the about a more child-centered awareness of the concept of developmental process that were “readiness,” which involves setting limits on learning based on the child’s stage of development. One of Piaget’s most enduring contributions to the field of education, particularly with ❯❯ Educators should not insist on a particular way of doing or understanding something, Piaget (pictured left) asserted, but nurture children’s natural learning processes.
268 JEAN PIAGET Piaget believed that children learn Children have real from being active rather than from understanding only passive observation, and teachers of that which they must adapt to this. Interaction invent themselves. between students is of primary significance in the classroom, and Jean Piaget having established that one of the best ways to secure knowledge is to teach it to somebody else, it follows that if children are allowed to discuss topics actively among themselves (rather than listening passively to lessons), they are more likely to deepen and consolidate their existing knowledge. Children at this Montessori school Moral education promoted peer interaction within bring Piaget’s ideas to life. They are As with intellectual development, the classroom as an integral part encouraged to build their own learning Piaget believed that children also of the learning experience. with hands-on activities and plenty of develop morally in stages and, for discussion with their peers. the most part, autonomously. Real The role of the teacher in moral growth is not the product Piaget’s child-centered classroom regards to mathematics and of adult instruction, but is based is, therefore, almost one of a mentor science, is the acknowledgement on a child’s own observations of and an enabler rather than that of that teachers need to be aware of the world. Piaget viewed peer a standard instructor. Teachers and honor an individual child’s interaction as absolutely crucial for need to assess carefully each capacity to deal with a novel the moral development of children. student’s current level of cognitive experience or to take on fresh Peers, not parents or other authority development and then set tasks information. The tasks that a figures, are seen as being vital to that are intrinsically motivating. teacher sets should reflect, and also moral growth, providing a key Interestingly, teachers must also be adapted as precisely as possible source for understanding concepts create cognitive disequilibrium to, the individual student’s such as reciprocity, equality, and in their students in order to help cognitive level and capabilities. justice. Consequently, Piaget keenly them advance to the next stage of Jean Piaget Born in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, observations about cognitive Jean Piaget grew up with an development. In 1955, he insatiable interest in the natural created the International Centre world, and at the age of 11 he for Genetic Epistemology and wrote his first scientific paper. was its director until his death He studied natural sciences and in 1980. He was awarded prizes earned a PhD from the University and honorary degrees worldwide. of Neuchâtel at the age of 22. His interest moved to psychoanalysis Key works and he developed his theories of genetic epistemology in France. 1932 The Moral Judgment of In 1921, he became the director the Child of the Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1951 The Psychology of Institute in Geneva. He married Intelligence Valentine Châtenay and they had 1952 The Origins of Intelligence three children, who were the in Children subjects of many of Piaget’s 1962 The Psychology of the Child
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 269 development, thereby providing olds were able to adjust their theory—which states that children genuine learning opportunities. explanation of something in order require the help of adults or older They should focus on the process to clarify it for a blindfolded person, children to complete some tasks— of learning, rather than on the and would use simpler forms of served as a response to Piaget. achievement of end results, by speech when talking to younger encouraging their students to ask children, which is inconsistent Another area of exploration has more questions, experiment, and with Piaget’s description of an been the assumed universality of explore, even if that means making egocentric child who has no the developmental stages identified some mistakes along the way. awareness of the needs of others. by Piaget. Although he had no Above all, they must engender a compelling evidence to support collaborative space where students Piaget’s portrayal of children this assumption at the time, more teach and learn from each other. as primarily independent and recent cross-cultural investigations autonomous in their construction of concerning the sensorimotor stage Criticisms of Piaget’s work knowledge and their understanding (including one study conducted by Despite his popularity and the of the physical world also met with Pierre Dasen in 1994) indicated that broad influence of his work in the some resistance, as it seemed to the sub-stages suggested by Piaget fields of developmental psychology, ignore the important contribution are indeed universal, though education, morality, evolution, that other people make to a child’s environmental and cultural factors philosophy, and even artificial cognitive development. Pioneering seem to affect the rate at which intelligence, Piaget’s ideas were psychologist Lev Vygotsky’s work these stages are reached, and how not accepted without scrutiny and focused on proving that knowledge quickly they are then completed. criticism. As with all highly and thought are essentially social influential theories, years of in nature, and disproving Piaget’s Piaget’s work unquestionably exploration and research have assumption that a child was not paved the way for many new brought to light its problems and really a part of the social whole. His areas of enquiry into the nature weaknesses. Piaget’s notion of theory suggests human development of child development and human egocentrism, for instance, has been exists on three levels: the cultural cognitive development. He created called into question. Studies by the and the interpersonal as well as the the context in which a vast body of US psychologist Susan Gelman in individual, and his main concern research took shape in the 20th and 1979 demonstrated that four-year- was with the first two levels. His 21st centuries, and fundamentally “zone of proximal development” changed the nature of education Australian Aboriginal children in the Western world. ■ aged between eight and 14, and living in remote parts of central Australia, were found by Pierre Dasen to progress through the stages identified by Piaget. The deep structures, the basic cognitive processes, are indeed universal. Pierre Dasen
270 WE BECOME OURSELVES THROUGH OTHERS LEV VYGOTSKY (1896–1934) IN CONTEXT F or Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky believed that children Vygotsky, the skills needed absorb the accumulated wisdom, APPROACH to reason, understand, and values, and technical knowledge of Social constructivism remember all stem from a child’s previous generations through experiences with parents, teachers, interactions with their caregivers, BEFORE and peers. Vygotsky saw human and use these “tools” to learn how 1860s Francis Galton sparks development as taking place on to conduct themselves effectively in debate about whether nature three levels—cultural, interpersonal, the world. But it is only through (innate ability) or nurture and individual. He focused on the social interaction that children can (upbringing) has the most cultural and interpersonal levels, experience and internalize these influence on personality. believing that our most formative cultural tools. Even our ability to experiences are social; “we become think and reason on an individual AFTER ourselves through others.” level stems from social activities in 1952 Jean Piaget argues the course of our development that that the ability to absorb and All higher foster our innate cognitive abilities. process information develops psychological functions through interaction between Vygotsky’s theories influenced children’s innate talents and are internalized approaches to both learning and their environment. relationships of the teaching. He believed that teachers should play an instructive role, 1966 Jerome Bruner suggests social kind. constantly guiding and nurturing that any subject can be taught Lev Vygotsky their pupils in order to improve their effectively to a child at any attention span, concentration, and stage of development. learning skills, and so build up their competence. This idea had a 1990 American educational marked effect on education, psychologist Robert Slavin particularly in the late 20th century, designs his Student Teams stimulating a shift from child- Achievement Divisions (STAD) centered to curriculum-centered to promote more collaborative teaching, and to a greater use of learning, and downgrade collaborative learning. ■ competitive, winner–loser approaches to education. See also: Francis Galton 28–29 ■ Jerome Bruner 164–65 ■ Jean Piaget 262–69
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 271 A CHILD IS NOT BEHOLDEN TO ANY PARTICULAR PARENT BRUNO BETTELHEIM (1903–1990) IN CONTEXT W hile running a center Kibbutz children, Bettelheim found, where disturbed children often develop closer bonds with each APPROACH were raised successfully other than with adults. This ability to Parenting systems by professional carers, Bruno relate well to their peers may explain Bettelheim began to question the their professional success as adults. BEFORE common assumption that the best 1945 American psychoanalyst upbringing involved a close mother– often become accomplished adults. René Spitz reports on the child relationship. He wondered In fact, the children Bettelheim disastrous effects of bringing if the Western world might have studied were tracked down in up children in institutions. something to learn from communal the 1990s by a journalist, who child-rearing systems, such as the discovered that a high percentage 1951 John Bowlby concludes one used on an Israeli kibbutz. were now successful professionals. that an infant requires an intimate and continuous In 1964, Bettelheim spent seven Bettelheim concluded that the relationship with his mother. weeks on a kibbutz, where children kibbutz’s communal approach was were cared for in special houses, a huge success. By publishing his 1958 US anthropologist away from their family home. In his findings, he hoped to improve Melford Spiro writes Children 1967 book The Children of the Dream, childcare systems in the US. ■ of the Kibbutz, insinuating he stated that “a kibbutz child is not that Western child-rearing beholden to any particular parent,” methods, with the focus on and although he observed that this the mother as the main carer, led to fewer one-to-one relationships, work best in all cultures. it did encourage many less intimate friendships and an active social life. AFTER 1973 American psychiatrists Successful adults Charles M. Johnston and Before his study, Bettelheim had Robert Deisher argue that predicted that a kibbutz might communal child-rearing produce mediocre adults who had provides advantages that little cultural impact on society. few nuclear families offer. Instead, he found that kibbutzniks See also: Virginia Satir 146–47 ■ John Bowlby 274–77
272 ANYTHING THAT GROWS HAS A GROUND PLAN ERIK ERIKSON (1902–1994) IN CONTEXT E rik Erikson understood Stage three, from three to six years, human development in terms presents the crisis of “initiative APPROACH of the epigenetic principle, versus guilt.” This is when children Psychosocial development which states that every organism is learn to act creatively and playfully, born with a certain purpose and its but also with purpose. As they BEFORE successful development results in interact with others they discover 1930s Jean Piaget proposes the fulfillment of this purpose. In that their actions can adversely a stage-based theory of Erikson’s own words, “anything that affect someone else. Severe cognitive development. grows has a ground plan, and out of punishments at this stage can this the parts arise.” He proposed inflict paralyzing feelings of guilt. 1956 Sigmund Freud develops that the human personality unfolds his theory of psychosexual and evolves in eight predetermined From 6 to 12, children focus on development, claiming there stages. According to Erikson, this education and learning social skills. are five stages through which growth involves the constant This fourth stage is known as a child progresses toward interaction between heredity “industry versus inferiority,” and it sexual maturity. and environmental influences. provides a feeling of competence, although an over-emphasis on work AFTER The eight stages can lead children mistakenly to 1980 Building on Erikson’s The first stage, which takes place equate self-worth with productivity. work, American psychologist during a baby’s first year, is “trust James Marcia explores identity versus mistrust.” If the infant’s Hope is both the earliest formation in adolescence. needs are badly or inconsistently and the most indispensable met, feelings of mistrust develop 1996 In her bestselling book that can recur in later relationships. virtue inherent in the New Passages, American The second stage, “autonomy versus state of being alive. writer Gail Sheehy notes that shame and doubt,” takes place adults are prolonging their from 18 months to 2 years. This is Erik Erikson adolescence into their 30s, when the child learns to explore, pushing back all of Erikson’s but also for the first time must deal stages of adulthood by with feelings of shame and doubt as approximately ten years. a result of small failures or parental reprimands. Healthy willpower develops as a result of learning to negotiate both success and failure.
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 273 See also: G. Stanley Hall 46–47 ■ Sigmund Freud 92–99 ■ Kurt Lewin 218–23 ■ Jean Piaget 262–69 ■ Lawrence Kohlberg 292–93 Anything that grows has a ground plan, and out of this the parts arise. The human personality develops through eight distinct Erik Erikson and predetermined stages between birth and death. Erik Erikson was born in By negotiating each Failure at any stage Frankfurt, Germany, as the stage successfully, results in a mental result of an extramarital affair. we develop as mentally deficiency (such as lack of He was given the surname of healthy individuals. trust or an overwhelming his mother’s husband, never sense of guilt) that stays knew his biological father, with us throughout life. and his mother married again when he was three years old. From here we enter adolescence reflect on their lives, becoming Unsurprisingly, Erikson always and the fifth stage of “ego-identity either satisfied and at peace with struggled with identity issues. versus role confusion.” This is when their old age, or despairing over He was encouraged to study we develop a coherent sense of who physical disintegration and the medicine, but rebelled and we are, through consideration of our reality of death. Successful studied art, touring Italy in his past, present, and future. When negotiation of this stage results youth as a “wandering artist.” successfully negotiated, this stage in the attainment of wisdom. ■ He then suffered what he ensures a unified sense of self, but called an “aggravated identity problems here can lead to an“identity Erikson said that in our older years crisis” and went to Vienna, crisis”—a term coined by Erikson. we achieve a sense of completeness where he taught art in a school and “personal wholeness” in direct run on psychoanalytic During the sixth stage of proportion to the degree to which we principles. Embracing these “intimacy versus isolation,” between successfully negotiated earlier stages. fully, he then trained as a the ages of 18 and 30, we build close psychoanalyst under Anna relationships and experience love. Freud. In 1933, he married The penultimate stage, “generativity Joan Serson and they versus stagnation,” from 35 to 60, emigrated to Boston, where sees us working on behalf of future he became the first child generations, or contributing to psychoanalyst in the city. He society through cultural activities later taught at Harvard, Yale, or social activism. and Berkeley. He changed his surname to the self-chosen The final stage, “ego-integrity “Erikson” when he became an versus despair,” starts at the age of American citizen in 1933. around 60. It occurs when people Key works 1950 Childhood and Society 1964 Insight and Responsibility 1968 Identity: Youth and Crisis
274 IN CONTEXT EARLY EMOTIONAL APPROACH BONDS ARE AN Attachment theory INTEGRAL PART OFHUMAN NATURE BEFORE 1926 Sigmund Freud presents JOHN BOWLBY (1907–1990) the psychoanalytic theory of “cupboard love,” suggesting that infants become attached to caregivers because they fulfil physiological needs. 1935 Konrad Lorenz’s research shows that non-humans form strong bonds with the first moving object they encounter. AFTER 1959 Harry Harlow’s work demonstrates that macaque monkeys separated from their mothers in infancy develop social and emotional problems. 1978 Michael Rutter shows that children can become strongly attached to a variety of attachment figures (such as fathers, siblings, peers, and inanimate objects). I n the 1950s, the prevailing theory on how infants form attachments was based on the psychoanalytical concept of “cupboard love.” This suggested that babies form bonds with people who fulfil their physiological needs, such as feeding. At the same time, the animal studies of Konrad Lorenz suggested that animals simply bond with the first moving object they encounter, which is usually the mother. It was against this background that John Bowlby took a distinctly evolutionary perspective on early attachment. He argued that because newborn infants are completely helpless, they are genetically
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 275 See also: Konrad Lorenz 77 ■ Sigmund Freud 92–99 ■ Melanie Klein 108–109 ■ Anna Freud 111 ■ Kurt Lewin 218–23 ■ Lev Vygotsky 270 ■ Bruno Bettelheim 271 ■ Harry Harlow 278 ■ Mary Ainsworth 280–81 ■ Michael Rutter 339 Infants and mothers are …within the critical period it should take place during the first biologically programed of the child’s life year, or at the very least before the to form an attachment with child is two years old. Bowlby (the first 24 months). thought that any attempts at each other… mothering beyond the age of three would be useless, and the child would be on course to suffer the effects of maternal deprivation. Attachment If this attachment is broken Maternal deprivation behavior is an within the critical period In 1950, Bowlby was commissioned integral part of it will cause serious and by the World Health Organization human nature. permanent damage to to study children who had suffered the child’s development. maternal deprivation during World programed to form an attachment War II due to evacuation or being with their mothers in order to ensure that, although an infant may have made homeless. He was also asked their survival. Mothers, he believed, more than one attachment figure, to investigate the effects of being are also genetically programmed to his attachment to a mother-figure raised in residential nurseries and bond with their babies, feeling the is simply different from and more other large institutions (such as need to keep them in close proximity. significant than any other orphanages). The result of this early Any conditions that threaten to attachment he will form throughout work was Bowlby’s 1951 report, separate mother and child activate his life. Both the infant and his Maternal Care and Mental Health, instinctive attachment behaviors mother behave in ways that secure in which he observed that children and feelings of insecurity and fear. this attachment. An infant, for deprived of maternal care for instance, engages in sucking, prolonged periods of time during These ideas formed the basis of cuddling, looking, smiling, and early childhood suffered some Bowlby’s theory, which developed crying in order to shape and control degree of intellectual, social, or to explain the lifelong significance his caregiver’s behavior, and a emotional retardation later in life. of the mother–infant bond as well caregiver would be sensitive and as the psychological difficulties responsive to the infant’s needs. Five years later Bowlby began a that children suffer if this bond is In this way the two behavioral second study, this time investigating damaged or entirely broken. systems—attachment and children who had spent five months caregiving—help to shape one to two years in a tuberculosis ❯❯ Mothers only another and create a lifelong bond. One of the most controversial Mother love in infancy is as aspects of Bowlby’s theory is that Bowlby believes that this bond is important for mental health infants always attach to a female, so deeply formative that if it fails to as are vitamins and proteins never a male. This female figure take place, or breaks down within may not be the natural mother, but the first few years of life, the child for physical health. she certainly represents a mother- will go on to suffer serious negative John Bowlby figure. The term he gave for this consequences in later life. He also tendency to attach to a female is argues that there is a critical period “monotropy,” and he emphasized during which a mother and infant should develop a secure attachment:
276 JOHN BOWLBY Bowlby predicted that child evacuees would suffer long-term attachment problems as a result of enforced separation from their mothers; later studies found this to be the case. sanatorium (which offered no The reason why this primary, secure by supporting the mother financially substitute mothering) when they attachment is so important, Bowlby and emotionally. The evolutionary had been less than four years old. says, is that it is essential for the basis of Bowlby’s theory suggests The children—aged seven to 13 by development of an inner working that women are naturally inclined the time of the study—were rougher model or framework that the child to be parents, with inborn maternal in play, showed less initiative and uses to understand himself, others, instincts that guide them through more over-excitement, and were less and the world. This inner working the process of child-rearing, whereas competitive than those with a more model guides a person’s thoughts, men are more naturally suited for traditional upbringing. feelings, and expectations in all of being providers. his personal relationships, even into In extreme cases, Bowlby found adulthood. Because the primary However, British psychologist that maternal deprivation could even attachment serves as a prototype Rudolph Schaffer—who worked result in “affectionless psychopathy,” for all future relationships, the under Bowlby at the Tavistock a clinical condition in which people quality of the attachment will Clinic in London—found that there are unable to care deeply for others determine whether or not a child is considerable cultural variation and so do not form meaningful grows to trust others, view himself in the extent to which fathers are interpersonal relationships. Those as valuable, and feel confident in involved in childcare. Increasing who suffer from it display a higher society. These working models are numbers of fathers are taking on incidence of juvenile delinquency resistant to change; once formed, the role of principal parent, which and antisocial behavior without any they determine how people behave suggests that parenting roles are sign of remorse, since they are and the kind of bond they will form a consequence of social convention unable to experience feelings of guilt. with their own children. rather than biology. In Bowlby’s 1944 study of juvenile thieves, he found that many of the The father’s role Bowlby’s view implies that men young criminals had been separated Bowlby’s attachment theory has will inevitably be inferior parents, from their mothers for a period of been criticized for exaggerating the but research by Schaffer and the more than six months before they importance of the mother–child American psychologist Ross Parke were five years old, and of these, relationship and undervaluing suggests that men are equally 14 had developed the condition of the father’s contribution. Bowlby capable of providing warmth and affectionless psychopathy. sees the father as having no direct sensitivity to their infants. They emotional significance for the also found that a child’s Attachment behavior is infant, contributing only indirectly developmental outcome is not held to characterize determined by the parent’s gender, but rather by the strength and human beings from the cradle to the grave. John Bowlby
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 277 Direct observations mothers; they should stay with the Bowlby claimed that day care of men in their fathering child, fulfilling the role of essential centers are not suitable for the care of primary caregiver. For decades infants, because maternal deprivation role has shown them after Bowlby’s theory was posited, leads to juvenile deliquency; this created to be as capable of as generations of working women a real dilemma for working mothers. were saddled with guilt, but many much warmth and studies since then have questioned have used Bowlby’s basic premise sensitivity as women. this aspect of Bowlby’s theory. For to delve more deeply into childhood H. Rudolph Schaffer instance, in the 1970s psychologists attachment patterns, and to develop Thomas Weisner and Ronald theories of adult attachment by quality of the bond that is forged. Gallimore showed that mothers are exploring how the bond between In a further study, Schaffer and the exclusive caregivers in only a parent and child can influence the psychologist Peggy Emerson found very small percentage of human future bond between spouses and that infants and young children societies, and it is not uncommon romantic partners. Bowlby’s display a wide range of attachment for groups of people (including theories have also had many behaviors toward many people relatives and friends) to share beneficial effects on various besides their mothers, and that responsibility for raising children. aspects of child-rearing, such as multiple attachments may actually Schaffer also points to evidence the improvement of institutional be the rule rather than the exception. suggesting that children of mothers care and the growing preference who are happy in their work for fostering as an alternative. ■ These later findings were develop more successfully than especially important for working children whose mothers are women, because the implication of frustrated from staying at home. Bowlby’s theories was that women should not work once they become Groundbreaking work Despite the many criticisms and revisions that it has provoked, Bowlby’s work remains the most comprehensive and influential account of human attachment to date, and led to the groundbreaking experiments of Harry Harlow and Mary Ainsworth. Psychologists John Bowlby John Bowlby was the fourth of six Longstaff, with whom he had children born to a London-based, four children. After the war he upper-middle-class family. He was became director of the Tavistock raised primarily by nannies and Clinic, where he remained until sent to boarding school at the age retirement. In 1950 he carried of seven. These experiences made out a major study for the World him particularly sympathetic to Health Organization. He died at the attachment difficulties faced his summer home on the Island by young children. He studied of Skye in Scotland, aged 83. psychology at Trinity College, Cambridge, then spent some time Key works teaching delinquent children. He later earned a medical degree and 1951 Maternal Care and qualified as a psychoanalyst. Mental Health (WHO Report) 1959 Separation Anxiety During World War II, Bowlby 1969, 1973, 1980 Attachment served in the Royal Army Medical and Loss (three volumes) Corps and in 1938 married Ursula
278 CONTACT COMFORT IS OVERWHELMINGLY IMPORTANT HARRY HARLOW (1905–1981) IN CONTEXT M any psychologists have Infant macaque monkeys in suggested that an infant Harlow’s experiment formed a APPROACH becomes attached to its strong attachment to their cuddly, Attachment theory caregiver simply because that cloth, surrogate “mother,” despite her person fulfils its need for food. John inability to provide any nourishment. BEFORE Bowlby challenged this “cupboard 1926 Sigmund Freud’s love” idea theoretically, but Harry Harlow’s work was enormously psychoanalytic theory of Harlow set out to prove it. important, because contemporary “cupboard love” suggests that advice from psychologists and an infant becomes attached Harlow took infant macaque doctors had warned parents to a caregiver because that monkeys from their mothers, placing against rocking or picking up a person is a source of food. them in cages with surrogate crying child. The results of his “mothers”—one made of wire with experiments were so conclusive 1935 Konrad Lorenz states a feeding bottle attached; the other that they changed the approach to nonhumans form strong bonds made of soft, cuddly, terry cloth, but parenting in the Western world. ■ with the first moving object with no bottle. If the “cupboard they meet—often the mother. love” theory was correct, the baby monkeys would remain with the 1951 John Bowlby argues that mother that provided food. But in human mothers and infants fact, they spent most of their time are genetically programmed to with the cloth mother, using her as form a uniquely strong bond. a secure base, and clinging to her for safety when frightening objects AFTER were placed in the cage. Later 1964 UK psychologists Rudolf tests, in which the cloth mother Schaffer and Peggy Emerson was also able to rock and provide show that infants are attached food, showed this attachment was to people who do not perform even stronger. Harlow, therefore, feeding and caretaking duties. suggested that the main function of nursing might even be to ensure 1978 Michael Rutter shows body contact with the mother. that children bond with a variety of attachment figures, See also: Konrad Lorenz 77 ■ Sigmund Freud 92–99 ■ Abraham Maslow 138–39 ■ including inanimate objects. John Bowlby 274–77 ■ Mary Ainsworth 280–81 ■ Michael Rutter 339
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 279 WE PREPARE CHILDREN FOR A LIFE ABOUT WHOSE COURSE WE KNOW NOTHING FRANCOISE DOLTO (1908–1988) IN CONTEXT F ollowing her own difficult from the adults who teach them, childhood, French physician simply because they must have APPROACH and psychoanalyst Françoise had experiences that the older Psychoanalysis Dolto decided that her work should generation could never have had help children discover and release when they were that age. BEFORE their desires, believing that this 1924 Sigmund Freud theorizes release would prevent neuroses. For Dolto, the goal of education about the castration anxiety She felt that some of the illnesses was to allow each child the freedom children face, which Dolto says commonly manifested by children to explore his individual inclination. is a factor in our unconscious were, in reality, reflections of a The adult, she believed, should image of our own bodies. lack of connection between parents serve as a role model, offering an and their offspring. Adults, she example rather than attempting to 1969 Jacques Lacan observed, often seemed unable to impart a method. The educator’s investigates “otherness,” understand children, in spite of role, Dolto declared, was to teach which becomes central to once being children themselves. children how to lead themselves. ■ Dolto’s work focusing on the distinctiveness of individuals. Unique perspective It is too late to Dolto believed that every child make a difference AFTER possesses a unique perspective, with adults; the work has 1973 A school based on which traditional education seeks to be done with children. Dolto’s theories opens in La to stifle. She condemned any Françoise Dolto Neuville-du-Bosc, France, system of morality or education emphasizing well-being and that seeks to control children non-compulsory activities. through obedience or imitation, and was dissatisfied with the 1978 La Maison Verte, a techniques being used, both at daycare center based on school and at home, to anticipate Dolto’s ideas, opens in Paris, a child’s future when that future with the aim of helping is fundamentally unknowable. parents and children to Children, she stated, are different minimize the adverse effects of separation. See also: Sigmund Freud 92–99 ■ Alfred Adler 100–01 ■ Jacques Lacan 122–23 ■ Daniel Lagache 336–37
280 A SENSITIVE MOTHER CREATES A SECURE ATTACHMENT MARY AINSWORTH (1913–1999) IN CONTEXT I n the early 1950s, Mary Situation,” which studied how Ainsworth, working closely babies balance their needs for APPROACH with attachment theorist John attachment and exploration under Attachment theory Bowlby, developed a particular varying levels of stress. In each interest in the relationship between experiment, Ainsworth placed BEFORE mothers and infants. In 1969, she a mother and her one-year-old baby 1950s John Bowlby experimented with a procedure in a room with toys for the baby emphasizes the significance that became known as the “Strange to play with, and watched their of the mother-child bond. When an infant is separated from his mother he displays 1959 Harry Harlow’s research one of three different kinds of attachment. with infant macaque monkeys demonstrates that they use an If he shows no signs If he shows intense signs attachment figure as a secure of distress and a stranger of distress but resists base from which to explore contact with her on her their environment. is able to comfort him, the attachment is return, the attachment is AFTER anxious-resistant. 1980 American psychologist anxious-avoidant. Brian E. Vaughn shows that the attachment figure may If he is distressed, but upon her return change, according to uses her as a secure base from which to explore, variations in a family’s circumstances. there is a secure attachment. 1990 American psychologist Mary Main identifies a fourth attachment type in young children—“disorganized”—to describe an infant who is fearful of both the environment and the attachment figure.
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 281 See also: Sigmund Freud 92–99 ■ John Bowlby 274–77 ■ Harry Harlow 278 ■ Jerome Kagan 339 ■ Michael Rutter 339 return. She suggested that a baby’s reactions upon reunion with his mother indicate three distinct patterns, or types, of attachment. Attachment behavior is Attachment types Mothers in non-Western cultures strongly activated under Around 70 percent of the babies in often keep their infants close to them circumstances when the Ainsworth’s studies were “securely at all times. Customs such as these attached.” These infants used their can affect the incidence of different attachment figure is mothers “as a secure base from attachment types in a community. inaccessible. which to explore.” They were distressed when she left the room, Ainsworth claimed that a mother’s Mary Ainsworth but played happily, even in the sensitivity largely determines the presence of a stranger, as long as type of attachment. A sensitive interactions both before and after the mother was on hand if needed. mother, she stated, understands the introduction of a stranger to her child’s needs and responds the room. The “situation” included The babies who appeared to be appropriately to them, creating periods when the mother left the indifferent to their mothers, and a secure attachment. baby alone with the stranger, then were hardly affected when she left returned to the room. the room, Ainsworth classified as “anxious-avoidant.” They were as Ainsworth found that the easily comforted by the stranger most important information about as by the mother. About 15 percent mother-child bonding was gleaned of the infants fell into this group. not from the baby’s reaction to the mother leaving the room, but rather A further 15 percent, described from the infant’s reaction to her as “anxious-resistant,” were wary of the stranger, even with the mother present. They became intensely distressed when the mother left the room, but were also angry and resistant to contact on her return. Mary Ainsworth In 1954, the couple moved to Criticism Uganda, where Leonard had Critics of Ainsworth’s work have Mary Ainsworth was born in accepted a post, and Mary took suggested that attachment types Glendale, Ohio, USA, moving the opportunity to study mother- are not always permanent, and that to Canada at the age of five. child bonding in tribal society. babies do not fit neatly into a single She gained her doctorate in On returning to the US in 1956, type. Cultural differences have also psychology from the University she continued her academic been noted. A 1990 study in Japan of Toronto in 1939, and taught career, eventually becoming a uncovered an unusually high there briefly before joining the professor at the University of percentage of anxious-resistant Canadian Women’s Army Corps Virginia in 1975. infants, which may have been due in 1942. After World War II, she to Japanese babies being less used returned to the University of Key works to separation from their mothers Toronto, marrying graduate than US infants. However, the student Leonard Ainsworth in 1967 Infancy in Uganda Strange Situation is considered to 1950 and moving to London, 1971 Infant Obedience and be one of the most important studies where Mary worked with John Maternal Behavior in attachment research, and is still Bowlby at the Tavistock Clinic. 1978 Patterns of Attachment widely replicated today. ■
282 WHO TEACHES A CHILD TOHATE AND FEAR A MEMBER OF ANOTHER RACE? KENNETH CLARK (1914–2005) IN CONTEXT D uring the late 1930s, Clark’s doll experiments of the late Kenneth Clark and his 1930s and early 1940s showed that black APPROACH wife, Mamie Phipps Clark, children in segregated schools often Race attitudes studied the psychological effects of preferred white dolls, a sign that they segregation on African-American had absorbed prevailing prejudices. BEFORE schoolchildren, particularly on their 1929 German-born writer and self-image. They designed a “doll that this reflected the children’s social worker Bruno Lasker test” that would indicate children’s tendency to absorb racial prejudices publishes Race Attitudes in awareness of racial differences and that exist in society and then to Children, setting up methods their underlying attitudes about turn this hatred inward, the Clarks for the psychological study of race. Working with children asked a very important question: children’s views on race. between the ages of three and “Who teaches a child to hate and seven, they used four dolls, each fear a member of another race?” Early 1930s Canadian identical in appearance except for psychologist Otto Klineberg the color of their skin, which ranged Passing on prejudice works with lawyers fighting from shades of white to dark brown. The Clarks sought to understand for equal salaries for black The children showed an undeniable the influences shaping prejudice public-school teachers. awareness of race by correctly in America, and decided that as identifying the dolls on the basis of children learn to evaluate racial AFTER their skin color, as well as differences, according to the 1954 The US Supreme Court identifying themselves in racial standards of society, they are rules that racial segregation in terms by choosing the doll that schools is unconstitutional, looked most like them. in the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka hearings. In order to explore the children’s attitudes about race, the Clarks 1978 Elliot Aronson devises asked each of them to point out the the “jigsaw method” of doll they liked best or most wanted teaching—where mixed-race to play with; the doll that had a nice groups of students work color; and the doll that looked bad. interdependently—to help Distressingly, black children reduce racial prejudice in showed a clear preference for the integrated classrooms. white dolls and a rejection of the black dolls, which can be interpreted as indirect self-rejection. Convinced
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 283 See also: Elliot Aronson 244–45 ■ Muzafer Sherif 337 By the age of three, In 1930s America, white children are racially and even black children aware and already showed a preference for forming prejudices. whiteness and a rejection of blackness. Segregation and Who teaches Kenneth Clark social influences from a child to hate parents, teachers, playmates, and fear a member Kenneth Clark was born in of another race? the Panama Canal Zone, but and the media lead to moved to Harlem, New York, children internalizing when he was five. After his mother refused to accept a racist attitudes. ruling that her son would be limited to trade or vocational required to identify with a specific The Clarks concluded that these schooling, Clark was enrolled group, and each racial group has an attitudes are determined by a mix in high school. He went on implied status within a hierarchy. of influences, including parents, to earn a master’s degree in That young black children preferred teachers, friends, television, films, psychology from Howard the white doll showed they were and comics. Although it is very rare University, Washington DC, aware American society preferred for parents to deliberately teach their where he met his wife. The white people, and had internalized children to hate other racial groups, pair carried out research this. Children as young as three many subtly and unconsciously together, becoming the first had expressed similar attitudes to pass on dominant social attitudes. African-American man and those of adults in their community. Some white parents, for example, woman to receive a PhD in may discourage their children psychology from Columbia Segregation is a way from playing with their black peers, University in New York City. in which society tells implicitly teaching them to fear They also founded child a group of human beings and avoid black children. development and youth that they are inferior. opportunity centers in Harlem. Clark’s 1950 summary of his Kenneth Clark research insisted that segregation Clark was also the first was damaging the personalities of African-American to hold a white and black children alike. His permanent professorship at expert testimony in court cases the City University of New tied into the 1954 Brown v. Board York, and to serve as the of Education of Topeka case, which president of the American determined that racial segregation Psychological Association. was unconstitutional in public schools, contributed directly to Key works desegregated schooling and to the Civil Rights Movement in America. ■ 1947 Racial Identification and Preference in Negro Children 1955 Prejudice and Your Child 1965 Dark Ghetto 1974 Pathos of Power
284 GIRLS GET BETTER GRADES THAN BOYS ELEANOR E. MACCOBY (1917– ) IN CONTEXT There is no But because girls tend to put in significant difference a greater effort at school, and APPROACH have greater interest and Feminist psychology in the overall better work habits… intellectual aptitude BEFORE …girls get better grades Early 20th century First of boys and girls. than boys. research into sex differences by female psychologists. T he emergence of feminist between the sexes are in fact psychologists during the myths, and that many gender 1970s Studies of the sexes 1970s revived an interest in stereotypes are untrue. Although tend to emphasize differences the study of sex differences, which some findings had shown boys to be between men and women. had waned during the rise of more aggressive and more adept at behaviorism. Feminist concerns mathematics and spatial reasoning AFTER became increasingly important to than girls, and girls to have superior 1980s Studies suggest US psychologist Eleanor Maccoby. verbal abilities, subsequent studies structural differences between Frustrated by the tendency of revealed that these differences the male and female brain. psychological literature to report on are either negligible or are more research findings that emphasized complex than they initially appear. 1993 Anne Fausto-Sterling the differences between men and claims biological graduations women rather than the similarities, One difference that was exist between “male” and Maccoby, with student Carol consistent and undeniable was “female,” such that we can Jacklin, reviewed more than 1,600 that “girls get better grades than identify five different sexes studies of gender differences. They boys” in school. Maccoby found along the spectrum. published their findings in The this particularly interesting, Psychology of Sex Differences (1974) especially considering that girls 2003 Simon Baron-Cohen with the aim of showing that what did not obtain higher aptitude test argues that the female brain is most consider essential differences scores when all of the subject predominantly hard-wired for matter areas were reviewed. empathy, and the male brain for understanding systems.
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 285 See also: Janet Taylor Spence 236 ■ Simon Baron-Cohen 298–99 Girls show greater responsiveness to teacher’s expectations and are more willing to work, according to Maccoby’s research, which makes them more likely to do better at school than boys. Furthermore, previous research into Maccoby concluded that their Intellectual development achievement motivation seemed to better grades clearly reflect some in girls is fostered suggest that boys should outperform combination of greater effort, by their being their female peers. Males were greater interest, and better work arguably more oriented toward habits than their male peers. assertive and active. achievement for its own sake Whatever discrepancy exists Eleanor E. Maccoby than girls, showing greater task between boys and girls in terms of involvement, and more exploratory achievement motivation does not The ongoing debate over inherent behavior; females were primarily reflect school-related motivation. sex differences is tied up with interested in achievement relating This motivation could prove general political questions about to interpersonal relationships— significant throughout girls’ lives, how society should be organized, exerting effort to please others, and as performance at school is also and the roles that men and women demonstrating low self-confidence relevant to job performance. are “naturally” equipped to fill. By with respect to many tasks. pointing out that psychological literature tends to publish results Challenging stereotypes indicating sex differences, while Maccoby systemically argued ignoring those indicating equality, against these assumptions, Maccoby has fought against the pointing to the fact that girls are assignment of men and women to higher academic achievers than stereotypical professions. ■ boys, show greater interest in school-related skills from an early age, and are less likely to drop out before completing high school. Eleanor E. Maccoby Born in Tacoma, Washington, Achievement Award from the Eleanor Maccoby (née Emmons) American Psychology Foundation earned a bachelor’s degree from and The American Psychological the University of Washington and Association introduced an award an MA and PhD in experimental in her name. Maccoby’s work to psychology from the University of debunk stereotypes is considered Michigan. In the 1940s, she worked fundamental to understanding for the Department of Agriculture, children’s socialization and and then at Harvard University, gender differences. supervising research on child- rearing practices. Perceiving that Key works gender bias was holding her back, she moved to Stanford University, 1966 The Development of Sex where she became the first Differences woman to serve as Chair of the 1974 The Psychology of Sex Psychology Department. Maccoby Differences went on to receive a Lifetime 1996 Adolescents after Divorce
288 ALBERT BANDURA I n the 1940s and 1950s, learning observing others, is at the heart of was understood primarily in social learning theory. This theory IN CONTEXT behaviorist terms, with B.F. suggests that learning is achieved Skinner’s theory of operant by mentally rehearsing and then APPROACH conditioning—in which learning is imitating the observed actions of Social learning theory wholly determined by rewards and other people, who serve as models punishments—dominating the of appropriate or acceptable BEFORE field. From this context emerged behavior. Bandura argued that 1938 B.F. Skinner proposes Albert Bandura’s interest in studying “most human behavior is learned the behaviorist notion of childhood aggression—an area he through modeling.” operant conditioning, which felt was too complex to explain in explores positive and negative terms of operant conditioning—as Bandura noted four conditions reinforcements in learning. a learned behavior. that are necessary for a person to successfully model the behavior 1939 US psychologist John Bandura’s hypothesis was that of another: attention, retention, Dollard argues that aggression children learn aggression through reproduction, and motivation. is always a consequence of observing and imitating the violent Learning requires that the learner frustration, and that frustration acts of adults—particularly family is paying attention to the behavior always leads to aggression. members. He believed that the key in the first place, that he remembers to the problem lies at the intersection what he saw or heard, that he is AFTER of Skinner’s operant conditioning actually able to physically reproduce 1966 American pychologist and Freud’s psychoanalytic theory the behavior, and that he has a Leonard Berkowitz claims of identification, which explores how good motive or reason to reproduce environmental cues, such people assimilate the characteristics it, such as the expectation of reward. as those associated with of others into their own personalities. aggressive behavior, must Bandura’s work culminated in his Although the concept of reward be present for aggression to famous Bobo doll experiment, and is part of his social learning theory, follow anger. his hugely influential 1977 treatise Bandura’s move away from Social Learning Theory. behaviorism is evident in his 1977 US psychologist Robert A. radical, anti-behaviorist ideas about Baron suggests that Bandura’s Social learning theory the relationship between experiment implies that violence Bandura’s belief that people learn a person’s environment and his or in the media contributes to not through reinforcement (rewards her behavior. According to violence in society. and punishments), but through behaviorism, environmental circumstances entirely determine We are surrounded Most human We notice and by people talking and behavior is remember these acting in different ways. learned through observed actions… modeling. …and, if motivated, …which we then physically reproduce mentally rehearse… ourselves.
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 289 See also: Konrad Lorenz 77 ■ B.F. Skinner 78–85 ■ Sigmund Freud 92–99 ■ Lev Vygotsky 270 behavior, but Bandura believes in “reciprocal determinism”—the idea that a person influences the environment just as the environment influences him. Bandura conceived of personality as an interaction between three different components: the environment, behavior, and psychological processes (the ability to use language and entertain images in the mind). All of these components are relevant to the study of childhood aggression, which, Bandura argued, was learned by watching and modeling adults. Bobo doll experiment For the experiment, 36 boys and 36 Children attack the Bobo doll Bandura’s social learning point of girls, all between the ages of three in Bandura’s 1961 experiment on view was the basis for his 1961 and six, were recruited from a local aggressive behavior. In some cases, Bobo doll experiment on childhood nursery school. They were divided subjects devised new ways to attack aggression, which sought to explain up into three groups of 24, each the doll by using other toys in the room. how aggressive behavior develops, comprising 12 boys and 12 girls. what provokes people to carry The first group was the control child was later left alone in a room out aggressive acts, and what group (which did not see any adult of toys that included a Bobo doll, he determines whether they will role model); the second group was or she imitated a good deal of the continue to behave aggressively. By exposed to an adult modeling aggressive acts performed by the proving that a child will imitate the aggressive behavior toward an the adult models, even creating behavior of an adult role model, the inflatable Bobo doll; the third group novel acts of violence against the experiment showed the power of was exposed to a passive adult doll. Children in this group were examples of aggression in society. model. All of the children in the also generally less inhibited than experiment were tested individually those in the other groups, showing Behavior partly to ensure that they would not be an increased attraction to guns created the influenced by their peers. despite the fact that playing with guns was not modeled. environment, and the In the experiments on the resultant environment, second group, each child watched By contrast, children who were an adult performing physically and either in the control group or who in turn, influenced verbally aggressive acts toward the were exposed to a passive adult the behavior. doll. The adult pummeled the large model only rarely demonstrated Bobo toy with a mallet, flung it in any kind of physical or verbal Albert Bandura the air, kicked it, threw it down on aggression. Although Bandura the floor, and beat it. When each did consider the possibility that observing aggressive acts merely ❯❯
290 ALBERT BANDURA Violence in computer games, and in the media generally, has been cited as a potential source of behavior modeling, although this view has not been strongly supported by studies. weakened any inhibitions that the children may have already had about behaving violently, the fact that they often imitated the exact behavior they had just seen suggests that observational learning was taking place. Violence in the media indicate that exposure to violence Social learning theorists accept Bandura’s research has raised many can actually decrease the amount that cognition has a part to play important questions surrounding of aggression in children. This in modeling, and that cognitive the prevalence of violence in the theory—known as the Catharsis factors mediate the process media. If a stranger performing effect—suggests that an individual between viewing violence and aggressive acts can be a model of may be able to relate to a violent actually imitating it. For instance, aggression for children, you might on-screen character and release the perception and interpretation argue that television programs negative feelings, thereby becoming of TV violence, and how realistic could also be considered a source less aggressive personally than the program is, are both important of behavior modeling. Modern films prior to the viewing. intervening variables. Bandura and television shows include also considers that environmental graphic violence, which is often Other psychologists regard experiences are another influence expressed as an acceptable (or at television as a form of education, in the social learning of aggression least expected) form of behavior, and believe that, as characters in children. Unsurprisingly, which children who are regularly often serve as role models for people living in neighborhoods exposed to the media may feel children, they should be positive with high crime rates are inclined to imitate. This idea has models in order to help decrease more likely to commit acts been hotly debated. Many studies the general level of violence of violence than those living indicate that violent films and prevalent in society. in low-crime areas. television shows do not increase a child’s tendencies toward Although Bandura himself does Gender development violence. Some studies even not believe in the Catharsis effect The social learning theory of viewing aggressive behavior, underlying Bandura’s research Exposure to he was careful to note that there on childhood aggression has aggressive modeling is was a distinction between learning important implications for our and performance. Children, he understanding of the development hardly cathartic. thought, could certainly learn of gender identity. According to Albert Bandura aggressive behavior from viewing the gender development theory, it, but knowledge of violent acts one reason why boys and girls would not necessarily result in tend to exhibit differences in their committing these acts themselves. behavior is that they are treated He warned against assuming a differently by their parents (as well more direct and causal relationship as other significant adults and between violence in the media and real-world aggression.
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 291 peers). It has been shown that half a century later, reflecting the Albert Bandura people unwittingly tailor their breadth and scope of his influence. behavior toward children from birth His groundbreaking contributions Albert Bandura was born to to match their own gender-role span many of the fields of Polish parents in the small expectations; this encourages psychology, including social town of Mundare in Alberta, children to behave according to cognitive theory, personality Canada. He graduated from the what are considered gender norms. theory, and even therapeutic University of British Columbia, practices. His ideas also serve moving on to take his master’s According to Bandura’s as a bridge between preceding degree and doctorate at the findings, children also learn how behaviorist learning theories University of Iowa, where his to behave through reinforcement and subsequent cognitive interest in learning theory and observation learning. By learning theories. developed. In 1953, he took up imitating the behavior of others, a teaching post at Stanford children are highly likely to receive Bandura’s focus on processes University, California, where positive reinforcement for the type such as attention, memory, and he is a professor emeritus. of behavior that is considered most motivation marked a departure appropriate to their sex. They will from studying only observable One of the world’s most also be either directly or subtly and measurable variables (the eminent and influencial discouraged from behaving in ways sole concern of behaviorists) psychologists, Bandura has that are not sex-appropriate. and looked instead to the mental received numerous awards, realm—the mind—for information including the Thorndike Although there has been some about how people learn. For these Award for Distinguished criticism of Bandura’s work (often reasons, Bandura is considered by Contributions of Psychology centered on whether his idea is many of his peers to be one of the to Education (1999), and a truly a theory of cognitive most distinguised and influential Lifetime Achievement Award development), his findings and psychologists of all time. ■ from the Association for the theories are still cited and debated Advancement of Behavior Therapy (2001). He also has Behavior seen as sex-appropriate in children, more than 16 honorary degrees, such as independence (in boys) or empathy (in girls), and in 1974 was elected is often positively reinforced by adults’ expectations, president of the American as well as by children’s imitation of adults and peers. Psychological Association. Dependence Independence Key works Empathy Self-reliance 1973 Aggression: A Social Learning Analysis Emotional Emotional 1977 Social Learning Theory expressiveness control 1986 Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Female Male Cognitive Theory
292 MORALITY DEVELOPS IN SIX STAGES LAWRENCE KOHLBERG (1927–1987) IN CONTEXT L awrence Kohlberg believed neither of which could be considered that morality develops completely acceptable, and noted APPROACH gradually throughout their responses. One example was Moral development childhood and adolescence. In 1956, whether it was right or wrong for a he began a study involving man with no money to steal drugs BEFORE 72 boys between the ages of 10 and that his sick wife desperately 1923 Sigmund Freud offers 16. He presented the boys with needed. Kohlberg followed up on 58 a psychoanalytic account moral dilemmas that required them of the boys, testing them every three of moral development. to choose between two alternatives, years over the course of 20 years, to 1932 Jean Piaget argues that Morality develops in six stages throughout childhood, morality develops from two adolescence, and adulthood. types of reasoning: one that is subject to the rules of others, In the two preconventional stages, moral behavior and another that is subject is determined by the concepts of punishment, only to a person’s own rules. reward, and reciprocity. AFTER In the two conventional stages, moral behavior is 1977 American educational consistent with doing what others believe to be psychologist William Damon suggests that young children right, upholding laws, and maintaining social order. are able to take the needs of others into account, earlier In the two postconventional stages, the individual than Kohlberg claims they are. is the ultimate judge of moral behavior, 1982 American psychologist based on his own conscience and universal Nancy Eisenberg argues that moral principles rather than social norms. in order to understand children’s moral development, we must examine their reasoning when faced with conflict between their own needs and those of others.
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 293 See also: Sigmund Freud 92–99 ■ Jean Piaget 262–69 ■ Albert Bandura 286–91 Moral thought may be rules as fixed and absolute. In the Mahatma Gandhi was among the considered partially to first of its two stages (the stage of few who reach the final stages of moral generate its own data obedience and punishment), we development described by Kohlberg. determine whether actions are right Throughout his adult life, he felt a duty as it goes along. or wrong by whether or not they to disregard unjust and oppresive laws. Lawrence Kohlberg lead to a punishment. In the second stage (the stage of individualism The third level of moral development observe how their moral inclinations and exchange), right and wrong are is when we move beyond simple changed with age. Based on the determined by what brings rewards. conformity, but Kohlberg suggested answers given by his subjects, The desires and needs of others are that only around 10–15 percent of us Kohlberg identified six stages of important, but only in a reciprocal ever reach this level. In its first moral development, which spanned sense—“You scratch my back and stage (the social contract and three levels of moral reasoning: I’ll scratch yours.” Morality at this individual rights stage), we still preconventional, conventional, and level is governed by consequence. respect authority, but there is a postconventional. growing recognition that individual The second level of moral rights can supersede laws that are Building moral reasoning reasoning starts in adolescence, destructive or restrictive. We come The preconventional level of moral and continues into early adulthood. to realize that human life is more reasoning, which develops during It sees us starting to consider the sacred than just following rules. our first nine years of life, considers intention behind behavior, rather The sixth and final stage (the stage than just the consequences. Its first of universal ethical principles) is Lawrence Kohlberg stage, often called the “good boy– when our own conscience becomes nice girl” stage, is when we begin the ultimate judge, and we commit The youngest of four children, classifying moral behavior as to ourselves to equal rights and respect Lawrence Kohlberg was born whether it will help or please. Being for all. We may even resort to civil in Bronxville, New York. After seen as good becomes the goal. In disobedience in the name of completing high school at the the second stage (the law and order universal principles, such as justice. end of World War II, he became stage), we start to equate “being a sailor, and helped smuggle good” with respecting authority Kohlberg’s six-stage theory was Jewish refugees into Palestine. and obeying the law, believing that considered radical, because it stated this protects and sustains society. that morality is not imposed on In 1948, Kohlberg enrolled at children (as psychoanalysts said), the University of Chicago, where While in Belize in 1971, Kohlberg nor is it about avoiding bad feelings he completed his bachelor’s contracted a parasitic infection (as the behaviorists had thought). degree in just one year, and that left him battling with Kohlberg believed children developed went on to research and teach, persistent pain and depression. a moral code and awareness of gaining a doctorate in 1958. He On January 19, 1987, after respect, empathy, and love through also taught at Yale University, asking to leave a treatment interaction with others. ■ and finally Harvard. session, he committed suicide, reportedly by walking into the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Key works 1969 Stage and Sequence 1976 Moral Stages and Moralization 1981 The Philosophy of Moral Development
294 IN CONTEXT THE LANGUAGE APPROACH ORGAN GROWS Nativism LIKE ANY OTHER BODY ORGAN BEFORE 1958 B.F. Skinner uses NOAM CHOMSKY (1928– ) operant conditioning to explain language development, arguing that children learn words and phrases through reinforcement. 1977 Albert Bandura argues that children may imitate the general form of sentences, and fill in these with specific words. AFTER 1994 Steven Pinker argues that language is an instinct from an innate program hard-wired in the brain, which arose because it was adaptive for human survival. 2003 Psychologists Stan Kuczaj and Heather Hill claim parents offer children better examples of grammatical sentences than Chomsky suggests. I n the middle of the 20th century, learning theory as explained by B.F. Skinner and Albert Bandura dominated psychologists’ conception of language development. These behaviorists believed that language—like all other human faculties—was a direct result of environmental input and learning, developed through the reinforcement and reward techniques at the heart of operant conditioning. Skinner noted that when children imitate verbal sounds, and form correct words, they receive immediate reinforcement and approval from their parents, which motivates
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 295 See also: B.F. Skinner 78–85 ■ Jerome Bruner 164–65 ■ Steven Pinker 211 ■ Jean Piaget 262–69 ■ Albert Bandura 286–91 Young children Young children can heredity. The onset of puberty, for spontaneously use understand the meaning instance, is an aspect of human grammatical rules growth that is like the “growth” of that they have never of an entire sentence the language organ. We assume without understanding unquestioningly that it is a been taught. genetically determined milestone, all the words. and though the specific details of its onset depend on several variable Verbal imitation combined with approval and praise does not environmental influences, the explain the productivity and creativity of language. fundamental process is the same across the human species. We take The human capacity to understand grammar for granted that this is a result of is innate and biological. basic biological programming. Language growth, Chomsky The language organ grows like emphasizes, is another genetically any other body organ. programmed inevitability of human development, on a par with the them to continue learning new to understand the meaning of an processes that determine that we words and phrases. Bandura entire sentence without necessarily have arms instead of wings, or that broadened the concept of understanding the meaning of each build the structure of our visual or imitation, noting that children word. For Chomsky, this ability is circulatory systems. imitated not only specific words innate in humans—he claimed that and sounds, but also the general “the language organ grows like any The concept that language is form and structure of sentences, other body organ,” likening it to other a part of our growth process is as though filling in templates with features acquired through heredity. important because it highlights specific words. Chomsky’s belief that it is not a Nativism consequence of learning. He Linguist Noam Chomsky, Chomsky maintained that, adopts a nativist perspective, however, did not believe that although a child’s environment focusing on the inherited operant conditioning adequately supplies the content of language, contributions to behavior and explained the productivity, grammar itself is an in-built and minimizing the importance of creativity, and innovation biologically determined human environmental input. However, of language. It also seemed capacity. To illustrate his point, he he believes that the environment insufficient to explain children’s refers to other aspects of human plays a role in determining the spontaneous use of grammatical development that we accept as specific direction of language ❯❯ rules that they have neither heard being an inevitable outcome of nor learned, as well as their ability Language is a process of free creation. Noam Chomsky
296 NOAM CHOMSKY growth, insofar as an individual’s aspects of grammar are understood We are designed language organ develops according without requiring any instruction, to learn languages based to early experiences. For instance, and that the knowledge is therefore because Chomsky grew up in innate. This is the only way to upon a common set of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, he explain how people have such a principles, which we may absorbed knowledge of that rich grammatical understanding call universal grammar. particular English dialect and his and how children can use language language organ’s structure was so creatively by the age of six. Noam Chomsky tailored accordingly. The same process occurs for everyone, Chomsky claims that “universal (LAD). He bases his claim for its whether they have grown up in grammar” is found worldwide, with existence on three things: the Paris, Tokyo, or London. modifications according to people’s fact that children are born with native languages. It is a predefined the capacity to formulate and Universal grammar mechanism that acts as the basis understand all kinds of sentences But where is the proof that language for the acquisition of any language. despite never having heard or acquisition is inborn rather than He argues that this is demonstrated learned them; that every human learned? According to Chomsky, by the way that all children are language appears to have certain the most convincing evidence for equally able to learn any language universal elements; and that some this claim is that there are aspects to which they are exposed. He says grammatical principles are of grammar that are so intuitive that a common set of linguistic acquired by individuals regardless and self-evident that they need features is built into the language of their culture or intelligence. never be discussed or learned in organ through heredity, and it There is other supporting evidence order to be understood (they are includes elements of grammar, as well, including the fact that the therefore part of our biological meaning, and speech. It is what human vocal organs, breathing inheritance). For instance, there makes it possible for us to speak are certain constructions in the and learn human languages, and English language that permit the may make it impossible for us to dropping of pronouns, and others learn any language that violates that do not. The difference between these principles. the two is subtle, yet even by the age of six, native English-speaking Language device children will use the constructions Chomsky proposes a name for flawlessly. This implies that certain our innate language organ: the Language Acquisition Device Noam Chomsky Linguist, philosopher, cognitive have made him a highly scientist, and social activist controversial figure. He has Noam Chomsky was born in won several honorary degrees Pennsylvania to Jewish parents. as well as being a recipient of He studied philosophy and the Distinguished Scientific linguistics at the University Contribution Award, the of Pennsylvania, where he earned Dorothy Eldridge Peacemaker his bachelor’s, master’s, and Award, and the Orwell Award. doctoral degrees. Chomsky joined He was married to linguist the Massachusetts Institute of Carol Schatz for 59 years Technology in 1955, becoming an until her death in 2008. Institute Professor in 1976. Key works Chomsky is widely known as one of the fathers of modern 1957 Syntactic Structures linguistics, but he is also a 1965 Cartesian Linguistics political dissident and anarchist. 1968 Language and Mind His criticisms of US foreign policy
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 297 Deaf children communicate using evolved, arguing that language environment could also be a factor. a “gestural language,” which has the represents a distinct mental module There is also some degree of doubt same characteristics as spoken that is unique to human beings and surrounding Chomsky’s assumption language, suggesting that knowledge completely independent of general that language is unique to human of grammar and syntax is innate. cognitive ability. beings. Data from studies with chimpanzees and gorillas has apparatus, auditory system, and Linguist Jean Aitchison is also suggested that the difference brain are all specialized for spoken in agreement with Chomsky’s between ape and human language is communication. Chomsky argues claim that children are hard-wired quantitative rather than qualitative, that, in light of the frequency with with knowledge of linguistic rules, which raises questions about how which children are exposed to the but her view is that children have species-specific language really is. ungrammatical and incomplete built-in problem-solving abilities speech uttered by their parents and that enable them to process Chomsky’s work has been other adults, only some kind of LAD linguistic data (and other forms highly influential across linguistics, can explain the fact that children of data). Chomsky maintains, psychology, philosophy, and even seem to possess knowledge of however, that human beings’ mathematics. Although the idea grammatical rules. Finally, studies innate language ability exists that children are predisposed to of deaf children provide further independently of other abilities, and learn language is widely accepted, evidence for an LAD, revealing the because the mind is constructed of his claim that children have an untutored emergence of a “gestural mental organs similar to those of innate knowledge of language that language” that shares the basic the body, language can easily be is not deeply influenced by their principles of spoken language. isolated from other mental faculties. parents is highly controversial. He has been widely considered the Criticism also comes from most extreme nativist in the history Robin Chapman, an expert in of psychology, and although a communicative disorders, who biological source for language argues that the study of language development is widely thought development should also be to be nearer the truth than one understood within the context of involving operant conditioning, it children’s social interactions. She is still unlikely to offer the complete notes that language structure is picture. Chomsky’s work has led to acquired piecemeal over several the emergence of more integrated years, and that there are wide views, which will no doubt lead to variations in how rapidly children new research and understanding. ■ acquire it, suggesting that social Evaluation Cognitive scientist Steven Pinker agrees that language is an instinct stemming from an innate program that is hard-wired in the human brain, but says that it arose through evolution and was therefore adaptive, helping our ancestors to survive. Chomsky disagrees with Pinker about how language Studies of how chimpanzees communicate with each other shows that their language is complex, although it appears to have less content and variation than human language.
298 AUTISM IS AN EXTREME FORM OF THE MALE BRAIN SIMON BARON-COHEN (1958– ) IN CONTEXT A utism is a disorder that influential theories is Simon Baron- affects the brain’s normal Cohen’s “theory of mind” hypothesis, APPROACH development of social and which, when supported by his Theory of mind communication skills. Autistic observations about sex differences children often react to the world in the brain, suggests that “autism BEFORE around them in a way that seems is an extreme form of the male brain.” 1943 American psychiatrist bizarre to others. They may have Leo Kanner identifies autism, poor communication skills, and Brain types suggesting it is the result of social interaction with autistic In 2003, Baron-Cohen developed the cold, unemotional parenting. children tends to be challenging, empathizing–systematizing theory partly because many of them fail to of “female” and “male” brains, which 1944 Austrian pediatrician speak, and partly because many assigns a particular “brain type” to Hans Asperger describes show little interest in others. The every person, regardless of gender, autism as “an extreme variant majority of autistic children are depending on ability to empathize or of male intelligence.” male, and most remain impaired systematize. His research suggests throughout adulthood. Various that the female brain is largely hard- 1979 British psychiatrists explanations for autism have been wired for empathy, with females Lorna Wing and Judith Gould offered. One of the most recent and usually showing more sympathy for discover that there is a wide others, and greater sensitivity to spectrum of autistic disorders. The person with facial expressions and non-verbal the extreme female communication. The male brain, by AFTER contrast, appears to be geared toward 1989 German-born brain would be understanding and building systems; psychologist Uta Frith states ‘system-blind.’ it is mostly interested in how things that autistic individuals tend Simon Baron-Cohen work, as well as their structure, and to notice detail, rather than the organization. It is therefore often broader aspects of situations. better at tasks requiring decoding skills, such as map reading. 1997 UK psychologist Peter Mitchell argues Baron-Cohen’s This does not mean, however, “theory of mind” fails to explain that there is a neat gender split. the exceptional memory and Baron-Cohen’s experiments showed ability in specific areas that that around 17 percent of men some autistic people possess. appear to have an “empathizing brain,” and 17 percent of women
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