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Big History

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["1939 WORLD 1950s ANTHROPOCENE 1970 DIGITAL 1973 OIL 1989 WORLD WIDE 2001 9\/11 2008 GLOBAL FINANCIAL WAR II EPOCH BEGINS AGE CRISIS WEB INVENTED CRISIS Atmospheric weapons test Nuclear weapons have been tested above ground, underground, and underwater. Over 2,000 nuclear explosions were detonated worldwide between 1945 and 1996. NUCLEAR OPTIONS 349","BIG IDEAS ENTERING THE Following the Ice Age, people started ANTHROPOCENE to settle in communities and began to \u25bc Burning fossil fuels develop agriculture. Scientists believe that Industrialization was Human activity has become the most influential factor shaping life deforestation to clear land for crops around powered by the burning on Earth. The impact of industrialization and the pressures exerted 8,000 years ago released greenhouse gases of coal, which released by humankind have led to changes to the atmosphere, ecosystems, into the atmosphere and created a spike in billions of tons of and biodiversity, while depleting many of Earth\u2019s resources. This carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. The effects of carbon dioxide into the has led scientists to propose we have entered a new geological farming also changed the land; geologists atmosphere. After the epoch: the Anthropocene. can find agriculture\u2019s signature in European 1880s, oil and gas drove rock dating back to 900 CE. further economic I n 2000, Dutch scientist Paul Crutzen fossil record for future generations to growth and released coined the term \u201cAnthropocene\u201d to discover. Population growth, more intensive During industrialization in the 19th more carbon dioxide. describe a new geological epoch. He argued agriculture, the destruction of biodiversity, century, Europe once again left an that the biosphere had been transformed by and industrialization are among the environmental mark and Crutzen believed humans rather than by natural geological main causes of environmental damage: that the Anthropocene started at this time. and climatic processes that defined previous they have completely reshaped Earth\u2019s Other scientists suggest the Anthropocene epochs. Earth bears permanent signs of this ecology and biology. began in the atomic era of the 1950s and human activity: airborne black carbon\u2014 the \u201cGreat Acceleration\u201d that followed, the main component of soot produced by The history of Earth is divided into which saw the rapid growth of economies, burning fossil fuels and biomass\u2014is trapped geological time scales: epochs are periods populations, and energy consumption. in glacial ice; fertilizer chemicals linger in spanning thousands of years. If the The Great Acceleration came after the the soil; and plastics pollute both earth Anthropocene is officially accepted it will detonation of the atomic bomb, the first and water. All of these will likely leave a follow the Holocene epoch, which began nuclear weapon, which left a radioactive after the last Ice Age around 11,700 years marker in sediments across the world, ago, when humans colonized new territories and marks the rise of truly global impacts and populations first began to grow. As the caused by humans on the planet. species at the top of the food chain, humans began to make their mark on the world\u2019s INDUSTRIAL IMPACT fauna 50,000 years ago when they hunted While there is still some debate about many large mammals to extinction. the Anthropocene, few dispute the impact of industrialization upon the environment. Even in the early stages of Britain\u2019s industrial revolution, thick smog from the coal-burning factories spread into the atmosphere and created widespread health problems. These issues continued into the 20th century: a 1952 coal-fog left 4,000 dead from respiratory diseases in London in four days. In the United States, smog SINCE THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, THE LEVEL OF CO2 ON EARTH HAS INCREASED BY 34 PERCENT caused by car exhausts in California led to the discussion of a new environmental term: greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide and water vapor, occur naturally in small quantities in Earth\u2019s atmosphere and prevent heat from escaping into space. Without them, Earth would be a frozen, arid planet. But in the last 250 years, intensified human activity\u2014primarily burning fossil fuels for use in industry or electricity and transportation\u2014has led to the highest concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere for","around 800,000 years. Carbon dioxide fertilizers and sewage can leak into recovery from natural disasters. Even the levels remained below 280 parts per million waterways and contaminate freshwater, extinction of a creature as small as a bee has for thousands of years, but since the which eventually flows into the sea where repercussions. Bees are the major pollinator Industrial Revolution, they have risen at it can create a dead zone. This is where of around one third of the world\u2019s food an increasing rate. Accelerating after the algae form: when they sink to the seafloor crops, but their numbers are in decline and 1950s, they reached around 400 parts per and decompose, oxygen is removed from severe food shortages are predicted as result million in the early 21st century. This is the the water. The low levels of oxygen cause of their dwindling populations. main cause of global warming: a gradual marine animals to leave or die. At the same increase in Earth\u2019s average temperature. time, around 88 million tons (80 million SINCE 1992, THE NUMBER More greenhouse gases trap more heat in metric tons) of plastic litter have been OF PROTECTED SITES the atmosphere and prevent it from dumped in the world\u2019s oceans, and around escaping into space. eight million more are added daily. Millions WORLDWIDE HAS INCREASED of animals and birds die annually when they TWENTY-FOLD Scientists suggest a 50 percent reduction mistake this plastic for food. in global CO2 emissions is needed by 2050 to prevent a global warming catastrophe. Every day, species\u2019 extinctions are Global warming has already had serious continuing at up to 1,000 times or more OUR PLANET IS BEING TRANSFORMED - NOT BY NATURAL EVENTS, BUT BY THE ACTIONS OF ONE SPECIES: MANKIND. Sir David Attenborough, 1926\u2013 effects, including glacial melting, a rise in the natural rate due to population growth, REVERSING THE DAMAGE sea levels, ocean acidification, warming habitat conversion, urbanization, and over- surface temperatures, extreme weather, exploitation of natural resources. In 2015, Attempts are being made to help undo the and the destruction of ecosystems. a study by the International Union for centuries of human environmental damage. Conservation of Nature (IUCN) assessed Since the 1970s, hundreds of environmental Ecosystem destruction is also caused by 80,000 animal species and found nearly protocols and treatises have been adopted widespread deforestation that began during 25,000 of them to be under threat of internationally; the countries signing up the 19th century to provide wood and raw extinction. If current trends continue, the to them have agreed to implement targets materials for industrialization. Trees were Earth is on course for a sixth mass extinction linked to environmental concerns, but with replaced with crops, such as coffee and tea, on a scale not seen for 65 million years varying degrees of success. which could be grown on one plot of ground since the extinction of the dinosaurs. over consecutive years. Today, deforestation More recently, a set of 17 Sustainable accounts for around one fifth of greenhouse The threat to biodiversity is the result of Development Goals were adopted by the gas emissions, as plants and trees absorb land-use changes, pollution, climate change, United Nations in 2015, which are expected CO2 during photosynthesis. Halting and rising CO2 concentrations, and is now a to frame the policies of 193 nations until deforestation and replanting forests would matter for serious concern. Each creature 2030. They aim to \u201cend poverty, protect help to reduce CO2 levels. has a supporting role in Earth\u2019s biosphere, the planet, and ensure prosperity for all\u201d by which is an interdependent global promoting \u201csustainable industrialization.\u201d DECLINING BIODIVERSITY ecosystem. This ecosystem provides essential This may become a defining theme for Cutting down forests has destroyed various services such as clean water, fertile soils, future generations to ensure environmental ecosystems. As humans increasingly exploit pollution absorption, storm protection, and sustainability and protecting the world\u2019s the land, we leave less to sustain all other ecosystems remain top priorities. species, leading to a decline in wildlife diversity and abundance. Large numbers of plants and THE CLIMATE CRISIS IS THE GREATEST animals were destroyed in Africa, India, and CHALLENGE HUMANITY HAS EVER FACED. the Pacific Islands in the 19th century during deforestation for industrialization. Al Gore, American politician and environmentalist, 1948\u2013 Meanwhile, increasingly high levels of pollutants in the world\u2019s oceans have devastated marine life. Agricultural ENTERING THE ANTHROPOCENE 351","HARD EVIDENCE CLIMATE CHANGE Earth\u2019s climate has fluctuated dramatically throughout its 4.5 billion year history, but scientists can now prove that human activities\u2014such as burning fossil fuels and clearing land for agriculture\u2014are also contributing to climate change. Climate change is a long-term shift in scientists try to predict the future impact of weather conditions identified by changes global warming. Climate change data is in temperature, precipitation, winds, and gathered by chemists, biologists, physicists, other indicators. Climate science began oceanographers, and geologists. They over 100 years ago, when scientists first compare statistics on Earth\u2019s temperatures, suggested that burning fossil fuels may weather, and greenhouse gases by feeding cause global warming, which, in turn, data into computerized climate change contributes to climate change. In 2016, models. Air samples are analyzed to gauge humans emitted carbon dioxide (CO2) into the level of CO2 in the atmosphere caused the atmosphere 10 times faster than at any by natural sources compared to that of point in the last 66 million years, causing fossil fuels. Similar readings made from air Earth to be at its warmest for 1400 years. bubbles trapped in Antarctic ice cores that are hundreds of thousands of years old tell The effects of global warming have been us about past changes in Earth\u2019s climate monitored for decades: they include global (see pp.174\u201375). Plant fossils from Earth\u2019s temperature rises, the shrinking of glaciers crust tell us about species distribution and ice sheets, the thinning of the ozone during different atmospheric periods, layer, acidification and warming of the which may indicate how they could react oceans, and rising sea levels. By comparing to higher levels of CO2 in the future. data on these events with past records, ozone hole increased during 1980s Global temperature rise To record global temperatures, scientists take air measurements from satellites, ships, and meteorological stations and then analyze the data. These measurements reveal that the average global temperature is 1.4 \u00baF (0.8\u00b0C) warmer than it was in 1880. In 2015, this caused heatwaves in Asia and Europe, 1979 1987 flooding in Africa, droughts in South America, and an increase in extreme weather events: global storms, cyclones, and typhoons. 1998 2015 Rising sea levels Tidal gauge readings, ice core samples, and satellite measurements \u25b2 Ozone depletion The Maldives are have shown the global mean sea level The ozone layer stretches across the Earth\u2019s upper at risk has risen by 23\u20444in (7cm) in the last atmosphere and absorbs most of the sun\u2019s ultraviolet century. This rise is due to melting radiation. In the 1970s, robotic satellites showed a hole glaciers and polar ice caps, and the in the ozone layer. In 1987, the Montreal Protocol agreed expansion of sea water as it warms. to prohibit ozone-depleting chemicals, but the ozone Rising sea levels have devastated hole is only predicted to return to 1980 levels by 2070. low-lying coastal habitats, including a number of Pacific Islands. 352 THRESHOLD 8","Shrinking sea ice Satellite images of the ice caps in Greenland and Antarctica reveal that as temperatures rise they are shrinking at a rate of 13.4 percent per decade. Sea ice reflects sunlight back into space. Without sea ice, the ocean absorbs 90 percent of the sunlight, which warms the water, adds to the Arctic temperature rise, and causes more melting in a process known as a positive feedback loop. Sea ice at the smallest extent recorded, 2012 Ocean acidification Scientists study ice core samples and the chemical composition of fossilized sea creatures assess the ocean\u2019s acidity over time. The acidity of the ocean\u2019s surface has risen by 30 percent over 200 years, as increased CO2 in the atmosphere has been absorbed by the sea. Acidification prevents creatures such as corals, mussels, and oysters from absorbing the calcium carbonate they need to maintain their skeletons. Warming oceans Using robotic floats, scientists are able to show that the world\u2019s oceans have warmed by around 0.2 \u00baF (0.11\u00baC) between 1971 and 2010. This has led to the destruction of ecosystems such as coral reefs. In 2016, warming ocean temperatures caused a global coral bleaching event. This is where coral lose the colorful algae that give them pigmentation and provide them with oxygen and nutrients. If the stress continues, the bleached coral will die. Bleached coral CLIMATE CHANGE 353","1750 THE INDUSTRIAL 1789 DECLARATION OF 1830 STEAM AGE 1869 DNA 1880 ELECTRICAL 1914 WORLD 1930s GREAT REVOLUTION BEGINS THE RIGHTS OF MAN ISOL ATED AGE WAR I DEPRESSION \u25bc Endangered elements Lithium is used for the The periodic table of endangered lithium-ion batteries elements shows the 44 elements facing that power personal supply restrictions in the future as well electronics and electric as the 17 Rare Earth Elements, three of cars today because they which are also endangered. store more energy (in the same amount of space) KEY than other technologies Limited availability\u2014future risk to supply Rising threat from increased use Serious threat in the next 100 years Rare Earth Element Hafnium has a very high melting point, which is why it is used to make control rods for nuclear processors and nuclear submarines. It is also used as an insulator in microchips and found in computer circuitry. Neodymium is used in the magnets that power mobile phones, electric car engines, and wind turbines. Without it, magnets would be 90 percent weaker and up to 100 percent larger, making green energy less efficient. 354 THRESHOLD 8","1939 WORLD 1950s ANTHROPOCENE 1970 DIGITAL 1973 OIL 1989 WORLD WIDE 2001 9\/11 2008 GLOBAL FINANCIAL WAR II EPOCH BEGINS AGE CRISIS WEB INVENTED CRISIS ELEMENTS IN 2010, CHINA CONTROLLED UNDER THREAT 95 PERCENT OF THE WORLD\u2019S RARE The chemical elements that make up Earth occur on our planet in EARTH PRODUCTION finite quantities. Of the 118 elements that have so far been identified, around 44 are considered endangered because demand for use in Indium is used to make the technology is predicted to outstrip supply. touch-screen glass found in smartphones. It comes from zinc Coal and oil are not the only natural resources at risk from current demand. mines as it occurs in such small Supplies of elements\u2014including Rare Earth Elements (REEs) with magnetic, amounts that mining it is luminescent, and electrochemical properties vital for the latest technology\u2014 impractical. If the demand for zinc are also under threat. The reasons vary: some, like helium, occur in finite declines, it will have an impact on nonrenewable quantities. Others are hard to access: REEs are often widely the availability of indium. dispersed and mixed with other minerals, which makes mining an expensive proposition, and refining them can create quantities of toxic waste. In addition, Phosphorus is an important ingredient in countries with economically viable mines may prefer to secure these resources agricultural fertilizers. It is also used in for domestic use in medical and military equipment rather than export them to everyday items, such as matches. Europe has competing nations. As with oil, these countries are in a strong position to started recycling phosphorus as a step toward a manipulate prices and protect their market share by controlling availability; it is more sustainable supply. possible to recycle REEs from old or obsolete electronics, such as computers and phones, but cheaper to extract them afresh. Technology may not work as well without them, but high prices and low supplies give manufacturers an incentive to innovate and create alternative products that use fewer\u2014 or no\u2014REEs and endangered elements, and promote the sustainable use of what we have left. Helium is the second most abundant element in the universe, but on Earth our extractable supplies are declining. It has many uses, including in MRI scanners 355","1750 THE INDUSTRIAL 1789 DECLARATION OF 1830 STEAM AGE 1869 DNA 1880 ELECTRICAL 1914 WORLD 1930s GREAT REVOLUTION BEGINS THE RIGHTS OF MAN ISOL ATED AGE WAR I DEPRESSION Solar-powered supertrees Singapore\u2019s Gardens by the Bay, an innovative and energy-efficient space, contain supertrees inspired by their natural counterparts. They contain photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into energy and use it for lighting. 356 THRESHOLD 8","1939 WORLD 1950s ANTHROPOCENE 1970 DIGITAL 1973 OIL 1989 WORLD WIDE 2001 9\/11 2008 GLOBAL FINANCIAL WAR II EPOCH BEGINS AGE CRISIS WEB INVENTED CRISIS THE QUEST FOR SUSTAINABILITY Coal, oil, and gas have powered over 250 years of industrial progress, but these fossil fuels are in limited supply. Switching from nonrenewable to renewable sources of energy could lead to greater energy security and help to protect the environment. In 2013, more than 80 percent of the \u25c0 Electric car world\u2019s energy came from coal, gas, and Instead of running oil, while only 19 percent came from on oil, electric vehicles renewable energy sources. Researchers are powered by a are seeking new forms of renewable rechargeable battery, energy as a matter of urgency. which means they emit less carbon dioxide. GREEN TECHNOLOGY of Denmark\u2019s energy comes from wind power, over 26 percent of Germany\u2019s power The most common sources of renewable comes from renewables, and some Chinese power are water, solar, wind, geothermal\u2014 and Indian villages heat biomass material which harnesses heat from Earth, such to generate electricity. In 2016, over as hot springs\u2014and biomass fuels created 60 percent of global energy investment by burning decaying plant or animal went into renewables, and green energy is material. Each has limitations. The predicted to overtake electricity generated construction of wind farms, solar panels, by fossil fuels by 2030. hydroelectric dams, and tidal barriers is expensive, and geothermal power is Renewable energy could create only available in volcanic areas. Burning hundreds of thousands of jobs. It could biomass emits carbon dioxide, but it also enable many countries to develop is carbon neutral when it is part of the long-term domestic energy security a sustainably managed program\u2014 essential in the industrial world, and for example, if new trees are planted insulate them from the fluctuating to absorb the carbon dioxide released. prices of imported fuels. However, Furthermore, new renewable technologies industrializing countries, such as China are developing fast and costs are coming and India, continue to rely on coal. down. With knowledge and experiences Fossil fuel subsidies are often high, which shared through global networks, we may makes them cost effective. Despite these be able to innovate to overcome the barriers to investment, renewables are current limitations. catching up and, in some cases, are already cheaper than fossil fuels. Many countries already use renewable energy. In Brazil, sugarcane is made into the biofuel ethanol; the country\u2019s gasoline includes a blend of 18\u201327 percent ethanol. Nearly 40 percent WE NEED TO ULTIMATELY MAKE CLEAN, RENEWABLE ENERGY THE PROFITABLE KIND OF ENERGY. Barack Obama, President of the United States (2009\u20132017), 1961\u2013 THE QUEST FOR SUSTAINABILITY 357","1750 THE INDUSTRIAL 1789 DECLARATION OF 1830 STEAM AGE 1869 DNA 1880 ELECTRICAL 1914 WORLD 1930s GREAT REVOLUTION BEGINS THE RIGHTS OF MAN ISOL ATED AGE WAR I DEPRESSION WHERE NEXT? Big History provides a unique perspective on the trends and themes that connect the story of humans. Can we use them to predict the future? Nothing is certain, but the themes of population growth, innovation, energy, and sustainability look set to recur for the next hundred years. Population growth and innovation are age. Today we are on the cusp of the sixth the signatures of our success as a species. wave: sustainability, the great theme of our Our 18th-century ancestors combined time. It aims to provide a high standard thousands of years of collective learning of living for the rising global population\u2014 with new agricultural technologies to predicted to reach 10 billion by 2050\u2014 put an end to the Malthusian crises that while reducing our reliance on fossil fuels periodically reduced agrarian populations. and using remaining resources efficiently. Astonishing industrial innovation gave The ability to harness new forms of energy many people access to goods, services, and has defined past thresholds of human a quality of life previously unimaginable. history; now our relationship with energy Technological growth in the last century may determine the fate of our species. has outstripped that of all human history. Many of today\u2019s innovations, such as There are signs that trends are shifting. smartphones and the internet, would have Population growth rates have slowed in seemed impossible as recently as the early industrializing countries, such as India and 1980s. These technologies have connected China. This may be because economically the world in the most complex collective developed countries tend to produce fewer network ever known. children. But these children tend to be more highly educated, and as they join However, progress has come at a cost. the billions of potential innovators already It has led to increasing consumption of connected through the modern global the dwindling resources of water and communications network, this may be BIG HISTORY STUDIES THE HISTORY OF EVERYTHING, OFFERING A WAY OF MAKING SENSE OF OUR WORLD AND OUR ROLE WITHIN IT. David Christian, Big History historian, 1946\u2013 fossil fuels; it has brought about the mass- the key to saving our planet. Never before extinction of many plant and animal has collective learning been so accessible, species; and it has led to an exponential integrated, and important. rise in greenhouse gas emissions. It is now up to the global collective to reverse this The collective hub has already created damage and develop a less environmentally important green innovations: electric cars, harmful existence for future generations. biofuels, solar-powered desalination of water, and zero-emission buildings, whose A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE total energy consumption does not result in The industrial revolution is sometimes greenhouse gas emissions. In this sense, the described as the first in a series of waves of near future is a place of limitless potential. innovation: the first era of mechanization The 21st century may be remembered as was succeeded by innovations from the the dawn of global sustainability, attained steam age, the electrical age, the aviation through green innovation and powered and space age, and most recently the digital by renewable energies. In a future still unwritten, all things are possible. 358 THRESHOLD 8","1939 WORLD 1950s ANTHROPOCENE 1970 DIGITAL 1973 OIL 1989 WORLD WIDE 2001 9\/11 2008 GLOBAL FINANCIAL WAR II EPOCH BEGINS AGE CRISIS WEB INVENTED CRISIS Innovation to predict climate change The Orbiting Carbon Observatory detects where carbon dioxide is absorbed and how much is in the atmosphere, with the aim of improving predictions of climate change. WHERE NEXT? 359","","TIMELINES OF WORLD HISTORY Human history is rich in detail. Civilizations have emerged, developed, and transformed, leaving behind a varied legacy and a huge body of knowledge for us to build on. Big History gives this detail context, and as we look back, connections, patterns, and forces start to appear, enhancing the story.","The spread of modern humans Beringia: Humans cross into the Americas, possible colonization route across the Bering land bridge major site 100,000\u201310,000 BCE created by lower sea levels during extent of ice sheet 18,000 BCE the last Ice Age, by 15,000 years ago extent of ice sheet 10,000 BCE coastline 18,000 BCE Beringia Old Crow ancient river Mackenzie ancient lake Blue sh Cave l e rhaene t Greenland \u25b6 Mapping Prehistoric Migrations Dry Creek Co rd Early humans migrated eastward from ce S Africa around 100,000 years ago. They I i l reached Australia 50,000 years ago, Japan 35,000 years ago, and crossed a land Mountains Laurentide bridge over the Bering Strait to enter Ice Sheet the Americas around 15,000 years ago. The first civilizations appeared between Lake 5000 and 3000 bce in areas where Aggassiz agriculture permitted a sufficient surplus to support large towns\u2014in Mesopotamia, Wally\u2019s Beach N O R T H Egypt, northwest India, and around the Lake Minong Yangzi River in China. A M E R I C ASan Lake St. Lawrence Missoula Great ins Butte Mi Lakes Rocky Lake Chippewa Plains Lake Wilson ssouri Meadowcroft a Lahontan Cave Mount Shriver Lamb Lake Bonneville Kimmswick Appalachian Calico Diego Hills Spring i reat Clovis ATLANTIC G Mississipp P A CIFIC Rio Grande Early human settlers hunt OCEAN North American megafauna (mastodons, mammoths, and many other species) as climate change makes such animals extinct ValsequilloN El Bosque West Indies CEA El Inga PREHISTORIC O Taima Taima WORLD Andes noco 8 MYA\u20133000 BCE Ori Guiana Highlands If Earth\u2019s 4.5 billion years were a single day, the story of humanity Amazon and its ancestors would occupy just 2\u20133 minutes. The split from the lineage that gave rise to modern apes took place 6\u20138 million Amazon years ago, but fully modern humans did not appear until around 200,000 years ago. Within 100,000 years, Homo sapiens had Basin migrated from their African birthplace and begun to spread across the globe. Their adaptability and larger brain size enabled Guitarrero Pedra Furada them to survive the Ice Age, and then around 10,000 years ago Cave they developed the beginings of agriculture. The first settled early settlement villages appeared, which soon became towns. The emergence Pikimachay of increasingly complex societies marked the end of prehistory. SOUTH S\u00e3o Francisco AMERICA And e s Alice B\u00f6er Paran\u00e1 Querero Monte Patagonia Patagonia settled Verde by 12,500 years ago Fell\u2019s Cave 362 TIMELINES OF WORLD HISTORY","Europe: Last dwarf mammoths Neanderthals die out become extinct c.3000 BCE in Europe between 37,000 and 32,000 BCE Wrangel Island Yenisey Lena Ob\u2019 Settled by 35,000 BCE Settled by c.45,000 BCE Volga S i b e ria Sunghir Mal\u2019ta Amur E U R O P E Pushkari Kostienki Gough\u2019s Cave Engis Mladec Predmost\u00ed Mezhirich A S I A Gobi Lascaux Doln\u00ed C Cro-Magnon La Madeleine Vestonice Aral aspian Sea Sea Japan Altamira Black Sea Yellow Riv Zasaragi Grimaldi Lake Zhoukoudian Shuidonggou Tianyuan Hoshino Niaux Romanelli er Cave Honshu Mazouro Xiachuan Nerja Lake Tig Konya Las Afalou Bou ris Shanidar Fukui Earliest settlers Palomas Rhummel Eu c.35,000 years ago Dar es-Soltan Qafzeh phrates es Haua im Fteah H Indus ala Yan First evidence of gziyas P ACIFIC human burials Gang Maba Sahara Migration out of Africa Bhimbetka of early modern humans Arid Sahara enters by 100,000 BCE Arabian India moister phase c.9000 BCE Peninsula Patne Nazlet Khatir Nile Mega ChadNiger Mekong Philippine Islands AFRICA First settled OCEA c.60,000 BCE Sahel Lake Tabon Cave N Galla Sunda Niah Cave C Lake Sumatra Borneo Victoria ongo Za m Great Rift Valley Great Rift Valley Olduvai Gorge Pamwak Migration of early New modern humans begins Guinea Kisese c.150,000 years ago INDIAN Earliest evidence Nombe Solomon OCEAN Java of use of boats Kosipe Islands bezi Madagascar Australia: Sahul Lake Fully modern humans colonize Australia Makgadikgadi from Southeast Asia, from c.50,000 years Malakunanja II ago; they utilize land bridges created by lowered sea levels during the last Ice Age Lake but also cross 37 miles (60 km) of open sea Carpentaria Koolan Cuckadoo Earliest African rock art Puritjarra Kenni Cave 26,000 years ago Kalahari Lion Cave Australia Apollo 11 Desert Border Cave Cave Boomplaas Orange River Southern Africa: Koonalda Cave Darling Klasies River From c.120,000 years ago, Mouth early hominins colonize Panaramitee Lake Mungo more marginal areas of Africa Lake Kow Swamp Arumvale Nawait Earliest evidence of human cremation Keilor c.26,000 BCE Tasmania New Zealand Beginner\u2019s Luck Cave Bone Cave PREHISTORIC WORLD 363","THE PREHISTORIC WORLD C.3.7\u20133 MYA C.3.3 MYA C.1.8 MYA Australopithecus afarensis (\u201cSouthern The oldest-known stone tools Homo ergaster emerges in East Africa. C.8\u20136 MYA ape-human\u201d) in East Africa walks are discovered at Lomekwi, Kenya. Taller and more slender than its The earliest human ancestors upright but still climbs trees. Its Stone tools found with animal ancestors, it has a larger brain, appear when hominins diverge brain is not much larger than that bones from C.2.6 MYA along the is fully adapted to walking and from chimpanzee lineages. The of a modern chimpanzee\u2014around Gona River in Ethiopia suggest that running, and has lost its adaptations fossil record from this period is one-third the size of a modern meat is now a central part of the for climbing trees. It is skilled fragmentary; as more evidence is human\u2019s brain. hominins\u2019 energy-rich diet. at tool-making and hunting, uncovered, the relationship between and inhabits a wide range of species is reassessed, filling gaps in C.3.6 MYA C.3.18 MYA environments. A related species, our knowledge of human evolution. Hominin footprints are preserved \u201cLucy\u201d is a young female Homo erectus or \u201cPeking Man,\u201d in volcanic ash at Laetoli in Australopithecus africanus living in is living in China by 1.6 MYA. C.7\u20136 MYA Tanzania. They indicate the Kenya. She is one of 13 males and Sahelanthropus tchadensis in Central upright, bipedal gait that allows females in the first discovered C.1.8\u20130.5 MYA Africa is thought to walk upright Australopithecines to spread from family group of A. africanus fossils. The earliest evidence for the but may predate the hominin- forests to open savanna, giving deliberate use of fire is found in chimpanzee split, and may not be them a wider food-gathering range C.3.1\u20132 MYA caves in South Africa and Israel. a direct human ancestor. than their competitors. Australopithecus africanus\u2014discovered in Taung, South Africa, in 1924\u2014 C.1.7 MYA C.5.8\u20134.4 MYA C.3.4 MYA is the first African fossil to be Homo georgicus in Dmanisi, Georgia, About the size of chimpanzees, The earliest-known cut marks made identified as an early hominin. is the earliest-known hominin found two species of Ardipithecus in East by stone tools are on animal bones It walks on two feet but it is still outside Africa; hominins have Africa (A. kadabba C.5.8\u20135.2 MYA at Dikika, Ethiopia; the evidence adapted for climbing trees. expanded their range into Eurasia. and A. ramidus C.4.4 MYA) may be suggests the animals were butchered able to stand upright and walk and is linked to nearby finds of C.2.3\u20131.4 MYA C.1.65 MYA on two feet. Australopithecus afarensis. Paranthropus boisei (\u201cNutcracker Acheulean hand axes appear, made Man\u201d) has powerful jaws and huge by Homo ergaster; these skillfully grinding teeth for chewing tough shaped tools mark a significant vegetable foods. advance in human intelligence. \u25b2 Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania is one of the most important prehistoric sites in the C.2.3 MYA C.1.2 MYA world. The many fossils found here provide evidence of a remarkably diverse array of An early species of human, Homo Paranthropines become extinct, early hominins that flourished in East Africa\u2019s \u201ccradle of mankind.\\\" habilis (\u201cHandyman\u201d), inhabits the Homo habilis and Homo rudolfensis Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. It has continue, and Homo antecessor\u2014 a larger brain than that of the the first Europeans\u2014appear. Australopithecines, and it is associated with simple stone tools C.600,000 YA and cut-marked animal bones. Homo ergaster is well established in North Africa and the Middle East, C.1.95 MYA while Homo heidelbergensis emerges in The use of stone tools is now East Africa. widespread. The prehistoric period known as the Stone Age lasts until C.500,000 YA the advent of copper C.5000\u2013 Homo heidelbergensis flourishes in 4500 BCE. It is split into three main Central Europe and uses stone tools periods: the Paleolithic (Old Stone carefully flaked on both surfaces. Age), Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age), and Neolithic (New Stone Age). In C.350,000 YA the Paleolithic period, tool-makers Homo erectus continues to dominate first chip large stones and later make in East Asia. In Europe, Homo more sophisticated hand axes, blades, heidelbergensis evolves into stockier and scrapers. Paleolithic peoples are and stronger Homo neanderthalensis. generally hunter-gatherers and live in small bands. The Paleolithic period C.350,000\u2013200,000 YA ends between C.20,000 and C.9000 Neanderthals\u2014the last major BCE for the Middle East, Europe, and humanlike species before the East Asia (and later for South Asia, evolution of fully modern humans, the Americas, and Africa), as the Homo sapiens\u2014spread across Europe Mesolithic period begins. and into West Asia. 364 TIMELINES OF WORLD HISTORY","\u25b2 The most complete fossil skull found in Africa, Homo erectus in East Asia, C.37,000 YA C.29,000\u201321,000 YA at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, was unearthed and Homo neanderthalensis across A volcanic eruption in Campania, The Gravettian culture of Europe in 1968. Crushed flat, the fragments were Europe and the Middle East. Italy, worsens the rapidly changing and Russia creates complex burial carefully reconstructed and identified as environmental conditions as ash sites, shell jewelry, bone and antler belonging to a young adult Homo habilis\u2014 C.130,000 YA falls across much of Europe. sculptures, and clay figurines. nicknamed \u201cTwiggy\u201d\u2014who lived c.1.8 mya. Evidence of an increasing use of fish, shellfish, and marine C.35,000 YA C.27,000 YA C.285,000 YA mammals for food is More advanced stoneworking Impressions left on dried silt suggest Evidence for the use of red ochre, found in South Africa. techniques, known as Aurignacian, that early baskets are made at Pavlov, a natural pigment, is found at appear across Europe. The earliest- Czech Republic. Kapthurin, Kenya. C.110,000\u201390,000 YA known figurative cave art is found Early evidence of Homo sapiens in Sulawesi, Indonesia. C.25,000\u201322,000 YA C.280,000 YA in Southwest Asia indicates that Finds at Bluefish Cave in Canada An incised pebble from Berekhat they are migrating out of Africa. C.35,000 YA suggest an early settlement of North Ram in Israel may be an early Homo sapiens first spreads across America, by peoples originating example of art. C.90,000 YA northern Eurasia. Forced to retreat from northern Eurasia. The oldest known harpoons, carved during the peak of the last Ice Age C.250,000\u2013200,000 YA from bone, are found in Katanda, (21,000\u201318,000 YA), Homo sapiens C.22,000 YA Homo sapiens (\u201cWise Man\u201d) first Democratic Republic of Congo. returns around 15,000 YA. The Mesolithic period (C.20,000\u2013 appears at sites such as Omo in 10,000 BCE in Southwest Asia, Ethiopia, Laetoli in Tanzania, and C.77,000\u201350,000 YA C.33,000 YA 9000\u20133000 BCE in Europe) brings Jebel Irhous in Morocco. The first Homo sapiens spreads east from the Two skulls of doglike canines are more sophisticated small chipped modern human has a smaller brain Arabian peninsula to southern found in Siberia and Belgium; tools and greater numbers of settled than the Neanderthals, but a lower Asia, southern China, and across DNA studies suggest that the first communities exploiting the land larynx allows it to produce a bigger the ocean to the Philippines, New domesticated dogs are descended more intensively for food. range of sounds. Guinea, and Australia. from gray wolves in China. C.22,000\u201319,000 YA C.200,000 YA C.75,000 YA C.32,000 YA During the Last Glacial Maximum, \u201cMitochondrial Eve\u201d in Africa is Advanced blade technologies, shell Homo sapiens has reached Japan. The ice caps are at their greatest extent, the last common ancestor of all beads, and incised ochre are found Chauvet cave paintings, discovered covering most of Northern Europe; living humans, according to genetic at Blombos Cave in South Africa. in 1994 in a limestone cliff in the on the grasslands further south, research involving DNA samples Ard\u00e8che region of southern France, populations live by hunting and from around the world. C.60,000\u201350,000 YA depict hundreds of wild animals, gathering, building shelters from An early burial site at La Chapelle- both predators and prey. scarce resources. C.186,000\u201340,000 YA aux-Saints, France, contains the Highly skilled at making stone tools bones of two Neanderthal children \u25b2 This flint hand axe is an Acheulean tool C.18,000 YA and heavy spears, Neanderthals and one adult. that has been skillfully shaped for a variety The earliest-known pottery comes engage in communal hunting and of tasks, including butchering meat. from Yuchanyan, China, and mass kills of large prey such as wild C.45,000 YA heralds a gradual revolution in the horses and bison; piles of animal Homo sapiens has colonized much transportation and storage of food. bones are found in caves in Jersey, of Australia and also reaches in the Channel Islands. Eastern Europe. C.18,000\u201312,000 YA In Europe, the Magdalenian C.160,000 YA C.40,000 YA culture hunts a wide range of Homo sapiens idaltu, a subspecies of Homo sapiens begins another major species, especially reindeer, and modern humans, emerges in Africa; migration out of Africa, heading creates beautiful art objects, it is contemporary with Homo ergaster north into Western Europe and engravings, and cave paintings. settling the whole of mainland Eurasia over the next 15,000 years. C.17,000 YA \u201cCro-Magnons\u201d produce cave art The Lascaux cave paintings in and decorated artifacts in Europe. France include a wealth of animal In China Homo sapiens may meet images such as horses, stags, cattle, with late-surviving Homo erectus. and bison (see p.366), as well as human and symbolic forms. C.39,000 YA The last known sites of Homo C.16,000\u201315,000 YA neanderthalensis, who is then driven Rising temperatures and retreating to extinction by environmental ice sheets begin to allow the gradual changes and increased competition. recolonization of areas of Northern PREHISTORIC WORLD 365","Europe that were abandoned during sheets, leads to a steep decline in Jordan Valley, Palestine. \u25b2 Jericho\u2019s high stone wall, moat, and the worst climatic conditions. the availability of wild cereals in Jericho is the world\u2019s round tower were built to protect a small Northern Europe. A rapid rise in oldest fortified town town of beehive-shaped houses that had C.15,000 YA temperature occurs after 9600 BCE. and one of the oldest stone foundations, plastered floors, and A major migration of Homo sapiens continuously inhabited often their own courtyards and ovens. into North America uses a land C.10,500 BCE urban settlements. bridge between Siberia and Alaska The earliest domesticated cereal is Asian crops and animals. Cattle that is exposed by low sea levels rye in Syria. C.8500\u20136000 BCE are domesticated by hunter-fisher at the height of the last Ice Age. Settled agriculture first communities of the Green Sahara Human populations move steadily C.10,000 BCE develops in the Fertile in North Africa and by farmers in southward, reaching Patagonia The Neolithic period begins in Crescent of Anatolia the Indus Valley in Pakistan and by 12,500 ya. Southwest Asia, in the \u201cFertile (Turkey), the Middle northwest India. Banana, taro, and Crescent\u201d where humans learn to East, and Mesopotamia yam are cultivated in the highlands C.13,000\u201311,000 YA cultivate wild wheat rather than just (Iraq). The sheep and of New Guinea. North America is rapidly colonized gather it in; the domestication of goat are domesticated by the \u201cClovis\u201d people, who make plants and animals brings the first in Mesopotamia. C.7000\u20136000 BCE distinctive stone tools that are farming. Settlements grow larger Native (naturally occurring) copper flaked on both sides. They hunt and more permanent, and support C.8000 BCE and gold has been hammered into large mammals to extinction and specialty craft occupations. This final In China\u2019s Yellow River valley, small objects since before 8000 BCE vanish within 1,000 years. phase of the Stone Age ends with communities are harvesting wild in West Asia, but now ores are copper\u2019s discovery C.5000\u20134500 BCE. millet, which is fully domesticated smelted (heated with charcoal) to C.11,000 YA by 6500 BCE. Wheat and barley are extract copper. Within 1,000 years, Siberia becomes separated from C.9000\u20133000 BCE domesticated in West Asia. Squash copper and lead are used to produce North America by the Bering Increased rainfall produces the is domesticated in Mesoamerica, much more effective tools and Straits due to higher temperatures, \u201cGreen Sahara\u201d of lakes, rivers, squash and beans in Ecuador. weapons, such as copper ax heads. retreating ice sheets, and rising sea marshes, and grasslands across levels at the end of the last Ice Age. North Africa. C.7400\u20136200 BCE The early farming town of C.10,800\u20139600 BCE C.8500\u20137300 BCE \u00c7atalh\u00f6y\u00fck, Turkey, houses as many as 8,000 people. The Younger Dryas cold period, A stone wall is built around the probably caused by melting ice large village of Jericho in the C.7000 BCE Farming begins to spread from \u25bc The Lascaux Caves, discovered by four teenagers in the Dordogne, southwestern Turkey into Southeast and Central France, in 1940, contain some of the most impressive works in all of Paleolithic art. Europe; Mediterranean hunter- Cro-Magnon artists painted almost 2,000 figures on the walls, using reds, yellows, and gatherers gradually turn to blacks made from mineral pigments c.17000 ya. In the famous \u201cHall of the Bulls,\u201d a vast agriculture, using imported West fresco covers the walls with wild horses, stags, and aurochs, or bulls. C.6000 BCE The invention of the plow in Egypt makes agriculture more productive. Villages along China\u2019s Yangzi River catch fish, grow rice, and raise pigs and chickens. Domesticated corn (maize) is developed from wild teosinte in Mexico, and becomes the principal cereal in the Americas. C.5800 BCE The \u201cblack mummies\u201d of the Chinchorro people in coastal northern Chile and southern Peru are the world\u2019s first example of artificial mummification.","C.5500 BCE C.3500 BCE CALENDAR The world\u2019s first irrigation SYSTEMS agriculture begins at Choga Mami Solid wheels made of wood are first in southern Mesopotamia, on the seen on wagons in Poland and the Most of the world uses the Gregorian calendar for noting alluvial plains between the Tigris Balkans; disk wheels emerge in day-to-day activities and historical landmarks, but some and Euphrates rivers. Irrigation is Sumer c.3200 bce. Sumer is at the cultures use more ancient calendars, often for marking events established along the Nile River in heart of a vast trading network that of ritual and cultural significance. Historians also take account Egypt by 3100 bce. stretches from Egypt through West of older dating systems when analyzing source material. Asia to the Indus Valley, South Asia. C.5500\u20134500 BCE Stamp seals are used in West Asia as The Linearbandkeramik farming a form of signature for economic and culture, known for its distinctive administrative purposes. The island pottery, flourishes in Europe. of Crete gives birth to the Minoan civilization, Europe\u2019s first. C.5100 BCE C.3300 BCE CALENDAR BASIS SYSTEM Europe\u2019s earliest copper mines are Hebrew Lunisolar at Ai Bunar, Bulgaria. The Bronze Age begins in Southwest 12 months of 29\/30 days and an intercalary Asia (reaching the Aegean by Maya --- (leap) month added seven times in a 19-year C.5000 BCE C.3200 BCE, China C.3000 BCE) Chinese Lunisolar cycle. Era begins at 3761 BCE. Domestic animals are kept for milk when copper is alloyed with tin to and meat, and oxen for pulling create a much harder metal, bronze. Ancient Solar 260-day and 365-day cycles combined to form plows, in West Asia, North Africa, Bronze Age societies are most often Egyptian Lunisolar \u201cCalendar Round\u201d of approximately 52 years. and Europe. The llama, alpaca, and characterized by the development Solar guinea pig are domesticated in the of writing, urban societies, large- Attic (ancient 12 months of 29\/30 days, with a leap month Andes, Andean coast, and tropical scale architecture, and early forms Athens) every 2\u20133 years. Beginning of era is disputed: lowlands of South America, while of state. The period between the either 2697 or 2852 BCE. potatoes are cultivated at high end of the Neolithic and the start Roman altitudes in the Andes. of the Bronze Age is often known 365 days, with 12 months of 30 days, and as the Chalcolithic (or Copper Age). 5 intercalary days at the end of the year. C.4500 BCE C.3300 BCE Japanese Lunisolar 354 days, with 12 months of 28\/29 days and a Irrigation techniques are Pictographic writing is invented leap month of 30 days every third year. introduced in the Indus Valley. at Uruk, Sumer, for recording Gregorian Solar The horse is domesticated in the property and commerce. 355 days, 12 months of 28, 29, or 31 days, with a Eurasian Steppe. Ethiopian\/Ge\u2019ez Solar leap month added periodically. Era is dated from C.3200 BCE 753 BCE (date of foundation of Rome). C.4200\u20133750 BCE Egypt\u2019s first hieroglyphic script Coptic (Egypt) Solar Emergence of the world\u2019s first is developed. The Indus Valley Islamic Lunar A system similar to the Chinese calendar was in city-states, in Mesopotamia; Uruk civilization dawns, with centers at official use until 1873. Era is dated from 660 BCE. in Sumer, southern Mesopotamia, Mehrgarh, Harappa, and Mohenjo- is possibly the first city and grows to Daro. The first stone circles and 365 days, with a leap day every four years. Era house 50,000 people by 2800 BCE. lines of standing stones are built begins at 1 CE (also known as AD 1). in Northern and Western Europe. C.4000 BCE 12 months of 30 days, with a leap month of 5 days In Egypt, farmers live in small C.3100 BCE (6 days every fourth year). Era begins at 9 CE. communities in the Nile Valley, Stonehenge in southern England where the river\u2019s annual flooding begins as an earthwork enclosure. Similar to Ethiopian, but era begins at 284 CE. deposits fertile silt on a broad strip along its banks. The vine and olive C.3100 BCE 354 days (12 months of 29\/30 days). Era begins are domesticated in the eastern King Narmer completes the at 622 CE (date of the Hegira\u2014Muhammad\u2019s Mediterranean. In China, wet-rice unification of Upper and Lower flight from Mecca). cultivation in plowed irrigated Egypt, becoming the first pharaoh. fields begins. \u25c0 This astrological table from Mesopotamia C.3100\u20132900 BCE was written in cuneiform on clay during the Uruk C.4000\u20131000 BCE Proto-Elamite script, an early The Old Copper Culture, a major Bronze-Age writing system, is in Era (c.3500\u20132900 bce). Early calendars were network of industry and trade based use across the Iranian plateau. devised by astronomer-priests to track on locally mined, cold-hammered Sumer develops a cuneiform script, seasonal turning points and rituals native copper, flourishes in the Great making wedge-shaped marks with a through the agricultural year. Lakes region of North America. sharpened reed on a soft clay tablet. PREHISTORIC WORLD 367","The World in 750 BCE Inuit Greenland Greek cities and territories Inuit Phoenician cities and territories s small Chinese states under the Eastern Zhou dynasty n NOTE: Settlements in italics i were not in existence in 750 BCE but were signi\ufb01cant a during this era. t \u25b6 The Ancient World in 750 bce In 750 bce, the Assyrian Empire was n dominant in the Middle East, after a period of chaos c.1000 bce. Egypt was weakened, u s while China\u2019s Zhou dynasty was in a state of near collapse following barbarian o invasions. Greece was beginning to establish colonies in the Mediterranean. M Great India\u2019s center of gravity shifted eastward Lakes St. Lawrence after the collapse of the Indus Valley er civilization. In the Americas, the Olmecs and Chav\u00edn had established the continent\u2019s s first cities. t n y n i k u c a Mountains h l o Miss Grande P ADENA R ouri i c i reat n d Mississipp Ohio c h i a a App a l a m G o Rio ATLANTIC OCEAN N Tlatilco Yucat\u00e1n OLMEC San Lorenzo La Venta West Indies F a rnmGocoeuriasna Highlands PA C I F I C Andes OCEAN Ori A m a z o anrAmmaezor ns S\u00e3o F Chorrera F ANCIENT Nomadic Basin WORLD CHAV\u00cdN Chav\u00edn rancisco 3000\u2013700 BCE de Huantar ATLANTIC hu nters OCEAN And e s Paran\u00e1 Writing first developed in Mesopotamia and Egypt around Patagonia 5,000 years ago and reveals much about the city-states, kingdoms, and empires that emerged there and in China, India, Peru, and Mexico. Hierarchical societies had specialized classes of warriors, priests, merchants, artisans, and an agricultural underclass whose surplus supported the rest. Trade between cities increased prosperity, but the hunger for resources led to large-scale warfare for the first time. Egyptians, Hittites, Assyrians, and Babylonians battled over the Middle East, while in China and India local dynasties vied for supremacy. 368 TIMELINES OF WORLD HISTORY","Palaeosiberians S a m o y eOb'd Yenisey Lena Gpeeromp laensi c Finn Volga Si s b eria Bpaelotpicles British o - U g r ian Alt a i c Amur Isles s G Iberian peoples Gades CLigeurRilanotsmseIclaDlnaysnruibae n s Slavs p eo p l e Berb Thr Cpaeuocpalseisan C o bi s Sah a c i a n s Aegean Sea Black Sea aspian K o r eYell M a nchuria Ainu Etrus YAN Cumae Gordium Cimmerian Sea ans QI WEIow River Jap Japan PHRYGIA URARTTuUshpa Med Motya s i ZHOU JIN LU ans anese QIN Carthage i t e r Mycenae IDETauigmprhisraastecsNuNsinimBevEAareMbuShSydPYlIoRRnEIAN n T Erlitou Zhengzhou r a n e Knossos Kadesh a im ib SONG Byblos a a n Sea Crete r es la e tans CHU Wu Tyre Yangzi H Gang y as ZHENG WU Pataliputra ers Bubastis ISRAEL Ur SuELsaAM Harappa S i AMMON pe Memphis P BABYLONIA IndusMohenjo-Daro n i t i c YUE EGYPT Jerusalem ersian Gulf o p l e s Thebes MOAB JUDAEA ara S e INDIAN KUSH mite Arabian S TAT E S Mekong Peninsula Red Sea ns Mon-K N ilo- Napata s Dravidia hmer peoples ad ians Niger S a h K ushites Philippine Islands Ch a r a S a h e l n pe p l e s Nile Niger-Congo people s Madagascar s oples y PACIFIC Mala Congo O C E A N INDIAN OCEAN Sumatra Borneo M a l a ys P apua Java New n s Guinea peo K h o i s a n Zambezi Kalahari Australian Desert Aborigines Orange Rive r Darling New Zealand ANCIENT WORLD 369","THE ANCIENT WORLD 2613\u20132494 BCE C.3100 \u20132890 BCE Egypt\u2019s 4th dynasty is the age of Egypt\u2019s First Dynasty, founded by the first true pyramids\u2014including King Narmer: his successors those built at Giza for the pharaohs establish the capital at Memphis Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. C.3000 BCE. C.2600 BCE \u25b2 Khufu\u2019s Great Pyramid towers over others built at Giza in Egypt. The world\u2019s tallest C.3000\u20132334 BCE building for more than 3,800 years\u2014topping 480ft (145m)\u2014is the oldest of the Seven Mesopotamia\u2019s Early Dynastic The rich array of grave goods Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one that survives largely intact. Period: in Sumer, southern buried in the Royal Graves of Ur, Mesopotamia, agricultural success Mesopotamia, indicates trade links leads to the world\u2019s first urban extending as far as the Indus. The culture and city-states such as Indus Valley civilization flourishes; Uruk, Ur, and Eridu flourish. farmers are plowing their fields and Mesopotamia and Egypt establish dozens of towns and cities have an extensive trade network. emerged\u2014Mohenjo-daro and Harappa have populations of 100,000 and 60,000 respectively. C.3000 BCE C.2600 BCE C.2500 BCE C.2205 BCE China\u2019s Longshan Culture emerges, The Xia dynasty is founded in with larger settlements defended by South America\u2019s first cities develop; The world\u2019s earliest town map is eastern China by Yu the Great, stamped earth walls, greater social several settlements with temple made on a small clay tablet at Ga according to Chinese tradition, complexity, and wealth marked by complexes, such as Norte Chico (or Sur, Mesopotamia; the Babylonians and rules until 1766 BCE. However, black pottery, jade carvings, Caral), emerge in coastal Peru. later map the city of Nippur C.1500. the first ruling dynasty in China and bronze artifacts. for which there is real historical C.2550\u20132300 BCE C.2500\u20132350 BCE evidence is the Shang dynasty C.2900 BCE (2070\u20131600 BCE). Early marble figurines Megalithic stone circles A border conflict between Umma are made by the Cycladic are erected at the and Lagash in Mesopotamia is the 2181 BCE culture of Greek islands Stonehenge ceremonial earliest international dispute to Egypt\u2019s 6th dynasty ends with in the Aegean Sea. complex in Britain. be recorded. the collapse of the Old Kingdom after natural disasters weaken its C.2750 BCE C.2528 BCE C.2500\u2013800 BCE authority; the First Intermediate Europe\u2019s Bronze Age Egypt\u2019s Great Pyramid, The Arctic Small Tool people, Period begins (to 2040 BCE). begins on the Greek ancestors of the Inuit, enter Alaska islands of Crete and a vast royal tomb, is from Siberia, bringing the bow and C.2150 BCE the Cyclades. completed at Giza, arrow that replaces the spear and The collapse of the Akkadian near Memphis. transforms hunting in North Empire founded by Sargon sees the C.2700 BCE America; they spread across rise of powerful regional rulers of Gilgamesh, celebrated C.2500 BCE Canada and settle in Greenland city-states\u2014notably Gudea, ruler of in a later epic, may The Bronze Age until C.800 BCE. Lagash in southern Mesopotamia. be the ruler of Uruk reaches Central in Mesopotamia. In Europe, with the C.2334 BCE C.2100 BCE China, jade is being earliest bronze artifacts Sargon of Akkad conquers Sumer; his The 3rd dynasty of Ur witnesses a mined and carved into discovered in Poland. subsequent campaigns in Southwest revival of Sumerian power; King ritual vessels. Metalworking, in Asia and Anatolia create the world\u2019s Ur-Nammu builds the first ziggurat the form of copper, first empire\u2014the Akkadian (stepped tower) at Ur. 2686\u20132181 BCE spreads across Europe Empire\u2014which stretches from the In Egypt, the Old to the British Isles. eastern Mediterranean to the Gulf. C.2094\u20132047 BCE Kingdom Period is an The Bell Beaker The reign of Shulgi, son of Ur- era of powerful kings, culture spreads from C.2300 BCE Nammu: he completes the Great strong centralized Western to Central The city of Ebla, Syria, is destroyed: Ziggurat at Ur and builds roads and government, and Europe, named after Ebla began as a small settlement in inns where travelers can rest; he also pyramid building\u2014 the shape of pottery C.3500 BCE and gave rise to one of introduces the world\u2019s first national beginning with the vessels buried in graves. the earliest kingdoms in Syria, at the calendar\u2014the Umma calendar\u2014 Step Pyramid built as heart of a vast trading network. and standardizes timekeeping a royal tomb for King \u25c0 This Cycladic figurine, just and weights and measurements in Djoser at Saqqara 12.5in (32cm) tall, was carved C.2300 BCE order to help organize the state\u2019s C.2650 BCE. in marble on the Aegean island The Bronze Age reaches Southern complex bureaucracy. of Amorgos c.3000\u20132000 BCE; Europe, beginning with the Balkans many such figurines are found in and Italy. graves, some with traces of paint. 370 TIMELINES OF WORLD HISTORY","C.2050 BCE C.1813\u20131781 BCE C.1700 BCE Mesopotamia produce the earliest After several Minoan palaces are known hollow glass vessels. The Minoans begin building great The reign of Shamshi-Adad, who destroyed by fire, only that of palaces as centers of power on the unites northern Mesopotamia to Knossos is rebuilt, on a grand scale C.1600\u20131046 BCE island of Crete, including Phaistos, create a short-lived precursor to the that suggests it now dominates China\u2019s Shang dynasty: tradition Knossos, Malia, and Zakros. Assyrian Empire. Crete. Hittites establish the Old names King Tang as its founder. Kingdom in central Anatolia, 2040 BCE C.1800\u20131100 BCE with Hattusa as its capital. 1595 BCE Mentuhotep II, ruler of Thebes, The Shang civilization centered The Hittite king Mursili I sacks reunites Upper and Lower Egypt along the Yellow River gives rise to C.1650\u20131550 BCE Babylon, ending Hammurabi\u2019s and initiates Egypt\u2019s Middle many features that later come to Egypt\u2019s Second Intermediate dynasty and the Old Kingdom. Kingdom (2040\u20131640 BCE). In characterize Chinese society, such Period: Lower Egypt is ruled by the reality Egypt is run by powerful as a strong bureaucracy and the Hyksos, a warrior elite who invade C.1570s BCE officials, such as viziers, until strong worship of ancestors. from the Levant; Upper Egypt Kassites, the warrior elite of the centralized rule returns under remains ruled from Thebes by fallen Old Kingdom, gain control Amenemhet I from 1985 BCE. C.1800 BCE native kings. over southern Mesopotamia. Proto-Sinaitic script\u2014the world\u2019s C.2000 BCE first partially alphabetic script\u2014is C.1650 BCE C.1570\u20131070 BCE The trading city of Ashur (or Assur) developed among quarry workers The Ebers Papyrus, the first major Egypt\u2019s rulers are buried in rock-cut on the Tigris River is dominant in in Sinai, Egypt. Egyptian medical treatise that tombs in the Valley of the Kings northern Mesopotamia. survives, shows understanding of near Thebes. C.1800 BCE basic diagnosis and description C.2000 BCE Long-distance trade networks are of major diseases. C.1550 BCE Maize, beans, and squashes are established in South America, Ahmose I drives the Hyksos from cultivated in southwestern North allowing for the spread of pottery. C.1628 BCE Lower Egypt and reunites Egypt America, and long-distance trading There is large-scale cultivation on The beginning of several years of under a new capital at Thebes; the routes are in place. the Pacific coast, and substantial global cooling, documented by tree New Kingdom begins (to 1069 BCE). settlements such as El Paraiso and rings. The climate change may be C.2000\u20131600 BCE Sechin Alto in Peru are dominated triggered by a major volcanic C.1500\u20131200 BCE The Minoan civilization is at its by massive temple complexes. eruption\u2014perhaps that of Vesuvius The Egyptians expand the Karnak height; Crete is home to several in Italy, or on the island of Thera temple complex at Thebes. small kingdoms, exports pottery, C.1792\u20131750 BCE (now Santorini) in the Aegean, gold, bronze, and other The reign of Hammurabi, who where a catastrophic eruption C.1500\u2013900 BCE commodities, and establishes establishes the Babylonian Empire buries the town of Akrotiri and Nomadic pastoralists migrate from colonies around the Aegean. in Mesopotamia through a series other Minoan settlements. Central Asia to northern India and of conquests. His law code is begin to settle and cultivate crops 1960 BCE displayed on monumental stelae C.1600 BCE by 1100 BCE; they speak Sanskrit, Senwosret (Sesostris) I of Egypt (memorial stones) in temples Mycenae in Greece emerges as a which is the language of early conquers Nubia and extends the throughout his empire. center of civilization in the Aegean; Indian sacred writings and the southern frontier of Egypt to the it uses Linear B script, the earliest ancestor of modern languages second cataract of the Nile. C.1750 BCE form of Greek script. Egypt and such as Hindi and Urdu. Linear A script comes into use C.1900\u20131800 BCE in Crete (and has yet to be The city of Erlitou is built on the deciphered). At Sechin Alto, Yellow River in China\u2019s Henan Peru, construction begins province, where the Shang on the largest monument civilization later develops. The complex in the Americas of oldest-surviving Chinese writing the second millennium BCE. appears on oracle bones, used in divination to consult ancestors. C.1725 BCE Middle Kingdom Egypt C.1900\u20131700 BCE begins to disintegrate; The Indus Valley civilization is in regional governors gain in decline as river flows alter and trade power and civil war erupts. weakens; several cities are struck by disease and gradually abandoned. \u25b6 Carvings at Sechin Alto in Peru (c.1750 \u2013900 BCE) depict human C.1894 BCE sacrifice and decapitation. These Babylon\u2019s First Dynasty is founded granite blocks, some weighing more in southeastern Mesopotamia. than two tons, line a huge mound at the heart of the settlement. ANCIENT WORLD 371","\u25b2 The massive Lion Gate (c.1250 BCE) guards the main entrance to the hilltop citadel of C.1300 BCE 1184\u20131153 BCE Mycenae in the Peloponnese, southern Greece. It is topped by a limestone slab carved to China\u2019s Shang dynasty, fending The reign of Ramesses III, the show two rearing lions, symbols of royal power, and was originally closed by a double door. off threats from nomadic tribes to last great pharaoh: when Egypt the north, moves its capital from is invaded by the Sea Peoples, he C.1500 BCE clay tablets), its 30 letters represent Zhengzhou to Xi\u2019ang. drives them from Lower Egypt in The Hittite Old Kingdom of sounds (consonants and vowels) 1178 bce but cannot prevent them Anatolia declines; the Hurrian rather than whole words or C.1279\u20131213 BCE from colonizing the Levant. Egypt dynasty of Mittani emerges nearby concepts as hieroglyphs. Ramesses II\u2019s long reign is a time of enters a period of economic and in northern Mesopotamia. Mitanni, stability and prosperity for Egypt; political decline. New Kingdom Hittites, and Egypt 1390\u20131352 BCE he builds huge monuments such as compete for control over the Levant Egypt\u2019s New Kingdom reaches the temple of Abu-Simbel and seeks 1154 BCE in the eastern Mediterranean. the zenith of its international and to extend Egyptian influence. The Kassite dynasty of Babylon artistic power during the reign ends when the city is sacked by C.1500 BCE of Amenhotep III. C.1274 BCE neighboring Elam. Bronze-working is evident in Ramesses II fights the Hittites at Thailand and Vietnam. Copper C.1352\u20131336 BCE the battle of Qadesh; he negotiates C.1150 BCE is worked in the Sahara. Early The reign of Amenhotep IV: he a pioneering peace treaty with the Mycenaean palaces\u2019 stronger metalworking exists in Peru and breaks with Egypt\u2019s old religion, new Hittite king, Hattusilis III, in defenses indicate fear of attack; by pottery in Central America. worships the sun god Aten, and 1259 BCE and later takes two Hittite 1100 bce, most are destroyed, the takes the name Akhenaten. princesses in marriage. Mycenaean period ends, and C.1450 BCE Greece enters a Dark Age. The Minoan palaces on Crete are C.1350 BCE C.1200 BCE destroyed and the island falls The city of Ashur in northern The eastern Mediterranean enters C.1100\u20131000 BCE under Mycenaean control; the Mesopotamia breaks free from a century of turmoil, as states in In the Levant, Canaanite port cities Mycenaeans are now at their peak, Mittani; its rulers proclaim the Levant are raided by waves of such as Tyre and Sidon establish with trading links stretching from themselves kings of Assyria, migrants known as the Sea Peoples; trading posts and colonies across the Sicily to the Levant. founding the Middle Assyrian the Hittite capital of Hattusas is eastern Mediterranean. Their most Empire (1350\u20131000 BCE). destroyed and the Hittite Empire valuable export, a purple dye, earns C.1400\u2013750 BCE collapses by C.1180 BCE. the Canaanites their Greek name of The Lapita people, named for the C.1336\u20131327 BCE Phoenicians (after the phoenix, a fine pottery found at Lapita, New The brief reign of Egypt\u2019s boy-king C.1200 BCE reddish-purple bird in Greek myth). Caledonia, migrate from Indonesia Tutankhamun: the priests of Amun The Iron Age begins when smiths in to Melanesia in the Pacific; from here restore the old religion and the city Anatolia devise forges that generate 1070 BCE they migrate 3,700 miles (6,000km) of Akhenaten is abandoned. the high temperature needed to The New Kingdom ends: Egypt east, all the way to Samoa and separate iron from iron ore. Iron enters a time of unrest called the Tonga; these skilled seafarers are the C.1300 BCE tools are easier to make than bronze, Third Intermediate Period (1069\u2013 ancestors of the Polynesians. The Urnfield Culture emerges in and are lighter, stronger, and 664 BCE); by 1000 BCE, Egypt loses Danube region of Europe; named cheaper. Ironworking also develops all the territories it had won during C.1400\u20131300 BCE after its practice of cremating the in India, spreads into Europe by the New Kingdom. Scribes at Ugarit in the Levant dead and burying the remains in 1000 BCE, appears in West Africa create an early alphabet; written in funerary urns, it spreads to Italy C.800 bce, and is found in China by C.1050 BCE cuneiform (wedge-shaped marks on and to Central and Eastern Europe. 600 BCE. Iron-Age societies are more Assyria loses territories to complex than those of the Bronze Aramaeans migrating into the Age, often with developed Middle East, but survives as a state bureaucracies and unified states during the region\u2019s Dark Age. controlling large areas. The end of the Iron Age is not marked 1027 BCE by advances in technology but by The Zhou dynasty supplants the political developments such as the Shang dynasty and rules China Qin unification of China and the over three periods: Western Zhou Roman conquest of Italy\u2019s peninsula, (1027\u2013771 BCE), Eastern Zhou or both in the 3rd century BCE. \u201cSpring and Autumn\u201d (771\u2013476 BCE), and Warring States (476\u2013221 BCE). C.1200 BCE The Olmec culture, Mesoamerica\u2019s C.1000\u2013300 BCE first civilization, develops in Japan\u2019s Final Jomon Period: the Mexico. The Chav\u00edn culture prehistoric hunter-gatherer culture emerges in the Peruvian Andes is named after the rope patterns and spreads to the coast. ( jomon) that decorate its pottery. 372 TIMELINES OF WORLD HISTORY","C.1000 BCE \u25c0 This ritual wine C.800 BCE 753 BCE The Western Zhou vessel was made in In Western Europe, iron is The traditional date for the founding record the geography bronze by highly skilled replacing bronze for tools and of Rome by Romulus and Remus; of China. Wet rice metalworkers in China weapons; in the early Iron Age Rome is one of several city-states in farming and bronze in the 10th century BCE, culture centered around Hallstatt, central Italy that are ruled by Latins, technology is during the Western Austria, chieftains live in hilltop Sabines, and the Etruscans\u2014Italy\u2019s exported to Korea. Zhou dynasty. forts and are buried with lavish first indigenous civilization. Polynesian culture grave goods. The first Greek evolves in Pacific. C.912 BCE colonies in the Mediterranean C.750 BCE The Neo-Assyrian are founded at Ischia in Sicily The Iliad and Odyssey, epic poems C.1000 BCE Empire is founded when and Al Mina in Syria. traditionally attributed to Homer, The Adena culture starts Adad Nirari II comes are first written down, as are the to develop along the to power; Assyria has 800\u2013480 BCE works of the Greek poet Hesiod. Ohio River in North regained lost territories and The Archaic Period in Greece sees America; it is characterized by begins to re-emerge as a major the rise of city-states (poleis), a C.747 BCE ritual earthworks and burial power in Mesopotamia. rapidly growing population, the Piye, the Kushite ruler of Nubia, mounds containing fine artifacts. founding of colonies stretching from conquers Upper and Lower Egypt C.900 BCE Asia Minor to North Africa and and unites them under Kushite rule. C.1000 BCE In Mesoamerica, the Olmec site Spain, and the flowering of early Ironworking reaches central of San Lorenzo is destroyed; philosophy, theater, and art; the 745\u2013727 BCE Europe, and hilltop forts are being La Venta becomes the leading Phoenician alphabet is adopted, The reign of Tiglath-Pileser III built by Celts and others in central Olmec center, dominated by a tall and the works of Homer mark the of Assyria; with a disciplined, and western Europe. pyramid that is a forerunner of birth of European literature. technically advanced army and Mayan temples. The Olmec script an efficient bureaucracy, Assyria C.1000 BCE of glyphs is the first in the region. 776 BCE recoups earlier losses. The Phoenicians continue to be Far to the south, the Chav\u00edn are The traditional date for the first a major maritime power, trading now politically and culturally Panhellenic games in Olympia, 721\u2013705 BCE across the Mediterranean; their dominant in Peru; skilled engineers Greece; rivalry between Greek Sargon II rules Syria; he conquers alphabet spreads to the Greeks, and architects build canals and city-states is intense, but a distinct Babylon, the Armenian state of who are beginning to establish level slopes into terraces for farming Greek culture is emerging and all Uratu, and Israel; large numbers of colonies in Aegean and West Asia. and construction. Greeks are identified as \u201cHellenes.\\\" Israelites are deported to northern Mesopotamia, known in the Bible C.1000 BCE C.900\u2013700 BCE 771 BCE as the \u201cLost Tribes of Israel.\\\" Egypt, Babylon, and Assyria are Scythians adopt pastoral China\u2019s Western Zhou dynasty in decline, allowing the rise of the nomadism, spreading across the collapses; the capital moves east to 701 BCE Kingdom of Israel; King David central Eurasian Steppe, and build Luoyang, marking the start of the Assyrians invade Judaea and lay unites the Israelite tribes and makes kurgans (burial mounds). Eastern Zhou Period. siege to Jerusalem in 700 BCE. Jerusalem his capital. South of Egypt, the Nubian kingdom of 883 BCE \u25b2 Romulus and Remus are suckled by a wolf in this bronze statue in Rome. Legend tells Kush is founded. Ashurnasirpal II inherits the how the twin sons of the god Mars and a royal princess had been left out to die by a wicked Assyrian throne and moves uncle; fostered by a shepherd, they grew up to found the city of Rome. C.1000 BCE the capital from Ashur to In the Ganges valley in India, Nimrud in 880 BCE. scribes record the ancient texts of the Vedas in Sanskrit; these sacred 814 BCE writings and hymns become the The traditional date for the oldest texts of Hinduism. founding of Carthage, a Phoenician colony on the North African coast C.965\u2013928 BCE (in Tunisia). The reign of King David\u2019s son, Solomon: he expands Israelite C.800 BCE territory and builds a magnificent In the Peruvian Andes, Chav\u00edn de palace and temple in Jerusalem; Huantar flourishes as the capital Megiddo becomes an important of the Chav\u00edn civilization and a fortress and administrative center. pilgrimage center for a cult of Upon Solomon\u2019s death, the supernatural beings that are half kingdom splits in two; eventually human, half animal; stone carvings Israel and then Judaea become part line terraces, plazas, and galleries of the Assyrian Empire. inside a massive, flat-topped temple. ANCIENT WORLD 373","CULTURE AND \u25cf 1387\u20131400 Geoffrey Chaucer\u2019s The \u25cf 1791 Austrian composer Wolfgang CREATIVITY Canterbury Tales presents a memorable Amadeus Mozart\u2019s opera The Magic group of pilgrims in medieval England. Flute premiers in Vienna. From prehistoric rock art to 3D film, writers, musicians, and artists of all kinds have produced works that capture our \u25cf 1400\u20131450 Chinese ceramicists of the \u25cf 1797\u20131800 Spain\u2019s Francisco de Goya imagination and provide invaluable insight into the thoughts Ming dynasty perfect the art of blue-and- paints The Naked Maja. and aspirations of past civilizations and the world today. white porcelain. \u25cf 1799 England\u2019s William Wordsworth \u25cf c.1482 In Florence, birthplace of the begins his greatest poem, The Prelude. Italian Renaissance, Sandro Botticelli paints La Primavera (Spring). \u25cf 1808 Ludwig van Beethoven finishes his Symphony No. 5 in Vienna. Johann \u25cf c.540,000 ya Geometric carving on \u25cf c.750 BCE Two ancient Greek epic poems, \u25cf 1501\u20131504 Michelangelo Buonarotti Wolfgang von Goethe\u2019s play Faust is published in Germany. a shell found in Java, Indonesia, may Homer\u2019s Iliad and Odyssey, tell of the fall sculpts the statue of David in Florence. \u25cf 1813 English novelist Jane Austen\u2019s be the oldest piece of art made by of Troy and Odysseus\u2019s journey home. Pride and Prejudice is published. our human ancestors. \u25cf c.1503\u20131506 Leonardo da Vinci paints \u25cf 1819 Austrian composer Franz Schubert writes his piano quintet \u25cf c.550\u2013525 BCE Greek potter and vase the Mona Lisa in Florence. Die Forelle (The Trout). \u25cf c.75,000 ya Pierced shells found in painter Exekias signs his masterpiece, a \u25cf 1825 Alexander Pushkin, founder of Russian literature, launches Eugene South Africa\u2019s Blombos Cave may black-figure amphora showing Achilles \u25cf 1526 Albrecht D\u00fcrer, Germany\u2019s greatest Onegin, a novel in verse. be beads for jewelry. and Ajax playing a board game. artist of the Renaissance, makes the \u25cf c.1830\u20131832 Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai\u2019s woodblock print engraving Knight, Death, and the Devil. The Great Wave off Kanagawa is one of his Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji. \u25cf c.40,000 ya Flutes made from bone \u25cf 458 BCE The playwright Aeschylus, \u201cfather and ivory in the Geisenkl\u00f6sterle cave of tragedy,\u201d stages the Oresteia in Athens. \u25cf c.1594\u20131595 England\u2019s William near Ulm in Germany are among the Shakespeare stages Romeo and Juliet. oldest known musical instruments. \u25cf c.447\u2013432 BCE The Parthenon and its marble frieze are designed by Phidias, \u25cf 1598 One of China\u2019s best-loved classical \u25cf c.32,000 ya Figurative rock art Athens\u2019 leading architect and sculptor. operas, The Peony Pavilion, is first staged. found at the Chauvet Cave in France is part of a widespread artistic \u25cf c.400\u2013300 BCE The world\u2019s longest poem, \u25cf 1605 In Miguel de Cervantes\u2019 novel Don phenomenon that includes cave India\u2019s Mahabharata, is compiled. Quixote, a Spanish knight sets out with his paintings at Lascaux and Altamira. squire to revive chivalry. \u25cf 27 BCE\u201314 CE The reign of Augustus \u25cf c.29,000\u201327,000 ya The Czech sees the golden age of Latin literature, \u25cf 1607 Claudio Monteverdi\u2019s L\u2019Orfeo is Republic\u2019s Venus of Doln\u00ed V\u0115stonice including Virgil\u2019s epic poem the Aeneid, premiered in Mantua, Italy; it is the oldest is the oldest known clay figurine. Ovid\u2019s Metamorphosis, and Horace\u2019s Odes. opera still performed today. \u25cf c.18,000\u201312,000 ya In France, \u25cf 713\u2013803 CE The world\u2019s largest statue of \u25cf 1642 Dutch artist Rembrandt van Rijn artists of the Magdalenian culture carve bones, antlers, and spear the Buddha is carved out of a cliff face near paints The Night Watch. throwers into animal shapes. Leshan in China. \u25cf c.18,250\u201317,500 ya The oldest known pottery comes from \u25cf 1666 French playwright Moli\u00e8re stages his Yuchanyan in Hunan, China. \u25cf c.1001\u20131010 The Tale of the Genji by comedy of manners, The Misanthrope. \u25cf c.4700\u20134200 BCE More than 3,000 pieces of gold jewelry are buried Japanese noblewoman Murasaki Shikibu with the elite at Varna in Bulgaria. is one of the world\u2019s first novels. \u25cf 1678 John Bunyan\u2019s The Pilgrim\u2019s Progress \u25cf c.2100\u20131900 BCE The Epic of Gilgamesh, an epic poem from is the first English novel. Mesopotamia, is the world\u2019s oldest surviving work of literature. \u25cf 1072 Chinese landscape artist Guo Xi paints Early Spring on a silk scroll. \u25cf 1722 German composer Johann Sebastian Bach publishes The Well-Tempered Clavier. \u25cf c.1297\u20131300 Giotto di Bondone paints his fresco cycle of the life of the Virgin \u25cf 1725 Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi Mary and Jesus Christ in Padova, Italy. publishes The Four Seasons. \u25cf c.1321 Dante Alighieri\u2019s Divine Comedy is \u25cf 1742 German composer George Frideric Italy\u2019s greatest contribution to literature. Handel\u2019s Messiah is first performed. \u25cf c.1500\u20131200 BCE The Rigveda, an \u25cf c.1360s French musician Guillaume de \u25b6 Winged Victory of Samothrace is a ancient Indian collection of Vedic Machaut composes his polyphonic Mass masterpiece of Greek sculpture, carved in Sanskrit hymns, is composed. of Our Lady for Rheims Cathedral. marble c.220\u2013185 bce. 374 TIMELINES OF WORLD HISTORY","\u25cf 1839 Britain\u2019s J.M.W. Turner paints \u25cf 1899 French impressionist Claude Monet \u25b6 Charlie Chaplin\u2019s famous Tramp The Fighting T\u00e9m\u00e9raire. Polish paints his first Water-Lily Pond. made his debut in The Kid in 1921, when the British comic was already composer Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric Chopin completes a global superstar of early film. his piano sonata The Funeral March. \u25cf 1901 Russia\u2019s Sergei Rachmaninov premiers his Piano Concerto No.2. \u25cf 1851 American novelist Herman \u25cf 1936 Spanish playwright Federico Melville\u2019s Moby-Dick is published. \u25cf 1903 Irish playwright George Bernard Garc\u00eda Lorca completes The Shaw writes Man and Superman. House of Bernarda Alba. \u25cf 1852 Britain\u2019s Pre-Raphaelite artist John Everett Millais exhibits Ophelia. \u25cf 1903\u20131905 French composer Claude \u25cf 1937 Spanish artist Pablo Debussy writes La Mer. Picasso shows the horrors of war \u25cf 1853 Giuseppe Verdi\u2019s opera La in Guernica. In the US, Walt Traviata is first performed in Venice, \u25cf 1904 Russian playwright Anton Chekhov\u2019s Disney releases the first Italy. Hungarian composer and The Cherry Orchard premiers. full-length animation film, Snow virtuoso pianist Franz Liszt White and the Seven Dwarfs. completes his Sonata in B Minor. \u25cf 1908\u20131909 Austrian composer Gustav Mahler writes his symphony Das Lied von \u25cf 1939 German dramatist Bertolt Brecht \u25cf 1962 Russian dissident writer \u25cf 1855 American poet Henry der Erde (The Song of the Earth). writes Mother Courage and her Children. Alexander Solzhenitsyn\u2019s One Day in Longfellow\u2019s Hiawatha is published. In the US, novelist John Steinbeck\u2019s The the Life of Ivan Denisovich is set in a \u25cf 1909 Sergei Diaghlev\u2019s Ballets Russes Grapes of Wrath is published and jazz Soviet gulag. American pop artist Andy \u25cf 1860\u20131861 British novelist Charles make their debut in Paris. singer Billie Holiday records Strange Fruit. Warhol paints his Marilyn Diptych. Dickens publishes Great Expectations. \u25cf 1913 The premiere of Russian composer \u25cf 1941 Soviet composer Dmitri Shostakovich \u25cf 1965 American singer-songwriter Bob \u25cf 1865\u20131869 Russian novelist Leo Igor Stravinsky\u2019s The Rite of Spring in Paris dedicates his Symphony No.7 to the city of Dylan releases Like a Rolling Stone. Tolstoy\u2019s War and Peace is published. provokes a near riot in the audience. Leningrad. In the US, filmmaker Orson Welles releases his epic Citizen Kane. \u25cf 1966 Irish poet Seamus Heaney\u2019s \u25cf 1866 Britain\u2019s Julia Margaret \u25cf 1913\u20131927 French novelist Marcel Death of a Naturalist is published. Cameron treats photography as art in Proust\u2019s Remembrance of Things Past is \u25cf 1942\u20131943 Dutch pioneer of abstract her portrait Beatrice. French novelist published in seven volumes. art Piet Mondrian paints his Broadway \u25cf 1967 British pop sensation the Beatles Victor Hugo writes Les Miserables. Boogie-Woogie. release their landmark album, Sgt. \u25cf 1915 Czech novelist Franz Kafka\u2019s The Pepper\u2019s Lonely Hearts Club Band. \u25cf 1872 Denmark\u2019s Hans Christian Metamorphosis is published. \u25cf 1944 American composer Aaron Copland Anderson publishes his Fairy Tales. writes the ballet Appalachian Spring. \u25cf 1971\u20131974 American composer \u25cf 1917 Irish poet William Butler Yeats Philip Glass writes his minimalist cycle \u25cf 1874 French impressionists hold publishes The Wild Swans at Coole. \u25cf 1947 French novelist Albert Camus\u2019 Music in Twelve Parts. their first exhibition in Paris. The Plague is published. \u25cf 1922 Irish novelist James Joyce\u2019s Ulysses \u25cf 1976 In the US, William Eggleston\u2019s \u25cf 1875\u20131876 Russian composer Pyotr and Anglo-American poet T. S. Eliot\u2019s \u25cf 1949 British novelist George Orwell\u2019s ground-breaking color photography is Ilyich Tchaikovsky writes Swan Lake. The Waste Land are published. Nineteen Eighty-Four is published. shown in New York and punk band American playwright Arthur Miller\u2019s The Ramones release their first album. \u25cf 1876 Richard Wagner\u2019s four-opera \u25cf 1924 British sculptor Henry Moore carves Death of a Salesman is premiered. Ring Cycle premiers in Germany. his first Reclining Figure. \u25cf 1982 Britain\u2019s first WOMAD (World of \u25cf 1952 Ernest Hemingway\u2019s novel The Old Music, Arts, and Dance) festival heralds \u25cf 1879 Norwegian playwright Henrik \u25cf 1925 The Great Gatsby by novelist F. Scott Man and the Sea is published in the US. the globalization of ethnic music. Ibsen presents A Doll\u2019s House. Fitzgerald epitomizes America\u2019s Jazz Age. French photographer Henri Cartier- Bresson publishes The Decisive Moment. \u25cf 1982 American pop icon Michael \u25cf 1884 In the US, Mark Twain writes \u25cf 1928 German composer Kurt Weill writes Jackson releases Thriller. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. his Threepenny Opera, with lyrics by Bertolt \u25cf 1953 Irish writer Samuel Beckett\u2019s play Brecht. American composer George Waiting for Godot is premiered. \u25cf 1985 Canadian Margaret Atwood\u2019s \u25cf 1886 American novelist Henry Gershwin writes An American in Paris. novel A Handmaid\u2019s Tale is published. James\u2019s The Bostonians is published. \u25cf 1956 Elvis Presley launches his career as \u25cf 1931 Spanish surrealist Salvador Dal\u00ed the king of rock and roll with Heartbreak \u25cf 1987 American novelist Toni \u25cf 1888\u20131898 French sculptor paints The Persistence of Memory. Hotel. Ravi Shankar and his sitar introduce Morrison\u2019s Beloved is published. Auguste Rodin creates The Kiss. western audiences to classical Indian music. \u25cf 1934 Choreographer George Balanchine\u2019s \u25cf 2009 Canadian film director James \u25cf 1889 Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh Serenade is first performed by the \u25cf 1957 Leonard Bernstein\u2019s West Side Story Cameron\u2019s Avatar is a landmark in paints The Starry Night. American Ballet in New York City. reinvents the American musical. film\u2019s use of 3D technology. CULTURE AND CREATIVITY 375","The World in 1 CE Greenland Han Empire Inuit Roman Empire and client states s Empire of Pontus under Mithridates Eupator, c.100 BCE n Numidia under Masinissa from 201 BCE i Burebista's Dacian Kingdom, 45 BCE a NOTE: Settlements in italics t were not in existence in 1 CE but were signi\ufb01cant n during this era. u \u25b6 The Classical World in 1 ce By 1 ce, the Mediterranean World was s o dominated by the Romans. Their only real rival was the Parthian Empire to the east. om Great St. Lawrence China, united as a single state in 221 bce, M Lakes was still under the rule of the Han dynasty. ers India was fragmented into a number of smaller states, after the collapse of the d Mauryan Empire in 185 bce. In Central t America, Maya city-states were beginning to emerge. ef y n s hi Mi k u n c ssouri Mountains c h i astal Ro dic Pla ADENA\/HOPEWELL Co ma CULTURE hi a n Appalac at o i e N Mississipp Gr Rio A T L A N T I C Grande P A CIFIC OCEAN Carib s Teotihuac\u00e1n West Indies Monte Alb\u00e1n Palenque Tikal N noco o zal OCEA or H i Gg huliaanndas A n d es SAN AGUST\u00cdN C Ori MARAJ\u00d3 GUANGALA S\u00e3o F CLASSICAL Amazon WORLD Amazon 700 BCE\u2013600 CE Basin From around 750 bce, the world\u2019s most populated areas were dominated by a small number of civilizations: Greece, Rome, MOCHE rancisco Persia, India, and China. These militarily powerful empires Moche developed sophisticated administrative models and MOJOS experienced an unparalleled cultural flowering. New styles WARI Wari TIAHUANACO emerged in architecture, the visual arts, and literature, and sciences such as astronomy, mathematics, and medicine NASCA became established. This Classical era was seen as a formative Nasca golden age in many later societies. In the Americas, Africa, and Japan, societies with a smaller reach appeared. In religion, An d e s Paran\u00e1 a number of faiths appeared that would be hugely influential: Buddhism, Judaism, and Christianity. Pa ran\u00e1 Patagonia 376 TIMELINES OF WORLD HISTORY","Palaeosiberians S a R Oh M AaN Er M Pa I R E S i b e r i a EMHPAINRECMCarAtNGUehaaRoLlgdvuEoeBtaTgNsMdsAuuNamnsIesuaAimnlCiatiaarrtphGRaegooebeFmpr mleeiaesTnGnhAiAeccRsSrnstCyaAiurloBoMamporDDcnasiAeuanilncoaSsNt\u2013tueahcpibTiRlAeclTaEeHUaHlnesASORsxvtDAaLhYnsgCEeCdSEnrCIsrAiaEoAnGisnPKBtYatOIainaNSPolSmtTGciPnahODynorrROpaVJlAmMeoeCslrNguAuSaaaDNpsRauhPtEACrlOMcaCeiBAatNameEAAPassNTPTiPaPACOnUAIAnrDmELSsAsAIOSSaeCRlIeobAuETEccsiIbyaMrHaatanneIPiaAaOIndbRNN's SissEOaBGPARTDCPOINYICTAAeCHnRINBiPAsHAeIaRAyALcIItLATrPaNIEAaSzKyVSrHTayTsAAakhxKgUiSuAalarNjSXjarioiniorTktnmShgMMeGinsAraanunLbgLeolsSeTLaneAntTPayTEagtaSaSalioopnuuustGltrhsaesrnongs Amur u Xiongnu bi aspian Sea Ainu KORE E A Yellow River JAPAN Luoyang H Chang\u2019an Yangzi Nile A Indus Panyu M A H A \u2013 M E G H AVA HA NAS hams Saharan KUSH Arabian Pratisthana Mon-Khm A N peoples Peninsula C Mande SATAVAHANAS MNekAeornMgp e o p l e s Niger Meroe HIMYARITES Sahel SMALL Chadians AKSUM m i t e s STATES Philippine Islands Se Kushites VIJAYANS s PACIF IC Kwa y OCEA N INDIAN M a la Congo P Ne oipl loetsi c OCEAN Sumatra P a Np euwa n s Bant u s Borneo Guinea M alays Java ZambeziBantu s Australian Aborigines Kalahari Madagascar Desert Darling Khoisan peoples New Zealand CLASSICAL WORLD 377","THE CLASSICAL WORLD 630 BCE \u25b2 Monte Alb\u00e1n in Oaxaca, Mexico, is one of Mesoamerica\u2019s earliest cities. Founded Sparta wages war against the by the Zapotecs c.500 BCE, and adorned with temples, plazas, ball courts, and canals, C.700 BCE Messenians; it conquers most of the it was inhabited for more than 1,500 years. The screw pump (or Archimedes southern Peloponnese by 600 BCE. pump) is invented in Assyria Thera founds the colony of Cyrene in Babylon. Ironworking technology absorbed by Persia, and exiled Jews for pumping low-lying water into (in Libya), the first of five Greek irrigation channels. Nomadic cities in the region. reaches Zhou China. are allowed to return home. Scythians from Central Asia begin to settle in Eastern Europe. 626 BCE 594 BCE 534 BCE In Greece, the Archaic Period Nabolopassar secures Babylon\u2019s Solon becomes archon (ruler) of Tarquinius Superbus (Tarquin the continues with the rise of city-states. independence from Assyria and Athens; in reforming its laws, he Proud) becomes Rome\u2019s last king; Agricultural villages appear in founds the Neo-Babylonian Empire. protects the property rights of the the Etruscans are at their height. southeastern North America. poor and bans debt-slavery. 621 BCE 525 BCE 689 BCE Draco drafts Athens\u2019 first law code; 587 BCE Persia\u2019s Cambyses II annexes Egypt. The Nubian king Taharqa becomes Draconian law is later known for Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon pharaoh of Egypt, founding the the severity of its punishments. destroys Jerusalem\u2019s temple and 521\u2013486 BCE 25th dynasty. Babylon is destroyed sends the Israelites into exile. Reign of Darius I (\u201cthe Great\u201d) of by the Assyrian king Sennacherib. 616 BCE Persia; under his rule, the Persian Tarquinius Priscus (Tarquin the 585 BCE Empire reaches its greatest extent. 664 BCE Elder) is the first Etruscan king of Miletus, a Greek city in western Corinth loses to Corcyra in the Rome; construction begins on the Anatolia, is a cradle of early 509 BCE earliest recorded naval battle Cloaca Maxima, one of the world\u2019s philosophical thought; Thales of The Romans expel Tarquinius between Greek city-states. earliest sewage systems, and on the Miletus predicts a solar eclipse. Superbus and set up a Republic; Circus Maximus, Rome\u2019s first supreme authority now rests with 663 BCE stadium for chariot racing. C.563 BCE two annually elected consuls. Assyrians sack Thebes, Egypt; their Traditional date of birth for the empire reaches its greatest extent. 612 BCE Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama. 507 BCE The Assyrian Empire crumbles with Cleisthenes establishes democratic 660 BCE the sacking of Nineveh and Nimrud C.560 BCE government in Athens. Birth of Jimmu, the legendary first by the Medes and Babylonians. Croesus succeeds to the throne emperor of Japan. of Lydia and begins its expansion. C.500 BCE 604 BCE Bronze coins are used in China. C.650 BCE Traditional date for the birth of C.551 BCE Ironworking spreads to Southeast The first coins are minted, in Lydia, Lao Tzu, founder of the Chinese Birth of Confucius, whose Analects Asia and East Africa. India\u2019s caste Anatolia (Turkey). The age of religion Taoism. provide the central philosophy of system is in place and the Puranas tyrants begins in many Greek cities. the Chinese way of life. In Persia, and parts of the epic Mahabharata C.600 BCE Zoroastrianism is the main religion. are composed. The Nok culture \u25bc The Parthenon built in 447\u2013432 BCE was Much of the Middle East falls to the flourishes in West Africa. The a temple to Athens\u2019 patron goddess; its huge Medes. Mesopotamia is dominated C.550 BCE Zapotecs develop hieroglyphic ivory and golden statue of Athena was one by the Neo-Babylonian Empire. The Cyrus the Great defeats the Medes writing in Mesoamerica. of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. first known map of the world is made and founds the Persian Empire. 499\u2013491 BCE 539 BCE Greek cities in Ionia, western Cyrus quashes a rebellion in Anatolia, revolt against Persian Babylon; the Babylonian Empire is rule; their uprising is put down. 378 TIMELINES OF WORLD HISTORY","496 BCE C.400 bCE 335 BCE, then crosses into Anatolia C.300 BCE Rome defeats the Etruscan-led Gallic Celts cross the Alps in 334 BCE to face the Persians. Europe\u2019s first Celtic states emerge. Latin League at Lake Regillus and and settle in northern Italy. Alexander\u2019s empire is partitioned signs its first treaty with Carthage. Carthage dominates the western 332 BCE between Seleucid, Antigonid, and Mediterranean. In Mesoamerica, Alexander conquers Egypt and Ptolemaic dynasties. Rice farming 490 BCE the Olmec civilization enters its founds Alexandria, one of many reaches Japan from China. Athenian Greeks defeat the Persians final phase, while the Zapotecs new cities across his empire. at the Battle of Marathon, ending flourish in Monte Alb\u00e1n. The 290 BCE the first Persian invasion of Greece. Moche culture emerges in Peru. 331 BCE With the defeat of the Samnites, Ironworking develops in Korea. At Gaugamela, Alexander defeats Roman territory stretches across 481 BCE Darius III; the Persian Empire falls Italy to the Adriatic. China enters the Warring States C.390 BCE to Alexander, and his army pillages Period (to 221 BCE), in which seven Gallic Celts sack Rome; they soon the capital at Persepolis. C.287 bCE leading states jostle for supremacy. leave, but Rome harbors a lasting China\u2019s northern states begin to fear of the Gauls. 326 BCE build a \u201cGreat Wall\u201d to keep out 480\u2013479 BCE Alexander pushes east and across nomads from the Eurasian steppe. Persian forces sent by Xerxes to C.380 BCE the Indus into India, but has to invade Greece are defeated at The Chu are dominant among retreat when his troops mutiny. C.273\u2013232 BCE Salamis, Plataea, and Mycale. China\u2019s Warring States. Reign of Ashoka, the Mauryan 323 BCE emperor of India; he embarks on 480 BCE 371 BCE Alexander dies of a fever; his vast imperial conquests and promotes Xerxes\u2019 invasion marks the end The Theban general Epaminondas empire begins to disintegrate as his the Buddhist concept of dharma of the Archaic Period in Greece. In wins the Battle of Leuctra against generals Ptolemy, Seleucus, and (mercy) across his empire. the Classical Period (480\u2013323 BCE), Sparta; Thebes is now the dominant others fight for dominance. Greece is dominated in turn by power in Greece, until Epaminondas 272 BCE Athens, Sparta, and Macedonia, dies in battle in 362 BCE. 321\u2013297 BCE Rome defeats the invasion of and Greek culture is at its peak. Reign of Chandragupta Maurya, Pyrrhus, the ruler of Epirus in 370 BCE founder of the Mauryan Empire: Greece, establishing itself as a C.477 BCE Mahapadma Nanda founds the he overthrows the last of the Mediterranean power. Athens founds the Delian League Nanda dynasty in Magadha, north Nandas in C.320 BCE and unifies of city-states to counter Sparta\u2019s India; he builds up a huge army most of the Indian subcontinent, 264\u2013241 BCE Peloponnesian League. and administrative system. creating the largest empire in First Punic War: Rome defeats Indian history. Carthage and now controls the C.450 BCE 359\u2013336 BCE entire Italian peninsula and Sicily. The Celtic La T\u00e8ne culture emerges Philip II rules Macedonia and 312 BCE in Central Europe; supplanting the rapidly extends his power to win Rome\u2019s first aqueduct is built by \u25bc Alexander the Great faces Darius III Halstatt culture, Celts expand east control of most of Greece. Appius Claudius; he also begins of Persia at the Battle of Issus (333 bce), and south and into the British Isles. the Via Appia, the first of Rome\u2019s vividly portrayed in a Roman floor mosaic Steppe nomads are buried with 356 BCE network of roads across Italy. from Pompeii, southern Italy. spectacular grave goods at Pazyryk Shang Yang, chancellor of the and Noin-Ula in Siberia. In Mexico, western Chinese state of Qin, makes construction of the Zapotec city of wide-ranging reforms to create Monte Alb\u00e1n begins. a powerful centralized kingdom. 447\u2013432 BCE 343\u2013342 BCE Athens\u2019 ruler Pericles builds a new A Persian invasion led by Parthenon to replace the temple Artaxerxes III puts an end to destroyed by the Persians. Egypt\u2019s independence. 431\u2013404 BCE 341\u2013338 BCE The Peloponnesian War sees the Rome defeats and dissolves the destruction of the Athenian Empire Latin League, moving closer to by Sparta and its allies. complete dominance of central Italy. C.401\u2013399 BCE 336 BCE Xenophon leads an army of 10,000 Philip of Macedon is murdered; he Greek mercenaries supporting a is succeeded by his 20-year-old son, Persian rebellion from Babylon to Alexander the Great, who forces the Black Sea. other Greek states into submission in CLASSICAL WORLD 379","C.247 BCE \u25c0 Lion-topped pillars carrying C.100 BCE 44\u201343 BCE King Devanampiya Tissa the edicts of Ashoka (c.273\u2013 Celtic hill-forts in Europe are Caesar is assassinated. Cleopatra, of Sri Lanka converts 232 bce) remain a national expanded into fortified towns. the last of the Ptolemies, becomes to Buddhism. emblem of India. Maritime trade spreads Indian ruler of Egypt. Octavian, Caesar\u2019s influence to Southeast Asia. Aksum nephew and heir, forms the Second 237 BCE 171\u2013138 BCE (Axum, in Ethiopia) is on the rise. Triumvirate with Mark Antony and Hamilcar Barca revives Mithridates I conquers Lepidus to defeat Caesar\u2019s assassins, Carthaginian rule in the Greek-ruled kingdoms in 91\u201389 BCE Brutus and Cassius. Iberian peninsula. Persia and founds the Discontent among Italians without Parthian Empire. Roman citizenship erupts into the 30 BCE 221\u2013210 BCE Social War; citizenship is granted Mark Anthony and Cleopatra, his Reign of the first Qin 167\u2013160 BCE to all Italians in 88 BCE. ally and lover, commit suicide after emperor, Shi Huangdi, Judah Maccabee and his their defeat by Octavian; Egypt is who unites China; after brothers rebel against the 73\u201371 BCE made a Roman province. his death, he is buried in Hellenization of Judaea A slave revolt led by the gladiator a vast mausoleum with an army of under Seleucid ruler Antiochus IV, Spartacus in southern Italy is put 27\u201314 BCE 8,000 terracotta soldiers. and re-establish Judaism. down by Crassus, a Roman general. Octavian takes the title Augustus and rules as Rome\u2019s first emperor. 218\u2013201 BCE 149\u2013146 BCE 64\u201363 BCE Second Punic War between Rome Third Punic War: Rome destroys Pompey, a Roman general, deposes 4 BCE and Carthage: Hannibal Barca Carthage and creates the Roman the last Seleucid king, makes Syria Probable birth date of Jesus Christ, leads his army across the Alps, province of Africa. a Roman province, then captures in the Roman province of Judaea. routs the Romans at Cannae, and Jerusalem and annexes Judaea. captures much of southern Italy; he 148\u2013146 BCE C.1 CE is defeated by the Roman general Rome defeats the Macedonians 59\u201353 BCE Buddhism spreads in Southeast Scipio at Zama in North Africa. after a series of wars that began in Julius Caesar becomes consul and Asia. Nabataeans allied with Rome 215 BCE. Roman forces sack Corinth, joins with Pompey and Crassus in control Red Sea trade. In a global 206 BCE various leagues of Greek cities are Rome\u2019s First Triumvirate. population of 300 million, 1 person The Qin dynasty is succeeded by the dissolved, and Greece becomes the in 7 lives in Roman territory. Han under Liu Bang; Han rule (to Roman province of Achaea. 58\u201350 BCE 220 CE) is seen as China\u2019s golden age. Gallic Wars: Caesar conquers Gaul, 9 CE 142 BCE creating a vast new province for Roman forces are defeated by C.200 BCE The Maccabees free Jerusalem from Rome, and twice invades Britain. Germanic tribes in the Teutoburg Japan\u2019s Middle Yayoi Period (200\u2013 Seleucid rule and make it the capital forest and withdraw to the Rhine 100 bce) sees a large increase in the of the Hasmonaean kingdom; the 49\u201344 BCE River, Rome\u2019s frontier for the next population and the consolidation of dynasty rules Judaea until Jerusalem Caesar crosses the Rubicon River power around Naro in central Japan. is seized by the Romans in 63 BCE. into Italy, marches on Rome, and \u25bc Ohio\u2019s Great Serpent Mound was likely In Ptolemaic Egypt, Alexandria is a is proclaimed dictator. His Julian built by the Adena or Hopewell cultures and major center of Greek trade, culture, 129 BCE calendar introduces a 365-day year renovated by later American Indian groups, and learning. Rome establishes the province of with a leap year every four years. but its origins and purpose are a mystery. Asia, bringing the city-state of C.200 BCE Pergamon under its control. In eastern North America, Ohio\u2019s Adena culture is developing into 123\u201388 BCE the Hopewell culture. The Maya Under Mithridates II, the Parthian emerge in Mesoamerica as small Empire reaches its greatest size. communities on Mexico\u2019s Pacific coast merge and migrate northward 107\u2013104 BCE to form larger states. The Nasca The Roman general Marius appear in Peru and create mysterious organizes legions into cohorts and geoglyphs\u2014long lines in the desert introduces professional service. making abstract and animal shapes. C.101 BCE C.185 BCE China\u2019s Han Empire reaches its Pushyamitra Shunga, Hindu largest extent under Emperor Wu; founder of the Shunga dynasty, the Silk Road carries trade across takes power in India, assassinating Central Asia to the Mediterranean the last Mauryan ruler and world, stretching from the Han persecuting Buddhists. capital at Chang\u2019an to Antioch. 380 TIMELINES OF WORLD HISTORY","400 years. Wang Mang seizes the of Central Asia from Mongolia C.150 CE 20 emperors over the next 50 years; Chinese throne and establishes to Afghanistan. Han China regains its dominance Germanic tribes attack Rome\u2019s the Xin dynasty. of Central Asia. The Kushans frontiers along the Danube and 79 CE become vassals of the Parthians. Rhine, and invade Italy in 259 CE. 23 CE The volcanic eruption of Vesuvius Christianity spreads to Roman Collapse of China\u2019s short-lived Xin (near Naples, southern Italy) buries North Africa. Nok Iron Age culture C.250 CE dynasty; the restored Han dynasty Pompeii and Herculaneum. is at its peak in Nigeria. The Maya civilization enters its establishes its capital at Luoyang. Classic Period (to 900 CE), with C.100 CE 167\u2013180 CE multiple city-states and the C.30 CE The Maya city of Teotihuac\u00e1n As Goths migrate southward, two construction of pyramids and other Crucifixion of Jesus Christ; his in Mexico expands. The Moche Germanic tribes cross the Danube monuments. The lodestone compass followers continue his teachings. culture flourishes in Peru. into Roman territory and invade is invented in China. Italy during the Marcomani War. C.40 CE C.105 CE 260 CE South America\u2019s Arawak peoples Paper is invented in China, for use C.200 CE Postumus declares himself head of a migrate down the Orinoco River by the highly complex bureaucracy. Trade flourishes between India, breakaway Gallic empire made up of and settle in the Caribbean. China, and Rome. Chinese Gaul, Germany, Spain, and Britain; 117 CE occupation of Korea ends: native Roman rule is restored in 274 CE. 43 CE When Emperor Trajan dies, the Korean states emerge in Koguryo, Roman invasion of Britain, which Roman Empire is at its greatest Paekche, and Silla. Teotihuac\u00e1n is 269\u2013272 CE becomes a Roman province. extent; his successor Hadrian the largest city in the Americas; the Queen Zenobia of Palmyra (in abandons Mesopotamia and Maya city of Tikal also becomes Syria) takes Egypt and Syria from 46\u201357 CE Assyria and concentrates on better prominent. The Hopewell mound- Rome, but is defeated and taken St. Paul, a Roman follower of defense of the imperial frontiers. building culture continues to prisoner by Emperor Aurelian. Christ, visits fledgling Christian flourish in North America. groups in Anatolia and Greece; by 122\u2013126 CE 280 CE the late 4th century Christianity Hadrian\u2019s Wall is built along the C.200\u2013279 CE China is reunited under the becomes the majority religion Roman frontier in north Britain. Beginning with the Mishnah, Western Jin dynasty. within the empire. scholars publish Jewish 127\u2013140 CE laws and doctrines in 293 CE C.50 CE The Kushan Empire expands the Talmud. Emperor Diocletian sets up a Aksum is a major trading center. enormously under Kanishka tetrarchy of four co-emperors to the Great, who conquers C.220 CE secure Rome\u2019s borders in a radical C.60 CE Magadha and campaigns China\u2019s Han dynasty reorganization of the empire. Kushans from Bactria (Afghanistan) against the Chinese in invade northern India, founding the Central Asia; he collapses and is replaced C.300 CE Kushan Empire. In Britain, Roman promotes Buddhism by the Three Kingdoms Armenia is the first to adopt forces defeat the Iceni revolt and across his empire and Period (220\u2013280 CE) of Christianity as a state religion. In capture their queen, Boudicca. builds a huge stupa Africa, Aksum issues coins, while at Purusapura the Shu, Wu, and Bantu peoples begin to herd cattle. C.64 CE (Peshawar, in Wei kingdoms. In the Pacific, the Rapa Nui people Fire destroys much of the city of modern Pakistan). may already inhabit Easter Island Rome; Emperor Nero blames the 226 CE (although ongoing research points Christians and many are martyred. 132\u2013135 CE The Parthian to a much later date of C.1200 CE). A second Jewish Empire falls C.65 CE revolt against Roman to Ardashir I, 303 CE Buddhism reaches China. rule is crushed and who founds the Christians are persecuted in Rome Jews are expelled Sasanian (or by Emperor Diocletian. 66\u201370 CE from Jerusalem. Sassanid) dynasty First Jewish revolt against Roman and is made \u201cking 304 CE rule: Roman forces lay siege to 140 CE of kings\u201d in Persia. Xiongnu steppe nomads invade Jerusalem, destroy the Temple in Ptolemy of China, leading to the breakdown of 70 CE, and enslave thousands of Alexandria uses 235 CE order in the north and the start of the Jews. Jewish resistance continues astronomy to Military anarchy erupts Sixteen Kingdoms Period (to 439 CE). at Masada until 74 CE. measure terrestrial in Rome, with more than locations with 312\u2013313 CE 73 CE longitude and \u25c0 Julius Caesar (100\u201344 BCE) Constantine the Great wins the China\u2019s Han dynasty is at its most latitude for his personifies Rome\u2019s power Battle of Milvian Bridge to take powerful, controlling new stretches world map. in a classical statue control of the Western Roman created for Versailles in 1696. CLASSICAL WORLD 381","Empire; Licinius becomes sole ruler battle; a truce in 382 CE lets them C.450 CE 481\u2013511 CE of the Eastern Roman Empire. settle in the empire in return for The population of Teotihuac\u00e1n, Clovis I is the first king of the Constantine confirms religious providing troops. In Mesoamerica, Mexico, peaks at 250,000. Franks in northwestern Gaul; he freedom for Christians with the Teotihuac\u00e1n deposes the Maya converts to Christianity in 496 CE Edict of Milan in 313 CE. ruler of Tikal (in Guatemala). 452 CE and drives the Visigoths out of Huns invade northern Italy under southwestern Gaul in 507 CE. 320 CE 386 CE Attila, but turn back short of Rome. Chandragupta I founds the Gupta The Toba Wei reunify northern 493 CE Empire; his descendants rule China and found the Northern Wei 475 CE Theodoric\u2019s Ostrogoths conquer northern India for 150 years. dynasty (to 534 CE). Visigoths under Euric rule Spain Italy. China\u2019s Northern Wei dynasty and southwest Gaul and gain moves its capital to Luoyang. 330 CE 395 CE independence from Rome. Constantine makes Byzantium Honorius becomes emperor of the C.500 CE (renamed Constantinople) capital West and Arcadius of the East, 476 CE Angles, Saxons, and Jutes migrate of the Eastern Roman Empire. marking the definitive division of Romulus Augustulus, the last to Britain; Celts survive in Wales the Roman Empire. Roman emperor in the West, and Ireland. Camel trains cross C.350 CE is deposed; the Western Empire is the Sahara from Ghana to North The Yamato state emerges in Japan, 405 CE replaced by the barbarian states of Africa; the Bantu reach southern building large burial mounds for its The first translation of the Bible the Vandals in North Africa, the Africa. Classic Maya civilization is ruling class. into Latin from Hebrew and Greek Visigoths in Spain, and the at its height in Mesoamerica. The is completed by St. Jerome. Ostrogoths in Italy; the Eastern Tiahuanaco culture emerges in C.370 CE Empire consolidates its power. Bolivia; the Huari culture expands Nomadic Huns from Central Asia 409 CE in the central Andes; the Paracas begin to invade eastern Europe; they Britain expels Roman officials and 477 CE culture flourishes in southern Peru. defeat the Ostrogoths in Ukraine. gains independence from Rome by Buddhism becomes the state 411 ce. Vandals invade Roman religion in China. 527\u2013565 CE 376\u2013415 CE North Africa from Iberia, and The Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Under Chandragupta II, the Gupta eventually complete their conquest 478 CE emperor Justinian the Great Empire is at its peak, dominating by taking Carthage in 439 ce. The first shrine of the Shinto codifies Roman law, commissions northern and central India. religion is built in Japan. the great church of Hagia Sophia, 410 CE and reconquers Italy and the former 378 CE The sack of Rome by Visigoths 479 CE Roman provinces in North Africa. Goths defeat Rome\u2019s Eastern army under Alaric shakes the empire. The Liu Song dynasty falls and the and kill the emperor Valens in short-lived Qi dynasty assumes 538 CE 420 CE power in southern China. Buddhism arrives in Japan. \u25bc On Easter Island, Polynesian settlers The Moche in Peru build the Temple constructed stone figures with enormous of the Sun. In China, the Eastern Jin 480 CE 568\u2013572 CE heads, called moai, which are believed to dynasty is overthrown and replaced Huns overthrow the Gupta Empire Byzantium concedes much of Italy embody revered ancestors. by the Liu Song dynasty (to 479 CE). in India. to the Lombards. C.570 CE Birth of Muhammad, prophet of Islam, in Mecca. C.581\u2013589 CE Yiang Jian, a Zhou general, seizes power to become the first emperor of the Sui dynasty (to 618 ce) and reunites China. 590\u2013604 CE Pope Gregory I (\u201cthe Great\u201d) asserts papal supremacy over the western and eastern churches. 597 CE St. Augustine of Canterbury leads a papal mission to revive Christianity in Anglo-Saxon England. 382 TIMELINES OF WORLD HISTORY","GREAT BUILDINGS \u25cf 1163\u20131345 The French Gothic cathedral \u25cf 1675\u20131711 Christopher Wren of Notre Dame de Paris is built. rebuilds St. Paul\u2019s Cathedral after the Great Fire of London in 1666. \u25cf c.1300s Built from almost a million granite History more often preserves the names of those who blocks, the Great Enclosure encircles the \u25cf 1682 Louis XIV of France makes the commissioned the great buildings of antiquity\u2014pharaohs, emperors, and kings\u2014than their architects. Through the Shona city of Great Zimbabwe. vast palace at Versailles the center of centuries, cultures worldwide have continued to create the human-made landscapes that surround and inspire us. his court and government. \u25cf 1362\u20131391 The Court of Lions at the heart of the Alhambra palace in Granada, \u25cf 1869\u20131886 Ludwig II builds the Spain, is an Islamic vision of Paradise. fairytale castle of Neuschwanstein in the Bavarian Alps. \u25cf c.10,000 bce The temple at G\u00f6bekli \u25cf c.9 BCE \u2013 40\u00a0CE The Nabataeans build Al \u25cf 1406\u20131420 The Forbidden City, the Tepe, Turkey, is the world\u2019s oldest Khazneh (The Treasury) at Petra, Jordan. imperial palace and center of Chinese \u25cf 1889 The Eiffel Tower in Paris opens surviving monument. government until 1912, contains nearly to the public on the centenary of the \u25cf 80 CE The Colosseum, Rome\u2019s first 10,000 rooms in 980 buildings on 180 French Revolution. \u25cf c.2650 bce The Step Pyramid at permament amphitheater, seats 50,000. acres (72 ha) in Beijing. Saqqara in Egypt is built by Imhotep, \u25cf 1907 The reconstructed Great the world\u2019s earliest known architect. \u25cf 200 CE At Teotihuac\u00e1n, Mexico, the city\u2019s \u25cf 1419\u20131446 Renaissance architect Mosque at Djenn\u00e9 in Mali is the largest temple is the Pyramid of the Sun. Filippo Brunelleschi crowns the Duomo world\u2019s largest clay building. \u25cf c.2600 bce Construction begins on in Florence with an octagonal dome. Khufu\u2019s Great Pyramid at Giza. \u25cf 118\u2013126 CE Rome\u2019s Pantheon features the \u25cf 1930 Crowned in steel, New York\u2019s largest unreinforced concrete dome ever. \u25cf c.1440s The Incas build Machu Picchu, a Chrysler Building is an Art Deco icon. \u25cf c.2300 bce The Stonehenge sacred citadel in the Peruvian Andes. ceremonial complex in Britain \u25cf 537 CE Hagia Sophia in Constantinople is \u25cf 1931 The Empire State Building is is completed. the world\u2019s largest church for 1,000 years. \u25cf 1555\u20131561 Ivan the Terrible, \u201cCzar of all New York\u2019s tallest skyscraper until the the Russias,\u201d builds St. Basil\u2019s Cathedral in World Trade Center of 1973. \u25cf c.2100 bce The Great Ziggurat of \u25cf c.675 CE The Maya build the pyramid Moscow\u2019s Red Square. Ur is built by King Ur-Nammu. Temple of Inscriptions at Palenque. \u25cf 1937 San Francisco\u2019s Golden Gate \u25cf 1569\u20131575 Ottoman architect Mimar suspension bridge measures 1.7 miles \u25cf c.1700\u20131400 bce Minoans build a \u25cf 692 CE Jerusalem\u2019s Dome of the Rock on Sinan builds his finest mosque for Selim II (2,735 m) end to end. series of labyrinthine palaces at Temple Mount is completed; the site is in Edirne, Anatolia. Knossos on the island of Crete. sacred for Muslims, Christians, and Jews. \u25cf 1949 Frank Lloyd Wright\u2019s \u25cf 1626 St. Peter\u2019s Basilica in Rome is Guggenheim Museum in New York \u25cf c.1500\u20131200 bce The temple of \u25cf 785 CE Work begins on the Great consecrated; it is the world\u2019s biggest is a masterpiece in concrete. Amun Re at Karnak near Luxor in Mosque of Cordoba in Moorish Spain. church until 1989. Egypt is the largest in the world. \u25cf 1973 Australia\u2019s Sydney Opera House \u25cf c.1000 The Anasazi build Pueblo Bonito, \u25cf 1601\u20131609 The \u201cWhite Egret Castle\u201d in spreads its spherical roofs like sails at \u25cf c.575 bce Babylon\u2019s Processional their largest Great House in Chaco Himeji is Japan\u2019s largest castle. the water\u2019s edge. Way leads to the Ishtar Gate, lined Canyon, New Mexico. with tiers of dragons and bulls. \u25cf 1634\u20131653 The Taj Mahal is built \u25cf 1977 The Pompidou Center in Paris \u25cf c.1150 Angkor Wat\u2019s temple complex in by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in puts its framework and elevators on \u25cf c.447\u2013432 bce The new Parthenon Cambodia covers 500 acres (200 ha). memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. the outside. temple built on the acropolis in Athens, Greece, is adorned with \u25cf 1997 Frank Gehry\u2019s Guggenheim marble sculptures by Phidias. Museum in Bilbao, Spain, is clad in titanium, glass, and limestone. \u25cf c.340\u2013300 bce The open-air theater at Epidaurus, Greece, is built \u25cf 2010 Dubai\u2019s Burj Khalifa is the world\u2019s to seat 12,000 people. tallest building, at 2,722ft (829.8m). \u25cf c.250 bce Ashoka\u2019s Great Stupa at \u25c0 Hagia Sophia in Istanbul began Sanchi in India is Buddhism\u2019s oldest as a church in 537 CE, and was later surviving sanctuary. converted to a mosque in 1453 and a museum in 1935. \u25cf c.200 BCE The Great Wall of China, later rebuilt during the Ming dynasty, stretches 4,000 miles (6,400 km). GREAT BUILDINGS 383","The World in 1300 Inuit Greenland Byzantine Empire Forest hunters ands Inuit Iceland England and possessions to Norway Aragon and possessions n to Norway Venetian Republic and possessions Mongol Empire on the death i of Genghis Khan 1227 controlled by a Khwarizm Shah 1219 Holy Roman Empire t nd gatherers gatherers NOTE: Settlements in italics were not in existence in NORTHWEST n 1300 but were signi\ufb01cant COAST during this era. u CULTURES \u25b6 The Medieval World in 1300 o In 1300, the united tribes of the nomadic Mongols controlled much of Eurasia. M Plain s Great European monarchies were beginning a Lakes to extend their power and reach. North Africa and the Middle East rs St. Lawrence were fragmented after the collapse of the unified Islamic Empire, while in the e Americas the Aztecs of Mexico and the Incas of Peru were just beginning ky their phase of expansion. hunt MEDIEVAL c WORLD s 600\u20131450 Ro Cahokia Woodland Plain Culture i t a D esertPUEBLOS re MISSISSIPPIAN G CULTURES P ACIFIC Mississipp Rio Grande ATLANTIC gatherers OCEAN MAYA CITY-STATES Mayap\u00e1n Arawak Tula Tenochtitl\u00e1n Chich\u00e9n Itz\u00e1 West Indies CITY- Carib STATES N O CEA Barrancoid ArauquinnoocoidMabaruma Koriabo ANDEAN Andes CHIEFDOMS Ori A m a z o nAmaAzornisAt\u00e9ru\u00e3 CHIM\u00da N B a s i n o m a ncisco Machu hunter s S\u00e3o Fra d i c A n d e s Araucanians ba Picchu m Cuzco CUZCO MOJOS a Lake Titicaca Chucuito n Tiahuanaco i p u G u a r a n \u00ed Paran\u00e1 T The Classical empires of Eurasia had all collapsed by the Patagonia 7th century CE, largely under the weight of nomadic invasions. The urban civilization of the Roman Empire fell into decay and Europe lagged behind the rest of the world politically, economically, and culturally for a thousand years. China was reunited under the Tang and Song dynasties, regaining the military reach it had under the Han. The rise of a new religion, Islam, transformed the Middle East and North Africa, which were united under an Arab Empire. In the Americas, new empires emerged as the Aztecs of Mexico and the Inca of Peru united large areas under a single ruler for the first time. 384 TIMELINES OF WORLD HISTORY","Lena Palaeosiberians L a p p S Yenisey s g r i aan sm o y e d TNORWAY Ob' ungus KHANATE OF Amur GOLDEN HOR U sS EDEN RUSSIAN UTRODNERIC PRINCIPALITIES S i b e r i aSCOTLAND CopenhagenW PORCTAUSGTIALLEIRELANDDENMARK LITHUANIA OTE ENGLAND ANGEVIN POLISH T H E D E London EMPIRE STATES Kiev Karakorum Paris BOHEMIA- Volga Gobi FRANCE MORAVIA to Genoa Ainu HUNGARY GEORGIA C NAVARRE GenVoaenice River SCEoRnBsItAanBtiUnLoGpAleRIA PAPAL aspian Sea CHAGATAI Yellow STATES KHANATE ARAGON Samarkand Beijing KINGDOM BYZANTINE KORYO Toledo OF NAPLES EMPIRE ANATOLIRAUM TREBIZOND JAPAN Kyoto C\u00f3rdoba MAJORCA Sicily TURKISH LITTLE Tabriz EMPIRE OF Kaifeng Nara BEYLIKS ARMENIA Luoyang Philippine VENETIAN Antioch Islands S a h a r aGRANADAH REPUBLIC THE GREAT KHAN (NASRIDS) A F CYPRUS Damascus Baghdad Indus H ZAYYANIDS S ACHAEA ATHENS i m TIBET IDS Jerusalem Yangzi MA Cairo uphrates I L - K H A N A T E Hangzhou r b e r s B e dMARINIDS a M LUKS uins lay as PACIFIC Delhi B e u a r e g s SMALL E SULTANATE Ganges SMALL T STATES DYNASTIES Nile OF DELHI Mekong Medina OMAN PARAMARAS Mecca A r a b i a n GUJARAT PAGAN Lao ANNAM YADAVAS ARAKAN Sukhothai Peninsula EASTERN Chieng Mai s AyutthayaC H A M P A Angkor GANGAS SUKHOTHAI Timbuktu KAKATIYAS PEGU MALI a KANEM ALWA RASULIDS CHIENGMAI a B PHAYAO lay s DAJU ETHIOPIA OCEA Niger PANDYAS Gur HAUSA HOYSALAS KHMER STATES LAVO IFAT CERAS Kwa HADIYA SMALL N DAWARO BALE STATES vassals to Pandyas MALAY STATES Congo INTERLACUSTRINE Borneo STATES M SM a l a y s W A H I L I C I T Y - S T A T E S P a pua East n Madagascar Indies New n s t Java u Guinea s MAJAPAHIT Zambezi INDIAN OCEAN Kalahari GREAT Desert ZIMBABWE Great Zimbabwe Khoisan Australian peoples Aborigines Darling a o ris M New Zealand MEDIEVAL WORLD 385","THE MEDIEVAL WORLD (\u201csuccessors\u201d) are the Rashidun \u25c0 Jerusalem\u2019s Dome of 715\u2013720 (\u201crightly guided\u201d), beginning with the Rock, Islam\u2019s oldest The Lindisfarne Gospels are 613 Abu Bakr; he suppresses a rebellion monument, enshrines produced by the monk Eadfrith on The prophet Muhammad starts and cements Islamic dominion in the rock from which the Holy Island in northern England. preaching in Mecca; his teachings Arabia, then invades Syria. Prophet is said to have incur the authorities\u2019 hostility. ascended to heaven. 720 638 Arabs occupy Provence (in France) 617 Islamic armies capture Jerusalem. fleet destroys the and Central Asia; the caliphate now China\u2019s Sui emperor Yangdi is Arab fleet with extends from al-Andalus (Spain) to murdered; Li Yuan founds the Tang 641 \u201cGreek fire\u201d (an the borders of China. dynasty (618\u2013906) and Xi\u2019an Islamic conquest of Egypt; advancing incendiary device) becomes the capital. westward, Islamic armies take at the Battle of C.725 Tripolitana (in Libya) in 643. Syllaeum, securing Casa Grande, the Hohokam 619 a 30-year peace. settlement in Arizona, is flourishing; Sasanian conquests of Syria, 642 irrigation allows a range of crops Mesopotamia, Palestine, and Egypt Islamic conquest of Persia and the 672 despite the desert environment, are complete, restoring the Persian end of the Sasanian Empire. Resurgence of the Maya city-state of and Casa Grande is at the center Empire at the expense of Byzantium; Tikal: construction begins on new of a trade network stretching Persian advances are reversed by the 646 causeways, pyramids, ball courts, from the Pacific coast to the Gulf Byzantine emperor Heraclius by 627. Taika reforms in Japan centralize observatories, and palaces. of Mexico. power and strengthen the position 622 of the emperor. 683 725 The Hegira (Muhammad\u2019s flight to Empress Wu becomes the only AD (Anno Domini, or \u201cYear of Our Medina to escape persecution) marks 651 woman in Chinese history to rule Lord\u201d) Christian dating system is the start of the Islamic era. The standardized version of the in her own right (not as regent); she introduced in On the measurement of Qu\u2019ran is issued by the third establishes the Zhou dynasty (to 705). Time, a treatise by Bede, an Anglo- 624 caliph, Uthman. Saxon monk and scholar. Muhammad\u2019s army defeats the 692 Meccans at the Battle of Badr; they 661 Commissioned by the caliph Abd 726\u2013729 surrender when he takes possession The fourth caliph, Ali (Muhammad\u2019s al-Malik, the Dome of the Rock (or Byzantine emperor Leo III bans the of the Ka\u2019aba, the holiest shrine in cousin and son-in-law) is murdered, Qubbat as-Sakhrah) is completed on worship of religious icons; known as the Arabian peninsula, in 630. ending the Rashidun caliphate; the Jerusalem\u2019s Temple Mount, sacred to iconoclasm, the ban is designed to Umayyad caliphate is established, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. curb monastic power. 628 but Islam is split between Sunni (pro Indian mathematician Brahmagupta Ummayad) and Shi\u2019ite (pro Ali). 698 732 refines a decimal place value system Islamic conquest of Carthage, North Charles Martel\u2019s Frankish army (which spreads to China, Egypt, and 668 Africa\u2019s last Byzantine stronghold. defeats Arabic-Moorish forces in the Arab Empire by the 8th century) The Silla kingdom unifies Korea France, halting Islamic expansion and is the first to describe the use of with the help of Tang China, ending C.700 into Western Europe. zero and negative numbers. the long Three Kingdoms Period. Rise of the Kingdom of Ghana and the Ife kingdom in West Africa. 740 632 670\u2013677 Teotihuac\u00e1n, Mexico, is abandoned. Leo III\u2019s Byzantine army defeats the Death of Muhammad and the start First siege of Constantinople by Arab Northern Peru is dominated by the caliphate at the Battle of Akroinon, of the caliphate. The first four caliphs forces: it ends when the Byzantine Chim\u00fa. North American Indians Anatolia, and expels the Umayyads replace spears with bows and arrows. from Asia Minor. 710\u2013715 747\u2013750 Islamic conquest of Sind in Pakistan. A revolt against Umayyad caliphs in Persian Khorasan leads to their 711 defeat at the Battle of Zab and the Islamic invasion of Spain: Tariq ibn foundation of Abbasid caliphate. Ziyad, a Berber or \u201cMoor\u201d from North Africa, defeats the Visigoths C.750 and most of the Iberian Peninsula Maya city-states are at the peak falls under Islamic rule. of their power, controlling a trade network that stretches from 715 California to South America; in Syria\u2019s Ummayad Mosque (the Great Mexico, the Maya city of Tikal Mosque of Damascus) is completed. has a population of 90\u2013100,000. 386 TIMELINES OF WORLD HISTORY","\u25b2 The Book of Kells (C.800) ranks with 774 832 866 the Lindisfarne Gospels (715\u2013720) as one Lombards in northern Italy are Caliph Al-Ma\u2019mun establishes Vikings capture the city of York of the treasures of Celtic Christianity. Its defeated by Frankish king Baghdad\u2019s House of Wisdom; and establish a kingdom in illuminated pages were probably created Charlemagne\u2019s forces. scholars translate manuscripts from northern England. by monks on the Scottish island of Iona. other cultures and older traditions, 782 preserving ancient scholarship that 868 C.750 Charlemagne conquers West Saxony, would otherwise be lost. Diamond Sutra, the world\u2019s oldest The pre-Inca Andean city Tiwanaku determined to convert pagan tribes surviving printed book, is a sacred in Bolivia is at its zenith, with to Christianity; he also launches a 843 Buddhist text hand-printed in China. extensive terracing and irrigation; Carolingian cultural revival, The treaty of Verdun divides as a ceremonial and trading center, attracting scholars to his court. Charlemagne\u2019s Frankish Empire 874 its cultural and economic influence between his three sons: the west and Vikings settle Iceland. The Islamic spreads through South America. 786 east portions roughly correspond to Samanid dynasty (to 999) is founded Haroun al-Rashid, immortalized in modern France and Germany, and a in Turkestan, Central Asia; its 751 The One Thousand and One Nights, middle kingdom is later known as capital, Bukhara, becomes a center P\u00e9pin III, son of Charles Martel and becomes the fifth Abbasid caliph; his Lotharingia (Lorraine). of Persian commerce and culture. father of Charlemagne, deposes the rule (to 809) sees the cultural last Merovingian king of the Franks flowering of the Islamic world, as C.850 878 and founds the Carolingian dynasty. scholars begin translating ancient The earliest reference to gunpowder Alfred the Great, king of Wessex, Greek and Roman texts into Arabic. is in China. In Burma the kingdom defeats the Danes at Edington to halt 754 of Bagan is founded. The Cholas their advance in England. Italy is invaded by Franks under 787 under King Vijayalaya gain power P\u00e9pin, in support of Pope Stephen II Emperess Irene brings iconoclasm in India. Arab navigators perfect the 889 against the Lombards who have in the Byzantine Empire to an end. astrolabe. Coffee is discovered by, In Mesoamerica, Tikal is abandoned; conquered Ravenna\u2014the last legend has it, a goatherd in Ethiopia. as Maya city-states collapse in the Byzantine territory in Italy. C.790 south, the north (in Mexico\u2019s Yucatan Vikings from Scandinavia begin 858\u20131159 Peninsula) sees the rise of Chich\u00e9n 756 raids against Western Europe, The Fujiwara clan dominates Itz\u00e1, whose cenotes (water holes) are An Umayyad emirate is established looting the rich monasteries of Japanese politics of the Heian Period. vital in this drought-prone region. in Cordoba, Spain, the first to break Lindisfarne (973) and Iona (795) in away from a united Islamic caliphate. Britain and then Ireland in 795. C.863 C.900 A Glagolitic alphabet\u2014an early form India\u2019s golden age of Hindu temple- 760 794 of Cyrillic\u2014is created in Moravia, building begins. The Toltecs found The Indian system of numerals is Emperor Kammu moves the eastern Europe, by the Byzantine their capital at Tula in the Valley of adopted by the Abbasid dynasty, Japanese capital from Nara to Kyoto. missionary known as St. Cyril. Mexico; refugees from the collapsed establishing the Arabic numerals (1\u20139) in widespread use today. 800 Charlemagne is crowned emperor of the Romans by Pope Leo III. The Tibetan Empire expands to the Bay of Bengal. In Tang China, Zen Buddhism is pre-eminent. In Mesoamerica, the Maya civilization is in decline, its overpopulated cities gradually abandoned. 802 The Khmer Empire is founded by King Jayavarman II in Cambodia, Southeast Asia. 811 The first paper currency is issued in Tang China, known as \u201cflying cash.\u201d 762 827 \u25b2 Chich\u00e9n Itz\u00e1 in Mexico\u2019s Yucat\u00e1n Peninsula became the leading Maya city-state in the 9th century. Dominating the city center is the massive pyramid temple of Kukulc\u00e1n, The Abbasid caliphate moves its Islamic forces invade Sicily; Palermo a plumed serpent god that was known as Quetzalcoatl to the Aztecs and Toltecs. capital from Kufa to Baghdad, falls in 831 and the rest of the island Islam\u2019s first imperial city. is conquered by 902. MEDIEVAL WORLD 387","Teotichuac\u00e1n culture, they forge a 930 \u25b2 The surrender of Jerusalem to Saladin (Salah al-Din, Ayyubid sultan of Egypt and Syria) militaristic empire that later inspires The Althing assembly, the world\u2019s in 1187, during the Third Crusade, is depicted in a miniature from the 15th-century their Aztec descendants. oldest national parliament, is \u201cAbbreviated chronicle\u201d created by David Aubert for Philip Duke of Burgundy. established in Iceland. C.900\u20131600 The Thule culture emerges in coastal 932 Alaska; these ancestors of the Inuit The reunification of Muslim Spain is hunt caribou, whales, seals, and fish, completed when Ummayad caliph and expand across the Canadian Abd al-Rahman III captures Toledo. Arctic to reach Greenland by C.1200. 935 907 Riven by civil war, Korea is reunified Collapse of China\u2019s Tang dynasty; under the Koryo dynasty (to 1392). several short-lived rival dynasties follow, until the Song rise in 960. 937 Anglo-Saxon king Athelstan\u2019s victory 906 over a coalition of Vikings, Welsh, Magyars destroy Moravia (eastern and Scots at Brunanburh halts Czech Republic) and begin to raid Viking expansion, and helps create Western Europe. England as a unified nation. 910 938 from the Prophet\u2019s daughter Fatima, 1001 The Benedictine abbey of Cluny is The kingdom of Dai Viet in Vietnam the caliphate rules North Africa from The first Muslim raids into founded in Burgundy, France; as throws off Chinese rule. the Atlantic Coast to the Red Sea. northern India are led by Mahmud the center of a monastic empire in of Ghazni (in Afghanistan). Europe, it governs c.10,000 monks. 946 972 Persian Shi\u2019ite Buwayhids take A unified Hungarian state forms 1002 909 Baghdad; Abbasid caliphs remain under Duke Geza; his son Stephen Leif Erikson (son of Erik the Red) Start of the Shi\u2019ite Fatimid caliphate until 1258, but real power lies with is crowned first king of Hungary. is probably the first European to set in Tunis, North Africa (to 1171); it the Buwayhid sultans in Shiraz. foot in North America, landing at takes Alexandria in 914, Sicily in 917. 982 Vinland, northern Newfoundland. 955 North Vietnamese Dai-Viet invade 911 Otto I, king of East Francia the Champa kingdom in the south 1013 The Norse chieftain Rollo is granted (Germany), defeats the Magyars at and sack its capital, Indrapura. Danish invasion of England; Cnut much of Normandy in France, and the Battle of Lechfeld, halting their the Great (King Canute) expands becomes a Christian. westward expansion from Hungary. 986 his empire to include England, Erik the Red begins the Viking Denmark, and Norway by 1030. 916 960 settlement of Greenland, leading a group of colonists from Iceland. 1014 Khitan Mongols establish the Liao China\u2019s Song dynasty is established, Brian Boru, High King of Ireland, dynasty, one of the Five Dynasties ending the anarchy of the Five 987 wins the Battle of Clontarf and that control northern China. Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms era. Hugh Capet succeeds the last breaks Viking dominion in Ireland. Carolingian king of the Franks; 962 the Capetian dynasty rules France 1031 until 1328. In Mesoamerica,Toltecs The Umayyad caliphate of Otto I (\u201cthe Great\u201d) is conquer the Yucatan Maya and Cordoba falls during the Christian crowned emperor by make the Maya city of Chich\u00e9n reconquest of Spain. the Pope, reviving the Itz\u00e1 their capital. Carolingian Roman 1031 Empire in the west. 988 Seljuk Turks invade Khurasan in Vladimir the Great of Kiev Persia; in 1040 they crush the 966 converts to Christianity. Ghaznavids, laying the foundations for a new Islamic empire. The Polish state is born 1000 when its ruler, Mieszko I, Stephen, Grand Prince of Hungary, 1040 adopts Christianity. becomes its first king. Boleslav is Bantu expansion reaches its peak crowned first king of Poland. in central and southern Africa. \u25b2 Pueblo Bonito is the biggest of 13 Great Houses built 969 by the Anasazi in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Six stories high, with over 600 rooms, it was occupied in 828\u20131126. The Fatimids of Tunisia conquer Egypt and make Cairo their new capital; claiming descent 388 TIMELINES OF WORLD HISTORY","C.1041\u20131048 1081\u20131118 pre-Columbian site in North C.1181 In China, printing with movable Alexius Commenus rules the America, and its influence spreads Jayavarman VII reclaims the type is invented by Bi Sheng. Byzantine Empire, and partially across the Midwest, before its rapid Khmer crown in Cambodia; he restores its power after its defeats by decline after 1200 CE. expels Cham invaders, restores the C.1050 Normans and Seljuk Turks. city of Angkor Wat, and builds a The Ancestral Pueblo (Anasazi) 1170 new capital at Angkor Thom. civilization, centerd on Chaco 1092 Robert \u201cStrongbow\u201d FitzStephen Canyon in southwest North Death of the Seljuk sultan Malik commands the English invasion of 1187 America, is at its peak, dominating Shah, followed by civil war and the Ireland for Henry II. Saladin crushes Crusader forces at trade routes; its pueblos (towns) disintegration of the Seljuk Empire. Hattin and seizes Jerusalem. feature multistory apartment 1171 housing built of stone or mud brick 1095 Saladin overthrows the Fatimid 1189\u20131192 around a central plaza. The First Crusade (1096\u20131099) is caliphate in Egypt and later seizes The Third Crusade ends when proclaimed by Pope Urban II; Damascus in Syria in 1174; now Richard I of England (\u201cthe 1054 French crusaders seize Jerusalem recognized as sultan of Egypt and Lionheart\u201d) is unable to liberate Final schism between the Eastern from the Fatimid caliphate in 1099. Syria by the Abbasid caliphate in Jerusalem and concludes a peace and Western Churches, led by the Baghdad, Saladin founds the treaty with Saladin. patriarch in Constantinople and 1119 Ayyubid dynasty. the pope in Rome. The Almovarid The crusading order of the Knights 1192 dynasty is founded in Morocco; Templar is founded in Jerusalem. 1180\u20131185 Minamoto Yoritomo becomes it begins the Islamic conquest of Bologna University is also founded, The Gempei Wars between the Japan\u2019s first shogun; his power base West Africa in 1056. the first in the Western world. Minamoto and Taira clans end at Kamakura sidelines the imperial Japan\u2019s Heian Period (794\u20131185) court, and shoguns rule as military 1055 1122 and usher in the Kamakura Period, dictators until 1867. Seljuk Turks capture Baghdad, The Concordat of Worms ends named after the shogunate that is ending Persia\u2019s Buwayhid dynasty. the Investiture Controversy, but established at Kamakura in 1192; 1192\u20131193 papal-imperial rivalry continues. the emperor\u2019s power is curtailed, Ghurids of Persia defeat a Hindu 1066 The Toltec city of Tula is burned a samurai warrior class supplants rebellion in India; Muhammad of William of Normandy (William the down, marking the end of Toltec the aristocracy, and Japan Conqueror) defeats Harold, the last influence in the Yucatan. becomes a feudal society. Ghur founds the Delhi Sultanate, Anglo-Saxon king of England, at India\u2019s first Muslim empire. the Battle of Hastings. 1126 Jin from Manchuria overrun 1071 northern China and move the Seljuk Turks defeat Byzantines at the capital from Kaifeng to Beijing; this Battle of Manzikert. The Norman marks the end of the Northern conquest of southern Italy ends Song dynasty, but Gaozong flees Byzantine presence in Italy; Sicily south and establishes the Southern falls to the Normans in 1092. Song dynasty in Hangzhou in 1127. 1073 1144 \u25b2 Taira no Tomomori, son of the Taira Persian poet and astronomer Omar The Second Crusade (1146\u20131160) is clan head Taira no Kiyomori, was one of Khayyam is invited to Isfahan to triggered when the crusader state of the clan\u2019s chief commanders in Japan's set up an observatory under Seljuk Edessa falls to Zengi, the atabeg Gempei Wars of 1180\u20131185, which patronage; his major breakthroughs (governor) of Mosul and Aleppo. ended in Taira defeat at Dannoura. include measuring the length of the year accurate to six decimal places. 1147 Almohads seize the city of 1075\u20131077 Marrakesh from the Almoravids, Investiture Controversy: Pope taking control of North Africa, and Gregory excommunicates the then invade Moorish Spain. western (Holy Roman) emperor Henry IV for defying his ban on C.1150 nobles appointing (\u201cinvesting\u201d) Cahokia flourishes at the height of church leaders. the Mississippian (or Cahokian) culture of the American Bottom. 1076 Home to C.20,000 people, the city The empire of Ghana in West features around 120 mounds and a Africa falls to the Almoravids. huge central plaza; it is the largest MEDIEVAL WORLD 389","\u25b6 A bronze head C.1225 C.1250 1279 commemorates an Oba In Nigeria, Great In Mexico, Aztecs settle at Yuan forces defeat the Southern (king) of Benin, which Zimbabwe\u2019s population Chapultepec, but are soon expelled Song dynasty and Kublai Khan Ewuare the Great ruled reaches around 15,000; by Tepanecs in the wake of the becomes the first non-native emperor from 1440 to 1473. one of the great urban Toltec collapse. In Peru, Incas under of all China. trading centers of Manco Capac develop the city of C.1200 sub-Saharan Africa, it Cuzco and begin their expansion, C.1280 Incas settle in the later gives rise to, and becoming the largest pre-Columbian Maoris, Polynesians from Tahiti, region around is eclipsed by, the empire in South America. arrive in New Zealand, the last Cuzco in the landmass (apart from Antarctica) Peruvian Andes. Mutapa Empire. 1256\u20131381 to be colonized by humans. The Venetian-Genoese Wars, the 1202\u20131204 1227 struggle between the republics of 1291 The Fourth Crusade fails to win Genghis Khan dies while Venice and Genoa for control of the Acre, the last major Crusader back Jerusalem; the crusaders fall quashing a revolt in China; his vast Mediterranean trade routes, end in stronghold in Palestine, falls to the out with the Byzantines and sack empire is divided between four sons. victory for Venice. Mamluks; a few months later they the city of Constantinople in 1204, take Beirut, ending the Christian all but ending Byzantine power. 1228\u20131229 1258 presence in the Holy Land. In the Sixth Crusade, emperor The Abbasid caliphate falls as 1206 Frederick II regains Jerusalem by Mongols sack the city of Baghdad 1297 Temujin, having united all the treaty, without military action. and execute the caliph. Scots led by William Wallace rebel tribes of Mongolia, takes the title against English control; Robert the Chinggis Khan (\u201cruler of the 1231 1259 Bruce is crowned king of Scotland in world\u201d), or Genghis Khan. Pope Gregory IX launches the Papal M\u00d6ngke the Great Khan dies and 1306 and expels the English at the Inquisition, a campaign by the the Mongol Empire starts to split into Battle of Bannockburn in 1314. 1209 Church against heresy. four khanates: the Golden Horde in The Albigensian Crusade is the northwest, the Chagatai khanate C.1300 launched against Cathar heretics in 1235 in the center, the Il-Khanate in the Osman I, ruler of a Turkmen Languedoc, France; it leads to the Foundation of the kingdom of Mali, southwest, and the Yuan dynasty in principality in Anatolia, founds the Papal Inquisition set up in 1231. West Africa. the east. Ottoman state by attacking the frontiers of the fading Byzantine 1211 1237\u20131242 1260 Genghis Khan invades Jin China; Mongol armies of the Golden Horde Egypt\u2019s Mamluks defeat the Mongols \u25b2 Joan of Arc, daughter of a French Mongol forces capture Zhongdu Khanate invade Russia and blaze at Ain Jalut, Palestine, and secure farmer, was 16 when she followed voices in (Beijing), the Jin capital, in 1215, across Central Europe; they reach control over Syria and the Levant. her head to aid the French dauphin by and the Jin dynasty falls in 1234. Vienna by 1242 but return to leading his forces to relieve the siege of Karakorum to elect a new leader. 1261 Orl\u00e9ans by the English in 1429. 1212 Byzantines retake Constantinople, Alfonso VIII of Castile crushes the 1241 ending the Latin Empire formed by Almohads at Las Navas de Tolosa, Foundation of the Hanseatic League: leaders of the Fourth Crusade. a decisive battle in the Reconquista, to protect Baltic trade routes, the the Christian reconquest of Iberia. German towns of Lubeck and 1271 Hamburg form an alliance that Kublai Khan, Great Khan of the 1215 spreads to become a powerful Mongols since 1260, establishes the England\u2019s Magna Carta (\u201cGreat trading confederation of up to Yuan dynasty in China; he moves his Charter\u201d) is signed by King John 200 cities in northern Europe capital from Shangdu (Xanadu) to after his heavily taxed barons revolt; over the next 400 years. Zhongdu (Beijing) in 1272. stating that the king is not above the law, it is a milestone in human rights. 1248\u20131254 1274 The Seventh Crusade: Louis IX Led by Kublai Khan, Mongols try to 1217\u20131221 of France invades Egypt and is invade Japan; a second unsuccessful The Fifth Crusade targets Egypt defeated, taken captive, and attempt is made in 1281. but ends in retreat. ransomed by his mother. 1275 1219 1250 Marco Polo, Venetian merchant and The Mongol conquest of Islamic Mamluks, slave soldiers in the explorer, visits Kublai Khan\u2019s court states in Eurasia begins when Ayyubid army, murder the last in China; his memoir, written after Genghis Khan invades the Ayyubid sultan of Egypt; their his return to Italy in 1295, describes Khwarazmid Empire. commander marries his widow the Mongolian Empire at its peak. and founds the Mamluk dynasty. 390 TIMELINES OF WORLD HISTORY","Empire. The Chim\u00fa Empire 1354 \u25b2 The Inca citadel of Machu Picchu was built in the 1440s, high above the Urubamba emerges in Peru, with its capital at Ottoman Turks seize Gallipoli from Valley in the Peruvian Andes. Home to no more than 1,000 people , is thought to have Chan Chan in the Moche Valley. the Byzantines, gaining their first served as a ceremonial center and an impregnable stronghold for the Inca elite. foothold in Europe. C.1320s\u20131330s Empire, centered on the trading hub the Hundred Years War; she is Forerunners of the Italian 1360 of Gao, expands and eclipses the captured, found guilty of heresy, Renaissance, artists Giotto di The Treaty of Calais ends the first empires of Ghana and Mali. and burned at the stake in 1431. Bondone and Andrea Pisano win phase of the Hundred Years War; major commissions in Florence. with victories at Cr\u00e9cy and Poitiers, 1400\u20131415 C.1430 England now controls more territory A Welsh rebellion led by Owain Bruges, Flanders, is the commercial 1324 in France than at any other period. Glendower against English rule hub of northwest Europe; Philip the Europe\u2019s first known use of cannons is suppressed. Good, Duke of Burgundy, holds made of iron is at the siege of Metz. 1368 court here, and his lavish patronage Mansa Musa, emperor of Mali at the The Ming dynasty is founded by Zhu 1401 attracts merchants, bankers, and height of its prosperity, sets out on his Yuanzhang; the Ming take control of Timur massacres the population of artists such as Jan van Eyck. Pilgrimage of Gold to Mecca. China in 1382 and expel the last Baghdad and launches an invasion of emperor of the Yuan dynasty. Syria; in 1402 he moves against the 1434 C.1325 Ottomans, invading Anatolia and Cosimo de Medici begins Medici Aztecs found Tenochtitl\u00e1n, on an 1378 capturing the sultan. dominance in Florence, Italy, using island in Lake Texcoco, Mexico; the The Great Papal Schism between his huge banking wealth to control Aztec capital becomes the largest city rival popes in Rome and Avignon. 1405 politics and become a major patron in the pre-Columbian Americas. Timur plans to invade China, but of Renaissance art and culture. 1386 dies en route and is buried at 1333 Jagiello of Lithuania marries Jadwiga Samarkand, his capital; the vast 1436 Japan\u2019s Kamakura shogunate of Poland, creating one of Europe\u2019s Timurid Empire soon fragments. Portuguese charting West Africa\u2019s ends with civil war; the Ashikaga largest states. coast become the first Europeans shogunate takes power in 1336. 1415 to cross the Tropic of Cancer. 1388 England defeats the French army 1336 John Wycliff\u2019s English translation of at Agincourt in the Hundred Years 1438 A Hindu rebellion against Muslim the Bible is published. War. The Portuguese capture the Inca conquests in South America rule establishes the Vijayanagara port of Ceuta, the first permanent begin under Pachacutec, the ninth Empire as the dominant power in 1389 European base in North Africa. Sapa Inca (Inca king); by the end of southern India, lasting until 1646. The Battle of Kosovo sees Ottomans the century, the Inca Empire smash the Serbian Empire and gain 1428 expands from Cuzco and Machu 1337 control of the Balkans. The Mexica-Aztec Empire takes root Picchu to almost all of western South Start of the Hundred Years War with a triple alliance of city-states\u2014 America, from Quito to Chile. between England and France. 1392 Mexico-Tenochtitl\u00e1n, Texcoco, and The union of Japan\u2019s northern and Tlacopan\u2014that rules central Mexico 1440 1340 southern imperial courts ends the until the Spanish conquest in 1521. Moctezuma I becomes Aztec ruler at In the Reconquista of Muslim-held Yoshino Period (1336\u20131392). Start Tenochtitl\u00e1n and starts to expand his Spain and Portugal, the Battle of Rio of the Yi (Choson) dynasty in Korea 1428 empire. In the wealthy kingdom of Salado forces the Marinid sultan of (to 1910); neo-Confucianism replaces Le Loi, leader of the Vietnamese Benin, Nigeria, Ewuare the Great Morocco to end the last significant Buddhism as the state religion; the resistance against Chinese rule, becomes Oba (ruler) and begins to Islamic incursion into Christian new capital is at Hanseong (Seoul). founds the Le dynasty and restores build a powerful empire. Iberia from Africa. the kingdom of Dai Vet. 1393 1448 1347\u20131350 Turkic-Mongol warrior Timur Ling 1429 Johannes Gutenberg introduces The Black Death pandemic reaches (Tamerlane) completes his conquest Joan of Arc leads French troops to the movable-type printing press to Europe from western Asia; it kills of the Il-Khanate; in 1395 he routs relieve the siege of Orl\u00e9ans during Europe at Mainz, in Germany. 75-200 million people across Eurasia. the Golden Horde in Central Asia; in 1398 he invades India and sacks 1349 Delhi, slaughtering 100,000 fugitives. Chinese colonization of Singapore marks the start of Chinese settlement C.1400 in Southeast Asia. The Aztec city of Tenochtitl\u00e1n is at its height; intensive agriculture C.1350 and extensive networks of trade and Conflict between Inca and Chim\u00fa tribute support a population of up states in South America. to 200,000. West Africa\u2019s Songhay MEDIEVAL WORLD 391","PHILOSOPHY Leviathan sets out the theory of the social Principles of Human Knowledge states contract between rulers and their subjects. that \u201cto be is to be perceived.\u201d AND FAITH \u25cf Ren\u00e9 Descartes, 1596\u20131650, France \u25cf David Hume, 1711\u20131776, Britain Mathematician, scientist, and founder of Scottish economist, empiricist, and The earliest inquiries into the nature and meaning of life come rationalism who rejects empiricism; in leading skeptic of metaphysics. Hume from the founders of the great Eastern religions. Since then, Meditations he dismisses beliefs based on examines how the mind acquires Western philosophers have journeyed to the outer limits of received wisdom, the senses, or logic, and knowledge in his Treatise on Human thought and understanding, posing questions that challenge seeks what can be known for certain\u2014 Nature and argues there can be no our most fundamental beliefs. arriving at the conclusion \u201cCogito, ergo knowledge beyond experience. sum\u201d (\u201cI think, therefore I am\u201d). \u25cf Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712\u20131778, \u25cf Baruch Spinoza, 1632\u20131677, Dutch Switzerland Attests to the sovereignty \u25cf Zoroaster, c.628\u2013551 BCE, Persia classification influences Western science Republic One of the major rationalists, of the citizen body; The Social Contract Founder of the world\u2019s earliest and philosophy for the next 2,000 years. who argues that knowledge of the world is opens with \u201cMan is born free, and monotheist religion, Zoroastrianism, gained through reason; Ethics is a key work. everywhere he is in chains,\u201d influencing which emphasizes individual \u25cf Plotinus, 205\u2013270 CE, Roman Empire the Enlightenment, French Revolution, responsibility and the struggle Founder of Neoplatonism, a development \u25cf John Locke, 1632\u20131704, England and the Romantic movement. between asa (truth) and druj (lie). of Plato\u2019s original ideas; expounding on Locke\u2019s philosophical empiricism in An three fundamental principles of existence\u2014 Essay Concerning Human Understanding \u25cf Immanuel Kant, 1724\u20131804, \u25cf Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), the One, the Intellect, and the Soul\u2014his and his political liberalism in Two Treatises Germany Seeking to synthesize c.563\u2013483 BCE, India Founder of treatises are collected in the Enneads. of Government influence the 18th-century rationalism and empiricism, Critique of Buddhism as a path to nirvana Enlightenment and the Constitution of the Pure Reason asserts the authority of (spiritual enlightenment) and release \u25cf St. Augustine of Hippo, 354\u2013430 CE, United States. reason but limits knowledge to the from the cycle of reincarnation. North Africa\/Roman Empire An early world we experience. Church father who transmits Platonism and \u25cf Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 1646\u20131716, \u25cf Lao Tzu, c.6th century BCE, China Neoplatonism through Christian theology Germany Mathematician and rationalist \u25cf Thomas Paine, 1737\u20131809, Britain Founder of Daoism and author of the and influences the medieval world view with philosopher. In Theodicy, tackling the Anglo-American political activist, Dao De Jing (Book of the Way), which The City of God and Confessions. problem of evil in a world created by a good philosopher, and one of the founding posits the universal force of Dao and God, Leibniz concludes that we live in the fathers of the United States; The Rights the individual\u2019s simple focus on the \u25cf St. Thomas Aquinas, 1225\u20131274, Italy \u201cbest of all possible worlds.\u201d of Man insists governments must present as a route to virtue. Pre-eminent medieval religious philosopher safeguard their citizens\u2019 natural rights. and author of Summa Theologica, Aquinas \u25cf George Berkeley, 1685\u20131753, Britain \u25cf Confucius, c.551\u2013479 BCE, China strives to reconcile philosophy and reason Anglo-Irish bishop and empiricist in whose \u25cf G. W. F. Hegel, 1770\u20131831, Germany Founder of Confucianism, whose with theology and faith, arguing that they idealist metaphysical system reality is The most systematic and influential teachings on social harmony via social work in collaboration. ultimately nonmaterial, and objects exist of the German philosophical idealists: conventions and respect for others only as ideas in the minds of the perceivers: The Phenomenology of Spirit describes are compiled in the Analects. \u25cf Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli, 1469\u20131527, Italy Renaissance diplomat, philosopher, and \u25cf Socrates, c.469\u2013399 BCE, Greece a founder of modern political science. In One of the founders of Western The Prince, he argues that the state should philosophy, quoted as saying: \u201cA life promote the common good, irrespective unexamined is not worth living.\u201d The of any moral evaluation of its acts. Socratic method uses questions to test hypotheses in the quest for truth. \u25cf Francis Bacon, 1561\u20131626, England Philosopher, statesman, jurist, and father of \u25cf Plato, c.427\u2013347 BCE, Greece scientific method and empiricism, insisting Pupil of Socrates and founder of on the role of sensory experience and the Academy in Athens; Plato\u2019s The evidence: Novum Organum is a key work. Republic describes all we perceive as a shadow of its abstract, ideal Form. \u25cf Thomas Hobbes, 1588\u20131679, England A founder of modern political philosophy. \u25cf Aristotle, c.384\u2013322 BCE, Greece \u25b6 Plato and Aristotle take center stage Pupil of Plato, tutor to Alexander the among the great thinkers of ancient Greece Great, and author of Metaphysics. in Raphael\u2019s The School of Athens, painted His wide-ranging interest in the c.1509\u20131511 during the Renaissance. nature of existence and logical 392 TIMELINES OF WORLD HISTORY","how the human mind evolves from MAJOR WORLD FAITHS \u25c0 A Torah scroll a state of mere consciousness to contains Judaism\u2019s absolute knowledge. Originating from almost every corner of the globe, the world\u2019s great faiths are as diverse as its cultures. Some holiest text, made up \u25cf Arthur Schopenhauer, 1788\u20131860, have their origins in prehistoric times, yet the 20th of the five books Germany Espousing Kant\u2019s century saw the emergence of several new religions of Moses. transcendental idealism, The World that have attracted followers in their millions. as Will and Representation sees the world we experience, our desires, and NAME PLACE\/DATE ADHERENTS FOUNDER TEXT our actions as the product of a blind, aimless, metaphysical Will. Chinese traditional religion Unknown, prehistoric 400 million Indigenous n\/a \u25cf S\u00f8ren Kierkegaard, 1813\u20131855, Hinduism India, 900 million Indigenous The Vedas, Upanishads, Denmark A forerunner of prehistoric and Sanskrit epics existentialism who stresses the individual\u2019s unique position as Shinto Japan, prehistoric 3\u20134 million Indigenous Kojiki, Nihon-gi self-determining agent. A major work is Concluding Unscientific Postscript Voodoo West Africa, unknown 8 million Indigenous n\/a to Philosophical Fragments. Judaism Israel, C.1300 BCE 15 million Abraham; Moses Hebrew Bible; Talmud \u25cf Karl Marx, 1818\u20131883, Germany Social theorist, economist, historian, Zoroastrianism Persia, 6th century BCE 200,000 Zoroaster The Avesta revolutionary, and philosopher of Communism. Das Kapital aims to Daoism China, C.550 BCE 20 million Lao Tzu Dao De Jing expose capitalism\u2019s production process and exploitation of labor. Jainism India, C.550 BCE 4 million Mahavira Mahavira\u2019s teachings \u25cf Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844\u20131900, Buddhism Northeast India, 375 million Siddhartha Gautama Pali canon, Germany Rejects religious and C.520 BCE (Buddha) Mahayana sutras metaphysical interpretations of the human condition for the principles Confucianism China, 6th\/5th 5\u20136 million Confucius The Four Books of eternal recurrence, the Superman, centuries BCE and Five Classics and self-mastery; Thus Spake Zarathustra states \u201cGod is dead.\u201d Christianity Israel\/Palestine, 2,000 million Jesus Christ The Bible (Old and C.30 CE New Testaments) \u25cf Bertrand Russell, 1872\u20131970, Britain Philosopher, mathematician, Islam Saudi Arabia, revealed 1,500 million n\/a; Muhammad is The Qu\u2019ran (scripture); and social reformer who rebels in the 7th century CE the Prophet Hadith (tradition) against idealism and founds analytic philosophy; logic is key to the search Sikhism Punjab, India, 23 million Guru Nanak Adi Granth (Guru for truth, and central to Russell\u2019s C.1500 Granth Sahib) Principia Mathematica. Church of Jesus Christ New York, 13 million Joseph Smith The Bible; \u25cf Ludwig Wittgenstein, 1889\u20131951, of Latter-day Saints United States, 1830 Book of Mormon Austria Student of Betrand Russell and the pre-eminent analytical Baha\u2019i Faith Tehran, Iran, 1863 5\u20137 million Baha\u2019u\u2019llah Writings of Baha\u2019u\u2019llah philosopher; Tractatus Logico- Philosophicus argues that the limits of Cao Dai Vietnam, 1926 8 million Ngo Van Chieu Cao Dai Canon language are the limits of philosophy and sets out the logic of language. Family Federation for World South Korea, 3 million Sun Myung Moon Sun Myung Moon, the Peace and Unification 1954 Divine Principle \u25cf Jean-Paul Sartre, 1905\u20131980, France Philosopher, writer, activist, Falun Gong China, 1992 10 million Li Hongzhi Writings of master Li, and leader of the existentialist including Zhuan Falun movement, which focuses on the totality of human freedom; Being and Nothingness is hugely influential. PHILOSOPHY AND FAITH 393","The World in 1700 Mughal Empire Portugal and possessions Ottoman Empire Netherlands and possessions Qing Empire Hohenzollern possessions Inuit Greenland Russian Empire Sweden and possessions Safavid Empire Japan Inuit England and possessions France and possessions Venetian Republic Mountains Cree RUPERT\u2019S LAND Iceland Denmark and possessions and possessions Spain and possessions Austrian Habsburg hunters disputed by Azores territories France Madeira held temporarily by Netherlands during 17th century Holy Roman Empire TLINGIT O ji b Nw aSt.ALawreDnce A Ute Sioux Great C A NEWFOUNDLAND PUEBLOS Lakes ACADIA \u25b6 The Early Modern World in 1700 Rocky Rio NOMADIC oNoEdWlanFdRCA uNlCtuEre NIES By 1700, Spain and Portugal had carved PLAINS New out extensive colonies in South and ComancheCULTURES THI L O York Central America, while France and Britain Dutch vied for control of North America. The Apache NMissoissipmpa d i c RTEEN O 1626\u201364 Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Muslim C Empires controlled much of North Africa, i Jamestown the Middle East, and southern Asia. In East Asia, China\u2019s Qing dynasty controlled a W Bermuda Grande ATLANTIC territory smaller than that of the Tang or OCEAN Canary Islands Han, while Japan had been unified a century earlier after 150 years of civil war. VIC E R O Y ALT Havana Bahama Islands Virgin Islands St. Martin Mexico Belize Y OF NHAEITI Barbuda Arguin Island (Tenochtitl\u00e1n) Antigua Jamaica Guadeloupe WALO Dominica MOSQUITO SPAIN West Martinique CAPE VERDE St. Louis COAST Netherlands W Indies St. Lucia ISLANDS Gor\u00e9e Barbados Antilles Fort James Island St. Vincent Albreda Cacheu Grenada Tobago KAABU s Orinoco ESSEQUIBO SIERRA LEONE V GuianCaaHr iibghalnaandDESUMBREERICRNABaARIyMCeAEnne e I C d s E An mM a no a Shuar R A a z o A mnazon B RAZ EARLY O Nom Basin MODERN WORLD Y IL Aruac a d i c Lima h u n t e r sA S\u00e3o Fra ncisco AL G\u00ea Bahia T d n Y F e O 1450\u20131750 PACIFIC OCEAN s G u a r aPn \u00edaran\u00e1 During the 15th and 16th centuries Europe\u2014relatively stagnant for a thousand years\u2014underwent radical change. R ATLANTIC The Renaissance saw the recovery of much Classical Greek PE OCEAN and Roman learning and a renewed interest in science and technology. Europe\u2019s maritime states sent out voyages of U exploration, followed by colonists who overwhelmed native states in the Americas and Africa. Advanced non-European Col\u00f4nia do Sacramento cultures such as Ming (and then Qing) China, Mughal India, Safavid Persia, and Ottoman Turkey retained their political N integrity, but were unable to stop Europeans from gaining political and economic footholds in their territories. o h m u a n dt i e c r s 394 TIMELINES OF WORLD HISTORY","Chukchi AY Yenisey Lena W NO RUS SIAN EMP IRE Kory R SWEDEN Ob' a aks ISRCELOLEoATNnNLdGADoPNLnaANDrNCiEDsLBTDoAERHpNNAEeDRNnMS-hDAGaESgRENTeRKBAnVMUTiREABeSNnGOnHaEMSItAoLcPkIWTOhHPoLaRlUrAmUsCaANSwOSNDSIUAI-tARPLeAteNrsDbuMrg oCZscAVOooPSlwOgSAaRCOKGSIAN Siberi Nerchinsk Amur Kazakhs Man FRANCE AUSTRIA HUNGARY MOLDAVIA KHANATE OF CRIMEA Gobi churia Danube SWISS C CONFEDERATION T uasrpkiamneSnea PORTUGAL CWonAsLtLaAnCtiInAople KHIVA Y Beijing PAPAL KOREA NAPLES VENETIAN Chaldiran s BUKHARA KHANATE OF ellow River JAPAN SPAIN STATES SARDINIA REPUBLIC THE DZUNGARS Kyoto Lisbon Madrid Tig R phrates E QM IPNI RG EMeliCllaeutaOraAnLGOIERTS E MOROCCO SICILY I Eu ris TUNIS MALTA M P Isfahan S A F A V I D H im Nagasaki Knights of St. John EMPIRE Delhi TO M aAGagnlgreasaT I B E T Yangzi MAN E OM L MANIPUR BTRIPOLI Arabian U y a s BHUTAN Peninsula e dFEZZAN G ASSAM HARAR Indus vassal of Tripoli H Nile A Tuar uins BE oMmbPayINPRREIPNAECLEIPSAELCAIHTRIIEEANSKGAMNABIURMA Formosa S a he g s a Nr i pl oe -oaSp al ehsa r a nKAARTA Niger AN Cambay Macao Chieng Diu Mai ATRAN NINH Bassein MOSSI FUNJ YEMEN Sukothai LAOS NAM KINGDOMS NMekong SEGU ETHIOPIA Goa SIAM Manila PHILIPPINE MAMPRUSI Lop Buri ISLANDS FUTA SMALL TORO DAGOMBA BORNU DARFUR OROMO Madras HAUSA NUPE WADAI KONG STATES STATES CCaolcichuint Pondicherry CAMBODIA Spanish possessions GONJA to Annam BANDA TORO CEYLON BUNYORO BONO BUGANDA BUSOGA sASANTE ANKOLE K u s h i t eDENKYERA Assinie KWARARAFA POLYGAR KINGDOM MALAY M a l a BRUNEI SULU BORGU KINGDOMS KINGDOMS OF KANDY STATES IGALA BENIN ATJEH MAMPAVA SMALL STATES OYO y sAKWAMU Fernando Congo Malacca Po ALLADA DAHOMEY BS\u00c3O TOM\u00c9 Sumatra MALAY STATES KUTEI Moluccas KIKONJA ntus KARAGWE TEKE LUBA a BenkuleBnYatoagvyiaakartaDJauvtaBMcAAEhNSIDNaJpARos-sts P a RWANDA Mombasa GOLD COAST LUANGO I n d i e s pua Settlements: KAKONGO KUBA BURUNDI to Oman NGOYO s si on s New n 11 Dutch, KONGO KALUNDE Zanzibar e 7 English, KANIOK Guinea s 2 Brandenburgian, MATAMBA to Oman 1 Danish LUNDA MATARAM MALAY ANGOLA Kilwa STATES XINJE to Oman PORTUGUESE SONGO TIMOR NDONGO INDIAN KASANJE UPPER LOWER BEMBE WILA BEMBE UNDI KALONGA St. Helena MOZAMBIQUE MUZUMBO LOZI LUNDA MMaadalgaascayr s OCEAN A KALUNGA ROZWI Kalahari Mauritius Desert Bourbon THOVELA Delagoa Bay Australian Aborigines Khoisan peoples Cape of DUTCH Good Hope SOUTH AFRICA M a oris New Zealand EARLY MODERN WORLD 395","THE EARLY \u25b2 The fall of Constantinople in 1453 is illustrated in this miniature from Voyage and rounds the Cape of Good Hope MODERN WORLD d\u2019Outremer by Bertrandon de la Broqui\u00e8re, a 15th-century pilgrim who described his off the tip of southern Africa, travels to the Holy Land and Constantinople for Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy. discovering wind systems that link C.1450\u20131629 the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The Mwene Mutapa Empire in 1472 (the Netherlands), and Louis XI central southern Africa is at its peak; Ivan III (Ivan the Great), Grand seizes his French territories. 1492 rich in gold, copper, and ivory, this Prince of Muscovy, marries Zo\u00eb, The fall of Granada, the last Shona state controls lucrative trade niece of the last Byzantine emperor; 1482 Moorish territory in Spain, routes from the interior to Arab he gains independence from the Portugal builds Sao Jorge da Mina completes the Reconquista; Muslims kingdoms on the east coast until Golden Horde, unites Russian (Elmina Castle) on the Gold Coast; and Jews are expelled from Spain. the Portuguese colonize the region. principalities into a centralized Europe\u2019s first settlement in sub- Backed by the Spanish crown, state, and takes the title of Czar. Saharan Africa, it gives Portugal a Christopher Columbus crosses the 1453 monopoly of West Africa\u2019s gold trade. Atlantic in search of the riches of the The city of Constantinople is 1473 East; he lands in the West Indies and captured by the Ottomans; the The Aztecs conquer the state of 1487 \u201cdiscovers\u201d the New World. Byzantine Empire falls and Ottoman Tlatelolco, expanding their empire In Tenochtitl\u00e1n, the Aztec Great expansion continues in the Balkans with formidable military force. Temple is rebuilt and opens with the 1494 and Greece. The Hundred Years ritual sacrifice of up to 5,000 people. The Treaty of Tordesillas divides War (1337\u20131453) ends when France 1477 present and future discoveries in recaptures Bordeaux; Calais is Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy, 1488 the New World between Spain England\u2019s sole possession in France dies; the Austrian Habsburgs acquire Portuguese navigator Bartolomeu and Portugal. In the Italian Wars until the French retake it in 1558. his territories in the Low Countries Dias sails into the southern Atlantic (1494\u20131559), France and Spain vie for control of Italy, beginning with 1454\u20131455 the invasion of Italy by Charles VIII The Gutenberg Bible is printed in of France to lay claim to Naples. Mainz, Germany; it is the world\u2019s first mass-produced book. 1497 Italian navigator John Cabot reaches 1455\u20131485 Newfoundland; sponsored by the The Wars of the Roses: the dynastic English king, Henry VII, he paves struggle between England\u2019s rival the way for the English exploration Plantagenet houses of Lancaster and settlement of North America. and York ends with Henry Tudor seizing the throne as Henry VII 1497\u20131498 and founding the Tudor dynasty. Portugal\u2019s Vasco da Gama sails around the Cape of Good Hope and 1467\u20131477 is the first European to reach India The Onin War opens the century- by sea; this fast new route between long Warring States Period; Japan Europe and Asia transforms trade is devastated as regional magnates between the two contintents. (daimyo) strive to destroy their rivals. 1498 1468 Columbus is the first European to The Songhay Empire recaptures the reach South America, during his wealthy city of Timbuktu (in Mali) third voyage to the New World. from the Tuaregs and becomes the leading power in West Africa. 1500 Pedro Alvares Cabral sights Brazil, 1469 claiming it for Portugal; Spain\u2019s The marriage of Isabella of Castile Vicente Yanez Pinzon finds the and Ferdinand of Aragon leads to mouth of the Amazon river. a unified Christian Spain, which dominates 16th-century Europe. 1500 New Zealand\u2019s Maori culture enters C.1470 its classic phase: tribes develop finely The Peruvian kingdom of Chimor made bone tools and weapons, is conquered by the Incas, ending elaborate wood carvings, textiles, Chim\u00fa culture; the Inca Empire and tattoos, large hilltop forts and extends 2,500 miles (C.4,000km). earthwork settlements (pa), and some 396 TIMELINES OF WORLD HISTORY","of the biggest war canoes ever built. securing almost all the Muslim holy France relinquishes its rights in Italy, 1543 This Stone Age society remains places in Southwest Asia. Flanders, and Artois; Charles V A new scientific age begins: Polish intact until Europeans arrive in 1642 renounces his claims to Burgundy. astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus and introduce metal technologies. 1517 shows that Earth orbits the sun, Martin Luther publishes his Ninety- 1529\u20131566 not the other way around, in On the 1501 Five Theses in Wittenberg, Saxony, Suleiman the Magnificent\u2019s reign is Revolution of the Heavenly Bodies; and Ismail I founds the Safavid dynasty triggering the Reformation; the the longest of the Ottoman Empire; Andreas Vesalius\u2019s On the Fabric of the and becomes Shah of Persia; he religious revolt against the Western his failed siege of Vienna in 1529 Human Body presents the empirical seizes Baghdad, makes Isfahan his Church leads to a lasting schism halts Ottoman expansion in central evidence of human dissection. capital, and goes east to Afghanistan between Catholics and Protestants. Europe, but he gains large territories and the edge of the Mughal Empire. in the Middle East and North Africa. 1545\u20131547 1519 The Council of Trent meets to 1501\u20131502 Hern\u00e1n Cort\u00e9s lands in Mexico and 1531 counter the threat of Protestantism Amerigo Vespucci reaches the coast marches on Tenochtitl\u00e1n, the Aztec Spanish conquistador Francisco by reforming and remodeling the of Brazil and continues southward; capital; the city falls in 1521, the Pizarro lands in Peru; in 1533, he Catholic Church, and instigates the he realizes this is not the eastern edge Aztec emperor is executed in 1525, executes the Inca emperor and Counter Reformation. The Spanish of Asia (as Columbus thought) but a and the Spanish now dominate conquers the Inca capital, Cuzco. discover huge silver deposits in separate continent. The Americas Central America. Charles I, the Potos\u00ed, Bolivia; mines here and in are later named after him. Habsburg king of Spain, is elected 1534 Mexico finance the Spanish Empire. Holy Roman Emperor as Charles V. Ignatius Loyola founds the Jesuits, 1502 a Catholic order of priests that leads 1552 Start of the Atlantic slave trade 1520 the Counter Reformation. Henry Henri II of France allies with between Europe, West Africa, and Financed by Spain, Portuguese VIII of England, denied a divorce Maurice of Saxony to drive the Americas: the first shipment of explorer Ferdinand Magellan by the pope, breaks with Rome Charles V from Germany. African slaves is sent to Cuba to work discovers a navigable route around and founds the Church of England, in Spanish settlements. the tip of South America, providing with the king as its supreme head. 1555 a western passage to the Spice Charles V concedes the Peace of 1503\u20131506 Islands and cementing Spain\u2019s global 1534 Augsburg, allowing German princes In Florence, Italy, Leonardo da Vinci role; his fleet completes the first Jacques Cartier explores parts of to be Protestant or Catholic. paints the Mona Lisa, which becomes circumnavigation of the globe in Newfoundland and the Gulf of St. the most famous work of the 1522. Smallpox strikes the Aztecs; Lawrence, opening the way for 1556 Renaissance, and Michelangelo over the next 100 years, diseases French settlement of Canada. Akbar succeeds his father Humayun unveils his statue of David in 1504. brought to the Americas from as Mughal emperor in India and Europe kill up to 20 million people, 1536 presides over an enormous expansion 1510\u20131512 or 95 percent of the population. Wales and England are formally Afonso de Albuquerque secures Goa united by the Act of Union. as Portugal\u2019s principal base in India; 1526 Henry VIII begins the he oversees the capture of Malacca, Portuguese ships complete the first dissolution of monasteries the first Portuguese settlement in transatlantic slave voyage from in England, executes Southeast Asia; he also sponsors the Africa to the Americas; within 100 his second wife Anne first Portuguese voyage to the Spice years, they transport around 10,000 Boleyn, and crushes a Islands (the Moluccas), which slaves a year from Angola to Brazil. Catholic revolt. Francisco Serrao reaches in 1512. 1526 1541 1513 The Mughal Empire is founded in A Jesuit mission to Juan Ponce de Le\u00f3n reaches Florida, northern India: Babur, descended Southeast Asia sets out marking Spain\u2019s first contact with from Genghis Khan, defeats the from Portugal; led by mainland North America. He also Afghan sultan of Delhi, Ibrahim Francis Xavier, it reaches discovers the Atlantic\u2019s Gulf Stream; Lodi, and declares himself emperor. Goa, the Spice Islands, understanding this system of currents China, and Japan. and winds in the Atlantic is a crucial 1527 aid to navigators in the age of sail. The sack of Rome by Charles V\u2019s \u25b6 Babur, India\u2019s first imperial troops is the most shocking Mughal emperor, was 1514 event of the Italian Wars; the papal outnumbered by Ibrahim Ottomans crush the Safavid Persians Holy League is crushed. Lodi\u2019s men at the Battle of at the Battle of Chaldiran, northwest Panipat in 1526, but his Iran; Sultan Selim I then sweeps into 1529 firearms and field artillery Syria and Mamluk Egypt, greatly Under the Peace of Cambrai, a scattered the enemy\u2019s increasing Ottoman territories and temporary truce in the Italian Wars, terrified war elephants and gave him a decisive victory. EARLY MODERN WORLD 397","\u25c0 Queen Elizabeth I the New World. Francis Drake allows Protestants to practice their displays England\u2019s power establishes the first English colony religion, and marks the end of the and wealth in this portrait at in North America, in Roanoake, French Wars of Religion. Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire. Virginia; it is abandoned in 1590. 1600 of Mughal power. Under Ivan IV remains the most widely 1586 The Battle of Sekigahara gives (\u201cthe Terrible\u201d), Russia expands used. In 1570, Abraham Drake raids Spanish Caribbean Tokugawa Ieyasu control of Japan; southward to destroy the Khanate of Ortelius produces the settlements; in 1587 he is sent by he founds the Tokugawa shogunate Astrakhan and control trade routes first modern atlas, Elizabeth I to raid Portuguese and that rules Japan in the Edo Period to Central Asia. Theatre of the World. Spanish ships and ports, including (1603\u20131867). The East India Cadiz, southern Spain. Company is granted a royal charter 1558 1571 in London, to compete with Spain Elizabeth I becomes Queen of The naval Battle of 1588 and Portugal for trade in the East England (to 1603). Ivan IV continues Lepanto off Greece is the Philip II\u2019s Spanish Armada of 130 Indies; it ends up trading mostly Russian expansion with settlements last major clash between ships sets out to conquer England, in India and China, becoming a in the Khanate of Sibir (Siberia). galley ships: a combined but is beaten by English seamanship diplomatic and military force in Christian fleet under the and terrible storms. Britain\u2019s rapidly expanding empire. 1565 command of Don Juan The first Spanish colony in the of Austria, illegitimate 1588\u20131629 1602 Philippines is a settlement on Cebu. son of Charles V, halts Shah Abbas I rules Safavid Persia; The Dutch East India Company is Ottoman expansion in he quashes political discord, reforms founded; it ousts the Portuguese from 1565\u20131572 the Mediterranean. the army, regains territory that was the Spice Islands in 1605, laying the Ivan IV\u2019s reign of terror destroys the lost to the Ottomans, Portuguese, foundations for the Dutch East Asian Russian boyars (hereditary nobility) 1572 and Mughals, and moves the capital trading empire, and becomes the and seizes their estates. The massacre of the Huguenots in to Isfahan, turning it into one of the most successful commercial venture Paris is the worst atrocity in the most beautiful cities in the world. in the world for the next 100 years. 1568\u20131648 French Wars of Religion (1562\u2013 In the Dutch Revolt, seven northern, 1598); more than 3,000 Huguenots 1590 1606 largely Protestant provinces of the are killed in Paris on August 24, and Under a treaty negotiated between Portuguese navigator Luis Vaez de Low Countries, rebel against up to 20,000 across France during Safavid Persia and the Ottomans, Torres is the first European to sight Catholic rule by Philip II of Spain; the following weeks. Ottoman frontiers extend to the the southern continent, Australia; led by William the Silent of Orange, Caucasus and the Caspian Sea. Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon the northern provinces declare 1576 lands on the north Australian coast. independence in 1581; the southern Mughal forces overrun Bengal 1591 provinces remain loyal to Spain. in north India. The sultan of Morocco invades 1607 the Songhay Empire, lured by the Jamestown, Virginia, is the first 1569 1580 trans-Saharan gold trade; this and permanent English settlement in Flemish cartographer Gerardus Philip II of Spain unites the Spanish the dynastic disputes after the death North America; it exports its first Mercator\u2019s world map shows the true and Portuguese crowns following the of Emperor Askia Daud are key tobacco crop in 1612. compass bearing of every landmass death of the king of Portugal in battle factors in the empire\u2019s decline. for the first time; his projection in 1578. Toyotomi Hideyoshi completes his 1608 unification of Japan and moves his The invention of the telescope\u2014 1581 powerbase to Edo (Tokyo). credited to Dutch lens maker Hans In the Netherlands, the Act of Lippershey and others\u2014is a major Abjuration renounces oaths of loyalty 1592\u20131593 advance in scientific observation; in to Philip II of Spain, deposing him as Japan\u2019s invasion of Korea is repulsed 1610, Italian scientist Galileo Galilei ruler of the United Provinces and by Korea\u2019s heavily armed ships and observes Jupiter\u2019s moons orbiting the asserting their independence. by Chinese intervention. planet, showing that not everything revolves around Earth. 1582\u20131598 1593\u20131606 1608 Toytomi Hideyoshi is shogun; he The Long Turkish War between French explorer Samuel de unifies Japan, forcing rival warlords Habsburgs and Ottomans: clashes Champlain founds Quebec, New to capitulate, and issues an edict to in Hungary and the Balkans shake France (Canada); expeditions west of Jesuits, banning Christianity. the Habsburg\u2013Ottoman frontier. the Great Lakes seek out rich hunting grounds for the fur trade; across 1585 1595 North America, French, Dutch, and British traders vie to meet European Chocolate is introduced to Europe; Henri IV seeks to unite religious demand for beaver and other pelts. the first commercial shipment of divisions in France by declaring war cacao beans arrives in Spain from on Spain; his Edict of Nantes in 1598 398 TIMELINES OF WORLD HISTORY"]

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