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Big Ideas Simply Explained - The Mythology Book

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["INDEX 349 Pygmalion 120, 120 San Bushmen 265, 284 Styx, River 48, 63, 100, 113 Pyramid Texts 265, 283 Saoshyant 199 sub-Saharan mythologies 265, 284\u201397 Pyramus and Thisbe 124 Saraswati 200 Sumerian mythology 12, 180, 186, 192\u201397 Pyrrha 37\u201338, 38, 197 Saturn 26, 108 Sumitra 207 Pythia 58, 58, 59 satyrs 46, 108, 109 Sun Wukong 218 Python 58, 59 seasonal cycle 17, 51, 89, 117, 184\u201387, 227 Surt 153, 156 Sedna 236 Susanoo 181, 221, 222\u201325, 223 Q Segur 332\u201333 Suttung 142, 143 seidr 152 Svart\u00e1lfheim 136, 137 Qingu 189 Sekhmet 270\u201371 syncretism 35 Quetzalcoatl 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255 Selene 23 Quirinus 105, 107 Semele 45, 52 T S\u00e9tanta 167 R Seth 269, 270, 272, 273, 278, 279, 280\u201382 Ta\u2019aroa 300\u201301, 316, 316\u201317 Sha Wujing 219, 219 Tablet of Destinies 189 Ra (Egyptian sun god) 268, 269, 269, 271, Shakespeare, William 16, 124 T\u2019aebaek-san, Mount 228, 228, 229, 231 272\u201375, 274, 279, 280, 282, 283 shamans 152, 241, 241, 265 Tahitian mythology 316\u201317 Shamash 194\u201395 Talos 79 Ra (Polynesian sun god) 323 shape-shifting Tane 301, 317, 318, 319, 321 Ragnar\u00f6k 133, 138, 139, 148, 152\u201357 Tangaroa 319 Rainbow Serpent 305\u201306, 306, 307 Greek 44\u201345 Tantalus 49 Rama 181, 204\u201309, 207, 209 Hindu 200, 210 Taranis 128 Ramayana 13, 180, 204\u201309 Native American 242 Tarchetius 104 Rangi 318, 318 Norse 142\u201343, 144\u201345, 147, 159 Tarpeia 105 Rapa Nui people 324\u201325 Roman 106, 122\u201323 Tarquinius Superbus 111 Ravana 206, 207, 208, 209, 209 sub-Saharan 265 Tartarus 33, 49 Raven and the Whale 242\u201343 Shatarupa 200 Tata 251 Regin 158 Shatrughna 207 Tawa 238, 239 Rhea 21, 23, 26\u201327, 116 Shintoism 221, 223 Tawhirimatea 318, 319 Rhea Silvia 103 Shiva 201, 210, 211 Te Samoa 328\u201329 Roman mythology 13, 92\u2013125 Shu 268, 269 Te Sema 329 Rome, founding of 94, 95, 100, 102\u201305, 116 Shurpanakha 208 Tecciztecatl 254, 255 Romulus and Remus 94, 100, 102\u201305 Sia 269, 272 Tefnut 268, 269 rongorongo boards 325 Sibyl of Cumae 99, 100, 110\u201311, 111 Tehuelche people 260\u201361 Ru 322\u201323 Sibylline Books 111 Telemachus 68, 71 Rugarug-\u00e9vai 315 Siduri 195, 197 Teotihuac\u00e1n 255 runes 139, 157, 157 Sif 144, 144, 149 Tethys 21, 22 Sigmund 158 Tezcatlipoca 250\u201351, 251, 252 S Sigurd 129 Thakur Deo 212 Sigurd Fafnisbane 158\u201359 Theia 21, 23 Sabine women, rape of 104\u201305, 105 Silenua 122 Themis 21, 23 Saga of the V\u00f6lsungs 158 Silenus 90, 109 theoi agoraioi 31 Sagaritis 117 Silver Age 38 theoi daitioi 31 St. George and the Dragon 159 Sirens 71 theoi ktesioi 31 Saku 328\u201331 Sisyphus 49 Thera (Santorini) 91 Salmon of Knowledge 169 Sita 206, 207, 208\u201309 Theseus 76\u201377, 77, 79 Samguk Yusa 229 skaldic verse 131, 143 Thetis 62, 63 Samhat 192, 195 Skidbladnir 144, 145 Thialfi 146, 147 Sami (Mahu) 312, 313 Skog Tapestry 136 Thor 132, 144, 145, 146\u201347, 147, 153, 156, 159 Sampo 161, 162, 162, 163 Sk\u00f6ll 155, 157 Skylla 71 Thor\u2019s hammer 145, 145, 157 Sleipnir 141, 141, 148 Thoth 269, 270, 273, 280, 282 Snorri Sturluson 128 Thrym 145 Gylfaginning 152, 155\u201357 Tiahuizcalpantecuhtli 255 Prose Edda 13, 130\u201333, 131, 137, 139, 141, Tiamat 159, 188, 188\u201389 143, 146, 147, 149, 152, 154 Tiberinus 101 S\u00f3l 133 Ti\u2019iti\u2019i 321 Sophocles 16, 65, 85 tiki 317, 317 Sosom 315 Tikopian mythology 13, 328\u201331 Sparta 33, 45 Sphinx 86, 87 Spider Woman 238\u201339, 239 Stymphalian birds 74","350 INDEX Tintagel Castle 174, 175 Valkyries 139, 157, 159 Xiwangmu 217 Tired-Ones 226 Valmiki 209 Xmucane 244, 245\u201346 Tiresias 71, 87, 114 Valur 332\u2013333 Xochiquetzal 251 Titanomachy 32\u201333, 36, 37 Vanaheim 136, 140 Xquic 245, 245, 246 Titans 21, 22\u201323, 26, 28, 32\u201333, 36, 47, 49, 52 Vanir 136, 140\u201341, 152 Xuanzang 219, 219 Titicaca, Lake 256, 257, 257 V\u00e9 132, 133 Tlaloc 251 Venus 98, 101, 109, 112, 113, 120 Y Tlaltecuhtli 251\u201352 Vertumnus 122, 122\u201323 Tocapo 256 Vesta 104, 108, 108\u201309 Yamata-no-Orochi 225 Tonatiuh 254, 254, 255 Vestal Virgins 103, 104, 109 Yao 216, 217 tricksters 55, 144\u201347, 235, 265, 286\u201387, 294\u201397, Vidar 153, 156, 157 Yggdrasil 134\u201339, 138, 153, 154, 156, 157 Vigrid 156 Yi the archer 181, 216, 216\u201317 319, 320\u201323 Vili 132, 133 Yin and Yang 181, 214, 215 Trimurti 210 Viracocha 235, 256, 256\u201357 Ymaymana 256 Trojan War 16, 38, 62\u201363, 64, 95, 98 Vishnu 181, 203, 206\u201307, 210 Ymir 131, 131, 132, 132, 133 Tsukuyomi 221 Vishvamitra 207 Yomotsu-shikome 221 Tu 317, 318, 319 vodou religions 265, 295, 297 Yorta Yorta people 306\u201307 Tuatha D\u00e9 Danaan 164 Voluptas 113 Yor\u00f9b\u00e1 mythology 295\u201397 Tulsidas 207 V\u00f6lusp\u00e1 136, 137, 148, 152\u201355, 157 Yudhishthira 203 Turnus 101 Vritra 159 Yuwha 230\u201331 Tyakoort Woorroong people 307 Vucub-Caquix 246 Typhon 49 Vulgate Cycle 174, 176 Z Tyr 156 Tzitzimimeh 253, 254 W Zephyrus 35, 113 Zeus 22, 23, 27\u201328, 27, 29, 29, 30, 31, 32, 32, U Wangai 314 war of the gods 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 47, 51, 59, 81, Uaba 314\u201315 89, 91, 94, 114 Ualiwamb 314\u201315 Greek mythology 32\u201333, 36, 37 affairs of Zeus 42\u201347, 52, 54, 55, 72, 77, 82 Ulster Cycle 129, 166 Norse mythology 140\u201341 shape-shifting 44\u201347, 72, 77 Underworld Warao people 235, 258\u201359, 258 Zhu Bajie 219, 219 Warramurrungundji 304\u201305 Zipacna 246, 247 Aztec 252 Warungai 314 Zongbu 217 Egyptian 272, 273, 280, 282\u201383 Water Beetle 236, 236 Zoroastrianism 180, 181, 198\u201399 Greek 28, 33, 48\u201351, 53 Wathaurong people 306 Zurvan 198 Japanese 220\u201321 Wauta 258\u201359 Maori 319 Weighing of the Heart 282\u201383, 282 Mesoamerican 244\u201345, 247 Welsh mythology 169, 170\u201371 Mesopotamian 185\u201386, 195\u201396 Wendeuk 261 Native American 238 Werieng 332\u201333 Norse 136, 137, 149 whale hunt, sacred 243 Polynesian 321\u201322 Wigan 226\u201327 Roman 100, 100, 110 Woge 240\u201341 Ungnyeo 229 Wokabu 314 Urdarbrunn 137, 138, 140 wolf of Manala 163 Urshanabi 195, 196 Wooden Horse of Troy 63, 63, 98 Utgarda-Loki 146\u201347 Work of the Gods 330\u201331 Uther Pendragon 174\u201375 World Renewal ceremonies 240, 241 Utnapishtim 195\u201396, 196, 197 World Tree see Yggdrasil Utu 187 VX V\u00e4in\u00e4m\u00f6inen 161, 162, 163, 163 Xbalanque 244\u201347 Valhalla 133, 139 Xihe 216 V\u00e1li 157 Xipetotec 250, 252","351 QUOTE ATTRIBUTIONS ANCIENT GREECE NORTHERN EUROPE THE AMERICAS 18 Theogony, Hesiod 130 Poetic Edda, Anonymous 236 Myths of the Cherokee, James Mooney 24 Theogony, Hesiod 134 Poetic Edda, Anonymous 238 A Dictionary of Creation Myths, David 32 Dionysiaca, Nonnus 140 Poetic Edda, Anonymous 34 Odyssey, Homer 142 Prose Edda, Snorri Sturluson Adams Leeming 36 Theogony, Hesiod 144 Prose Edda, Snorri Sturluson 240 Yurok Myths, Alfred Louis Kroeber 40 Works and Days, Hesiod 146 Prose Edda, Snorri Sturluson 242 The Eskimo about Bering Strait, Edward 42 Library, Pseudo-Apollodorus 148 Prose Edda, Snorri Sturluson 48 Theogony, Hesiod 150 Poetic Edda, Anonymous W. Nelson 50 Homeric Hymn to Demeter, Anonymous 158 V\u00f6lsunga Saga, Anonymous 244 Popol Vuh, Anonymous 52 Bacchae, Euripides 160 Kalevala, compiled by Elias L\u00f6nnrot 248 Codex Chimalpopoca, Anonymous 53 Library, Pseudo-Apollodorus 164 Lebor Gab\u00e1la \u00c9renn, Anonymous 256 The History of the Incas, Pedro Sarmiento 54 Homeric Hymn to Hermes, Anonymous 165 The Voyage of Bran, Son of Febal, to the 56 Description of Greece, Pausanius de Gamboa 58 Homeric Hymn to Apollo, Anonymous Land of the Living, Kuno Meyer 258 Folk Literature of the Warao Indians, 60 Metamorphoses, Ovid 166 Cuchulain of Muirthemne, Lady Augusta 62 Iliad, Homer Johannes Wilbert 64 Oresteia, Aeschylus Gregory 260 Folk Literature of the Tehuelche Indians, 66 Odyssey, Homer 168 Tales and Sketches, William Carleton 72 Library, Pseudo-Apollodorus 170 Mabinogion, Lady Charlotte E. Guest Johannes Wilbert and Karin Simoneau 76 Life of Theseus, Plutarch 172 Le Morte d\u2019Arthur, Sir Thomas Malory 78 Library, Pseudo-Apollodorus ANCIENT EGYPT 82 Library, Pseudo-Apollodorus ASIA AND AFRICA 84 Medea, Euripides 86 Oedipus Tyrannus, Sophocles 182 Descent of Inanna, Anonymous 266 Coffin Texts, Anonymous 88 Metamorphoses, Ovid 188 Enuma Elish, Anonymous 272 \u201cHymn to the Sun God,\u201d Coffin Texts, 90 Metamorphoses, Ovid 190 The Epic of Gilgamesh, Anonymous 91 Timaeus, Plato 198 Yasna 30, Hymn of Zarathustra Anonymous, 200 Brahmanda Purana, Anonymous 274 Legends of the Egyptian Gods, E. A. Wallis ANCIENT ROME 201 Shiva Purana, Anonymous 202 Mahabharata, Vyasa Budge 96 Aeneid, Virgil 204 Ramayana, Valmik 276 Pyramid Texts, Anonymous 102 History of Rome, Livy 210 Markandeya Purana, Anonymous 284 First Light: A History of Creation Myths, 106 Fasti, Ovid 211 Tiruvilayaadal Puranam, Paranjothi Munivar 108 Fasti, Ovid 212 \u201cMeenakshi! Me Mudam Dehi,\u201d Muthuswami G. R. Evans 110 Metamorphoses, Ovid 285 Oral Literature of the Maasai, Naomi Kipury 112 Metamorphoses, Apuleius Dikshitar 286 African Folktales in the New World, William 114 Metamorphoses, Ovid 214 Historical Records, Xu Zheng 115 Metamorphoses, Ovid 216 Huainanzi Russell Bascom 116 Fasti, Ovid 218 Journey to the West, Wu Cheng\u2019en 288 Conversations with Ogotemm\u00eali, Marcel 118 De Antro Nympharum, Porphyry 220 Kojiki, O no Yasumaro 120 Metamorphoses, Ovid 222 Kojiki, O no Yasumaro Griaule 121 Fasti, Ovid 226 The Religion of the Ifugaos, Roy Franklin 294 \u201cEshu-Elegba: The Yoruba Trickster God,\u201d 122 Metamorphoses, Ovid 124 Metamorphoses, Ovid Barton African Arts, John Pemberton 125 Metamorphoses, Ovid 228 Samguk Yusa, Iryon 230 Gusamguksa, Kim Bu-sik OCEANIA 302 Jacob Nayinggul, Manilakarr clan 308 The Speaking Land, Ronald M. Berndt and Catherine H. Berndt 310 D\u00e9ma, Jan van Baal 316 The World of the Polynesians, Antony Alpers 318 Polynesian Mythology, Sir George Grey 320 Myths and Songs from the South Pacific, William Wyatt Gill 324 Ethnology of Easter Island, Albert M\u00e9traux, 326 Tikopia Ritual and Belief, Raymond Firth 332 A Flower in My Ear, Edwin G. Burrows","ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Dorling Kindersley would like to thank Rabia Ahmad, Photo: Paul Fearn. 122 Alamy Stock Photo: Art LC-USZ62-101261. 242 Getty Images: Werner Forman. Anjali Sachar, and Sonakshi Singh for design assistance. Collection 2. 123 Alamy Stock Photo: Classic Image. 243 Alamy Stock Photo: Chronicle (bl). Getty Images: 125 Alamy Stock Photo: PAINTING. 131 Alamy Stock Werner Forman (tr). 245 Alamy Stock Photo: age PICTURE CREDITS Photo: Heritage Image Partnership Ltd (bl). National fotostock (br); Chronicle (bl). 246 Getty Images: Werner Gallery of Denmark: Nicolai Abildgaard (tr). 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