Corporate Strategy Perspective Two major tasks of corporate strategy: BUSINESS SELECTION What business should we own or divest, how portfolio mix should we balance. VALUE ENHANCING What organizational structure, management process, and philosophy should we develop to foster superior performance. The best corporations create more value than any of their rivals if they owned the same business 238
Existing Value Enchancing Concept Corporations will create more value if they are able to build related business portfolio. BCG Matrix The businesses are related if their cash, profit, and growth performance create a balance within portfolio (star, cash cow, and question mark). Core Competence Concept (Hamel & Prahalad, 1990) The businesses are related if they shared technical or operating competencies. BCG Matrix 239
Deficiencies Those concepts does not account for the success of broad diversified corporations (e.g. GE). Those concepts has not provided practical guidelines for developing corporate-level strategy. Campell, Goold, and Alexander (1995) proposed The Parenting Model to fill those deficiencies. This model was built based on the fitness between parent (corporation) and its businesses (SBUs). Parenting Concept Investors Investment Fitness Corporate B Company Corporate A SBU-A1 SBU-A2 SBU-B1 SBU-B2 Firm 2 Firm Value Firm Value Firm Value = 100 = 70 = 75 Parenting Advantage 240
Corporate Strategy Framework Parent FIT Business (SBU) Characteristics Characteristics Parent’s Parenting Environmental Rivals Advantage Changes Decision about Decision about the parent FIT the portfolio Assessing Fitness Understanding the business Identify Improvement Areas Identify CSF Identify Parenting for each businesses Opportunity (PO) FIT = add value = • Portfolio decisions FIT = add value = • Characteristics parent knows the Parent knows business, and decisions where the influence improvement operational Understanding the business opportunities is positively Evaluate Parent Characteristics (PC) 241
Identify Critical Success Factors Critical Success Factors Food Property Resto Retail Hotel Production VV V Product branding V VV V V VV Selling V V V V V V Product mix mgt VV V VV V Capacity utilization VV V VV V Biz development skill V V Formula branding V V Positioning to match locality V Site selection Property development cost Value engineering 240 Detailed operating control Mgt selection & training V Supply chain logistic VV Low overhead Identify Parenting Opportunities By analyzing this areas: PO might be identified on: • Major challenges facing a • Size and age business • Management • Business definition • Influence of parent on a • Predictable errors business • Linkages • Common capabilities • Influence of parent rivals • Special expertise on same business • External relations • Major decisions • Major changes 242
Identify Parenting Opportunities Identifying improvement areas in business, through analyzing: Major challenges facing a business Example: restaurant business face two challenges: (1) expand capacity, and (2) lower cost by increasing purchasing. Influence of parent on business Retail, restaurant, and hotel business need training facilities to improve their leaders’ management skill. Influence of rivals on same business It can be obtained by public documents, individuals in rival companies, consultant, or benchmarking. Parent Characteristics Mental map: value, aspiration, rule of thumb, success formula that guide parent managers as they deal with the business Structure, System, Process: mechanism through with the parent creates value, e.g. HR system, budgeting, decision making structure, capital approval system, information flow, etc. Central functions and Resources: function and resources that are managed by parent, e.g. patent, brand, government relation. Managers’ capabilities: people with unique skill and experience, or key individuals in parent organization. Decentralization: delegation of responsibilities and authority from parent to its business. 243
Fitness Judgement Judge the fitness by answering these questions honestly: Does the parent have PC that fit the PO? Can the parent exploit the upside potential of those relationship? Is there a fitness between PC with business’s CSF? What is the potential downside of the relationship? Parenting-Fix Matrix Heartland High Ballast Edge of Heartland CSF – PC Fitness Alien Low Territory Value Trap Low PO – PC Fit High 244
Example Heartland High Ballast Resto Property CSF – PC Fitness Edge of Heartland Food Retail Product Hotel Low Alien Territory Value Trap Low PO – PC Fit High Heartland Business None of PCs conflict with business’s CSF. Parent is able to identify which area can be improved to add more value to its business. Heartland business = core business. Priority to improve. PCs that fit its heartland business = core competence. 245
Edge of Heartland Business For some business, making clear judgment is difficult. Some PCs fit, but others do not. Net value added almost zero. Parent should learn more enough about CSF to avoid destroying business’s value. Case: Unilever acquired Calvin Klein (CK) o Unilever did not impose its famous talent on CK o Unilever did not use market research to launch CK’ upmarket perfumes o Unilever treated CK as a global business (not regional) Ballast Business Most portfolios contain a number of ballast business Majority of PCs fit CSF comfortably, but parent can not find potential for further improvement (POs). Ballast business is a source of stability. Most managers instinctively choose to hold on. When environment change, it can turn into alien territory. Parent should find POs, or divest them to other parent as they can get good price (even that business contribute big revenue) Parent with too many ballast business can easily become target for a takeover 246
Alien-Territory Business Most PCs misfit both either CSF or POs. These business is more likely to destroy than to create value Æ normally, parent should divest them. Nevertheless, parent managers often have many reason to hold on, e.g.: business is currently profitable, in the process of a turnaround, has growth potential, parent is learning how to improve fitness, there are few ready buyer, there is commitment from business manager, POWER bias, so forth. Food product industry has become international, thus national business is less competitive. Parent has little international experience, Value-Trap Business They are business with a fit in POs, but misfit in CSF. The POs often blinds parent to the misfit. Example: Hotel business in food company The parent believe its restaurant and retail skill would bring success in the hotel business Parent initially saw it as edge of heartland experiment, with POs in food purchasing, property development cost, and performance benchmarking. But value was destroyed in other vital areas: selling skill, referral from other business, and specialized site selection, where parent has not enough skill on them. 247
Make Decision From Parenting-Fit Matrix, parent might: o Acquire or divest business o Change PC (skill, resources, mental map, etc) Researches suggest that PC are built on deeply held values and beliefs, so they are hard to change fundamentally, even parent parents constantly modify and fine-tune their PCs. Parents are coming to understand that it is often easier to change the portfolio to fit the PC, than to change PC to fit the businesses. This realization accounts for the rise in demerges and corporate-level breakup. Summary Recommended Action for Parent Business Heartland Hold on and Improve Edge of • Learn more about business’s CSF Heartland • Improve some parent’s skill (if possible) • Move business into Heartland Ballast • Evaluate the business environment changes • Find POs as soon as possible, or • Divest to other parent Alien Territory • Evaluate objectively the judgment for these business • Divest quickly Value Trap • Evaluate objectively vital CSFs that do not fit PC • Improve some parent’s skill (if possible), or • Divest to other parent 248
Corporate vs. Business Challenge Business Corporate Purpose Increase parenting advantage Build competitive advantage Beat competitors by: Competitor • Add more value to its businesses Beat competitors to: • Grow revenue and profit • Other parent companies which • Grow market share own similar business • Other businesses in industry • Investment institutions • Substitutes 249
Indarto Pamoengkas : CFO Pupuk Indonesia AGENDA 1 Sekilas Pembukaan 2 Kinerja Pupuk Indonesia Group 3 Pencapaian & Program Kerja Direktorat Keuangan 4 Dukungan kepada Anak Perusahaan 5 Penataan Cucu Perusahaan 250
Profil CFO Informasi Pak Indarto atau lebih dikenal dengan “Pak In” resmi ditunjuk menjadi Direktur Singkat Keuangan pada tahun 2015. Selain menjadi Leader pada Direktorat Keuangan, beliau juga sering menginspirasi banyak insan PI melalui pemikiran strategis dan Pengalaman visi bekerjanya. 1. Direktur Keuangan PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) (2015 – now) 2. Komisaris Utama PT Rekayasa Industri (2016 – now) 3. Ketua Dewan Pengawas Dana Pensiun Mandiri (2015) 4. SVP Corporate Banking PT Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk (2012 - 2015) 5. Auditor Arthur Anderson (1990 - 1991) 6. Junior Accountant Caltex Pacific Indonesia (1989 - 1990) Pendidikan Master Degree of Accounting Management Bachelor Degree in Economics Penghargaan Indonesia Best CFO 2017 BUMN Track Award 2018 Peran & Fungsi CFO Controllership Duties Treasury Duties Forecasting & Strategy Mengorganisasi sistem pelaporan Melakukan supervisi kondisi Melakukan prediksi ekonomi dan dan transaksi keuangan. Sistem keuangan saat ini, capital pelaporan ini berfungsi sebagai structure, dan peluang investasi perencanaan investasi dalam bahan keputusan stakeholders rangka meningkatkan nilai perusahaan dengan memperhatikan risiko 251
Portfolio Strategy Seni untuk melakukan aktivitas investasi atau penempatan modal yang tepat dan proporsional dalam rangka mengoptimalkan imbal hasil. Tujuan Capital Allocation • Pertumbuhan nilai perusahaan • Keamanan nilai pokok investasi • Imbal hasil yang konsisten • Diversifikasi risiko Benchmark Kinerja Investasi 2018 NO Sektor Usaha Status Perusahaan Nama Perusahaan ROI Pay Out Ratio 1 BUMN Adhi Karya 4,49% 20% 2 KONTRAKTOR BUMN Wijaya Karya 3 BUMN Pembangunan Perumahan 7,41% 30% 4 Anak Usaha BUMN Rekayasa Industri 5 Swasta Chandra Asri Petrochemicals 7,87% 20% 6 Swasta Indofood Sukses Makmur 7 BUMN Semen Indonesia 5,88% 0% 8 MANUFAKTUR BUMN Pupuk Indonesia 9 Anak Usaha BUMN PKT 12,20% 40% 10 Anak Usaha BUMN Pusri 11 Anak Usaha BUMN PKG 12,72% 50% 12 Anak Usaha BUMN PKC 13 Swasta Ramayana Lestari 13,55% 27% 14 PERDAGANGAN Swasta Mitra Adi Perkasa 15 Anak Usaha BUMN Mega Eltra 9,49% 25% Source : Laporan Tahunan 13,32% 35% 8,73% 30% 11,44% 35% 6,55% 25% 17,02% 66% 13,54% 8% 3,54% 0% 252
Benchmark Kinerja Investasi (PI Group) ROI ROE % 12 10 Risk Free Rate 7,98 % 8 6 4 2 PIHC PKG PKC PIM PSP PKT Rekind PI Logistik PI Energi PI Pangan Mega Eltra Highlights Kinerja Operasional KETERANGAN UNIT 2017 2018 H1 2019 RKAP Pencapaian 2019 1 2 3 4 5 (%) 6 Produksi Pupuk Ton 11.417.970 11.661.057 5.809.063 7=5:6 Produksi Non Pupuk Ton 6.908.830 6.753.174 3.292.792 11.901.500 Ton 9.101.855 7.264.930 48,81 TOTAL VOLUME PRODUKSI Ton 18.326.800 18.414.231 6.242.480 45,32 Penjualan Pupuk Ton 12.494.230 12.770.077 19.166.430 47,49 Penjualan Non Pupuk Ton 509.037 13.510.408 46,20 Rp Juta 1.145.082 1.162.417 6.751.517 36,99 TOTAL VOLUME PENJUALAN Rp Juta 13.639.311 13.933.194 21.478.356 1.375.967 45,35 Pendapatan Subsidi * Rp Juta 38.493.769 42.084.552 6.509.671 14.886.375 47,35 Pendapatan Pupuk Non Subsidi Rp Juta 10.126.873 13.306.837 1.916.837 45.359.286 40,52 Pendapatan Non Pupuk ** Rp Juta 4.950.176 16.064.971 33,11 Pendapatan Jasa & Lainnya 4.213.328 5.114.932 34.855.040 47,38 6.108.712 8.941.811 5.789.118 44,88 TOTAL PENDAPATAN 58.942.682 69.448.132 10.448.823 77.662.198 *) Terdiri dari Penjualan HET dan Penggantian HPP + Margin dari Pemerintah Sumber : Laporan Manajemen 2017 - 2018 Audited **) Terdiri dari Penjualan Amoniak, Asam Sulfat, Asam Fosfat, Alumunium Flourida dan lainnya 253
Highlights Kinerja Keuangan KETERANGAN UNIT 2017 2018 H1 2019 RKAP 2019 Pencapaian 1 2 3 4 5 6 (%) Kinerja Keuangan 7=5:6 Total Aset Rp Juta 128.488.026 138.903.479 139.319.083 134.489.508 103,59 Total Liabilitas Rp Juta 65.884.310 72.876.593 72.691.427 65.602.139 106,16 Total Ekuitas Rp Juta 62.603.715 66.026.886 66.627.656 68.887.369 Interest Bearing Debt Rp Juta 51.585.763 57.435.250 57.216.820 50.332.900 96,72 Total Pendapatan Rp Juta 58.942.682 69.448.132 34.855.040 77.662.198 109,60 EBITDA Rp Juta 10.288.765 12.583.358 5.787.786 12.774.118 Laba Tahun Berjalan Rp Juta 3.075.395 4.213.377 1.661.413 3.828.717 44,88 45,31 43,39 Rasio Keuangan % 131 235 233 139 Current Ratio (CR) % 82 87 86 73 DER (Interest Bearing Debt) % Debt Service Coverage Ratio 178 196 138 141 Sumber : Laporan Keuangan 2017 – 2018 Audited Pencapaian Direktorat Keuangan… 2018 EBITDA Value Creation Rp Juta 12.226.362 (Efisiensi) Rp Juta 1.018.659 Rp Juta Asuransi Bersama : 2016 2017 Efektivitas • Tahap II Pengelolaan Subsidi • Kesehatan 9.882.529 10.288.765 Efisiensi Konversi Saldo Laba - 144.740 541.490 Perpajakan Modal Disetor Kajian Dampak Implementasi Pinjaman Bersama Penyehatan Mega Eltra Perubahan Umur Aset Pedoman Alokasi Biaya Asuransi Bersama Tahap I Implementasi Negative Pledge Implementasi Notional Balanced Scorecard Pooling Account Penerbitan Obligasi PUB I Kajian SCM - Outbound Implementasi Revaluasi Aset Tetap Tahap I dan II Standard Costing Penyehatan Rekind Implementasi BPC Subsidi Peringkat Credit Rating Go Live Fase I Go Live Fase II Tertinggi AAA idn Catatan : Angka tahun 2018 adalah angka Unaudited 254
Pinjaman Bersama KMK (Cash & Non Cash Loan) Plafon per Des 2018 Rata-rata Utilisasi Fasilitas Bank Pendukung Efisiensi Biaya Bunga s.d Des 2018 Rp52,92 Triliun 50 - 60% Mandiri, BNI, BRI, BCA SMBC, DB, BTMU Rp383 Miliar Outstanding Pinjaman IDR Outstanding Pinjaman USD Catatan : - Per Des 2018 PI Induk tidak memiliki outstanding KMK. - Per Des 2018 ME, PIE, PILOG dan PIP tidak memiliki fasilitas pinjaman bersama. Pinjaman bersama memposisikan PI sebagai borrower dan anggota holding sebagai co-borrowers. Manfaat Pinjaman Bersama bagi PI group, antara lain : Efisiensi Biaya Bunga, Term & Conditions lebih baik, Negative Pledge, Memudahkan Monitoring Pinjaman dan Bankable bagi anggota holding. Penerbitan PUB Obligasi PI PUB I Tahap II (09 November 2017) PUB I Tahap I (12 Juli 2017) Penerbitan Pemanfaatan Total penerbitan obligasi tahun 2017 adalah sebesar Rp7,95 triliun. Dengan menerbitkan obligasi, secara efektif merelaksasi cash flow dan menurunkan suku bunga pinjaman perbankan rata-rata sebesar 9,225% p.a (Juni 2017) menjadi 7,848% p.a atau setara penghematan biaya bunga sebesar Rp111,30 miliar per tahun. 255
Notional Pooling Account Fasilitas Perbankan yang memberikan keleluasaan kepada perusahaan untuk mengkonsolidasikan likuiditas keuangan seluruh anggota Group tanpa adanya perpindahan fisik yang dananya dapat dimanfaatkan antar perusahaan sebagai pinjaman jangka pendek. Funding Lending Bunga Bunga Agen Perbankan Anggota Holding yang Anggota Holding punya kelebihan dana yang butuh dana Alternatif Sumber Pendanaan Efisiensi Biaya Bunga Meningkatkan fleksibilitas dan alternatif sumber Anggota holding yang dalam kondisi kurang baik pendanaan selain dari perbankan. Salah satu dapat meminjam dana dengan tingkat bunga yang breakthrough sumber pendanaan kompetitif (rata-rata 7%) sehingga biaya bunga secara konsolidasi dapat ditekan. Pengadaan Asuransi Bersama Tahun 2018 Pengadaan asuransi bersama tahap II dilaksanakan pada Semester I 2018 untuk memproteksi Marine (Hull & Cargo), Protection & Indemnity, Director & Officer Liability, Kendaraan Bermotor, Cash in Safe dan Cash ini Cashiers Box di PI Group. Efisiensi yang dihasilkan dari pengadaan asuransi bersama dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini: Paket Jenis Asuransi Eksisting Setelah Negosiasi Efisiensi Catatan Rp Juta - 1 - Marine Hull 9.173 8.720 452 - Protection & Indemnity 4.014 4.000 14 - Jumlah 13.187 12.720 466 1.200 2.729 Hasil negosiasi CIS & CICB 2 - Director & Officer Liability 3.929 985 Efisiensi Biaya : 6 200 lebih besar karena PKC - Kendaraan Bermotor 1.184 (3) melakukan penutupan baru. 51% - Cash in Safe & Cash in Cashiers Box 3 Jumlah 5.117 2.191 2.926 102.299 44.781 3 Marine Cargo 57.518 Nilai premi indikaktif. Aktual 44.781 premi akan berbanding lurus Jumlah 102.299 59.692 dengan realisasi pengiriman Total 1+2+3 120.603 barang pada 2018-2019. 57.518 60.911 Dari hasil pengadaan asuransi bersama tahap II dapat menghasilkan efisiensi sebesar Rp60,91 miliar dari nilai premi awal sebesar Rp120,60 miliar menjadi sekitar Rp59,69 miliar. 256
Kajian Supply Chain Management – Outbound KEBUTUHAN PUPUK 5 SKEMA SUBSIDI DARI PROGRAM INFRASTRUKTUR TAHUN KE DEPAN PEMERINTAH PEMERINTAH Pertimbangan atas target Pupuk Wacana perubahan skema subsidi Program pemerintah dalam (subsidi, non subsidi, new market, (petani vs produsen) yang dapat meningkatkan rute distribusi (tol kompetisi) ke depannya mengubah pasar laut, Trans Sumatra) SINERGI ANTAR ANAK PENGEMBANGAN PERANAN PIHC DALAM PERUSAHAAN PABRIK BARU SINERGI Sinergi untuk mengoptimasi kinerja Pertimbangan atas pabrik – pabrik Peranan dalam meningkatkan Pupuk Indonesia (perencanaan, baru ke depannya (contoh: Pabrik sinergi (strategik, taktikal) eksekusi) Urea PKG) Kajian Supply Chain Management – Outbound Rekomendasi utama dari desain baru proses: Dari Rekomendasi utama, analisa dilakukan dengan hasil desain jaringan baru proses distribusi : 1. Pemanfaatan Gudang Bersama Lini 3 dan Lini 2 1. Pemetaan pola distribusi seluruh Indonesia 2. Desain jaringan baru proses distribusi: 2. Sentralisasi penyimpanan di Gudang dengan proses distribusi crossdocking a. Gambaran detail untuk area pilot (Jawa Tengah dan DIY) b. Gambaran umum untuk seluruh Indonesia • Ringkasan penghematan dari hasil gambaran detil untuk area pilot (Jawa Tengah dan DIY)*: Area Penghematan Brownfield Greenfield-1 Greenfield-2** Biaya Distribusi 18.2M / 4.5% 24.1M / 6.0% 56.8M / 14.2% Biaya Fasilitas 11.6M / 21.2% 18.2M / 33.3% 25.9M / 47.5% TOTAL 29.8 M / 6.6% 36.3 M / 8.1% 90.7M / 19.9% • Ringkasan penghematan dari hasil gambaran umum di seluruh Indonesia***: 70.0M + 59.0M 129.0M (18 %) (2%) (4%) Penghematan dari Biaya Penghematan dari Biaya Gudang Transportasi Penghematan dari Biaya Total (Gudang + Transportasi) 257
Penyehatan Anggota Holding PT REKAYASA INDUSTRI PROGRAM PERBAIKAN KONDISI KEUANGAN 1 Negosiasi fasilitas kredit perbankan. Kinerja Rekind s.d Desember 2018 Year on Year (YoY) mengalami peningkatan, hal ini terlihat dari pertumbuhan pendapatan 2 Dukungan finansial berupa pinjaman Pemegang sebesar 30,93% dan laba tahun berjalan sebesar 58,50%. Sedangkan penurunan EBITDA disebabkan menurunnya gross Saham dan NPA. margin 2018 dibandingkan 2017. 3 Perbaikan sistem dan prosedur manajemen proyek. 4 Restrukturisasi pegawai (penyesuaian kontrak). Penyehatan Anggota Holding PT MEGA ELTRA PROGRAM PERBAIKAN KONDISI KEUANGAN 1 Dukungan finansial berupa pinjaman • Kinerja Mega Eltra s.d Desember 2018 (YoY) mengalami peningkatan, yang terlihat dari peningkatan pendapatan Pemegang Saham dan NPA. sebesar 49,03%, mulai positifnya EBITDA, walaupun masih mengalami kerugian yang disebabkan masih tingginya biaya 3 Peningkatan sinergi dengan anggota holding keuangan. lainnya. • Kerugian terjadi akibat beban bunga modal kerja yang tinggi dikarenakan piutang macet di PTPN Group. 4 Penjualan aset tanah dan bangunan 258 kepada Holding. 5 Peningkatan intensitas penagihan piutang usaha.
Program Kerja Tahun 2019 … Improvement & Compliance Funding Program Negative Percepatan Kontrak Optimalisasi Kajian Pledge & Optimalisasi Penagihan Piutang Implementasi Penagihan subsidi Usaha PSAK 71,72, 73 Pendanaan Proyek PI Group Implementasi dan Penyempurnaan Digitalisasi Finalisasi Standard Implementasi Kegiatan Optimalisasi Costing Hedging Anggaran Notional Pooling Account Harmonisasi dan Supply Chain Optimalisasi Luas Management Penilaian Credit Jaminan Polis Asuransi Rating Perusahaan Implementasi Sinergi Tax Balanced Scorecard Management Kondisi Saat Ini Kondisi keuangan yang kurang baik Persaingan Bisnis Sesama Cucu Performa bisnis dan keuangan beberapa Perusahaan anak & cucu perusahaan menunjukan performa yang kurang baik dan Terdapat persaingan di antara cucu perusahaan, cenderung memiliki size usaha yang kecil. sehingga pendapatan secara konsolidasi kurang dapat dioptimalkan. Peningkatan sinergi cucu 259 perusahaan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan secara konsolidasi dan memperbesar size perusahaan. Cucu perusahaan memiliki Lini Bisnis / Industri yang sama Berdasarkan pemetaan, terdapat beberapa cucu perusahaan yang melakukan bisnis di industri yang sejenis
Kondisi Saat Ini Cucu Perusahaan PI Group – Jenis Usaha (Contoh) Kawasan Kawasan Industri Kaltim Industrial Rekind Daya Kaltim Daya Industri Gresik Kujang Cikampek Estate Mamuju Mandiri Bisnis Kawasan Industri Bisnis Utilitas Petrosida Gresik Pusri Agro Lestari Kaltim Amonium Multi Nirotama Kaltim Jordan Petro Jordan Nitrat Kimia Abadi Abadi Bisnis Chemicals Terdapat Cucu Perusahaan dengan Industri Sejenis tersebar di beberapa Anak Perusahaan Kondisi Saat Ini Cucu Perusahaan PI Group 1 Aset • > 300 M : 6 Perusahaan • < 300 M : 8 Perusahan 2 Pendapatan • > 200 Milyar : 7 Perusahaan • < 200 Milyar : 7 Perusahaan 3 Laba • > 10 M : 9 Perusahan • < 10 M : 4 Perusahaan 4 Rugi 1 Perusahaan 260
Program Penataan Cucu Perusahaan (1) Clustering Anak & Cucu Perusahaan Pembakuan Sistem Tata Kelola Penataan Anak & Cucu Perusahaan Berbasis Kesamaan Bidang Usaha a.Terdapat unit kerja khusus yang menangani Anak perusahaan yang memiliki kesamaan bidang usaha dan penatausahaan anak & cucu perusahaan yang inline prospek bisnis dilakukan clustering untuk dapat antara holding dan anak perusahaan. meningkatkan size, memperluas pasar , mengurangi cost, dan meningkatkan profitabilitas : b.Pembuatan pedoman dan KPI spesifik dari proses penatausahaan tersebut. • Assesment Bidang Usaha, Peluang Bisnis dan Advantage Value • Penetapan Standar dalam melakukan Penatausahaan • Exit Ways • Strategi Merger & Acquisition Program Penataan Cucu Perusahaan (2) Sinergi Antar Anggota Holding Penguatan Struktur Modal Anak & Cucu Perusahaan Dapat memberikan pekerjaan langsung kepada anak & cucu Penambahan modal dari Anak Perusahaan lain untuk perusahaan (kecuali jasa konstruksi) berdasarkan surat No penguatan struktur modal serta peningkatan sinergi dan 04/MBU/09/2017 dari Kementrian BUMN tentang pedoman sharing profit di dalam satu grup (contoh PILOG melayani kerjasama BUMN. Dengan surat ini diharapkan tidak ada logistik, ME melayani trading). Penambahan modal keraguan lagi mengenai dasar hukum order kerja tersebut. digunakan untuk peningkatan skala keekonomisan sehingga Serta skema sinergi lainnya yang memungkinkan. lebih efisien. 261
Terima Kasih @Pt.Pupukindonesia @Pupuk_indonesia Pupuk Indonesia CREATIVE THINKING & PROBLEM SOLVING R. Nugroho Purwantoro Lembaga Management FEBUI October, 2019 262
Outline 1. Problem Solving & Decision Making 2. Kerangka dan Teknik Pemetaan Masalah & Creative Thinking 3. Teknik Pengembangan Alternatif Keputusan 4. Workshop Creative Thinking & ProblemSolving Target Kompetensi • Problem Solving & Decision Making → Menganalisis dan mengeksplorasi permasalahan yang berdampak strategis bagi organisasi, serta mengenali aspek utama yang perlu dipertimbangkan • ConƟnuous Learning & Improvement → Berpikir dari sudut pandang lain, dan mampu menyusun metode kerja yang inovatif untuk memperbaiki atau meningkatkan kinerja Creative Thinking & ProblemSolving 263
1.ProblemSolving&Decision Making Creative Thinking & ProblemSolving Masalah masalah yang kita hadapi akhir-akhir ini sepertinya tidak ada pemecahannya … 264
LeadersvsAlternativevs Decision Creative Thinking & ProblemSolving Metode pendekatan • Strategic Thinking Options untuk menyusun • Generating Options Decisions rencana strategis • What might happen? Actions • Strategic Decision Making • Making choices • What will we do? • Strategic Planning • TakingAction • How will we do it? 265
PentingnyaPenyelesaianMasalah& PembuatanKeputusan Dampak positif terhadap bisnis Efisiensi waktu dan sumber daya Memperoleh jawaban dengan cepat Creative Thinking & ProblemSolving Klasifikasi ‘Problem’ • Simple vs Complex • Well Defined Vs.ill-Defined Creative Thinking & ProblemSolving 266
ManagementLevelvsTypeof Decision Top Level STRATEGIC Inovation Middle Level MANAGERIAL Improvement/ Development Low Level OPERATIONAL Controlling 1 STRATEGIC THINKING • Strategic thinking adalah berpikir membangun strategi. • Strategi adalah MASA DEPAN jadi… • Strategic Thinking adalah berpikir tentang MASA DEPAN Integrating the future into your decision making processes today by thinking: • BIG- BESAR • DEEP – MENDALAM • LONG - JANGKA PANJANG 267
1 STRATEGIC THINKING SKILL • BIG- BESAR SYSTEMS • DEEP – MENDALAM THINKING • LONG - JANGKA PANJANG (Big- view real problem-system REFRAMING perspective) (Deep – belief - paradigma) Ada 3 skill utama REFLECTION untuk membentuk strategic thinking (Long- masa depan- breakthrough) Operational– ManagerialͲStrategic Masalah Operasional Masalah Perbaikan, Masalah Strategic, dan Pengendalian Pengembangan Inovasi dan Perencanaan 9 Pehatian pada apa 9Perhatian pada 9Pehatian pada masa yang telah terjadi perbaikan depan 9 Orientasi pada 9Orientasi pada 9Orientasi pada visi pendeteksian sebab penetapan target dan misi baru 9 Biasanya dikenali 9Dikenali sebagai sebagai gap antara 9Dikenali sebagai kebutuhan akan aktual vs standar/ kebutuhan akan restrukturisasi bisnis target perbaikan, misal: dalam jangka penurunan biaya, menengah dan 9 Tindakan yang perbaikan layanan, panjang diambil trouble perbaikan efektivitas shooting manajemen CreativeThinking& ProblemSolving 268
AnalyticalvsCreative Thinking OPERATIONAL MANAGERIAL STRATEGIC Controlling Improvement Innovation Development 9Closed ended 9 Open ended problem problem 9Technical solutions 9 Non technical 9Procedural solutions 9Dominated by 9 Non procedural analytical thinking 9 Dominated by creative Thinking CreativeThinking& ProblemSolving 1 THINKING BIG Yaitu: berpikir organisasi dalam suatu sistem • BIG itu memahami bahwa organisasi merupakan bagian dari suatu sistem besar 269
1 Pusatkan perhatian pada: • lingkungan eksternal untuk memahami dampak perubahan, • koneksi dan saling ketergantungan, • selaraskan kapasitas internal dengan realitas lingkungan eksternal yang terus berubah, • mengidentifikasi strategi yang akan memastikan kelangsungan hidup organisasi Anda ke masa depan, dan • gambaran besarnya 3 270
3 Evolution of Employment Evolution of Shift From Market & • Manufacturing to Services Trading • Manual to Digital • Black to Green • Disruptive Innovation pada berbagai industry telah meningkatkan PERSAINGAN. • Perubahan perilaku stakeholder akan semakin menuntut produsen & jasa • Semua hal itu akan meningkatkan KOMPLEKSITAS Rhenald Kasali (2015) 271
PROBLEM : What ? Why ? PROBLEM FORMULATION: How ? SISTEM : What ? Why ? How ? Well Hard Problem • The objective of these types of problems are quite clear Defined Soft Problem and so emphasis with hard problem is on how the problem should be dealt with PROBLEM • Example: a company have a data stored in an information Ill system. They want to make available over the internet Defined through a web browser. So the objective are clear, that company will have deal mostly wit how to implement the new system. • The emphasis is usually on how to reach the objective • The emphasis when dealing with ill defined problem is what shall be done, because at the on set there is no obvious or no clearly defined objective. • Tend to be dynamic problems that involve human factor • An example: strategic problem , such as if a company wants to determine why it is losing market share to the competition • The objevtive are unclear because of the complexity of the problem which is related to the number of factorinvolved • The dynamic nature of soft problem means that the relationships between the different factors can change often, which increases the complexity of situation. Human interaction include a large number of factor that are difficult to predict 272
2. Kerangka dan Teknik Pemetaan Masalah & Creative Thinking Symptoms Solution Hypothesis/ Issue Analysis Facts CreativeThinking& ProblemSolving TheIssueDiagram (Dissagregation) ▪ Menyusun framework berpikir secara komprehensif ▪ Memecah symptoms menjadi issues, formulasi hypothesis dan key questions ▪ Untuk mengidentifikasi data dan informasi yang dibutuhkan CreativeThinking& ProblemSolving 273
AnalysisUsingTheIssue Diagram Issue 1 Hypothesis 1.1 Hypothesis 1.2 Symptom Issue 2 Hypothesis 2.1 KeyQuestions 2.2 A Issue 3 Hypothesis 2.2 KeyQuestions 2.2 B KeyQuestions 2.2 C Hypothesis 3.1 Hypothesis 3.2 CreativeThinking& ProblemSolving Creative Thinking “If your only tool is ahammer, you’ll see every problem as a nail.” —Abraham Maslow CreativeThinking& ProblemSolving 274
CreativeProblem Solving “Creative problem solving is - looking at the same thing aseveryone else and thinking something different.” Adapted from a famous quote from a former Nobel prize winner, Albert Szent-Gyorgi. CreativeThinking& ProblemSolving Mind Maps and Rich Pictures these are useful as a first step in setting down and representing our perception of the problem situation where: • all aspects of a problem situation are mapped on a free-style diagram with or without pictures • including as much or as little detail as necessary • independently of any particular W (ie. world view) but as a joint product of conflicting views of the situation • without trying to identify any systems as yet • redrawn as many times as needed in the course of the project 275
• Usually people thinking are linier. • In order to maximize using of system approach, non linier thinking are needed • What is alternatif methode to usage non linier thinking ? • How create the new alternatif methode which people could learn non linier thingking ? • Mind map are Alternatif thinking of all brain to the linier thinking. • Mind map will reach for to all direction and then collect all thinked from all direction. • Mind map is a way for saving and withdrawall data and its spectaculer access like the huge library in fact at our brain • Mind map means we draw all our linier thinking, step by step sistematically on worksheet . • When drawing all items, do concentration for best imagination and then write down the smart idea one by one, put it on map ThecompletedMindMappingofStakeHolder Meeting 276
• Rich picture merupakan gambar kartun yang menggambarkankeseluruhan sistem yang rumit sehingga mudah dibaca dari berbagaisudut pandang dengan segala aspek yang terkandung didalamnya secara instant. • Rich picture memuat gambaran keseluruhan dari orang, objek,proses, struktur, dan masalah pada keseluruhan proses bisnis yang ada diperusahaan. • Perhatikan lingkungan bisnis atau pekerjaan anda. • Tetapkan problem yang terjadi. • Jawab pertanyaan berikut ini: • Lets do the problem formulation base on system perspective • What is the type of problem ? well define or ill define ? • What is your level of understanding ? 277
52 AlurCreativeProblem Solving Define Evaluate & Generating the problem select Ideas Idea an alternative (alternative implementation solutions) Evaluation and analysis of action plan CreativeThinking& ProblemSolving 278
3.MengembangkanAlternatif Solusi • Alternatif solusi dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan probabilitas kemungkinan keberhasilan penyelesaian permasalahan. • Solusi yang menjadi alternative umumnya memiliki trade- off dalam kriteria pengambilan keputusan, sehingga membutuhkan analisis lebih lanjut untukdipilih. CreativeThinking& ProblemSolving • Pemilihan prioritas solusi dapat menggunakankriteria: • Dampak bagi organisasi • Biaya yang dibutuhkan • Waktu penyelesaian • Ketersediaan resources • Aspek risiko • Penjabaran menjadi action plan dibutuhkan untuk penetapan target dan memastikan aktivitas yangharus dilakukan, ‘the goal is to solve the problem, notto implement a particular solution’. CreativeThinking& ProblemSolving 279
Prioritas Solusi CreativeThinking& ProblemSolving Action Plan Urutan langkah/ aktivitas yang harus dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan, dengan elemen: 1. Aktivitas spesifik 2. Jangka waktu penyelesaian 3. Alokasi resources CreativeThinking& ProblemSolving 280
FormatAction Plan Unit: Timeline Person(s) Budget Evaluation Plan responsible SMARTGoals and ActionSteps Goal 1: 1 2 3 4 5 Goal 2: 1 2 3 4 5 CreativeThinking& ProblemSolving /HDGHUVKLSLQ98&$(UD NIKEN ARDIYANTI, Psi, MPsi Diberikan khusus pada Talent Leadership Development Program 2019 281
RIWAYAT HIDUP Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era Agenda Pelatihan 282 1 Corporate Strategy, Business Strategy, Disrupsi – VUCA Era, HR Strategy, & Productivity perusahaan 2 Komunikasi dalam Kepemimpinan 3 Aligning corporate resources 4 Mengelola Inovasi dan Komitmen dalam perusahaan Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era
No. DAFTAR REFERENSI 1 Roadmap to Strategic HR; Turning a Great Ideal Into a Business Reality, Christensen, Ralph., 2006, AMACOM 2 High Impact Human Capital Strategy; Addressing the 12 Major Challenges Today’s Organizations Face, Phillips, Jack J., & Phillips, P. Pulliam, 2015, AMACOM 3 Thinking Strategically; Spot Patterns & Trends, Think Competitively, Set Goals & Priorities, Pocket Mentor, 2010, Harvard Business Press 4 The Leadership Challenge , Kouzes, James. M., & Posner, Barry, Z., 2002, John Wiley, Sons, Inc. 5 The Art of War, Sun Tzu, 2014, Arcturus Publishing Holding Limited 6 Holding Company BUMN; Konsep, Implementasi dan Benchmarking, Pranoto, Toto., 2017, Lembaga Management FEB UI 7 Thinking, Fast and Slow, Kahneman, Daniel., 2013, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New York 8 Outliers; The Story of Success, Galdwell, Malcolm., 2008, New York 9 The One Minute Manager, Blanchard, Kenneth., & Johnson, Spencer., 2015, HarperCollinsPublishers 10 Managing In The Discomfort Zone; How to deal with sensitive, difficult & unpleasant situations, Forsyth, Patrick., 2005, Marshall Cavendish Business 11 The Power of Subconscious Mind, Murphy, Joseph., 2017, Wilco Publishing House 12 Generations at works; Managing the clash of Boomers, Gen X’ers & Y’ers in the Workplace, Zemke, R., Raines, C., & Filipczak, B., 2013, AMACOM 13 One More Time; How Do You Motivate Employees?, Herzberg, Frederick., 2008, Harvard Business Review 14 Peran Penting Konsep Diri dalam Membentuk Track Record, Ardiyanti, Niken., 2017, Penerbit Salemba Empat, Jakarta 15 Competence at Work, Spencer, Lyle. M., & Spencer, Signe, 1993, John Wiley & Sons Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era Middle Managers Targeted Competencies: Visionary Change Roadmap to Leadership Leadership Strategic LEADERSHIP IN The Leadership Managing Intercultural VUCA ERA Challenge Diversity empathy Aligning Empowering Self – Concept of the performance Leader for success Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 283
CHECK POINT MATERI • Corporate Leadership • Knowing Yourself • Business • Personal • Human Capital • Managing • Empowering Excellence Strategy Self – Concept of the Leader Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era Big Picture Disrupsi Manajemen SDM Bisnis, BUMN, Super Holding, Stakeholders eksternal internal Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 284
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