Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 285
DISRUPTION – VUCA: RI from 4.0 to 5.0 Infografis FactFile (Raconteur, 2019) Konteks RI 4.0 5.0 • Tidak terlalu lama lagi akan memasuki RI 5.0, • RI 5.0 dengan karakteristik sbb: 1. Fisik – Digital – AI – Personifikasi Enkripsi People secara Digital 2. Aspek spiritual: agama akan kembali masuk untuk memimpin sains lagi 3. Menjadi kekuatan untuk mengembalikan nilai- nilai luhur etika / spiritual sehingga Negara-negara di Asia Tenggara dapat bangkit untuk memimpin perkembangan Revolusi Industri 5.0 (Sumber: Prof. Reevany Bustami PhD, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kuliah Tamu Departemen Teknik Kelautan – ITS, 2019) Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era Artificial Intelligent (AI) Ekonomi NLP Speech Recognition Matematika AI Robotics Psikologi Statistik Machine Vision Sumber: McCarthy, John., 1955, Konferensi Darmouth (1956), Independent.co.uk Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 286
TAHAPAN MANAJEMEN PERUBAHAN Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era MEKANISME PROSES PERUBAHAN KONDISI MASA SAAT INI TRANSISI UN – FREEZING KONDISI CHANGE YANG RE – FREEZING DIHARAPKAN NEW VISION Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 287
Corporate Strategy FILOSOFI INTELEKTUAL CAPITAL* Business Strategy enterprise Intellectual HC Strategy Capital* Financial Capital Intellectual Customer Capital Human Capital** Structural Capital Capital* Tangible assets Loyalty of the Provide solution to enterprised customer Organizational capabilities to meet market req. Sumber: High Impact Human Capital Strategy; Addressing the 12 Major Challenges Today’s Organizations Face, Phillips, Jack J., & Phillips, P. Pulliam, 2015, AMACOM BALANCED SCORE CARD FINANCIAL PERSPECTIVE CUSTOMER PERSPECTIVE INTERNAL PERSPECTIVE LEARNING & GROWTH PERSPECTIVE Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 288
ORGANIZATION ARE… CBHRM Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era KARAKTERISTIK ORGANISASI Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 289
NEW PARADIGM OF BUSINESS IN VUCA Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era Tugas pokok, Peran dan Fungsi 290 Top to down – Berjenjang Strategi Bisnis perusahaan Perencanaan, Pengembangan & Perbaikan Operasional & Pengendalian Pelaksana teknis Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era
PROSENTASE PEMBAGIAN FUNGSI MANAJEMEN TA Mahoney, TH Jerdee dan SJ. Garroll melakukan (sejak 1957 dan terus dikembangkan hingga hari ini) Sumber: “Time Distribution” , Mahoney, Jerdee & Garoll, Journal of Industrial Relation (2008) Fungsi % Per Hari Fungsi % Per Hari Pengawasan 28.4 Penyelidikan 12.6 Perencanaan 19.5 Perundingan 6.0 Koordinasi 15.0 Kepegawaian 4.1 Penilaian 12.7 Perwakilan 1.7 Proses Manajemen Manager Lini Manager Madya Manager Puncak (Supervisor) Planning 18% 28% Organizing 15% 33% 36% 24% 36% 22% Leading 51% 13% 14% Controlling 10% Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era Manejemen SDM Berbasis Kompetensi Peran Kunci Manajemen Madya sebagai Agen Perubahan Manajemen Remunerasi Rekrutmen – Seleksi Sistem penggajian dan Representasi pengadaan insentif pegawai SDM Perencanaan SDM Manajemen Kinerja Mekanisme penentuan kuantitatif dan kualifikasi Sistem penilaian kinerja spesifikasi pegawai pegawai berbasis 360/ KPKU Manajemen Karir Training & Development Pelatihan dan Sistem pengelolaan karir (rotasi, promosi dan demosi) Pengembangan pegawai secara berjenjang Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 291
LEADERSHIP CAPITAL Relations Reputations Soft – Hard Competencies Manager Madya Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era KOMPETENSI: seperangkat karakteristik (KSA) yang dimiliki individu pegawai yang berfungsi memperkirakan perilaku yang merepresentasikan kinerja superior pada sebuah situasi/ pekerjaan Kompetensi Pejabat Struktural /Managerial diantaranya: 292 1. Integritas 2. Logika berpikir / Berpikir Analisis 3. Fleksibelitas Berpikir 4. Pemecahan Masalah – Pengambilan Keputusan 5. Kepemimpinan / Leadership 6. Mengembangkan Potensi Anak Buah 7. Membina Interaksi / access networking 8. Bekerjasama dalam kelompok 9. Komunikasi Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era
TINGKAT PENGUASAAN KOMPETENSI * Manajemen SDM Berbasis Kompetensi (Competency Based Human Resource Management – CBHRM) Level PROFICIENCY LEVEL INDIKATOR PERILAKU 1 Concept Memahami konsep, dapat mengerjakan tugas yang bersifat administratif – rutin, masih dalam pengawasan figur lain yang lebih superior 2 Applied Concept Mengetahui secara menyeluruh penerapan konsep, dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan rutin, tetap dalam supervisi 3 Working Mampu menerapkan sesuai dengan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan, melakukan review terhadap permasalahan yang bersifat rutin, namun memerlukan bantuan bila masalah yang dihadapi bersifat tidak rutin 4 Advanced Berpengalaman dalam menerapkannya, dapat mengatasi masalah rutin maupun non- rutin tanpa memerlukan bantuan, memberikan monitoring dan evaluasi terhadap program 5 Mastery Handal menyelesaikan permasalahan di tingkat dan atau Lintas Departmental, memiliki otoritas di bidang tersebut dan diakui dalam lingkup perusahaan, dapat memberikan rekomendasi terhadap program 6 Leading Mampu mengembangkan sistem dan prosedur di perusahaan yang terintegrasi di lintas bidang, mampu mengkolaborasikan berbagai bidang untuk perbaikan proses bisnis baik di internal maupun di eksternal perusahaan Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era KONSEP DIRI Profil Kepribadian Perilaku Indikator Perilaku: Kinerja Role 293 Responsibility ACTIVE LISTENING Function Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era
ICEBERG MODEL & COMPETENCIES; KARAKTERISTIK KUNCI A S K Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era FILOSOFI PERKEMBANGAN KEPRIBADIAN PENGALAMAN; Persepsi melalui sensor Visual, Auditori dan atau Kinestetik Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 294
Mekanisme Penyesuaian Diri – JOHARI WINDOW Value yourself, knowing yourself and be peace of mind Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 295
Self: Improve Personal Mastery Into Personal Excellence 01 Masa Lalu / Past Tense 02 Saat Ini Kompetensi; K – S – A Personal Values, Personal Perception, Personal Awareness, 03 Masa Depan (Yang Diinginkan) 04 Masa Depan (Realisasi) Personal Transformation Personal Vision, Personal Purpose, Personal Alignment Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era PERSONAL VALUES (Rokeach Values Survey) [Living values: the characteristics & behaviors that motivate and guide us Instrumental Values Terminal Values Owned Branded Blessing things Happiness Being socialita’s Financial Quantitative Freedom things Quality Time Financial things Wealth & Prosperity wisdom Freedom to live Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 296
HOW TO BECOME an EFFECTIVE LEADER Peace of mind and then embrace yourself to the others Keywords: Trust – Kharisma, Memberikan arahan tujuan, Role model, Komunikasi*, Kolaborasi, Mengembangkan anak buah (empowering) Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era Middle Manager Role in VUCA Era Dua peran kunci: sebagai Agen Perubahan dan sekaligus sebagai Subjek dan Objek Inovasi Agent of Change Inovasi Integritas, Objective, Sistem, Proses Bisnis, Tupoksi Komunikasi*, Techno Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 297
Bekerja dengan strategi prioritas First Thing First Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era STRATEGI MENGEMBANGKAN ANAK BUAH Empowering Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 298
ANALISA SWOT Strategi Identifikasi Masalah di Organisasi (Tupoksi dan Individual) strength weakness Internal – positivist Internal – area for development opportunity threats External – possibility External – Challenge Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era Contoh SWOT* inward Strengths Weaknesses • Sikap SWOT • Prokrastinasi Integritas • Banyak bicara Analysis • Ceroboh • Fast Learner • Networking Threats Opportunities • Peluang alih fungsi • Professional outward lintas Anper hired 299 • Job Enrichment senior • Job purnatugas 2020 Redeployment Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era
Sumber konflik di tempat kerja Penyebab utama Ketidakpuasan (Job Dissatisfaction) di pekerjaan lebih disebabkan faktor Hygiene daripada faktor Motivator (Herzberg, 2008) Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era Mekanisme Komunikasi Efektif (Ego state) Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 300
TAHAPAN PERKEMBANGAN PSIKOSOSIAL (Erik Erikson) Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era TEMUAN SAAT INI Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 301
Scarcity of Talent Workforce Segment Problems Attracting Problems Retaining Critical skill employees 72% 56% High potential employees 60% 55% Top-performing employees 59% 50% All employees 31% 25% Source: Towers Watson 2012-2013 Global Talent Management and Rewards Study — Global. Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era Corporate Challenge Sustainable engagement • Engagement is at risk • Pay continues to be major headline, but career advancement is the new retention risk • Talent Paradigm – know the critical roles for future business success; know your critical talent ; focus your interventions on those holding critical roles, or your talent that shows critical potential – SEGMENTATION • MIND THE GAP – about differences and about growing engagement gap Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 302
“Engagement is at risk. It’s not “ about ‘feeling good’…it’s about having the tools, colleagues, time, capacity to fully commit to work - Towers Watson 2012 Global Workforce Study Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era Pemetaan Kondisi Bisnis Tantangan situasi saat ini Tantangan situasi mendatang Employee Organization · The next critical skills · Agile thinking · Global skills 303 · Relationship building · Digital business skills Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era
Fakta di Organisasi Saat Ini 1. Kaderisasi dampak dari Zero Growth 2. Perbedaan generasi dengan gap sangat besar suksesi terhambat (*Karyawan yang sudah Purnatugas diaktifkan kembali dalam skema PKWT*) 3. Miskoordinasi terjadi vs. Gaya Komunikasi (*Bahasa Implisit, Senioritas, Birokrasi, Parent vs. to Child Style*) 4. Kondisi faktual tidak didukung dengan Sistem Pengembangan SDM yang mengantisipasi Gen Gap (*Sistem Manajemen Kinerja; Coaching & Mentoring tidak terstruktur dalam sistem baku*) Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era BEST PRACTICE STRATEGY: Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 304
5 PRINCIPLES OF VICTORY (Sumber: Sun Tzu, The Art of War, Sun Tzu, 2014, Arcturus Publishing Holding Limited) Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era Becoming a Change Agent Must perform the following function 1. Lead transformation by DOING IT FIRST 2. Serve as • a catalyst for change; • a facilitator of change; • a designer of systems for change; and • a demonsrator (role model) of change 3. Use the pilot’s checklist for change with line managers. Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 305
STRATEGI MENDENGAR AKTIF Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI EFEKTIF DI UNIT KERJA 1. Strategy 2. High Energy 3. Intensity of Eye Contact 4. Transfer of Feelings 5. Body Language Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 306
S.M.A.R.T GOAL S = SPECIFIC / SPESIFIK Jika tujuan Anda tidak SMART, (Kualitas, Kuantitas?) Anda akan dengan mudah kehilangan arah ! ! ! M = MEASURABLE / DAPAT DIUKUR (Indikator Pengukuran?) A = AGREED / DISEPAKATI (Disepakati oleh Seluruh Pihak?) R = REALISTIC / REALISTIS (Apakah dapat Dicapai?) T = TIME BOUND / RUANG WAKTU (Apakah rentang waktu?) Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era Talent Leadership Development Program - Pupuk Indonesia Group - Leadership in VUCA Era 307
Thank you : Niken Ardiyanti. Soeprapto Instagram : @nardiyanti, Konsep Diri.Id : Niken Ardiyanti 308
Strategy A firm’s theory about how to gain competitive advantage Defines a desired objective and communicates what will be done, by whom, how, for whom, and why the output is valuable CONTEXT PERFORMANC • EXTERNAL E • INTERNAL 309 ACTION • ASSET ACQUISITION • ASSET DEPLOYMENT
Dynamics Business Strategy CONTEXT PERFORMANC E • EXTERNAL • Industry • Nonmarket • INTERNAL • Assets • Organization ACTION • ASSET ACQUISITION • ASSET DEPLOYMENT What are the characteristics of effective strategy? 1. Communicate a compelling purpose or vision to others 2. Connect organizational strengths with environmental opportunities 3. Exploit current success while exploring new opportunities 4. Generate more resources than it uses 5. Coordinate and guide activities 6. Respond to new conditions over time 310
Figure 1.1: A Visual Definition of Strategy Current Events Article • What industry does this company compete in? • What does this company actually do? (e.g. make things, advertise things, design things) • How successful is this company? • What factors will affects its success next year? 311
Current Events Article: More Qs • What does the firm make? • Who does the work? • Where? • How? • When? • Who is offered the results? • Why will they pay? • Why (or why not) is this firm valued? Individual as Strategist Exercise • Choose a time frame (from one year to a lifetime) • Describe your personal career strategy • What do you want to do? • Who needs to be involved in helping you? • How will you proceed? • Who will benefit? • Why will your efforts be valuable? 312
THE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PROCESS Strategic analyses • Internal • External Vision and Strategy Implementation mission levers • Arenas and • Fundamental • Vehicles • Differentiators Strategic organizational • Staging leadership purpose • Economic logic 313 • Organizational The central, integrated, externally oriented values concept of how a firm will achieve its objectives
VISION, MISSION AND STRATEGY Vision and Mission Strategic Goals Strategy and objectives • Fundamental purpose The central, integrated, • Values • Specific targets externally-oriented concept • View of future • Measurable of how the firm will achieve its objectives. Consists of 5 outcomes elements: arenas, vehicles, differentiators, staging, and economic logic VISION – USES OF AMBITION AND AMBIGUITY Sony’s vision in early 1950’s: Vision statements “becoming the company that most changes the worldwide image of •generally express long- Japanese products as being of poor quality.” term action horizons, CitiBank’s vision in 1915: •are ambitious and force “the most powerful, the most serviceable, the most far reaching the firm to stretch. world financial institution the world has ever seen.” •their ambiguity allows flexibility for changing strategy or implementation tactics 314
VISION ANCHORED IN GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Vision Goals Examples Grow sales and profits and Wal-Mart by 70% per year objectives Ryanair Matsushita Be Europe’s largest airline in 7 years To become a “super manufacturing company” A strategy must take account of the organization’s stakeholders if it is to succeed 315
Vision “What do we want to become?” Shared vision creates a community of interests Mission Statements “What is our business?” •Enduring statement of purpose •Distinguishes one firm from another •Declares the firm’s reason for being 316
Products or Markets Services Customers Employees Mission Technology Components Public Survival, Image Philosophy Growth, Profits Self-Concept 317
External Strategic Management Audit – Environmental Scanning – Industry Analysis 318
The Five-Forces Model of Competition 319
Industry Analysis: The External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix Summarize & Evaluate Economic Demographic Governmental Social Environmental Technological Cultural Competitive Political WHAT DO YOU ESTIMATE OF ALSTOM”s EFE SCORE ? Above OR Below Industries’ Average? 320
Nature of an Internal Audit Functional Areas of Business – Strengths – Weaknesses Key Internal Forces Distinctive Competencies: Firm’s strengths that cannot be easily matched or imitated by competitors Building competitive advantage involves taking advantage of distinctive competencies Strategies designed to improve on a firm’s weaknesses and turn to strengths 321
Internal Audit •Information from: •Management •Marketing •Finance/accounting •Production/operations •Research & development •Management information systems Resource Based View (RBV) Three All-Encompassing Categories 1. Physical resources Rare 2. Human resources Hard to imitate 3. Organizational resources Not easily substitutable 322
Integrating Strategy & Culture Values Legends Beliefs Heroes Cultural Rites Products Symbols Myths Rituals Management Functions of Management 1. Planning 2. Organizing 3. Motivating 4. Staffing 5. Controlling 323
Management Stage When Most Important Function Strategy Formulation Planning Strategy Implementation Organizing Strategy Implementation Motivating Strategy Implementation Staffing Controlling Strategy Evaluation Marketing Customer Needs/Wants for Products/Services 1. Defining 2. Anticipating 3. Creating 4. Fulfilling 324
Marketing Opportunity Analysis 1. Are markets segmented effectively? 2. Is the organization positioned well among competitors? 3. Has the firm’s market share been increasing? 4. Are the distribution channels reliable & cost effective? 5. Is the sales force effective? Finance/Accounting Determining financial strengths & weaknesses key to strategy formation 325
Finance/Accounting Audit Effective Financial Analysis Requires: 1. Analysis of how the ratios have changed over time 2. How the ratios compare to industry norms 3. How the ratios compare with key competitors Production/Operations Production/Operations Functions Process Capacity Inventory Workforce Quality 326
Production/Operations Audit •Are suppliers of materials, parts, etc. reliable and reasonable? •Are facilities, equipment, and machinery in good condition? •Are inventory-control policies and procedures effective? Production/Operations Audit •Are quality-control policies & procedures effective? •Are facilities, resources, and markets strategically located? •Does the firm have technological competencies? 327
Research & Development Research & Development Functions Development of new products before competitors Improving product quality Improving manufacturing processes to reduce costs Management Information Systems Purpose Improve performance of an enterprise by improving the quality of managerial decisions • Information Systems • CIO/CTO • Security • User-friendly • E-commerce 328
Management Information Systems Audit •Is the information system user-friendly? •Do all users understand the competitive advantages that information can provide? •Are computer training workshops provided for users? •Is the firm’s system being improved? 329
WHAT DO YOU ESTIMATE OF ALSTOM”s IFE SCORE ? Above OR Below Industries’ Average? 330
Long-Term Objectives Financial Quantifiable Measurable vs. Realistic Understandable Strategic Challenging Objectives Hierarchical Obtainable Congruent Timeline Types of Strategies Forward Integration Vertical Backward Integration Integration Strategies Horizontal Integration 331
Types of Strategies Market Penetration Intensive Market Strategies Development Product 330 Development Types of Strategies Related Diversification Diversification Strategies Unrelated Diversification 332
Types of Strategies Retrenchment Divestiture Defensive Liquidation Strategies 333
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