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Published by khaosaym, 2021-08-07 00:14:11

Description: EnglishTBM4codex


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TYPE A You are probably quiet and careful. You always think Unit 7 before you speak or do something. You are patient and you like your work to be correct. You are hardworking and like learning about things. You are never bored – you are always busy. You probably like being with your family and don’t like going out much. TYPE B You are probably careful and confident and can be very funny. You like being with friends but don’t always go out – you like staying at home with your family, too. You are probably very responsible and confident in every thing you do. TYPE C You are probably confident, outgoing, and friendly. You are not shy, and you like going out and meeting new people. You don’t like staying at home. You like doing exciting things. You are not lazy, but you don’t like to work all the time. You are probably very funny. ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 7. Look and write A. Write the names of your classmates to match the following adjectives adjectives Names very friendly ……………………. tall and good-looking ……………………. very smart ……………………. talkative ……………………. serious and shy ……………………. funny ……………………. generous and helpful ……………………. patient and calm ……………………. 97

B. Compare your answers in groups.Unit 7 Example: ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ A: Who’s very friendly? B: Subin is very friendly. C: Yes, and Vong is friendly, too. 8. Match Match the adjectives in column A with the sentences in column B. Column A Column B 1. friendly a person who only thinks about him/herself 2. generous a person who likes giving things to other people 3. intelligent a person who doesn’t like working 4. lazy a person who talks a lot 5. selfish a person who finds it difficult to talk to new people 6. shy 1 a person who is open and makes friends easily 7. talkative a person who learns and understand well 8. careful a person who works every day and on weekends 9.`hardworking a person who doesn’t talk much 10. quiet a person who always think before doing something 98

Unit Eight Unit 1 FETEHLEINTGISME Lesson 1 I’m upset! In this lesson students learn to talk about feelings. 1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meaning of the following words and expressions. terribly noisy lP’c-;/qfltojoa whole ma’\\qf better fud;jk disappointed zyfs;a’ haircut 8afzq, frightened 1hkodq; neighbour matter [aosk}g]njv’]k; hairdresser grnvj o[hko dialogue rice field -kj ’glu,l;p [qflqomtok mq’j ok ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words and expressions in the box after the teacher. 3. Match A. Match the English words with the Lao translations. bored .9Ihkp lonely g[nvj |kj p tired zyfs;a’ angry Ih6lbd1hkodq; upset g,nvj p disappointed gs’qkF xjP;rvp frightened [+lt[kp.9F glp.9 B. Complete the following exercise using the words from Exercise A. The first one has been done for you. 1. When Saysamone had an accident, Somphone felt upset . 2. When she saw a snake, she was _______________. 3. The book was not very interesting. I felt ______________ when I read it. 99

Unit 8 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 4. I haven’t got any friends to play with. I feel _____________. 5. When our team did not win the game, we were _____________. 6. I’ve walked 5km today. I feel _____________. 7. When my dog killed the chicken, my father was very _____________. 4. Look and match A. Look and match the words in the box with the pictures. frightened worried happy angry surprised bored sad ill Sonphet Anousit Philany Natasa 1 surprised 2___________ 3 ___________ 4___________ Dala Chaiphet Mangkone Phaivanh 5 ___________ 6___________ 7___________ 8___________ B. Ask and answer questions about each picture. Example: A: How does Sonphet feel? B: He feels surprised. 100

C. Read the sentences below, and ask your partner “How do you feel?” Unit 8 hungry sick thirsty happy sad terrible tired Example: A: You have a headache. How do you feel? B: I feel terrible. 1. You want something to eat. 2. Your throat hurts. 3. You want something to drink. 4. You are not happy. 5. It’s your birthday. 6. You have run for an hour. 5. Listen and practise ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Listen to the teacher and practise the dialogue in pairs. A. At the school Manivone: Salieng: Hi, Salieng. How are you? Manivone: Hi, Manivone. I’m not very well. Salieng: Oh! Really? What’s the matter? Last night, I couldn’t sleep at all. Manivone: My neighbour had a big party and it was terribly noisy. So I feel Salieng: very tired. I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon. So do I. Thanks. B. Hi, Chay. Are you all right? Amone: Not really. I’m upset. Chay: Why? Amone: Look at my terrible haircut! Chay: Don’t worry about that. Amone: It looks very nice. I don’t think so. I’m very Chay: disappointed. Next time, I’ll go to a different hairdresser. 101

Unit 8 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 6. Ask and answer Read the dialogue in Exercise 5 again and take turns to ask and answer the following questions. Example: A: What’s the matter with Salieng? B: He couldn’t sleep last night. 1. What’s the matter with Salieng? ……………………………………… 2. Why couldn’t he sleep? ………………………………………………. 3. How does Salieng feel? ………………………………………………. 4. How does Chay feel? …………………………………………………. 5. Why does she feel upset? …………………………………………….. 7. Write Write five sentences about yourself using the words in the box. upset tired angry bored lonely disappointed frightened Example: I feel upset when I see people hitting animals. I feel tired after I work in the rice fields the whole day. 1………………………………………………………………………….. 2………………………………………………………………………….. 3………………………………………………………………………….. 4………………………………………………………………………….. 5………………………………………………………………………….. 102

Lesson 2 Hobbies Unit 8 In this lesson students learn to talk about what people like doing in their free time. 1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meaning of the following words and expressions. hobby dyf9tdepk,s;kj ’ papaya salad 8e\\kdsj5’ interest ly’j mulj qo.9 favourite muj,ad keen on ,ads^kpF 7aj’w7h lots of s^;’s^kp school yard gfujo3I’IPo fond of ,ads^kp museum s=ryryfmtrao drawing dkoc8h,I6[ relax radzjvo magazine ;k]tlko dressmaking dko8afglNvzhk sightseeing dkomjP;-q,my;maf knitting dko4adF clj; chess \\kd]5d ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ sewing dkospy[ photography dko4kj pI6[ indoors .oIq,j F .o[hko woodwork cdtlts^adw,h outdoors dk’c9h’F ovd[hko cycling dko0uj]qf4u[ 2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words and expressions in the box after the teacher. 3. Look and say Look at the list of hobbies and take turns to ask and answer. Example: A: Which is your favourite hobby? B: My favourite hobby is painting. A: How often do you do it? B: I do it every weekend. going on picnics painting dressmaking listening to music sightseeing playing the guitar chess sewing 103

Unit 8knitting reading woodwork cooking ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດwalkingcomputer games photography watching TV Which of the hobbies usually take place indoors, outdoors, and both? Indoors Outdoors Indoors and outdoors dressmaking… ……………… …………………… ……………… ……………… …………………… ……………… ……………… …………………… ……………… ……………… …………………… ……………… ……………… …………………… ……………… ……………… …………………… 4. Read Read the text and translate it into Lao. Bouaphanh’s hobbies Bouaphanh is fifteen years old, and he is studying at secondary school in Savannakhet. He has lots of hobbies. First, he loves sports very much. He is very keen on football. He plays it in the school yard every afternoon. He also likes playing volleyball and basketball. The second, Bouaphanh loves to read books when he needs to relax. He enjoys reading love stories. Another one of his hobbies is cooking. He is very good at making papaya salad and fish soup. His favourite hobby is singing and listening to music. At weekends, he usually plays music and sings his favourite songs with his friends. 5. Read and say Work in pairs. Student A reads the sentence, and Student B answers True or False. If it is false, say the correct sentence. Example: A: Bouaphanh is fifteen years old. B: True. A: He likes playing football in the park. B: False. He likes playing football in the school yard. 104

1. Bouaphanh is keen on football. Unit 8 ……………………………………………………………........ ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 2. He also likes playing tennis. ……………………………………………………………........ 3. Bouaphanh loves reading cartoon books. ……………………………………………………………........ 4. He is very good at making papaya salad. ……………………………………………………………........ 5. At weekends, Bouaphanh usually plays football with his friends. ……………………………………………………………........ 6. Read and answer Read the text again and answer the questions below. 1. How many hobbies does Bouaphanh have? …………………………………………………………………………... 2. How many kinds of sports does he like playing? …………………………………………………………………………... 3. When does he read books? …………………………………………………………………………... 4. What kinds of foods is he good at making? …………………………………………………………………………... 5. What does he usually do at weekends? …………………………………………………………………………... 7. Complete A. Work in pairs to complete the sentences using the words in the box. keen playing listening making jogging reading 1 He’s _________ on football. 2 She enjoys ____________magazines. 105

Unit 8 3 He likes ____________volleyball and basketball. 4 He is very good at ________papaya salad. 5 His favourite hobby is ________ to music. 6 My father enjoys _________ in the park. Talo Hansa Yuso Sivai Matina Ken ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ B. Look at this table and read the paragraph which follows it. Write the correct word after each number. Name Hobby Computer games X X Rock music X X Swimming XXX Reading X Photography X Cycling XX (1) …………………….hobby is listening to rock music. She also likes (2) ……………………. and (3) …………………….. The other person who likes rock music is (4) ……………………. but this is her only hobby. (5) …………………….is the other person in the group with only one hobby, but he likes (6) ………… The most popular hobby is (7) ………………, but (8) …………… and (9) …………………….are not as popular as the other hobbies listed in the table. (10) ………………. seems to like sports as she likes both (11) …………………….and (12) 106

……………………. Ken has the same hobby as (13) ……………….. Unit 8 but he also likes swimming. (14) ……………. likes reading as well as (15) ……………………. 8. Write ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Put the words into the right order. Example: like / We / the river / in / swimming …..We like swimming in the river………… 1. My / the / father / jogging / likes / park / in ……………………………………………………………........ 2. He / TV / watching / likes / in his free time ……………………………………………………………........ 3. likes / She / guitar / playing / the ……………………………………………………………........ 4. He / going / museum / to / enjoys / the ……………………………………………………………........ 5. drawing / She / pictures / loves / of animals ……………………………………………………………........ 9. Grammar note + noun football. a) like / enjoy his holiday. I like He enjoys b) like / enjoy + verb + ing She likes swimming. They enjoy watching Chinese movies. c) be + keen on + noun or verb + ing I am keen on football. She’s keen on swimming. d) be + fond of + noun Somphone’s fond of his cousin. Bouaphanh’s fond of his dog. We usually use fond of for people or animals. 107

Unit 8Lesson 3 Interests ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ In this lesson students learn to talk about what people are interested in. 1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meaning of the following words and expressions. accordion cvad7=fPo Ethnic Cultural Park Xg7nvj ’fqo8u8jk’xtgmf? l;o;afmtotme[aofkgzqjk piano xycvo3o traditional Lao music Xg7nvj ’fqo8u8jk’xtgmf? fqo8urNog,nv’]k; violin w;3v]yo pick up wxIa[ Xg7nvj ’fqo8u8jk’xtgmf? geography r6,lkf xylophone ]tokf history xts;aflkf drum dv’ art ly]txt flute 05pj F xuj planting dkox6d weaving dko8ej s6d flowers fvdw,h Sepaktakraw g-xad8tdi=h Xdt8=h? painting dko;kfrk[F dkoc8h,I6[ 2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words and expressions in the box after the teacher. 3. Look and write Look and write the name of each musical instrument on the line under it. 108

4. Match Unit 8 Match the words with the pictures and tick (3) the things you like doing. playing table-tennis dancing playing the guitar cooking 1 playing badminton 1 23 taking photos 6 painting 4 7 farming playing Sepak Takraw fishing ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ planting flowers weaving 5 swimming 9 8 12 10 11 13 109

5. Read and practiseUnit 8 Read and practise the dialogue in pairs. ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Concert at the Ethnic Cultural Park Thavone: Next week, there will be a big concert at the Ethnic Cultural Park. Are you interested in music? Manichanh: Yes, I am. I’m interested in all kinds of music. Thavone: Would you like to come to the concert with me? Manichanh: Yes, I’d love to. Thavone: Great, I’ll pick you up at your house at 7.00 next Saturday evening. Manichanh: OK. See you then. 6. Ask and answer Work in groups of five. Interview the other four students, and fill in the table. If the answer is Yes, put a tick (3); if the answer is No, put a cross (X). Example: A: Are you interested in traditional Lao music? B: Yes, I am. = 3 A: Are you interested in sports? B: No, I’m not. = X Interest Student B Student C Student D Student E Lao music 3 pop music geography X history languages arts sports computers 110

7. Write Unit 8 Write the sentences about the four students in the table in Exercise 5. ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Example: Student B is interested in Lao music, but she is not interested in sports. ……………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………. 8. Game—Spelling contest Your teacher will tell you how to play this game. 111

Unit Nine Unit 1 SCHOOL SPORTS Lesson 1 The sports carnival In this lesson students learn to talk about sports carnival. 1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meaning of the following words and expressions. sports carnival ,tskdedy]k according to vu’8k, volleyball [kolqj’ table-tennis xy’xJv’ timetable 8k8t]k’ basketball [ko[h;’ sack race c]oj dtgxqkxkj o vs = versus c0j’0aoda[F 8+l6hda[ go on ln[8+F fegouo8+wx event dkoc0’j 0ao plan of event czodko}8k8t]k’dkoc0’j 0ao ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words and expressions in the box after the teacher. 3. Match Match the words in the box with the pictures below. basketball football table-tennis volleyball boxing sack race tennis badminton swimming 1 _______________ 2 _______________ 3 _______________ 112

Unit 9 4 _______________ 5 _______________ 6 _______________ 7 _______________ 8 _______________ 9 _______________ 4. Read and practise ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Read and practise the dialogue in pairs. Vongsone: Do you know what’s happening at the sports carnival? Siphanh: Yes. I’ve got a timetable. Vongsone: Good! Could you tell me? Siphanh: What’s happening? Well, there are many Vongsone: different sports — boxing, Siphanh: football, volleyball, table-tennis, basketball, a Vongsone: sack race, and others. Siphanh: Oh, good! How long will it be? Vongsone: A week. According to the timetable, we have table-tennis Siphanh: on Monday, football on Tuesday, and basketball on Wednesday. Which sport are you interested in? I’m interested in every kind of sports, but my favourite is basketball. So, will you come to the basketball match on Wednesday? Of course, I will. What time does it start? Nine o’clock. 113

Unit 9 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 5. Listen and complete There’s a sports carnival at Somphone’s school next week. Listen to the plan of events and complete the table below. Day Sport Start Finish Team table-tennis M1 vs M2 Monday 8.00 a.m. 9.30 a.m. M2 vs M3 Tuesday basketball 9.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. Wednesday 8.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. M2 vs M3 Thursday volleyball 3.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m. Friday sack race M1 vs M3 Saturday Answer the following questions using the information from the table. The first one has been done for you. 1. What time does table-tennis start on Monday? ….It starts at 2 pm…………………………… 2. What kind of sport is it on Tuesday? …………………………………………………………………………. 3. Which teams play football on Tuesday? …………………………………………………………………………. 4. What day is the basketball match? …………………………………………………………………………. 5. What time does the boxing match start? …………………………………………………………………………. 6. What day is the volleyball match? …………………………………………………………………………. 7. Which teams join the sack race on Saturday? …………………………………………………………………………. 114

6. Choose and write Unit 9 Choose and write the questions from the box to match the answers below. ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Who do you play badminton with? What sports do you like to play? What do your parents think of it? What time do you play it on Saturday? Where do you play it? When do you play it? 1. A: ….What sports do you like to play?.............. B: I like to play badminton. 2. A: ………………………………………………………………………. B: I play it every day after school. 3. A: ………………………………………………………………………. B: I usually play it with my brother and sister. 4. A: ………………………………………………………………………. B: We play it in our yard. 5. A: ……………………………………………………………………..... B: We start at six o’clock in the morning on Saturday. 6. A: ………………………………………………………………………. B: Our parents think it’s a great sport. They enjoy it, too. 7. Ask and answer Take turns to ask and answer using the questions in Exercise 6. 115

Unit 9 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 8. Puzzle How many sports can you find? There are 9 words in the puzzle. S BS TMNOBB A EOC E H GAAA B P XK P OMCD S L A I U Z YWKMK E KFUNR UN I E T T ENN I S NNT E AKA T O RRTB N KBOX I NGOA N R SON L VNNL I AFOOT BALL S W I MM I N GD F P C SACK RACE 116

Lesson 2 An exciting football match Unit 9 In this lesson students learn to talk about football matches. 1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meaning of the following words and expressions. football stadium gfuoj [ko final match oafl5fmhkp player zh6s^Yo field gfujo referee de,tdko possess 7v[7v’ goalkeeper zh6Iadlkxt86 suddenly 3fpmaomumaowf line man de,tdkoglAo crowd /5’-qo rule dqfF dt8ydk shout Ihv’1kj ’cI’ blow gxqjk especially 3fpltgrkt1kj ’py’j whistle \\kds;uf supporters zh6lt|a[lt|6o break the rules zyfdqf}dt8ydk signal laopko scoring the goal py’xt86 first half g7yj’g;]kmevyf ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ raise a flag pqdm5’ final whistle lP’s;uf9q[dkoc0’j 0ao football ground gfuoj g8t[ko spectators [aofkzh6-q, 2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words and expressions in the box after the teacher. 3. Match Match the words in the box with the pictures below and write them on the lines provided. line man goal referee ball player goalkeeper 2 _________ 3____________ 4______ 1_________ 6__________ 5____________ 117

Unit 9 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 4. Read and practise Read and practise the dialogue in pairs. Siphanh and Vongsone are at the football stadium, watching the football match between M2 and M3 teams. Vongsone doesn’t understand the rules of the game. Siphanh is explaining to him. Vongsone: Can you tell me what’s happening? Siphanh: Yes, of course. Vongsone: What does the referee do? Siphanh: He blows the whistle to start and finish the match, and when the players break the rules. Vongsone: What does the goalkeeper do? Siphanh: He tries to save goals from the other team. Vongsone: What do the line men do? Siphanh: They help the referee. Vongsone: Does the line man blow a whistle, too? Siphanh: No. He raises a flag when the players break the rules. 5. Read Read the text and answer the questions below. An Exciting Football Match Last Tuesday morning, there was a football match between M2 team and M3 team at Siphanh’s school football ground. A lot of students went to watch the football match because it was the final match of the year. At 8 a.m. the two teams came onto the field. The players of M2 team were in blue shirts and white shorts. The players of the M3 team wore red shirts and black shorts. When the two teams were ready, the referee blew his whistle and the match began. For the first twenty minutes, the M3 team possessed the ball more than the M2 team did. Then, suddenly, an M2 player took the ball up the field and scored the first goal. The crowd shouted loudly, especially M2 team’s supporters. Soon after this, the referee blew the whistle to signal the end of the first half. In the second half of the match, the M3 team was again better. They tried hard, and after ten minutes, they scored their first goal. They scored again after fifteen minutes. Then, before the referee blew the final whistle, they scored their third goal. So they won the match. The score 118

was 3–1. All players and supporters of the M3 team were very happy. All Unit 9 spectators said that it was the most exciting football match of the year. ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Questions: 1. Where was the football match? …………………………………………………………………………... 2. What time did the football match start? …………………………………………………………………………... 3. Which team scored the goal first? …………………………………………………………………………... 4. Which team won the match? …………………………………………………………………………... 5. What was the score? …………………………………………………………………………... 6. Read and say Take turns to read and say these sentences, whether they are true or false. If they are false, give the correct answers. Example: A: The M2 team did not win the match. B: True. A: There was a football match on Monday morning. B: False. There was a football match on Tuesday morning. 1. A lot of students went to the football match. …………………………………………………………………………... 2. The players of the M2 team were in red shirts and black shorts. …………………………………………………………………………... 3. The M2 team scored the first goal in the first half. …………………………………………………………………………... 4. The M3 team was better than the M2 team. …………………………………………………………………………... 5. The M2 team won the match. …………………………………………………………………………... 6. The supporters of the M3 team were unhappy with the result of the match. …………………………………………………………………………... 119

Unit 9 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 7. Complete Complete the following sentences using the past tense of the verbs in brackets. The first one has been done as an example. 1. Last Tuesday, there was a football match. (be) 2. A lot of students _________ to watch the match. (go) 3. The game _________at eight o’clock. (start) 4. The M2 team _________ blue shirts and white shorts. (wear) 5. The M3 team players _________ in red shirts and black shorts. (be) 6. The referee _________ the whistle to start the match. (blow) 7. The M2 team _________ the first goal. (score) 8. The M3 team _________ the match with a score of 3–1. (win) 9. The players and supporters of the M3 team _________ very happy about the result. (feel) 10. It _________ the most exciting football match of the year. (be) 8. Write With your partner, write five football rules. The first one has been done for you. 1. …The players must not use hands to touch the ball…………… 2. …………………………………………………………………………. 3. …………………………………………………………………………. 4. …………………………………………………………………………. 5. …………………………………………………………………………. 6. …………………………………………………………………………. 120

Lesson 3 Congratulations! Unit 9 In this lesson students learn how to congratulate people. 1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meaning of the following words and expressions. medal s^Po wonderful pvf1hP, well done gda’j s^kp scholarship mbodkolbdlk mark 7tcoo congratulate ltcf’7;k,pyofu math 7toyflkf the best fumulj 5f driving test dkolv[gla’0a[0uj champion zh6-totg]uf great fus^kp}py’j .spj 2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words and expressions in the box after the teacher.ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 3. Read and practise Read and practise the short dialogues below in pairs. a. A: I won a medal for the best swimmer at my school. B: Well done! You must be excited. A: That’s for sure! b. A: Mum, I got the highest mark in my class in the math exam. B: Wonderful darling! I know you worked hard. c. A: My wife gave birth to a baby last week. It was a girl! B: Congratulations! You must be very happy. d. A: How was your driving test? B: I passed! A: Well done! e. A: I’ve got a great new job, and I’ll start next week. B: Wonderful! Now you’ll have more money. f. A: I got 85% in my English test on Friday. B: Excellent! 121

Unit 9 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 4. Look and say Look at the pictures and take turns to say full sentences and congratulate each other using the words in the box. Example: (picture 1) A: I’ve won a scholarship to study abroad. B: Congratulations! congratulations well done excellent great wonderful 12 3 4 5 6 122

5. Listen and complete Unit 9 Listen to the teacher and write the words in the blanks. Siphanh is talking to his father about the sports carnival. Father: So, how was the ____________________ carnival? Siphanh: Very good! I __________________ the badminton match. Father: __________________! Siphanh: And I came second in the swimming. Father: __________________! Siphanh: My friend Kham is the boxing champion. Father: __________________! Siphanh: Yes. Our team won the most medals in the carnival. Father: __________________! 6. Game—Spelling contest ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Your teacher will tell you how to play this game. 123

Unit 10 Unit Ten Unit 8 Unit 1 I’LL MISS LAOS Lesson 1 A personal letter In this lesson students learn how to write personal letters, and revise the present perfect and past tenses. 1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meaning of the following words and expressions. torn up 0kfgxao-YoM amazing xts^kf.9 impressed xtma[.9 piece -Yol;j oF xjP’ exciting |hk8njog8Ao World Heritage Site cs^’j ,=]tfqd3]d quite 0vj o0hk’ lottery s;p temple ;af champagne gs^Qkc-,gxo waterfall oE8qd8kf Plain of Jars mqj’wssuo ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words and expressions in the box after the teacher. 3. Read Nita is an English student at Department of English, National University of Laos. Read her letter to Lida, her sister in Savannakhet, and then do the following exercises. Dongdok, Xaythany Vientiane Capital October 16, 2009 Dear Lida, How are you? I’m fine. Here’s a letter in English. It’s good practice for you and me! I have classes in English at Department of English, National University of Laos. I am in a class with 35 students. They are all from different provinces: Champasak, Salavanh, Vientiane Capital, Luangprabang, Xiengkhouang, Borkeo, and Huaphanh provinces. Our teacher’s name is Isabel. She’s a very nice teacher. I live in an apartment with two friends, Vanh and Touk, from Champasak province. They are very friendly, but it isn’t easy to understand them. They speak very fast! Vientiane is very big, very exciting, but very expensive! It’s very hot now, but I’m very happy here. Write to me soon. Love, Nita 124

A. Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)? Unit 10 Correct the false sentences. 1. Nita is from Savannakhet. T ______________________________________________ 2. She’s in Xiengkhouang. F No, she isn’t. She’s in Vientiane Capital. 3. Nita is happy in Vientiane. ______________________________________________ 4. It’s a big class. ______________________________________________ 5. The students in her class are all from the South. ______________________________________________ 6. Nita is on holiday. ______________________________________________ 7. It’s winter now. ______________________________________________ ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ B. Write the questions to the answers about Nita’s letter. 1. Where is Nita from ? Savannaket. 2. ? ? Champasak, Salavanh, Vientiane Capital, Luangprabang, Xiengkhouang, Borkeo, and Huaphanh provinces. 3. ? Isabel. ? ? 4. They are from Champasak province. 5. Vanh’s twenty and Touk’s nineteen. 6. Vientiane Yes, it is. 125

Unit 10 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 4. Read and write This is Jennifer’s letter to her friend in Sydney. It has been torn up. Work with your partners and read it together. Put the pieces in the correct order. 5. Look and write Here are some parts of Jennifer’s letter. Look at the verbs. What are the tenses? The first one has been done for you. 1. So sorry I’ve taken a long time… Tense 2. I’ve also visited … present perfect 3. My time in Laos has gone so quickly… ________________ ________________ 126

4. I have met lots of… ________________ Unit 10 5. I’ve been to Luangprabang… ________________ 6. I saw many beautiful temples… ________________ 7. I’ve also been to Champasak… ________________ 8. I took photos… ________________ 9. Well, I’ll end my letter now… ________________ 6. Grammar note Z ever and never We use ever in questions and never in negative sentences. Example: Have you ever been to Thailand. ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ I have never been to Thailand. Z just and yet We use just in positive sentences. We use yet in negative sentences and questions. Example: Have you done your homework yet? I haven’t done it yet (but I’m going to). I have just done it (a short time before now). Z been and gone We use been after we have come back. We use gone when we are on the way to or somewhere. Example: He has been to the bank. = He is here. He went to the bank and now he has come back. He has gone to the bank. = He isn’t here. He is on the way to or at the bank. 7. Look and tick Tick (3) the correct sentence. 1 ( ) I saw Tom yesterday. ( ) I have seen Tom yesterday. 2 ( ) Did you even eat Japanese food? ( ) Have you ever eaten Japanese food? 127

3 ( ) Don won lottery last month.Unit 10 ( ) Don has won lottery last month. ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 4 ( ) I have never drunk champagne. ( ) I have never drank champagne. 5 ( ) Has your sister yet had the baby? ( ) Has your sister had the baby yet? 6 ( ) I haven’t finished my homework yet. ( ) I have finished my homework yet. 7 ( ) Did she just bought a new car? ( ) Has she just bought a new car? 8 ( ) Tom has ever been to Vietnam. ( ) Tom has never been to Vietnam. 8. Complete and practise Complete and practise these conversations in pairs, using the present perfect and past tense of the verbs given. Example: A: Have you done your homework yet? (do) B: Yes, I've just done it. (just/do) 1. A: …………….you ever ……………..snakes? (eat) B: No, I…………... But my brother……………..them once. 2. A: …………….you ……………..the car yet? (clean) B: Yes, I …………………….it. (just/clean) 3. A: …………….you ever ……………..a ghost? (see) B: No, I…………… 4. A: …………….you ever …………… China? (be) B: No, I……………But I …………….to South Korea last year. (go) 9. Look and practise Look at the example and take turns to practise making questions with ever or with yet and answer with just. Example: A: Have you washed the dishes yet? B: Yes, I’ve just done it. 1 clean the house 6 finish the exercises 2 make your bed 7 have a coffee 128

3 cook dinner 8 give your homework to the teacher Unit 10 4 do laundry 9 ride a horse 5 wash your hair 10 have breakfast 10. Write Write a letter to your friend telling him/her what you have done in the past or what you are doing now. Use Nita’s letter or Jennifer’s letter as an example. ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 129

Unit 10 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Lesson 2 Jennifer’s future In this lesson students talk about the future, using be going to and will. 1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meaning of the following words and expressions. farewell party ’ko]hP’lqj’ trip dkogfuomk’ fair ’koltcf’lyo7hkF tidy up me7;k,ltvkf 8ts^kfoaf belongings g7nvj ’0v’l;j o8q; decision dko8afluo.9 historical place lt4komuj pack ra[g7njv’.ljsu[ mk’xts;aflkf dP,grnvj gfuomk’ probably [k’muF vkf9t su[le]a[gfuomk’ several s^kp luggage lasting memory 7;k,-q’9e mupj k;oko 2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words and expressions in the box after the teacher. 3. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat after the teacher. Then practise the dialogue in pairs. Jennifer: Somphone, we’re going to have a party tomorrow night. Somphone: That’s nice. Is it your father’s birthday? Jennifer: Oh! No. We’re going to leave Vientiane on Saturday, so we’re going to have a farewell party. Would you like to Somphone: come? Sure. Oh! Jennifer I’ll miss you a lot. What do you think Jennifer: you’ll do when you first get back to Australia? Well, I’m not sure. I think I’ll go and see my relatives and Somphone: old friends. I’ll probably visit my grandparents. Jennifer: And what about your future? Umm, I think I’ll play more sports, study a Lot, and spend some more time playing music. 130

4. Grammar note Unit 10 Z be going to ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ We use be going to to talk about plans we have decided on. I am going to fly to Australia on Saturday. We’re going to have a party on Friday night. Z will We use will with maybe, probably, I guess, or I think to talk about possible plans before we have made a decision. Jennifer will probably visit her grandparents. I think I’ll play more sport when I get back to Australia. I’ll see you later. 5. Complete and practise A. Complete and practise this dialogue in pairs, using be going to and verbs given. Vinay: What ………….you…………….this weekend, Noy? (do) Noy: I…………………………………to ITECC on Saturday. (go) Vinay: That’s interesting. Noy: Yeah. There’s a new trade fair there. And you, where are you going Vinay? Vinay: Well, Toun and I …………………………….the football match in the afternoon. (see) Noy: And what………….you………………..… the evening? (do) Vinay: Toun………………………..….his mother in the hospital. (visit) But I……….……………………..anything really. (not/do) Noy: Well, my friends and I………………………..………….a small party at my house. Would you like to come? (have) Vinay: Thanks. I’d love to. B. Complete the conversation with correct forms of be going to or will. A: Have you made any holiday plans? B: Well, I’ve decided on one thing – I ……………...……. camping. A: That’s great! For how long? B: I……………………… away for a week. 131

Unit 10 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ A: When are you leaving? B: I’m not sure. I……………..probably leave around the end of April. And where …………you…………………..? A: I haven’t thought about that yet. I guess I…………............go to Vangvieng. B: ……………you………………. with anyone? A: No. I need some time alone. I…………………… by myself. 6. Read and answer Read the text and answer the questions below. Leaving Vientiane Jennifer and her parents are going to leave Vientiane soon. They’re going to fly back to Australia on Saturday. They’re going to Wattay Airport by taxi at 10 o’clock in the morning. Before leaving, they’re going to do lots of things. They’re going to tidy up all their belongings and their house, then they’re going to pack their luggage. They’re going to check their passports and have the tickets ready for their trip home. They’re going to prepare food and drinks for their farewell party on Friday night. They have invited their friends, and they’ll probably invite some of their neighbours, especially Somphone’s family, to join the party. They will sing songs, dance and chat to each other. If there is Lao music at the party, Jennifer and Somphone will dance Lamvong. They’ll have a good time together, and it will be a lasting memory for everybody. Questions: Write True if it is true or False if it is false and write correct sentences. Example: A: Somphone is going to leave Vientiane. B: False. Jennifer is going to leave Vientiane. 1. Jennifer and Somphone are going to fly back to Australia. ………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Somphone is going to take them to the airport. ………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Jennifer’s family is very busy. ………………………………………………………………………….. 132

4. They’re going to prepare food and drinks for the birthday party. Unit 10 ………………………………………………………………………….. ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 5. Jennifer’s family will invite all their neighbours to the party. ………………………………………………………………………….. 6. Everyone will probably enjoy the party. ………………………………………………………………………….. 7. Read and choose Work with your partner to read and choose be going to or will. Example: Jennifer is going to leave / will leave Vientiane soon. 1. Jennifer’s family is going to have / will have a party on Friday night. 2. Jennifer is going to pack / will pack her luggage for her trip home. 3. In Australia, Jennifer is going to see / will see her relatives and old friends. 4. In the future, Jennifer is going to do / will do lots of things. 5. In Australia, Jennifer is going to spend / will spend more time playing music. 8. Complete Work with your partner. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs. The first one has been done for you. Jennifer and her parents (1) are going to leave (leave) Vientiane this week, on Saturday morning. They (2) ________________ (go) to the airport by taxi. Before leaving, they (3)__________________ (tidy up) all their belongings and their house. They (4)_______________ (pack) their luggage. 133

Unit 10 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ They (5) ___________________ (have) a farewell party, too. They have invited their friends, and they will probably invite some neighbours to join the party. They (6) _____________________ (have) a good time. In Australia, they (7) _______________ probably _____________ (have) another party. They (8) __________________ (meet) relatives and old friends. Jennifer (9) ___________________ (do) lots of things when she gets back to Australia. 9. Write A. Have you thought about your next holiday? Write answers to the questions below. (If you already have plans, use be going to. If you don’t have clear plans, use will.) Work in pairs or groups. Take turns telling the group about your holiday plans. 1. When are you going on your holiday? 2. How are you going to spend your next holiday? Are you going anywhere? 3. How long are you going to be on holiday? 4. What are you going to do? 5. Is anyone going to travel with you? B. Write about the trip you planned in the Exercise A or another trip you are going to take. Example: Next Lao New Year, I’m going to travel to Xiengkhouang with my family. We’re going to visit the Plain of Jars. It’s one of the oldest historical places in Laos. And we’ll probably visit several other interesting places nearby…….. 134

Lesson 3 Goodbye and good luck! Unit 10 In this lesson students learn how to say farewell and wish people good luck for the future. 1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meaning of the following words and expressions. miss 7yfIvf someday ,N.f,N|bj’ see … off wxlqj’ X7qo? 0Bo]qf}pqo journey dkogfuomk’ staff rtoad’ko leave for vvdwx take care f6c]F gvqk.9.lj nearly .dh9t bunch of flowers -+fvdw,h cousin pkf rujohv’ X]6d0v’vk;F vkF xhkF s^n ]5’? 2. Listen and repeat ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Listen and repeat the words and expressions in the box after the teacher. 3. Listen and practise Listen after the teacher and practise the dialogues in pairs. At school Jennifer at the door of the staff room Jennifer: Excuse me. May I come in, Miss Buavone? Miss Buavone: Yes, of course. Sit down. Jennifer: Oh, no, thank you. I’ve just come to say goodbye to you. I’m going to leave for Australia this Saturday. Miss Buavone: Oh! Really? Have a good trip home. We’ll miss you. Jennifer: I’ll miss all of you, too. 135

Unit 10At the airport Somphone and Jennifer’s family ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Paul White: Thank you for coming to see us off, Somphone. We have Somphone: got to go now. We’ll come back and visit you someday. Jennifer: Yes, please do. Mr and Mrs White, I’d like to wish you a Somphone: safe journey and good luck. Thanks, Somphone. You, too. Take care of yourself. Bye-bye. Goodbye. I hope to see you again. 4. Complete Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. good you on weekend Bye journey again you see hope later see At the bus station Two friends meet each other. Ta: Hi! Kham. Where are you going? Kham: To visit my aunt. And you? Ta: I’m going to meet my cousin at the airport. Well, here’s my bus. _________ Kham. Kham: Bye-bye. _________ you _________. 136

At the airport Unit 10 Boun is giving Peter a bunch of flowers. Boun: I’d like to wish you _________ luck Peter: and a safe _________. Thank you very much. I _________ to see _________ _________. In the classroom The teacher is talking to the class. Teacher: Well, we’ve nearly come to the end ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ of our lesson. Do you have any Students: questions? Teacher: No, Miss. Students: So. That’s all for today. I’ll _______ _______ _______ Monday. Thank you, Miss. Have a nice _________. 5. Read and say Look at Exercise 4 again. Which dialogue shows someone going away for a long time? Then practise all the dialogues in pairs. 6. Write Write two dialogues using the dialogues in Exercise 4 as examples. 1. Saying goodbye to someone before the weekend. 2. Saying goodbye to someone who is going abroad for a long time. 137

Unit 11Unit Eleven ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດREVISION Unit 11 Revision In this unit students revise grammar, vocabulary, and dialogues that they have learnt in Units 5–10. A. Grammar 1. Past tense a. Write the past tense of these regular verbs. 1. cook cooked 4. love 7. visit 2. enjoy 5. study 8. wash 3. invite 6. try 9. watch b. Write the simple form of these irregular past tense verbs. 1. buy bought 4. slept 7. __________felt 2. gave 5. spent 8. __________heard 3. met 6. took 9. __________taught c. Write answers to these questions. (shopping) 1. What did you do last Sunday? (Talat Sao Mall) (my sister) I went shopping. (the new jacket) 2. Where did you go shopping? (a little after 11:00) 3. Who did you go with? 4. What did you buy? 5. What time did you get home? 138

d. Complete these dialogues and practise with a partner. Unit 11 1. A: …………you……………..(go) out on Friday night? B: No, I………….. I………………..(invite) friends over, and I……………….(cook) dinner for them. 2. A: How……………you………………(spend) your last birthday? B: I……………..(have) a party. Everyone…………………….(enjoy) it, but the neighbors…………………………(complain) about the noise. 3. A: What………………you………………..(do) last night? B: I……………………(watch) the new Tom Cruise film. 4. A: ………….you……………..(do) anything special over the weekend? B: Yes, I…………. I……………………(go) shopping. Unfortunately, I…………………..(spend) all my money. Now I’m broke! e. Complete the text with the words in the box. ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ France people 1930 Vietnam 1890 city countries hero death died Ho Chi Minh Ho Chi Minh was born in Vietnam on May 19, (1) _________. He studied in Hue and Saigon. Later, he visited many (2) ______________, including North Africa, the USA, England, and France. He joined the communist party in (3) _________, then went to Indochina. He founded the Indochinese Communist Party in (4) _________. He spent the rest of his life fighting for the independence and unity of (5) _________. Ho Chi Minh (6) _________ in Hanoi on 3 September 1969. His dream of an independent, unified Vietnam finally came true after his (7)________________. He was a great (8)_______________ of the Vietnamese (9) _____________, who changed the name of Saigon city to Ho Chi Minh (10) _____________ to honour his memory. 139

Unit 11 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ f. Match the sentences that have the same meaning. The first one has been done for you. A B 1. He was broke last week. a. He had people over. 2. He didn’t work on Friday. b. He had a good time. 3. He worked around the house. c. He didn’t do laundry. 4. He didn’t wash the clothes. d. He took a day off. 5. He invited friends for dinner. e. He did housework. 6. He enjoyed the party. f. He spent all his money. 2. Present perfect a. Choose the correct responses. 1. A: Has she called her family lately? B: No, she hasn’t.  How many times?  No, she hasn’t. 2. A: Are you having a good time? B:  In a long time.  Really good. 3. A: How many times has he seen the show? B:  Twice.  Already. 4. A: What about the tour of the city? B:  I’ve never, have you?  Sure. I hear it’s great. b. Complete the conversation. Use the past tense or the present perfect of the words given. A: Have you ever lost (lose) anything valuable? B: Yes. I A: you (lose) my watch last month. B: No. Actually, I (find) it yet? already (buy) a new one. Look! 140

A: Oh, that’s nice. Where you (buy) it? Unit 11 B: I (get) it at the Morning Market last weekend. What about you? you ever (lose) anything valuable? A: Well, I (leave) my mobile phone in the classroom a couple of months ago. B: How come! Maybe that’s why you (not call) me for a while. A: That’s right. I can’t even remember my own phone number! But you excuse? (not call) me in a long time. What’s your B: I told you. I (lose) my watch, so I (not have) the time! ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ A: Very funny! 3. Future with be going to and will a. Complete the conversation. Use be going to or will. Dao: So, Dan, do you have any weekend plans? Dan: Well, I (paint) my room. The walls are a really ugly colour. What about you? Are you going to do anything special? Dao: I____________________________ (take) a long drive. Dan: Where are you going to go? Dao: I___________________________(visit) my parents. I haven’t seen them for a long time. Dan: That sounds nice. I always like to visit my family. Dao: Yes, and maybe I _______________________(go) for a few days. How about you? _______ you __________________ (do) anything else on your holiday? Dan: I________________________(probably/catch up) on my studying. I have a lot of work to do before school starts. Dao: That doesn’t sound like much fun. Dan: Oh, I am planning to have some fun. I______________________________ (play) Petanque. I love it. 141

Unit 11 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ b. Write four things you plan to do on your next weekend. Use be going to. 1. ________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________ c. Write four sentences about your possible weekend plans. Use will with maybe, probably, I guess, or I think. 1. ________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________ d. Questions about you Are you going to do any of these things after the lesson? Ask and answer the questions with a partner. 1 watch TV Are you going to watch TV? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 2 have a coffee 3 eat in a restaurant 4 meet some friends 5 cook a meal 6 go shopping 7 wash your hair 8 do your homework 9 make a phone call to someone 10 play some sports 142

B. Vocabulary Unit 11 1. Match Match the words with their meanings. The first one has been done for you as an example. 1. civil engineer _____ a. zh6oe ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ _____ b. ’ko,tskdedy]k 2. Vice Prime Minister 1 c. oad;ylt;tdvo3pmk 3. leader _____ d. Iv’okpqd]af4t,qo8u _____ e. zh6lhk’8A’ 4. party _____ f. [5d7t]yd 5. politician _____ g. oaddkog,nv’ 6. journalist 7. founder _____ h. oad|a’lnry, 8. personality _____ i. dkogfuomk’ _____ j. raddkog,nv’ 9. hobby _____ k. dyf9tdepk,s;kj ’ 10. sports carnival 11. journey 2. Translate Translate these phrases into Lao. 1. Free Lao Front = co;]k;vyflt]t 2. Coalition government = _______________________________ 3. Supreme Assembly = _______________________________ 4. Supreme Commander of the Armed forces = ___________________________________________________ 5. Party Central Committee = _______________________________ 6. Ethnic Cultural Park = _______________________________ 7. World Heritage Site = _______________________________ 8. Plain of Jars = _______________________________ 9. a good sense of humour = _______________________________ 3. Write a. Put these words into the right sentence order. The first sentence has been done for you. 1. She / friendly / calm / and / is ….She is calm and friendly…………………………………………………… 143

Unit 11 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 2. and / likes helping everybody / He / giving things to people ………………………………………………………………………….. 3. and / patient / She / kind / very / is ………………………………………………………………………….. 4. He / man / young / a clever / is ………………………………………………………………………….. 5. long straight hair / mother / My / a round face / got / has / and ………………………………………………………………………….. 6. sister / is / His / pretty / a beautiful / wears / and / Sinh ………………………………………………………………………….. b. Find the opposites of these adjectives. 1. unfriendly # friendly 2. impatient #____________ 3. tall #____________ 4. talkative #____________ 5. small #____________ 6. old #____________ 7. unhelpful #____________ 8. unkind #____________ c. Complete the chart with words from the box. Add two more words to each list. pretty serious handsome shy tall funny good-looking friendly nice thin smart kind heavy talkative Appearance Personality …..heavy…………. …..friendly……….. ……………………. ……………………. ……………………. ……………………. ……………………. ……………………. ……………………. ……………………. ……………………. ……………………. ……………………. ……………………. 144

4. Complete Unit 11 Complete the following sentences with adjectives that describe feelings. The first one has been done for you. 1. How do you feel when you’ve got a good mark? I feel happy. 2. How do the football players feel when they lose a football match? They feel _________ . 3. How do you feel after a long journey? I feel _________ . 4. How do you feel when your friends go away? I feel _________ . 5. How do you feel when you have nothing to do? I feel _________ . 6. How does a child feel when he is alone at night? He feels _________ . ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ C. Dialogues 1. Complete a. Write suitable responses to these sentences. 1. I’ve passed my driving test. _____________________________ 2. Excuse me. Could I sit here please? _____________________________ 3. Would you like to come to a party on Friday? _____________________________ 4. What does your teacher look like? _____________________________ 5. My friend won the swimming race. _____________________________ b. Listen to the teacher and complete the dialogue. Jennifer: We’re ____________ to have a party on Friday. Somphone: ____________ you like to come? I’d ____________ to. Are your friends from school going to be ____________? 145

Unit 11Jennifer: Yes. And some of our neighbours ________ probably come too. ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດSomphone:Do you think you’ll ____________ Laos? Jennifer: Yes, I will. But I ____________ I’ll come back someday. Somphone: I hope so ____________. 2. Complete Use the words in the boxes to complete the dialogues below. At school goodbye of course leave thank you good Jennifer: Excuse me. May I come in, Miss Smith? Miss Smith: Yes, _________. Sit down. Jennifer: Oh, no, thank you. I’ve just come to say _________ to you. I’m going to _________ for Australia this Saturday. Miss Smith: Oh! Really? Have a _________ trip home. We’ll miss you. Jennifer: _________ _________ very much. At the airport go wish again luck see care safe come Paul White: Thank you for coming to _________ us off, Somphone. We have to _________ now. We’ll _________ back and Somphone: visit you someday. Jennifer: Yes, please do. Mr and Mrs White, I’d like to _________ Somphone: you a _________ journey and good _________. Thanks, Somphone. You, too. Take _________ of yourself. Bye-bye. Goodbye. I hope to see you _________. 146

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