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9. Look and write Unit 4 Look at the pictures and write sentences about them using ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ “If + simple tense, + future tense”, then read them to the class. Example: weather is bad/go to school by bus If the weather is bad, I’ll go to school by bus. 1. weather is good/go to school by bicycle …………………………………………. …………………………………………. 2. it doesn’t rain/play Sepak Takraw …………………………………………. …………………………………………. 3. weather is fine/have a picnic …………………………………………. …………………………………………. 47

Unit 4 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 4. don’t understand/ask teacher ………………………………………… …………………………………………. 5. have a toothache/see the dentist …………………………………………. …………………………………………. 10. Write and say Arrange the words in the right order and say the sentences to your partner. Example: go / have / I / Luang Prabang / If / will / I / time / on / , / in / holiday If I have time, I will go on holiday in Luang Prabang. 1. study / If / I /, / pass my exam / will / I …………………………………………………………………………. 2. will / if / I / stay at home / I / feel ill …………………………………………………………………………. 3. gives me / my father / If / will / some money /, / I / buy a book …………………………………………………………………………. 4. feel better / you / if / You / will / take more exercise …………………………………………………………….................... 5. find / I / bring it back / your notebook /, / If / will / I ..........…………………………………………………………………... 48

Lesson 2 The zoo Unit 4 In this lesson students learn vocabulary about animals, and practise the first conditional. 1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meaning of the following words and expressions. antelope 2ko kangaroo 9y’39h bear \\u obey g-njv2a’ cage dq’ peacock oqdp5’ camel v6f python ’6gs^nv, crocodile c0h rubbish 0UgspNv deer d;k’ rules dqf]t[P[ drop 4Y, turtle g8qkj elephant -hk’ eastern mk’myf8kg;aovvd increase gruj,0Bo ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat after the teacher. 3. Look and match Look and match the words from the box with the pictures. deer lion camel peacock tiger bear turtle python crocodile kangaroo elephant antelope 1. …………….. 2. ………………….. 3. ………………. 49

Unit 4 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 4. ………………… 5. ………………….. 6. ………………… 7. ……………….. 8…………………… 9. ………………….. 10……………….. 11…………………. 12………………….. 4. Read and translate Read the text and translate it into Lao. The zoo The zoo is a beautiful place. It’s clean and peaceful, and people always obey the zoo rules. They never drop rubbish. At the eastern end of the zoo there are six special animals. They are: a deer, bird, monkey, kangaroo, antelope, and a crocodile. These six animals come from different countries: Indonesia, Australia, China, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Laos. 50

These animals eat at different times of the day: at nine o’clock in Unit 4 the morning, at half past ten in the morning, at midday, at three o’clock in the afternoon, at six o’clock in the evening, and at midnight. ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ The animals are in cage numbers 1–6. But we don’t know which animal is in which cage. 5. Listen and say The zoo is going to get a new animal soon a panda. Listen to the conversation between the zoo keepers about what will happen when the panda comes to the zoo. A: Is the new cage ready for the panda? B: No, not yet. The cage will be finished next week if it doesn’t rain. A: Oh! good. The panda’s going to arrive in about a month. Pandas eat a special kind of bamboo. What plans have we made for feeding the panda? B: We are growing some bamboo. If the panda arrives soon, there won’t be enough. We will also have to buy some bamboo from China. A: That will be very expensive. B: Yes, but if we have a panda, more people will visit the zoo. Maybe we should increase the ticket price. A: If we do that, fewer people will come to the zoo. Anyway, I’ve got to go now. If I don’t hurry, the lions will be very unhappy. It’s their dinner time. 6. Read and write Read and write all the conditional sentences from Exercise 5. Example: The cage will be finished next week if it doesn’t rain. 51

Unit 4 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 1. ………………………………………………………………………… 2. ………………………………………………………………………… 3. ………………………………………………………………………… 4. ………………………………………………………………………… 7. Read and complete Complete the sentences and say them to your partner. Example: If I have time, I will visit my cousin. My mother will be happy if I pass the exam. 1. If I come to school late, the teacher __________________________. 2. My parents will be worried if I ______________________________. 3. If I have lots of money, I ___________________________________. 4. You’ll be healthy if you ____________________________________. 5. Will you go to the party if __________________________________? 6. If I don’t do my homework, my teacher _______________________. 7. If you spend too much money, you ___________________________. 8. If I don’t understand the lesson, I_____________________________. 9. I will see the doctor if ______________________________________. 10. You will fail the exam if you _______________________________. 8. Puzzle Complete the diagram, using information from Exercise 4 and from the following sentences. 1. The animal in Cage 1 is from Australia and eats at three o’clock in the afternoon. 2. The deer comes from China and eats at midnight. 3. The monkey in Cage 6 eats at midday. 52

4. The bird, from Indonesia, is in the cage between the kangaroo and the Unit 4 deer. 5. The animal in Cage 4 eats first every day. 6. The antelope isn’t from Laos. 7. The animal in Cage 6 is from Vietnam. 8. The animal from Myanmar eats at 6 o’clock in the evening. 9. The kangaroo is in Cage 1. 10. The animal in Cage 4 comes from Laos. Cage 1 234 56 animal deer midday country Australia ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ feeding time 9. Ask and answer Look at the completed diagram in Exercise 8. Work with your partner and take turns to ask and answer questions about the six animals. Use Wh- questions. Example: A: Which animal is in Cage 1? B: The kangaroo. A: What time is it fed? B: It is fed at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. 53

Unit 4 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Lesson 3 Asking for permission In this lesson students learn formal and informal ways of asking for permission 1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meaning of the following words and expressions. discuss xbdlksk]n miss the class 0kfIPo permission vko5pkf 2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat after the teacher. 3. Listen and practise Listen and practise the dialogue. Jennifer: Dad, I have something to discuss with you. Dad: What? Jennifer: Well, Somphone’s family is going to the zoo and the Nam Ngum Dam on Friday. Is it OK if I go with them, Dad? Dad: Umm. Let me think. Well, it is a school day. You’ll have to ask your teacher if you want to take a day off. But if your teacher says it’s OK, you can go. How will you get there? Jennifer: Well, if the weather is fine, we’ll go by car. But if it rains, we’ll go by bus. Dad: That’s OK. Jennifer: Thanks, Dad. Oh! Daddy, can I borrow your tape recorder and camera? Dad: Yes, sure. You can borrow them, if you’re careful and if your teacher says you can go. Jennifer: Thanks. 54

Jennifer is asking her teacher for permission to take the day off on Friday. Unit 4 Jennifer: Excuse me, Miss Smith. Miss Smith: Yes, Jennifer. What can I do Jennifer: for you? My neighbour and his family are going to the zoo on Friday. Could I have a day off please? Miss Smith: I think that will be alright. But you’ll miss the class. You Jennifer: can go if you write a report about some of the animals you see at the zoo. You can give it to me on Monday morning. Yes, I will. Thank you very much. 4. Practise ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Listen to the dialogues and practise them with your partner. Is it OK if I borrow your ruler? Yes, sure. 55

Unit 4Excuse me. Could I sit here? ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດYes, certainly. Could I take a day off next Saturday? Sorry, I’m afraid you can’t. Saturday is our busiest day. 56

5. Listen and say Unit 4 Use the information in the table below and the examples in Exercise 4 to talk with your partner. Is it OK if I borrow your rulers? OK. Can I have some book? Yes, certainly. Could I take the car? Yes, sure. feed a camera? Sorry, I’m afraid you can’t. money? Sorry, I’m using it. hat? watch? ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ pen? sun-glasses? dogs? day off? bicycle? cats? 6. Read and complete Complete Jennifer’s letter to her grandmother, using the words in the box. home family fish zoo food lunch songs car dam gate photos bank tapes trees elephant PO Box 006 Vientiane, Lao PDR 5 August 1998 Dear Grandmum, I hope you and Granddad are both OK. Everyone is well in Vientiane. Last Friday I went with Somphone’s (1) _________ to the zoo and Nam Ngum Dam. We went there in Somphone’s father’s (2) ________. It was a very beautiful day. When we arrived at the (3) _________, we took 57

Unit 4 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ many (4) _________. I rode on the (5) _________, Daravone fed the (6) _________ and Somphone bought some (7) _________ for the animals. After visiting the zoo, we went on to the Nam Ngum (8) _________. On the way, I played some (9) _________ and everyone listened to the (10) _________. When we got to the Nam Ngum Dam, I asked the driver to stop at the front (11) _________ and took photos. I’m sending some with this letter. Then we had a picnic along the (12) _________ of the Nam Ngum River. We had (13) _________ and listened to Lao and English songs under the big (14) _________. We got (15) _________ at about 6.00 pm. It was a really great day. Well, that’s all for now. I’ll write you again soon. Lots of love Jennifer 7. Read and write Read and write whether the following words and expressions are “Formal or Informal” Is it OK if I go… ? Excuse me… Could I… …please? Can I… ? Yes, sure. Yes, certainly. Thank you very much. Thanks. 8. Look and write Look at the letter in Exercise 6 as a model and write a similar one to someone in your family talking about your last holiday. 58

Unit Five Unit 4Unit 1 any thing you want to be tRopEicVokISION In this unit students revise some language skills learnt from Unit 1 to 4. A Grammar 1. Irregular verbs Fill in the missing words. Infinitive Past Past Participleສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ buy bought (1) …………… do (2) …………… done drink drank (3) …………… drive (4) …………… driven eat (5) …………… eaten (6) …………… found found (7) …………… went gone stand up (8) …………… stood up take took (9) …………….. write wrote (10) …………… 2. Read and complete Read and complete the following sentences with for or since. 1. I’ve lived in Pakse ________ 1991. 2. He’s been in his office ________ 7.30 this morning. 3. Jennifer has lived in Vientiane ________ about one year. 4. I’ve waited for this letter ________ three weeks. 5. My family has had this motorbike ________ April. 6. Saysamone has studied at university ________ 1993. 7. I’ve known Stella ________ a long time. 8. I haven’t eaten mangoes ________ last year. 59

Unit 5 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 3. Write Write about some things that your grandmother, grandfather or any other people used to do when they were young. Example: When my grandmother was young, she used to work in the rice fields. My grandfather used to live in Luang Prabang when he was a young man. My uncle used to be a soldier when he was eighteen. 1. ………………………………………………………………………….. 2. ………………………………………………………………………….. 3. ………………………………………………………………………….. 4. ………………………………………………………………………….. 5. ………………………………………………………………………….. 6. ………………………………………………………………………….. 7. ………………………………………………………………………….. 8. ………………………………………………………………………….. 9. ………………………………………………………………......……… 10. ……………………………………………………………………..... 4. Listen and complete Listen and complete the text with the correct verb form. On the way to school One early morning, while I (1) ______ _________ to school, I (2) _________ an accident. I noticed a young driver in a blue car staring at a pretty girl while he (3) ______ _________ for the traffic lights to change. When the traffic lights turned green, the young driver (4) ___________ 60

around the corner. He was still staring at the girl so he (5) ___________ Unit 5 _________ an old man who was crossing the road, just around the corner. The blue car (6) _________ to avoid hitting the old man. It crashed into aສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ white van that (7) ______ _________ from the opposite direction. The crash made a loud noise. People who (8) ______ _________ to work turned around and (9) _________ at the accident. Fortunately, it (10) _________ serious but the blue car was badly damaged. 5. Read and write Read the following matters and write your own advice using should or shouldn’t. Example: I’m worried about my mother. She’s very tired all the time. You should take her to the doctor. 1. I’ve got a terrible toothache. ………………………………………………………………………….. 2. I’m very tired. ………………………………………………………………………… 3. I think I’m going to fail the history test next week. ………………………………………………………………………… 4. I’ve lost my new English book. ………………………………………………………………………… 5. My little sister is having a lot of trouble with her homework. ………………………………………………………………………… 6. My father’s going to Vientiane for six months. I’m going to miss him. ………………………………………………………………………… 7. There’s been a very bad car accident just outside the school. ………………………………………………………………………… 61

Unit 5 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 6. Listen and complete Listen and complete the text with the correct passive verb. Rice growing Rice is one of the main foods of the Lao people. In the past, rice was normally grown once a year in the rainy season. This is because rice needs a lot of water. But now rice (1) ______ ______ _________ twice a year with the help of irrigation. Growing rice takes time, patience and hard work. How is rice grown? Firstly, some of the land (2) ____ _________ and harrowed with the help of buffaloes. The rice seeds (3) ____ _________ in water for three days, then they are sown. The next step is replanting. The rice fields are ploughed (4) ______ _________. The seedlings, after growing for thirty to forty days, (5) ____ _________ ______. Then they (6) ____ _________ in the prepared fields. The farmers have to look after the rice plants for three to four months, while they are growing. The final step is harvesting. The rice (7) ____ _________, collected, and stored in a barn. 7. Complete the sentences Read and complete the following sentences using words in the brackets. 1. If I don’t understand the questions, _________ (ask) the teacher. 2. You_________ (understand) more if you read a lot. 3. If it _________ (rain), we _________ (stay) home. 4. If we arrive in Luang Prabang, we _________ (visit) Wat Phousy. 5. I will go for a walk if the weather _________ (be) clear. 6. If you work harder, you _________ (have) a lot of money. 7. If I come to school late, the teacher __________ (be) angry. 62

8. Read and write Unit 5 Rewrite the following sentences if they are wrong. 1. My computer has not been fix yet. ……………………………… 2. They have been find. ……………………………… 3. They haven’t been bring back yet. ……………………………… 4. Trees have been cut down. ……………………………… 5. It has been checked before. ……………………………… B Vocabulary ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 1. Listen and complete Listen and complete the following sentences. 1. Khampeng is fourteen years old. He’s quite _________ and ________. He’s got short, dark hair and he wears glasses. 2. Somphone’s _________ goes to primary school. She’s a _________ girl with long dark hair and _________ eyes. 3. My neighbour is a _________ old woman with grey hair. She’s quite _________. 4. Jennifer’s a _________. She’s pretty and she’s got long _________ hair. 5. I’ve got a new dog. It’s _________ and white and very _________. 2. Choose and write Use the words in the box to write true sentences. silk cotton silver gold plastic steel bamboo wood rattan leather Example: plastic: My school bag is made of plastic. gold: My mother has a gold ring. bamboo: I’m sitting on a bamboo chair. 1. …………………………………………………………………… 2. …………………………………………………………………… 63

Unit 5 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 3. …………………………………………………………………… 4. …………………………………………………………………… 5. …………………………………………………………………… 6. …………………………………………………………………… 7. …………………………………………………………………… 3. Look and write Use the pictures below to answer the questions: What’s the matter with him/her? Example: Picture 3: What’s the matter with him? He’s got a sore throat. 1. ……………… 2. ……………… 3. He’s got a sore throat. 4. ……………… 5. ……………… 6. ……………… 7. ……………… 8. ……………… 9. ……………… 64

C Dialogue Unit 5 1. Listen and complete Listen to the teacher and complete the dialogue. Somphone: Hi, Philavong. How _________ you? Philavong: Fine, thanks. What are you _________? Somphone: I’m _________ with a friend but I can’t find her. Philavong: Who is she? Do I know her? What ________ she look like? Somphone: She’s Khone from my school. You know her. _________ about my height with long dark hair. She’s quite Philavong: _________. Ah! She is over there. Somphone: OK. See you _________. Bye. 2 Read and match ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Match the invitations or offers with the correct replies. Example: A–3 invitation/offer reply A Would you like some orange 1. Yes, I’d love to. Is it OK if I come juice? at about 3 o’clock? B Would you like to come to my 2. Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t. I have to house on Sunday afternoon? study for the maths test on Monday. C Would you like some papayas? 3. No, thanks. I’m not thirsty. D Would you like to go on a 4. That’s a good idea. I haven’t had picnic this weekend? any exercises today. E Would you like to come for a 5. Yes, please. It’s my favourite fruit. walk? 65

Unit Six Unit 1 any thing you wPaEntOtoPbLeEtopFicRoOk M THE PAST Lesson 1 Prince Souphanouvong—part 1 In this lesson students learn to use the past simple tense and talk about history. 1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meaning of the following words and expressions. prince g9Qk-kp National School of Bridge and Road Engineering princess g9Qkpy’ 3I’IPo ;ylt;tde0q;-mk’csj’-kf province c0;’ Lao Patriotic Movement project 37’dko 0t[;odkoco;]k;Iad-kf join g0QkI;j , form lhk’8A’0BoF d+8A’0Bo Lao Issara government ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ appoint c8’j 8A’ ]af4t[ko]k;vyflt]t strengthen gIaf.shg0A,c0’0Bo revolutionary movement later 8+,k 0t[;odkoxt8y;af president xtmko Minister of Civil Works Free Lao Front co;]k;vyflt]t graduate 9q[F leg]afdkolbdlk ]af4t,qo8udt-;’3pmk civil engineering ;ylt;tde3pmk Minister of National Defence civil engineer oad;ylt;tdvo3pmk ]af4t,qo8udt-;’xhv’daoxtgmf Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces z6h[ao-kdkomtskol6’l5f 2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words and expressions in the box after the teacher. 3. Read and practise Read and practise this dialogue with your partner. Sak: Did you have a good weekend? Nok: Yes, I did. But I feel a little tired today. Sak: Really? Why? Nok: Well, on Saturday, I did exercises in the morning. Then my roommate and I cleaned the room. After that, I visited my parents. Sak: What about Sunday? Nok: I studied for the test all day. 66

Sak: Oh, no! Do we have a test today? I didn’t study! I just watched TV Unit 6 all weekend! 4. Grammar note Past simple A. Regular verbs Notice the regular simple past forms. Present form p Past form p study p studied watch p watched wash p washed p needed need p stayed stay p visited visit p shopped shop listened listen worked work Negative form Example: ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ didn’t study on Sunday. Affirmative form didn’t watch TV all weekend. didn’t stay home on I studied on Sunday. I didn’t visit Sunday. didn’t shop our parents. You watched TV all You didn’t work for groceries. She stayed weekend. She on Saturday. We visited home on We You shopped Sunday. You They worked our parents. They for groceries. on Saturday. Practise 1. What are the past forms of these verbs? Regular verbs Past simple Infinitive ….graduated…… graduate …………………. …………………. return …………………. …………………. work …………………. join form appoint 67

Unit 6talk …………………. ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດwatch…………………. play …………………. study …………………. 2. Complete these sentences with the correct verb forms. What did you do last weekend? 1) I…waited……(wait) for a phone call, but my girlfriend …didn’t call…..(not call). 2) I……………(stay) home and …………… (watch) TV. 3) My friend Nick…………… (visit) me. We…………… (talk) and …………… (listen) to music. 4) We …………… (invite) some friends over, and we…………… (cook) a great meal. 5) I…………… (study) on Saturday, but I………..… (not work) on Sunday. I…………… (walk) to the market and …………… (shop) all day. 3. Change the sentences into the past simple. 1). Do they go shopping on Saturday? (last Saturday) ….Did they go shopping last Saturday?......................................... 2). Does she have lunch at one o’clock? (yesterday) ……………………………………………………………………. 3). He has a drink in a bar. (this morning) ……………………………………………………………………. 4). She doesn’t go to the gym on Monday. (last Monday) ……………………………………………………………………. 5). I go to the hairdresser’s every month. (last month) ……………………………………………………………………. 68

B. Irregular verbs Unit 6 Notice the irregular simple past forms. Present form Past form sleep p slept get up p got up read p read eat p ate see p saw buy p bought drink p drank have p had meet p met go p went come p came feel p felt Example: We saw a film. I met a friend at the parkສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ We bought popcorn, and went jogging. Then I I slept late on Saturday. drank some water, came home and felt really I got up at ten, read the and had a lot of fun! tired. newspaper, and ate breakfast. Practise 1. What are the infinitive and past forms of these verbs? Irregular verbs Past simple Infinitive ….was/were ……. became be ……………………… ……………………… gave speak ……………………… ……………………… heard run ……………………… ……………………… made swim ……………………… ……………………… lost drive ……………………… 69

Unit 6 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 2. Complete these conversations with the correct verb forms. Then practice with your partner. 1). A: …Did….you….have…..(have) a good weekend? B: Yes, I……………. I……………(have) a great weekend. 2). A: ……………you…………… (eat out) on Friday night? B: No, I……………. Some friends…………… (come) over. We…………… (eat) dinner at my apartment. Then we…………… (go) to a movie. 3). A: ……………you…………… (read) the newspaper this morning? B: Yes, I……………. I…………… (read) it at work. 4). A: ……………you…………… (have) breakfast this morning? B: No, I……………. I…………… (get up) late. But I…………… (buy) a cup of coffee and …………… (drink) it on the bus. 5. Read and translate Read the text below and translate it into Lao. Prince Souphanouvong—part 1 Prince Souphanouvong was born on July 13, 1909 at Ban Mai village, Luang Prabang province. He was the son of Prince Bounkhong and Princess Kham-ouane. After finishing school in Luang Prabang, Prince Souphanouvong went to Hanoi to continue his studies. He then went to Paris, France, to study at the National School of Bridge and Road Engineering, where he graduated in 1937 as a civil engineer. In 1938, he returned to Indochina and worked on many projects in Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia. In 1940, Prince Souphanouvong joined the Lao Patriotic Movement. In 1945, he returned to Laos to help strengthen the revolutionary movement. In October 1945, the Lao Issara government was formed, and he was appointed as Minister of Civil Works, Minister of National Defence, and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. Later, in 1950, he became President of the Neo Lao Issara (Free Lao Front). 70

6. Read and answer Unit 6 Read the text again and answer the questions below. ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 1. When was Prince Souphanouvong born? ________________________________________________________ 2. What were his parents’ names? ________________________________________________________ 3. Where did Prince Souphanouvong study civil engineering? ________________________________________________________ 4. What did he do in 1940? ________________________________________________________ 5. When did he become a President of the Neo Lao Issara? ________________________________________________________ 7. Look and write Write sentences about Prince Souphanouvong, using past tense verbs. Example: Prince Souphanouvong / 1909. Prince Souphanouvong was born in 1909. 1. Prince Souphanouvong / Hanoi / to study. ___________________________________________________ 2. He / civil engineer / 1937. ___________________________________________________ 3. He / Indochina / 1938. ___________________________________________________ 4. He / many projects / Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia. ___________________________________________________ 5. He / Lao Patriotic Movement / 1940. ___________________________________________________ 71

Unit 68. Look and say ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດLook at the pictures 1–6 and say sentences using the verbs and expressions given. Example: 1. Prince Souphanouvong was born in Ban Mai Village. 1. born/Ban Mai village 2. studied/Paris 3. worked/many projects 4. joined/Lao Patriotic 5. appointed/Minister of 6. became/Neo Lao Issara Movement National Defence 9. Write Write about somebody you know well such as your grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, uncle, aunt, etc. Example: My uncle was born in a small village in Savannakhet. He finished his primary school in 1975. He………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… … 72

10. Spelling game—Hangman Unit 6 Play Hangman using words from the reading text. Example: MINISTER Lesson 2 Prince Souphanouvong—part 2 In this lesson students learn to practise “wh-questions” about the past. 1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meaning of the following words and expressions. ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ unification leader zh6oe dko];,8q;daoF dkogxao|bj’fP; elect g]nvd8A’ Minister of Planning serve as fe]q’8ec|j’ ]af4t,qo8u dt-;’czodko retire vvd[eoko Vice Prime Minister physical illness l50trk[[+c0’cI’ Iv’okpqd]af4t,qo8u party raddkog,nv’ coalition government state ]af loyal 9q’Iadradfu ]af4t[koxtlq, Lao People’s Democratic Republic devote m5,j gmF glplt]t (Lao PDR) wisdom lt8yxaopk lkmk]tot]af xt-kmyxtw8 xt-k-qo]k; Party Central Committee strength gsnvj cI’ 7totde,tdkol6odk’rad cause 8QodegoufF [jvogduf national independence progress 7;k,dhk;|hk freedom vyflt]trk[ gvdt]kfcsj’-kf Party Congress well-being dkogxao1j6mujfu dkoxt-5,.sp0j v’rad heart attack rtpkfsq;.9;kp Supreme Assembly ltrkl6’ respected mugj 7qk]q[ mujIad beloved yeah/yes c,joc]h; 73

Unit 6 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words and expressions in the box after the teacher. 3. Read and practise The Past simple X Yes/No - questions A. Read and practise this conversation with your partner. Linda: Did you go out with Sak? Um: Yes, I did. We went out on Saturday night. We saw the new Tom Cruise movie. Linda: Did you like it? Um: I liked it a lot, but Sak didn’t. Linda: Oh, well. Did you do anything else? Um: Yeah. We went to a dance club. Linda: Did you have a good time? Um: Yes, we did. We had a great time. And we’re going to go out again next weekend. B. Write Yes/No-questions using the information in the table and take turns to ask and answer the questions. Example: 1. Did you have dinner at home last weekend? Last weekend 1. have dinner at home? 9. go shopping? 2. study English? 10. buy any clothes? 3. do homework? 11. see any friends? 4. watch a good film? 12. talk on the phone? 5. go away? 13. sleep late? 6. read any books? 14. have dinner at a restaurant? 7. work around the house? 15. go dancing? 8. exercise or play any sports? 16. meet girl/boyfriend? 74

Y wh-questions Unit 6 Make wh- questions from the chart below, and use them to interview your partner. What did you do last Saturday? go out or stay in? I went out I stayed in Where / go? Why / stay in? Who / go with? What / do? How / get there? Who (be) / with? What / do (after that)? What time / go to bed? When / come home? Question forms ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Wh- question Auxiliary Subject Infinitive Time expressions Did you go out Who they go with? last night? What did he do yesterday? 4. Complete and practise Complete and take turns to ask and answer the questions. 1. Luang Prabang 2. A: Where was he born? (born) A: Where _____________? (study) B: He was born in Luang Prabang. B: _________________________ 75

Unit 6 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 3. 4. A: When ___________? (graduate) A: Where _____________? (work) B: _________________________ B: _________________________ 5. A: When ____________? (join / Lao Patriotic Movement) B: ____________________________________________ 5. Read and translate Read the text below and translate it into Lao with the teacher. Prince Souphanouvong—part 2 During the unification of Laos, Prince Souphanouvong was the Minister of Planning in the first coalition from 1957 to 1959 and the Vice Prime Minister of the second coalition government in 1962. In 1975 he was elected the President of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) and the President of the People’s Supreme Assembly. He served as the President of the Lao PDR until the Fifth Party Congress in 1991. Though he retired as the President due to his ill physical illness, he continued to serve as an adviser to the Party Central Committee. Souphanouvong was a leader of the party and state. He was a loyal, honest, and very clever leader. He devoted all of his wisdom and strength to the course of national independence and progress. Until the end of his life, he worked for the freedom and well-being of the Lao people. He died of a heart attack on January 9, 1995 in Vientiane. He was one of the most famous, respected, and beloved Lao leaders. 76

6. Read and say Unit 6 Work with your partner to read and say whether the following sentences ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ are true or false. Then write the correct sentences if they are false. Example: A: Prince Souphanouvong was a Minister from 1957-59. B: True. A: He was the President in 1962. B: False. He was the Vice Prime Minister. 1. He was the Prime Minister of the Lao PDR. ……………………………………………………………………… 2. He was one of the most respected leaders of Lao people. ……………………………………………………………………… 3. He was a leader of the party and the state. ……………………………………………………………………… 4. He devoted himself to his own family. ……………………………………………………………………… 5. He was well-known. ……………………………………………………………………… 7. Ask and answer Read the text in Exercise 5 and answer the questions below. 1. When did Prince Souphanouvong serve as the President of the Lao PDR? ………………………………………………………………………… 2. How long did he serve as the President of the Lao PDR? ………………………………………………………………………… 3. Why did he retire as the President? ………………………………………………………………………… 4. What did he do after he retired as the President? ………………………………………………………………………… 77

Unit 6 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 5. When did he die? ………………………………………………………………………… 6. Why did he die? ………………………………………………………………………… 7. What’s the Lao language for Lao Patriotic Movement? ………………………………………………………………………… 8. Read and choose Read and circle the correct verb form from each sentence. Prince Souphanouvong (1) born/was born on July 13, 1909 at Ban Mai village, Luang Prabang province. He (2) is/was the son of Prince Bounkhong and Princess Kham-ouane. He (3) studied/studyies in Hanoi and Paris, and graduated in 1937 as a civil engineer. In 1975 he (4) elected/was elected the President of the Lao PDR. All his life, he (5) works/worked for the freedom and well-being of the Lao people. He (6) died/was died of a heart attack in 1995. 9. Complete Use the words in the box to complete the text. President leader freedom independence Prime Minister retired heart attack During the unification of Laos, Prince Souphanouvong was the (1) _____________ of Planning in the first coalition from 1957 to 1959 and the Vice (2) _____________ Minister of the second coalition government in 1962. In 1975, he was elected the President of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) and the President of the People’s Supreme Assembly. He served as the (3) _______________of the Lao PDR until the Fifth Party Congress in 1991. Though he (4) ___________ 78

as the President due to his physical illness, he continued to serve as an Unit 6 adviser to the Party Central Committee. ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Souphanouvong was a (5) _____________ of the party and state. He was a loyal, honest, and very clever leader. He devoted all of his wisdom and strength to the course of national (6) ____________ and progress. Until the end of his life, he worked for the (7)____________ and well-being of the Lao people. He died of a (8)_____________ ____________ on January 9, 1995 in Vientiane. He was one of the most famous, respected, and beloved Lao leaders. 79

Unit 6Lesson 3 Ho Chi Minh ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດIn this lesson students revise the past simple tense. 1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meaning of the following words and expressions. politician oaddkog,nv’ Democratic Republic of Vietnam poet oaddt;u lkmk]tot]af xt-kmyxtw8 s;Pfok, photographer oad4kj pI6[ Socialist Republic of Vietnam journalist oad0Po|a’lnry, lkmk]tot]af la’7q,oypq, s;Pfok, founder zh6d+8A’F zh6lhk’8A’ liberate xqfxjvpF gIaf.shgxaovyflt]t unify ];,8q;daoF gIaf.shgxao|bj’fP; ship gInvF dexajo death dko8kp 2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat after the teacher. 3. Grammar note Past time expressions - this morning - yesterday - last night / weekend / week / month / year - in 2009 - two years ago Example: Where did you go yesterday? Last year, I went to Vietnam. I went to Champasack three months ago. 4. Practise A. Number the past time expressions 1st to 10th. last November six months ago a month ago three weeks ago 80

a year ago two hours ago Unit 6 last weekend three days ago last Monday in 2008 1st B. Put the words in the right order. 1. home / ago / minutes / five / arrived / She. …..She arrived home five minutes ago……………………………... 2. I / the / to / week / last / dentist’s / went. ………………………………………………………………………. 3. drove / He / Vietnam / to / ago / years / two. ………………………………………………………………………. 4. Tuesday / night / you / did / go / Where / last? ………………………………………………………………………. 5. came / Vientiane Capital / January / to / They / last. ……………………………………………………………………… ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ C. Complete the questions by using wh-questions in the box. Who When How long How Where Why What Question Answer For a holiday. 1. Why did she go to Vietnam? Three months ago. Her family. 2. ______________did she go? By car. In a small hotel. 3. ______________did she go with? For two weeks. They swam in the sea 4. ______________did they get there? and took photos. 5. ______________did they stay? 6. ______________did they stay? 7. ______________did they do? 81

Unit 6 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 5. Read and match Write the number of each sentence to the correct picture as example given. A3 1. He was a photographer in Paris. B ____ 2. He was a famous politician and poet in C ____ Vietnam. D ____ E ____ 3. Ho Chi Minh was born on May 19, F ____ 1890 in Kiem Lien, Vietnam. 4. He went to England and France working on ships. 5. Ho Chi Minh died on September 3, 1969 in Hanoi, Vietnam. 6. He studied in Hue and Saigon. 82

6. Read Unit 6 Read the text below and translate it into Lao with the teacher. ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Ho Chi Minh Ho Chi Minh was a Vietnamese politician, poet, and journalist. He was born on May 19, 1890 in Kiem Lien, Vietnam. He studied in Hue and Saigon. Later, he visited North Africa, the USA, England, and France where he worked on ships and did different jobs. In Paris, he worked as a photographer. He also came to the South of Laos. He was the founder of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. He worked all his life to liberate and unify his country. He died on September 3, 1969 in Hanoi, Vietnam. His dream came true after his death. 7. Read and answer Read the text and answer the questions below. 1. Who was Ho Chi Minh? ………………………………………………………………………… 2. Where did he study? ………………………………………………………………………… 3. What countries did he visit? ………………………………………………………………………… 4. What did he do in Paris? ………………………………………………………………………… 5. When did he die? ………………………………………………………………………… 83

Unit 6 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 8. Listen and write Listen and correct the wrong information in the text below. Ho Chi Minh was a Vietnamese musician, poet, and journalist. He was born on May 19, 1990 in Kiem Lien, Vietnam. He studied in Hanoi and Saigon. Later, he visited South Africa, the USA, England, and Germany where he worked on ships and did different jobs. In Paris, he worked as a driver. He also came to the capital of Laos. He was the founder of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. He worked all his life to liberate and unify his family. He died on November 3, 1969 in Hanoi, Vietnam. His dream came true before his death. 9. Rearrange Rearrange the letters to make a correct word. Example: 1. colationi = coalition 6. entmovme =________ 2. assymebl =________ 7. patoircit =________ 3. revtiaoryunlo =________ 8. libterae =________ 4. nidpedenence =________ 9. polcitiian =________ 5. eministr =________ 10. funoder =________ 11. rfedeom =________ 84

Unit Seven Unit 1 any thing you wPaEnOt tPo LbeEtoIpNic oOkUR LIVES Lesson 1 My best friend In this lesson students learn to describe people. 1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meaning of the following words and expressions. heavily built Ijk’.spj long hair zq,pk; short hair zq,lAo curly hair zq,d6f slim 7u’[k’ big eye 8k3]hF 8k.spj v5[afgsf plait zq,gxp accident description dkorao]tok international school 3I’IPookM-kf 2. Listen and repeat ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Listen and repeat the words and expressions in the box after the teacher. 3. Match Match the words in the box with the pictures below. heavily built short hair curly hair fat tall big eyes a plait short long hair slim Example: 1 - tall 1. Syphone 2. Pheng 3. Sengkham 4. Souk 5. Khammy 85

Unit 7 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 6. Sivilay 7. Soudavanh 8. Jennifer 9. Khaykham 10. Viengsavan 4. Look and say Take turns to say sentences about the pictures in the Exercise 3. Example: picture 1: Syphone is tall. picture 6: Syvilay has got long hair. 5. Grammar note Asking and giving people’s general description General appearance What does he look like? He’s quite tall, with red hair. Does he wear glasses? Yes, he does. Does he have a mustache? No, he doesn’t. Age How old is he? He’s about 18. He’s in his twenties. Hair What colour is her hair? Dark. She has dark hair. How long is her hair? It’s medium length. Height How tall is she? She’s fairly short. She’s 152 cm. 6. Read and write Write questions to the given answers. 1. ……………………………………….? My brother is 23. 86

2. ……………………………………….? I’m 160 cm. Unit 7 3. ……………………………………….? Suda has dark hair. 4. ……………………………………….? No, she doesn’t. 5. ……………………………………….? He’s tall and very handsome. 6. ……………………………………….? I have brown eyes. 7. Ask and answer Take turns to ask and answer questions about your teacher’s or classmates’ appearance. Example: A. What colour is Aksone’s hair? B. It’s …………….. A. How tall is Phetkeo? ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ B. He/she is ………………….. 8. Look and write — is or has Indicate whether the “ ’s ” in each sentence stands for “ is ” or “ has ”. Example: has Saysamone’s had an accident. ______ ______ 1. Jennifer’s quite pretty. ______ 2. Jennifer’s got curly hair. ______ 3. Somphone’s finished his homework. ______ 4. Her name’s Souda. ______ 5. What’s the time? 6. My bicycle’s been found. 9. Read and say Read and practise the dialogue in pairs. Vongsone: Hey! Somphone. I met a girl at the International School. She knows you. 87

Unit 7Somphone:Who is she? Vongsone: I’ve forgotten her name. ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດSomphone:Well, what does she look like? Vongsone: She’s tall and about our age. She’s not Lao. Somphone: She’s got big brown eyes and long curly hair. Vongsone: She’s very pretty. Somphone: Oh! She’s Jennifer. Who is she? She’s my neighbour. She’s from Australia and she’s my best friend. 10. Read and write . She Look at the pictures and write the missing words in the blanks. My best friend Jennifer is my neighbour. She is from____________ has come to live in _____________ with her __________ She is 13 years old. She’s got curly ___________ and beautiful ___________ . She’s quite tall and slim. She’s very pretty. Jennifer likes playing the_______________ and listening to Lao _____________ . She likes playing ______________ and __________________ . Sometimes she likes watching ________________ . Jennifer is very clever and helpful. She always helps me when I have problems with my English homework. She likes meeting and talking to my_____________ . She is very friendly and kind. I like her very much. 88

11. Write Unit 7 A. Write and read a short description of your classmate to the class and let them guess who she/he is. Example: Student A: She’s quite tall. She’s got long black hair. She’s quiet and she likes singing and dancing. Class: She’s Vankham. B. Now write a description of somebody in your family.ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… 89

Unit 7Lesson 2 My photo album ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດIn this lesson students learn about describing people. 1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meaning of the following words and expressions. boxer oad,;p look like 7hkp7n broad shoulders [kj w]dj ;hk’ famous mu,j u-njlP’F 3fj’fa’ strong arms c0omujc0’cd’j dark eyes 8kfe the rest lj;omugj s^nv round face |hk,qo straight hair zq,-nj grey hair zq,s’vd plump vh;oF 8h6p pretty ’k, 2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words in the box after the teacher. 3. Read and practise Read and practise the dialogue in pairs. Jennifer asks Somphone some questions about his photo album. Jennifer: This is a lovely photo. Who’s that boy? Somphone: It’s me. It was taken a long time ago, when I was in Savannakhet. Jennifer: How old were you then? Somphone: I was seven. Jennifer: Who’s the tall, handsome man next to you? Is it your father? Somphone: No, it isn’t. It’s my uncle. Jennifer: He looks like a boxer. He’s got broad shoulders and very strong arms. Somphone: Yes, he has. He was a famous boxer in Savannakhet. Jennifer: Mmm… Can I look at the rest of your family photos? Somphone: Sure. Here you are. 90

4. Read and find Unit 7 A. Read and find the adjectives that describe people in Exercise 3. 1. old 2. _____________ 3. _____________ 4. _____________ 5. _____________ 6. _____________ B. Look at these expressions, and add more words or expressions. Height short fairly short medium height pretty tall tall ______________ _____________ ___________ __________ Age young middle aged elderly ___________ ________ Looks pretty __________ _________ handsome good-looking ___________ __________ __________ __________ ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Hair straight hair curly hair short hair long hair bald a mustache and beard ____________ _____________ _______________ _______________ _____________ 5. Read and practise Read and practise the dialogue in pairs. At the hotel Receptionist: Good afternoon. Can I help you? Tina: Yes. I’m looking for someone. His name is Vorachit. Receptionist: Well, what does he look like? Tina: He’s about 27, I guess. He’s pretty tall with red hair. Receptionist: Oh, are you Tina? Tina: Yes, that’s right. Receptionist: He looked for you a few minutes ago. I think he’s in the restaurant. Tina: Thanks. I’ll go and look for him. 91

Unit 7 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 6. Match Match the following sentences with the right pictures. Example: A – Somphone 1. Somphone is fourteen years old. He is quite tall and slim. He’s got short dark hair. He’s handsome. 2. Daravone is nine years old. She is pretty. She’s got a long plait in her hair. 2. Saysamone is twenty-one years old. He is quite tall, with dark eyes. He’s quite handsome. 4. Saykham is about forty-nine years old. He’s tall and heavily built. His hair is turning grey. He wears glasses. 5. Samone is forty-five years old. She’s quite short. She’s got long straight hair and a round face. 6. Khane is seventy-five. She is short and slim. She’s got long grey hair and a thin face. 7. Khamla is three months old. She’s lovely. She’s got big eyes and a round face. She’s rather plump. 8. Thong is a very old man. He’s got short, grey hair and he’s quite thin. 92

7. Complete Unit 7 Use the information from Exercise 6 to complete the table. Name Age Face Eyes Hair Pretty/ Somphone 14 - - short, dark Handsome handsome Saysamone Khamla Samone Daravone Saykham Thong ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Khane 8. Puzzle How many adjectives can you find? 93

Unit 7Lesson 3 A kind and generous person ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດIn this lesson students learn to talk about personality. 1. Vocabulary Read and remember the meaning of the following words and expressions. personality [5d7t]yd unkind .9Ihkp}[+l5rk[ unhelpful [+,uoE.9}.97a[c7[ talkative g;Qks^kpF -jk’g;Qk order ]efa[ opposite dq’dao0hk, a good sense of humour fact 7;k,9y’ opinion 7;k,7yf vk]q,8ts^qdgIIk size 0t|kf dt;qodt;ko generous .9d;hk’ nervous helpful ,u9yf.9gvNvg2NvF ,ad-j;pgs^nv7qovnoj patient vqfmqo}.9g1ao get along g0Qkdaowfh}wxoedaowfh impatient [+vqfmqoF .9Ihvo unfriendly [+,uw,8uF [+gxao,yf calm m5oj mjP’ clever lts^kf shy 0Uvkp 2. Listen and repeat Listen and repeat the words and expressions in the box after the teacher. 3. Read and say Read the descriptions of the people below, and then describe yourself to the class in the same way. This is Somphone. He’s got short dark hair. He’s tall, quite slim and handsome. He’s talkative, friendly, and helpful. This is Somphone’s father, Saykham. He’s got grey hair and he wears glasses. He’s clever and helpful. He’s also calm and friendly. 94

This is Somphone’s mother, Samone. Unit 7 She’s got long straight hair and a round face. She’s talkative and she’s got a good sense of humour.ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ I am………………………………………………………. You I’ve got………………………………………………….. 4. Read and practise Read and practise the dialogue in pairs. Puna: How’s your new boyfriend? Panoy: He’s alright. Puna: What’s his name? Panoy: Dido Puna: Do both of you have anything in common? Panoy: Of course, we do, but not all. Puna: What kind of person is he? Panoy: Well, he’s really nice and patient. Puna: That’s nice. What does he like to do in his free time? Panoy: Well, he likes all sports. He enjoys basketball and football. He’s also a good badminton player. Puna: Does he like going to parties? Panoy: Well, actually, Dido prefers staying at home. He doesn’t like to go out much. Puna: Well! You love going to parties, but he doesn’t. Panoy: Anyway, we get along with each other very well. 5. Read and answer Read the conversation again and write T for true or F for false. 1. ______Dido is Puna’s boyfriend. 2. ______Panoy likes going to parties. 3. ______Panoy and Dido have something in common. 4. ______Panoy likes all sports. 5. ______Dido is a good athlete. 95

Unit 7 ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ 6. Questionnaire A. What kind of person are you? What kinds of things do you prefer doing? Circle the letter next to the answer that describes you. Choose only one answer for each question. 1. I like reading 6. On the weekend, I like getting up (a) books. (a) early and working around the (b) newspapers. house. (c) magazines. (b) early and having breakfast with my family. 2. I like going to (c) late and going out for breakfast (a) museums. with friends. (b) the movies. (c) restaurants. 7. It’s exciting to (a) read a great book. 3. I like playing (b) have a talk with a good friend. (a) the piano. (c) go to a disco with a lot of people. (b) tennis. (c) soccer. 8. In my free time, I like (a) staying at home and making 4. I enjoy things. (a) studying. (b) going shopping with friends. (b) talking on the phone. (c) going to discos, parties, etc. (c) dancing. 9. As a friend, it’s important to 5. I like (a) listen. (a) inviting one friend to (b) be fun to be with. dinner. (c) think of exciting things to do. (b) having a small party. (c) having a big party. 10. On my day off, I like (a) watching TV with my family. (b) writing letters to friends. (c) playing sports. B. Add up your score. For each (a) score 1 point, for each (b) score 2 points, and for each (c) score 3 points. If your score was 10 – 15, you are type A. 16 – 22, you are type B. 23 – 30, you are type C. 96

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