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Published by khaosaym, 2021-08-07 00:14:11

Description: EnglishTBM4codex


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Glossaries A couple of day ເວລາສອງມ ື້ A school yard ເດ່ ນີ ຫຍາ້ ໂຮງຮຽນ A Three-day holiday ມພື້ ກັ ສາມມື້ (ບ່ ໍໃສຕ່ ວົ s) A yard ຫຼາວດັ ແທກ Apartment ຫອ້ ງເປັນຊຸດເພ່ ືອຢອູ່ າໃສໃນຕກຶ ແຖວ ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ Cage ກງົ ຂງັ ສດັ Coalition ປະສມົ ເຂົ້າກນັ (ໃຊໃ້ ນທາງການເມອື ງ) Competition ການແຂງ່ ຂນັ ຄວາມສາມາດດາ້ ນກລິ າ Contain ບນັ ຈຸ Contest ແຂງ່ ຄວາມສາມາດດາ້ ນຕາ່ ງໆ(ທ່ ີບ່ ໍແມນ່ ກລິ າ) Custom ປະເພນີ Dad or daddy ຄວາມໝາຍ ພ່ ໍ ຄກື ນັ ແຕ່ (ເວົ້າສນັ້ ແລະ ຍາວ) Devote himself to.. ອທຸ ິດຕວົ ເຂົາເອງຕ່ ໍສ່ ງິ ໃດສ່ ງິ ໜ່ ຶງ Diagram ແຜນ່ ພາບ Fruit Fun ໝາກໄມທ້ ່ວົ ໄປ (ບ່ ໍໃສs່ ) /ມຫີ ຼາຍຊະນດິ ນາໍ ກນັ ໃນກະຕາ່ ດຽວ (ບ່ ໍໃສ່ s) Funny Good-looking ມວ່ ນຊ່ ນື ໜາ້ ຢາກຫວົ ເບ່ ງິ ຈບົ ງາມດີ Hospitable ທ່ ີຕອ້ ນຮບັ ຢາ່ ງດ/ີ ທ່ ີຕອ້ ນຮບັ ຢາ່ ງອບົ ອນຸ່ Hospitality ການຕອ້ ນຮບັ ຢາ່ ງອບົ ອນຸ່ Leftist ຝາ່ ຍຊາ້ ຍ Litters ຂເ້ີ ຫຍອື້ ຊະຊາຍ Neutral ເປັນກາງ New look ຮບູ ລກັ ໃໝ່ Recommend ໃຫຄ້ າໍ ແນະນໍາ                                                                                                                          147   

  Rightist ຝາ່ ຍຂວາ Roommate ເພ່ ືອຮວ່ ມຫອ້ ງນອນ Something in common ມບີ າງຢາ່ ງທ່ ີຄກື ນັ Spectator ຜເູ້ ບ່ ງິ ຊມົ ກລິ າ Sport ກລິ າ ບ່ ໍມີ s Sports ກລິ າໃຊເ້ ປັນ adjective Bibliography ສ.ວ.ສສະຫງວນລິຂະສິດ - Gammidge. M. Grammar Work-Teacher’s Book 2, Cambridge University       Press, 1998. - Gammidge. M. Grammar Work-Student’s Book 1, Cambridge University Press, 1998. - David Vale. Macmillan. Picture Grammar for children 1, Topic based, Grammar Practice, English Language Teaching, Oxford, 1998. - Jennifer Seidl. Grammar ONE, Oxford University Press, 1998. - Liz and John Soars. New Headway Beginner Student’s Book, Oxford University Press, 2006. - Clive Oxenden. Christina Latham-Koenig and Paul Seligson. New English File-Elementary Student’s Book, 2006. - Steven J., Molinsky Bill Biss with Carolyn Graham. Side by Side, Activity workbook 1, third edition, 2001. - Phandamnong. C. et al. English for Lao Secondary Schools book 3, Student Textbook, National Research Institute for Educational Sciences, 1998. 148   

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