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Published by Roswell Auction, 2021-08-26 12:14:29



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410 A Silver Figure Of Acalavajra Seated on a double-layer stand in dhyanasana with his hands in bhumisparsamudra, clad in a patchwork sanghati draped over one shoulder, the face with downcast eyes. Weight:3815g Length:20.8cm, Width:15.5cm, Height:26cm, $3,000 ~ 4,000 純銀不動金剛佛 411 A Gilt Bronze Figure Of Shakyamuni Seated in dhyanasana with his hands in bhumisparsamudra, the face with downcast eyes, finely gilt decorated overall. Width:17.3cm, Height:28cm, $2,000 ~ 3,000 銅鎏金釋迦牟尼佛造像

412 A Painted Thangka Of Six-Arm Manjushri The painted thangka depicts a standing six-arm avalokitesvara, mineral opaque pigments and gold on textile. Height:53cm, Width:37cm, $2,000 ~ 3,000 棉布礦物顔料彩繪六臂文殊菩薩說法唐卡 413 A Painted Thangka Of Samvara The thangka depicts a standing Chakrasamvara with each hand holding buddhist implements, mineral opaque pigments and gold on textile. Height:119.5cm, Width:92cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 14-15 世紀 礦物顔料彩繪勝樂金剛唐卡

414 A Painted Thangka Of Guru The thangka depicts a standing Chakrasamvara, mineral opaque pigments and gold on textile. Height:84cm, Width:63cm, $2,000 ~ 3,000 棉布礦物顔料彩繪上師唐卡 415 A Painted Thangka Of Amitabha The thangka depicts a standing amitabha, mineral opaque pigments and gold on textile. Height:120cm, Width:101cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 14-15 世紀 棉布礦物顔料彩繪阿彌陀佛唐卡

416 A Blue And White Dragon Bowl Raised on a short narrow foot to a flared wide mouth, the bowl of deep round shape with exterior painted with blossoming fruits between a scrolling lotus and above lappet band. With ‘Guangxu’ six character mark. Diam.16.4cm, Height:7.1cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 清 青花多子龍紋碗 417 A Blue And White Fruits Meiping Vase The vase of meiping form and painted with several sprays of alternating blossoming and fruiting branches between a lappet band above the feet. Width:23cm,  Height:36.2cm, $800 ~ 1,000 青花折枝花果梅瓶 418 A Yellow Glaze Bottle Vase The vase of bulbous body, the interior and exterior covered with a thin glaze of soft lemon-yellow tone. With ‘Qianlong’ six character mark. Width:16cm, Height:32cm, $500 ~ 800 清 黃釉垂膽瓶

419 A Blue And White Flower Moon Flask The vase raised from a short oval foot ring to a narrowed neck to the mouth with a four quatrefoil shape body, with four central lotus roundel surrounded by a band of lotus scrolls overall. With ‘Qianlong’ six character mark. Width:36cm, Height:44cm, $500 ~ 800 清 青花纏枝花卉紋海棠行扁瓶(有殘) 420 A Wucai Figure Rouleau Vase Painted to the body with a continuous scene of a group of figure amongst pine trees and rockwork. With ‘Kangxi’ six character mark. Width:18cm, Height:46.5cm, $500 ~ 800 清 五彩刀馬旦人物故事棒槌瓶 421 An Iron Red Glaze Interlocking Lotus Eight Emblems Candlestick The spreading faceted pedestal foot, base of the interior of the drip pan and tapering columnar support decorated with eight treasures. The top of the candle holder pierced for a metal pricket, all within decorative borders. Width:21.5cm, Height:40.5cm, $500 ~ 800 清 礬紅彩纏枝寶相花托八吉祥燭台

422 An Underglaze Blue And Copper Red Glaze Dragon Meiping Vase Of large typical meiping shape, raised from small foot ring flared to a baluster body and narrowed to a short neck to the mouth. the body in painted in underglaze copper red dragon between a combed wave above the feet. With ‘Qianlong’ six character mark. Width:21cm, Height:36.5cm, $500 ~ 800 清 青花釉裏紅海水雲龍紋梅瓶 423 An Underglaze Blue And Copper Red Glaze Boxiang Flower Zun Vase The vase of baluster form with central lotus roundel in underglaze blue surrounded by a band of lotus scroll above a band of lappets. With ‘Qianlong’ six character mark. Width:33cm, Height:38cm, $500 ~ 800 清 青花釉裏紅纏枝寶相花紋漢壺尊 424 A Blue And White Interlocking Lotus Tianqiuping Of typical tianqiuping form decorated with a central of lotus roundel surrounded with heavy leafy lotus branches, pained in underglaze cobalt blue finely. With ‘Qianlong’ six character mark. Diam.44cm, Height:60cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 清 青花纏枝蓮天球瓶

425 A Guan Type Square Vase The vase is heavily potted with a shallow, square body with facetted corners surmounted by a tubular neck, and is decorated in guan type glaze. With ‘Yongzheng’ six character mark. Width:10cm, Height:17.5cm, $500 ~ 800 清 官釉倭角雙耳瓶 426 A Copper Red Glaze Dragon Pear-Shaped Vase Finely painted in vibrant tones of underglaze red with a pair of ferocious five-clawed scaly dragons rising from a sea of rolling and cresting waves, surrounded by flames and divided by cruciform clouds above islands emerging from the water. Width:18cm, Height:29.5cm, $1,000 ~ 1,500 清 釉裏紅二龍戲珠玉壺春瓶 427 A Blue And White Chilong Moon Flask Of moon flask form with chilong decorated on each side amidst branches of peaches above the combed wave. With ‘Jiaqing’ six character mark. Width:34cm, Height:45.5cm, $500 ~ 800 清 青花海水福壽紋螭龍耳抱月瓶

428 A Wucai Lotus Pond Jar And Cover The jar is of ginger from decorated with lotus pond and mandarin ducks beside painted circling the whole exterior. With ‘Kangxi’ six character mark. Width:23cm, Height:42.5cm, $500 ~ 800 清 五彩荷塘鴛鴦圖將軍罐 429 A Blue And White Flower Jar Of barrel form jar and decorated with various enclosing with flower between a wave band below the mouth rim. Width:14.2cm, Height:22.8cm, $1,000 ~ 1,500 青花花卉罐 430 A Blue And White Landscape Brush Pot Of cylindrical shape painted with two figures standing amidst a continuous rocky mountains, painted with underglaze cobalt blue. Width:19.5cm, Height:17cm, $800 ~ 1,000 清 青花山水筆筒

431 A Blue And White Dragon And Cloud Jar The jar decorated with continuous scene of dragon and scrolling clouds. Width:22.5cm, Height:13.5cm, $500 ~ 800 清 雲龍紋小缸 432 A Teadust-Glaze Bottle Vase Of compressed form raised of a short foot, covered in a speckled olive and dark green glaze. Width:22.2cm, Height::36.7cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 茶葉末釉天球瓶 433 Two Pottery Incised Flower Jar The lot comprises two jars with one incised with flowers and the other decorated with gilt. Width:20cm, Height:20.3cm, $800 ~ 1,000 剔花罐 , 描金罐 , 一組

434 A Pair Or Jizhou Kiln Tea Cups The lot comprises two Jizhou Kiln tea cups, both of rounded form and slight flaring to the mouth rim, in good condition. Width:12.5cm, Height:5.5cm, $100 ~ 300 宋 吉州窯小盞(一對) 435 A Celadon Glaze Chrysanthemum Dish Finely potted with rounded flared sides crisply moulded in the form of a chrysanthemum flower-head, all covered with a pale celadon glaze. Width:13cm, Height:4.2cm, $100 ~ 300 青瓷菊瓣盤

436 A Carved Celadon Jade Ornamment Axe Of hard pale brownish-green color with attractive lighter and darker mottling throughout, the thin blade pierced with a hole in the middle. Length:17.2cm, Width:16cm, $1,000 ~ 1,500 玉斧 437 An Openwork Jade Beast And Cloud Oblate Vase And Cover The globular body is finely and openly carved with a continuous clouds and beast motif with two curved eared each side. The stone is of a deep greyish color with some small brownish faint coloring. Length:11.3cm, Width:7cm, Height:27cm, $5,000 ~ 8,000 玉镂空雕雲獸扁瓶 438 A Carved Celadon Jade Ram-Shaped Pot And Cover Carved in high relief with a ram-head shape pot with a chain-style handle on the top, jade in an even greenish color. Width:9cm, Height:8.8cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 青白玉仿古羊首壺

439 A Carved Spinach-Green Jade Figure Of Buddha Carved in high relief-decorated to a figure of amitabha, the stone is of a deep green color with some mottling and dark speckling throughout. Length:7.6cm, Width:3.8cm, Height:13.8cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 碧玉佛 440 A Carved Jade Figure Of Manjushri Carved in high relief with figure of manjushri riding a elephant, jade in an even greenish and white color. Width:12cm, Height:18cm, $6,000 ~ 9,000 玉雕文殊菩薩造像 441 A Carved Jade Figural Brush Washer Carved and hollowed to a washer with figural beside. The pale white stone with small faint russet coloring. Length:18cm, Width:10cm, Height:7.1cm, $5,000 ~ 8,000 玉筆洗

442 A Carved Jade Figure And Pine Plaque Pendant Carved in relief with a pine and rocky mountain while some kids climbing up in leisure, the stone is in a evenly white coloring. Length:6cm, Width:4cm, $3,000 ~ 4,000 子岡款玉牌 443 An Inscribed Carved Jade Cup Carved jade boulder in natural form, decorated with key-fret band, with warm white tone overall. Length:8 cm,  Width: 4.2cm,  Height:8.3cm , $1,500 ~ 1,800 玉詩文描金杯

444 A Carved Cinnabar Lacquer Box And Cover The cinnabar lacquer box is of rounded shape, and finely carved with interlocking lotus and floral sprays. With ‘Qianlong’ six character mark. Width:27.5cm, Height:20.5cm, $500 ~ 800 清 剔紅纏枝花卉紋蓋盒 445 A Carved Cinnabar Lacquer Sanduo Bowl The cup of flaring edge raised from a short narrow foot ring to the mouth rim, decorated with sanduo fruits, peach, pomegranate and citron. Width:6cm, Height:3.8cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 剔紅三果紋杯 446 A Carved Lacquer Figure Hexagonal Box And Cover The cinnabar lacquer box is of rounded shape, and finely carved with figures. Width:4.5cm, Height:2cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 剔紅人物六角盒

447 A Mop Inlaid Three-Tiers Octagonal Box And Cover The three-tier box is of octagonal form and inlaid with mother-of-pearl with cover. Width:25cm, Height:24.5cm, $800 ~ 1,000 清 漆螺钿三層八角蓋盒 448 A Carved Duan Stone Pomander Of rounded form, and decorated with a Chinese character on the top. Width:6.2cm, Height:3cm, $1,000 ~ 1,500 端石香盒 449 A Carved Bamboo Figure Brush Pot The brush pot is carved with a child holding a lingzhi beneath a pine tree. Width:6cm, Height:11.3cm, $5,000 ~ 8,000 竹雕人物筆筒

450 A Carved Relief-Decorated Prunus Brush Pot The cylindrical body is slightly waisted and carved on the exterior with branches of a plum tree. Width:19cm, Height:18.3cm $3,000 ~ 4,000 約清代 隨形浮雕梅花筆筒 451 A Carved Sandalwood Arm Rest The arm rest is made out of sandalwood, with inscribed on left corner and decorated in relief with a immortal and a child. Length:20.5cm, Width:6cm, Height:0.5cm, $1,000 ~ 1,500 紫檀木筆擱 452 A Carved Wood Figure Of Child Carved as a kid standing barefoot and loose trousers. Length:25cm, Width:25.5cm, Height:53cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 木童子

453 A Carved Bamboo Figure Of Immortal Carved as the immortal seated leaning on rock, with his right hand holding a brunch of peaches and smily face. Length:11cm, Width:8.2cm, Height:14cm, $1,000 ~ 1,500 竹雕壽星 454 A Carved Wood Figure Of Avalokitesvara Sitting barefoot in long flowing robes, with her right hand putting on her right bending knee. Length:14.5cm, Width:10cm, Height:28cm, $3,000 ~ 4,000 木自在觀音

455 A Set Of Four Inlaid Wood Hanging Screens Each of the four wood screen is of rectangular and vertical form, hardstones are well carved to two cranes and a tall verdant pine tree and some orchid flowers are decorated from each one of them. In good condition. Width:42.5cm, Height:138.5cm, $10,000 ~ 12,000 清 硬木框黑漆地嵌百寶松鶴延年四條挂屏

456 A Gilt-Lacquered Wood Dragon And Wave Hanging Plaque The hanging plaque is of rectangular form and decorated with dragon facing front amidst wave and scrolling clouds. Length:69cm, Width:44cm, $800 ~ 1,000 清 硬木框描金漆地彩繪海水江崖雲龍紋挂 屏 457 A Mop Inlaid Figure Hexagonal Dish Of octagonal shape, mother-of-pearl inlaid and decorated to some scholars walking in a terraced garden beside the willow tree. Width:32.5cm, Height:2cm, $3,000 ~ 4,000 漆嵌螺钿高士人物六角盤

4 58 A Gilt Bronze Figure Of Ksiti Garbha Seated on a double-layer stand with his face in a smily expression, finely gilt decorated overall. With ‘Chenghua’ six character mark. Weight:12.6kg Length:24cm, Width:25.5cm, Height:41cm, $3,000 ~ 4,000 明銅鎏金地藏王菩薩 459 A Bronze Figure Of Maitreya Standing on a single-layer lotus stand with his face smile. Weight:5.25kg Length:24cm, Width:16cm, Height:31cm, $10,000 ~ 12,000 銅彌勒佛 460 A Gilt Bronze Figure Of Kara Buddha The figure sitting on a double-layer lotus stand with his face in a smily expression, finely gilt decorated overall. Length:14.5cm, Width:11cm, Height:21.5cm, $2,000 ~ 3,000 清 銅鎏金燃燈佛造像

461 A Gilt Bronze Figure Of Shakyamuni Seated in dhyanasana with his hands in bhumisparsamudra, clad in a patchwork sanghati draped over one shoulder, the face with downcast eyes and finely arched brows centered by a raised urna, the hair in tight curls over the ushnisha. Length:13.7cm, Width:8cm, Height:16.2cm, $2,000 ~ 3,000 清 銅鎏金釋迦牟尼佛造像 462 A Copper Alloy Figure Of Green Tara Seated in lalitasana on a double-lotus base with the pendent foot resting on a smaller lotus, the right hand extended in varadamudra and the left held in vitarkamudra, clad in a knee-length dhoti and adorned with various jewelry. Width:18cm, Height:25cm, $3,000 ~ 4,000 14 世紀 合金銅綠度母造像 463 A Bronze Figure Of Tara Seated on a double-layer stand, the face with serene expression surmounted by a foliate tiara, the hair arranged in a tall chignon. Weight:1825g Length:20.8cm, Width:11.3cm, Height:27.3cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 銅白度母

464 A Set Of Bronze Figures Of Buddha A group of early aged standing buddha statues and among these three buddha, one is of finely gilt parcel bronze. Weight:313g Length:4.5cm, Width:4.7cm, Height:5.9cm, Weight:252g Length:6.3cm, Width:4.9cm, Height:9.3cm, Weight:664g Length:8.5cm, Width:5.8cm, Height:11.3cm, $5,000 ~ 8,000 銅佛像一組 465 A Gilt Bronze Figure Of Shakyamuni Seated on a double-lotus in dhyanasana with his hands in bhumisparsamudra, with embroidered silk coated stand. Length:15.8cm, Width:13cm, Height:23cm, $2,000 ~ 3,000 清 銅鎏金釋迦牟尼佛造像

466 A Bronze Tripod Jue Cup With twin upright handles to the rim and a loop handle, the central stylised band of decoration separated by flanges. Weight:1259g, Length:19.5cm, Width:11cm, Height:28cm, $5,000 ~ 8,000 青銅爵 467 A Bronze Double-Eared Zun Vase The zun raised on a small, narrow foot ring to a bulbous body and tapers to a flaring mouth, the neck flanked with two elephant-shaped ears. Weight:2597g Width:21cm, Height:30cm, $800 ~ 1,000 銅饕餮紋雙象耳尊 468 A Bronze Square Yi Cast finely with four sides of archaic style mask motifs and a splayed cover, with wood box. Weight:2023g Length:13.9cm,  Width:10.3cm,  Heigh t:22.4cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 青銅方彜

469 A Bronze Double-Eared Vessel Gui Cast below the slightly flaring rim at the centre on both sides with a bovine mask and four centre- facing birds above the ribbed bowl, the sides with two bovine handles. Weight:2450g,  Height:28cm, Width:20.5cm, Length:14.8cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 青銅簋

470 A Bronze Ritual Pot The pot finely casted on a short, narrow foot ring and tapered to the globular body with archaic motifs, with wood box. Weight:5.6kg ,  Length:22.7cm, Width:18.4cm, Height:34.1cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 青銅壺

471 A Bronze Double-eared Vessel Fu Raised on a tall foot with twin handles, cast with bands of archaistic design, the cover with four flanges decorated. Weight:3.85kg, Length:36.1cm, Height:18cm, Width:17cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 青銅菔 472 A Bronze Ritual Ram-Shaped Gong The deep vessel and conformingly shaped cover are finely cast as a fierce ram at the front, its heads at either end of the cover above their bodies that decorate the sides of the vessel. Weight:3.95kg    Length:27cm, Width:11.8cm, Height:23.2cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 羊形觥 473 A Bronze Ritual Bird Loop-Handle You The body and cover cast with a band of archaistic birds and key fret motifs, the loop handle with mythical animal head terminals. Weight:10kg,  Length:28.7cm,  Width:26cm, Height:44.4cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 銅鳥紋紋提梁卣

474 475 A Chinese Group Of Buddha Painting A Chinese Avalokitesvara Painting And Poem Inscribed The painting depicts a group of buddhas Scroll Signed Pu Ru crossing a river under the sun. Width:68cm, Height:145cm, Ink and color on paper. The painting depicts a seated $1,000 ~ 1,500 avalokitesvara in red color. Signed with two seals of the 太陽群佛圖 artist. Width:42cm, Height:129cm, $500 ~ 800 溥儒 朱砂觀音

476 A Chinese Boating Painting With Frame Signed Lin Fengmian Ink and color on silk. The painting depicts a fisherman sitting on a boat beside three aquatic birds. Signed with one seal of the artist. Length:63cm, Width:63cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 林風眠 蘆塘 477 A Chinese Landscape Painting Scroll Signed Dong Bangda The painting depicts a verdant mountain and pine tree. Signed with seven seals of the artist. Width:67.5cm, Height:137.5cm, $100 ~ 300 董邦達 山水

478 A Chinese Figure Painting Scroll Signed Ren Renfa The painting depicts group of people and one of them riding on a horse while others standing beside. Poem inscribed on the right side of the painting. Signed with three seals of the artist. Width:62.5cm, Height:135cm, $500 ~ 800 任仁發 人物故事 479 A Chinese Landscape And Pavilion Painting Scroll Signed Qian Songyan Ink and color on paper. The painting depicts several pavilion among verdant mountains and pine trees. Work created in Zunyi city in 1974, signed with two seals of the artist. Height:106.5cm, Width:66cm, $1,000 ~ 1,500 錢松嵒 遵義

480 A Chinese Immortals Painting Scroll Ink and color on silk. The painting depicts nine immortals amidst scrolling cloud while three female standing together and others standing below on the other side. Height:150.5cm, Width:47cm, $1,000 ~ 1,500 佚名 群仙圖

481 A Chinese Verdant Mountains Painting Scroll Signed Zhang Daqian Ink and color on paper. The painting depicts a verdant mountain, a boat rowing on the river. Signed with three seals of the artist. Height:45.6 cm, Width:68.5cm, $1,000 ~ 1,500 張大千 潑彩山水 482 A Chinese Figure Painting Scroll Signed Hongyi Ink and color on paper. The painting depicts a seated arhat in cinnabar color with four-character calligraphy as the painting subject. Signed with three seals of the artist. Height:68cm, Width:45cm, $800 ~ 1,000 弘一 羅漢

483 A Chinese Horse Painting Scroll Signed Xu Beihong Ink and color on paper. The painting depicts a running horse heading backward under a pine tree. Signed with three seals of the artist and dated in June. Height:136cm, Width:68cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 徐悲鴻 馬 484 A Chinese Bamboo And Stone Painting Scroll Signed Tangyun Ink and color on paper. The painting depicts a bamboo forest grew from a huge rock while a group of four chicks eating beside. Signed with a seal of the artist. Height:104.5cm, Width:27cm, $800 ~ 1,000 唐雲 花鳥

485 A Chinese Landscape Painting Scroll Signed Huang Binhong Ink and color on paper. The painting depicts a verdant mountain and pine tree. A poem inscribed on the top in regular script. Signed with two seals of the artist. Height:134cm, Width:34.5cm, $800 ~ 1,000 黃賓虹 山水

486 A Chinese Landscape Painting Scroll Signed Shi Tao Ink and color on paper. The painting depicts a verdant mountainous landscape, a scholar walking cross a bridge alone, with inscription and seal. Signed with two seals of the artist. Height:136cm, Width:51cm, $800 ~ 1,000 石濤 山水 487 A Chinese Bird Painting Signed Badashanren The painting depicts two birds standing on a barren hill. Signed with seal of the artist. Width:37cm, Length:40cm, $100 ~ 300 八大山人鳥

488 489 A Chinese Landscape Painting And Calligraphy A Chinese Crane Painting Scroll Signed Scroll Signed Zhang Dazhang Shen Quan Ink and color on silk. The painting depicts Ink and color on paper. The painting a standing buddha with bare feet, wearing depicts group of cranes flying towards the cinnabar cloth with right hand holding a buddhist sun while some are holding still on pine. vase. Signed with five seals of the artist. Signed with seal of the artist. Height:64cm, Width:36cm, Width:54.5cm, Length:109.5cm, $1,000 ~ 1,500 $300 ~ 500 楊大章 佛像 沈銓百鶴圖

490 A Chinese Landscape Painting And Calligraphy Hand Scroll Signed Lu Yanshao Ink and color on paper. The painting depicts a mountainous landscape, and a four-character calligraphy and poem inscription in running script. Signed with several seals of the artist. Width:39.5cm, Length:455cm, $500 ~ 800 陸俨少錦繡山河圖

491 An Underglaze Blue And Iron Red Glaze Dragon And Carp Vase Of mallet form, painted on the body with carp and dragon in iron red glaze and scroll clouds in underglaze blue. Width:20cm, Height:50cm, $500 ~ 800 清 青花礬紅海水江崖鯉魚雲龍紋搖鈴瓶 492 A Sacrificial Blue Glaze Sun Vase The finely potted jar has a globular body and narrowed shoulder, and is covered inside and out in a rich blue glaze that also covers the base and thins somewhat on the mouth rim. With ‘Qianlong’ six character mark. Width:27.6 cm, Height:39 cm, $1,000 ~ 1,500 清 霁藍尊 493 A Famille Rose Landscape and Figure Tianqiuping Of bulbous shape raised on a short narrow foot ring to a long neck, the tianqiuping is finely potted, and painted with continuous landscape and figure scene. With ‘Qianlong’ six character mark. Diam.26.4cm, Height:39.5cm $800 ~ 1,000 清 粉彩山水人物天球瓶

494 A Blue And White Boxiang Flower Moon Flask Of moon flask shape, decorated with a taoist typical icon of a trigram in the central. the base with ‘Xuande’ six character mark. Width:21cm, Height:30.5cm, $500 ~ 800 明 青花寶相花紋如意耳抱月瓶 495 A Blue And White Interlocking Flower Vase Of sleeve shape, and painted with a central lotus roundel surrounded by a heavy leafy branches of lotus scroll above a band of lappets. With ‘Yongzheng’ six character mark. Width:14.1cm,  Height:25.3cm, 帶座 Height:29cm, $800 ~ 1,000 清 青花花卉纏枝賞瓶 496 A Blue And White Flower Moon Flask The vase raised from a short oval foot ring to a straight, long neck flanked each side with two handles, the central of each side decorated with Chinese character with good meaning. With ‘Qianlong’ six character mark. Length:19.2cm, Width:10.5 cm, Height:27.1 cm, $800 ~ 1,000 清 青花纏枝花卉扁瓶

497 A Doucai Interlocking Lotus And Bat Meiping Vase The meiping is of typical porcelain shape and painted with interlocking lotus and scrolling sprays over the whole body. With ‘Qianlong’ six character mark. Width:17.4cm, Height:34.6cm, $800 ~ 1,000 清 鬥彩纏枝蓮多福梅瓶 498 A Blue And White Interlocking Flower Jar Of barrel shape, and painted with a central of scrolling lotus and surrounded by heavy leafy scroll. all between a band of scroll branches and lappet band above the feet. With ‘Qianlong’ six character mark. Width:16cm, Height:15.8cm, $500 ~ 800 清 青花纏枝花卉案缸 499 An Underglaze Blue And Copper Red Glaze Interlocking Lotus Vase The vase of buddhist form with central lotus roundel in copper red glaze surrounded by a band of lotus scroll between and above a band of lappets. With ‘Qianlong’ six character mark. Width:19cm, Height:40cm, $500 ~ 800 清 青花釉裏紅纏枝花卉紋萊菔瓶

500 A Blue And White Landscape And Figure Brush Pot Of cylindrical shape and painted with mountainous landscape and figure in a countryside scene. Width:19cm, Height:16.3cm, $3,000 ~ 4,000 青花山水人物筆筒 501 A Wucai West Chamber Figure Beaker Vase The vase is of beaker shape and decorated with a continuous scene of story of the Western Chamber. Width:20.5cm, Height:48cm, $500 ~ 800 清 五彩西廂記人物故事花觚 502 A Blue And White Dragon Ewer Raised from a short narrow foot ring to a pear shape body, painted in a almond shape circle enclosing with five-clawed dragon between a band of motif above the feet. Width:19.5cm, Height:22.7cm, $800 ~ 1,000 清 青花龍紋盤口執壺

503 A Famille Rose Carps Meiping Vase Of typical porcelain shape of meiping, and painted with carp group and different colored algae. Diam.12.8cm, Height:25cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 粉彩年年有魚梅瓶 504 A Blue And White Kylin Jar The jar raised from round foot ring and of baluster form, painted on the body side with a kylin heading backward between a lappet band below the mouth rim. Width:10.8cm, Height:17cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 青花麒麟紋罐 505 An Underglaze Blue And Copper Red Glaze Dragon Meiping Vase Of baluster form, painted on the body side with a dragon amidst a flaming pearls and scrolling clouds above a band of combed wave on feet. With ‘Yongzheng’ six character mark. Width:20cm, Height:33cm, $500 ~ 800 清 青花釉裏紅海水雲龍紋梅瓶

506 A Blue And White Kylin Jar Of baluster form, painted on the body side with a kylin heading backward below a lotus lappet band of mouth rim. Diam.10.9cm, Height:16.6cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 青花麒麟小罐 507 A Blue And White Interlocking Lotus Pear- Shaped Vase Of typical pear shape vase, and painted in a central lotus roundel surrounded by scroll lotus branches between lappet bands below the shoulder and above the feet. With ‘Qianlong’ six character mark. Width:19cm, Height:30.5cm, $500 ~ 800 清 青花纏枝花卉紋玉壺春瓶

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