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Published by Roswell Auction, 2021-08-26 12:14:29



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508 A Blue And White Figure Sleeve-Form Vase Of sleeve shape and underglaze blue decorated with figure giving birthday blessing below a band of lappet lotus band. Width:16cm, Height:46cm, $500 ~ 800 清 青花賀壽人物象腿瓶 509 An Incised Longquan Kiln Lotus Jar And Cover The jar carved and moulded with a wide floral band above slender petals around the foot, the associated cover with similar flowers and a small finial. Width:30cm, Height:32cm, $500 ~ 800 元 龍泉窯青釉暗刻纏枝花卉紋蓋罐

510 A Gilt Bronze Figure Of Medicine Buddha Seated in dhyanasana with his hands in bhumisparsamudra in a three-layer stand, finely decorated with gilt overall. Weight:1624g Width:14cm, Height:18.5cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 銅鎏金藥師佛 511 A Gilt Bronze Figure Of Manjushri Sitting on a double-layer lotus stand with each four hands held different buddhist implements, finely decorated with gilt overall. Width:7cm, Height:10.5cm, $1000 ~ ,500 清 銅鎏金四臂文殊菩薩造像 512 A Gilt Bronze Figure Of White Tara Sitting on a double-layer lotus stand with the hands held around her chest, finely decorated with gilt overall. Length:14.5cm, Width:10.2cm, Height:22cm, $2,000 ~ 3,000 清 銅鎏金白度母造像

513 A Bronze Figure Of Standing Avalokitesvara Standing on a square four-leg stool, the figure with a flaming halo at the back. Weight:274g Length:4.8cm, Width:4.1cm, Height:14.8cm, $6,000 ~ 9,000 銅觀音立像 514 A Bronze Figure Of Standing Avalokitesvara The finely cast figure standing on a separate round base. Weight:1442g Length:10.2cm, Width:8.2cm, Height:25.5cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 銅觀音立像 515 A Gilt Bronze Figure Of Guru The finely cast figure sitting on rectangular stand with various other figures. Width:20.5cm, Height:26.3cm, $2,000 ~ 3,000 約清代 銅鎏金上師說法造像

516 A Gilt Bronze Figure Of Amitabha Sitting on a double-layer lotus stand with the hands held in dhyanamudra, decorated with gilt overall. Width:12.5cm, Height:18.7cm, $2,000 ~ 3,000 銅鎏金阿彌陀佛造像 517 A Bronze Figure Of Emperor Zhenwu The Daoist deity is seated with one knee raised and holding a sword with beast- form hilt in his right hand. He is dressed in scale-armor with an inverted demon-mask at the center of the torso and wears boots. His face is serene in expression, and his long locks of hair are brushed back from the top of his head, which is backed by a trailing ribbon. Weight:1654g Length:13.4cm, Width:10cm, Height:20cm, $3,000 ~ 4,000 銅真武大帝

518 A Carved White Ornament Carved and openwork decorated in shape of blade ornament. The stone is of dark and strong brownish coloring unevenly. Width:6cm, Height:19.5cm, $800 ~ 1,000 白玉楔形片飾 519 An Openwork Jade Autumn Scene Ornament Carved in high relief to a typical autumn scene as an ornament of finial to censer. The stone is of warm white and russet coloring throughout. Width:2cm, Height:4cm, $300 ~ 500 镂雕 “ 秋山 ” 玉飾 520 A Pair Of Carved Jade Cups Two cups are carved and in high relief with an openwork handle flanked each side and a hollowed body. The stone is in greenish and pale celadon tone evenly. Width:9cm, Height:4.5cm, $3,000 ~ 4,000 明 玉杯一對兒

521 A Carved Yellow Jade Inscribed Figure Plaque Pendant Carved in relief with figure and inscription, the stone is of yellow coloring. Length:6cm, Width:4cm, $500 ~ 800 黃玉人物詩文牌 522 A Carved Celadon Jade Ram-Shaped Vessel With Stand Carved in high relief with a ram-shaped vase of zun, with a small ram as finial to the cover, the stone is of dark green tone with some russet coloring. Width:19cm, Height:14.5cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 青玉羊尊(帶木座) 523 A Carved Yellow Jade Figure Of Child And Ram The reclining ram is modelled with the head turned to right hand side, the legs are tucked under the body and the tail is swept over the hind quarters. Width:10cm, Height:7.5cm, $800 ~ 1,000 清 黃玉童子臥羊擺件

524 A Carved Jade Dragon Ornament Carved in relief with dragon motifs, overall in the warm russet and white tone. Length:5cm, Width:4.5cm, $6,000 ~ 9,000 龍紋帶板 525 A Carved Russet Jade Dragon And Beast Ornament The pendant is carved in medium to high relief with a shape of the combination of dragon and beast, the stone is of brown and dark russet coloring. Length:5.3cm, Width:3.4cm, $2,000 ~ 2,500 龍獸玉佩

526 A Carved Jade Figure Of Beast The recumbent beast is modelled with the head turned to one side, the legs are tucked under the body and the tail is swept over the hind quarters. The stone is of a mottled tone with brownish faint. Length:8.3cm, Width:3.7cm, Height:5.5cm, $1,000 ~ 1,500 玉獸 527 A Carved Jade Fu&Shou Water Coupe The washer is carved in high relief with bats and peaches to the body. The stone is of a pale tone with some russet-brown inclusions. Length:13.8cm, Width:13.8cm, Height:4.5cm, $6,000 ~ 9,000 玉多福多壽水盂

528 A Wood Scholars’ Item Box The stationary box is made out of Nanmu wood, of rectangular for with a lockplate on the open side. Length:24.3cm, Width:13.6cm, Height:10.3 cm, $500 ~ 800 楠木文房器盒 529 A Carved Huanghuali Lobed Brush Pot The brush pot is of lobed and cylindrical form and made out of huanghuali. Width:9cm, Height:13cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 黃花葵口梨筆筒

530 A Carved Lobular Sandalwood Peony Brush Pot The brush pot is of lobular sandalwood material, cylindrical body is carved on the exterior with peony flowers in low relief decorated. Width:14.2cm, Height:15.2cm, $2,000 ~ 2,500 紫檀淺浮雕富貴牡丹筆筒 531 A Huanghuali Brush Pot The huanghuali brush pot is finely carved in cylindrical form with bright golden-brown color evenly. Width:26.5cm, Height:26.5cm, $100 ~ 300 黃花梨大筆筒

532 A Huanghuali Flower Table Screen Of vertical rectangular form, decorated with flower and bird, inscribed and seal on the left top corner. Length:36.8cm, Width:20.5cm, Height:61cm, $6,000 ~ 9,000 黃花梨插屏鏡 533 A Chinese Wood Qin A Chinese musical instruments, Qin. Inlaid and the main body made out of wood, with tassel on one side. Length:124cm, Width:21cm, Height:11.5cm, $800 ~ 1,000 玉潤鳴泉 - 古琴

534 A Sandalwood Square Stool The stool has a paneled top set in a square frame above a narrow waist. The whole is raised on beaded, square-section legs terminating in hoof feet and joined by humpback stretchers fitted with interlocking double-lozenge struts. Width:65cm, Height:51cm, $10,000 ~ 12,000 紫檀桌子

535 536 A Chinese Parrot Painting And A Chinese Donkey Group Painting Scroll Signed Huang Calligraphy Scroll Signed Yu Fei’an Zhou Ink and color on paper. The painting Ink and color on paper. The painting depicts a group of depicts a parrot standing on a plum donkeys. Dated in jiazi year and signed with seal of the blossom tree still, with poem inscription artist. and seal. Signed with three seals of the Height:67.5cm, Width:42.5cm, artist. Height:105cm, Width:55.5cm, $800 ~ 1,000 $800 ~ 1,000 黃胄 群驢圖 于非闇 鹦鹉

537 A Set of Four Chinese Figure And Pine Painting Screen Signed Zhang Daqian Ink and color on paper. The painting depicts a scholar holding a guqin along a river bank opposite to a pine grove. Signed with two seals of the artist. Height:39cm, Width:26.2cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 張大千 高士圖四條屏

539 A Chinese Buddha Painting Scroll Ink and color on silk. The painting depicts a thousand hands and eyes, eleven-face avalokitesvara with each hand holding buddhist implements standing amongst scrolling clouds and wave. Width:106cm, Height:68cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 佚名 佛像 538 A Chinese Landscape Painting Signed Dong Qichang The painting depicts a mountainous landscape, poem inscribed in regular script. Signed with four seals of the artist. Width:52cm, Height:193cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 董其昌 山水

540 541 A Chinese Figure Painting Scroll Signed A Chinese Figure And Pine Painting Shangguan Zhou Scroll Signed Ding Guanpeng Ink and color on silk. The painting depicts a Ink and color on paper. The painting group of scholars under a pine tree beside a depicts two figures sitting under mountain-shaped rock with one riding a buffalo. a pine tree beside rock. Inscribed Signed with five seals of the artist. and signed with several seals of the Height:70cm, Width:36cm, artist. Width:49.5cm, Height:137cm, $1,000 ~ 1,500 $500 ~ 800 上官周 人物 丁雲鵬 人物

542 543 A Chinese Plum Blossom Painting Scroll A Chinese Figure Painting Scroll Signed Huang Signed Wu Changshuo Shanshou Ink and color on paper. The painting Ink and color on silk. The painting depicts three depicts a blossom plum tree beside rock. figures and a child in leisure and boiling tea. Inscribed and signed with three seals of Inscribed and signed with four seals of the the artist. artist. Width:45cm, Height:128cm, Height:65cm, Width:36cm, $500 ~ 800 $1,000 ~ 1,500 吳昌碩 梅花 黃山壽高士圖

544 A Chinese Landscape Painting And Calligraphy Hand Scroll Signed Huang Binhong Ink and color on paper. The painting depicts a verdant mountain and calligraphy in regular script. Inscribed and signed with several seals of the artist. Length:293cm, Width:23cm, $1,000 ~ 1,500 黃賓虹 山水

545 A Set of Chinese Plantain Painting And Calligraphy Signed Wu Changshuo Ink and color on paper. The painting depicts a tree with lush and heavy leaves. Poem inscribed and signed with two seals of the artist. Height:137cm, Width:33.5cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 吳昌碩 芭蕉

546 A Chinese Mountains And Creek Painting And Calligraphy Scroll Signed Yongrong Ink and color on paper. The painting depicts pavilions and mountainous landscape. Poem inscribed and signed with several seals of the artist. Height:92cm, Width:30.5cm, $1,500 ~ 1,800 愛新覺羅 · 永瑢 山水

547 548 A Chinese Landscape And Figure A Chinese Calligraphy Scroll Signed Painting Signed Shangguan Zhou Zhang Ruitu Ink and color on paper. The painting Ink and color on paper. The depicts figure and mountainous calligraphy in running script. Poem landscape. Poem inscribed and signed inscribed and signed with three seals with seal of the artist. of the artist. Length:145.5cm, Width:52cm, Height:177cm, Width:45cm, $800 ~ 1,000 $1,500 ~ 1,800 上官周 山水人物 張瑞圖 書法 四條屏

549 550 A Chinese Immortals Painting And Four- A Chinese Flower Painting And Calligraphy Character Calligraphy Signed Fei Danxu Scroll Signed Li Shan Ink and color on silk. The painting depicts a Ink and color on paper. The painting depicts group of immortals standing together. Inscribed blossoming tree. Poem inscribed and signed and signed with four seals of the artist. with seal of the artist. Height:61cm, Width:35cm, Height:112cm, Width:44.5cm, $1,000 ~ 1,500 $1,000 ~ 1,500 費丹旭 白猿仙迹 李鱓 花卉

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