UMBARAN STARFIGHTERUNIQUE FIGHTER CRAFTDATAFILETYPE:StarfighterMANUFACTURER:Ghost ArmamentsSPEED:1,100 kph(684 mph)MODEL: Zenuas 33LENGTH:10.4 m (34 ft2 in)HYPERDRIVE:NoneWEAPONS: 2 wing-mounted missile pods,plasma cannonTHESEVESSELSAREsome of the mostadvanced starfightersin the galaxy. Thepilot sitsinside a ray-shield cockpit and steersusing touch-sensitiveholograms. Non-Umbarans findlearning to flythem difficult.Stabilizer finRay-shieldcockpitIN A SPINUmbaran starfightersare far more agilethan most ships. They canrotate on the spot withno need to bank or circle,so are able to changedirection and targetenemies instantly.Clone troopers Fivesand Hardcase steala pair of Umbaranstarfightersand usethem to sneak ontoa Separatist ship.FlexiblewingsPlasmacannonMissile pod101Light in the DarkRepublic forces fare badly against Umbaranstarfighters during the Battle of Umbara. Thenative species and its ships are well adaptedfor life on a world where it is always night.
GAUNTLET STARFIGHTERKOM’RK-CLASS FIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:StarfighterMANUFACTURER:MandalMotorsSPEED:1,000 kph (621mph)MODEL: Kom’rk-classfighter/transportLENGTH:68 m (223 ft1 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 4 lasercannonsKOM’RK-CLASS FIGHTERSAREflown by the Death Watch—aMandalorian splinter group thatseeks a return to its planet’swarrior past. These fast shipsserve as both fighters and trooptransports. Up to 24 soldiers cantravel aboard, deploying from therear of the ship using jetpacks.Darth Maul acquires hisown Kom’rk-class shipwhen he briefly seizescontrol of Mandalore.CockpitTurbojetLasercannonSMALLER SHIPA second version of the Kom’rk-classfighter measures just52.3 m (171 ft7 in) long. The ship’s laser cannonsare recessed in the center of its nose.Rotating wingsRun the GauntletThe Gauntlet starfighters are hidden onMandalore’s moon Concordia. Obi-WanKenobi and Satine Kryze discover themwhile trying to escape the Death Watch.102
FANG FIGHTERMANDALORIANSTARFIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:StarfighterMANUFACTURER:MandalMotorsSPEED:900 kph (559 mph)MODEL: Fang-classLENGTH:6 m (19 ft8 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: 2 wing-mountedlaser cannons, protontorpedo launcherALSO KNOWN AS THEProtectorate fighter, thisfast ship features wingsthat swivel around thecockpit. Thispresents anever-changing target forattackers and providesvectored thrustcontrol foran almost unparalleledlevel of maneuverability.Mandalorian ProtectorsinFang fighters attack HeraSyndulla and Sabine Wrenwhen they approach theplanet Concord Dawn.Ion engineLasercannonStable fuselagePivoting wingMandalorianProtectors symbolFang FightbackImperial StarDestroyers attackthe rebel base on the planetAtollon. Sabine Wren anda group of MandalorianProtectors in Fang fightersmount a spirited defense.103IN A SPINThe Fang fighter’slaser cannons firean arcing assaultas its wings rotate.Itsproton torpedolauncher is hidden,causing opponentsto underestimateits firepower.
XANADU BLOODBOUNTY HUNTER STARFIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:StarfighterMANUFACTURER:BaktoidWorkshopSPEED:1,200 kph (745 mph)MODEL: Rogue-classLENGTH:12.7 m (41 ft8 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: 2 laser cannonsTHEXANADU BLOODISa heavily modifiedRogue-class starfighter. The Separatists give it to the notoriousbounty hunter Cad Bane as payment for services toDarth Sidious. The ship is equipped with anexpensive and rare cloaking device,allowing Bane to strike hisenemies unseen.High-powerlaser cannonPowerfulport thrusterCad Bane uses hisship to hunt downForce-sensitive childrenand deliver them toMustafar for Darth Sidious.CockpitForward scannersCHANGESSeveral changes havebeen made to theXanadu Blood.The modified cabinallows room for threepassengers, and theengine has beenaltered to run silentlyfor brief periods.Follow the TrailAnakin is able to gain access to theXanaduBlood’sfueling log. Thisshows him whichplanets Cad Bane has flown the ship to.
TIEFIGHTERTWIN ION ENGINE STARFIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:StarfighterMANUFACTURER:SienarFleet SystemsSPEED:1,200 kph (746 mph)MODEL: TwinIon Engineline edition spacesuperioritystarfighterLENGTH:7.2 m (23 ft9 in)HYPERDRIVE:NoneWEAPONS: 2 L-s1 lasercannonsSolar collectorThe SwarmThe preferred strategy ofTIEsquadrons is to swarmenemies with a mass ofships, overwhelming theopposition with numbersrather than firepower.THEROAR OF A TIEFIGHTERengine inspires fearthroughout the Empire. Produced in vast numbers,these short-range combat craft police the skies ofImperial worlds and defend capital spaceships infast-moving squadrons. Their twin ion engines arefast and light, and are powered by solar collectors.NO FRILLSUnlike most other combatships, the TIEfighter is notequipped with shields. Ithas life-support features,but pilots also wear flightsuits to breathe and guardagainst decompression.ViewportLaser cannonEzra Bridger andZeb Orrelios steala TIEfighter. Theirfellow rebel SabineWren decides to giveit a colorful paintjob in her familiarstreet-art style.105
TIEBOMBERTWIN ION ENGINE BOMBERDATAFILETYPE:BomberMANUFACTURER:Sienar Fleet SystemsSPEED:850 kph (528 mph)MODEL: Twin Ion Enginesurface assault bomberLENGTH:11.1 m (36 ft5 in)HYPERDRIVE:NoneWEAPONS: 2 lasercannons, concussionmissiles, orbital mines,proton bombsBIGGERAND LESSmaneuverable thana standard TIEfighter,thisbomber is built forsurface assaults ratherthan fighter-to-fightercombat. Itssecondaryhull is entirely givenover to mission-specificweaponry, which canbe targeted withpinpoint precision.Ordnance podWingpylonMissile portTIEbombers are launched froman Imperial cruiser above theplanet Ryloth for a strike onCham Syndulla’s rebel cell.Targeting sensorsSolarcollectorsAsteroid AttackBREATHEEASYThe TIEbomber has its ownbuilt-in life-support system.However, TIEbomber pilots stillwear flight suitswith breathinggear, in case of an emergency.106The Empire uses TIEbombers to bombard anasteroid field near the Hoth system in an effortto flush out rebel ship theMillennium Falcon.
TIEINTERCEPTORTWIN ION ENGINE INTERCEPTORDATAFILETYPE:StarfighterMANUFACTURER:SienarFleet SystemsSPEED:1,250 kph (777 mph)MODEL: TwinIon EngineinterceptorLENGTH:7.9 m (25 ft 11 in)HYPERDRIVE:NoneWEAPONS: 4 laser cannonsFASTERAND MORE AGILEthan the standard TIEfighter,the interceptor is introducedas a response to the growingrebel threat. Itsmain functionis to destroy rebel starfighters,which it achieves with rarelymatched accuracy.Iteventuallymakes up one fifth of theImperial Navy’sstarfighterfleet!The Empire has TIEinterceptors patrollingthe area around thepartially constructedsecond Death Star.CockpitTargeting sensorSolar collectorACE PILOTSONLYTIEinterceptors are flown by the mostexperienced Imperial pilots. They use anadvanced targeting system superior tothat of the standard TIEfighter. It is linkedto the vessel’s wingtip laser cannons.LasercannonSecond PlaceAnArquitens-classcommandcruiserdeploys several TIEinterceptorsto attack a rebeltransportship carryingsupplies.107
TIEADVANCED V1INQUISITORS’ EXPERIMENTAL CRAFTDATAFILETYPE:StarfighterMANUFACTURER:SienarFleet SystemsSPEED:1,600 kph (994 mph)MODEL: Twin Ion EngineAdvanced v1LENGTH:3.6 m (11 ft9 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 4.5WEAPONS: 2 lasercannons, missilelauncherTHEFIRSTTIEADVANCED V1is unveiled onLothal during Empire Day—and is immediatelydestroyed by rebels! These unusual ships aremainly used by Force-sensitive Imperial agentsknown as Inquisitors.These fierce Jedi-huntersfly their v1s across the galaxy on their missionsto find—and stop—anyone who uses the Force.SO MUCH FOR SOLARThe v1 is the only TIEfighter to have armorinstead of solar collectors on the outside ofits wings. Thismeans it can only use solarpower for its less energy-intensive systems.Armored outerS-foil “wing”Shots FiredChopper hijacks av1 that belongs toan Inquisitor knownonly as the EighthBrother. He uses itto attack a formerSith—Lord Maul!TransparisteelcockpitLasercannonThe FifthBrotherand the SeventhSisteruse v1s during their missionto kidnap Force-sensitivechildren.Solar collector108
TIEADVANCED X1VADER’S STARFIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:StarfighterMANUFACTURER:SienarFleet SystemsSPEED:1,200 kph(746 mph)MODEL: TwinIon EngineAdvanced x1LENGTH:11.5 m (37 ft9 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 4WEAPONS: 2 laser cannonsDARTH VADER FLIESANearly prototype of the TIEAdvanced x1, with a customcockpit for his unique armor.Unlike standard TIEfighters,it has a deflector shield anda hyperdrive. Itslow profileis made possible by thehigh-specification solarcollectors on its wings.High-spec solar cellsEntry/exithatchDarth Vader’s compact TIEAdvanced x1 is flanked bytwo standard TIEfightersin the Battle of Yavin.LasercannonMaintenanceaccess bayDARKSPEEDExpert PilotDarth Vader is one of the bestpilots in the galaxy, which is whyhe is the best person to test out theEmpire’s latest starfighters in battle.109The Advanced x1is as much DarthVader’s personalshuttle as it is hisfavored fighter. Itis a rare exampleof a TIEcraft thatcan travel fasterthan light.
TIEDEFENDERTWIN ION ENGINE DEFENDERDATAFILETYPE:StarfighterMANUFACTURER:SienarFleet SystemsSPEED:1,680 kph (1,045mph)MODEL: TwinIon Engine/DDefenderLENGTH:9.2 m (30 ft 2 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: 6 lasercannons, concussionmissiles, proton torpedoesTHISEXPERIMENTALSTARFIGHTERnever completedits prototype stage. Itis used in limited numbers onlyagainst a small rebel cell led by Hera Syndulla, butstillposes a serious threat. The TIEdefender is the firstTIEto have a hyperdrive and deflector shields, and itcan travel incredibly fast in real space.POWEROF THREEThe TIEdefender’s three solar-collector wings allow for increasedenergy use and are each equippedwith computer-controlledmaneuvering jets.Sensor arrayMissile launcherLaser cannonFireproof FighterWhen TIEdefenders are sent tocapture the rebel Senator MonMothma, they follow the rebelship theGhostinto the ArcheonNebula. There, the experimentalships prove capable of survivingthe extreme heat given off bya newly forming star.SolarcollectorGrand AdmiralThrawn of theImperial Navypushes for theTIEdefender’sdevelopment.110
MINING GUILD TIEFIGHTERMODIFIED SPACE SUPERIORITY STARFIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:StarfighterMANUFACTURER:SienarFleet SystemsSPEED:950 kph (590 mph)MODEL: ModifiedTIE/lnstarfighterLENGTH:7.2 m (23 ft7 in)HYPERDRIVE:NoneWEAPONS: 2 L-s1laser cannonsMining GuildinsigniaTHESEBRIGHTLYCOLOREDTIEfightersrepresent part of a deal between theEmpire and the Mining Guild. In exchangefor valuable resources, the Empire suppliesthe Guild with modified ships.THESAME BUTDIFFERENTWhere Imperial TIEshave six solar collectorson each wing, the Mining Guild version hasjustfour,making it less powerful. To furtherhelpwith identification, Mining Guild fightersarepainted yellow.Mine CraftWhen Ezra Bridgercomes under attack fromMining Guild TIEfighters,he slices off one of theirwings with his lightsaber.Impressively, he does thiswhile riding on a spacecreature called a purrgil!Solar collectorsPressurized cockpitThe rebel crew ofthe Ghost encounterMining Guild TIEfighterswhen theyset out to raid a gasmining installation.111
A-WINGRZ-1 A-WING INTERCEPTORDATAFILETYPE:StarfighterMANUFACTURER:KuatSystemsEngineeringSPEED:1,300 kph (808 mph)MODEL: RZ-1 A-wingLENGTH:9.6 m (31 ft6 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 2 laser cannons,missile launchersTHEA-WING ISONEof the fastest fightersoneither side in the Galactic Civil War. With a designinfluenced by Republic starfighters,A-wings areprotected by powerful deflector shields andarmor. However, as the Rebellion progressesthey are stripped of their defensesand heavy weapons in order tomake them even faster.CockpitStabilizer wingPHOENIX FLYERThe A-wing is the main fighterused by the rebel cell calledPhoenix Squadron. The shipsare useful for intelligenceoperations as well ascombat, becauseeach one containsa datalog thatcan be ejectedif the vesselis intercepted.Laser cannonEnd over EndorMissile tubeGreen Leader Arvel Crynyd flies his A-wing into thebridge of the Super Star DestroyerExecutorduringthe Battle of Endor, destroying the mighty warship.Ezra Bridger flies anA-wing trainer shipbelonging to PhoenixSquadron. The RZ-1Tis modified to includean instructor’sseat.112
BLADE WINGPROTOTYPE B-WING STARFIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:StarfighterMANUFACTURER:QuarrieSPEED:950 kph (590mph)MODEL: Prototype B-wingLENGTH:16.9 m (55 ft5 in)HYPERDRIVE:Non-functionalWEAPONS: 3 ion cannons,2 high intensity blasters, 1prototype composite beamlaser, proton torpedoesTHEBLADE WING ISdesigned by a MonCalamari ship builder named Quarrie. Thisprototype combines unusual key features fromseveral shipsfrom the Clone Wars(most notablythe V-19 starfighter and the T-6shuttle).The end result is versatile and powerful,but expensive and difficultto maintain.GyroscopiccockpitGunner’s turretShieldgenerator andhyperdrivehousingIon cannonmounted on S-foilPROS AND CONSThe Blade Wing includes asecondary gunner station, andthe cockpit design allows thepilot to remain level with thehorizon. Unfortunately, whenthe composite beam system isfired, it drains the hyperdrive.One in a MillionHera uses a single blast from the Blade Wingto take out a massive Imperial blockade ship.Her successmakes the rebels realize that theyneed to develop this prototype into a starfightermodel in their fight against the Empire.113Quarrie will not let the rebels usethe Blade Wing in battle until HeraSyndulla proves that she can fly it.
B-WINGHEAVY WEAPONS FIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:StarfighterMANUFACTURER:Slayn& KorpilSPEED:950 kph (590 mph)MODEL: A/SF-01 B-wingLENGTH:16.9 m (55 ft5 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: 4 lasercannons, protontorpedoes, ion cannonGyroscopiccommand podTHEB-WING DEFIESconventionalstarfighter design by adoptinggyroscopic mechanics. Itenablesthe bulk of the ship to rotaterapidly around the side-cockpit,which remains level. Thisapproach, combined withthe ion cannon, makes theB-wing an ideal choicewhen battling larger ships.Deployed S-foilCOSTLY CRAFTAn advanced targeting computer allows allB-wings to operate on a single network. Due tocost and maintenance issues, the ships areeventually retired, with many of their parts laterrepurposed into Resistance troop transports.Wingtipion cannonHeavyweaponspodA ship designer namedQuarrie develops theprototype B-wing. He onlysharesitwith the rebels afterHera Syndulla proves she iscapable of flying the ship.Warfare Roles114The B-wing takes part in the Battle of Endor.However, due to its poor performance indogfights, it is initially held back for useagainst the larger capital ships, whilethe X-wings engage the TIEfighters.
U-WINGREBEL GUNSHIPDATAFILETYPE:GunshipMANUFACTURER:IncomCorporationSPEED:950 kph (590 mph)MODEL: UT-60U-wingstarfighter/transportLENGTH:25 m (82 ft)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 2 laser cannons,1 repeating ion blasterTHEU-WINGISA UNIQUEswing-wing starshipthathandles like a repulsorcraft.U-wings are designedfor close surface flight,and delivering troops tobattle. They are invaluable to the rebel fleet duringthe Battle of Scarif.Sadly,few of them escape theplanet’s atmosphere after the Death Starattacks.U-wings make uppart of the rebelBlue Squadron.They swoop intoaction during theBattle of Scarif.Fusion chamberSloping cockpitwindowFUELGUZZLERA major advantage of the U-wingis that its floor can be customizedto hold different guns. However, ithas a big drawback: its hyperdriveconsumes large quantities of fuel.Fusial thrust engineRogue MissionsJyn Erso,Cassian Andor, and K-2SO use aU-wing to travel to Jedha. From there, they flywith Bodhi Rook to the planet Eadu, wherethey crash and are forced to abandon ship.Front intakeSwing-wing S-foilsForward, non-attackwing formation115
T-65 X-WINGFOUR-WINGED REBEL ATTACK SHIPSDATAFILETYPE:StarfighterMANUFACTURER:IncomCorporationSPEED:1,050 kph(652 mph)MODEL: T-65BX-wingLENGTH:13.4 m (44 ft)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 4 lasercannons, protontorpedo launcherX-WINGS ARE DESIGNEDTOexcel in all areasof starfighter combat, and have no discernableweaknesses. These sturdy ships become thecenterpiece of several crucial battles, andtheir unmistakable appearance makes thema symbol of the heroic Rebel Alliance.Yavin HeroAt the Battle of Yavin, Luke Skywalkerscores a famous victory when he optsto rely on the Force instead of hisX-wing’s advanced targeting systems.AstromechFolding S-foilsTOUGHAND NIMBLEThe X-wing is designed for assault runsonlarger ships, such as Imperial StarDestroyers.Itis highly maneuverable and heavily shielded.Each craft also has an astromech docking portfor navigational assistance, and is stocked withemergency supplies to last up to one week.Laser cannonWedge Antilles pilots an X-wingthrough the heart of the secondDeath Star,with devastating results.116
Y-WINGBTL-A4 Y-WING ASSAULT STARFIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:Starfighter/bomberMANUFACTURER:Koensayr ManufacturingSPEED:1,000 kph (621 mph)MODEL: BTL-A4Y-wingLENGTH:16 m (52 ft6 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 2 lasercannons, 2 protontorpedo launchers, 1 twinion cannon, proton bombsDESIGNEDFOR BOMBING RAIDS,the Y-wing is a sleekship originally used by the Galactic Republic. Y-wingsfind new life as starfighters for the Rebel Alliance duringthe Galactic Civil War. Stripped of every non-essentialsystem and endlessly repaired by rebel mechanics,they remain popular with Alliance pilots.Vectral ringSensor domeThe firstY-wings used in theClone Warshave a gunner’sstation above the cockpit. Inlater models, one operatorserves as pilot and gunner.Twin ion cannonLaser cannonAstromech droidGold StarsThe Y-wing pilots of Gold Squadron forman important part of the rebel strike forcethat takes on the Empire’s firstDeath Star.Transparisteelcockpit canopyBARE BONESThe exposed mechanics of theY-wing’s hull and engine nacelleplating make it easier for theRebel Alliance to maintain andrepair the aging craft.117
SPECIAL FORCES TIEFIGHTERTIE/SFSPACE SUPERIORITY FIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:StarfighterMANUFACTURER:Sienar-Jaemus Fleet SystemsMODEL: Twin Ion Enginespecial forces spacesuperiority starfighterLENGTH:6.7 m (21 ft11 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: 2laser cannonsTHISADVANCED TIEFIGHTERis used as both acombat vehicle and a patrol ship. Itsfamiliar designechoes the earlier model of the sinisterregime thatpioneered it—the Empire. However, it doesimprove and adapt many of thetechnological shortcomings of theoriginal design, making it a muchmore powerful starfighter!CommunicationsantennaSpherical,two-seatercockpitHIGH TECHThe TIE/sfstarfighter isequipped with deflectorshields and an advancedflight computer. It also hasa hyperdrive, unlike regularFirstOrder TIEfighters.Solar powerconverterTransparisteelfront viewportSolar array wingTrickyEscapeFinnand Poe Dameron steala TIE/sfduring their escapefrom the FirstOrder. Theydon’t realize that it is stillattached to a cable—untilthey try to take off!118Only the elite pilots of theFirstOrder Special Forcesmay use the TIE/sffighters.They take part in the Battleof Takodana and engageResistance X-wings.
TIESILENCERTIE/VN PROTOTYPEDATAFILETYPE:StarfighterMANUFACTURER:Sienar-Jaemus Fleet SystemsMODEL: TIE/vnprototypeLENGTH:17.43 m (57 ft2 in)HYPERDRIVE:EquippedWEAPONS: 2 heavy lasercannons, 2 medium lasercannons, 2 proton torpedolaunchersTHETIESILENCERISan advanced TIEfighterprototype built specially for Kylo Ren. One of themost powerful starfighters in the FirstOrder fleet,its heavy weapons can crack even the thick armorof massive cruisers.Although it is large for a one-pilot ship, the silencer is both fast and agile.Dark Side AceIncredible piloting skills run in Kylo’sfamily, and his Force abilities makehim a lethal adversary in spacecombat. Unfortunately the Resistanceonly discovers this when it is too late.Armoredcockpit canopyHeavy lasercannonAdvanced solarcollector panelTorpedolauncherKylo prepares to launch a volley oftorpedoes at theRaddus’bridge, buthis wingmate firesfirst.The explosionwipes out many Resistance officers.HIGH-TECHTERRORThe silencer features many advancedpieces of technology that make it evenmore deadly: heavy laser cannons,tough deflector shields, unique torpedolaunchers, and a stealth field generatorthat hides it from enemy sensors.119
T-70 X-WINGRESISTANCE STARFIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:StarfighterMANUFACTURER:Incom-FreiTekSPEED:1,050 kph (652 mph)MODEL: T-70 X-wingLENGTH:12.5 m (41 ft)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 4 laser cannons,dual weapon pod, blastercannonAFTERDEFEATINGTHEEmpire, the New Republicadopts the famous rebelX-wings as official defendersof the government. Usingofficial resources andtechnological advances,the new generation ofX-wings is faster and moreheavily armored.The best pilot in theResistance, Poe Dameron,has his own T-70 X-wingcodenamedBlack One.KX12 laser cannonsIncom-FreiTek 5L5fusial thrust enginesBattle-damagednose wedgeBB-8 in astromechdroid loading areaUNBEATABLEThe T-70is capable of bothspace and atmosphericcombat, and is virtuallyunmatched in close-quartersdogfights. Itincludes anundercarriage-mountedblaster cannon, which iscontrolled by an automatedcomputer targeting system.Frontline AttackThe T-70 X-wings become part ofGeneral Leia Organa’s Resistanceagainst the FirstOrder.120
RESISTANCEBOMBERMG-100 STARFORTRESSDATAFILETYPE:Heavy bomberMANUFACTURER:Slayn &KorpilMODEL: MG-100 StarFortressSF-17LENGTH:29.67 m (97 ft4 in)HYPERDRIVE:EquippedWEAPONS: 3laser cannonturrets,6 medium lasercannons, proton bombsTHISUNUSUALLOOKING SHIPcarries a devastatingpayload: hundreds of powerful proton bombs. TheMG-100 also bristles with laser cannons, allowing itto battle its way to its target and then rain destruction.Even the largest FirstOrder ships fear the StarFortress!Short-range comms antennaArmoredflight deckRear turretSublight engineThe StarFortresshas acrew of five, includingtwo specialist gunners. Thegunners defend the ship,firing at the enemy fromexposed turretsin the ship’srear and underside.BIG BANGThe StarFortress’strangeshape comes from thelarge, detachable bombbay that slots into thebottom of the ship’s hull.Bomb bayBombing RunHigh above D’Qar, the StarFortressesof Cobalt and Crimson squadronsattack the mighty Star Destroyersof the FirstOrder fleet.Targetingsensor
H-TYPE NUBIAN YACHTSHIMMERING SENATOR’S SHIPDATAFILETYPE:YachtMANUFACTURER:TheedPalace Space VesselEngineering CorpsSPEED:2,000 kph(1,243 mph)MODEL: H-typeLENGTH:47.9 m (157 ft2 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 0.9WEAPONS: NoneTHISYACHT ISTHEpersonal transportof Senator PadméAmidala. Itis a luxuryship, designed forcomfort rather thancombat, but does havevery powerful shieldingin case of an attack. Thevehicle is coated in royalchromium, reflecting itsowner’s high status.CockpitPadmé blows up her Nubianyacht when it is captured bySeparatists and taken ontotheir flagship, Malevolence.Aerodynamic designfor atmospheric flightSublight driveSILVERMACHINEWhen Padmé’s yachtcomes in to land, itextends three silver-colored, articulatedlegs. The rear of theship then opens upto reveal a similarlyshiny exit ramp.Trip to TatooinePadmé’s sparkling Nubian yachtmakes a bold statement whenit touches down on the dustyworld of Tatooine. Padmé andAnakin Skywalker travel therein search of Anakin’s mother.122
NABOO STARSKIFFJ-TYPE STAR SKIFFDATAFILETYPE:YachtMANUFACTURER:TheedPalace Space VesselEngineering CorpsSPEED:1,050 kph(652 mph)MODEL: J-type star skiffHYPERDRIVE:Class 0.5WEAPONS: 2laser cannonsWEAPONS ON A NABOOroyal ship are unheardof until this vessel is manufactured. Italso has aduller, more practical, finish compared to traditional,gleaming Naboo ships. Unfortunately, the Naboohave had to adapt their ship design for the harshrealities of battle during the Clone Wars.Senator PadméAmidala travelsin a Naboo starskiffto negotiatewith crime bossZiro the Hutt.Maintenanceaccess grilleCockpitSHARED SHIPThe J-type star skiff isdesigned and built forQueen Apailana, themonarch of Naboo, inthe latter days of theClone Wars. However,the ship is also madeavailable for SenatorPadmé Amidala, theformer queen.Laser cannonUnpolishedchromiumhull platingFlying into DangerRefusing to believe that Anakin Skywalkerhas turned to evil, Padmé rushes to findhim on the fiery world of Mustafar. Sheis unaware that Obi-Wan Kenobi hasstowed away aboard her star skiff.
SCIMITARSITH INFILTRATORDATAFILETYPE:StarshipMANUFACTURER:RepublicSienar SystemsSPEED:1,180 kph(733 mph)MODEL: Modifed StarCourierLENGTH:26.5 m (86 ft11 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: 6 laser cannons,proton torpedoesTHESCIMITARISANexperimental starcraftbuilt—supposedly by the starship designerRaith Sienar—under orders from Darth Sidious.Thissleek craft is a modified StarCourier,and it uses an experimental ion engine.Jedi HuntingDarth Maul uses theScimitarinhis mission to track down theJedi Qui-Gon Jinn andObi-Wan Kenobi. After Maulfalls in combat with Kenobi,Darth Sidious reclaims the shiphe had commissioned.DomedcockpitRadiator finsrelease heat fromexperimental enginesHIDDENSHIPTheScimitarcan use acloaking device to avoiddetection. Thisability tobecome invisible makesit perfect for sneakingpast security and hidingfrom enemies.Hidden laser cannonTheScimitarcarriesanFC-20 speeder bike, theBloodfin,in itscargo hold.Thisisforwhen Maul needsto travel quickly on land.Heavily armored hull124
SHEATHIPEDESHUTTLENEIMOIDIAN ESCORT SHUTTLECommunicationsantennaDATAFILETYPE:TransportMANUFACTURER:HaorChall EngineeringSPEED:880 kph (546 mph)MODEL:Sheathipede-classtransportshuttleLENGTH:20 m(65 ft7 in)HYPERDRIVE:EquippedWEAPONS: NoneBUILTBY INSECT-LIKEspecies the Charrians, theSheathipede-classshuttleis used by various worldsallied to the Separatists.Itis especially popular withthe Neimoidians, who playa major role in the CloneWars.These durable shuttlesare used for diplomaticmissions, but they can alsobe modified for combat.OptionalcockpitLanding legAUTOPILOT OPTIONSomeSheathipede-classshuttles are flown byautomatic pilots and have extra passenger orcargo space instead of a cockpit. All modelshave a very powerful communications array.Time to FlyTrade Federation leaders Nute Gunrayand Rune Haako flee from the Battle ofGeonosis in aSheathipede-classshuttle.Anakin Skywalkercorners bio-terroristNuvo Vindi when hetriesto escape in aSheathipede shuttle.125
SHEATHIPEDE-CLASSTYPEBCARGO SHUTTLEDATAFILETYPE:Cargo shuttleMANUFACTURER:HaorChall EngineeringSPEED:880 kph (547 mph)MODEL:Sheathipede-classType B shuttleHYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: 3 laser cannonsTHECLASSTYPEB ISAvariation of the Sheathipedeshuttle, although it boasts a larger cockpit. The shipis usually reserved for transporting cargo betweenfriendly star systems. However, during the CloneWars, the Republic uses a shuttle to sneak intoenemy territory.Dorsal finLarge cockpitwindowARC trooper Echo isseeminglykilled when heavy firecauseshissquad’s stolenClass TypeBshuttleto explode.FrontspotlightsBeetle-shapedchassisRetractedlanding legsSURE-FOOTEDDesigned in the shapeof a soldier beetle,the shuttle uses fourclaw-footed legs forlanding. It has threepowerful lights in thefront that double asa sensor array.Frozen SolidAnakin Skywalker, Obi-WanKenobi, and an elite groupof clone troopers are frozenin carbonite hidden aboarda Class Type B shuttle.126
SOLAR SAILERPUNWORCCA116-CLASSINTERSTELLARSLOOPDATAFILETYPE:YachtMANUFACTURER:Huppla Pasa TiscShipwrightsCollectiveSPEED:1,600 kph(994 mph)MODEL: Punworcca116-classLENGTH:16.7 m (54 ft9 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1.5WEAPONS: 84 narrowtractor/repulsorbeamsTHESITHLORD COUNT DOOKUuses a solar sailerthroughout the Clone Wars. The luxurious personalyacht is a rare Geonosian design with an energy-collecting sail that enables it to travel without fuel.Itis fast, sleek, and surprisinglyspacious, with roomfor Dooku’s databook library inside.Count Dooku crash-landshis solar sailer on theplanet Vanqor. Itfalls intothe hands of Weequaypirate Hondo Ohnaka,who appreciates itsrarity.Dorsal sail carapaceFA-4 pilot droidVentral sailcarapaceDEFENSEThe solar sailer’snarrow-beam tractor/repulsor beamsdefend it from attack.When the sail isdeployed, it stretchesmore than 100 m(328 ft) across,making a temptingand valuable target.Hull made from rareGeonosian metalsSail AwayAfter a fierce lightsaber duelwith Jedi Master Yoda, CountDooku flees the firstBattle ofGeonosis. He escapes in hisPunworcca 116 sloop—itssolar sail fully deployed.127
MAXILLIPEDE SHUTTLETRANSPORT SHUTTLEDATAFILETYPE:TransportMANUFACTURER:HaorChall EngineeringSPEED:880 kph (546 mph)MODEL: Maxillipede shuttleLENGTH:14.4 m (47 ft3 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 3 lasercannonsTHEMAXILLIPEDEISALMOSTidentical to theSheathipede-classshuttle, but features an extrafin-like wing. Thisgreatly increases the vessel’smaneuverability in comparison to previous models,and improves long distance space travel capabilities.DROID LEADERColonel Meebur Gasconof the Republic, whocommands a heroicgroup of droidsknown as “D-Squad,”uses a capturedMaxillipede shuttle.Separatist coloringand symbolCockpit housesautomatedpilot interfaceSix-passengercapacityClone CaptureThe Separatists used a Maxillipede shuttle whenattempting to capture a sick clone named Tup, whohad strangely been driven to attack a Jedi Knight.128R2-D2 and his fellow D-Squad memberstravel in a Maxillipede shuttle during amission to get a device that can decodesecret Separatist information.
REPUBLIC ATTACK SHUTTLENU-CLASS TRANSPORTDATAFILETYPE:TransportMANUFACTURER:Cygnus SpaceworksSPEED:850 kph (528 mph)MODEL: Nu-classLENGTH:18.9 m (62 ft)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 6 laser cannonsWITHHEAVIER ARMORand shielding than mostatmospheric vessels, theRepublic attack shuttle isa long-range alternativeto the LAAT gunship. Itisreplaced by other shuttledesigns after the CloneWars, but one remains inthe service of the rebelCham Syndulla duringthe time of Empire.LasercannonPadawan Ahsoka Tanofirstmeets her mentor,Anakin Skywalker,after arriving on theplanet Christophsisina Nu-class transport.Rebel markings denote thisas Cham Syndulla’s shipCockpitWing hingesfold on landingLasercannonturretClone CarrierThe clone army’s 212thAttackBattalion, led by Obi-Wan Kenobi,often uses Nu-class transports.A TIEbomber heldin the shuttle’s wingsUNDER ITSWINGThe Republic attack shuttle has a tractorbeam,which is unusual for a transport. It also hasmagnetic clamps on its underside to claspcargo and other smaller vessels. A variantNu-class transport has an enclosed cargobay built in between the wings.129
T-6 SHUTTLEJEDI AMBASSADOR SHUTTLEDATAFILETYPE:Short-rangeshuttlefighterMANUFACTURER:Slayn& KorpilSPEED:1,200 kph(745 mph)MODEL: T-6LENGTH:22.8 m (74 ft9 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: NoneTHISINNOVATIVESHUTTLEDESIGNhas a lastingimpact on starship technology. Itis built by theinsectoid Verpine, and features rotating wingsthat allows the rest of the ship an exceptionaldegree of motion. Members of the Jedi Orderuse the shuttles frequently.When vulturedroidsattack their T-6shuttle,Ahsoka Tano and herfellow Jedi use ejectorseats to launch themselvesout of danger.Three engineson main hull blockON THELEVELThe shuttle’s three engines and cockpitare always level with one another.When launching, the wingsrotate vertically.Ejector seatsin cockpitWings set in landingconfigurationForce PushDuring a battle on the planetToydaria, Sith apprentice SavageOpress uses the Force to shove aT-6 shuttle off a landing platform.
ETA-CLASSSHUTTLEAMBASSADORIAL TRANSPORTDATAFILETYPE:TransportMANUFACTURER:Cygnus SpaceworksSPEED:750 kph (466 mph)MODEL: Eta-class shuttleLENGTH:14.2 m (46 ft7 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: 3 laser cannonsTHESECOMFY SHUTTLESAREfirstusedby the Galactic Senate for diplomaticmissions. Later on, they are regularlyemployed by the Jedi in the CloneWars. Robust and suited to long-range travel, an Eta-class shuttleis chosen for a mission in WildSpace beyond the Outer Rim.SPACIOUS SHIPAn Eta-class shuttle comfortablyseats ten passengers and twopilots. There is also room foremergency transport, suchas twoUndicar-classjumpspeeders.LasercannonTransparisteelviewportStability foilShuttle for a Sith LordDarth Sidious makes use of a modified Eta-classshuttle when he travels to the planet Mandaloreto battle his former apprentice, Darth Maul.131Anakin Skywalkerpilots an Eta-classshuttle right up toa Separatist shipto rescue the JediMaster Eeth Koth.
H-2 EXECUTIVE SHUTTLELUXURY LIMOUSINEDATAFILETYPE:ShuttleMANUFACTURER:Slayn& KorpilSPEED:875 kph (544 mph)MODEL: H-2 EXLENGTH:14.6 m(47 ft10 in)HYPERDRIVE:NoneWEAPONS: NoneTHESENATORSAND EVENChancellor Palpatineare among the high-profile users of this luxuriousship. Palpatine’s model is docked to allow directaccess from his chambers in the Senate OfficeBuilding on Coruscant.Itmakes for a comfyescape craft if thebuilding isattacked.TAKE A SEATThe H-2 shuttle has a cockpitwith a single pilot’s seatand several passengerseats behind. Thereis plenty of roomfor luggageas well.Engine air intake foratmospheric flightFolding wingsCabin doorForwardlanding footCockpitSliced ShuttleWhen a Zillo Beast captures an H-2 shuttlewith Anakin Skywalker inside, Anakin uses hislightsaber to cut the H-2 in half to escape.Separatist senator MinaBonteri escorts PadméAmidala and AhsokaTano to her mansionaboard an H-2 shuttle.132
GX1 SHORT HAULERLANTILLIAN SHUTTLEDATAFILETYPE:ShuttleMANUFACTURER:LantillianShipWrightsSPEED:800 kph (497 mph)MODEL: GX1LENGTH:37.2 m (122 ft)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: Turret-mountedlaser cannonRepublic colorsORIGINALLY BUILTAS DIPLOMATICvessels,the GX1 haulers are used as civilian transportsafter the Clone Wars. These vehicles are oftenseen traveling around the Outer Rim duringthe reign of the Empire.LIFEON BOARDMost GX1s are piloted by RX-seriespilotdroids. There are sleeping quarters for up tofive beings, and the original GX1s evenincluded a holo-theater for entertainment.Long-rangecommunicationsarray towerSecondary podwith compacthyperdriveNeed a Ride?Young rebels Sabine Wren and EzraBridger are forced to flee from Imperialforces aboard a civilian GX1.During a mission, Ahsoka Tano isknocked unconscious and wakesup on a GX1 diplomatic ship.133
THETA-CLASST-2C SHUTTLEPERSONNEL TRANSPORTDATAFILETYPE:ShuttlecraftMANUFACTURER:CygnusSpaceworksSPEED:2,000 kph(1,242 mph)MODEL: Theta T-2cLENGTH:18.5 m (60 ft8 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 1 laser cannon,2 quad laser cannonsTHESESHIPSARE BUILTbyCygnus Spaceworks, underspecial order by SupremeChancellor Palpatine. Theyhave never been availablefor purchase. The model iseventually incorporated intothe Imperial fleet, but onlyfor the highest-ranking officers.Chancellor Palpatine usesthisvehicle to get to the fieryplanet Mustafar when hesenses Anakin Skywalker isin danger there.Reinforced windowto protect high-rankingpassengersSHUTTLEPERKSA center fin boosts the T-2C’sray shielding, and side wingsvent heat collected by theshield. A secondary gunnerstation is located in the cabin.Quad laser cannonWings areraised forlandingmodeLong wings projectpowerful shieldsTransformationPalpatine takes a gravely injuredAnakin in his T-2Cshuttle to the GrandRepublic Medical Facility on Coruscant.It is here that Anakin is transformedinto Darth Vader.
MANDALORIAN SHUTTLEAKA’JOR-CLASSSHUTTLEDATAFILETYPE:ShuttleMANUFACTURER:MandalMotorsSPEED:900 kph (559 mph)MODEL:Aka’jor-classshuttleLENGTH:17.9 m (58 ft 8 in)HYPERDRIVE:NoneWEAPONS: NoneMandaloriandecorationTHISSLEEKSHIPISBUILTby Mandaloriansfor Mandalorians. TheAka’jor-classshuttle isunarmed and intended primarily for peacefultransitbetween Mandalore and other planets.However, some owners have adapted theirAka’jor shuttles to carry weapons.POLICE SHIPRotating wingThe Aka’jor is a highly sophisticatedvehicle. The Mandalorian policeforce have adopted several ofthe ships, using them whileconducting criminal investigations.Cockpit windowObi-Wan Kenobi and DuchessSatine Kryze fly in anAka’jor-class shuttle when searchingfor signs of the Mandaloriansplinter group Death Watch.Tripto the MoonThe shuttles have rotating wingsthat change position duringlanding. They are oftenused to carry passengersbetween Mandaloreand itsmoon, Concordia.135
FLARESTAR-CLASSATTACK SHUTTLEWEEQUAY PIRATE SAUCERDATAFILETYPE:ShuttleMANUFACTURER:SurronianEngineeringSPEED:1,175 kph (730mph)MODEL: Flarestar-classLENGTH:22.6 m (74 ft2 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: 2 lasercannons,2 torpedolaunchersUSEDBY PIRATESFROMthe planet Florrum,thiscircularship is launchedout of a much largersaucer, acting as alanding craft.The shuttlescan also function on theirown, repurposed into fastand powerful fighters.The pirate Barb Mentir usesa Flarestar-classattack shuttleto attack a Republic vesselcarrying Jar Jar Binks.One of twocockpitsHondo Ohnaka’spirate symbolMaul AboardWhen Darth Maul andSavage Opress boardaFlarestar-classattackshuttle, they force itspirate crew to join Maul’snew criminal enterprise.136SAUCERFULOF PIRATESDespite its dualcockpits, the shuttlecan be operatedby a single pilot.It has room forthree crew andten passengers.
TAYLANDER SHUTTLECIVILIAN TRANSPORT SHUTTLEDATAFILETYPE:ShuttleMANUFACTURER:GallofreeYards, Inc.SPEED:950 kph (590 mph)MODEL: TaylanderLENGTH:43.5 m (142 ft8 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: NoneTHETAYLANDER SHUTTLESAREcivilian transportvehicles prevalent during the final years of theRepublic. They are a common sight amongstthe peaceful Core Worlds, but are even foundin the far reaches of the Outer Rim.After the Empire risesto power, rebel forcesbegin acquiringTaylander shuttlestouse for transportonpopulated worlds.Aerodynamic finsHeavily armored hullRounded bowDocking bayCloseEscapeMon Mothma’s Taylandershuttle, theChandrilaMistress,is attacked byImperial forces. Luckily,the rebel leader is ableto escape on HeraSyndulla’s ship, theGhost.137ARMOREDVEHICLEEach Taylander shuttlehas heavy armor tomake up for its lackof weaponry. It alsohas three landingstrutsthat deployas needed.
PHANTOMMODIFIED VCX-SERIES AUXILIARY STARFIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:Short-rangeCorellian shuttlefighterMANUFACTURER:CorellianEngineering CorporationSPEED:1,200 kph (746mph)MODEL: Modified VCX-series auxiliary starfighterLENGTH:11.6 m (38 ft)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 1twin lasercannon, 1laser turretDESIGNEDTO DOCK WITHthe Corellian VCX lightfreighter, the VCX-series auxiliary starfighter is aneffective shuttle and a versatile combat ship. ThePhantomis a modified version used by the rebelcrew of the VCX freighter known as theGhost.LaserturretCockpitPHANTOMMENACEThePhantomhasbeen upgradedwith salvaged partsto make it more ofa threat in battle.Itscockpit comesfrom another kindof starfighter, and ithas been equippedwith a hyperdrive.Design bySabine WrenTwinlasercannonCalling all CreaturesHera Syndulla realizes that thePhantom’sjamming signal attracts the tibidees’ attention.When Hera picks up her rebel team from anImperial prison, she uses the creatures as cover.The Phantom is attacked by adismantler droid, then destroyed,during a raid to steal Y-wingsfrom an Imperial scrapyard.138
PHANTOM IIMODIFIEDSHEATHIPEDE-CLASSSHUTTLEDATAFILETYPE:TransportMANUFACTURER:HaorChall EngineeringSPEED:1,250 kph(777 mph)MODEL: ModifiedSheathipede-class shuttleLENGTH:14.4 m (47 ft3 in)HYPERDRIVE:EquippedWEAPONS: 2 forward-mounted cannons,2 rear ventral turretsFOLLOWING THEDESTRUCTIONof their originalshort-range shuttle, the rebel crew of theGhostadapt an old Clone Wars-era vessel to becomethePhantom II.TheSheathipede-classshuttle isalso given a new color scheme by Sabine Wren.Design by rebel Sabine WrenMOD PODThe modifiedPhantom IIismuch faster and far moredurable than a traditionalSheathipede-classshuttle.It is also equipped withheavy weapons and anastromech port.Forward cannonChopper inastromech portRetractedlanding legDoctored DockWhen the rebels upgrade the shuttle tobecome thePhantom II,they modify itto fit into the same docking port as theoriginalPhantomat the rear of theirVCX-100 light freighter, theGhost.When the rebels seek an alliance withthe Mandalorian Clan Wren, the clanshoots the Phantom IIdown.139
STARCOMMUTER 2000SHORT-RANGE SHUTTLEDATAFILETYPE:ShuttleMANUFACTURER:Sacul IndustriesMODEL: StarCommuterLENGTH:15 m (49 ft3 in)HYPERDRIVE:EquippedWEAPONS: NoneRX-SERIESDROIDSpilot these civilianshuttles, which aredesigned to providequick, comfy travelbetween neighboringworlds. They are alsoused to ferry visitors toand from larger shipsin orbit of planetsand space stations.Corporate color schemevaries between routesStolen ShuttleStormtroopers fire on a StarCommuter 2000 when itis stolen by rebels trying tosave a rebel sympathizerfrom being imprisoned.ForwardviewportsPassengerviewportThe crew of the Ghost bookpassage on a StarCommuterto get close to a high-rankingImperial official aboard.BoardinghatchBOARDING PROCEDUREPassengers can board the Star Commuter2000 on either side, and sit in two rows ofdouble seats with safety belts. Droids arerequired to stand at the back of the ship.140
DELTA-CLASST-3C SHUTTLEDIRECTOR KRENNIC’S PERSONAL SHUTTLEDATAFILETYPE:ShuttleMANUFACTURER:SienarFleet SystemsSPEED:1,000 kph (621 mph)MODEL:Delta-class T-3cLENGTH:14.4 m (47 ft2 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 2 twinlaser cannons, 3 wing lasercannonsCockpitwindowTHESLEEKAND STEALTHYDelta-class T-3cis never putinto full production. However,one prototype of the uniqueshuttle is built specifically forOrson Callan Krennic, Director ofthe construction of the firstDeathStar.The shuttle is enhanced forstealth and features a sloped hullwith folding lateral wings thatminimize its footprinton the ground.Twin laser cannonsBASIC NEEDSThe shuttle’sinterioris sparseand functional, with basiccrash seats and storagestraps. The ship’scommunicationsequipment is builtinto the wings.Krennic’s shuttle landson the planet Lah’mu,outside the homesteadof former ImperialscientistGalen Erso.Sleek, folding wingsVisiting a SithThe Delta-class T-3ccarriesDirector Krennic to Darth Vader’sstronghold on the burning worldof Mustafar. It is a meeting thatthe Director is lucky to survive!141
LAMBDA-CLASS SHUTTLEIMPERIAL SHUTTLEDATAFILETYPE:ShuttleMANUFACTURER:SienarFleet SystemsSPEED:850 kph (528 mph)MODEL: Lambda-class T-4aLENGTH:20 m (65 ft 7 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 2 forward-facinglaser cannons, 2 twinwing-mounted laser cannons,1 retractable rear-mounteddouble laser cannonDorsalstabilizer wingTHET-4ASHUTTLEISan unusuallysleek craft compared to thetypically plain and practical designspreferred by the Empire. The shiptransports troops in non-combatsituations, and is available forprivate use by high-rankingImperial officials and dignitaries.SAFE SHUTTLEA single pilot can controlthe T-4a, but a co-pilot isusually assigned. The lowerwings fold upward uponlanding. The cockpit alsobecomes a lifeboatin emergencies.Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, LeiaOrgana, and Chewbacca usea stolen shuttleto sneak ontoEndor’smoon. DarthVader senses Luke’spresence aboard.Twin wing-mountedlaser cannonWide cockpitwindowEmperor’s ShipWhen the Emperor arrives onthe second Death Star, he isbrought aboard by hispersonal Lambda-class T-4ashuttle. It is easily identifiedby a gray stripe that runsdown the front of the ship.
SENTINEL-CLASSSHUTTLEIMPERIAL LANDING CRAFTDATAFILETYPE:ShuttleMANUFACTURER:SienarFleet SystemsSPEED:1,000 kph (621 mph)MODEL:Sentinel-classLENGTH:38 m (124 ft8 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 8 laser cannons,2 concussionmissilelaunchers, 2 blaster cannonturrets,ion cannon turretMUCH LARGER THANTHEsimilar-lookingLambda-class T-4A shuttle, this Imperiallander is a troop transporter. Itisequipped with heavy weapons and hasspace aboard for 54 stormtroopers. Acargo pod can be installed on the shuttle’sunderside to house attack vehicles.INTO BATTLETheSentinel-classshuttle is equippedwith powerful shields for deliveringstormtroopers into the thick of battle.Troops can deploy from all four sidesof the vessel for maximum flexibility.CockpitviewportHinges forfolding wingsRetractable lasercannon hatchForward rampJedi Kanan Jarrusand clonecaptain Rex use a Sentinel-class shuttle to sneak ontoanother Imperial ship.Tarkin is inGrand Moff Tarkin’sSentinel-class shuttle arrives at theImperial Complex dockingbay on Lothal, its wingsfolding as it lands.143
ZETA-CLASSCARGO SHUTTLEIMPERIAL COURIER CRAFTDATAFILETYPE:ShuttleMANUFACTURER:SienarFleet Systems/TelgornCorporationSPEED:1,000 kph(621 mph)MODEL: Zeta-classLENGTH:35.5 m (116 ft6 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 3 twin lasercannons, 2 twin heavylaser cannonsTHEZETA-CLASSCARGOshuttle is notdesigned for combat, but it has to be wellarmed to protect the precious shipmentsit often carries.Itspilots rarely seebattle however, and spendmost of their days chasingsecurityclearance.Wings folddown during flightHEAVY DUTYA Zeta-class cargo shuttlecan carry up to 25 metrictons (55,116 lbs) of freightin a detachable cargo deck.It can be adapted for useas a passenger transport.Heavy lasercannonCrystal CarrierThe Imperial occupation of the planetJedha sees Zeta-class shuttles used totransport kyber crystals from Jedha Cityto a refinery on the world of Eadu.Primarysensor bayHydraulic rampCargo deckA band of rebels ledby Jyn Ersouses Zeta-class shuttle SW-0608to infiltrate the basewhere the Death Starplans are stored.
UPSILON-CLASSSHUTTLEFIRSTORDER TRANSPORTDATAFILETYPE:ShuttleMANUFACTURER:Sienar-Jaemus Fleet SystemsSPEED:950 kph (590 mph)MODEL: Upsilon-classLENGTH:19.1 m (62 ft7 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 2 twin heavylaser cannonsTHISSHUTTLEISRESERVEDfor Kylo Ren andother high-ranking members of the FirstOrder. Inspired by Imperial era shuttles,its large, folding wings provide cover fromenemy fire during takeoff and landing.Advanced sensor-jamming technologymakes the ship hard to detect in flight.Stepping OutKylo Ren arrives on the planetJakku in his personalUpsilon-class shuttle, flanked by a pairof FirstOrder stormtroopers.Finn has a bad feelingwhen he sees an Upsilon-class shuttle landing onthe planet Takodana.PassengercompartmentDurasteel armorSTEALTHSHUTTLEDesigned for stealth ratherthan strength, theUpsilon-classshuttlehas few weapons.Instead, it excels incollecting detailed sensor data.Thisallows it to stay two stepsahead of its New Republic andResistance enemies at all times.Cockpit145Twinheavy laser cannon
SLAVEIBOUNTY HUNTER’S VESSELDATAFILETYPE:PursuitvesselMANUFACTURER:KuatSystemsEngineeringSPEED:1,000 kph (621 mph)MODEL:Firespray-classpatrol and attack craftLENGTH:21.5 m (70 ft6 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: Twinrotatingblaster cannons, lasercannons, ion cannon,seismic charges,concussion missilesONE OF THEMOSTdangerous ships in the galaxy,Slave Iis the private vessel of the much-fearedbounty hunter Jango Fett.Slave I’scontrols areheavily modified to make it responsive enoughto match the flying pattern of any other ship.COMPLEX CRAFTSlave Iis a sophisticated ship thatrequires a highly experienced pilot.It is equipped with experimentalsensor disruptors and its wingswork as repulsorlifts.Stabilizer finCockpit energy shieldOval hullRotatingblaster cannonHondo Ohnaka usesSlave Ito escape GeneralGrievous’s forces.146Family BusinessJango Fett’sson, Boba,continues his father’s work.During the Galactic Civil War,he usesSlave Ito hunt downtheMillenniumFalconforDarth Vader.
TWILIGHTCORELLIAN G9 RIGGER FREIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:FreighterMANUFACTURER:CorellianEngineering CorporationSPEED:700 kph (435 mph)MODEL: G9Rigger-classlight freighterLENGTH:34 m (111 ft1 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 3WEAPONS: 3 heavyblasters, rotatinglaser cannonTHETWILIGHTISoriginally the propertyof crime lord ZiroDesilijicTiure.Itis laterclaimed by AnakinSkywalker, who puts itto use during the CloneWars. Thisold ship isconsidered massively outof date, so Anakin spendsa large amount of his freetime upgrading the vehicle.Double heavyblaster cannonAnakin and Ahsoka Tano flytheTwilightin pursuitof CadBane after he kidnaps severalForce-sensitive children.Cockpit between engineand main wingSingle, fixedmain wingRotating laser cannonTo the RescueMaster Plo Koon’s ship is destroyed by theMalevolence.Anakin and Ahsoka usetheTwilightto rescue him and severalclone troopers from an escape pod.Folding swing-wingwith blaster cannonUNIQUE SHIPThe side of theTwilightisdecorated with a cartoonishpainting of young Anakinpodracing. The ship’supgraded weapons systemcauses random color shiftsin the lasers.147
HALOSS-54 ASSAULT SHIPDATAFILETYPE:GunshipMANUFACTURER:Botajef ShipyardsSPEED:800 kph (497 mph)MODEL: SS-54LENGTH:24.2 m (79 ft5 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 2 twin lasercannons, 1 dual laser cannonTHEFEARSOMEbounty hunterSugi commandsthis well-armedvessel during theClone Wars. Sheuses it to carry outmercenary missionson behalf of anyonewilling to pay herdanger money.The Halo’s scary tooka-doll mascotdoesn’t faze the Wookiee soldierswho team up with Sugi.PARTINGSHOTSTheHalohas a powerful aft-facing dual lasercannon at the rear for fending off pursuers. Itis larger than the forward-mounted cannons.CockpitviewportEngines rotate 90 degreesfor take off and landingDeployment hatchHome byHaloSugi works with Obi-Wan Kenobi,Anakin Skywalker, and AhsokaTano to protect a village fromHondo Ohnaka’s pirate gang.She then offers the Jedi passagehome aboard theHalo.Twinlasercannon
HOUND’S TOOTHYV-666 LIGHT FREIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:LightfreighterMANUFACTURER:CorellianEngineering CorporationSPEED:1,190 kph (739 mph)MODEL: Modified YV-666LENGTH:47.4 m (155 ft6 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1.5WEAPONS: 1 quad lasercannon turret,1 ion cannon,1 concussionmissile launcherBOUNTY HUNTERBOSSKuses this ordinary-lookingfreighter for his far-from-ordinary work. Itis hometo the Trandoshan’s hugecollection of weapons andinterrogation tools, plus agruesome array of trophiesfrom his many years asa hunter for hire.NO WAY OUTBossk has turned the cargobays of theHound’s Toothinto high-security cells forhis prisoners. The ship alsohas an advanced securitysystem, so even if anyonedoes succeed in breakingout—or in—they won’t getfar without being blasted!Command bridgeviewportManeuvering finSide rampCruel CargoDeflector shieldgeneratorTheHound’s Toothdocks atan orbital elevator station,where Bossk and his fellowbounty hunters will pick upa valuable cargo. Thiscargoturns out to be a youngwoman named Pluma Sodi!PaintedmascotBossk pilots the Hound’s Toothwith a band of bounty hunters,including a young Boba Fett.Forward ramp149
TURTLETANKERTRANSPORT/WALKER HYBRIDDATAFILETYPE:Transport/walkerMANUFACTURER:CorelliaMining CorporationSPEED:750 kph (466 mph)MODEL: Goji-DFLENGTH:38 m (124 ft8 in)WEAPONS: NoneORIGINALLY DESIGNEDTO HAULminerals fromasteroid mines, the bulk tankers (commonlyknown as “TurtleTankers”) are cheap and easyto build. Thismakes them a familiar sight inestablished space lanes. However, their lack ofweaponry makes them a rare choice outsideof heavily trafficked areas.Blue running lightsMULTI-PURPOSEA TurtleTanker’s hold is dividedto accommodate different typesof cargo. The cockpit doublesas an escape pod andthe landing geardoubles asits legs.Entrance totanker’s holdCockpit alsofunctions asescape podAll-terrainwalker legsLoadingrampEvil IntentionsBrothers Darth Maul andSavage Opress hijack aTurtleTanker. After pilotingit to the planet Raydonia,they destroy the peacefulinhabitants of a settlement.Opress and Maul’sTurtleTankerbecomes a battleground whenthey face Obi-Wan Kenobi andAsajjVentressin the cargo hold.150
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