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Home Explore Star Wars: Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles

Star Wars: Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles

Published by Flip eBook Library, 2020-01-26 06:22:05

Description: The definitive guide to the vehicles from a galaxy far, far away... Learn all about your favorite Star Wars™ vehicles, from the A-wing to the Y-wing.

Don't know your X-wing from your Y-wing? Not sure what type of craft Slave I is? Look no further than the Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles. From the swamps of Kashyyyk to the deserts of Jakku, from inner-city Coruscant to the vastness of hyperspace, this new Star Wars book will show you the right craft for the job. This handy guide is full of fun facts and intriguing information, guaranteed to enthrall fans for hours on end.

This encyclopedia features more than 200 weird and wonderful vehicles from the world of Star Wars, including ships and vehicles from the entire saga of movies as well as the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars™ and Star Wars: Rebels™. One vehicle is explored in detail on each page, so there's something new even for die-hard fans. All the technology behind the vehicles such as repulsorlift craft and hyperspeed is fully explored.


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MOOGAN GUNSHIPSHEKELESH-CLASSFREIGHT GUNSHIPDATAFILETYPE:Freight gunshipMANUFACTURER:Techno UnionSPEED:300 kph (186 mph)MODEL:Shekelesh-classHEIGHT:21.1 m (69 ft 2 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 2 twin lasercannonsViewportLEG IT!The landing legsof theShekelesh-class freight gunshipallow the vessel toact as a rudimentarywalker. It scuttles itsway around freightyards, avoiding anycustoms officials!Moogan smugglerDuchess Satine Kryze spieson a ring of smugglers asthey unload their Moogangunship by night.Laser cannonsTroubleBrewingDuring the Clone Wars,Moogan smugglers onthe planet Mandaloredistribute poisonoustea from aShekelesh-class freight gunship.SensorantennaTHESEODD-LOOKING CRAFTare built by the Separatist-supporting Techo Union, butthey are best known as Moogansmugglers’ ships. With a narrowcargo hold and small, awkwardlegs, it is unsurprising they arenot very popular.LoadingrampOne ofsix legsGotalsmuggler151

PANTORAN CRUISERRAINHAWK-CLASSTRANSPORTDATAFILETYPE:CruiserMANUFACTURER:KuatSystemsEngineeringSPEED:700 kph (435 mph)MODEL:Rainhawk-classtransportLENGTH:20 m (65 ft7 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: LasercannonsTHEPANTORAN CRUISERISa sturdy shipthat favors defense over offense. Powerfulengines and repulsor technology enable itto outmaneuver most standard fighters—butnot to outrun them. Itis largely discontinuedby the time of the Clone Wars.Transparisteelcockpit windowTail fin adds stabilityduring atmospheric flightLaser cannonFOR TWOThe cockpit of thePantoran cruiser seats two,and there are two smallbunks inside the ship forlong journeys. A ladderleads down from thecockpit to the ship’s hatch.Ion engineFamiliarSightChairman Papanoida’sPantoran cruiser isregularly seen outsidethe Senate buildingon Coruscant. It isstationed directly nextto the landing platformreserved for the Naboo.Papanoida and his son, Ion, travelon a Pantoran cruisernamed theFalfa.They fly it to Tatooine to find the bountyhunter who attacked their family.152

GHOSTREBEL FREIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:Light freighterMANUFACTURER:CorellianEngineering CorporationSPEED:1,025 kph (637 mph)MODEL: VCX-100 (modified)LENGTH:43.9 m (144 ft)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: 1 twin lasercannon, 2 lasercannon turrets,2 proton torpedolaunchersTHEGHOSTISFASTand light, and has seenmore than itsfair shareof battle. Owned by HeraSyndulla and serving asa mobile home for asmall band of rebels, thismodified freighter is highon the Empire’s wanted list.Laser cannonturretCommander Jun Sato’sship iscaught in an Imperial tractorbeam. Hera pilots theGhostdirectly into the path of thebeam and disables it.Docking ringCockpitOld scuff marksfrom battlePerfect PilotNo one could fly theGhostbetterthan its owner, Hera Sydulla. She isone of the best pilots in the RebelAlliance! Her incredible flying skillshave led to victories on many rebelmissions and in numerous battles.153THEARTISTRebel Sabine Wrendecorates the interiorof theGhostwith hercolorful artwork. Thismakes the ship feelmore like home.

LANCER-CLASS PURSUITCRAFTUNDERGROUND TRANSPORT CRAFTDATAFILETYPE:Transport/pursuitcraftMANUFACTURER:MandalMotorsSPEED:1,050 kph (652 mph)MODEL: Lancer-classLENGTH:34 m (111 ft7 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 1 triplelaser turret,4 laser cannonsDisk-likeshapeCREATEDBY MANDALMOTORS,the Lancer-class pursuit craft is aversatile and well-armed ship.Itboasts a powerful twin-enginesystem and a tractor beamprojector. Unsurprisingly,it becomes a popular vesselwith bounty hunters, includingAsajj Ventress and Ketsu Onyo.Triple laserturretLIVE-INSHIPWhile it may not be themost attractive ship,the Lancer-class pursuitcraft has basic livingquarters. It contains twocosy cabins, a compactkitchen, one bathroom,and a cargo hold.Powerful twinenginesLong, narrowcockpitForward lasercannonsSpecial DeliveryKetsu and Sabine use theShadow Castertotransport a droid (that holds secret information)to a rebel leader named Bail Organa.154Sabine Wren’sformer friend, KetsuOnyo, flies a Lancer-class shipnamed theShadow Casterwhile working for the Black Sun.

YT-2400 LIGHTFREIGHTERYT SERIES FREIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:Light freighterMANUFACTURER:CorellianEngineering CorporationSPEED:800 kph (497 mph)MODEL: YT-2400LENGTH:21 m (68 ft10 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: 2 double laserturrets,concussion missilelaunchersTHEYT-2400 ISApopular choice forcargo haulers and pirates alike, dueto its high speed and maneuverability.The ship is also used by members ofa rebel cell named Iron Squadron.Double laserturretSix-seaterescape podTwo layers ofarmor plateLAYOUTThe YT-2400 hasquarters for fivecrew, but only onepilot is required to flythe ship. An escape pod islocated just behind the cockpit.Primary cargo holdCylindricalcockpitYoung RebelsA rebel cell known as IronSquadron fliesa YT-2400 namedSato’sHammeron raidsagainst the Empire in the Mykapo system. Itsyoung members include Mart Mattin, JonnerJin,Gooti Terez, and a droid named R3-A3.During a spacebattle, IronSquadron dropssome cargo onan Imperialcruiser,causingit to explode!155

MILLENNIUMFALCONSMUGGLER FREIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:Light freighterMANUFACTURER:CorellianEngineering CorporationSPEED:1,050 kph (652 mph)MODEL: YT-1300f lightfreighterLENGTH:34.5 m (113 ft2 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 0.5WEAPONS: 2 quad lasercannons, concussionmissiles, undercarriageblaster cannon, tractorbeamprojectorsTHEMILLENNIUMFALCONLIVESup to itsreputation as “the fastest ship in the galaxy,”despite its numerous modifications andrepairs over the years. Itsrough andready appearance lead many people tounderestimate its formidable capabilities.Power coreCockpit seats fourSHIPOF SECRETSHan Solo wins theFalconfrom his old friend LandoCalrissian in a game ofSabacc. He soon modifies theship to suithis smuggling needs.There are now multiple hiddencompartments within the hull.Sensor dishFront-facingtwin mandiblesFlyboyTractorbeamprojectorHan Solo and his friend Chewbacca use thefreighter as a smuggling ship. Han becomesinfamous for his reckless flying.TheFalconiseventually stolenfrom Han. Ithasmany owners beforeending up on Jakku,where itis stolen bya young scavengernamed Rey.156

DORNEAN GUNSHIPBRAHA’TOK-CLASSGUNSHIPDATAFILETYPE:GunshipMANUFACTURER:DorneanBraha’ket FleetworksConglomorateSPEED:800 kph (497 mph)MODEL:Braha’tok-classLENGTH:90 m (295 ft3 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 8 turbolasers,8 concussion missilesTHESEGUNSHIPSARE CREATEDto protect theDornean homeworld from the Empire. They maybe small, but they are designed specifically tocounter large groups of enemy fighters. Thesegunships are a valuable addition to any battle!A Dornean gunship servesin the rebel fleet during theBattle of Scarif.When anImperial StarDestroyerexits hyperspace, thegunship narrowly avoidsa collision and escapes.HyperdriveCommand bridgelocated in ship’s bowJoining the FleetWhen Grand Admiral Thrawn launches his firstmajor attack against the rebel forces, three Dorneangunships serve as part of the defense of Attolon.X-wing attachment clipPROTECTIONThe Dornean gunshipuses silver plating todeflect solar radiation.It can carry a crew of75, and two X-wingscan be mounted onits undercarriage.

REPUBLIC TUGBOATINTERSTELLAR TUGDATAFILETYPE:SpacetugMANUFACTURER:MandalMotorsMODEL: TUG-314LENGTH:32 m (104 ft11 in)HYPERDRIVE:NoneWEAPONS: NoneREPUBLICTUGBOATSARE USEDduring the CloneWars to maneuver massive warships into dockingports at space stations. These tugboats are low onshields and have no weapons, but are equippedwith powerful engines and tractor beams.Short-rangecommunicationstowerAfter the Kaliida Shoals Medical Centeris refurbished by the Republic, tugboatstransportit to itsnew home.Wide-angle viewlimits blindspotsOversizedengines inproportionto shipHard StopWhen the crew of a Republicfrigate is compromised with mind-controlling brain worms, two tugboatsare needed to stop the runaway vehicle.MULTI-FUNCTIONALEach tugboat alsoserves as anTractorbeams guidelarger craft158emergency vehicle,with fire-fightingequipment andsalvage scanners.

QUADJUMPERQUADRIJET TRANSFER SPACETUGDATAFILETYPE:SpacetugMANUFACTURER:SubproSPEED:1,150 kph(714 mph)MODEL: TUG-b13LENGTH:7.9 m (25 ft11 in)HYPERDRIVE:NoneWEAPONS: NoneTHISCARGO TUGconsists of a smallcabin surroundedby large thrusters.Designed to shuntfreight containers inorbital transfer yards,the quadjumper usesa magnetic clamp tohaul loads far largerthan the ship itself.Heat exchanger plateSecond Time LuckyAs the FirstOrder attacks Niima Outposton the planet Jakku, Rey and Finn tryto escape in a quadjumper. When theship is blown up by a TIEfighter, theyopt for theMillennium Falconinstead.ThrustercasingCockpitStabilizervaneHydrauliclanding gearJakku trader Unkar Pluttacquires an unmodifedquadjumper from armsdealers he has yet to pay.159THEMOD QUADQuadjumpers are easily modified withweapons and extra fuel tanks. They canalso be configured to have a hyperdrive.Thismakes them a popular choice formineral prospectors and smugglers.

AA-9 CORUSCANT FREIGHTERBOTAJEF FREIGHTER-LINERDATAFILETYPE:FreighterMANUFACTURER:BotajefShipyardsSPEED:420 kph (261 mph)MODEL: Botajef AA-9Freighter-LinerLENGTH:390 m(1,279 ft6 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 4WEAPONS: NoneTHEAA-9 CORUSCANTFREIGHTERSare originallybuilt to haul cargo. During the war with theSeparatists,the Refugee Relief Movement hasthem transformed into vessels that can help peoplein need. The freighterstransport refugees fromplanets that have fallenunder enemy control.Powerful enginesBoardingareaMulti-deckaccommodationAfteran attack on her life, PadméAmidala secretlytravelsto Naboo inan AA-9 called theJendirianValley.PrimeLocationMany AA-9s are used by theGrand Army of the Republicduring the Clone Wars. Theirlocation on Coruscant makesthem ideal for transportingcargo and clone troopers.PEOPLECARRIERIn an emergency,the AA-9 can holdup to 30,000 lifeforms. There areover three monthsworth of emergencysupplies aboard.

ZYGERRIAN SLAVE SHIPAURORE-CLASS FREIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:FreighterMANUFACTURER:CorellianEngineering CorporationSPEED:900 kph (559 mph)MODEL: YV-865LENGTH:52.3 m (171 ft7 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: Twinforward-mounted medium lasercannonsTHEAURORE-CLASSFREIGHTERSare spacious cargo ships.They area favorite amongst the Zygerrianslaversbecause they can hold alarge number of prisonerswhileonly requiring one pilot. Thissoonmakes them unpopular withother cultures.Cockpit withgeometric windowsNO ESCAPETheAurore-classfreighter cargo holdcan be packed withup to 100 slaves.However, there isonly one escapepod aboard.Huge hold for largeamounts of live cargoThrusterengineon boom armInter-GalacticCircusAn Aurore-class freighter becomesthe home of Preigo’s Traveling World ofWonder. Thiscircusperforms entertainingshows on many worlds across the galaxy.When Anakin Skywalker andAhsoka Tano land an Aurore-classfreighterat the Kadavo prison,the securitysystem blows it up!161

VULTURE’SCLAWGS-100 SALVAGE SHIPDATAFILETYPE:Salvage ShipMANUFACTURER:GallofreeYards,Inc.SPEED:400 kph (248 mph)MODEL: GS-100LENGTH:174.8 m (573 ft5 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 3WEAPONS: Torpedoes, duallaser cannonTHEVULTURE’SCLAWISa common sight in theMid Rim for many years.Itis often seen after abattle, sifting through debrisin search of valuable itemsto resell. Finds are takeninto the ship’s interior, whichserves as one-half junk yardand one-half shop.While aboard theVulture’sClaw,Anakin Skywalker andAhsoka Tano are ambushedby IG-86 assassindroids.Dual lasercannon turretMulti-spectrumspotlightPincers for pickingup wreckageHolds for storingand processingdebrisLost and FoundAfter R2-D2 is seemingly lost in theBattle of Bothawui, the Trandoshanjunk dealer known as Gha Nachktfinds the droid among the ruins.HEAVY LIFTINGThisship can carry up to 140metric tons of debris. It has manyretractable arms for sifting spacedebris. Four engines power theship, though it can run on just one.162

IMPERIAL FREIGHTERGOZANTI-CLASSCRUISERDATAFILETYPE:CruiserMANUFACTURER:CorellianEngineering CorporationSPEED:1,025 kph (636mph)MODEL: Gozanti-classLENGTH:63.8 m (209 ft4 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 3WEAPONS: Twin lasercannon turret,heavylaser cannon turretHEAVILY SHIELDEDAND WELLarmed, this cruiser is used bythe Separatists and the BlackSun crime syndicate during theClone Wars. Later, it becomesknown as an Imperial freighter,deploying TIEfighters, AT-DPs,and even AT-ATwalkers intobattle. The vessels also serveas standard supplyships and prisonertransports.ShieldprojectorUNDER STUDYThe Empire’sGozanti-class cruisershave beenconverted for military use.They possess strongershields, quicker engines,and better weapons thanother types of Gozanticruisers. They can alsomount other ships on theirunderside.Twin lasercannon turretBack inthe DayCommandbridge viewportTIEfighters ondocking strutsImperial forcesdisembark froma Gozanti-classcruiser(using thecargo loadingelevator) on theplanet Lothal.163AGozanti-classcruiser flies over theMos Espa spaceporton Tatooine in thelatter years of theGalactic Republic.

IGV-55 SURVEILLANCE VESSELIMPERIAL LISTENER SHIPDATAFILETYPE:Espionage shipMANUFACTURER:CorellianEngineering CorporationSPEED:900 kph (559 mph)MODEL: ModifiedGozanti-class espionage shipLENGTH:64 m (209 ft11 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 2 heavylaser cannonsTHEIGV-55 MODEL OFship is never seen as partof an Imperial fleet. Instead,these espionage ships aretypically positioned in deepspace, far from traditionaltrafficlanes. There, they usetheir powerful receivers toscan for information helpfulto the Imperial cause.Long-rangetransmitter dishViewing andcommand deckThe IGV-55 is run bya cybernetic controller,and is staffed withthe best Imperialintelligence officers.INTELLIGENCEVESSELMultiple sensor dishes allow theships to listen for light years in anydirection, and all four engines areoutfitted with sensor-dampeningencasements. A massive databaseis built into the core of the ship, tostore billions of yottabytes of data.Sensory arrayModified,Heavy laser cannonReady to ServeHera Syndulla discovers that the crew ofan IGV-55 is trying to take control of herastromech droid, Chopper. She sendsa powerful signal back to the IGV-55,which causes itssystems to overload.rear-mountedquad engines

IMPERIAL CARGO SHIPCLASS FOUR CONTAINER TRANSPORTDATAFILETYPE:FreighterMANUFACTURER:KuatDrive YardsSPEED:700 kph (435 mph)MODEL: Class 4 CTLENGTH:233 m (764 ft5 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 2 laser turrets,turbolaser batteryPULLING MORE THAN 200cargo containers at any onetime, these large, pyramid-shaped ships transport vitalsupplies around the Empire.Thismakes them temptingtargets for smugglers andrebels, but their distinctiveshape makes it impossibleto pass stolen cargo shipsoff as private vessels.Turbolaser batteryAT THEBACKThe class four containertransport has three sublightengines, one located ineach corner of the backsurface. Itscargo containersattach between theseengines, where a hatchallows easy crew accessto the train of cargo.LaserturretCommandbridgeBay WatchArmored hullSome class four containertransports have a dockingbay built into the cargo train.TheGhostcrew use this to itsadvantage when they setout to hijack a fully loadedImperial cargo ship.Every Imperial cargo ship has itsown inventory droid. The rebeldroid Chopper convinces onesuch droid, AP-5, to swap sides!165

BROKEN HORNC-ROCGOZANTI-CLASSCRUISERDATAFILETYPE:CruiserMANUFACTURER:CorellianEngineering CorporationMODEL: ModifiedC-ROC Gozanti-classLENGTH:73.9 m (242 ft5 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 3WEAPONS: 1 dorsal laserturret,2 forward lasercannons, 2 rear lasercannonsCRIME KINGPINCikatroVizago runsthe shadyBroken Horn Syndicatefrom this ship—a C-ROCGozanti-classcruiserthathas been transformedinto a smuggler’sstronghold. What it lacksin weapons it makes upfor with shields and speed.TheBroken Horncan getout of almost anyunwanted encounter.Sensor dishHondo’sHornWhen Ezra Bridger andChopper respond to a distresscall, they find theBroken Hornadrift in space and seeminglyabandoned. In fact, thepirate Hondo Ohnaka isaboard, and claimingthe ship as his own!Cargo containersCommandbridgeTwinengine turbinesBrokenHornSyndicatesymbolAs part of a mission to save KananJarrus,Ezra Bridger meets withVizago aboard the Broken Horn.HORN OF PLENTYTheBroken Hornhas plenty ofinterior cargo space, but addsto its capacity with a largefreight platform on either side.166

ERAVANABALEEN-CLASS HEAVY FREIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:Bulk freighterMANUFACTURER:CorellianEngineering CorporationSPEED:750 kph (466 mph)MODEL:Baleen-classLENGTH:426 m (1,397 ft7 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: NoneCargo podsDocking bayrepressurizationsystemAFTERHAN SOLO LOSEStheMillennium Falcon,theEravanabecomes his new ship. A heavy freighter forhauling cargo, its front section opens like a mouth tosalvage space debris, while its rear is a grid of cargopods. Itis unsophisticated, but suitable for smuggling.Rey and Finn meet Hanand Chewbacca whenHan detects his lostship, the MillenniumFalcon, and brings itaboard the Eravana.Containertransport gridObservationdeckLater, FreighterHan, Chewbacca, Rey, Finn, and BB-8 areforced to flee theEravanaon theFalcon.They leave behind two rival gangs andthree wild rathtars fighting in the freighter!Docking bayHEAVY HAULAGEBaleen-class heavy freighters arenot designed to land on planets.They are built in orbit and spendtheir days hauling cargo pods toand from space stations wheretheir cargo can be redistributed.167

NABOO ROYAL STARSHIPMODIFIED J-TYPE 327 NUBIAN STARSHIPDATAFILETYPE:CruiserMANUFACTURER:TheedPalace Space VesselEngineering CorpsSPEED:920 kph (572 mph)MODEL: Modified J-Type327 NubianLENGTH:76 m (249 ft4 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1.8WEAPONS: NoneTHISSLEEKSHIPISCRAFTEDto be a visualrepresentation of the glory of Naboo. Ithas noweapons, but it is equipped with state-of-the-artdeflector shields in case of attack. Italso hasmultiple astromech units, each one capableof making emergency repairs.Forward stationviewing windowsTRAVEL IN STYLEThisship is exclusive to the royalfamily of Naboo. It includesquarters for the Queen and herhandmaidens, equipped withclimate-controlled wardrobes.SublightengineChromium hull candeflect laser attacksHeroic DroidsDuring Queen Amidala’s escape from the TradeFederation’s blockade on Naboo, the royal starship’shyperdrive is damaged. Astromech droids arequickly deployed to the outer hull to repair it.When the damaged ship needsnew parts,itlands on Tatooine.Itishere that Padmé Amidalafirstmeets Anakin Skywalker.168

NABOO ROYAL CRUISERCUSTOM-BUILT J-TYPE DIPLOMATIC BARGEDATAFILETYPE:Diplomatic bargeMANUFACTURER:TheedPalace Space VesselEngineering CorpsSPEED:2,000 kph(1,243 mph)MODEL: J-typeLENGTH:39 m (128 ft)HYPERDRIVE:Class 0.7WEAPONS: NoneTHEINVASION OF NABOOconvinces the peacefulplanet to upgrade its diplomatic vessels. Though itstill travels without weapons, this barge is far fasterand better shielded than the J-type Nubian starshipthat came before it. Italso boasts a range of backupsystems in case of malfunctions or sabotage.ROOM TO RELAXThe J-type diplomatic barge has spaciousinteriors designed for comfort. It has roomfor four prestigious passengers as well asup to five crew and six guards.CoolingventsCockpitStarboardthruster coverShiny chromiumplatingStarboard sensorarray cowlingDiplomatic MissionsDuring the Clone Wars, Senator Amidalatravels by Naboo cruiser to meet withDuchessSatine Kryze on Mandalore. She alsoattends a refugee conference on Alderaan.Senator Amidala travels in the Naboocruiserto Coruscant, where she intendsto vote against the MilitaryCreation Act.169

CSS-1CORELLIAN STARSHUTTLEREPUBLIC SHUTTLEDATAFILETYPE:TransportMANUFACTURER:CorellianEngineering CorporationSPEED:800 kph (497 mph)MODEL: CSS-1shuttleLENGTH:80 m (262 ft5 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1.5WEAPONS: NoneBUILTFOR DIPLOMACY RATHERthan battle,the CSS-1 shuttle has an impressive meeting roomand comfortable quarters for VIP guests. Itcancarry up to 200 passengers, as well as enoughsupplies to last for three years. Itis also equippedwith an unusually strong deflector shield.HeavilyarmoredexteriorOne ofthree ionenginesA pirate known as theCrimson Corsair captainsa heavily modifiedCSS-1named theMeson Martinet.Narrow viewingwindows for securityLOST SHIPThe Corellian EngineeringCorporation designs anupgraded model—the CCS-8.Unfortunately, construction isput on hold indefinitely afterthe Clone Wars erupt.Chancellor TransportShortlyafter his appointment to SupremeChancellor of the Republic, Sheev Palpatineand the Jedi Council travel together to Nabooaboard the CSS-1named thePerpetuus.

CRUCIBLEYOUNGLING TRANSPORTDATAFILETYPE:CorvetteMANUFACTURER:RendiliVehicle CorporationMODEL: Paladin-classcorvetteLENGTH:99 m (324 ft10 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: NoneCUSTOM-BUILTFORthe Jedi in the timeof the Old Republic,theCruciblehasbeen in service forquite some time. Itisused in the training ofJedi younglings, wholearn how to constructtheir own lightsabersfrom kyber crystalswhile aboard.When their chaperone AhsokaTano is kidnapped, six Jediyounglings land the Crucibleon the planet Florrumandset out to rescue her.Sensor dishThrustersLONG SERVICEFor many years, theCrucibletakes younglingsto the planet Ilum for animportant Jedi ritual calledThe Gathering. TheCruciblemeets its endwhen it is shot down byWeequay pirates over theplanet Florrum.Ancient ArchitectThe ancient architect droid Professor Huyang serveson theCrucible.He has taught endless younglingshow to build lightsabers, including Yoda.CockpitviewportDocking hatch171

LUXURY YACHTPERSONAL LUXURY YACHT 3000DATAFILETYPE:Luxury craftMANUFACTURER:SoroSuubCorporationSPEED: 850 kph (528 mph)MODEL: SoroSuub 3000LENGTH:55.5 m (182 ft)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: NoneIN THETIMEOF THERepublic, diplomats useluxury yachts for meetingsand travel. They becomeless popular during thechaos of the Clone Wars,when they are seen aseasy targets for piratesand Separatists.Rear observation deckDockingcouplingTRAVEL IN STYLELuxury yachts are commonvehicles in wealthier systems.Built for comfort, they includea grand observation deckand a swimming pool, aswell as five personal cabinsfor crew and guests.Bridge viewportComm tranceiverHyperdrive engineObi-Wan Kenobi briefly pilots a luxuryyacht while disguised as a bounty hunteralongside Cad Bane and Moralo Eval.172Delivery ServiceThe pirate Hondo Ohnaka uses a luxury yachtnamedFortuneand Gloryas a smugglingship. He uses it to deliver weapons to SawGerrera on Onderon during the Clone Wars.

LIBERTINECUSTOM STAR YACHTDATAFILETYPE:Custom StarYachtMANUFACTURER:Guildd’LanseauxMODEL: Unique craftLENGTH:52.92 m (173 ft7 in)HYPERDRIVE:EquippedWEAPONS: NoneTHISSLEEKSHIPis stylish, fast, and above all,luxurious. Although it is the property of a powerfulbusinessman, that doesn’t stop the criminal knownas DJ taking it for himself. Itmakes the perfectescape ship when DJ, Rose, and Finn have toleave Canto Bight in a hurry.Life of LuxuryTheLibertine’slavishinterior is designed toimpress. Itsowner, KorféBennux-Ai, uses it toentertain guests andmake business deals.CockpitExpensive reflectivehull coatingRecessedsublight enginesForward repulsorprojector plateDJ, Rose, and Finn usetheLibertineto infiltrateSnoke’s Mega-Destroyer,theSupremacy.FINDER’SFEEDJ’slock-picking skills servehim well. After he boardstheLibertine,none of itsowner’s private possessionsstay private for very long!173

TRADE FEDERATION LANDING SHIPC-9979 LANDING CRAFTDATAFILETYPE:Landing transportMANUFACTURER:HaorChall EngineeringSPEED:587 kph (365 mph)MODEL: C-9979LENGTH:210 m (689 ft)HYPERDRIVE:NoneWEAPONS: 2 laser cannons,4 turret-mountedcannonsDON’T BE DECEIVEDBYthe elegantdesign of this troop transport. Thiscomputer-controlled vessel is packedwith deadly battle droids, tanks, andeven a mobile command center. Justone of these ships is enough toconquer a vulnerable world.Wingtiplaser cannonMain sensor arrayMulti-Troop Transportdeployment doorsDestruction on DathomirGeneral Grevious uses multiple C-9979s and theironboard armies to lay waste to the planet Dathomirand wipe out the Nightsisters coven that lives there.ALL ABOARDOne C-9979 can carry 11Multi-TroopTransportsand361 additional battle droids.Itssingle “foot” enables it toland in densely forested andbuilt-up areas, despite itsenormous wingspan.Several C-9979s are deployed as partof the Trade Federation’s unprovokedattack on the planet Naboo.174

TECHNO UNION STARSHIPHARDCELL-CLASSINTERSTELLARTRANSPORTLaser cannonDATAFILETYPE:TransportMANUFACTURER:Techno UnionSPEED:800 kph (497 mph)MODEL: Hardcell-classinterstellar transportLENGTH:220 m (721 ft 9 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 2 lasercannon batteriesTECHNO UNION TRANSPORTSare a common sight before theClone Wars, but are not usedas military vehicles until the firstBattle of Geonosis. With theirconventional rocket propulsionand limited weaponry, theyare vulnerable and largelyineffective against GalacticRepublic forces.Titanium hullFuel linesFire tothe FuelAnakin Skywalker realizesthat the rocket fuel used byHardcell transports is a majorweakness on the battlefield.He orders his clone troopersto target their fuel cells—with explosive results.Landing leg175Pressed into service atthe startof the CloneWars, the Techno Unionstarshipsare used todeploy IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tanks onthe planet Geonosis.ROCKET LAUNCHERThe starship’s propulsion systemrelies on six large thrustersandretro rockets burning combustiblefuel. With no repulsorlifts, it haslimited maneuverability withina planetary atmosphere.Rocket thruster

SEPARATISTSUPPLYSHIPHEMISPHERICAL HEAVY TRANSPORTDATAFILETYPE:TransportMANUFACTURER:Hoersh-Kessel Drive Inc.MODEL: DH-OmniSupport VesselWIDTH:1,257 m (4,125 ft)HYPERDRIVE:Class 6WEAPONS: Point-defenselaser cannonsTHISVESSELISONEof the biggestshipsin the Separatistfleet, providingvital support for front-lineforcesin theClone Wars. Itsvast cargo bays canaccommodate weapons, landingcraft, battle droid troops, food fororganic combatants, and more.CommandtowerCARGOAND CREWThe ship is crewed byB1 battle droids andone T-series tacticaldroid. However,most of the droidsaboard are inactivecargo, awaitingdeployment onlanding craft.DockingchannelDookuDefenderSupply ships are rarely used forfront-line duties. However, at leastfive supply ships take part in the Separatistdefense of Serreno, which is designed toprotect Count Dooku’s home planet.ArmoredhullSeparatistinsigniaThree clone troopers use stolenUmbaran fightersto sabotagea supply ship from the inside.176

ACCLAMATOR-CLASSASSAULTSHIPTRANSGALACTIC MILITARY TRANSPORT SHIPDATAFILETYPE:Assault shipMANUFACTURER:RothanaHeavy EngineeringSPEED:1,200 kph (745mph)MODEL:Acclamator-classLENGTH:752 m (2,467 ft2 in)HYPERDRIVE:EquippedWEAPONS: 12 quad laserturrets,24 laser cannons,4 missile launchersTHESEASSAULTSHIPSAREa predecessor of the laterStarDestroyers.They are builtfor the Clone Wars,underfalse orders supposedlyissued by the Jedi Council.Thisis all part of DarthSidious’sevil plan totake over the galaxy.Command towerDuring the Clone Wars,Acclamator-classships arestationed at Coruscant,ready to carry clonetroopers across the galaxy.Twinhyperdrive enginesHEAVY LOADEachAcclamator-classassault ship requiresa crew of 700 andcan carry up to16,000 clonetroopers.Republic colorsGround FallUnlike many craft of thissize,Acclamator-class assault ships can land on planets, wherethey deploy Republic forces in an effort toretake the worlds from Separatist control.Four missilelaunchersQuadlaser turret

REBEL TRANSPORTGR-75 MEDIUM TRANSPORTDATAFILETYPE:TransportMANUFACTURER:Gallofree Yards, Inc.SPEED:650 kph (403 mph)MODEL: GR-75LENGTH:90 m (295 ft 3 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 4WEAPONS: 4 twinlaser cannonsNEVER IN THESAMEplace for long,this cargo transporter becomes a potentsymbol of the Rebel Alliance. Itsorganic-looking hull can deflect Imperial sensors,making it ideal for stealthy supply runs.Though rarely used in combat, someGR-75’s are retrofitted for battle.CommandbridgeCARGO CARRIERA GR-75 can accommodate 19,000metric tons (41,887,830 lbs) ofcargo. The modular cargo pods areheld in place by a magnetic shield.SecondaryenginesPrimary enginesCargo modulesClamshell hullDeath Star StrikeInaddition to fighting in the Battle of Scarif,several GR-75s take part in the Battle of Endor.They support the rebels’ larger battlecruisersas they launch their attack on the Death StarII.The rebels use GR-75s to flee theice planet Hoth when the Empirelocates their secret base.178

FIRSTORDER TRANSPORTERATMOSPHERIC ASSAULT LANDERDATAFILETYPE:Troop TransportMANUFACTURER:Sienar-Jaemus Army SystemsSPEED:900 kph (559 mph)MODEL: AAL-1971/9.1LENGTH:17.8 m (58 ft4 in)WEAPONS: 1 antipersonnelblaster cannonIN BATTLE,SPEEDISeverything. These clunky-looking troop transportscandeliver 20 battle-ready soldiersfrom an orbiting station tolandfall in less than thirtyseconds. Thisensures that thebest and brightest of the FirstOrder are ready to blaze intocombat without delay.Elevated cockpit forstanding pilotBATTLEREADYAn AAL is operated by asingle pilot. Each transportcan carry two squadrons ofstormtroopers into the FirstOrder’s many dangerousbattles and missions.Rotating gun turretand gunner’s hatchBoarding rampin raised positionTerrainsensorsOverkillFour AALs are used during the assault onthe helpless inhabitants of Tuanul. Thisattack leads to the capture of Poe Dameron.Sturdy landing gearAALs are part of the FirstOrder fleetthatlands on Takodana. Theydeploystormtroopersto Maz Kanata’s castle.

RESISTANCETRANSPORTCUSTOMIZED RESISTANCE VEHICLEDATAFILETYPE:TransportMANUFACTURER:CustomSPEED:750 kph (466 mph)MODEL: CustomizedResistance TransportWIDTH:16.18 m (53 ft1 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 1 heavylaser cannonCOBBLED TOGETHERFROM PARTSleft overfrom the Galactic CivilWar,the ResistanceTransportis a surprisinglyfunctional vehicle. Used bythe Resistance to deploytroops into battle againstthe FirstOrder, it is bothtough and versatile.Stabilizer fin with staticdischarge vanesHull shellmade fromsurplus platingFinn and Rose use thecockpit module of aResistance Transportto reach Canto Bight.Heavy laser cannonTo the RescueLeia commands a squadronof Resistance fighters aboarda Resistance Transportduringthe skirmish on Takodana.Transport podbuilt from Mark 2B-wing cockpitBoarding arealeading to troopcompartmentREUSEDPARTSResistance transports aretypically designed to carry20 troops. They require onlya single pilot, who controlsthe ship from a detachablecockpit made from recycledB-wing components.

SEPARATISTFRIGATEMUNIFICENT-CLASSSTAR FRIGATEDATAFILETYPE:FrigateMANUFACTURER:Hoersch-Kessel Drive Inc.SPEED:950 kph (590 mph)MODEL: Munificent-classLENGTH:825 m (2,707 ft)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 2 heavyturbolaser cannons,2 long-range heavyion cannons, 38 point-defense cannons, 26twin turbolaser cannons,20 light turbolaserturrets,8 flak guns,hyperwave jammerGROSSLY OVERPOWEREDfor its size, this battle-readyfrigate is commissioned bythe InterGalactic BankingClan to assist the Separatistcause. Itis capable of carrying150,000 battle droids, andjustone frigate canoverwhelm an entire planet.Long-range hyperwavetransceiver mastALL ABOARDIt takes a crew of200 to operate oneSeparatist star frigate.Only a handful servein the commandtower, which risesup from the frontof the vessel.CommandtowerSeparatistinsigniaSensor towerSeparatist frigatesattack Republic shipsas part of an attemptto seize a valuableJedi Holocron.181Trouble over ToydariaYoda’s ship is shot down by twoMunificent-classfrigates over the planet Toydaria in a Separatistplot to disrupt diplomatic relations.

REPUBLIC FRIGATECONSULAR-CLASSCRUISERDATAFILETYPE:Space cruiserMANUFACTURER:CorellianEngineering CorporationSPEED:1,200 kph (745 mph)MODEL:Consular-classLENGTH:139 m (456 ft)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: Retrofittedwith5 twin turbolaser turretsand 1 twin laser cannonUSEDBY THEJEDIand the Galactic Senate ondiplomatic missions before the Clone Wars, thesecruisersare retrofitted as combat frigates whenwar breaks out. Theirupgrades include armoredhull plating and laser cannon batteries.Jedi representativestravel to Naboo in aConsular-classcruiser,intending to mediatea trade dispute.Communicationsand sensor dishSublight enginesTwinturbolasercannon turretGREAT LENGTHSRepublic cruisersthat haveundergone the Chargerc70 retrofit for use in theClone Wars are longerthan those that have not.Twin laser cannonDocking ringInto the FireAConsular-classcruiser docks with a battle-damaged Republic flagship that is burningup. The cruiseris the only escape for AnakinSkywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Aayla Secura!Detachablesalon pod fordiplomaticmeetingsNavigationalsensor dish

PELTA-CLASSFRIGATEREPUBLIC MEDICAL FRIGATEDATAFILETYPE:Medical frigateMANUFACTURER:Kuat DriveYardsSPEED:800 kph (497 mph)MODEL: Pelta-classLENGTH:282 m (925 ft2 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: Point-defenselaser cannonsHeavily armoredexternal layerDURING THECLONEWars, the Pelta-classfrigate is a commonsight at the edges ofspace battles. Itis usedby the Republic Navyto treat injured clonesoldiers. The morehonorable generalsin the Separatist fleetusually don’t attack it.CommandtowerFolding wingsDuring the Imperial era, amodified Pelta frigate namedPhoenix Homeserves as arebel cell’s capital ship, until itis destroyed by Darth Vader.Shuttle docking stationNo MercyPoint-defense lightlaser cannonFRIGATEEQUIPMENTEach Pelta-class frigate can carryup to 900 crew, and is equippedwith 16 escape pods.PhoenixHomeis modified to include turbolaser batteries.183The Separatists target many of thesefrigates during theMalevolencecampaign. The ships are ruthlessly cutdown by vicious General Grievous.

STEALTHSHIPCORVETTE WITH A CLOAKDATAFILETYPE:CorvetteMANUFACTURER:Sienar Design SystemsSPEED:950 kph (590 mph)MODEL: PrototypeLENGTH:99.7 m (327 ft)HYPERDRIVE:NoneWEAPONS: Laser cannons,proton torpedo launchersTHEREPUBLIC’SSTEALTHSHIPis able to turn invisible.Itis designed with an experimental cloaking device,which allows it to sneak past Separatist blockades.As well as being impossible to see when cloaked,it is undetectable by scanners and sensors.FLARE FOR SURVIVALThe stealth ship cannot fire its lasercannons or proton torpedoes whilecloaked, but it can launch flares toconfuse enemy tracking torpedoes.One of 28cloak projectorsModular hullLasercannonSensor rectennaOn a mission to the planetChristophsis, Anakin Skywalkeruses the stealth ship to attacka blockade, rather thansneak through it.Trick of the LightThe only sign of the cloaked stealth shipis a small amount of light distortion whenit moves through space. Thisis clearestwhen it passes in front of a planet or moon.Cockpitviewport184

ACUSHNETPIRATE FRIGATEDATAFILETYPE:FrigateMANUFACTURER:Haor ChallEngineeringSPEED:700 kph (434 mph)MODEL: Corona-classDIAMETER:376 m (1,233 ft7 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: Turbolasers,ioncannons, point-defenselaser cannonsORIGINALLY INTENDEDAS DROIDships for theSeparatists, the Corona-class armed frigates weredeemed unsuitable and their production abruptlyhalted. Most of the line is sold to investors and shipcollectors. The notorious pirate Hondo Ohnaka stealsone, namedAcushnet,and declares it his flagship.Centrallaunch hatchSHIPSAND TANKSTheAcushnetcarries sixFlarestar-classshipsand 12 speeder tanks, and requires a crewof 64. The ship has eight retractable landinglegs, and one of them also functions as aboarding ramp.Laser cannonWhile on a training tripwith younglings,Ahsoka Tano is forced to defend theirship from an attack by theAcushnet.ShipwreckedWhen Count Dooku’s ship crashes on the planetVanqor, he encounters Hondo and his pirate gang.Theirmassive saucer-shaped ship is parked overthe debris of Dooku’s ruined transport.185

IMPERIAL INTERDICTOREXPERIMENTAL CRUISERDATAFILETYPE:CruiserMANUFACTURER:SienarFleet SystemsSPEED:975 kph (605 mph)MODEL: ProtoypeLENGTH:1,129 m (3,074 ft1 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: 20 quad lasercannonsGravity wellprojectorIN AN EFFORTTO STOPenemy ships from escapingpast planetary blockades, the Imperials come upwith a new strategy using an experimental ship—theInterdictor.Thisship generates a powerful gravity wellthat can stop the hyperdrive units of nearby craft.CommandbridgeImperfectedWhile trying to catch a rebelship, the experimental cruiseraccidentally captures itsownescortcraft. The two shipsthen collide, and theInterdictorprototypeis destroyed inthe explosion!Laser cannontargeting systemThe Interdictoris under the commandof Admiral Brom Titus.ThisarrogantImperial is very proud of of his ship.186FULLYLOADEDThe Imperial Interdictor is anintimidating ship. Huge gravitywell projectors impede hyperspacedrives. It carries 24 TIEfighters andhas more than 2,800 crew.

IMPERIAL LIGHTCARRIERQUASARFIRE-CLASS CRUISER-CARRIERDATAFILETYPE:CarrierMANUFACTURER:SoroSuubCorporationSPEED:250 kph (155 mph)MODEL: Quasar Fire-classLENGTH:340 m (1,115 ft6 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: 2 lightturbolaser batteriesTHISHUGE STARSHIPSERVESas a mobile basefor enforcing Imperial law. Stationed in orbit ofoccupied worlds, its wide hangar deck allowsmultiple TIEfighters to launch simultaneously.Thismakes it an effective alternative to theeven larger Star Destroyer.BridgeA PHOENIX RISESAn Imperial light carrierstolen bythe rebels becomes the secondship to bear the namePhoenixHome.Itis repainted in rebelcolors and used as a base forthe A-wing starfightersofPhoenix Squadron.Main thruster stripBattle BaysLaunch bayThe carrier’swide hangar deckis divided into four large bays.During the Battle of Atollon, therebels deploy recently acquiredY-wing fighters from the bays oftheir stolen Imperial ship.Cham Syndulla and his daughterHera concoct a daring plan tosteal an Imperial light carrierfor the rebellion.187

TANTIVEIVREBEL BLOCKADE RUNNERDATAFILETYPE:CorvetteMANUFACTURER:CorellianEngineering CorporationSPEED:950 kph (590 mph)MODEL: CR90 CorvetteLENGTH:150 m (495 ft2 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: Single lasercannon, 2 twin turbolasersTHETANTIVEIVbelongs to the RoyalHouse of Alderaan.PrincessLeia and heradoptive father, BailOrgana, use this stateship for both diplomaticmissions for the Empireand secret missions forthe Rebellion.Ion turbinedrive block12-passengercapacityescape podWhen DarthVader capturestheTantiveIV,Leia hides theDeath Starplans inside R2-D2.VIP VESSELUp to 46 crew and 39 diplomats arestationed on theTantiveIV.The shipcontains dining rooms, conference halls,and escape pods for quick exits.AirlockTwinturbolaserturretJust in TimeTheTantiveIVplays a key role incapturing the Death Star plans. Itescapes from the Battle of Scarif—andDarthVader—with seconds to spare!Lower twinturbolaserDocking hatch188

HAMMERHEAD CORVETTEREBEL CORVETTEDATAFILETYPE:CorvetteMANUFACTURER:CorellianEngineering CorporationSPEED:900 kph (559 mph)MODEL:Sphyrna-class“Hammerhead” corvetteLENGTH:315 m (1,033 ft5 in)HYPERDRIVE:EquippedWEAPONS: 3 duallaser cannonsTHESPHYRNA-CLASSCORVETTEis more commonlyknown as a Hammerhead corvette due to itsstrikingand unusual prow design. Adaptable and reliableships, many Hammerheads join the rebel fleet.The young PrincessLeia deliversthree Hammerhead corvettesto rebels on the planet Lothal.CommandbridgeDual lasercannonAdd-onstarboardmoduleHammer BlowA Hammerhead corvette isvital to the rebels’ victory inthe Battle of Scarif.AdmiralRaddus orders its pilots to raman Imperial StarDestroyer.Escape podsUPGRADEDBy the Battle of Scarif,many Hammerheads areupgraded to include anextra sublight engineand two add-on modules.189Forwardlandinggear

REBEL CRUISEREF76 NEBULON-B ESCORT FRIGATEDATAFILETYPE:EscortFrigateMANUFACTURER:KuatDrive YardsSPEED:800 kph (497 mph)MODEL: EF76 Nebulon-BLENGTH:300 m (984 ft3 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: 12 lasercannons, 12 turbolasersMain medical bay areascan hold 700 patientsDeflectorshield generatorTHENEBULON-B ISAversatile ship that canbe adapted to differentroles in the rebel fleet.Rebels outfit somecruisersto providemedical assistance,equipping others forsearch-and-rescue tasks,combat missions, orscouting operations.Long-rangecommunications arrayTo BattleIn an effort to take down thesecond Death Star,a rebel cruiserflies into battle alongside the otherrebel warships and fighters,drawing heavy enemy fire.Docking tubesPropulsion modulehouses seven ion enginesBridge andcommand deckSMALLERCRAFTA Nebulon-B canact as a ship carrier.Itshangar can housea squadron of fightersand several shuttles, allready for battle.190After Luke Skywalker loses hishand in battle, he is outfittedwith a mechanical hand aboardRedemption,a medical cruiser.

TRADE FEDERATION BATTLESHIPCOMBAT-ENABLED CARGO FREIGHTERDATAFILETYPE:BattleshipMANUFACTURER:Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc.SPEED:500 kph (310 mph)MODEL: ModifiedLucrehulk-class LH-3210 cargo freighterLENGTH:3,170 m (10,400 ft)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: 185 quad laserbatteries, 520 assault lasercannons, 51 turbolasersAS WAR AGAINST THERepublic looms,the Trade Federation’s freighters are secretlymodified into battleships. However, theconversion is not perfect, and the installedturbolasers do not cover every angle, leavingblind spots that can be targeted by enemy ships.Transmission towersControlbridge centerDroid signalreceiverDockingbayNaboo InvasionThe Trade Federation battleships playa key role in the Invasion of Naboo.A droid-controllingLucrehulk,the VuutunPalaa, is at the heart of the blockade.Separatist logoHEAVY ARTILLERYThese massive battleships areable to hold 1,500 vulture droidstarfighters; 50 C-9979 landing craft;6,250 armored assault tanks; andmore than 329,000 B1 battle droids191

MALEVOLENCESUBJUGATOR-CLASSHEAVY CRUISERDATAFILETYPE:Heavy cruiserMANUFACTURER:Free Dac VolunteersEngineering CorpsSPEED:1,050 kph (652 mph)MODEL:Subjugator-classLENGTH:4,845 m(15,895 ft8 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: 500 turbolasers,2 ion cannons, 5 point-defense laser cannonsDURING THECLONE WARS,General Grievous’shuge flagship leaves death and devastation inits wake. Itsmassive ion cannons disrupt thecontrol systems of surrounding ships, disablingtheir energy weapons and deflector shields.In itsfirstengagement,the Malevolence usesitsion cannon on threeRepublic attack cruisers.Justone blast rendersthe ships helpless, andthey are destroyed.WeaponsbatteriesSensor arrayCommand towerPoint-defenselaser cannonPort ion cannonGREAT LENGTHSFour times longer than aVenator-class Star Destroyer, theMalevolencehas an internal shuttle train systemto deploy supplies and troops andis crewed by 900 battle droids.Going DownTheMalevolencemeets its endwhen the Jedi Anakin Skywalkersabotages its navigation systems.Thiscauses it to plunge headlonginto the Dead Moon of Antar.

INVISIBLEHANDPROVIDENCE-CLASSDREADNOUGHTDATAFILETYPE:Capital shipMANUFACTURER:Free Dac VolunteersEngineering CorpsSPEED:2,000 kph(1,240 mph)MODEL:Providence-classDreadnoughtLENGTH:1,088 m (3,569 ft)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 14 quadturbolaser cannons, 34 duallaser cannons, 12 point-defense ion cannons, 2heavy ion cannons, 100proton torpedo launchersCOMMANDED BY GENERAL GRIEVOUS,theInvisible Handplays a key role in the last greatbattle of the Clone Wars. With the sinister SithLord Count Dooku holding Chancellor Palpatineprisoner aboard the failing ship, the JediOrder must rush to the rescue.Two-man MissionIn their fight to save the Chancellor, AnakinSkywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi battle theirway through theInvisible Handto thetower where Count Dooku awaits.Main uppersensor towerSecondary, ventral sensor podTheInvisible Handiscontrolled with a droidbrain. Thismeans thatAnakin Skywalker canoverride controls andfly the ship. It’sstilla bumpy landing!STRONG DEFENSETheInvisibleHandis a difficultshipto attack. There are 20 squadronsof droid starfightersready todefend it. Count Dooku turnstheship’supper sensor tower into hislair, calling it the “Wizard’s Tower.”193

REPUBLIC ATTACK CRUISERSTAR DESTROYERDATAFILETYPE:StarDestroyerMANUFACTURER:Kuat DriveYardsSPEED: 975 kph (606 mph)MODEL:Venator-classStarDestroyerLENGTH:1,137 m(3,730 ft3 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 8 heavyturbolasers,2 medium dualturbolasercannons, 52point-defense lasercannons, 6 tractorbeamprojectors,torpedoesSliding flightdeck coverDocking portTHEWAR BETWEENTHEREPUBLICand the Separatistsleads to a demand for larger and more powerfulbattleships. The Republic Navy expands to includethe Republic attack cruisers,massive warships oftenreferred to as “Star Destroyers.”CommandbridgeFULLYEQUIPPEDVenator-classStarDestroyerscan carrymore than 420starfighters(including V-wings,Z-95 Headhunters, and Jedistarfighters);40 LAAT/igunships;and 24 AT-TEs.Crewed areasSeparatist leaderNute Gunray isheld captiveaboard a Republicattack cruiser,untilAsajj Ventress freeshim from his cell.194Coruscant DefendersDuring the Battle of Coruscant, morethan 1,000 Republic attack cruisersaredeployed in defense of the planet.

CORONETPERSONAL SPACELINERDATAFILETYPE:Luxury spacelinerMANUFACTURER:KalevalaSpaceworksMODEL: Custom spacelinerHEIGHT:216 m (708 ft8 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: Laser cannons,ion cannonsElegant hallson upper decksTHECORONETISDUCHESSSatine Kryze of Mandalore’spersonal luxury spaceliner.Thisone-of-a-kind ship ispractically a spacefaringpalace. Itserves as atestament to theengineering and wealthof the Mandalorians.Officer roomsCommand bridgeAssassin InfiltrationDuchess Satine and her retinue travel in theCoronetto Coruscant for an important diplomatic mission.Unfortunately, the spaceliner is infiltrated withSeparatist-controlled assassin probe droids.Obi-Wan Kenobi defendsDuchess Satine and theCoronetfrom the extremist group knownas Death Watch.SHIPNUMBERSThe lower decks of theCoronetare used forcargo transport. Theship requires a crewof 75, and has eightengines all workingin unison.Laser andIon cannons195

IMPERIAL STARDESTROYERCAPITAL WARSHIPDATAFILETYPE:StarDestroyerMANUFACTURER:KuatDrive YardsSPEED:975 kph (606 mph)MODEL:ImperialI-classLENGTH:1,600 m (5,249 ft4 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 2WEAPONS: 60 turbolaseremplacements, 60 ioncannons, 6 heavy turbolaserdefense turrets,tractorbeam projectorsTHEEMPIREUSESTHEimmense sizeof its military to intimidate its enemies.Thismakes the Imperial Star Destroyersa huge success. Heavily armed,densely shielded, andequipped with a full-scalearmy, one Star Destroyeris powerful enough toconquer a world.Flight controlCommand bridgeTurbolaserturretPursuit tractorbeamsWeapon-targetingsystemsBIG NUMBERSThe Empire has thousands of StarDestroyers. Each ship carries a minimumof 72 TIEfighters; 20 AT-ATs;30 AT-STs;8 Lambda-class Imperial shuttles;9,700 stormtroopers; 9,200 officers;and 27,850 enlisted crew.StarDestroyersare often usedto deter rebel activity ontroublesome planets.Close CallTheMillennium Falconweaves so closelybetween two StarDestroyers that theyalmost collide whiletrying to catch it.196

EXECUTORSITH LORD FLAGSHIPDATAFILETYPE:Super StarDestroyerMANUFACTURER:KuatDrive YardsSPEED:100 kph (62 mph)MODEL:Executor-classStarDreadnaughtLENGTH:19,000 m(62,335 ft 10 in)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: Over 5,000turbolasers and ion cannons,tractorbeam projectorsSEVERALSHIPSHAVE BORNEthe title “Super StarDestroyer.” Thisterm appliesto any ship larger than theImperial StarDestroyers.The biggest of these is theExecutor,the personalflagship of the SithLordDarth Vader.Command towerCentral spacehousing more than5,000 turbolasersand ion cannonsFULLCAPACITYAnExecutor-classStarDreadnaught carries morethan 1,000 ships, and thecraft has thousands of crew.A twin to theExecutor,theEclipse,serves as theEmperor’s flagship.13 thruster engineson undersideDuring the Battle of Endor,the gravity well of thesecond Death Starpulls theExecutorin,destroying itinstantly.ReplacementTitanium-reinforced hullThe firstcommander of theExecutoris Admiral Kendal Ozzel.Darth Vader executes him afterhis mistakes at the Battle of Hothallow many rebels to escape.Ozzel is replaced by AdmiralFirmusPiett, whose performancehas impressed Vader.197

PROFUNDITYMC75 MODIFIED STAR CRUISERDATAFILETYPE:StarcruiserMANUFACTURER:MonCalamari Ship YardsSPEED:650 kph (404 mph)MODEL: MC75LENGTH:1,204 m (3,950 ft)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 20 point-defenselaser cannons, 12 turbolasercannons, 4 ion cannons,6 tractorbeam projectors,12 protontorpedo launchersMON CALAMARI MC75cruisersarerepurposed from buildings and explorationships, and require a 3,225-strong crew.These massive craft are a valuable additionto the rebel fleet. One ship that truly provesitself in the fight against the Empire is theProfundity,which iscommanded by thehighly experiencedAdmiral Raddus.Dorsal communicationstransmission mastLOW BRIDGETheProfundity’sbridge is builton the underside of the ship. Thisis very useful in battle, as it givesthe crew a clear view of theirimmediate surrounds and ofScarif’splanetary shield system.Aft deflector shieldemitter rayOrdnance podBattle of ScarifDuring the Battle of Scarif, all manner of rebelships fight together against the might of theEmpire. TheProfundityplays its part in gaininga major victory for the Rebel Alliance.Commandbridge198Aboard theProfundity,AdmiralRaddus waits to receive theDeath Star plans from RogueOne leader Jyn Erso.

HOME ONEMC80A STAR CRUISERDATAFILETYPE:StarcruiserMANUFACTURER:MonCalamari Ship YardsSPEED:975 kph (606 mph)MODEL: MC80ALENGTH:1,300 m (4,265 ft)HYPERDRIVE:Class 1WEAPONS: 29 turbolaserbatteries, 36 ion cannonbatteries, 6 tractor beamprojectorsTHEMC80A STARCRUISERSare originallyintended for long missions in deep space.These civilian vessels are refitted by the MonCalamari for battle after the Empire attempts toconquer their world.Home One,also known asthe Headquarters Frigate, serves as the RebelAlliance’s answer to theEmpire’s StarDestroyers.ADAPTED HOMESections ofHome Onearefilled with water, replicatingthe Mon Calamari’s naturalenvironment. The ship’sholographic amphitheaterhas been repurposed intoa briefing room for theRebel Alliance.Home One’scaptain,Admiral Ackbar, leadsthe rebel forces intobattle against theDeath StarII.Main shuttleHangar entranceIon engineMon Calamari AssaultAlong with theHome One,other MC80s such astheIndependenceand theDefiance,join therebel assault on the Empire’s second Death Star.

RADDUSRESISTANCE FLAGSHIPDATAFILETYPE:StarCruiserMANUFACTURER:MonCalamari Shipyards/CorellianEngineering CorporationMODEL: MC85HYPERDRIVE:EquippedLENGTH:3,438.37 m(11,280 ft9 in)WEAPONS: Heavyturbolasers, heavy ioncannons, point-defenselaser turrets,proton torpedolaunchersA MIGHTY HEAVY CRUISERthat once served in theNew Republic fleet, theRaddushas since becomethe flagship of the Resistance. General Leia Organauses theRaddusas her headquarters after theResistance evacuates its base on the planet D’Qar.A FirstOrder attack on theRaddus’hangar causesa huge explosion. ManyResistance starfightersaredestroyed, and Poe andBB-8 only justescape.Turbolaser blisterSHIPSHAPETheRadduswas built by MonCalamari engineers. Itsdesign issimilar to the MC80 Mon Calamaricruisersthat served in the rebelfleet during the Galactic Civil War.PrimarybridgeMain sublightenginesInternal mainhangar bayIn CommandFor a short while, the bridge of theRaddusbecomes the new nerve center of theResistance. But soon afterward, a FirstOrder attack blasts the bridge into ruins,and badly wounds General Leia Organa.200

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