FINALIZERRESURGENT-CLASSSTAR DESTROYERDATAFILETYPE:StarDestroyerMANUFACTURER:Kuat-Entralla EngineeringMODEL: Resurgent-classLENGTH:2,916 m(9,566 ft 3 in)HYPERDRIVE:EquippedWEAPONS: Turbolasers,ioncannons, point-defenseturrets,point-defensemissile emplacements,tractor beam projectorsTHEFINALIZERISBUILTin secret by the FirstOrder,violating treaties meant tobring peace to the galaxy.Admirers of the formerEmpire welcome it asa return to the glory daysof order through strength.Bridge deflectorshield projectorCommand bridgeFinn serves on the Finalizer asstormtrooper FN-2187 beforedeserting with the Resistancefighter Poe Dameron.HeavyFlight deckdeflectorshieldprojectorturbolaserturretDark ViewREN’S DENTheFinalizeris KyloRen’s base of operations.He launches an attack on theplanet Jakku from the ship.201Kylo Ren watches from the bridgeof theFinalizeras StarkillerBase firesits superweapon. In an instant, entireworlds are condemned to destruction.
SUPREMACYFIRST ORDER HEADQUARTERSDATAFILETYPE:StarDreadnoughtMANUFACTURER:Kuat-Entralla EngineeringMODEL: Mega-classWIDTH:60,542.68 m(198,630 ft 10 in)HYPERDRIVE:EquippedWEAPONS: Thousands ofheavy turbolasers and ioncannons, missile batteriesTHEONLY MEGA-CLASS STARDESTROYERin thegalaxy, this enormous vessel is Supreme LeaderSnoke’s flagship, and the heart of the FirstOrderfleet. Inside its vast hull, legions of stormtroopersprepare for battle, and factories churn outadvanced weapons and vehicles.Snoke’s throne room lies in the centerof the ship. Here, Snoke watches eventsunfold from a raised throne, surroundedby his silent armored protectors, thePraetorian Guard.OverbridgeStarDestroyerdocking baysNerveCenterMainhabitationdecksHeavy turbolasertowersAt the highest point of the ship,a huge tower looms over thecity-like structuresbelow. Thisisthe overbridge—the entire shipis controlled from inside.Invasion ForceTheSupremacy’senormous hangarbays are full of armored walkers,troop transports, and giant siegeweapons, ready to conquer newworlds for the FirstOrder.
IMPERIAL CONSTRUCTION MODULEMANUFACTURING SPHEREDATAFILETYPE:Space StationMANUFACTURER:HupplaPasa TiscShipwrightsCollectiveSPEED:100 kph (62 mph)MODEL: ICM-092792DIAMETER:828 m(2,716 ft6 in)HYPERDRIVE:NoneWEAPONS: Point-defensesystemDESIGNEDBY THEGEONOSIANS,the Imperialconstruction module features state-of-the-artmachinery for building and maintaining ships.Each construction sphere is capable of quicklyproducing a small fleet for the Empire.Transmitter sendsupdates on progressTOP SPEEDEach construction module is staffedby just three control techniciansand 24 mechanics, but itcan service more than100 starfighters ata time. The mainhangar can holdtwo starships andone shuttle.Crane armLarge cargo bayStar PowerSeveral of these spherical buildingmodules are used in the construction ofthe firstDeath Star.They are left orbitingGeonosis, abandoned as bait by Imperialagents hoping to snare curious rebels.Gas tanks holdingproject materials203Ina rebel attack against the Empire,Ezra Bridger orders an assault onone of the constructionmodules.
DEATHSTARDS-1 ORBITAL BATTLE STATIONDATAFILETYPE:Battle stationMANUFACTURER:AdvancedWeapons ResearchMODEL: DS-1DIAMETER:160 km (99 mi)HYPERDRIVE:Class 4WEAPONS: Superlaser,15,000 turbolasers, 2,500ion cannons, 2,500 lasercannons, 768 tractor-beamemplacementsBUILTIN SECRETOVER20 years, the Death Staristhe Empire’s most devastating weapon. Rumors of itspower are expected to crush any hint of opposition toImperial rule. Instead, news of the moon-sized battlestation succeeds in spurring pockets of resistance acrossthe galaxy to come together in an organized rebellion.ROUND NUMBERSMore than one millionImperial personnel canserve on board theDeath Star at anytime. Thisincludesalmost 26,000stormtroopersand the stationcommander,Wilhuff Tarkin.Superlaserfocus lensEquatorialtrenchTrash TrapLuke Skywalker, Han Solo,and Chewbacca savePrincessLeia from a cell on theDeath Star—only for all four ofthem to end up trapped in thestation’s garbage compactor!Galen Erso,the reluctantdesigner of the DeathStar’ssuperlaser, lets therebels know the battlestation has a weakness.Quadaniumsteel hull204
DEATHSTARIIUNFINISHED BUT FULLY OPERATIONAL BATTLE STATIONDATAFILETYPE:Battle stationMANUFACTURER:AdvancedWeapons ResearchDIAMETER:200 km(124 mi)HYPERDRIVE:IncompleteWEAPONS: Superlaser,30,000 turbolasers,7,500 laser cannons,5,000 ion cannons,768 tractorbeamemplacementsSuperlaserfocus lensTHESECOND BATTLESTATIONto be known asthe Death Star is bigger and less vulnerable thanthe first.Itis still under construction in orbit of theforest moon of Endor when it is attacked by theRebel Alliance, but it is far from defenseless. Itsplanet-destroying superlaser is in full working order!Emperor’s TowerSHIELDSUPThe incomplete DeathStarIIis protected bya powerful deflectorshield, beamed intospace from agenerator onthe moon ofEndor below.SurfacecityblocksEquatorialtrenchExposedWhen the seemingly dormantDeath Starengages itsweapons,the attacking rebel fleet realizesit has been lured into a trap.superstructureRebel Uproar205Once the rebels learn the location of the secondDeath Star,they plan a full assault. They hope todestroy it while it is stillunder construction.
INDEX74-Z speeder bike 36614-AvA speeder bike 36AA-wing starfighter 112AA-9 Coruscant freighter 160AAL (Atmospheric AssaultLander) 179AAT battle tank 47Acclamator-classassaultship177Acushnet 185Aka’jor-class shuttle 135Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wingstarfighter 99Amidala, Padmé, H-typeNubian yacht 122Anakin’s podracer 26ARC-170 starfighter 100Armored Assault Tank 47AT-ACT(All TerrainArmoredCargo Transport) 65AT-AT(All TerrainArmoredTransport) 64AT-DP(All TerrainDefense Pod)62AT-M6(All TerrainMegaCaliber 6) 66AT-OT(All TerrainOpenTransport) 60AT-RT(All TerrainReconTransport) 61AT-ST(All TerrainScoutTransport) 63AT-TE(All TerrainTacticalEnforcer) 59Aurore-class freighter 161BB-wing starfighters 113, 114Baktoid Armor Workshop 15,46, 47, 49, 56, 57, 104Baleen-classheavy freighter 167Balutar-classswoop 33Bane, Cad, Xanadu Blood104Bantha-IIcargo skiff 55BARC (Biker Advanced ReconCommando) speeder 30Belbullab-22 starfighter 94Black One 120Blade Wing 113Bloodfin 28, 124Bongo submarine 79Botajef freighter-liner 160Braha’tok-class gunship 157Broken Horn 166Buirk’alor-classspeeder 42CC-9979 landing craft 174C-ROC Gozanti-class cruiser 166Canto Bight police speeder 44CK-6 swoop bike 31Class 4 container transport 165Clone swamp speeder 41Clone turbo tank 71Cloud car 21ComfortRide passengerairspeeder 10Consular-classcruiser 182Corellian EngineeringCorporation 138, 147, 149,153, 155, 156, 161, 163,164, 167, 170, 182, 188Corellian G9 riggerfreighter 147Corellian star shuttle 170Corona-class frigate 185Coronet 195CorporateAlliance tank droid 69Coruscant, Battle of 11, 12,95, 97, 100, 194Coruscant air taxi 10Coruscantfiresupressionship 12Coruscant freighter 160Coruscant police speeder 13Crucible 171CSS-1Corellian star shuttle 170DD-11 Naboo water speeder 77DDT (Defoliator DeploymentTank) 48Death Star 117, 188, 198,203, 204Death StarII 107, 116, 178,190, 197, 198, 205Delta-7 light interceptor 96Delta-class T-3cshuttle 141Desert skiff 55DH-Omni Support Vessel 176Dooku, CountFlitknot speeder 29Invisible Hand 193solar sailer 127Dornean gunship 157Droch-classboarding ship 87Droid tanks 68, 69Droid tri-fighter 95DSD1 dwarf spider droid 57EEndor, Battle of 63, 114, 178,197Eravana 167Escape pods 86ETA-2light interceptor 97, 99ETA-classshuttle 131Executor 112, 197FFanblade fighter 93Fang fighter 103FC-20 speeder bike 28, 124Fett, Jango, Slave I 146Finalizer 201FirstOrder shuttle 145FirstOrder transporter 179Flarestar-classattack shuttle136Flitknot speeder 29Freeco bike 31GG9 Rigger-class freighter 147Gauntlet starfighter 102Geonosian starfighter 92GeonosisfirstBattle of 29, 56, 92,125, 127, 175second Battle of 92Ghost 88, 110, 111, 137, 138,153Gian speeder 40Ginivex-class fanbladestarfighter 93Gondola speeder 76Gozanti-class cruiser 163GR-75 medium transport 178Grievous, GeneralInvisible Hand 193Malevolence 192Soulless One 94GS-100 salvage ship 162Gungan battle wagon 67Gungan bongo submarine 79GX1 short hauler 133HH-2 executive shuttle 132H-type Nubian yacht 122Hailfire droid 68Halo 148Hammerhead corvette 189Haor Chall Engineering 68,125, 126, 128, 139, 174,185Hardcell-classinterstellartransport 175HAVw A6 Juggernaut 71HMP (Heavy Missile Platform)droid gunship 16Home One 199Hound’s Tooth 149Hover tank, Umbaran 52Huppla Pasa TiscShipwrightsCollective 29, 92, 93, 127,203Huttswamp speeder 78Hyena-class bomber 91IIG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank68IGV-55 surveillance vessel 164Imperial assault tank 72Imperial cargo ship 165Imperial constructionmodule203Imperial courier craft 144Imperial freighter 163Imperial Interdictor 186Imperial landing craft 143Imperial light carrier 187Imperial listener ship 164Imperial shuttle 142Imperial StarDestroyer 196Imperial troop transport 53Incom Corporation 14, 20,100, 116Interdictorcruiser 186Invisible Hand 12, 193ISP(InfantrySupport Platform)speeder 41ITT(ImperialTroopTransport)53JJ-type 327 Nubian starship 168J-type diplomatic barge 169J-type star skiff 123Jabba the Hutt,Khetanna 54Jedi ambassador shuttle 130Jedi speeder bike 32Jedi starfighters 96, 97Jedi turbo speeder 9Jendirian Valley 160Joben T-85 speeder 37Jumpspeeder 32KKamino submarine 80Kashyyyk, Battle of 16, 19, 57,69, 71Khetanna 54Kom’rk-class fighter 102Koro 2 airspeeder 8Krennic, Orson, Delta-class T-3cshuttle 141Kryze, Duchess SatineCoronet 195Kuat Drive Yards 61, 62, 63,64, 65, 71, 80, 81, 165,183,196, 197
Kuat-Entralla Engineering 201,202Kuat Systems Engineering 97,99, 112, 146, 152LLAAT (Low Altitude AssaultTransport) 17Lambda-class T-4a shuttle 142Lancer-class pursuitcraft 154Landspeeders 39Lantillian short hauler 133Libertine 173Lucrehulk-classcargo freighter191Luke’s landspeeder 43Luxury yacht 172MMalevolence 122, 192MandalMotors 33, 42, 102,103, 135, 154, 158Mandalorian police speeder42Mandalorian shuttle 135Mandalorian speeder 33Mandalorian starfighter 103Maul, DarthScimitar124speeder bike 28Maxillipede shuttle 128MC75 star cruiser 198MC80A star cruiser 199MC85 star cruiser 200Meson Martinet 170Millennium Falcon 21, 106,156, 196Mining Guild TIEfighter 111Moogan gunship 151MSP80 hover pod 18MTT(Multi-TroopTransport) 46Munificent-classstar frigate 181NN-1 starfighter 77, 89Naboo, Battle of 15, 40, 46,67, 89, 161, 191Naboo royal cruiser 169Naboo royal starship 168Naboo star skiff 123Naboo starfighter 89Naboo water speeder 77Nantex-class territorialdefensestarfighter 92Nebulon-B escort frigate 190Neimoidian escort shuttle 125Nightsisterspeeder 35NR-N99 Persuader-class droidenforcer 69Nu-class transport 129OOevvaor jet catamaran 19OG-9 homing spider droid 56OMS (One Man Submersible)Devilfish Sub 81P, QPantoran cruiser 152Pelta-class frigate 183Perpetuus 170Phantom 138Phantom II 139Phoenix Home (Imperial lightcarrier) 187Phoenix Home (Pelta-classfrigate) 183Pirate tank 51Pod hunter 87PodracersAnakin’s 26Sebulba’s 27Police speeders 13, 42, 44Pongeeta-class speeder 78Praxis Mk. 1 turbo speeder 9Profundity 198Providence-class dreadnought193Pteropter 18Punworcca116-class interstellarsloop 127Quadjumper 159Quarren UTSPike 82Quarrie 113, 114Quasar Fire-classcruiser-carrier187RRaddus 200Rainhawk-class transport 152Rebel airspeeder 20Rebel gunship 115Rebel transport 178Redemption 190Republic attack cruiser 194Republic attack shuttle 129Republic frigate 182Republic medical frigate 183Republic shuttle 170Republic tugboat 158Resistance bomber 121Resistance starfighter 120Resistance transport 180Resurgent-classstar destroyer201Rey’s speeder 38Rogue-class starfighters 104Rothana Heavy Engineering 12,17, 50, 58, 59, 72, 177RZ-1 A-wing interceptor 112SSail barge, Jabba’s 54Sandcrawler 73Sato’s Hammer 155Scarif,Battle of 22, 23, 115,157, 178, 188, 189, 198Scimitar 124Sebulba’s podracer 27Sentinel-classshuttle 143Separatist supply ship 76Shadow Caster 154Sheathipede-class transportshuttle 125Phantom II 139Sheathipede-class Type B cargoshuttle 126Shekelesh-class freight gunship151Short-distancehyperdrivepod 88Shuttlebus 11Sienar Fleet Systems 22, 23,105, 106, 107, 108, 109,110, 111, 118, 141, 142,143, 144, 186Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems119, 145, 179Ski speeder 45Skywaker, Anakin, podracer 26Skywalker,Luke, landspeeder 43Slave I 146Slayn & Korpil 9, 98, 114, 121,130,132Snowspeeder 20Solar sailer 127Solo, HanEravana 167Millennium Falcon 156SoroSuubCorporation 13, 39,40, 43, 168, 172, 187Soulless One 94Spacetugs 158, 159Separatist frigate 181Special Forces TIEfighter 118Speeder bus 11SPHA-T(Self-Propelled HeavyArtillery Turbolaser) 58Spider droid 56SS-54 assault ship 148STAP(Single Trooper AerialPlatform) 15StarCommuter 2000 140StarDestroyersFinalizer 201Imperial 196Republic attack cruiser 194Starhawk speeder 34Stealth ship 184Stuntank 50Subjugator-classheavy cruiser192Subpro Corporation 100, 159Super tank 49Supremacy 202Swamp speeders 41, 78Syndulla, Hera, Ghost 153TT-6shuttle 130T-16 Skyhopper 14T-65 X-wing starfighter 116T-70 X-wing starfighter 120Tactical infiltrationpod 88Tantive IV 86, 188Taylander shuttle 137Techno Union starship 175Theed Palace Space VesselEngineering Corps 77, 89,122, 123, 169Theta-class T-2Cshuttle 134TIEAdvanced v1 108TIEAdvanced x1 109TIEbomber 106TIEdefender 110TIEfighters 105Mining Guild 111Special Forces 118TIEinterceptor 107TIEreaper 23TIEsilencer 119TIEstriker 22Trade Federation battleship 191Trade Federation landing ship174Tri-fighter 95Tribubble bongo 79Trident-classassault ship 83TSMEU-6personal wheel bike 70Tugboat 158TurtleTanker 150Twilight 147TX-225 Occupier tank 72U, V, WU-wing gunship 115Ubrikkian Industries 53, 54, 55,78Umbaran hover tank 52Umbaran starfighter 101Underground transportcraft 154Underwater TurboSled Pike(UTS) 82Undicur-classjumpspeeder 32Upsilon-classshuttle 145V-19 Torrentstarfighter 98V-wing starfighter 99Vader, DarthExecutor 197TIEAdvanced X1 109VCX-series auxiliary starfighter138Venator-class StarDestroyer 99,194Vulture droid 90Vulture-classstarfighter 90Vulture’sClaw 162Weequay pirate saucer 136Wessell, Zam, Zam’s airspeeder 8wheel bike 70WLO-5 speeder tank 51Wookiee Catamaran 19X, Y, ZX-34 landspeeder 43X-wing starfighters 100T-65 X-wing 116T-70 X-wing 120Xanadu Blood 104Y-wing starfighter 117Yavin, Battle of 109, 116YT-1300f light freighter 156YT-2400 light freighter 155V-666 light freighter 149Zeta-class cargo shuttle 144Zygerrian slave ship 161
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSEditors Matt Jones, Lauren NesworthySenior Editor David FentimanSenior Designers Owen Bennett,Robert PerryProject Art Editor Jon HallDesigner Chris GouldSenior Pre-Production Producer Jennifer MurraySenior Producer Mary SlaterManaging Editor Sadie SmithManaging Art Editor Vicky ShortPublisher Julie FerrisArt Director Lisa LanzariniPublishing Director Simon BeecroftAdditional design by Amazing15Edited by Simon HugoDK would like to thank Samantha Holland at Lucasfilm,Marcus Scudamore and Martin Stiffat Amazing15, Helen Petersfor the index, Natalie Edwards and Alexander Evangeli for imageresearch, Hannah Gulliver-Jones, Shari Last, and Julia Marchfor editorial assistance.For LucasfilmSenior Editor Brett RectorAsset Management Newell Todd, Gabrielle Levenson, Bryce Pinkos,Erik Sanchez, Tim Mapp, Nicole LaCoursiere, Shahana AlamArt Director TroyAldersStory Group Leland Chee, Pablo Hidalgo, Matt MartinDK Digital Content, LondonDigital Producer Alex ValizadehDigital Operations, DelhiProduction co-ordinator Manish BhattFirstAmerican Edition, 2018Published in the United States by DK Publishing345 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014Page design copyright ©2018 Dorling Kindersley LimitedDK, a Division of Penguin Random House LLC©& TM2018 LUCASFILMLTD.All rights reserved.Without limiting the rights under the copyright reserved above,no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in, or introducedinto a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means(electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise),without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.Published in Great Britain by Dorling Kindersley Limited.A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.eISBN9781465482716DK books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk forsales promotions, premiums, fund-raising, or educational use. For details, contact:DK Publishing Special Markets, 345 Hudson Street, New York,New York 10014 [email protected] WORLDOF IDEAS:SEE ALL THERE IS
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