King Of The Hill 1 Mr Sh1C /97
The ''FAB'' Four 1) Come on guys let's go 2) Mr 1,....;3;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _., Shick and Mr Jensen discuss The pinosfosiobtiblitayll.of3)a Wsthaetree cdhoamypoiuontshhinikp Mr Hicks' mind is? 98/Vice Princpals
Mr. Ted Lovato. who has been a Huskie V .P. the longest. is in charge of the senior class and the Activity Calendar. Mrs. Lianne Smith is the lady that keeps all those men in line Her assignments include the Sophomore class and special programs. Mr. Tom Hicks is the rather unique one of the bunch. But then you would be to if you had the Studentbody Officers and Class Officers to referee like he does. Mr. Hicks is also over the Freshman class. Mr. Lee Jensen has been at Hill- crest for two years. He is in charge of the Junior class. Transportation. and Sports. 1) The serious Side of Mr Lovato. 2) \" But Mr Hicks. I hove a problem \" 3) Our great V P 's, Front row Mr Hicks. Mrs. Smith Bock row Mr Jensen. Mr Lovato. Vice Pnncpols/99
A Word Of Advice 2 Sometimes an under- standing friend is all that is needed when students visit the counseling area. On other more serious oc- casions, it takes knowl- edge of human nature and a firm, dependable person to offer help. Re- gardless of what role our counselors must fulfill , we can count on them to be there when we need them. 1) Vocational Counseler. Mr. Fenlon. and Vocational Coor- dinater. Mr. Mousley. 2) Psycho- linguist. Jayne Wolfe. 3) Grade Counselors: Mr. Bird. Mrs. Leslie . and Mrs. Cline . 3 100/Counselors
The Great Paper Chase There is something here for 1) M1ss Hess straightens everyone in the school. Ref- books 2) Dono Tnpps. me- erence materials and learn- dia 01d. works hghttoble 3) ing tools are available to fill Mr Fernn runs the retrogro- every need. This area of the phiCS 1n the media center school is kept in running or- der by Mr. Fogg. Miss Hess. and Mr. Ferrin . Medlo/ 101
A Master piece Begins \"What do you think,\" Mr. Kill- pack? \"Well, it is very interest- ing but why did you use cray- ons? I think its time you do some serious art.'' All great artists must begin somewere. so why not start here at Hillcrest. There are a variety of classes including pottery, sculpture. production art, painting, drawing, and commercial art . There are so many choices. its hard to de- cide which class to take. 1) Art students try very hard to do their best . 2) Drawing is something anyone con do. 3) The production art class shows how much fun art con be 3 102/Art
Whose Business Is It? 3 How many things can go wrong in a business class some- where around 2.000.000. Just because your accounting pa- per doesn't balance. don't worry . Things could be worse . At least they haven't invented a computer that calls you names. 1) Account1ng 1s a class for everyone 2) Victor Parvar learns what comput - ers are all about 3) Darrin Richardson d1scovers the many uses of a addng mach1ne 2 Bus1nessj 103
Friends, Romans, And Countrymen . The world 1s a stage. and we are merely actors and ac- tresses Thank goodness for drama where you can take on another personality. and speech where some Huskies can talk and not be put on the teacher's \"hit list\". 1) Com1lle Phppen. \"Think' Thnkl \" 2) Amee TrUJillO and J1ll McCombs proc- liCing \" Harvey \" 3) Donny Mcintosh 1n deep concentration 4) Kern Chnsten- son lend1ng a help1ng hand 104/Speech And Drama
On The Road Again Oh no, here they come again. Wher. you see the sign \"Cau- tion Student Drivers.\" You should change your mind and go the other way . You know about the amateur drivers. they panic an the road. they don't use the brake correctly, and they can't steer! But try to give them a chance. Remem- ber. you were once an ama- teur. too. 1) Mr Thomson g1v1ng his dolly workg1v- 1ng nstructions 2) Tok1ng the responsii- lity to place it bock where it belongs 3) Reverse action-Watch Out! 2 Dnver's Educotion/105
English: My Favorite Class It's a proven fact that there is not a single person at Hillcrest who does not adore his English class. As a matter of fact. they like it so much. they take it ev- ery year during their 4 years at Hillcrest. By the way, the Year- book staff is selling some swamp land in Florida if you're interested. 106/Enghsh
Frengermanish Some schools teach Danreekussian (Danish. Greek. Russian) Some schools teach Swechineolish (Swedish. Chinese. Polish) Some schools even teach Englawipanese (English. Hawaiian. Japanese) But Hillcrest teaches the best of all possible worlds. Frengermanish (French. German. Spanish) 1) Hey. let's look up how to say! # $% c & • 2) Put down that book! Have you heard the latest gossip? 3) Mr Dean teaches his students the German lan- guage 3 For Language/107
A Stitch In Time Sewing and cooking make up 1) Sew1ng means a lot of fun and a big most of the Home Economics De- savings 2) Mark Olsen enjoys his cook1ng partment. At Hillcrest. these sub- class because cooking is good for boys. jects can be very worthwhile too . 3) Melanie Hardy discusses a pattern classes . Not only for girls. but for with a friend. boys. too. 108/Home Econom1cs
Bone Up For Health The health department at Hill- The courses include General crest covers the many things to Health, Physiology, and Health learn about the human body. Occupations. Health is a required course at HHS. 2 1) The skeleton aids in the class's study of bone structure 3) The class is totaUy enthused about the new subject 4) There 's always a m1e tme for SCIITle chit-chat during class Heolth/ 109
Future Tradesmen Industrial Ed. is an elective class at Hillcrest Although fewer stu- 1) Students concentrate on their as- dents take these classes there signments 2) John Harvey welds one of is a big variety offered in this his many assignments. 3) Brad Wilson field. The offering include auto- llpl•rin• t•s•so• m• e• o•f •h•is •p•a•p-ers•. • • • •. . motive mechanics, drafting, electornics, graphic arts, print- ing shop, and woodshops. In- dustrial Ed. is one opportunity that shouldn't be missed. 3 2 110/lndustrial Educ ation
Solve, Sinx +00 ?• ?• ~ ( -1 )K X 2K 1 X K=O +( 2K 1)! A great impact on math is be- coming apparent today. Most future schooling is now requir- ing more of a math back- ground and a greater knowl- edge on the whole in the math field. With the math classes of- fered ranging from math to trigonometry and calculus there is every opportunity to start increasing your math background. 1) Students concentrate on a new math concept 2) Studies don't always come easily 3) Moth students work d li- gently 3 Math/111
Let's Get Physical. Physical Education is a class that takes a lot of get up and go. The teachers (Don Neff, Jim Jimas. Raynor Pearce) have three students partici- pate in such activities as flag football. basketball. soccer. weight lifting, volleyball. soft- ball. 1) It's a basket . 2) G1ve me the bol 112/Physicol Education
Tuned To Tunes . Under the direction of Mr. Dean and Mr. Ronk. the music de- partment has been very succesful. Many talented peo- ple in the school play musical instruments or sing . The per- formers really put in a lot of hard work. enabling twenty- three students to qualify for All- State. The department con- sists of Choir. Band, and Or- chestra. Their music makes your listening more enjoyable than 99 FM. 1) Two's company 2) The Sound of Music 3) 1. 2. 3. . . 1. 2. 3 3 MUSIC/113
Special News Hillcrest has a special pro- gram that no one seems to know about. This program is designed to help students with special needs in educa- tion as well as personal problems . These students work hard under their teachers' watchful eyes and progress at their own pace. 1) Good test result brings smiles. 2) Are you sure this is a class? 3) Left to right. 1st row: Mr. Brad Gibbs, Mr. Brent Pitt. 2nd row: Ms. Kay Evans. Ms. Susan Benner. 3rd row: Mr. Gor- don Weiseman. Mr. Tom Huddles- tone. Ms. Annie Caine. Mr. Ryan An- derson. Mr. Leon Moyes. 4) Student in deep concentration. I 3 114/Resource
Scientifically Speaking . Beware! you might turn green as a result of a chem- istry lab experiment. Then all of you will be able to say is \"ribit, ribit\" as you hop to your next class. Thanks to the wild and crazy teachers, science can be fun as well as interesting. 1) A penod in science class con leave you in dreamland 2) \"this is how we look like inside-out\" Mr. Walsh seemed to be saying. 3) Sci- ence is something to smile about Science/115
As The World Turns What is Social Studies? What is it for? Well, the answer to those questions is very simple. Social Studies helps you to un- derstand the world around you . Here at Hillcrest. we have great personnel to help the students learn the different as- pects of life and its surround- ings. We offer many classes like World History, American Gov- ernment. Parenthood. and much much more; so take part in these classes and stay tuned as the world turns! 1) Some classes can't keep their minds on their work! 2) Everybody LOVES His- tory! 3) Heather Mullen. Please do your work! 116/Social Studies
What Did You Say? RIDDLE : How can you talk with- out moving you lips? ANSWER : Sign Language Sign Language is a very impor- tant part of a deaf person's life. It is needed in order for the deaf to communicate with the world around them. A special class was held once a week by Mr. Brent Pitt and Judy Johnson for those who wanted to learn the language. Thank You for all your help. 1) Judy Johnson. one of Hillcrest's stu- dents helps teach the class. 2) Closs is taught by Mr. Brent Pitt 3) Students ore trying to grasp the technique 4) Vicki Neilsen. Cheryl Fitzpotnck . and Berntce Bloimer ore signtng \" paper\" . 2 4 Spectol Ed / 11 7
Incredible Instructors Ryan Anderson Melinda Andrus YSP Foods Glade Bailey Carol Ball Ross Baum Printing Process Math Math Sharlene Beck Sonja Beere Susan Benner Journalism English LSP Reading 118/Faculty
Richard Bird Ron Brailsford Victoria Brinton Counselor Drafting History/Cultures Annette Caine Rick Carlson Peggy Caughey ESP English Freshman S.S. Dance Sid Conley Leo Dean Gymnastics Choir Max Dickson Kay Evans Wayne Fogg Type ESP English/Reading Media Coordinator Foculty/119
Frank Fenlon Ralph Ferrin Counselor Media Productions Nancy Gillette Tom Godfrey Steve Golding English English Voc . Math./Metals Marie Green Don Gust James Hadlock Wgt. Control Health/Dr. Ed Teen & Law/History Gordon Haight Jerry Haslam Helen Higbee Algebra Weight Training Health Occupations 120/Faculty
Don Haywood Cheryl Hendrickson Electronics English Noel Horn Jeanne Howell English Spirit Leaders Thomas Huddlestone Frank lacobazzi S.S./Athletics YSP Glen Jackson Doris Jenson Jim Jimas Dr. Education Math Athletics Faculty/ 121
Eric Johnson Hyrum Johnson Robert Johnson History Physical Science Math/Athletics f Frank Kelly Crafts Jack Jorgenson Biology Wayne Killpack Marco Kunz Mel Labrum Painting/Drawing Foods History Dennis Larsen Carolyn Leslie John Lyon French/History Counselor English/Film Crit . 122/Foculty
Lorene Mark Calvin Maxfield English Mathematics Jodi Maxfield Bruce McGuire Janeen McMillan Drill Team Physical Science English Carol Milne Earlene Mitchell English Journalism/English Dave Montgomery Boyd Mousley Leon Moyes Crafts/Art Counselor Athletics1LSP FacultyI 123
Don Neff Raynor Pearce Athletics/Health TrackfP .E. Eunice Pixton Robert Pixton Clothing Biology Pepe Quintero Joan Heitzberg Mark Rasmussen Math/Rading Skills Mathematics Speech/Debate Jay Ronk Kathy Rudelich Dorothy Schmidt Orchestra/Track Child Care Health/Gymnastics 124/Foculty
Paul Smith LeRoy Soderquist History/Athletics Physics/Science Byron Thompson Paul Thomson Psychology Dr. Education James Voorhies Pouwell Vuyk Auto Speech/Drama Lone Walsh Tom Watrous LaVoy Whitmore Phys. Science/Biology ESL/English Physical Science Faculty/ 125
Mont Widerberg Greg Williams Govern./Athletics History/Woods/Athletics Jayne Wolfe Marilyn Yates Psychologist English Lynne Deluca Carol Gunnarson Secretary Secretary Nancy Martin Dana Rice Janice Troster Secretary Secretary Secretary 126/Foculty/Stoff
Janet Dow Florence Dowding Aide Aide Renae Harfield Elaine Johnson Aide Aide Marlene Powell Bjelva Rump Aide Special Ed Sharon Stott Dana Tripp Lynn Varoz Aide Aide Aide s off/ 27
Cookin' Up A Storm Behind the scenes. these ladies create things to satisfy Husky appetites. Delicious aromas drift down the halls enticing the students of HHS. 1) Bottom Lett to Right. Joyce Eron- honich, Julie Krizman, Toshie Yama- shiro. Loa Allen, Bock Lett to Right. Faye Neusbome. Linda Atwood. Joan Street, Viola Bohn. Jackie Dawson - Manager 2) Jockie Dawson hard at work . 3) Linda Atwood rolling in dough. 128/Lunch Ladies
Making A Clean Sweep The hallowed halls of HHS are kept spotless by the unsung heros of the mop and bucket brigade. The pride of the Huskies is upheld once again. 1) Ma:luel Sowel. a job wei done. 2) Brent Mickelsen. Head Custodian. SlXVeys a dfficLCt job. 3) Left to Right: Marlyn Reeues. Ed Meaber, Joseph Pat- rick, Steve W'ns!ow. 2 r • 3 Custodals/129
1) Brett Voroz once again throws a great pass. 2) Bill Robertson makes on- They're Awesome other great reception. 3) Nobody gets post Brook Hatfield. 4) Cheer-up Coach Simonsen we 're winning. 5) The 6b)oRTohposL.totobeR.d: oCwonatchheHraes~lawmh, eDroen ~--••••••••••••••••••••••••••••... Dansie. Pete Dosovich. Brian Ritchie, Reed Porter. Brent Burnham. 2nd Row: Coach Widerberg, Dorrin Vincent. Aaron Hill. Lorry Froislond. Dove Rudlich, Joey Buhler. Mike Montoya, Tyler Tho- len. Randy Womer. Marty Haws. 3rd Row: Coach Smith. Jim Maxwell. Nick Koncar. Mike Fessenden. Brett Nielsen. Todd Gray, Mike Peterson. Eric Tyck- sen. Bobby Millerberg. Rob Harmon. 4th: Row Coach Simonsen, Riley Clay- ton. Scotty White. Rob Hill. Joey Long, Brook Hatfield. Mike Bullett. Scott Fouser. Jerry Thompson. Randee Wicctril. 5th Row: Glen Briggs. Jeff Rodgers. Bob Ecker. Brian Bosch. Bill Robertson. Dorrin Monson. Zok Dikmon. Kyle Jensen. Mike Tholond. Brad Eckert. 6th Row: Brian Joos. Wes Spencer. Brett Voroz. Chad Keller, Don Hill, Jim Duke. Dove Anderson. Kelly Clayton. MTeicakmSMpialknear.gJeorh. nShNoeneel B(Nroodty)p.ictured • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •.... 132/Vasity Football
This year's Varsity Football Team defeats. Their determination played an 8 to 2 season. and hard work paid off, ad- Throughout the season the Hus- vancing them into the state fin- kies showed enthusiasm and als. spirit in both their victories and Varsity Footbal/133
1) Another Quarterback bites the dust. 2) Jeff Rodgers otter a loose ball. 3) Joey Long blocks a Brighton Opponent as Randy Warner gains yardage . HHS v GRANITE 28-27 HHS vs COTTONWOOD 37-7 HHS vs HHS vs BINGHAM 20-21 HHS vs HHS vs BRIGHTON 0-20 HHS vs WEST JORDAN 24-13 HHS vs HHS vs TAYLORSVILLE 18-7 HHS vs HHS vs KEARNS 24-8 ALTA (30T) 38-45 SKY VIEW 25-14 GRANITE 18-13 BRIGHTON 6-10 2 134/Varsity Football
\"They're Bad\".J.V. Football 3 JV Football 1982-83 1) A Husky tackles for the boll. 2) Hut 36. Hut 24. Hi e . . . 3) Riley Clayton loves the HHS vs Granite 6-21 opposition 4) Reed Portor shows oH his HHS vs Cottonwood 6-14 style. HHS vs Bingham 16-22 HHS vs Brighton 0-26 HHS vs West Jordan 40-6 HHS vs Taylorsville 25-6 HHS vs Kearns K-Forfeit HHS vs Alta 0-26 J.V. Footbol/135
Soph's Hurt So Good The 1982-1983 Sophomore HILLCREST vs COTIONWOOD 19-14 Football team was superior HILLCREST vs with coaches Don Neff. HILLCREST vs BINGHAM 35-14 Frank lacobazzi. and Mark HLLCREST vs Ashton. Their guidance and HILLCREST vs BRIGHTON 40-7 painful work-outs led the HILLCREST vs awesome team to an unde- HILLCREST vs W. JORDAN 37-14 feated season! KEARNS 14-0 1) Sophomores cal't be beatl 2) TQU111 guysl TAYLORSVILLE 13-7 3) Front row Wade Wcilt.9f, Ron Anderson. Thayne Casto. D<rny Tms. Gay Wcidlon, El1c ALTA 22-0 Hendel1on. Steve Ki'nball, D<rny Snyder. Ron RosenbLry Second row: Scott Neff. ,.,.e Fnch. San Hockwel. Scott Ryao. Pru Wilans• .Jol'n Wlloms, .Jol'n Mthel. Eric Scheen. Coin Dovts. Gay Geigle. Matt Wad. Wlson, Kevn Zdrolch. Rob9ft Jones. ,.,.e Block, Third row Dove McEntte. Jeff Sedac:k. Ovls Hlneler. Bl Lasen. laoe Wad. Shown Goris. Vernon Greentoo.Agl. Kevn Rice. Shale Beeny. Jay Whltti'lg. Jeff Isles. Bryao Mane. Nellll'ld. Doug Wane<. Va Beveridge. Brod Street. Fcuth row: Russ Tschoggery. Troy ,...a, Shale Whetmcro. Brent Rttctie. Mar1< HI. Ken Splc9f. .kn Ackley. Ron Neff. Alan Hoyne. Ralph Bowen. Thone Po- ciWlsl<l. Clff Koehler. PW Richardson. Glen Haw- kins. Steve Neff• .kn Bomer. <rod Greg Marti'l. 3 .136/Sophomore Footbol
Freshman Are Steppin' Out This year the Freshman Football team played hard and had a 5 loss Coaches for the Green team ore Leon team was a little different. The team and 1 win season. Both teams had Moyes and Mario Alba, and coaches was so large. they had to divide it will power and with their determina- into the Green and the White . The tion. they have the ability to make for the White team ae Rick Cor1son Green team had an excellent year next year's Sophomore team Num- with 5 wins and 1 loss and the White ber 1! and Bob Johnson. 1) Freshman Green Team. 2) Freshman White Team. Freshman Footbol/137
Huskies Spike It 1) Leslie Neebling bumps the ball over the Middle row Carrie Staley, MaryAnn net 2) Came Staley sets up the ball. 3) Shellie Fisher. Leslie Neebling, Shellie Mans- Mansfield takes a great position to hit the field . Top row: Nan Spiers. Jean Mills. baU. 4) Seniors on the team, From L to R.: Stacy Sargeant. Coach Marie Green. Shellie Mansfield, Nan Spiers, Jean Mills. Reg- 6) Reggie Wright bumps the ball to vic- gie Wright 5) This years varsity team, front tory. row from L toR Regg1e Wright. Tracy Sharp, Vicki Bnggs. 3 138/Varsity Volleyball
This years volleyball team. coached by Marie Green. had a great season. These girls practiced hard and played with great skill. Their season ended with six wins and six loses and 4th place in region . 2nd 1st Round Round Hillcrest vs Taylorsville T T Hillcrest vs West Jordan H H rest vs Kearns HH Hillcrest vs Alta A Hillcrest vs Bingham H B Hillcrest vs Bnghton B H Varsity Volleyball/139
J.V.'s SetUp To Win 1st Round 2nd Round Hilerest vs Taylorsville TT Hllcrest vs West Jordan H H Hillcrest vs Keams KK Hillcrest vs Alta HA l-illcrest v Bingham HH l-illcrest vs Briglton HB The J.V. Volleyball team gave it their best shot this year. These girls split the season with six wins and six loses. 1) Huskie server reaches high to show great form. 2)We must block it l J) J.V. voleybaU team. Front row from L. toR.: Jemifer Chris. Leslie Varoz. Stacy Sar- geant. Sandy Ray. MidcJe row: Teresa Morris. Julia Nixs. MaryAnn Fisher. Wen- dy Mclece. Top row: Coach Sharon Williams. VIcki Briggs. Tarrmy Tackett. Tracy Sharp. Coach Marie Green. 3 140/J.V . Voleybal
1st 2nd Round Round Hinerest vs ToylorsviUe T T HiRcrest vs Alto AA Hole In Hillcrest vs Brighton BB One Hillcrest vs Kearn HH Hil crest vs West Jordon WJ WJ B Hncrest vs Bingham B Although this year's golf 1) Varsity Golf team-Front for L. to R.: team was very young, they Bloke Forsey. Kurrin Bickmore, Stewart pulled through with a great West. Jeff Chris. Mike Nonce. Bock row: year. The Huskies were led Coach Jimos. Brad Nelson. Russ Groomer. by senior Stewart West and Mike Corson. Scott Birch. Todd Grossman. junior Brad Nelson. This year's 2) Stewart West shows great tee off form. team placed 5th in region. Golf/141
ing A Pace Endurance ... How do we gain this 1) Coach Raynor Pearce contem- powerful force that pushes us on? plates the course of the race . 2) The Any member of the girl's cross coun- Girl's Cross Country team of 1982-83. try team can tell you that it comes Front row: Coach Raynor Pearce. Jill through hard work. stamina. and Peacock . Karc1e Brewer. Sandra Fisch. dedication. Cross country is a very Michelle Peacock . Middle row Shelly competitive sport which involves Frame. Marilisa Robertson. Patricia Bon - hundreds of runners from all over the ney. Debbie Folkerson. Jill Vanwagnen. valley competing in Regional and Cherie Mitchell. Back row Michelle State Championships. After taking Bringhurst. Leslie Erickson. Jill Jenkins. first place in both Region II and State Camille Phippen. Julie Manlove 3) Kar Championships, our girls represent- cie Brewer is really behind on the ed Hillcrest proudly. scores 4) The team looks on anx1ously. 2 GIRL'S CROSS COUNTRY SCORES 142/Girls Cross Country HHS vs. Alta 24-31 HHS vs. Bingham 27-30 HHS vs. Brighton 20-41 HHS vs. West Jordan 15-46 HHS vs. Taylorsville 24-31 HHS vs. Kearns 19-44 Region II HHS 37-First Pla ce State HHS 76-First Place 3
Chariots Of Fire BOY' CROSS COUNTRY Led by such outstanding team SCOR members as Jace Brewer and Steve Powell, this year's boys Cross Coun- HHS vs. Alta 27-30 try team really lengthened their HHS vs. Bingham 24-31 stride. It takes a special kind of HHS vs Brighton 24 'h -31 V2 coach like Raynor Pearce to help HHS vs West Jordan 15-50 these runners push themselves to HHS vs Taylorsville 27-28 the limit of their abilities. Our boy's HHS vs. Kearns 15-49 Cross Country team took 2nd place in both the Region II and State Reg ion II Championships, and also demon- HHS 41 -Second Place strated the kind of stamina and courage our guys are made of. State HHS 94-Second Place 1) Jace Brewer gets tangled in a tree on the course . 2) The boy's Cross Country scores of 1982-83. 3) Wayne Jensen prepares for the reg10n meet 4) The boy's Cross Country team really lengthened the1r stride Guys Cross Country/ 143
Tennis . The Hillcrest Girl's Tennis team had nation paid off with a region tro- an excellent 1982-83 season. phy. Great work girls. we 're Their hard practices and determi- proud of you! 2 KiS vs. ~ I+IS vs. I+IS vs. 4-1 I+IS vs. 3-2 I+IS vs. 4-1 I+IS vs. I+IS vs. ~ I+IS vs. ~ I+IS vs. ~ !+IS vs. I+IS vs. 1-4 !+IS vs. 4-1 2nd Place Region 4-1 State bJualfiers: ~ Reggie Wright 3rd 5-0 Singles Janet Meidli'lger 4th Singles Liome WliamSon 3rd Doubles Lndo Ma'lcuso 3rd Doubles 5th Pface State 144/Girts Tennis
What A Racquet! 1) Reggie Wright smiles after a victori- ous match against West Jordan 2) Lianne Williamson concentrates on her opponent . 3) The 1982-83 Girl's TenniS Team Front Row. left to right Karen Jeppson. Coach Dorothy Schmidt. Stacey Lewis. Janet Meidhnger. Bock row · Susan Swapp, Becky Fletcher. Regg1e Wright. Jodie Barfuss. and Lin- da Mancuso. (Not pictured Lianne Wil- liamson) 4) Stacey Lewis before the big game. 5) Susan Swapp attempts to make contact with the ball. 6)Jodie Barfuss shows unique backhand form . 7)Reggie Wright returns the ball with a hard swing 4 7 G1rl's Tennis/145
Catch'em On The Rebound Pre-season. the Battle of the Jug, 1) Reed Porter demonstrates his talents. or State: Huskies gave every 2)Marty Haws drives down court for a lay- game their all. The fans were en- up. J)Coach Jimas calmly directs players. tertained with ama zing tactics on 4) Bret Varoz looks for a teammate to the court and great shots at the throw the ball to. 5) Front row (Left to basket. Right): Eddie Jeppson. Marty Haws. Bryan Ritchie. Erik Fristrup. Brian Miller. Darin Vin- The Hillcrest side was always cent. Bill Robertson. Steve Jones. Joey packed with cheering fans who Gutierrez. Back row : Coach Jimas. Kelly watched these atheletes per- Clayton, Brook Hatfield. Bret Varoz. Mark form on the court. Olson. Reed Porter. Lance Purser. Dave Adams. Coach Margetts. 146/Varslty Basketball
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