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Home Explore 1983


Published by HillcrestHuskiesAlumni, 2020-10-13 22:46:05

Description: 1983 Hillcrest High Yearbook

Keywords: HHS,1983,Hillcrest,Huskies,Midvale,Utah


Read the Text Version

M e Koly/247

248/Jon Marion

Brent Burnham/249

250/Masao Seki

Russ Steele/251

Todd Glover March 28, 1965 February 22, 1982


\" Remember that queezy, uncertain feeling as we entered kindergarten, we have the same feeling as we walk out the doors for the last time . '-Jody Tucker- \" The people at Hillcrest are unique individuals. I have never known a better group of teachers than I have during my memorable years at Hillcrest High School I love being a Husky \"-Reggie Wright- \"They claimed us a ghetto school. But in my opinion, Hillcrest is the most productive and spirited school in this state \"-Dan Hansen- \"Thank God it's over!\"-Mike Jenkins- \"What? Did you say skiing during second? For sure, for sure! \" -Judy Sato- \" Into the relm of total darkness wanders nothing, but in the halls of Hillcrest High wanders a class of people that words alone cannot describe.\" -Anthony Pazell- \"The years had been memorable and fun . High school for us is over and done. Geeze! time sure had gone by fast and we 're free at last!\"-Aileen Yap- \"All great things must come to an end, but shouldn't they start first???? \" -Gail Allison- \"Hillcrest, wrestlers, Hicks- Thank Goodness I'm Graduating!!!\"-Maile Allan- \"Darn, no more schoollunch!\"-Anonymous- \"The years at Hillcrest have been great. I hope the years to come will be even better. Yeah! it's over!\"-Chris Katis- ''I'm free! I'm free !\"-Ken Hoffman- \"It's been \"doubly\" fun!\"-Carolee & Terilee Whittaker- \"It seems like yesterday they kicked me out of senior section. Now they are kicking me out for being a senior!\"-Linda Scow- \"Graduate?! Surely you jest!!! \"-Jon Conder- \"What you have is never appreciated until you have to leave it behind .\"-Loraine Taylor- \"!!!TOTALLY AWESOME !!!!\"-Margaret Park- 264/Senior Bye-Lines

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