Happiness Is ~--------------------------------~ Being In Key Cl~b The Key Club officers are : Pres . Paulanne Green, V .P. Linda Scow, Sec. Jeanette Lindner, and Tres. Mary Campbell. The members are Joey Buhler, Kathy Ducarro, Cosmo Green, and Natalie Tanner. Not shown are Dan Hansen and George Tucker . The Club is going strong and still growing. The sponser the annual blood drive and they are in charge of changing and maintaining the Marquis. They are a subsidiary of the Kiwanis club and are su- pervised by officer Lou Father- olf and advised by Mr. Soder- quist . Key . Ciub/197
Rodeo Rides Again In the past Hillcrest didn't have a Rodeo club . This year. how- ever. Rodeo became a club consisting of 21 members. Ro- deo can be an interesting and fun experience. The funnest part is. of course. horseback riding . 1) A pose with two winners 2) To woke a horse up for on early morning ride con be hazardous. 3) Saddle 'em up! 3 198/Rodeo Club
Snowbound Who prayes for heavy snowfall every winter? The Ski club of course! These snow worshipers count every snowflake. to when they can go out and taste the adventure of ski- ing. Ski club is not only for the experienced but for anyone with enough guts to try new things . So. put on your skis and grab your poles. The real excitement is yet to come! 1) Some have the power to walk on air. 2) He's head over heel in love with the Ski club. 3) This Ski club member likes to get comfortable in the air. 3 2 Ski Club/ 199
Lights, Camera, ..Action. ~-------------------------------- What has 12 arms, 121egs and a lot of different colors? Who are the ones during assemblies who make the music loud enough, dim lights on cue, and draw the curtains. No, not the principal, not the studentbody, not even the football team. Right, good guess, the Stage Crew . .. They did an excellent job. The lights are on you - stage crew. 1) Mike Evans thinks - what does th1s knob do? 2) Just your typical c rew 200/Stage Crew
Together We're United!! The United People's Club pur- pose is to promote pride and awareness of the many ethnic groups at Hillcrest. They built one of the best floats for the Homecoming Parade. spon- sored a joint dance and party with students from other high schools. and raised money for a scholarship fund. The club is under the direction of Mr. Mario Alba. who was its first president. and Mrs. Mitchell. Club President is Bernadette Gonzalez. 1) United they are 2) No. we're not slumping 3) It's time to boogey 2 3 United People/201
Question: Who can get a story faster than 1) Chad Kaler IS on oct1ve rnembef of the Sentry Stoff a speeding bullet? 2) The 1982-83 Hilcrest Sentry Stoff Bock Row Kns Sate. Answer A member of the Sentry Staff! Robert Pc:rr-. Mike Evans. Cloy Chnstensen. Corne t.liles. Stacey Neat Glen Evans. Brett Voroz. Amee Tru;- The Sentry. Hillcrest's own newspaper. lo. Front Row Earlene Mtchel. Darren Dockstodef. Mo- contains almost everything that every indo Hutctw>gs. Km Zohonos. Borboro Hoggnson. Kathy maJOr newspaper has. including feature Wnght . Neil Glover. Cathy Higginson. LIQIY)E! Wjliomson stories. editorials. lovelorns. ads. coupons. Not l'lct<Xed LISO Wicox 3) Brett Voroz. a Sentry staffer. and even cartoons! The advisor of the tokes nterest n ol school ochv1hes Sentry 1s Mrs. Earlene Mitchell and the edi- tor is LiAnne Williamson .~ ' . .' ~ - : . r· ; ; ;' .. ; : ; ;~. • .. , H.? • . '! 2 202/Sentry
Fruits Of Their Labor Hillcrest's own literature magazine. 1) The \" fruity\" staff of 1982-83 Bock Row. Expressions. has token 1st place Poulo Monnoc. M1ss Swift. Amee Trujillo. Greg Bills. Bryon Woodward. Ed Seghini. honors in the Columbia Scholastic L1so O'Connor. Wendy Dowdell. Neil Glov- Prep Association's Notional con- er. ln Cart Natalie Nelson Front Row Col- test for high school literary maga- zines. This prestigious yearly maga- leen Viola. Kathy Wnght 2) Ed Seg ni ex- presses h1s emotions! 3) Paulo Morinoc zine contains poetry. short stories. and artwork all coming from Hill- tokes her job seriously. crest students . Their advisor is Miss Swift. and the editors ore Greg Bills and Paulo Morinoc. Expresslons/ 203
Toga V Is Alive The funny and good-looking Toga Five. kept up the tradi- tion of spirit and pride at Hill- crest High. You probably heard them at football games and assemblies. There are a 14- member council. They are: Neil Horton. Greg Laird. Chris Telesco. Greg Heugly, Ed Seq- hinilzth. Anthony Pezle, Greg Mozer. Dave Rose. Jeff Lucas. Brent Parkin. John Morris, Mike Burningham. Mike Demie. John Alexander. Keep it up Toga! 1) Togo Lives! 2) Cheers from the To- gas --=====-= 204/Togo
They've Got Spirit! Ever since the Spirit Leaders' start in 1978. they have given their all to boost the spirit of the studentbody. This energetic group of girls can really go! 1) The 1982-83 Spirit Leaders Front row. left to right: Julie Hales. Emily Casper, Wendy Wozab. Debbie Kay. Kristi Dockstader. Tami Godwin. Karen Nelson Row 2· Dawn Mason. Becky McEnt1re. Karen Cooper. Amy Hone. Kristin Devenberg. Shane! Reynolds. Koren Fitzpatrick . Row 3 Kim Kroudy. Lauro Goff. Dawn Hansen. Wendy Han- sen. K-Anno Mason. Lauro Godwin. Stacey Lewis Row 4· Kris Nielson. Pam Zillner. Natalie Freeman. Debby Yack . Sharri Evans. Monique Bartlome. Lisa Mertlich Row 5 Manette Bartlome. Ri- chelle Matthews. Debbie Kuchinsky. Sherilyn Marchant. Debby Chytraus. Laurie Marchant. and Advisor Jeanne Howell (Not pictured Kelly Noble) 2) Spirit Leader officers Front row. left to right Julie Hales. Drill mistress. Dawn Hansen. Sophomore Rep . Row 2 Tammy Godwin. Head Drill mistress. Row 3 Karen Nelson. Row 4 Wendy Wozab. Vice President. Sherilyn Mar- chant. Junior Rep; Emily Cosper. Drill Mistress. Stacey Lewis; Debb1e Kay. President . 3) The Spirit Leaders give their all while cheering at a game. Spirit Leoders/205
All Work, No Glory The Flag Squad consists of six girls: Each student is very hard working But all the long hours of practice paid Team captain- Janet Morgan, Jill and dedicated. From September off when they participated in the Ann Schneider, Annette Bowen, 1st till the end of October they held Nebo Tournament, University of Utah Kim Knuteson, Colette Arterburn, practices every morning from 6:30 Band Tournament, and Region II to 7:30, including Saturdays and 3 Marching Competition. Good work and Linda Mitchel. Their efforts days a week from 3:00 to 5:00 . Flag Squad. are volunteer. 206/Fiag Squad
Mat Mates Q : Who do you find making spe- with the scoring at the tourna- cial favors to encourage the ments and hope to carry on in wrestlers? the future. A: Wrestling Cheerleaders. The Wrestling Cheerleaders is a new 1) Athena McGinn OWOitS OS the Huskies group formed this year to create overcome the Colts 2) GO. FIGHT. WIN more spirit at the wrestling meets 3) I Love Husky Wrestlers is this years slo- as well as encourage the wres- gan 4) Left to Right . Loraine Jensen. tlers. The Cheerleaders also help Cheryl Ellis. Deanna Downs. Kristin Kuehn. Atheno McGinn. Moileonn Allan Wrestling Cheerleoders/207
The Undercover Agents The busy sound of typewriters. the scratch of pens. the developing of photos. and proofing of pictures to be done are typical activities of the yearbook staff. lnspite of all the moss confusion. the yearbook staff along with the advisors Carol VondenAkker. Potty Pu- zey. and Fred Roberts enjoyed making this book for the fond memories of Hillcrest High School. 1) Photogs. (Top L. toR.) Mike Evans. Mosoo Seki. (Bottom L. toR.) Brent Burnham. Russ Steele. Mike Koly 2) Stoff (Front L. toR.) Wendy Gillen. Angie Tron. Aileen Yap. Carol Whittaker. Erica Sharp. MaryAnn Cunliffe. (Bock L. to R.) Amee Trojillo. Gail Allison. Teri Whittaker. Maile Allen. Deanna Downs. Koren Wong 3) Jon Marion helps Loraine Jensen pick out a good proof 4) Russ Steele gets ready for another long darkroom session 5) Gail Allison finds out that design1ng a page isn't as easy as she thinks 5) MaryAnn Cunliffe and Wendy Gillen find the student section enthralling 208/Yeorbook Stoff
4 Yeorbook/209
Drill On Down \"Can't Be Beat\" was this year's Drill Team theme. Giving their all , they practiced every weekday from 6:30 through 1st period. Drill Team has a good start by receiving first place in the Midvale Parade. They went to National Compe- tition in December and the pride of HHS went with them. 210/Drill Team
Drill Teom/211
----=--~-=--\"\"\"~ . -. - \"\"\"' ~~-~~~~ ActJVlt~es/213
Life After 2:40! NOTICE: For a good time, call a Husky! (available after 2:40 p .m. weekdays and anytime on weekends.) Huskies are good workers but are even more excellent when it comes to play. Huskies go to the best places, hold the cra- ziest parties, and have the most fun . It's a well known fact that Utah is really the best place to be once the Huskies are out for a little recreation! 1) Huskies like to try the old-fashioned ways of doing things. 2) The wonders of nature attract almost everyone. 3) Many Huskies. especially the younger ones. still enjoy visiting the zoo. 4) Salt Lake is home of the Huskies' nightlife. 5) The first snowfall excites the Husky snowbunnies . 6) Huskies gather at the molls. known as 'gallerias' to true Vol- ley Girts. 214/Feoture
5 Feoture/215
1) Cars ore necessities for those on- the-go! .2) Lake Powell means voca- tion to many. 3) Snowbird's tram is tun, winter or summer. 4) Skiing is the rabid Husky sport. 5) Some of the spocier Huskies prefer daydreaming. 2 216/Feoture
5 Feature/217
Homecoming . . . 2 218/Homecoming
.You'll Always Be A Part Of Us 1) The burn1ng of the \" H\" 1s one \" hot\" Varsity football team attempts to occasion. 2) John M1tchell and Anita Sharp go punk . 3) Huskies socialize at score . 6) Jace Brewer places first in the donee 4) Kim Zahanas 1s crowned Cross Country 1) Huskies cheer with super spint! Homecom1ng Queen of 1982 5) Our 4 5 67 Homecoming/219
1) \"WOOF!\" says this enthusiastic husky at the Homecoming game. 2) Coach Simonson discusses a play with the ref. 3) John Mac runs hard. 4) Chris Looser before a splash. 5) Toilet papering at lunch time. 6) Cherie Mitchell smiles for the camera. 7) A great Husky rne- upl 220/Homecoming
Homecoming of 1982 was the best yet. Beginning with H-Week. the stu- dent body burst with spirit. H-week meant dress-up days and lunch hour activities including pie-eating con- tests and dunking machines. The greatest tradition of all. the Burning of the \"H\". was an exhilarating oc- casion that every Husky will remem- ber. The football game was played hard but the Bengals got lucky. The Grande Finale. the Dance Club's Homecoming Dance. was one of the highlights of the school year. Huskies. new and old. were carried by the sounds of \"Shining Star\" into the new school year. Homecoming/221
Take The Bone The 1982 Husky Olympics was a 1) Faculty does a great job in the VW- great success. The extensive push . 2) The new Chris Everett Lloyd. 3) planning by the SBO's paid off Sentors Rule! 4)Dave Rose in tug-o-war. 5) with an exciting competition. Kim is champion chicken-catcher! 6)Get- Seniors got the bone! ting close in the sack race . 1) Athena flounders! 2 3 222/Husky Olympics
45 Husky Ofympics/223
HILLCREST HIGH SCHOOL TAKES A BREAK·ASSEMBLY TIME! The Assemblies at Hillcrest promoted spirit in the student body. A lot of time and effort went into them for the students' enjoyment. They also gave us a chance to be a part of the activities that occur in the as- semblies. Thanks, Student Body and class officers for the great job you've done with our assemblies. 1) Christie Freebairn, a member of the Hill- crest High dance company. shows her danc- ing ability in the Homecoming assembly 2) Dave Crowley escorts Angie Tran. a Home- coming queen candidate. 3) Senior Pride really go and expose their sexy physiques! 4) Sophomores watch in the Stadium as the as- sembly goes on. 2 4 224/Assemblies
Stomp It! There is a question often asked among peers: \"What's there to do on a Friday night?\". Well. there is an answer. Stomp it! Stomps are places where ev- eryone gets together and so- cializes!! One can also really get down and groove to the sounds and really have a blas- tin' time! So. next time you are about to ask your friend. \"Hey. what can we do tonight?\" Say. \"STOMP IT!\" 1) Heidi Brady really likes to move . Owwwwwww' 2) Ahhhhh. this is greaaot!l 3) Wendy. what a ternfte idea. let's dance! Stomps/225
Get spinted and join the gang! Ham-Haw sponsored the H-Week with Punk and Val day to start the week off at a rock . The Chuck wagon breakfast started off Western Day (cooked by the administration). The next day all one heard was the whips of the Toga all through the halls. Lastly but not least every- one wore their Green and White to start our Basketball Team off to a bang in the State Tournaments. 1) Punk and Val Day many students got in- volved in building spirit . 2) Couples jam out at the stomp held Friday night. 3) Anita Sharp enjoys participating on Western Day 4) Penni takes time to get ready on Green and White Day 5) Hee-Haw! 6) Jenny Webster goes \" Val\" on Valley Day. 7) Toga goes wild on Greek/Roman Slave Day. 3 226/H-Week
Spirit Week H-Week/227
Jug Creates Spiff 1) Huskie players guard their basket. 2) Reed Porter reaches high for the boll. The winning of this years Jug was accompanied by high husky spirits. It wasnt bad enough that we beat Brighton once, But twice? the first game was 49-37, the second 64-48. Hillcrest has always been known for there great spirit and when we played Brighton it was no exception. Once again Hillcrest Huskies keep the jug. 228/Battle Of The Jug
Kick Brightons Axe 1) Russ Steele gets his man down on the mat. 2) Another victory for Hillcrest by Russ Groomer. 3) Dan Hill. this years heavy weight is on his way to another pin As the saying goes. Maybe next year. Beating Brighton in the \"Battle of the Axe\" is a thing yet to be seen. This year we didn't win the Axe but we sure gave Brighton a run for their money! The Hillcrest Hus- kies were there to support the wrestlers. and cheer them on. The final score was 25-21. This year the axe was by far closer than ever before, maybe we will win next year. Battle Of The Axe/229
Yeee Haaa! The traditional date for Husky Howl was changed this year to Nov. 5. Why? The reason is not known but that didn't stop the huskies from going to the funnest dance of the year. The girls ask their dates and every- one goes casual - some- thing the huskies really look forward to. The cost this year was $6.00. Not bad and well worth it too!! The tradition still holds that it takes place in the small gym and you can even marry your date. Wow! Doesn't that sound great? Well it is. Husky Howl is one thing Hill- crest High will always uphold. 1) Julie Ganz and her date Lance Purser look forward to a fun time . 2) Couples REALLY enjoy each other's company. 3) Ummmmmm! Nicel 4) Uh oh! Naughty Nick! 5) Well folks. it is time for Relief Society! 230/Husky Howl
''T y\" At the traditional Senior As- sembly, Mike Burningham called for attention and began pleading with the Class of ·83 to get out and support their dance. Prices were kept to the minimum. (no corsages. semi- formal). to save the ailing sen- ior class budget. Sales on tick- ets picked up after Mike's (and guest Ed 'Spicoli's) speech. On December 11th. Rock 103's Chris Casey played the latest hits for a large group of enthu- siastic senior Huskies! 1) Seniors love to slow donee to the music of Chris Cosey 2) Owwwl It's Time to Boogie! 3) Senior King and Queen royalty John eel. Bob Winger, Dove Rose. Tracy Anderson. Queen Wendy Waldron. and Lindo Mancuso 2
On The Wings Of Love Once again Junior Prom was the biggest dance of the year. This was the only formal dance held so naturally the guys went all out by renting tuxedos and dining in the most expensive restaurants . The group Portrait provided the music, playing many slow songs. 1 Roses ore always on item at Junior Prom 2 Capitol Rotundo. setting for Junior Prom . 3. John Stidham and Kristin Kuehn shore a romantic evening 4 As usual Juntor Prom drew the largest crowd of the year 232/Juntor Prom
Just You And I 1) The vonety of feet that danced the night away 2) Arlene Smith and Scott White display their donc1ng skills 3) Sophomore Queen candidates front row from L toR Kym Oldroyd. Kim But- terfField. Teresa Henrie. Lichelle Ash- ton. Doyno Jones Second row from L. to R. Mochele Pickup. Michelle Olson. Allison Haslett. Kathy Boer. Robyne Kirk . Third row from L toR. Shellie Peterson. Tomi Ashworth. Joni Gillet. Julie Taylor. Brenda Leatham Lost row from L. to R Tom Strong. Com111e Howley. Jill Pea- cock . Knsti Mower. Pam Pollick Sophomore Sweetheorts/233
Freshmen Can Toga Too! From Caesar on down the Freshman carry on the tradition by partying on down through the ages, stepping back through the pillars of time, Toga takes over. 1) Little Huskies w1th big 1deas 2) A touch of class. 3) \" Haw do you do th1s anyway?\" 234/Freshman Flirt
Pref Gone Wild Girls Pret. was a bit different this year. It was bag the formals. bag the ball room. go scrounge and take your date to McDonalds. All in all the dance turned out well. consid- ering the rather large pile of garbage in the middle of the girls' gym and the Coke cans hung on the walls. 1) Holly Plot shows off the latest style in minis. 2) Cheri Mitchell and Dave Rose dress with style. 3) Russ Steele and Maile Allan wear the latest in wrestling sweat shirts. Girls' Pref./235
Thespians Present . Harvey Wilson: (looking in encyclope- dia.) \"P-o-o-k-a .\" Pooka . From old Celtic Mythology. A fairy spirit in animal form . Always very large. The pooka appears here and there. now and then. to this one and that one at his own caprice. A wise but mis- chievious creature. Very fond of rumpots. crack-pots and how are you Mr. Wilson . \"How are you Mr. Wilson? Who in the encyclopedia wants to Know? Forget it.\" 1) Elwood humours a wistful Dr Chum- ley. 2) Wilson tnes to talk to Judge Goffney about Elwood. 3) Elwood In- troduces Harvey to Aunt Ethel 4) Wil- son tells Myrtle that she has a screwy uncle 5) Mrs. Chumley. Nurse Kelly. and Doctors Chumley and Sanderson conspire against all crazies. 2) The most the audience sees of Harvey 3) Veto patiently tries to 1gnore Myrtle 3 4 236/Horvey
2 Myrtle Mae Simmons- Linda Abbott Veta Louise Simmons- Aimee Trujillo Elwood P. Dowd- Ed Seghini Miss Johnson- Mary Ann Cun- liffe Mrs. Ethel Chauvenet- Jill McCombs Ruth Kelly R.N.- Nancy Sund- berg Duane Wilson- Wes Spencer Lyman Sanderson M.D.- David Rose William R. Chumley M.D.- Dan Mcintosh Betty Chumley- Shannon Peck Judge Omar Gaffney- Allen Baker E.J. Lottgren- Chris Katis Harveyf237
And Spoon River Anthology 1) Mike Kelley and Mary Ann Cunliffe as W\"liam and Emily. 2) Liz Ruf tells her story. 3) Neil Morris relaxes between parts. 4) Spoon River Anthology. 238/Spoon River
Cast Mary Ann Cunliffe- A Mary Holloway- A Elizabeth Rut- SA Deanne Warner- SA Mike Kelley- SA Neil Morris- SA Victor Parvar- A Adam Taylor- SA A- Acting S- Singing Spoon River Anthology is the story of a small town and the people who lived there . The play tells of the unusual events in the lives of the Spoon River citizens. from the town drunk to the resident reverend. and all in between. 1) Deann Warner and Neil Morris pre- pare to rec1te . 2) Mary Holloway as Daisy Fraiser. 3) Fr.R.. L. to R Elizabeth Ruf. Deanne Warner. Mary Ann Cun- liffe. Mary Holloway. Bk .R.. L. to R. Neil Morris. Adam Taylor. Mike Kelley. Victor Parvar not shown. _, - --, -~~- -- -- -~ ~ ---- -. ~-- Spoon River/ 239
Forget The Popcorn At $4.00 a ticket, Huskies found it best to sit back and enjoy the movie without munchies. Luckily, Hollywood came up with some real winners. Sum- mer time flicks included Conan the Barbarian, Poltergeist and for winter, they were The Verdict and Six Weeks. By far the best of the year was about the little guy named E.T.! 1) Dark Crystal - a five year project. 2) E.T. was everyone's favorite . 3) Tootsie - A modern time story of a guy making a Uving as a woman. 3 240/Movies
Salt Lake Jams After the Journey crisis last year, concert go-ers were looking forward to a problem free season. But as the lights went down at the Marriot Kenny Loggins concert January 20th, the audience heard a thud as the star fell backwards while going onstage . The show must go on, though, and Kenny joined the group of talented Rock, New Wave and Country acts (Kenny Rogers, Ju- dist Priest, Police etc.) that came to Utah, LIVE! 1) For classical music. Fresh Aire is one of the best 2) The Oak Ridge Boys Olivia Newton-John's lost tour in the U.SA 3) Contrary to popular belief. people in Utah do like Heavy Metal. Hard Rock and New Wove . They gather the biggest crowds and they cost the most But stiR we go because there's a little punk living 1n all of us. Concerts/241
Current Events 1) Henry Fonda was an actor of depth and sincerity. Fonda died August 12th at age 77 after years of heart trouble. He won his 1st Academy Award for 1981 's On Golden Pond. 2) When he died at 33. nobody laughed. Comedi- an John Belushi. the star of Animal House and Saturday Night Live was found dead on March 5th. Belushi, thanks for the laughs . . . 3) Brutalized Beirut. Sophia's jail cells and poisoned pain Killers made 1982 a memorable year. 242/Current Events
1) Princess Diana. 21 . gave birth to 7-lbs 1 V2 oz blue eyed son . Little Pnnce William Arthur Philip Lou1s who is now second to the throne . 2) The Invasion of Falklands Islands on April 2. It was o war over o desolate South Atlantic islands. The worst port of this 74 day war was each notion lost key worships, planes. and over o 1000 men C\\Xrent E en s/243
Ohmygawdl Like, 2 0 Thanks to Moon Unit Zappa. the San 0 Go-Go boots gave the look a com- tuxedo styles ore in. complete with bowties. 0plete 'who cares' look. Fernando Valley got on the map, with the That lasagna cummerbunds. and little painted collars. Valley Girl look . To top off the look. after a bi- loving comic cat. Garfield showed up as a 0 For the preppy comfort it was slip on level haircut. everyone has to have a ruffled comic book. wind-up. and very papular penny loafers (No pennies. pleasel). 0 .blouse. and (of course tor sure). a 0stuffed cat . (XsX1). Whether black and G After discovering that Real Men Don't min1 to show off those gorgeous legs pink. black and red. or basic black and white. Eat Quiche, many were happy to find that 244/Fads
Totally Vogue!!! 12 eReal Women Don't Pump Gas. yet real 4!)some Ms Beckl Hats were a touch of Gtops graced senior bench Leave It to 0women ftnd 11 okay to wear ltes a must vogue G) Tab collars were another prep G)Beaver strikes aga1n The Southern Cali- 0fornia look 0for vals. potnted shoes Tapered black G)fashion For Utah guys turtlenecks. po- Garfield strikes agatn CD Checked bermudas were bizzare rage 0pants were a tuxedo must The good les. and shetland sweaters were the look 4D Garfteld brought out all sorts of cat CDold argyles were still 1n style the Euro- of our refined guys. pean look. requtred a sweatshtrt. Total Aw- 0books Purple. Green. and Red htgh Fads/245
246/MI e Evans
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