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Home Explore 1969


Published by HillcrestHuskiesAlumni, 2020-10-12 21:41:21

Description: 1969 Hillcrest High Yearbook

Keywords: HHS,1969,Hillcrest,Huskies,Midvale,Utah


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etting up hi strategy, Gary Yama hir move hi. bi hop while Richard Harada concentrate on his next move. Chess Club Miniature chessboard pulled out of brief cases and back p ckets, r che board ,et up in study cia ses became a common , ight to student., a. chess player increa.ed their knowledge of the game. astling and checkmate were empha ized as basic skill needed to develop the strategic required in winning. .ompeting against ·even . ch ols dur- ing the year, the che,s club developed an awarene, of when tu ca, tle, how to pre. erve pawn , and when to acri- fice a rook. Based on interschool competition, the ches · club cho,e it most valuable player whose name was in- cribed on a plaque which i · held over each year. Practicing for their chess meet against kyline, kent Oemke chal- lenges Kim hri. tiansen, while Beverly Fit:gerald, laron Twitchell, and Jay Roger, n watch. ~~.--.r--.~-.~~~~--~------------------------~ ----------~~--~--------------~ Playing a round-robin tournament tor top po ltlons are club ook, Richard Harada, terling ]en,en, Allan Phelp , herrie members Glen tohel, Randy Olsen, Vernon Cook, Marvin Heilbut, Kay Glover, Terry reb , teve \\Vinget, Gary Yami- shiro, Gloria Arment, Ann Deneri . 97

ouvenirs of Germany hold the attention Keith harp, Lela Turner, Jim arter, teve Johnson, Ken . 1elanie Hughe. , Becky Payne, Denni. tewart, Kristme harp, Rollins, Gary Boyd, \" 1r. Al fred Morns, advisor; Julit.: Kerbtek, Jimmy Barnes, usan Ba. com, and Anne ~!inde. German Club Many times during the year, members of the German lub were favored with a variety of meetings and activttie, which contributed to the cultural and fun aspect of the club. These included a gue t . peaker from the Foretgn Language League, natives of German-speaking countrie. , and partie in which members participated m acttvitie · which depicted custom and idea of German origin. Throu~h the e, members ac- QUired opportunities to more effectively pur ue their intere ts in foreign languagt.:. nder the direction of German Club advi. r, Mr. Alfred Morri ·, club fficers }ani owley, herie Bullock, and Larry a, tie run throu~h a . election of German record\". r-----~~----------------; Gatly admtring an original German heer mug are Bullock, herie Bullock, David \\1yer , Janice .1ay- 9 'ancy Robm. on, Janet Randall, Julie Miller, Dick nes, Linda \\X!algren, JoAnne Krahenbuhl, and Gray, Ro White, indy 01 on, }ani wley, Ron teven u:man.

French Club Relieving the samenes of everyday school life, the French lub stimulated an interest in the French language and custom for it. members by planning language activ- ities including joint parties with other language club . In addition, furthering their objective to lend upport to stu- dent body function , they participated in A, ~ociation \\Veek activitlt:s last January. This entailed building a booth for the aturday night carnival and entering live turtle in the \"Turtle Race.\" Through participation, members of the club gained sxial experiences and personal sat1 faction from their year as members of this club. Kelatmg some attractions of Pari to Vice-President Law- rence \\Vardell, Advisor Pieter van der Have, and ecretary Karen Bes · i the presid~nt of the French Iub, rys chuh. tudying tours to France are French Club members Annette Lars n, Jean Donga, JoAnn Van Alphen, Paula hristianson, Renee Engstrom, Kendle Malstrom, Lam- alee Bean. Martin Fairh::mh R::~vPnn::. lh\"Pnnr.rr :mel Dohhie Poul en. Travelogue maga:ines hold the mterest of French lub member. Jane , 1orth, Kathy 99 Robin on, Janene J hn~on, Judene Page, Linda Parkin, ~1ich lie DuVall, Kar lee Robert on, ue Hartman, Enc Hellstrom, Becky Barnard, Ron Price, ourtney lay- ton, and Robert Horr ck..


Each individual at Hillcre t belonged to the myriad of students who added the warmth and friendliness that be- came symbolic of the entire student- body. Each individual was unique in his own way: it was the oph m re struggling to become a part of the whole; it wa the junior voting on hi cla ring; it wa the enior ,ilently waiting to receive hi graduation diplo- ma. Each individual compri ed a part of the whole that wa Hillcre t. Though eparate in name, the cla e were united in pirit, and each found that Hillcre t became a part of him,elf a each contributed his hare to making the traditions of Hillcre t live. Through extra-curricular activitie , and aca- demic endeavor , each individual sought to achieve, \"A Higher Degree of Excellence.\" CLASSES 101

Student Tom Berggren Body Repre ·enting Hillcre t in a track meet, in a President reg1onal debate, or a a , terling scholar nomi- nee, Tom brought a tandard of excellence to the office of studentbody president. His out- standing achievement in athletic and acade- mic., hi, dedication, drive, and dynamic leader- hip won him the respect and confidence of his cla, mate and the faculty. He wa a credit to him elf and to the chool as he met the need of a diversified tudentbody and directed them toward \"A Higher Degree of Excellence.\"

Vice-President Mary iel en Tineke Van Alphen Whether conducting a tudent ouncil meeting or ,erving a a mem- ecrctary H1Stonan ber of the Teenage Republican , Chri Dedication, a warm smile, and a As the elected hi torian, Tineke be- tley met the re pon 1bilities of tu- cheerful per ·anality , ugge~t 1ary' came mvolved in the governing branch dentbody vice-president and helped to out tanding qualitie . Throughout her of the .chool by attending every tu- solve matters of student government. three year- as a Hu kie she was a two- dent council meeting and enrolling in Being tall, slender, and parting hi hair year member of the Marchioness Club a pecial cla.s m ·tudent government. down the middle, hris added ubtle and he ,ang in the Juni rand A ap- At the end f the year ,he compiled humor to Hillcre t that wa evident in pella hoir ·. Whether . he wa m- the hi torian' crapbook, u ing picture everything he did a he became a vital volved in a student council meeting or and narration to tie t gether the ·ear'- link in uniting the .tudentbody and a youth conference, ~fary could be .een activine mto a theme reflecting \"A directmg them toward a goal of excel- writing sugge, tion · to improve our tu- Higher Degree f Excellence.\" lence. dentbody.

\\X!IIliam P~)Pr Dale Field tad teve :\\1at~un :\\like Evans Duane Petru:::! Adt isor Pro?sident Vice-Pro?sideru Boys' and Girls' _ ulan Palmer Robert Van Dam Association Combining the efforts of both the Boys' and G1rls' A~sociation, officers and repre ·c.:nratives r~msorc.:d two maJOr Lvent· at Hillcre. t during the year. Fin was \"A \\XIeek,\" held during the week of January 20, which wa full of e. ·plosive activitlc . To climax the week, a combinatil n carnival and dancc.: was held where vanous club participated by spon.oring bo ths. econdly, by working with the Dance lub in sponsoring the Homec ming Assembly on ep- tember 25, the nineteen-member organi::ation achie\\ed a ·tronger sense of unity among Hillcre.t's eighteen hundred students. Colleen aldwell, Girls' A-.oClation president, rins first place :\\1L -match :\\tare West badge on Paul Bulkley, as Dale Ficldstad, hannon ullivan, Kathy ~1ar­ tineau, and third place winner Candy arl on watch. 104

Barhara \\Vard As Tineke Van Alphen walks away after recervmg the prize for the Mo. t· Ad<ti or Beautiful Baby picture, Tom Berggren and Dale Fieldstad take turns ann unc- ing the program, whilt! Dave Belcher is congratulated hy tcve Matson and 1ike Evan for winning the 1r. lrre istible Conte t. hannon ~ull!van Vice-Pre ident Kathy ~1artmeau utting out designs for the As 'OCiation Dance are han non ullivan, Dale Fielstad, Mike Evans, teve Matson, and ~fare We,,t. 105

Vrce·Pre idem Chri 'tley explams the chool's coming activrties to ~tudenr :\\1offet, haron Greenwall, Kath\\· Raleigh, and Gail Coundl Repre. enrame . Rou• Ont!: Duane Peterson, .\\1rke Evans, .\\1ike ~<Ott He s, Keith ~harp, Frank ReiJ, Charle Ross, Whitley, Carl Albane,e, Craig Walker, ran Rasmu\"en, and Dave Williams. Row Tu·o: Jeff KJar, Rick • 'elson, Fred Larsen, Alan Wenersrr,,m, Julene Bnt e Peter n, Dan Hollada,·, LuAnn Eskel,en, Terrv Jorgen on, and Hale, Colleen Brown, and Pauline owley. Row Thrt!t.': Richard Ajioka, Geor e Fullmer. Row Er~ht: Debhre hristemen, Russ Ferrcks, Larry Howick, Charles Richards, Dave Knibbe, Tom Jack.-on, Kris Beck read, haron • 'ils· Kav Hoo I, Rowland Hubert, and n~uglas Lindaver. Rou • 'ine: John Ferick., son, D bbie mart, and Patti Brigg . Rou Four: Gay En kson, ~ rgne .\\1 ss, Joan Thalman, herrie Hetlbut, hri Andru., Barbara aldwell, Debbie Terre .\\1ac. 'eil, Connie Templin, Diane .\\leD nald, and Annabelle Romero. Niel. on, and Becky Conkle. Row Fit t!: terling Jenson, teve John on, Bruce Rou Ten: .\\1arrlyn .\\Iiiler, Krr Gilbert, Vrki !.an lvarer, Rick Jal!ego , Rrch· Lyman, Robert McClung, harlene Furse, Debbie yverson, and oralyn Cook. Row i·c Lynette Dean, Russell Beratto, Paula Howard, Kristte Jemen, ard Lymen, cott jolley, Bud Little, Dale Field tad, and Tom ourner. Row E!et·t!n: Leslie Bell, helley. 'ate, and Pat Duron. Rou Tu·e!te: Janine John· son, Maurreen Jacobson, Teresa Brown, Mary Ann Beratto, and arol Bennet. Student Council Repre enting the tudentbody at variou meetmg through- out the year, the tudent ouncil pre ented to V1cc-Principal DelMar chick and the tudentbody officer· recommendations and idea to help 1mprove Hillcre t. In c njunction with the e meeting., the member· attended a joint youth conference with other di trict chool to d1 cu uch pertinent problem a peeding in parking lot , inappr pnate conduct at athletic game , and petty vandali m in the chool. With new· idea in mind, they rep rted back to the . tudent · and asked for their c pera- tion, making the tudent ounol an important part of the voice of Hillcrest. A M~. Delmar ch1ck and Chri. tley watch Julene Hale dL cus attendance at basketball games, ~1ary 1 'ieL on checks the roll call while Tom Berggren talk with Tineka Van Alphen about forming committee. 106

tandmg in front of a spec1al showcase exhibit di playing both the 'anonal Honor ociety' charter and it goal are club officer ccretary Kris Dickey, Advi. r Ron Davi , Vice-Pre ident Bill Asay, Tn:a urer J~ni Lund, and Pre. ident John Ferrick . Honor Society Rou• Ont.': Jeff Page, Linda Parkin, Kathy Perry, Jtll Peterbon. Row Tu•o: Duane Initiated by intere. ted students, The 'ational Honor ociety Petruzzi, Kathy Raleigh, Janet Randall, Renae Rigler, Karolee Robertson, Jay Rogerson. Row Thrt.'t.': Paulette mtth, Gloria mart, Gor lon ~mart, Glenn of Hillcre t High received its charter m October, 1967. Onenta- tion of students to the requirement· and tandard of the 'a.- pencer, Colleen trong, Richard nyder, Glenn :rohel. Rou• Four: arl Temp- lin, hauna Thoms0n, Tineke \\'an Alphen, , herman \\'1/hite, Lawrence Wardell. tiona! He nor oc1ety Ia t year enabled it to become a fully organ- Rou Fnt.': Kim teven., Peg •y \\X'o,,dward, Lynnae Ward, Ro •er \\Vhtte, terling I:ed club by 196 . Only .eni r · and juniors who main tamed an Jen en. A-average or above were c n idered potential member,; in addi- tion, rcspon ible citi:ensh1p, active leader hip, and special ervice were aJ.;o reqwred of pro. pective member who applied for member hip in thi organi:ation. Row Ont.': Rochelle Allen, .u,an Bogges,, Mary Becbtrom, Randy Baker, Ebtrom, Gay Enck. on, Dale Fteldstad, Kevm Htlls, Eric Helbtrom, Linda Davtd Burnu.rham, Kris Be.:kstead, Tom Berggren, Jolene Bngg, Rick Brough, Hampton, Jackie Hoopiiaina, Jeniel Jenkms, Dee Ann J ne., Louise Jones, Teresa Brown, Pat Burdick, herie Bullock, Kevin Barnhur t, Bill Bush, Kim Burgon. Row Tu·o: athy utler, Harvey lawson, Pat arver, Lee Camp- Kristte Jen en, Jeanine John on, Joanne Krahenbuhl, Mar ha Leak, Conme [,ell, Carol Commons, Larry Ca,tle, Debbie Christensen, Judy Cazier, har- Lennberg, Jtll Long. Row Four: tgne . loss, Mi.:hele Marchant, Rosemary lene Conder, Terry Crebs, Bonnie Dansie, Ravenna Davenport, Chri tine ~1arlor, Rolayne Mattsson, Marilyn Miller, Par 'ielsen, \\'irgmia Ianning, DeGroor, Julie Despam, , 'ancr Dotv, Lynette Dean. Rot< Thrl't.': Violet Kathy !\\1artineau, Zan Memll, Linda , 'ewton, Jacque , 'i.:holl., !\\.lar~· 'iel en, Kris , \\mall, , 'ancy Ol,en. 107

Seniors \"We are the seniors; we are the be ·t,\" wa the cry of the enior Ia. s '69 a they planned a campaign for school spirit. Cleaning their chool, giving Valentine to the junior and sophomore , and meeting together to discus school problems, enior helped to e tahlish unity within their class and set the pace for the other clas es. They combined their talents of muste, dance, and drama to orgamze the enior Hop, to pre ·ent thetr clas a sembly, and to plan graduation. Be ide extra-cur- ricular activitie., senior received top honor and . cholar ·hip for their achievement m ·cience, math, engli h, and other ub- jects. With goals and ambitions for the future, they worked towards achieving and attaining \"A Higher Degree of Excel- lence\" during their final year at Hillcrest. Manlyn ~1tller ecrctary 108

Norma I3lanco Margaret Bradford Deni~e Bnmhall Connie Bullock Becky Bur.:h Janet Burg,,n usnn Bogge~s Jolene Briggs olleen Brown Margaret Bradford Pat Burdkk Pat Burt 109

na,T n~ Brunem wn tl~ Bruse Seniors Kenneth Bud •e Darrell Bullo k ~1JChael Burdette K1m flurkinshaw Larrr Butcher D'n annon 1Jke Buhler D n Bullock Kun Burgon Bdl Bush Kemp flutterfield Lee ampbell 110

Randy nmpbell jeff Cartmill Dougla Chn. wn R bert Cook Paul rlelt . 1r hnel ~rn !1nvJ,I Cnrtwnght l'nrri< Chavez Vernon Cook l1av1 I ottingh~m harlene Patn ta Carver Jam' arrer olleen Candy Carl n )u I~ Ca:rer Lee Crayk Terry Crebs D.:m Dav1d Joe De~1ar.:o , held0n De~1ille Bnan D'n }1m rawf0rd Tom John Courner D maid DaviS Kent Demke Larry De, pam Larry Eaton 111

l1ke Evans John Feri... ks Darrell \"Ott rJeJdqad Jeff Fannm Dale F1 ld tad Herm,m Frank JanJCe De pain ~IJckJe DiBella Terri Dmms Julie De>pain hris D1ckey , ancy Doty 112

JoAnn Eckman Cheryl Eves Gad Flmder Sue Frankenburger Kathy Frii Carol Gallegos Gerri Ellerman Susan Fau ett Zenaida Flores Jo Freeland Marcia Fromm Karen Gallegos Seniors Sylvia Gerbic Lmda Gittins Bonnie Graham DeAnn Green haron Greenwall Roxann Hadley Kris Gilbert Velma Gittins anette Grant Toni Green Pat Grizzell Julene Hale 113

Seniors Wes Hathenbruck Richard G. Hellewell Vance Hilton E. Brad Hokanson Tim Holmstrom Craig G. Housekeeper Lewis Hays Ron Henneman Brent Hodg on Dan James Holladay John Horsely Michael Housekeeper 114

frank R. hie Cratg John ton joe Jaramtllo Terry J. Jorgen on 115

Jackie H puama Elaine Hou ton Biank:! Iversen Iaureen Jacobson Shellie Horton Paula Howard Terry Jacob Teresa Jaramillo Craig .1iddleton B b Mitchell Joe . 1orley Arlen Mounteer Rodger. 1iller Ri hard loore Shane .1 her LinJ ey. lounteer Kristine Jen en Delore Jeppson Rebecca Jensen Karyn Johns 116

Seniors Kathryn Rae Klit!(aard Vicki Landvatter \\'ilene LeFevre Jill Long Allison Lund Robynn Lundevall Janet Kocherhans Leslie Ann LeFever Janet Lloyd Lucy Lopez Janice Lund Denise Lundgreen 11 7

Garland •'el n Paul 0 tier John 'el on D:wtJ Packer Seniors Gathered in the main hall for everyone to behold their weird, yet some- what orgeow array of outfit , new Pep Club members experience the anxieties of Initiation Day. jeff Pa~e Joey Phelp Peter Pikulin Alex Pc>llock James B. Pre ton Steve Prigmore Richard Paxman jack Phillip teve Platt Randy Pc>llock Ron Price Wayne Prutzman 118

!.oren Pearce Bart Perkins Bruce W. Peter~on Gary Peterson Mike Peter. en Ken Raleigh Joel Pear on Bruce C. Peterson Duane Peterson Kevin M. Peter on Duane Petruz!i tanley Ra mu en ancyMackay Lucille Madsen Patti Mangum Ro emary Marlor Rovlnyne ~latt. on Diane McD nald Karen •1adsen Lucinda 1adsen Michelle Mar·hant u an ?1-tascaro Diane McCallister Linda. tclff Joseph Rees Vernon Ridd Jim Reves Jay R0gerson 119

~ reve helt,ln Gordon mart ~lichael hererd Terry SmArt Karen el on Linda ewton Gwen are Glenda ewman Jacque icholb Darla 120

Seniors Weathering the rain and the cold at the Hillcre~t,Bingham game, our cheer, leaders jokingly allow the photographer to take their picturt:. usan Penfold Cherrie Peterson Echo Pidcock Robyn Price Betty Jean Rains Kathy Raleigh Kathy Perry Linda Pett , hanna Poulsen Connie Proctor ~ andra Rakes Tina Reyes 121

CNt Soulier Ron Southw,>rth Seniors Getting roar of lau~htt:r from the studentbody, eleven enior boys don old Pep Club uniform and mimick the .. farchione Clul at a pep a~ embly during A-Week. Glenn tohel Richard nyder Daniel Thomas Brent Thompson Adolph Trujillo Steve Tycksen Max tringham Carl Templm Bill Thomp on Scott Tibbetts Claron Twitchell Chris tley 122

John VlakovJch AI Waechter ra1g Wallace Johnny \\Vard Roger We t ~herman \\'('hire Brent \\Vnde Craig \\Valker John Walsh Rick Wet Roger White Mike Whiteler Jeanme Ric hem Lou1 e Richmond Kny R den Annabel Romen Carmen aez Kathleen Richards Renae Rij;(!er Deidre Rogers Regina Rowley Peggy Sainsburr Arnie \\Viderburg Brent \\Vilson teven Winget Bruce Wiseman Mike \\Vithers Keith Wood David Williams Todd Winegar Tim \\Vinget Jerry Wiseman Robert Wright lair \\Vorkman 123

Fern Ann chulte Bonnie Smith Paulette Smith Leann hurtleff Janice Smith Amber nyder _tephen }. \\Vorkmnn Richard A. Yen1nch Richard K. Young deve Young Paul Zabn kie Colleen Strong Gary Yama h1r0 Davrd Young Roy Young Lee Za\"f-.n kie Debra tory Clara~ tutz Darelyn teven Jov Tsuya haron Thomas Terry Updyke 124

Seniors Peggy Woodward 125

Larry Hawick President Juniors Friendly smiles and cheering voice were synonomou with the Junior Ia a they pre ented the Junior Cia A embly, elected their new cia ring. , and produced the Junior Prom. Cia s election held in the pring elected three new officer · which united the Junior Cia s in pirit comparable to the enior Cia. . Although eparate in name, the Junior las acted as the link to unite the entire tudentbody into one. 196 -69 became their year of work and preparation which would teach them the responsi- bilitie of leader hip. 126



Gary I3u h} Joe Chn tensen Craig Bytendorp Harver Claws n Ke, m Campbell te,en luff Juniors Pausmg momentarily tn the hall, Rohert Eng trom off~.:rs to carry T rry etterbero's b ks to her next cia ~. 129

Initiation rnto Key luh included such Cathy Cutler Rola~ ne Davis Chnstme DeGroot Jean Donga thin • as whipped cream, sagging nylon , Koren Dahl Pam Da::lcy Deni Deneris and 'irl ' dre .·, a dcm m trated by Von Ann Dav1 Janis D' m Horton and t ve harp. Jenmfer Decker Shawna Dewey ynth1a Doty Junio1/ls 130

arolyn Draper I uAnn E.-;kelsen Emma Fisher J \\Ce Gntherum Sail\\ Graehl Janet Hall Debbie Ehy Dianne E~:ms Patricia Fnr: lmda Hampton onme EdmunJ D1ane Fleming Vickie Gam k Elmne C>Onza le Janet Griffi Debb1e Han en D wn (,r n1 kle rma C, n:ale 131


George Jensen Peggy Jones Kelly Kemp Pat Ktkel Joanne Krahenbuhl Kendell Jewkes Kathy Jorgen en Kathy Kendall Darlene Ktrk \\'i.:ki Landers Carl Johnson JoAnn Koehler Annette Larsen Kay Kemp Kriss Keyes Juniors Buildmg school spirit during a pep assem- bly, Kris Gilbert beams with enthusia m while completing a vigorous routine. 133

Addre:sing the Junior Ia · , Larry Ha- ?\\lit:i Lar en . 1ar ha Leak J,~Ann Leyba Gayle Ltndley wick conclude. the _pccch that helped Cheryl Laurmen Lt • Leatherwo J Dianne Littlefield him to win a victl'ry in the election a - !.ona\\'on Lauritzen . !nulla Leyba embly la~t eptember. C nnie I ennher • D rothy Ltndgren Pat Lo}d Juniors 134

Conme Lyon Kathy, iartineau Janice 1ayne Zan ?-.terrill Sheri lacFarlane JoAnn ~1nrtmez Jamce Maynard Lorna . iecham , 'adeen lc 'mght Terre Mac. 'eil Jorgett ~lerrihew ~hawndra. 1cMillan Ken Marti Paul ~laxfield Doug. llllerbur • , teve ~1laker Alan. Ia er Randy ~Iayfield Gary ~f.,nay , 'orman. Ia e} . terrill E. ~ k Tague G rdon • lllne Dav1d M n K1m ~lttchell 135

Ktm. ·ewton Sharon •·ielson T ricia • •ichol Sharon • •il on Deb. 'ielson Su:etre •oland 136

Juniors teve Workman gives a final stretch before returmng to class to take a s minary te t. 137

Dodging a ~prny of green and white pom- p ms, &1h • fitchell pr udly leavl:s the auditorium after heing honored in the Fo..)thall As l:mbly. Junio1fls rre !die R\"n41 I ndv R. hmid1 Roger R vlance Skip ~chnuett 'eJth }. harp Bi!IS·hmitt Tom \"harp J e ~chindler Forre•t ~haw 138

:t-.1ary Rus~ell Dixie Seward Carmen E. aez Lucy anchez Carlene Shaver Kathy ~heperd Kelly Wade Laurence \\X'ardell .\\fichnel E. Yowell 139

CathteTall n Bonnie Temrlm L rraine Tangaro Connie Temphn Joan Thalmann Reba Tebbs 140

Kristie Vigtl Lisa \\\\'and Ltla Webb Knren \\Villden Vickie Wahlen I ynnae \\VarJ I a\\Vanna \\\\1ight Loutse \\X1il on Lynda \\Vallgren Trud; \\'('arne Dtane Wtseman Le le \\Vtlkms n Junio11ls ompanng cowhoy l~n\\)ts m the main hall, Roy Youn '• Doc urtis, Duane Peter~ n, Alan Wenerstrom, Mike Evans, and Fred Lar en relax before returning to clas:. 141

herrie Heilbut Sophomores Vice President tepping into a world of newne,s, nearly 700 \"opho- Debbie 1el en more channeled their energie toward the goal of making ccretary this year' theme, \"a higher degree of excellence,\" pos- sible. Their anxiou -to-plea e attitude wa appreciated 142 by the upper-cla~smen during games and activitie in which they participated. nder the leader hip of their three cla officer , elected at the beginning of the year, . ophomore , pon. ored the weetheart Ball in February and the opho- more As. embly in 1farch. Together they met the chal- lenges of high sch I life and faced the re. ponsib>ilities of learning and leader.hip with mature mind and devoted tudy.

heila Alldred e Glona Arment u. an Beckstead Elva Blanco Linda Brew. ter Cmdy Brown Mary Allen Heidi Baer Rolayne Beckstrom ~!Jchele Brienholt Debbie Brown L uDene Belcher Del->bie Jean BMich Celeste Anderson Allene Barker Lori Bosh D1anne Brigg. id Brown Cindy Ander on Becky Barnard Terri Bennet L0retta Bng~ Carol Bru e Myrtle Bosworth Colleen Anders n vnth1a Barnhurst \\brv Anne Beratto Patt Bnggs . 'ancv Bullock Peggy Anderson Bonnie Bateman • usan Bien Jean Bowden Lorn Brimhall Linda Bullock Patricia Ann Andrus DeEtte Beckstead andi Blake . 1arie Bradv ue Ann Bwberg Cherie Bunting Teressa Brewer 143

Ron Adair Richard Adams Gre~:ory Barnes Keith Bennett cotr Bradford David Boberg Mike Andru Monte Atkin on ]1mmy Barnes Mark Berggren Denms Brimhall Richard Ajioka Tommy Archuleta Richard Ba so Gordon Brady Burnell Burgon Mario Alba Reed Bateman Dean Bigler Jim Brannan Jason Arnell Terry Bills Steve Brown John Allen Paul Beard Jeff Bump Mark Allen Jim Ault Brian Bean Merrill Bitter Dale Burningham Steve Bu h Thomi Allen Tony Au . ere es tewart Bee ley Randy Bloomdale Rick Brul!):(eman Ron Bullock Michael Bailey Gary Boyd Mickey Byrd teve Call 144

During an a sembly held to elect a king and quec.:n for thc.: enior H~lp, Chri · l 'dey gather the ballot from the c.:mor.. Sophomores Lynne Bu hnell Bryce Carl on Deborah Christian en jeanie Cook Shirler Cressalt Diane Butcher • heri Carroll Marie Chunch Pam Cook Paula Crum Elmne Butler Carole Carter Paula Clavell D ra orJova Karen Crump Barbara Caldwell Lon Cartwrighr Debbie Cornum uzanne antrelt heree Chappell Courtney Clayton Carrie ox Paula Danielson Vickie Carlsen usan Cha. ton Robin Crawford onnie Christiansen Becky Conkle R byn reb Carolyn Davi Brenda Co k Linda Daw on Coralyn Cook Mance Ia De-l a Cruz 145

Tiemg the Ia t tring in the pourin rain, Tom Berggren and David Pack- er repare to relea 'e the ion tellin Bingham that Hillcrest 1 going to take state. Sophomores Clark Cannon Brent H. Chadwick Jay Dee Clayton Melvm Coulter Brent Dahl teve Cardwell Manon Chesley Randy ole Rick G. Cowley Bart Daniels Mike Christensen Richard Dansie Phil Carn Reed Christen,en Roger Coleman Tim Cowley Michael Davidson terling Carter \\XIalter Brent Cook Geoffrey Cox Dennis DeGraw Timothy Jon Carter Richard Chri,tensen Dwtghr Crew :\\1elvin Draper Toxie Ca e ~ teve hri ten en Bill Cooper Dave ummin • Uwe Denk 'elson Cintron Tom Cooper Craig Curtis Boyd Curlett 146

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