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Home Explore 1969


Published by HillcrestHuskiesAlumni, 2020-10-12 21:41:21

Description: 1969 Hillcrest High Yearbook

Keywords: HHS,1969,Hillcrest,Huskies,Midvale,Utah


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Chason Pikultn, Peter .............................llS Ri chards, Kathleen ................23, 63, Schow, Vaughn ............................120 General Acrivitie Auverti ing Agency General Activities 75,92,123 Schuh, Crys ...................65, 70, 99, German Club Platt, teve .............................. ..118 Cha. ons 93,123,173 Honor tuuent General Activities Debate French Club Hi-Ettes Junior Chotr Polloc k, Alex ......................70, 118 Expres ions - Editor School Musical - \" My Fair National Honor Society A Cappella FTA Lady\" chool Musical - \"Brigadoon\" Chasons Hi-Ettes - President School Play- \"Teahou e of the Au gust Moon\" Pa.·man, Ri chart.! . .67, 68, 69, 11 Wre~ tl i ng Ri chen , Jeannine ......................123 Thespian Club Rand Polloc k, Randy ..........23, 62, 84, llS Deca Schulte, Fern Ann ...... ......... .124 Orchestra Debate Richey, Ralph ..............................119 Hi-Ettes Schulte, Glenn ............................120 Pep Band Poulsen, Shanna ....................94, 121 General Activities General Activitie School Mu ical - \"Un inkable ymphony Sub-Debs Ri chmond, Louise ...............93, 123 earle, Stan ................ 2, 88, 86, 122 Molly Brown\" Preston, Booker .............72, 80, 88, Hi-Ettes Model UN Safety Council Pearce, Loren ................................119 118, 165, 170 Ridd, Vernon ................................ ll9 Wre tling harp, Boyd ......- .................... .120 panish Club A Cappella School Musical - \" Brigadoon\" General Activities harp, Scott ....................34, 35, 37, Pearson, Joel ............63, 84, 119, 165 Rand Rigler, Renae ................107, 123, 166 40, 41, 43, 66, 120 Debate Chamber Choir FHA Baseball Basketball Honor Student Honor Student Honor Student Deca - Vice-President National Honor octcty Junior Choir a tiona! Honor Soctety Football Penfold, Su an ....67, 121 Key Club Roden, Kay ....................................123 Wettermen's Club helton, Steve ...........37, 54, 70, 110 Orchestra chool Musicals - \" Brigadoon\" General Activities A Cappella Football chool Mu;ical - \" Unsinkable \"My Fair Lad y\" Rogers, Deidre ............61, 63, 84, 85, Lettermen's Club Molly Brown\" Price, Robyn ..... -·-··- .71, 85, 90, 87, 123, 166 Junior Choir \" My Fair Lady\" 121, 172, 173 Chasons tudent Counctl hepheru, Michael ........46, 54, 110 Teenage Republican A Cappella Debate Lettermen' Club Wrestling Thespian Club Advertising Agency Debate Club hurtleff, Leann • .... .......61, 124 A Cappella Perkins, Bart ............................. 119 French Club Forensics Art Club Baseball FTA French Club French Club - Vice-President Football (Sophomore) literpretive Honor Student Junior Choir Pep Club Perry, Kathy .............107, 121, 165 Junior Choir Interpretive Safety Council Silverton, Sandy ...... .................114 French Club chool Plays \"lnhem the Junior Ch01r General Activitie Smgleton, Paul ................67, 68, 69, Honor tudent Wind\" ational Honor octety 90,96,110 Model UN \" My Fair Lady\" Pep Club Advertising Agency Dance Band National Honor octety Student Council chool Musical - \"Unsinkable German Club Ret.! Crass Price, Ron ........... ................99, 118 Molly Brown\" Pep Band afety Council French Club chool Play - \"Inherit the chool 1usical - \"My Fair Lady\" tudent Council Prigmore, Steve ... .........................118 Wind\" Spanish Club - President Peterson, Bruce ... . .. .....70, 119 A Cappella Teenage Republicans Slaughter, Tom ............................110 General Activities Junior Choir Thespian Club French Club Pep Band Peterson, Bruce ...........85, 106, 119 Red Cross Rogerson, Jay ...................84, 88, 96, Student Council A Cappella Safety Council 97, 107, 119, 166 Wrestling Baseball ( ophomore) Proctor, Connie ..........93, 121, 166 Debate Club mart, Gloria .70, 95, 107, 114, 166 A Cappella Football (Sophomore) Hi-Ettes Model UN FHA Honor Student Junior Choir Honor Student Honor tudent Junior Choir Sa.lety Council - Tri District National Honor Society ational Honor Society ational Honor ociety chool Musicals - \"Brigadoon\" President Prutzmam, Wayne ......................118 panish Club \"My Fair Lady\" mart, Gordon ..................51, 52, 81, chool Musical - \"Brigadoon\" General Activities Rollins, Ken ......................72, 98, 119 90, 107, 120, 166 School Play - \"lnterit the Chamber Choir Advertising Agency Wind\" R German Club Boys' Association Football Peterson, Cherrie ....................61, 121 chool Musical - \"Brigadoon\" Honor Student Chasons Rain , Berry Jean ....................93, 121 \"My Fair Lady\" · Key Club Hi-Ettes Lettermen's Club Deca School Play - \"Teahouse of the Rakes, andra .................93, 95, 121 National Honor Society Junior Chotr FHA August Moon\" N Cheerleader Hi-Ettes chool Musicals - \"Unsinkable Thespian Club Track Molly Brown\" Pep Club -Treasurer Raleigh, Kathy 58, 71, 106, 107, 121 Romero, Annabel ..............106, 123 \"Brigadoon\" Peter on, Duane ....66, 106, 119, 141 A Cappella Cheerleader French Club - Secretary \"My Fair Lady\" A Cappella FHA rage Deign French Club Junior Choir Deca - Vice-President Junior Choir tudent Council JV Cheerleader Student Council Track Junior Choir ational Honor ociety mart, Terry ...... 35, 37, 49, 54, 110 Pep Club Romero, Carl .............................. ll9 Baseball - Co-Captain tudent Council Safety Council Football Student Council Wrestling Lettermen's Club Peterson, Gary ............... ........119 mith, Bonnie ..................65, 95, 114 Raleigh, Ken ..........................91, 119 Rosenhan, Dan ................22, 51, 70, Dance Club General Activities Art Club 91, 119, 171 FHA Peterson, Kevin ............................119 Rasmu sen, Stan ..............37, 63, 72, A Cappella 89, 106, 119 Junior Choir General Activitie Art Club A Cappella School Musical - \"My Fair Peterson, Mike ........................ ...1!9 Chamber Choir Junior Choir Lady\" Debate General Activities Football chool Play- \"Teahouse of the Foren tcs Petruzzi, Duane .............37, 84, 104, Junior Choir August Moon\" Lettermen's Club 107, 119, 165 Track ational Honor Society Boys' Association ecretary School Musical· - \"Bngadoon\" Ro s, Charles ......................106, 119 Baseball \"My Fair Lady\" Debate tudent Council Debate Club Teenage Republicans German Club Football Rees, Jo eph ......................6 , 69, 119 Track Band Honor Student Pep Band Wrestling Lettermen's Club Reyes, Jim ......................................119 Rowley, Regina ......................75, 123 General Activities • ational Honor Society Deca Reye , Tina ..................................121 panish Club Dec a entry - Editor tudent Council Rhodes, Dale ................................119 s Chess Club Wrestling ( ophomore) Pett, Linda ........................71, 88, 121 abey, Don .......................... .70, 119 A Cappella A Cappella German Club French Club Key Club Junior Choir aez, Carmen ...............................123 Deca 1odel UN - ecretary, Vice- President Sainsbury, Peggy ..................75, 123 ~ chool Play- \"Teahouse of the Deca August Moon\" entry Phelps, Joey ..................................118 amowitz,. Kirk ............................119 General Activities Chess Club Philllps, Jack ................................118 panish Club General Activities Sanchez, Carman ..................93, 123 Pidcock, Echo ....................117, 121 Deca Deca Safety Council 197

1odel L Honor , tudent Red Cross Club Waechter, AI .. ..71, 123, 172 mith, King ational Honor oClety chool Musicals \" nsinkable .........6 , 69, 71, 120 \"Brigadoon\" A Caprella Photo rarhy Molly Brown\" A Cappella tory, Debra .............61, 90, 105, 124 \" 1y Fair Lady\" Interpretive Adverti ing Agency chool Plays - \"Inherit the Band - Pre idem Wind\" Junior Choir Girl ' A odation \"Teahouse of the August Sch ol Play- \"Teahou e of the Ra eball ( phomore) Pep Club Moon\" Red Cro. s - Hi tori an Augu t . ioon\" Junior Choir Ru. ian Club - \\'ice-President Stage Design Walker, Crrug ..... ...• ...96, 106, 123 Thespian Club- Treasurer Orchestra afety Council Twitchell, Claron .........97, 122, 170 Ba,ketball ( ophomore) chool Musical - \"Unsinkable Chess Club - Vice-President Pep Band \\1olly Brown\" Football ( ophomore) tuJent Council ~c hool Play - \"Inherit the School Musical - \"My Fair chool Musical - \"Bri adoon\" Wind\" Walker, Kathleen .......... 125, 167 Thespian Club- ecretary Lady\" mith, Janice ···········-·····-···95, 124 tratford, ue ................... .......124 Tyck.en, teve ....51,63,6, 4,122 Honor tudent General Activities FHA Band Hi-Ettes trmgham, 1ax ----·--········-····--.lZZ Chess Club mith, Mar~hall .................. ····----120 General Activities Dance Band Junior Choir trong, Colleen ........... ..........93, 95, Debate , ational Honor ~ocie ty General Activities Debate Club mith, l>aulette .....95, 107, 124, 166 107, 124, 167, 172 Football ( ophomore) Wallace, Craig • .. ...53, 96, 123 FHA - ecretary, Vice-Pres., School Musical - \"Unsinkable FHA Hi-Ettes - \\'ice-President pani h Club Honor tudent Molly Brown\" Honor tudent , chool Play- \" Teahouse of the Teenage Republicans ational Honor ~ociety ational Honor oc1ety ,chool Play- \"Teahouse of the August Moon\" Tennis mtth, Stephen .. ............ 68, 69, 122 Student Council August Moon\" Track Walsh, John ... ............... ..... .....123 Band tutz, Clara -······-········-··············-124 u Debate Cluh Pep Band General Activities Wankier, Gail ..........61, 70, 125 nyder, Amber ·---··-- ....59, 66, 124 A Cappella Deca - ecretary Drill Team JV Cheerleader German Club ngleader Junior Choir Student Council Pep Club nyder, Richard ..........107, 174,122 , chool 1u ical - \" My Fair Ba ketball ( ophomore) Lady\" Golf Ward, John .. .......... -·· ....123 National Honor Society General Activities chool Musical - \"Unsinkable Warner, D'Ann ............. .. .. . ..125 Molly Brown T Hi-Ettes tudent Council oren. en, Kathy ......•.66, 90, 91, 124 Taylor, Marsha .......... 124 l'pdyke, Kelcy ......64, 65, 70 Warner, 'oreen ...................125 Advertising Agency General Activities A Cappella General Activitie Art Club Templin, Carl ...... ...67, 6 '69, Dance Club Welch, Linda .......67, 70, 125, 167 Dec a 1, 107, 122, 167 Debate Club A Cappella orensen, Kim . -···- ..................122 Band Honor tudent Honor Student General Activities Dance Band Junior Choir National Honor oc1ety Sorensen, Kenley ....... ..............122 Honor Student ational Honor ociety Orchestra General Activitie. Key Club afety Council chool Musical \"Unsinkable \"oren. en, Terri . ... 66, 70, 124 ational Honor oc1ety chool Musical - \"My Fair Molly Brown\" A Cappella Orchestra - Vice-President Lady\" \"Brigadoon\" afety Council panish Club panish Club \" 1v Fair Lady\" Welch, Paulette ............ 61, 70, 125 Junior Choir Thomas, Dan ...............................122 Student Council Art Club Che s Club The p1an Club A Cappella Soren. on, Ron .........37, 70, 84, 122 Junior Choir Urry, Becky ............... ...61, 70, 124 German Club A Cappella Thomas, haron .......... ......•75, 124 A Cappella Junior Choir Model UN Debate Club General Activities Chasons Football Thon:tpson, Bill .. ......................122 Junior Choir Pep Club Lettermen's Club General Activities Pep Club afety Council Soulier, Scott ..........43, 63, 84, 1ZZ Thomp. on, Brent .. . ·-····· .....122 Safety Council chool Musical - \"Brigadoon\" Ba. ketball - Manager General Activities Utley, Chris ..............- ...87, 8 , 89, \\VenJ.\"(ren, Marsha .............72, 125 Debate Thomp on, Ellen ....... -· ....95, 124 106, 122, 145 Chamber Choir Football - Manager FHA Band chool lusicals - \"Brigadoon\" Key Club French Club Chasons \"My Fair Lady\" Lettermen's Club Hi-Ettes Dance Band West, Rick . .......... ----· ........123 School Play - \"Inherit the chool Play - \"Inherit the Football Football ( ophomore) Wind\" Wind\" Lettermen's Club \\Vest, Roger .. . .......................... 123 Tenms ymphony Sub-Debs Stage Design French Club White, Roger .... ... ______ 107, 123 outhworth, Ron ............ ······- ..122 Thomson, Shauna 70, 85, 107, 124 Studentbody V1ce-President General Activitie A Cappella Student Council - Pre ident ational Honor oc1ety ~am, Lon ..........................75, 5, 1ZZ Hi-Ettes Teenage Republicans White, herman ..77, 107, 123, 167 Baseball Junior Choir v Che.s Club E.·pres ions ational Honor ociety ................ Honor tudent chool Musical- \"My Fair School Musical - \"My Fair ational Honor ociety Lady\" Lady\" Van Alphen, Tineke ......61, 71, 105, Photography Whiteley, Mike .....37, 49, 106, 123 Sentry Thespian Club 106, 107, 124, 167 Thespian Club Thomp on, Susan . .... .............124 A Cappella Baseball tan field, Dennis ········--------.46, 122 Expre. ssions Honor Student Football Lettermen's Club German Club Junior Choir Widerburg, Arnie ........70, 87, 123 Wrestling Thomrson, Susan ----····· --········--124 ational Honor Society L A Cappella General Activitie tauffer, Tom -----·-····················-122 Pep Club Cha ons Art Club Tibbets, Scott ..... ... 4 , 54, 122 chool Musicals - \"Unsinkable Debate Club Interpretive A Cappella Molly Brown\" Junior Choir Junior Choir Baseball - Manager \"My Fair Lady\" pani h Club chool Musicals - \"Unsinkable Football (Sophomore) tudentbody Hi ronan Wight, Christina ................... 67, 125 Molly Brown\" Junior Choir Student Council chool Musicals - \"Unsinkable \"Brigadoon\" Lettermen's Club Symphony Sub-Debs Molly Brown\" chool Plays - \"Rainmaker\" Wre ding Van Dam, Claudia .. 70, 90, 95, 125 \"Brigadoon\" \"Inherit the Wind\" Trimble, Ilene ...... ......61, 71, 124 A Cappella \"~1y Fair Lad~ ·· tudent Council A Cappella FHA Wilkes, Karen ......... _ 95, 125 Thespian Club French Club Model Deca Steed, Lillian ................. _ ..124 Junior Choir Van Wagoner, Carol .. --------125 FHA Model UN General Activities Deca Hi-Ette Stevens, Darelyn ..........................124 Pep Club Van Zyverden, Katie ..................125 William , Dave ...................106, 123 General Activities Truiillo, Adolph .......................... 122 Student Council General Activities Stevens, Kim ................107, 122, 164 Wrestling Vlakovich, John ..........................123 Wil on, Brent .......- ....- _ .........123 Honor Student T uya, Joy ···--·-··············--70, 90, 85, General Activities General Activitie 124,170,171,173 ational Honor Society w \\Vii on, Leslee ·····-- ...•.......71, 125 A Cappella - ecretary tocks, Jay ··--------··---··-··-·····-----'22 A Cappella Pep Band Advertising Agency - President Debate Track Interpretive Wade, Brent ..............24, 46, 54, 123 Dnll Team Lettermen's Club Stohel, Glenn ........97, 107, 122, 167 Junior Cho1r French Club Wrestling Chess Club JV Cheerleader Girls' As ociation 198

Junior Cho1r Football Bigler, Arnie .................87, 127, 170 Deneri , Dem .......... 4, 85, 87, 130 Den ley, Bruce ................51, 70, 130 .::hool Mu icnl - \"Brigadoon\" Lettermen's Club Bigler, Cindy . ....... . • ...65, 128 Densley, Ron L. . ... .......51, 130 Dewey, hauna ...- ......................130 Sophomore Class ~ecretary Key Club Bigler, Wayne . .. ......77, 127, 170 D d •e, ;\\terrill ....79, 85, 90, 130, 173 tudent Council Sophomore Cia s Pre tdent Biltz, Stanley ...................... 44, 127 D man, Mark ...... .............- ......13 D man, Mark ...............__ .......130 Wmegar, Todd ... 62, 70, '4, 87, 123 Student CounCil Bishop, Bruce ... . .... ....... .......128 D nga, Jean ..............79, 87, 99, 130 A Cappella Tennis Black, Gordon ......................128 Doom, ]ani • . .. ...............79, 130 Dory, Cynthia .........................130 Chasons Yengich, Richard .......................124 Blair, Bruce ...........................71, 128 Doyle, Dan .................................130 Drake, Larry ...................... 79, 130 Debate General Activitie Bosn:e s, Mike .............................12 Draney, Dee ................................130 Draper, Carolyn ..........................131 Debate Club - Vice-Pre ident Youn~, David ............. ....36, 51, 54, Borg, Don • ...... •......... 50, 128 Dumas, Dave .....................50, 130 Dye, Rod .............................85, 130 Interpretive 72, 124, 172 Bosworth, Rayma ..................79, 128 Junior Choir A Cappella Boulton, Jackie ..............77, 94, 128 chool Musical - \"Bngadoon\" Basketball (Sophomore) Bowlden, Kim ..... ....37, 38, 128 Teenage Republicans Chamber Choir Boyce, David ................................128 Winget, teve ........70, 85, 8 , Football Braithwaite, Jeff ............................128 97, 123, 172 Key Club Briggs, Guy .................................128 A Cappella Lettermen's Club Brim, Greg M...............................128 Chess Club Junior Choir Brough, Rick ............63, 84, 107, 128 Interpretive chool Musicals - \"Brigadoon\" Brown, Duane .........79, 87,128, 176 E Junior Choir \"My Fair Lady\" Brown, Ray ............................79, 128 Key Club - Vice-President School Play - \"Teahouse of the Brown, Rick C. ........44, 48, 79, 128 Eby, Debb1e .. . ... .. ..75, 131 Model U August Moon\" Brown, Teresa ..60, 65, 79, 107, 128 Edmund , Conme .......................131 Forensic tudent Council Brown, Terry ..............................128 Edwards, Jim .............74, 75, 130 School ~lu icals - \"Un,inkable Track Brown, Valerie Kay .....60, 79, 128 Ekstrom, Violet . ... ..67, 107, 131 Molly Brown\" Young, Richard..... ......... 124 Broyles, Don .......................67, 128 Elmer, Jerry Allan ......................130 \"My Fair Lady\" General Activities Buchanan, Lyle ........ ,_...47, 54, 128 Eng trom, Robert .. ........129, 130 _chool Plavs- \"Inherit the Young, Roy .............-51, 54, 124, 141 Buck, Danny .....12'\" Erdman, Richard .. .. ... ....... ....130 Winci\" Lettermen' Club Buck, Don ... . . ... . ....... 12 Eri k on, Gay ..67, 95, 106, 107, 131 \"Teahou e of the August Track Buhler, Geri ............................79, 128 Erickson, Janean ......24, 79, 107, 131 Moon\" Young, teve ..........................84, 124 Bulkley, Paul .... ... .. ......104, 128 Eskelsen, Luann ....58, 106, 131, 150 \"The Rainmaker\" General Activities Bullet, Martha ...............92, 95, 128 Evan., Dan .................................130 tudent Council z Bullock, Cherie ........79, 98, 107, 128 Evan , Dtanne ................. 131 Thespian Club Burnham, Donald .............47, 129 Winget, Tim ... ...............37, 123 Burnham, Ronald ........ 46, 54, 129 F Football Zabri kie, Lee ..............................124 Burkin haw, cott .........- ..-51, 12 General Activities Lettermen's lub Burningham, David 36, 38, 107, 129 Fa~rbank , Marrin .................99, 130 Zabri. kie, Paul ...........................124 \\Viseman, Bruce ............... 24, 123 General Activities Bu by, Gary ..................................129 Ferrich, Russell ..............63, 79, 84, General Activities Zttting, Irene • ... ... .. .. ..... ...125 Bush, Carla D..............79, 96, 12 87, 106, 130, 176 General Activities \\'(liseman, Jerry . .. ........... .123 Bush, Gayle ....... ... ..65, 12 , 170 Ferrm, Russell .....................79, 130 General Activities Bushnell, Marsha .......................128 Fisher, Emma .._., ....................131 Withers, Mike .............................123 Butterfield, D'Ann .............75, 128 Fleming, Diane ......- .......75, 79, 131 Track (Sophomore) Bytendorp, Craig ...................129 Flowers, Bill ...............................130 Wood, Gloria 63, 77, 2, 84, 86, 125 Juniors c Ford, David ...... . ....79, 87, 131 Debate A Forgie, LeRoy ..............................131 Debate Club Frisby, Bob .. . .............................131 Safety Council - President Cabibt, ]om . ..... ......74, 75, 12 Frit:, Patricia .............. .............131 Campbell, Kevin ...79, 87, 129, 176 wdent Council Adair, Kerry ............. 127 Fuhriman, Robert W .................131 Carlston, Kim ..................79, 80, 129 Yearbook Adams, Janice ..........................:...127 Fullmer, Jim ... ..•.. .. ..............131 Carter, Gayle . .... .. ..................128 Wood, Keith ...................70, 123 Adams, teve ........................68, 127 Fullmer, Lance .....50, 131 Castle, Larry ................. 98, 107, 128 A Cappella Alford, Terry .............................127 Cazier, Susan ........................65, 128 Expressions Allen, Eddie ....................48, 79, 127 Chadwick, Kim .. ....................129 G Chapman, Jerry .........................129 Junior Choir Allen, Martha ..................67, 68, 127 Cherrington, Boyd ....................129 tudent Council Allen, Mesia • . • ..... ............127 Chesnik, Ron ................... .47, 129 Galla o, tephen ........................131 Woodward, Peggy ............72, 87, 83, Allen, Rochelle ........74, 75, 107, 127 Christensen, Carol ......................129 Garrick, Vickie ..... -· .... .....131 Christen en, Cathy .......60, 75, 129 Gatherum, Joyce ........................131 Chamber Ch01r 107, 125, 167 Allen, Sam ....................................127 Glenn, Garth .............- ..............131 Christen en, Debra ........60, 79, 106. Glover, Blake ............................131 Honor Student Andersen, Tim ...........................127 Glover, Greg ..............................131 107, 129, 176 Glover, Rod .....................36, 38, 42, Junior Choir Anderson, Brian ....................79, 127 Chnstensen, DouRla ...........36, 38, 43, 44, 54, 131 ational Honor ociety Anderson, Delores ................79, 127 50, 54, 129 Gon:ale , Elaine .....................131 Anderson, Eileen .. _ ..................127 Chri ten en, Joe P.......................129 Gon:ale., orma ..........................131 Safety Council Christianson, Paula . .....60, 79, 84, Gordon, Lee ..............................131 Anderson, Marilyn ...................... 127 Graehl, ally .........................61, 131 chool Mu. ical - \" 1y Fair 7, 99, 12 Gray, Dick ..... _ • _ .................98 Anderson, Mark ......................127 Claw·on, Harvey .......71,107,129 Lady\" Clayton, Marie ............................129 Green, Mike ................................131 Ander on, teven ........................127 Cluff, teven L. ... ..... .............129 Green, Sherman ,_.....................131 \\Vooten, Debbie ........................125 Andrew., Lorraine ......................127 Collins, \\'icki ......................-.......129 Green, teven ...... ... ... ·-·-··--131 General Activities Commons, Carol ............96, 107, 129 Griffi -, Janet ..................................131 Asay, Bill ..................63, 70, 84, 85, Conder, Bob ...... ..... •..65, 79, 129 Griffith, Robert ..._ ..............42, 43, Workman, Clair ... .....72, 123, 167 107, 127, 170, 172,201 Conti, Anna Marie ............75,129 44, 54, 79, 131 Chamber Choir Gro .nickle, Dawn .....................131 Asay, Stephanie ......................75, 127 Cook, Marven D.............84, 97, 129 French Club Cook, Richard G.................46, 129 Ashby, Eddie ................................127 Cooley, olan ............................129 Honor Student A troth, Kirk ..............62, 86, 87, 127 Copley, Ann ................................129 Junior Choir Cottingham, teve ..........71, 8 , 129 Atkinson, Kathleen ........87, 95, 127 Cowley, ]ani ..64, 65, 77, 79, 9 , 129 . 1ational Honor ociety Augason, Mary ..............................127 Cowley, Pauline ...-5 , 79, 106, 129 Orchestra Crane, andy ................................129 Ault, Linda ....................79, 94, 127 chool Mu icab - \" 'nsinkable Crawford, Richard ......................129 Austin, Launa .......79, 127 !v1olly Brown\" Curley, Delores .• . . .. ............129 Curtis, John S.............................130 \"Brigadoon\" B Cutler, Cathy ... 20, 60, 79, 107, 130 H \"My Fair Lady' \\Vorkman, Steve ..............63, 72, 81, Ba~ley, Pam ............................127 Hagen, Kevin ...... •..............131 Bailey, Barbara . .......................127 Hall, Janet ....................................131 85, 124, 137, 170 Bain, usan ..................................127 Hampton, Linda . ........64, 65, 79, Banks, Rus ell A. • . ..........127 Han. en, La Dean ......................132 Chamber Cho1r Han en, Debbie .............92, 96, 131 Bannon, Dean ..............................127 Forensics Barnhur t, Kevin ..............63, 85, 96, 107, 131, 174 Han en, Larrv .............. 46, 79, 131 Junior Cho1r 107, 127, 172, 173 Han en, 1aureena ..............79, 132 Ba com, u an ........................98, 127 Han. en, Ru . ... ..... ................131 Key Club Bath, Allen ............................80, 127 Harri , Bruce ................................131 Beal, Rick ................................63, 127 Harri. , Chirelle .. ... ..................132 chool Mus1cals - \"Brigadoon\" Hartman, Tom M........................132 Beal, Gary .................36, 50, 38, 127 Harward, Randy ......- ..........4 , 132 \"My Fair Lady\" Beckstead, Lyn ................77, 79, 127 Hathaway, Mike ..42, 43, 44, 79, 132 Wright, Robert ..........................123 Beckstead, Kris ............38, 76, 77, 79, Hawker, Gene ................... 132, 174 106, 107, 127 Hnwkin., Grant.. .......................42 Deca D Beckstead, Roxanna ....................12 Hell trom, Eric .............67, 68, 69, Football ( ophomore) Belcher, Dave . . . . -· ....... 105, 127 J, 99, 107, 132 Wyker, Jeannette ......................125 Bennett, Carol ......79, 95, 106, 128 Dahl, Karen ..................60, 85, 130 He , , cott ..... ... • 79, 106, 132 Berrett, Carolyn .............65, 79, 12 Davis, Ann ...............60, 4, 94, 130 Hickman, Dan ............................131 tudent Council Davis, Craig ..................................130 Be , Karen ....65, 79, 96,99, 128, 174 Davis, Rolayne ............ __.......130 y Bigler, Allen ..................................77 Da:ley, Pam ............................92, 130 Yamashiro, Gary ...........35, 37, 53, Dean, Marlo .....................36, 3 , 44, 54, 70, 79, 1, 124 50, 54, 71, 130 A Cappella Decker, Jennifer R.......68, 69, 130 Chess Club Degroot, Christine Lynne .. 107, 130 199

Htck on, Colleen .. ......79, 132 Ley ba, joAnn .... ..................... 134 1tchoL, T ric ta ..... ....... • ___ 136 .... 139 Ht iL, Ke\\tn D. ... ... .. . ...1 07, 132 L ·ba, Matilda .. .........96, 134, 172 68, 69, 13 Hinnen, Je an ....... . ..•..... 132 Li ndauer, D ug .. ...........36, 47, 77, 'ielsen, Gary ..... ..... ......136 H ob , , lt chael .........................132 .51, 13 106, 134 'telsen, haron ....................... 136 Holladay, T anya ...............75, 132 Li ndgren, D rot hv .............134 • chmie tt, kip ......... ... . 138 H olt, Randy .......... ... __ ........... 132 Lmd ley, Gayle ..........................1 34 • 'ielson, Deb ......................106, 136 Littl efi eld, Dtann e .. -- .92, 134 chmttt, Bill ............... - .79, 13 Hood, Kay ...........60, 106, 132, 176 Lloyd, Par ....................61, 65, 134 , 'ilsson, h aro n . ·--------·· 76, 77, 79, Horrocks, Mark ..............79, 7, 132 Long, T e rry ................................134 106, 136 c tt, 1\\laria nne .....75, 95, 139 Hortin, Von ..... ...67, I, 130, 132 Lope:, Dtane ...... .... .... .93, 135 Howard, Kelly ......................._ ..132 Lope:, Rachel _ ................... 135 . 'oland , uze tte ...........66, 79, I 6 etterbe rg, T erry ..........79, 129, 139 Lore:, Ramona Jea n ..................135 H owi k, Larry .......... _ 6, , 106, Lovele s, Margie ...... ....79, 4, 135 'orris, G ary W ...........................136 eward, Dtxie ... ........... .........139 130, 132, 176 Lowder, Debi ...................70, 7, 135 Lund, Jolene ..................79, 94, 135 • uttal, Kri .....61, 107, 136 ' harp, Keith ]. ................9 , 13 Hubert, Rowland ........79, 106, 132 Lu t)', D. Brett .. ...... ·-· .........134 Hud. on; Gary .................75, 132 Lyon, Connie ..............................135 harp, T om ... . .............. ... .1 38 Huish, arol ................................132 Lyon, Wayne Glover .. _ .....134 Hunter, Robert cott ..........79, 132 0 ha• er, Ca rlene ...... . _ . . 139 Hunt man, • !itch ............79, 85, 132 M H.urst, Karen ...... ........... •.....132 , haw, Forre t ..........................138 Macfarlane, heri ............61, 79, 84, 7, 105, 135 O 'Brien, Colleen ..................23, 136 haw, Frank .............67, 68, 69, 138 Macka)·, Kay ........................134 Oliver on, Kevin .................... 0, 136 haw, Ketth .... •. . ... ..•... 138 lacneil, Terre ....................106, 135 OLen, Debhie .........................136 Mad en, Carlo F.....68, 69, 134, 170 Shelton, Mark A. .................51 , 138 Malmberg, Greg .. .. .........79, 134 Olsen, Mark ..................70, 136, 171 Maim trom, Mel ..............79, 84, 134 Olsen, , 'anc y A. ....79, 93, 107, 136 her erd, Kathy ............ •. 79, 139 Malstrom, KenJel .........79, 99, 134 1angum, Kent ...... .............79, 134 OL on, Blaine A..................... 4, 136 herwooJ, Julie .. ..... . .93, 139 ~Ianning, \\'irginia ........67, 107, 135 Olson, j im ............. ..... .............136 Man nos, George J. ......... ... ...134 Olson, Randy ·····-~·-· ...81, 97, 136 hield , tephen ..................... 138 ~lanno,, joe • •....36, 3 , 50, 54, O stler, Rand y ......................... 136 Ontiveros, Kathy Louise . ....... 136 ilva, Em ily ....... ..... .... . .. . .139 79, 134 Ostlund, haron ...................... 136 Marchant, Kn ttne .. .... ...79, 135 tmm n , Randy .....1 3 Markowski, Mark ......................134 ~1arku , Ken ........................- ..134 imp on, Denni .............79, 138 Marquardt, Chn . . ---. _ ...134 lker, Kris .........................63, , 132 Martt, Ken ...................................135 mart, Brent . ...... ... ..68, 69, 13 Martin, Pat .................................. 135 Iversen, Linda ··-··- ........... 132 Martineau, Kathy ........79, 104, 105, Smart, Ray . • ...4 7, 79, 138 107, 135 mit, Peggy ..................61, 75, 139 Martinez, Joey ..............................135 Ma er, Alan ............................135 p muh, Carole . .. .. ....... - ......139 Massey, orman ..............46, 54, 135 Mathew, R. Brent .......47, 77,135 Palmer, ohm ....63, 70, 4, 5, 104, mith, Colleen ............... 139 Mat on, Stephen ............51, 77, 104, 136, 170, 171, 172, 173 Jack on, Kay ..............60, 66, 94, 132 mith, Dave ....37, 51,3 , 138 Jamison, Doug .............................132 105, 135 Park, Kell y ..................2 , 51, 90, 136 Jarman, jeff C. ..... ..... ...........132 Maxfield, Burton ............37, 38, 135 Parkm, Linda ... ......61, 79, 4, 99, mith, Jody .....................79, 138 jeff , Gary ..............................6 , 132 Maxfield, Paul . - .......................135 Mayfield, Randy ........................135 107, 136 m ith, jolleen . ... . .....139 Jensen, Alan ·---·-·-····--···· ......132 Maynard, Janice ..........................135 jensen, George ···---·- ..............133 Pay ne, Darla .............. ..............136 mith, Jud y ......................79, 139 Je up, Joyce ................75, 4, 132 laynes, janice ......................98, 135 Pearce, janene ...........................136 Jewkes, Kendell ..... ...... .79, 133 1cKniRht, adeen ........79, 93, 135 Pearce, Kn tine . ..... . .. -- .....137 mith, Julie ...........................79, 139 Johanson, Kathy ........................132 McMillan, hawndra ...............135 Pearson, Ellen ........ ...................137 john , Ludean ..........._ ..........93, 132 McTague, Merrill E. ..................135 Pearson, Karla D. ............64, 65, 67, mith, Ranon .. . ...•. . .......95, 139 John on, Carl --- ....................133 Mecham, Lorna ..............92, 93, 135 Johnson, Dale ..............................133 Merkling, Mike L. ......- ..............135 79, 137 Smith, usan ..... ....................140 johnson, Dale ...- .....36, 3 , 82, 133 Merrihew, Jorgett ............65, 79, 135 Pedersen, Crai~ ...................... 136 John on, Dave ........................68, 133 Merrill, Zan ........77, 79, 85, 96, 107, Pennington, Ann •... ....... • -· .137 narr, Rodney ......................138 johnson, Eric .............. ..... ........133 Perry, Jasen ...............................137 John. on, Janene ..79, 7, 96, 99, 132 135, 171, 180 Perry, john ......... ........................137 orensen, Mike ..........................138 Johnson, Jo ....................................132 Meyer, Rick ......................82, 86, 135 Peter , Su an ................... ..........13 7 john on, Ron---·-·.. . ...........133 Miller, julie ............................98, 136 Petersen, Claudia ... _____...........137 orenson, Yvonne ............79, 93, 140 Jolle), ~ cott ..........................106, 133 Miller, Mike . .... ..... .70, 81, 135 Jones, DeeAnn ........92, 96, 107, 132 Millerburg, Doug .......................135 Peter en, Kathy ........................137 pencer, David .. ............ .... ....139 }one , Julie ...................65, 132, 174 1ilne, Gordon ......- ...................135 Peterson, Bobbi ..........................138 )one , Laura ................................132 Minde, Anne .............. •..61, 98, 136 Peter on, Jill ......... .....79, 107, 137 prin~er, Lorrame . . . -- ...140 Jone , Loui e ....................76, 77, 79, Mitchell, Kim ..............................135 Peterson, Marv ...................... .137 rauffer, Jim ..................................139 Mlaker, Steve ..............................135 85, 107, 132, 172 Money, Gary . ·-- - --...................135 Peterson, Stephen ......................137 Stavros, George .............. ... .• .139 }one , Peggy .................................133 Mons, David ..........................79, 135 Phelps, Dawn .......................79, 137 }one , tan K. ........................46, 133 Mon on, Bruce ..........51, 79, 81, 135 Phillips, Debbie .....................29, 137 Steadman, Jill ..........................140 Jorgen en, Kathy 60, 79, 8, 91, 133 Monty, Tom ..............................135 Phillips, D uglas ______......67, 137 Juhlin, Bob ....................................133 Morgan, Robert ............................135 revens, Patti .........................140 Mosher, Shelly ..........61, 64, 65, 137 Platt, Frank . .. ... .. .... .............137 K Mo s, Virginia ..............................136 Platt, Madelyn ...........................137 Stevenson, Dave ........... ........139 Mounteer, Ray ......................79, 136 Poulsen, Jane ................-· ----~· ...13 Kartchner, teve ...... ...... .......... 133 , 1un ey, Joe .........._ ...74, 75, 79, 136 Price, Trud y ...............................13 Stewart, Denni ....................98, 139 Kati , 1ike ..............................47, 133 Musselman, Bonnie ...................136 Kefauver, ~teve . ... -·· .........133 Prusse, Roger ..........................137 tillman, Karen .......79, 87, 94, 140 Kemp, Kay .......................- ..........133 akashima, Bruce .. .................136 Pugh, Brian ..............................137 Kemp, Kelly .............. ............87, 133 1aylor, Gary ..........................79, 136 trarf r l, Geor ia ..... • _ ... ...140 Kendall, Kathy ...........................132 a::ise, am . . ...... _ ..............136 Keogh, Brian ....................50, 70, 133 el on, Brice K. ....................67, 136 rowe, jeff~ ----·· ..............37, 38, 139 Nel on, Rick .....37, 38, 44, 106, 136 Keyes, Kris ............. ·-·--·-··--······133 ewbold, Dixie ............................136 Sullivan, hannon ..................76, 77, Kikel, Pat ................................79, 133 ewbold, Marlene ..................79, 93, Kinsley, Roger ............................133 104, 105, 140, 172 Kirch, Herb ..............................133 136, 172 Kirk, Darlene ..............................133 ewman, Dave ................37, 38, 136 wen en, Marlo ...........................139 Kjar, Jeff ......................36, 41, 42, 43, ew ·orne, Shawn David ............136 ewton, Kim ..............................136 T 49,54, 70,106,133,153 ey, Craig ....................................136 Knobel, Keith ..............................133 R Tallon, Cathie ..........................140 Koehler, joAnn .......................133 Tangaro, Lorraine ................75, 140 Krahenbuhl, joanne ......98, 107, 133 Randall, Janet ...............9 , 107, 13 Taylor, Kenney ......................79, 139 Read, Wilham L. ................79, 137 Taylor, Robert ...... .....................139 L Rees, Darrell ..............................137 Tebb, Reba ..........................79,140 Reid, Frank ................51, 71, 2, 4, Templin, Bonnie .......................140 Laco. ·, Benjamin j. .. - ..........133 Templm, Connie ...............106, 140 Landers, Vicki ........................79, 133 6, 106,137,170 Thalmann, joan ......................79, 96, Larsen, Annette ........79, 85, 99, 133 Retd, Josie A. _ ......................... 13 Landvatter, Brent ..................79, 135 Revill, ylvia ...................... _ ..138 105, 106, 140 Larsen, Fred ........36, 38, 49, 54, 106, Reyes, Anl(ie .............................. 13 Thomas, Harold ..37, 38, 46, 79, 139 Reynold , teve .......................... 137 Thompson, Jaqueline ......65, 79, 140 134, 141 Rhodes, cott ..............................137 Lar en, Larry N . ........................134 Richards, teven .....- ...........36, 54, Thompson, Lori ·----·-···-····---140 Lar en, Mitzi ............ 3, 7, 105, 134 Thurmond, Denise ..........75, 79, 140 La ater, Michael ..........................134 79, 87, 137, 149 Tibbett., jeannie ....................75, 140 Rtchard on, Billy ...... .............137 Ti\"hner, Pam ... ...........79, 85, 140 Lauritzen, Cheryl ···-·-·- ······-·..134 Rico, Alfonso ............................13 7 Lauritzen, LonaVon ........76, 77, 134 Ridd, Darwin ................................137 Tolman, Sherri ......................79, 140 Leak, Marsha ........................107, 134 Ridge, Karen ................................138 Trujillo, Manuel ........46, 47, 54, 139 Leake, Brent Thomas ....36, 38, 134 Rttzman, Terry ............................137 Tueller, Dennis ................79, 5,139 Leatherwood, Li a ......................134 Robert on, Karolee _____99, 107, 13 Ledkin , Steve ............_ ..............134 u Lennberg, Connie ..........79, 107, 134 Robinson, Gary ...........................137 Leonard, Richard .........._ ...........134 Robin on, Kathy ............79, 99, 13 Updyke, Kelcy ................61, 79, 140 Robinson, andy }. ............... .....138 Rodberg, Wendy ........................13 v Roger. on, Ralph ...................51, 137 Romero, Carl ..........................46, 13 Van Dam, Robert ........79, 104, 139 Romm, tephanie ................65, 139 Romney, andy ........................... 139 Vandersteen, Roger ........ 139 Ronquillo, Freddie ......................13 Roylance, Roger ....................77, 138 Vanfleet, Lorraine ............85,.95, 140 Ruhlander, Lynne ............83, 86, 139 Rus ell, Mary .................84, 87, 139 VanWagoner, Kurt R........ 139, 176 s Vernon, Vicky ......................96, 140 aez, Carmen E.....................93, 139 Vigil, Kristie ..........................79, 141 anchez, Lucy Luzaida ................139 w Wade, Kelly j. ................37, 38, 139 Wahlen, Vickie ............................141 Wall~ren, Lynda ............93, 9 , 141 \\Val h, Richard ............................139 Wand, Lisa .....................61, 79, 140 Ward, Lynnae ........61, 79, 107, 141 200

W ardell, Laurence ................79, 87, Bigler, Dean ....... .... ...........144 Crawford, Robin ............_ ...95, 145 Glover, cott ............................148 99, 107, 139 Bills, Terry ..........................- ...144 Creb6, Robyn ..............................145 Bitter, Merrill Grant ....................144 Cressall, Shirley .......................145 Goff, Chan se ...................---- ...147 Warnes, Trud y ......................93, 140 Crews, Dwight . .. ..................146 Goodwin, Doug ......---- ..........148 Wathen, Steve • .... ..............79, 140 Blake, and i J... -·--·-· ..............143 Crum, Paula ...............................145 Gorberg, Chris ..........................148 Watson, Craig ...............37, 38, 140 Blanca, Elva .... .... ....................143 Crump, Karen ..............................145 Webb, Bruce ................................139 Bloomdale, Randy E. .................144 Cummings, Dave ........................146 Gotberg, Terrie L. ........................ 147 Webb, Lila ............................93, 141 Boberg, David ..............................144 Curti , Craig ......................38, 39, 44, Graham, Ron .............................- 148 Welch, Don .._ ..........................140 Borich, Debbie Jean ....................143 Graves, Gerry ... .............85, 148, 170 Wells, tan ....................28, 70, 140 Bo h, Lori ......................................143 45, 141, 146 Green, Greg ...............................148 Wenerstrom, Alan ...........37, 38, 46, Bosworth, Myrtle ..................68, 143 Bowden, Jean ................................143 D Green, ]. .......................- ............148 49, 54, 106, 139, 141 Boyd, Gary L. ............51, 68, 98, 144 Green, Kim L. ........... - ................148 We tbury, John ............................ 140 Brad ford, cott ............. ..... 45, 144 Dahl, Brent .............. •.............146 Green, Rand al W ...........68, 81, 148 Wenel, Paul ...---·-----.. ........ 140 Brady, Gordon C. ................... 144 Daniel , Bart ...............................146 Green, Terry ...............................148 Wharff, Carrie ......................75, 141 Brady, Marie ..........................68, 143 Danielson, Paula ........................145 Greenwall, Connie •. ,_.............147 White, Ros ............................98, 140 Brannan, Jim ................................144 Dan ie, Richard ....................90, 146 Whiteley, Jim C . ..............37, 38, 42, Brewer, Teressa ............................ 143 Davidson, Michael ......................146 Griffeth, G ary G. ..................39, 148 Brewster, Linda ......................83, 85, Davis, Carolyn ......... ....- 85, 145 Griffin, Marty ..............................148 43, 49, 79, 140 Dawson, Linda D. ......................145 Griffith, Becky .....................90, 147 Wight, LaWanna ..................67, 141 87, 105, 143 DeGraw, Dennis .......3 9, 50, 51, 146 Griffith, Bruce ..............................148 Willden, Karen ............................ 141 Brienholt, Mi chele ......................143 DeLaCruz, Arturo ......................148 Griffiths, Cathy ............. ____.......147 Williams, Jeff ................................140 Briggs, Dianne ......................143, 180. De-la Cruz, Maricela. ..................145 Wilkinson, Le le ...................79, 141 Briggs, Loretta .... .......... ..85, 143 Denneris, Ann ......................97, 147 Griffiths, V aughn A. --------- 47,148 Wilson, Louise ...........................141 Briggs, Part ....................84, 106, 143 Denk, Uwe ..................................146 Grimmett, ancy ........................147 Windley, Greg ..............................140 Brimhall, Dennis ......39, 44, 45, 144 Denning, Linda ..........................14 7 Gross, Rick ...................... .... ...148 Wiseman, Diane ..............61, 79, 141 Brimhall, Lorri ................. .....143 Den ley, Craig ............................148 Guiver, Brian ... ....................150 Wood, John .................................140 Broberg, ue Ann .......................143 Densley, Lori ....................82, 86, 147 Gunnell, Cind y ............................147 Woodhead, teve ........................140 Brown, Cind y ..............................143 Dicke y, Barbara ....... .. .85, 88, 147 Wootton, Dave ........................... 140 Brown, Debbie ·--- .......................143 Dodge, Ruth .........................68, 147 H Wright, John ..... ....... ........ ......140 Brown, id ....................................143 Draks, Bryan L. ..........................148 Wyker, Willy ...............................140 Brown, Steve ................................144 Draper, Melvin ............................146 Hair ton, Betsy ............... - ....... 147 Bruggeman, Rick ..........................144 Dumas, Scott ........................50, 148 X Bruse, Carol N ...........................143 Dunn, Patrice ............................147 Hall, Edward .........................150 Bullock, Linda ............................143 Duvall, Michelle .........96, 99, 147 Xaiz, Earl .......37, 38, 54, 63, 140 Bulloc k, anc y ......................25, 143 Hall, Stan ......................................150 Bullock, Ron .........................39, 144 E y Bump, Jeff D. ................... .........144 Hansen, Dori · ...... ..... ...............147 Bunting, Cherie ...........................143 Earl, Janet ................... .... .. .147 Yengich, Gary .............................140 Burgon, Burnell ........................144 Eckman, Ginger .......................147 Hansen, Leon W . ................50, 52, Young, Frank . .. .. ........... 140 Burningham, Dale .....................144 Edge, Rick .......................39, 45, 148 Young, Howard ...........................140 Bush, Steve ..............................144 Eissinger, Bruce ..... ............ ......148 54, 68, 81, 150 Yowell, Mark E. ....................51, 140 Bushnell, Lynne ....................... 145 Eklund, Nancy ......... .............147 Yowell, Michael Everett ......51, 139 Butcher, Diane .._ ....................145 Ellerman, Doug ............................14 Hansen, Mike ....... .... .. 63, 150 Butler, Elaine ................................ 145 Engel, Jerren L ..... .... - ...........148 Sophomores Byrd, Mickey D........................144 Engstrum, Renee ............90, 99, 147 Hansen, Vicki ...........................149 Epperson, Lanette ......................147 A c Epperson, Rick ............................148 Harada, Susan ..............................149 Erdmann, Kathy ..........................147 Adair, Ron ...... ................. ...39, 144 Caldwell, Barbara .............. 106, 145 Erekson, Marne' ................82, 86, 147 Hardy, Roxanne .. .. . .. .....92, 149 Adams, Richard D. ..... ... ........! 44 Call, Steve ............................51, 144 Erkelens, Brent ...... ...... ........148 Ajioka, Richard ........39, 53, 106, 144 Cannon, Clark ............... 45, 52, 146 Ernst, Elizabeth Ruth ..................147 Hargreaves, usan ........................149 Alba, Mario A. .............39, 144 Cantrell, usanne M. .... .....145 Eskel en, Kermit ..........................148 Alldredge, heila ........................143 Cardwell, Steve ........................146 Eskel on, Gene ..............- ...........148 Harkness, Kathy .. ..... ........ 149 Allen, JohnS.. .......................47, 144 Carlsen, Vickie ............................145 Etherington, Susan ................79, 147 Allen, Mark Randall .......39, 45, 51, Carlson, Bryce ............................145 Evan , Paul C. ..........................148 Harman, cott ... .... .. .........150 Carn, Phil ...............................146 Evenson, Terri ............................147 68, 69, 80, 144 Carroll, Sheri A. ........................145 Harper, Carl D. ..................... 150 Allen, Mary C. ............................143 Carter, Carole ........................85, 145 F Allen, Tom ........67, 68, 69, 144 Carter, Sterling ................67, 68, 146 Harris, Karen .. ......- .. _.. .. 149 Anderson, Celeste ......................143 Carter, Timothy Jon ..............98, 146 farn worth, Dennis ..................148 Harryman, Dale __.......... ..........150 Anderson, Cindy J. .....................143 Cartwright, Lori ...... 5, 94, 145, 172 Feragen, Debbie ..........................14 7 Anderson, Colleen ......................143 Case, To. ie ............................47, 146 Ferguson, Janet ..........................147 Harryman, Shirley ......................149 Anderson, Peggy .......... .........92, 143 Chadwic k, Brent H .....................146 Ferguson, Kerry ..........................147 Andrus, Mike ...............................144 Chappell, Cheree ........... .105, 145 Ferry, Mike ............................51, 148 Hartman, ue ..................... .99, 149 Andrus, Patricia. Ann ...............143 Chaston, Susan ............................145 Fitzgerald, Beverly .._ ..........97, 147 Archuleta, Tommy ...................... 144 Chesley, Marion ........................146 Flores, Henry ................................148 Hatch, Linda .. .............................149 Arment, Gloria A. ...............97, 143 Christian. en, Connie . ... .. ....25, 145 Fobert, Daniel E.........................14 Arnell, Jason ................................144 Christiansen, Deborah Kaye ......145 Forbush, Dan .................._ ...........148 Hawker, Susan ............................149 Atkinson, Monte . . _ .....67, 144 Christensen, Mike .....................146 Forbush, Diane ............................147 Ault, Jim ................................68, 144 Christensen, Reed ......................146 For berl!, David ..........................148 Hawkins, Bradley .. ...........150 Ausseresse. , Tony ........................144 Christensen, Richard .................146 Fox, Rhonda ............... ................75 Christen en, teve ......................146 Frankenberger, John ....................148 Hayward, David .......... ......39, 150 B Churich, Marie ............................145 Freeland, Mike .........................147 Cintron, Nelson ... ..............146 Freeman, Lynne ..........................147 Heath, heila ................................149 Baer, Heidi ....................................143 Clavell, Paula ........................95, 145 Frew, E. Clair ............................148 Bailey, Michael ]. ........................144 Clayton, Courtney ..85, 99, 145, 172 Frier, Roberta .......................... ...147 Heath, tan .............._ ............150 Barker, Allene ..................... 67, 143 Clayton, Jay Dee ...... .............146 Friis, Dennis ..................................148 Barnard, Becky ......................99, 143 Cole, Randy ............................68, 146 Fritz, herrie ...........................147 Heilbut, herrie ......................68, 69, Barnes, Gregory .................. .......144 Coleman, Roger ----·.. .....39, 146 Frost, Beth Ann ..........................147 Barnes, Jimmy ........................9 , 144 Conkle, Becky ......................106, 145 Fulton, Cathy ................................67 97, 106, 142, 149 Barnhurst, Cynthia ...................143 Furse, Sharlene .............. ...106, 147 Henderson, Ralph L. .......39, 49, 68, Basso, Richard .. ............................144 Cook, Brenda D...........................145 Bateman, Bonnie .................,..92, 143 Cook, Coralyn ......- ...........106, 145 G 69, 81, 150 Cook, Jeanie ................................145 Henneman, Chris .......................149 Bateman, Reed J.........................144 Gallegos, Rick L .............106, 148 Cook, Pam ............. ··-·----------...145 Gamanga. so, Myrtle Ann ..........147 Hickman, Daryl T.......................150 Bean, Brian .................................144 Cook, \\XIalter Brent ....................146 Garrett, hirlee . ......................147 Beard, Paul ..... .......................6 , 144 Cooper, Bill ...............................146 Gates, James ......................- .......14 Hickman, Toni ..........................149 Beck read, DeEtte ............68, 69, 143 Cooper, Tom ..........................53, 146 Gerber, Michael ..........................148 Beck teat!, Susan ..................92, 143 Cord ova, Dora ............................145 Getman, Fred J. ............................148 Hicks, Shirley ..............................149 Beckstrom, Rolayne ....................143 Corlett, Boyd ...............................146 Gill, usan .............._ .., ..............147 T\\eesley, tewart ..........................144 Cornum, Debbie ........................145 Glover, Garry ...............................14 Hills, Gary B...............................150 Bel er, LouDene ................67, 143 Coulter, Melvin ....................82, 146 Glover, Kay ..............6 , 69, 97, 147 Bennett, Keith L. ..................... 144 Cowlev, Rick G. ...................39, 146 Glover, Rebecca ..........................147 Hilmar, Suzanne E. .. ..............149 Bennett, Terri ........................- ... 143 Cowley, Tim R. ............................146 Beratto, Mary Anne ............106, 143 Cox, Carrie ..................................145 Hobbs, Jim ...................................150 Berggren, Mark ............................ 144 Cox, Geoffrey ..................68, 69, 146 Bien, usan .................................. 143 Hobbs, Kathleen ........................149 Hodg on, Paula D. ................85, 149 Hogan, Laurie ........................25, 149 Hogf;(ard, Michael K. 67, 68, 69, 150 Hoglund, Barbara J. ....................149 Hokanson, Kirk ... .. .....-.150 Hollstein, Cliff ............................150 Holm, Roger ................................150 Homer, Raymond . •• 9, 51, 150 Horrocks, Robert ....................99, 150 Houghton, John ............................150 Houskeeper, Debi ........................149 Howard, Glen ........................6 , 150 Howick, Ann ... ... ---· ..92, 149 Hughes, Melanie ....................9 , 149 Hughe. , Mike .........- ................150 Hull, Laura J, ..........................149 Hunick, Craig ...........................150 Hutching, Jeff ..............................150 Hutchings, Jenny D...................149 Ike, Debra J...............,_ ............149 lker, Karen ...............- ................149 I t-ell, Manuel .. _ .. .. ... .........150 Iverson, Brent R. ........................150 lver on, Randr .. .....................150 Jackson, Tom W . .........39, 106, 150 Jacob, Lance ..............._ .........39, 150 201

Jacob:<, Kaye ............... ............ 149 la y, Chri ty ...... .......... ....... ...1 51 Pearson, Mark R. .............. . 156 c;;;harp, Connie ... ... 2, 6, 93, 157 Jaram1II , • iargaret ... _ ............149 • b yfi eld , Conn ie ......- . ......151 Peder on, Craig .......... ..15 6 harp, Kri tine • . ........... 9 , 157 Jenkin , Brent .......39, 49, 13 , 152 . tay hew, Lawn ie D... .............152 Pelleg-rino, rthur .....6 , 69, 149 hnrp, Pat .............. ..... 157 Jenkin , teve .......................... 150 , 1aynard, tephen ......................154 Penfold, hirley ............. .66, 67, 2, harp, Paul Jame . .. ..77, 158 }en , David K. ............. ..85, 150 1c nrthv, John .. .............. .. 154 '6, 9, ISS haw, ary _ . ...... ...39, 15 Jensen, Rick ....... ..... ...........39, 150 McFarland , T om ..........................154 Perry, Jeannette ............... ..93, 155 hepherd , Vicki . ...............157 }en n, Lesly .........................85, 149 Mclff, teven Loyd •.• 39, 2, 86, 154 Perry, JoAnn ............................155 Shield , u an Kaye .•- .............. 157 Jentz ·h, adine ···-·-·-.............149 :\\1 Kell , heila ............................151 Peters, Jimmy ....................... 77, 156 , mart, Bruce . ................81, !So Je up, David E. .....................152 , 1cRae, Mnra ......- ... ... . ...151 Peterse n, Sandy...... .... ...... .155 Smart, Debbie .................- . .106, 157 Jewke , Clinton ···-·-··-----51, 152 leadow. , Jim . .. ...........- .....154 Peter:en, teve .........................156 , mart, teve ......- .......51, 130, 15 Je ·, JoA'nn ..........-.. - - .........149 , fedlev, Michelle ........................ 151 Peter~on, Boo .. ·--------·- .156 mith, Mike ....... ............... 158 Johan on, Mark ..........................152 Memmott, Rac helle .. .......... 151 Peterson, Debbie I.. ..................155 mith, Phyllis ..........._ ...............157 John n, Cindy ...............- ..........149 1enlove, Peggy ......................... 151 Peterson, Gwen .. . ...................155 mith, Ray ..................................15 Johnson, Dave ....... ·- ..............152 Merrihew, Zona ....................90, 151 Peterson, Irene ............................155 , mith, Ruth ...... ........................157 John. on, Diane ...............- .....84, 149 ~1eyers, Robert • .. ............47, 154 Peterson, Jeralee ........................155 nodgres , Jack ............. •..........158 John on, Janis .......-....··-------151 . tiddJe.,worth, har ' n ...............151 Peterson, Jerry ........................ 156 nyder, Steve ..... ·-· ................158 J hn on, Julene . ___,_...........151 . tiles, Doug ............ ·-··-·-. 154 Peter on, Kim ...............- - .......156 oren en, Carol yn ................_ •.157 Miller, Jeff .......- .....39, 44, 45, 154 John n, Kent L. ...................68, 152 Peterson, Reed ..........................156 .orensen, Randy E. ··- _ ....6 , 15 o ~. Pauline .. ......................157 John on, Linda .........- .............151 . Hiler, Mike L. ..........................154 Phelp , Allan R........6 , 69, 97, 156 Spencer, teve ...............68, 51, 158 John on, cott F. .......................152 ~liller, Rick .............................. 154 Phillips, Dave .. ... ....................156 taker, !argaret ......................157 Johnston, Carol ............................151 Milne, Kathy •. ........................153 Phillip , teve ..........................156 tansfield, Becky ........................15'/ Jolley, Teresa ...........-.. ...........151 tilner, Karen L. .........................153 Pierce, Debbie ...................... 85, 155 teed, La 1ora .........................157 Jone , Anne ...............................151 ~fitchell, Rick D. ... .... _ .....154 Pike, Ken ................................156 tevens, Mark B. . •..................158 }one , 1ichael L. .....................152 Mitchell, Ron L ..................154 Player, Bryan ...............................156 teven. , Rick .....................15 Judd, Matt W . .... ----..........152 Moffett, Kendra ...................93, 153 Pomikala, Cind y ..................- .... 155 revens, ue .............................157 Judv, Jeri ....... . ..............151 ~1onson, Robert . .....................154 Pond, Kirk ...................68, 69, 156 tevenson, Kent Ray ............158 1onson, Elame .. .....................153 Potwin, Dennis J. ....................... 156 tewart, Linda ................92, 93, 157 K ~1ontague, lark .................39, 154 Poulsen, Debbie ....... ...... .99, 155 tewart, Rand y ... ... .. .... ... 15 Montoya, 1argine . ...... ...-...153 Poul en, tephen .... ----- 9, 156 tillman, herrie . ..• ..............157 Karhnger, Marily .......- .............151 . !core, Melany -·-··-· ...............67 Powell, Ariel ...... .............. .......155 ~lore:, Karlene ............................153 St ..:ks, Jan . ................. 157 Ka tner, Richard ··-· -·- .......152 Preston, John Martin ....... .80, 156 Karis, Ted .. .... ......................152 tratton, Dave ...........................158 Katter, Joey M. .........................152 ~!organ, Cynthia 3, 7, 153 Price, Robert .. .....-39, 156 c:;u~-:Jen, Evan ...........- .........77, 158 Kearsley, Janet ....... _ .......95, 151 ~!organ, Kim . ..........................154 Procter, Connie .. ................... .155 undburg, Debbie ......................157 Keate, Virgil ••-..... ...........39, 152 Kelle ·, David .................... .152 Mortensen, Preston J. ............46, 154 Prutzman, Gail ............... .......155 yver on, Debra .....85, 106, 157, 172 Kel ..:h, Beverly B. .............151 Kemple, Ken R. .........................152 . !o~er, Linda __ .... ......85, 153 Pugmire, Steven C. ...............49, 156 Kerk Iek, Julie ....... ............98, 151 Kershaw, Doug . .. ............... .152 !o her, Kyle ......................154 Purdie, Arnell . ... ............. .. .155 T Ke. ler, Mike ..............................152 Killian, Denise J. • ..............151 ioulton, Gary D. ........................154 Pusey, Robert ..... . .... ....... . 156 Kin11, David ................................. 152 Kirch, Lynn ..............................152 \\1u~elman, Jean ....................153 R Takagi, Marci ...............................157 Knibbe, Dave . .....39, 49, 106, 152 Taylor, Brenda ........................... 157 Knudsen, Scotty ..........................152 Myers, David ........................98, 154 Taylor, teve ...................- ...47, 158 Koo. , Barbara I. ..........................151 Terrv, Andrea .................95, 157 K sovich, Jacklynn ....................151 Myer , Wyla Gene ..... .85, 90, 153 Rasmason, Irene .........................155 Terry, Jolene ..............................157 Tha ker, Connie ............ .........157 Krantz, Tony L. ............................152 • 'ate, Randy .. .........................154 Rasmu sen, Craig ···-------- 39, 156 Thalmann, Marie • . • • _ ..........157 Kuwahara, teven .........68, 81, 152 , 'avlor, teven .................... ,_.. 154 Rasmussen, Ken ... ..39, 45, 53, 156 Thomas, Charles .........................158 Rasmussen, Scott ....................156 Thompson, Dave ......................158 L 'eff, Marjeania .. .. ... ..............153 Rawson, Margene .....82, 86, 93, ISS Thompson, Jed .........................158 elsen, Gary L ............................154 Ray, Monte C. ... ..... ...........156 Thomson, Bryan ........................158 LaChance, Brenda L. ..................151 Raymond, Patricia ...................155 Thorum, herman ....................158 Larrabee, Mike ............... ............152 elson, David ............................154 Read, Ronda ....................... ... ..155 Tibbett , Glenna ..... . ...........157 Leavitt, Chuck A. -·. _ ...........152 Timothy, Ra ae ....................67, 157 Leavitt, Bonnie ...........................151 eben, Janell ... ...... ...............153 Rees, Jerilyn .................................155 Tom, Judy ...................................159 • 1eria, Dave ................................154 Reese, Martha .............................155 Townsent, Gregg ... .......................47 Leichtle, Diane ..........·--- ·- .....151 'ewbold, Barry ............... ~.......152 Trujillo, Tere a ............................159 • 'ewbold, Beverly ·-- · ~·........85, 153 Ree. , Robyn ................ -·- .155 Tuckfield, Ron ............. ....81, 158 Leichtle, Part ·------·-..- ..............151 ~ewman, Layne ........39, 46, 54, 154 Retallick, Jeri ...........................155 T ueller, Richard .......... ...............158 Leonard, Doug ......................68, 152 Revas, Jan . _ ........................85, 155 Turner, Lela ....................90, 98, 159 LewL, Dave ..................................152 'ewsome, Kevin .......................154 Reyes, Larry ........... ......................156 Tyck. en, usan ...............- .......159 Lignell, Brad ....... .....................152 Newsom, Kim ..~ -----······.....85, 153 Lillywhite, Harvey .....................152 Nichols, Br}·an Richard ............154 Reyes, ora ...........- .....................155 v Little, Bud ................. ___.106, 152 Nichols, Carol ..............................153 Richards, Charles ....45, 52, 106, 156 Richardson, Blaine ..........6 , 69, 156 VanAiphen, JoAnn ........90, 99, 159 Lochhead, Michelle ....................151 , 'ielson, Debbie ..................142, 153 Rico, Helen M............................155 Van Dam, Anna ........................159 Logsdon, Ru ell ....................88, 152 Ridd, Jim ...................................156 Vandergriff, Ann .......................159 ix, Louise ......................- ........153 Ritchie, Glorianne ......................155 V:c quez, Delores I. ....................159 Lopez, Edna ...... -··- ...............151 Nordgren, Kevin ... .................154 Riviera, Carmen ..........................155 Vigil, Larry ..................................158 Lopez, MaryLou ..................... ...151 Rivera, Elizabeth ........................155 orth, Jane ...........................99, 153 Roberrson, Becky ..._ ...........85, 155 w Loveless, Leesa ............................151 , uttall, Ann ..........................90, 153 Robert on, John ............................156 Wade, Kenny A.........................158 Lovell, Olea --·--·-· .............85, 151 'uzman, teve ........- .......39, 47, Robinson, Blake G . ....................156 Walker, Loa .......................95, 159 Lugo, Willie .................................152 Robinson, ancy ....................98, 155 Wanberg, harlene ....................159 Luke, Holly ..................................151 51, 54,9 • 154 Rodrigues, Gil R. ............39, 51, 156 Wand, Bruce D . .......................... 158 Romero, Bobby ................45, 66, 156 Ward, Tim .......... ......_ ........ 158 Lund, Rodney • -·-· .........152, 172 0 Romero, Georginna ..................155 Ware, Camille ...........................157 Lundeen, Lori ..............................151 Rose, Conny ..................................155 Warner, Claude ..........................15 Lyman, Richard ..................106, 152 O'Brien, hen .... .......... 153 Ro enhan, Julie K. ............ . 25, 155 Warner, Irene ........ •.................157 Ross, Dave ............._ ..................156 Warne,, Mark ....................- .......15 Odorizzi, Debby ............................153 \\Vatson, Cynthia W ....................159 Ross, Rick ......- ...........................156 \\Vatson, Wesley ..........................158 Oesar, Dan ......................39, 46, 154 Ro si, Colleen .............................155 \\Veb:.ter, Mary ......................95, 159 Rowe, Valoree .............................155 Web ter, Pat ................................159 Olsen, Marilynn ....... ~-···- .....153 Roylance, Roxanne ................- ...155 Wenerstrom, Boyd • - ..... ...........158 Ru o, Jim ..........................47, 156 Wengren, andra ..................93, 159 Olson, Cinda L. ....................98, 153 We t, Don ...........- .. ·----··-· .....160 Olson, Kathy ........................85, 153 We t, Marc C. ..6 , 69, 104, 105, 158 \\Ve thury, Janet .....................- ...159 Olson, Mary Jane ...... ...............153 Westenskow, Judy .. ......... ..........159 Wetzel, Deanna ......- .................159 Ontiveros, Debra ........................153 Whall, Grego C. ........... ···-·-· .160 Oro, 11att .._ ...............................154 Whtte, Beckv ..... . ......... ........159 White, Jamie ................................159 M Ortega, Pat ...................................153 White, Linda ......._....................... 159 .1ackay, Lynette .......................151 Ostler, Gary .............·-··-·---... 154 Mackinto h, Karen ......... ...........151 Owen, Marjean . .........................153 Madsen, Cathy ...................... ..151 Malmstrom, Lynn ........................152 p Saez, Carman ........................... ...157 Mangum, Todd R. _ .............152 aez, Doris E. ..............................157 Mann, Cindy ..........................68, 151 Pacheco, Joyce ............................153 aez, Eddie ..................................156 Marble, Sandy ..............................151 Packer, Laurel . __.....................153 Marchant, Cynthia ...................151 ailey, Linda .......... ··- ...........157 Martin, Randy .......................... 152 Padilla, Madlyn E.......................153 Sainsbury, andi ..........................157 Martineau, Jay ... .. .......................152 Page, Judene .........- ....- ......99, 153 1artineau, Lisa ......................90, 151 Park, Sharlene D . ......................153 aldivar, Maria B. ..........-.. _, 157 Parkin, Carolyn ..........................153 alisbury, Charles Brent ............156 1arrinez, JoAnn ............................75 argent, Melonia Ann ................157 . 1arrmez, Joseph ..... ...............152 Parsons, haron .. ---- .............155 avage, Joel ..........38, 39, 46, 54, 156 Patterson, Debra K. ...................155 tarwehl, Chri John ..................152 Payne, Becky ..........................9 , 155 chindler, Alan .. ...................77, 156 • Ia. field, Leslie J....- .........47, 152 Ma. field, Susan ·- - -................151 Payne, Donna .... ·- ·- ..- .............155 chmidr, Max ......................104, 156 Pearce, Douglas ..........................154 chulte, Robert ............................158 eal, Thomas .......................- - ...158 Pearce, Toni --· ........ ..........- 155 everson, Kym ................._ .......157 202

Whiteler, David .............39, 160 Wintch, .laut!Ia ···-··-· ........_.159 WI e, John L. . ··-··-··-··- .......160 \\'(1hnmore, Connie . -··- -···· . .159 Wiseman, Jar .................68, 160 Whittaker, Bruce H. . 160 Wi em:m, Kim ...... ··-·· .....67, 160 Wo d, Wayne ............... ...39, 160 Whitworth, Brad . -··-. ... .160 Wright, tanley E......... ·-·· ..-· .160 WiJerber~:, 1ont .. -······ 39, 45, 160 Wyc ff, Eddie ..... ·-········ ·- ......160 Wiler, Wendy . .. . . .. . -· - ...159 y Wilkes, Barbara ·······-········· ····-· .159 Wilkin, Richard G. ·-·· .•160, 172 Yate , John . .39, 44, 45, 49, 160 Yo t, Barbara . ·-··-······- ...._ ..159 Wilkin , Ron .. ······----.39, 40, 41, Young, Dee ..... ··-······-··-· .39, 160 42,43,55,57,160 Young, Jaylene ···-··-···--· ··-· .....159 Yowell, Kathy ..... -········-··-· - ...159 \\VIlkinson, Lynn -· . -- ....160 z Wilkinson, Ron A. ·-·-··-···· ·-·····160 Zaganch, Danny ···- -· ····-···160 William., Ron .. -······-··-· -·······160 Wilson, Cathy -····-----·--·······-··-···159 Wil on, Mari ·-·····--·-··--·-······-···159 Windley, Cheryl K.•..... -·-··-···159 Winegar, Joel ···-· -----·----·--······-··.160 \\Vinn, Chris ···--·-··--····--······-·-·--160 Winn, Laura ···-··-······-··-82, 87, !59 203

Editor· far exceed the imple title of editor by the diversified activities they engage in. Faced with the chal~ lenge next year of a reduced tudentbody, n w geo~ graphical boundaries, and the tradition of creating a unique year k, they have the herculean task of re~ cording Hillcre t' c ntinued growth and unity. Th y giv dir ction, purpo e, and finally life to the 1970 Hillcre t. Their duties are a vaned a the and of the sea hore. They are over ecr,, they are copywriter , they are phot~ grapher , they are arti ts, they are orgamzers, they are w rrier , they are psychologi t , and they are the com~ plamt department. They will read thou ands f word , view hundreds of picture , tear up innumerable layouts, create order out of chao , the me hurt feeling , and hear hundred of excuses; but m the end it will be their ability to cope with these problem that will produce a unified, succe ful yearbook. Steve Matson ...... -i·.~:~;;;;;,;.;;~J '·\"·'\"' Assistant Editor 204

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