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Home Explore 1969


Published by HillcrestHuskiesAlumni, 2020-10-12 21:41:21

Description: 1969 Hillcrest High Yearbook

Keywords: HHS,1969,Hillcrest,Huskies,Midvale,Utah


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J.V. Wrestling Working with a smaller all-around team than in the rast, oach \"Te.·\" Casto introduced wrestling to many new juniors and sophomore this year. Learning wre tling tech- niques hy ohscrving the varsity wre tiers in action and com- peting mainly in the lighter weight clas ification ·, the team won a considerable number of their matches in their fir ·t and second years of competition. John Allen Donald Burnham W orking on a take down , 1anuel Trujillo struggle with hL T ooele opponent before defeating h1m. Lyle Buchanan 47 Manager

Getting set for the pitch, ]l hn Fericb adjust his tance in the I-hghland pre-sea~lm game. Baseball arrymg ju. t enough players to form two complete quads, c ach Don Gu. t and his Huskie ba eball crew hat- tied the elments of a long wintt:r and an unpredictabk ~pring to start thi~ year's ba ehall season. tarting in late winter, team memhers worked- ut in the dirt ro-.)m while waiting for a break in the weather and a chance to prac- tice on the playing field. Developin' mto a balanced squad consi ting mo. tly of juniors, the team establi hed a ucces - ful record in region play. Don Gut Larry Yate Coach Coach Eddy Allen Rick Brown Manager. for this year's baseball team are Randy Harward, Howard Young, Rodney Guest, and cott Tibbetts. 4

111 Coach Gu. t yells in 'tructions to Randy Gerona after a conference with pitcher Terry mart. Richard Harada Ralph Henderson u .• t Da\\L Knibhe Jeff Kjar Brent Jenkin Alan \\Xlencrstrom Jim \\Xr h1tely \\1ike \\X'hitely John Yates 49

'frack By underg ing a rigid program of training and e. ·t:rcis.:, Hillcre~t' track team increa .::d their ba. ic abilities to co rdinate sktlb. Breaking both chool and regional record., tht: team showed l articular strength in the high hurdle , the mile run, and the medley relay. Participant in the field event of discus and javelin throwing, shot puttmg, broad jumping, and high jumping added to the competi- tive ·pirit and helped e ·tabli. h Hillcrest's reputa- tion as a strong opponent. 50

Row One: • reve Spencer, Gtll:-err Ro<.lrique:, Rick Kastner, Frank Reid, Ralph J:<.oger~on. oncentratmg on his form and timmg, Paul 0 tier . Row Two: Dennis DeGraw, reve Call, ~1ark Yowell, M1ke Yowell, con Burkinshaw. broad jumps during the track meet with Leh1 and Bingham. are teve \"'u:man, and Randy Baker. 51

Cross-Country Imt1ated when the d1v1. 1 n were reorgam:ed, the new cro -country track team built their en- durance by j gging and running a minimum of three miles each day during the fall month.. ~fern­ her , c mpeting on variou three mile cour. e.:, placed e-ond m the Region Thn.:e , feet held . 'ovember 14 and ec nd out of four ~ch I· m the Jordan Invitational on October 17. Earning the right to participate in the vember 23 tate , 1eet were five member, or the ten-man team. Out of 140 competitor· Tom Berggren placed tenth and Duan Lyon, thirty-fir t. Racing ahead of Gramte participants m a cro> -country Duane Lyon meet are Andy Kelly, Duane Lyon and teve Johnson. Golf February found the Huskie golf team practic- mg daily at Mick RHey, their home course. Under the direction of oach Ace! Lowe, members com- peted in thi econd year port with nine other regional teams as well as participating in the BYU Invitational Meet, the state meet, and regional meets. Through the. e experience , team member· developed the concentration and skills which were the utmost demands of this sport. Practicing out on the field in the fall wa. part of the training lark annon went through in prep- aration for pring matches. Ace! Lowe David Brems Coach 52

Tom Cooper Eric Freeman Tennis Under the expenenced coaching of Art Hughe , the Hillcre t tenni team perfected their kills for participation m the Region Three Tenni Tourna- ment. Working on technique and form, the three single team and two double teams added to their tenms ability throughout the season a they played again t four other school . Through the combined effort of coach and player , the tenni team won mo t of their matches and became an important part in thi · year' spring port' program. een through the tenni net, Ron Henneman Leaping into the air, Scott hristen en return 53 crouches forward to hit one of the lower returns a high ball with his back-hand wing. after serving.

~!ember of the Letterman' Club are, Rou. One: Randy Baker, m~r.: ftbll., Buchanan, wre t. mgr.; Ronald Burnham, wrest. Rou. Three: cott Chn ten- wre. t, trk.; , 'orman ~Ia . e1·, wrest.; ~lanuel TruJtllo, wre. t.; tephan Nu:- sen, tennis; !Darrell Bullock, trk.; Don Cannon, trk., ftbll.; \\X'es Hathenbruck, man, wre t. mJ.:\"r., ~terltn~ Jen,en, ftbll., trk.; Dave Youn~. ftbll., trk.; Jeff ftbll., wrest.; Earl Xai:, trk., ftbll.; • teve Rtchards, ftbll. mgr.; Ron Henne- KJ~r. ftbll., b kbll., l->sl->11.; hane ~''\"her, ftbll., b bll.; ~teve Lea,m, b,hJI. man, tenni ; Enc Freeman, tennis; Mike hepherd, wre t.; Layne • 'ewman, Rou. Tu.o: Pern· Allen, wrest.; Brent \\X1ade, wrest.; teve helton, fthll.; Joel wrest.; Darrel heldsrad, wrest. Rou F•>ur. Rtchard Harada, bsbll.; Fred Lar- sen, ftbll., hsbll.; Jeff Arnell, ftl:-11.; Roger Miller, ftbll.; Roy Young, trk.; avage, wre t; Terry Smart, ftbll., b~bll.; Dan Mackintosh, ftbll; Duane Lyon, Marlo Dean, trk.; Robert Griffeth, bskbll.; Rod Glover, bskbll.; Doug Chnsten- cross country; cott Tibbetts, bsbll. m!{r.; Leon Hansen, cross country; Lyle sen, trk.; Ttm Holmstrom, wrest.; Joe Mannos, trk. _Lettermen elf-di cipline, fair play, and go d port man- . h1p were e . entia! qualine. for mcmb~r of the Letterman' lub. Letter. were earned by each boy meeting . pecific qualifications in hi· re. pective ·port. Playing in fifty per cent f th- league game in f otball or ba eball earned a letter. In basket- hall, five quarter of play m league games wa. needed. Earning a letter in tennis required a boy to win two matches. Eighteen points or winning three matche. were neces ary for a letter in wres- tling. In track each hoy had to place in regional comp_tition. Lettermen di. played their member- hip by wearing the familiar green and white jacket. with gold symbol repre enting their sports. Dan Holladay Mr. Don Gust Mr. Raynor Pearce 54 Treasttrer Adt1isor Aclt•isor

Running around the nght end, Dan Hol- Out-Jumpmg h:. defensive Highland play- truggling with hi ~1urray opponent, Dar- laday . traight arms a Kearns' player in the er, Ron Wilkin trie ' or tWl1 pomts while rell Fieldstad gains a reversal and prepares fir ·t game of the season. for a pm. raig M1ddleton (32) prepares for a re- bound. Showing the form u ed to score high at R_turning a serve, Ron Henneman prac- Richard Harada step up to the plate m many track meets, Don Cannon reflects tices for an upcoming tournament. the close game against We, t. the train of throwing the hot put. 55


Singing during a special program, meeting a deadline f r a school publi- cation, choreographing a mu. ical, and marching during halftime were a few of the activitie engaged in by Hillcre t' tudents. Organi:ation · mcluded credit cla s~s a well as varied extra-curncular activities. A. students made an effort to create a better public image for Hillcre. t, debater struggled to bring victory to their team, DE A mem- bers arranged a store d1:play window to learn the basic. of marketing and retailing, or a proud . tudentbody .at through rain and , now during a state f otball game. nity and loyalty were formed throughout the year as every individual worked to cstabli. h a higher degree of excellence. ORGANIZATIONS 57

Cheerleaders Beginning with early morning practices Ia t summer, Hillcre t cheerleaders worked through- out the year to generate enthusiasm among the studentbody. Encouraging students to upport the team, the girls organized pep a, semblies and pre- sented pep talks on the fir t period announce- ments. heering in rain or snow during football games, they proved their dedication to Hillcre t. Working to support this year' theme \"A Higher Degree of Excellence,\" the ix girls spent time to encourage and enthuse tudents to participate m the extra-curricular activities of the school.

Songleaders Preparing novelty kit. for pep a: ·emblie , com- po ing lyrics to familiar tune. for dance routines and for ·pmted announcement·, the ongleaders r racticed through the ummer vacation and selectd two uniform· for ongleading, and a third to wear on game day . Repre. enting the . tudent- body in the l tah tate h mecoming Parade on October 26, the anta Clau Parade on o\\·ember 23, pep rallies, pep a.. emhlies, and hall game., the e .1x enior girl br ught a \"higher degree of excellence\" to the chool.

Marchioness Club \\Vheth r th~ 1 were cheenng at a >arne or pep rally, promoting schl ol .;pirit, de ·orating the team. ' locker:, :elling donut at lunch, marching in the rain at the ~tat Tournament, or re iving a pre- ent fr m one':; \"pixi~,\" the . ixty ·two member. of the 1archione. · lub added their enthusia ·m and sp1rit to Hillcrest. Being a marchi1 nac involved each girl in early morning practice. to perfect marches and hand-movements. Attending the 1archi ness Formal, ~ articipating in their as em- bly, and marching at one of the l 'niver ity of tah football game were other events which would be Ia ting memories t the member of the 196 -69 Marchioness lub. Watching an 1mp ~rant play, Advi or D rothy Carolee Ba~com Chns Dtckey Kay Jackson chmidt reflects the inten e action of the game Teresa Brown Pat Dutson Maureen Jacobson Patti Burdick joAnn Eckman Delores Jepp on while pep club members cheer at the Jordan-Hill- Colleen Caldwell Beverly Hansen ere t football game. Paula Christiansen Connie Han en Annette Johnson Debbie Christensen Kay Hood Kathy Jorgenson 60 Kathryn Klirgaard

During the half-time oc the Hillcre. t-Grar.-ite baskethall game, the ~1archione~ Club fo:ms the traditional \"H\" before halting to , ing the . chool . ong. 61

Eric Freeman Dale Fieldstad Debate \\Vcber: uJ>cnor, 3nl fJlacc Del- atl:, a pr ces'> of f(1rmal argumentation in which facts and Rer,:wn. uf>crior, 4-0 statt tics were gathered and presented in two c nstructive and two tate· Excellent rebuttal speeches, was one of the five special forensic programs taught to debaters. Legislati\\'c.: forum, radio-spc.:aking, nration, and Randy Pollock extemporaneous spc.:aking wc.:re thc.: other areas which increa ed the debater's abtl tty to anali:c, organi:e, concc.:ntrate, and e.·press them.elv s m the art of communication. nder the direction of ~1r . Argie ~1acris, more than one hundred sixty student. om- peted for the top teams, who participated in inter-school debates, a well a in compettttve state-wide meet at arbon, Alpine, and \\Veber ollege . Out of etght teams eligthlc tl) qualify for state ocmpetition at the Regton debate meet, three of the teams were from Hillcre t. Htllcrest t( ok first place in the rc.:gion for debate and foren ics, and added the fifth tmphy won this year. At the tate tournament, held at the University of 'tah, Hillcrest won fifth place and was awarded eightcc.:n certificate. of achievement. Preparing for hi next speech, 1olan Palmer talks to Jeff Fannin about a problem area that \\Vest high school pre ented. \\Vcber ttEf>xccreiollre, n+t-0 Rcr,:wn: tate: Good Ktrk A stroth Byron Kelley \\Vcber: uperior, 3rd J>lace Rc~tan: Excellent, 3-1 tate: Good T om Berggren T odd W megar W cbcr: 'uperior 62 Regwn: uperior tate: uperior cnators

Rick Beal Joel Pear on Rus Ferricks De1dra Roger Congressman Oration on 'ressman Con 'ressman Regwrr tLf>erior Re wn. uf>erior Regwn. '.uf>l!rior Weber· uJ>erior tate. Ciood Region: uperior tate· ( iood tate. Ciood tate uperior :Mike Han. en Bill Asay Jeff Fannin teve Workman Oration Radio J>caking Radio peaking Radw peaking Weber: uf>erior Region: uperior Region- uperior \\Veber: u f>erior Region: uf>erwr Re,gion: uperior tate: Excellent tate. Excd!enr tate: Excellent State: 1ood Other meml ers of the region team shown here ards, Linda 1ewton, Kns Ikcr, Gloria \\Y/ od. who helped to win the region trophy are, Row Rotv T·u:o: Earl Xa1z, teve John.on, cott One: teve T yck. en, Kathy Olsen, Kathy Rich- oulier, Don David, tan Ra mu sen, Kevin Barnhur t, and Rick Brough. olan Palmer ExtemJ> peaking Weber: Excellent Regwn: uJ>erior tate· Excellent Jolene Bnggs 63 ExcemJ> J>eakin{( Region: uperior tate. Excellent

Dance Club Chore~rraphing and performing in the school musical \":\\{y Fair Lady,\" raging perf rmance. fl)r JUniOr h1gh and elementary chool,, and devoting ~everal hour~ each week , tudying technique and . kill repres.:!nt some of the act!vi- tie rarticipated in by thb year's Dance lub, \"That. Deae Motuum.\" In addition, the clu~ under the direction of :\\1r . olleen Gardner rlanned, \\1rgani:ed, and decorated for the Homecoming Dance, participated in a mast~r le ·on given by Rerertory Dance Company, and pre!'ented, along with the rche. tra, a February concert. Improvmg it~ organ- i:ation, the club added five new officer. consi. ting nf four chore graphers elected by the club members, and an ac- compianLt w aid in rehearsaL. \\XIinding up the enthusiastic \"I'm Gettin' :\\tarried In the :\\1orning\" dance routint: from ''. 1y Fair Lady\" are club member Deylene \\1offitt, Terry l rpdyke, Karen Gallego, JoAnn Eckman, tephanie Romm, and Jill Long. 64

sing a tw~:nty foot ladder, ry - chuh completes the lettering on the 1-,rym window m preparation for Homecoming Dance. tnkmg a po.-e f r the elah rate \"Ascot Race\" seen... from \"\\1y Fair Lady\" are dance club members arid partners \\Vayne Btgler, ~helly Mosher, Bob onder, Karen Bess, ~1ike arn, and Crys chub.

Deca Club Oc~ignmg and displaying modd ideas for an effec- tive 'ales window to local!: and ~tores, Deca luh mcmhers were 1 nwided with an insight into to- day's marketing and retailing world. ~1eeting in sched- uled cia., es during fifth and sixth periods, students not lmly decorated and dejgned 'howcases, l'ut also re- tailed fo0d stuffs, learned techmques of merchandi. ing and adverti~mg, and demonstrated sales article to I etter prepare themselves to l'ecome succe.,sful sale~­ people. Discussing the tate Deca ~feet with their adv1sl1r, .\\1r. AddinJ.!: the finishmg tl uches to the Deca hristmas Di~play are Kathy en.,en, Tern orensen, Karen , 1elson, and Amb r nyd r. Thoma., are officer.., Duane Peterson, vice-pre ident; Dan Holladay, prt: 1d~:nt; Be\\ erl'y Hansen, secretary; Garland 'eLl n, pre ·ident; cott harr, vice-president; and arl Albanese, pr~:~Ident of the tate Deca lub. 66

Rou One!: Lmd:t \\X'ell h, hri tina \\X'1ght, l.ou Dene> Belcher, Su an Penfold, f) ug Ph1l1Jr, Von H run, I a\\X1anna \\X'i ht, V1olet Ek tr m. Row Three: ~lr. Alfre I . !oms, Bill r\\sav, Tom Allen, \\ al Brady, En Hell tr m, Paul Shirle) Penfold, Aleene Harker, J<'C :\\lorlev. Rou Tu o: \\'1r '101::1 \\lnnnm~o:, '-'in~lewn, flri~e 'el n, Lmd ey lounteer, ~~~ hael H •ard, R dney Gue,t, Ga~ Eri k n, lelany . ''' re, C..:llh\\ Fulton, }.:arln Pear. n, . lanhn Allen, Don Br 1le, K1m \\\\ 1seman, . lonte Atkm m, and .arl femplm. Renne r1m 1h\\, 11rhng arter, frank Shaw, flru e L1man, R1chard Pa mnn, Orchestra After rchear~ing for three months before and after ~chool, Hillcrest High's forty-two member orchestra provided an out- standing pcrfnrmanct.: last Deccmh~r a. they supported the school musical, \" 1y Fair Lady.\" Invitational concert~ were pre.ented to the district junior high schools in February, and an annual e. ·change Cl)[)Cert was given fLlr Pwvo H1gh in Apnl. Roundmg out the year's activities was a well performed Patron's . 'ight Concert on ~fay 15. Dunng fourth period, \\1r. Alfred ~torn a practice for \"\\1y Fair Lady.\" Listening to ~1r. Alfred ~dorris e.-plam the next activity arc officers Aleen Barker, treasurer; .k)' \\1orley, 1 restdt:nt; arl Templin, vicc-prt:sidcnt; and Linda \\V'elch, secretary. 67

Row One: Paul Beard, Brent mart, Arthur Pellegrino, Tom Allen, Doug H. Kmg ~mith, Joe ,<htndler, Rnce , 'elson, c:;teven Trcksen, Paul ingleton, Leonard, Blaine Richardson, \\'al Bradv, !1.1ane BraJv, -teve Adams, Cindy Eric Hellstrom, Ron Tuckfield, J:w \\'Viseman, :\\1ark Pearson, Gary Boyd, Jim ~!ann, Frank -haw, and Paul Rrig~s. Row Tuo: terlin~ Carter, Ralph Ault, Ruth D,)dge, De Ette Beckstead, and Kav Glover. Row Four: Marc \\'Ve~t, Mark Allen, D,,nald Davis, Carlos Madsen, ~!ichael Hog!-!ard, tephen Henderson, Jennifer Decker, Martha Allen, Mrvtle Bos\\n>rth, Dave Johnson, ~muh, Steven Kuwahara, , teve Srencer, Geoffrey Cox, Randy Soren. en, Lindsey Mounteer, Rand\\· Cnle, Randal Green, Gary Jeff, Sherne Heillbut, Allan Phelps, \\'irgtl Keate, Joeseph L. Ree , Kent Johnson, Glen Howard, Leon Hamen, Richard Pa.·man, and Kirk Pond. Rou· Three: Mr. Morris, Rodney Guest, and Carl Templin. Band Performing at Utah tate niver, ~ity, Univer ity of Utah, alt Lake anta Parade, and Jordan High chool, the Hillcre t ~1arching Band had an exciting year. Invitations to appear at mov1e prem1er m alt Lake City and the opening of the new Gor~oza ki Rc. rt, where GO\\·ernor Rampton and other dignitarie: participated, di tin, guiched Hillcre t' ~!arching Band from other bandc. They al traveled to Ogden to pre ent exchange con, cem w1th Bonneville High chool. High lights were the ou. a Memorial oncert pre ented m January and the traditional enior T ca concert m May. PartiCipating at tht.: opening of the Gorg :a 'ch ol' band listened to Governor Ramp, ki Re ort on December 15, Hillcre tHigh t n's peech after playing a repertoire of 6

Pep Band Adding e. ·cnement and color to Hillcrest's athletic t:Vt:nts wa the Pt:J Band. This early rising group of musicians took an active part in pep a ~ mblie~. football games, and ba. ket- hall games. Playing snappy tunes for songleader routine-., the Pep Band helped encnurage school spirit. Dance Band \"Big Band 'ounds\" were evident this year Row OnL': Blame Richardson, Val Bradv, and Tom Allen. Rou Two: Carlos Madsen, Mark Allen, • in the r..:rformance of \"The rest Liners,\" Hill- King mith, President; Frank , haw, and Richard Pa~man. Row Tlnt!t!: Brent mart, Paul Bnggs, crest's Dance Band. These appearanct:s were re- Kay Glover, De Ette Beckstead, and Jennifer Decker. Row Four: Arthur Pellengrmo, reve mith, ceived throughout the district in concert, dan- Joe Ree,, Allan Philps, and Bnce . 'elsen. Rou Fn e: Marc \\X:'e,t, Paul , ingleton, R0n Tuckfield, ce , and ip conjunction with the Dance lub. Eric Helbtrom, and Rodney Guest. The rest Liners made progress through all the ea ons as they performed in Reno, evada and at the We tern tares Ja:: Festival tn March. Rou One: heme Heilbut, Frank haw, Ralph Henderson, Paul Beard, Jen- Carl0' ~lad en, and Donald Da\\ I'. Rou• Ttm: :\\1r. Alfred ~!orris, Carl nifer Decker, Brent , mart, rerling arter, Mark Allen, :\\1ichael Haggard, Templtn, \\'al Brad ·, K1rk P0nd, Rodney Gue t, J,,e Schindler, Allan Philps, Ron TuckfieiJ, Enc Hellstn,m, Brice 'el>on, an I Paul mgleton 69

Ro'-\"' One: n·s Schuh, Terry Jacol:>s, Glona ~mart, :\\1aureen Jacol:>son, Joy Tsuya, Teresa Jaramillo, Lee Crayk, Bruce Peterson, Gary Yama h1ro, Bcver!e,· Hansen, .t-!nne Ashby, lulene Hal~, Deann Green, Janet f,,nes, Terr~ Bruce Denslev, Stan Wells, ~ick Hafen, Lnrrv Butcher, Todd Winegar, Russell Berotto, Brwn Ke,,gh, Ralph flacr, Stc•:e Shelwn, Steve \\Vinget, 'pdvke, Pat Burr, Ravenna na,·enp,,rt, Rob; nn Lundev~ll, Shauna Thomson, Rodger .t-liller. Row Four: l.auralee Rean, \\lichelene DiBella, Alex Pollock, and Terri ~oremen. Row Tu•o: Paulette \\Vekh, Pat Duts<'n, Devlene \\loffett, Rodney Guest, _con Tibbetts, Bill Asav, . 'olan Palmer, ?\\lnrk Olsen, Rick Bonme Graham, Linda \\Velch, J<'Ann Eckman, \\lar; • 'ielsen, ,ail Wankier, Moore, Keith \\Vood, Kent Demke, Arnie \\X'iJerburg, • l1ke \\!iller, Don , abe\\, Jeff Kpr, Jeff Canr:11ll, Ron :_.;,,rensen, and Dan R,,~enhan. R,>semarv \\larlor, Claudia Van Dam, Jan.Jue, 'icholls, Debi Lowder, largaret Bradforcl, 13eckv 'rrv, \\lar\\' Beckstrom, an I \\lichele \\brchant. Rou• Thrc!l': A Cappella Well harmoni:ed musical chord , perfectly blended tones, and accurately substantiated pitch and volume represented the qualities this year's A Cappella attained. Whether working in ·ections or together as a choir, these music tudents, under the guidance of :\\1r. Leo Dean, practiced during their third period each day a well a before and after school. Excellence achieved by the A Cap- pella enabled them to participate in the 1968 UEA convention, a worldwide televised hristma, pro- gram, and numerous church and social functions. ~1ember of the A Cappella await their performance for the Teachers Convention at the Hotel tah. 70

Row Ont': l.eann Shurtleff, Kns Ecker, Betsv Arnold, Manlyn Miller, an I Kris Gilbert. Rou• Th!<'c' : Da\"d Camnight, Brian Glover, Garland , 'el- ;\\!eadows, Jacque ;\\1orri , Leslee \\X1ilson, Roylayne ;\\1atts.:m, hawn Green- on, Brent H, dgson, l'atnc have:, Carv . 'ewb.JII, Harvev law on, ~like wall, Kathy Raleigh, Glemla ewman, olleen Brc>wn, Kathrvn Kl1tgaard, Buhler, Glen Kelsch, ra1g John't >n, AI \\Xi~e· hter, Ste,·e Ntingham, Connie Bullock, and Patti Mangum. Row Tu o: Elaine Johnson, Chris For- bush, \\·nthia Hatch, \\lary Anders,,n, ~ usan ;\\1ascaw, \\'iki Landvatter, ;\\lkhael arn, Sharlene Conder, and Katrina , 'onham. Rou Four: Duanne Dianne Haueter, Ilene Trimble, Tineke Van Alrhen, Demse Anderscm, Lv,,n, Dan . ln ktnrosh, , fi hael Bur,lette, :\\!arlo Dean, J< el Chn ten. en, J e Randie , 'ielsen, Kri tie Jensen, Robyn Price, Kathy Kemple, Gail Flinders, . h1 rley, Darrell Bulle' k, H. King Smith, Kim Burkinshaw, Ken K:v;tner, Hru e nla1r, Frank Reid, Dav1J Cmin~:ham, Darrell Fieldstad, Jam e Lund, and Lmda l'ett ecretary ecretary 1ichelle 1archant 71 Accompanist

Lee C ampl--dl heryl Eves PrL'sideru Accompanist Chamber Choir nder the direction nf ~1r. Leo Dean, the thirty-two ~1arsha \\ engren ~tanding off to the side of the stage, Accomfmnisr hoir member ing during the member~ of the hamber hoir were able w expand their program. ::;tudy l f mu~ical litaature. Their ~incere lovt: of mu~ic and a willingnes~ tl) devote the time nece.-~ary tl) perfect their song., contributed to the ::;ucce s of the choir. They achieved a \"hit:her degree 0f excellt:nc \" in their perfor- mance. thmuf.!h attending early !Til rning practice: as well a: rehear mg during regular clas time, and by particirating in out-of- chot 1 prl) •ram~. Thrnughout the year, they pre- ~~ared n cal .;eJectk'~ns f, r church, community, and ~cho 1 program~. They were especiallv well received when they performed at the { 'niversity 1f Utah. ~lr. Dean leads rhe 'hamber horr in the final rehearsal before the annual Clarr Workman, Pat Carver, Ken Rollins, Delores Jeppson, and Lee Camp- helL Row Three: Melody Orr, Bill Bush, Susan Boggess, teve Workman, hri. tmas pmgram. R0u One: Vie heslev, Eri.: Freeman, Lynette Dean, Bonme Dansie, rai~-: Middleton, Jackie Hoopiiaina, and Brian Doty. Row Paul stler, Pc • '} \\'('\"''Jwar I, R,,bert ~lc lung, ~larsha Wengren, •md Booker Pre wn. Rou Tuo: . lary Ni.·, ·rerhng Jensnn, Ila ~!ae shorne, Four: Jeniel Jenkins, Jeff Page, Nancy Mackay, teve Leavitt, Cheryl Eves, tan Rasmussen, Kristine Jensen, and David Young. 72

Rou One: Lesle \\XIilkmson, loan Thalmann, K:oren Bess, Dwne \\XIiseman, Row Three: Rayma Bosworth, Karen ~tillman, Denise Thurmond, Kris Beck- Kathv ~hepherd, Debbie Chr\"tensen, Melany :\\!o,,re, awlyn Berrett, Jor- stead, Arme Btgler, Bob Van Dam, :\\!errill D,,dJ.:e, Joe :\\fun. ev, Greg :\\!aim- gett :\\1ernhew, Karla Pearson, Lynnae \\XfarJ, :\\laureena Hansen, ~usan berg, ,teve \\Xfathen, Rob Hunter, Harold Thoma<, David ;\\Ions, Kenne} Etherington, aria Bush, Gayle Bush, Kristine :\\larchant, Julie mith, Jean Taylor, Bob Conder, Rtck Brown, E !d,· Allen, Denms Tueller, Jim \\Xfhneley, Donga, Pauline owley, Geri Buhler, Kathv Jorgensen, Carol Bennett, Bill Read, Rav :\\lounteer, Ktm Carlswn, Bruce . h'!l' n, Doug Philltps, ;\\I, nti Janean Enckson, Linda Parkin, Cathy Cutler, • 'adeen :\\1cKnight, Delores Atkmson, Bnan Ander\"n, Ra\\ Smart, Kent :\\bngum, Ra\\ Brown, \\'a!erie Anderson, Diane Flemmg, and Janene Johns,,n. Rm1 Tu·o: _ herri Tolman, Brown, Shen :\\ladarlane and , hawn • 'd son. Rou Four: jacqueline Thomp- Linda Hampton, ,uzette Noland, Dawn Phelps, Kathy :\\lartineau, Zan Mer- ,,,n, Teresa Br,m·n, Tern· Setterherg, Joe ;\\lanno , Lde Buchan<ln, Lawrence nil, Reba Tebbs, Lyn Beckstead, Jam Cowley, Chene Bullock, Colleen Hick- \\X'ardell, John \\X'hninJ.!, Brent Landvatter, R,,w]an,! Hubert, )<' !v -mith, son, Shan Fox, Jill Peterson, Marlene 'ewbold, Lmda Ault, Kath} Robinson, :\\!itch Huntsman, Bill chmitt, Kevin Camphell, Russell Fernn, con Hess, Judy mith, Pam Ttschner, Kelcy l'pdyke, Annette Larsen, Connie Lenn- teve Richards, Larry Hansen, Ken lei :\\lalstn,m, Rick R0hert Griffith, :\\like berg, L1sa \\Xfand, Louise Jones, Jolene Lund, Pat Ktkel, Vicki Landers, Janis Hathawa\\', David FNd, :\\lark Hnrw,ks, Larrv Drake, Gary Nayl0r, :\\lei Doom, Launa Austm, Yvonne orenson, Kristie Vigil, and 'ancy Olsen. ~lalmstrom, Denms _ impson, Duane Brown, Kendell Jewkes, Russ Ferricks, • Paula Christianson, and :\\largie Loveless. Junior Choir By participating in fifth period practices and . ingmg in off-campu program~, the Junior Choir developed the qualities needed to enable them to become mem- bers of next year's A Cappella Choir. All one hundred thirty-se\\'en member utili:ed their vocal talent, by singing in the chool hristmas Program, at churches, and for community projects. Learning a new song to perform for a patriotic pro- oncentrating on harmony with the other section. of the gram are Kathy Martineau, Debbie Christensen, Junior Choir are the basses and baritones. and Gayle Bush. 73

Lorraine Tangaro Prepanng a layout to be turned in to the printer, editor Regina R wley and Pegg; ain.l ury concentrate on the form and balance of a page. 11--- -~-- - - - - - - Regma Rowley Robert B. ~1echarn Editor Adusor Sentry Many of the event of the cho~)l year were brought to the f>tudent, body's attention by the fact,finding reporter of Mr. Mecham' ixth period journalL m cia . This year, the entr was circulated once a month, and for special events such as Homecoming and Thank:giving. Thr ughout the year two major changes were made in the construction and proce , ing of the ~chool paper. One was the new husky symbol on the mast, head, and the other wa the Journali. m Club which was formed to help tudents devel p their natural talent m creative writin~.:. Improved pub, lication and informative reporting were direct re ult of the club' effort . 74

Expressions ~omhinin~ arti~tic taknt with literary ability, the E:xJJres- siom ~taff, consisting \\)f students fwm two creati\\·e writ in~ classes, compiled the material for this year's magazine. Thir- teen assistant ediwr. were cho en to aid the two co-editor~, Kathy Richards and Ia Despain, and t\\) edit various areas im·(1h.m~ the maga:ine make-up. Thee areas includeu lay- \\)Ut, art, es ·ay, sht)rt story, and poetry. Adding a l'u ine. s manager who e resp nsihility wa publici:mg the maga:ine, and a general ·ecretary t\\) aid in Ct1rrespondence, the taff improved its orgam:ation and dfiocncy in the production of the maga:ine. Informal group discussitm., headed hy ?\\1rs. Phyllis Gunnell and swdent teacher \\ 1r . Pat tv J\\)lley, pnwe \\ al ualle m the search for reative ideas. ~tudents are: Jim Edwards, laud1a Holl tein, 75

Deni e Anderson ;\\1ary Beck. trl m Editor Assistant Editor Hillcrest '69 Planning, organi:ing, and developing material during the summer m nth a well a · fir t period every day in Room -20 , the boi~trous seventeen meml er yearb ok ~taff, the large t ever, combined fun and hard work to organi:e thi year's event mto a ingle year! ok reflecting the year'. activi- tie~. rting picture. , gathering information, writing about a club, choo. ing the cover, and having a party celebrating a section tw weeks late wa indicative of the many ta ks per- formed by these students. They were assisted by the photo- graphy clas. who shot, proofed, and supplied the fini hed pic- ture needed t accurately record the 196 -69 chool year. Alphaheti:mg student hody pi ture:> by name and clas are 76 Deni.e Ander on, LonaVon Laurit:en, Loui.e ]one, Jill Long, Bet y Arnold, and Mary Beck trom.

Kris Beckstead Lynette Beckstead Jackie Boulton Jani Cowley Dale Fieldstad oj)y \\\\'lriter CofJY Wnter Copy Writer O/J)' Writer Copy \\X1ntcr Jill Long Coj)y Writer, Typzst 77

/ 78

Jubs gave the tudent a break from the regular academic routine, and the chance to develop better friend. hips between one another. In- volving themselves in many different activitie., club members held turtle race , called the nited , ration in an eff rt to learn about the delega- tions, listened to a tele-lectured di - cus ion, became a floured-g ey me· during initiation, or madt.: p .ters to adverti e dances and other ch ol activities. As the year drew to a clo e, Ia tmg fnend hip. were formed through everyone'· attempt to carry forth the 1dea of a higher degree of excellence. CLUBS 79

Key Club lmducnng tlag ceremllnte~ 111 the auditlm um and sell- ing prl grams at HIIIcre~t football and I a~ketball games were tw1) of many activities perfl1rmed hy the Key Club during the year. Dailv project mcluded the raismg and lowering l1f the American flag each day and spreadmg chOt1l s~ int thrl1Ughout the student hxi}. Iub funds thi }Car were us~.:d to aid needy families at ( hrL tma~ and rurchas~.: a gift fllr the schl10! at the year's end. Boo ker Preston Kevin Ol iverson cnior Rep. Junior Rep. John Preston Mark Allen Soph . Rep. Allan Bath Kim Burgon Bill Bush Kim Carlston Steve Erickson John Fericks 0

Enc Freeman Randy Green Rtchard Harada Eric Hellstrom Ralph Henderson Already c vered with flour and egg , Ron T uckfield c kill fully catches a raw egg in a paper CUf while lying in a well-mtxt.:d a. sortment of egg~, flour and syrup.

Safety Council DediCated tt) making Hillcn:st the ~afest :-;Chlt)l 111 Utah, the afety unci! tried tll reduce accident: h· t:i\\'111!! ti( over the intercom, arran 111g ·afe-drivin T di rlav. m the h wca ·e, de,igmng Pl tcrs, and attending T ri-Distnct mectmg . In adJitiLm, during safety week, film llt1 ha:ardous drivmg \\V~.:re hown t' the student h_,dy and Hiilc:rest' fir)-t national award fwm the , ' ational CL m- mtsston on akty Education wa pre~2nt~.:d for meritorious work to improve our sLhll'l and community. \\Vorking on 'afety ouncil forms are officer Bruce Peter- son, president of the Tri-District afety Council; ~1ary Beckstn,m, \\'ICe-president; Rohyn Lundevall, secretary; and 'tan earle and Rick ~{eyer. demon. trate an accident situatton to Dale Glona \\Vood, pre. idt.:nt. Johnson, te\\ e \\ tclff, :\\ lekin oulter, onnie harp, ?\\laf]ene Rawsl n, Frank Retd, htrley Penfold, ?\\1arne Erekson, and Lon Densley. 2

Laura Winn and mdy 1organ watch while Rolayne Matt· on, Peggy Woodward, harlcne onder, and Kris Ecker rearrange the window di ·play. u TO yOUR GRAVE7 3

:\\leml:>ers 0f the debate club wh,, travele I to \\'Jewm,>nt are t ve Tvck,en, hen !l.hcfarlane, Jar Ro)(erson, Brian Gl,wer, nlaine :\\largia LweJc,,, Paula hrisuansen, :\\l.•n Rus ell, I m Ia Parkin, Linda 'ew- t n, k>lene BrigJ.: , !Ia • Inc 0 1:- >urne, ,J r1a \\V ,, I, reve l0hn on, Joyce Olsen, '1Ham !(,,,,<\", Frank Reid, ]\\.fanlvn :\\Idler, R<Hl , <'rens,lll, tcve Youn)(, ;\\nn Davis, nnd Dan :\\lackmwsh. Debate Club By participating in Hillcre,t' ·debate pwgram, one hun- dred , ixty ~tudent~ became eligible fur member,hip in the D~.:batt: lub. ~leering as often a. wa necesc·ary, part!Cl- rant~ of the cl uh a'sbted :\\1rs. Argie :\\1acris, dehatt: coach, by working out chedule for inter-~chool debates. Between \\wcmber and \\!arch eight meets were held. Improved relationships 1->etween debaters and ,chools were direct re- ~ult of the club's efforts, along with better planned debates. l nloadm~o: the bu. after debating nt Bounnful are duh mcmher Ru s Fer- Diane Jnhnson, De1 Ira RL>~:ers, Todd \\'V'megar, j, el Pearson, Tom ourricr, nck , D n Da H.l, ,C< tt uhcr, AU\\ I or Ar~:a: :\\Ia n<, . lar\\in lOk, :\\1el Bdl A av, Jeff F:>nnm, Dale F1eld tad, • 'nlan Palmer, teve En~k-on, Duane . lalmsrr m, David Cartwncht, Par Bnggs, T, m Ber • •ren, Denny Deneris, Perru::1, Randy Pollock, and Rick Brout:h. 4

Thespian Club Theatrical e.·perience and dramatic intere t were gained I y this year': The,pwn lub a they particir: ated in school plays, a\"emhlie., and ~peech meets. Their talent in thi field was shown wht:n many were chosen to compete in the school, regional, and state mterpetive met:t . 1 1ot only did members perform hut they als used their talent to help With stage designing and make-up for the school pro- duction of \"My Fair Lady\" and \"Teahouse of the August ~f on.\" ~1cml..,ership was re~tncted by the officers, who chose Lmly tudent p sse. smg pecial abilities in Drama. Thi limited the member hip hut the dramatic value of the duh was greatly increased. Dl>cussing scenen CPnstruLtiOn m a partmll~ ·ompleted \";\\h Fair Lad,·' set are, Row One: Ken Jenb, £lever!} , 'ewholJ, Car,,h n Da>~ , Linda • I C\\, and Kathv Ol\"'n. Rou Tu o: ~!itch Hunt. man, Ci rrr •rave , jan Re,as, Lorrnme \\ nnfleer, Olea LO\\·ell, Cmole arter, lauJia J-I,,ll. tem, Lon ~tam, anJ Ro I Q,·e. \\X'hde • 'olan Palmer and Patti BurJi~k act out a s~ene fr 'm ··. h· Fmr LaJr,\" Briggs, LmJa • 'ewt n, Lmdn Brewster, Paula Hod • n, Debra \\Cr en, member of the The p1an Cluh watch. Rou On : Lesly Jemon, Lori Cart- Courtney Clanon, K1m 'ew m. Rou· Three: Karen Dahl, Denms Tueller, wru::hr, Kevin Barnhurst, Louise Jones, Znn ;\\lernll, Dcni Deneriu. Rou• Tuo: Bill Asav, jolene Bnggs, hauna Thomps n, R,,]:, n Pn.:e, R0bert • lc lung, Pam Tishner, Annette Larsen, \\'<fvb Meyers, Becky Robert~on, Loretta teve \\Vinget, Dav1 :1 artwnght, • 'i~k Hafen, \\'ernon <'<'k, De1 Ire Ro •ers, Debbie Pierce, teve \\X'orkman, Barhara D1ckev, 2\\lernll Dodge.

Chasons Combining their talent and I ve for folk music, tht..: members of the folk singin' club, under the direction llf their advis r, ~1r. olegrove, en- thralled many audiences with their ability tll sing. By holding several hOlltl!nannies f\\1r church func- tions and other outside activities, the . ha. ons werl! ahle to e tahlish reco~mtion for Hillcrest H1gh ch I. nder the leadership of their president, Cliff , 1elson, a mu. ica[ as cmtly was pre ented for the studentbody, a well as a 'I ecial turkey banquet held in ~1urray Park last , ovt mber. Pointing out the date of a nearing hootenanny, ~1r. olegrove explams c.h:- tad to president ]iff , 'ielson and ecretary u~an . 1a,caro. 6

l'artrupanng rn a spontane0us 'lng-nlong arc Rou· One: Deture R •ers, Dem Paula Chri twnsLlll, jackte H opnmnn, and reve Rt hards. Hou Tu o· Arnte Dcnens, k:irk A'lrL'th, OL n f-aulkner, k:aren _ tdlmnn, Jnnene Johnson, anJ I ee Cnml-ell. Rou Ttl'<>: Jeff Page, :'..lary Ru~ ell, Cathy Atkinson, Russ Crai )L>hnston, \"heme . lcFarlane, . lark H rrock<, Pat Burdr k, ~rarung a smg-along, LMen Arment t\\\"es the pitch a fell w mem!-ers JL'in artwrighr, Arnre \\Viderburg. Todd \\Vinegar, and J e :\\1 rle . 111. Rou On,: Chn 'tJe,, Jean {), n •a, Oebbre J.o,,der, lin :\\be 0 bvrne, 7

\\Vatchm' cl , ely to ~ee there an.: nn mi.takes, ~~r~. Glenna Dodge Drawing cenery for the school play, \"The Teahou ·c of keep, an eye on hri tley as he draw the de, ign, while Bonnie the A~ust }.loon,\" arc ..,rage de. ign members ~1ary Ander- Dansie slice · a pattern with a cut-all. :on, Paula Howard, Katrina \"'ortham, teve ottingham, Stage Design Kathy Jorgensen, Davt: ottmqham, Jeff Fanmn, Kris Ikcr, Ron Henneman, and Kemp Butterfield. Helping w make \"~ty Fair Lady\" and \"The Teahou. e of the Augu , t ~ f 1n\" a big \"ucce this vear was tht: rage De, ign Ia. , , l)rgani:cd tl) make the scenery and 1 mp for ~chool musiCals and plays. tudents who were mterested in joining this class came from the art and drama department and wt:!re screened by ~lrs. Glenna D dqe before they were allowed to enroll. Like the partiCipants in \"~ly Fair Lady\" and \"The Teahouse of the August ~loon,\" tht:!se ~tudents 1 ut m many hour l f out~ide work by staymg after school and coming on aturdays to add the fini bing touches to the ~ets. Model U.N. Donatmg many long hours from their crowded schedules to the pursuit of ac- quiring a better understandmg of foreign policy and world problems in our time wt:re tht: members of ~fodel 1.1. ., an extra-curricular academic dub. uccess- fully repre ·enting the countries of Yugo- slavia and Gabon, the club attended the annual\" lode! l ',' eminar at the niver- sity of l tah this past April. In addition, the club also collected 76.50 for U I EF by going from room to room. Watchmg Pre ident 'ick Hafen hand Barbara Dicke} a pamphlet arc Lana \\1it- chell, . 'ancy Doty, .onmc Hansen, Russ Logsdon, Katrina 'ortham, tevt: Winget, Linda Pctt, Advi~or Argie Macris, jeff Fannin, Jolene Bnggs, Jay Rogerson, Dt:ylene Moffett, and tan earle.

Di:cus~mg the expl:rtence and qualificatit'ns of Richard ~1. _'ixon Teenage are meml->er~ Byron Kelley, ~1ary , 1iel. on, Kent Demke, and John Republicans Fe ricks. To pwdde tudent, with informative information Ct)l)Ccrning 1olitical i sue and candidate. wa~ the puq ose uf the Teenage Republican Club, newly mitiated thi. year. Arranging for p litical speakeL, preparing bulletin 1--oards, ' and campai~..:ning for their favurite candidate charactLri:l:d the clul'. Becau.l: L)f the . ucce. ~ful ;\\ 1ock Election, thl: club heir ed ~tudcnt to rl:ali:e the ImP~'rtance of the 19 na- tional election a well as . tate and local ekctions. the ~lock Election are tan Ras- helly 'ate, vice-president. Before speaking to the ~tudentl,ody, on~re~~man talks with Tom Berggr n about election i~ ue .

Throwm~ paper m a wa tel:-asket to demonstrate a cleanup Lisa :\\brrineau, Lucinda :\\tad~en, Kathie Hatha\\\\:tv, T1ebra tory, Lu 11lc :O.Iadsen, Kelly z,Park, Kathn n Ktltgaard, Michael arn, Kn tie )en ,,n, R hm Price, nnd na . ternh w. Advertising Agency This year' Adverticing Agency wa. the fir~t club of It kmd in the hi. tory of Hillcrest. They filled a gap in the already long li. t of cluh by e tabli h- ing a. their main goal tht: generating l,f chtX11 pirit, publici:ing current activities, and promoting public awarenes of event. at Hillcrest. Planning p ters, gathering idea , and using intricate devices such as blowgun to paint pocter · were . me of the method tht:y u. t:d to ac.lverti ·e club activi- tie. . Becau. e of their effort numerous creatin: po~ters were seen in the hall throughout the year. Members of the adverrisin~ agenq e.·press the1r approval to Jo~ Tsuva about a new cam- Dunng a meeting of the officer. and advisors, Joy Tsuya, paign. Rou One: Jeff Pa~:e, Paul m~:lenn, \\X'~Ia Gene , tyers, andv Drake, Be ky Griffith . Row Tu·o: RKhard Dan. le, Loretta Bri • Ravenna navenp 1rt, •athy Sorenson, ·eated, e.·plains her ideas fm a new campaign to \\ferrdl JoAnn \\'an Alphen. Row Three: .1arv DamJan,wich, Anne Christopherson, Claud1a \\'an Dl dge, Lee :amrt~ell, \\ b. Glenna Dodge, ~1rs . onja Dam, Reene Eng trum, Lela Turner. Beere, Gordon mart, and Bonnie Dan. ie.

Art Club ~tu,lym • memb r<, Rou One: Janet Lloyd, Kathy oremon, Dan Ro enhan, Pr~ll11lltin!.! an intt.:re~t and an appreciation fl1r art among Herman Frank, Kathv )or •en en, Pat Gn::ell; Rou Tuu: Laura lee ~tudents was the attamed goal of the Art luh this year. Bean, Elame Johnson, At.h i~or \\X!ayne Kill rack, Ravenna Davenport, ~tudent~ learned tll make critical evaluations hy determin- mg which art is g od and which is bad - by defining what Ken Raleigh, Peggy Owen,, an I Darrell Field tad. makes ~me \\vork a piece llf genius v.:hile another with similar om1 )Sition i mediocre. By visitmg several exhihits 111 ~ alt Lake ity and at B.Y.t ., the.-e goals and purposes were carried out to the fullest. An mter-sccondary school art exhihit was held at Hillcrest 111 the spring in order to convey to all students a greater reali:ati m of the meritor- IllU. nature of art. Turning to Ravenna Davenport for approval, Janet Han. en proceed. to arrange the artwork in the di. play ca e. ardully exammmg an old skull, 1r. \\Vayne Killpack. adn. or, along with offict.:rs Janet Loyd, Peggy \\vens, and Darrell Fieldstad, study ju. t one of the many a. pects of art. 9

Hi Ettes :\\fi . Eunice Pixton Kathy Richards Jonetta Baker Lending a hel1 ful hand, Hillcrest Hi Ettes d t •isor Presnlcnt ~crctary pent the year in o;erviet.: to the1r ~ch l hy holding 1pen the heavy auditOrium d ro; fl1r an aco;emhly while hundreds of student treamed thr ugh, u hering at PTA m etings and Parent Teacher onferences, and ~ rving for the honor l anquet. One umque addition to the club this year was the leprechaun, an idea t hetter unite the g1rl. in the club. Accepting the challenge to promote . ch ol pirit, they won.: their gre n and white uniform · every game day. Peggy Anderson Bonnie Bateman usan Beckstead Martha Bullet Ada Cintron Pam Da:ley Debbie Hansen Roxanne Hardy Ann Howick Putting . ack to good u e, Linda tewart and Lorna }.1echam pick up litter on the school ground . 92

During initiation, Rose Josephs n and 93 LuDean J hn decorate paper acks for the clean-up project.

Symphony Sub Debs Expres in~ interest in symphomc music, Hillcrest's ympht ny 'ub Deh~ participated in arrancing a rnlgram at Hillcrest HH!h ~cho~ll for several dL trict scho~lls to hear the tah ymphony Orche tra play. They al o pro- moted schtltll spirit 1y cntering a f!tlat in the Homecoming parade, and run- ning a booth at the Girl ' and Boys' A~stlciation Dancc. losing activities included a dinner dance at the Umvcrsity nf l tah Ballr om, and a tea at the govern r' mansion. On ~ta1rs: Jackie Boult n, Marcia Fromm, onme Bullock, hanna Poul en, nn Da\\'1 , Kay Jack ~,n, }llene Lund, I.mdn Ault, Lori Cart\\\\Tlght. _ittln •: R emary ~1arlor, . tar ha ~loon, Bonnie •rnham, Linda ~1clff, ~Iaureen Jncob.en, Leslie LeFevre, Karen tillman. picture are officer. Ro ·emary • tar! or, Hu lda ros grove. 94

Listenmg to a Chnstmas decoration demon~traoon given by a L'tah Power and Light FHA Comrany rerres ntaove are memhers Gay Erikson, Carol Bennet, Clau lia \\'an Dam, Elaine Johnson, Katrina 'ortham, Judy Cazier, Martha Bullot, lorrame Vanfleet, Jeanill • 'elson, Leslie LeFevre, Denise Lundgrcen, Sandy Rakes, lin la Mdff, Robin Crawford. and Paula Iavell. As her last act a~ rrest lent, Colleen ' trong hands a bouquet of rose. to future president ~!ary Ann cott as officer, and advisors watch. They are ~Irs. Carver, ~Irs. 'elson, Kathy Atkinson, Karen \\Vilkcs, Renan Smith, Hope Kay, Jonnetta Baker, Janet Kearslev, and Bonme Smith. Devoted to the development of homemaking • kills, the Future Homemaker of America studied to become better hou ewive . ~1ember furthered their education by attending , tate and regional convt.:ntions throughout the valley, and also by li tening to guest speaker, lecture on ubject uch as table decorations, gift wrapping, and cake dec- orating. The fifty members al o participated in actual demomtrations. Planning and decorating for the traditional Huskte Howl last ~larch wa considered the main project of the year by the club members. Announcement of the new officers at the annual closing banquet climaxed the club's activitie.. Gloria mart give~ last-minute instructions for arranging flowers for the Homecoming float to club members Andrea Terry, ~1ary Web. ter, Diane Denning, Ellen Thomp- ~on, Paullette mith, Janet Burgon, ynthia oat., Janice mith, and Loa \\XIalker.

Spanish Club Ambititln and tlrga111:ation were the cultivatmg factt'r that I (tlst~d the '1 anish lul ttl new height thts vear. nnttnuou.., practic~.: t1f tht.: '1 ant h languag~ familiari:~.:d the memb~.:rs with ib lttcraturc, art, and custtln1''. Fn~.:ndship and understanding bt.:twet.:n ptX1! ks ot '1 nnish s1 caking countries nnd America was highly 1romPtcd. Among the activities which c.· hilarinted the 111tellcctual as1 t.:Ct t1f tht.: club w~.:rc the gu~.:st speakers, fi Ims, and t1CC::tsionnl visits to . 1exican Rcstnurant~. Looking em in anticipation a' \\ icki \\'erm n, hlindfold~d. attem~ t w hreak Admiring an A:tec alendar are officers Paul ingle- ton, Otm Faulkner, Ada intmn, raig \\X1allacc, and th pinata are Dehhie Hamcn, Jay Rt1gCN1n, }tan Thalman, aria Bu h, , 1r.. Anne Iasdla, ndvi or. ).1atilda Leyha, Jeanine Johmon, Vernon onk, raig \\X!allacc, and ]tmneta Baker. F.T.A. Havt ng the distinctttm l'f I cing the newest member t1f the l'tah Future Teacher\\ As..,ociation, Hillcrest's chapter nf the F.T.A. worked tnwards tht.: g 1al t f bcwming teach- l!rs t1f the future. During tht.: vcar, ml!ml,ers vi:ited an elementary ·chool ttl tudy different t~.:aching method . Their dcstrc ttl bcwmc t~.:achers \\\\'as rcfk ted hy the ac· ttvities they rarttupatt.:d 111 which helped these ,tudents bcomc t'ctter informed 111 the dutte · and respon. ihilitie 0f teaching. Ll king over the articles of th new Futur~ Teacher's Con titution are Officer. of the F.T.A., Vtce-President Kcvtn Barnhurst, ).1arilyn :\\1iller, DeeAnn )one , KarLn Bess, arol Comm 1m, aria Prt.: idcnt Dehhic Han. en, and ccretary Zan Merrill, dis· cuss the topic for thcir next mc~.:tlng With their ponsor, Bu. h, and Michelle DuVall. ~ 1r. . Phyllis Gunnell. 96

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