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Home Explore Criminal Minds Season 4

Criminal Minds Season 4

Published by, 2014-07-27 00:19:19

Description: Previously on criminal minds - where are we
headed? - new york.
What do we know? All the killings are mid-day.
Single gunshot to the head with a .
22 Surveillance cameras have captured video of
3 of the murders.
They're all the same.
He wears a hood and keeps his head down.
Kate joyner heads up the new york field office.
She's running point on the case along with
detectives brustin and cooper.
From the placement of that camera, Odds are the
only view they're gonna get is the back of his
Let's not be too quick to decide what we do or
don't have.
You mind telling me why i'm catching attitude from
her? Fbi brass has made it clear to her that if she
doesn't bring this case home, She's gonna be
And you are at the top of the list to replace her.
Profile me.
You don't wear a ring.
And you were quick to flirt with me.
So you're happy to let people think you are a
But you love your wife, and you would


Read the Text Version

Criminal Minds Season4 Ok, real time satellite image shows Not a whole There's something i want to do. heck of a lot. - Agent Morgan. I've got a 2-story apartment building, no activity of - Derek. any kind, no cars out in front. This way. Oh, there's a car down the street. This is agent Morgan from the fbi. No heat registering, engine must be cool. Maggie cunningham and sam, my partner's Satellite monitoring the last A truck and 2 cars left family. in the a. Mrs. m. Cunningham, i'm sorry for your loss. , nothing came in. Thank you. Thank you, Garcia. Hey, sam We got the bad guy who did this. All right, there's a major street in front on the east Sam, your father was a hero. side, an ally, And 2 smaller streets to the north Don't you ever forget that. and south right here. \"for he today who sheds his blood with me shall Lieutenant, commander, i need a sniper here and be my brother. here. \" William Shakespeare. Once they're set, the bulk of the squad cars can approach from the south, And the rest of us from the east very quietly. From this point forward, everybody goes in on foot. Morgan, you and i go in first. Rossi and Prentiss behind us. Jordan, you and Reid stay here and work the tip line. - Stay safe, my loves. - Thanks, Garcia. Clear! Clear! False alarm. We knew we'd get some. - What now? - We wait. You might want to split your officers into shifts. It could be a long night. Not this time. You're done. Let's go. You knew he wouldn't be at the first address. We figured he'd wait until Hotch was alone. So the tip was a diversion. Something like that. Thank you. And your team. No thanks necessary, lieutenant. We did it together. No, playboy! Hotch Why don't you go on ahead? I think i'm going to stick around. 101

Criminal Minds Season4 ORANGE COUNTY,CA Rtraffic's looking pretty She's paralyzed from the waist down. good this afternoon for your evening commute. The second and third victims were both d. This is john brown with your kmpa traffic report. o. Stay tuned for southland sports,coming up after a. this. There were different vehicles for each shooting. Can't be late for my own party, norman. A small black suv, a black sedan,a white sedan, I gotta go. no makes,no plates. You're gonna have to meet me there. No solid witnesses? The first victim described the Ok. shooter as a normal,middle-aged white guy in an You're not gonna wear that tie, are you? Not one suv. of my favorites. She gave that description but she couldn't rember Don't forget to put the seat down. anything else? Isn't that consistent with trauma? Jeez,lady! - Excuse me,miss? - Yes? Excuse me. Uh,actually,no. Oh,wait. Trauma victims either remember everything or Hold on one second. nothing. All right,i'm back. So wait--the third victim was shot last week, we No,go on. just got the phone call today? Until the third And as i was saying The principal's office called. shooting, the locals weren't convinced it was a Yeah--plagiarism. serial shooter. Yeah,well,i was in the middle of closing on the There were different cars, and the first shooting ocean park 5-bedroom And i'm telling you, if i lose there was a different weapon. that commission, it is coming out of his college It's the same weapon. fund. The shot pattern on the second and third one are * and he comes back home at five-thirty,* * gets much wider,though. the same train every time. He sawed off the shotgun. * * and he's, oh, so good,* * and he's, oh, so fine,* It's the same shooter. * and he's, oh, so healthy,* * in his body and his He's evolving,and quickly. mind. The media has already dubbed him the road * * he's a well respected man about town,* * doin' warrior. the best things so conservatively. That explains why they wanted us there so * * and his mother goes to meetings, * * while his quickly. father pulls the maid, * * and she stirs the tea with What do you mean? This type of unsub is the councilors, * * while discussin' foreign trade, * * hardest to catch. and she passes looks, as well as bills * * at every Totally impersonal victims. suave young man * What's gotten into you tonight? A third of the crime scene flees with him and his \"every normal man must be tempted at times \"to vehicle. spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, \"and begin The victim's car's a wreck. to slit throats. And the last third, the road, it's contaminated by \" H. all the other cars that drive over it. l. So how do we get him? We build a solid profile. mencken. We release it to the public with an appeal for help. This is orange county, california. Somebody knows this guy. real estate broker and a mother, Was shotgunned And it's my job to make them realize. on the 91 freeway. Sheriff's. - She survived this? - Barely. . 102

Criminal Minds Season4 Thea salinas, sheriff's county homicide. time? You think the first shooting was I'm running the taskforce. spontaneous? Well,we know what he's capable of I'm special agent jordan todd, special agents rossi, when he plans ahead. hotchner, prentiss Morgan And that's dr. If i'm not planning to commit a crime, why not Spencer reid. drive my own vehicle? So the suv is his actual - Are these the vehicles from the shootings? - car. Yes. But then,why did he have a gun in the suv if he Did you set up the hotline? Like you asked. wasn't planning to commit murder? And what We have the local stations putting the number out happened to make him pull that first trigger? We there. need to re-interview the first victim. We're getting about a dozen calls an hour. Ms. I'll alert the media to stand by for our press hannity, i'm agent aaron hotchner. conference. This is agent emily prentiss. Excuse me. We're from the fbi. The sheriff's department and the chp are on tac She already told the police everything she can alert. remember. We've got choppers on round-the-clock freeway Rick It's ok. patrol. Please. The victims' vehicles,with maps,csps,and bullet It's just the two of us. points. He feels like it's his job to protect me. Everything we got on the case is in this room. I understand you've spoken to the police. Anything solid on the tip line? Usual nutjobs, I just need to go back through the shooting with crime buffs, bored senior citizens. you. You might have got everything squared away. It only comes back in pieces. It's not me. We can take it slowly. It's the shooter. Just try to piece together your day,if you can. The o. Have you seen accidents like this before? A few. c. Do people recover? The doctor said she has a has an endless supply of 3 things-- good chance. Freeways,news coverage, and blond female - It's my fault. luxury car owners. - No. People are pretty scared? I could ask for a This is no one's fault but the man who shot your submarine and get it. mother. The first m. I got in trouble at school. o. She was on her way there. in the first shooting differs dramatically from the She shouldn't have even been in her car. other two. So you were angry? I don't know. Daylight on a crowded freeway. I suppose. That's dozens of potential witnesses. I know this is difficult, but every detail helps us It's high-risk. understand who this man is. He got lucky. Come on. Well,then, he's a fast study. Come on,move! I was impatient. Sawed off his shotgun and lowered his risk by And you cut him off? Was there anything else? switching to nights and changing vehicles. Did he swear? Did he honk? Did he threaten you What if he wasn't planning on murder the first in any way? Excuse me. 103

Criminal Minds Season4 Oh,wait. less than 3 miles from the crime scenes. Hold on one second. Alternate merges? Multiple lanes funneled down He tried to speak to me. to one. What did he say? He couldn't say anything. One car per lane, alternating at the drivers' I wouldn't give him a chance. discretion. What? Now you want to talk about your feelings These sites allow him to set up the confrontation. like you're some chick? You drive like an old lady. A guy who follows the rules may lash out once, All right,i'm back. but to do it again, he'd need similar provocation. No,go on. So he seeks out alternate merge sites, then he And as i was saying If he hadn't seemed so goes through them over and over again Until he normal I wouldn't have said anything. finds a woman that fits his victim type and who I I usually don't even use my horn, because on cuts him off. the road You never know. So,we have to shut down every alternate merge I'll ask your son to come back in. in the county immediately. Is she ok? She says you've been taking very And we need to talk to the crews that work these good care of her. sites. I guess so. So what does all this tell you? Impersonal killers She's lucky to have you. are like drug addicts. So What happened? She made it personal. The first time gives them the ultimate high, and When the victimology's this specific, we know the after that, no high is as good. victims represent a specific person to him. Unfortunately,the addict doesn't know that. Who? Given the fact that he's the same age and He will chase that high to the gates of insanity race as the victims, Likely a current or former wife and death. or girlfriend. By now,killing is all our unsub things about. So why not just kill the actual person? She's just a He's set up the exact same situation again and scapegoat for his own personal failings. again, hoping to get the same result. He knows if he kills her, he loses that scapegoat. He begins to think he's doing it wrong. So he just goes around blowing away any women? He becomes obsessed with improving his skills, No,just women that remind him of his wife. honing his m. When this type of killer is triggered, they need to o. release the resentment quickly. And tailoring his weapon to his deadly purpose. Subsequently,they tend to strike close to the He figures if he gets them all just right, if he can focus of that resentment. get his technique and his tools perfected, He'll So if the focus is his wife, then that focus is his feel that first high again. home. He's becoming a more lethal addict. Yeah. And he'll never accept that the high is gone and it He almost certainly lives in this area. won't come back. This is his kill zone. He'll never stop. Uh,what are these various markers everywhere? Never. Uh,roadwork. You know how many cars i see drive through my Judith hannity said that he shot her after she work site here? Your boss said you were the challenged him personally. safety officer that night? So? So that means you Before that, he was almost apologetic. would have been holding the sign to slow cars What's going on? Out of the 30 roadwork sites in down. the kill zone, only 2 were alternate merges, Both We're looking for a man in a white sedan, and he 104

Criminal Minds Season4 would have come through over and over again. Something happened in the unsub's life, The driver would have been going extra slow, like something so traumatic, It turned a normal man he was daring anyone to cut him off. into a serial killer. Son of a bitch. So he's suffering from some kind of psychotic You remember someone? Yeah. break. I thought the guy was lost. Which means the world he sees around him has I mean, i even talked to tony about this guy changed,and so has his role in it. dressing like a hard-ass, but he drove like a chick. And that of his family. - No offense. His perception of his home life is the key to his - None taken. pathology. What do you mean, dressed like a hard-ass? This At home this unsub feels less than a man, a jackass was wearing a leather jacket, he's got failure as a father and as a husband. sunglasses on, They're mirrored, you know, like He feels his children don't need or respect him. the cops use. And that he's unwanted and obsolete in their But it was dark out. lives. He's starting to role-play. As a husband he feels emasculated and He's breaking from reality. humiliated by his wife. Do you remember anything else about this man? Yeah,right, that'd be good. A car cut him off, and he stuck his arm out across Now,these beliefs and perceptions, real or the front seat. imagined, Have destroyed this individual's But after that i didn't see him come through again. masculine self-image. Show me what he did with his arm. This unsub is delusional. Like this. He's now dressing in this road warrior persona. Like he was keeping a passenger from hitting the It gives him feelings of power and purpose that he dashboard? Yeah,but the dude was alone. craves. - Thanks for your time. It is now the single most important thing in his life. - Sure. And he will die before giving it up. What's wrong? A small suv is a family vehicle. His new fantasy persona can't co-exist with the Between that and the hand gesture, i'm afraid that everyday reality of his home life. our unsub's married with children. Which means sooner or later he's going to kill his Why does that matter? Well,if he's breaking from entire family. reality and he's lashing out at surrogates for his So what do we do? Our strategy's three-fold. life, Then it's only a matter of time before he tries First we find every small-model blue suv owner in to wipe out the real thing. the estimated kill zone. Are you saying this guy's gonna kill his wife and in that zone, and we man it with our people. kids? Call your people. And 3--we release our profile to the public. We need to get a profile out as soon as possible. Somebody out there knows this man. The hyper-masculine disguise, victim preference, They just don't realize it. And the emasculating trigger of the first attack All Hey,norman. tell us this is an unsub suffering a masculine Can you put this on my account? I'll need mr. identity crisis. Manning's approval. A masculine identity crisis? That's why he's Whenever you get around to it. driving around blowing women away? No. I'm still waiting for last month's expense Judy hannity was just the trigger. summary,norman. We need to identify the precipitating trauma. I'm sorry. 105

Criminal Minds Season4 The guys on the sixth floor are asking for my to me, they do it to me! Why do they always do quarterly. that to me? Makes you Damn Hey,buddy. I need that summary. Are you all right? Joe karem and timothy calvert. I got--i know i got-- i got it here somewhere. D. You're an old,bald loser and everyone laughs at o. you. a. What did you say? I didn't say anything. no wants,no warrants. Look,norman, the sixth floor doesn't care what's They work in the area, and detectives are going on in your life or how long you've been with notifying their families. the firm. Sawed-off 12-gauge, close range, shot out of the They're all about the numbers, and the numbers driver's side window, driving a small blue suv. tell them that younger workers cost less and That's our guy, but he went way off script. produce more. Multiple male victims, surface street, daytime I like you,norman. attack, and he drove his own vehicle. I know how hard things have been for you these Something triggered him and pissed him off. past few months. What time did this happen? Approximately 2:20. Don't give those bastards on the sixth floor an Single witness says the shooter was driving a excuse, you know what i mean? Yeah. small blue suv. Yeah. Didn't get a plate. Here it is. Middle-aged white guy, wearing a tie. Thanks. Suit jacket hanging in the back. We ask the public to listen very carefully to the - Press conference? - 2:20. following description. Jordan went on the air at You said the unsub was Anyone who believes they recognize this going to be watching the coverage. individual should call our tip line immediately. the press conference to this intersection. We are looking for a white, middle-aged,married He drives the speed limit, taking into account red father. lights and mid-day traffic No more than 10 miles. We believe his wife is blond, approximately 40 So he lives within 10 miles of here? - I don't think years old, Resembles the victims, and drives a so. luxury sedan. - I don't understand. This individual drives a blue small-model suv and We were wrong. most likely lives in this area. He was wearing a tie, suit jacket hanging in the It is also very possible this individual recently back. suffered a personal trauma in his life. And considering the time of day He works in the All points bulletin: be on the lookout for a area. worthless loser named norman, Who resents I'm gonna call garcia. anyone with a life and kills just to prove he's not Give it to me. an emasculated loser. Hey,baby. It's very possible this individual has suffered a Can you pull up a map of the crime scene area for personal trauma in his life. me? Sugar,i could shut down the power grid to Again,a white,middle-aged, married father. the whole city if you told me to. We believe his wife is blond,approximately 40 Yeah,i'm sure you can. years old, Resembles the victims, and drives a Right now i just need you to highlight a 10-mile luxury sedan. radius around this point. This They do it to me, they do it to me, they do it Track any calls coming in from this area to the tip 106

Criminal Minds Season4 line. Of course you are,dear. Coordinate with prentiss and reid,would you? I'm And i'm the zodiac killer. all over it. We should compare notes at dinner. Mwah. What's so funny? Dad confessed. Thanks,baby girl. He's the road warrior. You think he's gonna kill again soon,don't you? You're such a dork. And he's done killing surrogates. Yeah. Did you know? Excuse me. What is the exact address? What do we got? You This is not the time or the place. have no idea how many middle-aged white men You gonna do this in front of the press? He killed there are out there Who have someone close to those people because of something i said. them that think they're a serial killer. No. And you said that he saw the press Whenwetalk to the public, it's always a possibility. conference,right? Ok,thank you. That is part of the job. Guys,i think we might have something. Tell me now if you can do it or not. That's funny,when i heard the description in the Damn right. first press conference, i thought of norman. I can do the shop. Then i just thought, it couldn't be,you know? He's Good. so quiet. You're about to give another press conference. What is it that mr. We're on the air in 3,2,1 We are prepared to Hill does for you? He's in charge of the company's release to the public additional information About travel expenses. the individual responsible for the freeway This is his desk. shooting. Does he have access to the company cars? The individual is a white, 45- to He works in this Yeah,the whole fleet. area. What about the first press conference made you He wears a suit and tie to work and left work very think of norman? The woman mentioned abruptly shortly after 2:00, immediately after something about him suffering a tragedy. watching our earlier statement about him. Daddy, what's taking so long? Daddy will be done If anyone has any additional information, please in a minute. call our anonymous tip line immediately. Just stay in the car,baby. Thank you. I want to help. One last thing. Jenny,get back in the car! Get back in the car! No! This individual has committed horrible crimes and How long ago did his daughter die? I really should must be held to account, but he is a husband and have done more to help him. a father. Thank you. He's violent and he's troubled, but he must be Norman's personnel file. capable of some degree of mercy and This address current? It should be. compassion. Why does he have 2 files? Uh,we cross-reference And so We appeal to him Do not hurt any more married couples. people. I don't understand. Please turn yourself in. Norman's wife vanessa works here,too. Norman? Is something wrong? I'm the road We need to speak to her. warrior. Uh,she's not here. What? I'm the road warrior, the freeway shooter. She just got a promotion, so she took a couple of I thought i should tell you. weeks off. 107

Criminal Minds Season4 Get in the car. Norman,what are you talking about? It's my job to - I just got home from school. make everything right again. - Don't talk back to me! Norman,what's going on? - Turn right here. You'll see. - Where,here? Right--right-- turn right here! Turn Everybody,now. right here! I'm gonna need a little more notice I'm driving. than that,kid. Norman,what are you doing? - Norman,slow Sorry. down! - No! What do you mean,no? We have to Sorry. get out of here. Norman,please just tell me what's happening. Dad,let us out of the car! Damn it. Why are you doing this? Because i know that you - Please. blame me. - Ok,norman, the police are behind us. Blame you? I see the way you all look at me. - Shut up! - Shut up? - The police should stay out I see it. of this. - All right,left. - Stay out of it? You ran a stop sign and you're - Where? Uh,next light. going like 100 miles an hour. Norman,please,just stop. - This is family business! - Family? - You have to Oh,my god. stop this. Where did you get that? I tried to tell you, but you - No. wouldn't listen. What we have to do is we have to get out of here. You just wouldn't listen! Repeat,shots fired! On Please,dad,this is crazy! Norman,stop this car the chase now. right now! Shut up! All of you shut up! Salinas. He's losin' it. Where? We have a chase. Reid,does it look like the chase could be headed Small model suv,blue. to his house? Uh,yeah,i think so. Driving recklessly. It almost looks like he's starting to go in a wide 117th and pacific. circle toward that direction. Morgan,we have a high-speed chase, 117 and Ok,emily, we're right outside it now. pacific. All units, pursuit now headed over memorial It sounds like our guy. bridge. All right,listen, we're closer to 117, so we're on our We're almost there. way now. Turn right at the next light. We'll head over to the hill house. Norman,where did you get that gun? - How could If he's having a break, he could be on his way you forget her so fast? - What? - You think i forgot? there to finish it. - You moved on! I cry every day! Don't lie to me! - We're on our way. Don't lie to me! Memorial bridge is around the Be careful. next corner. - Ok. Hold on! Hold on! - You good! - We're good,go,go! Norman,please stop. Vanessa hill! Fbi! Are you inside? Maybe they We should have done this a long time ago. went somewhere safe. Done what? We can't move on living in that Let's check around back. house. We can never be a family again in that house. I can't do it. We can never be a family anywhere! No. - Move on? - I don't know how you could. No,don't say that. How you could-- you keep looking at those same - You let her die,daddy! - No,no,no, it wasn't my walls, the same The same pictures. fault. 108

Criminal Minds Season4 Of course it was your fault! Please don't say it! Jordan? Did i do that? Is this my fault? No,kiddo. Just stop saying that! I wasn't there. No way. Sasha wasn't there. They were gone before we even got the case. You had her and you let her die! Just shut up! Just We knew he would hurt his family. shut up! A '63 astin martin db-5. We just didn't know that he already had. James bond. I don't I'm not sure i can do this job. Goldfinger. That's ok. Guys. There's nothing wrong with that. Reid,get on the radio and tell them we're in the \"there's no tragedy in life \"like the death of a child. chase. Things never get back to the way they were. This is the fbi behavioral analysis unit. \" President dwight eisenhower. We caught up to the chase and are now You all right? I will be. monitoring. Hey,you guys ever notice how the trip home We ask if you're able to stop the vehicle, You always seems to go so much faster? That's allow us to take the lead in contacting the driver. because the tailwinds are in our favor. We believe him to be a severely deranged No,i meant 'cause-- anybody want to get suspect. something to eat? - Not really. Copy. - You? No,not really. Let's split up. There's someone in the b.a.u. It was your fault. room,guys. I'm sorry. - What are you doing here? - JJ. You let my baby girl die. Garcia said you guys were on your way back And you think i forgot?! It was your fault. tonight. No. I thought you could use a surprise. No,no,no, no,no! Norman! What are you doing? I thought i gave you strict orders to get this place What are you doing? - Don't move! - My family's out of your head for a while. inside! - Stop and listen to me! Listen to me! - My bad. No,my family's-- - nobody is in that car. I couldn't help myself. - Nobody - Your family's gone,norman. Here. - No,they're in there. I heated it up. They're gone,norman! Look inside. Room temp. Look in the car. Right? I just realized, with all that we do and see Look in the car. in this room, it never smiles. They were never there. I wanted at least one good memory to hold on to. It's over. Excuse me,kid. They were never with you. Um,jj,uh Can i? Of course. No,but they were. Ok,you gotta hold his head up. They were Your family's gone,norman. Careful,careful. Oh,god,what did i do? Oh,what did i do to my - I got it,i got it. family? My family! I'm sorry. I got it. I'm sorry! My family It's over,norman. - No,you don't got it. We're gonna get you some help. You're smothering him. It's over. Look,what's he doing? What's he doing? He is Let's go. smiling at derek morgan. Get up. - Gas. 109

Criminal Minds Season4 - Gas. Give me that. Hey,little man. You're smiling. Yes. We miss you. 110

Criminal Minds Season4 All right. Anything you say can and will be held against you Now, seat belt and - No talking on the phone. in a court of law. - You must be totally confident so you can be You have the right to have an attorney during the aware of What's happening around you. questioning. I have to go. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be No, no, no. provided for you. Come on. - Do you understand these rights? - Yes. It's Sunday. - William, what is going on? - It's a mistake. - You promised. It's a mistake. - Want your mom to take you? Come on, Andrea. I'll be home soon. I'll be home before dinner. - What are you doing? - Got tired of waiting. Yeah, right. What's that supposed to mean? You can look all You said that last time. you want. I was gonna tell you this later, but I really need to Missy Dewald isn't here. see you smile, So, So when you've gotten your All week, you been sayin' he need privacy and license, this little beauty is all yours. time. Dad! How do you like your old man now? - But You told me he wouldn't keep her on his property, you can't let your grades slip. but I wouldn't listen. - No, they won't. Detective, we have a witness who can place him They won't. at the abduction site. Hello, Lisa. He has a history of similar offenses where he Lisa, guess who just got a new car. used the same m. - No way. o. And I just have to get my license. in Atlanta. - And - And keep my grades up. He fits the profile A high-functioning successful Mr. family man living and working in the area. Harris, can you talk to my dad? - So great. We don't have enough to prosecute him yet. - I love it. - What's our next move? could be in his house, That's awesome. his life. Did you guys hear there's another girl missing? Family, work, his friends. Missy Dewald? - What, do you know her? - She Agent Morgan and I will interrogate him. goes to Bennett. All right. High school? All the other girls were in college. He holds his victims for 2 days before he kills Maybe it's not the same guy. them. But he alternates between black and white girls. Missy disappeared yesterday. You don't read the paper? If he's going younger, As long as he stays in custody, there's a good we're in trouble. chance she could be alive. William Harris. Talk to the detective that arrested him for the What is this about? William Harris, you're under Atlanta rapes. arrest for the kidnapping of Missy Dewald and the Find out what went right and what went wrong murder of 3 women. with their approach. - You have the right to remain silent. Williams is a successful litigator, so we're gonna - You have a warrant? Look in the attic, the need some leverage, Somethin'to throw him off garage, and the storage shed. guard. She's here somewhere. A discrepancy in a previous statement, that's 111

Criminal Minds Season4 enough to give us the upper hand. in love? All those firsts the kiss, the smell of her We can only hold him sees the judge. hair It's exciting. What are the odds we can get him to break in the You miss that feeling, don't you? Being married to next 12 hours? That's not gonna be easy. the same woman, it's like ordering the same - Criminal Minds Season 4 Episode12 - \"Soul entree for 18 years. Mates\" \"No mortal can keep a secret. Agent Rossi, every minute you spend with me is \"If his lips are silent, he chatters with his another minute she's alone with him. fingertips. So we've brought in the wrong guy? Just like they \"Betrayal oozes out of him at every pore. did in Atlanta. \" Sigmund Freud. And by the time you realize I've been telling the Did he do it? Did William Harris rape and kill truth This poor girl could be dead. those girls? I'm sorry. Would you prefer to do this alone? This may be I can't answer. too disturbing for your daughter. He was the coach of my daughter's soccer team. It's OK. Please. We have no secrets. I'm afraid to let her leave the house. Can you account for William's whereabouts for I know this is frustrating. the last 24 hours? - My dad was at home with us. As soon as we get any information, we will - The whole time? He may have ran out for about release it to the public. an hour or so. Hold tight, OK? Excuse me. I really don't remember. William Harris, I'm special agent Derek Morgan. murdered, Mrs. This is special agent David Rossi. Harris. Before you answer any questions, I need to Missy Dewald is missing now, and she's running remind you that you're entitled to have a lawyer out of time. present. That's not my fault. I am a lawyer. How would you feel if someone was hurting She look familiar to you? How about her? Her? Andrea? ? My dad got a better offer with another The three of these girls were raped, strangled, firm. and dumped. It had nothing to do with the rape charges in My God. Atlanta? Those charges were dropped. I have a daughter their age. Do you really think it's a coincidence he's been a Missy Dewald. suspect twice? It was a mistake, just like this. She went missing yesterday. Has William been distant lately? Spent a lot of What do you think you have on me? We have a time behind closed doors? He works a lot. witness who can place you at the mall the same Is that a crime? I think you've known something is time of her abduction. off, and it's made you wonder. And well, rumor has it . It's something only you would know. - How is that? - Tell us about Atlanta. Mrs. Atlanta? Those charges were dropped. Harris, you can save Missy Dewald's life, in spite It was a mistake. of what's happening in your family. Because the 2 rape victims wouldn't testify, and That's enough. now you cover your tracks by killing them. This interview is over. I didn't do this. You find anything? - Give me a minute. So, William, you've been married, what, 18 years? I'll find the grime. You remember that feeling you get when you fall All right. 112

Criminal Minds Season4 You ready to start searching his computer? Born - You find anything incriminating? I was able to ready. differentiate between 2 distinct voices, 2 authors. - Seem to be in control. I found various idiosyncratic words, phrases, - I'm always in control, sweet cheeks. punctuation, And orthography within the blog So far, William Harris appears to be quite entries consistent with each separate person intelligent. Words like \"soda\" and \"pop. - He's covering his tracks pretty well. \" One guy uses dashes while the other uses - Yeah, just because you delete your history, ellipses. doesn't mean all your dirty cyberlaundry isn't Where'd you find this kid? He was left in a basket hanging out there for me to find on your hard on the steps of the F. drive. B. Rookie mistake. I. - Keep moving, sir. One side of the discourse made a reference to - Bailiff Mr. the devil's strip. Harris can have a few moments with his family. - What the hell's that? - It's a small patch of grass - Dad. that separates the sidewalk from the street. - Honey. That term is only used in central Ohio. How's my girl? - I'll be fine once you're home. William lived in Atlanta for 20 years, but he grew - I'm workin'on that. up in Columbus. How you doin'? I know. The other guy uses words like \"turnpike\" and Believe me, I know. \"filling the gas tank,\" Both specific regionalisms But, they don't have a case. for Florida. Honey, bail was set at $5 million. Kid, you sure about this? Right. They must have something. Was there a new development? \"Can't remember Well, after Atlanta OK, so what should I do? the last time I smiled for so long that it hurt. Should I pull money from the retirement fund? - \"I've never felt like this before. Just use the house. \" Sounds like you're bored at home. - The house? Where are we gonna go if Havin' an affair? I told you I'm happily married. something happens? - Everything is gonna be Does your wife know about your secret diary? I fine. bet she'd like to know how good you are at - Mr. keeping secrets. Harris. I'm not sure what you think you've found, But I have to go. you've gone from completely wrong to completely - Look after your mom. insane. - I will. You're hiding something. I need you to be strong. No jury will convict me because somebody saw I love you both. me at the mall And you think I'm talking with We love you, too, honey. someone other than my wife. Did you see how Sharon reacted when he said to We found Missy. put up the house? She's starting to doubt him. Told you so. his PC. You son of a bitch! - Detective, no! - Damn you! She found an encrypted link to a web page. That's her. - Where'd it take you? - An unsearchable, That's Missy. untraceable blog with tons of journal entries. I looked her father in the eye and swore I'd find - It's like some sort of diary. her alive. 113

Criminal Minds Season4 So since we've been here, this girl's gone missing That's why he's so cocky. and now turned up dead. His arrogance is typical of a dominant personality. Do you think he dumped the body before he was He's found a submissive kill for him. picked up? The m. The partner is a biter. e. We found marks on Missy Dewald. estimates she was killed several hours ago. . But we've had William Harris in custody. With William out of the picture, . - You think we have the wrong guy? - I don't think Maybe the partner went back to something so. comfortable, something he's done before. He's communicating with someone. I've got Garcia checking dental records against He's confident they won't turn against him. other cases. I don't think he's having an affair. D. He has a partner. A. And that partner's doing everything he can to get was ready to charge him when Missy was still Harris out of jail. alive. \"I love the challenges\" \"the only suspense for How the hell are we supposed to keep him now? tonight\" \"was tough, but I figured it out\" \"perfect I'm surprised you're writing all this stuff to a fella. timing\" \"I watch them chase their little spawns\" \" Sounds like you have a real special thing goin' on. passage truly. I'm thinkin' if the 2 of you had just got it on, Maybe Those first few hours are the best. these women would still be alive. \" \"Faith should never be broken. So where'd you meet him? Chat room? Porn sites? \" Tell me you found his partner. Gay bar? Whoever this guy is, he's lookin' out for It's all so cryptic. you, cleaned up for you. \"The end of the day came too soon. - Missy Dewald is dead. \" Well, they clearly enjoyed being together. - Has he called yet? Lee jarvis,the D. They wrote a cluster of others after the 1st victim, A. Kim Groves, was killed. I saw his name on the warrant. We need to know how they met. He's got the best conviction rate in Florida. There's gotta be something in all this about their Do you know why? I wanna know why your pen courtship. pal killed her when he could have let her rot. \"It all seemed so hopeless, but I finally learned to Jarvis doesn't like to lose. rise above it. He's not gonna ruin his record over this. \" It sounds like William confessed he was feeling This friend of yours wants to please you bad, incomplete. doesn't he? He's protecting you, doin' whatever He was. he's gotta do to make sure that you're innocent. He didn't start killing until he met his soul mate. He killed Missy so you could be together again. \"Faith should never be broken. It's only been a few hours, but he misses you. \" The longer they got away with it, the stronger And you've gotten what exactly from all this? their relationship. Proof that someone out there is just as sick as These two aren't just obsessed with rape and you. murder. It turns out there's a lot of sick pups in central They're addicted to one another. Florida. We could have saved her. Today's dental records do not match William There were no signs of his having a partner until Harris, but do match a reported rape in Manatee now. county earlier this year. 114

Criminal Minds Season4 - That's great. The partner is definitely following the You got a match. investigation. - The teeth belong to the same person, Any - Let's do the talking for them. arrests, I can't cross-reference. I put this out in the public? - We've got something - What about the victim? - Connie Mayers. better. She still lives in the area. - Why would he read it? - He knows William won't They're gonna ask who you are. be writing. They don't know. - These men are addicted to each other. - We're just buying flowers. He needs a fix, and the words they've shared are - Those daisies are nice. all he has to cling to. In your report, it says your attacker knew what he His partner wrote \"faith should never be broken. wanted, that he was confident. \" A betrayal could devastate him. More like a control freak. All we have to say is that William's cooperating He wore a mask, but I could tell he was white. And then hope he takes the bait. He choked me. Have you noticed William pay extra attention to Took a long time for the bruises to go away. anyone? Or has he gone out of his way to avoid I swear when the light's right, I can still see his anyone? We've been here for 6 months, still got hand right here. boxes to unpack. I'm sorry. Suggesting that William's found time to bond with It's not as bad as the bite marks. someone? You know, we think we know the ones I mean, they're scars now. we love, but everybody can keep secrets. I haven't been with anyone since, so I haven't had The man we're looking for is just like your dad. to explain. He's smart, strong, confident. - Let me wrap these for you. He may have a family also. - Thank you. So now you're gonna accuse someone else's Dad Connie described an anger-excitation rapist just of murder. like William. That's really great. So we're lookin' at 2 dominant personalities. It is the last thing we wanna do. Makes sense. We believe the accomplice has done this before. They have a similar discourse. That victim described a white man in his forties. They're equally well-written. This may be someone you would recognize. - That's a big deal. And there's a good chance he's gonna check up - It's rare in criminal partnerships. on you. If their personalities are the same, Harris goes to And why would he do that? He's worried about church, on the board of the p. your dad, but he has no way of communicating t. with him. a. You and your mom are the next best thing. , Coaches his daughter's soccer team, rarely He's uncertain right now, and that may manifest drinks. itself in mood swings. Sounds like a saint. We made a deal after Atlanta. With a dark side. There wouldn't be a chance for any more That's what he connected to in the partner. misunderstandings. We will go talk to the family, see if they know who And how's that working out for you? So do you it might be. like where you live? - I do. won't be easy to break. Yeah. 115

Criminal Minds Season4 D. He's probably feeling pretty betrayed right about C. now. 's nice. And if he is, what do you think he's doin' about it? - So is this place. William, you wrote, \"thanks for the perfect place Now it's just like Atlanta. to play. Everyone thinks my dad's guilty, and it'll just get \" What were you talkin' about? - Golfing. worse. - Golfing? Golfing. I'm sorry about that. Right. - What have we got so far? - \"We were surprised What was it like? Perfect. \"that you injected yourself into the investigation. I've never let 'em see my face before. \"You risked a lot in order to help William. - Me either. \" And killin' Missy tells us how close you really - You think she's gonna talk? They all think about are. it, but too scared. It must be devastating to learn that William is here I don't know. with us. This one, this one seems defiant. He's not gonna like that. Well, I don't think we should risk it. Sounds like William's cooperating. Blood's Not my thing. , so he'll doubt their alliance. It doesn't have to be messy. - Most entries followed the 1st murder. You mean like this? Yeah, like that. - Yeah, William wrote most of them. You probably don't recognize 'em like this, do you, \"I wasn't expecting that type of gift. William? Happy and smilin'. \"I wish time didn't take away all the pleasures of All these gifts. the day. All these girls. \" Gotta see this. This is someone's child. What's that smirk? Sharon is posting bail. You know, Missy Dewald, she was supposed to I'm thinkin' about where to go for dinner. meet her parents for dinner. You know, maybe we got it wrong. She was 18 years old, an only child, and you just Maybe they're not both alpha males. took her away. Maybe we'll go to Salvatores. I feel sorry for those parents. Partner made the first move. I really do. He's the one with the balls. Do you hear yourself? Not an ounce of sincerity. Yeah, and it was pretty risky, too. You just proved you were incapable of empathy. Think about it. Just like your partner. What if you did turn in here? Or at least your William, you never would have done any of this partner thought you turned in here. without him. Then he'd have no choice but to turn himself in. But you just weren't complete, right? - Wait. Your lives would be ruined. What is that? - Honey, stay here. That's the reason it works. - Mom - Stay here. You both have everything to lose. What the hell? Damn kids. He's only cleaning up because he can't afford to Don't you worry, Sharon. get caught either. We are gonna take care of this. Am I right? How is gonna react to the entry we Thank you. wrote? He knows we're reading your little love \"It's been so long, my heart aches. letters, so we decided to send one ourselves, Let \"I need to see that face again soon. him know you're in here helping us out. \" I mean, it's pretty obvious there's an emotional 116

Criminal Minds Season4 connection between you two. People are gonna forget this ever happened. Can't deny that. Everything's gonna go back the way it was But, you know, doesn't really sound like Sounds before. more like 2 men in love with each other. Have a good day. You have no idea what you're talking about. - Thank you. You're right. - Somehow I doubt that. I have absolutely no idea what it's like to be in - What was that about? - Why is he so nice all of a love with another man. sudden? This is exactly what those F. You know, everyone who goes into law B. enforcement has this air of moral superiority. I. You, it seeps out of every single pore. people said to look out for. Black cop in the F. I will not have you alienate the only person who's B. been kind to us since your father was arrested. I. You understand me? Something? - One day, the You got a big chip on your shoulder, lot to prove. partner wrote, \"I feel like such an outsider. Now who's the one who has no idea what he's No one understands me. talkin' about? We're not so different, you and I. \"I watch them chase their little spawns, the same The games we play, we chose because they old conversations. make us feel powerful. \"Nothing stimulates me. So, what do you have, special agent Morgan? \" - Sounds like a party with kids. Prove beyond a reasonable doubt that I have - And somebody wasn't happy to be there. broken the law. \"I looked over, and everything changed. But don't you sit there with that smug look on your The only spark in my day. face and judge me, boy. \" , but he's talking about their 1st met. First of all, I am not your boy, and this look on my \"I looked across the room, and everything face is a look of contempt, because you disgust changed. me. \"The only spark in my day. You and I are nothin' alike. \" \"It feels so good, so free, so right. When we do find this, friend of yours, There isn't a \" You moved here 6 months ago. jury out there who won't find you guilty. You met him some time after that, didn't you? - How's it goin' in there? - We're just tradin' Thanks, man. punches. Here you go, buddy. He's watchin' the clock, waitin' for his bail to be - Thank you. posted. - Welcome. - I can't thank you enough. - Will Harris. . - Steve Baleman. I just wish I could have done a better job for you. Saw you movin' in last week. What's goin' on? Steven cleaned up the mess - You all unpacked? - For the most part. outside. But my wife Sharon, she's, she's amazing. - Why? - Andrea, don't be rude. She takes care of the house. It's OK, Sharon. . I like to help out a friend whenever I can. That's a good woman. I didn't even know you and my dad were friends. Let me tell you, took me a while, but I finally got Look, I know how hard this must be for you. Annie trained. Just know your dad is gonna be home soon. Hey, sweetie. 117

Criminal Minds Season4 You're a lucky man. one with the freaky family. - What do we have here? - Thank you. - Shut up. You're too kind, ladies. - Is that why you moved from Atlanta? - Your dad Most people around here would be pretty excited was rapin' girls there too. about this plain old burger here. - He didn't do it. But it's really nothin' special. That's not what the newspaper said. Well, a good piece of meat would be nice. You know, you're about the same age as those Stick to your bones. girls. Bloody rare and tender. I bet he started with you. Well, variety is the spice of life. - What's goin' on over there? - Nothin'. I couldn't agree more. Everybody needs to go home right now. Cheers. Loser. - You think that's funny? - No, I just remembered - You OK? - Yeah. something. They're just being jerks. , because they're all you're gonna have in prison. Now, look, I saw your mom was gone. You know what you are? You're lost. If you need any company, I'm around, OK? I'm You've been runnin' from yourself your entire life, fine. tryin' to disappear. Really. Did I say something that upset you? What'd you Really. think you were gonna do, man? What, if you got We need to figure out where that party was. away from Atlanta, all these little urges, they'd just Let's review one more time. go away? So you go find another posh little uppity I'm a serial killer writing my partner. neighborhood, and you think it might make you ? - Why do I keep a secret blog? - It's a safe way to Make you feel whole, more complete? Didn't work relive your crimes. too well, though, did it? Nothin' seems to make No one ever sees you together, and, no one William happy, not even his beautiful wife and overhears you talking. daughter. I'd buy all that. But then you wake up one day, and there he is, Sounds like they take turns surprising each other. Somebody just as sick and pathetic as you are, Listen to this. And your whole world changes. \"I love the challenges. Is all this about that black comment? You really \"The timing is always perfect. think that we're the same because of our skin Thanks for tonight. color? That's all we have in common. \"It was tough, but I figured it out. You hurt innocent people. Nothing was gonna keep me away. I don't. \" What are you thinking? - They never write about You're not even a man. a time. - That a fact? - That is a fact. - So how'd they know when to meet? Steven, If you had anything, I'd be in a cell by now. what are you doing? Don't walk away! We need to You will be. talk about this! I told you, leave me alone! What Shouldn't be outside, Andrea. have we got? The victims were abducted at It's not safe. different times of day. Oh, wait. It was never consistent. Your dad's in jail. taken on Thanksgiving morning when she went to We have nothing to worry about. the market for her mom. - What's your problem? - My problem? I'm not the Escept the blog, there is nothing else suspicious 118

Criminal Minds Season4 on Mr. He lives right next door. Sneaky's phone or his computer. Steven Baleman. All texts, numbers, and files have been accounted Steven Baleman. for. Are you following me? Are you? He was angry - What did they do to communicate? - We're and just took off. missing something. - Why was he upset? - He's been like this all day. We know based on the language and the - When did it start? - I don't know. knowledge of the area that the partner was most This morning. likely born and raised in Florida. So after William was arrested, he became hostile, OK, let's work with the theory - that the partner didn't he, nervous? Steven is a good man. lives in Sarasota. He's not who you think he is. - They don't call. - Did you see Andrea out here? - No. They don't write. Why is Annie crying? We think that Steven is The signal could be something visual, or audible. William's accomplice. a flag on their house. - Where's he? - We're trying to figure that out. If it's audible, they'd have to live close enough to Oh, my God. each other to hear it. Andrea said it was strange that he was the only Something audible. nice one. Something you can hear. He was checking in on us. What if What if they're not writing poetry to each I wasn't listening. other? What if they're writing lyrics to a song? I'm sorry. \"This feels so good, so free, - \"so right. Now they're both gone. \" - Give me something else. It's time you talked to William. \"It looks so right. No, Steven Baleman is not just your neighbor. It's all I need tonight. - And you know this how? - You told us. \" I found it. Those don't prove anything. Garcia, that's it. And after all this time, you figuring out who my That was playing when we pulled in to the neighbor is, feels like a really small victory. cul-de-sac. Where did Steven take Andrea? What are you It was coming out of a car. talkin' about? She suspected him, and now That's how they knew to go back to Missy. they're both missing. They met at a neighborhood party. How could you? She believed you. Garcia, we need to know which neighbor it is. They're missing? All those times you disappeared, The parameters. I knew it wasn't work. A white male. I thought maybe, maybe you were having an affair, - Married, with children. And I couldn't confront you, because then that - He's either got a good steady job, - or he owns would make it real. his own business. Then I'd have to find the truth buried in your lies, - He's lived in Florida his entire life. And you have been paid to lie for so long. Within close proximity to William, there are 7 It is who you are! All of this is almost too much. white males. It's too much for anybody to put up with. 2 were born and raised in the sunshine state. But it's almost over. One is on disability. I didn't put up the house. One owns a real estate business. You you didn't post bail? I didn't wanna believe it Oh, my God. in Atlanta, and I'm not gonna deny it again. 119

Criminal Minds Season4 Now, where did Steven take Andrea? Where is - You're gonna be OK. she? Where is You son of a you son of a bitch! It's Steven. How'd that feel, William? You see what you're It's Steven. doin'? Kim Groves, your words \"The first few I don't know where he went. hours are the best. I'm gonna get you out of here. \"Nobody's run out of steam yet. - Did he hurt you? - Did you think I'd hurt her? \" Andrea's been gone for 2 hours. That I'd betray you? Or is that because that's What's he doing to her right now? What is he what you did to me? I didn't tell them anything. doin', William? Touchin' her? Maybe he's bitin' her? You didn't tell them anything? Dad, what are you This is what he does when you're not around. talking about? Wait. Your little boyfriend is twisted, and now he's got How did you even know that I was here? Andrea, your baby girl. honey, trust me. You know better than us. Daddy's gonna make it OK. Has she been in pain this whole time? Steven OK? - We had a deal. took your daughter. - Faith should never be broken. The man you trusted with your life has betrayed - You took my daughter! - She followed me here! you. She never would have said anything. What, is nothin' sacred to you? So Steven has a I never would have said anything? Honey, Andrea, couple of commercial properties, but so far, please. there's nothing. Just just trust me. Only he knows where Steven took Andrea. Trust me, OK? So how'd you get out? The case I can't believe he sold out his daughter to protect the case was dismissed. his partner. Oh, really? Simple as that? You killed Missy He's protecting himself. Dewald while I was in custody. The minute he says anything, he's guilty. couldn't hold me. What was it you said about Missy? Man, turn So he killed Missy Dewald, and what? What? You around and look at me! For every minute that killed all the others? - Honey, please. goes by, he's alone with her, right? Well, it's - No. Andrea's turn now. Don't don't come close to me. What's wrong with you? Why aren't you tryin' to I had your back. run out that door and save your child? You think What were you gonna do? What if I hadn't shown he's not gonna hurt her? Why? Did you make up? Were you gonna kill her? - F. some kind of deal? Family's off-limits? The longer B. you are in here, the worse it looked for Steven. I. He think you're in here betraying him, so now he's ! - Don't move! You're under arrest! Don't even actin' out. think about it! Mom. He's lost faith. Get me out of here. He is alone with your little girl. Get me out of here. cryin' out for you, sayin', \"daddy, why aren't you OK. helpin' me?\" Why? Because you're standin' here, You're gonna be OK. doin' nothin'. - I wanna go away, OK? - OK. William You're the only person who can stop this. I promise, baby. Be a man. The guy wanted just to see his partner again. For god sakes, be a father. They needed to say good-bye. - Dad, thank God. Those two had everything figured out except how 120

Criminal Minds Season4 it would end. British historian C. Northcote Parkinson said, \"Delay is the deadliest form of denial. 121

Criminal Minds Season4 previously on criminal minds we appeal to him, do you're right. not hurt any more people. most abducted children don't survive past the first he killed those people because of something i 24 hours. said. dave. that is part of the job. what's going on? we got a missing 10-year-old girl, tell me now if you can do it or not. home invasion. jordan? he just killed his entire family. parents were killed in their sleep. is this my fault? no way. - where's our clock? - 8 hours and counting. i'm not sure i can do this job. i'll find morgan and reid and tell them we're on the oh, it's up there, on the right. move. come on, son, it's time. good. i know you're awake. wheels-up in 30. what's wrong? nothing. you need your go bag. there's something on your mind. jordan? right. tell us what it is. please let me go. what if she doesn't like me? let her get to know let me go. you. i won't tell. there's no rush. please. is that really what you're worried about? do i have it's ok. to meet her this way? we've been talking about we talked about this. this moment your whole life. are you--are you thirsty? please don't hurt me. i know. it's only water. baby, look at me. CAN I DECIDE NOW? it's up to you. you're almost 10. i'm gonna call you elena. you're becoming a man. CRIMINAL MINDS 413 winston churchill said, i love you. \"there is no doubt that it is around the family \"and i love you, too. the home that all the greatest virtues of human come on. society are created, strengthened, and what was it? hey. maintained. excuse me. \" we got the up links of the crime scene photos. - this isn't good. this is geoff and nancy hale. - uh-oh. both their throats were cut. we have a request from alabama. - any evidence of abuse? - nothing. have everybody meet in the conference room. slitting someone's throat is quick and efficient. i'll be there in 10 minutes. that's because the real target was down the hall. a husband and wife were murdered at their home she has a name. while they were sleeping. what? she's not \"the target. their 10-year-old daughter went missing. \" her name's cate. i gotta call you back. she's 10 years old. when were the bodies discovered? - less than an all right. hour ago. amber alert in effect? since 7 a. - what was the time of death? - approximately 1 a. m. m. this morning. - 8 hours. with the unsub's head start he could be anywhere i know this isn't a serial. within a 400-mile radius. 122

Criminal Minds Season4 make sure that they're casting a wide enough net. let me know the second he gets here. - got it. i told you, we already checked out his alibi. - who discovered the bodies? jim scheuren, cate's he's not good for this. biological father. i know, but he might know who is. he was supposed to take her for the weekend. all right. the police don't consider him a suspect. is that the autopsy report? listen, about the we'll want to talk to him anyway. plane-- oh, that's already forgotten. we're also going to need a list of registered sex find anything in cate's room? that's what's weird. offenders in a 20-mile radius. there's no sign of struggle. what's the makeup of the hales' neighborhood? it didn't even look like she tried to get out of bed in mostly white and middle class. a hurry. we'll need aerial views of the neighborhood. her parents' throats were cut. if madison county doesn't have them, talk to if there was the element of surprise, they might garcia. not have had time to scream. dave, you and morgan go to the crime scene. both of them? what are you looking for? the neck the rest of us will get up to speed at the precinct. wounds-- something's off. SHERIFF HARVEST, ALABAMA bo whitaker. i'm the unsub. david rossi. i kill geoff hale first. i recognize you from the tv. he presents the biggest threat. derek morgan. but how do i do that without waking nancy whO's bo whitaker. sleeping right next to him? no ligature marks. pleased to meet you. neither one tis tied down. point of entry's around back. and NO defensive wound either. now, the neighbors didn't see or hear anything. geoff hale--cause of death was a single deep, and the dogs lost the scent almost immediately. smooth cut that severed the carotid artery. not hard to target a family out here. and nancy? nancy hale--death was caused by a YEAH, even in broad daylight. series of jagged, shallow wounds that punctured walk 5 feet off the track, man could get lost for the carotid artery. days. there's more than one unsub. so, he had plenty of privacy to watch what he was you're sure? he was either able to restrain nancy really after. while he killed geoff, or she woke up, which i prefer cities. means she would have screamed. you can see them coming. at which point, cate would have woken up. nothing very sophisticated. either way, we're looking at multiple unsubs. knocked off the pane to unlock the door. so things are worse than we thought. do you think the girl's dead? depends on what he yes and no. took her for. cate's chances of survival just got better. the hales' neighborhood is a series of rural roads how do you figure? two unsubs change the and one-block streets. dynamics. how far to a main thoroughfare? a little over 3 what do you mean, dynamics? they spent more miles. time with her. so he didn't come upon cate by accident. yeah, prentiss has the same theory based on the - sheriff bates. autopsy report. - yes. right. is cate's father here yet? he's on his way. we're about to speak to cate's father. 123

Criminal Minds Season4 stay at the scene. thanks. i'll call you the second i'm out. what's going on? cate hale has epilepsy, and dad's in there. whoever abducted her didn't know to take the sheriff, alert your men. medicine. we may be looking at a team. and the primary cause of seizures is stress. i'll get it on the wire. - remember what i said. how's the father? between you and me, i've - i know, dad. cleaned up bar fights smell better than he does just concentrate. right now. he shouldn't even realize you're there. mr. i know. scheuren. go ahead. i'm aaron hotchner. chin up. i'm with the fbi. this isn't something you learn overnight. can i get you anything? coffee? no, no. i'm ready now. i can answer your questions. you need to master it here first. do you know if your ex-wife and her husband now try it again. have any enemies? no. no, no! don't touch her. i mean, i don't know. what's wrong with her? can you hear me? - don't i don't--i don't know. go near her. i-- what about cate? has she talked about anyone - she's sick. new in her life? she's a normal kid, you know? she's no good. shemeets people all the time. we have to do something. this would be an adult, possibly a white male. you're right. he might be an authority figure to her. we don't kill young girls. the reason that i ask is that given the location of this is my family. your ex-wife's house, we think someone has then you kill her. targeted cate specifically. help! help! somebody! her father's with her. uhsorry. she's been in and out of consciousness, but her well, is there anything that you can think of that vitals are stable. might be helpful? we like to go to the movies. any sign of sexual assault? we haven't tested yet. there's a new, uh, multiplex at the mall. we want to give her time to process. how often to you see cate? i have visitation every may we speak with her? you should know, 2 weeks. seizures often come with retrograde amnesia. do you keep to that schedule? the reason that i she might have holes in her memory. ask is that right now time is of the essence. prentiss, you should do this alone. what's that supposed to mean? with all due ok. respect, sir, it means that if you can't add to my thanks, sheriff. knowledge of cate, my time is better spent mr. somewhere else. scheuren, hello. i'll keep you posted with any developments. i'm agent emily prentiss from the fbi. - agent-- - yes? there's one thing-- hold on a i would like permission to speak with your second. daughter. i'm right here. ok. hotch, i got it. i'm sorry, i'd like to do it alone if possible. ok, bring it with you when you come to the station. why? i need to ask her certain questions, and 124

Criminal Minds Season4 sometimes it's easier for a girl to answer those with the unsubs' head start, they should have questions when there are no men present. been long gone. - i'm her father. so we're zeroing in on them. - daddy. possibly. please? all right, baby. then what's wrong? i don't know why they left her i'll be right outside. alive. thank you. i'm going to do what's called a cognitive interview. hey, cate. it's as much about the things you sensed as the my name's emily. things you saw. i'm so sorry about your mom and your stepdad. i'm scared. i'd like to ask you some questions so we can find i know. out who did this. that's ok. is that ok? yeah, it's ok. i'm right here with you. the doctor told me that if the paramedics hadn't i'm here all the way. been alerted to her epilepsy, she might not have now, i need you to close your eyes. made it. ok. you helped save her life. what is the first thing you remember? it's cold. you seen this kind of thing before? unfortunately. you're outside? who's there? a man. and kids come out of it ok, huh? it'll take time. he told me to-- keep quiet. and patience. what is he doing? he's holding my hand. she's going to need you. it hurts. yesterday would have been the first time i'd seen he's waiting for something. her in a month and a half. what does he look like? i don't want to be here. a colleague of mine asked me the other day how he can't hurt you, i promise. my son was enjoying the christmas present he i'm right here. got for him, and i had to make up an answer tall. because i didn't know. dark hair. i think i'll get that cup of coffee now. old. the police sent the blanket and cate's clothing to old? old like me? old like my dad. be processed. is anyone else there? someone's coming! emily! good. emily! emily, help me! open the trunk! emily, garcia. please help me! ok, it's ok. oh, captain, my captain. i'm right here. i need a list of crimes involving partners within a i promise you he cannot hurt you. 90-mile radius of harvest in the last 2 years. it's ok. all crimes? anything. so he put you in the trunk of the car? open the violent crimes,break-ins, whatever's in the trunk! no! how long were you in there? i don't system. know. i need to be able to show cate some mugshots. not long. you got it. was the ride bumpy or smooth? it was smooth. one scumbag yearbook coming up. i wanted to scream, but no sound would come so you think they're local? they dumped cate 84 out. miles from her home. it's ok. the sheriff who found her didn't think that she'd so the car stops, and they open the trunk. been there long. what do you hear? wind. 125

Criminal Minds Season4 wind through the trees. get rossi and morgan on the closest rv parks. and what do you smell? cooking. ok. are you inside now? they've taken my shoes off. what are we looking at here? i have no idea. that's so you won't run. most people pay in cash. i want you to look down at your feet and tell me we don't have much in the way of records. what you're standing on. ma'am, this was a family-- mother, father, small carpet. boy. i'm in a little room. they would have kept to themselves and then left with clothes and tinfoil all around me. abruptly. what else? i--i hear bells. you just described most of my business. what kind of bells? small. the son wouldn't have mingled with other children. like a fairy. he would have been tightly guarded by his every time they ring, the man says something to parents. the boy. sorry. the boy? he's standing right next to you. i wish i could help. how old is he? i'm 9. the family we're talking about is eastern almost 10. european. puyule, come here. they may have spoken some foreign words to his parents want me to play with him. each other. his parents? emily, i don't want to go. they in some kind of trouble? you remember i don't want to go. them. no! don't make me go! emily, no! emily! - emily! - well, you can imagine i don't get a lot of people shh, shh, shh. speaking foreign around here. it's ok, i'm right here. what can you tell us about them? not much. it's ok. the husband was real businesslike. it's ok. wife was nice, pretty. cate, open your eyes. son was quiet. you did a really good job. you didn't take down a license or a credit card? ok. left in the middle of the night and never came mr. back. scheuren, you have an incredibly strong little girl. and i wouldn't have thought twice about it if i didn't did he touch her? no, no. have to clean up the campsite from all the glass. not in that way, no. glass? all over the ground. thank god. almost like they did it on purpose. she was taken by a family. can you show us where they parked? i told you, a family? parents and a little boy about her age. you're not gonna find nothin'. they took her from her house in a car and then i cleaned it up. into an rv. well, thank you. a short ride on a road and then into a wooded jordan was right, you know, on the plane. area. what are you talking about? well, we hide behind she say anything else? she said the mother called language. the boy puyule, which i think is a romanian term of we don't talk about the ugliness we see. endearment. rossi, we talk about it every day. i know i used to hear it when my mom was posted no. overseas. we talk facts. 126

Criminal Minds Season4 signature, m. waves of romany populations entering the area. o. - romany? - gypsies. , pathology. as in \"gypsies, tramps, and thieves\"? exactly. what are you getting at? we're working a case oh, bless you all for turning my life into a cher where a family is grooming their son to kill. song. they're not just murdering people. you're the best. they're stealing children, poisoning minds. you need to get your men together right now. where's the horror? we can't do this job if we let it why is that? 'cause whatever ritual these people get to us. are trying to play out, we know cate hale didn't fit exactly. their needs. derek. which means they'll have to try again. is it a match? which means the rv park owner was it's too soon. right. he turns 10 in a week. they spread it on purpose. it's not safe. so everything they do is part of some ritual. you see one you like? she's a fine choice. have you ever seen anything like this before? a the unsubs we're looking for are a family. family that ritualizes killing together? definitely a father, a mother, and a son, approximately 10 not. years old. you know, if the family speaks romanian, the we believe they're of romanian descent. spreading of the glass makes sense. the family travels in an rv, but they also have it's an eastern european superstition for good another vehicle that they use to go back and forth luck. between campsites and cities. so they're romanian. we need you to call every rv park in the area. we already knew that. alert the owners to be on the lookout for a family not just romanian. that fits this description, as well as a campsite that we're talking about people that are highly might have broken glass scattered around. superstitious and obsessed with ritual. the breaking of the glass and the discarding of romany. cate hale because of her epilepsy leads us to - romany? - gypsies. believe that these are highly superstitious people more accurately, someone who has perverted and that they are playing out a very specific ritual. romany culture. the focus of this ritual is the young girls. call garcia. do we know why? no. they're tight-knit and nomadic like our unsubs, but but we do know from the location of cate hale's not usually prone to violence. house that they don't come across these girls by hiya, baby. accident. hey, baby girl, we need to talk. they study. pg or nc-17? you're on speakerphone. they hunt. i charge extra for groups. cate's father said that she liked to go to the we need you to run through crimes similar to the movies at their local multiplex. hale murders in the last 2 years. that's a good place to start. oh, i already did that. also look at the parks, malls. zip. concentrate on those that are an easy drive from go back even further, garcia. the rv parks you locate. cross-reference against any small towns that this family is out there and they're looking for their have had reports of petty theft associated with next victim. 127

Criminal Minds Season4 you guys need to see this right now. you, at a certain point, other cases would just excuse us. start taking priority. what's going on? garcia, you still there? present. so what are they doing with these girls? yeah, explain what you got. what do you got, baby girl? are you sitting down? ok, i went ahead and went further back looking for MATCH FOUND you're not gonna believe this. similar cases and i made the search national. what's wrong? i think i know what they were doing all these are hits? yeah. with the girls. there's 30 of them. garcia got a hit on a hair fiber in the blanket the they go as far back as 1909. unsubs used to wrap cate hale. rapid city, south dakota, taos, new mexico, gary, so what's the problem? it belonged to kathy gray. indiana. why does that name sound familiar? she went my map is lit up like a christmas tree. missing in 1971 after her parents were murdered. all these girls were abducted and had their so you're telling me this little girl is now one of our parents killed? the time between the kills was unsubs? that's what it looks like. long enough and the regions of the country so call hotch. spread out that it never showed up as serial. tell him and prentiss not to come here and to what the hell is this? i don't know, but it looks like meet us at the station. it's been going on for generations. you ok? yeah. MADISON, ALABAMA reid and i will check inside. i just need to build a thicker skin. we've doubled our highway patrol shifts and you don't need to do anything you don't want to. we've got roadblocks at every county line. you understand? so these little girls got abducted is there a picture on the wire? i pulled one out of and later kidnapped other girls and killed their her bedroom myself. families? i think that's why these unsubs pick girls they're bound to have hours on us. the same age as the boy. they didn't travel that far last time. what do you mean? they're making wives. the past killings have been years apart. it's ok. we got lucky with cate hale. i know what you're going through. her epilepsy saved her life. i understand. if this new girl fits the unsub's need, we might i really do. have lost our window to catch them for years. come here. this is what i don't get. i'm going to take this off you now. in both this house and the hales' house the girls' ok? come here. bedrooms were closest to the exit. i want my mommy. i mean, the unsubs actually had to go out of their no, no, no, everything's ok. way to kill the parents before abducting the girls. you're a part of something now. i think it was a countermeasure. i was just like you. what do you mean? they've been doing this for a working theory from 1971 was that a transient years and they've never been caught. killed the family and abducted kathy gray. why? they disappear in the dead of night, they then all the leads went cold. have a head start on the cops, and they don't kill how do you watch your family get murdered and again for years. then make a life with the people who did it? it's exactly. stockholm syndrome. when i was a cop, i would get 10 calls a day from you adapt or die. parents in child abductions. and now she's training her son to be a murderer. now, as sad as that is, if the families didn't stay on at a certain point, once traditions are handed 128

Criminal Minds Season4 down generation after generation, there is no right police and the fbi. or wrong. they had to. you simply accept the way the world works. they can't deviate. the romany are a closed society. we also know that they're starting over. the unsub simply twisted and distorted traditions which means they're gonna need some money. to become entirely insular. where's the closest shopping mall? about 15 abduction the children keeps the bloodline pure, miles from here. getting the parents we got a report of an rv on fire hey, hotch, we know where they're going. about 20 miles from here. focus on the high-end department stores. dave, you, reid, and morgan go check it out. they're bigger targets. garcia, i need you to digitally alter kathy gray's CRIME ALERT NOTIFICATION SUSPECT photograph to simulate what she would look like WANTED FOR QUESTIONING mom. today. is this you? ma'am! hold it! police! set those bags consider it simulated. down, right now. thanks. kathy gray! take that woman! i said put the bags it was started less than an hour ago, so they can't down. be far. cuff her. it looks like they left almost everything. let's go. the got the girl they wanted. what's wrong? they've been stealing for years and they're starting over. they never get caught. look at the clothes. this was too easy. most of them still have the store sensors on them. kathy, i can't help you if you're not going to be so how'd they get them past security scanners? - honest with me. tinfoil. i already told you, i killed them. - excuse me? cate hale remembers being locked - all by yourself. in a closet surrounded by clothing and tinfoil. - yes. shoplifters use tinfoil to line their bags and negate - well, i know that's not true. security alarms. - it is. makes sense. how did you do it? how did you abduct a child and a lot of romany make their living as petty thieves. control two adults while you slit their throats? oh, it also explains the bells she heard. come on, you know she's not responsible for this. cate says she remembers hearing the sound of i know we have a string of bodies, and she knows bells, followed directly by the father talking to the where her husband and son are. son. you are the victim here. i think that's probably what the mannequin's for. no, she's not. school of the 7 bells. she killed innocent people. you dress a mannequin, you line a suit with 7 her family was murdered. bells. and now she's killing other people's. if you can pick his pocket without a bell ringing, kathy, this is not your fault. you're ready to work a crowd. my name isn't kathy. so we know how they make their money. it's sylvia. that's not all we know. no, it isn't. these unsubs are guided entirely by ritual. your name is kathy gray. they abducted lynn robillard and killed her family and you were a beautiful little girl. in an area that they knew was surrounded by your mom and dad were murdered and you were 129

Criminal Minds Season4 kidnapped. isn't that-- your--your husband wanted to kill her, - do you recognize yourself there? - you see? - i'm and you didn't. sick of this! then leave us alone! where are your - no. husband and son?! look at me, kathy. how does that make you feel? to know that he don't listen to him. was willing to kill that little girl? that he would have they stole your life. been willing to kill you, too? they murdered your let me help you get it back. family, kathy, and they took you in, but you were that little girl is better off with my son than any never really one of them. man she could meet in your society. no. i'm sure you raised him very well. you were just a breeder. tell me about your own mother. i won't betray my family. i've already told you everything. your little boy is only 10. i killed them, all by myself. there is a chance he could get out of custody how's it going so far? they're trying to crack her by when he's 18, but that's only if we get to him. reminding her of the girl she used to be. i love my family. i hope this good cop/ bad cop routine works. - then tell us where your son is - she's ready. if her family gets away, we've lost that little girl and we can all help him together. forever. scott woodland, zander blanchard ok, come on, you're lying. give her a second. - kathy-- - my name isn't kathy! yes, it is. max estep, chip jackson. your name is kathy gray. i don't know who those people are. you're from vienna, virginia. it's a list of every known fence in huntsville. tell me where your husband and son are so i can and you're gonna tell us who your husband took help you get your life back. the goods to. - want to see what you did? - hey, don't show her coles rudzinski, pete shernit, come on, give her a those. minute to do the right thing. if she killed them herself, she can see it again. matt thorne, brent woodhouse ok, i can't stop him, serial killers like to relive their crimes. kathy. did you know that? this is geoff hale. this is it. he died from a strong, decisive cut. this is your last chance to make things right. i think that was your husband. kevin everson, mike fenner, - morris collins-- - nancy hale, her wound was more tentative. stop! - morris collins. this was your son, right? i'm sure by the time he - ok. teaches his own son how to kill, - his hand will be i won't tell you. steady. you just did. - ok, stop-- this is the robillard family. the boy's not with him. kathy, you don't have to look at that. where are the children? i'll only tell you if you let do you want to see some more? i don't know what me see my son. that is. fbi! hands in the air! hands in the air! get on your then look closely! you don't recognize your own knees! down on the ground! now! you know, we mother and father? what is see? this is the got a long list of girls to go through with you. tentative cut your future husband made while he in history, warriors invaded towns, killed the men, slit your mother's throat. women, and boys, but kept the girls for where are your husband and son? cate hale is themselves. only alive because of you, kathy. you exist because your ancestors did what was 130

Criminal Minds Season4 needed for you to survive. i love you, too. get him out of here. you'll never find my boy! we already have. come on, come on. kathy. IT'S JUST YOU NOW. you're going to be strong. i love you, puyule. nu le spunelor despre furititai. what did you tell him? ok, kathy, no. sheriff, get that videotape. we need to get it to a translator. you got it. the translation should be here in a few minutes. good. the little girl's aunt and uncle are on their way here from birmingham. they'll be here in a few hours. and also, i--i just spoke with jj. she'll be at her desk by the time we get back to quantico. she has 3 more weeks of maternity leave. i know, but she's dying to be back. and, honestly, i'm ready to get back to counter-terrorism. it'swhere i'm needed. they're lucky to have you. may i say something? sure. this team is like a family. and families take on the traits of their leaders. you don't show much emotion. meaning what? i've sat at jj's desk and i've looked at some of the worst things i've ever seen just trying to do half her job. i hope you don't take her for granted. i don't. we got the translation. what did she say? \"don't tell them about your brothers. \" how many brothers do you have? mario puzo wrote, \"the strength of a family, like the strength of an army, is in its loyalty to each other. \" you're almost 10. you're becoming a man. are you ready? i love you, puyule. 131

Criminal Minds Season4 Deceased Detective fulwood. m. You got a visitor. , october 12, 19-- libra--i should have known. I'm not here. \"a romantic opportunity may experience a slight It's sandra lombardini. hitch thanks to the pesky lunar influence\" \"which The body we found the woods-- it wasn't brooke. could have you dipping into a rather chilly mood. Do you know who? It was lynette hagen. If being demonstrative and warm is difficult,\" \"then Her parents just identified the remains. neutralize this temporary cold front with a simple We have people searching the area, but the rain's but affectionate gesture. making it tough. \" I have a simple gesture. You should try to get some sleep, sandra. You guys ready to gather? Well, look at you, miss I can't. thing. Not without knowing. First day back and you're all business. Ron, I need something from you. Well, it's either dive right in or confront my Anything. separation anxiety. The necklace--brooke's-- the one you found on - It's tough being away from him, huh? - Yeah. the ground by the car. Oh, hey, that's new, isn't it? Yeah, citrine. That's in evidence. It's henry's birthstone. Something like that may take some time. Will and I both got one. Please. Oh, that's sweet. I need it. You done with this? - All yours. May I ask you why? He says it could tell him - Thank you. things. There's been a string of abductions in olympia, What is it? What did you see? \"current influences washington, going back 9 months. should turn this day into one with plenty of blue-eyed, early 20s. potential,\" \"but aidhe trap of trying too hard. This morning they found one. Know your strengths. - When were they taken? - 9 months ago. Rely on them. - So she was the first? - Yeah. \"confidence, real or pretend, is your magic Looks almost mummified. ingredient. Uh, not exactly. \" Confidence. - Frozen? - Embalmed. Yes, I like that. That's different. Come on, guys, you don't think there's actually Yeah. anything to that stuff, do you? You'd be surprised. So the time of death is a bit of a question mark - It's gibberish. right now. - Thank you. Where did they find her? In a state park just east Oh, you are just jealous because you don't have of olympia. the magic ingredient. Seasonal hiking area. I have the magic ingredient. The body was jarred loose during a mudslide. It's called splenda. That, plus the abnormal decomp makes it difficult All right, skeptic, what's your sign? No. to know how long she was there. No--is that in april? Reid, we need a d. It says the victims were abducted about 3 months o. apart. b. He's rotating his victims out. on prentiss. There are gonna be more bodies out there. Ah, 7:12 a. \"and so, all the night tide \"i lay down by the side of 132

Criminal Minds Season4 my darling, my darling,\" \"my life and my bride,in So you're focusing the search in this area here. the sepulcher there by the sea,\" In her tomb by Yeah, but if he dumped other bodies here, he's the sounding sea. got over 800 acres to work with. \" Edgar allan poe. Keep your men near the fire road, detective. So if I wanted to embalm a body, well, what's the One man dragging a body through the woods not process? Start with some nose plugs. gonna get far from the path. The blood is drained through the jugular vein And That's why a lot of killers dismember their victiMs. replaced with embalming fluid through one of the They're easier to dispose of that way. two major arteries. You think it says something about the profile, he It usually takes a few hours. didn't chop her up? Possibly, yeah. Then you'd need special equipment, training. What is it? Uh, detective. Knowledge of the human vascular system would We got--we got something up here. also be a plus. The answer to your question, detective, is yes, A doctor, maybe. this killer can't dismember these women. A nurse, technician, somebody with a background He cares for them. in mortuary sciences. Brooke worked the closing shift the night she Now, there's a major they didn't offer at my disappeared. school. She would have walked this way to her car. Personally, the whole thing just seems weird to Upscale restaurant? Well, let's just say that I don't me. go unless it's on someone else's dime. Embalming, I mean. What are you thinking? These women were taken Some people like to look good for their funeral. as they left work. But it's not them. High-end spa, nice restaurant, jewelry store. It's just a shell, polished and painted. If he patronizes these businesses, then he's got I just want to be cremated. money. The question is why somebody would embalm the It narrows the profile a little. body of someone they just murdered. The cook said that he left just a few minutes after He wants to hold on to them. brooke. It's a possession issue. Saw her car there, driver's side door open. This way they can never leave. He was quick. Maybe fear of abandonment speaks to his history. Surprised her. But eventually even an embalmed body will decay She probably never saw him coming. and he finds himself in need of new victiMs. It says in here they recovered her necklace, That explains the abduction cycle-- a new victim amethyst, broken chain? Right here, right next to every 3 months. the car. Which means at least 2 of the remaining women Did you process the necklace? We couldn't get are already dead. anything off of it. - And the third? - Brooke lombardini. Just some hair in the clasp. It's been 4 days since she, uh, disappeared Hers. following her shift at a local restaurant. I'd like to take a look at it. We know the odds. Yeah, well, I gave it back to her mother. killed within the first 36 hours. Isn't it a little premature to be returning evidence Hiker found a foot protruding from the soil right up to the family? There were special circumstances. here. She hired someone. Whole side of the hill slid down from up there. Guy by the name of, uh, stanley usher. 133

Criminal Minds Season4 He helped find a kid in portland a couple years Clues from brooke's necklace. ago. Yes, sir. Private investigator? A psychic. It's called token object reading, or-- psychometry. What does that have to do with the necklace? Yeah. Apparently he can read personal things Their You're not my first. aura. A fenced-in area, the color orange, and the I don't know. numbers 8, 6, 7. So what did he tell her? I know brooke is still Does that help you? So, Mr. alive. Usher, by touching a personal item, you think that It's not too late for you to do the right thing. you can tell if someone's alive or dead. Let her come home to me. Sometimes. She turns 27 on wednesday. See, a person's energy makes an impression on Wish she would have waited until we had a everything they touch. chance to coach her. It allows me to connect with them. I don't know, she seems to be doing a pretty good The hard part is interpreting what I'm given. job. Did you get anything else, uh, about her condition? Good enough to make the unsub think twice Only that she Felt weakened, tired. about killing brooke. I don't know, uh Heavy. If he hasn't already. Heavy. Chances are this is all too late. Can I talk to you for a second? Excuse me. It's her daughter. I've been around a little, and I've seen guys le you She has to have hope, right? Hope's one thing. come into the lives of grieving families. False hope is something else. - Sir, I assure you, that's not what-- - listen to me. I guess you've worked with psychics before? The last thing this woman needs is some con man Yeah. giving her unrealistic ideas. Not by choice. With all due respect, sir, you may not know what You know, there are cases where people believe she needs. they've helped. Your job is to know the perpetrators. When people are vulnerable, they'll believe a lot We're not talking about my job. of things. Well, maybe we should be. We think the man who took her, uh, may have Because there are a lot of people out there who come by her work. don't believe in what you do, either. A customer, someone she may have talked about. I just got a call. We think this man is a loner. They found a third body. He would dine by himself, make frequent visits. Annette hagen, erin bonham, and melissa st. But he's shy, avoids eye contact. Claire, all embalmed. She got asked out sometimes. That's the first 3. No, this man wouldn't have asked her out. That leaves the lombardini girl still out there. He wouldn't have had the courage. Did you figure out cause of death? Blood loss. He would have stared at her, made her Blood loss? They were alive when they were uncomfortable. embalmed? Looks that way. I've told the police everything I know. Tox screens show significant levels of barbiturate. You shouldn't be here. They were sedated, maybe unconscious. You should be looking into the clues. Reid, look at this. Right. They all have the same haircut. 134

Criminal Minds Season4 These are recent photos. accommodate an embalming suite. These two had much longer hair at the time of He's awkward with people, especially women. their auction. An inability to relate socially is common in So the unsub cut it. homicidal necrophiles. Something else he may have done. Because of the alterations to the bodies, we Their ears have all been double-pierced. believe the unsub is attempting to recreate a Were they sexually assaulted? Not exactly. woman he once loved. There was no tearing or bruising that would Like a girlfriend? Or a wife, a mother. normally suggest it. Someone who left or died suddenly. But I did find trace amounts of semen. This projection of the loved one coupled with his You're saying it may have been consensual? No. need to preserve the victims through embalming She's saying they were dead. is similar to the psychopathology of serial I spoke to the families. murderer ed gein. None of the victims had double-pierced ears at Gein had an oedipal complex which developed in the time of their abduction. the years he nursed his paralyzed mother back Cutting hair and piercing ears. from a stroke. He's changing them. After she died, his obsession compelled him to - Into what, though? - Into who. dig up corpses of women who resembled his The burial suggests an affection for his victiMs. mother. Which says he might be remaking them into the So persistent was his desire to resurrect his dead image of a loved one. mother that He actually dressed in female suits The m. fashioned from human skin. e. Eventually, gein grew unhappy with the flesh of found high levels of barbiturate? Yeah. dead bodies, Which had a tendency to dry and Why? Just, uh, something the psychic said-- that crack, So he shifted his focus to live victims brooke felt tired, heavy. whose bodies he could better preserve. Why are we talking about the psychic? It's a The evolution from dead to live victims will also be scam. mirrored in our unsub's maturation. These guys talk without saying anythg and you We've put together a list of incident reports prior fall for it. to 2006. Well, he said that brooke's alive, so I guess I just You're gon want to follow up on these. want to believe him. Now, they are inappropriate postmortem conduct, Jj, you know the profile. cadaver theft, and graveyard disturbances. A necrophiliac has no use for a live victim. in the death business, So be sure to canvass You ready to talk to them? Garcia, I need you to local cemeteries, mortuaries, and morgues. run a full background check for me. And since we have the killer's dna, we're gonna Name's usher, stanley usher. be sending you out with kits to swab potential By now we know the dna found on the victims did suspects. not match anyone in the system, So we're gonna The odds of finding brooke lombardini alive are have to look beyond physical evidence to identify slim, But the quicker we identify the killer, the the killer. better her chances are. Our unsub is a white male in his mid - to late 20s, For her sake, let's work fast. and he has money. That lawsuit is a joke. He lives alone, in a large residence. It's my job to prep the deceased. There's enough space and ventilation to I s simply adjusting her clothing. 135

Criminal Minds Season4 By adjusting you mean undressing? Look, man, We're investigating a series of murders in the I'm not here to judge you. area. I'm looking for a killer. We believe the killer works in your field. So if you want to prove your innocence, all you Jeez. gotta do is say \"ahh. You're kidding. \" We're looking for instances where graves have Do I know him? You might. been disturbed-- desecrations, exhumations. His victims are just your type. Female bodies. Blond hair, blue skin. Attractive ones. You're suggesting I'm some kind of murderer? Nobody's attractive once they've been in the Then you are way out of line. ground. So you wouldn't object to giving us a sample of They would have been recent burials. your dna. No, haven't had anything like that. I don't know. An older grave got ransacked a couple years ago. No. Was the body taken? No. We can get a warrant. The body was just a pile of bones. I think I've said all I'm gonna say. They stripped it clean, though. Did you find anything on ivan bakunas? Nothing Made off with the jewelry, dress. in juvey. I won't lie. But he was expelled from evergreen state For It--it happens in the industry. assaulting his girlfriend. And we put a stop to it when it does. sexual? He was slipping her tranquilizers and You don't report it to the police? Well, we Like to having sex with r while she slept. keep that kind of thing quiet. That qualifies. A killer is dressing up his dead victims and Oh, wait! Emily, maybe this is that romantic violating them. encounter your horoscope foretold. Maybe quiet isn't the best way to go. Bye, garcia. He dresses them up? That mean something to Between that and the wig, we should be able to you? We hired an apprentice a while back. persuade a judge. Odd guy. Detective, I'm not gonna stand in your way if you Even for this business. want to serve a warrant on bakunas, But I think I didn't like the attention he paid the female you're wasting your time. cadavers. You're kidding, right? We profiled a man of I come to find out he liked to do their makeup. means. Put a wig on them and such. According to his tax records, bakunas hasn't held Can you describe the wig for me? We cleaned out down a job since he graduated college. his locker after his termination. He lives with his mother. There she is. Doesn't have a car. He never came back for it. The embalming equipment, the drugs-- that stuff's Imagine that. not cheap. I need this man's name. Look, this guys like to get it on with dead people. Ivan bakunas? Yeah. If that's not probable cause, I don't know what is. Can i-- can I help you? You could invite us inside. Hotch, a 911 operator just got a distress call from It's a little wet out here. someone claiming to be brooke lombardini. Oh, i--i can't. Hello? Can you speak up, ma'am? No. Mother's sleeping. He'll hear me. 136

Criminal Minds Season4 This is brooke lombardini. You mean if he found her. Please, I need help. Dave, I agree with you about psychics, But the Where are you calling from, ma'am? I'm being fact is sandra lombardini positively identified her held prisoner. daughter's voice. Ok, ma'am. We have to assume that that call was genuine. Can you look outside? Can you see a street name So what do we think? Why is the unsub keeping or an address? Please I think he's - Ma'am? - brooke alive? And how long do we think she has Gonna kill me. until he kills her? Maybe he needs them alive to Please help me. effect their transformation. Y surveillance expert will tell you it's almost The change in the hair, the makeup, piercing the impossible to positively identify a whisper. ears-- that would only take a few hours. You think I don't know my own daughter's voice? He's had her for almost 5 days. Why would someone who was not brooke call 911 Ok, so maybe it's about something more than just and say they were? Sometimes people get off appearance. injecting themselves into the story. Maybe it's something deeper. You've been on tv now and that could bring out a On the phone she made it sound li she was being lot of sick individuals. locked up, and she sounded drugged. Stanley said she was alive. These are control mechanisms used in cases of This proves it. sexual slavery, mind control-- it's brainwashing. Stanley usher has a vested interest in telling you So he's trying to break her down, make her that your daughter is alive. surrender her identity. And do you have a vested interest in telling me That's what he's waiting for. that she's not? He has a record, ma'am. That's the version of them he wants to hold onto. I had a colleague look into it. The longer she holds out, the longer she stays Usher was charged with fraud in oregon Before alive. he pulled up stakes and moved here. And as soon as she accepts her new role, her I need my baby to be alive. fate is sealed. All she has right now is hope. Abby? Abby. Why would you take that from her? You know, Tell me a story, abby. most people think that a person's hair and nails You know I can't sleep without a story. continue to grow after they're dead. Please Let me out. That's a myth. Story first, abby. Abby Abby Abby, hold still. I told you, I'm not abby. I know how much you like a straight line. What did you do to me? Tell me a story, abby. Who's abby? You are, silly. I told you, I'm not abby! Ok. No i. Thank you. d. That was the lab with the dna results on those , but they traced it to the nearest tower And that swabs. narrows it down to a 20-mile radius here just - No matches? - No. southeast of seattle. Our guy's still out there. That's a densely populated area. What's he doing here? Detective, a word. Were they able to triangulate? Garcia tried to ping Do you know what you're doing? Can't afford to the phone, but it was already dead. let my ego get in the way on this one. The unsub probably turned it off when he found Take all the help I can get. her with it. Look, I'm happy to be wrong about brooke. 137

Criminal Minds Season4 Hell, I'm praying I am. Or melissa st. But I'm not wrong about this guy. Claire. Mr. I don't know these women, ok?You have the Usher, good to see you again. wrong-- the wrong necrophile? What, you think And you. I'm the only guy in town who likes to crack open a Can I help you with something? I'm spoken for. cold one? Where is brooke lombardini? I don't - This way. know who that is. - Ma'am. I don't kill people. Congratulations. These, uh, profilers say our killer is trying to turn Tell me a story, abby. these girls into a loved one. Tell me a story so I can sleep. Like a wife or a mom. \"once upon a time there was once A lad who went Is your, uh, mother a blonde, ivan? That's to look for a place\" \"and he went along, he met a disgusting. man who asked him where he was going. The wig isn't even the important part. \" He told him his errand and the stranger said that For me it's--it's the shoes. he--\" you're not doing it right! You're supposed to So you put shoes on them, too. do the voices. They're a very special pair. Ok, just tell me what you want and i'll do it! I want What's special about them? The woman walked abby! I'll be abby! I'll be whoever you want! No! in them. No! No! Abby? Abby. Sunny raines. So you went ahead and arrested him. The weather girl? She was a local celebrity killed He was trying to cross the border into vancouver. in a car accident a couple of years ago. Are you gonna charge him? Will if he confesses. A friend of mine was working when she came in Failing that, we'll hold him so he can't skip town on a slab. while we're waiting for his dna results. He knew I was a fan. I'll let the lab know a priority sample's coming. Oh, so He stole her shoes for you. Thanks. The wig, it just completed the look, but the shoes Well, what did he get off of the wig, detective? Genuine article. Enough to know that that's one sick puppy in That's what makes it real. there. Genuine article. Why don't you tell me about that. Reid. - Looks like a wig. I took a report of a grave robbery. - That is a magic wig. I thought you said it was just a simple theft. It chaes the identity of the dead. Yeah, but listen to what was taken. What? Well, I thought that's why you were putting A dress, a pair of diamond earrings, and a pair of it on the bodies at the morgue. pearl earrings. It makes the fantasy more real. If our unsub is like bakunas, Then he needs the Ivan Who were you trying to turn them into? I genuine articles from the true object of his have worked some sick cases-- rapists, affection to complete the fantasy. pederasts-- I hope you're not grouping me with Exactly. those people. This grave could belong to that woman. You may be the sickest of them all. Let's see. Well, sick or no, many would argue it's a Abigail hansen. victimless crime. Ok, so I got her obit from the olympian. - What's victimless about lynette hagen? - Who? Abigail reina hansen died suddenly at Sending 138

Criminal Minds Season4 her passport photo now. She basically raised the boy. Well, she certainly looks the part. Well, I wouldn't go quite that far. Garcia, what else can you tell us about her? I can No? What would you call it? Patrick likes to think tell you that she was born in amsterdam, she he was a good father. never married, And her employment records So Why do you want to know about abigail? We show her working for patrick and leona gless from believe that there may be a connection to some 1985 to her death in 1992. recent murders. Can you get us an address for the gless family? Someone she knew. They might be the only ones who can tell us who How old was your son when abigail died? we abigail was. weren't here when it happened. Yeah. We were on a cruise. \"this is the most beautiful place I could ever hope But roderick was here with abigail? When we to live, said the troll's daughter. returned, we knew something was wrong. \" \"the youth and his sweetheart entered the The smell. castle,which was now theirs, and held their They were in his room on the floor. wedding. He was Curled up next to her, with her arms \" \"now all the kings roundabout who had been in around him. the troll's debt And were now out of it came to the It's how he got to sleep. wedding\" \"and saluted the youth as their emperor. How long had she been dead? The coroner said 2, Long live the king!\" - \"and he ruled over them all maybe 3 days. And kept peace in the kingdom\" - abby. I didn't have the stomach for the details. \"and lived in his castle with his beautiful empress We'd like to speak to roderick. happily ever after. Well, if I knew where he was i'd be happy to tell The end. you. \" And as soon as she accepts her new role, her But we haven't spoken for years. fate is sealed. When he turned 21, he dropped out of medical Did garcia say what Mr. school, liquidated his trust fund. Gless does for a living? Failed artist. We knew he was troubled. Guess that's what they call failing up or marrying But I had no idea he would ever hurt someone. well. They don't know for sure that he's-- y-you don't I think about abigail from time time. know for sure. She was such a nice girl. When was your last communication? We got a She was like one of the family. letter about a year ago. Was that why you paid for the funeral? She didn't Can we borrow this? You can have it. have anyone else. And while you're at it, take this, too. She was from denmark. It's exactly how they said. Holland, dear. Roderick's trust was emptied in march of '04. What kind of work did she do for you? She was Half a million bucks. the au pair. Where is he now? Sir, the thing is, he's gotta be And there was some cooking and cleaning. using straight cash, 'Cause there's no paper trail She took care of the children? - Just the one-- our on him for the last 4 years. son roderick. Nothing from the i. - Here. r. This is the two of them together. s. They were close. , from the dmv. 139

Criminal Minds Season4 There's no property or utilities in his name. That supplemental income you were asking about? You can't find him? I'm sorry. This is it. You know, a half a million isn't what it used to be. Every 6 months, a $50,000 wire. And the way this unsub is accustomed to living, This is western union, though. After 4 years he would need to supplement his There's no way to tell he's on the receiving end. income. I'm telling you, he's sending it to roderick. Anything between the lines, reid? Nothing that If you'd seen his father, you'd know. points to a specific location. It's true. He's basically saying he's happy. Deep down, he was very guilty about neglecting That should be enough for her. him. It's essentially a goodbye letter. He's submissive in the marriage. Enough for her? It's only addressed to leona. He's probably ing it behind her back. Why not his dad? Maybe they didn't get along. You don't think his dad knew? No. No, that's not right. No, I think he's a sad man trying to buy his kid's Garcia, I need you to check something else. love. So basically we got nothing. This is where brooke's This western union is I missed you. within the circle. Me, too. Mercer island isn't. Drink. We've got a location. It's the last time. Abby! Abby! Is she alive? Paramedics! He uses a Promise? Promise. barbiturate. The whole thing. Start 2 large-bore i. It's a surprise. v. What is this place? It's forever. s. Water. narcan, 2 milligraMs. That's what he said. Some psychic this guy is. Roderick is near water. This place is as far from a rocky shoreline as you It's not very specific. can get. The earth is two-thirds water. Dave. He specified a rocky shoreline you could see. \"for those who believe, \"no proof is necessary. Jj, this man is not exactly a reliable source of For those who don't believe,\" no proof is possible information. stuart chase. Ok. Watch your step there. This photo from the gless house-- it was taken at - Easy, now. their house on mercer island. - Honey. Waterfront property. Brooke. No one's lived there for 10 years. She's gonna be ok. It's abandoned. You're in early. I checked. Couldn't sleep. This could be where he's holding brooke. I know how it can be coming back here. - He's sending him money. The bad things seem worse. - What'shat? Roderick's dad. You want easy answers. It's the reason roderick never said goodbye to him If you're gonna tell me not to believe in psychics, in the letter. you don't have to. They never lost contact. You can believe in what you want. 140

Criminal Minds Season4 But when you're here, you need to have faith in what we do. It works. I just I saw a mother losing her child, and, uh We didn't have any other leads. I thought, what harm could it do? I asked the same question once. You did? It was a kidnapping case in georgia. We had nothing, time was running out, and there was a local woman known for her Abilities. On her advice, we took the investigation in the wrong direction. The boy died. I'm sorry. It was a long time ago. Well, we won this time. That's what matters, right? Welcome back. 141

Criminal Minds Season4 \"Dahmer, lake and ng, \"debardeleben, bardella, been as busy since, like, the butcher of kingsbury and others. run in the 1930s. \"At the core of these criminals is a need for Well, what kind of homicides are we talking about control. here? Ok, uma man was shot in a park, a \"Killing was an act that provided a release \"so prostitute was found with her throat slashed, a sexually satisfying \"that they were compelled to couple was found shot in their car, a woman was repeat the fantasy \"with multiple victims again killed in a burglary. and again. Do you know what 3 things profilers look at to link \"It is this continuum of violence that we will serial crimes? Victimology, modus operandi, and explore in deviance: the secret desires of sadistic signature. serial killers. Good. Signed copies of agent david rossi's edition of his So were the victims similar? No. bestseller are on sale tonight. Was the m. I find your career so fascinating. o. What's it like to interview serial killers? Well, it's Consistent? No. never boring. Was the signature consistent? Not that i know of. Is that what you enjoy most about your work, Then there's no obvious reason to suggest that looking evil right in the eye? No, it's putting killers the spike in violence was due to a serial killer. in jail. I see your point, sir, but i really you're bright. You know what gets me are the wives who swear You obviously have a passion for this, and the they had no clue their husband was a serial killer. bureau is always looking for good people. How can you be married to one and not know? So if you get a reply from the police, or even for Theresa, would you mind calling up my car career advice, i'm available. service? Not at all. Ok, thanks. Uh, you'll excuse me? Sure. It was an honor to meet you. Agent rossi. Keep studying, and don't stop until you find all the Hi, uh hi. answers yore looking for. Hi. I won't. I'm a big fan. Excuse me. There's not gonna be a quiz. Get back! It's ok. I saw you taking notes. Get back! Uh oh, hey, it's ok. Oh, no, it's just for my own edification. It's ok. Agent rossi, are you or anyone in your Look, i'm not gonna hurt you, ok? I live in the department investigating the recent spike in neighborhood. homicides in cleveland? Not that i'm aware of. What's your address? Look, if i was gonna hurt There's been an uptick in homicides by 11% this you, i wouldn't have said \"excuse me. quarter, the average uptick hasn't surpassed 5% \" Ok? Are we cool? What the hell, man? You in the past 10 years in cleveland. scared me. I'm guessing you're studying criminology. I'm i'm sorry. I am. What are you doing here? I was just walking Sir, i think there's a serial killer here. home from the liquor store and i saw you Well, have the police issued a statement to snooping around. corroborate that? I filed an inquiry downtown. What about you? So you heard what happened Um, nobody's called me back. here? Yeah. But, uh, i know that the coroner's office hasn't Poor woman. 142

Criminal Minds Season4 All the neighbors are freaking out. What case? The resident of this house, kayla I can't believe i didn't even know her name. james, was murdered and raped 3 days ago in a Kayla james. burglary-homicide. She was raped, too. I think there's a serial killer here. Can't believe this happened on my street. And don't stop until you find all the answers you're No, it's not just your street. looking for. There's been a lot of murders lately. I won't. Really? Yeah, it's uncharacteristically high for our This is henry wearing the booties my mom knitted city. him. You with the police or something? I'm just I can't get over his cuteness. investigating a few cases. Oh, and this is him wearing the customized Gosh, all of a sudden, all these random, violent leather jacket auntie penelope got him. murders. When he grows up, he's gonna be a rebel. Something weird is going on here. Is this david rossi, the famous bestselling author What do you mean by weird? Agent rossi. david rossi? What are you doing? You're not Yes. supposed to be calling when you're on annual I'll be right down. leave. Agent rossi? I'm detective dan brady. I think my a. We found your card on the victim. l. Any idea what happened here? \"I never teach my Just ended. pupils, \"i only attempt to provide the conditions in What do you mean? Garcia, cleveland police is which they can learn. sending you some files. \" Albert einstein. Get jj to distribute them to the team right away. She was found by a woman walking her dog this Yeah. morning. What are we looking at? I don't know yet. Dog wouldn't stop barking. Just see if the team can find a connection with I just talked to her last night. these crimes. I never asked her name. I'll call you back in a few hours. Zoe hawkes. Yes, sir. That's her car right there. She had a notebook with her last night. These keys were still in her pocket. I saw one in her car. Car alarm was still activated. Can i take a look? It may be evidence, but i don't There was no sign of a break-in. see why not. She had pepper spray but didn't use it? I don't Have you been to her house yet? I'm headed know, maybe she didn't get the chance. there now. Nobody saw or heard anything? No. I have to notify the next of kin. We went door to door. Now, if you get a reply from the police, or even for There were no witnesses. career advice, i'm available. There was blunt-force trauma to her head, signs Thanks. of strangulation. It was an honor to meet you. Murderer asphyxiated her with the scarf she was Sheila hawkes? Yeah. wearing. Hi. Do you have any idea what she was doing I'm, uh, detective brady with the cleveland police snooping around this case? You keep talking like i department. know something. This is agent rossi with the fbi. 143

Criminal Minds Season4 May we come in? Why? It's about your daughter. Probably to stay current on her stues. That that's that's one of her journals. Can you see what she worked on last? Voila. Has something happened? Yes. These are the most recently opened documents She was murdered. she created. I am so sorry. Looks like she was compiling empirical data Mrs. about homicide trends in cleveland. Hawkes. Do you think she knew the killer? I don't see any Here, let me help you. notes indicating suspes. Oh, no! No! Where did you find her? She was in a Well, dave, she's a criminology student. house in east cleveland. She's been taught to analyze statistics and apply We think she may have been visiting a crime theory, not investigate killers. scene. Let's talk about what we know. God i told her to stop doing that. All right. I tolder that was too dangerous. Victim one travis bartlett was last seen at a gay Where where is she now? She's at the coroner's bar. office, and i can take you to see her when you're He was shot at night in a park. ready. Victim 2, lily nicks, a her throat was slashed. Ok. Victims 3 and 4, june appleby and troy wertsler Now. were shot in their car at a parking lot outside of a Right now. movie theater. I have to go right now. And victim 5 was a kayla james, killed in her Mrs. home. Hawkes, would you mind if i stayed behind to look She was bound, suffocated with a bag over her in her room? She was so excited to meet you. head, evidence of rape. You're like a a hero to her. And then the sixth victim was zoe. Mrs. Victimology, weapons used, and c.o.d. Hawkes. Are all different. Let me take you downtown now. It's hard to imagine it's even the same unsub. Come on. It can't be a coincidence that zoe goes to kayla I'll, uh, i'll send a car for you. james' house and gets murdered. The crimes are within a 7-le radius. All right, let's say it is the same killer. Well, that's something. Does anybody see a pattern well, maybe. Yeah, but the neighborhoods are all completely Ok, the first crime, he shoots the victim. different. The second crime, he rapes a woman and They range from poor to rich, industrial to slashes her throat. residential. That's more personal. The physical locations are dissimil, but the And the third crime, he escalates to killing two operating zone's well-defined. people, and the fourth, he escalates even more Ok. by raping a woman, binding her, and suffocating I'm in. her. I see you. So if it is the same unsub, you could argue that In your web browser for search history. there's a progression of violence with every kill. Check out her home page. It could be anger excitation offender getting more All right, so the first thing she looks at when she daring with each crime. opens her computer is a crime column. I think i got something here. 144

Criminal Minds Season4 Look at this. are not entirely uncommon. The slashes in the prostitute's throat they're all This one happens to be copying several different shallow, unsure cuts. killers. The kayla james crime scene telephone cord, But if he's trying to be the butcher of kingsbury rope, and duct tape were used. run, why didn't he cut up and mutilate the victims It's like he couldn't decide how to bind her. like the real guy? That was 7 weeks ago. So without a gun, he's sloppy, inexperienced. He was just getting started. The young couple shot in the car that crime scene Beginning killers are often frightened of the crime remind you of anything? Yeah, they were shot itself. with a . They're more interested in getting it over with as 44 bulldog, just like the son of sam used on his quickly as possible and fleeing the scene. victims, which were also young couples in parked He was just using the butcher's ruse as a way to cars. lure the victim to be alone with her. It might be nothing, but you're right, there is a And by the time he killed kayla james 3 days ago, parallel there. he'd progressed. With the second victim, it's hard not to think of He came very close to copying all of the btk's m.o. jack the ripper. He's reading, learning, borrowing from others The obvious similarity being it's a prostitute because he doesn't know who he is yet. whose throat was slashed. And because of this, we think he's young and Kayla james was bound, tortured, raped, with a impressionable, maybe even a student. plastic bag over her head like btk. Someone probably enrolled in criminology What about victim number one? Garcia, what classes. neighborhood was he found in? At a park in the Our technical analyst is going through names of kingsbury run area. local students right now. Zoe reminded me last night that cleveland's most Up to this point, changing his m. famous serial killer was the butcher of kingsbury o. run. Has prevented investigators from linking the He found his victims in gay bars, shot them, and crimes. dumped their body there. That's why we need to work quickly. Travis bartlett was last seen at a gay bar, and his You're sure about this? It's not a coincidence that body was found in kingsbury park. all of these random, violent murders in a localized So these are copycats of famous serial killers? area are copycats of serial killers. He's a serial killer studying serial killers. It's as if all the worst serial killers have converged See you in cleveland, dave. on cleveland. Hey, dave. Every time he plans to kill, the murder weapon, Guys. the m.o., and the victimology will all change. We're in that room. Detective, will you let your team know we're ready Coffee's brewing. to give a preliminary profile. We'll get started on the evidence boards. Sure. Detective brady's our point. I gotta go. I'll let you all introduce yourselves. Hotch. Jj. I'm gonna step out for this one, clear my head. Can you help me out with something? Sure. Ok. This has to be confidential. Garcia found 3 male students enrolled in I know it may seem farfetched, but copycat killers criminology classes with felony records. 145

Criminal Minds Season4 Good. She probably would have gone anyway. We'll interview them. But it's because of what i said that she was I don't think we need to. encouraged to go there last night. One of them is studying abroad, the other 2 are Dave, what are you doing? She came to me and i back in jail on other charges. dismissed her. Tell garcia to check enrollment in online and Try not to personalize it. correspondence courses, see if we have any luck I was the last one she talked to before she was with tse parameters. murdered. You guys handle the profile? Yeah. How is this not personal, aaron? Ok. Everything ok? Everything's fine. It's personal. We have 6 homicides in a Now, this small zone That doesn't change how we go about finding her indicates that's he's a geographically stable killer. offender. We know that violent criminals develop a siature This type of offender is characterized as young, over a series of crimes. socially immature, of average intelligence, with If he's young, he probably hasn't even figured out psychopathic personality traits. what his is yet. They also usually live alone and have an Find the signature, we can link the crimes. antisocial nature. He probably monitoring the news, seeing if the A serial killer's first murder is very telling. police have connected them yet. This unsub's first murder, he chose the m.o. We can use that. Of cleveland's own butcher of kingsbury run. We can utilize the media. The butcher isn't as well known as other famous And i think i know o we can talk to. serial killers, but he is a local legend. I knew homicides were up, but nobody said And because he picked the butcher to be first, we anhing about a serial killer. believe he's a native of cleveland and probably Why do i get a visit from the b.a.u.? you're paula grew up hearing stories of the butcher. mcconnell, cleveland's number one source in This is someone who is obsessed with serial crime news. killers. You're detailed, you have a following. His computer will be filled with research on them. He's reading you. He'll have abundant images of murderers on his We need you to write that the police have found computer and possibly even snuff films. his signature. He uses these like pornography. You can help us by explaining what his signature The provide some sort of sexual release. is in your article. I think he went back to relive his crime. It's a killer's personal stamp, his distinctive touch When zoe showed up, she became a victim of that he leaves at the scene of every crime. opportunity. Well, i've been doing this for 18 years. It's the same theory we arrived at on the plane. And i know what a signature is, honey. He strangled her with her own scarf. We just really need you to be detailed about this. He didn't plan it. We're speaking directly to him. I think she surprised him. Through my column. I told her not to stop until she found the answers He's doing something, a behavioral impulse he she was looking for. feels compelled to do. I didn't think she would go to a crime scene. But a need-driven act to get a sexual release Her mom said it's something that she does all the that's specific to his psyche. time. This repetitive behavior at each crime scene will 146

Criminal Minds Season4 lead us to him. newspapers and from paula mcconnell's column. Let me take a stab at it. There's no way she could have known about Yeah, reid. every homicide in the city. Uh, they just found another body. Well, not every homicide's reported in the papers. They're bringing him up right now. So how do we know the unsub didn't commit Teenagers found him a little over an hour ago. more murders than the ones noted in her journals? It's petechiae in the whites of h eyes. We don't. Judging from the bruising, he was probably We can check missing persons and see if anyone strangled with a wire. was last seen in the unsub's operating zone. Is this r guy? It's gotta be. What? Well, a young person's mind is so active A jogger doesn't get garroted every day. yours, zoe's, and i imagine this unsub's, too. Whatever signature he left was probably washed I think when he get him, he'll be curious. away in the water. He'll ask questions. Well, who's he mimicking now? Bike path rapist Rossi, heads up. altemio sanchez comes to mind. She knows. He trolled bike paths near buffalo garroting his Did you do this? I don't need or want your money. victims. I have taken care of my daughter for 22 years, It looks like he copied everything except for the and she is still my responsibility. rape. I don't need any help from you. Strangulation's a repetition of his last murder of You didn't even know her. zoe. I'm sorry if i've offended you. First time he's repeated himself. Just leave us alone. Zoe's murder was spontaneous, though. All right. He didn't plan it. We found another body. He acted on instinct and did what came naturally East cleveland. to him. Strangulation marks. Maybe what came naturally felt good to him and This was recent. he wanted to feel it again. The bruises on her neck are still reddish. If he's starting to repeat a pattern, he may have No other obvious signs of trauma. found himself. Well, this isn't a bike path like the last one. Zoe hawkes. Which serial killer is he mimicking now? I don't H-a-w-k-e-s. think he is mimicking anymore. Very good. He's starting to show consistency. I'm danny. I think he's developing his own style. I want you to call us if you have any questions at Has anybody touched her? No. all. They have instructions to wait for us and the m.e. We're gonna take great care of her. Where's he? Dr. Ok? You're all set. Edwas! Here he comes. Um, do i pay the bill here? No, ma'am. Hi. The bill's been taken care of by an anonymous Agent hotchner. donor. Um, could you take a look at this spot on her See anything else in there? Just the notations of forehead? Hmm. an observant student. That's strange. I've been thinking, though. Let me swab it and get it back to the lab. Zoe got all of her information from the Thanks. 147

Criminal Minds Season4 Something's causing his frenzy. January 9 man shot at kingsbury park. Could be a drastic change in his life. February 15 kayla james. Something he lost control of. Lived alone. Or it could be something he gained control of. First home invasion february 8 murder young Like himself. couple shot in park. If he's finally defined himself as a strangler, he No apparent motive. may just be practicing, perfecting his style. Investigate. He may have awakened. Why are locations different? Page 47, rossi's The coroner just called. book: there are no coincidences. Preliminary tests confirm acetyl alcohol on the Garcia, you got something? Yeah, the boys in the homeless woman's forehead. lab found trace amounts of saliva on zoe's He sterilized it? Why would he do that? Maybe he forehead, enough for a dna sample. did something to her forehead, used an alcohol So we got a codis match on eric ryan olson, did 2 wipe to remove evidence. 1/2 years for attempted sexual assault and was Well, if that's the se, it certainly wasn't necessary paroled 6 months ago. to the crime. We thought for sure he'd be a student. This could be part of his signature. Uh, that's 'cause he was. We should look at other victims to see if he did While he was in the slammer, he took something similar. independent correspondence classes in forensic Y evidence on the last victim was washed away in science and criminology from an out-of-state the water. school. And all the other bodies were either buried or Call the team. cremated. Let's get a search warrant. Except for one. Yeah. I know you don't want to see me, but please hear Clear! Clear! Reid, check the computer. me out. Detective, we should talk to the neighbors, find We need zoe's body to go back to the coroner's out where he goes, where he might be on a week office. night. Zoe's murderer left a clue on her body. Aaron. There's a chance we can find him from this clue, He's reading my books. but we have to examine her again. Reid, anything? Al's alehouse. All i want to do is put her to rest. That's like 5 miles away. Zoe chose to study criminology because she It's on the schedule for tonight. believed in bringing criminals to justice. Have a good night. Can't guarantee the evidence hasn't been See you tomorrow. compromised. He was alone at the bar. The mortician hadn't touched her yet. When did he leave? Like 10 minutes ago. Even so, she's been transported more times than Did he talk to anyone? Linda. i'd like. He left right after she did. Don't want anyone to get their hopes up. Thanks. Just make sure the evidence gets to quantico Got it, hotch. quickly. Manager says he may have followed one of the East cleveland homicides, first quarter to date waitresses out of the bar. January 22 prostitute murder, downtown at 5th She walks home through cedar park. and main. We just passed cedar park. 148

Criminal Minds Season4 Fbi! Get off the girl! Get off the girl! Ok, it's ok. We don't know which ones he tried to copycat. Stay down! Stay down! Get off me. We're screwed, then. It's all right. The d.a. Wait, wait, wait. Is gonna have to offer him a deal. Hold on. The d.a. Get off me! Stop! We're trying to help you. Doesn't have to give him the option. He's my boyfriend! Didn't see that coming. That's easy for you to say. How could she not know? Kenneth bianchi's You get to go home tomorrow. girlfriend had no idea he was one of the hillside What do i tell the families of the missing? Sorry, stranglers. no idea? Detective, we're not gonna leave until Just like btk's wife. we can give you and the families some closure. What do we know about her? Her name's linda And how are you gonna do that? Hotch. jones. Reid. No criminal record. I need something, anything that might show They met online 6 weeks ago. where he was trolling for more victims. No, he can't be this guy. Once the d.a. We found his dna on a murder victim. Gets here, we have a lot to talk about. What? We also think he's responsible for the What do you think you're gonna get out of this? I murder of 7 other people over the last 7 weeks. don't know. Two of his victims were raped. We'll see. I think i'm gonna be sick. You don't have to say anything else, eric. Ok, ok. You got to speak to him. Against my counsel, my client would like to talk to Now let's just wait for the d.a. agent rossi. I don't know how to break it to you, kid, but you We talked about him being curious, asking don't have a card to play here. questions. We're 3 steps ahead of you. If he thinks he knows you, he might open up. Oh.Really. I'll keep him talking. We've already considered the possibility that you Good. killed other people. Agent rossi. We knew you were young, wanted to experiment. Big fan. It was likely you would copycat as many serial We have some information that would be of great killers as possible to figure out who you are and interest to you. what you liked. My ears are burning. So let me ask you a question. My lawyer here explains that i'm being charged How do you know you haven't told me already with 8 murders and that i'm probably looking at where the other bodies are buried? We've been the death penalty. through everything. I have one very important question for you. He marked up rossi's books. Are you sure it's just 8? What? We checked Check the bookcase. missing persons. Maybe he was scouting for locations to commit Since he started killing, in east cleveland more murders. neighborhoods. Pictures. We can't rule out any of them as his possible What? Framed photographs in his hallway. victims. Nothing else nothing else is framed. He marked pages on several serial killers. They look like originals. 149

Criminal Minds Season4 Let me call you right back, hotch. recognize. Ok. All right. I need to ask you about your sex life. Email them as soon as you can. That's personal. This guys getting off on those photos. Your boyfriend's a serial killer. Then what does he need linda for? Did he have Your relationship is no longer private. any other strange preferences in bed? No. I-it's completely normal to experiment with sex. Did he ever role play by tying you up? No. Ok. Are you sure? Yes. It might be normal to have sex in a public park, I'm sure. but the other things? We were just role-playing. He liked he liked being an exhibitionist. Every couple has fantasies. It was really the only way he could get excited. Did you ever think it was strange that your What do you mean? Well, he didn't like having boyfriend has fantasies about strangling and sex in bed. raping women? Not women. So he just took me to public places. Just me. Where? Do i have to tell you this? Please. Did hekiss you on the forehead, too? How did you Ok. know that? Now, were you sick much as a kid? I The first time was at kingsbury park. got strep throat every flu season. And then at a movie theater. Did you just profile that about me? Her name was In the parking lot, in my car. zoe hawkes the girl you killed 3 days ago. Did he ever take you to the second street bridge, We found your dna on her forehead. off the bike path? Yeah. It'll never be admissible in court. That's where the jogger was killed. Her body was removed from a state facility and He can only have sex with linda when he's now, most people would ask what you did. revisiting his crimes. I know what you did. If that's the case, what were the doing in the park You kissed her on the forehead. where we picked them up? I need you to write What i what to know is, why? Why do you think down for me all the places he took you to have someone would do that, agent rossi? Well, that's sex. why i asked if you had been ill much as a child. The d.a.'s not gonna need to negotiate a deal with You see, you're slight, pale, sickly. you. Most parents, they kiss their children on the Cedar park, edgewater channel, cuyahoga valley forehead to see if their temperature is warm. park, euclid creek. Now, my theory is that you, somehow in your We'll send units in the morning to search for the development, warped that caring gesture into bodies. something perverse. How'd you find out? Eric. So, did you sit next to zoe to see if she got cold? Is it something that i did? You needed to revisit Is that why you kissed her? That's a really the crime scenes because it was the only way for interesting theory. you to get a gratifying sexual release. Make a great chapter in one of your books. But revisiting the scenes wasn't enough. Yeah, reid. You had to capture it on film, put it on your I found pictures on his computer in a special computer, display it on your wall, so you could folder he created. look at it every day. They're scenic places in the city. Eric, we should talk privately. from his crime scenes. This isn't over. There are more pictures of places i don't I always knew i'd end up back in prison. 150

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